#Oc: Dirge
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tass3l · 1 year ago
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there are many benefits to having a large "monster" for a partner
(my werewolf tav with astarion and my durge with gale)
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impossible-rat-babies · 5 months ago
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woe hairstyle chart be upon ye (they/them)
notes below the cut
in act 1, they have struggles fixing their hair and after struggling with it for several nights they ask shadowheart for help. it becomes an almost routine in the morning of helping them with their hair
most of the time in act 2 they wear their hair really up in a braid/bun mix to avoid the shadowland gross. the exhaustion really starts to set in as the urge gets worse
despite the pleasant look in the epilogue, they struggle a lot w memory loss + migraines and tremors bc of the brain damage done by orin in moonrise
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solar-eclippse · 3 months ago
So my Restist!Durge character just went back to the temple to find bits of lore we might have missed, and got to talking to some of the cultists - again, out of curiosity - and they said some things that would have pushed my character over the edge, so I attacked one, hoping for a fun fight...
Did you know that if your Durge kills a cultist in front of another, even after rejecting Bhaal, the others don't turn aggressive?
I mean, there's always the possibility I ran into a glitch, but if not... Thinking so much about the loyalty they feel to the Dark Urge, that if their demigod's violent impulses turn their way, they don't even hesitate to offer themselves up. Idk
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gethprime · 6 months ago
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littlevoidfluff · 22 days ago
Oc Fun Facts: Dirge Edition
Dirge is the godspawn child of Leira and Mask who was dropped off with the mortals of Mask's clergy who they used as meat suits to make Dirge in the first place. Due to being the child of the God of intrigue and goddess of lies and trickery, Dirge literally can't tell the truth unless it is in a situation/circumstance in which it would be furthering/contributing to a lie, plot, or scheme. In situations where she needs to be able to do so, she has to make do by lying incredibly badly and in such a way its obvious what the truth is, but she takes psychic damage when she does this because its so antithetical to her nature. The other alternative is sign language
^ was a massive headache for her adopted parents/Mask's clergy growing up despite having anticipated it.
Urami was the first to figure out that sign language was a work around for the inability to verbally speak the truth, and thus most of their conversations are in Thieves Cant Sign Language
Urami is the only person still alive who has seen her real face, and the only person to ever know her real name
She's a College of Blades bard, and she actually learned her bardic skills from a Bhaalist bard in Waterdeep, who was also the one who eventually informed her that Urami was in Baldur's Gate. (Bhaal instructed him to do both)
She has a raven familiar named Pecky
She and Urami once had a competition over who could piss off a room of their Banite allies the fastest. Dirge won.
"Why don't I have the same respect for Banites as I do Bhaalists? Well it's simple really. All Banites have the same sad sob story. They weren't loved as children and their fathers never said they were proud of them, and now they've got daddy issues and praise kinks and the only time they experience sexual pleasure is when their superior says "good boy" while they're cleaning their boots with their tongue."
Gortash had a migraine for weeks after that
Actually, Fzoul is pretty much the only Banite she'll be polite to/respects. She heard about that one time Fzoul threatened to give her father an opportunity to practice screaming by torturing him and thought that was hilarious. She's liked him ever since. (yes she's aware Fzoul was serious, no she doesn't care)
Her go to way of casting Vicious Mockery is the phrase "how about you suck my dick" to the tune of "everybody clap your hands" from cha cha slide. the cadence is in fact perfect for it
She has a ridiculous sweet tooth and has probably stolen the same value in chocolate that she has in gems and jewelry
She's met Sceleritas and thinks he's delightful. She wants to know why SHE doesn't get an evil little imp butler with a funky hat! Sceleritas considers her.... adequate for Urami.
She's stolen the snake skeleton off at least five of his hats without him noticing until he's already back in the throne of blood
She never met Orin until act 3 of the game because Urami did his damnest to keep them away from each other. Not because he was concerned that Orin would harm her, but because he was afraid Dirge might like Orin more than him lmaooo. Due to her giving Urami a brain smoothie, that's no longer a concern by the time Dirge DOES meet Orin
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sharkiegorath · 8 months ago
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I spent 9 months writing 80k words from the perspective of a character who’s essentially an evil version of me so I’m just going to do OC stuff for the next month or so. yeah and the new girls, two separate girls, are Death’s Biggest Fan and Serial Killer Jesus. Yeah. yeah ok 
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cidhighwiind · 2 years ago
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gaymergirlie · 1 year ago
Thinking about my Durge x Gortash and how she always introduces herself as “The Dark Urge” and how it was Gortash who came up with the nickname “Dirge”. No one else was allowed to call her that, she’d make anyone who did regret it.
After losing her memories all she can remember is her title and that nickname. She doesn’t know why, but “Dirge” is important to her. When she comes across Shadowheart in that pod, Dirge is the name she introduces herself with.
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this-should-do · 6 months ago
2, 5, 20, 28! for your tav :}
yay hi ^-^
2. dirge's tent set up is fairly sparse, theyre still figuring out what they are besides the very invasive desire and enthrallment with killing and torture, which does influence his tent by way of gratuitous daggers and weapon maintenance equipment. but regardless hes learned that he favors rich deep colors, soft fabrics and furs, a collection of sweets and candies, and a variety of intricate bobbles. his tent isnt the most organized, but they at least keep thier foods and mess away from where they sleep (which is just a nest by the end of the game)
5. his idle animations include doing knife tricks, stretching, running his fingers over his arm bumps (ykno the like cartilaginous spike things tieflings have i dont know that they have a name lol) and scars, and swaying his head/hitting the bells he has on his horns so they ring, over the course of the game the latter one occurs more often
20. for a very long time, he is incredible touch averse, not becuz it in itself is uncomfortable, but becuz it tends to evoke the haunting call to violence against the one hes touching. as a result they tend to avoid touching others or getting too physically close as they are more absent mentally when they are being touched. He learns to control his urges more as the game goes on and is regularly put into situations where he has to touch others, its not pleasant but its a trial by fire to do as such, not that he succeeded every time :(
28. depressingly, mold and lichen. based upon the looks of the temple of bhaal, and the general cave-iness of it, i would assume that mold is not a uncommon occurance, and since they would have spent a lot of time down there and delving into the unoccupied spaces,
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tass3l · 1 year ago
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bg3 doodle dump pt 2 🫡
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gethprime · 6 months ago
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Dirge | he prefers to not wear a shirt while at camp, he enjoys letting his scales breathe.
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littlevoidfluff · 4 months ago
OOOH OC FUN FACTS!! Thanks to darling @lilarus for tagging me! i tagggg @lucien-lachance @loderlied @theladygrim @cheesychickenwings and @ray-elgatodormido
I think I’m going to astonish everyone by choosing Vinari over Jura for this lmao (if only bc all of you already know so much about Jura lol)
So naturally some of you already know that Vinvin is my main character for my original work Fallacy of the Damned but she’s also been supplanted as one of my official dnd/forgotten realms blorbos too!
So onto the fun facts about Faerunian Vinari/Dirge! I'm putting it under a readmore bc holy shit this is long af and kinda got out of hand bc i've only ever really talked to Ari about Faerunian Vinari i think lmao
- Vinari (chosen name for a while) was born Dirge to a human sorceror/cleric of Myrkul and the heir to the Drow Bhaalist Clan of the Vidrus, both sects who lived in Waterdeep (well the Vidrus lived in the UpperDark under Waterdeep technically) and thus Dirge Vidrus was raised in both Myrkul and Bhaal’s churches (with a hint of Lolth too. Lolth begrudgingly shares the Vidrus the Bhaal but only because she kinda likes the funky little upjumped human. They’ve bonded over a mutual love of death and murder and apparently breeding horrific and evil monster children)
- Dirge’s official classes are Shadow Sorcerer (which she got from dad, who got one of Myrkul’s evil hugs full of necrotic energy that nearly fucking killed him but apparently did not affect his ability to have children. Or maybe it DID but Myrkul was like, yknow what I’ll allow it this time bc he needs more worshippers anyway and Gods can be freaks when it comes to their clerics breeding habits) and Phantom Rogue (which is a subclass that many rogues can pick up from a variety of ways from sleeping in graveyards or training in/by death god cults or by liches.) in Dirge’s case, the phantom subclass cane naturally as a result of being a shadow sorceror AND being raised by the clergy of TWO gods of death. (I’d def recommend looking at these two 5e classes because they are literally SO fun) she also has a couple levels in warlock, but not because she made a pact with a patron, but because she IS her own patron. (Since in 5e you can have a powerful undead as a patron, I see no reason she can’t be her OWN patron once her magic gets powerful enough) she’s a pact of the blade warlock and her pact weapon is a dagger, which I’m about to talk about next!
- her dagger was created by and given to her by Myrkul himself. Because Myrkulites are followers of the god of the dead and don’t fear dying themselves, and consider getting one of their God’s necrosis filled hugs that are almost certain to kill them, and if they survive horribly fuck them up for life to be the highest honor, i think they definitely have a bunch of different rituals and just other kind of stupid shit that will easily kill them that they do for clout, honor, and as rites of passage. One of which being getting one of Myrkul’s evil hugs. ANOTHER is going through one of the thousands of portals to Hades and the realm of the dead to try and meet Myrkul in person. Generally speaking, this is not the wisest thing to do considering the realm of the dead is not a very friendly or safe place to be if youre alive, especially when you consider the fact that to even GET there, you have to go swimming through the Water of Forgetfulness, which drain people (living and dead) of both memory and emotions the longer they're exposed to it. Vinari passed the series of saving throws to keep her memories. She didn't do so well on the saving throws to keep her emotions, but she did make it there and back with her mind (and body) in tact, and Myrkul was both mildly impressed and amused by the fact she'd acomplished this that he gave her the dagger that serves as both her pact weapon (and thus arcane focus) and her main instrument of murder.
it has a LOT of very VERY unfriendly effects, which isn't exactly surprising considering it was made by the god of the dead for an assassin. The main ones being dealing extra necrotic damage on sneak attacks, critical hits, and attacks made while obscured but the super NASTY effect it has is that wounds inflicted by it can't be healed with magic, in fact, healing magic will inflict necrotic damage INSTEAD of healing, so they have to be allowed to heal naturally, unless a mage casts Remove Curse. .....and if they don't cast remove curse with a level 7 spell slot or higher, THEY get hit with a second, counter curse! and have to roll a constitution saving throw against some necrotic damage lol.
and the thing is that the dagger is a long, thin, and slender blade designed for slipping into weak spots in armor and piercing vital organs or severing important arteries, aka meant for fast and quick assassinations. Which means that assuming the victim survives the initial attack, they're probably not going to survive for VERY LONG afterwards without immediate help from a cleric, who better hope that A. pass their arcana check to realize the wounds are cursed and that trying to heal them without removing the curse will only kill the poor bastard faster! and then B. pass a SECOND arcana check to realize that its a very POWERFUL curse and if they don't cast an appropriately powerful remove curse spell and try to go cheap with it, it's not going to end well for THEM either! and then C. better hope that they're actually POWERFUL ENOUGH to cast the spell with the high enough level spell slot needed to avoid the counter curse!
all in all, it is definitely not a weapon that one would want wielded against them lmao
- MOVING ON, Vin's story in Faerun is actually split into two parts. The first taking place during the Time of Troubles, where she's running around as a mercenary by day and assassin by night, and she ends up Joining Midnight and Kelemvor's party to go rescue Mystra from Bane (though naturally none of them have any idea thats what theyre even DOING until they get there) and Even though Kel's got his bit of sexism going on at the beginning (in that he didn't want midnight going at all to begin with either) it's actually Cyric who vouches for Vinari's skills and convinces Kelemvor to let her go too because Cyric and Vinari were casually hanging out and doing merc work together before meeting Kelemvor. Pretty much no one finds out/knows for sure that Vin's a fucking BHAALIST until book two and three. Cyric gets it confirmed by Bane in book two, and he outes her to the party in book three.
But to make a long story short, when Cyric (well not him actually, his sentient sword) kills Bhaal in the third book, Midnight teleported the party away from the ensuing blast from the death of the god. Well, MOST of the party. Unfortunately for Vin, she was on the OTHER side of Bhaal from the party watching the fighting go down because she's stuck between a rock and a hard place here because she likes the party and doesnt want them to die, but at the same time, the god of murder is one of the LAST gods you ever want to betray (or them think you betrayed them)
so yeah, Vinari does NOT get teleported to safety with everyone else, and she very nearly gets blown to fucking smithereens when Bhaal dies. but she doesn't! (though she doesn't know its because in his final moments Bhaal did some quick spellwork to shield her from the majority of the blast because he needs her alive for one of his MANY contingency plans) but even though she doesn't die, she's fucking nearly dead for almost the rest of book because while the rest of the party is dealing with myrkul's shit, she's fucking floating down the winding river. which is now polluted with Bhaal's blood and divine essence. which means she's taking a veryyyyy long bath soaking in and absorbing the fucking god of death's divine power! So by the time she recovers enough to pull her sorry ass out of the fucking river, she's very much NOT the same person that she was before she nearly got blown to pieces.
so yeah she ends up hightailing it to the closest divine staircase to try and figure out what all has happened while she was microdosing being dead, and gets there right in time to see Midnight and Cyrics chat with Ao about the tablets and becoming gods.
remember that Cyric is the one who (supposedly) killed Bhaal, whose divine essence Vin has spent the last two to three weeks soaking in.
I'm sure you can guess exactly what happens next. and if not ill tell you anyway. Vinari promptly fucking kills cyric right in front of the God of Gods. By throwing her dagger with perfect aim and lodging it right in Cyric's throat from fifty feet away.
Of course, Ao LET her do this bc he's well aware of the fact that she's upjumped on Bhaal's divine essence and he wanted to see if she'd prove herself a worthy successor to him, and which in immediately killing Cyric on sight, she did.
Of course, Ao just immediately revives Cyric bc he DOES still intend to make him a god, its just instead of getting all the dead three's portfolios, he's losing death to Vinari.
so yeah, Vinari becomes the new god of Death! Also she starts going by Dirge again when she becomes a god and ends up sticking with it. Speaking of her godhood, it lasts about 10 years because i'm one of the "actually bg2 revived bhaal just fine and according to his plan, he was just incredibly antisocial and didn't bother telling anyone he was back in action again for another 100 years" truthers, and of course as soon as Bhaal was alive again and walking into his old, now Dirge's throne room, she was more than happy to see him and give him all his power back (which is EXACTLY what he thought she'd do and why the last thing he did before dying was ensuring that SHE didn't) So now Bhaal is the god of murder again, and Dirge, now just a rank 0 quasideity, heads back to Faerun to start renacting his will so he can regain more of his power faster.
Which leads to Dirge being around and causing trouble in bg3, but this is already long enough so i won't go into that lmao.
But here have some pictures of her mortal forms before and after becoming a god. She chooses to take the form of a human in the after because being a half drow is REALLY inconvenient to getting around places lmao
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mrrwsoup · 2 months ago
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Dirge 🪦
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antariies · 1 year ago
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nvm i got impatient. lolth-sworn and pied piper pilled (she/they/it)
reminder to myself to roll a dark urge drow* bard named dirge after i finish my current campaign
*subject to change
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imjestergirl · 1 year ago
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I very quick sketch of how their first meeting in the goblin camp went, dirge was not listening to what she was agreeing to… oops
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vampyric-dolly-draws · 5 months ago
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~Happy Halloween~
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