#OTMA enhanced
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~ OTMA Enhanced ~
Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia Nikolaevna posing with their newly shaved heads, product of the Measles, Tsarskoe Selo 1917
Enhanced by me :)
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Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia Nikolaevna posing for their last formal photo session, 1916.
Photo enhanced by me. Requested by @glitterofthepast​. (Download)
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OTMA with shaved heads, 1917
“Now we four shaved our heads because our hair had fallen out terribly after our measles. More than half of Maria's hair had fallen out it is a horror but now we feel [more] comfortable.”
— letter from Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna to Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna, July 20th 1917 (o.s), Tsarskoe Selo
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Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei Nikolaevich
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Enhanced +colorized photo of OTMA 1903
By me
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The Romanov sisters how was their relationship with their mother Alexandra Feodorovna tzarina of Russia?
OTMA had very similar but very different relationships with their mother Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna. Let’s get into it!
Olga, as we know, was a very emotional person. When she was a child, she got along with her mother and respected her rules. But as she was maturing into a teenager, she thought that those rules were very frustrating and she didn’t agree with them. Also, Alexandra didn’t like how Olga had many outbursts and how she “didn’t fulfill her role as the oldest daughter”. This stiffened the relationship between the two of them and it never really got better as time went on. Olga much preferred her father over her mother when she was a young adult, but she always felt sympathy for her mother’s poor health and she always tried to help, but i think she always felt overshadowed by her mother’s relationship with her younger siblings. Don’t get me wrong, Alexandra loved all of her children VERY much but not every relationship is perfect. Olga had a lot of ups and downs with her mother but they always loved each other no matter what and stuck by each other until the end.
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Tatiana by far had the best relationship with her mother out of all of OTMA. Tatiana was very patient and understanding and those traits helped enhance ther relationship between her and her mother. Alexandra didn’t have very good health sometimes because of her sciatic nerve and heart pain. In Alexandra’s mind Tatiana was the child that understood the pain the best. And she wasn’t wrong! Because of having her mother absent a lot, i think that Tatiana was kind of like a second mother to the younger children. She was nicknamed “the governess” because of organized personality. Throughout Tatiana’s whole life, she had an amazing relationship with her mother that stayed strong till the end of their lives. Some people even think that Tatiana was Alexandra’s favorite child too!
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Maria’s relationship with her mother was a very normal mother-daughter relationship. They always got along and they were very kind to each other. A sweet thing about their relationship was that when Alexandra was stuck in bed because of her health, Maria (and all of the daughters) wrote letters to her mother and her mother write back! In one letter, Maria wrote to Alexandra asking when for Olga to get her own room but really Olga was orchestrating the whole thing and forced Maria to do it for her. If you read their correspondence, you can see that Alexandra was extremely sweet to Maria and that she loved her very much.
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Anastasia’s relationship with her mom was very much like Maria’s but with a little more spice! As we all know, Anastasia was a goofball and she liked to play jokes and pranks and make funny faces. Sometimes those jokes went a bit too far so Alexandra had to scold her a little bit. Anastasia was Alexandra’s youngest daughter and i think she was an absolute delight to Alexandra. She might’ve had to get scolded a million times or get bossed around by her mother but that definitely did not harm the relationship between the two.
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Thank you for asking me this question!!! It was so fun to answer!!!
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Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia Nikolaevna and Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich photographed during The White Flower Day charity event, 1914.
Photos enhanced by me. (Download)
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Need your opinions!
Hey guys! so I’ve started a little project a month ago I would really like to know your opinions on this! Ever since discovering the app Remini I’ve been able to enhance photos of the Imperial family and I’ve been really enjoying seeing their photos become higher quality. So I was thinking that maybe I could enhance all of (or 99%) their formal portraits, starting from Nicholas and Alexandra’s childhood portraits to OTMA’s last portraits taken in 1916. Then I will upload them to my enhanced folder on mega and you guys will be able to download them and use them for your colouring/edit resources. 
For me personally besides them being enhanced it will also just be great for simply finding a certain formal portrait for posting or editing. As it can become time consuming looking for a specific portrait in the best quality possible. I have some years completely finished and have included source lists in the folders of where I found them. 
Here are three examples: 
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So would anyone here be interested in this? I would really appreciate your opinions on this! You can message privately if you don’t like replying publicly. I might consider creating a webpage for this specifically or uploading them to a different site but I’m not sure yet, I’m also open to suggestions :) 
Thank you for reading,
- Emma 
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After seeing many “clear” photos of OTMA recently, I decided to try it out for myself. The app is called Remini - photo enhancer and is currently only available on mobile. I choose formal photos of the Imperial children that are still not available in high quality and I’m pretty pleased with the result! I will be doing more photos as soon as possible.
Special thanks to @princesselisabethofhesse​ for letting me know what the app was called! :) 
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