#Oh i remember this tired from our school years yeah we are totally fine then
baekuras · 2 years
well now that that's all over with and i am only tired and shaking and nauseous and have a headache from crying i literally feel capable of going to work but i also literally can not imagine it
emotions are out for now so nothing has meaning sp i can't judge things just by feeling them out
gut instinct fucking defect
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 308: VIBE: CHECKED
Previously on BnHA: Lots and lots of Shindou idk what else to tell you.
Today on BnHA: Tired Nomad Deku rescues Shindou from Muscular, and us from Shindou. Muscular is all “OH BOY I SURE CAN’T WAIT TO FIGHT DEKU AGAIN AFTER HE TOTALLY KICKED MY ASS THE LAST TIME!! I’M SURE THIS TIME WILL GO DIFFERENTLY SEEING AS HE’S HAD ALMOST AN ENTIRE YEAR’S WORTH OF ADDITIONAL TRAINING, AND ALSO HAS SIX FOURQUIRKS NOW, IN ADDITION TO THE CONFIDENCE THAT COMES WITH HAVING EIGHT OTHER PEOPLE’S SOULS CHILLING OUT INSIDE HIM OFFERING MORAL SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT.” Deku is all, “[kicks Muscular’s ass effortlessly].” Muscular is all, “[gets his ass totally kicked].” I for one am very satisfied with this, and with respect to all, I would like to hereby declare this post a discourse-free zone. I’m just happy to see my son out here making good use of his FOURQUIRKS, and more importantly beating Muscular in less than seventeen pages so we can all go on with our lives lol.
damn Deku since when were you allowed to look this cool
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from this perspective and with the smoke, cape, backpack, and mask more or less obscuring his actual profile, he looks less like a sixteen-year-old boy and more like a grownass man
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we got a glimpse of this in the cleaned-up scan of 307, but seeing both of his eyes looking so distinctively All Might-esque here is... whoa. I mean we know that his face still looks pretty normal underneath the mask and he doesn’t actually have the black sclera, but still, this is an awesome look. mini-Might
lol Muscular
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you and me both. I mean no offense, but yeah
so Deku is just standing there silently
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typical Deku. tight-lipped and expressionless. mum’s the word. quiet as a mouse. silent as a grave
okay no but seriously this is so weird and creepy though you guys. Deku please say something or else I’m just gonna mindlessly say whatever stupid things come into my head in an effort to make things less awkward
so Muscular is all “I should probably make a cool speech about revenge but Horikoshi couldn’t think of anything good so I’m just going to stand here clenching my fist real slowly”
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“I’m not here to go on a monologue” he says, as he monologues about not monologuing
okay you guys I confess I have only read through/watched the Deku VS Muscular fight once because the arm-breaking is just way too uncomfortable for me to revisit. and so as a result, I have completely forgotten Whatever The Deal Is with Muscular’s eye lmao so let me go look it up real quick
okay so it’s a prosthetic, obviously, and he changes it out according to his mood. that part does sound familiar. I just can’t remember which eye is supposed to indicate which mood. don’t tell me I actually have to go back and reread this shit
lol I’m skimming through chapter 75 now and remembering/realizing that I hardly paid any attention to this the first time around because as soon as I found out the villains were after Kacchan my brain was like “TIME TO FOCUS ON THIS AND ONLY THIS NOW AND FOREVER” and yeah. ah memories
anyway so he started out with the flower-looking eye, and then later on he was all
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which begs the question, how on earth could I have ever forgotten the most ridiculous panel I’ve ever read lmao
anyway, but so after all of that, I'm only just now realizing that this isn't one of his previous eye prosthetics in the current chapter; this is an ACTUAL FUCKING ROCK that he's just randomly shoved into his eye socket fkdsjlk
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so basically (1) I did all of that painstaking research for nothing, five whole minutes of my life wasted THANKS A LOT, and (2) what, and I have never meant this more emphatically, THE FUCK
anyway so now he's leaping at the building that Deku is standing on top of. but he’s not aiming anywhere near Deku though, wtf
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lmao okay then. I hope those annoying citizens in the building next door are watching this go down and rethinking their life choices
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just keep standing there pressed right up against the window, why don’t you. “WHAT’S GOING ON THIS SUPER CLOSE COLLAPSING BUILDING IS BLOCKING OUR VIEW.” well, folks, we’ve long since known there’s a critical shortage of hero and villain brain cells, but what we’re learning now is that civilian brain cells are also in short supply
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SO HE’S STILL OUR GOOD, POLITE, WORRIED, CONSIDERATE DEKU UNDERNEATH THAT COOL AND MYSTERIOUS VENEER. for real, thank fuck, because I swear to god if he suddenly started acting like the Dekus in all of the vigilante AUs my interest in this series would have dropped something like 50% lol. just because he dropped out of school and ran away from home and is currently dressed like the physical manifestation of a Linkin Park playlist doesn’t mean he’s not still the WORLD’S BIGGEST DORK okay
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something about making bold, confident statements while obscured in smoke?? idk but damn it fucking works
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more importantly, should you tell him you actually need your copy of Shindou in excel format and not pdf?? on the one hand you don’t want to sound ungrateful, but on the other hand what are you even supposed to do with this
this chapter so far consists of like 50% smoke, but on the other hand Deku VS Kacchan 2 had a lot of cinematic smoke too so who am I to complain
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also it’s good to see that in a very real sense he’s not fighting alone. the Vestiges really did mean it when they said they could appear more easily now. this is on a whole other level
so is this whole next page still En talking, or someone else? because whoever it is sure is chatty
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okay, several things
pretty sure it is En, because he keeps saying “I suppose.” for someone who never said two words until one page ago, this guy sure never shuts up. we can’t all follow Muscular’s lead I suppose. oh my god now I’m doing it too
really like the suggestion of Deku using the SIXQUIRKS like tools in an arsenal, because that’s what he’s good at! it’s almost like he’s been training for this his entire life. “you value quirks too much” LOOK HE JUST THINKS THEY’RE COOL OKAY IS THAT A CRIME
where the fuck did all this rope come from
not gonna ask what the fuck that thing is sticking out from the back of his utility belt. Horikoshi will surely explain this
is that a fucking jetpack. I’m sorry Deku were six fucking quirks not enough for you. you can fucking float??? but JUST TO BE SAFE, LET’S STRAP A PAIR OF ROCKETS TO OUR SHOULDERS IDK
-- or wait, is this all supposed to be like a visual representation of En’s metaphor?? OH MY GOD AM I JUST STUPID LOL, DON’T ANSWER THAT. NEVER MIND. NEW LIST!!
rope = blackwhip
jetpack = float
radio = danger sense
and so I’m guessing that this ridiculously phallic thing is supposed to be a flare or something?? and that = the new quirk, smokescreen. well that was a fucking ride lmao we now return you to our regularly scheduled chapter
so now Deku is floating to his heart’s content and thinking that he’ll just sneak up on Muscular and vibe check his ass or whatever
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okay guys, I'm gonna press pause here for a sec to make a serious note, because I am loving the shit out of this, but tbh I'm having trouble enjoying it as much as I want to because I keep getting anxious thinking about the discourse. I know that a lot of the fandom has very strong opinions on Deku's character development one way or the other, and I want to respect that. but I also really have no spoons to debate this topic at all beyond what I’ve already weighed in on. so if it’s all the same to everyone, I plan on staying out of this discussion, at least this week
anyway! that said, YEAH BOI GET HIS ASS
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dammit Muscular. how many fucking quirks does it take to beat you?! the annoying thing is that even with all of his cool new powers, Deku is still something of a mismatch against him. anyway r.i.p. to all these poor buildings
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you guys have no idea how intrigued I am at the prospect of watching Deku try to play both good cop and bad cop here lmao
anyway so Muscular says he doesn’t know, go figure
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“I’m not here to make small talk or anything” he says as he small talks about not small talking
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are you really gonna talk no jutsu all of these villains from now on?? that last battle really did have a profound impact on you, huh! interesting
you guys he’s really doing it omg
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Deku this guy tried to murder a five-year-old literally just for fun. I mean more power to you, but holy shit you’re really gonna try to defeat Muscular with anger management therapy huh
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but. I have to admit, I do still like that he tried. probably knew just as well as we did what the end result was going to be, but still. he made the effort in good faith and I respect that
uh oh
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why do I get the feeling Muscular just got a whole lot deader
oh my god oh my god he’s doing the “powering up” stance ffff don’t fucking tell me you can still use your fucking arms here, Deku
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okay so basically he’s saying that whatever it was he sensed in Tomura, he doesn’t sense from Muscular. which, yeah, that sounds exactly right. good judge of character here lol
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lmao so apparently this is the belated result of Shindou’s attack from chapter 307?? I’ll be damned. good for you Shindou!! I always liked you buddy. please just take my word on that and don’t fact check that statement
okay lol the one tiny bit of discourse I will allow is that it’s bullshit that he just did that with his right arm. like, I’ll fully acknowledge that. that makes no fucking sense, and I demand an explanation from the Great Plot Hole Filler himself. he’s never let us down before when it comes to continuity so I’m trusting him not to suddenly start now
that said, we love to see a rematch against a boring guy settled quickly and decisively within the span of a single chapter. THANK YOU
I like that Deku implies that his power is being a smart nerd who battles villains using the power of ANALYTICS. he basically didn’t do anything except restrain Muscular and wait for Shindou’s attack to take effect while halfheartedly checking to see if he regretted any of that murder and stuff
(ETA: and almost forgot to mention, he made excellent use of all four of his active SIXQUIRKS. it’s like the chapter title said; this is basically him fighting all-out, and it’s a sight to see.)
also, as cool as the mask was, this just feels right. like, we had our fun, now let us see his face, yes good
anyway, I think this was a good start towards establishing What’s Up With Deku Right Now! so if it’s all the same to Horikoshi, I would next like to take some time to explore Why’s Up With Deku. that, and What’s Up With Everyone Else, Especially Kacchan. por favor
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jae-canikeepyou · 3 years
| adjacent | j.jh
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pair: jaehyun x fem!reader
word count: 18k+ (unedited & not proof read)
summary: jaehyun turns into a golden retriever whenever the day reaches the most beautiful time; golden hour. a secret he kept his entire life & always wonders how long he could keep it, especially when you suddenly showed up.
genre: au + golden retriever!jaehyun + hs!nct
a/n: idk what came to me as i brainstormed this but by now, nctzens and valentines should know jaehyun’s a golden retriever :3 so i decided to write a plot for this adorable fact T^T heavily inspired with fruits basket and beauty & the beast! i really hope you’ll like it. lmk what you think! enjoy reading lovelies! ~j
time was ticking real quick.
he rushed through the bustling people, avoiding the narrow crowds and jay-walked countless pedestrian crossings. he needed to hide. no one should see him transform. there was little time left. why was he so careless each time this happened? his parents and younger brother warned him to be alert at all times. did he listen? no, never did. they compared him to a rock— hard headed and stubborn. but all he ever wanted was to be free.
curses! just a little more, a few metres more! he pant as he tried to catch air. he felt his flesh tingling, his senses doubling and tripling. jaehyun peddled as fast as he could, at least reach the line of bushes by the basketball court. hopping over the plants, he threw his bag aside and jumped off his bike before bracing for the fall.
the now broken bell sounded horrible as jaehyun’s brother caught up to him with his skateboard. “dad’s gonna kill you if you ask for another bike for your birthday.” he sighed looking at the loosened chain while picking up the single-track vehicle and the scattered clothes.
jaehyun transformed to a golden retriever puppy and struggled to come out of the bushes with his tiny paws and body. when he succeeded, he scratched the back of his ears to brush off the leaves stuck to them. “won’t happen, sungchan. i’ve already saved up enough by then. i’m not gonna burden dad for my wants.”
sungchan pressed the bridge of his nose. “you’re kinda being a burden now.” he picked the animal— his brother— up and put him inside his coat, as well as the belongings on the ground. he hopped on the bike and headed towards jaehyun’s campus.
“what did you say?” jaehyun barked tried opening the zipper from the inside of sungchan’s coat.
“nothing.” the younger excused. “but can i have your bike if you actually plan to get a new one?”
“ugh just bring me to the court. i’ll be late for my morning practice.”
the brothers were able to communicate telepathically as they’re related and were both cursed. instead of golden hour, sungchan transforms during the blue hour, which occured at twilight. tracing back to their ancestors, all were cursed for unknown inexplainable circumstances. they tried breaking it with all they could. every idea ended a failure. so they had to live through it, adjust, adapt and be alert.
they bumped into ten, kun and jungwoo, who were doing warm-ups and they simultaneously trailed their eyes and heads towards the jung brothers. seeing the huge pouch on sungchan’s stomach area, they all cracked up and checked the time. “oh yeah, it’s sunrise.” jungwoo spun the ball on his pointer finger.
ten grabbed the pup with one hand and jaehyun barked at him but he couldn’t understand a thing. although he was confused, he continued to carry him in his palm because jaehyun’s response was funny. “what is he trying to say?” he chuckled and poked the pup’s snout.
“he said ‘it hurts. put me down idiot’. i have to be honest with you hyung. holding us by the back of the neck really hurts.” unlike his brother, he was rather calm and collected despite already imagining the pain.
“you’re a blue holland lop bunny. it’s normal to carry you like this too right?” ten showed the pup to sungchan.
kun facepalmed at the question and took jaehyun. “no dimwit it’s not normal. sorry jae. you know he just likes teasing your puppy form.”
“‘wait until i turn back’- ugh seriously do i really have to translate hyung’s words every time?” sungchan gave jaehyun’s clothes and bike to jungwoo. “you know what to do when he transforms back yeah?”
they nodded and upon seeing the kid leave and headed towards his campus, jaehyun couldn’t wait to turn human. he would always beat ten up almost immediately— sometimes forgetting that he was naked. for the dudes it was alright. the problem was if he was with girls, though he hasn’t encountered anyone so far. he hoped he didn’t have to.
the harsh drills from basketball practice already sucked the energy out of jaehyun. not only that it was physically tiring, transforming into a dog twice a day before that have doubled the strain. then him transforming back would cause migraines and painful joints, as they were the aftermath of the curse. he had to keep his title of m.v.p and captain since the told them there was a possibility of him of having a scholarship for college. he couldn’t let a minor pain hinder that chance. not ever.
however, ten and the others could read his suffering. to them it was obvious through his exhales and slowing speed. hiding it was of no use. jungwoo ruffled his hair with a clean towel after shower. “can’t you just be like that dog in the movie ‘up’? have a collar that translates barks into actual language?”
jaehyun rolled his eyes and wore his black t-shirt. “it’s a damn movie, jungwoo. the world might’ve evolved and advanced in technology and even if they were to exist they’d be expensive. can’t afford that.”
“you sound negative, don’t you have any hope at all?” kun joined the conversation.
“never had any. stopping this curse is impossible. it’s been generations. my dad’s still suffering too. i have to find a way.” he fixed his black cap in front of a mirror.
but he knew there wasn’t. silence loomed above them as the team struggled to continue the topic. they tried not to bring it up yet each time they did, it always ended awkwardly and badly. it was either they riled jaehyun’s mood— mostly ten— or jaehyun himself was building his own raincloud by sulking about it and not looking at the bright side.
how ironic it was, he thought. generally speaking, even though being golden had good intentions and the breed was meant to bring happiness to others, he felt the total opposite. if he had to describe it, it was all insecurity, lowered his self-esteem and hopelessness only increased over the years as he grew.
thinking about it, he slammed the locker a little too hard that its components caused it to bounce back.. and also added to fuel of his anger. “break that again you’ll be in the coach’s office.” kun tied his shoelaces and the others agreed.
“my dad is the coach, what do you mean?” he questioned at the stupidity.
“you didn’t show up the last time it broke. we got the punished in your stead. uncle wasn’t happy.” ten got out of the showers last, a towel was wrapped around his waist before the younger ones were scarred for a second.
“it was sunset and i transformed! of all people dad’s supposed to understand! i-” jaehyun rubbed his face quite agressively and headed straight outside.
“oi i’m still changing! wait up!”
jaehyun kicked the bike’s stand attached to the rear wheel. he and his father didn’t have the best relationship compared with other kids, but he could say that it was better than the relationship he had with his mother. she loved her little family, yet over time the curse grew onto her. her husband would turn into a werewolf at full moon. and until now, even though that happened once month, she thought a part of him wasn’t the same person she loved before. even more so, when her sons were just the same as him.
your mom’s delusional! she doesn’t love us! she fears us!
that feeling stayed in the boys’ mind until they were old and mature enough to comprehend the situation they’re in. why couldn’t she love them like any mom would? she was no different from an animal mother abandoning her calf/pup just because they were or had defects.
mr. jung tried his best to be the perfect father, for only he understood what his two sons were going through, as they might go through decades with it, just like he was. jaehyun still remembered his first transformation, he only had puppy paws, but that was a sign to mr. jung that he indeed inherited the curse. when sungchan grew a tail at a fine age of one, their father gave up his 9-5 hour office job to tend the boys. and that was before he became jaehyun’s basketball coach. now he could monitor them at a close range.
much to jaehyun’s dismay and for that reason, he felt more caged and overprotected.
“y/n! coach’s looking for you!” your classmate called.
no.. you groaned. again?..
it was already after school hours. you slouched on your desk as you covered your ears, remembering the errands he asked you to do previously. you didn’t know why, but ever since you had detention because you refused to run a 1600m marathon for an assessment, seemed like the other punishment was that he passed his job to you. that was a month ago, and today was the tenth time.
but curious as you were to find answers, you brushed it off and tried not to show any remorse. it’s all for conduct, you kept telling yourself. the whistle echoed the entire hallway and jolting you up in your seat. “okay, okay! hold on!” you yelled from the back of the classroom.
as coach jung stood rather comfortably outside the room, he gestured you to walk faster with a dimpled smile. “y/n! took you approximately three minutes to walk here.” he laughed and handed you several files and a zipper folder.
“thanks for counting?..” you replied with a confused and questioning tone. “coach, what’s this?”
“all school sports teams will have an annual retreat before their playoff seasons. i need a representing manager since ours was admitted to a hospital just today.” he pointed at the list. you followed his finger and it landed on your name.
“sounds like to me it’s more practice. and you want me to go because?” you raised your brows. he asked you to follow him to the gymnasium, in which it was making you recall all those extra detention after school.
“to make up with all of the p.e assessments you ‘purposely’ missed.” he said proudly while looking at his team doing drills. but he didn’t get any response from you. when he looked on his side, you were gone and ran across the basketball gym. “y/f/n!”
you squealed as embarrassment crawled your entire body. not only were you escaping from coach, you were disrupting the team’s practice and hitting couple of duffel bags and water bottles. “ah! sorry! coming through!”
*whistles* “after her!” coach jung’s voice added an extra chill to your spine.
“ugh why us?” ten groaned with sore muscles as coach gestured to them widely.
“just go.” kun panted.
then you heard a several footsteps turn into drums until they sounded a stampede. you jumped on your toes as you passed the line of showers cubicles. good thing you haven’t seen a naked man, or else you’d faint without knowing. you turned around and went straight ahead then to your right, and hid in a random room. the echoing voices and squeaking friction between shoes and waxed floors were cut to a silence, like your ears were muffled instantly.
your wobbly legs were tired and you were sighing in exhaustion and crouched down against the door. great, i’ll stay out of their sight- “what are you doing here?” you heard a low voice and froze on the spot. “only members of the basketball team can access the meeting room.”
that sounded like the captain.
“did you hear what i just said?” he raised his brows. you slowly lifted your eyes from his shoes to his legs, then to his built and face. “well if you’re a nobody you might as well leave before coach arrives. you interrupted my recording-”
“i heard you jung jaehyun.” you tsked and realised you had the name list on your hand. “ah, as a matter of fact, i can be here because i am part of the team. my name’s on the list.” you grabbed a pen and ticked the empty box on the paper.
what are you saying, stupid?!
“uh-huh..” jaehyun trailed, putting down his camera.
“y-yeah!” you stuttered. “you heard me.”
the door shook by the loud knocks from the other side. on the frosted window, you could see four figures. orange and black jerseys, they must be the team members. “ah! the door’s locked! she’s definitely in here coach!” one said.
“i’ll toss you the keys!” he yelled. oh crap. you were caught in between. your heart patterned with the knocks.
“you look terrified after hearing coach, y/n.” the chair squeaked from the weight. “i’m guessing you’re that troublesome student he has a hard time dealing with recently?”
of course captain knows you. great reputation you have, y/n.
“so? what’s your point?” you stood up to see his amused grin.
“say hello to a term’s detention.” jaehyun waved as the door swung open, revealing ten, kun, jungwoo and.. the coach.
you sighed heavily and dropped the papers. the coach crossed his arms and you lowered your head a little. “you plan to escape again y/n? then i shouldn’t hear any excuses from you. you’ll join us for the twelve day retreat. period.” he picked the papers up and wrote something.
“sir i can’t be with a bunch of jocks for that long!” your whine had the captain blocking his ears. “i have debate finals to attend to.”
jaehyun flinched at the high pitched sound and rolled his eyes. what was your deal? it was rude of you to suddenly barge into athlete’s quarters but judging them for that was even more rude of you. he had to shut you up at some point.
“so much excuses.” he played with his nails and to you he looked more amused than ever. you rolled your eyes at his chuckle and know he would target you from now on. “dad, y/n told me she’s ‘part of the team’.” he played his video that recorded your voice, clearly saying what jaehyun heard.
coach jung looked rather surprised, but his smile definitely screamed happy. “oh? that’s all i needed to hear. welcome, uh- temporarily. i’ll inform mrs. park about the situation.”
nononono- “i did this.” you were at a loss for words. “i won’t be able to compete in the debate.”
“yeah pretty much you made the wrong decision.” jaehyun stood to tower over you. “i’d like to see you suffer our drills-”
four knocks cut jaehyun off. “oh no, she’ll only do those for two days.”
you swifted your head in confusion, seeing coach jung wrote down your schedule on the white board. you were packed and it’s a lot worse than the actual assessment planned in school. “and what about the rest of the ten days?!” you exasperated that your hairtie snapped at the right moment, and your hair fell in sightful way.
“ooh that was hot.” ten commented in soft whisper, causing kun and jungwoo nudge him on the each side.
“she’ll be our manager for the remaining days, keep track of our drills and score points, or other extra things i needed a hand with while taeyang’s in the hospital.”
jaehyun rested his palms on his waist, swirling his tongue inside with a provoking gaze at you. “see if you can keep up, manager.” he chuckled.
you checked the time, it was nearing 5 p.m. “you know what, give me a day to process all this sport thing. it’s close to evening and i have to get going-”
“it’s evening already?” jaehyun cut you off as he looked outside the window.
the sun glistening at the distance while the sky showed a pretty ombré of warm colours. his senses doubled again and his whole body ached. he had to make you leave. it was already enough that his friends knew about his situation. there’d only be more trouble if you knew too.
“uh duh? the clock’s right there.” you pointed.
“hm, anyway you have to leave now.”
“sheesh i was going to anyway.” you rolled your eyes, but felt jaehyun’s palms behind your back. “hey stop pushing!”
“you’re too slow!” his tone changed. different than the usual because panic was what you felt from his palms. “quickly!”
the rest of the boys could tell you were pissed. they couldn’t understand why jaehyun had to make a fuss out of it when all he had to do was to kindly ask you. using force would only cause misunderstandings, like what’s happening now. “hey what’s your deal?!” you flicked his arms. “do you like to push people around? just because i’ll be with the team for the next two weeks, that doesn’t mean you could treat me like this already!”
“tsk so noisy! you’re wasting time! just leave would you?!” jaehyun turned you around towards the door.
this time you wouldn’t budge. “no jung jaehyun i need an explanation with this stupid attitude of yours!” you wriggled off of his hold, pushing him back with pats several times more that he stepped backwards.
“i don’t owe you an explanation!”
“you definitely do?!”
“why can’t you listen to what i say?”
“why can’t you stop being pushy, pushy?”
“you’re the one pushing me! time’s ticking y/n!”
the continuous back and forth of bickers and the war of pushing each other was an idiotic sight. your wrist was in jaehyun’s palms as he gripped you tighter. “i don’t care captain jerk! it wouldn’t bother you or hurt you to just give me one reason- and he slammed the door at my face! argh!”
jaehyun smirked wide and proudly knowing that he ‘won’ argument. silencing you was better than letting you see his other form. the boys stared him once he turned around to face them. “what?” he questioned,
“definitely not the right way to treat a girl.” they all said simultaneously.
“you know how bad it makes me feel when you all said it at the same time?” jaehyun pressed the bridge of his nose.
he knew well enough that this wasn’t his usual self. he’s good friends with you despite being in different teams of the school. you both took literature as your electives. sometimes you’d let him copy your notes when he had matches or leave small appetisers and juice cartons when he was tired and vice versa.
but no matter how close you both were, he couldn’t afford to let you see his other self.
not just yet.
waking up so early in the day to assist the team was way more annoying than birds chirping by your bedroom’s window. instead of hearing their tuneful tweets, you had to endure endless phone calls every minute. you couldn’t remember much from that day because you passed out. and the team didn’t look for you until yesterday.
coach jung waved to catch your attention, only to be greeted with your huge yawn and a disinterested face.
“ah there she is! c’mon now, i got the green light from mrs. park. she agreed that p.e is the only subject you’re likely to fail this semester, so she’s giving you a cool-off from the team and focus on here.”
“yep. heard you coach.” you tied up your hair, only listening to half of what he said. “where’s the captain?”
kun did few stretches & jumps, his expression mirrored the other two boys who were also doing the same. you had a feeling about this— their telepathic gaze and awkward silence. you took a basketball to pass it to ten. “is he still mad about me calling him a jerk? that was a few days ago and i didn’t expect him to be that sensitive.”
they laughed because they couldn’t deny his obvious trait. “he doesn’t show it but somehow you know he is.” ten passed the ball back to you. “but not this morning y/n. he’s late for.. another reason.”
you hopped to catch it yet you were a second late, and groaned as you had to run far to retrieve it. “uh-huh. nature calls in the morning, again?” you yelled.
“do you think she knows about jaehyun?” jungwoo asked the older ones. they eyed you rummaging in the bushes for the ball, later looking back at each other for answers, but no one knew how your mind worked. “it’s been five days and no word from her at all.”
“if she actually does, i guess she just doesn’t want to be involved? i think we can trust her for that.” kun drank from his bottle.
ten didn’t look convinced. “involved or not, we have to make sure she doesn’t tell anyone about jaehyun’s curse. keep an eye on her-”
“ah!” they heard your squeals and ruffles from the bushes. “guys look what i found!”
kun sighed when they saw you running back with a golden retriever puppy in your arms, taking back his words said earlier.
“uh-oh. that scream means she has no clue at all.” jungwoo brushed his hair up.
“this puppy is so cute! i wonder what it’s doing here? are you lost?” you hugged and sniffed into its fur and gosh it smelled like vanilla shampoo. there was a metal collar around its neck, the piece spelled “jj”. “aww it has a name!”
no matter how happy you looked from the boys, they couldn’t help but take a photo of you and ‘puppy’ jaehyun. they had to tell you before it was too late. the golden hour in the morning was shorter than sunset, so either they would tell you straight up, or let jaehyun transform back to human.
but guess what? they were too late. they shouldn’t have second-guessed.
what had happened was way beyond your comprehension. it was in an instant. all it felt in totality was that, you weren’t carrying a puppy anymore. you lost balance and the weight in your arms doubled or tripled, you couldn’t tell. but you knew you were falling backwards. was there to brace for impact? none.
you blinked several times from the orange sunrise blinding your vision from the window. slowly you got up to sit and soothe the pain. that hurt..
here’s the thing. remember you mentally told yourself you hoped you didn’t run into any naked boy in the basketball team’s showers? there you have it. you jinxed it. jaehyun’s figure was on top of yours and you knew he had no clothes on. oh goodness.
“hyung? you forgot your lunch box- oh.” sungchan barged in the scene and everyone could tell he sort of malfunctioned. he froze then facepalmed.
you took turns into looking at the embarrassed jaehyun and at the boys who whistled to avoid the numbers of questions you were going to ask.
kun quickly shielded your eyes where your doubts were showing in your face. and no matter how much thought hard, you just couldn’t believe it. with fear written all over you, you dusted your pants and hands reached kun’s arm to support your weight.
“oh so you shielded her eyes but not my body?!” jaehyun’s voice entered your ears and you swore there was a hint of puppy whimper.
“this is a dream.. right?..” you asked before you fainted.
sungchan managed to save you from the fall. “whoa! ah, i had a feeling something like this would happen.”
“was she always like that?” minnie took a peep of your classroom, her eyes showed confusion. “is she tired?”
lisa shrugged and in her innocence she pursed her lips. “i don’t know. she’s been sighing a lot for the past hour? i wanna ask her but it might be too personal.”
you could her them and they were wrong. it was nothing personal at all. you’ve been sighing because you didn’t know how it was possible but it just happened— right before your eyes. since then you hoped that science could explain but not even the smartest people could give you a conclusion. you’ve been called out from lessons that came in the day and not that you didn’t blame jaehyun.
because for one thing, he at least told you the truth and the answer to your question as to why he had to make you leave that day. you propped your chin on your palms from jaehyun’s warning: “tell anyone i swear i’ll make you run a hundred laps with no water breaks.”
but the other thing? he was naked. and that’s not something you could erase in your memories overnight.
you let out a small whine that led to minnie and lisa copying your position, obviously making fun of you. “seriously, not a good time.” you laid on the table and hid from them. “don’t ask me anything.”
minnie and lisa looked at each other as you were being unreasonable and already gotten them curious with your remark. they both grabbed each of your arm, tugging on your sleeves where they begged nonstop for you tell them what had happened. they knew it was about the basketball team.
since you started to train and be with them, you’ve never complained. because if you did, coach jung would add another exercise for you, in which you knew you couldn’t handle. broken bones and sore muscles awaited for you. so you chose not to utter a single sigh, but you were careless just now and there was no escaping from these best friends of yours.
“c’mon y/n! tell us the deets! you sighing could only mean one thing.. did someone confess to you?” minnie closed her eyes and a wide smile suddenly became shrieks of laughter when you facepalmed. “oh who in the basketball team confessed?” she singsonged.
it’s not really a confession, jaehyun being a golden puppy is a secret that was never meant to be revealed but i happened to see him transform-
“what if it’s not a guy? maybe two? or three? oh gosh this is like a reverse harem anime-” lisa began to hype an awful assumption but you covered her lips. and plus? her voice was loud and how embarrassing it would be when the rest of the class heard it.
you were already restless at their energy. “none you idiots. i was sighing because i didn’t know that people with dimples would be that attractive.” you tried to divert the topic.
“pfft you’re talking about jung jaehyun?” lisa raised her brows and grinned teasingly to get a reaction from you.
“no, i’m taking about coach jung.” you hit her arm.
“but jaehyun’s his carbon copy, so you’re basically saying he’s handsome too.” minnie quickly rebutted.
“i mean, coach’s the original face so he’s definitely more handsome-” you paused. shoot they nearly got you to a corner. “wait- why are we talking about this? i thought we’re talking about me.”
“ah you were paying attention to our conversation?” minnie’s eyes grew.
“you’re not telling us anything dimwit.” lisa hit you back.
couple of squeals echoed the corridor and your classroom door crowded with people. apparently jaehyun stood by the door frame and scanned the room looking for you. when he spotted you, his face bubbled up and literally glided his way to your seat. you could tell he was slightly fuming, but you didn’t know what reason. “y/f/n! come here for a second!” he grabbed your wrists and pulled you up from your chair.
you tried to catch up with his pace as he continued to pull you. “let me go!”
jaehyun did in fact let go of you, but he instead led you to hit your back against numerous lockers. the squeals didn’t stop there and how that you were the centre of attention amongst all of the students, you had endure this for a little while. he was staring into your soul, eyes piercing that could strain yours, you knew he was pissed about something.
he slammed his forearms at the space right above your head, then the screams of giddy began to grow louder. you managed to see your friends at the far end of the corridor. they were smiling and lisa mouthed ‘kabedon’, making you flustered than you already were. “what do you want?” you asked.
“i thought i made myself clear?” jaehyun smirked as he felt you quiver against his skin. he leaned lower that his whispers tickled your ear. “did you tell anyone? your friends?”
“i’m not gonna risk my health for some dumb secret.” you rolled your eyes and crossed arms.
“please it’s not like our training puts your life on jeopardy-” jaehyun butted back.
“it’s safe with me. if there’s anything you’re worried about, just look at your fanbase. you’re making them sad.” you sighed, walking away and through the girls who has been following jaehyun around.
jaehyun exhaled at a rather slow pace. he liked your reaction and was aware of their presence. and in order to shoo them away, he had to do what he did. he just hoped you’d notice that too. “see you after school!” he yelled.
you briefly stopped in your tracks at his greet, you continued walking and pulled your girls away from the scene. you didn’t pay any attention, but you knew they couldn’t contain their smiles appearing on their faces.
the bags full of foldable cones fell to the floor. the rest of the team turned to your direction, who already made mistakes on the first day of camp. they knew that you were obviously flabbergasted with your encounter. it was funny that you managed to stride your way so quickly towards jungwoo— he was very much entertained with your expression. “i know right? that was me earlier.” he stroked the large pup.
“h-how did puppy grow so big? that’s an adult sized dog! you stuttered but hiding your love for golden retrievers just wasn’t possible. there were times you forgot that this was actually jaehyun. “it’s only been a week.”
“yeah i’d like to know the reason too.”
suddenly you heard jaehyun’s voice. it felt like he was close to your ears again, but he wasn’t anywhere near you.
remains of memories probably were still in you head. you wouldn’t say you were traumatised, just surprised. why the hell am i hearing his voice? you shook the thought off at first but then again-
oi y/n. beside you. i’m talking to you!
you gasped and fell on your butt. the pup’s ears were on alert and you knew he was hearing you too. “you can hear me?” jaehyun’s dog form practically towered on your fallen self. you avoided his look although the pup was so cute. his paws poked your shoulders, whiskers twitching as he waited for your response. “don’t look away! you can hear me right??”
all the guys could see was jaehyun staring down at you. and while you did the same, your knitted brows only meant something was definitely going on. they wanted to know. “what’s wrong y/n?”
your lips shook in heavens knows it was fear. “you’re asking me what’s wrong? why can i hear jaehyun? can you hear jaehyun? oh my g- this is really really weird-”
“you can?” they scooted closer to you, very much intrigued with your gift.
“and you all can’t?” you pushed jaehyun away for his body was weighing you down. he whimpered and got up to sit in front of the boys too.
they shook their heads vigorously. “only sungchan and coach were able to hear him.” kun stated, typing on his cellphone to inform his family.
“y/n! let’s talk when i transform back!” jaehyun’s paws kept poking you again. you glared at him with a loud hiss. his ears were alert, he didn’t realise that he was clawing you already, and turned a few rounds before he was laying like a bagel-shaped position.
jaehyun thought it was pretty strange. never in his life were there any people who could actually converse with him telepathically. other than his family, you were the first and he was determined to find out why this impossibility was made possible. there was a spark of hope forming in his heart at this sudden revelation. the glow from the orange light then shone above your head, marking the end of sunrise.
you looked at jaehyun’s dog form, it was- correction, he was.. quiet, and was still staring at you as if you were his master. he laid on this front legs, snout on the ground. huh, he can actually be behaved. footsteps were closing in. at the distance, coach jung walked with lisa and minnie, who were in their cheerleading uniforms. right, you forgot that they were also included in the annual athletes camp.
for a moment you panicked because you knew jaehyun would transform back from being a dog. ten and rest knew more people shouldn’t know about jaehyun’s curse. they were glad you read the atmosphere too. seeing jaehyun’s jersey in his duffel bag, you grabbed it and wore it on the animal.
coach jung made eye contact to your direction. he diverted the girls’ attention, and led them away from the basketball court. they headed towards the storage to “retrieve” some equipment.
jaehyun grunted and growled, his fangs tried to bite your skin. however, goldens were known for having a soft jaw, so his bites weren’t that painful. when you finally managed to put the jersey on him, jungwoo couldn’t catch up. “why let him wear the jersey?” he questioned.
“so he wouldn’t transform back naked when lisa and minnie arrives.” you pointed out the obvious.
ten held his laugh in. you recognised this tone, and prepared what came after. “heh..” he trailed off. “is it because you want to keep jaehyun to yourself?”
you continuously threw random items at him as heat spread to your cheeks. “screw you!” you scoffed. “get jaehyun to wear his pants. i have to pack a lot of things before we head onto the bus.”
“yes ma’am.” ten nudged your shoulder. “i’m kidding y/n. don’t take my jokes seriously.“
“it’s fine.” you picked up the fallen cones. “you’re worried about people knowing his curse. so i’m just doing my part to keep it secret.”
he pursed his lips and his heart softened at your willingness to help. “hm, i guess i can trust you after all.” ten opened the bag to help you pack. “oh! and also, jae in his dog form already is naked anyway.”
“you think i’m not aware of that?” you rolled your eyes.
your friends already have settled themselves inside the coach bus and you were seated in between them. now they would get to witness you with the team and hoped for a budding romance with any of the boys. you lowered your face under a cap to pretend you were sleeping, but in reality you just wanted to avoid lisa and minnie’s bombardment.
few rows at front, jaehyun stared by the window, deep in thought. rarely spoke a word since they started their journey to the retreat campsite. why was his hunch telling him to get closer to you? why could you hear him and he could hear you? he slightly turned to his side between the gaps of two seats. seeing you giggling with your friends had him rethinking if what happened earlier was just his imagination. he wondered why you purposely ignore him after he transformed back.
he slid lower from his seat. “i’d understand if this was a soulmate thing, but it’s not.” jaehyun sighed heavily where he broke the silence and supposedly ending the conversation earlier. now that he wanted to talk about it, his friends were still up for the news.
“oh yeah. those things are going on. except it only happens to some people.” kun popped a chip in his mouth.
“i just don’t get it. dad told me that never occurred to anyone with this curse.” he stole the bag of chips from the younger one to relieve his emotions.
jungwoo’s pursed his lip in wonder. “maybe the curse in another light has its own blessing? maybe you guys are soulmates?”
“nah, impossible.” they all said simultaneously.
“it’s a possibility-” jungwoo’s face soured where wrinkles appeared on the sides as the boys flared at him.
jaehyun shrugged not knowing what to say. his friends have bizarre ideas throughout the journey, and he wouldn’t say they were wrong either. all he could do was to wait until the next transformation. maybe you would say your thoughts about it through telepathy.
he would know if time passed quickly when he didn’t pay attention to anyone. one of them was the number of times you waved in front of his face to snap him back to earth. “jaehyun?” you laid on the ground and called out, panting to catch air after your successful reps. you tugged the ends of his track pants.
“hm?” he hummed, looking for your voice until he got annoyed with your repetitive pulls of his clothes. “ah stop that. i have to report your record to coach. come with?”
“do i really have to?” you whined. “i could barely stand, my legs are wobbly and i’m hungry.”
jaehyun rolled his eyes and took your hand, pulling you up on your toes. “then let’s grab something to eat on our way to the camp, hm?”
you gulped at the sudden gesture, even more so when you noticed your heart beating faster around him. somehow your sixth sense told you your friends were somewhere in the woods looking at you, and you were right.
minnie had her binoculars by her eyes as you and jaehyun headed in another direction back to everyone else were. she held in her excitement with a huge inhale. out of curiosity lisa stole the binoculars from her. a growing smile showed her pearly whites when within its frame, jaehyun was pushing you from the back before he took your hand again because of how slow you were. “min, consider your reverse harem dream for y/n over. we found her leading man.”
“few more reps y/n! do it properly this time?”
jaehyun rubbed his face, raising his tone in question of your athleticism. it was the second and final day of your assessments. your core should be able to get used to the pressure if you’ve done the reps for two straight days. so as of today you salute to all people who persevered and with great stamina. you just.. weren’t that person.
you’ve grown conscious now that jaehyun’s friends were watching a few metres away. you’d prefer kun counting and timing your exercises over him. in contrast, kun’s a little more understanding than the hotheaded jaehyun. “if i say i can’t, shouldn’t you consider stopping here? it’s the last one anyway so put random number on the blank or something.” you struggled to lift yourself up from the ground, arms in an ‘x’ position over your torso.
“is that so? then you wouldn’t mind if i write ‘0’ for the final count?” jaehyun checked the stopwatch while his knees put enough weight on your feet. “at least do five more?” he sat on the soles of his shoes.
“ugh! fine!” you tsked and did sit ups slowly, eyes shut closed.
jaehyun smirked with how determined you were in finishing. and he has gotta credit you for having the last brain cell to endure his overly playful bossiness and plans up his sleeves.
but even his friends has something up in their sleeves. they whispered to each other and nodded heads as excitement already boosted their anticipation. ten cupped his mouth then giving the raised brows as signal to start. “y/n! jaehyun’s recording your expression with his phone!” ten yelled.
jungwoo’s mouth widened and followed along. “jae! there’s a bee behind you!”
the moment you froze and opened your eyes after bringing yourself up, and jaehyun leaned forwards to avoid the insect, was way too hilarious for the guys to see. both of your faces were centimetres away from each other and jaehyun’s ears already tinted pink. jaehyun already found it awkward to help you for three days, but he never prepared himself for something like this.
as his friends bursting out laughing, that was when he realised it was all their plan. you were still too close to him, so he cleared his throat to cut the gap between. “is that a pimple on your nose?” he asked, only for his nose to be smacked and soon be numbed. “agh!”
what the- “jerk! don’t point it out!” you kicked him and rolled sideways to stand up, angrily leaving the area with the sheet in your hands. “i’ll give this to the coach!”
jaehyun held his nose and walked back to the guys, who were still laughing their butts off and rolling on the ground. “you can stop now.”
“oh that was funny! it was like a typical ‘ba-dump’ scene in a rom-com!” jungwoo wiped a tear.
“should’ve recorded it!” kun threw his head back while his hand rested on his heaving chest.
“no worries! at least it’s recorded in jaehyun’s mind!” ten cheered with closed fists.
“it’s embarrassing!” jaehyun threw his towel.
bonfires were mandatory at the start and end of the camp. however, because of your assessment, coach jung had negotiate with the other members of the basketball to get to the campsite a day before the other teams actually arrived at night. so for the kun and the rest, they had a little more free time than jaehyun. and him being the coach’s son.. he didn’t have the same benefits. he was stuck with you because he had to keep an eye on you while
he thought being with you would only be for the first two days, then he would go for his training. and yet here you were, sitting beside him in front of the bonfire while everyone else arrived and other danced to their hearts’ content. maybe he could ask you about the telepathy thing? but figuring you were cranky from earlier, he held back.
“can i ask more about your curse? if it’s okay with you to tell me.”
jaehyun nodded, you had the right to. not because you accidentally picked a random puppy then saw him naked few moments later. you could hear him in your head, and that was enough reason to tell you rather than a general information about it. “yeah. i’m okay with it.”
“you said your ancestors had the curse too. was there any specific reason why they had to suffer that your family and you had to be the..” you paused for a while. jaehyun was waiting for your next words, you guessed it was alright to say it. “..collateral damage?”
“right. i didn’t tell you more of it yeah?” he sniffed from the chilly night. “i don’t know how far back in the years it happened. but they said the head of the family casted out his wife because he assumed he cheated on him. he was the only person the wife ever treasured, so when she was accused, she took his pet and killed it. the head found out, he cursed her that her descendants turn into animals. and we’re the descendants of that woman.”
“that’s awful.” you cleared your throat. “i’m sorry you have to suffer the curse.”
“you don’t have to be. i’m just trying to cope with it.” jaehyun chuckled. “how awesome would it be if there was a way to reverse everything.”
“gotta find the blessing then.” you laid on the grass.
jaehyun’s face wrinkled in disgust. “okay you sound like jungwoo.”
“at least appreciate me for trying to lift your spirits up.”
he hummed in agreement.
“or you can just.. let the blessing find you.” you singsonged as you realised how corny you actually sounded.
“fine, and if it’s you?” he had to give a hint of the telepathic communication.
“because i can hear you when you’re in your retriever form? i’m not exactly a blessing but yeah i’d like to know how telapthy works too.” you stared back at the bonfire, flames flickering as the smoke flew in the air. as of tonight, you wanted to be that person who’d be the igniter of that hope he held on. “if i could help out a little, i’ll be happy to help.”
lisa and minnie stared at you, both had their palms under their chins as if their silence asked you to talk. “i can’t eat when the two of you are like this. it’s very disturbing.” you gripped on your fork, hesitant to eat as you took glances between the food and them.
you knew what they were going to ask. not like you didn’t want to share, it was just that you knew them well enough that they wouldn’t stop once they start. the food was getting cold every second passed, due to the wind outdoors, it was more vulnerable. lisa stretched her elbows while holding her poms to be noticed. five days have gone by and even though you were rarely with them in all those days, she had to ensure you’d tell them about the basketball team and your leading man— although you had no idea about that.
“any updates?” she raised her brows.
“nothing is happening with me or anyone in the team, if that’s what you both wanted to know.” you sighed. “i’m just simply taking down minutes.” you said sternly, kind of regret that you answered her and swirled the noodles with your fork.
“are you sure? twelve members should be enough for that.” minnie tied her shoelaces and bent down with a pressed smile when you pout. she softened her gaze when you were telling the truth and that their teasing should stop there. but they knew that the team should know something about you.
“they’re divided into teams. some did the score board while others practiced on their own. of course i have to be the one- why are you pulling my arm?” you asked and eyed them as if they stained your clothes.
lisa twirled on her toes and posed with her arm rested on her waist. “you’re being quiet again.”
“i’m not?” you said monotonously while you munched on your food.
she sighed and grabbed your chin. “you don’t look at me when you’re lying.” she hummed, yet you didn’t respond. “what’s up y/n? something’s on your mind i can tell.”
in fact a lot of things were.
so far in the week, you’ve helped jaehyun theorise solutions to end his curse after practice. not only for him, but his family and extended family too. some have passed not having to enjoy their lives, while others chose to hide themselves from the world. and a small percentage of the family tree actually tried to live through it— that was jaehyun’s family. coach jung was as determined as jaehyun to put a stop into this curse.
not only that thought alone. to you, jaehyun has been rather noticeable. even if you weren’t thinking of him, he’d appear out of nowhere— during your breaks, on your night-walks alone or even heading to the toilet. you’d always bump into him and his presence seemed to be marked in your consciousness now. not that you liked him around, it was just captain was more friendly than others made him out to be. “really, it’s nothing.”
to say that jaehyun didn’t feel same was definitely an understatement. since the start of the freshman year, he knew you were the loud girl with the two hot cheerleaders, but always wondered why you’ve never joined the team. sometimes he would catch you sitting at one corner, dancing along with the routines aside from cheering your friends on as he was heading to practice.
now he took a peek of you eating alone while lisa and minnie showed off their new uniforms. he was about to call you out to help the team, but the girls pulling you almost immediately once you were done had him holding back. “chaeyeon will be arriving soon, and remember the dare was to wear our uniform.” minnie giggled while you begged her to stop, to the point you nearly cried thinking about it. “you agreed to it-”
“i didn’t agree to it! you agreed for me! i had no say!”
jaehyun’s eyes widened at the thought of you in uniform. your yells were getting louder and pitchier. should he be your knight and shining armour? probably not. he’d like to have something to tease you about. for a moment there was silence, he hid behind the corner of a storage building. you were still telling your friends to stop doing what they were doing. but it was two against one, and he knew you were at the losing end.
the door slammed open, your huffs and puffs getting heavier and closer to where he was. jaehyun’s heart beat so fast that when he finally decided to call out your name, you bumped into him and he caught you to prevent you from falling. “i was about to fetch you, manager.”
you felt heat spread your entire cheek because of the attire you were forced to wear. “well you did and i’m here. can we go? my friends are giving me the stares.”
“fiesty, but i think you look alright.” he chuckled when you grumpily walked ahead. jaehyun followed you from behind with his hands in pockets.
what does he mean by that?
lisa and minnie pursed their lips, soon bursting into giddy squeals and continuously fanning each other from what they saw yet the second time. “he was really checking her out.” minnie laughed.
“his ears said it all.” lisa checked her watch on her wrist. “basketball team’s practice match is starting soon. wanna sit in?”
“girl you bet i will.”
even hours later you blew your baby fringes blocking your view. as you flipped the score board and whistles for a time-out echoed the outdoor gym, your friends could tell how uncomfortable you were but they’d do nothing to get more reactions from you. they liked that you entertained them. and what choice did you have? chaeyeon was already taking pictures of you in the uniform you despised wearing.
coach jung briefed the team information on their opponents this season. you wrote down important points, feeling the chill of the early sunset. you couldn’t wait to change into actual soft and comfy clothes, mosquitoes weren’t your friends.
jaehyun listened to his dad repeating the same points- mostly because he got the advice first before others. he heard you hiss several times, you were supposed to jot the notes down. then it got frequent. he tiptoed to see you opposite from him, shooing the bugs away. of course you were still wearing the cheer uniform. he didn’t want to draw attention, so he stealthy walked behind the guys and straight to you.
“trouble?” he asked.
“just a little chilly, that’s all. meeting’s nearly done yeah?” you hugged the file to your chest.
“say so if you’re cold.” he took his jacket off and draped it on your shoulder.
“and who am i to tell to?” your voice challenging him.
he hummed so low that it almost lulled you to sleep. “me. i’m not the captain for nothing.”
you were both busy talking that you and him weren’t aware of time nor anyone else close by. mind you that minnie and lisa were watching the whole thing. you managed to smile even if you were crossed with how you were dressed. like you enjoyed his company.
they couldn’t hear your conversation, nor were your lips were moving. but the body language they saw already proved and confirmed their assumption. they had to tell you. they went straight to you once the meeting was over, and pulled you aside whilst jaehyun was talking about his childhood.
jaehyun raised a brow and chuckled as you were being pulled away. his friends immediately surround him, bombarding him with questions that he wasn’t paying attention to the meeting. “dude, your time’s near.” ten smacked him on the back.
“don’t make it sound like i’m dying, ten.” jaehyun rolled his eyes, but whenever he did, they were always fixated on you. he couldn’t shake off the feeling you were that something to solve the curse.
“be alert than be busted.” ten shrugged, head tilting to where you were. your friends were busy recording you and giggles filled the air. “how are you so calm now jae?”
jaehyun pursed his lips. “with her, there’s no way i’m calm at all.”
“okay now i can’t tell if that answer was from human jaehyun or doggy jaehyun.” jungwoo pointed out.
his friends all looked at each other, jaehyun wasn’t his usual self. it was as if he was dazed but was able to converse with them properly. slowly his naturally peach-like fuzzy cheeks grew more fur, his tail started to reveal. although they were quick enough to hide jaehyun, they didn’t realise the commotion that came afterwards and drew everyone’s attention.
you swifted your head at the boys’ yells and gathering circle, faintly hearing jaehyun’s refusal into whatever they got him into. “stop it! hey!” he hissed.
jungwoo, a little too excited of the drama going on, spotted you looking at them and gestured you to come over too. your friends built up a curiosity and went ahead of you. as for you, you were mentally tired to think of anything.
not until you heard kun’s wavering yet convincing words. “uh.. y’all wanna see magic?” he chuckled nervously as he knew what jaehyun would do to him after all this was over. “quickly because it’ll happen soon!”
you held in a laugh at jaehyun when he was forced to sit down on the grass to hide his tail. “i’ve been trying to master this for months and i thank jaehyun as my participant. who loves animals? give me a name.”
most hands were up and the answers were said at the same time. some didn’t believe him, but others have seen kun’s little magic tricks over the days. so something of a huge scale like this already got them curious than ever.
“ah i hear great ones but i’ll choose dog. now i’ll turn jaehyun into a golden retriever.” he draped a blanket above his friend.
ten and jungwoo bit their lips to contain themselves, holding onto each other as they filmed this once-in-a-lifetime event. the circle enlarged in scale with the poor lad at the center and the golden hour shone over everyone.
“in 3.. 2.. 1..” kun only snapped his fingers then the blanket shrunk in size. your schoolmates were convinced that something was actually happening.
and it was amusing because you were able to hear jaehyun swearing so much in your head.
you let out a giggle. jaehyun was soon surrounded by everyone who wanted to pet him. even your friends went over to the animal. “at least pretend to be happy for them. goldens are known for being clowns.” you told him.
*sighs* “tell kun i’m gonna kill him.”
the silence was all jaehyun ever wanted after the shock he had to go through from kun’s improv few days ago. he’d be thankful for a moment because he actually forgot the gideon hour at the time, but he would soon later be clouded with annoyance that he should’ve been informed beforehand of his actions— not only kun, the others included. they’ve got a part in this too.
his friends seated side by side with bruises and bandages on their faces, jaehyun still giving them the silent treatment. he was cranky about that, yet even more so when there was no progress into finding a solution to his curse. “jae. we said we’re sorry.” jungwoo apologised and felt that he was the only one giving effort to talk to jaehyun compared to kun and ten.
“and i said it’s fine. so stop saying that before i actually don’t forgive you.” jaehyun pressed the bridge of his nose.
after walking up the slope to the cabin with heaves of breaths, you managed to hear their conversation before opening the door. “i refilled your bottles.” you threw them on a duffle bag, not caring whether either of them rolled away. “i have to apologise too, jaehyun. i haven’t come up with anything to help you.” true enough because you couldn’t think straight or have the energy to use your remaining brain cells for that matter.
“ugh it’s fine. i’m not in a rush or anything. not even assigning you to solve within the duration of the camp.” jaehyun squeezed the bottle as thirst continued to drive him crazy, the heat as well, so he removed his tshirt. you averted your gaze and looked elsewhere. maybe you were still a little bothered seeing him half naked after the incident?
ten sought the opportunity and decided to fan the flame even more. “why look away when you’ve seen him already?”
he managed to dodge your hits and you turned around embarrassed. jaehyun could see you fanning yourself from the heat. “it was an accident!” you cleared your throat.
“gah i’m tired. we’re done with practice. we get a day off tomorrow, so can’t we watch a movie? who has disney plus?” jungwoo wiped himself with a towel.
“i do.” kun brought out his ipad. “what do you wanna watch?”
“i haven’t watched that one.”
“beauty and the beast?”
“o-kay, i’ll be going now.” you yawned as you began to feel the exhaustion take over your body. “see you tomorrow.”
the door closed and suddenly you remembered a funny memory last halloween when taeil dressed himself as belle. he blended in with the other ladies that you didn’t realise it was him. either it was the wig’s work or just taeil in general. you found it funny when a bunch of young teens become children again as disney’s mentioned.
your phone vibrated with your friends asking to help them out with their practice. “i came to the camp for the basketball team, not you two.” you left a voice mail. all you wanted was to rest up today. not until a certain realisation hit you hard.
because what if?
it hasn’t been that long since you left the cabin when the boys jolted from their positions. their peace and concentration on the movie already ruined by you. “oh my goodness i think i got it?” you slammed the door.
jaehyun sat up and set his phone aside. “you’re saying it a question rather than a discovery. not convinced.”
“will you be when i tell you if it’s based on that movie?” you pointed at the tablet.
he trailed his eyes to the screen then back at you, a more confused expression on his face. “you expect me to find someone to love me so my curse will be lifted?”
“pfft nah kidding, you don’t seem that loveable anyway.” you stole a lollipop from ten. “okay bye for reals.”
as the door closed, ten unwrapped another lollipop. “bet you he’s thinking of his potential ‘belle’.” ten nudged the boys.
“shut up. i’m not going to base my life on a fictional movie.”
“but it could be y/n. i mean she can hear you.” jungwoo paused the film.
“it’s not going to be her and it doesn’t prove anything.”
jaehyun thought a lot for two things— you keeping his hopes up, the other was you setting his heart in a frenzy and he always hated that feeling. he groaned and dragged himself to bed to place a towel over his face. sure he’ll hold on to that idea you came up with for now. however it didn’t prove on telepathy.
your heart missed a beat when jaehyun waited for you in front of the cabin you stayed at. he thought you bumping into his torso wasn’t a good way to greet in the morning, whereas you feeling some fur on his tshirt as greeting was any different. jaehyun handed you a file and a little note from coach.
while you read it, you could sense jaehyun was staring, like he had something to say. he retracted his lips when your friends appeared behind you with grins annoyingly appearing on their faces. “make it quick captain. we have things to discuss with y/n.”
“yeah sure. i just dropped by to pass this to you. coach said to make copies. i’ll come back after you’re done with breakfast.” he cleared his throat and announced his leave.
“hm. fishy. he could’ve just left it here outside but he seems like he waited for you.” lisa drank from her cup as you all sat and ate breakfast together.
“right? it’s been days he acted that way!” minnie walked back to the table. “he’s indeed a gentleman, but there are times he’s very hard to approach.”
you unwrapped the sandwich and took a bite. “anyway, what is it you guys wanna talk about?”
“lisa will go first. she couldn’t wait.” minnie giggled.
lisa laid out series of pictures of nature she recently took and were indeed beautiful. “oh my goodness they look amazing!” you sat up. “as expected from someone in the photography club. i bet if you submit these to johnny he’ll regret putting you as backup-”
“really?! i took advantage of the retreat and i made sure they were pretty!” lisa interrupted you and placed more pictures down. “these are my favourite! i’m thinking of sending these to johnny instead!”
however your face turned sullen at the next pictures. they were blurry and almost gone, but it was definitely jaehyun at the background, each one showed he was transforming from human to dog. you paused and your heart did the same.
the silence got longer, you knew you had to speak up, but no words came out. “what’s wrong y/n?”
“you can’t submit these to johnny.” you brushed the first batch of pictures aside and bind latest pictures together.
“why not? you supported the rest of them! how could these be not good enough?” lisa’s voice changed in an instant, like you’ve taken away her pride. she sat back with folded arms, her behaviour scared you a little.
minnie slightly wiggled your hand. “hey, are you hearing to yourself y/n?”
“sorry, i know i sound stupid-”
“you are!” lisa huffed where her cheeks blew up. it was cute though.
“but you have to hear me out.” one thing was for sure, your stress levels shot up high if word gets to jaehyun. you had to prepare for the consequences.
“okay, so why can’t i submit them?” lisa sighed.
you held her hand. “it would be alright to, only if these are not in the background.” you said, pointing out a figure at the background of the subject. it all became clear as day to them when they looked closely. “did jaehyun just.. transformed?”
you were surprised with how quick they were able to catch on. as much as you wanted to protect jaehyun’s family curse, things would’ve turn for worst if someone else had noticed it. i’m sorry jaehyun, this is for your own good.
“we believed kun’s ability of illusion and his magic tricks. ten sent us a video of it and it didn’t really occurred to us that the golden was actually jaehyun.” minnie pursed her lips. “if you think about it, he does look like a golden.”
“how is this possible?” lisa asked with a growing smile, but refrained since transforming twice everyday was nothing good anyway.
“i found about his family curse accidentally. he turns into a dog when it’s golden hour, like sunrise and sunset.” you propped on your elbows.
“it’s a curse? poor lad.” minnie gasped.
a rather sad nod caught them off guard. “the coach signed me up to join this retreat. it’s not only for my missed p.e assessments but it was to keep his curse a secret. a-and now that you know, i’ll be damned if word gets to him. so you have to promise me you both don’t say or do anything..“ you sounded as if you begged. that was how much your the friendship you have with jaehyun meant to you.
“and yeah, that’s my answer. the magic trick was just a cover up to hide jaehyun’s dog form.” they listened and were surprised to hear you like this.
your fidgety hands and nervous breathing was too obvious. if jaehyun was just a friend, you wouldn’t act as if he was your- “oh no.” you slumped down on your arms. “why did i..” you mumbled as your feelings for him became clearer to you.
“oh my gosh. you like him! you like jaehyun!” lisa covered her mouth and changed the lingering negative atmosphere.
ba-dump. i..
“then that means your love for golden retrievers doubled!” minnie hugged you.
“no! it’s b-because you’re putting m-me in the spotlight-” you stuttered when they leaned towards you. “i’m gonna go.”
jaehyun flinched even though he was at a distance. your friends were yelling quite excitingly. you were being chased by them and although it was inaudible. he answered his phone as it was ringing for a while. “what, ten?”
“don’t ‘what’ me!” jaehyun tilted his head from his friend’s volume. “jae where are you?”
“i’m at y/n’s cabin and on my way bac-”
“nevermind that. i can see you.”
ten rushed towards him and looked at the cabin. “where’s lisa?” he squinted his eyes.
“just her and minnie chasing y/n out. i don’t know how but they left the door open. what are you doing here anyway?”
he mimicked a photographer’s gesture and pointed at the cabin. “lisa told me her pictures have developed and i’m here to get them.”
jaehyun flicked his forehead. “and you could’ve asked me instead.”
“they’re confidential and i’m shy if anyone sees it.” ten walked to the cabin.
“gross. just get them and head back quickly.”
you lost track of the days that have passed and there was an unsettling feeling that stayed in your chest. had it been two or three? you couldn’t remember. the basketball team’s practice matches and drills were normal. but there was a difference in air lingering around jaehyun. he still talked to you, kept the same gentle smile and was caring as usual. except whenever he did those, it seemed like he was distancing himself from you, creating an imaginary wall just to let you know your limits and boundaries.
you’d like to think it was because of the pressure coach has been giving him since the play-offs were close to date. but, it wasn’t all jaehyun who behaved that way. ten also distanced himself, his gaze pierced against your skull and thinking about it only caused you to have migraines. you were more scared of ten.
coach jung have asked you to help the cheerleading team, saying you’ve helped them enough. the amount of appreciation he had for you was too much, you couldn’t ask him about how jaehyun recently. yet this was all too sudden that your gut feeling told you otherwise. you planned to talk to jaehyun after the day ends. because in all honesty, something definitely happened.
and the boys left you out of it.
approaching jaehyun was harder than you thought. now you’ve realised it, he was always the one who took the initiative and you on the receiving end took the benefits of his kindness. it was supposed to be the other way around, so why were you taking advantage of this?
if having feelings for him was the reason for that, then you’re really stupid y/n. you laid on the grass in defeat from your thoughts and closed your eyes. you decided to have some peace and nature was your best friend in time like these. chirping birds and crashing riverbanks-
“jaehyun where are you?!”
ah crap. you twitched hard enough that swarms of goosebumps appeared on the majority of your skin. on your stomach, you hid behind the bushes to see jungwoo and the others struggling to find him. even at the mention of his name you were already feeling shy and flustered.
“is he skipping practice again?”
“ah whatever let’s just leave him.”
“i understand why he’s like that.”
“even i would feel hurt if i were him.”
a heavy and deep audible breath from their sudden entry was difficult to hide your response. you tried to leave as quiet as possible. not wanting to get caught, you had to move stealthily with few glides backwards on your knees, eyes glued to the boys’ actions if they looked elsewhere. when you felt something blocking the soles of your shoes, somehow you knew what it was.
“you’re blocking my way.” jaehyun’s irritated tone made your chest ache— in the most painful impact you never expected from him.
quickly you stood up and made sure you stayed out of sight from the boys. jaehyun scratched his temple at your awkward behaviour. he was already in front of you, why were you hesitating to ask him questions he left unanswered? jaehyun pulled a long face when you still remained silent. “if you’re not gonna speak when you clearly have something to say, do i really have to say it for you?”
what the hell is his problem? what’s with his tone? “yeah as a matter of fact i do. the thing is, i don’t understand why you’re being like this. you ignore me but still talk to me when i don’t help with the team anymore, and for some reason you’re mad at me?” you grimaced while leaning on a tree trunk.
there was cynism in jaehyun’s nods and the swirls of his tongue evident on his cheeks. you hated his attitude and all you wanted was an explanation. “whatever this is, i’ve got no reason for you to doubt me, jaehyun.”
“ah, really? ‘cause you just gave me one.” he fished out something from his pockets and as you watched, the item he was holding was too familiar and they were obviously not his. he flicked the sheets and that was when you confirmed they were the new pictures lisa developed.
why were they with him? at the pit of your stomach, a whirlwind of emotions and stressing pressure began, and you didn’t like the feeling at all. “what-”
he threw the pictures on the floor. “other than my family and friends you’re the only one who knows about my curse! and at some point you go against my back telling them to picture me when i’m left clueless?!”
right now you were really afraid jaehyun’s mood would attract attention.
you closed your eyes as he raised his voice. “look i have no idea how you got those but i promise you i had nothing to do with the picture-” you insisted and could feel your blood pressure rising.
“how- how could you betray me like this?!”
your heart fell and instead of feeling bad about him knowing, you felt your head ache with so much anger building up inside you. because jaehyun didn’t bother to listen or let you explain yourself.
“i found you in the background before lisa actually showed those to johnny! it would spread if she did! where’s the betrayal in that?!”
he stepped closer to you, your entire was itching to run away. “i don’t care! you still told your friends! you could’ve said another excuse like kun’s practicing his magic trick or something! you promised me my secret’s safe with you!”
that’s messed up. i did tell lisa and minnie but not because it was to mock him!
“kun was no where to be seen in the picture! what else can i do? lie to them? i know my friends more than you do and they won’t tell anyone!” you raised your voice as well.
jaehyun scoffed, rolling his eyes. “i don’t trust them!”
“well, i do! and you should trust me!” your tone wavering at all emotions hitting you at once. especially coming from him— the guy you developed feelings for.
“the moment you told them you broke my trust already! what else did you tell them, hm? my dad and brother having the curse too?” he brushed his hair in anger when your silence meant yes. “ugh is this really happening?! you told them everything!”
“okay that’s enough-” your vision blurring from the tears wanting to fall.
“i’m asking what else did you tell them?! dammit y/n what could be so important to you than my secret?!”
“well- i-”
“i what?!”
other than the secret, you knew what went after the reveal. then you realised the weight of your words, you couldn’t tell him that you actually like him. you wanted to be selfish this once. “i can’t.. tell you.”
jaehyun started to harbour more resentment towards your reasoning. he found it ridiculous of you to even continue with this conversation. ten already warned him that the secret wasn’t safe with you in the first place. the glimpse of hope faded when he thought you’d be the key, even if you were, trust was still important to him. it was the very thing his mother lacked and you doing so reminded him of it.
his expression darkened and you were afraid of him— excluding of how cruel he was with you on the exercise reps. you were afraid you just broken a promise and put your friendship on a rocky end.
“so that’s it? i’m begging you with my life on the line and you just gave me the most bullcrap answer!”
“you’re being unreasonable!” you yelled.
“shut up! you found about my curse so you should be the one compromising!”
“y/n!” lisa came running with a panicked face.
tsk, wrong timing. “not now.” you mouthed.
“have you seen my pictures?! i told ten to get them the other day but he got the wrong envelope! it’s the one with jae-” she bent down to catch her breath and was taken aback with jaehyun’s presence. “..hyun.”
the boys followed lisa and once they found their friend, you could tell ten’s stares that felt like daggers. he pulled jaehyun away but eyes still locked on you. “what happened?” lisa asked as you mirrored ten’s expression, but your friends could see the hurt in your eyes.
“he has the pictures. i think ten saw them and gave them to him. jaehyun’s mad, he thinks i betrayed him for telling you-”
“no that’s not it!” lisa held your hand and glared at the boys, especially ten, since he was her childhood friend. “you had every right to tell us because the pictures are my works-”
“shouldn’t have said anything further y/n! you should’ve gotten the pictures and told us instead of them! you promised, remember?” ten finally spoke up.
you rolled your eyes. “and what?! you’re like saying i should risk my friendship for his stupid secret!”
his friends turned heads to jaehyun to see his tight-knit brows and softening demeanour. jaehyun frowned and hurt was evident in his face. he was hurt by you, someone he developed feelings for in a short amount of time. “i believed it when you said you’ll help me. or were.. were all those just words to you?”
ah.. that came out wrong.
you bit your lips to say something, but they left so soon after, making your chest squeeze as if your lungs let out the last bits of oxygen from your body.
shortly over an hour, jungwoo watched his friend pace back and forth, nibbling on his nails when the tension grew in their cabin. “aren’t you too hard on her? you didn’t let y/n explain further-”
“i can’t believe her!” jaehyun crumpled the picture after looking at it. “how could she do this to me?!”
“honestly i just don’t think she’s that type of person to go behind someone’s back for her own entertainment.” kun spoke up and tilted his head, avoiding the cup that smashed on his side of his cheek. “perhaps you’re mistaken.”
jaehyun wasn’t in the right headspace whenever his past trauma was reminded or brought up, so no matter how much reason was given, he wouldn’t listen. “do i have to repeat it? she already had her fun when she told her friends to picture me!”
“your explanations are always so conclusive.” kun sighed.
“and your heart’s too soft as usual, kun! so back off!” jaehyun grabbed the older one’s shoulder and shoved him against the wall.
he released him soon after realising that he didn’t once listen to you, but he was too stubborn to take any more excuses. there was one thing he thought you were wrong— weren’t you risking your friendship with him by exposing his secret he kept so dearly? maybe distancing himself more than he did would clear his mind off from the mess.
when all sports teams lined up with their designated coach buses the days after, jaehyun slightly put his chin up to search for you in the crowd— in a subtle manner, since he still stood in his decision into having his space from you yet didn’t want it to be obvious to others that he cared for you still.
you knew he was staring from afar. it was a stupid misunderstanding, both of you were in the wrong, but he made you feel as if you carried the blame for this.
sure that was a given, that he would react worse than expected. you were going to take the pictures from lisa anyway, and the guys wouldn’t know that your friends knew. you didn’t expect you’d burst out of anger or that ten took them before you did and made the assumption. it still drove you mad, ten probably convinced jaehyun of your doing since he didn’t trust you at first.
that aside, you decided to ride the coach bus with the cheerleading team. “when we reach school, you can forget about the basketball team and camp. how dare they hurt you?” minnie hugged you as you stared out the window.
“if i had to weigh it, it’s not me who’s hurting. jaehyun is.” you sighed and pat her back. “how do i act if i bump to any of them? i’ll probably do something stupid again. at all cost, i’mma just- *sigh*”
“she’s talking about jaehyun right?”
“yeah she’s still not straightforward about him.”
“we know she likes him. she doesn’t have to hide it.”
“i can hear you both.” you lowered your hat to avoid their gaze.
jaehyun sat beside his father at the front for a change, playing with the blinds to cover sunlight. coach jung knew his silence more than anyone, even if jaehyun didn’t plan on telling him. “i’ve done what you told me to do. you didn’t want to see y/n after the fight. so? did it to any change?”
“no. i kept my distance and i’ll see if she’ll admit her mistake.” jaehyun adjusted the fan above him.
“jae, if only you saw her reaction when i told her to not come see the team. i know you’re smarter than this. you know it’s not all her fault.”
he clenched his palms hard. crescent moons soon showed themselves on the flesh. “where exactly in this is my fault, dad? have i not been patient to wait for curse to be broken? who said that y/n might have a contribution in this? it’s you, dad. i’m not holding any grudge against y/n. i’m just disappointed at her because she’s nothing i ever imagined her to be. goodness’ sake i even like her.” he mumbled at the last sentence, missing the point that his dad could hear it.
coach jung let out a short laugh at the remark. “not sure if you noticed, you haven’t seen y/n working hard at researching about our curse while you boys practiced. she’s always brainstorming at the possibilities, science or not, she’s always looking for ways. don’t let anger cloud you.” his father paused and had a pressed smile. “..don’t end up having small fights like me and your mother. you wouldn’t want it to be bigger than it already is.”
“yeah.. i know.”
you woke up with a thud and saw a rather prominent bump on your right temple through the reflection of the window. arriving at the campus grounds was quicker than you thought, despite being almost a half day journey. you overheard that the basketball team would stay there a little longer and you had to leave immediately because once everyone has gone home, you’d see him. you didn’t want to risk yourself from being spotted after you both fought.
it was a small matter now that you think about that day. stubbornness outweighed understanding in the two of you, and that resulted in immaturity. and if neither of you were willing to admit, might as well make the first move.
but you were stubborn as he was.
once the coach bus was nearing the parking area, the first and only thing you decide to do was get out of the vehicle and head straight home. you wouldn’t let your friends speak and looked at their bus. there sat jaehyun fiddling with the curtain. you then rushed out, covering your face from the basketball team as they too were getting off. “is that what she meant ‘at all costs’?” minnie facepalmed as she saw you walking away quickly.
“oh look, there’s y/n.” coach jung tapped the window to make jaehyun notice you. the way you behaved was weird for him, because it was too obvious you were avoiding getting seen.
“i don’t care.”
“it means you do.” his father messed his son’s hair. “okay, off you go. i’ll cancel the extra practice today and let all of you rest up during the weekend.”
jaehyun’s lips agape at his father’s last minute decision. he wore his cap and slung his bag. “if you’re doing this and expect i’d make up with her, you’ll regret ever cancelling practice.”
“ah c’mon. your old man is helping you out with a girl. can’t you tell what i’m doing, jae?” he laughed at his son’s reaction. he could see himself in jaehyun and knew things would get better.
“it won’t work dad.”
he rolled his eyes and went to where the bikes were parked. he kicked the stand at the rear wheel when his friends caught up to him with their own bikes. goodness why can’t they just leave me alone? “what do you want?” he stood a little to pedal ahead.
kun rode along beside him, eyes alternating at and on the road. “what now? you’re just going to pretend you didn’t see y/n? like nothing happened?”
“how can i ignore that when her figure’s so obvious and literally running away from here? i’m not going to do anything about-”
jungwoo then sighed heavily, causing jaehyun to knit brows. “she looked over our bus you dimwit! that means she thought of talking to you but held back because of-”
“i’ll talk to y/n in my own terms and in my own time! stop forcing me to do things when you think it would work well for me!” jaehyun pressed on the brakes with his palms.
kun and jungwoo’s eyes followed your swirling fork and the silent air that had been going for half an hour. they thought knocking onto the doors of jaehyun’s closed heart was hard, never expected yours was harder. you wouldn’t say anything after they invited you, claiming they missed you around them.
because it had been two full semesters since then. from what the boys told you, jaehyun lost focus and couldn’t lead the team to the championships. he always fought with his father and would burst in anger, throwing unnecessary fits towards them even though they worked hard to reach the quarterfinals.
this behaviour would happen so often that it began to strain his relationships with everyone on the team. the transformation did a lot worse to his body, he’d get sick and weak, and for over months, he would not transform back immediately within the golden hour ended. it lasted longer. sometimes even the morning after.
it worried them that if jaehyun given up all hope and continued to act that way, the urge to find the solution would never take place. and that he would remain an animal forever. even so, you knew their intentions to invite you today despite feeling sad for jaehyun. and you prepared your answer before they could speak.
“as much as i love to stay, i’m here to tell you you’ve wasted your efforts. if jaehyun won’t talk to me.. then i’ll just keep giving him space until he apologises first.” you were already losing appetite talking about it.
“and you think waiting game would pull off too, hm?” kun’s dimple deepened, a flat smile seen on the exterior.
you put down your fork. “i didn’t think we’ll last this long not talking-”
ten smirked in disbelief, you forgot he was there too. his presence was almost non-existent as he kept quiet the whole time. “keep it like that. you’re held accountable for making jaehyun the way he is now.”
“ten!” kun scowled at the guy. “i told you not to talk.”
you rolled your eyes that his words hurt more than the eye roll. “why is he here anyway? you said it’ll only be the two of you. unbelievable.”
“to see if you came up with a solution to lift jaehyun’s curse. looking at you now, i guess you didn’t.” he said and you tried your best to refrain yourself from hitting him. “were you mocking him when you suggested it might be the same answer as that disney film?”
“i said as a joke but it might be a possibility. we live in a world where people go through inexplainable experiences that science couldn’t dive in deep.” you sighed.
jungwoo tapped the table to stop the bickering you and ten were starting. “like my hunch says, maybe it’s another soulmate thing i’ve mentioned to you guys at the camp.”
“it’s not a soulmate thing, jungwoo.” kun and ten said simultaneously.
you brought out an a5 sized sealed envelope and the action alone made the boys stunned. “don’t open this. just give it to him. anyway, the sun’s setting. i really have to go.” you passed the item to kun.
it’s suffocating. i can’t stay here long. they saw how hesitating your limbs were, your eyes averting them and clearing your throat several times.
“ten, does this look like she didn’t do anything? this proves she’s trying.” kun took the envelope and hit it on ten’s head.
as you put on your coat whilst standing next to the table, ten sat back with arms crossed. “acting smart, aren’t you? you really think you’re the belle for jaehyun huh? i wouldn’t believe that for a second.”
“i didn’t say anything about me being the solution. i’m still keeping my promise to help him. and trust me, i don’t think i’m belle either.” you grabbed your bag and left, your food gone cold and jungwoo sighed at the air turning worse thanks to ten.
the cash money was placed on the table when kun called the waiter. “please keep the change.” he looked at your slouching figure by the bus stop across the restaurant. it screamed sadness and hurt all over.
the reason for suddenly leaving wasn’t because you were offended with what ten said. of course there was truth in his words. at some point you thought you were someone important to jaehyun, since you could hear him.
you thought you both were soulmates.
you left because you spotted a familiar figure standing by the door. haven’t been seeing him lately only made you feel angry at yourself. you were a coward, you even passed the envelope to the boys instead of giving it to jaehyun yourself. your friends already encouraged you about it, that that was the only thing to narrow the gap between you and jaehyun. it was to show that you were still supporting him.
why are you like this y/n? if you like him, you’d do anything to get his attention and forgiveness. why are you doing things to push him away, rather.. why are you forcing yourself to not care when you still do?
you continued to walk with your head low for another hour, troubled in your thoughts as they’ve been bothering you for many months. snap out of it y/n-
the hems of your baggy jeans were pulled and torn with minimal, adorable force. it took you a while to process the animal before you. a blue bunny, what’s a bunny doing here- oh.
he rose from the bushes in front of their house. you stood there awkwardly while he figures to cover his body after the blue hour. “i’m sorry for asking you to bring me home. i get tired from hopping sometimes.” he grabbed a towel that he was hanging by the gate.
“no worries. i-i’ve seen- nevermind.” your voice softened at the latter.
sungchan pursed his lips to refrain himself from smiling since he was there and witnessed when it happened. “come in, i’ll make you some tea. it’s my way of thanks.”
although he was kinder than his brother, probably more mature, he was still young that you could see through his intentions. you knew he wanted some patching up done between you and jaehyun. you hesitated for a while, but since you were there already, might as well try to talk to him—
even if there was a slim chance of making things work.
you sat on the sofa, slightly still and awkward being in the residence. little sips, light breathing and the soft wind from the fan were only heard within the living area. “did my brother cause you a lot of trouble during the camp?” sungchan asked and knowing that you were silent, he knew jaehyun probably did. “how about now?”
“actually, i think i’m the one causing more trouble for him because i feel like i’m not doing anything to help when i said i would.” you sighed as he continued to listen.
“really? i heard from the others you’re helping so much that it changed my brother.. at the least he’s not cranky.” his nose twitched so adorably that you thought it was derived from being a bunny almost his whole life. “also, there’s that envelope-” he paused while realising how your expression caught him off guard.
maybe he shouldn’t have mentioned it, but he wanted you to know he wasn’t spying on you. he made that clear with his silence.
if he saw that back at the restaurant, that only meant he was there for quite some time. you let out a small smile that he was probably there not for you, but to wait for his brother’s friends. instead of bumping into them, he bumped into you.
“oh, that. it.. has a bunch of handwritten letters i’ve compiled when i struggled talking to jaehyun. i just felt that maybe it’s more sincere if i had to apologise.. y’know, eventually.”
he pursed his lips and nodded. “then why not put those words into actual words? like verbal words.” sungchan’s fingers pointed upwards, hinting that jaehyun was up in his room. “for all i know it’s the most sincere thing to do.”
crap, he’s not expressive but he’s so so mature for his age. it made you feel inferior for a moment.
“but before you do that, i have to tell you something that my dad and brother missed out about our curse. why jaehyun-hyung is more pressured than i am.”
(few minutes later)
you slid against the wall while sungchan went out to do grocery shopping. at the other side of the door, in between the thin gap, you could hear soft breathing; jaehyun was on his bed, sleeping in his dog form and it hurt you since time already passed both golden and blue hour, he should’ve transformed like his brother did. instead he laid there as if he didn’t have a care in the world.
meanwhile, jaehyun knew you entered his room. he pretended to be sleeping and expected he wouldn’t know how to act when he gets to face you. he decided to stay as he was.
until you pat then caressed his head.
he didn’t want to settle or give in for the fact you loved golden retrievers. he blamed on the shallow euphroria dogs easily feel. and because he was in his dog form, the anger he held for you disappeared. but at the same time, was your touch out of care or pity? he couldn’t figure it out. then he could hear the beats of your heart, and that made him sit up. your heart was fast. it was worrying. it was—
“why didn’t you tell me the whole story?” your voice wavered in heaving breaths as he finally looked you in the eye. his ears twitched and he faced the door, knowing that sungchan told everything.
jaehyun shook his body and whiskers moved before he telepathically answered you. “believe me i tried. i hate myself for being sensitive and i couldn’t bring to tell you because i got angry. but you have to know that i value trust more than anything.”
“you know what’s ironic?” you sighed, pressing your forehead as pain began to form. “you didn’t trust me first and and we fought because you didn’t do that. and you didn’t trust me enough that you only told me what, like 50 percent of it?”
of course he knew what you referred to.
he was going to tell you the day he visited your cottage at camp. but he didn’t get to, because ten told him news ahead of him that it ruined the purpose to talk to you. it wasn’t that he blamed him, it was due to the fact he wasn’t prepared for something like that. even for something like this.
because there was that prophecy weighing on his shoulders.
“sungchan said that it has to directly come from you, so you better tell me now before our friendship falls out.” you warned and leaned back against the headboard.
currently your friendship was on the line, wobbling on tight ropes. pushing you further away would do no good.
jaehyun sat and his paws were dignified into a comfortable position. his head laid on a cushion pillow, facing towards you. “fine. most of my family turns into wild animals, and they couldn’t control themselves in that other form. their wildlife instincts overpowers their thoughts.” he yawned.
“and it’s different for me and sungchan. when we were born, when we had our first full transformation, they were shocked to know we turn into domestic animals. we’re able to remember, think and live as if we’re still humans. at the end, it’s either of us to stop the curse.”
“so why did your brother mention that you’re the most pressured? why did it only have to be you?” this time you spoke, there was more depth into your feelings if you spoke. as sungchan said, verbally was more sincere. “you could share the burden with him.”
he sighed at the tone of your voice. “isn’t it obvious? the role is immediately passed onto me not because i’m the first born.. it’s because you suddenly could talk to me.. telepathically.”
“yeah and we couldn’t even figure that one out yet.” you scoffed remembering the times you’ve placed your efforts on that matter and now it had gone all to waste. all because you both had that fight.
he read through your eyes and sensed the intention from your words. plus he hated how you delivered it with that certain tone. “i didn’t bring this up just to blame you for my own satisfaction!” he groaned. “i brought it up so that i can apologise! i was wrong, okay?! i should’ve listened to you instead of carelessly listening to ten-”
you refrained yourself from showing any further hurt. recalling it would only make you cry. “well you were manipulated with ten’s assumptions. you believed him more than me. he had proof while i didn’t. i was in the losing end! not like i expected you to change your mind. so can we just.. get this overwith and tell me what the prophecy is?”
he was speechless for a while. you being straight-forward yet in a pained voice was too much for him. he was already softening his feelings for you and you had to tense it all up again. “‘only one could save those who lay under the curse, for they must be in the correct peace of mind and body to break it before it turns for worse.’”
“and the ‘worse’ means you won’t transform back anymore?” you asked, the prophecy already piercing your heart as you waited for more explanation.
“that and..” he trailed off. “..we lose our humanity too. we won’t remember anything. memories erased like a snap of the finger. and we’ll just be.. another animal.”
you pushed yourself to sit up as your heart clenched tight. “jaehyun! why say it now and not before?”
“because! what is there for you to do-”
you squished the dog’s into a wrinkly mess, to the point jaehyun couldn’t see anything. his paws tried to put your arms down, but even clawing was hard for him to do. then he felt you lean forward to hug him. “y/n? what’re you doing?” you didn’t answer.
crap, this is warm. it feels.. nice. embarrassed, he put his thoughts at the back of his mind. “are you doing this out of pity? do i look that helpless-”
what crossed his mind was that you thought he needed a hug and was the only thing you could do. but you proved him wrong, so, so wrong. and why didn’t he realise it sooner in his life?
“you have to treat yourself like someone you love!”
“you have to fill yourself with it! have you been thinking half-heartedly or do things half-assed because you’re different from people? do you not realise there are people who loves you? you trust them so less that you’re not confident into breaking the curse! because you didn’t really try!”
he froze in his stance, like a bullet pierced through his chest with how true your point was. he didn’t know what love was when his mother left the family. he didn’t dare to open up with his dad and brother, not his friends as for so long he didn’t do that one important thing— trust.
jaehyun thought he did that. he had enough encouragement but only to the level of content. he didn’t expect more as what else was there for people cursed like his family? “why are you so worried or do this much for me?”
“because no one actually helped you!” your arms tightened around him. “your friends were occupied into thinking that protecting you and your curse from others was the safest thing to do. it’s not! it just gets you self-conscious, conceited and too comfortable to not to do anything at all!” everything you said knocked down the pillars of his pride. he wasn’t at all living in humility if his friends did ever help.
“y/n we’re nothing more than friends. how could you be pushing yourself onto my problems-”
“i’m one of the people, jaehyun. don’t you get it now? i l-”
as if the phone line got cut off, he couldn’t hear the rest. you appeared like a television who lost its voice, however, somehow he knew what came after that. he didn’t want to admit it, after spending time with you at camp, he realised his heart felt the same.
you were quick to catch on. the golden retriever just stared at you, you couldn’t hear him as well. not even telepathically. jaehyun laid back down, ignored you and went to sleep. you nudged him, he wouldn’t move. you felt a swarm of blame towards him. if only he told you earlier, he wouldn’t be in this state where he was just another dog. mostly you blamed yourself for not taking the initiative first to fix things. you went along with your anger and his waiting game.
where did it get you? to this.
the one second revelation he heard from you and then fell into slumber, he was standing in front of himself, before a mirror. a series of himself switching from human to animal throughout the years. the glass cracked over his face. as if he entered a new world, he had to prepare mentally for what was to come.
instead he awoke like he only passed out from exhaustion. to only see you hugging your legs, head down with soft sobs and hiccups, he reached out for you yet hesitated. he checked the time, the golden hour was to arrive.
“y/n.” he called out in a low voice.
“no.” you mumbled. “i shouldn’t be hearing him.”
“but you really are, though.”
you shot your head up, tears rolling down your cheeks when you felt his touch— his large palms holding yours. he transformed, you had many questions as you thought it was too late.
confused and tired, you stared at him blankly. processing the guy before you took a whole minute to realise jaehyun transformed back. “is.. is this a joke?” you coughed and rubbed your tears. “i saw you faint- i saw how you lost the light in your eyes- i saw-”
he’s blushing. his ears are red.
jaehyun pulled you into an embrace, he caressed your head as if he held a newborn. “the curse broke around the time i realised i lacked self-care. it was the same time you said it too.”
looking back, he didn’t treat himself right since the beginning. he realised he shouldn’t have looked for a solution or someone to love him. he was the someone he was looking for, and should’ve reflected on himself than to rely too much on others.
“you’re still hugging me.” you said, stopping his trail of thoughts. you pat his back quickly and he was holding you tight. “you’re squeezing the oxygen out of me.”
“can’t i hold you longer? you’ve been so helpful even when i pushed you away. now i don’t really want to let go.” jaehyun whispered. he never felt something like this before— this urge to love someone. “what if the curse comes back when you go away?”
you felt your head bursting with temperatures your body was experiencing now. “you really have to let go!” clearing your throat, you tried to shove him away.
“no. don’t be stubborn.”
“don’t be clingy, clingy!”
“you want me to hug you though.”
“i do but- wait no that’s not- i-”
he squeezed your face between his hands. “you love me, don’t you. and you said i’m not loveable.” he teased and goodness his dimples shot you at the heart. you kicked him in the chest yet he leaned forwards, closer than usual. “i can feel your veins beating crazily.”
ah for crying out loud! “jung jaehyun.” you called him with a stern and plain voice. “get off me.”
“tsk i said i wouldn’t-”
“jaehyun you’re naked.”
hm? he pulled himself away from you, looked down and covered his lower body. ah heavens- “i’m sorr-”
a thud was heard by the door. you both turned heads to sleepy sungchan dropping a parcel delivered to jaehyun while holding a toothbrush with his mouth and prominent bed hair. “uh bro, this is-”
“dad! i think hyung’s in his mating season!”
“i’m so not!”
because the curse was lifted and jaehyun made it happen, all those who fell under it soon experienced freedom and joy after years of agony and pain and fear. feelings opposite to them showered upon them that morning like spring rain.
you sat in between jaehyun and ten, who haven’t been talking to each since they fought over little things, mainly about you. ten still didn’t believe that you were jaehyun’s girlfriend, because he recalled you guys were not going to mend things.
“so that’s it? it’s so hard to believe. she just hugged you and the curse’s gone? even more so you’re both dating?”
“ten, c’mon dude.” kun brought out his fist to bump yours. “she’ll be hanging with us from now on. you have to stop being a stuck-up.”
ten shrugged in defeat and finally nodded in acceptance. “fine. i’ll let it go. i mean the curse’s broken won’t bother jae anymore.” he turned to you. “i’m sorry y/n. jae and i have been best friends since kindergarten. so it’s kinda a brotherly instinct to protect him. it just comes out.”
“you do seem like the leader of the pack.” you fiddled with jaehyun’s fingers while he draped his arm around you.
“i thought i was the leader?” kun sounded offended, but not entirely.
jaehyun remained quiet. he told everyone what had happened. however, there was still one question left unanswered. what was the telepathy about?
what did it have to do with you and him? he thought about that real hard. were you actually a missing piece in the prophecy or did he misunderstand it? there were a lot of possibilities, a lot of ideas coming up that maybe he figured it wrong. maybe you did contribute to the breaking of the curse-
“ah!” jungwoo exclaimed as flicked the paper back and forth. he proudly showed what he found, putting the pieces together. the paper was moving quickly that the pairs of eyes couldn’t focus or see anything. “i’ve been telling you guys since camp but you wouldn’t listen to me!”
you squinted your hardest to see the words. all you got from the sheet of paper scribbles and connecting lines. the boys started to fight for the so they could read the younger one forcibly shoved in front of their faces.
jungwoo wanted his friends to feel their pride stepped on them, and held on the paper. “read the prophecy again. i’m excited-”
“you being excited about these things is nothing new-” ten yelled, and kun covered his mouth at the loud volume.
“‘only one could save those who lay under the curse, for they must be in the correct peace of mind and body to break it before it turns for worse.’ guys, it’s already hinted in it!” he pointed at the parts he was scribbling on earlier.
he expounded the prophecy was a little misleading. it wasn’t being literal about the right mind and body. they were the results of the having the correct heart, as the two would only be affected greatly if not for the heart.
jungwoo scooted next to you. “y/n, you weren’t only the key to solving it. you were the only person who gave him that push and made him realise he should love himself for who he was. you gave him that peace of mind because you are the heart. as we all know, the mind and body can’t function without the heart.”
“that sounds sweet?” kun blushed even though he wasn’t supposed to.
“yeah sure but the telepathy happening at the same time with my curse was just a coincidence though?” jaehyun asked.
“onto my next point!” jungwoo drew on the paper again. “i realised you told us before that only family members of the same curse can talk to each other telepathically.”
jaehyun’s brows only furrowed narrower. “which doesn’t make sense because she’s not part of my family.”
jungwoo grinned widely, it almost made you nervous but if it was coming from jungwoo, it always had to be something good. “not even us lads can even talk to you with our minds though we’re close like brothers. what if it’s a sign that she will be part of your family? even if the curse’s broken, it still proves my point that you were soulmates all along.”
somehow you knew it was headed to this. what jungwoo’s saying was similar to your hunch. you weren’t confident as he was because at the time, the curse wasn’t lifted. now that it was, you never knew you were actually right.
jaehyun shrunk in his seat after hearing jungwoo’s theory. he looked at you; who was now giggling with the others. he never thought you were his soulmate, it never crossed his mind. you appeared in his life as a shadow at first, before you resurfaced and made it a roller coaster ride. it was an eye opener for him too, you loved him for who he was, his flaws— that being the curse. although there were frequent bickers, that didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy or hate them. he was afraid you’d leave after knowing his transformation.
you didn’t. you stayed. not because you were forced to just to keep his secret, you stayed since you said you’d help. and that lifted weight off of his shoulders. colours came into view more spirited, clouded thoughts in his head faded and everything he heard that were once muffled became clear. he had to compare it like he was reborn.
in the end, you were still beside him, adjacent to him.
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mike-wheel · 3 years
here’s my byler autumn event one shot i kinda hate it
Drunk on Halloween
inspired by the song “drunk on halloween” by wallows
⚠️TW: drinking/alcohol consumption⚠️
Michael Wheeler was being dragged to a high school party that one of Lucas’s basketball teammates were throwing. It was a halloween party and the rest of the party had begged Mike to dress up as the Mystery Gang with them but he refused. Ever since Will had moved away 3, now almost 4 years ago, it was hard to spend Halloween together, especially because of the distance but they did, every year. Except for this one apparently. And Mike didn’t like celebrating without him, so for the first time ever, he didn’t dress up this year.
This year El had come into town to celebrate Halloween with them. Will had come to, but he wasn’t at the party. He didn’t know where he was and even if he did, Will probably wouldn’t want to see him, not since last Halloween.
“Mike!” Max called to him from the back door, “We’re gonna go out back and play a quick game of basketball, wanna come?”
He just shook his head, resulting in Max rolling her eyes and heading out the back door. Mike stayed in the corner, leaning against the wall, drinking his can of coke. He didn’t like parties. He didn’t like being around all these people, yelling, dancing, just so many people. He couldn’t just go dance and drink without thinking about if people were watching him and if they were, what they were thinking. So he stayed in the corner. Away from everything.
Usually he and Will would be in the corner together. Laughing and talking about people’s costumes and dance moves. Drinking soda because neither liked the feeling of alcohol, and waiting until their friends would say it’s time to go. Usually they’d be together, this time was different.
Well only for about 10 minutes when Will bumped into him in the corner.
“Sorry I hope you don’t mind I’m here with you, it’s just loud and I can’t find my sister, she said we’d only have to be here- Mike?”
“Will. Hey” Mike said awkwardly, tugging at his hair a little “I thought you weren’t coming to the party”
“Yeah well El made me, my mom too. Said it was important to come, see my friends again, you know the same stuff. But I was tired and didn’t want to go, so El promised only for an hour, I don’t know where she is though” He shrugged
“Yeah totally” But Mike knew he didn’t want to come because he didn’t want to see him. “You didn’t come with us though?”
“Robin dropped me off”
“Oh” Even though the party was loud as all hell, the silence between him and Will killed him. “Are you drinking?” He asked, pointing to the cup in Wills hand
“Ha no, you know I don’t like alcohol, it’s just sprite.” He smiled for the first time he’d seen him that night.
And Mike smiled back. And it stayed like that for a little, both smiling with each other in the corner, like old times. And Mike took a risk. He got the confidence to bring it up. He finally got it in that moment.
“Will about that night, last Halloween,” And he fucked it up. Because the smile immediately disappeared from Wills face and his eyes became wide with panic, as he looked around the room for some kind of escape.
“Will I, I’m sorry okay-“
“No Mike, just forget it okay? I want to forget it, we’re fine”
“Will I know we aren’t, I just want to talk about it. Please”
“You had all year to talk about it. I wanted to talk about it, but you chose to forget it, and now i want to too.”
Mike opened his mouth, searching for some kind of response, any reply to make it better, but he couldn’t think, he couldn’t find one.
“I should go Mike.” He sighed “Tell El I went home. We’re staying at Dustins, make sure she gets home safe.”
“Okay” And he got that same feeling he got when he watched Will bike away that summer of ‘85. The guilt, heartbreak, anger at himself all coming back. And then the music felt louder than normal. It hurt his head and he just wanted to leave. And as babyish as it sounded, he wanted to be in his moms arms.
He threw his coke away and went to the front, and took a seat on the porch steps. Putting his head in his hands, trying to block out the sounds, the loud music that gave
him a headache. He just wanted to talk to Will, to be with him, talk to him, make things right. He wanted to try it, he didn’t want to be scared. He knew what he wanted and wanted to go through with it.
“Mike?” Dustin and Max were in front of him now, “Are you okay? What happened?”
“Are you drunk?” Mike laughed as Will slumped his head on his shoulder. They were sitting on the bathroom floor. Will said it was too loud for him and Mike took him to the bathroom. He had a red solo cup full of something. He didn’t know what, but Wills breath smelled a little like alcohol.
“I’m not drunk! You know I only drink soda” Will said smiling up at Mike
“I think you mistook some alcohol for soda William” He teased, brushing some of Wills hair out of his face. “How are you feeling?”
“Do you want to go home?”
“No I like being here with you. Do you like being here with me?” He asked, eyes closed now
“Of course I do. I’ve missed you a lot Will, I’m really glad you came home for Halloween”
“I’ve missed you too. My friends don’t like Halloween” He pouted a little
“They sound crazy”
“No were crazy remember?”
“Ha yeah we are. Are you feeling a little crazy Will?” He asked looking down at Will who was playing with Mikes jacket zipper
“How come?”
“I like someone”
“Really? I never thought this day would come” Mike chuckled “Who?”
And to Mikes surprise, Will sat up, looked him in the eyes, and placed a soft quick kiss on his lips. And for a couple seconds, Mike kissed back and then he felt a snap of reality and pulled away.
“Mike” He smiled
“You’re drunk, you don’t mean that.”
And his smile fell
“Yes I do, I like you Mike.”
“Will cmon this” he motioned between them “It wouldn’t work”
“You kissed back, don’t you want it to?”
“I- I don’t know. I mean the kiss was nice, but it wouldn’t work. It couldn’t. We’re both boys Will, what would my family think? Our friends?”
“They might not care, our friends love us, and your mom and nancy cares about you so much.”
“That’s a big might Will. And I cant trust my family. Nancy maybe but my mom? My dad, holly even.” He started tugging at the back of his hair. He really needed to stop doing that.
“But Mike-“
“I don’t want to talk about this Will!” Mike softened his voice “I just, I don’t want to talk about this, please” He put a hand on Wills shoulder, but Will pulled away.
“Fine Mike. But maybe you should try facing your feelings, instead of running away from them all the time.”
“Can you take me to see Will, Dustin?”
The car ride was quiet as everyone kept giving side eyes to Mike. They didn’t know what was wrong, but knew if it was about Will, it was important.
Dustin dropped Mike off at his house, saying the rest of them were gonna go get some dinner and bring some back.
“Will?” Mike said knocking on the guest room door, “I’m gonna come in okay?”
“Okay” he called from the other side of the door
“Can I sit?” Mike asked, pointing to the second twin bed, next to Wills.
Mike took a breath of relief, “Okay, I want to talk about last halloween. And before you say anything I know I made the choice to not talk about it. And that’s my fault. But I’m sorry. I really am. I was just scared of what people would think of me. I said stupid shit and I should’ve been worried about you. You were brave and took an insane risk, and if I’m being honest. I loved that kiss. I think about it a lot, well all the time. And that night. I would’ve done that night completely differently if I could. And I’m just really sorry Will.”
And Will laughed. A laugh of relief and Mike laughed with him.
“Thanks Mike, and I’m sorry too. I was kind of a jerk. I know facing your feelings is really hard. Shit it took me like 2 years, and I just put so much pressure on you. And that was super unfair.”
“Yeah we were both kind of stupid that night huh?”
“I guess we do make each other crazy”
“Yeah we do.” Mike smiled at him
“So you loved that kiss?” Will teased, “Want to do it again?”
“I- I uh yes” Mike laughed awkwardly as he moved over to sit next to Will, “Is this okay?” He asked, placing a hand on Wills cheek
“Yes” Will smiled brightly as he put a hand on Mikes waist and leaned in a little
“Are you sure about this Mike? I want to make sure you’re okay with this”
“More than okay” He smiled and closed the gap between them.
“Happy Halloween Mike” Will whispered as he put his forehead against Mikes
“Wow both our ‘first’ kisses with each other on Halloween”
“Yeah, I guess it’s kinda our holiday hm” Will laughed
“I guess so”
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sunnysunoo · 3 years
Love Letters ; Sim Jake
Pairing: Jake X Reader
warnings: explicit language and cursing
word count: 3k words
genre: friends to lovers au! fluff with tiny pieces of crack lmao
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Jake was always known for being this perfect guy in school. I mean, they're not wrong. They always described him as if he's this walking piece of art in the hallways. People would stop to just stare at him. You'd stare at him all day too, but you set priorities first: writing him love letters.
You're no Lara Jean, but I guess you can say that she's what inspired you to write Jake letters. Who needs Peter Kavinsky when Jake Shim exists anyways?
note: Not me completely disappearing off of tumblr for like months and then showing up again suddenly lol. I got really busy the past few months since I was completing requirements for school, and I really didn't have the motivation to do anything at the time so I took so time off to take care of myself first so I hope you understand :) But now since it's summer break, I am given at least 2 more months until I go back to school in August :)) Here's the long-awaited Jake imagine that I completely forgot about lmao hope you enjoy <3
P.S I finished writing this at 1:26 am so please excuse the really shitty plot and grammar ill rewrite it once i wake up
tag list: @cha-raena ( sorry for the rlly late post bestie )
Dear Jake, First of all, I will never call you Jaeyun because calling you by your English name makes me feel like I'm your friend. Calling you by your Korean name makes us feel like we're cold strangers to one another and I don't want that. I want us to be something more than that, but it's hard when you don't even know who I am. I'm surprised how you don't grow tired of me just dropping letters right into your locker every time you open it, and that's one of the things I love about you. You don't just throw away people's efforts and you treasure them with care. It makes my heart beat so fast as if I ran miles away from here.
We're already one year left until we graduate high school, and I don't want to end my high school years without you realizing my feelings for you. I know for sure that you would never reciprocate the feelings that I have towards you, so I want to treat this as closure in case we do forget about each other in the future. Yours truly,
"How is this person not over you? That's like the tenth one this month," Jay said, looking over Jake as he reads the letter from his secret admirer. Jake has always been receiving these letters from the same person everyday for the past four months. He's thankful for the letters because they definitely make his day better, knowing that there's someone out there who loves him as who he is regardless of looks. He's not gonna lie that these little notes and letters make his heart race too. "Do you have any plans with finding the person behind the letters?" Jay asked as he watches his best friend trying to hide the small smile that's been growing. No one really knows who this mysterious person is and why they decided to name themselves the moon, but we don't judge anyone in here. If they want to be the moon in their next life, then so be it. "I really want to find the person who's making these letters," Jake shoved the letter in his backpack, trying to not wrinkle it. "But I don't know where to start." "Who's finding who?" A voice popped suddenly beside the presence of the two boys. You leaned beside the locker beside Jake's, watching him as he grabs his books from his locker. "Did Moon drop your daily letter today again?" "They did as usual," Jake wasn't even surprised. He would expect the letters every time he enters the school in the morning. He would open his locker to see the usual small letter placed inside his locker. He usually arrives at seven or earlier, but he's surprised that he could never even catch a glance of this anonymous sender around the campus. "Should I go to school at five in the morning?" "Five in the morning? Isn't that a bit too early?" You questioned, followed by a shaky breath. "The school doesn't even open until six." "I could just walk to that nearby convenience store I always pass by to grab a coffee." He argues, closing his locker shut before walking towards his classroom.
You and Jay followed beside him, and you sneered under your breath, "You don't even wake up to your alarm clock."
"Why don't you even want me to go early anyway?" He glances as you try to give him an answer. But before you could say something, Jay replies first.
"You’re probably hiding something." He said. You rolled your eyes and narrowed your eyes at him. "You are so weird." You grunted, before walking ahead of them. You feel panicked because you were scared that you made yourself obvious to them.
You were inside your classroom sitting on your desk. There were only fifteen minutes left before lunch, but you had eaten your packed meal before instead of going to your school cafeteria. You were fidgeting in your place, conflicted about Jake finding his secret admirer, not knowing that it was you who's been sending him letters the past few months. You're not scared of him finding out that the letters were from you; that was the entire reason why you wrote him letters in the first place. You're scared of how he was gonna confront you about it. Would he like you back? Would he hate you? Would he avoid you?
Your mind was full of scenarios but you were suddenly brought back to reality when a hand planted itself on your desk. You look up and saw Jay standing in front of you, eating sushi with his other hand. His face kinda looks like he knows something, and it's freaking you out a bit.
"What?" You asked, suddenly flustered over how his eyes stared right into you. He took the seat in front of your desk and flipped it so it was facing you. He sat down and blurted the phrase that you were dreading to hear from anyone.
"So, you like Jake?"
You suddenly feel like punching him in the face with his sushi.
"What??" Your body felt like, and you were left a nervous mess. Your heart like it was going to pump right out of your chest any minute, and your hands started to sweat.
Jay's mouth formed into a smirk. He caught you. "Jake may be a bit oblivious, but I can totally see right through you."
“Haha...no you don’t,” You tried to deny, but it was all useless when his expression looked unconvinced.
“Oh yeah? Then why are you all red? You look like a bursting tomato.”
“You don’t know that," You leaned further into your seat, playing with the strings of your hoodie.
“C’mon Y/N, you’re not even trying. Just give up and admit it,” Jay was trying to help you confess your feelings for Jake. Frankly, he knew it was you sending him letters this whole time—how can Jake not see it?
With a heavy sigh, you slumped and laid your head on your desk, embarrassed. “Fine. I like him, okay? Are you happy now?”
The smirk on his face grew wider, feeling proud of himself. You are not dealing with his annoying crap this early in the morning. He grinned and munched on his half-eaten sushi. “I knew it.”
“Congratulations,” It was muffled because you hid your red face away from him. All that was on your mind now was how you could book yourself a flight all the way across the world.
“But seriously, since when did you have a crush on him?” You raised your head to face him, giving him a look that could kill, except Jay finds it entertaining rather than intimidating.
“I started having a crush on him when we were in fifth grade. It was at a friend's birthday party, and he saw me being all quiet and lonely. Honestly, I forgot who’s birthday that was.” You told him the very first time you had discovered feelings.
“He saw how sad I looked so he accompanied me the whole time. He was even trying to feel more included in the games and stuff.” You felt a smile ghosting on your lips as you can still vividly remember how you felt your heart tug the first time. “It was kinda like I fell in love at first sight.”
Jay faked a gag, so you lightly punched him in the shoulder. He may be a bit of an asshole, but he’s one the most caring and kind people you’ve ever met. It honestly felt good spilling out your feelings about Jake to him.
Speaking of, Jake was watching you two play around and laugh at Jay's little jokes from outside, and he felt something burning from inside him. Was it that he felt jealous of you and Jay?
No, he can’t be...right?
Maybe it was because of how he felt separated from you and Jay because of him being a separate class.
Yeah, maybe it's because of that.
Dear Jake,
I just had the most bizarre day today, and I felt like telling you about it.
It was chemistry period, and we had to be partnered with someone for a lab project. I ended up getting paired with Yeojin. We kinda created this unexpected friendship, which I love. We would crack jokes at each other, tell funny stories, it was so fun to be with her that we had completely forgotten about our project. So now, we both got a detention slip for making an accidental explosion.
How about you? How was your day? I hope it was just as fun as mine. If you feel like the day just wasn't as happy or you're feeling down, just now that it's okay to feel that way because days like these just lasts for 24 hours. It will be all over before you know it and you'll be greeted by another day. Maybe it will be different, and you would be all happy again just like how my day went. Maybe being with you would be my happiest day yet, and I couldn't wait for that day to come. See you soon :)
"Yeojin!" Jake called, seeing her walk down the opposite way. "Hey, mind if I ask you something?"
"Hey Jake," She greeted him with a smile. "Sure, go ahead."
"Could you perhaps give me any information about your partner in Chemistry?" He had hopes of getting any kind of description about his mysterious sender, but he was instead given a sad frown on Yeojin's face.
"Sorry Jake, but that person told me not to tell you about their information." She gave an apologetic smile. "I wish you all the best in finding them!"
Jake muttered a small "okay," and sighed before walking away, feeling defeated.
Yeojin knew that he was gonna ask about Moon the moment he called her from across the hall. She couldn't wait to tell you about this.
"Hey Y/N," A voice said from behind. You turned around to see Jake with his backup hung on his shoulder. He brought his hand up and raked his hair, and you felt your face grow red. Jake is like a gift from the gods. How can someone look so ethereal even if they're just standing there? You could stare at him all day. You couldn't even understand a thing he said until he started waving his hands in front of you.
"Hello?" You blinked multiple times as you were brought back out to reality. You saw Jake's face grow into concern. "Are you okay? spaced out."
"O-oh..No, I'm completely fine." You reassured him, feeling embarrassed. "What were you saying again?"
"I was asking you if you wanted to go to school with me early tomorrow."
Well, shit.
Your eyes started to go wide, and your hands started to go clammy.
"Tomorrow?" You repeated, voice trembling.
'Well, yeah." He pouted his lips, and you felt like melting into a small puddle in your place. Your heart started to pound heavily.
Oh my fucking god, he is so adorable.
"Okay, sure I can go with you tomorrow," You weakly smiled at him, slightly tense.
How we're you going to give him the letter now?
"Good Morning," Jake said as he watches you close the gates of your house. It was past five in the morning, and you were a mess.
"Morning," You replied back before running your fingers through your hair, getting rid of any flyaways.
As you started walking your way to the bus stop, Jake kept on glancing towards you from time to time. He knew you were pretty, but since when did you become really beautiful in his eyes?
The walk was pretty quiet, but it was a comfortable silence. For him, mostly.
Meanwhile, you couldn't stop freaking out. You had written a letter the night before, but you don't know how you were going to slip it into his locker without him taking notice. If he saw you, he would know.
"Are you sure you're okay? You've been like this since yesterday," Jake blurted. You looked at him before heaving a sigh.
"It's nothing," You mouthed, suddenly feeling anxious and gloomy.
"Something on your mind?"
"Something like that." It was hopeless. I guess he would have to miss this letter today. It was the first time you skipped a day, and you're feeling guilty that you would have to see Jake's face sadden that he wouldn't receive it today.
As you two stop at the bus stop, Jake looked slightly panicked as he was rummaging through the pockets of his blazer before looking through his bag. "Hey, do you have an extra pen? I left mine at home and I have a quiz today."
You snickered, "Out of all the days, Sim Jake. The same day you have a quiz is the same day you forget your pen."
"Very funny." He scoffed.
As you unzipped your bag to grab your pencil case, a folded piece of paper fell out without you realizing it. When Jake went to pick it up, he notices that it was folded the same way as the letters in his locker. It looked so identical.
Once you already got your pencil case out, you were about to hand it to him when you saw what he was holding that made your body freeze with your hand holding the case in the air.
"Why were one of my letters inside your bag?" He glanced at you, waiting for you to reply.
If you were freaking out before, this is a whole other thing. The thing that you were fearing the most is happening right before you.
"Maybe it fell into my bag yesterday..." You stammered, making up an excuse to look like it was an accident. You were tightly holding onto your pencil case, chanting many curse words in your head as you watch Jake unfold the letter.
"I don't think I've received this one yet," He said before he opened the letter and read it.
You watch as his expression formed into confusion as he reads through the paper. It only took a few moments before something in him clicked that it was you sending him the letters.
"Y/N," He began, and you started quivering in fear.
You should've known this would happen, but you didn't expect it to happen this sooner. In fact, you believed that this wouldn't happen at all. But it did.
"Let me explain," You eventually gave up and accepted fate and watch as your identity as "Moon" be revealed to your crush. You're now exposed so you didn't have any other choice but to explain everything. "Yes, I am Moon. I was the one writing you the letters that you've been getting in your locker."
Jake's face was unreadable. He looked bewildered and puzzled. He was trying to comprehend what was happening right now. All this time, it was you?
"I started crushing on you when we attended that birthday party before. I didn't want to confess my feelings for you because I was scared that you were going to harshly reject me, so I started writing down letters as a way to tell you how I feel about you without making you feel awkward around me." You continued, eyes suddenly taking an interest in your shoes. They were brand new too.
Jake was silent, and you felt your heart crack into pieces. You were mad at yourself for being so careless about it that he ended up finding out about you as his secret admirer. You wanted nothing else but to run back home, lock yourself in your room and cry with your sad playlist on loop.
You were expecting a harsh rejection coming from him, but what surprised was how he took dangerous steps towards you, minimizing the gap between you two. He placed his hand under your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
"I don't plan on rejecting you Y/N," You stare into his eyes as it reflects the sunlight of the early morning. "I'm actually happy that it was you."
You look at him, puzzled. He lowly chuckles under his breath before leaning over to place his lips against yours. It was a light, quick kiss, but it brought you feeling ecstatic. You've dreamed of this moment before, and now that it happened, you thanked your clumsiness.
As he pulled away, you were sure your face was a red mess.
"Thank you," His smile was as bright as the stars in the sky. It was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. "Thank you for making me like I'm special to someone."
You felt flustered over his words. You were scared that he could hear the sound of your heart pounding loudly. The butterflies in your stomach were going wild, and you felt like this was all a dream.
"So, what am I to you now?" You broke into a smile as he grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
Jake acted as if he was thinking, "Hm..maybe my best friend still?"
He bursts into a fit of giggles as he sees your smile slowly disappear, replacing it with a look of disbelief. You removed your hand from his and walked at a faster pace away from him.
He ran to match your pace beside you before holding your hand again, "I'm sorry, I won't ever do that again. Is my girl mad at me?"
"Oh my god, it's only five-fifty, Jake." You too broke into laughter over his cheesiness, but your heart fluttered over the thought of Jake calling you his.
HERE’S A LITTLE BONUS! since I've made you guys wait for 4 months :(
"What the fuck?" Was the first thing You heard from Jay as you and Jake entered the classroom. All of your classmates were staring at your and his hands intertwined together.
Jay stood in front of you two, crossing his arms together. "Can one of you explain when this happened?" he motioned towards your linking hands. You and Jake smiled at each other before walking away, leaving Jay in a fit of joy, and confusion.
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takamishinko · 3 years
karasuno and nekoma scenario + headcanons for ftm reader
pronouns: he/him
warnings: dead naming, slight harassment and tranphobic comments like using the wrong pronouns.
a/n: this was a request from @mi-ts i hope you enjoy this and this is what you're looking for :) i added in some headcanons of my own as well. pls tell me if i said anything offensive in there by accident, i was also super tired when i wrote this so pls excuse me for any mistakes :'D
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i feel like the entire team is pretty supportive and definitely not transphobic
the only person that i could possibly think of that doesn't understand transitioning would be tanaka but even then he'll still support you in whatever decision you make
let's start off with the first years
hinata and kageyama definitely uses correct pronouns though i feel like kageyama might forget sometimes but he'll just use they instead
tsuki doesn't care much and i don't think he cares a lot about anything other than maybe yamaguchi
yamaguchi would be really sweet about it, correct pronouns 100%, no mistakes or mess ups. he'll probably pay more attention to you and help you with whatever you need
kinoshita and narita are both super supportive people so they wouldn't care that much but they would definitely use right pronouns and all that
ennoshita is kind of the leader of the group right? i feel like he would advocate your pronouns only if ur comfortable with it though
alright third years
supportive supportive supportive super supportive
makes sure your absolutely 120% comfortable with your surroundings and if there are people bothering you he's not scared to get asahi and daichi to square up with them
daichi is pretty lowk about it. respectful of course. always tries to help you with suga but doesn't end up helping a lot but that's ok
lastly asahi would be…
pretty nervous about making sure he doesn't use the wrong pronouns or make you uncomfortable
like overly cautious but you find it funny and adorable
"yo y/n! what took you so long? practice started 10min ago." tanaka shouted from across the gym.
"sorry…i got caught up with something." you replied with a sad tone in your voice.
the team immediately noticed something wrong. you were usually a pretty cheerful person and sulking like that didn't seem right to them. 
"woah woah, you good man?" noya said while tapping you shoulder.
"yah i'm fine guys, thanks." you lied.
"even a dumbass like hinata and king over there would know you're not fine, what's wrong." said tsuki.
"hey we heard that! but seriously y/n-kun, is everything ok?" hinata said while walking over with kageyama. 
"it's nothing much really… some second years called me uhh… "baby girl" today and asked me if i had anything to do after school. they wouldn't let me go either even after i told them i had somewhere else to be…. and the fact that i'm not a girl anymore." 
"they fucking what now?" suga said with an incredibly hostile smile on his face. 
"do you know their names?" daichi asked.
"yah its f/n l/n and f/n and l/n…" 
"those two sons of bitches??" tanaka and noya screamed in unison. 
"yah do you guys know them or something?" 
"they're in the class beside ours, we don't know much about them except that they're annoying as fuck. they've been making girls uncomfortable all year long." noya replied.
"oh… they must've thought i was a girl since i didn't wear a… y'know." 
"that's still no reason to do that to you y/n. first of all you weren't comfortable with them flirting with you, second of all you also told them that you're a guy and they still called you that." asahi said 
"yah that's true." daichi said with the rest of the team nodding their heads in agreement.
"don't worry y/n, we all know it's not your fault the binders don't work. no matter what you wear or how you look, the team will always see you as who you want to be!" suga said with a bright smile on his face this time.
a smile appeared on your face with warm thoughts entering your mind. knowing you have friends that care about you this much is truly a blessing you don't want to lose. 
"on a side note, suga and i know those 2 as well. in fact we know their homeroom teacher too, i'll go report to their teacher tomorrow. he loved suga and i, we were his best students." 
a small giggle came out of you and so did some happy tears. 
"thanks guys! it really means a lot." you said to all of your friends.
the rest of the practice was filled with joy and laughter. a few days later you received a handwritten apology from the two assholes you were talking about.
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same as karasuno i'm almost 100% sure none of them are transphobic and they would all be supportive. same case of tanaka with yamamoto though if anything
after you came out kuroo just gave you his signature smirk and a big thumbs up and continued to do his chemistry.
omg don't even get me started
he is SO supportive and just the nicest person possible
he's not aggressively supportive like suga but he's literally just always there for you. before you even realize you need something he already has it.
water, food, whatever it is.
yaku (personal nekoma fav), super chill about it
"oh cool, just let me go tell lev so he doesn't mess up your pronouns."
"lev for the last fucking time it's y/n and he/him it's not that hard to remember."
bonks lev everytime he messes up but he eventually got it
fukunaga just goes: 
":3 👍" 
so precious, never messes up your pronouns and names
kenma definitely doesn't mess up, remembers it well and i think he would just be like:
"cool, make sure you let the team know. especially lev…"
yamamoto would maybe mess up but he's trying his best
inuoka and shibayama:
i love these 2 so much btw^
inuoka would be excited cuz this is the first time someone ever came out as trans to them.
shibayama is just beside inuoka also being excited and nodding his head agreeing with everything he says
in conclusion these 2 are baby
"hey guys what's up!" 
"ah y/ns here." kai said with s bright smile on his face, greeting you to practice.
"yo! what's up we're just getting started can you help me set up the net?" yaku said while waving over to you.
"yah i'm on my way give me a sec." 
"kenma go help yaku-san get off your game." kuroo said while poking at kenma.
"give me a sec. I'm almost finished." 
inuoka and shibayama were on the side listening to yamamoto talk about something. you and shōhei rushed over to help yaku with the net. 
"there, all done. thanks guys. kuroo let's start practice." yaku yelled
"yah everyone get ready-" 
just as kuroo said that, two boys entered the gym. they didn't look like they were up to anything good so kuroo stepped up and asked them what they're here for. 
"how can i help you two?" 
"we're just here to find d/n, oh there she is. hey~ you haven't answered our question yet, you free this weekend sweetheart?" one of the boys said as he attempted to move closer to you.
kuroo lost his shit immediately and pushed them away from you. 
"first of all his name is y/n, second of all it's he. lastly if you don't have anything else to say, please leave, our practice is about to start." 
"chill captain~ we just wanted to talk to this beautiful lady over here." 
"for the last fucking time you bastards it's-" yaku cut off kuroo before he could finish.
"leave it to me. you, tall one on the left, f/n l/n from c/n right?" yaku asked.
“y-yah why?” 
“your chemistry mark, 53% and you didn’t pass the test you took on thursday.”
“w-what ??! i don’t even know my mark yet how do you-”
“and you, the stick on the right, f/n l/n. you’re even worse, 49% as your total and your test? i’d embarrassed for you.”
“what the fuck?? w-who are you?!”
“yaku morisuke, 3rd year. the assistant for your chemistry teacher. now if you don’t want your marks leaked to the entire school i suggest you leave y/n here alone and get out.”
“tch yeah whatever !” the 2 boys said as they scurried away. 
“yaku-san!! that was so cool!!” everyone said.
“don’t worry about it! it’s what y/n deserves” he said with a huge thumbs up.
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ginnympotter · 3 years
call it even
Chapter 2: for old times’ sake
A/N: uhhh so spoiler or whatever but this has a small amount of pretty mild smut? which i've never attempted i can't believe i'm pressing post on this thing please don't judge me lol you can also read this chapter on AO3
I’m parked between the Methodist and school.
She read the text, looked at herself in the mirror one more time, and braced herself. She took her coat off the hook and as she was zipping it up she heard her mother coming down the stairs. “Ginny, hun, are you going out?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you later,” she said, grabbing the doorknob, trying to get out as quick as she could.
But before she could walk out Molly asked, “You know Harry could have come in, right?”
She looked at her mother’s smug smile and groaned. “Goodnight, Mom,” and swung the door shut behind her.
She walked quickly two blocks down, turned right and crossed the street. It was easy to spot Harry’s old truck, not just because there were only 3 other cars parked on that road, but also because it stuck out like a sore thumb, and also was a staple in so many of their memories. She knocked on the passenger side’s window and opened the car door, hopping into the seat. She looked over at Harry to say hi, and saw him smiling. “Hey, thanks for picking me up.”
“Of course,” Harry said as she shut the door. “But why did you make me park two blocks over?”
“Because I didn’t want it to be awkward, with me staying at my parents’ house, but it didn’t even matter because my mom just knew I was going to hang out with you.”
“Molly knows all.”
“Too much.” She looked over at their old high school building, and then at the field they were parked in front of, nostalgia filling her up. “Nice parking spot.”
“It’s weird working at the school we went to. Where those bleachers are,” Harry responded. She felt a tightness in her throat, feeling both excited and uneasy that he was already bringing these types of things up. “Remember how pissed Molly was when we skipped the prom?”
“Thank God she never found us under those,” Ginny heard herself respond. She and Harry looked at one another, twin smirks on their faces. The school bleachers might not be exactly the ideal, romantic place to lose your virginity, but for them it made total sense. She collected herself before her thoughts would get her carried away. “So, um, where to? Everywhere’s closed.”
“Did you eat already?”
“Oh, okay, um...maybe we could just drive around for a bit? And then head back to my place for a glass of wine?”
Memories from last year flashed in her mind. She nodded and buckled herself in silently. He started the car, the engine gave a loud and disquieting noise, and then they took off. “I cannot believe this truck is still running.”
Harry lightly tapped the dashboard. “She never lets me down.”
Ginny rolled her eyes and sniggered. She looked out the window as they drove down the roads. “Believe it or not I kind of missed this place. Has it changed at all?”
“The same as it ever was,” Harry responded. “But I know you don’t like it that way.”
His eyes were on the road but she could feel what he meant without seeing his face. “I do, sometimes,” she clarified, hoping he would hear her for what she meant. “Is Dumbledore still principal?”
“Yeah, he is,” Harry told her. “And McGonagall still teaches math.”
“You were always their favorite.”
“Dumbledore’s, maybe,” he shrugged. “But McGonagall? She still goes on about my dad. They have tea together like, once a month.”
“But McGonagall let you get away with basically everything. She was just sly about it.”
“Much to Snape’s chagrin.”
“Oh God, don’t tell me he still works there?”
“Unfortunately.” Ginny blanched, and Harry laughed in appreciation. “He was so pissed when Dumbledore hired me. I just avoid him at all costs.”
“I can’t believe you willingly accepted a job where you have to see Snape every day.”
“I know. It’s worth it, though. I really love teaching,” he said. They halted at a stop sign and he used the opportunity to look at her as he said, “You helped me realize that.”
“I was a great tutee, if I do say so myself,” she smiled. “How about the coaching bit? Did the kids ever recover from their loss?”
Harry drove them around all the backroads as he talked about coaching and working at the school. Much of the anxiety she was holding inside her had slowly melted away as they eased back into their regular rapport. Her heart felt like it doubled in size as he talked about his favorite students (though at first proclaiming, “I don’t play favorites, but…”). He asked her more about life in LA and her first year being a starter.
When they arrived at Harry’s apartment, Ginny hung up her coat and watched as Harry’s eyes not so subtly raked over her body before he turned to his cabinet and took out two wine glasses. She sat in the same spot she did the last time she was on his sofa as Harry listed off various wine options. Harry updated her on all the most recent Tupelo gossip as they drank and reminisced on the different characters they grew up with. Every time he smiled she felt a piece of her heart break, she missed seeing it so much.
Harry must’ve sensed it- or perhaps he heard the crack inside her chest- as one of those times his smile dropped to a frown as he looked at her with concern. “You alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Ginny tried, taking the last sip of her wine and placing the glass down on the coffee table. She then noticed the People Magazine cover where she was in a little square on the top right for her interview with them last month.
She picked it up and held it in front of Harry, who suddenly turned red. “Er, I, um-” he stammered, and she laughed.
“Fred and George were just making fun of me for this yesterday at their party.”
“What’s to make fun of?” Harry asked, attempting to recover. “I think you did great.”
“Just a bit corny of a profile, I guess,” she responded. “Can I ask why you have it?”
Harry sighed, giving Ginny a very pointed look.
“I have it because I was proud of you,” he replied carefully, taking another sip of his wine. “Is that a bad thing?”
And before she could register exactly what she was saying, the words “You could’ve texted me” flew out of her mouth.
Harry raised his eyebrows. “About the People profile?”
“Sure,” she said. Her brain telling her shut up, shut up, SHUT UP, but her mouth continued. “Or any other time before that. Or after I left this apartment after my brother’s wedding.”
Just as quickly as Harry’s face reddened before, it had now drained of all color. “I, er… I don’t-” he stopped himself, clearing his throat. “You could’ve texted me too, you know.”
“Well, why didn’t you?”
“Ginny,” he said softly, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t want to do this right now. Can’t we just...enjoy our time together while you’re here? Before you leave in a few days? I don’t want to fight.”
“Why didn’t you?” she repeated, more quietly this time.
“You know why,” he said defiantly, in an equally low voice.
“I don’t, actually.”
He groaned, putting his glass down next to hers before looking at her intensely. He looked tired, sad. “Because the only thing I wanted to text you was to ask you to stay. And I couldn’t ask that; it wouldn’t be right.”
She had an inkling that this would be his answer, but it still felt nice to hear him confirm it. “No, I suppose not.”
“And I wanted to text you so many times after, but… I was too afraid of what I’d say. And then too much time passed, and- I don’t know, I’m sorry, Gin.”
“Are you seeing anyone right now?”
Harry blinked, taken aback by the abrupt question. “No,” he said.
“Neither am I,” she told him, and then moved closer to him, so close that their legs touched. “You’re right, you couldn’t ask me to stay. But… how about I stay the night, and we could call it even?”
It took Harry a moment to register her proposal. When he did, he swallowed, his adam’s apple protruding against his throat. “Are...are you sure?”
She decided then to let go of her inhibitions, to act on impulse and burning desire, and placed herself on his lap facing him, her knees tightly against his hips, her hands meeting on the back of his neck, lightly scratching the bottom of his scalp. “I’m sure.”
Harry took a deep breath. “Right, then,” he mumbled, and then his lips were crashing against hers, and his arms moved her impossibly closer to him. She opened her mouth and his tongue swept atop hers; Harry moaned as he did it, as Ginny moved her fingers through his hair and pressed her chest against his. They kissed passionately, slow and hot, then fast and urgent, then slowly again. They fell back into their rhythm seamlessly.
When Ginny pulled away to kiss his neck, Harry’s voice was raspy. “Fuck,” he exhaled. She moved her tongue lightly along his collar bone, up the side of his neck, and to his ear as she ground herself more firmly on his growing erection. He groaned, moving his hands to Ginny’s ass and cupping it. “Fuck,” he repeated. “I missed this. I missed you.”
She was too stimulated to think too much about his words for too long, but nevertheless, they still caused her heart to lurch. And hearing Harry express himself- even just the slightest showing of vulnerability from him- always turned her on even more. She blew hot air on his ear, nibbled on the lobe, and then pulled away to take off his sweater. He smiled in a daze as she got the sweater off of him and discarded it. He didn’t waste another second before throwing off his T-shirt (his glasses momentarily getting caught in the process) and then doing the same to her, so he could have the next several seconds to unhook her lacy blue bra and let it drop to the floor. He leaned back and admired the view of her chest, then glanced up at Ginny before touching her. She gave a quick nod and he let himself feel her breasts in his hands again for the first time in almost a year, massaging them gently, then with more power. Ginny felt herself grow hotter just watching how Harry responded to her. He leaned in and took her right breast in his mouth, using his fingers to play with her left nipple in the way that always drove her mad. She allowed herself to enjoy it fully, moaning as she pleased, arching into him, pulling at his hair as he switched from one to the other.
Before long it was too much, and she grabbed his face and disconnected his mouth from her chest so she could kiss him again. She felt her lips tingle with the touch of his tongue, her skin burn as his hands moved to her back, running down slowly to her waistband, reaching under her pants to touch her bare ass, squeezing and spreading her cheeks gently. God, she loved when he did that. After she kissed him thoroughly enough, and her pants felt too wet to wear anymore, she moved to undo Harry’s belt buckle, which in turn encouraged him to unzip her jeans. She removed herself from him so they could remove what was left of their clothes. Seeing how hard he was for her, full and bare, made her weak in the knees yet simultaneously at her most powerful. She pushed Harry back down on the couch, let her knees give in to the floor, and cupped his balls. “Ginny-” Harry grunted, but before anything else could come out of his mouth she took him in her own, licking up his length, sucking gently as she bobbed her head up and down.
It was only around thirty seconds later that Harry stopped her, pulling her head off of him. “Wait, wait, stop-”
Immediately, she felt embarrassed. “Was that...ok?”
“Oh, God, Ginny, of course, it was more than ok, it was fucking amazing but...but I want to help you out first. Please.”
“Harry, it’s fine-”
“No, please,” he said earnestly. “I want to. I really want to.”
She let go of him and nodded wordlessly. He helped her up, laid her down on the couch, and kissed her gently. He then whispered, “Let me make you happy.”
“You always make me happy,” she whispered back. His features changed from eager to wistful. He kissed her again, much more firmly this time, and then worked his mouth from her neck along her body, over each breast, her stomach, the inside of her thighs, before he reached his final destination. Ginny closed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh as he pressed his tongue up and down against her clit.
She didn’t have to think or speak or do anything; Harry knew exactly the way she liked it, no matter how much time in between their sexual activities passed, he never lost track of exactly what made her scream, what made her shake in ecstasy, as she did only a few minutes after he began. As she came down from her high, Harry kissed his way back up her body, until reaching her cheek, which he kissed delicately. “You feel good?” he asked hoarsely.
“Mm,” was all she could respond in the moment, panting from pleasure still.
He chuckled sweetly, kissing her cheek again, then her forehead, then her lips. Once her breathing had steadied somewhat, she heard him speak again. “What else do you want?”
“To fuck you,” she breathed out.
Harry moaned at her words as he pushed his tongue back into her mouth, the vibrations sending tingles down to her toes. “Do you want to move to the bedroom?”
“We can go to your bed for round two,” she told him, smiling widely. “But round one is happening right here, right now on this couch.”
“If you insist,” he said hoarsely, moving over her, wasting not another second. They had already lost enough time.
Behind her eyelids, Ginny could feel the light pouring into Harry’s bedroom. She felt a twinge of joy as she moved her arms to find Harry’s torso, but all she could find were the sheets. She opened her eyes and saw that his side of the bed was empty. Her stomach fell as she scanned the room for him. She sat up and heard a bit of clanging around in the kitchen. The bedroom door was half-open. She rose from the bed, opened the drawer where Harry kept his t-shirts, and threw his go-to blue tee over her head. She stepped out of his room and walked down the hall to find Harry, wearing only a pair of boxers and his glasses, his hair as messy as ever, pouring an omelet onto a plate with expert ease.
“Morning,” she said quietly.
He turned to look at her and grinned, looking her over. “Morning. Nice shirt.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to leave you alone in there. I just wanted to make you breakfast.”
“That’s sweet, Harry.” She went to sit at the island and he waved his hands. “No, no, not here!”
“Excuse me?”
“Breakfast in bed ,” he clarified. “I’ll bring it in, you go relax, I just am finishing up on the home fries and then I’ll bring it right in.”
“You sure?”
He waved his spatula in the direction of his room. “Go on, now!”
She shook her head and rolled her eyes at him fondly before turning around and heading back down the hall. “Fine, but I’m using your bathroom first.”
“Do what you must.”
After using the toilet and brushing her teeth, she settled back into Harry’s bed and scrolled through her phone. Only a few minutes later, Harry entered with their plates, handing one to her and planting a tender kiss on her forehead. Her insides melted at the gesture. She softly thanked him, scooted over and dug in. Harry sat on his side but at the foot of the bed, his legs folded and his plate on his lap, that way he could face her. They ate in silence, exchanging occasional grins. She felt slightly distracted by his shirtless form and the way their feet touched. When she finished she handed Harry her plate. “That was delicious, thank you. Compliments to the chef.”
“My pleasure,” he told her. “I like cooking for people.”
“Perhaps if this teaching thing doesn’t work you can go to culinary school.”
“I know you’re joking, but I’d honestly consider it,” he said as he stacked their empty plates and leaned over to put them on his bedside table. He then sat beside her and grabbed her hand, interlacing their fingers. “What would you like to do today? That is, if you don’t have any other pressing plans…”
“I do have a hot date or two lined up, but I could always reschedule them for next year,” she joked.
“How kind of you,” he replied, picking up her hand and kissing it. Ginny was finding it hard to control herself with all the seemingly small, natural affection he was showing. “But really, anything in mind?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know, I thought maybe we’d sleep in half the day- just for old times’ sake?”
Harry chuckled, glancing at the clock. “It’s already 10am. You want to go back to sleep?”
“Well, maybe not right away,” she said, lacking subtlety. “Thought we could do something to tire us out first.”
“Hmm,” Harry pretended to think. “What could that be?”
She grabbed him by the neck and kissed him, and he sighed, using his free hand to cup her face. After kissing each other sweetly for a minute or two, Harry let go of her hand to grab her and pull her onto his lap. He quickly realized that other than his shirt she wasn’t wearing anything else at all, moaning as he grabbed her ass. He deepened the kiss and Ginny became wrapped up in its intensity, returning it right to him, her hands wrapped up in his hair. Although her body was in the driver’s seat, her mind and heart were racing, thinking about how much this man meant to her, how much she felt like herself when she was with him, how much he made her feel like she could do anything. She cherished every second she could steal with him, before all she’d have is memories to replay until the next time, cementing the feel and the taste of him into her brain. She didn’t want it to ever end.
But not before long, Harry seemed to slow down, and then he pulled away altogether. When Ginny leaned back in to continue the kiss, he barely reciprocated.
“Harry?” she asked, breathing heavily. “Are you okay?”
He cleared his throat and nodded. “Yeah, I…” He looked at her and she could see the storm of emotions in his emerald eyes. He leaned his head against hers and exhaled. “I’m fine. But...can we pause this for a moment? Can we talk?”
A wave of dread washed over her as she nodded her head and removed herself from his lap. Sensing her tension, Harry grabbed her hand again, rubbing his thumb across the back of it. “What is it?” she asked reluctantly.
He inhaled deeply, his forehead creased. “When you leave later today, I… I don’t want it to be like last time.”
“Well, that’s easy then,” Ginny told him, attempting a smile. “All you have to do is text me when I land back in L.A. this time.”
“And what would that imply, exactly?” Harry questioned. “Me texting you, that is.”
“It-” but Ginny realized she didn’t really have an answer- or, at least, she couldn’t give the answer she really wanted. “It would mean that this wasn’t just some meaningless thing to you.”
Harry frowned, tilting his head to the side slightly. “Is that what you really thought? Or what you’ll think if you leave later?”
Ginny considered his question. “I suppose not.”
“Of course not,” he corrected her, speaking with conviction as he squeezed her hand. “Ginny… I still-”
“Stop,” she interrupted him. “Don’t say it.”
She wanted to hear him say it, of course she did, but she would never be able to leave if she let him continue. She felt her heart break a bit at Harry’s disappointed expression. “What do you want me to say then?” he asked, his voice quiet but his tone stabbing. “That I don’t care about you? That I don’t miss you? That I don’t think about you every time I try to date someone else? I’m sorry if that’s hard for you to hear, but I have to tell you, I can’t even fathom you thinking for even one second that anything between us could ever be meaningless to me. I’m sorry I didn’t text you. I don’t know how to do this.”
“No,” she said as she put a hand on his leg. She couldn’t take it anymore. He was right, hearing all of that was too hard for her.  Knowing the feelings are mutual “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean… The meaningless thing was an overreaction, alright? I know… we’ll always mean so much to each other.”
Harry sighed, closing his eyes, his thinking face on. Ginny knew that face too well, and she knew he was trying to work out in his mind how to phrase all his feelings. “I just don’t understand why we gave up two years ago. We did long distance from your senior year in high school through all of college and it was fine. I didn’t want to break up. But you were so insistent that this is what was best once you got a spot on the team and I didn’t want to feel like I had to persuade you to stay together and I just…”
Ginny’s heart dropped into her stomach. There was such an ache in his voice… it hurt her to hear. “I don’t know, Harry, I thought… I thought I was doing the right thing,” she settled on. How could she explain giving up on them to him? To herself? “College was one thing, but as working adults? It just felt like we’d never be in the same place, we’d never be able to actually spend time together… I didn’t want to hold you back. I didn’t realize you…that you would’ve… I thought we were on the same page, I’m sorry.”
“No, I should’ve fought harder for us,” he told her, eyes blazing. “It’s not too late, is it?”
Ginny exhaled as Harry squeezed her hand again. “Harry, I can’t stay here-“
“I’m not asking you to.”
“Well, I can’t ask you to wait for me. I don’t know what’s going to come with my career.”
“I don’t care how far apart we are,” he asserted. “I don’t want to be with anyone else- I’ve tried, and I’m sure you have too, but we always end up back here, don’t we?  I want to be with you. We can figure the rest out as we go. It’s us, you know?”
He smirked at the end of his sentence, and all the feelings she’d been holding in for two years seemed to boil over at once. God, she missed that smile. The same smile as the one she dreamed about every day when she was only 11 and he spent every summer day over at their house with Ron. The same smile that he gave her after their first kiss, and after they skipped the prom and hid out under the bleachers, and when he came home to visit from college for the first time, and when he visited her in her dorm, and when he saw her standing in her bridesmaid dress at Ron and Hermione’s wedding, and then when he took it off of her later that night, and when they bumped into each other at the airport a few months ago, and just last night as she curled up against him in his bed and kissed him goodnight.
Tears warned to spill over, and she cursed herself for blinking one free. Harry put a hand on her face and wiped it for her with his thumb. He looked deeply into her eyes, which only caused more tears to fall. He wiped another for her, and then he kissed one away, and then he kissed her lips so gently she could barely register it.
“What are you thinking?” he asked, a hint of desperation in his voice for some type of answer.
She looked away from him, staring down at their knees. “I still don’t know, Harry. I’m confused. Everything you’re saying… I want that, I do, but it just doesn’t… seem practical. And… I mean, if we did get back together, what about everything after that? Do you want to stay in Tupelo forever?”
“Not necessarily,” he responded flatly. “I love my job now but I don’t know if I’ll still want to be here in a few years… But do we need to be making those types of decisions now?”
“Well if we don’t, then what? We get back together and three years down the line we break up because we realize we’re still not on the same page? I don’t want to waste either of our time.”
Harry let out a defeated sigh, causing Ginny to look up again. The fire in his eyes was being stomped out by disappointment. “Gin, listen… all I know is that ever since I was sixteen all I’ve wanted is to be with you, whatever it took to make that happen. That hasn’t changed, not one bit, even nine years later. I know we can make it work. If it’s not what you want… I don’t want you to be with me if you aren’t fully in it. But I want to be in your life. I don’t know what that looks like for you right now, but however it does, I’ll be there. Even if that’s only as your brother’s best friend.” He offered a sad smile as he finished.
But you’re so much more than that , she wanted to say, but felt like that’d just be proving his point, and she still felt too confused and overwhelmed. Selfishly, she leaned in and kissed him, long enough to memorize the feeling for later but quickly enough to prevent any further persuasion from the magic of his mouth. She braced herself for her own heart’s self-destruction as she opened her eyes and said, “I think I should go home, now.”
Harry’s sadness lingered for a moment, before he channeled his expertise of shutting down, his features flickering to blankness. “If...if that’s what you want. Let me drive you home, at least?”
She wanted to say no, that she’d just order an Uber, but her mouth betrayed her. “Ok.”
He let go of her hand and stood up. “I’ll, er, just throw on some clothes real quick, then run and grab yours and leave you to get dressed.”
She nodded and watched him throw on a pair of jeans, an undershirt, a jumper, and socks rather haphazardly. She listened as his feet creaked across the hallway floors, and waited with bated breath as he made his way back moments later, handing her a pile of her clothes. She muttered a “thank you” and averted his eyes as she took them.
“Take your time,” he told her gently, and made his way back out.
The moment the door clicked closed, she clenched her eyes shut and pushed out all the tears she could, so none would escape for him to see when she would have to face him again. She wiped her face and felt the warmth leave her as she got up from his bed, her haven. She threw off his shirt and put on her clothes from the night before, but folded up his t-shirt and stuffed it in her purse. It was an unspoken agreement between them that she could take as many of his t-shirts as she liked; he bought extras just for her.
She looked in the mirror, quickly threw her hair back in a low ponytail, and inhaled deeply, as if the air entering her lungs would give her courage to move forward as she opened up his bedroom door and walked towards the entrance.
Harry had his sneakers on, her shoes lined up and her coat ready for her in his hands. She slipped on her shoes and against her better judgment she allowed him to slip her jacket on for her, arm by arm. She hated the electricity that crackled through their every touch. She did not want to leave, she hated herself for leaving, even.
As if he sensed her self-deprecation, he took hold of her hand after it slipped through the sleeve. “Gin, it’ll be okay.”
She didn’t believe him, of course, it was just his typical optimism in order to protect everyone he loved, Except it made Harry look out for everyone else’s comfort at his own expense.
He grabbed his keys and led them out of his flat. They got into his car quietly. Without taking the backroads, the ride was relatively short, only taking 3 songs on the classic rock station of his ancient car radio to make it back to her home, the Burrow.
He parked right outside, which was a mistake, as her mother was out in the front with their family dog, Pig. She was wise enough to just offer a wave and a smile and resume walking with him.
Harry turned to her and asked in a low rasp, “Can I see you again? Before you fly back? Will you still be at your family’s for New Year's?”
“Yeah, I will,” she told him. “I’ll...I’ll see you there.”
Harry nodded. He clicked the unlock button for the doors. “Just...just think about what I said, alright?”
Ginny swallowed, nodding back. “I will.”
He kissed her cheek, his lips burning against her cold skin, and as he pulled away he leaned over to open her door for her. She attempted a smile in thanks, hopped out of his truck, and closed the door gently behind her.
She didn’t look back as she walked through her lawn, as she heard him call out to her mother, “See you soon, Mrs. Weasley!,” as Pig barked merrily at him and Harry laughed out, “I’ll see you soon, too, Pig!” before driving away.
She was grateful that her mother didn’t pursue her as her legs worked their hardest to get her to the door, through the entrance, and up the flight of stairs to her room, into her own bed, waiting for a sense of safety or relief that never came.
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Maybe just coops having a really rough and tiring day at the rink and then cuddling and ordering takeout?
Woohoo! Coops fluff! I combined this with another ask as well <3 Coops credit goes to @lumosinlove
Anon 1: I’d love to see coops talking more seriously about having (adopting) a child in the future- I really latched onto those like 2 sentences when they babysit Jules
“What if we quit?” Sirius smushed his face into a couch cushion, stretching his legs out until they hung over the edge.
“You’d be sad.”
“Hockey sucks.”
“Hockey sucks,” Remus agreed. “Unfortunately, we love it.”
“I know.” Sirius shifted to lay on his back and groaned at the ache in his entire body. “Why do we do this to ourselves?”
“We’re gluttons for punishment and it feels nice being strong.” Remus let his head fall back to look at Sirius upside down, then reached over and poked his nose. “Boop.”
“We should get takeout.”
“Thai food?”
“God, yes.” Remus flailed an arm toward the coffee table and sighed heavily when he couldn’t reach his phone. “Alright, Loops, be an adult.”
“Are you talking to yourself?” Sirius laughed.
“Mind your business.” Remus stuck his tongue out playfully, then scrolled through his contacts and pressed a number. “Hi, is this New Leaf?”
Sirius rubbed his hamstring with a grimace; his hip would surely be bruised by tomorrow, and he wasn’t looking forward to manhandling his swollen feet into skates again. It would be another night of ibuprofen, ice, and elevation, apparently. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as Remus rattled off their order in his most polite customer service voice—which was absolutely hilarious to hear since he sounded like a midwestern dad who had never said ‘fuck’ in his life—and tried to check in with each of his sore spots.
Feet? Mostly numb. Thighs? Painful as hell. Abs? If I have to sit up, I will die on the spot. Arms? Noodles.
Remus set his phone down and flopped back into the chair again, resigning himself to a slobber-coated hand from Hattie’s kisses. “Twenty minutes.”
“How’s your knee?”
“Decent. How’s your hip?” Sirius made a face and he laughed. “Good answer. Ugh, even laughing hurts.”
“I feel like Coach is punishing us for something, but I don’t know what it is.”
“It’s almost playoff season. He’s probably just being paranoid again.” Remus rolled his ankle and grumbled under his breath. “We should send Molly a fruit basket.”
“Or a babysitter. Their youngest is Harry’s age, right? I can’t even imagine what that would be like.”
Remus was quiet for a moment. “I can.”
His tone had changed—all the teasing had melted away, leaving something soft and honest in its place. Sirius turned on his stomach and leaned his chin on his forearms so he could see the back of Remus’ head. “You can?”
“I mean, maybe not six kids, but…one or two.” He shrugged, though Sirius could hear the nervous edge to his voice. “We—we talked about it before, remember? When Jules was here.”
“Yeah, I remember.” Sirius coiled one red-blond curl around his finger, and Remus shifted to face him. “I’d like that.”
“Me, too. Not now, though.”
Sirius laughed lightly. “No, definitely not right now. Maybe three years? Four? Is there some kind of timeline we can look up for this?”
“How To Adopt Kids As A Gay Couple When You Both Play Hockey.” Remus held his hands up with a grin, like he was outlining a marquee. “There’s gotta be a pamphlet somewhere.”
Sirius reached up and took one of his hands, pressing a careful kiss to the inside of his wrist. “Kids have school during the day and practice is usually over by three. A baby would be hard, though.”
The joking amusement dimmed as Remus thought. “There are a lot of kids in the foster system.”
“I’m a little iffy about finding a surrogate,” Sirius admitted. “As cool as it would be to have a kid that’s genetically ours…I don’t know. There are so many options.”
“I think we should start with getting married, since we still have so much to do with that.” Remus paused and squeezed Sirius’ hand. “But let’s keep this pinned, yeah? Once the dust settles and we’re stable, I do want to talk about this more.”
“Same here.” He scooted forward to kiss Remus’ forehead, then felt a warm hand guide him down for a proper kiss. “I’m so glad we’re on the same page.”
“Baby, we’re on the same sentence.” Remus smiled against his mouth. “That’s the best feeling in the world.”
They kissed lazily until the doorbell rang, startling them both after the comfortable quiet and sending Hattie into hysterics. Sirius hobbled over to the door and grabbed his wallet off the table while Remus held her back by the collar. “Hello, are you from New Leaf?”
The delivery boy stared at him in shock.
“Is that our food?” Sirius tried, pointing to the plastic bag in his hands. The kid nodded. “How much do I owe you?”
“You’re Sirius Black.”
Behind him, Remus was snickering. “I am. How much do I owe you for the food?”
The kid’s eyes flickered down to his leg, which he was carefully keeping weight off. “Are you okay?”
“Leg fell asleep.” Sirius paused for a second. “I’m also pretty hungry.”
“Oh! Oh, right, sorry.” He nearly fumbled the bag as he handed it over. “Here you go, sir. The total is fifteen sixty-five.”
“Thanks.” Sirius handed over the cash and a tip, then waved. “Have a good night. Drive safe.”
The boy blinked. “I have a bike.”
“Bike safe, then. Thanks for the food.” He closed the door as the delivery boy awkwardly backed down the steps and Remus burst out laughing behind him. “Mon dieu, I hope he gets home alright.”
“He looked like he was about to pass out,” Remus wheezed as he let go of Hattie. She immediately zeroed in on the takeout bag and began sniffing it like it was the last food on earth. Sirius squinted through the window and saw the delivery boy swing a leg over his bike, then lightly thump his forehead on the handlebars.
“Shit, he feels bad,” Sirius muttered, keeping an eye on the bike until it was safely out of the neighborhood. “Was I rude? Should I call and tell the restaurant he did a great job?”
“You did fine, baby. Are we going to try and be functional by eating at the table or can we chill in the living room?”
“I’ll set up Avatar if you get forks.”
Ten minutes later, as the opening credits played and they sat shoulder-to-shoulder on the couch with warm curry, Sirius set his food on the coffee table and wrapped his arms around Remus’ shoulders, nuzzling his face into his neck. There was a shift while Remus put his own food down, then a hand came up to comb through his hair. “Hey, baby, what’s up?”
“Nothing. You’re warm and I love you.”
Remus sighed and cuddled into him, holding him just as tight. “I love you, too. Squish time?”
“Squish time. Curry can wait.”
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theoreticslut · 4 years
The Truth that you Deny // Part 1
pairing: fred weasley x reader x george weasley
word count: 2,644
warnings: none, fluff
A/N: apologies that this is a day late! I wasn’t feeling great yesterday, but i’m posting it now so I hope you all like it! also, i don’t have a lot of followers yet, but if you like my wrting and/or just this imagine maybe I could start a taglist?? let me know what you think!
“I don’t know what to do anymore, steph. I don’t understand this at all.” You pout, sighing as you lean back in your chair.
You’d been studying for hours now, which is the last thing you wanted to do on a Saturday, and the only thing you’ve managed to do is waste time and get maybe one or two questions/paragraphs done on a number of assignments. You had yet to actually complete anything.
Stephanie looks at you frowning, more than just a little bit annoyed with you.
“Maybe it’d help if you didn’t drift off thinking about your little crush every five minutes.”
“Who?” You ask, having not been paying attention.
“You’re seriously going to play dumb right now? We both know who you’re constantly thinking about.”
“I honestly don’t.”
“Oh come on, y/n. You so totally have a crush on the twins!”
“I do not. Why would you even think that?” You scoff. You, Stephanie, Katie, Lee, and the twins have been friends since first year and you had never once mentioned having a crush on either of them. Sure you might’ve been quiet and distracted around them sometimes, but you get stressed about school so easily. You spend most of the time worrying about grades and whether you know the material. In fact, while the twins were amazing friends, their pranks often drove you insane.
“Why would I think that? Y/n, have you seen the way you look at them? Do you even realize what you say to them?”
“What do you mean? I don’t say anything different to them than I do you.”
“Uh, yeah. You do. You are way nicer to them then you are me or katie or Lee. Remember when gryffindor won the last quidditch game and you couldn’t tell Fred and George enough how well they did?”
“Well they did. I was just saying the truth. It was a really good game.” You defend, not liking how steph seems to be grilling you for a yes.
“Okay, well then how about when either of them show up you’re suddenly ten times happier then you were beforehand?” She looks at you smugly like she knows she’s correct.
“Afternoon, ladies.” Fred greets as both him and George suddenly appear and sit down at the table you and Steph were studying at.
“Hey guys,” you smile catching the knowing look Steph throws your way. You roll your eyes at her and turn your attention to the twins. She can believe whatever she pleases, but it still doesn’t make it true.
“Are you girls studying?” George asks, a hint of disgust in his tone.
“Trying to. I’m not having much luck.” You sigh, throwing a playful glare at your best friend which doesn’t go unnoticed by any of them.
“Well then how about you put it away and come play a game of quidditch with us?” Fred asks, hope glowing on his face.
You sigh as frown takes hold of your face. If only you had gotten all this done already, or even better, didn’t have it to begin with.
“I’d love too, but I really need to get all of this done. I can’t put it off any longer.”
Both twins join as you pout. You know that they know that you’d absolutely love to play. While you hadn’t made the team (because you never tried out), you loved playing and were even really good at it.
You had surprised the twins over summer break two years ago when you visited the burrow for a week. Obviously since all the Weasley’s love playing quidditch and it’s almost a daily occurrence, it was bound to happen that they’d play a game while you were there. However, they really needed another player so you joined in and gave them all a run for their money (if only you had placed bets beforehand). Since then, the twins love asking you to play because you’re actually a bit of competition to them.
“Not even one game?” George asks, leaning towards you ever so slightly to try to catch your eye.
“Guys, I...no.” You sigh, frustrated that the professors gave you this much homework to begin with.
“Honestly, I’d love to play. You both know that, but I really need to get this done. Maybe tomorrow?” You ask.
“How about you put this up for awhile, come and play a game of quidditch with us, and then you finish this tomorrow?” Fred asks, looking to persuade you.
“You’re too persuasive for your own good, Weasley. As much as I’d love to play, I really ought to get this done or else I’m just going to be worrying about it tomorrow.”
“What if we study with you?” George asks, catching all of your attention.
“You two studying? That’s a really good one, George.” Stephanie replies, saying exactly what you were thinking.
“I’m serious,” he chuckles. “Believe it or not.”
“If we were to study with you later tonight and tomorrow, would you come and play a game with us?” He asks, giving his best impression of a sad puppy dog.
“George, I can’t. I’m already so behind and I want to make sure that I don’t fail. We do have the O.W.L.s this year you kn-“
“Pleeeeeease.” Both the twins beg, cutting you off.
“No, I-“
“It’s just one game, I promise.” George pouts.
You look over at Steph who’s only smirking and shaking her head at you, knowing you can’t say no. You hate that you can tell what’s she’s thinking with just that expression; ‘this is your problem, sweetie. Your the one that likes them.’
You roll your eyes at her again, mentally thanking her for all the help and give in.
“Fine! Fine. I’ll play one game.” you agree.
“Yes!” The twins shout simultaneously, high-fiving across the table.
“But you both better keep your word and study with me or else I won’t play with you again.” you threaten, even though it sounds empty even to you.
“Of course we will, gorgeous. We wouldn’t want our little lion cub upset.” Fred smirked, winking at you and George as you groan at their nickname for you.
Another lovely thing that’s come out of your few visits to the burrow. After another one of your empty threats, George laughed and made the point that even though you try to come off strong and threatening, you often fall short and sound like a child who just doesn’t quite have the bite to back up the bark. And since you’re all in gryffindor together, they made the connection to a lion cub.
Since then, it’s been expanded upon given different circumstances. Like when you were standing up for Ron one time, it changed to mumma lion. Then another time when you were confronting a girl that had been spreading rumors about one of your other friends, the twins joked about how you had become a lioness. So while it’s not your favourite nickname, it isn’t the worst one that you could’ve gotten and it’s only ever used by Fred, George and occasionally their family.
“You better watch it, Freddie.” You warned as you started packing up your books.
“And that’s another point for Y/n’s team!”
“Bloody hell, y/n. Give us a chance would you.” Fred nearly begs, rubbing his side where you may have just hit a bludger into him.
“You guys begged me to play and you both know that I don’t play nice.” You retort, not feeling any remorse.
You’d deny it if someone pointed it out, but the truth is you are extremely competitive, no matter the situation as long as it interests you. Quidditch? Bloody hell, you’d think your life depended on you winning. Proving to Lee that you could out drink him? You better have a full bottle of replenishing potion because you are going to have one of the worst hangovers of your life. Basically, if you were presented any sort of challenge, you tackled it head-on.
“He’s just upset that he’s losing. You know how he is.” George says, winking at you as his brother grumbles to himself.
“Want to play once more and whoever gets the point wins? I’m getting awfully tired.”
“Sounds good to me.” George nods.
“Yeah, let’s do it.” Fred grumbled as he and George fly back to their positions.
“Oh bloody hell” you grumble as you wake up and stretch. You don’t often play quidditch, therefore you’re a little out of shape and currently very sore.
That doesn’t even take into account that you stayed up much later than you should have last night trying to get something done.
You groan as you roll over to look at the clock to find it to be 8 AM. You’d certainly love to sleep in a bit more, but if you didn’t get a move on you’d miss breakfast and that’s the last thing you need to do if you were going to be studying with Fred and George today. You loved them, but boy could they get in your nerves sometimes. You didn’t need to be hungry on top of it.
Dragging yourself out of bed, you change into a pair of leggings and an oversized black sweater that tends to hang off one shoulder. You pull on your favourite pair of black heeled boots and move onto brushing your hair and apply the minimal makeup you’re comfortable wearing.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty. You look like your ready to spend the day studying with Fred and George.” Steph teased as you sit down next to her.
“Let me eat first, and hopefully get a cup of coffee. Then you can taunt me all you want.” You say, rubbing at your eyes as you’re not quite awake yet.
“Take my fun away.” She pouts, picking up a bite of pancake with her fork.
“But seriously, how are you feeling about today? You get to spend ALL the quality time with your boys as you like.”
She smiles, staring at you to see your reaction.
“I don’t like them like you’re implying, Stephanie. How many times do I have to tell you?” You huff, taking a sip of your much needed cup of coffee.
“Yeah-huh. You keep telling yourself that. Eventually you’ll believe it.”
“Maybe eventually you’ll get the hint.” You grumble, moodily stabbing a piece of pancake yourself.
“Someone seems to be in a mood this morning.” Fred states as he and George sit down across from you two.
You send a glare over at him as you continue eating your breakfast.
“Definitely. What have we missed already this morning?” George asks, looking from you to Stephanie as he gets himself a cup of coffee.
“Someone is denying that she has feelings for a couple certain people when it’s glaringly obvious.” Stephanie states.
“Ooh, who does our little lion cub have a crush on? Anyone we know?” Fred asks, not missing the opportunity to try and tease you.
“Steph just needs to learn how to take no as an answer. I’ve already told her that I do not, in fact, have feelings for them, but she can’t seem to accept that.”
“Again, who are they?” Fred asks.
“Don’t worry about it because I don’t like them. And even if I did I’m positive neither of them would see me in the same way so it really doesn’t matter whatever way you try to look at it.” You rant, stabbing your fork into some scrambled eggs.
You notice Fred and George share a look that can only be translated to ‘well she isn’t having a good morning. Yikes.’ You huff as you continue eating in silence, feeling all three of them look at you.
“Y/n, what does this even mean?” Fred asks exasperatedly.
“What does what mean, Freddie?” You sigh, looking up from your own parchment where you are attempting to write a paper for Potions.
“I don’t know. I can’t make sense of any of it anymore.” He pouts.
“Well then I don’t know how to help you.” You say, watching as he pouts in frustration.
“What about you, Georgie? How is everything going?” You ask, looking over to find George staring down at his parchment.
“Uh, decent?” He asks, seeming awfully confused.
“You two are some of the worst study partners around. How have you made it this far, honestly?” You chuckle, leaning back in your chair.
“Our charm and wit.” George jokingly says, winking at you which only causes you to laugh a bit more.
“Why don’t we take a break for awhile? We’ve been working at this for nearly two hours now.” Fred sighs.
You look over at him and give him a small smile. You honestly can’t believe that both of them came along with you and haven’t done much complaining until now. Neither of these boys liked their homework much, in fact it was rare to find them ever working on it.
“You two can if you’d like. I’m nearly done with this paper and if I stop now I’ll forget what I was doing.”
“Then finish the paper and then we’ll all take a break.” He smiles.
I shake my head as I smile back at him and continue working on my potions paper. I just need another paragraph or two to finish it off and then I’m early done with all of my work.
“There, done.” I say as I set my quill down. I lean back to find both of the twins staring at me.
“Who were you and Stephanie talking about over breakfast?” Fred asks, a smile on his lips yet he sounds fairly serious, not trying to joke around at all.
“Back to this again?” You sigh, tossing your head back in annoyance. “It doesn’t matter, Freddie. Let it go.”
“C’mon y/n, we’re just curious. Maybe we could help you find out if they like you back.” George offers.
“Yeah, you’re one of our best friends, y/n and you deserve to be with someone that makes you happy.” Freddie says, looking directly at you.
“Besides, you haven’t ever been with anyone at all have you? Like not even just dating?” He adds on.
“No, and I don’t really care to. I’ve got too many other things on my mind.” You say, still ignoring the main question at hand here.
“You have no interest at all? Really?” Fred asks knowing otherwise. You know both of them have heard you talk about guys before with the other girls and you all know that you’ve said not once, but multiple times, that you can’t wait to have a boyfriend to cuddle with and to just love.
“Can’t we just drop it? I really don’t want to talk about it. Steph’s made it into a bigger deal than it needs to be.”
You look at George for some sort of support. You know he and his brother are very much alike, but he’s always been a bit
more considerate when it comes to things people don’t feel like sharing.
“If it’s not a big deal, then why don’t you just tell us? No big deal, no harm in telling right?” George asks, doing the complete opposite of what you were hoping.
“I don’t want to talk about it because if I do I’m afraid...well, I’m afraid it’ll make everything more complicated that what I want to deal with.” You truthfully state.
Both twins watch you as you go silent again, not meeting either of their gazes. If they had known it was this difficult for you to acknowledge, then they wouldn’t have pushed it so much, but here you all were; past that line that pushes your relationship with each other into uncharted territory. You guys don’t share your emotions with each other like this, so now that you have, where do you all go from here?
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oikadori · 4 years
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A/N: I really liked this request!! I love Yamaguchi but I’m really insecure about writing for him?? so that’s why he isn’t on my characters list, but after this I might write for him too! Sorry for deleting the last one and then posting this again but I get really anxious when like, i have a plan and then it doesn’t go as I wanted so here it is...again BUT at 10pm east hour 😌
Sorry for the long wait ANON but here it is. Hope you like it!
Yamaguchi Tadashi x f!Reader
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Summary: he is very subtle with his feelings but it’s really hard to hide them when his crush is Karasuno’s sweetheart, in the other hand, you are not familiar with the butterflies in your stomach
Genre: fluff, a little angst but mostly fluff
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“Karasuno’s heartbreaker” that’s how they called you. You really didn’t want to sound mean to them, but the boys’ insistence bothered every fiber of your body. So, when you noticed that third-year walking in your direction, holding a cute bento-box, you ran.
“Oh, I’m so sorry”, the boy with freckles and a little aerial on his hair says as his cheeks tint red when he notices you. You, the sweetheart of Karasuno just bumped into his chest “Are you– “
Your tongue sticks out catching your breath as you look at the tall boy you just crashed against.
“It doesn’t matter–“ ,  you hear multiple steps turning around the corner and your eyes fanatically search for a spot to hide, noticing just now his black jacket, “Freckles! You are from the volleyball club, right?”
“Let me hide in the gym. PLEASE. Only for ten minutes”
“I–Only people from the club can enter”
“Just five minutes, okay?” the way your eyes become big and puffy kills any resistance he had left. He nods nervously before walking to the gym’s door, followed closely by your figure.
You scan him curiously. ‘Is he a first year?’ He’s really tall for that, but you don’t remember seeing him in any of your classes. ‘Maybe he is in advanced classes?’
The moment you cross the doors, all stares are over you. Two second-years freeze in the spot while a tall blonde looks at you with confusion as his eyes slightly widen. You recognize two first years, Kageyama and Hinata, who turn bright red as they see you standing in the entrance with an embarrassed little smile.
“Don’t mind me. I’m just–
“IS THAT Y/N-san??”
“I think she is Ryu!! This is our lucky day!!”
“Yamguchi, since when are you friends with her?” the blonde says, not crossing eyes with you
“I’m not, but–“
“Don’t worry, I’ll leave as soon as I can”
“W-We can teach you play Y/N-san!”, Hinata comes at you, bouncing, making you take a few steps back, “Stay, Please!–”
Your feet slip in the steps and you lose your balance only for a fraction of second, but Yamaguchi’s hand is quick grabbing your forearm. His hold on you is gently and the moment he notices it, he releases you just as quick.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to t-touch you like that” you move away a little, still shocked by the loudness of the situation, shaking slightly your head.
“Thank you actually. I just need some sp–”
Before anyone else can approach you, a third-year girl moves in front of you, extending her arms protectively.
“Stay back, you’re scaring her”, just when you were about to thank her, you see behind your shoulder multiple boys approaching the gym, and without exchanging a word, she  pushes you further into the gym, and closes the door with a loud thud.
“Thank you so much…”
“I–sorry for coming in like that” you whisper, “Can I stay here until they leave, please?”, you gaze at the third-years, pleading.
“Please, please let her stay Daichi-san”
“Please! It’s Y/N L/N-san!”
They share a brief smile before welcoming you. So, in an attempt of making yourself useful, you start helping Kiyoko with her duties. Your eyes casually drift to the court and the moment you see them playing, your mouth opens wide.
“Amazing right?”
“I’ve never seen an actual match before…It’s– really impressive”, Kiyoko smiles at you before speaking again
“Have you joined any club activity?”
The cold air of the night shakes your hair as you close the gyms doors, wearing the volleyball club’s jacket. You wrap your arms around yourself at the coldness as you turn down Noya and Tanaka’s offer to carry your bags to walk you home.
“Thank you, but you both live, like, in the opposite side of the town”
As the boys leave with puppy eyes, you catch the sight of a little brown aerial turning around the corner.
“Freckles, are you going home?”
“Oh. Hi, Y/N”, he stops instantly and turns to you, “No, sorry. I’m gonna practice some more serves. You live in the house, crossing the street, right?
He turns red, replaying the words in his head as his eyes go blank.
“I-I’ve seen you walking to school a few times. Not that I watch you constantly–Sorry!”, you bit your lip holding back a chuckle, his shyness making your eyes soften.
“Can I go with you? I could go alone honestly but my parents would kill me if they saw me arriving home at this hour without company”
“ I’m gonna practice for at least one more hour, are you okay with that?” ‘An extra hour besides his regular training??!!’
“I kinda don’t have a choice, so yes”, he frowns as you reach for your back, placing it across your shoulder before zipping your jacket and giving a light nod to begin your walk.
He doesn’t ask you to let him carry your bag, he have seen how that question had bothered you at least 20 time before. So, he just walks beside you, in silence.
“Hey that’s not the street we were supposed to take” you stop, pointing at the opposite side, “That’s the one to Shimada’s-san store!”
“I know, I’m walking you home first”, you blink and a strange lump settles on your throat, “I can practice later”, a closed-eye smile crosses his face, it is amazing the way your face burns at the effortless cuteness of the first-year.
“But it’s really late already–“
“Oh, I stay until much later! It’s no problem really” ‘Why is he so damn sweet???’
“Fine. Whatever” your mumbles make Yamaguchi’s lips curve up, he looks at you dreamily, you are absolutely gorgeous. That silly nickname doesn’t equal everything you are, and it makes his heart drop to the ground.
Suddenly, you quicken your pace making him take long steps to match yours.
“Come on, Yamaguchi, I don’t want you to blame me for falling asleep in class tomorrow!”
Good thing you’re walking a few steps ahead of him, otherwise you would have seen clear as day his flushed cheeks shining under the moon.
That was the very only walk you had alone with Yamaguchi, but even though he was always around Tsuki, you promised yourself you would cope with the middle blocker, so you didn’t have to walk alone. From being just teammates, you started calling them friends.
The sun is falling on the horizon, a mix of orange and red painting the sky as Karasuno’s volleyball club left the gym where they just had a long practice match.
“Oi! The pretty manager! Wait!”
Your foot just landed on the step of the bus, when three boys from the other team come at you. Yamaguchi is behind you, waiting for you to step in when you turn back, sighing.
“Hey. I’m about to leave so I’m sorry–
“Aww, sweetheart, don’t be like this”, the boy eyes you from to toe to head, making Yamaguchi frown at him but then, when he looks at your face, your sweet smile turning into a dangerous grin, he just backs away, “I only want your phone number”
There is a little pause and Yamaguchi can feel his features relaxing, understanding you are in total control. He had watched you closely, not with obsessive stares but with subtle glances here and there, picking up your gestures and actions. Not noticing, how strong his crush on you was getting.
“Oh, but why on earth would I do that?”, you look so cute but there is nothing cute in the words you spit at them, it makes Yamaguchi gulp harshly. ‘Maybe you learnt too well from Tsuki’.
Noya and Tanaka were already running his sleeves up getting off the bus when they heard you, becoming statues.
“I mean, you don’t seem like the kind of guy I’ll date so- No. I’m tired and I want to go home” you say, swaying your hips as you enter the bus, “Are you coming Yamaguchi?”
You drop your weight on an empty seat as Yamaguchi searches for another spot without luck. He looks at the seat next to you with nervousness, not wanting to bother you.
“You can sit here, you know? You can’t stay up the whole ride, can you?”
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable”
“Why would you?” you quirk an eyebrow at him, smiling as you see the soft redness spreading on his cheeks, “I’m messing with you, Tadashi! Just sit”
And as a soldier listening to a command, he sits.
He watches you as you take out your earbuds and plug them in, scrolling down your playlists.
“Did the album you were waiting come out?”, he points shyly his finger at your phone, making you blink as you turn to him
“I-Yes! How do you know I was waiting for it?”
“Uhm–I remember you said that last week”, you fight vigorously the red that threatens your cheeks with fake coughs, “I-I didn’t mean to overhear you, I swear!
“No-no. It’s not that. It’s just–guys don’t usually listen to me, not really anyways. It’s nice knowing someone does”
A comfortable silence settles in as you brush the butterflies in your stomach away before turning to him, eyes glistening with a little mishief.
“That guy was SO annoying!!”, you sigh, “I’m sure Noya and Tanaka would have eaten him alive” you giggle a little before staring at him expectantly for his reaction.
“I–“, his eyes run away from yours before mumbling softly, “I don’t think you needed someone to protect you, your presence itself is…overwhelming–In the best way possible!”
Tsuki turns his head to where you both are siting, sighing, when he sees two blushing messes sinking in the seats.
“I mean if he kept insisting, of course I would do–something!” you feel again that weird knot in the pit of your stomach and without thinking you unplug one of your earbuds.
“Want to listen with me?”
“yes”, Yamaguchi just feel as if he is the luckiest guy in the world and he wants to enjoy every minute of it, but playing five practice sets was tiring
His eyelids grow heavier and his head staggers from right to left as the ride continues, accidentally landing on your shoulder.
“Sorry! I didn’t meant to–“
“D-Don’t worry, I want to sleep too so–“
‘Are you asking to–?’
“You can rest on my shoulder–If you want” you nod shyly causing Yamaguchi to stare at you shocked, he had never seen you this timid.
His brain freezes as he feels the weight of your head falling on his right shoulder, breath almost stoping when you snuggle a little more to find the best position to finally sleep.
“Thank you, Tadashi”, the loudness of his heartbeat nearly doesn’t let him hear your soft whisper.
Finally, he lets his head cautiously fall on top of yours as if he was scared to mess a single strand of your hair but not before he had taken the sight of you. Your face looked almost angelical as the sunlight poured throght the window onto your features, your breath slowing down continuously.
Yamaguchi truly never had felt this lucky.
Since then, you realized you did have feelings for the pinch server and even though he showed a little smile and a light blush now and then, you didn’t know if he felt the same. It was unknown to you that his chest brimmed with nervousness and excitement every time he was in your presence.  
You’ve never felt this anxious before, and watching the cute, blushing exchanges between Yamaguchi and Yachi only made it worst. This time, Yachi almost passed away when a volleyball landed right next to her, Yamaguchi was quick getting the first-aid kit and sitting next to her. A bright red in both of their faces as he touched her hand, searching her pulse, making your eyes roll.
You hated going alone to the storage room, but you hated much more the ongoing scene in the gym.
Dust gets in your lungs, causing you to cough violently as you search for an old net in one of the shelves.
“Why nobody cleans this??”
“Y/N, do you need help?”
The moment you hear Yamaguchi’s voice you huff.
“No. I’m fine”
“But you can fall, Y/N. Let me reach that for you”
“Just let me do it!” you turn way too quickly to face him, losing your balance on the chair, falling forward.
Yamaguchi is fast grabbing your waist, but gravity had already pull you down by the time his hands secure you. Your chest crashes with his as your eyes close, his back landing with a loud thump over the wooden floor.
When you open your eyes again, your lips are on top of his. Yamaguchi’s eyes are still tightly shut, and you take the moment to feel his lips
‘Incredibly soft’.
You drift your stare from his lips to his face, his freckles almost disappearing for the shade of red that tints his cheeks. He is just so pretty!
“SORRY, Y/N!!” he moves his head away not giving you time to react, detaching his lips form yours.
“You didn’t like it?”
“I–Of course I did”
“Then why did you pull back–
“No! Really, Tadashi, tell me. Just tell me you like Yachi, already!”, he blinks in confusion, his heartbeat hammers his ears as he feels numb by the words you’re about to say, “I like you Tadashi”
“But you’re out of my reach. I like you so much, but why would you–“, you grab his face with both of your hands, the urge to feel him, overwhelming you as you gaze at him overflowed by confidence
“Shut up and kiss me, Yamaguchi” you’re still on top of him and his hands find its way to your waist as you press him against you. The kiss is filled with your eagerness and soon is follow by Yamaguchi’s softness and tenderness, a little moan escapes his lips, making you smile.
The door opens for a second only to show Tsuki with disgust all over his face before he disappears again, causing you to break the kiss. His shy eyes look at you and pepper his beautiful freckles with kisses for reassurance.
“Don’t ever put yourself down in front of me Tadashi, ever”
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A/N: I promise, now I’m gonna work in the event :3 Hopefully I can publish some of them in the next week, I have more math presentations xd
❀ Please reblog if you like it! ❀
♡Thanks for reading ♡
↳ ∴ Master List ∴
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jaycewrites-192000 · 3 years
Growl: Chapter 1
Kyotani Kentaro (Mad Dog)
Warnings: None. Slow updates
It all started with a growl...
...Which was odd considering it came from a human.
(There might be some lacking in the teams/teammates and matches and I'm sorry if there is. I'll certainly do my best to describe the events of matches and the different personalities of each team members. That's all, thank you for reading!)
(just let me know if you want to be added) Tags: @etroman @theravencawsatmidnight
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Your P.O.V
The shrill alarm shook me awake from my sleep, with a groan you sit up and slam the top of the alarm to shut it up. Groggily opening my eyes I grab my phone and turn it on, suddenly my tired eyes filled with panic as I saw the day and time. Monday, 7:20am. I was late for school! I was never late! I toss my phone aside and scrambled to get dressed and brush my teeth and hair. Because I was in a hurry, my hair ended up looking more messy than decent. But there was no time to fix it right, so I hurried to grab my school bag and phone before running downstairs.
I noticed that my mother wasn't here, which would explain why I didn't hear her yelling for me to wake up. I walked over to the fridge to see a note that read: "Y/n, I was called in early for work. Hopefully you remember to wake up early so you can eat breakfast. If not, I left you some cash so you could grab a snack on the way to school. I'll be back before dinner. Love you, -Mom." I internally thanked my mom before grabbing the cash off the table and running out the door. "I don't even think I have time to get some food on the way there." I sigh. Guess I have extra money for lunch then.
Finally I made it to the front gates of the school, Aoba Johsai High, I checked my phone. I had five minutes to spare. Picking up the pace I ran into the school, and through the halls, narrowly avoiding people while doing so. Avoiding all except for one, partially tall person. I yelped, tumbling backwards, I somehow managed not to fall over. The person I ran into turned back to face me. I felt my stomach drop slightly at the sight of the boy. He was tall, with a blonde buzzcut that had two black lines that started from the right side of his head that looped around to the left side. It kinda resembled a bee pattern. His glare shook me down to my core, piercing yellow eyes shot right through me. The dark bags under his eyes only made his glare more intimidating. But what scared me the most, was when he spoke. Or...growled?
"Watch it." His voice was gravely and deep. It was almost like he was snarling at me. Like an angry dog maybe? "I uh...sorry?" I mutter. The boy only clicked his tongue before walking away. "...What the hell was that?" I breathed before picking up my bag and walking into my classroom.
"Miss L/n. You're late." Said my teacher, turning away from the chalk board, book in hand. Ah! I totally forgot! Embarrassed, I bowed my head and apologized before taking my seat. I might have made it too, if it weren't for that angry guy earlier. I sighed and opened my books and got to copying what was written on the board. "Heeeey, L/n-Chan~. You've never been late before, what kept you?" A familiar voice whispered, interrupted my writing. I knew that voice all to well, with another sight you turned to see my, I guess friend, Oikawa Toru.
"I overslept." I whispered back. "I almost made it too." Oikawa chuckled as he leaned on his hand. "That's so unlike you L/n-Chan. What kept you up last night? Have a boyfriend you don't want me to know about?" He smirks. "No!" I whispered-shouted back. "I...I was watching anime." I mutter. Oikawa failed to hold back his laughter. "Oikawa, L/n! Keep it down!" The teacher scolds us both. "Y-yes sir!" We apologize.
"Hey. L/n-Chan, meet me after class in the gym. There's something I want to tell you." Oikawa whispers. You nod before getting back to work.
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Normal P.O.V
Finally classes had ended, and you were on your way to the gym. You couldn't help but wonder what Oikawa wanted to tell you. "He better not try and ask me out again." You groan. The first time he did it was so embarrassing! And right in front of his herd of fan girls too! You thought they were going to hunt you down and murder you after what he did. "Jerk. This had better be good." You say before opening the doors to the gym. Inside, was the school's volleyball team, and their captain Oikawa as well. "L/n-Chan!" He ran towards you, trying to give you a hug, but you step out of the way of his path, causing him to run into the wall. "Dumbass." A brown hair male shakes his head. It was Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa's "best friend".
"Hi Iwa-Chan." You smile and wave. "Hey! That's my nickname for him!" Oikawa whines. "Hey L/n." Iwaizumi, ignoring him, waves back. "What brings you here?" He asks. "Oikawa told me to come here. He said he needed to tell me something." Iwaizumi glares at Oikawa. "You better not try and ask her out again Shittykawa!" You laugh at the infamous nickname for Oikawa. "I'm not!" Oikawa puts his hands on his hips. "I asked her here for an important reason."
"Like what?" You asked. "Well first of all, what do you think of our team? Though, I shouldn't have to ask that, we're obviously an amazing team, don't be shy, go ahead and say it." Oikawa says with a haughty tone. "Uh, yeah I guess you guys are pretty cool." You tell him. Oikawa scoffs. "Pretty cool?" He shakes his head. "Anyway, how would you like to be our manager?" You gave Oikawa a confused look. "Like, you want me to be your manager? Uh, I mean, I don't know. I've never really held much of an interest in volleyball, let alone managing an entire team."
"Whaaaat? But you have to be! We don't have a cute manager girl!" Your eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "Oh shut it! I'm defiantly not going to be your manger if I'm just here to look cute!" You snap. "Please L/n-Chan!" Oikawa begs. "Leave her alone Shittykawa! She's obviously not interested!" Iwaizumi punches Oikawa in the back of his head. "Ow!" He whines.
"Sorry Oikawa, I just don't think I'm the right fit for your team's manager." You apologize. "At least think about it! I really think you'll like it once you get the feel for it. You'll even get the chance to make more friends." That caught your attention. You didn't have many friends, just Oikawa and Iwaizumi really. You didn't know the rest of the team as well as they did, you would have, if you had more of an interest in volleyball. But you didn't. Maybe this would be good for you after all. Before Iwaizumi got the chance to punch Oikawa again you stopped him. "Fine! I'll think about it, but this is not a yes, got it?"
"Oh thank you L/n-Chan!" Oikawa's mood took a turn for a brighter one. "You won't regret it I promise!"
"For your sake, I better not." You mutter. "I'm gonna get going. I'll see you guys later ok?" Before you head out the gym, Oikawa stopped you. "Wait, don't you want to watch us play? Maybe it will help you make a decision." You shrug and set your bag beside the bench. You didn't really have anything better to do, so you might as well watch. "We're just about to start, we're just waiting for a certain trouble maker to show up." Oikawa crosses his arms. Just as you were going to ask who this "certain trouble maker" was, the gym doors slammed opened. The loudness made you jump in shock, turning around slowly, you met the eyes of someone, you wished you would never have to see again.
It was the scary ass dude you ran into earlier!
"Mad Dog-Chan!" Oikawa greets him. Mad Dog-Chan?? You blink a few times, what kind of name was that? "It's about time you showed up. You get in trouble again?" "Mad Dog-Chan" rolled his eyes and walked in, he didn't even bother to spare you a passing glance as he entered the gym. Did he even notice you at all? It was probably better that way. "You should start getting here earlier. Hurry and get changed so we can start." Iwaizumi spoke up. Mad Dog-Chan nods. "Yes sir." He made his way to the dressing rooms. "Why do you listen to him and not me!?" Oikawa whines.
You walk up to Oikawa as soon as he was gone. "Oikawa, who was that guy? How come you've never mentioned him?" You asked. "He was suspended, so this is the first time he's practicing with us in a while. And as for me not talking about him, well, you saw how unpleasant he can be." You couldn't help but agree with that, you didn't want to make assumptions, but after your encounter with him it was pretty clear he wasn't the most decent of people. "Yeah, I know. I ran into him earlier, I thought he was going to kill me."
"Really? I feel sorry for you then." Oikawa chuckles. "Who is he? Mad Dog-Chan can't be his real name." Well no duh, who names their kid something like that? "His name is Kyotani Kentaro. He's a second year." You hum in response. "Is he any good? Playing volleyball I mean."
"Oh, I don't want to spoil that for you. Just wait and see sweetheart." You punch him in the side. "What did I say about calling me that?" You mutter. "Sorry.." Oikawa whimpers.
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sinnergetreadymp3 · 3 years
Uhhhhh I feel like I should give this a title but I have no idea what to call so uh, nevermind !!
Anyways,I finally finished the fic I said I was writing like,a month ago lol. All my Chameron stans out there this one's for u,I rlly hope at least one person enjoys this,I rlly enjoyed writing it !! Ok sappy stuff outta the way,here it is:
As rain pounded against the window Charlie sent what was probably the thousandth crumpled ball of paper across the room.
"Jesus Charlie,is your arm not getting tired?"
Charlie smirked at that, clearly preparing to make a dirty minded joke,but a thoroughly exhausted Richard Cameron was already one step ahead.
"You know what,forget I asked, you're gross."
Getting up from the seat at his desk and ignoring an indignant retort from Charlie, Cameron thought of the rest of his friends,out for the weekend. Todd and Neil celebrating their one year anniversary, Meeks and Pitts embarking on a two day road trip,for what they still claimed to be, entirely platonic reasons (although the rest of the poets were all too aware of the almost palpable romantic tension between them). Even Knox had found something to do with himself on this miserable Friday night.
And here Cameron was,stuck in his dorm with nothing but stacks of extra homework and his obnoxious roommate to keep him company.
Speaking of that obnoxious roommate, "Oh come on Cam,you're not seriously going to bed already,it's barely eight!"
"Shut up Dalton,I'm tired."
Refusing to admit defeat, Charlie sprung from his own bed into Cameron's, attempting to wrestle the poor boy from his comfortable position.
"Charlie,get off you psycho!" Cameron managed to get out, already laughter threatening to give away just how welcome his friend's childish antics were.
After a few more minutes of "fooling around" as Charlie insisted on calling it (mostly because of how profusely it made Cameron blush),the two boys lay breathless beside each other,trying desperately to think of something else to do that would ward off impending boredom.
After a few moments of comfortable silence,Charlie suggested,looking expectantly towards the ginger, "Wanna go to the cave?"
With extreme,mind numbing boredom as motivation, it was inevitable that Cameron would say yes. It certainly helped that Charlie was gazing at him with those oh-so convincing doe eyes of his. Charlie Dalton and his stupid,gorgeous eyes. And his stupid,gorgeous smile,which Cameron was abso definitely not thinking about as he got up and grabbed his coat.
The two boys trudged through the woods,bickering lightly when Cameron complained of the cold that Charlie apparently couldnt feel at all,but always with an unusually friendly air between them. Before long they were sat together in the middle of the cave,sharing an apple that Cameron had managed to salvage from somewhere (a feat Dalton was of course impressed by),and trading stories of girls and parties galore. In Cameron's case, the stories of girls were few and the parties were from years long before even middle school,so Charlie did most of the talking.
After a while though,the boys came to discussing their friends,and the luck they all seemed to have in finding each other so easily. Charlie, ever the romantic,made no waste of his extensive vocabulary,tediously lamenting on all the opportunities of love he had missed and the everlasting loneliness he was doomed to,all because his dashing knight in shining armour would never come to find him and-
"Why dont *you* just find somebody?"
Charlie,still sprawled dramatically over a rock ,and mildly offended at the interruption,indignantly questioned "What do you mean?"
"What I said? You dont just have to wait around for somebody to come find you and fall madly in love. Why don't *you* just find somebody?"
He thought for a moment,taken aback by the ginger's harsh words,but eventually decided to humout him for a moment.
"And where exactly do you suggest I find him then, hm?"
Cameron shifted in his seat,not expecting to be taken seriously and certainly not prepared to be giving advice. Especially not *this* kind of advice. Especially not to *charlie*.
"Well,uh," he looked up to see the other boy looking at him expectantly,with that ever-present smirk on his face that, oddly enough,made Cameron feel a little more comfortable.
"Maybe,you could,I don't know, consider that the guy you're looking for has been here the whole time?"
"Wow Cam,Pittsie and Meeks' radio must've really gotten to you. All those love songs have turned you into a big softie." Charlie joked,grinning and nudging Cameron playfully.
Through a soft laugh,Cameron continued, "No I'm serious man,I think you're making this whole love thing way harder for yourself. I mean- and be honest with me, what's actually wrong with the guys at our school?"
"Other than the fact that about three quarters of them are raging heterosexuals?"
Laughing again,Cameron replied "yeah,other than that."
After about zero seconds of careful consideration,he had come to a conclusion, "Well,I guess nothing,but I dont know? Cameron, I don't see how this changes-"
"It *changes* things because clearly you don't anything about half the guys at our school. And you can't write off people you don't even know." At some point, Cameron had gotten up and started pacing around,but with the end of this triumphant speech,he finally sat down,a little closer to the other boy than he had been before.
Charlie looked across at Cameron and was suddenly met with a wave of fondness. Weird,how all it took was to sit and talk for a while before someone you thought you near hated,started to feel like your favorite person in the world. And,was he going completely crazy or Cameron at his most comfortable, without the fear of a teacher lurking nearby,without the stress of constantly trying to prove himself,was he... A little..... attractive??
All at once,Charlie made a decision,partly to try and prove himself wrong,but also because hey,if Richard Cameron was the surprise love of his life,what better time to figure it out than right now?
"So how,sir Richard Cameron,do you propose I get to know all these charming suitors?"
Cameron, completely in the dark about Dalton's recent epiphany,was still stubbornly trying to explain how much easier Charlie's love life could be,if only he would let it.
"Well,maybe by actually talking to them? Y'know,kind of like,What we're doing right now."
"So,what you're saying is,*you* could be my knight in shining armor," he said with a smirk.
"Well,that's not what-"
"No,no it's fine,as long as we're talking about this version of you. Regular Cameron is kind of a buzzkill but Cave Cam is actually a kind of.... And I can't believe I'm saying this but,in here,like this...well. You're actually a little hot."
After this, overwhelmingly romantic confession, Charlie was certain he had completely stuffed it,and sure enough,
"Gee Charlie,thanks. Really makes me wanna ride into the sunset with you." To say Cam's ego had been hit was an understatement,but before he could make a swift exit from the cave and lock himself,alone,in his dorm for the rest of the weekend,of course Dalton kept talking.
"God,I'm sorry,that was, I have no idea why I said that. I thought I was being funny but out loud- god I'm so sorry," while he had initially been mad,seeing Charlie fucking Dalton blush (and because of *him* no less) was rather funny. And sure,a little cute. So Cameron decided to hear him out.
"Can I start over? You're not saying anything so I'm gonna start over. I,uh, I really do think you're hot. Like really hot. And not just right now,all the time,like that time we were at rowing practice and I started pushing you around and we ended up on the floor and I saw like,a single sliver of skin because your sweater had ridden up,and I couldn't stop thinking about it all day,which I thought was a little weird but then-"
"Uh,I think I get it,Charlie." Now Cameron was the one blushing.
"Uh,sorry. What I meant was,that I *do* think you're hot l-"
"As you've said"
"Yeah,yeah,but it's more than that. Like,when I realized we'd basically be spending the whole weekend alone together,I was actually sorta excited for that,even though I knew I'd just be sitting by you while you did homework the whole time,I like,wanted to do that. And tonight,I haven't talked like this with anyone who isn't Neil like,ever. What I mean is,I guess,is that,I think that uh,"
Deciding to lighten the mood,Cameron tried for a little sarcasm, "Wow,Dalton, stuttering? I must be superman or something."
"I'm trying to be romantic here Carrot top," Charlie said with a grin,
"Listen,I don't really know what I'm doing here,but I think it might be kinda nice if we tried having a little romantic weekend of our own. Just to try it. If it totally sucks we can pretend it never happened and the others don't have to know about it and-"
"Relax," Cameron said with yet another laugh ,he didn't think he laughed like this since... Well,he couldn't even remember.
So with a radiant smile on his face,he said,"A romantic weekend of our own sounds amazing. Gotta warn you tho I'm not a great kisser."
"Well, lucky for you I am a great teacher," Charlie replied,with a somehow even bigger smile on his face than Cameron's,
"Why are you laughing,I *am* a great teacher!" Unfortunately for Charlie,his indignance only made Cameron laugh harder.
"I'll believe that when I see it."
"If you shut up and stop laughing,maybe you'll get to." After this was all it took to get the ginger to sober up, the look on his face pushed Charlie to make his final,but (in his opinion) most important decision of the night.It was high time he flirt with Cameron way more often (which was *very* difficult to explain to the other poets,at least the first time).
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Strangers (Part 2)
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Summary: A month after meeting Dr. Winchester, the reader finds herself back in the hospital and her new boyfriend is not happy to see her there...
Pairing: Doctor!Dean x patient!reader
Word Count: 2,100ish
Warnings: language, crazy-ex boyfriend, mention of surgery/injury
A/N: I hope you enjoy!
One Month Later
“Hello,” said a familiar voice as they walked around the curtain with a chart. “I’m Dr...sweetheart?”
“Dr. Sweetheart, huh?” you giggled, wincing a bit. Dean immediately looked down at your chart and was frowning. “What are you doing down in the ER?”
“Slow day upstairs which I always consider a good thing. Helping out,” he said.
“Hello, Dean,” said your mom, getting up and giving him a hug. 
“Hi Alice,” said Dean as he returned it, pouting at you. “You’re experiencing stomach pains?”
“Yeah. My parents freaked out cause you know, still a new digestive system,” you said, closing your eyes. “Living with your parents as an adult is just awesome.”
“Why didn’t you call me?” he asked, lifting up your shirt and pressing his hand around.
“Cause you’d worry. You’re a worrier boyfriend, Dean,” you said. 
“Alice, could you go over to the main station and tell them Dr. Winchester would like to see Dr. Mace for an emergency consult on Y/N? He’ll remember her,” said Dean.
“Of course,” she said, up and out of her chair like that. Dean pressed down gently over the scar on your stomach and glanced at you.
“Boyfriend huh. I haven’t heard that yet,” he said.
“It’s been a month and the fact that you have been totally cool with having dates at my parents house with me tells me it’ll be very difficult to get rid of you,” you said. “Not that I’m complaining.”
“I don’t mind at all. You had a major surgery. You need to rest and have someone take care of you, sassy,” he said, pressing down on your right side. Your hand caught his wrist and glared at him. He pressed down more gently and you hissed. “Alright. Good news or bad news.”
“Bad news.”
“Good news is your transplant is fine,” he said.
“I said bad news first.”
“I know,” he smirked. “Bad news, your appendix is taking it’s swan song. They probably should have taken it during your first surgery but it wasn’t bothering anything then so they saw no need. I’m gonna have Dr. Mace look you over while I get you booked in the OR. My buddy Donna is on general surgeries today. She’s great. You’ll love her.”
“We gotta find a better way of me meeting your friends than surgery. Maybe like a party,” you laughed. He took a seat on the edge of the bed and smiled. “How much is this gonna set me back?”
“About a week, a little less. I know you’re tired of getting carved up like a turkey.”
“It’s cool. I’d rather have it out if it’s not working anymore,” you said. “I was supposed to start looking at new apartments with my mom this afternoon.”
“Where were you looking?” he asked.
“East Manor.”
“I’m in there, one of the townhouses. It’s a really good place,” he said. “I’ve never had any problems.”
“Oh, that’s nice to hear. I loved my old place but I can’t stay there. It’s too, you know...”
“I understand,” he said, a doctor coming over and grabbing his shoulder.
“I have a torso impalement on a ten year old. I need you in ER 2 now,” said the other guy.
“Shit,” said Dean. “I gotta go sweetheart. You’re gonna be just fine. I might have to miss our date tonight.”
“S’good. Go to work, babe,” you said. He gave you a kiss on the cheek and ran off with the other doctor just as your mom came back over. She smirked as she sat back in her chair. “What?”
“You know the whole bleach thing might be a blessing in disguise,” she said.
“Ma. I almost died.”
“I know but you didn’t,” she said. “Plus he’s a doctor. Even dad likes him and he was ready to have you never date again.”
“Mom. I’m an adult,” you said. “One crazy ex doesn’t mean all guys are like that.”
“Where’d he run off to anyways?” she asked.
“Gonna go try and save a kid,” you said. “Fingers crossed. I’m fine, bad appendix is all.”
“Well fingers crossed for you too. We could do with some good luck around here.”
One Week Later
“Hey,” you said, an exhausted looking Dean answering his front door. 
“Hey,” he said, rubbing his face off. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I wanted to go out for a drive and I know you’ve been working like crazy on all the surgeries for that kid. I wanted to stop by and see if you needed anything,” you said. 
“Y/N, come on, you’re still recovering. You ought to be at home in bed,” he said.
“I’m perfectly fine to drive. Let me make you some dinner quick before you crash for bed yourself,” you said. 
“I’m only saying yes because the thought of making something to eat makes me want to cry right now,” he said. “I’m so fucking tired.”
“Then let me in and I will take care of you for a change, boyfriend,” you said. He moved aside and he showed you past the living area to the kitchen. 
“That’s the pantry,” he said, pointing at a cupboard.
“Alright. I will find you something really yummy to make and in the meantime, go shower and sleep. I’ll wake you up when it’s done.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” he said.
“That’s more your department than mine,” you said. “Go on, I got this.”
You let him nap for an hour, Dean tired but better looking when he wandered out of his room into the kitchen in a pair of sweats and a henley.
“I ever mention how perfect you are?” he asked as he sat down in front of a giant plate of food.
“No but it’s appreciated,” you said. “I haven’t cooked in forever.”
“It smells great,” he said, rubbing his eye. “I don’t know if this kid is gonna make it or not. So much was damaged or destroyed.”
“What number surgery will tomorrow be?” you asked.
“Seven,” he said, starting to eat. You didn’t ask anymore questions and let him eat quietly, eventually Dean pushing the empty plate away. “I’m stuffed.”
“Now back to bed with you,” you said, helping him to his feet.
“I could get used to this being bossed around by you thing,” he smirked.
“In your dreams, Winchester. I’ll lock up after myself,” you said.
“Y/N,” he said as you started to leave. You turned around and he had this gentle look on his face. “Thanks, for coming over tonight. My day wasn’t great. You always seem to make it better somehow.”
“As long as you try your best, that’s all you can ever do. Get some sleep, Dean.”
“You too, sweetheart.”
The Next Night
“Hi,” you said as Dean walked up the driveway at your parents house. You were sitting on the front porch in the big chair reading a book. He was in his scrubs and a hoodie, not saying a word until he sat beside you and rested his head on your shoulder. “Did you lose him?”
“Almost. His system was so wrecked it was killing him. We had to gut him. I just did my first pediatric liver and kidney transplant,” he said. “Mace assisted me. It’s gonna be rough but the kid’s gonna pull through.”
“That’s great,” you said, giving him a hug. He hummed and shut his eyes. “You happy?”
“Yeah. After the girl last month, I needed this,” he said.
“Well you don’t always have to save a life to have a good day,” you laughed. He snuggled into your side and your shirt rode up some, revealing part of your scar. “Dean. Back at the hospital when I asked about my scar...did you mean that?”
“This?” he asked, lightly grazing his finger over the pink skin. A shiver ran up your spine and he smiled. “I may be biased but to me, scars are pretty cool. It means you’re a survivor. What you went through...most people don’t walk away from that and even then, most don’t walk away happy. If I were you, I would be terrified of so much.”
“You save children’s lives. You work in fear every single day. I don’t think you’d have one problem in my shoes.”
“I was prepared for that though. I knew what I went to school for and what I was trained for, for years and years. You though...nothing prepares you for someone you trust to hurt you like that,” he said.
“I don’t want to live my life afraid I suppose,” you said. “I trust you. You make me feel safe. He was one bad person and he’s away forever in a mental ward. Plus I got you. Wasn’t all bad.”
“How are you so...half-glass full?” he asked, sitting up but sticking close to your side. “I want to be more like that.”
“I wasn’t always. When you flirt with death like I did, the fact part of me refused so adamantly to give up when it would have been the easy thing to do...it’s really hard not to think of that as the worst thing I’ve ever gone through because honestly, it is. It sucked. I remember the pain and all of it. But compared to that extreme, the rest of my life is amazing. My appendix went bad? So what. That was nothing compared to my surgery before. My badass pediatric surgeon boyfriend is having a bad day? I can cook him a home cooked meal, even if it made me a bit tired myself. He showed me kindness time and time again. He never once complained about how there’s been a certain lack of privacy or intimacy so far with us. He’s not complained about the time my new medication made me throw up the dinner he’d cook me. He sat with me while I was freaking out that I’d just torn open my stomach or something by doing that. He explains all the medical questions my parents have in an easy to understand way. Dean, talk to Mace. I was not a happy camper when I woke up with some other guy’s digestive system in me. Someone else dying is the only thing that kept me alive. That’s incredibly difficult to deal with. But if I got through that, I can get through most anything I think. Also you are very cute so that helps.”
“Thanks,” he laughed quietly. “You’ still different though. I’ve met a lot of inspiring people and kids and all that. You just...you’re different. You asked if I was okay. Strangers don’t do that really.”
“I don’t like when you’re not okay,” you said with a shrug.
“Do me a favor. Next time you’re at a hospital, it’s just cause you’re visiting me on my lunch?” he asked.
“I will do my very best,” you said. You kissed him and he returned it, his finger tracing over your scar lightly. “It doesn’t bother you?”
“Not one bit. Let’s try to not get any new ones for a while though?” he asked.
“I would be more than happy to,” you said. As you sat, a light rain began to come down and Dean tucked his feet up underneath himself. 
“You want to stay over my place tonight?” he asked. “I got the next few days off.”
“Yeah. I’d love to,” you said. “I uh, I’m not…” 
“I just want you to stay over is all. I can be a gentleman,” he chuckled.
“You don’t have to be a gentleman gentleman,” you laughed. “I’m not on anything at all right now though and I’d prefer to wait until I was. There’s plenty of other things though.”
“There are,” he said, a coy smirk crossing his lips briefly. “Tonight I want to have a quiet night with you if that’s alright.”
“More than,” you said. “Let me pack a bag. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Sounds good to me, sweetheart.”
A/N: Read Part 3 here!
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Chapter 2: Gone
Description: So... I know many Daminette fans don't like Damian being younger than Marinette so 🚨SPoiler AleRT 🚨 Damian is gonna be younger for a while but an event happens that gets their ages exchanged. (Sort of)
Warning; swearing, angst.
Summary: Where half the population fades away.
"Check the international news" Damian said appearing out of nowhere, Marinette nodded switching her tabs to international news
"What the fuck is that?" Chloe asked pointing at the phone
Boy... the world was in for a life changing ride.
"It's a spaceship" Marinette answered listening carefully at the reporter "In New York"
"Should we help or something?" Chloe asked
"No, the Avengers seem to have it under control, besides I think the adults will take care of it." Tim reassured "I don't think there's any of anything to worry about this literally happens all the Time!"
"For once, Drake is right I don't think we should waste our time on this." Damien added
"I guess..." Marinette nodded hesitantly but deep down,  something told her that something bad was gonna happen.
"Why is it donut shaped?" Chloe asked as Damian facepalmed.
"So are you dating Damian or Tim?"
Marinette choked on her water as Chloe burst into laughter. The rest just stared unable to understand what was so funny.
"What's so funny?" Tim walked towards them voicing everyone's thoughts
"Is that coffee?" Marinette interrupted, eyes shining at the cup in Tim's hand
"Yes..." he said, narrowing his eyes
"Please gimme" Marinette very 'kindly' requested. now, she had this look that clearly said 'if you dare deny my wishes, you're totally dead'
The entire group of friends 'ooh'ed and "ahhh"ed but Tim wasn't gonna back down.
"Oh, you want this?" Tim asked waving the cup around
"Mmm-hmm, weren't you saying that Chivalry isn't dead? You can prove that by handing me the cup" Marinette smiled cunningly.
"Hmm you're right" Tim nodded taking a sip before spitting it back in and handing it to her, bowing "sorry, I had to check if it was sweet enough for my lady"
The boys in the group howled and whistled, Marinette looked at him in absolute disgust "This is why I won't date you"
"I never asked you on a date" Tim smirked "And I have a girlfriend so.."
"Ugh, I swear I threw up a bit and swallowed it" a red haired girl named Margret gagged.
"Same here" Chloe scrunched her nose
The loud laughter soon died down, it turned Into hushed conversations about the spaceship in New York
"Do you think we're are gonna die?!"
"No" Tim denied "It left earth long ago so...No."
"What do you think it didn't destruct the world like all the other times?"
"maybe they just wanted to plant so they could regroup food for the rest of their planet?"
"Could be" Marinette giggled as the bell rang signaling the end of the lunch break "meet you guys at the lockers after school?" Everyone agreed, waving goodbye to each other.
School ended pretty fast, some teachers even gave updates about the spacecraft, which was long gone and there wasn't anything to worry about. "Schools officially done" Chloe yawned "Now I gonna go to the manor, take a nice warm bath and have my beauty sleep"
"Yeah, today was weirdly boring and tiring, being head boy sucks!"
"Speak for yourself" Chloe snorted "at least you don't have to keep dancing saying 'Go Gothamites!' "
"I don't know today seemed pretty fun" Marinette smiled
"everyday is fun for you." Tim and Chloe deadpanned
"Hey losers." Damian said walking towards them with no emotions...as usual "Except for you angel you're an absolute win-win." Damian remarked, sending her finger guns
"Oh great! Now I have to listen to his unbearable flirting!" Tim threw his hands up in frustration
Marinette sighed "here they go. Again." Before any of them could speak a black limo pulled up in front of them, the window rolled open revealing Jason wearing sunglasses.
"Get in losers, we're going shop- I mean, home!".
Damian rolled his eyes "Why are you wearing sunglasses in a car with black tinted glasses?"
"Where's Alfred? He usually comes to pick us up." Marinette asked making herself comfortable in the car "We thought we'd give you a ride" Dick smiled at her "how was school?"
"Fine" Damian answered "what about the alien spacecraft?"
"Gone" Jason informed "with Iron guy, spider guy and another guy."
"Another guy?" Chloe asked
"Some wizard. don't worry, justice league is already searching for them" Dick smiled again "you guys want to buy anything-"
"Coffee!" Tim and Marinette yelled in unison interrupting the old robin
"-except something you're addicted to like coffee, nail polish or katanas and bloody murder?" Dick blinked at them
"No" all of the huffed
"Awwwwww you kids are so cute!" Jason gushed before leaning back to ruffle their hair
"God! what is hell is wrong with you? it took me so much time to get this perfect hair!"
"Jason I swear to God no more croissants for a month"
"Dude, what the fuck?!"
"Touch me again Todd, I will chop your fingers off."
"You still think they're cute?" Dick asked
Jason shook his head no.
Marinette slumped against the soft mattress at Wayne manor relaxing herself the doors suddenly opened and a monkey barged in, jumping on her. And as monkey she meant Stephanie Brown
"Lets do something funnnnnnnn!"
"Steph I'm sorry, I'm tired. go hangout with you're boyfriend." Marinette whined, pushing her off.
"But whyyyy?"
"I'm tired Steph and why are you acting like a kid?, you have a boyfriend. Go make out with him or something"
"But Timmy is busy" she whined
A knock on the door interrupted Marinette "come in."
The door pushed open and Titus ran in jumping on the bed and licking Marinette's face "Titus!" She laughed "Good boy"
"Dinners ready" Damian said from the door way.
"We'll be there" Marinette smiled
"Where my affection when I need it?" The blonde next to Marinette asked to no one in particular, before standing up and walking towards the Damian "lets go! For a delicious dinner awaits us"
Marinette, Stephanie and Damian entered the dining room together, where everyone was seated laughing and talking. "Hey kids" Selina smiled a glass of water in her hands "didn't get to see you all day."
"Yeah" Marinette smiled taking the empty seat between Chloe and Dick, she looked around at the wonderful sight, a year ago Marinette would have never believed that she would be living at Wayne manor, eating mashed potatoes with them. "You okay?" Chloe asked
"I'm fine." Marinette smiled before remembering "Bruce? What-"
"Uh...guys?!" Cassandra's panicked voice exclaimed, everyone snapped their heads towards her fading hand. "Oh God" Dick gasped as he too started fading away
"Bruce" Selina called before completely fading out. The same happened to Steph, Cass, Chloe, Alfred, Dick, Duke, Kate and lastly...
That day, Half the world was wiped out because of the infinity stones.
Never to return ever again.
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
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PART 3 | previously: part 2 | masterlist
pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem! reader
ratings/warnings: swearing, fighting
synopsis: When UA’s hot heads, Katsuki Bakugou and you, are forced to put your hatred for each other aside and plan the third year Prom, things end up getting a little heated...
a/n: hello friends, i hope you all are doing well<3 taglist is open so just lmk if you’d like to be added :)) enjoy xx
three: sorry
You sat through the rest of class, watching your classmates battle each other. You wrapped up the cut on your arm and you were good to go. When the school day was finally finished, you headed back to your dorm and changed out of your uniform and into something more comfortable. You began to head down to the basement when you came across Todoroki.
“Hey Shoto, sorry about that,” you said nervously, pointing to the bandaid on his cheek.
“Don’t worry about it. You put up a good fight and looks like I got you too ,” he replied.
“Barely. You better beat me next time,” you smiled. He nodded.
“Don’t worry, I will.” You and Shoto parted your ways and you went down to the basement. The door was propped open. Bakugou was flipping through the folder that Aizawa had given you both.
“Hey…” you said. He didn’t look at you.
“So uh, how should we split up the work?” You asked. He still ignored you. Getting annoyed at this point, you snatched the folder from him.
“Listen, you were the one who said you wanted to split up the work for this fucking dance so we have to talk in order to have that happen. What’s going on? You seem more pissed off than usual,” you complained. Bakugou looked at you, gritting his teeth.
“I’m fine dumbass. Just tired,” he mumbled.
“Sure you are.” You grabbed a stool and sat next to Bakugou. He rolled his eyes.
“Well damn you don’t need to be that close to me,” he said. You sighed, losing your patience.
“Bakugou, we both need to take a look at the papers. If I could I would be on the other side of the world to stay away from you.”
You looked down at the list of everything that needed to get done.
“Okay so for starters we should order the stuff that will take longer to get here. That would probably be decorations and stuff like that,” you said.
“We’d need to pick a theme before we order decorations,” replied Bakugou.
“Oh true. Okay um, any ideas?” You asked. Bakugou got up, walked over to a box, and pulled out 3 magazines. He sat back down.
“The theme packs that are crossed out are ones that have already been used. The themes circled are the ones within our budget. And the ones with check marks are the themes that we could get but we would have to cut back on other stuff to pay for it,” explained Bakugou. Your eyes widened.
“Did you organize this?”
“Yeah. I did it after class.”
“Okay okay. I just didn’t think you cared.”
“I can not care and still want to do it right. Remember if we do a shit job Aizawa’s gonna fail us or something.”
I forgot about that part.
“Okay well which of them do you like best?” You asked. Bakugou opened up the second catalog and turned a few pages. He pointed to a theme.
“This ones okay...I guess,” he whispered. You peered over at the theme, a smile creeping onto your face.
“I like that one too,” you said. Bakugou looked at you.
“Yeah, and its within our budget, so I think it’s a good choice.”
Bakugou cleared his throat.
“Cool um, I’ll grab a laptop so we can place the order.” Bakugou got up abruptly and walked upstairs.
Is he always in a hurry?
As you waited for Bakugou to get back, you began compiling a list of the work you would need to do. You decided to take more of the creative lead and began putting together a design for the tickets. You wanted it to match the theme that you and Bakugou had chosen.
“You can draw?” said Bakugou, peaking over your shoulder. You jumped.
“Jesus shithead you can’t just scare me like that,” you said, hitting his arm. Bakugou rolled his eyes.
“I thought you were only good at one thing,” he muttered. You turned to look at him.
“And what might that one thing be?”
“So you admit I’m a good fighter.” Bakugou got flustered.
“NO I'M JUST SAYING YOU DON'T TOTALLY SUCK ASS,” he replied, “I’m still better though.”
“Well I hate to break it to you Bakugou but I’m a girl of many talents. So yes I can draw. Can’t you cook or something?”
Bakugou’s eyes widened.
“How’d you know that?”
“I remember from the training camp. You helped cook almost every meal,” you explained.
“Can we not talk about the camp,” he whispered. Your chest got heavy.
“Shit um I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s fine just drop it,” he said firmly. You nodded.
“Um, did you place the order?” You asked quietly.
“What does it look like I’m doing,” huffed Bakugou.
“Yeah sorry.”
“Why do you apologize so damn much?”
“I-I uh, sorry, wait no-” you stuttered out. Bakugou continued typing.
“You should save sorry’s for when they actually matter,” he muttered. You tilted your head.
“So they don’t always matter?”
“Well if you say the word so damn much it just becomes another useless word. Then when you actually mean it, it’s pointless,” he explained. You never really thought about it like that.
“I guess you’re right. Then I’m totally not sorry,” you joked. Bakugou let out a small chuckle.
“Okay nerd, keep drawing your stupid ticket.”
You and Bakugou worked in silence for the rest of the time you spent in the basement. You checked the time.
“We’ve been down here for like 2 hours. I feel like that’s enough for today,” you said. Bakugou looked up from his laptop.
“Uh yeah. Just let me place this last order,” he said. You nodded and began to pack up your stuff.
“Do you have the keys?” You asked. Bakugou nodded and fished the keys out of his pocket. Bakugou grabbed his things.
“Let’s go dumbass,” he said. You sighed and trailed behind him as you walked up the stairs.
The two of you went back to the dorms and saw your friends socializing in the common area.
“There you two are! We lost you after class,” said Mina, waving the two of you over.
“Yeah well party planning awaits. It’s a lot of work for just two people,” you explained, taking a seat.
“Damn right it is,” mumbled Bakugou.
“How’s the planning going?” asked Kirishima. You looked at Bakugou and smiled.
“Bakugou is having so much fun planning. He even picked the theme for the dance,” you said.
“Wait what’s the theme?” asked Mina excitedly.
“It’s a surprise,” you insisted.
“Just to clarify, Y/N is just shit at planning so I’m having to do more work,” chimed in Bakugou.
“I KNOW YOU DIDNT JUST-” You stood up but before you could go over to him, Iida had grabbed your arm, stopping you from going any farther. You huffed.
“Anyway, how’s your side Deku?” You asked. Deku had a bandage around his stomach, most likely from your doing earlier during training.
“Oh I’m all good! Recovery Girl definitely knows what she’s doing,” he smiled nervously.
“Yeah well I’m sor-, I mean uh, I hope you feel better anyway,” you replied, “you got me pretty good too Deku, so I guess we’re even,” you joked. You lifted up part of your shirt to show the bruise that Izuku had given you from his punch from earlier.
“OH MY GOSH Y/N I‘M SO SORRY!” panicked Izuku. You laughed.
“Don’t worry about it. Makes me look like a total badass,” you smiled.
“Sure it does,” mumbled Bakugou. You gave him the side eye.
“What the hell is your problem today?” You asked, crossing your arms. Bakugou stayed silent.
“God you are such a piece of shit,” you huffed. Bakugou stood up and walked over to you. He gripped the collar of your shirt, pulling you towards him.
Your blood began to boil. You kicked Bakugou in the stomach to get him to let go but his grip was so tight on you that he ripped the collar of your shirt, causing the two of you to fall to the ground. You pinned his hands down.
“Stop this at once!” ordered Iida but neither of you listened. Bakugou flipped you onto your back, almost knocking the wind out of you. He then pinned you down as well. Bakugou leaned in to look you dead in the eyes.
“Shut. Up.”
That was it. That was all you needed to be pushed over the edge. You were pissed. Words couldn’t describe your hatred for Katsuki Bakugou.
“THAT'S IT!” Before you even realized it, you were already generating a small bond to hit Bakugou with.
“Y/N NO!” yelled Deku. Just as you were about to throw it at him, Kirishima had grabbed Bakugou off of you and Deku had pulled you towards him.
“BOTH OF YOU! THIS HAS TO STOP!” Shouted Iida. Your breath was heavy as you looked at Bakugou. Kirishima had let go of him but Deku still had his grip on you.
“LET ME AT HIM! I AM SO SICK OF YOU KATSUKI!” You yelled, beginning to struggle from Deku’s arms.
“Fuck off princess. I’m going to bed,” said Bakugou, turning around and leaving.
“YOU OWE ME A NEW DAMN SHIRT!” You shouted at him but he didn’t turn to look at you.
“And here I thought the two of you were finally getting along…” mumbled Iida.
I thought so too.
[taglist OPEN: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @bokutory @complimentaryhugsgirl @cloudswritings @kriswu46 @neodnyl @evivn1 @jazzylove @mileven-reddie @whalerus @misssugarless @random-fandom-girl-24 @fanfiction-and-stress @ushiwakatrash @minhoswife @addictofsupernatural @the-shota-king-masayuki ]
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gruvia4ever0910 · 4 years
*I am having doubts to post this because I’m not really sure if someone will like it, but here I am trying my luck. 😊
Oh my, T.T I’m sooooo nervous...! 😳
*Disclaimer: Fairy Tail, and the characters are owned by Hiro Mashima.
"How about the girl yesterday?", Natsu asked his raven-haired friend.
Natsu and Lucy are getting married in two months, and they are very excited for that day to come. However, they don't want their friend to be alone in their special day. Yes, all their friends will be there, but it is different for Gray. So, they've been suggesting some girls for him that he can bring as his date for their wedding day.
The wedding they wanted was just a simple ceremony, where only their family and friends are the only ones who will join them. Lucy invited some of her close friends at work and Natsu did the same.
Gray rolled his eyes, "Can both of you stop it already? I told you. I'm fine going there by myself, and I don't have a plan to see that girl from yesterday again.". Gray grabbed his glass then gulped the beer in one go.
Natsu and Lucy looked at each other for a few seconds then back to Gray. "Why? What happened?', Natsu curiously asked.
"Nothing. We just don’t get along so well.", Gray coldly responded.
"Again?", Lucy said annoyingly with her arms crossed. "You are always giving us the same reason over and over again with the girls that we introduced to you, or to the other girls you just met.". She sighed, "Don't tell me you haven't moved on with ---."
Natsu suddenly held Lucy's hand and she looked at him. Natsu stopped Lucy from continuing her words because he noticed that Gray was now getting irritated. Lucy looked back at Gray and she realized why her fiancé did that.
Last year, Gray broke up with his ex-girlfriend after being in a relationship for two years because she just decided to end their relationship without talking to him. Then, two months after he saw her being intimate with someone else. He was so furious, and about to confront them, but Natsu stopped him for making a scene in public.
Gray knew that it was his faults that their relationship ended, but she should've talk to him and fix everything, or maybe end it in a good way.
He moved on alright, but he just don't want to bring up that topic anymore or talk about it.
Lucy rested her arms on the table. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."
Gray gave Lucy a half-smile then nodded. "It's fine. Let's drop it already. And ---", raised his hand. "For the last time, I'll be fine."
"We know that, but of course, we want you to enjoy life. You are always working, always busy. We had to drag you here for you to hang out with us. And maybe… just maybe it is time for you to be in a relationship again. You know?", Lucy worriedly told it to her friend in front of her.
Gray lowered his head as a sign of surrendering. He knew that Lucy will not stop bugging him unless he will bring a date on their wedding. They've been having this conversation since the couple announced their plan of getting married to all of their friends five months ago.
Natsu laughed while looking at his defeated friend that was being pestered by his fiancé.
"Let him breath, Luce. He'll find someone.", Natsu said while softly patting Lucy's shoulder.
Lucy gave up for now. She leaned her back on her chair backrest then once again crossed her arms, "Okay, I'll let it slide this time."
"Oh mavis, thank you!", Gray threw his fist in the air celebrating his freedom, but he knew that Lucy will continue bugging him about it. His friends meant well when they were introducing some girls to him, but he got tired for doing the same process. Telling their names, work, hobby, and sometimes he had to make some excuses so he can't go to that date they planned for him.
He is freaking Gray Fullbuster. A handsome man, smart, wealthy, a heartthrob since high school until now. Girls easily falls for him, but he is not a type of a guy who uses those traits to get a girl. Okay, maybe sometimes when he feels like it. But he can meet and date someone without a help from his friends. He was only agreeing so they can stop annoying him, and to be honest, he's not thinking of being in a relationship again. Not now.
A week after, Gray was sitting in a private room at the bar with Natsu and Lucy again with their other friends to celebrate the birthday of Loke. As usual, they had to force him again to come out from his hive. He's satisfied enough with a beer on his hand and maybe after an hour or two he'll drive back home. But he then noticed that one of their friends haven't arrived yet.
"Where is Cana?", he asked while looking between Natsu and Lucy.
"She's on her way here with Juvia.", Lucy responded. "Oh! I invited her Loke. Is that okay? You all have met her 2 weeks ago in our company retreat, right? And she is also invited in our wedding."
"The beautiful blue-haired sexy-as hell-shy girl?", Lucy frowned on how Loke describe her friend from work. "Uhm, yeah… that is her." Lucy glared at Loke. "Do you really need to describe her like that?"
"Why? I'm just telling the truth, and FYI, I'm not the one who came up with that words.", Loke defensively explained.
"Who did?", Erza joined the conversation. Loke gulped when he heard Erza's voice then he nervously turned his head to Gray's direction. Erza and Lucy frowned staring at Gray while Natsu was laughing his heart out.
"Gray?", Lucy questionably looked at her black-haired friend, but he averted his eyes to somewhere else.
Juvia. A very familiar name that he heard for so many times in one day, and when Lucy mentioned the name, a beautiful blue-haired sexy-as hell-shy girl appeared in his mind. She became the topic of Natsu, Loke, and Gray the day after the retreat when they were in the bar. He really did describe her like that, and both Natsu and Loke teased him about it. Saying that he likes her. Gray didn't deny, but he told to his two friends to keep it a secret, but thanks to Loke who ruined it.
The moment his eyes laid on Juvia at the retreat, he was already captivated by her. He liked the color of her hair, her pale skin that shines under the sun, and the shy smile that she was showing to anyone that talked to her. He tried to focus on something else or someone else, but his gaze kept on going back to the beautiful blue-haired girl.
He wanted and tried to talk to her, but never got a chance because she was always being pulled by her co-workers, especially men. They were flirting with her, and it was obvious that she was uncomfortable. She had to excuse herself, and sometimes Lucy had to drag her away from them.
He'd noticed that some guys were checking her out and were trying to get her attention. He even saw Loke naughtily staring at her too. What a player. He then realized that he was not different with those guys and Loke because he was doing the same thing. Hey, he is a guy and it is normal to be attracted with a woman with a nice body and she totally has one. She was not wearing revealing clothes, but it was still showing her perfect curves.
When she finally joined Lucy on the table, the blonde girl introduced Juvia to her friends. And Gray had a chance to look at her up-close. Damn! She is really beautiful. The very first words he said in his mind. Their eyes met a few times, but she was always the first one to look away while showing a pink tint on her cheeks. He found her cute and interesting.
He didn't understand himself why he chickened out to talk to her that day. He got his own ways to get a girl; easy and fast. But he can't find any reason why he wasn't able to do it with Juvia.
"Why is she with Cana?", Loke asked after taking a sip on his beer.
"Those two.", Lucy chuckled. "They've gotten closer after the retreat. I can't believe they did because we all know that Cana is wild and free, unlike Juvia who is quiet and shy. They are really opposite, but Cana said she really likes her."
"I like her too.", all eyes stared at Erza, and she frowned in confusion. "What? She's sweet, she has a funny side that I found cute, and the way she talks, it's adorable. She is a unique girl, and I want her to be my friend too."
The way she talks… Gray secretly smiled remembering the woman who speaks in third person. Erza is right. She really is a unique girl. She's the only person he heard talking like that. It was weird at first, but when he kept on hearing her sweet voice. It didn't matter anymore. He liked it and can't wait to hear her voice again.
"Hello bitches!", the door swung open revealing the person they've been waiting for. Cana excitedly entered the room then greeting each of her friends with a tight hug.
"What took you so long?", Natsu asked while receiving the hug from Cana.
"Oh… I went shopping, and it was really hard to find this perfect dress.", she proudly turned around to show off her tight black sexy dress.
"We are celebrating my birthday though, unless you forgot.", Loke handed her a glass of wine.
Cana took the wine then sat beside Lucy, "I didn’t honey, but I have a date later, so ---", winked sexily at Loke.
Loke rolled his eyes, Natsu and Lucy smiled, Erza just shook her head, but the other person inside the room couldn’t care less. He was so happy deep inside when Cana showed up, and immediately looked at the door expecting other person to appear, but no one came in until the door shut closed. He wanted to ask Cana, but he didn't want to receive any teasing from his friends tonight, so he chose to stay quiet.
"Where is Juvia?", at last! Thank you, Lucy. Gray thanked his blonde friend secretly for finally asking. He looked at Cana and anxiously waiting for an answer.
Cana sipped on her glass before answer, "She run into someone on our way here, and told me to go first, but she'll be here soon."
Gray finally relaxed knowing that she was really here, but he was getting impatient because he really wanted to see her now.
"Someone I know too?", Lucy curiously asked. "Nope, I don't think so. It was a girl. Although, guys are probably lining themselves right now at her for what she is wearing tonight.", she laughed.
Gray abruptly stood up making his friends confusingly looked at him. He cleared his throat and finding an excuse to tell them. "Uhm, restroom…", he simply said then began walking towards the door.
Gray stretched his hand to open the door, but someone already did it for him. He froze from where he was standing staring at the woman he's been itching to see and can't even stop himself for checking her out. She was looking so damn hot with the light blue short dress she was wearing; different from the last time he saw her. The dress was embracing her curves, his eyes trailed down on her revealing cleavage that was popping up and down as she breaths. Why is she panting? And her legs that also didn’t prevent him to examine. Those nice long legs.
"Juvia!", Gray got lost in his thoughts when Cana and Lucy shouted her name. He looked at her, meeting her midnight blue eyes. "Gray! Let her in!", he stepped away when he heard Erza quietly shouted at him. "My bad. Uhm, excuse me.", he passed by Juvia and left the room.
"Damn Juvia babe, you are looking good today."
"See I told you. She is stunning…"
"You really are Juvia…"
Gray heard all the compliments his friends was saying to the girl who just arrived.
"Juvia is a bit uncomfortable though ---"
He had heard her sweet voice again, but when the door finally closes, he took a last look at the door before walking to the restroom.
Inside the private room, Juvia was sitting between Lucy and Loke, and they were having a conversation. But she kept on looking at the door, thinking about the raven-haired man who hadn't returned yet.
Gray-sama. She blushed when she said his name inside her mind. Then the memory of the retreat went back recalling the moment her eyes landed on him. He was wearing a plain black long sleeve shirt, demin pants, and a white rubber shoes. Simple, but so handsome. He was just quietly sitting on the table with Lucy and their friends, busy drinking his beer.
She was in-demand that day, praising her for doing a great job organizing the retreat with two of her co-workers, but Juvia mostly did the job. It was well-planned and done professionally. She was really tired but didn't want to be rude when her co-workers or even the bosses were talking to her. Yet, her eyes were still taking some quick peek to the most handsome man she found in the event.
She was getting uncomfortable when some of the guys from her work were asking her out. She knew them being a womanizers', so she was avoiding them as much as possible. She doesn’t want her name to be put in their lists, and she is not that type of a girl. They have looks, but not her type.
When she finally had time to breath, Lucy pulled her into their table and introduced her to the people surrounding the table. Staring at Gray from a far was enough for her, but her being in the same table with him was too much. Her heart was beating so fast, and she can feel her cheeks getting warmer every time she and Gray were meeting each other's eyes.
She was having the same feeling now that she was in the same place with Gray again. Although, he's not returning yet. She quite missed his presence.
The small room was filled with laughter's, stories being shared, and just enjoying the birthday celebration of Loke. The first time Juvia spent her time with Lucy's friend she felt really comfortable and she was glad she came along. She was engaged in a conversation with Lucy, Erza, and Cana. She was really having a great time, and really enjoying the company of the people inside the room.
All of them were laughing with the jokes that Loke had been telling them, but they stopped when the door suddenly opened then all eyes were looking at Gray who just came back.
"What took you so long ice prick?!", Natsu asked.
"It is nothing that you need to know.", Gray responded coldly.
"Being grumpy again, aren't we Mr. Fullbuster?", Cana said in a teasing way.
Gray rolled his eyes and about to sat on the chair near him, but Loke stopped him and pulled him to sit beside him. That made him settle between Loke and Juvia. His arm brushed against Juvia's, but he didn’t forget to apologize which she shyly accepted.
"You don't have that with you earlier.", Erza pointing the blazer he was holding.
"It's chilly in here.", he said while putting the blazer on and being careful not to bump Juvia again.
Natsu smirked, "That's new. What happened to "cold never bother you anyway", huh?"
"Just shut up.", Gray leaned forward to get his glass of beer then made himself comfortable on his chair.
The celebration continued, Loke and Natsu started their battle in a drinking game. Lucy was cheering her fiancé while Cana was doing the same with Loke, and Erza was busy talking to someone on the phone.
Gray shook his head, didn't want to know why he was in the same room with his idiotic friends doing some silly game, but he didn't miss a single chance to take a glance at the blue-haired girl beside him. She was smiling and giggling while watching Natsu and Loke having their best time of the night.
They haven't said a single word to each other since Gray got back from the "restroom" beside from saying sorry when he accidentally bumped her shoulder earlier, and that was an hour ago, but Gray kept noticing something about her. Like, she doesn't like drinking much because she barely touched her drink, but he can tell that she was already intoxicated; she is a lightweight drinker. She probably likes Nachos because that's the only snacks she's been eating. She smiles a lot and can really handle a conversation so well for someone who is a shy person like her, maybe because she's already used of dealing with people. Lastly, she was uncomfortable with the dress she's wearing because she kept on fixing her dress from top to bottom.
That's the reason why he had his blazer when he got back. When he heard her saying she was uncomfortable, he just walked out from the bar then went straight where he parked his car. It was like his subconscious spoke in his behalf.  
Erza had joined the drinking game, and she was playing it with Cana. Juvia leaned forward to get another piece of Nachos, but she was not the only one who is doing the same thing. Gray reached for a piece as well, both stopped and looked at each other, but Juvia back away immediately.
"Juvia is sorry. Gray-sama can have some first."
Gray frowned after hearing the way she called him. What did she just call me? Juvia was staring him, waiting for him to get a nacho, but he was just stuck in his position.
"Gray-sama?", Juvia called him while looking at him with her big midnight blue eyes.
He cleared his throat then leaned back and fixed himself. "No, it’s okay. You go first."
She nodded, "Thank you." She reached for the nachos then happily ate it.
Gray was watching her enjoying the piece on her hand and he can't help himself from smiling.
"You really like that, huh?", Juvia quickly turned her head at Gray, thinking if he was really talking to her. But her thoughts vanished when she realized that Gray's eyes were secured on her while wearing a smile. So handsome.
Juvia slightly shook her head, removing the thoughts of melting in front of Gray because of his attractive, and sexy smile.
"It's one of Juvia's favorite...", took another piece of nachos and dipped it into its sauce. Gray watched her taking satisfaction in the snacks she's been eating.
"I can tell.", he smirked. Juvia looked at him with confusion. He then realized what he said. She must be thinking that I've been watching her. Well, that was really what he was doing, but he didn't want her to get a wrong idea.
He cleared his throat then looked at Juvia, "It's just --- it isn’t hard not to notice."
"Gray-sama was watching Juvia?", she said with a disgusting look.
"What? No, no, not like that. I'm not --- I'm not watching you…", Juvia giggled by Gray being all defensive.
"Juvia is just kidding Gray-sama." Her laughter continued, so natural when talking to him. Maybe the alcohol helped, or maybe she was just really feeling comfortable with the people surrounding her. Gray's lips curved into smile, and their conversation grew. They didn’t even notice that their friends were watching them.
Their friends looked at each other then back to the two persons who seemed busy with each other's company. Lucy who kept on pushing Gray to have a date on her wedding day stared at her fiancé and gave him a mischievous smile which Natsu already understands.
Erza gestured to her friends to leave the two alone and have their time to get to know each other which they all nodded and go on with what they were doing.
It was getting late, but the birthday celebration was far from over. What happened of going home in an hour or two, Gray?
Being in their own world and still not minding the other people inside the room, Gray and Juvia already shared a lot of things to each other. Gray is not usually the one who talk much. His friends know that, and if he was in a blind date, the girl was mostly doing the talking, yet with Juvia; it’s different. Good different.
"Is that Gray-sama's favorite? Juvia haven't tried it yet, but Juvia would like too if Gray-sama will be the one taking her." she shyly smiled, but her smile vanished seconds after she realized what she said. Gray-sama must be thinking that Juvia is flirting with him. What an idiot! Juvia internally smacked her head for saying those words.
Meanwhile, Gray was caught off guard after hearing her invitation. He blinked for a second, wasn't expecting from a shy girl like her to casually ask him out. But he smiled right away, liking the idea of him spending a day with Juvia.
"Uhm, Juvia… Juvia doesn't…doesn't mean it like that. What she meant was, Gray-sama can… can tell Juvia where to buy one, and… and she will try it. Yeah, that's what she meant.", she exhaled then smile awkwardly, trying to sound convincing, but Gray was just smiling at her for getting flustered.
Gray sat properly then loosened his tie, returning his gaze to Juvia. "What is the point of telling it to you if I can take you there by myself?", his sexy voice gave Juvia chills. Her cheeks became crimson red, eyes widen while looking at the handsome man beside her.
She wanted to say something, but no words are coming out. She was stuck and just having an eye contact with Gray whose smile didn't went away.
Their little time of staring at each other got interrupted when they both heard someone cleared their throat and when they both turned their head, Loke and Natsu were standing in front of them with their arms crossed.
"We are not ruining something in here, are we?", Loke said while smiling playfully and looking at Gray.
Gray wanted to punch Loke and Natsu in their stomach right now for disturbing his pleasant moment with Juvia. He quickly went back to his old self the moment he looked at his "good-for-nothing" friends.
"What do you want?", his voice changed as well. Natsu and Loke knew that he was pissed, but of course, they didn't care. They even liked it.
"We're going to change location.", Loke said.
Then Natsu glanced at Juvia then back to Gray. "You two still like to join us, or ---?", the pink-haired man mischievously smiled at Gray that seemed like he was telling something to him which the raven-haired man understands immediately.
Juvia checked the time using her phone, and Gray averted his attention back to her. Then Juvia looked up meeting his eyes, immediately knew that something was troubling her by her wearing a frown on her face.
"What's wrong?", he worriedly asked.
Juvia gave everyone an apologetic smile then put his phone back inside her bag. "Juvia is sorry everyone, but she can't no longer join, and she needs to go now."
Disappointment showed in their faces, especially the man beside her. Gray was really having a good time talking to her and wanted to spend more time with her, but of course she must have a valid reason why she needed to go.
"Oh right!", everyone looked at Lucy. "You need to go the airport early in the morning tomorrow to see your brother."
Juvia nodded with a smile, "That is right, but Juvia still wanted to join you guys. If isn't because of her ---."
"It's alright Juvia. We can still hang out next time. No worries.". Erza winked then sweetly smiling at her. Juvia nodded with a same smile she received from Erza. She stood up, placing the strap of her bag on her shoulder. "Juvia had a great time. Thank you so much for inviting her." She then faced Loke, "Happy Birthday Loke-san."
Loke happily gave her a grin and waved at her, the other did the same as well, except one. Juvia said her final goodbye to her newfound friends, but before exiting the room she looked at Gray, but he just gave her half smile.
Juvia was standing outside the bar, waiting for a taxi. She left 10 minutes ago, but she was still at the place where she had spent a great time with her new friends, and with a certain someone.
She kept on looking back at the entrance of the bar. Arguing with herself whether to go back inside or not. She even gave Gray hint, hoping he can drive her back to her apartment, but she guesses her hint was not that obvious. Or he was just so dense to notice it.
She didn't want to leave because she still wanted to get to know Gray a bit more, but she also doesn’t want to disappoint his brother because she made a promise. A promise that she will pick him up at the airport from his business trip. Nothing special really, but she and her brother are really close even though they are really not related to each other.
It is already late, but people kept on going in and out from the bar, and it was hard to get a taxi as well. Busy night.
She was hugging herself because of the cold that was touching her skin. It was Cana's fault for forcing her to wear a dress that she's not used to, it was quite revealing. She can feel some eyes ogling her and also some cars honking their horns at her, and she can't help but feel uncomfortable, worried, and alarmed.
"What's taking it so long?", she mumbled. Now getting frustrated because she's been waiting for too long. After a few minutes, she finally saw a taxi coming. She raised her hand and started waving at the taxi, but it just drove passed her.
She sighed and her shoulders dropped down. Suddenly, someone stood behind her and put a blazer on top of her shoulder, covering her skin from the cold. She nervously jumped and quickly turned around with her eyes wide open. When she saw the person behind her, her eyes soften and exhaled deeply. Feeling relaxed and safe.
Earlier, when Juvia left the room, Gray was really disappointed. He wanted her to stay, but when he heard her reason for leaving, he had no reason to stop her. He grabbed his glass of beer and drunk what's left then placed it back on the table when he was done.
Then he leaned lazily on his seat followed by furiously rubbing his hair. He already missed her presence, longing for her company, and he didn't get to feel this feeling with other women he had met. He doesn't even remember some of their names.
His heart aches, but he was sure that if Juvia by his side, it will heal. She really did something to him, even if she's not aware of it. Damn, he's not sure what was it either. But she was driving him crazy and had a strong desire to see her more in the future.
While he was sulking like a heartbroken teenager, he was not aware of his friend’s eyes staring at him. No one was talking until Erza broke the silence.
"What are you doing?", Erza's firm voice made Gray sat up straight. When he realized that the red-haired girl was talking to him, he confusingly frowned and felt the eyes fixed on him.
"What?", he responded coldly.
"Are you just going to let her go home by herself?", Cana asked with her arms crossed.
"You are stupid if you let that amazing woman slip out of your hand.", Erza plainly added.
Gray gave his friends a confused look, but honestly, he had an idea of what they were talking about. There is no doubt that he likes her, and there was enough sign that him and Juvia were on the same page.
"Go after her Gray.", Lucy said while smiling at her friend.
Gray nodded, immediately understand Lucy's words. "Yeah, I should."
Why didn't he think about it earlier? Instead of moping in his seat like an idiot. He had to smile at himself for losing focus because of the blue-haired girl. He smiled at his friends, "Thanks guys."
After that, he immediately stood up, grabbed his blazer and left the room. He was not sure if he can still catch up with Juvia, but he was hoping he can. When he got outside, he smiled and thanking the whole world because she was still there. He noticed her for feeling uncomfortable in where she was standing, he saw guys looking at her, he heard cars honking their horns at her, and because of the cold touching her pale, delicate, soft skin.
He watched her raising her hand for calling a taxi, he was about to call her name, but when the taxi didn’t stop in front of her, he noticed her shoulders dropped and that was when he began his move.
"I'm glad you're still here."
They looked at each other, but Juvia was still in the process if Gray was really standing in front of her. She touched his cheek then when she felt a warm skin, she smiled happily. "Gray-sama is really here."
He smirked, and can't stop himself from laughing quietly, "Of course I'm here."
"What is Gray-sama doing here?", she asked. "Juvia thought ---"
She wasn't able to finish her words when Gray cupped her right cheek with his palm. "I can't just let a beautiful woman like you go home by herself. Especially, wearing like that."
He examined her from top to bottom for the second time, but he did not do it maliciously. However, despite of the cold she was feeling, her cheeks were blushing so badly that she felt some warmth sensation from what Gray just said.
Rather than responding with words, she placed her hand on top of his hand where he was cupping her cheek and smiled sweetly.
"Please allow me to take you home Juvia. So, I can spend more time with you."
Gray took her hand and he put them down together. Their hands were now intertwined, and no one was planning to let go.
"It was just a 40-minute drive Gray-sama.", she giggled. "But Juvia doesn't mind if Gray-sama will take a longer route."
How bold. She kept on surprising him. Where is the shy girl a few hours ago? And the girl who wanted to get away from the crowd at the retreat? Who cares? He doesn’t even think it as a bad thing, instead he was craving for more.
"Sounds like a deal." Soon after, Gray pulled her gently so they can cross the road and guide her where he parked his car.
As they were walking away from the bar, their friends were watching them crossing the road with a full smile on their faces.
"It looks like Gray have a date already in our wedding babe." Natsu winked at Lucy and she giggled.
"Do you think Gray will ask her? They are looking so good together." Lucy worriedly asked his fiancé. "I can't believe I didn't think of setting them up!"
"Maybe we can stop annoying him to go on a blind dates Luce. He already found someone he likes."
"You are right…"
"I'll date Juvia if he didn’t ask her." Loke received a smack on his head from Erza. "Aww!", He was rubbing his hair because the pain might disappear, but Erza really gave him a strong one.
"Find someone else. Juvia is a sweet girl and doesn't deserve to be a plaything. Plus, I know Gray will not do that to her." Erza confidently told it to her friends.
Then they left the bar with all smiles on their faces.
"The retreat was amazing. I can’t believe you managed to do that by yourself.", Gray praised Juvia for doing a great job organizing a big event.
Juvia blushed, didn’t expect a sudden compliment from Gray. "Juvia had some help Gray-sama. She didn’t do it alone.", she responded shyly.
"I heard a different case from Lucy though." Gray told her while focusing on the road.
Juvia frowned in confusion. "What did Lucy-san say?". She slightly tilted her head looking at Gray while waiting for his answer.
Gray looked at her and can’t help but adore her beautiful azure eyes that were staring at him like a puppy. But he had to focus with his driving, so he immediately turned his attention back on the road.
He cleared his throat and began thinking about what to say. "Uhm well… Lucy said that you did all the work, and you didn’t even complain about your co-workers who were supposed to do the job with you. That's what she said."
She slowly nodded then sweetly smiled at him. "Juvia was still grateful… because they appreciate what she did, they recognized her talent, and Juvia was just so happy. And about the people who didn’t do their job are now being punished with a pack of paper works for the whole month. So, it is a win-win for Juvia.", she giggled.
Gray chuckled, liking her honesty and enthusiasm. This girl is really interesting, one of a kind, and definitely worth it.
Gray really did take a longer route, and Juvia didn’t complain about it, but sadly, even though they still don't want to leave each other's side. They had to say their goodbyes because they already reached their destination. Juvia's apartment.
The gloominess of her eyes was shown, but she still managed to give Gray her sweetest smile. "Thank you for giving Juvia a ride home, Gray-sama."
"The least I can do.", he simply said.
"Juvia had fun"
Gray nodded, "Me too."
They were staring at each other, no one was saying some words, and didn’t know what was running inside each other's minds. The silence stopped when Juvia deeply exhales, bit her lower lip, smiled at Gray for the last time then she opened the car door and got out from the car.
But before she closed it, Gray called her name and stepped out from his car. Juvia shut the passenger door while watching Gray walking his way to the other side of the car where she was standing. Their eyes were locked at the each other until Gray was already standing in front of her.
"Gray-sa ---"
He had to do it. He wanted to do it. Juvia's words was cut short because her lips were now being sealed by Gray's lips. She was surprised, but immediately melted by his gentle kiss. He really knows how to make a woman surrender, but it was different for Juvia.
He was kissing her with respect. Soft. Delicate. Slow. Passionate.  
No one wanted to let go and didn’t care about the few people walking at the side of road. However, they needed air and Gray was the first one to pull away, but their foreheads were resting against each other.
Their breathing was sync and they stayed like that for a few seconds before standing straight and locking their eyes at each other, but her hand was still being held by him.
"Go out with me." Gray whispered, but still loud enough for Juvia to hear.
Juvia's eye widen, wasn't expecting to hear those words from him, "G-Gray-sama…"
He smiled. Even though the dark was surrounding them he can still the red tint from Juvia's cheeks. "You don’t need to answer me right away. I'm sorry for surprising you, but I, uhm… I meant that." Cleared his throat. He was starting to sweat. He was nervous, and Juvia was the only woman who made him feel that way. He was only good at hiding it.
Juvia suddenly giggled. His brows drawn together while confusingly staring at the beautiful woman in front of him.
"You are so cute Gray-sama." Juvia actually noticed his cold sweat, his worry, and hesitation, and it was so pleasing for her eyes. With her sudden compliment, it was Gray's turn to feel flustered. He scratched the back of his head, landed his eyes at Juvia who was looking lovely with her giggling then his lips curved into a shy smile.
Gray's smile disappeared, confusingly looking at Juvia, and thinking if he heard her right. "What did you say?"
Juvia bit her lower lip then exhaled deeply. "Juvia said yes with what Gray-sama said earlier. She will go out with you."
Gray's face brightened like a kid who received a lollipop, but in a manly way (if that makes sense).
"You can't turn back now. I'm warning you." he said in a flirty tone.
Juvia nodded, "Juvia is serious and has no plan of turning back."
"That also means, you'll be my date at Natsu and Lucy's wedding."
She chuckled, "Juvia loves that."
He was very satisfied with her answer and smiled even more. That moment, he was so happy and can’t wait to see the future that awaits for him and with the "sexy-as hell-shy girl" in front of him.
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