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3rdeyeblaque · 2 years ago
Today we venerate Elevated Ancestor & Saint to many, War Chief Obwandiyag aka Pontiac on the 254th anniversary of his passing 🕊
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A true legend among Great Lakes Nations leaders, Chief Obwandiyag is a Chief of Ottawa Nation and is a go-to for matters of justified warfare & diplomacy toward self-liberation. He is the great orator & mastermind who corralled several Great Lakes Nations in a major rebellion against thousands of British colonizers invading Turtle Island in what became known as, "Pontiac's War".
After their victory over the French, British Europeans began to infringe upon Indian-French trade routes & invade their land. This angered the Nations and quelled their contempt. Shortly after earning the title of War Chief, Obwandiyag became the honored head of The Council Of Three [Tribes] (the Ottawa, Potawatomi, & Ojibwa) in 1755. In 1762, he enlisted 18 bands across the Three Tribes (and the nearby Peoples of the Huron Tribe) to attack the British Fort Detriot nearest them (in present day Michigan), thus eliminating the British settlements in their territories by 1763. On May 7th 1963, War Chief Pontiac led an army of 300 warriors armed with weapons sheathed in blankets to lay seige on the fort in an attempt to catch them by surprise. They were met with an army of 120 British soliders braced for attack; their commander had received intel of the impending attack. War Chief Pontiac withdrew his army then returned two days later to lay seige on the fort in which they successfully captured & killed many British colonizers.
While War Chief Pontiac's army grew to 900+ warriors across 6 Tribes to drive the British from their lands, he dispatched messengers to other Tribal bands to attack other British forts & settlements across the region. Over the course of several weeks, they encircled the fort, blocking access to supplies & reinforcements. On July 31st, British troops attempted to break Chief Obwandiyag's hold on the fort at his encampment 2mi east in what became known as, the Battle of Bloody Run. Pontiac had been alerted of the attack & successfully killed 20 British soldiers, wounded 34 more - including a British Caption. This spurred the $200 bounty on War Chief Pontiac's head.
After months of battling back persistent waves of British Troops attempting liberate the fort, Chief Obwandiyag eventually withdrew to Illinois country; where 8 of the 12 British forts had been successfully destroyed. Pontiac continued to encourage resistance to the colonizing invaders over the next year, but suffered a blow when the French eventually began to back the British. In 1764, the British petitioned War Chief Pontiac to end his war.
In July 1766, he agreed to the Peace Treaty in Illinois Country. Though Pontiac's War was at an end, his success & influence drew the ire of some other Indian leaders who began to question the expanse of his authority. Chief Obwandiyag was increasingly ostracized. This led to his assassination by a nephew of Chief Makatchinga, a Peoria of the Illinois Confederation. Unfortunately, this spurred more violence & division between both nations and the eventual loss of their strongholds against their once common enemy.
We remember Chief Obwandiyag as more than a great leader of the Ottawa Nation. He was a titan & a hero who fought relentlessly for this sacred land and it's Indigenous protectors. He's seen the devil in a thousand eyes that met the blade of his ax, and he knows what it takes to unify the hearts of nations to beat as one while combating the legacy of White Supremacy that persists like a thorny weed in our side to this day.
"They came with a Bible and their religion. They stole our land and crushed our spirit, and now tell us we should be thankful to the Lord for being saved." - War Chief Obwandiyag 
We pour libations & give Chief Obwandiyag his 💐 today as we honor him for his prowess, leadership, & cleverness that united Nations of Tribes & Bands against colonizing European entities to preserve the sancity of the land we stand on & to protect the Spirits of Earth. May be a beacon for those seeking organized self-defense to continue the fight against the legacy of White Supremacy.
Offering suggestions: tobacco/sweetgrass smoke, libations of water, & Ottawa Nation war drum music
*Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.
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detroitlib · 8 years ago
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Pontiac or Obwandiyag (c. 1720 – April 20, 1769) 
Odawa war chief who became noted for his role in Pontiac's War (1763–1766), an American Indian struggle against British military occupation of the Great Lakes region and named for him. (Wikipedia)
Mural by Gari Melchers depicting the conspiracy of Chief Pontiac, located in Adam Strohm Hall at the Detroit Public Library. Mural depicts Pontiac and other chiefs presenting a wampum belt to Major Gladwin, commandant of Fort Detroit. Printed on back: "The Detroit Public Library, 5201 Woodward Avenue, Detroit 2, Michigan. The conspiracy of Pontiac, a mural by Gari Melchers (1860-1932) in Adam Strohm Hall, Main Library. Lithocolor Division, Microfilms, Inc. Ann Arbor, Michigan."
Courtesy of the Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
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basura858 · 7 years ago
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osobypostacieludzie · 6 years ago
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Pontiac ( Obwandiyag ) - wódz Indian z plemienia Ottawa. Urodził się około 1720 r. Jego ojciec pochodził z plemienia Ottawa, matka zaś – z plemienia Odżibwejów. Około 1755 roku Pontiac został wodzem plemienia Ottawa. Imię Pontiac pochodzi od algonkińskiego słowa obwendiyaq oznaczającego „Ten Który Uśmierza Ból”. Był wyznawcą poglądów Neolina, proroka z plemienia Delaware, który zachęcał Indian do porzucenia wszystkich brytyjskich dóbr i obyczajów. Pontiac walczył po stronie Francuzów podczas tzw. wojny Francuzów i Indian z Anglikami (1754-1763). Bitwa nad Monongahelą w roku 1755 unaoczniła Brytyjczykom słabość oddziałów europejskich walczących w szyku liniowym przeciwko partyzanckiej taktyce Indian. Podobnie jak inni wodzowie Pontiac odczuwał wyraźną wrogość do Brytyjczyków, których obwiniał za grabież ziem należących do Indian i ograniczenie handlu z osadnikami. Nie zmieniło tego nawet jedno z porozumień zawartych przez Pontiaca z brytyjskim majorem Robertem Rogersem w roku 1760. Pontiac był bez wątpienia jedną z najwybitniejszych postaci indiańskich. Gotowy był poświęcić życie za zachowanie sposobu życia i kultury Indian, walcząc z przeważającymi siłami wroga. W walkach okazał się wybitnym wodzem, potrafiącym pokonać zdyscyplinowane i dobrze uzbrojone oddziały brytyjskie. W 1763 roku został naczelnym przywódcą tzw. powstania Pontiaka (1763-1766), zakończonego porażką sprzymierzonych plemion indiańskich. Po klęsce Indian Pontiac resztę życia spędził wraz z najbliższą rodziną nad brzegami rzeki Maumee. W 1769 roku został zamordowany najprawdopodobniej przez przekupionego przez Brytyjczyków Indianina z plemienia Kickapoo.
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It’s Class, not Race!
A perfect example of how it is class and not race that counts.
You fuckheads will never be able to see that. It’s not “the 10%” who behave like whites and do alright in school. It is the black middle class.
Have you never met a lower-class white? They are dumb, immoral, loud, overactive, aggressive, violent, and seek constant attention. And dirty. And incestuous.
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dads-garage-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Obwandiyag Pontiac Standard . #pontiacstandard #pontiac #silverstreak #v6 #canon_photos #canon #eos1300d #uscars #oldtimer #v8 #americancars #americanbeauty #vintagecars #classiccars #photooftheday #firebirdsfestival #1936 #sunnyday #nofilter #classicmustang #americanmuscle #cars #classicmustangz #instacar #classicstangs #ford #mopar #carporn #auto (hier: Schloss Trebsen)
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3rdeyeblaque · 2 years ago
Hoodoo Veneration Days in April 2023
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The 2023 Hoodoo's Calendar recognizes these Hoodoo Saints & Elevated Ancestors on the following dates in the Month of April:
4/1 Venerable Father Augusts Tolton (B-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Father Augusts: Catholic bible/verse, red wine, & Catholic hymns 
4/4 Dr. Maya Angelou (B-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Queen Mother Maya: reading/sharing her literary work, libations of water, & dance (particularly Modern & Calypso)
4/5 Booker T. Washington (B-Day)
Offering Suggestions to Brother Booker T.: dollars/coins, libations of water (especially on the grounds of Tuskegee University), & books 
4/6 is the 311th Anniversary of The NYC Revolt
Offerings to the Dead on these hallowed grounds: libations of water, tobacco smoke, & prayers for their elevation
4/20 Chief Obwandiyag aka Pontiac (D-Day)
Offering Suggestions to War Chief Pontiac: tobacco/sweetgrass smoke, libations of water, & Ottawa Nation war drum music
🌟 FINAL copies of The 2023 Hoodoo's Calendar are available for purchase! Subscribe to the official e-newsletter for the latest updates & exclusive content access. https://thehoodoocalendar.square.site 🌟  
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