#OTP: The lion sleeps tonight
sailor-brunette · 1 year
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Since I made Malleus x Kotori in this picrew,I figured I should make my other Twisted Wonderland OC x canon couples too. So here is Leona x Hikari. Still trying to develop them. More will come soon. And sorry if Leona doesn't look right. The options in the game were limited. Anyway,enjoy.
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mcbrilliant · 7 years
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# life lessons learnt from Grey’s Anatomy [11/∞]
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theflyingkipper · 3 years
duck for the character thing?
rubber ducky your the one
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1: sexuality headcanon
aroace, and he is nonbinary (or as he puts it- “amphibius”)
2: otp
3: brotp
him , Oliver, donald , and douglas . they make a good friend group :)
4: notp
no idea but anything gross 😣😣😣
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
he has a great singing voice :) sometimes I imagine the little western + donald and douglas singing The Lion Sleeps Tonight together
6: favorite line from this character
7: one way in which I relate to this character
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
“on the great western- “ SHUT UP
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll :) even if I think the great western thing is a little annoying its also funny and I love him
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glitternightingale · 3 years
How about Antonio!!🐆🐆
Favorite thing about them
I think it's adorable how innocent and trusting he is. Also, his relationship with Mirabel that's based on so much admiration!
Least favorite thing about them
"Don't eat those." was too lackluster for me. For heaven's sake, these are the rats that are holding Bruno's psyche together! If one of them became kitty fodder...
Favorite line
“I need you!” so adorable!
Antonio and Mirabel
He's a child--
This is ridiculous but imma say... Antonio/Cecilia
(But wait, that would actually be kinda cute--)
Random headcanon
Used to have an ant farm that he released in Abuela's room and then shouted "Be free, my friends!"
Unpopular opinion
That he can be very manipulative. There, I said it. The ending of Encanto was only thanks to him pulling all the strings.
Song I associate with them
The Lion Sleeps Tonight by The Tokens
Here’s a link to the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQlByoPdG6c
Favorite picture of them
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I sadly couldn't find this ICONIC frame in high quality.
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kumeko · 4 years
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Title: for the dances that never were
Prompt: Exploration, Secret, Ambition, Devotion, Bonus: Gossip
A/N: For the Fódlan Bakeoff challenge! I couldn’t post it on time due to internet issues (sadness). I had a hard time picking what characters to write before realizing, I haven’t posted anything with my OTP of the series!
There was, Claude had to reluctantly admit, a sort of grace to Fódlan dancing. Standing in the Great Hall, he watched as his peers swirled on the dance floor. Above them, enormous chandeliers gave enough light to chase the shadows out of every corner. Dresses swished as women twirled, the silken fabrics resembling a fully-bloomed rose. Pairs of dancers glided past one another, just narrowly avoiding collision.
 This dance was nowhere near as loud or energetic as an Almyran dance. There was a vibrancy, a feeling of life in their movements that just couldn’t be matched with a simple twirl and side-step. Still, the dances here were nonetheless pleasing to watch. Standing in a corner, he swirled his wine and watched as the lion prince and eagle emperor dominated the dance floor, elegance and poise radiating off every step.
 Claude wasn’t the only one watching. Across the dance floor, he spotted Byleth and Jeralt chatting amicably, their eyes firmly on the students. Well, he guessed they were having fun. It was hard to tell with his professor sometimes, her expression was often blanker than a slate.
“Whatcha looking at?” A familiar voice asked beside him and he didn’t have to turn his head to know it was Hilda. Slightly breathless, she leaned back and fanned herself. “Or should I say who?”
 “You can say whatever you like,” he replied smoothly, smiling as he turned to his exhausted friend. Her neatly coifed hair was starting to unravel, stray hairs falling out of her bun. “Someone’s popular.”
 “Please, I’m not that popular.” Despite her words, she looked utterly pleased. Winking at him, she gestured at the professor. “She’s everyone’s first choice.”
 That didn’t surprise him in the least. It explained why Byleth’s expression looked slightly worn, the way it did when she’d entertained too many of his questions or cleaned up after his pranks. “I wonder who her’s is.”
 “No idea.” Sighing, Hilda shrugged. “She accepted everyone who asked, which is really stupid. You have to be picky or you’ll wear yourself out.”
 “Like you have?” he teased, smirking.
 “I am just taking a short break. I can still dance.” Hilda glanced at Byleth, than at him. “You going to ask her too?”
 “Maybe.” It wasn’t a bad idea. She was Jeralt’s daughter, a teacher at the academy, the wielder of the Creator’s Sword, and seemingly Rhea’s favourite. There were only bonuses to getting closer to her. One way or another, she’d be useful to his ambitions. He wasn’t sure why he was hesitating, standing on this side of the room and as far from her as possible.
 “Ohh, too late.” Hilda giggled as Sylvain approached Byleth, looking as charming as ever. “You have to be fast to catch her.”
 “There’s always the dance after.” Claude shrugged. Holding out a hand, he winked. “Care for one more?”
 Hilda frowned. She still took his hand. “I thought I told you I didn’t like too much work.”
Claude stared at the ceiling. It was funny how, five years later, this sight remained the same. The dorms hadn’t been as badly damaged as the rest of the academy in the attack, but his room had remained utterly unscratched. The structural damage remained unseen.
 Closing his eyes, he listened to the leaves as they gently rustled. An owl hooted nearby, crickets chirped. Five years ago, there would have been students chattering as they snuck off for a nightly escapade. Now there was just the clink of chain mail, the guards patrolling the area in case of attack.
 After tomorrow, they wouldn’t need to. A final clash between Empire and Alliance, one that would hopefully go as the battle of Eagle and Lion had gone years ago. Claude sat up at the thought. Who was he kidding? That had been a friendly bout between houses. Now almost everyone he’d defeated from that time was dead. Running a hand through his hair, he sighed. There would be no sleep tonight, which was a pity. A tactician needed his rest. Edelgard and Hubert wouldn’t make tomorrow’s battle easy.
 Slipping out of his bed, he crept out of his room. The sensation as he stalked the school at night was both familiar and strange. Even now, he remembered the secret passages, which stairs creaked, the best shadows to slip in. Yet the stairs were different, the walls lined with scorch mark, and he felt like he was exploring an entirely new place, an explorer finding ruins where a city should have stood.
 He was not sure what led him to the great hall, to the half-collapsed ballroom. He wasn’t sure, but when he spied Byleth inside, sitting on a jagged piece of rubble, he couldn’t stop his smile. Somehow, his path led to her, and he shouldn’t have expected this to be any different. They were connected, fates intertwined, and he was certain that if she died, their journey would end right there.
 Despite his quiet entrance, Byleth noticed him right away and watched as he slowly approached him. Bathed in moonlight through the broken roof, there was something ethereal about his former teacher. She had always been a mystery, even before all of this. With her blank expression and gaps of knowledge, there had been something interesting about her. The secrets she held now only made her even more intriguing.
 He always liked puzzles. Sauntering over, he asked, “Couldn’t sleep, Teach?”
 Byleth shook her head. Her eyes looked even darker in the gloom. It was strange to think that he’d seen this place entirely lit up once. Now all it held were shadows.
 “Me neither.” He leaned against the rubble, looking around him. “One way or another, it will end tomorrow.”
 “Can we…” Byleth trailed off, her voice so low he could barely hear it. She wrapped an arm around herself, her fingers digging into her arm. “Do you think we can…”
 “Win?” Claude guessed, giving her a confident smirk. “Of course.”
 She shook her head. “Save them.”
 “Oh.” That was a harder question. Almost impossible to answer. Edelgard and Hubert would fight to the death; he had never seen either of them back down. Dedue seemed to be on a suicide mission. How many others were left alive? Petra, Dorothea—but who else? Maybe some of the Blue Lions had survived that last skirmish and were just hiding. “I don’t know.”
 Her shoulders slumped at the answer. It was strange to think that at one point he thought her emotionless. Her tells were more subtle than others, for sure, but he could read her now. It was hard to mistake the sorrow washing over her for anything else.
 Maybe she wouldn’t smile, but he wanted her to be at least a little happy before it went down. One way or another, it would end tomorrow. Maybe he’d die. Maybe she would. Maybe neither of them would and he’d remember this night as the time he had been a little dramatic. Claude gestured around them. “Remember the last time we were here?”
 Byleth glanced at him curiously before nodding. “The dance.”
 “Yep. I remember someone being very popular that night.” He winked at her. “I think you danced with everyone that night.”
 Still not following him, she nodded. “There were a lot of hands. I didn’t want to refuse anyone.”
 “Even Marianne asked you to dance.” Claude sighed. “And yet, I think I’m the only one who didn’t get a dance.”
 “You didn’t?” Byleth frowned, ticking off her fingers as she remembered that night. It might have been five years for him, but for her it must have felt like months.
 “Every time you took a break, someone else approached. What’s a poor guy to do?” Claude tapped his chin for a long minute before pretending to come up with an idea. “Oh, but you’re free now.”
 “There’s no music,” she pointed out, catching on.
 “That’s fine.” Claude held out a hand. “I still want my turn.”
 She looked at him for a long second, and he wondered what was going on behind her green eyes. There had always been a practical air about her, no doubt from her lifetime of mercenary work. He wasn’t even sure if she liked dancing, let alone wanted to do it. Before he could retract the offer though, she slipped her hand in his. “Alright.”
 “Great.” He pulled her down from the rubble and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. Winking, he started waltzing through the debris. “I hope you haven’t forgotten how to dance.”
 “I never learned in the first place,” Byleth answered, her tone lighter. It was a start.
 “Then I’ll just have to take lead.” Claude twirled her. He wasn’t sure when it happened, when he’d stopped thinking of Byleth as a friend and instead as something more. Maybe that was what had stilled his hand all those years ago, an emotion that had slowly taken root and refused to go.
 He had always known he was a bit of a coward, but hadn’t realized that it even extended to his feelings.
 It wasn’t a surprise to find Byleth alone, after all was said and done. They had defeated the Empire and yet somehow, it didn’t feel like a win at all. They had lost almost all their classmates, either at their hands or at the hands of the Empire. Even Dedue, who had reappeared out of nowhere, had fallen in his last-ditch attempt to avenge his king. And even then, after killing Edelgard, they had discovered that they had an older enemy to face.
 It was no surprise that victory rang hollow. His peers were scattered about the monastery, trying to make sense of it all, and so it wasn’t a surprise that Byleth had isolated herself as well. What was surprising, though, was that he’d found her here in the ballroom once more. The repairs were almost done now, the rubble from before cleaned up. There were cracks along the walls, signs of the war that wouldn’t fade, but with a little paint this would be a ballroom once more.
 The late evening light bathed the room a dark red. It wasn’t the same colour as Edelgard’s cloak, as her blood, but he couldn’t look at it all the same. Byleth stood in the center of the room, back toward him. He wondered what expression she had.
 “You okay?” he asked, leaving off her nickname as he broke the silence. It was too quiet in here. It reminded him of the throne room and he didn’t want to think of that.
 Byleth didn’t reply. She turned toward him, looking utterly heartbroken.
 Stopping next to her, he lifted his hand before dropping it back to his side. He didn’t know where to touch her, what to say that wouldn’t hurt her. She had looked like this as she’d lifted her sword, as Edelgard had closed her eyes. He should have stepped up then, taken her sword so she didn’t have to carry that burden too.
 He could still hear the sound as Edelgard’s head hit the ground. Maybe she was still listening to it too.
 Finally, she uttered, “Did it have to be like this?” Byleth gestured around, her voice cracking slightly. “We danced here. Edelgard, Dimitri—I danced with all of them. Couldn’t we have done something?”
 It was a question he had asked himself many times. There had to be a path, somewhere, somehow, that had all of their houses surviving, all of the people coexisting. But there had been too many secrets, too many untold ambitions and hopes. “I don’t know,” he answered honestly.
 He hoped there had been but it was too late now.
 “I should have been here,” she murmured, her shoulders sagging from the weight of it all. He had never thought of Byleth as a small woman, but she looked tiny now. A single touch could shatter her. Somehow, despite it all, she didn’t cry. Her expression looked like she wanted to, needed to, but her tears remained unshed.
 “There’s nothing you could have done.” Gingerly, he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her in for a hug. He hadn’t understood the word devotion before, what had made his mother leave her homeland and everything she’d ever known, but he could feel it now pulsating through his veins. Claude would give anything to make Byleth whole again but after this, he wasn’t sure anything could.
 “There had to be something.” She rested her head against his shoulder.
 “Even if there was, we can’t change the past.” Claude slowly walked her around the room, a slower version of the waltz they’d done just a month ago. He hadn’t imagined that the next time they’d be in this room, they’d feel even worse than they had then. “There’s only the future.”
 “The future.” She followed his steps automatically. “Another fight.”
 “Beyond that.” He shook his head, pulling back so she had to look at him. Smiling gently, he added, “After the war, after it all—that future.”
 She still looked lost. “What happens then?”
 “Many things. My dreams. Yours.” He rested a hand on the small of her back, guiding her through the dance. Half of him wanted to confess, to kiss. To show her there was some light in the darkness. But the future was still too uncertain and he didn’t want his love to be another stone she had to carry. “We’re bringing peace to everyone. We’re going to change Fódlan, for the better.”
 “So no one has to go through this again.” Byleth nodded, her lips pulling up slightly.
 “So no one has to feel like this again,” he echoed, resisting the urge to push back her hair. “We can do this.”
 “Yes.” While her expression still looked bittersweet, he thought it was more sweet than bitter this time. “Thanks, Claude.”
 “Anytime. We’re in this together.” Claude winked. “We’re partners, right?”
 “What about you?” Byleth asked, looking at her hand. She turned her attention to him, her green eyes bright. “How are you feeling?”
 “Better now.” It was a truth, in a sense. He felt much better now that she did. After all this was over, maybe he’d tell her what was really in his heart. When she still looked doubtful, he playfully added, “Teach, I didn’t know you cared so much.”
 She didn’t refute him, like he’d expected. Instead she gave him a flat look. “Of course I do.”
 Claude wasn’t sure how to respond to that. He wasn’t even sure what she meant, or if he wanted her to clarify. There was no way to tell without asking. Faking a laugh, he replied, “Aww, Lorenz will be jealous.”
 “How are the others?” she asked, looking past him at the ballroom entrance. “I should check on them.”
 “They’re coping, but I think they’d like a little comforting from you.” Claude sighed. “I guess I can’t hog you all to myself.”
 “No, you can’t,” she agreed, letting go. Byleth had always been all work and no play, and he had expected this reaction.
 That didn’t make his hand feel any less empty. “I’ll head to the war room, then. Maybe Judith has some information on those slithering guys.”
 Byleth nodded before heading to the doors. At the threshold, she paused and looked at him over her shoulder. “After this is over, let’s have another dance here.”
 “A dance?” Claude smiled as he looked around the room. More than a paint of coat, what this room needed was laughter, was the smell of sweets and the bright lights of a thousand candles. It was what they’d all need, after it was all over. “Yeah, that’s a good idea. A party would lift everyone’s spirits.”
 “And this time, you’ll ask me to dance.”
 He whipped his head to the entrance, but she was already gone.
 Maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t the only one who had some feelings left unsaid.
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gayoperatorgunclub · 4 years
Okay so hear me out.... Lion/Doc/Thatcher
oh absolutely
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - until mike fucking dies. so like a week. jk but he’s so old
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - it was that scene in the office where it’s three guys standing in a triangle pointing finger guns at each other aggressively. 
How was their first kiss? - doc, exhausted, was sitting in his office, sleeping peacefully. when olivier realized gustave had never come to bed, he goes to his office to check on him, and finds mike standing over him, trying to figure out how to move him without waking him up. the way mike jumps when olivier clears his throat wakes gustave up, and he starts whining about being fine and not needing to be babysat. though he interrupts himself multiple times with yawns, so mike and olivier make an executive decision to bring him to bed so they can make sure he gets sleep. mike moves to pick him up and carry him bridal style, but gustave starts squirming and weakly trying to push mike away, though he succeeds in doing nothing. seeing this, olivier moves closer, places a hand in his hair and starts petting him gently. gustave makes an “ngh” sound as his eyes flutter shut, and he makes a last-ditch attempt to get them to leave him alone by reaching a hand out blindly and tugging olivier closer, and shoving his tongue down olivier’s throat. olivier keeps petting him, and kisses back slowly, pushing gustave’s tongue out of his mouth, turning the kiss chaste and sweet, before gustave falls asleep. once he’s certain gustave is out cold, olivier pulls away and takes his hand out of gus’ hair, causing him to snuffle in his sleep and shift in mike’s arms so he’s pressed closer. mike and olivier share a Look, then walk together to gustave’s quarters. They lay him on the bed, and mike says that olivier should stay with him. this makes gustave wake up, and he starts making whiny noises at mike from the bed, prompting mike to come over, and gustave pulls the same move he used on olivier, but this time with the intent to have mike stay. he tugs mike down next to him on the bed (which is honestly more of a nest), with olivier on his other side. he maneuvers them both so that they’re spooning him while he snuggles up to his full-size snorlax plush. mike pushes himself up so he can look at olivier over gustave, and says “we will all three discuss this tomorrow. i know the both of us have been pining over him for quite some time, and tonight’s events have made it pretty clear that the adorable, endearing, kind man laying between us feels the same. so, i think it’s safe to assume this sleeping configuration could become significantly more common for all three of us. now, go to sleep. i refuse to deal with two grumpy, sleep-deprived frenchmen.” olivier chuckled, and as he settled in and closed his eyes, he felt around for something on the blankets, then, smiling softly, intertwines his fingers with mike’s, and drifts off to sleep. 
Who proposed? - they all did, on the same night, at the exact same fucking time
Who is the best man/men? - monty for lion, rook for doc, and sledge for thatcher
Who is the bride’s maid(s)? - finka for lion, twitch for doc, and, in a surprise twist no one saw coming, clash for thatcher (the ladies wear tuxes. they look very dapper) 
Who did the most planning? - mike! he’s not very religious himself, but knows that gustave and olivier are, so he did a lot of research (including visiting olivier’s church and gustave’s mosque to ask questions about customs and traditions and requirements) to make sure that the wedding would be fit for both of their faiths
Who stressed the most? - god they were all useless for six weeks before the ceremony
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - olivier’s parents, obviously, but his ex and her punk gf are invited and sit in the front row. mike’s ex-wife gets an invitation but it’s very much in a way of “look what you’re missing out on. not one but TWO sexy french men love him. can you say the same? hm?” 
Who is on top? - ok mike is always in charge no matter what, and he doesn’t bottom. olivier switches (just does whatever mike tells him to, whether that’s to fuck gustave until he begs to come or ride mike with gustave tied to a chair off to the side, crying because he’s being forced to watch but not getting any stimulation) and gustave almost always bottoms (there have been times where, to make it harder for him to not come, mike has olivier ride gustave until mike says to stop, or anyone calls their safeword) 
Who is the one to instigate things? - it really depends. usually olivier, but if mike or gustave have had stressful days, they’ll look for some ~relief~ when they get home
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - as long as mike tells them but fr i never know how to answer this one so like???? long enough??? they’re always satisfied, soooo 
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - *sighs in wanting to make doc come til he cries but also wanting to make him beg for the slightest touch on his cock* 
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - just olivier’s son
How many children will they adopt? - ZERO BITCH
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - probably doc but olivier’s kid is too old for them so
Who is the stricter parent? - they all are but in different ways 
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - depends on the stunt (typical punk stuff- lion, breaking laws that shouldn’t be laws- doc, fighting for what’s right- thatcher) 
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - doc 
Who is the more loved parent? - olivier but only because they’ve had a relationship for longer
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - doc. charming ass
Who cried the most at graduation? - they all did :*)
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - typical punk stuff- lion, breaking laws that shouldn’t be laws- doc, fighting for what’s right- thatcher  
Who does the most cooking? - doc
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - olivier
Who does the grocery shopping? - doc
How often do they bake desserts? - so often!!!!! mike is a secretly a world class baker
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - gustave has dietary restrictions (and he’s lactose intolerant), but he loves a good steak. olivier and mike agree 100% 
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - doc
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - olivier. he likes patio dining!!!!!!!
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - mike. you stupid man 
Who cleans the room? - lion 
Who is really against chores? - thatcher
Who cleans up after the pets? - doc (they’re his kitties, he will care for them) 
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - thatcher
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - doc. the first thing he was taught about being an adult is that you keep plastic bags in other plastic bags, and you always feed people whenever they come to your house
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - thatcher. he still complains about cleaning tho 
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - doc. he has a full fucking skin- and hair-care regimen and olivier and mike can’t deal 
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - IT’S MIKE’S BIG-ASS DOG, HE TAKES IT FOR A WALK
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - mike doesn’t like to decorate but he WILL put up little centerpiece items that are themed around the holiday that his husbands are celebrating :) 
What are their goals for the relationship? - contentment. healing. joy. :*)
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - gustave. stupid sleep-deprived man. i love you
Who plays the most pranks? - olivier. >:(
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sidneycarter · 4 years
For the OTP questions - sid/Sullivan: 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 14, 20 - lady f/flambeau: 13, 16, 19, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30 (can you tell I couldn't pick? Naaaaaah)
send me a ship and some numbers!
Sid x Sullivan
3 - I think Sid is into showering together/bathing together more mainly because Sullivan is a busy man and just likes to get washed quickly. But I think he does like it when Sid washes his hair for him and gives him a good head massage :’)
4 - SID omg poor Sullivan is like please can you put some clothes on I’m trying to concentrate on poLICE WORK HERE but Sid’s 100% doing it deliberately
5 - Sid I think, but it happens rarely because after a fight he and Sullivan end up fighting over who’s sleeping on the sofa, and then they realise they’re just being silly and curl up in bed together. But if it was a really, really big fight, I feel like it’d be Sid. He’d probably sleep on the presbytery sofa rather than their own as he’d need some space.
9 - Sid definitely wakes up Sullivan and tells him about his cool dreams, and Sullivan hums and tries to show he’s listening when in reality he just wants to fall asleep again! Sullivan has more nightmares, probably related to his police work. He doesn’t talk about them often, but Sid knows they’re bad by the way he wakes up with a gasp. Sid sings him back to sleep and strokes his hair, and his fave is The Way You Look Tonight because Sullivan adores Fred Astaire.
11 - I feel like Sid definitely teases Sullivan about his crush more, but Sullivan has to remind him that they’re in a relationship and Sid is the one who first went all out on the confessions and commitments, so he can pipe down.
14 - Sid starts the hand holding usually, but sometimes Sullivan will reach out tentatively. Sid is the butt groper, and Sullivan is the one who threads his fingers through Sid’s belt loops. They both slide an arm round the others waist when they need a bit of comfort, but probably in a 60/40 split towards Sid doing it most.
20 - I think this is pretty 50/50, but Sid is more likely to fall asleep on the sofa/in Sullivan’s lap especially when he’s had a busy or day or he’s been in the Red Lion... whereas Sullivan tends to fall asleep on Sid because he feels safe and comfortable with him, but is also known to need carrying up to bed when he’s dropped off at his desk from overworking :((
Lady Felicia x Flambeau
13 - Felicia is the better singer and has a beautiful voice and tends to sing to herself a lot, Flambeau will then join in with her so they can duet <3
16 - THIS ONE IS SO EQUAL. Both are the biggest flirts and spend 90% of their day trying to seduce each other even when stone cold sober, and any alcohol just makes them worse. I think honestly they have a competition to see who can cause the other to be louder in bed.
19 - Flambeau drives most of the time as Felicia likes admiring the views when they whiz around the French countryside on holidays together... but sometimes she demands she drives just for fun, she bought that Rolls after all ;)
23 - Flambeau always has doubts that he’s not good enough, even though he’s (mostly) a reformed character and adores Felicia. Felicia worries about losing him, not because of their relationship but in the sense that Flambeau cant help himself and gets himself in dangerous situations sometimes. They both mess up occasionally, as they’ve both got their own insecurities and issues, but they reassure each other because they know they adore each other and want to work through everything together.
24 - FLAMBEAU TO BOTH PARTS. He knows Felicia has been trapped in a marriage without love and despite all her suitors she’s been seriously deprived of anyone who truly values her as a person and wants to put time into romancing her. The French charm comes out in full effect.
28 - Felicia writes poems and stories and maybe even songs about Flambeau but she’s far too embarrassed to read them out loud, even if she knows Flambeau would be hugely supportive. One day maybe she’ll be brave enough!
29 - FLAMBEAU. See 24, tbh. He just wants Felicia to be happy and to give her the world. A lot of times he involves other members of the gang in his grand schemes, and Felicia has to try not scream as she drives her idiot boyfriend and her equally idiot chauffeur/son to hospital, with the two of them bickering away in the back as to who’s fault this week’s accident really was. 
30 - Felicia I think. Flambeau knows he’s cool enough to get away with absolutely anything. One of Felicia’s many terrible past-boyfriends when she was younger once told her she looked ugly in glasses, and she’s been self aware ever since. Let’s just say Flambeau thinks she looks goddess-level stunning, and tells her this every time, and said ex-boyfriend is on several of Flambeau’s dubious acquaintances’ hit lists should the opportunity ever arise. 
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emibeetkiss · 7 years
Guys, I made a Voltron playlist on Spotify!
(via https://open.spotify.com/user/12128529093/playlist/0LTM2RM3u0R7zRHwbQ7KMh)
Voltron Legendary Defender theme - Alex Geringas
All Star - Smash Mouth
Blitzkrieg Bop - Ramones
The Reckless and the Brave - All Time Low
Young Volcanoes - Fall Out Boy
Remember the Name - Fort Minor
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Wimoweh) - The Tokens
I’m Ready - AJR [imagine Pidge dancing to this]
Skywalker - Project Dirty
Space Cowboy (Yippie-Yi-Yay) - NSYNC [For Matt... lol]
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
Victorious - Panic At The Disco
Walk On Water - Thirty Seconds to Mars 
The Anthem - Good Charlotte
We R Who We R - Ke$ha
Warriors - Imagine Dragons
Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes
Team - Lorde
Hall of Fame - The Script, will.i.am
Space Oddity - David Bowie
Heavydirtysoul - Twenty One Pilots [for Shiro]
Demons - Imagine Dragons
SexyBack - Justin Timberlake, Timbaland [for Coran]
Crawling - Linkin Park
Immortals - Fall Out Boy
Woman - Ke$ha, The Dap-Kings Horns [for Allura]
Shatter Me - Lindsey Stirling, Lzzy Hale
Twisted - MISSIO [For those crazy Galra]
Awake and Alive - Skillet
Here It Goes Again - OK Go
Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins [For Lance]
Know your Enemy - Green Day
Whatever it Takes - Hollywood Undead
The Great Escape - We Are Scientist
This is Why I’m Hot - MiMS [Another one for Lance]
Toxic - Britney Spears [for Lotor]
You Don’t Own Me - Grace, G-Easy [Lotor s4]
Spaceman - The Killers
Uprising - Muse
Aliens Exist - blink-182 [for Hunk]
Lionhearted - Porter Robinson, Urban Cone
A Sky Full of Stars - Coldplay
Chemicals React - Aly & AJ [for your OTP]
for him. - Troye Sivan [for Klance]
Fly Me To The Moon - Frank Sinatra, Count Basie
The Only Exception - Paramore
Going to Mars - Judah & the Lion
Should I Stay or Should I Go - The Clash [s3 and s4 feels]
Potential Breakup Song - Aly & AJ [For the Paladins who switched lions]
Superheroes - The Script
You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring [for Keith]
Bang Bang - Green Day
I’m So Sorry - Imagine Dragons
This Is War - Thirty Seconds to Mars
Baba O’Riley - The Who
Come With Me Now - KONGOS
Another Night On Mars - The Maine
Counting Stars - OneRepublic
Geronimo - Sheppard
Thank You - MKTO
Back to Earth - Steve Aoki, Fal Out Boy
You Found Me - The Fray [For Pidge and Matt]
Shooting Star - Owl City
Transmission - Zedd, Logic, X Ambassadors
Stars Align - Lindsey Stirling
Bangarang (feat. Sirah) - Skrillex
I made one for Haikyuu!!, too :)
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Hurt!Phil (6) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: March 30th, 2022
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part seven
But It Takes Someone To Come Around To Show You How (ao3) - Phantastically
Summary: Dan is born mute into a world where once in everyone's life your soulmate will say the specific words that are tattooed onto your body, and bring you together. These words will save your life in more ways than imaginable. Whilst Dan resigns himself to the fact he will never have a soulmate, fate has different ideas...
Happens - soillbeherethen
Summary: Dan only hit Phil once. Phil forgave him, but sometimes Dan wishes he hadn’t.
Hell Is Empty and All The Devils Are Here - unlester
Summary: all the world’s a stage, and phil is just another set piece in dan’s life.
I’m a stitch away from making it (and a scar away from falling apart) - waverlysangels
Summary: Famous!Dan AU in which Dan is an up and coming indie singer and Phil is his longterm boyfriend stuggling to deal with the fame.
It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday - iwilliftheyinsist
Summary: Phil is having a hard time saying goodbye to Dan.
I’ve Fallen In Love With This Middle Ground At The Cost Of My Soul (ao3) - mitchell
Summary: The fic where Phil falls in love too late and has to deal with the consequences.
Just Tonight - extrememehowell
Summary: The one when Dan can’t fall in love, let alone let people into his life and Phil has different plans for him.
Reichenbach Phil (ao3) - SpacedOut
Summary: It was a normal day in the Life of Dan and Phil, until Phil decides to walk onto the balcony in the middle of a storm.
Sleep well Little Lion - sleepyphanfics
Summary: Dan came back from Germany, and Phil is happy because of that. But he hasn’t slept well since he has depression. And since they haven’t been together since Dan left, they have a whole afternoon together but Phil was too tired and depressed because he was up all the nights depressed or waiting for Dan to wake up and smile a little again.
Sometimes Cuddles Are Better Than Sex (ao3) - rossendalebabe
Summary: Phil is living in a sham relationship, where lack of affection is eating away at his confidence and self-worth, leaving him feel like an empty glass of nothingness. One night, someone walks into his life who appreciates the man he is.
The Pain in a Loss of Love - rickandvyvyan
Summary: Phil had always struggled with his self-confidence and image. It was hard for him to argue back to people and stand up for himself.
The Problem With Sleepovers - contentedlyconfused
Summary: Teenage FTM!Phil starts his period in the middle of the night, while sharing a bed with Dan - who doesn’t even know Phil is transgender.
Things Dan Must Do To Make Phil Happy (ao3) - ahlohomora
Summary: Phil's got a broken leg and a handy little notepad.
We’re Fading - phanisinlove
Summary: “’I want to tell I still love you. I still think about you every day, I still think about every day.’ He whispers through his tears. The hospital was alive around him, but it all was silent, like he muted the world, closed off from reality. He heard nurses and phones and lifts dinging around him. He breathed in and held it for a bit, calming him slightly.”
What A Headache (ao3) - artbyweb86
Summary: Phil suffers from a terrible migraine while Dan is away.
Woke Up an Optimist (ao3) - kcanwrite
Summary: It's been a week since their fight, and Dan & Phil still haven't spoken. When Dan comes home drunk, Phil decides tonight can be a momentary truce. As Dan sobers up, they talk through their issues. It results in happy makeup sex.
You’ll Always Be Sexy To Me - queen-of-the-otps
Summary: Phil feels a little sad and insecure because he thinks he’s too old to be considered sexy/hot. Dan expresses fondness and jokes with Phil making him feel better,
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sailor-brunette · 2 years
Tumblr media
Made my other Twisted Wonderland OC,Hikari Hoshino in the magical girl picrew. Complete with a fresh,new design. And yes,she’s paired with Leona Kingscholar. I’ll draw her once I’m able to. Along with a bunch of other stuff I need to draw. I miss drawing. T^T
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pheuthe · 8 years
atomwave drabble dump
@tkdgirl2012 thank you for the prompts! I’m not sure how the reply system works for posts, so I’m just gonna assume the reply to the OTP Prompt post that showed up in my Activities was meant for me - if not, I’m sorry for hoarding :’D actually no I’m not, I love atomwave so XD I already filled No. 17 for someone else, so... here go the 4 prompts you requested! :)
Mick hasn’t laughed this hard in ages. They still don’t know what exactly that yellow-tinged gas was, but they sure do know the effects it had on a certain scientist. 
“Stop laughing,” Ray snaps, sounding like an overgrown, frustrated chipmunk.
“Sure thing, Alvin,” Jax chortles. Ray opens his mouth, but then decides to stop giving them ammunition for more teasing and shuts up, crossing his arms over his chest. Even his huff sounds like he has inhaled half a tank of helium.
“Don’t mind the teasing, Haircut,” Mick snickers, “your voice is sexy.”
“Your ass is sexy,” Ray snaps back. 
Mick blinks.
The rest of the crew go silent, slowly turning to stare at Raymond, who turns an alarming shade of red.
“Shut up!” the man squeaks and scrambles off in the direction of medbay. His mortified look indicates that he probably wishes his condition is terminal.
Mick is still staring at the empty spot where a squeaky (hot) scientist used to be, when Sara speaks up.
“You gonna do something about that?” 
“None of your business,” he huffs, but he stalks off after Raymond anyway.
He’s probably gonna give Gideon five minutes to fix Haircut properly, though... chipmunks are really not Mick’s thing, at all.
Raymond’s been acting weird all day. 
He was okay in the morning, all bright smiles and easygoing attitude. Mick knows for a fact that breakfast wasn’t so bad, because he’s gotten better at not burning the eggs (or the toast or... anything). Raymond talked about the things he had to do at work today, and sure, when Mick went to give him his usual kiss goodbye as the man was leaving, Ray lingered for a moment or two, like he was expecting something, but he seemed alright, so Mick let it go.
He spent the day as always when he was off-duty - watching TV and lounging about, mostly. He even did the dishes and a load of laundry, so it couldn’t be the mess that was bothering Raymond when he came home. Dinner was pretty uneventful, except that Raymond kept twitching and spacing out. When he didn’t react to Mick’s suggestion they should get that fire pit for the backyard after all - a thing he’s been vehemently protesting ever since Mick first brought it up, right after they moved in - Mick had a feeling that something definitely wasn’t right.
And when Raymond slipped under the covers, turned off the lamp at his bedside and rolled away when Mick tried to touch him, Mick was one hundred percent positive.
He settled back into his heap of pillows and frowned at the line of Ray’s back, illuminated only by the lamp on Mick’s side.
“Wanna tell me what’s wrong?” he tried - he’s never been great at talking and Ray knew that, so usually, he went out of his way to voice what he was thinking. Mick really appreciated the blunt honesty, but he knew that sometimes, he could be insensitive (alright, most of the time) and that Ray couldn’t be expected to pick up the slack all the time.
When Ray didn’t answer, Mick propped his head up on his elbow and reached out to touch Ray’s shoulder. 
Ray pulled away, making a quiet sound that was neither a huff nor a sigh. Mick knew that Ray didn’t play the ‘silent treatment’ game out of pettiness, which meant he had to be genuinely hurt. Mick’s heart picked up the pace and he shifted closer, reaching for Ray again. This time, Ray let his hand rest against his shoulder, but he was tense under Mick’s touch.
“What’s wrong?” Mick asked again, genuinely worried. Ray mumbled something into his pillow, but it was too faint for Mick’s old ears to pick it up, so he plastered himself against Ray’s back and leaned over his shoulder.
“You wanna try that again?”
“You forgot about my birthday!” Ray twisted around, almost headbutting Mick in the process.
In all fairness, he probably would’ve deserved it. Mick winced at the words and frowned, swallowing his first comment, which was that birthdays were stupid and they were both too old to care anyway. Ray cared, and he never forgot to be extra attentive and do all the things Mick liked when it was the other way around. Thinking that he’s failed to show Ray that he cared just as much, maybe not about birthdays, but about Ray... that sucked. Big time.
“In my defense, I forget about a lot of things,” he tried - apologies were another thing he was lousy at. Sometimes, he wondered why Ray kept him around, after everything Mick’s done wrong. 
Ray’s expression softened a little, but it wasn’t his usual warmth that replaced the hurt grimace. Personally, Mick thought that the resignation that seeped into Ray’s features was far worse.
“I know it’s stupid,” Ray shook his head, bringing his hand up to rub it down his face, “and I know I shouldn’t care, I know that you’re not good with this kind of stuff-”
“I wanna be,” Mick grumbled. Yeah, he might not be great with birthdays and anniversaries and Christmas gifts and all that crap, but he wanted to make Ray smile, regardless of what the fucking calendar said. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Ray sighed, again - Mick was quickly coming to hate that sound. “It’s just... I don’t know. I thought you remembered. And I built it up in my head, I thought you were planning a surprise, that’s why you didn’t say anything in the morning, and then you didn’t and... just forget it. It’s not important.”
He made to turn around again, but Mick stopped him, with a quiet growl and a hand against Ray’s shoulder, holding him in place.
“Yeah, it is,” he huffed, “I’ll make it up to you, okay? Just gimme a day or two to come up with something good.”
For a moment, he thought Ray would say no - he had a way of doing that, discarding what was important to him in order to accommodate others. They were working on that, though... just as they were working on Mick being a thoughtless asshole, sometimes. 
Eventually, some of the shadows drained from Ray’s face and he smiled - genuinely, this time, with just a hint of that warmth that Mick loved seeing in his eyes.
“Alright. Just... please don’t steal it? I really don’t need anything big.”
Mick laughed and let his head drop against Ray’s shoulder, inhaling the familiar scent of the man he couldn’t imagine his life without, not after all this time.
“Then I’ll make you the best glitter glue card you’ve ever seen, just you wait.”
“Move!” Ray groans and pushes against Mick’s shoulders. Ray’s neither small nor weak, and he’s been getting better at fighting, but trying to move Mick when he’s still mostly asleep is like trying to move a mountain.
Mick doesn’t even seem to notice the pressure: he grumbles in his sleep like a disgruntled lion and stretches. His ribcage somehow pushes down on Ray’s bladder and makes him whine.
“Mick! Move!” he tries again, which results in more stretching - the pressure is relieved, just a little, but Ray really, really needs to get out of the bed. Bunk. Whatever the Waverider’s resting area is called. All Ray can think of, right now, is not wetting his pants like a nervous five-year-old.
Ray would swear to himself he’s never trying to drink beer at Mick’s pace again, except he’s made that exact oath in his head at least four times previously, and it never lasted.
“Mick,” he sighs, slapping at the man’s bare shoulder lightly. “I really need to get up. Move.”
“Why would I move if I’m so comfy where I am,” Mick mumbles, face half-mushed into Ray’s chest. He’s drooling a little, and Ray’s heart really shouldn’t melt at the sight of that, but it does. Mick apparently reverts to a vocabulary of a grade schooler when he’s sleepy (and possibly hung-over, which is a really interesting effect) and Ray loves hearing him say words like ‘comfy’, because nobody else gets to... but his melting heart does absolutely nothing for his bladder, so he struggles with Mick’s mostly dead weight and wiggles to the edge of the bed until he can slide from under the heavy lump of a man.
Mick growls something decidedly non-grade-school-appropriate, and Ray chuckles - it makes his bladder situation even more urgent and he marches to the bathroom as quickly as he can.
If he deliberately washes his hands in cold water just so he can press them against a warm, scarred back when he slips into the bed again... well, he can pull off an innocent face like nobody else.
"We bet, and you lost,” Mick crosses his arms over his chest. In all fairness, that chest is exactly what got Ray into this mess in the first place: high school football players should be banned from having chests like that, otherwise poor impressionable nerds like Ray are in great danger of making exactly these kinds of mistakes.
Ray gives the tattoo parlor another wary look, and tries his best pleading look. Not that it worked in the hour leading up to this moment.
“But tattoos are permanent,” he mumbles, and Mick raises an eyebrow.
“You shoulda thought about that before you made the bet, Pretty.”
Ray really, really should have. But it’s too late now... so he pushes the door open, wincing when the bell above the doorway reminds him that this is, indeed, happening.
“What in the name of- Rory? Palmer?”
The sound of his English teacher’s voice is really not what Ray was expecting to hear tonight, but he can’t say he regrets it when Mr. Clarke swings his legs off the leather chair and tugs his shirt down over what is shaping up to be a quite impressive... uh. Something. Ray’s in no state to be noticing details like that.
“What are you two doing here? And- are you drunk?!”
Ray winces at that, and attempts to hide behind Mick’s back. Considering that Mick’s had at least two more beers, it’s likely not doing much to save his reputation.
“I really thought you were better than that, Palmer,” Mr. Clarke frowns and points at the door. “Get out of here. And be glad that I won’t call your parents right away.”
They scramble out in record time - well, Ray does, and when he turns, Mick is following. 
The cool night air doesn’t do much to make Ray’s head spin any less, especially not when he sways and Mick wraps his beefy arm around Ray’s waist. Ray decides to take advantage of his drunk plausible deniability and leans into that impressive chest. 
“Sorry I couldn’t do it,” he mumbles - he’s really not, he did not want a tattoo of any kind, and definitely not any that Mick might choose for him. He’s more sorry that Mick will think he’s just a nerdy chicken now - which he is, but Mick probably won’t want to have anything to do with Ray if he knows that.
“Wouldn’t’ve let you do it anyway, Haircut,” Mick grumbles into his hair, and Ray only realizes then that they’ve stopped still, standing in the middle of the quiet street and... hugging. And Mick’s not moving away. Wow. Ray’s heart does a leap in his chest, and he dares to look up, just a little. 
“Yeah. Just wanted to... dunno. Y’know. Be alone. With you. And shit.”
As far as confessions go, this definitely ranks at the very bottom of the list. And yet, Ray can’t remember any words that would’ve made him happier in his life. He smiles, bright and goofy - because he’s always goofy, and nerdy and awkward and a little too loud, and he can get lost in his research and actually likes schoolwork... but Mick knows all of this about him, and he still wanted, really, truly wanted, to be alone with Ray.
If that’s not true love, then Ray doesn’t know what is.
“Yeah,” he says, and then realizes that Mick hasn’t actually said anything - it makes him blush in embarrassment, and then Mick looks down at him and his lips twitch, like he’s trying to smile, and Ray’s heart nearly jumps out through his throat. For a second, he thinks Mick is going to kiss him, and his stomach twists with anxiety and with the hope that despite the beer he’s had, he will remember tomorrow-
But Mick just brushes Ray’s hair out of his eyes and sighs.
“C’mon then, Haircut... I’ll take you home.”
Maybe, just maybe, Ray deliberately points Mick towards a longer route, just so he can lean against that chest for a while longer. He’s pretty sure Mick knows that, too, but he never says a word.
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witcherfic · 4 years
TheMarvelousMadMadamMim April 23, 2020 at 10:13AM
by TheMarvelousMadMadamMim
Eist knows it's always only been a matter of time before he returned to find someone else in his wife's bed.
Words: 2519, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Calanthe Fiona Riannon, Eist Tuirseach, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
Relationships: Calanthe Fiona Riannon/Eist Tuirseach
Additional Tags: Pre-Series, otps being soft grandparents, home coming, Surprises
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sailor-brunette · 2 years
Hikari (OC): Y'know,I thought today was gonna be a good day. 
Hikari: I'm in this magical world. With this cool magic school. 
Hikari: I got to break shit. You know how often I get to break shit?!
Leona: You always break shit! 
Hikari: I mean intentionally!
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