toasterimatoaster · 3 years
Opinions from an average viewer
(Aka, me just talking about young justice bc I have no one to talk too about this!)
So Young justice? Love it, great show and of course has its highs and lows. With season 3 out since la- no wait, uh- over a year ago It’s back in business with new characters furthering plot and much more. A new season, coming soon, probably next year.  
Now as the heading says I’m gonna go on an opinion tangent, and remember this is not end all be all, you don’t have to read this, I’m just a person on the internet with rather mellow thoughts and ideas, they’re not hot takes. Also before you continue reading:
Spoilers ahead!
I’m very happy that it got a 3rd season, especially with how season 2 ended,,, with, well you know, Wally dying and all. And boy do we get reminders of that in season 3, not only the ‘explicit’(more obvious) scenes and episodes that are dedicated to that but also smaller things,, like that ending credit scene with bruce lee and that music score; that made me tear up a bit actually, not Artemis ‘meeting’ Wally in the ‘afterlife’, not Dick reminiscing and accidentally using his name instead of Will’s, but a dog with a little Kid Flash plushie and bittersweet music. I feel like while the other two scenes were the characters coming to terms with Wally’s death and or showing that they’re still mourning him, that ending credit scene was something else entirely,,, hmm I don’t know how to describe it? 
Anyway these episodes and scenes were good character development and side plots,, The main plot is multiple, obviously one is where both the justice league and young justice team falls apart as well the continuing rise of the threat of Apokolips, The Light and Darkside. 
The teams we have now are, Justice league, Batman Inc, The outsiders and the  Young Justice team. 
Now, plot is always difficult to write and combining it with character development is even harder to do, and sometimes this show favors plot and plot set-up more than character development. I feel like this happens rather much in season 3, we get more and more knowledge about this world, about it’s conflicts, about the threats and the developments that happen, that I feel like they sometimes loose the charm that the first season did good on. We have a bigger cast, and adding more characters means that we are going to loose some people along the way. 
Let’s take an example: season 1 had 7 characters to focus on, Robin(Dick), Wally, Artemis, M’gann, Conner, Kaldur and Roy.(Also Zatanna and Rocket later on.)  Already a big cast, but every character got some development and we got to know them more, all the while both plot was either brewing or already happening. 
Season 2 got a time jump, with new characters into the roster. With not only the original 7 but now also Garfield, Cassie, Tim, Bart, Jaime, OG Roy, Tye, Eduardo, Asami, Virgil and Fishboy.. I’m sorry I don’t remember his name... Anyway! The focus was still on the OG 7 but now also on some of the new people, that is like 17 characters! We had plenty of plot lines, the invasion, the villain infiltration, the mind manipulation, the meta-humanization, the clone registration, the future boy creation(Bart)--- I’m trying to rhyme--- So A LOT. The writers were mostly able to do it well, considering what they had to work with. But I feel like some of the characters that got the least development were Cassie, Fishboy and Tim.  
Season 3 has a smaller time jump, we now have even more characters, some of them are just there and don’t have speaking lines, it’s bigger, their universe that was once the justice league and 7 teens are now.. a lot. As I said before we follow the Og’s, and then the new characters like Brion, Halo and Forager. 
Here are some personal bouts with this season: 
Firstly, one of the plots are the deconstruction and creation of teams. Sometimes I felt like it was almost parodic, at least the outsiders and Gar. It felt like it was trying to achieve season one’s team creation, but it didn’t measure up, at least for me. (And it’s not like I'm angry that they made their own team, I’m really not, I’m curious. It’s just the way that they went about it that peeves me.)
Secondly, is that there was a lot of plot set-up for next season. Both smaller thing, that might never happen (like HAL HAS WHITE HAIR/SIDES, GOSH IS THIS A SET UP FOR PARALLAX AND KYLE???)(Also, WALLY!!!), and bigger plot things like the whole Brion thing, that is obviously coming back. Plot-set up doesn’t have to be bad, but it again down comes to the balancing act of it all. Some of it felt shoved in a bit, some did not, some was obvious and some a bit more discreet. 
Anyway, this show sometimes looses that personal touch it once had, it’s one of the downsides to having everything focus on a bigger badder plot (to me), and sometimes constantly bringing in new characters can also be a downside. But they tried, especially with that Wally thing and the character development surrounding that. 
And if you like them doing this, that’s great, enjoy! Don’t let my opinions destroy your fun! 
Personal criticisms aside I of course enjoy this show, I wouldn’t be watching it and talking about it if I didn’t, It doesn’t give me grief and make me exhausted(which is always +100). But I'm pointing out some changes that I feel has happened, that might not always be positive or negative. 
So,,, that’s done. 
Btw I'm happy for Terra!
Also, About that theorizing thing,,, HAL WITH HIS WHITE HAIR, I’m not sorry, HAL HAS WHITE HAIR, EITHER HE’S JUST PREMATURELY GRAY OR HE IS GONNA BECOME PARALLAX, there’s no in-between.( jk, jk)
Also Also, GUY, we see GUY AND HIS HORRIBLE SONG. I love that song, it’s great. 
Also x3, the legion of superheroes; I had no clue what that was, being new to dc comics and all, but then I saw some posts and I’ve heard some theories about them and Wally,, and ahhhhhh.
Gosh, there is so much in this show, good and bad things and middle ground things, and yeah that’s all, It’s just rambles nothing else.
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