#Oc: Pancake
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incalotlarts · 16 days ago
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A few Hadreon doodles from the last few days.
First drawing pose is from @/prin-kon (who appears to have deactivated)
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angelnetcast · 4 months ago
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i love saying nonsensical shit on purpose
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etherealdr3ams · 9 months ago
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Wonder what they're looking for!
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spadaaces · 2 years ago
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Happy pride How the fuck does this keep happening @coffiicorgii
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owls-ocs · 11 months ago
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Cannot figure out her colors so letting it free into the wild for now
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windupnamazu · 1 year ago
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if we listen to each other's heart!
ffxivwrite2023 #09: fair a gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment.
Pre-relationship Butter/@hqmillioncorn's Babycorn, with Moontide Manor friends. Post-Endwalker, pre-Dawntrail. 1202wc. ⮞ In this family, Moonfire Faire stirs up a lot of romance. And silliness. And tornado potatoes.
"Lunya, you dragged us out here to stalk Butter and Babycorn, not to play games out where they could see us," Sirius scolded, hands on his hips as he glared down his best friend and her husband giggling over the gigantic plush dog they'd just won. "Keep your head in the game."
"Right!" Lunya squeaked between peals of laughter as she accepted G'raha's arm to sit on, clinging to her prize as he lifted her onto his shoulder. She did feel a little bad about yet another year of destroying the same poor carney's test of strength, but he was the one who kept goading her into playing! It wasn't her fault if he always claimed that this will be the year I defeat you, Lunya Lanya! and she ended up sending the bell flying across Costa del Sol! Besides, G'raha always got a kick out of it. "Do you have sight of them still, kids?"
"They're eating tornado potatoes!" Pancake said, standing on top of a bench with a cheap spyglass in hand. Butter and Babycorn weren't actually far away enough for her to need one, but Linnet won it for her from a game of whack-a-hedgemole and Pancake insisted she absolutely had to use it.
"Tornado potato…" Lunya said longingly, looking in the direction of said stall.
G'raha laughed, reaching up to hold her hand as their group began to discreetly trail after their two small friends. "When they move onto the next attraction we'll go and buy some," he promised.
"Potato! Potato!" cheered Linnet and Pancake.
"Potato!" cheered Cinnamon in a proportionally quieter voice, though only Lunya could understand the faerie and the tornado potatoes were actually twice as long as she was.
"Shh," hissed Sirius even though there was next to no chance Butter or Babycorn could hear them over the noise of Moonfire Faire's crowds and fireworks. He'd been awfully tense since they left the mansion; maybe it was because he was wearing all black and long sleeves in the middle of summer while everyone else was wearing beachwear. Felis bumped shoulders with him.
"Come on," Felis said, grinning toothily. On his shoulders, Cola leaned over to pat Sirius's head with her tiny hands and he relaxed just a fraction. "We're doing this for fun, not as a job. Let's try to enjoy ourselves first and foremost."
"Right," Sirius muttered. "If Lunya were paying us that'd be another thing."
"You want gil?" Lunya wondered atop her steed of a husband.
"No! Learn how to save for once!"
"Miss Lunya, they're headed for the beach!" Linnet cried, bouncing on the heels of her ribboned sandals. "Do we follow them or get tornado potatoes?!"
Lunya bit her lip, looking back and forth between the allure of the tornado potato stall (also selling corn on the cob with a table of spices you could douse them with at will!) and the two friends she goaded Sirius out of the house with the mission of spying on. As much as she wanted to make sure Butter wouldn't totally blow his chance with Babycorn, he'd come a long way from that timid 16-year-old they picked up in the Shroud a decade ago, so he'd probably be fine, right…? Sure, the other party was Babycorn "wouldn't know a confession if a bouquet of roses hit her in the face" Starsinger, but…!
"Potato," Lunya decided, and the three kids (and Cinnamon) started whooping and hollering as the party veered away from the ramp down to the beach.
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"Butter," Babycorn began as she contemplated her snow cone, the latest in the line of snacks her friend had bought her that was starting to give her suspicions she normally wouldn't have. "Is this a date?"
"It's strawberry," Butter said automatically, then he seemed to process what she said and turned a fascinating shade of red. "I—I, uh, I thought you were talking about the snow cone, I, um. Would—would it be okay if it was? A date, I mean?"
Babycorn's smile was blinding. "Sure! It's been a fun date so far! Ah, Butts, are—are you okay?"
Her friend was somehow even more red than he was just a minute ago. It was almost impressive but mostly worrisome. She leaned over and pressed her forehead to his.
"I don't think you got a fever." She pouted slightly, brow wrinkling in thought. Butter watched her face just ilms away with wide, almost dazed eyes. "Do you need to sit down?"
"No! no," Butter said quickly, taking a step back. After a moment he reached over and grabbed Babycorn's hands, which was nice. Babycorn liked holding hands with Butter! "Babycorn, can I tell you something?"
"You can tell me anything, Butts!" Babycorn agreed instantly.
"I…" Butter shuffled on one sandaled foot to the other. "I like you, Babycorn! Not as just your friend. Like, romantically, like how Lunya and G'raha feel about each other or Melmeltan and Coco or Sirius and Felis. And…! I have for years! I know you're still hoping Hildibrand will notice you"—and Babycorn wasn't sure what the expression on Butter's face when he said Hildibrand's name meant, but she thought that maybe she should bring up how she wasn't all that sure about still liking Hildibrand ever since they found out about the whole Mandervillan thing in Radz-at-Han—"but until then, would… would you let me try to, um, I guess the word Lunya used is woo… you…?"
Meanwhile in the bushes nearby, Lunya had to be stopped by both Sirius and G'raha from hollering WOO! in glee. G'raha ripped off a piece of his tornado potato to shove in her mouth.
"Basically, um, it's okay if you don't like me back the same way, but if you're okay with it I also want to do my best to make you like me too! N-not by force or anything but naturally! By impressing you!"
This was like those—all those weird proposals strangers kept coming to her with! With the rings Lunya and Tilika kept telling her to not eat!!!
Don't eat the ring, Babycorn! she told herself. This is Butter! You cannot eat that ring!!!!!!
There wasn't a ring, because a confession and proposal are usually two different things.
"How are you gonna impress me?" Babycorn wondered instead of really registering the emotional weight of the conversation, though she was taking it much more seriously than she had all the other confessions and proposals she'd been flooded with across her travels.
"Uh." Damn. He hadn't thought this far. "I'll do things like…! This!"
Butter did a cartwheel in the sand. Babycorn gasped and clapped her hands furiously.
That's weird! Babycorn thought, placing a hand over her silly heart doing silly things, and out loud she said, "Okay, Butts! You can 'woo' me! Woo!"
"Woo!" Butter exclaimed, doing another cartwheel.
Back in the bushes, Cinnamon and Pancake finally came over from the fairground stalls, the teenager carrying two cobs of corn slathered in butter and salt and sweet paprika for them.
"I MISSED IT?" Cinnamon's indignant shriek carried over the water, not that there were many other Echo users out on the beach to understand her. "WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY TALK ABOUT???"
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shey-pancake · 24 days ago
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I finally grew fondly about this scrunkly stupid creature, I love it so much guys he is so fricking sillyyyyyy
also uh updated pfp cuz I already updated izzet! ★ (my sona too)
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anbaisai · 4 months ago
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girls when it's not their beautiful wife's cooking or something
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kamezaemon · 8 months ago
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OC 創作
パンケーキ フルーツサンド
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lalasimmer · 1 month ago
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Photoshoot with Mya and her twist out 🤎
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numberonetribble · 2 months ago
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Looney Tunes Back in Action (2003) reference in this economy? more likely than you think
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switchthedragon · 1 year ago
Since you all like Pancake so much, here's the progress on his tail so far! The base is complete! ^^
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angelnetcast · 23 days ago
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24hr comic day
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kokii-omii · 4 days ago
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Internship Decisions
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spadaaces · 1 year ago
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Crazy how this aging shit thing happening
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the-daydream-archives · 18 days ago
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I've had these character headers of my food sims for wayy too long in my drafts now (since 2023 in fact) and decided to post them publicly while I'm still on semi-hiatus, I do plan on making character headers for all my food sims, though who knows when I'll finish, so for now, have this :))
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