#Ok the animatic took a bit longer but the point still stands I have been working at ludicrous speeds
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bunnieswithknives · 4 days ago
My precious baby boy he is so everything to me
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wonderlandhatter · 4 years ago
Will you read to me?
Pairing: Spencer x femReader
Summary: You're feeling unsettled after a case, so Spencer helps you get some sleep and get a smile back on your face.
Word count: 1863
Warnings: fluff (is that a warning idk), mentions of an unsub, feeling overwhelmed after an unsub touches you (just your hand and waist nothing in detail). Tiny bit of angst I think mostly fluff though
A/N: Ok so this is my first attempt at writing a fic, it ended up being longer than I thought it would be, anyways if you would like to give me some feedback that would be greatly appreciated, hope someone out there enjoys this, I really liked writing it.  Ooh also if I missed any warnings pls tell me. 
A/N2: Hey so my old account got deleted so I'm reposting my fics if you have a sec I would appreciate it if you could boost it so i can try and get to where i was, thank you.
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It had been a tough case, especially for you, the victimology fit you in every way and so you had been used to draw the unsub out, nothing had gone wrong but you could still feel his hand where he had touched yours, his alluring presence was lingering around you , all you wanted to do was go home and shower this feeling off but first you had to get there.
Unfortunately, there was still 2 hours left in the flight. So, until you did get home you would settle for sleep hoping time would pass faster, though you just couldn’t stop your mind from thinking, well overthinking. Spencer noticed this and it hurt him to see you like this he himself knew nothing had happened but he didn’t like the thought that you had even gone near that creep, to think about what he would have done to you, if the circumstances were different.
He couldn’t imagine what he would do if something had happened, you and him were close, very close, you had first bonded when he noticed your Dr who coin purse on your first day at the BAU, he hadn’t gotten a chance to say anything because at that moment Garcia bubbled into the bullpen announcing that they have a case. but when he saw it again on the jet, he couldn’t resist but to ask if you like the show, you love the show and your face visibly lit up at the mention of it as did his, you both exchanged a few words before Derek piped in to ask if that was the show with the flying phone booth but before Spencer had the chance to correct him, you did. ‘well firstly it’s a Tardis which stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, secondly it isn’t a phone booth it’s a police box.’ Once you finish you simply smiled at him but before he could answer you piped up again early. ‘ ooh ooh and do you want to know why it’s a police box’, Derek honestly couldn’t care less but he couldn’t bare to take away the joy in your face that was brought by this nerdy little show you clearly loved, Spencer might also have been giving him a look that said ‘don’t you dare say no’, so he decided to indulge you, ‘sure kid tell me why it’s a police box’. Spencer saw your face light up even more if it was even possible, and so you began’ So the Tardis is supposed to change in appearance depending on where it  is because of a component that is called ‘the chameleon circuit’ but something happened to it so it no longer works and is stuck as a police box, its explained in the first Dr who series in an episode called An Unearthly child. Oh and…..’ by this time Derek has lost interest and was only half listening but Spencer’s full attention was on you as you talked about something that clearly brought you joy, at this point he decided  to chime in and so you two spent the rest of the jet ride to wherever it was you were going discussing your favourite episodes, plots and Drs. And so, a beautiful friendship began to bloom.
As spencer’s memory of that day came to an end he couldn’t help but be visibly sad at how much of a contrast your feeling were to that day, there was no smile so big you had dimples no hands moving around animatically  as you talked and no interrupting your own sentences as you thought of something else you thought needed to be said. And certainly, no you trying to convince him that David tenant was the best Dr. now there was only an uneasiness about you, you looked sad and in slight distress.
Spencer couldn’t keep sitting there doing nothing, he wanted to take those feelings away no, he needed to take them away, he wanted to go over to you and hold you, place you on his lap and let you bury your face into his cardigan like you had done so many times before on your movie nights, but that wouldn’t be appropriate while the entire team was around, and he didn’t want to make you feel worse by being so forward so instead he stood up from his seat opposite Derek and J.J and made his way to you on  the sofa holding his book, you were sat  in the corner looking so small, holding a now cold cup of tea.
Your mind was anywhere but there so it took Spencer calling your name quietly before you realised anyone was sitting there, and as you saw him all those bad feelings were drowned out by those of joy and love, they weren’t gone but their overwhelming words were dulled, Spencer just had that effect on you, you weren’t completely sure when your feeling changed from hey that’s my friend, to hey that’s my friend who I would like to kiss, marry, and have babies with. Maybe it was the day he showed you how to do physics magic, or the day he brought you coffee every morning for 2 weeks because he spilled one the previous day on your white shirt, or maybe the first time he hugged you, you knew he wasn’t big on hugs but after a tough case for everyone he could see you needed it and honestly once he was there holding you he never wanted to stop, after that he wouldn’t hesitate to hug you, you both waved it off as friendly but you both just wanted to be as close as possible, maybe when you came to terms with the fact you would both try your best to have physical contact with each other, be it holding hands or falling asleep on each other’s shoulder is when you knew you wanted a lot more.
You were brought back by Spencer’s voice, ‘are you ok’,’  ‘oh,  ah yeah sorry , my minds just wandering I guess’ you said looking down at your hands feeling bad for lying, he clearly knew you weren’t he was a profiler after all, and as you stared at your hand you   once again remembered his lingering touch on your left hand, before your mind could wander further Spencer held your hand ,he spoke up  ‘ don’t think about him, I know that’s what your doing , but he’s gone now were he cant hurt anyone else, were he can’t hurt you’. You looked away from him feeling silly ‘I know that, I don’t even know why I’m acting like this it’s ridiculous honestly he didn’t do anything he just touched my hand and waist but the thought of his hands on me just makes me feel sick, it’s like I can still feel him and I just want to wash it off and that’s all I can think about every time I try to sleep, I just want to sleep and forget about it spence’ as you said this you subconsciously scratched the back of  your hand where his had been, spencer took both your hands once again before you could hurt yourself,  ‘hey y/n, it isn’t silly, after seeing the crime scenes and knowing what he did to those women it is perfectly reasonable to be feeling like this’ you nod at his words and lean your head on his shoulder as you take in his familiar comforting smell, ‘thanks Spence’ you hear him hum in response as his head leans on top of yours.
You sit in comfortable silence just being with each other not even realising he hadn’t let go of your hand, it isn’t like you had made a move to either, and neither of you were planning on it. The jet was silent as everyone was either asleep, or going through some files, it was peaceful, it was wonderful.
You were the first to break the silence ‘what are you reading’ , ‘Alice’s adventures in wonderland’, you looked up at him from your place on his shoulder with a soft smile and simply stated ‘that’s my favourite book, I have a copy in my desk right now’ , ‘I know, that’s why I’m reading it, ‘ his reason made your heart swell as he continued, ‘even though it Is considered a classic I’ve never actually read it, I must say I am enjoying it’, ‘how far along are you’, ‘about half way’. Truthfully Spencer could have been done with the book already even though he had started it at the beginning of the flight, however this book was different, this was your favourite, this one meant so much to you and so he wanted to take it all in, he wanted that feeling you get when you first read a line that impacts you, a feeling you only get once with that line, a feeling he was getting often in this book because he knew you loved it and so he loved it.
The silence was disrupted by a very large yawn coming from you, he must admit you looked very cute when you were tired (he may also love the fact you were wearing one of his cardigans that you had claimed as your, and you also had very cute sweater paws). ‘Here lie down’ Spencer said, you knew you wouldn’t be able to fall asleep so you asked, ‘will you read to me’ there was barely a beat before you felt the need to justify your request, even though you didn’t need to he would do anything you asked. ‘it’s just I don’t think ill be able to sleep, and your voice is very calming’, the last part you said quietly and felt a light blush on your cheeks, spencer simply smiled and simply answered ‘of course ill read to you’, and so you laid you head down on his lap and he began reading once you were fully comfortable, ‘would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?’’ ‘’that depends a good deal on where you want to get to,’’ said the cat………’’ and so Spencer kept reading to you, an you kept listening, his hand made its way to your hair and began to play with it while your hand drew lazy  nonsensical things  on his leg , and as you heard the words you had read a million times before, and as the man you held so much love for played with your hair all your worries and thoughts melted away and you slowly let sleep take over , you felt conflicted as you didn’t want to miss this, miss Spencer’s voice recite something that meant so much to you, it was like hearing a completely new story, but at some point you let it take over and so you were finally able to sleep, Spencer never stopped reading to you or playing with your hair in fear of disturbing your peace, he was so happy there was a smile back on your face, he would read to you every hour of every day if it meant seeing you smile.
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mi6012stevenhaggie · 6 years ago
Critical Analysis
As with every project, I struggled for a good number of weeks on deciding exactly what to do. As it was stated, that your final project really defines the route you want to take into the animation industry. This really had me worried as I still don't really know exactly what I would like to do.
I decided to go with what I knew, and what I had always been involved in, making a music video. It took me a while to pick a track to use as I had no recent material, having put my music on hold while I am at Uni.
 I picked a track that I thought had lots of strong visual ideas, I had always imagined a groundhog day scenario for the song, where a man sits in a chair all day not really doing much. I used this as a basis to form my idea. The lyrical content links to many different subjects, such as social media addiction, social exclusion, depression, anxiety, agoraphobia, repetitive lifestyle, routine, trapped in the system, simulation, virtual reality and many more, which can be picked out in the lyrics. So I researched these areas, to build my idea on solid foundations, and form some strong visual representations.
 I was keen to build on the compositing module and do some kind of compositing for this project, but the more I planned it out, the more I thought it would work entirely in 3D, but with added composite footage of me performing the song, to the actual animation instead, so the opposite of what I had been doing really.
 Once I had my idea down, I began to plan it out, using all the techniques learnt from previous modules. I broke down the character design and modelling module again, and repeated all the stages of that process to make sure I was doing all that needed to be done. Bible, Colour Sheet, Movement Sheets, Negative space etc. I created two characters, one is a male, wearing large sunglasses, dressed in shorts and t shirt. The other is like the manifestation of all of his fears and worries (demons) which only becomes visible as he visibly becomes worn down by the repetition of his everyday life. I wanted to create the kind of Bill Murray groundhog day effect to it, but I also loved the scene in Westworld, where the man discovers he has been made into one of the hosts. As we see each day repeating for him, living out the same scenarios with the same person, until he glitches and things go downhill pretty quickly. I liked the idea and wanted to bring a little of that into my piece too. As the climax of my video results in the characters environment glitching and a door appears, but the door is just painted on the wall, the character kicks down the wall and reveals he is in fact in a large white space surrounded by other 'sets' where he has been living. He turns to look back into his home, taking off his glasses, we find out that he was just an avatar in a virtual reality scenario for a real human, who is left standing, holding a VR headset in a large white open space surrounded by nothingness.
I created the the T-pose images and modelled the characters using Maya. I was a little rusty with doing a lot of these things so had to watch a few tutorial videos again to recap how to do certain things. I only had to UV map one of the characters for texturing as I intended the shadow like man to be completely black, casting no shadows and reflecting no light, so just a dead blackness, only with 2 eyes reflecting the light. I also think I may render him out separately so that I can composite him n the shots with some transparency possibly, still unsure on that part. I enjoyed texturing my character using UV snapshot in Photoshop, and trying to create a nice looking texture and bump map for him, only a really subtle amount. Feedback from a few people have stated he looks a bit like a Muppet, and I think that works really well for this.
 I created rigs for the characters using Advanced Skeleton again, following the procedures taught to us last year, checking back on last years blog for reminders. I really enjoyed this process, trial and error of getting the joints in the correct places for the movement you desire. Then came the weight painting, I had a lot of problems on my character to begin with, which was really frustrating, I still don't feel I know exactly what I'm doing regarding that area, but I think I managed to do it well enough so that it all works ok. I still need to go and tweak a few areas like the fingers. But the biggest problem was the sides of the beard being affected by the arms. I managed to get through that part in the end though, so that was a huge relief.
 I had 4 sets to design, and used techniques learned from the Game Design to help me plan those out too, sketching and testing out the shapes and sizes of the spaces, and also create the large empty kind of feeling I wanted to go for. The design is also similar to my games design, following quite a creepy and sinister looking environment, dark, dirty and mouldy looking walls and assets. I went by my designs to create the first room, the main set in which most of the action takes place, the sitting room. I intend to make a lot of textures for the walls using the UV snapshot again, and adding peeling wallpaper, mouldy wet patches, etc. Hopefully producing something that looks a little unsettling. I will repeat this process for each room. I am modelling as much as I can, but I may also use a few free download models from websites, which I will give credit for in my notes when I write it all up.
 I hadn't really created an animatic before so this was my first go with that, I drafted out a rough storyboard using biro, and a lot of people commented on how they liked the look of that style. I did too, but its not something I wanted to carry onto the final look of my film really. I edited the storyboard along to the music, to try and structure out the plot of the video, trying to get timing right and to see if it worked. I think it works really well, I was concerned that it all may be happening too quickly and would have liked to linger on some shots a little longer, but having made many music videos I have found that generally they tend to be really quick cuts between shots, flashing things up just to help the narrative advance.  So I am still confident that will be fine.
It will probably mainly consist of scenes with little to minimal movement, until the end sequence, as it is very quick flashes of the repeating scenes each day until that point. Hugo commented that my storyboard had a lot of mid shots and not much diversity in the camera angles. I think I just like to plan out a basic look of the shots, because when I get hold of a camera in 3D space, I know I will be able to find much better angles to represent each shot, so I imagine it will stray slightly from the ones in the animatic, but to something a little more pleasing or disturbing to the eye. Using Dutch angles and slow zooms and pans, I think I will be able to create something quite cinematic. I would also like to try out focus shifts in some scenes, which is something I have never tried in Maya, but will be doing a lot of research on to find out how it works.
 I have done most of the work so far at home on my home PC, just to save bus fares really. But when it comes to animating I plan to use the Uni computers, so I have been a little concerned about transferring my files to the Uni computers as previously I have had problems with all my textures etc. when opening them up. As I have been setting things up in Renderman 22.3 and Gary mentioned there had been issues with it, and that the Uni computers didn't have that version on yet. So I was worried that I may have to reapply all of the textures to everything again. But I will cross that bridge when I come to it, and for now I will just finish the models and maybe finish the texturing off first thing when we come back, after checking out what the situation is with Renderman.
 I have really enjoyed this module and found myself really throwing myself into it and just cracking on, the thought of having a really nice animated music video for one of my own songs, is something I am really excited about. Creating everything from the music to the video, using techniques that I have learned over the last year. I hope to have something very professional and cinematic looking, that carries the message from the song, and bridges that gap between audio and visual for the listener. It will also be great to have something that I could add to my show reel, as an impressive piece of animation work.
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