#OTPtober 2023
encreboueuse · 3 months
OTPtober 2023 - Regret 7/31
— Je suis désolé, avait déclaré Link, un jour. Juste avant, Nayru avait entreprit d’entonner un des chants de son répertoire. Les animaux s’étaient amassés autour de la clairière, charmés par les notes et apaisés. L’intervention du héros brisa cette atmosphère. Non par son niveau sonore mais par sa négativité. Impa, Nayru, Ralph… tous les trois se tournèrent vers lui, chacun affichant un degré…
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coconanodayo · 11 months
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My 2023 Weektober (more like OTPtober XD) 🤭 Week 1: FuseHound 💣🐾 Week 2: Hansori 💥🧪 Week 3: Ji-Weon 🎤👮 Week 4: Yorunix 💙🔥 Week 5: Settphel 💪🏽🥮
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thewordworrier · 1 year
Current WIPs - September 2023
I last did one of these in March, this year, and truthfully, not an awful lot has changed except the word counts on each fic. Although I don't think I shared those last time. I probably won't this time either because I haven't figured out the totals - some fics are spread across multiple files. Whatever I call these WIPs here, is probably just a working title. Even if I know what I'm gonna call the piece, I don't think I'm gonna share that yet. I think I'll talk about the bigger files in a little more detail and maybe briefly mention the smaller ideas as I remember them. So, if you're interested in what I'm working on, this is the post for you!
I have three VampireAUs. Not including my first attempt at writing one. I don't think I'll ever work on that again but, never say never. I've kinda developed my own sorta vampire rules that I use across all three of these. Nothing too out of the box but, I try to be consistent with my subjects. ~ Vampire AU the First
In which Lux, Mikey and Gerard are vampires. Mikey has moved with the times and Gerard’s a little stuck in the past. Lux was a modern day Human until she was recently turned and Shelly is a Human.
This is the AU in which my OTPtober 2022 - Insecurity piece is set. I haven't touched this one for some time, but it makes me 🥰 - probably because of the old fashioned ness. ~ Reverse!Vampire AU
In which Shelly is our Vampire, Mercy is her Human familiar and Gerard is a struggling artist.
I've been working on this one quite a lot recently. I enjoy this one. Maybe it's the lore I'm playing with, maybe it's the dynamic. I don't know.
~ VampireAU/Fic the Third
Gerard is our Vampire, Shelly is our Human, and he's looking for a snack.
Yeah, I'm enjoying this one too. Again, I think it's the dynamic. It's not quite as simple as I've written up there, but that's okay, I can't tell you everything. I don't think this is going to get as long as my other two, I hope to have this finished to post at some point. Hopefully before Halloween! I think I even have a title too. I have VAU4 (VampireAU4) too - that's not very long, and I think I wanna rewrite what I've done to change the tone of it. I don't have enough details to really say much more about it. I ALSO have something labelled as Vampires&Werewolves AU, which... Seems very Twilight, putting the two creatures against each other with a Human in the middle, but... Also, not Twilight because there's no fucking sparkling. What else is there? OH! How could I forget!!! ~ The "Normal" AU
The story of Shelly in the MCR-U basically. Anything labelled as this is in the same timeline/universe as The Origin Story.
This is spread across... Four??? Maybe five (I'm not sure, some of them have subtitles - like the Origin Story was a subtitle of The Normal AU) additional files, not including said Origin Story. I don't know if I'll ever get around to posting everything I write for this, or if I'll just post the Big Milestones. I mean, there's a lot of little scenarios in those files. A lot of words. But I do plan on getting around to the Milestones at some point. But of course it's massive - this spans the entirety of Shelly's career with MyChem. From when she meets them (as you've read) to pretty much present day, almost. ~ The Danger Days fic aka The Sandbox Fic
A... Can you call it a spin off? of my Wife's Danger Days fic, picking up a little after where that left off so I could throw Shelly into that world.
I think I started this just before or during writing Call Me Babe For The Weekend, as a side project, and as a "what if?" kinda deal. Though I think I only wrote some sorta ending to that... Last year? The file for this thing is absolutely huge and I'm a little alarmed by it. I have to figure out how I'm going to present this, because I don't think it fits your stereotypical story format. It would fit an episode format a bit better, really. I don't know, thoughts need to be thunk. ~ The Stripper Fic Not my first Stripper AU, actually. The first is handwritten in, I think it's five notebooks on the shelf behind my desk. That one is, I think over 100k. I don't remember, I haven't looked at the word count totals for some time. Anyway! There's a little more to this one than just... Gerard being a stripper. I took inspiration from something else I read once. Haven't touched this one in a while either.
~ The Succubus Fic
In which Shelly is a succubus and Gerard is her... Victim?
This one is labelled as a "fic" instead of an AU because I do not want it to get as long as some of my other files. It hasn't reached 20k yet so there's a chance I can kinda wrap it up under 30k. Maybe I can do additional chapters later on or whatever but... I don't know.
~ The CollegeAU - also known as the PolyCollegeAU
“He could share us. We could share him.” He watched her raise an eyebrow. “If he’s into me too. Or, if not, and he’s willing, we could share you?”
Oh man, this started out as me attempting to write a threesome, BEFORE the Birthday Fic happened. It ended up in timeout for a long time because Frank wouldn't behave, thus making the inevitable choice between the two really hard! And then, along comes my wonderful wife and is all OKAY BUT WHAT IF and boom, it came out of time out and gained... A lot of words. (Speaking of the Birthday Fic - I have a half finished deleted scene from that kicking around too.)
~ It's A Compliment I Swear I wrote the ending for this last year, July 2022. It's... 😬 Yeah. I might get in trouble for that ending. I just have to get to that point. I have an odd scene in a different file, and a few notes in that file too, but I need to sit down and sorta think about it some more. What else do we have? A HighSchoolAU, something I've dubbed the ChildhoodFriendsAU - which is kinda like the HighSchoolAU but... Happier in aspects. I have some blurbs for ExchangeStudentAUs - both sides (ie; in which Shelly is one, and in which Gerard is one - that second one is fun because I get to play with linguistics/language differences.) I have something labelled The MultiVerse which is... If I can get my act together, might be Shelly's birthday gift next year. Unless she gives me other ideas. I also have a file of blurbs/discussion about "What if everyone was a teacher?" - I don't think that'll get a lot of screentime, but it was something to distract me, something to think about and be silly about for a bit. The New AU is similar to that, I think. Though I might do something with it one day because it's fun. The GoogleDoc is only like, 5k so there's not a lot to talk about currently. It's a bit different with some similar to that, I think. Though I might do something with it one day because it's fun. The GoogleDoc is only like, 5k so there's not a lot to talk about currently. It's a bit different with some similar, familiar aspects but hey, it's still fun.
The Half Baked Idea is about 10k and has more of a series of plot points. It's a little ✨mystical✨ and supernatural, I think I shared some lines from it a few months ago, but I can't remember off of the top of my head. Again, a bit different but because there still isn't that much of it, I don't have more to say. The last thing is a file called What If? and that is just waiting to be fleshed out and written up. I believe that's kinda a spin off of something I've already written, and I might take that outline and write it properly over NaNoWriMo this year. I'm not sure about that yet though. I think that's it, actually. There might be a file here and there with words in that I haven't touched for Quite Some Time, but these are the main files and ideas I skip between here and there.
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encreboueuse · 7 months
OTPtober 2023 - Hand holding 6/31
Link trouvait ses mains hideuses. Quand il était plus jeune, elles étaient semblables à celles de n’importe quel enfant de son âge. Quelques blessures mineures, de la terre sous des ongles coupés courts, des cales naissantes dus au travail de la ferme et du verger. Des petites mains aux longs doigts qu’il adorait enfouir dans toutes sortes de matière, pour le simple plaisir d’expérimenter…
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encreboueuse · 8 months
OTPtober 2023 - Healing 5/31
En tant que descendant d’aristocrate, Ralph avait grandi avec l’idée que la beauté résidait dans la peau diaphane et sans la moindre imperfection. Les chevaliers avaient une dérogation, les éventuelles cicatrices étant en rapport avec leurs faits-d’armes, mais c’était à l’appréciation de chacun. Il avait été témoin de ses sœurs et sa mère fuyant les rayons du soleil pour des ombrelles, se…
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encreboueuse · 8 months
OTPtober 2023 - Drunk 4/31
Que ce soit du point de vue de Labrynna ou celui d’Hyrule, la décision était catégorique : Link comme Ralph étaient mineurs. Et qui disait mineurs… disait restrictions ! Et c’était pour cette raison que nos deux amoureux sirotaient bien sagement leurs limonages perdant qu’ils étaient bousculés. Mais bon, ça faisait partie du charme des festival, non ? Ayant décidé de se tenir la main afin de…
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encreboueuse · 8 months
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"OTPtober 2023"
La difficile mise en couple entre l'ami caractériel d'une oracle et l'aventurier venu la sauver.
1 à 10
Soulmate AU || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Safe || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Shore || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Drunk || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Healing || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Hand holding || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Regret || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Close || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Sharing || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Tattoo / flower shop AU || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
11 à 20
Last kiss || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Call || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Pocky || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Sleepy || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Sick / injured || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Forehead kisses || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Glow || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Gentle || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Fall || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Brush || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
21 à 31
Fight || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Power swap AU || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Cuddle || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Hiking || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Drinks || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Weapon || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Worry || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Ice cream || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Dream || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
Reunion || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
(Free space) || FF.net ♪ AO3 ♪ WordPress
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encreboueuse · 9 months
OTPtober 2023 - Shores 3/31
Si Nayru lui avait fait aimer les forêts, Ralph avait bien l’intention de faire aimer la mer à Link. Au cours de leurs passages dans le temps, ils s’étaient retrouvés dedans, sauvés par un navire pirate commandé par l’amant de son ancêtre – une longue histoire qu’il doutait réussir à comprendre ou raconter un jour – mais depuis, l’aventurier semblait l’éviter comme la peste. Ce n’était pas une…
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encreboueuse · 9 months
OTPtober 2023 - Safe 2/31
Les premières nuits passées ensemble ne furent pas de tout repos. Non à cause de leurs hormones adolescentes – du moins, pas seulement – mais par la faute du passé de Link. Ce n’était pas tous les soirs, ce n’était jamais les mêmes cauchemars, les comportements variaient, mais le résultat était là, dans les cernes semblables qu’arborait le couple. Ralph n’avait jamais autant aimé le matin que…
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encreboueuse · 10 months
"OTPtpber 2023" [Zelda - Oracle of Ages]
La difficile mise en couple entre l'ami caractériel d'une oracle et l'aventurier venu la sauver.
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encreboueuse · 10 months
OTPtober 2023 - Soulmate AU
La première fois que Link entendit cette chanson, il aurait pu poursuivre son chemin sans y faire attention. Il avait rendu service à Impa, il devait maintenant comprendre quelle était cette fameuse quête qui l’attendait ! Du moins l’aurait-il fait s’il n’avait pas fini par se rendre compte que cette chanson n’était pas dans son esprit, cette fois. Cette réalisation fut sans doute ce qui coûta…
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thewordworrier · 2 years
Current WIPs - March 2023
I could’ve just listed these, but I thought a little extract would be fun. I’ve already done a post about how many words I’ve written but haven’t published yet. That’s interesting. Okay, under the cut then!
~#~#~ ~ From The DangerDays Fic - also known as The Sandbox Fic [Er, so this thing has massive numbers behind it, so picking an extract was really hard.]
“Was that actually livin’ though, if you think about it? Really?” Party scoffed, moving closer to her. “You shouldn’t knock our way of life until you’ve tried it.” He moved even closer, watching her eye him warily. “You might even like it.”
~#~#~   ~ From The VampireAU [Well, a lengthier “extract” would be the OTPtober piece I wrote - Insecurity.]
"There’s too much change nowadays,” he mumbled. “It’s difficult to keep up sometimes. And I don’t like it. Or at least...”
Shelly tilted her head as he glanced up at her.
“I don't like most of it."
~#~#~ ~ From The Other Vampire AU - also known as the Reverse!Vampire AU
“That mirror isn’t back from the enchanter yet is it?” Shelly asked, peering into the mirror on her vanity table, even though she couldn't really see anything.
~#~#~ ~ From the Stripper!AU [There’s actually a little more to this one but ehhhh.]
“Well,” he ran his hand through his hair before it went back to rest on his hip. “I normally do a little bit of a routine, and my guest gets the best seat.” He paused and looked her up and down again, slowly. “And all of my focused attention.”
Shelly hummed, going pink.
"I want you to be my antidote," Party Poison purred in her ear. "My special guest for the night."
~#~#~ ~ From my CollegeAU - also known as the PolyCollegeAU
“He could share us. We could share him.” He watched her raise an eyebrow. “If he’s into me too. Or, if not, and he’s willing, we could share you?”
~#~#~ ~ From the Succubus AU
“I don’t understand,” he said quietly. “I… Did I inhale something? Am I dreaming? I didn’t think things -”
“Things? Baby I’m not a thing,” Shelly frowned from her kneeling spot on the floor before shrugging. “I mean, I’m not totally human but I’m not a thing.”
He swallowed. “Then what are you?”
“Oh honey, I think you already know the answer to that,” she brushed her hair back over her shoulders and sat up a little straighter. “You summoned me after all.”
~#~#~ ~ From the NormalAU - the Origins segment* [*I say this, because this is... Massive. Of course it is - I’ve got bits that span their whole career filed under “the Normal AU” tag. In my GoogleDocs, not on here.]
"I’d like to introduce you to the best advantage the London office has to offer… Although, I might be a little biased, because she currently works for me. Gentlemen, this is Ashely Sketcher.”
Shelly swallowed slowly as four sets of eyes turned on her before she managed a small smile.
“Ashely, these are the gentlemen of My Chemical Romance -”
~#~#~ Aside from these - these are my main babies, I’ve got a couple of other less worked on things: scenes from a High School AU, the ending chapters for IACIS, alternate chapters for other things, my first attempt at a Vampire AU. But those don’t get much screentime.
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thewordworrier · 2 years
2022 Writing Wrap Up
Well I made this harder for myself this year - last year I did two wrap ups. One for the half way point, and one at the end of the year. I didn’t do that this year for some reason. I’m not going to do a rambly break down of each month, in this wrap up post because... I did that every month anyway. And I’m not gonna talk about all the WIPs I have on the go right now because, I’m just not that prepared to be honest with you. Okay. Right.
Fics published: 28
Basically, if you look at my Masterlist, it’s everything from You Are My Favourite “What If?” right the way down to the OTPtober Masterlist - and there’s 10 on that list. That’s over half my Masterlist. Jesus Christ. April was obviously my most publishable month - but that’s because I gave you all a chapter a day of Call Me Babe For The Weekend.
Words written: 391,283 words.
This is about 100k ish more than last year - even though last year’s count was only from April. My lowest months were September (but I had that wound on my thigh that meant I couldn’t sit for too long so that’s to be expected) and December (also expected, it’s been a really rough month). But even then, there hasn’t been a single month where I’ve written less than 20k, and I haven’t missed my 500 words a day target at all. I missed my 700 word target in April for Camp NaNoWriMo three times, but didn’t miss my daily target - the 500 words. I didn’t miss anything for July’s Camp and I didn’t miss my targets for NaNoWriMo in November either. I count this as a win, personally. Time to rinse and repeat! Edit: 30/12/2023 - if I’ve done my maths right, I published 294,255 words this year.
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thewordworrier · 1 year
March 2023 Writing Wrap Up
Words Written: 26,800 words. (That’s 69 pages in my GoogleDocs file and yes I am a child.) Yeah, that’s not bad. I’m pretty happy with that actually. It amuses me that it’s a solid, round number though. What I’ve worked on: ~ some scenes for The SandBox Fic ~ the 3rd VampireAU ~ brainstroming [Future]NormalAU scenarios ~ GoogleDoc [5] ~ the Poly!College AU ~ regular NormalAU stuff ~ the (UK) Mother’s Day piece - She’s The Lady Of Our House April Plans: ~ It’s a Camp NaNoWriMo event month so we’re gonna try for 750 words a day this month. A little more than normal, but not as many as 1000. I don’t want to put much pressure on myself - I’m going through some crap at the moment and I don’t want to add the extra crapness of feeling like a failure on top of that. ~ MAN I wanna finish that Origin Story section. I think it’s pretty close, I’m just trying to figure out where the best cut off/ending point for the section is. I don’t know if I’ll post it during April if/when I get it finished, or if I’ll wait. ~ Not quite sure what I’ll work on alongside that, I have enough WIPs so I’m sure I’ll pick one of them. But maybe I’ll hunt for a prompt list too - I enjoyed the OTPtober prompts.
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