#OTHER: AyaOgerpon
aro-pokeverse · 4 months
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Your local gremlin Oger.
Happy birthday, @asktheoger!
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aro-pokeverse · 9 months
(@asktheoger) Aya @ Sylvia "You look a little sad...." Aya tells the Sylveon. "Are you okay? Are you lonely? I can be your friend if you need one!!"
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Kitie is always late for the parties and that's her bad luck for life, haha...
Sylvia then looks at the Ogerpon with a very smiley look.
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Wow, I've never seen a human... or it was a Pokémon... like ya before. I'm gonna introduce myself. I'm Sylvia, what's yours, little miss?
[ @asktheoger ]
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aro-pokeverse · 9 months
(Response) @asktheoger
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Sylvia is a bit surprised that she met a Pokémon that does not know the word "Pokémon".
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T-they are creatures, like us... I mean there's variety of them. Animals, living plants, fish, rocks, etc. Even the human-made, Ultra Beasts, and Paradoxes count as the one. I-I mean you might met them, yeah? Besides me of course.
She calms down afterwards.
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Oh, Aya, what a nice name. Also, an Ogerpon, hmm... Seems we have a legend about a red Ogerpon in Kitakami instead of green. There were rumors that is the descendant of the original Ogerpon who was passed away many years ago.
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I-I mean this is mere legend... But, I guess I'm happy to see the one - though you don't look like described in the pictures. The humans in Kitakami believed that she was terrifying ogre and the Loyal Three - Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti saved the land from her. But it's actually the other way around.
She has a bit curious look on her face.
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Say, are the Loyal Three your dads? I think it would be logical conclusion since they all male only.
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