#Ola Items
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ofstarsandvibranium · 1 year ago
Can you write a fluff Jamie request where he gets sentimental when his girlfriend shows up wearing the same top (or whatever clothing item) she wore on their first date?
Georgie and Simon were visiting Jamie in Richmond and Jamie was so excited. He set up the guest bedroom for them, made sure the place was clean. He was stressed, you could tell from the way he was super fidgety and running about the house.
You watch him pacing from your spot on the couch. He's muttering to himself the list of things he's completed and things he needs to do.
"Babe?" you call for him and he holds up his finger, "One minute, love."
You sigh, standing up and stopping Jamie in his place, "Jamie," you gently turn his head towards you, "It'll be fine."
"I know. It's just...I need this to be perfect. Not only is me mum visiting, but you're meeting her in person for the first time."
You can't help but snort, "Jamie, your mum loves me! You know how much we chat on facetime!"
"But that's different, yeah? That's through a screen. You'll be face to face now."
You peck his lips, "It'll be fine. No matter what, your mum and Simon love you. And I do too." you kiss him again and step away, "Now let's get ready. Shower and put on proper clothes."
An hour later, you and Jamie are showered and dressed. You go over the general itinerary of how their visit will go.
"Ola's, of course. Already made a reservation with Sam. Give 'em a tour of the stadium. Maybe-" Jamie stops when he looks at the top you're wearing, "I know that shirt." He points at it.
You snort, "Of course you do. It's mine."
He shakes his head, "No, no. I mean, you wore that on our first date."
You look at him in surprise, "You remember that?"
He smiles, "Of course. I remember how it complimented your eyes."
"Sap," you murmur, leaning in to kiss him, "I guess this shirt's a big deal then. Our first date and now meeting your parents in person. Should I make it a tradition to wear this at big events?"
Jamie looks at your shirt fondly, reaching out and rubbing the hem of it between his fingers, "I also remember you told me you bought this shirt just for our date."
You playfully roll your eyes, "Anything else you remember about this shirt?"
He smirks, "Taking it off you after our date."
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copperbadge · 4 months ago
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Just a reminder, I do these every once in a while -- except in specific cases, unless folks fill out the Radio Free Monday submissions form, I generally don't put anything not submitted via form into RFM. Partly this is to ensure I even SEE the request (tagging me on tumblr has no guarantees, I'm afraid) but it's also to ensure that I have all the relevant information. The form is linked in the bottom of every RFM post, as well as in the header of my tumblr; if you want me to see something that's the place to put it, or if you want to direct someone to Radio Free Monday, giving them the link is super helpful. Thanks all!
Ways to Give:
webkinzcode is a disabled artist and unable to work at the moment; he's raising funds to cover rent, and currently accepting donations and offering commissions. You can read more, reblog, and find giving and commission information here.
Anon linked to a fundraiser for Ola, a grad student and teacher in the faculty of science at Al-Azhar University in Gaza, whose life is one of many turned upside-down at the moment; she's raising funds to cover basic needs like food and water for her and her family. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
chibifukurou has a friend who has vertigo and EDS, and is raising funds for a second-hand Alinker (a foot-propelled mobility device); following an illness they are at an increased fall risk, and a recent fall subluxed the shoulder and collarbone on their crutch arm. You can read more and give via paypal here.
a-hackneyed-premise is raising funds for a car that is suitable transport for her disabled son; he is neurodivergent and frequently has mobility issues, and they need to be able to get him reliably to and from transport to his school. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
Anon linked to longhorned's fundraiser for Laureae, a small Native farmer who has built up her farm over the last five years and was recently served an eviction notice; she had been promised by the land owner that she would be given a purchase agreement, but the land can now be sold off and both her and her tenants like Longhorned removed. You can read more and reblog here or support the fundraiser here.
liminalweirdo is raising funds for emergency vet fees for their cat Quintin; you can read more and reblog here or support the fundraiser here.
Anon linked to a fundraiser for Pillowfort, which needs to meet a $5K goal to keep in operation beyond December of this year; they're currently at just over $3K. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
Recurring Needs:
thegeeksqueaks's school district has shorted her on her summer teacher's budget; she can't afford her own bills much less stocking her classroom for back-to-school. She's raising funds to get her students school supplies and personal support -- food and hygiene tools for underserved kids as well as various aids for neurodivergent kids. You can read more and reblog here, give via DonorsChoose here or via paypal here, or purchase from an Amazon wishlist here.
onedollopofsourcream is raising funds for food and medication for their family including young children; they need medication that is important for family mental health. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
chingaderita's family was recently impacted by a house fire that destroyed their home; their partner has been unable to work and is now ill. They're raising funds for basic needs such as food and water, as well as medication for their partner and other family members. You can read more, reblog, and support the fundraiser here.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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ucsurdea08 · 2 months ago
Violaciones de Derechos Humanos en la Época del Terrorismo en Perú
Mis Pulgas Aventureras, hoy nos embarcamos en un análisis breve pero profundo de algunos de los eventos más escalofriantes de nuestra historia. Es crucial comprender lo que ocurrió durante la época del terrorismo en Perú para evitar que se repita y reflexionar sobre el impacto duradero en nuestra sociedad. Acompáñanos en esta reflexión para aprender del pasado y construir un futuro más justo y pacífico. 🤍🐜
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Para más información: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGRULxHe2w/gRSkcsLHwDRg17Md00T58Q/edit?utm_content=DAGRULxHe2w&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
Desde los años 80 hasta principios de los 2000, Perú atravesó una de las etapas más oscuras de su historia. Durante este periodo, el conflicto armado entre el Estado peruano y los grupos terroristas Sendero Luminoso y el MRTA desató una ola de violencia que dejó profundas cicatrices, especialmente en las comunidades más vulnerables.
Uno de los momentos más escalofriantes fue la Masacre de Lucanamarca en 1983. Sendero Luminoso, bajo el mando de Abimael Guzmán, decidió castigar a una comunidad entera que no apoyaba su causa. Machetes, hachas y balas acabaron con la vida de 69 personas, incluidas mujeres y niños. Este es solo uno de muchos ejemplos de cómo Sendero Luminoso utilizaba la brutalidad como herramienta política, sembrando el terror en todo el país.
No podemos hablar de violaciones sin mencionar la respuesta del Estado. El Grupo Colina, un escuadrón de la muerte creado por las fuerzas del gobierno, llevó a cabo masacres como las de Barrios Altos y La Cantuta. En ambos casos, civiles inocentes fueron ejecutados sumariamente bajo la sospecha de estar vinculados a los insurgentes. La ironía es que, en su intento de combatir el terrorismo, el Estado terminó adoptando tácticas igualmente violentas y crueles.
Y si creías que lo peor ya había pasado, llegamos a las esterilizaciones forzadas (1996-2000). Durante el gobierno de Alberto Fujimori, más de 300,000 mujeres y hombres, en su mayoría de comunidades indígenas, fueron sometidos a esterilizaciones sin su consentimiento. En nombre de un programa de control de la natalidad, el Estado violó los derechos reproductivos de estas personas, dejando un legado de dolor y lucha por justicia que continúa hasta hoy.
No podemos olvidar eventos como el Atentado de Tarata, donde Sendero Luminoso detonó un coche bomba en Miraflores, matando a 25 personas, o la Toma de la Residencia del Embajador Japonés, llevada a cabo por el MRTA, que culminó en una intervención militar conocida como la Operación Chavín de Huántar.
Lo más doloroso de este recorrido es darnos cuenta de que, en esta guerra interna, no hubo un "buen lado". Tanto los insurgentes como el gobierno utilizaron la violencia indiscriminada, dejando un país devastado, no solo por la pérdida de vidas, sino por la destrucción de la confianza y la justicia.
Baldeón Chuchón, C., de Cultura, M., & Lugar de la Memoria, la T. y. la I. S. (2021). Narradores de Memoria 2: Accomarca, ¿cómo llegamos a esto? https://repositorio.cultura.gob.pe/handle/CULTURA/3981
Centro de Estudios de la Guerra - RUHM. (s. f.). Vista de Experiencias sobre el terrorismo de estado en Perú (1980-2000). https://mail.ruhm.es/index.php/RUHM/article/view/566/490
Delgado, J. (2022). Conservación en la memoria histórica de la toma de la residencia del embajador de Japón (1996). Revista Digital Philpapers.org. https://philpapers.org/go.pl?id=AGUCEL-3&u=https%3A%2F%2Fphilpapers.org%2Farchive%2FAGUCEL-3.pdf
Huerta Vera, M. (2023). Irrupciones de la memoria en el cine documental sobre el conflicto armado interno peruano: Tarea Pendiente (2003) y Lucanamarca (2008). Mester, 52(1), https://escholarship.org/uc/item/5010r7f9
OjoPublico. (2019, marzo 8). Ikumi Times: historias de esterilizaciones forzadas en Perú. OjoPublico. https://ojo-publico.com/1105/ikumi-times-historias-del-mayor-caso-de-esterilizaciones-forzadas-en-america-latina
OMU. (2020). BIOGRAFÍA DE MUJERES DESTACADAS. OMU UNIFÉ. https://omu.unife.edu.pe/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/MARIA-ELENA-MOYANO-Luchadora-social-y-dirigente-vecinal-peruana-Per%C3%BA.pdf
Pelaez, V. (1985, febrero). La entrevista verdadera del secuestro de Viky Pelaez. https://lum.cultura.pe/cdi/periodico/la-entrevista-verdadera-del-secuestro-de-vicky-pelaez
Serrano, A. (2021). El derecho de acceso a la justicia de las víctimas de violaciones de derechos humanos en Perú: la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos ante el indulto de Alberto Fujimori. Anuario iberoamericano de justicia constitucional, (25), 485-511. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=8233584
Vara Marín, L. (2022). Atentado de tarata en la memoria limeña. Social Innova Sciences, 3(1), 6-16. https://doi.org/10.58720/sis.v3i1.80
Villasante, M. (2020, 17 abril). La violencia política en la selva central del Perú: 1980-2000 - Revista Ideele. Revista Ideele. https://www.revistaideele.com/2020/04/13/la-violencia-politica-en-la-selva-central-del-peru-1980-2000/
Vista de Poder, dinero y placeres. El maquiavelismo en la política latinoamericana y el perú. (s. f.). https://socialinnovasciences.org/ojs/index.php/sis/article/view/67/79
Fuentes Visuales:
Alexandraalberca, P. (2016, junio 19). Masacre de La Cantuta. analisiscriticosite. https://analisiscriticosite.wordpress.com/2016/06/19/masacre-de-la-cantuta/
[EDITORIAL] Lucanamarca, el LUM y la guerra contra la memoria - IDEHPUCP. (2024b, marzo 8). IDEHPUCP. https://idehpucp.pucp.edu.pe/boletin-eventos/editorial-lucanamarca-el-lum-y-la-guerra-contra-la-memoria-28018/
Liz Tasa (2019). Ikumi Times: historias de esterilizaciones forzadas en Perú. OjoPublico. https://ojo-publico.com/1105/ikumi-times-historias-del-mayor-caso-de-esterilizaciones-forzadas-en-america-latina
Pelaez, V (1985, diciembre). Los secuestradores de Viky Pelaez ya en prisión. https://lum.cultura.pe/cdi/periodico/los-secuestradores-de-vicky-pelaez-estan-ya-en-prision
RPP (2016). Entre los secuestrados estuvo el entonces canciller. https://e.rpp-noticias.io/xlarge/2016/12/17/451845_309886.png
Tarata: hoy se cumplen 32 años del atentado terrorista con coche bomba en Miraflores. (s. f.). Noticias | Diario Oficial el Peruano. https://elperuano.pe/noticia/247937-tarata-hoy-se-cumplen-32-anos-del-atentado-terrorista-con-coche-bomba-en-miraflores
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sy5starplaty · 1 year ago
After reading some Tedbecca Fandom theories regarding the truth bomb scene & whether or not 3.12 will pick up right after, I got an idea forming in my brain...
Ted: "I got one." Rebecca: "Oh? Uh... Okay. What is it?"
Ted, suddenly overwhelmed with what he has to say, starts fiddling with his backpack.
Ted: "Well, y'know how... Like I said after my first season here..."
The zipper gets stuck on the side pocket.
Ted: "Shoot! What's holding that up?" Rebecca: "Ted, focus. What did you say that's important?"
Ted pulls out the item that got the zipper stuck.
Ted: "Well, how the heck did that get there?"
He holds up his Ola's green matchbook. Rebecca's eyes go wide. Ted tosses it to his desk. She focuses on the matchbook while Ted keeps rambling...
Ted: "I was gonna quit, and you were against that. Which... thank you for your confidence in me. It's been a hell of a last two seasons, that's for sure." Rebecca: "Yes, it has."
She draws her eyes away from the matchbook to look back at Ted who looks between her and the matchbook with uncertainty. Rebecca smiles.
Rebecca: "Go on."
Ted gulps.
Ted: "Yeah, well, I've...  You've been a great friend to me, Rebecca. And I appreciate you... a lot, and..."
He's distracted by the noise of the locker room behind him. Ted turns to look out the window at Jamie laughing with Roy. Rebecca looks back at the matchbook, then shakes her head (everyone got one of those). She then notices Roy come into his office via the other door. They acknowledge each other.
Ted: "Boy, Jamie turned out to be a shite in nining armour, huh?"
Ted chuckles, glances back at Rebecca. She appears shocked.
Ted: "I was just making a pun because Jamie’s the...” Rebecca: "He's number nine." Ted grins: "Yeah, that's it! You get me."
He looks at the locker room again.
Ted: "Which is why this, uh, truthbomb of mine is so hard to say, 'cause I... I think I need to..."
He turns fully around... but Rebecca isn't there. 
Ted: "Boss?"
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
Over 100 people are confirmed dead after a wildfire devastated parts of Maui, Hawaii. Families fled from their cars and into the ocean to escape the surging flames that engulfed the town of Lahaina with little warning. What ignited the wildfire remains unknown; multiple factors could have contributed to the disaster.
Hawaiians who survived are now returning to the rubble to begin the slow process of rebuilding their lives. About to visit Maui as a tourist? Postponing that trip is a good idea. 
If you want to send help to the people of Maui, the state’s governor, Josh Green, encourages you to be careful and verify charitable groups. Here are five reputable organizations that can deliver your donations to people affected by the wildfire in Hawaii.
Hawaii Community Foundation
Recommended by the state’s governor, the Hawaii Community Foundation supports survivors in multiple ways and provides grants to other organizations working in the community.
According to the group’s website, people have donated over $34 million to their dedicated relief efforts through the Maui Strong Fund. The Hawaii Community Foundation already gave out more than $4 million of those donations to grantees, like the Aloha Diaper Bank, Ka Hale A Ke Ola Homeless Resource Center, and Pacific Birth Collective.
Maui Food Bank
If you live on the island and would like to donate goods, the Maui Food Bank has requested items like rice, baby food, and menstrual products. For those wanting to help from afar, the charity accepts financial donations through its website. The Maui Food Bank claims it funds around four meals for each dollar donated.
Maui United Way
Maui United Way is another group working to help people impacted by the wildfire. The aid covers a range of areas, including counseling for survivors, transportation to the doctor’s office, and assistance replacing burnt IDs. The group accepts online donations for their disaster relief fund.
Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement
Through their Kāko'o Maui Fund, the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement provides immediate help to survivors. Outside of its disaster relief efforts, the nonprofit offers financial guidance and development opportunities to Hawaiians.
American Red Cross
The Red Cross currently provides on-the-ground relief for people impacted by the Hawaii wildfire. Services include overnight shelters, meals, and reunifications with loved ones who were separated during the disaster. Visit the group’s website to make a donation earmarked to help those impacted in Hawaii. You can also text REDCROSS to 90999 to make a general $10 donation.
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callaitomaswapito · 2 years ago
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IDA 3x04 - Items de Trainera.
@yannakissecae y yo os queremos mucho, a pesar de que a veces rezumemos odio en nuestras palabras, pero es lo que hay amigos!! Desde Castropol y en plena ola de frio os traemos unos items contados con los dedos de los pies, tontos del pueblo, posters, hijos pródigos y mas regalicos (solo para maestros), ademas de las clásicas secciones y cine. Disfrutad de ello, oye!
PD: hay mucha controversia con las IA, pero no podéis negar que el cartel de la maravillosa película “GOLEN CHRROS” no está a la altura de Goncharov.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year ago
don't ask her how she got inside because sometimes she couldn't even tell you. beady eyes scan around as she rummages through varying items lying on the floor. it's only when she hears someone move that she leaps into the air- startled. wanting to protect herself she runs to some clothing and dives into it, but she doubts it'll help. she was certain she was spotted before she'd found her hiding spot! / cries in how can i pick one muse when theres so many I want to throw her at ( olu, ume, tzvult, rengi, raph, ola, or nebka )
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The sound attracted many ears, small ones that were still learning to navigate the world through the senses granted thus when the footfalls of one adult stepped closer to the door - the tumbling of pups followed suit The door opened with a swift unlatch of the lock and with the motion Renji's gaze settled upon the moving cloth just before the little critter was fully hidden in one of his many shirts on the floor. He wasn't a messy guy - but it was one of the many teething rags he sacrificed to the pups that were yapping up a storm, using their small noses to follow the smell of new in their bedroom.
Renji couldn't help but smirk at the idea of a mouse in his home here, it wasn't like he didn't like them or anything - they were good snacks for good pups. So he moved with ease, to close in on the fabric that seemed to be moving only moments ago. "Hold up, brats." He spoke soon enough, reaching down as he crouched to stop the snout of a pup - nosediving into the fabric with intentions to chew away at the material. Instead, Renji's hand lowered to grip onto one side of the fabric and raise it up with a wiggle.
"Somethin is in here, whoever can catch it ya can eat it." He hyped up the canine that wiggled it's tail and yapped in agreement. "Ready~?" He started, yanking the material high enough to make this beastie tumble out - but not into the yapping jaws of the small pups that crowded in the excitement. Instead, his hand was already beneath the small grey creature - catching it within mid-air with an ease of a hunter catching his prey. "Oh, look at tha'. I win, brats." Of course, they weren't happy but he tossed the shirt over their wiggling bodies making them turn their attention to a new game as Renji instead turned his golden gaze to that of the creature in his palm.
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"Ya have some explainin' to do, hm?" His nose wiggled, a sniff, before he smirked and moved to take the odd-scented mouse from his bedroom to the main room. "Think ya'll taste good in a mouse stew?"
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olaradkowska · 2 years ago
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Moliera2 •one item - many stories• campaign 2022
Styled by Ola Radkowska
Photo: Łukasz Dziewic
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tuliptic · 2 years ago
Ola! Congrats on 333 followers!! May I participate in your game?
The two pacs, one is the most recent one, The best way to show yourself love, here i chose pile one, and yes it resonated. I love fun and my spirit is young and childish most of the time, but again i do have thoughts of an old soul, very spiritual often contemplating meaning of things. The next pac, how to overcome fear, chose pile 2. The first pack lead me to the second one. I had a crushing realization of how scared I am of things, though i tend to play it off the fear is there. And i struggle with loving myself so... Now coming back to why i love the two piles, one is ofcourse the accuracy, two the depth, and advices. In all honesty, it takes time for me to implement and act on advices due to my tendencies to procastinate, but nonetheless I appreciate them and makes me want to work towards it. Ah, I am not sure if I conveyed correctly what you're looking for, hope this is fine lol
Initials: ABM
Signs: sun: Scorpio, moon: Virgo, rising capricorn
Thank you!!
Hello hello! Thank you for dropping by and participating! I hope things have been well for you and that the PACs provided the necessary clarity! Thank you for your feedbacks they're very much appreciated!
How will Taemeupjin's Valentine's be?
You: Death
You’re the type of person who’d bring forth changes to your partner, teaching them to abandon the old and past that no longer serves, and in turn to take up the new and things that helps. You work not only with your energy, but also your spirit guides’ energies, which allows you to go through those phases of rebirth.
I’m seeing that you’re the one who picked the place of the date, and for some reason, you’re prolly the one who decides the rest of the items of the date. May be because that compared to your person, you’re the one who’s more… Planned. Like, you plan things ahead instead of doing things spontaneously. You need things to be planned out. I’m seeing water, so prolly a beach date, or at a water theme park, or at a theme park that throws water at you. Boat date? Boat sounds more like it. It’s not as bright as the beach. 
This person of yours. You really like them but you love yourself more, which is good cuz of the need of self-alignment. But you have never let your person know cuz you wanted to avoid possible conflict. I see there’s direct communication here where you let them know whatever you’re thinking (excluding certain surprises). Not sure what it is here but I’m seeing a surprise that you’ve prepared for them, a good surprise.
Them: The Sun
They are someone who has a fun and cheery personality, and they prolly have some 9H placements as well. This person literally shines, and you found yourself attracted to them. Now, this person may be well dressed and ready for another part of the date (evening/night).
Something might have gone wrong somewhere and it sent them over the edge cuz they wanted things to be perfect. Ok so with how things are, you planned the first part of the date and they planned the second half of the date. Let’s continue. I’m feeling that the plans didn’t turn out well and it made them feel that their effort was all in vain. But you were there, making them smile again, let the Sun come out again. The feeling of dejection was gone. I’m having the vision of you two having a slow dance by the road with people walking by, but you were enjoying your time with them and was determined to not let anyone to disturb your peace, letting you both’s inner child have fun.
Overall: The Emperor
It’s my first time seeing a pretty stressed overall energy. It’s like there’s some form of rigidness and force behind every motive. There are also a lot of swords energy where you both are unwilling to yield to each other (since a relationship is not about submitting to the other person, but to work together and be at a balance).  Overall speaking, you’re the one who mainly has an idea of what you want in a relationship, but in the end, this person may leave (for a long while perhaps) for a period of growth. 
I also wanted to say that this person you’re with is someone very special? I have a feeling that y’all will split up but eventually get back together again, when both parties are more mature and know how to balance the relationship better. I receive two conflicting messages, where one’s talking about they’re not the one but the other talking that you’re meant to be. One way to read it would be karmic soulmates, but there also may be a chance where you two will get back together once you both learnt the lessons life wants to teach. 
I have a feeling that this person is looking someone to heal them via relationship and hence, may have put a slightly wrong emphasis on how the relationship it’s like which made you wanted to break things off with them. But at the same time, you both manifested each other into your life and they’re like your dream come true.
Love message: You’re my dream come true, my one and only.
Personal piece of advice: I’m only reading what I’m feeling and what I’m getting from the cards. Do remember that the reading is of current energy and can change based on what actions you take in life. Take this as an entertainment and maybe use it as a guide on knowing what sort of person you’d want to have in your life, and how you wanna work it through. There’s definitely quite some time until this Valentine’s date and maybe you can change things by then.
I’m not sure if you enjoyed the reading but I hope you did find bits and pieces that you like. Take care, kay? You can leave your feedbacks and thoughts in my inbox so I can tag them accordingly.
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ms-boogie-man · 11 months ago
Yeah… Dana Schwartz is an idiot, she is not funny, nor is she even clever, and since I see nothing but spoiled, over-entitled twits complaining these days about rich people not sharing their wealth, I have decided to turn this twit's Twitter post into a tutorial of what I like to see my girls do when they would like a raise or promotion.
Let us begin, shall we
First, you will need a near flawless quarter of job performance
Ola kala… now that you have spent the last 3 months doing your job near flawlessly, it is time to record your performance. First, get yourself a pad of note, a note pad yo. Go to a blank page in your pad of note and draw a line down the middle, from top to bottom.
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In the 'heading' margin at the top, on the left side of the line, write 'Pros'. Then on the right side, write 'Cons'. Now, go down the 'Pros' side and HONESTLY note all the proper and productive things you did and accomplished at work over the last 3 months; remembering that these thingys must fit what your employer hired you to do, the definition of your job description. Based on that, you know what you honestly accomplished. In the 'Cons' column, list the missteps you made, i.e., tardiness, left early, excessive PTO — including 'hangovers' and "period days", mistakes that led to tasks not completed, deadlines not met, materials wasted, etc, etc, you know what you honestly fucked up … and it really is just that easy
If there are more than a couple items in your 'Cons' column, if your 'Pros' column is not all the way down the page
… do not even bother asking your Boss for anythingy
… you have not earned it
… and people with money, employers, do not owe you anythingy unless you fulfilled the requirements of a job description you were hired to perform by mutual agreement
Too, if your Pros column is full, and there are 3 or less Cons items, have a reasonable wage increase amount in mind, asking for slightly over what what your boss may be willing to give, i.e., $3 per hr if you are looking for $1.5-2 per hr. Always conduct yourself in a steady and confident manner. Be respectful of the person who provides you with a means to earn a living, but make eye-contact to let them know you mean business yo Too, if you really feel you earned and your boss will not compensate you, do not go online and vent about it … if you are truly worth your salt, find another job and get back to earning
Ready? Set… GO!!!
Merry Christmas, snowflakes!!!🎄
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yearly reminder
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fiberturkey89 · 19 days ago
How do you do ? I hop to be in a good condition.
This is my special campaign
We hope to help us by donating or sharing to others.
Every donation makes a different even if it a small.
As you know, the war began on October 7 and lasted ten months. During this period, we were unable to obtain food, drink, or treatment because we did not have money.
There is no source of income for the family at the present time, so we are unable to buy food, clean water, and medicine, especially after we are afflicted with the ongoing infectious diseases spread in the north like Hepatitis C disease.
Our house has been damaged a lot since the beginning of the war. We are from the north of Gaza and we are still in the north and have not displaced to the south. We displaced 10 times from place to another seeking to safety .
We hope for your help and support, even if only a little.🙏🙏
Vetted by Femme intifada on telegram.
Also, vetted by gazavetters on tumbler and my number is #60
My campaign was recently vetted by butterfly effect group on Instagram and my number is #964
This is the link if you would to read our story well 👇👇
Thank you all
How do you do ? I hop to be in a good condition.
This is my special campaign
We hope to help us by donating or sharing to others.
Every donation makes a different even if it a small.
As you know, the war began on October 7 and lasted ten months. During this period, we were unable to obtain food, drink, or treatment because we did not have money.
There is no source of income for the family at the present time, so we are unable to buy food, clean water, and medicine, especially after we are afflicted with the ongoing infectious diseases spread in the north like Hepatitis C disease.
Our house has been damaged a lot since the beginning of the war. We are from the north of Gaza and we are still in the north and have not displaced to the south. We displaced 10 times from place to another seeking to safety .
We hope for your help and support, even if only a little.🙏🙏
Vetted by Femme intifada on telegram.
Also, vetted by gazavetters on tumbler and my number is #60
My campaign was recently vetted by butterfly effect group on Instagram and my number is #964
This is the link if you would to read our story well 👇👇
Thank you all
How do you do ? I hop to be in a good condition.
This is my special campaign
We hope to help us by donating or sharing to others.
Every donation makes a different even if it a small.
As you know, the war began on October 7 and lasted ten months. During this period, we were unable to obtain food, drink, or treatment because we did not have money.
There is no source of income for the family at the present time, so we are unable to buy food, clean water, and medicine, especially after we are afflicted with the ongoing infectious diseases spread in the north like Hepatitis C disease.
Our house has been damaged a lot since the beginning of the war. We are from the north of Gaza and we are still in the north and have not displaced to the south. We displaced 10 times from place to another seeking to safety .
We hope for your help and support, even if only a little.🙏🙏
Vetted by Femme intifada on telegram.
Also, vetted by gazavetters on tumbler and my number is #60
My campaign was recently vetted by butterfly effect group on Instagram and my number is #964
This is the link if you would to read our story well 👇👇
Thank you all
Hope you can get the funds you need to get the items.
0 notes
ucsurdea08 · 2 months ago
"Las Grandes Bonanzas del Perú"
¡Mis queridas pulgas aventureras! Hoy vamos a dar un salto a través de la fascinante historia económica del Perú, explorando sus diferentes épocas de bonanza. Desde el apogeo del guano hasta el auge minero, cada etapa dejó su huella en la economía y en las comunidades locales. ¡Vamos a descubrirlo! 📜🐜
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Para más información: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGQYtuY8hc/YHoFkkm6BFAk7rX_paHyyg/edit?utm_content=DAGQYtuY8hc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
Durante la Era del Guano (1830-1876), Perú prosperó económicamente como principal proveedor mundial de guano, pero los ingresos se malgastaron, llevando a una crisis económica. La Bonanza del Caucho (1880-1914) trajo riqueza a la Amazonía peruana, pero la explotación de las comunidades indígenas y la falta de sostenibilidad causaron un rápido declive.
La Bonanza de la Caña de Azúcar (1894-1929) impulsó el crecimiento económico debido a la alta demanda internacional, pero la caída de los precios y la Primera Guerra Mundial afectaron gravemente la industria. Durante la Primera Bonanza Minera (1943-1976), Perú se convirtió en un importante exportador de plata, aunque la economía minera fue vulnerable a las fluctuaciones de precios.
La Bonanza Pesquera (1939-1963) trajo prosperidad gracias a la producción de harina y aceite de pescado, pero la sobreexplotación de los recursos marinos provocó una crisis. Finalmente, la Segunda Bonanza Minera (1990-2011) permitió un crecimiento significativo y atrajo inversiones extranjeras, aunque la economía seguía siendo vulnerable a la demanda internacional de minerales.
Estos ciclos económicos muestran la dependencia histórica de Perú en la exportación de recursos naturales y los desafíos asociados a la falta de sostenibilidad y la volatilidad de los precios internacionales.
Mis pulgas, tras recorrer la historia económica de Perú y observar cómo las bonanzas iban y venían como olas, hemos llegado a una conclusión evidente: la verdadera raíz del problema fue la falta de educación. Perú quedó atrapado en la dependencia de sus recursos naturales porque nunca invirtió lo suficiente en el poder transformador del conocimiento. Mientras otros países apostaban por educar a sus ciudadanos, fomentando la innovación y la diversificación, Perú dejó pasar esa oportunidad. Sin una población educada, las decisiones estratégicas a largo plazo brillaron por su ausencia, y así se desvanecieron esas épocas doradas. ¡Si hubieran invertido en educación, estaríamos contando otra historia! 🐜🐜
Bahlburg, F. (2023). The Local Impact of Mining in Peruvian Districts: Evidence of a Subnational Resource Curse?. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 13(4), 264–286. https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.14319
Biblioteca Nacional de Perú (s.f). Documentos relativos al proyecto de venta directa del huano. https://bibliotecadigital.bnp.gob.pe/items/0863002a-0e60-44a6-aa24-4a445a584eb4
Cosamalón, J., Armas, F., Deustua, J., Monsalve, M. y Salinas, A. (2020). ECONOMÍA DE LA PRIMERA CENTURÍA INDEPENDIENTE. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos. https://www.bcrp.gob.pe/docs/Publicaciones/libros/historia/4-economia-de-la-primera-centuria-independiente.pdf
Memoria del Banco Central de Reserva del Perú(2019).Memorias 1963. https://www.bcrp.gob.pe/docs/Publicaciones/Memoria/Memoria-BCRP-1963.pdf
Miguel Ccasani(2022). El Perú ante la Primera Guerra Mundial: las exportaciones de La Libertad de 1917 a 1921 . http://dx.doi.org/10.21142/des-1402-2022-0025
Salazar,J. (2019). Los crímenes y la extracción sin futuro: el caso de la explotación cauchera en el Putumayo (1880-1915). Revista Del Instituto Riva-Agüero, 4(2), 87-118. https://doi.org/10.18800/revistaira.201902.003Salvatteci, R., & Mendo, J. (s. f.). Estimación de las pérdidas bio-económicas causadas por la captura de juveniles de anchoveta ( Engraulis ringens, J. ) en la costa peruana. http://www.scielo.org.pe/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1726-22162005000100015&lang=esVíctor, T. C. (s. f.-c). Grupos económicos y bonanza minera en el Perú. http://www.scielo.org.pe/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0252-18652014000200006&lang=es
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news365timesindia · 1 month ago
[ad_1] 3 min read Last Updated : Oct 11 2024 | 12:13 AM IST From Tetley Tea to Jaguar Land Rover and Air India, Ratan Tata has checked off almost every item on his bucket list. However, one that remains unfinished is the electric version of his small car, the Tata Nano. A concept entrusted to Coimbatore-based Jayem Automotives (Jayem Auto) is still on the shelves, despite nearly 400 cars being launched, primarily due to Covid-19 and new crash norms. On Thursday, Ola founder Bhavish Agarwal, who considers Tata his hero, recalled this dream project on the X platform, claiming how Tata himself took him to Coimbatore to give him a glimpse of his pet project. They even drove the car together on a test track, an experience that later inspired Agarwal to launch Ola Electric. Click here to connect with us on WhatsApp  “One day in 2017, I got a call from him asking me to come to Mumbai. He just said, ‘Bhavish, I want to take you somewhere and show you something exciting’. We flew in his plane to Coimbatore to see his personal project of making electric vehicles (EVs) out of the Tata Nano! He was so passionate and excited about EVs. He even drove me in one on a test track and then pointed out such detailed improvements to the engineers. That was the day Ola Electric really got started,” Agarwal said. In 2015, Tata thought about creating a low-cost EV, which gave birth to a product called the Neo EV. It was jointly developed by Jayem and the Tata group. The Jayem Neo EV, or the electric Tata Nano as it is often referred to, was engineered and developed by Jayem in close partnership with Tata, under the supervision of Emeritus Chairman Ratan Tata. According to media reports, two versions were planned: a 48-volt version and a more powerful 72-volt version. The project gained momentum in 2018 when Jayem produced a batch of 400 cars, supplying them to Ola Cabs for use in Hyderabad and Bengaluru at the onset of the pandemic.  “I don’t want to talk about the EV project. Why should we discuss a project that didn’t succeed due to many government regulations? Covid-19 and the new crash regulations affected the expansion of the project,” said Jayem Auto Managing Director J Anand. “We still have a good relationship with the group,” he added. According to an Autocar India report, Neo EV was never put on sale due to several factors, one being that engineers were still working to reduce the costs of the 72-volt version. In addition to the pandemic, stringent crash test norms also contributed to the project’s downfall. Currently, Jayem Auto is a joint venture between Anand’s company and the Chennai-based Murugappa Group-promoted Tube Investments of India (TII). Through its subsidiary, TI Clean Mobility, TII acquired a 50 per cent stake in Jayem Auto last year. At present, Jayem Auto is designing, developing, testing, and manufacturing a wide range of automotive components, systems, and prototypes, with deep expertise in EVs. Anand said he has no plans to revive the project. First Published: Oct 11 2024 | 12:12 AM IST [ad_2] Source link
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news365times · 1 month ago
[ad_1] 3 min read Last Updated : Oct 11 2024 | 12:13 AM IST From Tetley Tea to Jaguar Land Rover and Air India, Ratan Tata has checked off almost every item on his bucket list. However, one that remains unfinished is the electric version of his small car, the Tata Nano. A concept entrusted to Coimbatore-based Jayem Automotives (Jayem Auto) is still on the shelves, despite nearly 400 cars being launched, primarily due to Covid-19 and new crash norms. On Thursday, Ola founder Bhavish Agarwal, who considers Tata his hero, recalled this dream project on the X platform, claiming how Tata himself took him to Coimbatore to give him a glimpse of his pet project. They even drove the car together on a test track, an experience that later inspired Agarwal to launch Ola Electric. Click here to connect with us on WhatsApp  “One day in 2017, I got a call from him asking me to come to Mumbai. He just said, ‘Bhavish, I want to take you somewhere and show you something exciting’. We flew in his plane to Coimbatore to see his personal project of making electric vehicles (EVs) out of the Tata Nano! He was so passionate and excited about EVs. He even drove me in one on a test track and then pointed out such detailed improvements to the engineers. That was the day Ola Electric really got started,” Agarwal said. In 2015, Tata thought about creating a low-cost EV, which gave birth to a product called the Neo EV. It was jointly developed by Jayem and the Tata group. The Jayem Neo EV, or the electric Tata Nano as it is often referred to, was engineered and developed by Jayem in close partnership with Tata, under the supervision of Emeritus Chairman Ratan Tata. According to media reports, two versions were planned: a 48-volt version and a more powerful 72-volt version. The project gained momentum in 2018 when Jayem produced a batch of 400 cars, supplying them to Ola Cabs for use in Hyderabad and Bengaluru at the onset of the pandemic.  “I don’t want to talk about the EV project. Why should we discuss a project that didn’t succeed due to many government regulations? Covid-19 and the new crash regulations affected the expansion of the project,” said Jayem Auto Managing Director J Anand. “We still have a good relationship with the group,” he added. According to an Autocar India report, Neo EV was never put on sale due to several factors, one being that engineers were still working to reduce the costs of the 72-volt version. In addition to the pandemic, stringent crash test norms also contributed to the project’s downfall. Currently, Jayem Auto is a joint venture between Anand’s company and the Chennai-based Murugappa Group-promoted Tube Investments of India (TII). Through its subsidiary, TI Clean Mobility, TII acquired a 50 per cent stake in Jayem Auto last year. At present, Jayem Auto is designing, developing, testing, and manufacturing a wide range of automotive components, systems, and prototypes, with deep expertise in EVs. Anand said he has no plans to revive the project. First Published: Oct 11 2024 | 12:12 AM IST [ad_2] Source link
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offtherackbyat · 1 month ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: OLA EMBROIDERED TEXTURED BLAZER SZ 38.
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sidabd · 2 months ago
Lucknow to Delhi Taxi Service: A Smooth Journey
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Traveling from Lucknow to Delhi is a common route for both tourists and locals. Whether you're heading to the capital for business or pleasure, a reliable and comfortable taxi service can make your journey hassle-free. In this blog post, we'll explore the various options available for Lucknow to Delhi taxi service, including their benefits, factors to consider, and tips for a smooth ride.
Choosing the Right Taxi Service
When selecting a taxi service for your Lucknow to Delhi journey, there are several factors to consider:
Reputation and Reviews:
 Look for companies with positive reviews and a strong reputation in the industry. Check online platforms and ask for recommendations from friends or family.
Vehicle Type:
 Choose a vehicle that suits your needs and group size. Options may include sedans, SUVs, and luxury cars.
Compare prices from different providers and ensure transparency in their pricing structure. Be aware of any additional charges or hidden fees.
Customer Service: 
Look for companies that offer excellent customer service, including responsive communication and assistance with any issues.
Popular Taxi Service Options
Here are some popular taxi service options for the Lucknow to Delhi route:
Private Taxi Companies:
 Many private taxi companies offer services between Lucknow and Delhi. They often provide customizable itineraries and can accommodate specific requests.
Online Taxi Aggregators:
 Apps like Ola and Uber have expanded their services to include long-distance travel. They offer convenient booking and real-time tracking.
Government-Authorized Taxi Services:
 Government-authorized taxi services provide regulated and reliable transportation options. They adhere to specific guidelines and standards.
Benefits of Using a Taxi Service
 A taxi service offers door-to-door service, eliminating the need for public transportation or self-driving.
You can customize your itinerary and choose your departure time.
Modern taxis are equipped with amenities like air conditioning, comfortable seating, and often Wi-Fi.
 Reputable taxi companies prioritize passenger safety and adhere to industry standards.
Tips for a Smooth Journey
Book in Advance: 
To ensure availability, especially during peak seasons, it's advisable to book your taxi service in advance.
Pack Essentials: 
Carry essential items like travel documents, medications, and snacks.
Communicate with Your Driver:
 Feel free to communicate your preferences or any special requests to your driver.
Check Traffic Conditions: 
Be aware of potential traffic delays and plan your journey accordingly.
Relax and Enjoy the Ride:
 Once you're settled in your taxi, sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenic journey from Lucknow to Delhi.
Choosing the right Lucknow to Delhi taxi service is essential for a comfortable and enjoyable journey. Consider factors like reputation, vehicle type, pricing, and customer service when making your decision. By following the tips mentioned in this blog post, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.
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