#Obito wouldn’t kiss a man even if his life depended on it
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sinnbaddie · 11 months ago
Naruto has a multitude of characters where their writing is heavily based in queerness and queer experiences. From the devotion two characters have for one another to a point where they would trust each other with their lives, to feeling like the other one is the only person who truly to their core understands them and accepts them for who they are despite their flaws and issues they’ve done in the past.
Naruto as a series is so queer in its writing that the writer - whether intentional or not - made the main two characters always run after each other even if one of them fell into darkness, saying he’d shoulder the pain he’s holding just so he can be near him and you’re saying you think… Obito is gay?? The guy who literally lost his mind over a girl??
Edit: I’m talking about canon btw. Hc if you’d like I’ll always support that, but he’s not canonically gay or bi. His character is rooted in his love for a girl and the only reason he saved kk was to have time alone w Rin because he didn’t want him interfering. He’s in love w Rin and only Rin in canon🙇‍♂️
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kusunogatari-a · 7 years ago
[ Stay ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū] [ Alcohol mention ] [ Verse: White Hands of Healing ]
“Are...are you sure this is a good idea?”
Obito doesn’t answer, keeping pace to the roadside inn...which apparently doubles as a tavern. Following a bit nervously, Ryū goes on.
“Tobi, I don’t drink -”
“Then you can just keep me company, hm?”
There’s a slight pout to her lips, but she doesn’t argue as they make their way inside. Neither sparse nor full, the main room’s lively as they weave through to the bar along the back wall.
“Sake,” he orders without hesitation, taking a seat as Ryū gingerly does the same, shying from the person on her other side. Tucking her feet atop the crossbar of the stool, she gives Obito a glance as he receives his first bottle, pouring a cup and lifting his mask just enough to knock it back.
As a sensor, she can feel a slight...agitation to his aura, but she doesn’t question him. For now, a few drinks isn’t enough to worry over. Hopefully it won’t go any further than that. And she supposes even if it does, well...she can always detox him herself if she has to. Gods know she’s done it enough times by now to know how…
Still, she can’t help a slight worry, watching from the corner of her eyes as he seems to brood. “...ne...would you rather, um...go sit somewhere and talk for a while?”
“...no. Not today.”
Ryū deflates. “...o-okay.” After a brief pause, her spine snaps straight as something cold spills against her back “AH!”
Already sloshed, the man on her other side slurs out apologies over his spilled drink, offering to help her clean it up.
“No! No, that’s...fine. I can handle it.” A bit loath to remove her coat, Ryū gives Obito another glance. “I’ll...be right back.” Hopefully she can wash it out in the bathroom…
He only grunts in reply, watching her retreat before taking the opportunity to knock back several more shots...and order another bottle.
He shouldn’t have let her come with him. Hell, there’s a lot of things he shouldn’t be doing concerning her, and yet...here they are. He’s lost count of how many times they’ve met in shadowed places for brief flings of passion...only for each to have her pull away with a bit more of his heart. A heart he thought was dead and gone long before he met her.
...it’s causing problems.
He gets his bottle, and takes another shot, mood souring further by the moment the more he thinks on the subject. Doesn’t help that there’s a slight fog to his senses now, a bit of vertigo starting to loosen his seat on the stool. Part of him thinks to take off his traveling cloak, but...maybe not a good idea, no matter how warm it is. Fumbling the last shot in the bottle, he orders another, ignoring the perk of a brow the barman gives him.
He’s worked so hard, for so long...pulled so many strings, laid intricate traps. Connected people to serve his greater purpose. He - he alone! - has masterminded everything he needs to put this plan into motion. To bring about true peace...the one thing he’s desired since Rin’s death.
...and now there’s her.
There’s a scowl, resting his brow in his palm for a moment. Nothing like this was ever meant to happen. He never intended to let anyone close! He’d thought his facade without cracks, without weakness...and then just one woman stumbles into his life, and everything he’s dedicated his life to for so long is thrown into doubt.
...maybe the world isn’t as dark as he’d thought. Maybe it’s possible for people like her - good people - to live as beacons of light in the shadows.
...maybe he’ll cling too tightly until his darkness snuffs her out.
She makes him happy - something he never thought he’d be again. Something he thought he couldn’t be. Are the rest of his convictions so easily proven wrong?
...what if he is wrong…?
No...no, he can’t doubt. He can’t! Too much depends upon him reaching the end of this road. No matter how long it takes, how many bodies, how many villages...he’ll bring them all together into a perfect world of dreams. No more war, hate, death, destruction...none of it will matter so long as he makes his goal.
It’s what makes her so dangerous. She weaves an illusion better than any genjutsu. Tricking him into believing he could have a peaceful life. Every time she talks about home in the mountains, painting such a pretty picture, traitorous images fill his mind. Sunlit mornings sprawled in a bed by her side, able to touch her, kiss her, make love to her any time he desires. A house to call a home, land to wander and simply bask in its simplicity. No villages, no shinobi, no war...just a place tucked away, where no one could find them. Where they could do whatever they want, however, whenever...no expectations, no rules. No one to answer to...maybe even a place he wouldn’t fear having a family of his own, far from the poison of his own childhood. A taste of heaven among the taint of Hell he’s lived in for so long.
...not only is it selfish, but it surely can’t be possible. He’s delusional and the pain it brings him is unbearable.
The third bottle’s gone, and the barkeep is clearly ignoring his gesture for another.
It’s then she comes back.
Looking self-conscious with her damp coat in her arms, she quickly notices the three empty bottles, snapping to attention. “What -?”
Only further morose at her reappearance, Obito rises from his seat, immediately lurching to one side as she struggles to catch him. “Go ‘way…”
“Tobi…?” Ryū hesitates as he tries to shove her aside, only to end up staggering to the wall. Worry darkens her greys, deciding to ignore the water and slip her coat back on before offering money to the bartender. She’ll need both hands for this. “...easy there.”
He has to get away from her. Trying to navigate to the door, he nearly crashes into a few tables, earning stares as he attempts to make it back out into the night air. It’s so warm...and he’s so damnedly dizzy!
Ryū follows in his shadow, arms half-raised and ready to catch him. Eventually they make it back through the door, and Obito comes to a stop in the middle of the barren road, a hand fumbling with his mask. 
“...maybe...maybe you should sit down, ne? We can go back in and just...get a room. Where you can find your feet again.”
Either he’s ignoring her, or he really didn’t hear her, staring skyward with his back to her.
Easing around to try and see his front, she hesitates at his expression, streaked with a few errant tears. “Tobi?!”
“You...you have to go…”
“...I’m not leaving you like this -”
“Go!” An arm half-heartedly reaches as though to push her despite being nowhere near enough. “You’re...you’re ruining everything…”
Rather than angry, Ryū just looks all the more worried. “...what do you mean…? Taking a few more steps, she jolts as he suddenly changes mood, turning and latching onto her with enough force to knock her over. But he doesn’t seem to notice, hiding his face in the crook of her neck.
“...I can’t...focus with you here. I’m so...confused.”
Pinned beneath him, Ryū ignores the pinch of a rock in her back. A hand lifts to pet along his hair. “...I don’t mean to confuse you, Tobi…”
“I was so sure...of...of everything! But you’re throwing it all into doubt…” He just clings to her tighter. “...I want things from you I can’t have...I can’t…”
“...why not?”
A sigh. “...it’s...I can’t say. I can’t…”
Only all the more unsure herself, Ryū tries to piece together his ramblings. “...you mean...it’s hard to...to choose between spending time with me, and...attending to your work…?”
“Yes…” The answer’s tone is weak. “...at times I want to throw everything away, take you away, disappear...but I can’t...I can’t!”
Despair clutches in her chest. “...you can’t…or...?”
“...I shouldn’t…I…” Another sigh. “...oh, Ryū...why can’t it be so simple…?” A moment of silence, and then, “...I feel so lost…”
It’s Ryū’s turn to cling to him, bordering on her own tears. “...I’m sorry, Tobi. I wish there was something I could do…”
“...you won’t leave…?”
A pause. “...no. Not unless you really, truly want me to. And…” She gives a soft huff of humorless laughter. “...I don’t know if your judgment is really all that clear right now, ne…?”
“Are you sure?”
“...yes, I’m sure.” Hesitating a moment, she decides now might be a good time. “...I already told you, ne…? I love you, as...silly as that may be.”
For a long moment, Obito is silent. “...I think...I love you, too. But I don’t...know what that means.”
A soft smile pulls at her lips. “...well, we can talk about that later. It’s a rather big subject after all, ne? And I need to make sure you’re not going to have a nasty hangover in a few hours.” She tries to sit up, laughing as Obito grunts in refusal. “We can’t stay in the road!”
A pause, and then a sharp breath as he manages to take them both into his pocket dimension. A little shaken at the change, Ryū eventually gives an exasperated laugh. “...you’re ridiculous…”
“We’re not in the road.”
“No...no, we’re not.”
Obito adjusts himself slightly, lying more to her side with an arm across to her shoulder, and a cheek atop her chest. “...stay?”
“...do I have much choice in here?” she teases softly. But after a pause, she restarts her attentions through his hair, returning his hold. “...but yes...I’ll stay. For as long as you’ll have me…”
     Well, here some angst-fluff. Fluff-angst. ...flangst? xD I dunno if I went overboard, but uh...hopefully it’s okay? .w.;;;      (Also this is so Ryū to him in this verse, btw - I ADORE THIS SONG AND IT’S PERF FOR THIS VERSSSE)      ...anyway, not much else to say this time? Thanks for the prompt, as always x3 Feel free to give me more tbh This ship and this verse are gonna be the death of me, goodness.
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madsfoxwritings · 8 years ago
Fragments, i
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Sakura Rating: T Genre: Romance, Fluff Note: One sentence prompt challenge! 
01: Ring
He couldn't help but notice the bite marks around Sakura's third finger on her right hand one day, and felt guilty instantly; Kakashi then decided it was high time he got her a diamond ring.
02: Hero
She wanted to be his hero too, just as he had always been to her and the others – with the green chakra coming out of her hands and forcing life to be returned to him as he bled on.
03: Memory
He laughed heartily whenever he remembered how his pink-haired wife could still managed to punch him though she was weak from the labor – after he had commented on how ugly the purple and red hue of Hatake Obito's skin was.
04: Box
Every Christmas morning whenever Kakashi looked down on the pink hair on his chest and the children running around in the corridors of their family home, he knew Santa Claus didn't need to put his presents in a box or under the Christmas tree.
05: Run
Sakura's first thought was to run when she saw Kakashi advancing on her like a predator to a prey; but she stood her ground and was rewarded with a mind-blowing kiss.
06: Hurricane
None of the guys had the guts to tell the Copy Nin what a gorgeous wife he had in Sakura – they knew their butts were as safe as a cow in a hurricane.
07: Wings
When other people confronted Sakura on why she chose the elusive Copy Nin when she could have had Naruto, she simply replied that Kakashi gave wings to her dreams and hopes when she needed them.
08: Cold
Sakura awoke in the middle of the night, listening to the heavy rain pelting against her window and felt pity for other people who had to endure the cold on their own – until Kakashi pulled her closer to him and all thoughts were drained out.
09: Red
Kakashi never quite liked red lipstick on women; but seeing Sakura in that little black strapless dress and killer high heels and her gorgeous red lips helped him decide that maybe red was a really nice color.
10: Drink
He swore never to touch that drink anymore – the last time he did, he found himself confessing his undying love (with such enthusiasm that Gai was put to shame) to a giggling 22-year-old Sakura.
11: Midnight
She never really believed in fairy tales; but when the clock struck midnight, Sakura was half-afraid that her romantic dance with Kakashi would just disappear into her dreams.
12: Temptation
Kakashi was always proud to admit that he was a man who was resistant to temptations – until he found himself unable to control the insane urge to kiss Sakura right out of her shoes.
13: View
Jiraiya did not have the opportunity to tell Kakashi about the lovely view he had of the latter's pink-haired girlfriend in the hot springs when he felt the younger man give him One Thousand Years of Pain right up his ass.
14: Music
Sakura had a habit of matching melodies to their moments together – but she couldn't find any that could portray the passion she felt in Kakashi's kiss.
15: Silk
The other men knew Kakashi was a potential hen-pecked husband – from the moment he agreed to Sakura's pleadings to buy her a silk kimono.
16: Cover
Onlookers could not help but ask him why he still covered his face even though he had a girlfriend; he never answered – until one day Sakura told them that his face was only for her and they'd better not bother anymore; since then they never asked anymore.
17: Promise
He didn't make any more promises to her, not since the day they both said their lifetime vows because he knew that she knew his love was itself a vow.
18: Dream
He had never dreamed of seeing the day his two precious jewels – Hatake Obito and Hatake Rin – were born, neither did he dreamed of ever marrying the most wonderful woman in his life – Sakura.
19: Candle
To Sakura, Kakashi was like a candle in the wind – he'd sacrifice himself for her sake, and sometimes it made her cry just so he would wipe those tears away.
20: Talent
He always had the gift to make her smile or laugh anytime, and she wondered whether she had the same gift to make him smile or laugh anytime, too.
21: Silence
Contrary to popular belief, Sakura and Kakashi didn't always talk their time away – sometimes they just like to sit together and enjoy the peaceful quietness.
22: Journey
They knew they've come a long way from being just student and teacher to colleagues to comrades to friends and ultimately: to parents of two beautiful children.
23: Fire
Nobody else could see or understand the fire burning in Kakashi's eye, no one except Sakura.
24: Strength
Sakura sometimes wondered why her super-human strength failed her; and concluded that it was that loving touch Kakashi held her with that made her go terribly limp all over.
25: Mask
Kakashi was thrilled right down to his tingling toes when Sakura whispered huskily that he needn't take off his mask during their wedding ceremony, and that he could have it down all the time during their honeymoon.
26: Ice
Naruto once said that Kakashi was as cool as ice, but he changed his mind the moment he noticed his former sensei sweating profusely while watching Sakura dancing sexily at the dance floor.
27: Fall
She couldn't always depend on him to catch her whenever she stumbled, but he made it very clear with that gentle kiss on her forehead that he couldn't bear to see her fall.
28: Forgotten
Genma thought it was going to be hell trying to forget his feelings for Sakura – until he saw the love-light in her eyes when she looked in Kakashi's way, and he decided that some things could be forgotten after all.
29: Dance
Sakura was shocked to know that Kakashi was a skillful dancer, and she blushed harder when she felt him pulling her close as they moved gracefully to a slower tune.
30: Body
Obito and Rin knew it was time to sprint off to Naruto's place – when they heard their parents exchanging innuendos with references to some weird body parts with each other.
31: Sacred
His privacy was even more sacred than ever was before, now that he also had Sakura in bed with him every night they were home from missions.
32: Farewells
She would give him the sweetest farewell when he was to go on missions without her – as a promise to make his homecoming all the more exciting.
33: World
She needn't have to see the world to know that he was one of a kind – who else could make her want him and need him and love him this much?
34: Formal
Sakura was very pleased to see her former sensei in formal attire, and when she told him so, she noticed there was a slight tremor in his voice when he thanked her.
35: Fever
Kakashi realized that his body always started going really warm whenever Sakura gave him the slightest touch; he decided whimsically that she was born to give him fever.
36: Laugh
Genma laughed out loud when Kakashi took him aside, looked at him with a frantic look in his eye and asked him – what did he think Sakura would like for their first wedding anniversary?
37: Lies
Kakashi couldn't understand why she made him sleep on the couch even after he admitted he lied to her about the price of the pearl necklace he gave her – until she told him they needed to save for the baby that was to come.
38: Forever
Tsunade knew that though Kakashi and Sakura would never live forever, the story of their love for each other was even more legendary than the Legendary Sannin themselves.
39: Overwhelmed
Kakashi was probably so overwhelmed by the happy news that his wife delivered their baby boy safely that he gave Genma a huge bear hug that nearly toppled the older man.
40: Whisper
Sakura was more willing to fall asleep after her husband whispered assurance into her ears that he would be by her side the whole time with their baby too.
41: Wait
Now that Kakashi and Sakura are an item, Naruto and other team members have to wait longer than usual – thanks to the couple's impatient "needs".
42: Talk
Sakura found out that she could talk about everything under the sun with her former sensei, and she loved that about him – because he always knew what she was talking about and respected her opinions.
43: Search
Even Gai was so afraid of Kakashi that he insisted on searching for another girl for Lee, just so that Lee would not always end up at the receiving ends of Kakashi's death glares whenever Lee goes near to Sakura.
44: Hope
Sakura hoped that they could quickly bring Sasuke back to the village – so that she could finally prove to Kakashi that she loved him and Sasuke would be just a friend.
45: Eclipse
Whenever she was sad, Kakashi realized that her smile was like the sun eclipsed – no matter how brief the moment of sadness lasted, he would always strive to win back her smile.
46: Gravity
He felt his heart fall right down to his foot as though gravity pulled it harshly down – when he saw the foxy smile Sakura directed at him.
47: Highway
It was either her way or the highway, Sakura had told the kids – so they went to their doting dad instead, much to Kakashi's amusement.
48: Unknown
The hitch in his breath when he caught her eye was an unknown symptom to him, but not to her.
49: Lock
He had half a mind to lock Sakura up in his room so that other men wouldn't have the chance to ogle at her, but he also wanted to show off a little bit sometimes.
50: Breathe
Since the day Kakashi found out what type of shampoo Sakura used, he knew he wanted to breathe in the smell for he rest of his life (though he kept this little secret locked inside).
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