#Oh wait I forgot to make a post with A Shell in the Pit songs like
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somerunner · 2 months ago
Coulda sworn I’ve reblogged more music. Eh. I just reblogged the majority of my old posts/reblogs that had an audio player or Spotify link. Minus a couple ones that might be harder to find or that I didn’t care about, and a couple very personal and religious ones I was tempted to reblog and didn’t.
Anyway. A mutual has responded to my link to the A Night in the Woods’ song “Die Anywhere Else” so I’m gonna put that game in my Steam wishlist.
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cancerousjojian · 6 years ago
peter parker college!au
part 3: college parties ;
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A/N: okay first off, i apologize for taking THREE MONTHS to post part 3 of this au. ironically enough, i’ve been so busy with college that i haven;t had much time for writing. i hope this was worth the wait! thanks for sticking around!
Pairing: Peter Parker x College!Student reader
Word count: 1.8k
part one | part two
You really had no idea how you ended up there.
Only five weeks into your college career and you were already partying in a frat house that smelled like it pumped cologne and testosterone through the air vents. It was all Julie’s fault, actually. She was the one who somehow convinced you to attend with her. She begged you for twenty minutes, explaining how the boy who was throwing the party — who you already forgot the name of — invited her personally and how she had a huge crush on him and really, really wanted to go.
As you sat on the imitation leather couch, you thought about how just weeks ago Julie was barely speaking to you out of shyness. Now she was dragging you to parties against your will. You couldn’t complain too much, though. Despite the overwhelming smell of alcohol in the air and music that was too loud to enjoy, the snacks being served were actually quite good. Frat boys 1, campus cafeteria 0.
You started to zone out for a moment, clutching the plastic cup that started to sweat in your hand. It was only filled with soda, but as you looked across the house at your roommate, you knew she was drinking liquor. She stood, slacked against the counter talking to people you didn’t recognize. She didn’t look intoxicated, she wore a smile you’ve seen so many times before. You made a mental note to keep checking on her sobriety throughout the night.
With a yawn, you rubbed your eyes and checked the time on your phone. It was 11pm, surely the party was not going to be over anytime soon. You drafted a text to Julie; So you drag me to this party so I can sit by myself while you chat up some sweaty jock? You send the text and immediately regret it. Julie was finally breaking out of her shell and you didn’t want to get in the way of her socializing. You send an emoji to lighten your tone. Sorry. That was harsh.
You’re looking at Julie, waiting for her to receive your text when you felt someone sit next to you. You felt your phone vibrate in your lap, surely a reply from Julie. Your mind was somewhere else, though, when you turned your head to see none other than Peter Parker sitting inches away from you. You almost had to physically stop yourself from doing a double take.
You waited for him to greet you first, but when he didn’t, all you could think to say was “Hi.”
Peter’s eyes lit up when he turned to face you. “Oh, hey, Y/N. I wasn’t expecting you to be here.” He offered a weak smile.
You knew he didn’t mean anything by the comment, but it still stung a little bit, like you weren’t cool enough to go to parties. You brushed it off, too content in the situation to be upset about it. “Hey, isn’t it time for your nightly helping of a hearty bowl of tomato soup?” You asked as you recalled the odd circumstances under which you shared your first real conversation with him.
A laugh escaped Peter’s lips. “Actually, yes. I’m honestly pretty bored here. I don’t know why I came.” His smile faded.
“Oh. Yeah. I only came because Julie wanted to come and I wanted to be a good friend, but this whole thing is turning out to be a really bad idea. I think Julie’s on her seventh helping of chips and guac.” You looked over towards the crowded kitchen where your roommate stood, chugging the liquid in her solo cup. She put a hand over her stomach when she was finished, doubling over the wooden island countertop, and a guy you didn’t recognize had his arm lazily slung over her shoulders. She was laughing at something he said. A flash of worry and concern swept over you at the sight.
A lull of silence passed between you and Peter. “I- I’m going to go check on Julie. See you later.” You said the words and got up out of your seat without even waiting for a response. You had to shove your way through a crowd of people to make it to her, where she was intently listening to the guy tell a story.
“Julie,” you put a hand on her shoulder, letting you know you were there. “I think we should leave. You’re really drunk.” You talked lowly so only she could hear, helping her to stand up. When she stood, her body seemed to limp and hang on to you.
She was so drunk she didn’t even argue with you, and as you helped her navigate through a group of college students, she yelled a goodbye to the boy she was talking to. “Y/N... where are we going?”
“Our dorm.”
Julie erupted with laughter. “Oh! Our dorm,” she paused and you could smell the alcohol on her. “Why?”
You finally made it outside, where you planned to walk the short distance back to your dorm where you could safely put your roommate to sleep.
“Because you’re very drunk. And that guy was being creepy. You shouldn’t talk to him anymore.”
“Whaaaaaatever you say!” Julie slurred her words to you as you reached your hall, opting to take the elevator rather than the stairs, which would surely prove to be challenging for your drunken friend.
Your dorm was a mess from the night before, papers and notecards spread out where you and Julie were collaboratively studying. You reminded yourself to clean up after she was asleep. You turned to her, putting your hands on either of her shoulders to steady her and look into her eyes. Her skin was warm to the touch. “Go put on some comfy clothes, please. You need sleep.”
Julie followed your orders, disappearing into her quarters to change. After, you tried to lay her down in a comfortable position. She groaned as you laid her body down, putting a hand up to her head. “I’m nauseous. Y/N, why am I nauseous?” Her voice began to quiver as you saw tears well up in her eyes. You felt your stomach sink and she let out a cry and you tucked the blankets over her body.
“Julie, you’re fine,” you say down at the foot of the cramped bed. “Here, have some water.” You handed her the glass of water you poured for her and watched her sit up, drink the whole thing, and lay back down. By this time her tears were dried.
You were still worried about her, even as she settled down to go to sleep. So much so that when you went to go to sleep yourself, the thought of Julie getting sick again kept you up. A half hour later, you whispered, “Julie?” from atop your bunk.
“Y/N?” She replied right away, much to your defeat.
You groaned. “Why are you still up? Go to sleep!”
“Wow! I could say the same thing to you, you know!” She whisper-shouted at you. You ran your fingers through your hair, the tension increasing. It was comical how much drunk Julie acted and behaved like sober Julie.
If only you had someone — anyone — to help you take care of Julie.
When the idea popped into your head, your tried to repress it. No, no, no. You couldn’t rope Peter into helping you babysit her. That would be cruel.
On the contrary, you did want to see him again, as much as you told yourself you didn’t. And he would probably still be up.
You sighed and shook your head at what you were about to do. Climbing down from your bed, you heard Julie call out after you, asking where you were going. “I’ll be right back, just stay here.”
Walking down the hall, it seemed as though your legs moved forward without you making them. It was only a minute before you were facing Peter’s dorm door. With a weary knock, you prepared what you would say if he even opened the door.
A few seconds later, you were standing in front of a shirtless Peter Parker. “Oh, um, hey Y/N.” He said and you didn’t reply right away, too taken aback to form words. “Sorry, I thought you were Ned.” He reached for a sweater and swiftly pulled it over his head.
“Oh, yeah.” You paused.
It was silent as neither of you spoke.
“So, what’s up?” Peter said.
“Oh! Sorry. Um, sorry to bother you but do you have any ibuprofen or anything? As I’m sure you saw, Julie is really drunk and I don’t know what to do with her.”
“Yeah, I should have some! Just give me a few minutes to look for it.” He smiled softly at you before disappearing into the dim lighting of his dorm. You told him to knock on your door when he found it, leaving to make sure Julie was still safely in bed.
To your ease, she was still sitting up in her bed, quietly humming a song to herself. She heard you return and jerked to turn to face you. “Hi Y/N!”
You barely hummed a response when you heard a knock on your door. Peter walked in with his palm closed, wearing a small smile. “Thank you,” you mumbles, grabbing the medication from him. His hand brushed yours in the process, sending a shiver down your spine.
Julie took the pills without hesitation, leaving you and Peter standing at the foot of her bed in an awkward silence. You thought of anything that would break the tension. “Thanks again for helping me babysit my roommate. I’ll make her buy you a thank you card when she’s sober.”
Peter smiled again, and your heart fluttered at the sight. It was ridiculous how attractive his smile was. “No worries!”
The silence fell again. It felt like neither of you wanted to leave.
“Hey, I was thinking about taking you up on your studying offer. I’m kind of falling behind in biology, and I would love some help.”
Peter’s eyes lit up at your words. He was eager to help you with anything, and that made you feel giddy inside. “Definitely! Meet me at...” he paused to think. “My dorm. Meet me at my dorm tomorrow and I’ll help you study.”
You felt blood rush to your cheeks. “Will do. Thanks, Peter.”
When he left, you paused at the door to ponder for a moment. There was no point in denying your feelings, you were falling hard for him. You silently cursed yourself as you stealthy tip toed back to your bed.
“Hey Y/N?” A voice uttered beneath you.
Your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach. “What, Julie?” The words came out a little colder than intended.
“You’re not in a biology class.” She said matter-of-factly.
“Shut up.” You couldn’t help but chuckle because she was right.
You reached over to turn your desk lamp off. In a sing-song tone, your intoxicated roomate uttered a “Goodnight!” before rolling over and falling asleep for good.
Tag list: @tom-hollands-eyelash @farfromjustordinary @ardentmuse@awk0nduoma @tomhollandismygod @itsanonymouschick
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