#Oh snap now imagine Baby Adam XD
lettherebemonsters · 6 months
wonder how adam and baby would interact
Oh they'd fucking hate each other on sight. They've got MASSIVE egos and both are the end/beginning of their species. Ironically they have similarities, like abandonment and being betrayed and witnessing horrific murder and genocide that probably drove them nuts.
But Baby is like.....BOSS tier 'I'm better than you' and Adam is the same. XD He's not a fascist like Baby is, though. Baby is a Tuffle Fascist (which is why I regularly have his ass beat to a pulp by Goku until he knocks off his shit and grows up.)
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And you just know Adam fucking hates Baby's shrieky voice.
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intothewickedwood · 5 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 2x13 Tiny
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Omg I’ve got a Disney(?) song stuck in my head and I can’t freaking think where it’s from. My mind is telling me it’s actually from Anastasia, so I now feel like I need to watch that whole movie just to find out. Like, I need to know!
This trip must be really exciting for Henry. It’s only his second time out of Storybrooke!
All those hundreds of years away from Bae and Rumple’s still sure he’s alive. I know he used the blood-globe thingy but I mean before that. It makes me wonder if Rumple ever put some kind of spell on Bae to prolong his life. Oh snap, but then and again he can see pieces of the future, so that could explain it!
Wait, why is Regina pretending that she doesn’t know Cora is back? I absolutely believe the theory that Regina isn’t even in this episode- it’s just Cora disguised as her. I know Adam says otherwise but there’s just too many Cora-like things she does, beginning with her denial that Cora’s back.
Oh yeah, poor Colin had broken his leg. Did it happen on set? I can’t remember.
I swear Hook flirts with everyone, including David. I like romantic Captain Charming, especially with Wish Hook but of course my otp is Snowing. I maintain that both Hooks aren’t straight. There’s a lot of tension there with David and you can’t tell me Smee wasn’t in love with him.
That giant with the grey hair is that one guy from George of the Jungle who tried to kidnap George’s Gorilla brother and I can’t unsee it! It’s all I can think of xD! God, I love that movie!
Are the giants all brothers?
“But why do we keep growing them if nobody ever uses them.” *complete silence*
Abraham, you jerk!
Hook: “Why not have your lovely wife torture it out of me, which I promise will be fun for both-“ David: “Why don’t you and I have some fun.” Sure, they’re not flirting at all!
Wrong brother, Anton!
Aww bless Ruby, she visited Belle! She really likes her! You can’t tell me she didn’t have a crush.
Man, that’s so sad what’s happened to Belle. It must be awful to lose your memories of who you were and of all the people you knew.
Why doesn’t Belle want to be called ‘Belle’? Are those her cursed memories seeping through? See, I can’t remember what’s canon but I don’t think Lacey was the cursed persona Regina wanted for her. I think that Lacey was a back up plan but the persona we’re seeing now is the same one she had when she was locked up for 28 years. Otherwise it doesn’t make sense that Sneezy would revert to being Mr. Clarke while Belle didn’t become Lacey.
Poor Belle. Ruby’s so caring <3.  
That one moment where she goes cross-eyed though xD.
James is sexy as hell.
It makes me so sad what happened to James. He didn’t want to become what his father wanted for him. I do wish Robert had managed to kidnap him to be honest. George is not a good man.
Damn, James, that shirt!
I needed more interactions between David and James, especially in the EF.
Wait, Jack slayed a Jabberwock? It must have been the one from ouatiw before she was freed (aka Sam Sharpe from Jeopardy).
I wonder what wise woman gave Jack the mushroom?
Imagine if Emma just threw the shawl in some bin and ran off back to Storybrooke, leaving Runple without his memories. She totally could have but of course she wouldn’t! That’s some trust he’s putting in her.
I guess magic users can’t teleport outside of Storybrooke.
Okay but the way Regina just said “Hello, Hook” was just like how Cora said it at the end of 2x04. This is freaking Cora!!
And she’s asking questions that Cora wants answered and she just admitted that it wouldn’t be wise for Cora to be out and about. I think Hook’s been Cora’d.
Oh, they are all his brothers.
Even ‘Regina’s’ laugh is just like Cora’s!
Oh, Gold. I’ve been there dude. He really needs therapy to help him through all his issues. I hope he saw more of Archie than just the one time. Poor Mr. Gold.
Aww. Your brothers love you, Anton!
Lool. Those giants could just kick James & Jack down the beanstalk.
David trying to explain what is name is to Leroy xD! I wonder why Regina just gave him his actual name as his cursed name.
I love when the town comes together to sort stuff out!
David must be getting some hella rope burns
Nooo!! Dude from George of the Jungle!!
How do these people just so casually climb and descend that god-knows-how-many-foot-high-beanstalk?!
I guess whatever spell Cora casted on Anton to make him small was permanent!
Anton’s got a good heart, offering to grow those beans.
Aww bless the dwarfs, they’re so good with Anton.
Snowing babies <3. Look at them drinking coffee outside together, arm in arm.  
Bless MM. She doesn’t want to leave Emma. My heart!
It’s so good of Emma to reassure Mr. Gold.
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