#Offensive humor
billkill · 1 year
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Hangman: If I'm gonna be your ex, then it means your ex.
Rooster: I didn't understand.
Hangman: It stands for exitus. If I'm your ex, you're dead, Bradshaw. As in, I'll be your death.
Rooster: ... Is that a threat?
Hangman: Yes.
Rooster: *after a pause* Sexy.
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miss-rum-hee · 5 days
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i take zero responsibility posting this
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rosebushstuff · 7 months
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Ok, i'll admit, that sign was way to funny not to make art of (∗❛௦❛∗)
ꔛ-{Version without filter under the cut}-ꔛ
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I had a flashback to "humor in the 1990s" tonight and just thought of shows I used to like / will remember or even look up and still laugh at that "kids these days" would find incredibly problematic. Hell, a lot of the humor back then is exactly the kind of stuff that could get you cancelled (especially here on tumblr) today. I remember in seventh and eight grade, it wasn't just the students, but some of the TEACHERS at my school who would make jokes about dead cult members (the Waco standoff happened at that time) and about Jeffery Dahmer's murder-victims (that was in the news, too). TV shows? Saturday Nite Live used to have a skit called "It's Pat!" - the ENTIRE JOKE, the ENTIRE FUCKING JOKE was "We do not know what gender Pat is." I think I saw one or two of these sketches? I didn't want SNL much? The Pat-sketches were made up entirely of people trying to find out whether the very androgynous, nerdy-looking Pat is a man or a woman. That was a source of humor back then. Now when I look back on it... (even assuming that Pat was cis) people hovering around you trying to judge your gender is... pretty creepy? I used to watch In Living Color - the Wayne Bros. minority-answer to SNL with only a couple of token white people. While from a minority perspective, some of their sketches were... would not fly today material. I remember one sketch making fun of Princess Diana's depression and suicidal issues. (A personal ick for me...when Iook back on it). There was a superhero character called "Handi-Man" who was a disabled superhero who was a champion of disabled people (but the humor was incredibly ableist). There was a recurring sketch about a homeless man that made fun of his situation... It was... funny at the time? I laughed then - as a kid? But nowadays, I feel kind of icky - and feel like "Yeah, it's best if people don't try to make stuff like that today." I used to also watch something called The Edge that was on Fox. It was... very twisted. Lots of humor revolving around gruesome, bloody violence (in a fake blood and gore way), but it was still... wow, I used to love that show and I guess that's why I'm so twisted in my humor today. I do think one recurring sketch would be relevant today, though: "The Armed Family" which was about a family of gun-nuts. They'd wind up spooking each other or mistaking each other for home intruders and shooting each other all the time (but coming out with "only flesh wounds" or "Good thing your Dad gave me this bulletproof vest for Christmas!") - Speaking of Christmas, probably their funniest sketch was the one where they killed Santa Claus (home invader)! It ended with a track of children crying. *Chef's kiss!* I mean... that is STILL funny to me, but I can't help but think of how "That...probably couldn't be made today." Then again, Robot Chicken is a recent thing and has that dark kind of humor... I guess I just thought if some people cannot take anime-light-perv humor that was common in the 1990s when they watch old anime, hoooo boy should they stay the Hell away from 1990s late night American sketch-humor.
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dark-drawssss · 10 months
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Unfunny Slavic lesbian tries to be funny after enjoying Postal 2, fails miserably.
Important Note: I am in no way fatphobic nor am I trying to say that plus sized people are bad in any way, this is just some offensive humor!
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burningchandelier · 1 year
Foamy the Squirrel would have done numbers on Tumblr for the one episode about Eye Stigmata and then gotten canceled for everything else
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gunlovingpacifist · 4 months
My sense of humor is so dark a white police officer kneeled on its neck for 9 minutes and killed it
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laughinghy3na · 6 months
a friend is pissed at me because i asked, "is this a bad time for a 9/11 joke?" when the tower was falling playing jenga
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sno0pidity · 11 months
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miss-rum-hee · 2 months
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starspeckledgalaxy · 1 year
OMG, i've been meaning to share this with SOMEone, so bk in college as me and my friend were leaving math I made a joke about Twitter feminists and cancel culture to which my friend (completely dumbfounded) just muttered after a few moments: "Uh… uh.. I- i'm… helicopter." then this guy in our class who happens to be gay and trans turns around like: "OMG LIKE SHUT UP YOU'RE HOMOPHOBIC!" My friend (who is a PANSEXUAL THEY/THEM) remarks: "Bro we're LGBT too (i'm asexual) we're not homophobic, it was just a dumb joke!" He legit says: "Just 'cause you're LGBT doesn't give you the right to be homophobic."
we was legit DUMBSTRUCK over his response, like… When he saw we'd shut up out of confusion he gave us one last glare before sassily walking off as his two girl besties flipped their hairs at us and followed him 💀like Sir, life is not a high school movie and you ain't the main character, you can't go your entire life without laughing at your own community at some point like c'mon.
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you know "a cruel angels thesis" from evangelion
i know "a cruel angels thesis" from wilburgur's oblivion series, featuring autism cat, sean bean, and sex slave boy
we are not the same
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michaelofgondor · 2 years
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sonmemez · 1 year
offensive memes that if yly v87
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billkill · 1 year
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Okay now, smile like you haven't attempted at murder, assault, robbery; and dealing narcotics.
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