#Okay but on a happier note FOOOD
chasing-rabbits · 8 months
Oh but on a better note I’m going over to my parents tomorrow for lots of tasty food and maybe watch a movie or play some games idk yet my sleepings sorta fucked itself again.
I have too many dietary issues so food is really a big deal for me now (although things are definitely improving in terms of choice at supermarkets but its still expensive so eh) But there’s this place that does GF vegan cream teas, cakes and they keep expanding to other things. Anyways mostly I just really love their scones especially because they now have a dairy free alternative to the clotted cream & its so good! They also have some savoury items now too. I really want to try their quiches. Usually my mum also gets me some of their mini cake loafs & brownies, the mini cake loafs are the kinda thing you’d expect for a cream tea so not massive but they now do proper sized cake loads actually their pretty fucking big. Oh and we found a place that does a GF Vegan birthday cake that is soo good. It uses more of a chocolate ganache instead of icing and the centre is raspberry it’s not a jam like a Victoria sponge has but its made with real raspberries and its really tasty and fresh. It’s from this place in the UK called Lola’s cupcakes they mostly have pop up stalls that’s how we found them well my brother did when he was in London they had a stand near the station selling cupcake versions of the same thing. Oh and my dad managed to snag some of Aldis vegan ‘not salmon’ its meant to be smoked salmon so heres hoping it tastes good. I find fish stuff is harder to replicate then again it depends I tried some good ‘fish cakes’ before but I tried some vegan ‘prawns’ years ago that were disgusting and some vegan ‘tuna’ that was oddly sweet. But it is one of the few items that is GF. Veganuary kinda sucks now because most of the stuff that comes out isn’t GF but there’s still some gems actually Aldi surprised me with how many items were GF in the fake meat section as prior to this they had 1 fake meat item that was GF now they have many including ‘pulled pork’ which I didn’t expect to be GF at all. I just hope they keep these new lines after veganuary is over cos last year they didnt well some stayed but most disappeared and it sucked and it’s not like it doesnt sell either my local Aldi was wiped out of the vegan salmon and a lot of the other stuff when I went I got so upset so my dad went to the one near him he did however by 3 packs of the stuff so I really hope I like it.
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