#Og! Geordo
pinocchios-workshop · 6 months
Title: A Golden Spoon but No One to Feed You
Main POV: Noble Katarina
Word Count: Around Six Thousand Words
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almdragonrend · 9 months
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I have somthing I really need to say, I don't get how FL could be popular, I mean if you think for a moment about it even OG Katarina is morally superior to the Heroine in Maria and all The Capture Targets in the story, I mean nothing against an Evil protagonist or a good antagonist, but than don't portray Katarina as a Villain and Maria as a hero ! That's wrong! Katarina leaves Maria completely alone in both the Nicole and Alan route, meaning she only opposed Maria when she's trying to seduce HER fiancée or mess with her family or do both in the Harem route!
Than the fact that she's accused of bullying those bellow her station is bulls* she only bullied Maria who I just said why she did it and Keith whose arrival at HER HOME turned HER PARENTS against eachother when she was a Child! That doesn't make it right but she couldn't know that this wasn't his fault, and his own original family wanted to kill him! Luigi saved his life and that's how he thanked him ?
than Geordo she gave almost half her life up to that point in complete support and devotion to that mother fu* and he swore an Oath to marry her! I don't think many people get how bad a possible future king breaking an Oath is especially considering Geordo's Grandpa's actions,
further more Katarina actually don't mistreated dose below her status, first her Maid Anne who despite being related to Nobility is herself a Commoner just like Maria and Katarina even in FL verse treats her like a Sister more than a servant!
Next there's Sianna, she's the bottom of the barrel of Nobility and still Katarina cherished her more than anyone else! This makes the claim of her bullying people for their status down right nonsensicaly!
Especially when she's the only one who never partake in bullying everyone's favorite Target Sophia Ascart, since we see in VOD is never once mentioned that she did so when Sophia joined her book club, that would have had to be brought up than ! Meaning is the only Noble Girl who didn't bully Sophia! (Except Marry) and it's even implied she discouraged others from bullying Sophia!
When Bakarina in verge of doom just assumed OG Katarina bullied more people and wanted to apologize during VoD judgment event no one spoke up! And that Is most likely because she never bullied anyone other than the Girl who tried to steal her fiancée and/or shame her family!
Also, it's said that Katarina's bullying was only on the very edge of Criminal, meaning she never really committed a crime, the one attacking Maria with fire was Noelia, who acted on her own accord!
Keith and/or Geordo basically rigged the Trial to get Katarina stripped of her status and exiled which is a way to hard punishment anyway! When she comes back with dark magic she didn't even kill someone for it! She just had it !
And that idiots in the development team must have believe that this made her appear more evil since she's just born with the "bad magic" but instead it just means she didn't kill anybody for it ! Right OG Katarina is not a murderer and the idiots of the FL development believed Katarina being NOT a murderer makes her more evil than people who literally commit murder to get the same magic! what does that say about their Character ?
I heard a lot about people saying something for a Original Katarina redemption arc and I really hope she gets an happy ending, she deserves it but what people need to understand is Original Katarina dosen't need an redemption arc because she has not done anything so bad that she deserved getting to that point anyway, instead she deserved a pretty enormous apology from Geordo, Keith and Maria
To give her a redemption arc basically means recognizing Maria, Geordo and Keith, Cheating, betraying,Oath breaking and manipulate a Chords to commit prejudice as a good thing, Original Katarina shouldn't have to apologize to them! They should have to apologize to her! Even when something like that calls for ways more than an apology! And first of all her entire sentence should be revoked !!!! + there has to be compensation for everything she had to go trough!!!
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maboroshi-no · 1 year
So now that you finished LN13 - what is your opinion on it? What did you like? Was there something you didn't like?
I am not sure I can organize my thoughts well but I'll do my best 😅.
Overall, this volume was really dense! A lot happened and a lot of information was given on various fronts: dark magic, the organization, Monkey Girl's past life, worldbuilding, Uncle Stuart...
Lots of intriguing parts:
Who manipulated Katarina's body when she lost control of her body? Could it have been the OG!Katarina part in her?
Why could Maria feel the use of dark magic without seeing dark magic? Can Marquis Dieke(?) use dark magic in a special way?
Why would Marquis Dieke(?) be in the organization? If he pulled the strings in Raphael's incident, does it mean he manipulated Raphael?
If the man really is Marquis Dieke, shouldn't Raphael have a role in Fortune Lover 2? Raphael can't be the second hidden capture target?
What's with Marquis Dieke(?)'s resemblance with Laura? Still, they can't be the same person since the man has wind magic while Laura is said to have fire magic.
Why didn't Sarah say a single line in this story? Why was her face hidden when Katarina saw her unconscious on the floor?
Why did Sarah go on her mission with thugs this time?
Why did Uncle Stuart dust off the leaves on Katarina's head even though he appears to hate her?
Is the fact that Nathan is missing on the day we see Uncle Stuart supposed to lead us to think they are the same person?
Dark magic was already around before normal magic was developed in Sorcier? Could dark magic be some kind of fundamental magic?
How will Sorcier's old tales impact the story? We have already seen the place to power up magic in LN7, now there is a mention of the founders of Sorcier again. How about the tales of the rampaging beast?
Is it a coincidence that Katarina lost control after getting back the pocket mirror object?
How did OG!Katarina learn magic?
So Maria is not immune to dark magic after all?
If the organization attacked Maria to prevent her from using her spell, why didn't Marquis Dieke(?) try to capture Maria?
Why didn't Pochi come out when Katarina was fighting?
the cold thing in Katarina's body, the black thing in Geordo's heart. I wonder if they are related
could the black thing in Geordo's heart be dark magic? Could he be manipulated by dark magic? Could he have dark magic inside him?
The volume was heavily focused on Cezar's romance. I was surprised Cezar was given so many sweet moments as if to set him up as Geordo's rival. The moments are nice but I am kind of neutral regarding Cezar. He has so many sides to his personality that it feels inconsistent at times: the sulking little brother, the workaholic concerned for his country, the adventurous and easygoing mercenary, and the two-faced prince. I didn't like it when he willingly deceived Maria and decided he would work on making Sorcier indebted to him so that he could marry Katarina. It felt like he wasn't a kind person concerned for his country after all. He also had no afterthoughts about Liam even so he almost made him cry with happiness. But Cezar is kinda fun in mercenary mode. I loved his moments with Katarina in chapter 4.
Also, I love Jean. Each time Jean appeared, I loved it. How he smoothly played wingman is fun to see.
But since this volume was focused on Cezar, the romance didn't develop at all for the others. Keith barely had any lines, and Nicol and Alan didn't get even one line, which is a shame.
I loved Maria's scene when she confronted Cezar. Seeing Maria with so much fighting spirit was a sight. I was surprised she was willing to confront a prince because I thought she didn't compete with the others because of their high-ranking status. She confronted Cezar, used the fiancée card against him, and smoothly prevented him from going home with Katarina. It feels like she has learned from looking at Geordo and Keith bickering, and looking at Mary scheming against Geordo.
I definitely love how Raphael had so many scenes in this volume. I like how it might imply he will have a big role later on, regardless of his possible connection with Sarah.
I also loved Laura's scenes in the volume. Whether Laura bonds with Katarina or with Raphael. Supposing Laura is Marquis Dieke, I wonder how he would consider Raphael.
It seems like Cezar is still in Sorcier by the end of the volume. Katarina has finished his route, so maybe he will lose his "capture target" status and ask for his member card in the harem? There were also so many stories about Monkey Girl's older brother that it feels like he might be revealed in the next volume. Also, with Marquis Dieke(?) mentioning how Katarina could work on their side, I wonder if it will happen in the future.
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tokimaeki · 9 months
Not to approach you like you're some kind of dealer, but I just finished Nicol's best ending route, and he's SO good. I want to hear all your thoughts.
I'm absolutely feral over Nicol Ascart and I resent both the OG series for not giving him the spotlight he deserves AND the people who say 'he's just Sophia's boring older brother'.
Nicol is a character that is largely defined by how he represses his emotions. Whether it's biting his tongue in front of people that insult his family because he knows words won't do anything, or refusing to pursue Catarina out of respect for her and Geordo, Nicol cages up his feelings tight.
And that's why he loves Catarina. Not just because 'she understands that I love my family,' but because she speaks her mind no matter how absurd she may sound. She doesn't falter when other people scoff or sneer at her. She always looks him straight in the eye. And above all else, she sees Nicol for who he truly is-- she understands him where no one else could.
(I could write a thousand sun/moon analogies about them.....)
Pirates of the Disturbance is perfect because it forces Nicol to take center stage. He would never enter the spotlight on his own, so he has to be dragged into it kicking and screaming. It's so good. I love him.
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sparklingmusicofstars · 2 months
What if instead of being an Otome game villainess, OG Kat was still a jealous bully and antagonist but more like a comedic rival, and was somewhat affable towards Maria? (Tsundere style lol)
What do you think? Could OG Maria befriend/save her?
I don't really understand your question but I guess you mean if OG Catarina was deep down a gentle person who acts tough ?
Honestly I don't think highly of OG Maria, in my opinion, she is quite selfish and very boring, an average romance anime protagonist, so maybe it would be hard for her to save/befriend OG Catarina without her explaining everything directly like she did in "Verge of doom". Anyway, I don't see OG Maria trying to understand her (especially when she is on a capture target's route) like she did absolutely nothing in FL and just let Geordo or Keith shielding her. I mean, if you think about it that way, OG Catarina was jealous because her fiancé was cheating on her and manipulating her.
Even as the situation is now I can hardly see Maria trying to "save" the actual villain "Sarah". Unlike Catarina she doesn't look too much on people's backgrounds.
To answer your question I would say no, unless she can get the happy ending only by that or if all it's right under her nose
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friendlylifecherry · 2 years
Hamefura AU where Maria ends up unlocking her past-life memories of being a Fortune Lover fan who just absolutely adored og!Katarina (to an unhealthy degree) and makes it a mission to make herself a Katarina route, because Katarina deserves to be with someone who genuinely cares about her, not that dirt bag Prince Geordo! If all works out, awesome! If it doesn't, well, she knows the secret route, she knows where to find a good basement
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baka-rina · 1 year
Did you also find that what happened to Original Katarina was extremely unfair ? I mean Maria did seduce her Fiancée and Keith (even though it wasn't his fault) ruined the harmony and happiness between her Parents, and than she gets exiled for just fighting back ? And she isn't even given one chance of victory like Mary! She is treated so unfairly and than also called a Villainess just because she wants Geordo to stay to his Promises!
Did you also find that what happened to Original Katarina was extremely unfair ? I mean Maria did seduce her Fiancée
I never thought it was 'unfair' I guess because it was an otome game scenario and they are usually highly dramatized and hyperbolic for entertainment purposes, you are not supposed to take them seriously, so i never did. It was a game and the characters are archetypal for the genre.
and Keith (even though it wasn't his fault) ruined the harmony and happiness between her Parents, and than she gets exiled for just fighting back ?
again, their 'miscommunication' was non-sensical and so forced that it only happens because the 'writers' needed it to happen for their game scenario.
And she isn't even given one chance of victory like Mary! She is treated so unfairly and than also called a Villainess just because she wants Geordo to stay to his Promises!
Well, she is the villainess! That is her appointed role in the game. And it is a Otome game, love conquers all!
I look at the 'real' characters in the light novels / manga / anime are not a reflection of the game, but rather the game is a highly dramatized version of them and their lives, written by someone who really doesn't like Katarina and so wrote her to be unredeemable and wanted her to only meet bad ends, lol. The scenarios are quite simplistic and cartoony - to fit a typical formulaic otome game.
Perhaps, someone has their own mind-time slip / reincarnation / isekai situation to our modern world and created the game. I mean Sophia / Aachan managed to also mind-share, so it's possible and would fit better in that the game reflects 'real' life, rather than the characters are part of a game world brought to life.
So mysterious hater hates lovable Katarina who everyone loves, dies and gets reincarnated and grows up to make an otome game based on their remembered 'other life' not knowing that that game would influence our Katarina when she 'awakens' in the fantasy world becoming the lovable Katarina they hated.
I think the characters in the 'real' world are fully automatous and live within their world and react as they would and are not connected or tied to the game.
As for the original Katarina personality (spoiled brat) that was replaced, well the spoiled brat never grew up to become villainess Katarina. Our Katarina is the OG Katarina, when she bumped her head her 'modern world memories' awakened and so she was made aware of possible futures (though the game) to be able to navigate with some foreknowledge and we get the story we have. She does have both her OG memories and her modern memories.
So, I don't think OG Katrina ever truly existed as she was in the game, it was basically a smear campaign / revenge against her by a bitter rival (very in keeping with the game, a true villainess, lol).
Our Katarina died, and the fantasy world she lives in was created for her 'afterlife' and patterned after her favorite game. If so, then OG Katarina also never existed, as our Katarina is living out the game character scenario and thus changed the course of the story by being herself.
IF we are to take it that OG Katarina existed as she was in the game, it does seem as if she grew up to become a horrible person. In the Side Story, Katarina 'awakens' at 15yo instead of 8yo and it seems she made life miserable for all around her. I don't think she deserved to be rewarded for her bad behavior, and so I don't blame Jeord breaking off the engagement after finding true love. Why should he tie himself to a miserable horrible person for something that happened when they were 8yo over a scar that no longer exists?
Did she deserve exile or death?
Well, in two routes she bullies and harasses and gets striped of her rank and title, which eventually leads to exile because she continues to be a nuisance afterwards with her villianess actions. Exile seems generous (could have just imprisoned her). It's a monarchy, they make the rules.
In another route, she bullies and harasses Keith to the point he loses hope and his temper and kills her, and he is punished.
In another route, she tries to kill Maria with a knife, and Jeord kills her defending Maria... and then he goes into exile.
I believe in karma, we get back what we give and OG Katarina seems to have been horrible to everyone, a completely spoiled and entitled girl who tried to crush the spirits of anyone she didn't like or thought were beneath her, so I have little sympathy for her. She wasn't written to be redeemable or sympathetic, imho :)
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azure-wolf-227 · 2 years
Hamefura x Pokémon AU: Pokémon: Fortune Lover - Gameplay
Some Info dump on what the ‘game’ is like in this AU. I’ll later discuss how Bakarina’s actions change things.
Part 2: Changes Due to Katarina’s Actions
The game’s premise is that the main character is accepted into Sorcier’s Academy of Magic and Pokémon due to possessing rare Light Magic despite their commoner status. ‘Maria Campbell’ is the default protagonist but their name, gender, and appearance can be customized.
All Pokémon games introduce some new gimmick or mechanic. The one for this game is Magic Boosting. Trainers who are mages can use their magic to boost their Pokémon’s power. This works best with Pokémon whose Type is compatible with your element. In the main character’s case, Light Magic works with all Types except Dark, Poison, and Ghost and is most compatible with Fairy.
While there, the player can choose one of four storylines connected to each of the Capture Targets: Geordo, Alan, Keith, and Nicol. Now, while we are aware of their conflicts in the original Fortune Lover game, I want to alter them a bit so that they fit in the world of Pokémon and you need to do complex stuff to resolve them. For example:
Alan’s storyline is that he wants to become the Master Champion to prove he is better than Geordo. He sees you (the player) as a rival for that position and often battles you while you are on your journey to compete in the League.
Nicol’s storyline involves battling against Sophia’s bullies to protect her. I want there to be more to it but can’t think of something.
I’m also not sure what to do about Geordo’s and Keith’s storylines.
Anyway, the romantic elements are still present but they have less prominence. Sure, you can still win the Capture Targets over, but that’s not actually the main thing of this game.
Let’s talk about the female rivals. Besides the three you expect (Katarina Claes, Mary Hunt, and Sophia Ascart) there is a fourth one specific to the Keith storyline: Lady Charlotte Vulcan (© @logo-comics).
While each storyline has their own rival, Katarina Claes stands out in that she antagonizes the Main Character in all the storylines, not just Geordo’s and Keith’s. And though you can befriend the other three, Katarina is unrepentantly a villainess, at least on the first half of the game.
The Condemnation scene happens in all storylines with the Target you are pursuing coming to your defense. Unlike the og FL, there is no bad endings where Katarina dies. She is sentenced to exile but somehow escapes before they can go through with it.
Which brings up to the second part of the game.
No matter which storyline you chose, you always come into conflict against Team Dark, who seek to take control over all Pokémon and use them to conquer the world. I haven't decided who their boss is but, I kind of want it to be the king’s recluse brother since the guy is sus in the LNs.
Now completing the main for storylines unlocks the final storyline where you must find out what Team Dark is up to and stop them to save Sorcier. The first even of the second half that sets you on the path to defeat Team Dark is saving Sirius Dieke/Raphael Walt from the Dark Spirit possessing him.
Once you save Raphael, you learn that Marchioness Dieke was a member of Team Dark, so the Ministry asks for you assistance in stopping them. All five Capture Targets volunteer to help you; you can even ask the remaining three female rivals for help.
During the investigation, you discover that the fugitive Katarina Claes has joined Team Dark to take revenge on the Main Character. Other antagonists include Sora and Sarah.
At the end of the game, after you defeat Team Dark, you can end with either one of the five Capture Targets, all of them for the Harem ending, or Friendship ending.
What do you think? Do you have any ideas to expand stuff and make it better?
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donut-powers · 2 years
The Spanish dub for Hamefura is out, and over on twitter it's getting good reviews! I am curious to know if you've had a chance to see it and what you thought of it?
I watched the show on the background while I was doing chores. So not the best way to watch it 😅
For a Crunchyroll dub it’s fine 👍. (I’m not that into their dubs cause their Spanish is too neutral, so it doesn’t sound charming in my ears and they don’t even bother translating the titles)
The kid voices sound like kids(rip English dub)
Katarina is the highlight of the dub. She sounds cheerful and dense enough. And she nails the Katarina council. Only her villainess voices doesn’t sound mean
Miridiana lacks that angry latam mom holding a chancla 🩴 vibe.
Keith is just how I imagined him while reading the manga the first time, before the anime came out.
I like Geordo’s voice here way more than in the og dub
Mary planning suspicious stuff is good.
Alan sound more masculine and charming(I don’t like it), lacks the tsundere
Maria’s voice sounds waaaaaaay more shy and mellow, kinda takes me out of it.
Nicol has more emotion
Sophia is ok.
Some of the translation choices were hilarious (and inconsistent)
“Señorito Keith” would translate to young master(in this context we would use master, normally it would translate to young man). But in everyday life “señorito” is used in a mocking way. And in other instance they said “joven Nicol” which is a more appropriate translation.
Earth bump -> “chichón de Tierra”, chichón is used more like a head bump(aka a body bump). And if have the humor of a 14 year old like me, “chichón” could be interpreted as big boob(in Mexico and Central America), so I laughed whenever Katarina said it. (Chiche->boob, chichon -> big boob)
Considering we don’t have an official Spanish translation of the manga/novel the dubbing team did ok, I guess they just had the Spanish subtitles to work with(maybe the English subs too). Why do I mention this? Cause instead of saying doom flag (bandera de destruccion) they say “punto de inflexión” (turning point). It sounds weird, a normal person wouldn’t say that. There are more instances of that literal translation.
On a side note, the Portuguese dub also came out, I don’t understand a thing but it sounds nice
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sapphireshineauthor · 2 years
The Body Stealer prompt using this concept that I have: Katarina decides to marry Geordo, so the Ghost of FL Katarina from the Geordo Route Bad End becomes jealous and tries to take over Bakarina's body to steal her life.
Here's my original idea: https://azure-wolf-227.tumblr.com/post/686074225950375936/bakarina-is-haunted-by-og-katarina
I have finally gotten around to this!!
Collision Course Beta START!
Body Stealer (Katarina vs Bakarina)
This is a lot different from what you had initially since it's a lot more combat focused. However, I hope you enjoy it all the same and my very brief take on your concept.
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Blue = Completed
Orange = In Progress
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cyclaes · 2 years
Week 2 - October comments
Fic that made you like a character/ship
My Second Life as an Anti-Heroine - Extended Universe  by mariagonerlj, Palhinhaea : one of the first Hamefura fics I ever read and one of the reasons I got into the fandom. And the reason I began liking OG Katarina, especially OG Katarina/OG Keith AND somehow, OG Katarina/OG Jeord. Granted this is an AU version of them. Still.
Growing 101: verge of doom edition by Dulcito / @dulcito-on-ao3: yes i’m mentioning this again but this is also one of the first fics in the fandom I read, and I loved Luigi/Miridiana in this too. 
Fic with a favorite platonic pair
Don't go yet by KarlyHill / @sol-exposito: I love the way Keith and Katarina are written as siblings in this; and I also love Luigi and Geordo’s bond in this. I wish them all happy endings even if their lives are sadder than they are in the series.
A Golden World by ellanica: While I love the take on OG Katarina/OG Geoffrey in this, Suzanna’s platonic relationship with both of them is superb in this. 
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sol-exposito · 2 years
If you are answering the OTP asks: #20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship. For whichever OTP you want :)
Omg your question makes me so happy, I never thought I would be asked this but nothing makes me happier than hamefura and Taylor Swift, so this has lived rent free in my mind for the longest time and I'm delighted to share it (I won't choose only one tho, plenty songs come to my mind)
Ivy - Mary & Katarina
Peace / sweet nothing / It's nice to hace a friend- Gerdo & Katarina
Lavander haze- Larna & Geoffrey
Seven - Raphael & Sarah
Tears ricochet - Og Katarina & OG Geordo
Gold rush- Alan & Katarina
Cornelia Street / Invisible string - Sophia & Katarina
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almdragonrend · 6 months
I found another old conversation I had, here it is, but I warn you, it's long...
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! Yes another reaction! Im really happy we getting more of it!
But please remember OG Katarina's Good deed's not only the Bad ones
And please PLEASE for the Love of Akatosh don't trie to justify Katarina's Exile as if it was anything but in act of complete and crulety!
I have nothing more to say and hope to read more soon
StrangerWager on Chapter 1Sat 01 Oct 2022 02:00PM CEST
As a person who haven't read much of the manga nor the Light Novels, and only with prior knowledge from the anime, I have zero clue of what was OG Katarina's deeds that were not bad. I would appreciate it if I were to be enlightened with some of these facts I do not know about.
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Sat 01 Oct 2022 02:24PM CEST
Okay thank you for asking ^_^ i'd love tell you !
First of when Katarina was younger Baron sherry came to house Claes to force Anne in to a Forced Marriage that played out In OG Fl
The same way it did in they Anime,what you may not know is that the Mann he tried to marry her of to was already above 60 years! And known for committing Domestic Violence on his previous Wifes,So little OG Katarina stood up to protect her lowly Maid who is nothing more than a Commoner point from a grown ass scary looking Adult,
She also never bullyd Sophia despite the rest of Sociar Nobility Children doing it
She even told her own grown clique to leave Sophia alone as she was the little sister of her fiances best friend
Which is more than Geordo ever did for the Ascards,
She encouraged Sianna Nelson daughter of the lowest ranked Noble family in all of Sociar after seeing her hard work
And Sianna became Katarina's best friend despite being just one single step about a Commoner in her status
Which shows that even OG Katarina cared more about a persons personality than status when choosing friends
She only gets on trial in the routes were Maria tries it with either Katarina's Fiance or adopted Brother or both
And that with the Alan was just a miss translation when the Harem route was meant
Ps:I hope this was helpfull,please tell me ^_^
Last Edited Sat 01 Oct 2022 02:27PM CEST
StrangerWager on Chapter 1Sat 01 Oct 2022 02:37PM CEST
You have my deepest gratitude. Thank you for the new found knowledge that shall be used for this work.
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Sat 01 Oct 2022 02:43PM CEST
Im the one who should thank you for giving me the opportunity to explain ^-^
But there is also something else...
It's just a rumor so i didn't include it in my explanation,
Do you wanna hear it ?
StrangerWager on Chapter 1Sat 01 Oct 2022 02:44PM CEST
By all means go ahead, I'll fact check it along the way.
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Sat 01 Oct 2022 02:57PM CEST
Thank you ^_^!
Well there actually two rumours
First of,apparently no matter which route you choose Maria's actuall first crush was Katarina even in the FL time line
Second the more obvious Katarina only behaved the way she did in the Game because of Raphael/Sirius dark magic
Please let me know what you think or know about that ^_^!
Thank you ^_^!
Well there actually two rumours
First of,apparently no matter which route you choose Maria's actuall first crush was Katarina even in the FL time line
Second the more obvious Katarina only behaved the way she did in the Game because of Raphael/Sirius dark magic
Please let me know what you think or know about that ^_^!
StrangerWager on Chapter 1Sat 01 Oct 2022 03:29PM CEST
Well, that certainly is something, I'll still see if whether or not this may be used or not.
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Sat 01 Oct 2022 03:32PM CEST
Thank you ^_^!
Im already hiped for the next chapter ^_^!
R (Guest) on Chapter 1Sun 02 Oct 2022 12:57PM CEST
Hold it... the dark magic thing makes too much sense.
Since OG Katarina's exagerated actions towards OG Maria were out of character for her if what you said is true.
It would also explain why an trained swordsman like OG Geordo would Kill OG Katarina instead of disarming her despite being (probably) skilled enough for it...
OG Keith magic going crazy is more easily believable.
So...everything bad that happened with OG Katarina can be traced back to Sirius (well...traced to the mage whispering in his ear but still).
I already have great sympathy for both OG Katarina and OG Maria.
if both rumours are true that scaled even higher...
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Sun 02 Oct 2022 02:46PM CEST
Yea i used to hate OG Maria,ans she certainly is a coward but...
After hearing about it i most say it turned the whole thing in an even greater tragedy...
Can you imagen your first love being killed for being mean to you...?
Also Katarina only tries to kill OG Maria in the Bad ending
Meaning she is already sentenced to Exile = death for a spoiled Duke Daughter
Meaning even Dark Magic can only bring Katarina to kill Maria if Maria has already become the catalyst for her own demise not before....
R (Guest) on Chapter 1Sun 02 Oct 2022 03:50PM CEST
I think dark magic was involved from the beginning.
OG Katarina being mad at OG Maria in Geordo's route makes sense ( and it's completly fair), but it makes little sense in the Keith's route.
OG Katarina disliked OG Keith and OG Maria wasn't the first woman he courted, so it still is out of character for her.
And the Exile ending has Keith/Geordo print all over it, because they both disliked OG Katarina and i have a hard time beliving OG Maria resented Katarina's treatment.
Also i would not go as far as to call OG Maria a coward, after her magic manifested she had no positive human interaction at all...
The people of her village avoided because of her magic, her supposed existence because of an affair or both.
Her father left and her mother couldn't even look at her in the eye.
So she had a combo of critically low self esteem and affection starved.
Also the only routes that OG Maria was in the wrong in my opinion are Geordo and Alan (since both are betrothed to another)
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Sun 02 Oct 2022 06:28PM CEST
That is really worth a tought,
Bout if the s the One she "actually loves" is Katarina is truth?
Id asks alot of questions
Like maybe she got only on with Keith/Geordo because of their connection to Katarina?
Also Maria is suposed to "see" dark magic
Something is of here....
R (Guest) on Chapter 1Sun 02 Oct 2022 10:42PM CEST
Since the choice is player based we can only speculate.
About the 'see dark magic thing', Fortune lover is a video game and Raphael/Sirius is an hidden capture target.
I don't know how the route is unlocked, but if it's supposed to be hidden maybe OG Maria needed to unlock a certan skill level or achieve something that allowed her to see dark magic.
If it was that obvious it would be a pretty on the nose hidden route for a video game.
My theory is that OG Maria 'persuit' of the capture targets was more on her need to have an good human connection (aka out of loneliness and desperation).
So i assume the hidden route would apear when she achieved enough self confidence/resolve to do so.
I don't see the OG Maria that would hide behind a capture target as having that conviction.
The Isekai Maria on the other hand confronted Sirius alone by her own will power (Bakarina's kindess gave her the confidence boost) and that Maria is the one that we are sure can see dark magic.
Because of that i belive that OG Maria needed to make the other capture targets lives and selves better without losing to her loneliness, then she would be able to truly help Raphael. (but that is just my theory)
R (Guest) on Chapter 1Sun 02 Oct 2022 11:08PM CEST
Also, since we are sharing theories.
Three things that always made me scratch my head:
- All routes have a single rival (except Katarina that apears in two)
- All routes rivals share their element with the capture target (except Katarina[earth] in Geordo[fire] route)
- In 'Verge of destruction' another rival apears and is interested in Geordo and acts like what one would expect from a villainess (Noelia[fire])
I have a theory for that (again i treat Fortune Lover as a video game)
I think in the test/beta version of the game Katarina is the rival in Keith's route and Noelia is the rival in Geordo's route.
But since Katarina would be the sister rival it would overlap in base concept with Sophia and Nicol, and the somewhat similar stage presence of Villain Katarina and Villain Noelia would create another redundancy,
so i assume the developers scrapped Noelia as an character and transfered some of her dialogue to Katarina.
Noelia doesn't apear in the Base isekai because Bakarina apeared before the game started, but she apears in the Verge of destruction because the game already started and Bakarina's apearance glitched the game back to the Beta because it needed someone in the Villain role.
Just a theory
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Sun 02 Oct 2022 11:31PM CEST
Might be
But That stitl dosen't explain the "Katarina = first love"part
Also i highly doubt That anyone but Katarina can give Maria the necessary confidence
Than again its sometimes suggested That someone Isekaid from Sociar to Katarina's RL
And their maid FL....
BUT Please Explain What do you Think about the Katarina part?
R (Guest) on Chapter 1Mon 03 Oct 2022 02:06AM CEST
That is a difficult question, but i will do my best.
Warning it will be a long comment...
Lets start with a simple but complicated question: what makes people fall in love?
- Do they treat you different form everyone else?
- Do you admire something about them?
- Do you just enjoy their company more then usual?
- Do you share a connection with them?
- Do they complete you in a significant whay?
With those questions in mind:
- OG katarina kinda fits on the first, others where moved by envy, self importance or self steem issues , Katarina might have seen OG Maria as a threat to her future, so she was the first to take her seriously and more than just a cute face with undeserved magic.
- That is easy to answer, OG Katarina AND Bakarina are so unapologetic themselves that someone like Maria that works hard to be accepted can admire they carring their hearts on their sleeve.
- That is a hard NO, i fear.
- They have the contrast connetion, Katarina is a proud high rank noble, but has weak magic and worse academics, Maria is a shy humble commoner, but has a rare and powerful magic and excells academically, in short they don't fit exacly in their expected envioment.
- Again OG Katarina and Bakarina have the confidance that Maria lacks, they are proud of themselves despite many believing that outside of their title there is very little to be proud of, Maria has a lot of skills and despite having them she still does't fell that is enough.
Or Maria would fall in love for no reason a all, love is weird.
That wall of text tries to explain why OG Maria would fall for OG Katarina.
But now as to why OG Katarina was the first:
All capture targets didn't take OG Maria seriously, they were dismissive ( Geordo[the see everything grey 'perfect' prince], Nicol[way to focused on his sister], Alan[self steem issues]) or saw her as another petty face (Keith[the flirty playboy]), OG katarina took her seriously, BAD seriously but still.
Because they took longer to open up to OG Maria, any points that require them showing their stories delayed the love route, BUT OG Katarina basically roars what she is about with little regard for anything.
On the begining the "enjoy company" part is on the negative for everyone (including OG katarina) so no point for anyone
Again BOTH OG Katarina and Bakarina are open books, aka easier to understand and relate than the others.
Put all that with OG Maria's unhealty lack of human affection...it's possible.
TL,DR: i belive that is possible that OG Katarina would be OG Maria first crush, not a very healty one but still.
Does that answer the question in a decent way?
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Mon 03 Oct 2022 10:14AM CEST
Yes it dose answer it,
But,if we assume just for moment That it is a fact rather than theory
How exactly would That make you feel emotionally?
And how do you thing OG Maria was feeling about it after everything was sad and done ?
R (Guest) on Chapter 1Mon 03 Oct 2022 09:09PM CEST
There are two Capture targets (Geordo and Keith) and two Endings (Exile and Death)
I will answer both questions depending on the combinations.
Disapointed in OG Maria, she doesn't look like the kind of person that would want OG Katarina exiled(or even resent her for that matter), but probably let it go because either she was convinced by her current lover or didn't want to risk put her current situation at risk, but i really belive she will feel guilty(specially in Geordo's route) and really worried for Katarina.
Very Worried/sad for OG Katarina, she got her life ruined and now has to survive in a place she doen't know, since she is a spoiled noble that cant end well. As a bonus, if there was dark magic, it wasn't even her fault at all.
Angry at OG Keith, while he had fair reasons to hate OG Katarina, saying he went overboard is an undestatment, since he actually had worse before the Claes took him in. And OG Katarina probaly treated him bad because she saw him as proof of her father's infidelity and causing indirect pain to her mother( both undestandable since she was 8 and i belive her mother encoraged her to it).
IF dark magic gave him a push then i feel kinda bad for him too.
JUMP OFF A CLIFF, OG Geordo is implied to have little to no care to anyone until OG Maria apeared, aka he used OG Katarina as a tool and i belive that her exile in this case was more to break the engagement without a hit on his reputation and not because of her treatment of OG Maria(because again i dont think Maria would want this).
Even if there was dark magic, he was using and manipulating OG Katarina before any interaction with Sirius, so i repeat...JUMP OFF A CLIFF.
Feel really bad for OG Maria, she was alone for most of her life, found a first love in OG Katarina that despised her (fairly in Geordo's route), saw said first love DIE RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER by the hands of her present love after the former tried to KILL HER, so she will blame HERSELF for Katarina's death, and now her present lover goes in a self imposed exile leaving her totally ALONE AGAIN.
(put that girl on suicide watch, therapy of both geez)
As a bonus (since the murderer left) she will have to endure the repercutions of the nobility alone.
Do i even need to explain OG Katarina...poor girl watched her life being ruined little by little, tried to kill the reason her life was ruined(in her eyes) and said murder atempt wasn't really her choice (dark magic) and then DIED FOR IT. Hope she finds peace...
Conflicted between furious and sad for OG Keith, if my memory serves right OG Katarina was killed because he lost control (maybe had dark magic involved) when trying to protect OG Maria.
Dude was tortured in his original home, got a new one where the mother and the older sister didn't treat him well and now he killed his sister and he didn't even mean it. Now he leaves the only one that actually treated him well out of guilt (kinda a dick move on Keith's part but still)
do i even need to go in detail...
Be honest Geordo, you wanted Katarina gone, just not like that because it would reflect bad on you, are you leaving out of guilt or because you are fleeing the consequences.
As a bonus you are leaving Maria behind to deal with the repercution of YOUR actions.
Forget the cliff...JUMP ON A VOLCANO
I guess my opinion in OG Geordo is showing...
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Mon 03 Oct 2022 09:25PM CEST
That is a very good analysis
And that was what I love,it sounds exactly how I think they would feel,
And yea poor OG Katarina
She really is a good girl at the core
Couldn't blame OG Maria for falling for the Girl
If OG Maria ever becomes so powerful in light Magic that she could see all 3 timeliness from her own Birth to 100 after in one moment, how would she feel about it than ?
R (Guest) on Chapter 1Mon 03 Oct 2022 09:38PM CEST
What do you mean?
OG Maria when?
Before the academy, before the endings or after the endings?
What do you mean?
OG Maria when?
Before the academy, before the endings or after the endings?
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Mon 03 Oct 2022 09:44PM CEST
I really liked to here you thoughts about how she'd feel looking both forward and backward
As i like to talk about such things,
R (Guest) on Chapter 1Mon 03 Oct 2022 10:28PM CEST
What the hell...i will do them all ( i think there are 4 timelines)
Before the academy
- Maria would be horrified to see what would happen because of her. But also would know both Keith and Katarina need her help.
She maybe would try to at least clear the air about Keith being Katarina's half brother, then Katarina could apologise, and Maria would try to protect Katarina from Geordo (poor girl needs it) i don't know if katarina would listen to her. I don't see this Maria going for Geordo, she maybe would try her luck with Keith, Katarina or both.
One detail Maria lacks confidence to do it, but she both cares about them and feels like she owes it to them to do her best, and Maria is a hard worker.
Before the endings(Keith's route)
- This time she would try her hardest to convince Keith to leave Katarina alone, or at least not insist on the exile. And would still try to save Katarina from Geordo. I don't see her relationship with Keith being afected in a meanfull way, but i am not sure if she will try to become friends with Katarina, both because she knows Katarina deslikes her now and because she feels like she does't deserve to become katarina's friend.
Before the ending(Geordo's route)
- Again would try to save Katarina, but this time i dont think she herself would feel save around someone like Geordo, even if he does care about her, not sure if the relationship would end but she would be weary of him at least, maybe even try to hold him back on his more malicous tactics to protect others from him.
After the ending(Keith's route - Exile)
- She would try to convince Keith to help her find Katarina or go herself, to at least see if she is ok and if not would assist her even if Katarina refused. Maria would be sad if Keith didn't try to help his sister, but she would understand (and would help Katarina alone)
After the ending (Geordo's route - Exile)
- Again would try to find Katarina, Geordo hardly would help and more so to apease Maria. This has a high chance to put a strain in their relationship. Since this Maria now knows that Geordo didn't gave Katarina the respect she deserved, and now sees a side of the prince she doesn't like.
After the ending (Keith's route - Death)
- Maria would be in a bad place,with extreme guilt and alone, but she would try to find Keith because she knows he is also in a bad place and she feels like she owes to at least stop him from doing something stupid, someone died because of her, she won't let another.
After the ending (Geordo's route - Death)
- By far the worst case for Maria's mental health, Katarina died because of her, and all because she fell for a man that didn't really deserve it.
This Maria has little to fight for now for and needs urgent therapy.
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Tue 04 Oct 2022 10:33PM CEST
Good analysis 👍
But I would have liked it more if you had gone more in to how Maria would have feeld about her possible relationship with Katarina in the other timeliness
And yes I clearly can se that Maria would try to rescue Katarina and Winn her over no matter the cost...
R (Guest) on Chapter 1Thu 06 Oct 2022 12:18AM CEST
Oh...my bad, i assumed you meant the game timelines.
Assuming the other timeline was the isekai one.
Maria would be confused with some key differences between Bakarina and OG Katarina.
Before the academy and before the Exile endings.
She would try harder to save/befriend OG Katarina because she now knows a more friendly and kind person is in there (since i belive OG Katarina and Bakarina ARE the same person just raised differently and in different envioments)
Still would help OG Keith and maybe score both.
OG Geordo will get some help from her in this case, because now she knows a the is a version of Geordo that can be better person.(Still don't think she would end up with him though)
The biggest impacts (emotionaly wise) would be in the death's endings.
OG Maria would feel even worse than in my other analysis.
In Keith's route - i am not sure if she would try to help OG Keith in his exile here because now she knows she took all the wrong choices and maybe she is now too terrified to make things even worse.
In Geordo's route - This somehow is worse than the previous one. Because now she knows:
1 - OG Katarina was an extremely kind person inside and had things been different would be an amazing friend or maybe more (and died because of her bad choices).
2 - OG Geordo HAD a possibility of becoming a better person and he got worse (again her choices didn't help there)
3 - The rest of the Isekai harem could have become good friends and companions to her (not in this continuity)
In short, knowing what could have been (and won't because of her) would break what is left of OG Maria spirit.
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Thu 06 Oct 2022 03:23AM CEST
Oh ! I should have been more clear on that one !
With the 3 time lines i meant Fortun Lover,Verge of doom, sorry
And i agree her soul and generally Personality are the same,
She just hasn't 17 extra years of maturity
And how could the death ending even happen if she has this knowledge before the start
Or even before Katarina's trial Hamefur Maria loves Bakarina
It isn't very clear in verge of doom but in both setting's Maria is definitely happier with Katarina around
Than in all good endings of FL,
So i refuse to believe she would be willing to damned the Woman who is the only one she ever truly loved in all possible timeliness
As the happy ending's in FL don't make her seem all that happy....
But what do you think....?
R (Guest) on Chapter 1Thu 06 Oct 2022 04:34AM CEST
I don't discont the death ending because there is a dark mage lurking in the corner.(maria isn't aware of them)
And yes, she is happier with Katarina around indeed.
I think the exile is more of fault of OG Keith ( verge of doom Keith shows his deslike of her, and if dark magic was involved then it would take much)
The Exile in OG Geordo's route had the prince's print all over it, even without dark magic, heck in verge of doom the first think that comes to his mind when Katarina 'changed' is "I can still use her"(...Fk you Geordo...)
The Verge of doom characters the same as the Game counterpart until Bakarina changed them.
As for the endings i don't think "happy" is the right word for OG Maria.
She went from being bullied and alone to finally have a person that cares for her (up from zero) and said person is most likely protecting her from the bullies.
Her life overall improved, BUT only 1 person cares for her so she still lonely and the Katarina issue makes her sad.
So less 'happy' and more 'content' in my opinion.
Its like if someone survived with only water and bread their whole life and now has milk and buttered bread, its and improvement and their are 'content' (but still less than ideal)
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Thu 06 Oct 2022 08:25AM CEST
I get what you mean
But I'm still pretty sure she woul go after Katarina
After learning so much,
And I said she saw everything about all 3 time lines at once
Meaning she has to be aware of Sirius
Because he's clearly shown atleast in Hamefura
Also I'm pretty sure she'd avoid Geordo after knowing what kind a guy he is
Am I wrong?
R (Guest) on Chapter 1Thu 06 Oct 2022 08:42AM CEST
Oh, i though she only saw her perspective of the events.
Not sure about the avoid Geordo part, there is a good chance of that or she could try help him become better(she will not date him though)
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Thu 06 Oct 2022 11:02AM CEST
No I mean she's seeing all the events from outside
She does not get to see their thougt but everything else
And yea,who would want to date that Bastard?
I make a revelation now
I'm a Big Marikata fun so I'm a bit biased
Sorry I should have mentioned that before....
But I really want to hear which kind of Action you think Maria would take,....
I mean I'm pretty sure knowing everything she would be dead set on the Katarina Route, but what do you think....?
R (Guest) on Chapter 1Thu 06 Oct 2022 05:50PM CEST
I can't judge, Maria is my favorite pair with Katarina too.
I also believe she would go for Katarina given the chance.
Now i must also confess my bias.
Maria and Keith is my second favorite pair for Maria (katarina is the first).
So she scoring both is a victory triangle for me.(i also enjoy Keith and Kata)
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Thu 06 Oct 2022 07:18PM CEST
Would you consider a triple Marriage?
Maria,Katarina,Keith ?
I confess i actually dislike Keith a lot
Given what i already told i think you can gues why ?
Given Keith is desperate for love to such a point
And he think's of Maria as the only one who can save him and that he has so many rivals
If she in the middle of it all declared privately that she be willing to choose over all other's but under one condition
He's most likely to accept any condition even if that condition is to make his scorned adoptive Sister a part of the deal.....
That also had the effect that Katarina would still be under the Protection of house Claes
Which would make Geordo unable to harm her in the same way he did with the trial
Something else are now constantly having a discussion in Stranger Wager's comment section
So the least we could do is ask her if she want to take part in or if she even is okay with it,
Do you agree?
R (Guest) on Chapter 1Thu 06 Oct 2022 11:36PM CEST
I would
I didn't notice to be frank, you mentioned Keith directly in one comment prior to this...
Yes he is affection starved as well, and according to Bakarina:
"When he grew up he became quite the playboy in order to bury his loneliness and when he entered the academy, he met the heroine. The heroine healed his lonely heart and became the first person Keith ever truly loved..."
Hamefura Chapter 2
It's not like Keith believed that Maria would save him, it's more like she saved him and them he fell for her.
But i agree that he would accept Katarina in that cenário for three reasons:
1 - Maria saved him so it would be hypocrite of him to not let her save Katarina.
2 - If the misundestanding is cleared and Katarina apologised, he is capable of giving her a chance (verge of destruction shows that).
3 - That would make Maria happy, and maybe that is enough.
I agree with the last part too (this is the longest dicussion i participated in that didn't involve the autor lmao)
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 1Fri 07 Oct 2022 12:36PM CEST
I just informed the Author
I'm happy we can go with that
Assuming Maria successful used her knowledge to get Geordos engagement with Katarina broken and get engaged to both Claes siblings how do you see it go from there?
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maboroshi-no · 4 months
if you had to pick an harem member who do you think could realize Katarina secret provided they had a starting clue.
also how do think they will react if they found out Katarina did reincarnate and had whole (short) life before.
I consider that Katarina's secret is 4-fold:
She has memories of her past life, where she was an ordinary girl living with her family in a completely different world, until she died at 17
She is scheduled to meet her doom in several months and she is fighting against it using information she gets in her dreams.
This whole world is the world of a game, and they are all characters of this game. On top of this, in her past life, Katarina played the game and manipulated Maria to make the guys fall in love with her.
She knows different versions of all of her friends. Especially, Geordo, Keith and Maria are originally supposed to lead her to her doom.
If Katarina ever reveals "her secret" to someone, I don't think she will necessarily tell everything. I guess by "secret" you only mean 1)?
In that case, I think Keith is the closer to find out since he heard Katarina call names that he didn't recognize when she had fevers. He investigated the names but still couldn't find out who the persons were, and he is still waiting for Katarina to tell him one day.
Keith is not the only one who was given a hint. Katarina told Sora she lost people precious to her before. But I don't think Sora can find out Katarina's secret just from this since he hasn't known her for a long time.
Geordo is aware that Katarina is hiding something from him, but I don't think he can find out 1) just from this. Though, if Katarina is still fearing OG!Geordo to some extent, maybe she will spill something at some point? In that case, Geordo may rather find out 4).
Raphael is also aware that Katarina is hiding something and he was personally impacted by her "dream revelation" when she guessed his true name out of nowhere. I am not sure if Raphael can find out 1), but he seems to have at least accepted 2).
Regarding how they would react, I think Keith would feel very sad for her and do all he can to somewhat comfort her. He would probably encourage her to tell him stories about her past life, about her family and friends, so she could smile while reminiscing about them. If he ever find out about Japanese writing, he may also ask her to teach him Japanese so she can have an activity related to her past life. And he would probably enjoy Katarina's smile if he successfully communicate with her in Japanese. In general, I think he will do all he can so she could make things from her past life part of her current life.
Regarding the others, I haven't really thought about it. And in Geordo's case, it is hard to imagine his reaction regarding 1) knowing he would be horrified if he knew about 4). And doubly horrified if he also knew that he indirectly caused Monkey Girl's death.
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masterhandss · 3 years
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Previews for alternate “Party” outfit sprites for Hamefura Pirates on Otomate’s Website
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edieswriting · 4 years
Lady Claes at the verge of destruction
So! I can’t link to external pages yet! Thanks Tumblr! I’ve opted to just put the chapter here under a “read more”, but the link to my AO3 can be found on my tumblr. Please give me a chance and read (and comment)!
Katarina Claes has (almost) everything. She has a gorgeous fiancé (though he does not have enough interest in her), powerful parents (though they don't talk anymore), magic (albeit extremely limited), and a skilled maid (thank the gods for Anne). Thanks to her noble lineage and earth magic she is attending a prestigious magic academy, where she runs into *her*. Maria Campbell, little miss perfect, a commoner with the audacity to give Katarina's fiancé heart eyes! Determined on teaching miss Campbell her place (and keeping her away from Geordo), Katarina and friends bully her mercilessly. That is, until one day when Katarina slips and learns some new information. Katarina will, in her own way, be seducing Maria, Geordo, Mary and Sienna (and everyone, but those are the most important ones). Who, if anyone, will she end up with? A rewrite of the Bakarina Hard Mode Manga (The Verge of Destruction Arc) in which Katarina Claes seemingly remains Katarina Claes instead of a sudden 180 degrees change to our familiar Bakarina. This is my first time writing in many years, so I welcome any constructive criticism or other feedback!
“Just what are those supposed to be, sweets?” mocked Sienna. Katarina, Sienna and some other girls had surrounded that pesky miss Campbell and quickly realized she was planning on giving some of her commoner food to the revered student council.
 “They’re… I made them using the leftovers in the kitchen,” miss Campbell answered weakly. At least she had the sense to be docile when facing her betters.
 “Baking with leftovers? Why, how very befitting of a commoner, wouldn’t you say?” Sienna said with a laugh, addressing Katarina. Katarina agreed wholeheartedly that those “sweets” were fitting for someone like miss Campbell, but even daring to think of feeding her lowly food to the student council was unacceptable. It was time for Katarina to teach miss Campbell a lesson.
 She took a step forward and slapped the basket out of miss Campbell’s hands, sending the strange little pastries flying over onto the dirt. As one of the other ladies held miss Campbell to the ground, Katarina stepped on one of the pastries – perhaps they were supposed to be muffins? – and declared “Come now, I’ve made it much easier to eat for a lowly commoner like you. Eat up!” as her friends giggled. Miss Campbell did – to Katarina’s frustration – however just sit there, paralyzed.
 “Hurry up and eat! Or, perhaps, you can’t even do that much without me assisting you?” She said mockingly as she stepped towards the light mage-
 and promptly slipped as she stepped on a pastry.
 As her head collided with the ground, she felt a stream of memories enter her consciousness.
 Those memories…
 A young girl, more monkey than girl, climbing a tree to avoid a dog. Sitting in a tiny, unlit room – perhaps a doghouse? – staring at a glowing screen…
 It was all so familiar.
 Then it her.
 Those memories were the memories of her past life.
 She had died at 17 after staying up all night playing video games and was now reincarnated into Katarina Claes.
 How detestable! She, Katarina Claes, would never be so undignified as to climb trees! She could absolutely not inform anyone, least of all her dear fiancé, Geordo, about this mess!
 As Katarina managed to open her eyes, she saw a pretty face looking down upon her… no. That is miss Campbell’s face, looking all concerned as if she is capable of an emotion like that.
 “Out of my way!” Katarina growled, and miss Campbell fell backwards. Katarina was quickly back on her feet, thanks to Sienna, and gave miss Campbell a look that would make anyone’s blood freeze. “You stay on the ground where you belong.”
 Still shocked with all the information being processed in her brain, Katarina hurried off, her friends trailing behind her, fussing and doting and whatnot. Katarina was not in the mood for their chatter, she had 17 years’ worth of memories to process and then forget. Forget, as she doubted there was anything even remotely useful in the memories of the monkey she sadly enough had been.
 After she got back to her room and sent Anne to get the bath and a change of clothes ready, she allowed herself some time to investigate the memories of her past life.
 She had been an otaku, immersed in manga, anime and video games. The last night of her life had been spent playing an otome game named Fortune Lover. She had been so set on conquering the black-hearted, sadistic prince Geordo, but the rival character Katarina Claes – Geordo’s fiancée – kept getting in her way…
 Wait a second.
 She knows this plot.
 She knows these names, these people.
 Horror dawned on Katarina as she looked in the mirror and realized what this meant. She was the villain of an otome game!
 How could this be?! She was no villain, she was Katarina Claes, a proud, dignified noble lady engaged to a prince! Those things with miss Campbell was merely her teaching a commoner witch some lessons! Did miss Campbell not except Katarina to notice the way she looked at her fiancé or bastard half-brother? Geordo was Katarina’s fiancé, as courtesy of a wound she had gotten as a child, and Katarina loved him! She was not about to let some commoner steal him after all her effort, not even a light mage!
 And Keith? Don’t even get her started. That bastard ruined her happy family, made her parents miserable, and then had the nerve to damage their good name by getting caught up in scandal after scandal. She was not about to let him ruin their name further by getting it on with some random commoner!
 Maybe that is why she regained those cursed memories? To use them to make the choices that lead to her happy ending!
 Whoever miss Campbell romances is the one whose “route” the story is on. Each route has a good ending and a bad ending. The four routes are Nicol Ascart, Alan Stuart, Keith Class, and perish the thought, Geordo Stuart.
 Katarina never got to play Nicol’s route and as such as no idea what happens in it, but it probably won’t involve her. In Alan’s route, he either ends up with lady Hunt – his fiancée – or miss Campbell.
 Katarina smiles happily as she concludes that must mean that Geordo ends up with his fiancée if miss Campbell fails. Though, come to think it, Geordo and Keith had similar endings, didn’t they? If miss Campbell attempts to romance Geordo or Keith, the so-called good ending involves Katarina Claes being accused of “bullying” miss Campbell and then getting exiled. In miss Campbell’s bad ending… Katarina attacks her and is murdered by miss Campbell’s love interest.
 The image of Geordo murdering her is not one that is easy to forget. She has done everything to be a good fiancée, a proper lady, anything he could wish for, and yet he would murder her for the sake of a commoner?
 He truly has no love for her.
 With the image of her own death burned on her eyelids, Katarina got a notebook from her bookshelf.
 It was time to make a plan.
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave a comment telling me what you think, and look forward to the next chapter! It will be up soon-ish
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