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william-r-melich · 6 months
Tik Tok Bill/HR 7521 - 03/16/2024
Bill HR 7521 passed 3 days ago in the house of representatives by a vote of 352 - 65. If this bill passes in the Senate, which looks likely, Joe Biden said he will sign it, which will purportedly ban Tik Tok. It wouldn't really ban it, but what it will do is force Byte Dance, the Chinese company that owns Tik Tok, to divest by providing a description of what assets would need to be divested to execute a qualified divesture. In other words, they would have to sell it. They would also have to shut down their internet hosting service. Someone in the U.S. would buy it. I've been on the fence with this one as well with whether or not Biden will remain on the ticket. After reading a portion of the bill I saw a loophole regarding what can be done with a foreign person. Donald Trump, who back in 2020 wanted to ban Tik Tok, he's now against banning it. He said that banning Tik Tok would give the government too much power and would make Facebook more of a monopoly. I sure hope his 180-degree shift wasn't partly made because he has a big campaign donor from Tik Tok. Elon Musk is against it. He thinks it will lead to the government having too much control of wording and censorship on all media platforms. He argues that it doesn't just involve foreign adversaries. Republican Congressman Thomas Massie on X posted this: "The president will be given the power to ban WEB SITES, not just Apps.--"The person breaking the new law is deemed to be the U.S. (or offshore) INTERNET HOSTING SERVICE or App Store, not the 'foreign adversary.' " The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) controls what content is allowed on Tik Toc, and the version that is used in China is very different to what's allowed on it outside of China, like here in the U.S. In China they're teaching their children strict discipline and loyalty to the CCP without other harmful content, brainwashing them into their collectivist ideologies. Outside of China they are allowing and promoting content that encourages self-harm and suicide. The big concern in Congress is that the CCP is using the platform to collect as much personal data as they can to be later used against us for nefarious reasons.
Bytedance is the parent company running Tik Toc, and it's former CEO, Zhang Yiming, in 2018 wrote an open public letter of apology to the CCP's headquarters. He was in trouble for not directing his tech companies to push the party's communist agenda far enough, including for what they termed as Xi Jinping thought. Here's some of that letter translated in English:
"I sincerely apologize to regulators, our users and colleagues. I have been in a state of guilt and remorse since I received the notice from the regulatory authority yesterday afternoon and stayed up all night."
"Toutino will permanently shut down the app and the Wechat account of Neihan Duanzi. The product has gone astray, posting content that goes against socialist core values. It's all on me. I accept all the punishment since it failed to direct public opinion in the right way."
"I blame myself for failing to live up to the guidance and expectations of the authorities. In the past few years, the authorities have given us a lot of guidance and help, but I failed to understand properly and to correct properly in the past that resulted in the repercussions today."
"I blame myself for failing the support and trust of our users. We one-sidedly focused on growth and scale without paying timely attention to quality and responsibility of guiding users to obtain positive information. We have failed to undertake corporate social responsibility, and lack emphasis and understanding of our roles in carry forward the positive energy, and guide public opinion properly."
"I reflect that the deep-seated problems for the company are: a weak understanding of the 'four consciousness,' a lack of socialist core values, and a biased guidance of public opinion. 'In the past, we have placed too much emphasis on the role of technology, and failed to realize that socialist core values are the prerequisite to technology. We need to spread positive messages in line with the requirements of the times while respecting public order and good practice.' "
The "four consciousness," to which he referred is described in the following CCP directive as translated into English; CCP Central Committee Publishers Plan for Deepening the Reform of Party and State Agencies. March 18, 2021:
"To deepen reform of the Party and state agencies at this new historical turning point, we must comprehensively implement the Spirit of the 19th Party Congress and persist in taking Marxism -- Leninism, Ma Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Important Thinking of the 'Three Represents,' the Scientific Development Concept, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide. We must firmly establish political consciousness, consciousness of the big picture, consciousness of the core leadership, and consciousness of falling in line with party directives. We must resolutely maintain the authority and centralized unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. We must adapt to the development requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, persist in the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, and adhere to the proper direction of reform. We must persist in being people-centered, and persist in comprehensively ruling the country according to law."
It seems clear to me that the CCP wants to dominate the world and control how everyone thinks. We can't let that happen. The harmful content on Tik Tok can be found on some of the other platforms, but apparently on Tik Tok it's been more harmful and addictive to kids. Amnesty International 2 reports: "Driven into the Darkness: How Tik Tok Encourages Self-harm and Suicidal Ideation and the I Feel Exposed: Caught in Tik Tok's Surveillance Web - highlight the abuses experienced by children and young people using Tik Tok Outside of China. Between 3 and 20 minutes into our manual research, more than half of the videos in the 'For You' feed were related to mental health struggles with multiple recommended videos in a single hour romanticizing, normalizing or encouraging suicide."
Here's how a portion of the Tik Tok bill reads - HR 7521:
(iii) a subsidiary of or a successor to an entity identified in clause (i) or (ii) that is controlled by a foreign adversary; or (iv) an entity owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by an entity identified in clause (i), (ii), or (iii); or (B) a covered company that -- (i) is controlled by a foreign adversary; and (ii) that is determined by the President to present a significant threat to the national security of the United States following the issuance of -- (I) a public notice proposing such determination; and (II) a public report to Congress, submitted not less than 30 days before such determination, describing the specific national security concern involved and containing a classified annes and a description of what assets would need to be divested to execute a qualified divesture. (4) FOREIGN ADVERSARY COUNTRY, -- The term "foreign adversary country" means a country specified with respect to a covered company or other entity is -- (A) a foreign person that is domiciled in, is headquartered in, has its principal place of business in, or is organized under the laws of a foreign adversary country. (B) an entity with respect to which a foreign person or combination of foreign persons described in "subparagraph (A) directly or indirectly own at least a 20 percent stake; or (C) a person subject to the direction or control of a foreign person or entity described in subparagraph (A) (B). (2) Covered Company -- (A) IN GENERAL -- The term "covered company" means an entity that operates, directly or indirectly (including through a parent company, subsidiary, or affiliate), a website, desktop application, or augmented or immersive technology application.
The loophole I see is that there are people here from China that are legal to work and live here (green card) and who have a residence in China. The President (Joe Biden) could divest any website or app operated by a company with such a person in its employ from China with a green card who happens to own at least 20% of that company. I haven't read through the entire bill, nor am I an expert on Congressional bills or policies, but there might be other loopholes to be found. Given all that I have considered on this, I think divesting Tik Tok is a good idea, but only with no loopholes or wiggle room. I don't trust the government, their too giddy about this and I suspect they may have something up their sleeves. Next to our own ability to destroy ourselves from within, I think China is our biggest threat. This is serious stuff and we're in some very dangerous situations. We've got to get this right and get the right leader in the White House, which, in my humble opinion, is Donald J. Trump.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Sweden’s suddenly cleared path to NATO membership casts the Baltic Sea region in a new strategic light. For the first time in modern history, every state in the region except Russia will be part of a single, close-knit military alliance, which has led some to giddily declare the Baltic Sea a NATO lake. Other than the fate of Ukraine itself, the creation of a powerful northeastern bloc in NATO is the most strategically significant fallout for Europe from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to go to war.
The Baltic region is also a crucible from which the answers to many of NATO’s most pressing questions could emerge. What does a coherent strategy for deterring Russia look like? How can the Baltic states best be defended? What capabilities are needed, and how will they be integrated across the alliance? The contributions of NATO’s newly unified Baltic bloc—the Nordics, the three Baltic states, Poland, and Germany—to European defense will be vital to the resilience of the alliance.
With NATO focused on supporting Ukraine and better securing the bloc’s eastern frontier, another vital effect of northeastern security cooperation is only now beginning to receive the attention it deserves. The region must urgently address two overlapping challenges: maritime infrastructure protection and energy security. Indeed, in addressing these vulnerabilities, the countries of the region could collectively strengthen security, become a laboratory for how to protect maritime infrastructure, and serve as a model for other regions to follow.
The Baltic Sea, just like the North Sea farther west, hosts a dense web of critical infrastructure links: ports and terminals, undersea pipelines, electricity transmission cables, and telecommunication cables. And their number is expected to grow: As the region completes a massive swing away from Russian energy, governments are expanding their liquefied natural gas (LNG) import infrastructure, building out offshore wind parks, and investing in new undersea power transmission lines. As the Baltic states accelerate their departure from the Russian power grid—a legacy from when they were annexed by the Soviet Union—they are making significant investments in power links with Europe. These and other investments will create an even denser network of critical infrastructure, particularly in an already crowded Baltic Sea.
Of course, Russia still maintains power projection capability, mainly through its naval, air, and missile bases in Kaliningrad—and unlike Russian land forces, these have not been gutted by the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine. The Russian Navy may be underfunded, but its underwater capabilities are growing in strength. Although the perpetrators have not been definitively determined, the underwater bombings of two Nord Stream pipelines near the Danish island of Bornholm in September 2022—as well as ongoing Russian threats and operations in the Baltic Sea and North Sea—have forced European governments to pay more attention to their highly vulnerable offshore energy and other infrastructure.
Accurately assessing threats to maritime energy and undersea communication infrastructure can be difficult. Adversaries could use submarines to deploy crewed or uncrewed submersibles, but attacks could also be launched from research vessels or even passing commercial ships. Also vulnerable to approach by sea are shoreline installations, such as LNG terminals. Landing stations for fiber-optic telecommunication cables are another possible target. What’s more, an adversary could easily employ civilian saboteurs to damage coastal infrastructure.
An attack need not be catastrophic—infrastructure networks usually have redundancies and extra capacity built in to compensate. Below the threshold of a blackout strike, however, infrastructure sabotage can be used by an adversary as a relatively easy and affordable way of sending a message or undermining a population’s sense of security. Sabotage could also prepare the ground for a broader attack. What makes sabotage attractive for an adversary is that attribution can be difficult, compounding the sense of insecurity and confusion. In January 2022, for instance, an undersea fiber-optic cable connecting a satellite ground station on the Norwegian island of Svalbard to the country’s mainland was severed, causing much speculation over Russian involvement. No conclusive evidence ever emerged. Meanwhile, NATO is certain that Russian spy ships have increased their efforts to map Europe’s critical maritime infrastructure.
Some of the larger countries in Europe are looking to step up their capacity to monitor, protect, and repair their undersea infrastructure. France has launched a new seabed warfare strategy and is investing in unmanned underwater vehicles, while Britain is creating a new Centre for Seabed Mapping and dedicating a multirole ocean surveillance ship to safeguarding infrastructure. Britain and Norway have also entered a security partnership to jointly protect their undersea infrastructure, a sign of London’s ambition to be a security provider in the region, including with regard to maritime energy and other infrastructure. (The two nations are major natural gas producers and have a network of pipelines crisscrossing the North Sea.) In the Baltic Sea, the Polish government is contemplating legislation that would permit the military to target ships attacking a key gas pipeline and establish a permanent coast guard base at the LNG terminal in the port of Swinoujscie. NATO already has a standing Maritime Group monitoring the North and Baltic seas and is conducting military exercises there. The Swedish submarine fleet will in future contribute greatly to NATO’s capabilities in the Baltic.
Most smaller European countries have only limited capacity to monitor and repair maritime infrastructure, even in their own waters. For all states, coordination remains a big challenge: Commercial owners and operators, militaries, coast guards, and other security services all have some responsibility in this field, as do policymakers and public administrators at various levels. While industry actors are often more aware of the immediate consequences of damaged energy or communication links, they rarely have access to comprehensive threat assessments compiled, if at all, by national governments. Then there is the issue of coordination across international borders. With so many actors involved, assembling a fully integrated operational picture of activity below and above water and developing contingency plans for responses to threats can be challenging, to say the least.
The Baltic Sea, with its shallow waters, low salinity, and many islands and archipelagoes, comes with some terrain-specific security challenges. Nevertheless, it is a useful testbed for how best to coordinate European responses to threats against critical maritime infrastructure. Both NATO and the European Union have turned their attention to shaping these responses and announced a new joint flagship initiative: the Task Force on Resilience of Critical Infrastructure. NATO-EU collaboration is a no-brainer here, since protecting critical maritime infrastructure requires merging military and civilian security measures. But both NATO and the EU will likely encounter obstacles working with so many different private actors and with sharing sensitive information about national infrastructure even among allies.
NATO can take the military lead. In recent months, it has ramped up patrols and naval exercises in the North Sea and Baltic Sea and established a new Maritime Centre for the Security of Critical Undersea Infrastructure within NATO’s Maritime Command. The bloc also wants to bring together national civilian, military, and industry stakeholders, doubling down on NATO’s role as a hub for sharing information and best practices. The alliance also plans to support members in identifying innovative technologies that can help secure critical undersea infrastructure. To underline the importance of all this, NATO leaders meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania, this week dedicated a whole paragraph of their official communique to the “real and … developing” threat to critical undersea infrastructure.
The EU updated its maritime strategy this year, stating its intention to ensure the resilience and protection of critical maritime infrastructure. A traditional starting point for the EU is to launch blocwide regulation, including a directive on critical infrastructure that entered into force this year. But the effectiveness of these measures depends on national capitals’ willingness to implement them effectively and quickly. The EU might get further if it is able to complement its regulatory stick with financial carrots, especially for smaller member states. Some of these states have asked for a dedicated section of the EU budget for public investments to protect critical infrastructure. The EU could also use its newly expanded tools on defense industrial funding to support member state investment in securing infrastructure.
Both organizations should also prepare for future threats to maritime infrastructure that may come not only from Russia. China, for instance, poses a different kind of security challenge as it buys and develops critical maritime infrastructure in Europe, from undersea communication cables to stakes in European ports. European governments have grown more alert to the potential risks of these investments in recent years, even as countries such as Germany continue to sign over infrastructure to Beijing. But officials tasked with tightening the investment review process complain that they do not yet have access to a clear map of who owns what in undersea and shoreline infrastructure.
In the years to come, the countries of the Baltic Sea region will be able to stress-test European responses to these challenges. Their efforts will likely yield valuable lessons for other operational theaters. These could include the Arctic, where melting ice could open up new sea routes for digital infrastructure. Partners of the West in the Indo-Pacific, facing similar hybrid threats to their critical maritime infrastructure, could learn from the European experience as well. Lessons from the region could also inform the EU’s plan to invest in a new undersea internet cable in the Black Sea designed to improve digital connections to Georgia, a candidate for EU membership, while reducing the country’s dependence on cables running through Russia.
The efforts to develop and implement a robust, shared approach to maritime infrastructure and energy security should include all countries in the Baltic Sea region, with the obvious exception of Russia. That may take some work, as these countries have not always seen eye to eye on security, especially in their assessment of Russia. Security in the northeastern bloc needs the buy-in of powerful Western European countries such as Germany. But the relationship between Berlin and Warsaw is increasingly deadlocked, preventing these two major countries from providing leadership in the region. Germany’s announcement that it will permanently station a military brigade in Lithuania, if it can be implemented quickly, could go some way to rebuild the trust lost by Berlin through its many years of Russia-friendly policies. The Polish elections in the fall, if they bring a change in government, might relax Warsaw’s relationship with the rest of Europe. A more strategic approach to regional security, however, will rely in large part on the military experience and innovation capacity of the smaller, nimbler Nordic and Baltic countries.
If NATO’s Baltic Sea members can build on Finnish and Swedish accession to the alliance, use all the tools at their disposal, and pursue a more coordinated, pragmatic approach to critical infrastructure security, they will reduce one of Europe’s greatest vulnerabilities exposed by Putin’s war on Ukraine. If NATO’s new northeastern bloc fails to achieve this despite a clear common threat and interest, there is little hope that the alliance can succeed elsewhere.
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This Saturday (19 Aug), I'm appearing at the San Diego Union-Tribune Festival of Books. I'm on a 2:30PM panel called "Return From Retirement," followed by a signing:
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I'm kickstarting the audiobook for "The Internet Con: How To Seize the Means of Computation," a Big Tech disassembly manual to disenshittify the web and make a new, good internet to succeed the old, good internet. It's a DRM-free book, which means Audible won't carry it, so this crowdfunder is essential. Back now to get the audio, Verso hardcover and ebook:
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softwaretrend · 3 months
Comprehensive Guide to Software Development Services for 2024
In today's digital era, software development services play a crucial role in driving innovation and growth for businesses across various industries. Whether you are a startup looking to build a robust application or an established enterprise aiming to enhance your existing software solutions, understanding the nuances of software development is essential. This comprehensive guide delves into the key aspects of software development services, the benefits of hiring a software development company, and the advantages of hiring offshore developers.
Understanding Software Development Services
Software development services encompass a wide range of activities involved in the creation, deployment, and maintenance of software applications. These services are designed to meet the specific needs of businesses and can include custom software development, mobile app development, web development, and more.
Types of Software Development Services
Custom Software Development
Custom software development involves creating software solutions tailored to meet the unique requirements of a business. This type of development ensures that the software aligns perfectly with the business processes and goals, offering a competitive advantage.
Mobile App Development
With the proliferation of smartphones, mobile app development has become a critical component of software development services. Businesses can leverage mobile apps to reach a wider audience, enhance customer engagement, and streamline operations.
Web Development
Web development focuses on creating robust and scalable web applications that provide an exceptional user experience. This includes developing websites, web applications, and e-commerce platforms that are responsive and secure.
Cloud-Based Software Development
Cloud-based software development involves creating software solutions that are hosted on cloud platforms. This approach offers scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, making it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes.
Key Phases of Software Development
Planning and Analysis
The planning and analysis phase involves understanding the business requirements, defining the project scope, and creating a roadmap for the development process. This phase is crucial for ensuring that the project stays on track and meets the desired objectives.
In the design phase, the software's architecture and user interface are created. This involves creating wireframes, prototypes, and design specifications that guide the development team.
The development phase is where the actual coding and implementation of the software take place. Developers use various programming languages and tools to build the software according to the design specifications.
Testing is a critical phase in software development, ensuring that the software is free of bugs and performs as expected. This phase includes unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing.
The deployment phase involves releasing the software to the production environment. This includes setting up the infrastructure, configuring the software, and ensuring that it is ready for use.
Maintenance and Support
Maintenance and support are ongoing activities that ensure the software remains functional and up-to-date. This includes fixing bugs, adding new features, and providing technical support to users.
Benefits of Hiring a Software Development Company
Access to Expertise and Experience
A software development company brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. Their teams are composed of skilled professionals who have worked on various projects across different industries, ensuring high-quality software solutions.
Cost-Effective Solutions
Hiring a software development company can be more cost-effective than building an in-house team. Companies can save on recruitment, training, and infrastructure costs while benefiting from the company's established processes and methodologies.
Focus on Core Business Activities
Outsourcing software development allows businesses to focus on their core activities, such as marketing, sales, and customer service. This ensures that the business remains competitive and can achieve its strategic goals.
Faster Time-to-Market
Software development companies have streamlined processes and resources to ensure faster time-to-market for software solutions. This is crucial for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge and respond quickly to market changes.
Scalability and Flexibility
Software development companies offer scalable and flexible solutions that can grow with the business. Whether you need to scale up your software or adapt to changing business requirements, a professional development team can accommodate your needs.
Advantages of Hiring Offshore Developers
Cost Savings
One of the primary advantages of hire offshore developers is cost savings. Offshore developers often offer competitive rates, allowing businesses to reduce development costs without compromising on quality.
Access to a Global Talent Pool
Hiring offshore developers provides access to a global talent pool. Businesses can tap into the expertise of developers from different regions, bringing diverse skills and perspectives to the project.
Round-the-Clock Development
Offshore development teams can work in different time zones, ensuring round-the-clock development. This can significantly speed up the development process and reduce the time-to-market for software solutions.
Focus on Innovation
Offshore developers often bring innovative ideas and approaches to the table. Their diverse experiences and exposure to different markets can contribute to the creation of cutting-edge software solutions.
Risk Mitigation
By hiring offshore developers, businesses can mitigate risks associated with resource shortages, skill gaps, and project delays. Offshore teams provide a reliable and scalable solution to meet development needs.
How to Choose the Right Software Development Company
Assess Your Requirements
Before choosing a software development company, it's essential to assess your requirements. Define your project scope, budget, timeline, and specific needs to ensure that you select a company that aligns with your goals.
Evaluate the Company's Expertise
Evaluate the expertise and experience of the software development company. Look for a company with a proven track record of delivering successful projects in your industry and a team of skilled professionals.
Check References and Reviews
Check references and reviews from previous clients to gauge the company's reliability and performance. This will provide insights into their work quality, communication, and project management skills.
Review Their Development Process
Review the company's development process to ensure it aligns with your project requirements. A well-defined process ensures transparency, accountability, and timely delivery of the project.
Consider Communication and Collaboration
Effective communication and collaboration are crucial for the success of any software development project. Choose a company that values clear and open communication and has a collaborative approach to project management.
Assess Technical Capabilities
Assess the technical capabilities of the software development company. Ensure that they have expertise in the latest technologies, tools, and frameworks relevant to your project.
Evaluate Post-Development Support
Post-development support is essential for the long-term success of your software. Choose a company that offers comprehensive maintenance and support services to ensure your software remains functional and up-to-date.
Software development services are integral to the success of modern businesses. Whether you are looking to build custom software, mobile apps, or web applications, partnering with a professional software development company can provide numerous benefits. Hiring offshore developers can further enhance your capabilities, offering cost savings, access to global talent, and round-the-clock development.
Impressico Business Solutions is your trusted partner in software development. With a team of experienced professionals and a commitment to delivering high-quality solutions, we help businesses achieve their software development goals. Our comprehensive services, from planning and analysis to maintenance and support, ensure that your software remains competitive and innovative.
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anonyviet · 3 months
Hiện nay, việc bảo vệ quyền sở hữu trí tuệ trên Internet trở nên vô cùng quan trọng. Để hiểu rõ hơn về vấn đề này, chúng ta cần tìm hiểu về DMCA, các biện pháp để tránh vi phạm DMCA, và các lựa chọn về Offshore VPS và Hosting. Bài viết này sẽ cung cấp một cái nhìn tổng quan về các khía cạnh này, giúp bạn bảo vệ nội dung và website của mình tốt hơn. Giới thiệu về DMCA DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) là một đạo luật được ban hành vào năm 1998 tại Hoa Kỳ nhằm bảo vệ quyền sở hữu trí tuệ trong môi trường kỹ thuật số. DMCA cung cấp các công cụ pháp lý để các chủ sở hữu bản quyền có thể ngăn chặn việc sao chép, phân phối và sử dụng trái phép các tác phẩm bảo hộ bản quyền trên Internet. Nếu một trang web vi phạm DMCA, chủ sở hữu bản quyền có thể yêu cầu gỡ bỏ nội dung vi phạm thông qua các thông báo DMCA. Cách tránh DMCA Để tránh vi phạm DMCA, các blogger và quản trị viên website cần tuân thủ một số nguyên tắc cơ bản: Sử dụng Nội dung Gốc: Tạo và sử dụng nội dung gốc là cách tốt nhất để tránh vi phạm bản quyền. Nếu cần sử dụng nội dung của người khác, hãy đảm bảo rằng bạn có quyền sử dụng nó. Chứng Minh Quyền Sử Dụng: Khi sử dụng tài liệu từ các nguồn khác, hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn có quyền sử dụng thông qua giấy phép Creative Commons hoặc sự cho phép của tác giả. Sử dụng Tài liệu Miễn phí: Có nhiều nguồn cung cấp hình ảnh, video và âm nhạc miễn phí bản quyền như Unsplash, Pixabay và Pexels. Hãy tận dụng các nguồn này để tránh vi phạm bản quyền. Liên Kết và Trích Dẫn: Khi sử dụng thông tin hoặc nội dung từ các nguồn khác, hãy luôn liên k���t lại nguồn gốc và trích dẫn một cách hợp lý. Offshore VPS và Hosting Offshore VPS và Hosting là các dịch vụ lưu trữ web được đặt tại các quốc gia ngoài Hoa Kỳ hoặc các khu vực có luật bản quyền nghiêm ngặt. Các dịch vụ này thường được lựa chọn bởi những người muốn giảm rủi ro bị DMCA hoặc các vấn đề pháp lý khác liên quan đến nội dung trên trang web của họ. Lợi ích của Offshore VPS và Hosting Giảm Rủi ro DMCA: Các quốc gia có luật bản quyền lỏng lẻo hơn hoặc không tuân thủ DMCA có thể cung cấp một môi trường an toàn hơn cho các trang web có nội dung dễ gây tranh cãi. Quyền riêng tư: Offshore hosting thường có các chính sách bảo mật tốt hơn, bảo vệ thông tin cá nhân và dữ liệu của bạn khỏi sự can thiệp của chính phủ hoặc các tổ chức bên ngoài. Đặt ở nhiều quốc gia: Đặt máy chủ tại nhiều quốc gia khác nhau giúp tăng cường tính liên tục và giảm thiểu rủi ro về mặt địa lý. Một số dịch vụ Offshore VPS và Hosting phổ biến hetzner: Server đặt tại Đức, lúc trước hơi khó đăng ký, còn tùy thuộc vào nhân phẩm, được nhiều người Việt Nam sử dụng privatealps: được trang check-host.net giới thiệu, mình chưa dùng, nhưng thấy tốc độ nhanh, có điều giá hơi chát. contabo: giá rẽ, được nhiều người Việt Nam sử dụng Shinjiru: Cung cấp dịch vụ hosting tại Malaysia và nhiều quốc gia khác, nổi tiếng với sự bảo mật và chính sách không tuân thủ DMCA. BlueAngelHost: Đặt máy chủ tại các quốc gia như Bulgaria, Hà Lan và Nga, cung cấp các giải pháp hosting không tuân thủ DMCA. Koddos: Chuyên cung cấp dịch vụ Offshore Hosting và DDoS protection, với các máy chủ tại nhiều quốc gia không tuân thủ DMCA. Việc sử dụng Offshore VPS và Hosting không đồng nghĩa với việc bạn có quyền vi phạm bản quyền, bạn chỉ được đảm bảo là dữ liệu không bị xóa hoặc bị nhà cung cấp VPS thu hồi. Tuy nhiên, nó cung cấp một giải pháp cho những người cần một mức độ bảo mật và riêng tư cao hơn trong việc lưu trữ nội dung của mình. DMCA là một công cụ pháp lý quan trọng để bảo vệ quyền sở hữu trí tuệ trên Internet nhưng chỉ có tác dụng ở Mỹ. Để tránh vi phạm DMCA, các blogger và quản trị viên website nên tuân thủ các nguyên tắc về sử dụng nội dung gốc, chứng minh quyền sử dụng và tận dụng các nguồn tài liệu miễn phí bản quyền. Ngoài ra, sử dụng Offshore VPS và Hosting có thể giúp giảm rủi ro pháp lý và bảo vệ quyền riêng tư của bạn. Tuy nhiên, việc tuân thủ luật pháp và tôn trọng quyền sở hữu trí tuệ của người khác vẫn luôn là điều quan trọng nhất.
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estnoc · 4 months
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cloudbrituk · 7 months
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Exploring the World of Offshore Banking and Investments
Have you ever wondered how high-net-worth individuals and corporations maximize their wealth while navigating the complex web of global finance? The secret often lies in the strategic use of Offshore Banking and investment avenues. This article delves into these sophisticated financial practices, offering insights into their operation, benefits, and their pivotal role in wealth management.
Introduction to Offshore Banking
Offshore Banking refers to managing financial assets through institutions outside one's country of residence. Typically associated with privacy, security, and tax optimization, offshore banks offer many services that attract affluent and corporate entities and individuals seeking advantageous ways to manage their financial portfolios. These banks operate under international laws, which can provide favorable benefits depending on one's financial goals.
The Advantages of Offshore Banking
The possibility of tax savings is a major draw for both individuals and businesses to use offshore banking services.  Many offshore financial centers provide low-tax jurisdictions that can significantly reduce liability compared to domestic banking. Additionally, the stability and privacy offered by these institutions are unparalleled. Offshore banks use advanced security measures to protect client information, which is a substantial draw for those concerned with confidentiality.
Diversification Through Offshore Investment
Diversification is a cornerstone of robust investment strategy, and Offshore Investment Bank services extend this principle beyond traditional borders. By investing offshore, individuals and businesses can access international markets and opportunities unavailable in their home countries. This can include high-yield bonds, emerging market equities, and alternative investments like real estate or commodities, often through funds or direct investments.
Regulations and Safety Measures
While the allure of offshore banking is strong, it comes with its regulatory requirements. Offshore financial centers are often considered lawless havens; however, they comply with international regulatory standards to prevent money laundering, terrorism financing, and other illegal activities. Prospective clients must understand the legal implications and compliance requirements, which can vary significantly from one jurisdiction to another.
How to Choose the Right Offshore Bank
Choosing the right Offshore Investment Bank involves thorough research and consideration of several factors, including the bank's reputation, the stability of the jurisdiction, and the specific services offered. It is crucial to assess the regulatory environment of the host country and the quality of its legal system. Personal or corporate financial goals should align with the services and advantages provided by the offshore bank.
In conclusion, offshore banking and investing provide a sophisticated toolset for managing and growing wealth. They offer tax efficiency, privacy, security, and access to global markets, making them a valuable part of a comprehensive financial strategy. For those interested in exploring these options, offshorebroker.com provides expert advice and thorough insights into choosing the right bank and investment opportunities tailored to meet your financial goals. Harnessing the potential of offshore finance requires understanding and navigating its complexities—an investment in knowledge that can yield substantial returns.
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oceanichost · 4 months
Demystifying Offshore Hosting: What You Need to Know
Offshore DMCA ignored hosting has garnered attention as a means to safeguard online privacy and freedom, but understanding its intricacies is essential before delving into this realm of web hosting. Offshore hosting refers to the practice of hosting websites or digital content on servers located outside one's own country, often in jurisdictions with more lenient regulations or greater respect for privacy rights. When combined with the concept of DMCA ignored hosting, it offers an intriguing proposition for those seeking enhanced privacy and freedom of expression online.
One key aspect to grasp about offshore hosting is the legal and regulatory landscape it operates within. Hosting data offshore means it falls under the jurisdiction of the country where the servers are located. This can have implications for issues such as data protection laws, taxation, and legal recourse in case of disputes. Moreover, the term "offshore" may carry connotations of secrecy or evasion, but in reality, it simply refers to hosting in a different jurisdiction, which may offer benefits such as enhanced privacy protections or lower costs.
For individuals and businesses considering offshore DMCA ignored hosting, it's crucial to assess the privacy and security measures offered by hosting providers. While offshore hosting can provide greater privacy from government surveillance or censorship, it also requires trust in the hosting provider's ability to safeguard data and uphold security standards. Look for providers with a track record of reliability and strong security protocols to ensure your data remains protected.
Another factor to consider is the potential impact on website performance and user experience. Hosting data offshore may result in longer loading times or latency for users accessing the website from different parts of the world. Therefore, it's essential to choose a hosting provider with servers strategically located to minimize these effects and ensure a smooth user experience.
Furthermore, understanding the implications of offshore hosting for legal and regulatory compliance is paramount. While offshore hosting may offer greater freedom of expression and protection from certain legal risks, it's essential to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, both in the host country and the user's country of residence.
In conclusion, demystifying offshore hosting involves understanding its legal, technical, and practical aspects. Offshore DMCA ignored hosting can offer enhanced privacy and freedom of expression, but it also requires careful consideration of legal and regulatory implications, as well as trust in the hosting provider's ability to maintain security and reliability. By weighing these factors carefully, individuals and businesses can make informed decisions about whether offshore hosting is the right choice for their online needs.
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whitelabel-iq · 4 months
Saving Time, Reducing Costs — White Label IQ
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3-minute Read That Compares the Costs of in-house Web Dev to the Hybrid Model of Outsourcing.
If an agency is planning on helping out its clients by doing web development in-house, there are a couple highlights that help put things in perspective…
The median salary for a Senior WordPress Developer or a Senior PHP Developer is high. And, of course, employers need to add on benefits and recruiting costs (and time to onboard) on top of that salary.
Now, consider the multiplier effect… an agency would want some other specialized talent in the mix, too. Sure, it’s possible to find a unicorn employee who is talented in front-end development, backend languages, systems admin, quality assurance, and defining scopes and deliverables. But unicorns are rare.
As websites and client demands get more and more complicated, having a host of specialized talent on hand allows a much broader ability to deliver on the kind of digital transformation that truly engages and personalizes customer experiences online.
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“Let It Bleed.”​
- Not just an album by The Rolling Stones.
It’s no secret.
Digital business is booming.
And talent is scarce (translation: costly).
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 22 percent growth in the demand for software developers-much faster than the average for all other occupations 2.
An option for avoiding all of that upfront cost of time and money is outsourcing-a flexible staffing solution that can be used short term or long term.
What’s the Deal With Outsourcing?
1. Outsourcing isn’t free nor cheap but it saves the hassle and expense of recruiting and staffing, and its cost is economic-it can pass along transparently:
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2. Outsourcing is a partnership that fills gaps:
Provides a flexible staffing solution to grow business, and it can be temporary (Agency doesn’t have to commit to hiring staff as a fixed cost right up front)
Creates the time to understand the demand and consistency of clients
Offers a way to scale and shrink as needed
Is consultatory so the agency learns about web-dev processes and best practices
3. Outsourcing with a hybrid model is a blend of on-site and offshore:
Account Executives are in the U.S., on the agency’s schedule
Client is contracting services directly with the agency, not the partner
On-site coordination eliminates offshore language or cultural barriers
Work is delivered exactly to SOW
As marketing agencies meet the demand for web-dev, outsourcing is an option. But it needs to be sought and considered as a partnership, not just a service-providing something it needs but doesn’t have, something that makes it better as a result, yet something that is more consolatory and strategically aligned.
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