#Ok actually I wouldn't want any money from something that ugly...
a-flaming-idiot · 6 months
You think the Miracle Kids ever get annoyed that there is just merch of them? Like since they have secret identities, their hero forms are in the public domain so anyone can use and make merch for the heroes. But the kids will never see a cent of the profits made from that.
Like imagine struggling to pay for college, then you see that a company has made record profits from selling your likeness. And there is literally nothing you can do about it without putting yourself and your family at risk.
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canirove · 1 year
The Princess & the Football Player | Chapter 23
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"Happy Valentine's Day, Declan Rice."
"Happy Valentine's Day, your Royal Highness. I'm sorry for calling you this late, today has been hectic."
"It's ok, don't worry. I've also had a busy day getting everything ready for my trip to South Africa."
"I'm gonna miss you so much when you leave..."
"You'll be fine, Declan. With all the games you are playing while I'm gone, you won't have time to miss me. And we'll be in the same time zone, we can keep calling each other."
"Yeah... But if I'm really needy, I'll have you kilometers away, not as close as I have you now."
"If you are needy, you have some of the photos from our Christmas dinner. Use them" I smirk.
"It isn't the same and you know it."
"Do you have early training tomorrow?"
"I sadly do, yes. Were you planning on paying me a visit?" he asks with a mischievous smile.
"Since you seem to be so needy..."
"Urgh, it sucks that we can't see each other on Valentines Day."
"It is like any other day, Declan."
"Yeah, but it is our first Valentine's Day together. I wanted to have a lovely dinner together, maybe watch a movie, then make love until the sun comes out... Those things."
"Those things" I laugh. "But are we back to making love?"
"It's Valentine's Day. You must be romantic."
"And on your birthday we fucked..."
"Because we had to celebrate that I was alive for another year."
"Ok" I laugh again. "So should I expect the same for my birthday in a couple of months?"
"You should. You definitely should" he says, giving me that look that makes my body burn.
"Holy shit, mum!" I say, my phone slipping from my hands and hitting the floor as I get up from the sofa. "Have you never heard of these things called knocking or ringing the bell?"
"I'm your mother, I don't need to do that."
"Yes, you do need to do that. This is my house."
"Whatever. Have you seen this?" she says, showing me her phone.
"Oh, that. They made it official" I reply, looking at a photo of Roberta and Mason.
"You knew about this?"
"Of course I did, mum. She is my best friend."
"So you've been hanging out with him? With a football player?"
"Jesus, mum. Why do you always talk about them as if they were something disgusting? Did one of them break your heart as a teen or something?" I laugh.
"Don't be silly" she scoffs. "Have you been hanging out with him, yes or no?"
"I have, mum" I say, rolling my eyes. "Mason is a really nice guy, and he makes Roberta very happy."
"Mason. What type of name is that?" she chuckles.
"Oh my God, mum. Who cares?"
"I do. And I don't like you mingling with football players."
"They are just a bunch of spoiled kids with too much money who spend it on ugly cars, uglier clothes and cheating on their wives."
"Oh wow" I laugh. "You just described half the boys I grew up with."
"Don't compare them, Eleanor. They aren't the same."
"Yeah, that's true. Football players earn their own money with their talent and have an actual job. These kids are just wasting their parents money and doing nothing. If they want a job, they don't have to worry, daddy will give them one."
"You are so... Urgh!" my mum says. "I truly hope the boy you are seeing isn't one of them."
"A spoiled rich kid? Nope, he isn't. And how do you know I am seeing someone?"
"Your grandmother told me when we had a chat on Christmas. But I was talking about a football player, not a decent boy from a good family."
"Decent. You love that word, don't you?" I laugh chuckle. "And you wouldn't say the same if you had been at the parties I've been to."
"Whatever. I just hope you have good taste."
"I have very good taste, mum. Don't worry" I smile.
"Good. And I better go, your dad is probably wondering where I am."
"I doubt it" I say to myself.
"Nothing, nothing. Good night, mum."
"Goodnight, Eleanor" she says before leaving.
"Dec? Are you still there?" I say, picking my phone from the floor.
"I'm sorry you had to hear all that."
"Nah, it's ok. But the day I meet your mum... I fear for my life" he laughs. "Though I think you may be into something when you asked her if a football player dumped her, you know?"
"You think?"
"Yeah... Maybe, I don't know" he shrugs. "But she seems so bitter."
"She is bitter. I'll have to ask around, see if anyone knows something. And again, I'm sorry about everything she said."
"It's fine, don't worry. She may not like me, but I know you grandmother does and she is way scarier. It's good to know I have her on my side."
"It is, yes."
"We are gonna be fine, ok?"
"Yeah" I sigh.
"God, I wish I could be there to hug you."
"So do I."
"Ok, that's it. We are meeting tomorrow after training, clear your schedule."
"What?" I laugh.
"Tell them you don't feel ok or whatever. I know you are very clever when it comes to excuses to sneak around" Declan smirks. 
"Mr. Rice, what are you implying?" I smile.
"Let's meet tomorrow, Eleanor. Here, at my place. We can have lunch together and then just lay on the sofa cuddling for the rest of the day. We'll even turn off our phones so one bothers us."
"That sounds perfect."
"Do we have a date, then?"
"We do, yes."
"Perfect. See you tomorrow, Eleanor. I love you."
"I love you too, Declan."
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Sins & Amends Chapter 51
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Billy Russo x Female Reader (60 part story)
This follows pre- the punisher into the storyline of daredevil, punisher season 1 and beyond
This is NOT Canon Billy. This is decent human being Billy left with bad options over worse decisions
This was also posted to A03 under: WaywardGaPeach. That account and this one is the only place you'll see me post this. If you see it on any other platform/account know it's not me.
Chapter Summary/Warnings: You and Billy are working your way back to each other
It seemed that the tension between Frank and Billy needed you in the middle for it to finally break. After the blow up at your apartment resulting in you in tears and the two of them finally laying their cards on the table everything started to run more smoothly in your life. 
There was an understanding between them now. You knew Frank couldn't forgive Billy for the past anymore than Billy could ever forgive himself but when you would see the two of them together doing something as simple as drinking a beer you had hope for the thought of having them both in your future.
There were still times that doubt reared it's ugly head into your mind. You'd had to push back going car shop because you'd had to cover someone's shift at work then Frank and Billy had both been working so much they hadn't had a full day off.
Karen had offered to go with you but the honest truth like it or not if car dealers see two women they try their best to fuck them over. Wasn't like you hadn't went long without a car anyways. A little longer wouldn't hurt.
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You'd taken the advantage of a rare weekend off to spend a saturday with Adi. The two of you had met Karen at the aquarium which was a must for Adi then ended up going to see a movie of her picking while Karen went to run some errands.
When you put her to bed that night she'd yawned sleepily and asked "Mommy can we see daddy tomorrow?" You thought about it for a second. He should be off since the following day was Sunday.Hell Karen had taken them all lunch while you and Adi were at the movies which had resulted in you getting a text from Frank that read "Well Bill didn't get to see you and little bit so now he'll pout the rest of the damn day" 
Not to mention Adi hadn't seen Billy in a couple days, not due to any fault of his but because his schedule had been insane and so had yours and Karen's so neither of you had gotten a chance to take her by the Homeland office. "I'll call daddy to tell him you want to see him tomorrow ok baby?" She nodded and grabbed Coco "Love you mommy" "Love you too baby"
You pulled Adi's door shut and walked into the living room to put away the few toys she'd left out. Your phone was laying on the table so you grabbed it to see you had a text from Billy "If you and Adi aren't busy tomorrow morning I'd love to take the two most beautiful women in New York out for breakfast"
You rolled your eyes even though your stomach flipped slightly before hitting his number to call him back. After two rings he answered "Didn't expect a call but I'm not complaining" you smiled then said "You actually have good timing. Adi told me when I was putting her to bed she wanted to see you tomorrow"
You could hear the smirk in his voice when he said "See me and my babygirl were already on the same page. What about you? Do you want to see me considering Karen is the one that bought lunch" you shook your head because you knew what he was asking even reading between the lines it was clear "I wasn't avoiding you Billy. There's a new Disney movie out and what can I say our daughter loves giving my paychecks to the rat"
He let out a breath that sounded like he was relieved before saying "Well you could've come by before the movies. I would've gave you the money" "Billy you give me more than enough already not to mention what's still in the bank" since finding out about Adi he'd started buying anything she needed and giving you money every time he got paid despite your protests that you could handle your bills on your own.
A silence fell back between the two of you heavy enough you could feel it over the phone. Hard to believe this was the same man you'd spent so much of your adult life with, the father of your child yet now the two of you had trouble talking at times. Hell it had gotten where it seemed talking between him and Frank had become easier than it seemed between you and him.
It was hard being close to Billy and yet having to force yourself to keep enough distance between you and him. You knew he wanted to take things slow to make sure everything was how they needed to be but God a big part of you wanted to tell him the way things needed to be was him there with you and Adi. Not blocks away in that little one bedroom apartment. 
It didn't help matters that he'd told you he loved you every time you talked since the night he stayed with you.It snapped you out of your own thoughts when he said "I'm just glad that taking Adi to the movies is why you didn't come. I was worried it still might be that other thing"
The other thing being how Frank had busted you out over being jealous towards Dinah. You honestly hadn't thought too much about it. After everything that had happened the night he'd stayed at your place and the morning after a part of you that you hadn't even realized was in chaos had calmed.
"Billy I know you meant everything you said. And yes I want to see you" you finally said after a moment and he chuckled "Good.. I'll be over bright and early" "We'll be waiting" you replied with a smile and started to hang up when he said "Goodnight sweetheart. I love you" like every other time he said it you simply said "Night Billy" and hung up. 
You couldn't say you loved him. He knew you did but god it would only make it hurt worse having to go to sleep without him there. You sighed and stood to head to bed. At least you could get some sleep and maybe come morning you could face him easier.
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Billy stared at the phone after he'd hung up. He hated being away from you and Adi. He hated when work drug on, that meant another day he'd go without laying eyes on the two most important people in his life. He hated that he heard you hesitate every time he'd tell you he loved you like you started to say it back but changed your mind.
He clicked his photo album on his phone and scrolled through the pictures of you and Adi. 
One of his favorites was one of Adi where her smile was a mirror of his and she was wearing his leather jacket. The smile might have been his but god that look on her face was all you. She'd been mid saying "Look mommy!" When he'd snapped the photo.
One of his other favorites was one Karen had sent him actually. You were sitting on the couch at your place with Adi curled up next to you. He didn't know what the two of you were doing but you both looked so happy it warmed his heart just seeing it. God he loved the two of you more than life itself. 
He could remember flashes of himself making bad decisions, remember himself doing shit he was ashamed of. Looking at you,the only woman he'd ever loved and his babygirl he couldn't wrap his head around how he'd ever done those things. How he'd put you and Frank's family, everyone at risk. He didn't know how he'd gotten this second chance, not only with you either.
The memory of the way Frank had teased him about quality over quantity when the two of you had first shifted your relationship into more than friends popped into his head and he laughed despite himself. "Man Bill you finally got a good one don't fuck it up" "I don't plan to Frankie. Believe me. I know she's a keeper"
He wanted to be laying on your bed while you curled up on his chest and Adi slept one room over not blocks away from the two of you but for now he'd have to be grateful for the fact that he'd be seeing you both come morning. Life could be a lot worse.
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When you woke up the sun was just creeping through the small crack in your curtain and you started to pull the blanket up and roll over but you remembered that Billy was coming over to take you and Adi for breakfast.
You knew Billy's bright and early had always meant just that so since Adi still had about another hour of sleep in her you figured you could get a shower and pick her some clothes out before he got there.
Once you were dressed in leggings and a sweater dress you simply put enough product in your hair you could wear it down without it blowing away and did simple makeup. You looked cute but not like you were desperate for attention or anything.
You walked into Adi's room to pick her some clothes out for the day and grinned when you saw she was waking up "Hey pumpkin. I got a surprise for you!"  That made her wakeup fully and she was watching you go through her drawers to find clothes "What?" 
You found her favorite cooler weather outfit which consisted of black leggings and a dark pink long sleeve shirt that had two black birds on it that you'd initially bought without thinking until Frank had reminded you of his and Billy's call signs and it seemed that revelation made Adi love the shirt ever more "Cause it's got daddy and uncle Frank on it"
You turned back to her, clothes in hand and heard a knock on the door. "Wanna go see who that is?" You held out your arms as you asked and she jumped into them.
You laid her clothes down on her bed then walked back into the living room "We're coming!" You called out so not only Adi knew whoever was at the door was expecting her but so Billy knew you were both awake.
When you opened the door Billy was standing there with a huge smile. "Daddy!" Adi screamed and both you and Billy had to lurch towards each other so she could make the leap into his arms. 
He walked in with her wrapped securely around him and winked at you "Too bad you're not this happy to see me Y/N" you shook your head and smiled before Adi started asking him if he could spend some time with her. "Actually baby I was wondering if you and mommy could come to breakfast with me and I know you went to the aquarium yesterday but I'm sure if you don't want to go back today we can find something fun because I plan to spend all day with you and mommy"
She smiled back at you "Can we?" You nodded "Sounds good baby. We can show daddy all our favorites spots but first we gotta get you dressed" she kissed Billy on the cheek then held her hands out for you to get her.
You got her on your hip then motioned to the living room "Make yourself at home. We'll be out in a few"
Billy watched as you grabbed everything Adi would need for the day and put it in the little black backpack he knew was for her. You were biting your bottom lip while you did a final mental check list to make sure you hadn't missed anything.
You turned back to look at him where he was sitting with Adi on the couch and smiled. He felt his heart clench at the sight. You looked genuinely happy, like having him and Adi was everything you wanted. He knew the feeling because being with you both made him feel whole like he never had before.
His attention was pulled back to Adi when she asked "Daddy can we go to the aquarium and the zoo?" With those big brown eyes staring up at him it was hard to say anything else then yes but he managed to say "As long as mommy's ok with it I'd love to baby"
You chuckled as you walked over with Adi's jacket in your hands "Aquarium and zoo sounds good to me but first get your jacket on then we need to get some breakfast in you little miss" 
You helped Adi slip her jacket on then she looked up at him "Pick me up daddy!" He gladly leaned down and plucked her up off the floor then looked back at you "Ready to go darling?" He noticed a light blush color your cheeks as you said "lead the way" and motioned to the door.
Breakfast went extremely well. In fact nearly everyone in the diner had commented on how cute of a family you had. Kaitlyn had even insisted on getting a photo of the three of you which you sent to Billy's phone so he'd have a copy. 
Once Adi was through with her pancakes you cut your eyes at Billy and smiled "So daddy zoo first or do you want Adi to introduce you to simba and nala first?" 
That patent Russo smirk had slipped onto his face when he glanced down at her "Baby who's simba and nala?" "The sharks!" She replied with a mirror image of his own look. 
He glanced up at you and you shrugged "She loves the sharks and her favorite stuffed animal is a wolf. She's our child after all" your eyes were glued to the two of them. Spending time with them like this? God it felt like the most natural thing on earth. You'd dreamed about this when you were pregnant with Adi but never would've imagined it becoming reality.
"Sharks it is" he said after a moment and Adi climbed up to stand next to him in the booth as she started telling him all about the aquarium while he listened dutifully only taking his attention off her long enough to pay the bill when Kaitlyn bought it to the table.
After spending hours at the aquarium while Adi properly acquainted Billy with all of her favorite animals the three of you headed to the zoo like she'd asked. You were walking to the penguin exhibit when Adi tugged on your arm "Mommy will you or daddy carry me?"
Billy winked at you then held his arms out "C'mere babygirl. Daddy will carry you" once she was secure against his chest he barely made it ten feet before her head was over on his shoulder and she was fast asleep.
"Yeah I was expecting that" you said as you reached over to pull her hood up on her head. "Well wanna take her home? We can order pizza or I can cook us some dinner and when she wakes up we can watch a movie with her?" You offered hoping he would want to stay while she napped and weren't disappointed when he nodded "Sounds good to me"
After Billy laid Adi down on her bed you pulled the door almost closed then turned to face him with a smile "She'll sleep for about forty five minutes or so" 
His dark eyes watched you closely as he said "Well how should we pass the time then?" You blushed thinking of how many times he'd asked you that in the past then cleared your throat hoping he hadn't seen the initial reaction "Well um we could just talk? Like you've been busy the last week so let's catch up"
His smile was deep enough to reach his eyes when he said "That sounds good to me"
"Alice looks at me. I look at her and we're both like hell no this isn't even anywhere near our job description" Billy's head fell back with a laugh while you told him about a few of the worst calls you'd went to over the time he wasn't there.
"I've always been so proud of you. Even when me and Frank would be deployed I'd tell everyone my girl was working to save the people of New York" you ducked your head at his words because you could feel just how warm your face was "I've done my best to help who I can. Hell I've put Frank back together more times than I can count"
He ran one finger down the side of your face then hooked it under your chin to tilt your face up to him "You have a habit of always pulling people back from the brink. Even at times that they're too stupid to realize it" his eyes flickered down to your lips then back up again to meet your gaze. You smiled slightly before saying "You know you can kiss me if you want Billy"
"Thank god" he mumbled before quickly leaning in to catch your lips with his own. You laughed lightly against his lips "Billy Russo thanking god. I must be special" he laughed "You're talking I must be losing my touch"
When he slid his tongue into your mouth it took every ounce of control not to deepen the kiss further. Thankfully things went any further you heard Adi holler "Mommy! Daddy!" And both of you froze. Billy dropped his head down and chuckled against your neck "Go ahead sweetheart. I'll be right behind you" you left another quick kiss on his lips before standing up to head to her room.
The rest of the evening both yours and Billy's attention was solely on Adi. After she'd woke up from her nap she wanted daddy to play tea party with her and seeing Billy sitting on the floor with a pink tiara on his head while he sipped pretend tea from a cup was a defining moment in your life.
Cooking dinner while Billy helped and played with Adi felt like something out of a dream. After dinner while you bathed Adi Billy had cleaned the kitchen, put Adi's toys away and even had a Disney movie waiting for her.
You somehow ended up falling asleep yourself with Adi tucked close enough between you and Billy that both her head and your head was leaned against his left side. Her head was over on his stomach while yours was against his shoulder.
You woke up when the credit music started playing and blinked sleepily up at him. "Sorry we knocked out on you" you whispered and he shook his head "Don't apologize. I had you both cuddled up to me. Why would I complain about that?" You smiled then cut your eyes down at Adi "Awe she looks so comfy I don't want to move her!" 
You slowly slid off the couch then turned to pick her up, being careful not to grab a handful of Billy's shirt by accident. "I'll be right back" you whispered and he nodded "I'll be waiting"
Billy watched you walk into Adi's room swaying gently back and forth with her on your shoulder. He would've offered to carry her but if he was being honest his left arm was dead from you and her both being asleep on it. Hell the two of you could ask him to cut off that arm and he'd be caught trying it.
He shook it a few times to get the feeling back while he thought over the day. Things had been slowly getting better between the two of you but today showed him just what he'd been missing. He got to spend an entire day with his girls and now had to leave? It didn't seem right.
He was saved from his mind trying to go into overdrive on him by you stepping back out of Adi's room with a small smile. "So I guess you gotta leave?" You seemed almost sad when you asked so he shrugged "I'd ask for the couch but I don't have any clothes here"
"Oh I understand" you said with what he knew was a forced smile. "Can I come by tomorrow?" You rubbed the back of your neck before saying "Um Adi will be at Karen and Frank's. I've got a sixteen hour shift. Six to ten" 
He wanted to offer to come stay at your place with Adi..hell he was her father and had yet to have her overnight. He could understand. The apartment Homeland set him up in wasn't exactly the place he'd want to take her in and out of.
"Well in that case I'll bring you lunch,get dinner with them then I'll come back to the station house and walk you home" when the words left his mouth a smile spread across your face "I'd love that" he realized how late it was getting mixed with how early you had to be to work and tilted his head towards the door "Walk me to the door?" You rolled your eyes but the grin that followed the action told him you liked that he'd asked "Of course"
You waited while Billy grabbed his jacket then he stopped in front of you for a moment. You knew him well enough to know when he wanted to ask something so you said "Go ahead Billy whatever it is"
He looked back towards the couch then cleared his throat "The way you kissed me earlier. It felt amazing but why do you say you want us to be something again and kiss me like that again only to never say you love me out loud?" 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath to keep your voice steady before saying "This is why. I have spent all day with you and Adi. It felt like a fucking dream it was so close to being what I want but now's the part where I have to wake up because you're going to your place and I'm gonna go in there and sleep alone. It hurts being so close to you yet there still being so much room between us. Billy you know how i feel without me breaking my own heart every time I say the words only for you to go home and it not be here"
He nodded those dark eyes never leaving yours before he said "Can I kiss you before I leave?" "Of course" you replied and stepped closer to him. 
The kiss was as if he was trying to pour everything he felt for you into it. You ran your hands up his back feeling the way the muscles moved under his jacket as he deepened the kiss flicking his tongue across your lips for access which you willingly gave.
A low moan fell from your lips when he licked into your mouth at the same time his hands came down to rest on the small of your back holding you flush against him. When both of you finally pulled away your chests were heaving with the force of the kiss.
He leaned down just enough to be eye to eye with you then said "Y/N I love you. You're the only woman I've ever loved. You're the mother of my child. We will be back together hell it's inevitable like Frankie said. Me and you? We were made for each other cause who else could handle us? I don't care if you never say the words to me again because I know you do and sooner or later I won't have to leave but I hope you know my home? It's you and our daughter. No apartment. just the two of you"
You smiled at his words and left another quick kiss on his lips "I'll tell Karen you're coming over for dinner and I'll be looking for you when I get off" he smiled and said "And I'll be right outside the door waiting for you then the very next day you have off me and Frank are taking our lunch hour to go find you a good car if need be" 
Right as Billy walked into the hall he turned around and grinned before saying "Oh yeah Y/N by the way?" 
"What Billy?" You asked with a laugh tugging at your lips before he ever said the next words "I love you beautiful" "Night Billy" "Good Night love. Call if you have any bad dreams" was the last thing he said before stepping onto the elevator.
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mimisempai · 3 years
Wait for me on the other side 2/8
Chapter Summary:
The mystery becomes clearer... or thicker... in any case a strange correspondence is born...
3888 words
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Alone, in the teacher's lounge, Loki poured himself a cup of coffee. His hands were shaking. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.
He didn't hear the principal come in and jumped at the sound of her voice.
"I know about the accident in Vanaheim Square.  Carol and I had to get there because there were students from the school on the bus. Fortunately none of them were hurt. The paramedics who knew you were a teacher here, told us you put up a good fight for that man."
Loki sighed, "But it wasn't enough. I may know first aid perfectly, but it wasn't enough." He paused, his throat tight before continuing, "I have to get back to class."
He headed for the door.
Loki stopped and turned around, Natasha put her hand on his shoulder and said gently, "Do me a favor. On your day off, get as far away from here as you can. Okay? Go somewhere you feel... somewhere that brings you peace."
Loki nodded his head before going on his way.
Mobius left the house and headed for the pickup. Before entering, he slipped a letter into the box and raised the flag, then set off for his work.
At the same time Loki decided to follow Natasha's advice and headed for New Asgard. He drove north of the small village.
The day was clear and bright, with a slight breeze.
He stopped at the small local grocery store where he knew the owners well, to buy his lunch.
He greeted them as they entered the store, "Hi Laura, hi Clint!"
"Hey Loki! Haven't seen you in a while. How are things in the Big Apple?"
Loki shrugged and replied, "Good. I'm getting my bearings little by little"
Clint asked, curious, "What are you doing here?"
"I just needed to get out of the city. Needed the fresh air, and I missed the peaceful life here."
"I hear you, I wouldn't want to come back to the city for anything in the world." replied Laura while bending down.
"What's the matter, honey?"
She stood up straight, a little girl in her arms.
"Hey Lila, how big you've gotten!" exclaimed Loki. "How old are you now?"
"Two." replied Laura. "Say hello to Loki, Lila, you like him don't you?"
"Hi Woki!" chirped the little girl and held out his arms. Loki took her in his arms and pressed a kiss on her forehead. She giggled.
They talked for a few more moments and then Loki headed for the house on the cliff.
Once there, checking first that no one was there, Loki got out of the car and walked through the forest just behind and then went for a long time to admire the lake below the cliff, the wind blowing his long black hair. As the sun began to set on the horizon, he thought it was time to go home, but didn't hurry either.
Just as he was about to get into the car, he noticed the flag raised from the mailbox. Acting on an impulse, he opened it. Inside, there was a single envelope. To his surprise, it was addressed to him.
Loki sat down in the car parked in front of the house, and began to read the letter.
I got your letter. Is this supposed to be some kind of joke?
Because, if so, I don't understand.
Loki frowned as he continued to read.
I am not the "next tenant".
There was no previous tenant.
The house has been uninhabited for over twenty years.
At first I thought maybe you had the wrong place.
But how did you know about the paw prints?
Lok was confused. He pondered for a moment, then reached into his bag to find a pen and paper.
Mobius pulled up in his pickup truck, happy to have finally finished his workday. The flag on the mailbox was up. He opened the box. A letter inside, he recognized Loki's handwriting. He looked at it as he walked along the path to the house. It was from the same address Loki had given him to forward his letter, 105 MacDougal Street - Greenwich Village.
Once inside, Mobius was startled to feel something crawl between his legs. It was the alligator that had left the pawprints. Apparently it had chosen to live here and had figured out how to get in.
Perfect! Now he would have to find out what an alligator might need.
He opened Loki's letter and began to read.
A few hours later, Mobius was waiting in front of the huge building exuding opulence and majesty, overhung by the two familiar letters, TK, Time Keepers.
He smiled as a short, dark-haired man, looking a little younger than him, stepped out.
Mobius shouted, "Casey!"
The younger man, seeing him, exclaimed, "Mobius! What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be busy in your little store."
Mobius replied with a smile, "I'll never be too busy to seek out an old friend and buy him a drink."
Casey answered softly, "I'm really touched."
Then Mobius added sheepishly, "I had to do something in town actually."
Casey laughed and retorted, "It's good to see you." before giving him a hug.
Over his shoulder Mobius saw a woman walk out.
Their eyes met and Mobius whispered, "Ravonna." The woman froze before continuing with a quick step. Mobius watched her go.
"Come on Casey, let's get out of here."
A little later, at a bar in Manhattan, Mobius and Casey are sitting at a table with burgers and beers.
Casey asked him, "So, how's life in your little store?"
Mobius smiled before answering, "Well, it was a challenge starting out on my own, sometimes it's frustrating depending on the clientele, but basically I..."
Casey finished his sentence, "Say no more, you're enjoying yourself."
Mobius nodded, "That's right, I'm also my own master and all in all it works out pretty well."
Casey toasted with his drink can, "I'm happy for you."
"Mind you, I bought a house.."
Casey's eyes widened, "So your business is actually doing really well."
Mobius chuckled, "I mortgaged up my underwear. But I don't regret it."
Casey took a sip of beer and asked him, "You never regretted leaving TK?"
Mobius shook his head, "Even though I know you like working there, this big conglomerate was not for me. When we wanted to create it, it was to give everyone access to quality watches at a fair price, but Ravonna got lost in the process. Does she ever ask about me?"
Casey shook his head, "She's too busy making money, and I don't think she likes me, I thought she was going to fire me today, because I didn't sell enough watches."
"Don't worry, you know her tantrums, she'll be like she used to be tomorrow."
They continued the evening, chatting happily.
Mobius offered to drop Casey off at his house before heading home.
"If you don't mind, I'd just like to mail a letter before I leave."
He parked his pickup around the street corner and walked, looking for an address.
He said aloud, "105 MacDougal Street - Greenwich Village."
Casey, who had followed him, asked, "What is it?"
Mobius looked around, puzzled, and replied, "I'm not sure."
"Who lives there?" inquired Casey, curious.
"I don't really know."
Mobius checked three times, but he was in the right place. Except there was only a recently dug foundation, no habitable building.
He took the piece of paper out of his pocket. The last letter from Loki. The return address was correct: 105 MacDougal Street - Greenwich Village
Mobius stared at the letter because he noticed something odd. It was dated March 31, 2021.
Loki walked through the hallways of the school, examining the new letter from Mobius.
There must be a mistake, I tried to mail the letter in person, but there is no habitation at this address, it's just a foundation.
And the date is wrong too.
Loki, annoyed, scribbled a note and as soon as class was over, he went to put the letter in the box.
In the house on the cliff, Mobius was reading the last letter received in his kitchen, leaning against the counter.
I received your last letter.
I don't know if you will get the answer, but I want to get to the bottom of it.
By the way, for some reason the mail is not getting through to me. I still have to drive here to get it.
Anyway, all this to say that I didn't make a mistake with the address.
I know where I live thanks!  Ok, it's ugly, but it's not a foundation either.
And I'm not stupid either, it's 2021.
Mobius laughed at what seemed to him to be a foolish joke and continued reading.
Just out of curiosity: what year do you think it is?
On his couch with a glass of wine in hand, Loki studies Mobius' latest note.
It's 2019
Loki laughed, incredulous. Croki looked at him.
He patted his head while thinking, before getting up and walking over to his dresser and from a drawer he pulled out a shoebox full of pictures.
He began to rummage through the photos. He came across a photo he had forgotten about, him as a younger man with his then girlfriend, Sigyn. They were in each other's arms, laughing, in love.
He looked at it for a second, then put it away and continued searching.
He finally found the photo he was looking for. It showed Loki and others, outside at night, wearing T-shirts and jeans, with snow falling around them.
He turned it over. On the back is a date printed by the developer: APRIL 3, 2019.
The wind was blowing hard when Mobius arrived home to find the flag on the mailbox raised. Inside was a new letter from Loki. He picked it up and ran across the road, because the sky was really starting to darken.
While preparing his meal, he read the letter.
Since you don't believe me, I'll give you a little warning.
There was a bad flu in the spring of 2019.
I remember it because it snowed suddenly in early April and for a long time.
After that, everyone got sick.
Mobius rolled his eyes and looked at the calendar, today was April 2.
He continued to read.
So, my mysterious pen pal, if you really are where... or when... you say you are...
I hope you are getting plenty of rest and drinking lots of herbal tea and eating fruit to store vitamins.
Warm milk with honey is also effective. And above all, cover yourself well.
Mobius chuckled, "Snow, right."
He crumpled up the letter and went to throw it away.
As he opened the trash can, he suddenly began to sneeze.
After a few seconds, the realization fell on him and he turned back to the bay window.
A magnificent sight was displayed before his eyes, although the beauty left him indifferent, so shocked was he by the implication of what he saw.
It was snowing heavily.
Stunned by both the cold that was coming on and what had just happened, he went to bed and slept like a log.
The next morning, he went to the snow-covered mailbox, and after struggling with the flap, he quickly slipped in a letter and closed the box, almost as if he was afraid it would bite him. He pulled up the red flag.
Same day - 2021
Loki opened the box, took out the letter from Mobius and then lowered the flag.
He pulled out the letter, which had only one line.
Loki, with trembling hands, took a pen and answered, then put the letter in the box and raised the flag.
Same day, same place - 2019
Mobius stared at the snow-covered box whose flag had just been lowered and it began to scare him a little. Shaken by a sneeze he rolled into a ball and when he raised his head he saw that the flag was up again. He took a step backwards but after a few moments, curiosity being the strongest, he opened the mailbox with great hesitation and took out... his note. The same as the one he had just put there. Slightly disappointed, but also reassured, he sighed and relaxed.
But when he opened the note, he gasped.
April 5, 2021
Loki returned home, a little dazed.
Sensing that something was wrong with his owner, Croki followed him into the living room.
Loki took him in his arms and placed him next to him on the sofa. Croki put his head on Loki's knee and Loki patted his head absentmindedly.
Then Loki took a paper and began to write.
April 5, 2019
Mobius was on his bed, surrounded by used handkerchiefs and still having trouble believing the letter from Loki that had just arrived in the box.
The alligator, that had really taken up residence in his house, was lying at the foot of his bed.
I don't know about you, but I don't even know the right questions to ask. Can you tell me something that might shed some light?
Mobius wandered around the house, thinking, trying to find a connection, when he arrived at the front door and saw the alligator's tracks in front of the door.
He grabbed a piece of paper from the phone and scribbled quickly.
I think we have the same pet.
Let's do a little test, so that we don't always have to wait for the other to answer, let's meet on April 7th at 10am in front of the mailbox.
He went to put the letter in the mailbox. He raised the flag and went home to crawl under his comforter, exhausted by his cold and the emotions.
April 6, 2021
Loki got up early to drive to the house on the cliff, hoping that his mysterious pen pal had answered him.
His heart pounding, he saw the flag raised and ran to the box, opened it and grasped the small piece of paper with trembling fingers.
He answered and put the note in the mailbox.
Is it a dwarf alligator?
See you tomorrow then ;-)
April 7, 2019/2021 - 10:00 am
This is how, two years apart, an extraordinary letter exchange began, punctuated by the movement of a small flag on a mailbox.
M: Hello and yes it is an alligator.
L: Does it rub against your legs as soon as you come in and follow you around until it gets fed.
M: Yes.
L: I named him Croki.
Mobius looked at Croki at his feet and said, "Nice to meet you, Croki."
The little alligator rubbed at his feet as if it understood.
L: Perhaps we could introduce ourselves properly.
I'm Loki, you know that, and I've just arrived as a literature teacher in an institute for extraordinary students.
M: My name is Mobius. I make and repair antique watches. I have a little store called Miss Minute. This is the mascot of my store.
Loki giggled when he read the name of the store and saw the little drawing next to it. A small watch straight out of a 1950s design. It was actually kind of cute.
He took on a serious look as he read the following words.
M: Okay. I'm still trying to figure that out. If two years from now you're living in a building at 105 MacDougal Street - Greenwich Village... that doesn't exist yet... where are you, uh, "now" in 2019?
L: I'm studying for my PhD in literature at the Brooklyn College of the Arts.
Loki stopped writing and looked around before continuing.
L: And now I'm corresponding in an extremely weird way with someone I've never met. Too, too , too weird!!!
M: What's it like in 2021?
L: It's great. Everyone is driving around in flying cars. We all wear metal colored suits and we all have super powers.
Mobius smiled at the joke before continuing to read.
L: Actually nothing has really changed. No. We're moving to 5G and Samsung and Apple are still competing as much as ever.
I'm going to have to leave, I have class this afternoon. I won't be able to make it for three days, my next day off.
But... one thing worries me. What if, by sending these letters, by communicating in this way, we are accidentally altering the course of time itself, thus changing human history forever?
Mobius reflected for a moment before answering.
M: You're right, let's not do that.
Mobius posted the letter and went into the house, Croki as usual rubbed at his feet and started following him around.
"Croki! That's enough!"
He took the alligator in his arms and placed it next to where it used to eat. "You wait here and stop following me."
For three days he repeated the same trick several times until Croki quietly waited actually near his bowl. He gave him a small piece of fresh fish to congratulate him, "Good boy.
Despite what they seemed to have decided, he then wrote a small note and went to put it in the mailbox, which he raised the flag. He just hoped that Loki would still come and check.
April 10, 2021
Loki read the letter again as he entered his apartment, having understood absolutely nothing.
Sorry, I did change one little thing.
Loki closed the door and while he expected to be almost knocked over by Croki who always came to slip between his legs, nothing.
He went to the kitchen and was surprised to see Croki waiting for him next to his eating place.
No need to thank me.
Loki laughed out loud in a way he hadn't in a long time.
The next day, sitting in class waiting for the next students, he was still wondering how he could thank Mobius.
When suddenly appeared shyly on the doorstep, Kamala.
Which was strange, because the bubbly girl was anything but shy, and especially not with him.
Surprisingly, since she knew that he specialized in Norse mythology, she had become attached to him and it was not uncommon for her to linger at the end of a class to discuss with him some point of her reading on the subject.
Natasha and Loki's colleagues had told him that this was the first time since Kamala had arrived that someone had managed to channel her energy.
"Ahem Professor... Loki?" she wore her strange oversized red scarf as always.
"Loki will be enough as always, Kamala." replied Loki softly to her.
"Come in."
She walked over and put something on his desk.
"Um... I wanted to thank you, because you always take the time to answer me no matter when I come and no matter what my question is, so I made you this little something myself."
Loki, touched, unwrapped the small package, he took out a green scarf, obviously hand-knitted, whose workmanship looked a bit like the one the girl was wearing all the time.
He looked up and said in a soft voice tightened by emotion, "Thank you Kamala, that's very thoughtful of you."
"You're welcome! See you later." She left as always with her bouncy step.
Loki contemplated the scarf for long minutes, it had been a long time since anyone had had such a thoughtful gesture for him, and especially for something he had done.
"Congratulations professor."
He looked up at the owner of the voice that had pulled him out of his thoughts.
It was the gym teacher, Thor.
"You are one of the chosen few who have the privilege of being among the people Kamala respects the most. She only gives this kind of personal gift to people she holds in high regard."
Thor leaned against the doorframe.
"I came to invite you for tonight. We're having a movie night with colleagues, the ones you know, at the Bi-frost. Interested?"
A while ago, Loki would have refused, but tonight, perhaps because of Mobius or thanks to him, he decided to accept.
"I'll come, thanks for having thought of me. What movie?"
"You've got mail. After class we'll meet at the door and go together."
A few hours later, they were discussing the movie over beers and burgers. There was Heimdall, Thor, Bruce, Carol and even Natasha the principal.
Carol laughed at the main characters, "Honestly, it's really stupid this match,
falling in love over words, I'd go to her as soon as I knew who she was."
Loki squeezed Mobius' last letter into his pocket before speaking, "I find there is something pure about it. A correspondence, free from social barriers, appearances, free from the past...no need to worry about details. There's something exciting about it."
Loki didn't realize that they were all looking at him, surprised to see him showing so much passion.
Thor elbowed him, "Do you have someone in your life Lokes?"
Natasha looked at him knowingly, "It's hard not to notice that you're writing or reading letters all the time."
Loki blushed slightly, "It's not that kind of relationship, although it's true I've never met him."
"Why?" asked Carol, curious.
"Let's just say it's... complicated."
Seeing that Loki didn't feel like talking about it, the others changed the subject and they continued to have a pleasant evening.
As he left for home later, Loki felt a pleasant warmth. For the first time in a long time, he no longer felt lonely.
He pulled Kamala's scarf tighter around his neck in the cool spring evening. Suddenly he knew how to do something for Mobius.
The next morning, he went to clothing stores in search of what he had in mind.
Three hours later, at the house on the cliff, he put a letter in the mailbox with a small package. He raised the little flag and headed back to town.
April 12, 2021
Mobius had just gotten up, and like every morning since the beginning of this strange correspondence, he went to check for mail and was pleasantly surprised to see the little flag up.
He returned a little later with a letter and a small package.
He opened the package and took out a black scarf adorned with small silver watches. He put it around his neck and sat down with a coffee in his armchair and started to read the letter.
Thank you for educating my little Croki. Here is a little gift to thank you.
Put this on and don't take it off for the rest of the month. It will be cold until the end of April.
Mobius tightened the scarf around his neck and smiled softly.
Mobius, I don't know if what we're doing will change the course of time, but what I am sure of is that it is affecting my life in a positive way, so I don't want to stop.
This connection I have with you has allowed me to reach out to others and for the first time since I left home, I don't feel lonely anymore.
I don't want to stop.
But if you want to, I will, all you have to to is to let me know about it.
In 3 days at 7am I'll come for your answer.
Yours, Loki.
What will Mobius answer? Is he ready to continue this strange long-distance relationship... or rather long-term...? Answer in the chapter 3
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd and english is not my native language I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless🥰
14 notes · View notes
ideocosmonaut · 6 years
Would you rather date someone who had a car or a job? Ehh probably job.
What’s the most important part of a relationship in your opinion? Trust, perhaps?
Have you ever wanted to watch a scary movie with someone JUST to have an excuse to be close to them? Kind of
Be with someone cute and a jerk or ugly and kind? ugly and kind
Name a favorite of each: food, drink, color. Steak, Coke Zero, Gray or black
If you married rich and your spouse gave you $100,000 a week, what would you spend it on? Weekly short vacations. Maybe fly to a city every weekend and go on a shopping spree.
Name a favorite of each: book, movie, tv show. Harry Potter, Robocop, Seinfeld
If your best friend liked your ex, what would you do? I dont have an ex
if you had to choose between being blind or deaf which would you pick? Hmm. Maybe blind. I love art and music but my eyes get me into more trouble than my ears.
Name a LEAST favorite of each: food, drink, color. How boring. Onions, water, yellow
What do you spend most of your money on? Bills
What kind of underwear do you prefer wearing? Boxer briefs
If you were sat on a plane beside your favorite celebrity, what would you do? Probably nothing. Why would they want to talk to me? They’re probably really tired and just want to chill on the ride home. I mean, if I feel brave, maybe I’ll say hi and that I really love their work but that’s about it.
What would you consider to be the biggest insult to yourself? Any... insult?
What are five things you absolutely have to have in your dream house? A kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, a ceiling, walls...
If you could be reincarnated as any animal, which would you chose and why? Some kind of bird
What is your biggest pet peeve? Being wrongfully accused
Do you still watch cartoons? Sometimes
What movies could you watch over and over and still love? 80s and 90s comedies
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? A cop. An astronaut
Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? yeah.
First concert? Flogging Molly, for a big name band. But I went to local shows in school
Tea or coffee? i like both.
Do you think you were well raised? Up until I was a teenager
How do you handle stress? not well. 
Do you hide things well? Not really
If you had to choose between having one family member or 5 of your closest friends die who would you choose? I’d rather not. If I had to... family member. I’ve lost almost all of the good ones already anyway. And my friends are a precious few.
Do you see yourself ever being with someone you’ve been with before? No?
Would you rather live in a tiny apartment with 5 other people or a huge house by yourself that you felt was haunted? Huge house... if I didnt have to keep it up by myself.
How many piercings do you have? 0
Do you see yourself as a “good” person? No. No one is really good or bad. People are people. Everyone has their own ambitions. And a basic desire. People change all the time, nothing is set in stone.
Are your nails painted a dark or light color? N/a
Have you ever order pizza online? yes
What color was the last candle you lit? Cream?
Is there something written on your shirt right now? No
Is there a bookshelf in your room? no.
Do you own a treadmill? nope.
Have you ever signed up for a gym membership? yes.
What color was the last fish you had? Orangey
Is there a garbage can in your room? What color is it? Nah
Have you ever read in the bathtub? No
If you play the sims, do you download custom clothes, hair, etc? I imagine I would
Have you ever put ice cubes in milk? no.
Does your animal sleep with you? N/a
What do you use to remove your makeup at night? N/a
Do you have a favorite TV show that actually isn’t on air anymore Umm maybe. I think most of my favorites are still alive somewhere in TV land
Have you ever bought something off of iTunes? i don’t think so.
Have you ever had to wear a hairnet? nope.
Do you know how many pages the last book you read had? nope.
What day of the week does the laundry usually get done? Saturday
Do you use the Facebook chat often? daily.
Do you have any baby pictures of yourself on your computer? Nah
How many favorites do you have on youtube? hundreds
What channel is the food network? i dont have cable
Do you still write in pencil? sometimes
What brand is your foundation? n/a
What kind was the last chip you ate? Uhh doritos i think
Do you eat onion rings? not often but i love them.
When did you last go to the zoo? years ago
How many cardigans do you own? 1
What is your favorite song to play on guitarhero or rockband? none
What flavor of tea did you last have? Milos
Do you own a robe? yes
What was the last video you added to your favorites on YouTube? An upload of the new Puppet Master movie
Have you ever brushed your teeth and then drank orange juice? yeah
When was the last time you had pancakes or waffles? yesterday
Do you know anyone whose birthday is today? my step-mom
If you died right now, how would you feel about your life? I wouldn't exist so I wouldn't feel anything. That’s an upside. Can you imagine how bad you’d feel if you died? It’s a mercy we dont feel anything after.
Was the last person you texted under 18? no I dont believe any of the people ive texted are under 18
How many pairs of jeans do you think you have? like two
Do you like hoodies? yes.
When was the last time you attended a wedding? May?
Have you had alcohol this week? uhhhhhhhh nope actually
What windows are open on your computer right now? You mean tabs? This, FB, another Tumblr, and youtube
Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? yes Is there anything you are craving right now? affection
What’s the last thing you had to eat? rice and beef
Who were the last four people to text you? my dad, my step-mom, a couple friends
Do you have any morbid interests? nothing habitual
Do you know anyone whose birthday is tomorrow? no.
What was the last thing you found that you thought you lost forever? an earbud cover
Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop for the New Year? no
If you have a Twitter, do you use something else besides the computer to update your tweets? nope
Do you like potato salad? Ive never had one I liked
Who was the last person that apologized to you? my bff. It’s funny that I say sorry a lot but I dont hear it very often. only from him. hmm.
Have you ever driven and ended up running out of gas? no
When was the last time you uploaded pictures from your camera? months ago
Did you do the laundry today? yes
What was the reason behind the last time you stayed up all night? wasnt sleepy
Did you straighten or curl your hair last? n/a
Have you ever been off-roading? yes
Was the last number you added to your cell phone a guy’s or girl’s number? a restaurant probably
Do you enjoy being a tease? kind of. not too much.
Have you ever had a UFO sighting or a sighting of strange lights in the sky? nope.
Who was the last person you caught lying to you? eh i dont recall
How old were you when you were first pulled over by the police? umm 19 ish?
Do you have a webcam that’s built into your computer or did it come separately? n/a
Was there ever a time that you lived on an island? I am an island. Shut up, Ben Howard.
Have you ever made a time capsule? I did in school
When was the last time you drank out of a champagne glass? long time ago
What was the last casino you went to? N/a
Does it flood easily where you live? kind of
Let’s start out blunt, have you had sex in the last 12 hours? nope.
Are you wearing something that belongs to someone else? no.
Does anything hurt on you? my foot
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? maybe
Do you look at the keyboard when you type? sometimes
Does it bother you when people respond to you with one word?   not really
Will you be up before 7:00 a.m. tomorrow? yes, many times
Do you like MySpace? i did back when it was popular.
Do you like glitter? its ok
Is there anyone you’d like to apologize to? my mom
What’s the closest thing to you that’s liquid? 
my... pee?
Are your toe nails painted pink? no.
Will you be in a relationship in 4 months? no... I mean, i doubt it? maybe? who knows.
Are you excited for Saturday? I was until I hurt my foot
What are you listening to right now? Game Grumps
What is the most exciting place you have been to this year? Gatlinburg 
The shirt you’re wearing, does anyone else have it? possibly
Are you gonna be home tonight? yes.
Do you feel awkward when strangers say hi to you? not if it stops there
Are you easily scared at horror films? not easily
If there was a large spider in the room, what would you say? Depends on how large and what kind
Do you have good memories with old friends? of course. 
How are you feeling right now? in pain
Have you ever skipped school just because you were tired? oh yeah
How many friends do you have that have never smoked? a few
Is there someone you used to talk to every single day that you don’t talk to anymore? yes.
Are you missing someone? yes.
Did you have a dream last night? probably, i just don’t remember it.
Is it okay if you kiss people when you’re single? of course, as long as they’re single too.
Who did you last talk to on the phone? my dad
Have you held hands with anyone today? no.
Do you drop your phone a lot? nah
Your last ex says they never even liked you. You say? You dont exist?
When was the last time you saw your father? last weekend
Are there certain things that can’t be joked about with you? Hmm. that’s a tough one. I use humor to cope a lot but I always try to remain within certain guidelines around certain people. it’s a lot to keep up with. Me? I can laugh at almost anything. Im pretty numb to most things. It doesnt come from a place of disrespect, but a need to laugh.
Would you say you’re an understanding person? mostly.
How is your life currently? it sucks.
What are you doing tomorrow morning? sleeping
Do you want to see somebody right now? sure.
How many people have you liked in the past 8 months? just the one.
Have you ever done anything illegal? yes
Would you rather spend a whole day with your mom or your dad? mom
What’s currently bothering you? my foot. looming anxiety over possibly being fired. being totally alone.
Have you thought about an ex today? no.
Are any of your friends taller than you? yes.
Did you do anything productive today? yes.
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? To relive certain things, maybe. Barry Allen taught me not to fuck with the timeline
Today, did you hug a person you have feelings for? no
Do you wish at 11:11? nah
Are you currently in a relationship? no
Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? apparently they are everything
Think of the last person who said “I love you” to you. Do you think they meant it? I guess. 
Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying? yes.
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? yes
If you could move somewhere else, would you? Depends but im mostly for it
Has a boy/girl called you babe or baby today? no.
How long were you with your last bf/gf? never
Would you ever let a girl/boy put you through hell and back? probably. im ripe for the abuse.
Have you ever gone out with anyone older than you? no
Do you think you will ever be married? probably not
Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? yes. that’s life
Is it possible to be single and happy? temporarily
Last time you wore something that didn’t belong to you? idk
Has anything happened in the past month that made you really happy? aside from food, not really. 
What’s something you’ve always wanted to say to your ex? n/a
How much money did you spend today? $0
Are you a rude person? to people who are rude
Would you ever think about painting your ceiling your favorite color? no. 
What’s something you’re excited for? Cyberpunk 2077
Does cuddling freak you out? A little. I dont like not being able to move
What do you think of maxi dresses? idk
What did the last text in your inbox say? From who? my phone’s in the other room...... >_>
What would you do if you saw a guy hit a girl? Call the police.
Have you ever gambled? yes.
Do you use tobacco products? not anymore
Would you ever go a week without showering? only if i had to
Would you ever date someone with a different skin color than you? Yeah
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sadmachokehours · 6 years
For once I'm not being immature in an argument but yet at the end of it I'll ALWAYS be called a fucking brat and for what? Yeah I was a brat as a kid because I was a fucking kid, I didn't know better. I didn't surround myself with people who I can possibly learn from since I wasn't allowed to have friends or go out. I lack social skills for fucks sake.
What makes me such a brat now? Just because I choose to do things my way? I want to become independent somehow and that involves wanting to try things out the way I want. I'm always taking considerations from you or my parents or anyone around me because if I want to try something, I'll be called stupid and a fucking idiot for wanting to try it out. I'm always afraid of getting put down because I will constantly think about it for hours, days, and weeks. I will choose something that will make me unhappy just so I don't get fucking yelled at or be put down for. So I can please YOU and my parents. But what should I know? I'm just a dumb stupid fucking brat that wants whatever she wants right?
I don't insult you during a fucking argument because I know it will make shit worse and/or it's just pointless and childish. Yet you will say shit like "pls read English...stupid!!!" Asking if I understand. How about you just stop fucking putting me down for once in your fucking life. I always think I'm too stupid and never good enough for anything and anyone. Every single fucking day I hesitate to want to do anything or think I don't have the ability to do it because I'm always getting put down.
You just think of me as sensitive and yeah I'm fucking sensitive. Is that so fucking wrong? I'm a fucking person. Not everyone is the same. Not everyone is like you and shit. But you wouldn't even accept that I'm fucking sensitive yet it's ok for you to say
"I was probably saying what I read and that's normal because IM HUMAN"
I can probably say the same thing too yet get bombarded by "facts" about how I'm wrong and how shit my parents are and what bad luck I have with fucking phones and technology. Yeah my parents are shit so fucking what? At least I didn't give my mom a fucking heart attack, multiple times. Yeah my phones were fucking shit, so what? I TRIED to take care of them, TRIED. It's not my fault fucking technology would wear out and be bad. Who would've known!!!!! The Nokia worked and I was given the Motorola, which STILL works! The myTouch was slow and shitty, so what? It still worked and did it's job as a phone. The Nokia was already a shit phone because I had thought it was the newer one at the time. I thought it was the 1020 or whatever, not the 521 but I still kept it and used it even though it was shit. Then I got the Samsung s6. Yeah it shat out on me after 2 years of using it but SO WHAT. It's not like I DON'T give a shit about my phone. That's money right there and something that I use as a daily drive. Your phones didn't have any problems? GOOD. FOR. YOU. You had the Nokia, the Cingular or whatever that one is, a pink sliding phone, took the sidekick my dad wanted to give to ME but it got stolen instead, the HTC, your note 3, your s7. I don't remember but they eventually broke. The only one that really broke was the s6 and the Nokia 521.
How about my laptops? The first was a Toshiba that eventually slowed down because that's what TECHNOLOGY WOULD DO. Not because I didn't take care of it, but shit happens. Then I got a NOTEBOOK laptop that was cheap as fuck. The battery shat out on it and refused to work unless it was plugged in. Now I have my current laptop and it still works. Where's your iPod? iPad? Laptops? I actually try to take care of my shit so why do you bother to take the time to tell EVERYBODY how AWFUL I am at taking care of my items when all I do is TRY to salvage it and MAKE it work somehow.
I was a fucking brat as a kid. A fucking child. And since I've grown the fuck up, I've been trying to be thankful and grateful for what I have. I don't want my parents to be buying me shit so I use my OWN money to get what I want. Is that being a brat? You refuse to eat vegetables, call me stupid and put me down in conversations, be EXTREMELY passive aggressive when you're mad, and just be an all around bully. So what the fuck is so childish and bratty about me?
All I wanted was somewhat of a resolution without being name called yet you mocked me. I fucking bawled my eyes out in frustration because that's all I'll ever get from you and everyone else.
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I can tell you to stop doing something, you'll keep doing it, and when I yell you'd say "stop acting fucking mental like your mom. All you had to do was ask. Fucking bitch." I DID FUCKING ASK. You just REFUSE to listen! I'm fucking fed up with this shit! And I'm pretty sure since I won't stop being so upset and mad for a while, over how you CONSTANTLY keep belittling me no matter WHAT, I will just be called a stupid fucking brat in the end.
I remember telling you how happy/shocked I was when a teacher or professor or anyone would comment on how they liked my writing but you'd IMMEDIATELY say "your writing is fucking ugly. It's the worst fucking writing I've seen next to Aaron's or Daniel's. Your writing isn't nice at all. Only sometimes." That shit puts me down. And yet I still wonder why I STILL have self-esteem issues. You're not better than my mom making fun of you since you'd still put me down.
I'm not done being mad like you? Well shit, I'm only human right? I'm not the same as you. So if I don't talk to you, it's because I'm going to cry out of anger, frustration, and try to not scratch myself just to get rid of the fucking thoughts about how worthless, ugly, and pathetic I am. All I am is just a stupid fucking brat that's lazy and not doing shit. You know I can't do certain things because of my PARENTS. You, out of all the people, should understand that. You KNOW I can't do certain things because of them yet you still shit on me. I just love how understanding and caring you are!
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