#Okita Souji Alter
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yee-art · 5 months ago
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this is canon
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cheewrd · 3 months ago
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okita souji
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dailyfatefigures · 1 year ago
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Figma #515 - Okita Souji Alter by Max Factory
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pollyxart · 9 months ago
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two tickets for the garfield (2004) movie
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grailfinders · 2 years ago
Grailfinders #317: Okita Souji Saber Alter
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congratulations on surviving to summer, everyone! today on Grailfinders we’re starting off our summer right with Okita Souji Alter (Saber)! is she even really an alter at this point? whatever! she’s still a Horizon Walker Ranger to cut through space and time, but we also have to pick up Rengoku from daycare! Echo Knight was tempting, though they don’t really fight separately, and while he is a sentient sword, I feel a little warlock’d out… let’s go Strength Cleric instead. I promise this will make sense as we go. probably.
check out their build breakdown below the cut, or their character sheet here!
next up: GODDAMN HOT
Race and Background
second time, same stuff. Okita is still a Custom Race, custom designed to fight in a single battle. and to hang out on the beach, I guess. she’s also still a Far Traveler. all that together gives her +2 Dexterity, some Darkvision to nae-nae on her regular saber self, and proficiency with Insight and Perception. she also gets the Mobile feat for free, giving you an extra 10 of movement per turn, the ability to ignore difficult terrain while dashing, and you prevent opportunity attacks from creatures you’ve tried to attack this turn. this Okita actually wears armor this go around, so we couldn’t really get the monk speed boost again- that makes every inch of extra movement we get all the more important.
Ability Scores
your highest score should be in Wisdom. counter guardians have usually spent a little time in the future, so you have more information than most servants. normally that would be high intelligence, but really the difference between intelligence and wisdom are negligible and we need the latter wayyy more. after that, Dexterity. even though you wear “armor” now, it only covers half your body, so dodging is always in vogue. third is Charisma. you’re like three different flavors of warlock, even if we’re not getting levels from it. plus, you have a kid now, kids are cute. after that is Constitution. you’re mostly here to be a looper, but you’re less sickly than Okita. not that that’s saying much. that means our Strength isn’t great- don’t worry, we’ll get something to make it worthwhile later- and we’re dumping Intelligence. you’re pretty spacey, and while that would normally be wisdom, we need that for more than multiclassing this time around.
Class Levels
1. Ranger 1: starting as a ranger gets you proficiency in two saves as well as three skills, one more than usual. your Strength and Dexterity saves are great, as are your Athletics checks to run faster, Stealth Checks to move invisibly, and your Investigation checks to figure out who the hell you’re fighting. most times FGO characters are pretty forthright with their true names, but that’s no reason to rest on your laurels.
first level rangers can also pick out a Favored Foe when you attack them, marking the enemy for a minute and dealing extra damage once a turn when you attack them. you can do this proficiency times per day, and the damage increases as you level up. I’d call this “worse hunter’s mark”, but it does free up spell slots. and is worse.
you’re also Canny with Athletics now, so that’s a double proficiency bonus on all your checks. at least you won’t fall on your face while running at mach 10.
2. Ranger 2:second level rangers pick their Fighting Style, and Dueling will improve your shortsword’s damage so it’s more Rengoku-y. we’re not going for a longsword this time since we can’t monk it into a finesse weapon, and also because we need our hand free for Rengoku. who is also holding a sword in their hand. Honestly two weapon fighting wouldn’t be a bad pick either.
anyways, you also get Spells this level, which you cast using your Wisdom. Hunter’s Mark adds extra damage to all your weapon attacks against a specific target, and hits harder than FF, and can be swapped to another enemy if the first dies before the spell does. the downside is it will eat up your bonus action a lot of the time. if you’d rather only worry about hitting once and still getting that d6 of damage every turn, you can use a Searing Smite, spicing up your sword and dealing fire damage on a hit, plus an additional d6 of fire each turn the target fails a constitution save or doesn’t use its action to put itself out.
3. Ranger 3: at third level your Primeval Awareness gives you knowledge about whether or not there are any weird creatures nearby by spending a spell slot. it doesn’t tell you where they are, so it’s not that great, but Okita can’t talk to dogs, I think.
on the plus side, she also becomes a Horizon Walker, giving her a bunch of extra spells to make up for it thanks to her Horizon Walker Magic. right now you get Protection from Evil and Good for free to defend against higher-tier servants, but more will come as we go.
you can also Detect Portal once per short rest, telling you exactly where the nearest portal is in a mile around you. I guess a hole in reality is a lot easier to find than a dragon.
you’re also a Planar Warrior once again, letting you spend a bonus action to call your shot, turning your next attack against a specific creature into force damage, and dealing an extra d8 of damage to boot.
you also get one more first-level spell this level, so pick up Longstrider to stride even longer. it doesn’t even use concentration, so you that’s a worry-free extra 10 feet of movement for up to an hour.
4. Ranger 4: use your first Ability Score Improvement to round up your Wisdom score with the Resilient feat. this also makes you proficient with wisdom saves. that’s magic resistance, baby!
5. Ranger 5: speaking of magic, fifth level rangers learn second level spells. Misty Step is free, and it lets you move so fast it’s like you’re teleporting! (it’s because mechanically, you are) you can also turn Rengoku into a Magic Weapon now, adding +1 to their attack and damage rolls, plus sidestepping all those pesky resistances to nonmagical attacks.
but uh, we still haven’t gotten Rengoku yet, have we? the baby, I mean. let’s deal with that.
6. Cleric 1: calling the amassed survival instinct of humanity a god is probably a stretch, but Alaya’s cool enough that I’ll let it slide. after all, that’s where you get your Strength from, right?
as an Acolyte of Strength you have proficiency with heavy armor, as well as a free proficiency (Survival) and a free druid cantrip (Thunderclap). that’s all well and good, but we’re here more for the spell list. oh right, you get another Spell list, it still uses your Wisdom, check the PHB to see how many slots you have at a given point.
Guidance and Resistance will make you a little better than everyone else in either your skill checks or saves, while Light helps us get the special effects on your flashier attacks.
you also get some free first level spells. Divine Favor adds radiant damage to all your weapon attacks for a minute- it’s weaker than hunter’s mark, but if you’re fighting undead or just like, a ton of weak guys, this is easier to swap enemies on. if you’re going on defense, Shield of Faith can give you +2 AC for up to ten minutes, and you can even use it on allies. it’s hard to hit someone when a swaby (sword baby) is in the way.
you can also prepare spells of your choosing each time you wake up- Inflict Wounds is one of the fastest and simplest ways to turn spell slots into damage, especially at low levels.
7. Cleric 2: at level two, clerics can Channel Divinity once per short rest, picking between two different flavors- Turn Undead forces a wisdom save on undead creatures, making them run away. the real selling point here is your Feat of Strength, however. with this, you can add a +10 bonus to not only an Attack Roll, but any strength check or save as part of the roll. it’s a straight upgrade from the War cleric, though I admit war’s bonus action attack does admittedly map to rengoku better. if your DM doesn’t like Amonkhet or you just want a more vanilla d&d experience, war is a good substitute for strength.
8. Cleric 3: at third level you gain second level cleric spells, including your freebies Enhance Ability and Protection from Poison, two spells clerics already had. again, we’re here for the spells you can choose, like Augury to use some future info to your advantage, or Spiritual Weapon to let Rengoku run wild.
9. Cleric 4: use this next ASI to bump up your Dexterity for more defense and more accurate swordings. you can also use another cleric cantrip now, like Toll the Dead. I don’t particularly care for the flavor on this one, but you’re pretty offensively oriented, and tolling someone who is already injured deals damage, and that’s the name of your game. actually it’s Fate, but hush.
10. Cleric 5: at fifth level your turn undead turns into Destroy Undead, instantly killing any zombe of CR ½ or lower who gets got by your channel divinity. I haven’t seen Okita fight a zombie before, but maybe that’s why she wasn’t invited to the horror movie camp.
we also get third level spells this level including the ultimate mobility tool Haste. it doubles your movement speed, increases your AC, and buffs your dex saves, plus it gives you an extra action to smack stuff or dash. it’s good shit. sure, you need to take a turn off when it drops, but it’s summer! you should be relaxing anyway. you also get Protection from Energy for free, it’s not quite invincibility, but we’re working on it. you can also summon Spirit Guardians around you, dealing damage when its not your turn and slowing down foes. letting Rengoku off the leash is fun, but it’s probably a good idea to keep them close, yknow?
11. Ranger 6: at sixth level, your favored foe becomes stronger, so now it’s half as good as hunter’s mark! you’re also Roving, giving you another five feet of movement speed plus a climbing and swimming speed, perfect for summer!
12. Ranger 7: seventh level horizon walkers have an Ethereal Step, giving you one turn of Etherealness. for this turn you can move without worrying about the bounds of gravity, or anything else really. on the ethereal plane, only other ethereal things and people can affect you, allowing you to pass through walls for a turn. just be careful where you land, if you end your turn inside an object, you will take damage.
if you’d rather just make it look like you teleported, you can Pass Without Trace. this gives your whole party a massive boost to their stealth checks, and you don’t leave footprints anymore! it won’t help you move faster, but you’ll definitely be light on your feet!
13. Ranger 8: at eighth level you get another ASI, so become a War Caster. rangers don’t get a lot of spells, so getting advantage on concentration saves to keep your damage buffs up is huge. also, if you go the two-handed rengoku path you can now cast spells with both hands full of sword. on top of that, you can cast spells instead of making an attack of opportunity, as long as it only targets the triggering creature.
you also have Land’s Stride. now you can… ignore plants! and their difficult terrain. base ranger is so bad y’all I s2g
14. Ranger 9: moving on from that travesty, third level spells again! you get Haste for free yet again, but you can also cast Water Walk now. it’s a shame you can’t have both of these up at a time, but even with haste you can’t monk your way over water. it’s coolness vs. practicality, a tale as old as time.
15. Ranger 10: tenth level rangers are Tireless, so proficiency times a day you can gain temporary HP as an action, plus you heal from exhaustion on short rests now too! that’s nice, summer’s too short to sleep. so is Fall and winter tbh, and I have my doubts about spring… I am so tired.
anyway! you can also hide in Nature’s Veil as a bonus action, making you invisible for a round. it’s kind of like your skill 3, right? you can do this proficiency times per day, and it wont break when you attack, so I guess this is your noble phantasm! well, not quite yet, we still need…
16. Ranger 11: Distant Strike is your penultimate power from your subclass, allowing you to teleport before each attack you make as part of your attack action. additionally, if you attack two different creatures with your attack action, you get a third attack against a third creature.
you can also Conjure Barrage now. I don’t know why you can summon magic attacks in your third ascension, but dammit if it doesn’t look cool.
17. Ranger 12: use your final ASI to max out your Dexterity for the most ac and the most stabby stabbings you can stab.
18. Ranger 13: thirteenth level rangers get fourth level spells. Banishment is neat, it kind of fits in with the planet protector vibe you’ve got going, but the prize here is Guardian of Nature. with this spell, you can turn into one of two natural monsters. the great tree is nice, but we’re here entirely for the Primal Beast, which gives you a faster walking speed, increased darkvision, advantage on strength-based attacks so… whoops on that one, and you deal extra force damage on each melee hit, no marks required. it’s not a huge improvement over other spells you have, but it is all those spells put together.
19. Ranger 14: as a fourteenth level ranger your favored foes take a d8 of extra damage, and you can Vanish as a bonus action. it’s hiding, it’s just hiding. you also can’t be tracked by nonmagical means, but if your enemies are still using nonmagical means by level 19 your DM is doing something wrong.
20. Ranger 15: our final level comes with our final horizon walker goody, the Spectral Defense. whenever you take damage, you can react to gain resistance to that attack’s damage this turn. that’s how you can wear armor and still only have it cover your legs.
you also have Freedom of Movement now. I know you can already teleport, but that’s a once per day thing! with freedom of movement you can break through shackles easily while saving your big guns for later.
Pros and Cons
much like the… can we really call Okita Alter the original here? the “original but not quite completely”, I guess, you’re pretty hard to hit, being able to teleport all over the place. add in your myriad of teleportations and invisibility, and just keeping a bead on you is near-impossible. you also have more ways to gain resistance to damage this time around, though missing out on evasion is pretty rough.
while you’re not a kensei monk anymore, you do still have access to some accurate attacks, thanks in part to your maxed out dexterity as well as your Feat of Strength. sure it only works on one hit, but so do most of your ranger damage will be in that one anyway- the extra attack is really there for consistency.
Rangers tend to do best when focusing on a single target, but you specialize in dealing damage in crowds, especially with cleric providing you Divine Favor to deal extra damage to everything instead of your chosen target. Moving from person to person also gives you even greater mobility than you already had!
part of the reason we went cleric was to get your clunkier armor, but you don’t really have the strength to pull off anything that isn’t completely out-classed by your own dexterity. Cleric has plenty of other goodies to make up for it, but not being able to properly enter one of your ascensions is rough.
your spells are also middling at best, especially if you’re playing to character and mostly using the ranger ones. seriously, Conjure Barrage is entirely there to fill a quota. Cleric has an amazing spell list, but it doesn’t get used much here. if you’re playing at home, definitely feel free to branch out.
you’re a lot slower than the previous okitalter, and while more than sixty feet a turn is a little excessive in most situations, horizon walkers actually have a chance to use that speed effectively- Ethereal Step gives you a chance to fly for a turn, but every foot up or down costs two feet of movement. you’re still going to be faster than most of the party, but just barely.
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typemoonconfessions · 2 years ago
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basemondo · 1 year ago
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Okita Souji Alter (Alter Ego)
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writer-and-artist27 · 1 year ago
Or, when trying to return to some emotional balance, the author tries to fit in as many GudaGuda Servants as possible in one shorter-than-usual chapter with the advent of the GudaGuda 5 rerun and the newly release GudaGuda 6 events in FGO NA as of last November.
Took some rewatching of the 2003 Teen Titans too, just to make it happen. WITH some small Pokemon speak shoved in for the mini-Nobu.
Just in time for the story's 3 year AO3 anniversary too... (Nov. 28, 2023)
The episode rewatched the most for this chapter was the aptly named "Employee of the Month", which had this kinda prologue.
AO3 link here. OST playlist here, with the new songs included.
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hasmashdoneanythingwrong · 1 year ago
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Does Okita count as a single mother here?
Did you know:
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asimovforever1 · 2 years ago
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yee-art · 6 months ago
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Based on my friend's thought about Ocha Nobu and I threw up so hard.
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whalehouse1 · 1 year ago
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Okita Alter isn’t a strong servant and is niche in the best case.
Me: Welp, when you get NP3 trying for Mori and then get spooked by her on GSSR, you make do with “alright”.
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dailyfatefigures · 1 year ago
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Desktop Army Fate/Grand Order 4th - Okita Souji Alter by MegaHouse
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boooochi · 7 days ago
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kikaruuni · 7 months ago
[AciD (TAa)] Fate Illustration Book 3 (Fate/Grand Order)
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dingostrash · 5 months ago
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Was reminded of a funny thing and had to draw it badly
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