#Obviously this is if Bruce did not have a genetic sample
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violent138 · 13 days ago
After the events of Hush and UTRH:
Jason: *unmasking*
Bruce: "I knew it. Well, hello again Clayface."
Jason, smirking: "Nope, try again, it's me."
Bruce: "Clayface."
Jason: "What-- no. I mean I was there but--"
Bruce: "As I said."
Jason, annoyed, waving a gun around: "I'm not Clayface!"
Bruce: "That's exactly what Clayface would say. You know how disrespectful this is?"
Jason: "I'm going to shoot you if you don't shut up and let me finish what I came to say."
Bruce: "Say what you want, but I'm not believing the words of such an accomplished actor."
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ailithnight · 2 years ago
What if all of the above but to to various different Bats as he runs into them.
I'm gonna go with Dick Clone Danny for this, but obviously you could substitute it around. I'm also gonna say bad parents Fentons and Danny on the run AU cause I can't not add just a touch of angst. Of course, that too is entirely optional.
So, Danny runs into Nightwing first and goes "Dad? Is that really you"
"Oh, if you don't like Dad... genetic template I guess. Works for Ellie."
"W H A T ! ? !"
"Okay, okay! No need for hysterics! I get it, you probably don't want a clone kid. It's a lot to deal with and I don't exactly have much to offer. I mean, I'd ask if you need any organs, but mine probably aren't even compatible any more, so... I'm just gonna leave you be. Feel free to forget this encounter. Bye!" Danny ghosts Nightwing.
The next Bat Danny encounters is Steph, who does a double take upon seeing him. She encounters him in civvies at a coffee shop.
"You wouldn't happen to be related to Richard Grayson, would you?"
"You know, Richard Grayson? Eldest ward of Bruce Wayne? I swear if you were, like, a decade older you could be his twin!"
"Look lady-"
"That's nice. I don't know who you or this Richard is. I'm just passing through town and wanted a coffee."
"So, that's a no on relation to Richard? But you look so much like him!"
"7 people in the world who look just like you and all that. Now if you'll excuse me..." Danny takes his now completed coffee order and dips.
That night Danny meets the Bat himself. Oh, and Robin is there too! Hello sharp metal object. And, wow, Danny definitely understands why people are terrified of Batman now.
"Please don't kill me! I haven't done anything wrong! Well, my existence is kind of illegal, but... do you like dogs?" Danny calls Cujo, who naturally shows up massive, tells him to play with "those 2" pointing at Batman and Robin and bolts while the heros are occupied.
Next is Red Hood, who registers on Danny's ghost sense and seems to materialize pointing a gun at Danny. So, on total instinct, Danny sends him to a pocket dimension designed to bend itself in accordance with Jason's Obsession.
(Coming back to 7 in a moment.)
Next there's Black Bat, who is just liminal enough that Danny can feel her tailing him. But now thoroughly in this shit and trying to figure out how to release Red Hood from his Obsession Dimension, Danny doesn't bother trying to prevent her from getting a DNA sample. Maybe the ectoplasm in his DNA will fuck with the results enough they won't match and Danny might stand a chance of getting out of this grave he's dug himself.
After several days, Danny finally manages to pinpoint where Jason's pocket dimension connects to the Realms. It's a simple enough matter after that to go get him. And! Apparently after a few days feeding really his obsession followed by a quick trip through the pure ectoplasm of the zone, Jason's core is full, developed, and healthy. New halfa!
And Jason, no longer drowning in Pit Hanger and after listening to Danny's explanation, is beginning to see humor in the whole situation. Ultimately, Jason says they're gonna have to go to the family and sort this shit out. The clone shit, the halfa shit, and the GIW shit that the League didn't know about.
"I promise Mini Dick-"
"Do Not call me that!"
"How about Baby Dick?"
"That's so much worse! You understand how that's worse right?!"
"Anyway, if B had even half an inkling about these anti-ecto laws, he'd have already shut them down. As it stands, he's gonna be pissed the Justice League missed them and will probably tear a war path figuring out how. We gotta tell him. But, since you've almost gotten everyone already, I see no reason you shouldn't finish what you started and troll Tim and Duke with your existence first." This is how Danny gets some insider information to fuck with the last 2 Bats.
Duke gets the 'Did you forget me? Have your memories been altered?' treatment. And thanks to Jason, Danny knows so much stuff to reference to make it believable.
"Timmy's been on a mission out of town for the last week. He'll be coming back sleep deprived, running on coffee and spite, and will still go out on patrol tonight because he's a dumbass. Tell him he's hallucinating and do your intangible thing. If he buys it, he might actually go to bed."
That's exactly what Danny does. Tim is clearly still skeptical, having been filled in by the other bats about the Clone Case. He doesn't buy it until Danny's ghost half apparently decides that this is the perfect moment to spontaneously develop a new power.
"Look, I'm pretty sure I'm not real. Do real people... pineapple? I guess you seem like a fruit guy. 2 pineapples. Oh, 3 pineapples now. Are you sleep deprived and hungry? 30 pineapples Tim? Really? You really wanna be a math problem guy? I mean, I guess it's you're sleep deprived hallucination, not mine so who am I to judge?"
Tim goes to bed.
After developing the ability to trap ghosts in pocket dimensions where they can feed thier obsessions without bothering him, Danny and co begin to grow bored and explore the Infinite Realms.
Danny had always known he was a clone, with his earliest memory having been being kidnapped from the lab he was made in -via people he still didn't know to this day-and shoved through a mysterious blue portal before being found by the Fentons. Danny accepted he didn't know who his biological parent or parents were and probably never will.
Thats why he was even more shocked than his friends when they went to a place called Gotham and met someone who looked like an older (or in damians case: younger) version of Danny.
Now Danny had a few options for a response. Sure he and his friends could just run but where's the fun in that? He could:
1. Give them a tearful look and say "Dad? Is that really you?"
This can also be said as mom in case of Cass or Selina
This is funniest if its said to either Tim or Damian because Danny is like 15 in this and Tim isn't that much older than Dannys appearent age and Damian looks younger than him
2. Stare at them and say, "Oh, you're the person I was cloned from?" And act like everything's normal. Maybe ask if they need an organ and if thats why they tracked him down.
3. Ignore it and act like its a coincidence they look exactly the same.
4. Act scared of them. Maybe beg them to not kill him for added dramatic affect
5. Ask if they like dogs and shove Cujo into thier arms before they can answer.
They suddenly get rapid fire sniffs and then a torrent of puppy kisses.
6. Panic and trap them in a pocket dimension like the ghosts and have to figure out how to get them out before they get in trouble. Maybe its too late and they have to get them out while dodging bats
7. Try to convince them they're hallucinating
8. Just let them sneakily take a sample of his DNA just to see what happens. Dont even acknowledge the clone thing. Even if presented with the dna tests, Deny, Deny, Deny.
9. Convince them they and the others knew about him for years and that they're memories may have been altered. Escape when their guard is down/they're not looking.
10. Pineapple. Not really sure how that will help but now there's pineapples everywhere. Danny might be hungry if he's teleporting fruit into his vicinity from just a thought, but that may also be because he's suddenly developing teleportation powers.
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