#OS Maps review
You said you wouldn’t do this... *Shakes head at the 75,000 tabs I have open in the browser*
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manonamora-if · 1 year
October Check-In
September passed wayyyy too fast again, and almost all my efforts went into completing the DOL-OS remaster. And finishing strong by catching the FLU :D /s
You know the drill... long post ahead:
Recap of last month's progress
Recap of last week's stuff
Other IF stuff done or in the works
Other IF events
Plan for October
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September progress
The plan for last month was to:
continue to play and review games ✅ (just a few tho...)
finish the DOL-OS remaster ✅✅✅ just in time! also needed one more week from the planned date to finish it properly
continue a WIP or fix another semi-completed game: 😐 (see this week's progress)
add another block to the SugarCube Guide: ❌ (was planning to, but the illness)
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Last Week's progress
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I pulled myself to the finish line by the hair at the end buuuut...
It's now beautiful, bug free (i hope), with new content, and translated into English! First completed in a month, remastered almost within a month too!
If you liked it, consider leaving a little rating? or a comment?
Even if you don't care to play it, at least open the game once to check out the loading page :P
Also I have:
redone the intro post (if you could share it around, that'd be lovely)
wrote the extensive dev log
updated the Projects Status page
added the OG Comp Version of the source code on my GitHub
uploaded the OG Comp Version on the IFArchive (processing)
Unless there are raised bugs, this game is also going into the SHELF!
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As mentioned in last Sunday's check in, I've gotten the new draft from MelS. It's over 20k words...
So I'm back to editing the file, going through the text and leaving comments. I was about 1/4 through before the illness arrived.
And MelS is continuing making progress on the final chapter in the meantime.
We've also been discussing the future release(s) and potential need for rewrite of the first chapters. MelS style had changed a bit, and he is worried the first chapters are too drastically different from the later ones. We might even get a few beta readers before the final release...
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In my plan for September, I mentioned La Petite Mort to be probably the next remaster project I tackle on, with a potential translation release for the EctoComp.
I checked with the rules: translations are considered new works. 🥳 So we are looking at an EctoComp deadline, which is in a month.
So this week, I've gone through the code and:
mapped out the new map of the game (which will include more rooms)
listed the characters/NPC (a few new ones)
listed the different mechanics to (re-)code (esp the inventory)
listed the endings available (currently about 7, 2 are early endings)
listed the beats and actions for each room (more animal petting!)
The plan is to, in order:
Correct the current French writing
Add the new content (in French - about double what there is rn)
Re-code the game (+ accessibility settings)
Upload the French Remaster
Translate the Game into English
Add the translation inside the code
Submit to the EctoComp (depending on how long this takes, maybe I can achieve the La Petite Mort category again :P)
I'll also need to:
update the itch page of the game (right now it's too bland)
update the intro post of the game
Unsure yet:
add sound effect and background music...
Most importantly, the game is rated PG and will stay PG. It has some horror-y element, but more of the Hocus Pocus/Terry Pratchett kind than say... Saw or any Halloween slasher.
I will be taking down the itch page of the game closer to the reupload to check everything is in order.
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With the IFComp starting soon, expect review over at @manonamora-if-reviews. Last year I managed about 30 before I tapped out (and I had submitted something). Let's see how I do this year!
I would like to try to knock a InkJam + Bare-Boned Jam + EctoComp (mini) entry at the end of October, since the theme of the Ink Jam is revealed at the start of the jam (23rd). One stone, two three birds and all that. And maybe revisit a short story I wrote when I was younger as a base... 🤔
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IF Events!!
October is filled with IF events, so this will be quite a list:
the voting period of the IFComp starts on October 1st until mid November. I think there are expecting over 50 games? I recommend waiting one-two days before voting, as there are often 1st day bug fixes (speaking from experience).
the Bare-Bones Jam organised by @neointeractives starts on October 1st and runs until the end of the month! It is unranked.
the EctoComp, the spooky IF ranked jam, starts on October 1st and ends on the 28th. There are two categories, and you can also submit in French or Spanish!
the InkJam is a 3-day ranked jam at the end of October, with a theme!
You'll be able to vote for the Spooktober entries in a few hours.
SeedComp! has started again, see @seedcomp-if (we've updated/cleared up some rules)
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The PLAN tm for October
Play and review more IF games: this one is kinda done before it started because of the IFComp. Also, someone submitted a few games. And there are a bunch on my To Play list both on the IFDB, itch, and the MOIKI Social Club.
finish the La Petite Mort remaster: I think I should be ok? The original LPM was done in 4h (in chunks over a week or so). I plan to essentially double the content, and fix coding issue. I don't really have to worry about the UI at all with this one.
either continue a WIP or fix another semi-completed game: that will be a check mark if MelS and I can make some good progress on the editing.
maybe try to add another block to the SugarCube Guide? I still have a list I could check down... Same with a template. It will heavily depend on the time I have.
(and maybe do an extra French entry for the EctoComp)
Taking the list of August...
To-Do not require much of new stuff:
translate Escape Goncharov! into French. ✅
fix the bugs in EDOC + overall the French version to match
fix the bugs of TRNT + find a way to add the missing pieces (mayyyybe translate into French?)
fix the formatting of DOL-OS + translate into English ✅
update LPM with the missing content + translate into English ✅ (ongoing)
The rest of the To-Do pile:
Finish The Rye in the Dark City (and maybe translate?)
Finish P-Rix - Space Trucker (and try to translate)
Finish Exquisite Cadaver (translation unlikely, current gameplay too complex to port for French)
Add a chapter to CRWL + fix/reopen the blog
Re-working TTTT to its originally planned state (lol, not likety)
Re-working SPS Iron Hammer (samesies)
Coding TTATEH (MelS dependent - shooting for end of year)
Emptying my inboxes
(I am pretty sure the focus for the rest of the year will be to finish the first list. With the addition of a few more small jam entries.)
And that about covers it!
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
Hi pio. Can you recommend horse games I caught the horse girl virus 🥳
!!! Let me direct you to the wonderful site The Mane Quest, which is a resource SPECIALIZING in categorizing HUNDREDS of horse games!!!
Their mane (lmfao) site is very useful for judging quality of games and reading up on horse news in gaming (a surprisingly rich topic!), but they also have a full database with publishing info, platforms, gameplay genres, etc. of quite literally any game that has a horse in it (the LEGO hobbit game is on there even)
In terms of games I've personally played, my options have been sadly limited because I have a cringefail Mac OS laptop : -( But as you can see, I do play Horse Reality very often (check out #scum horse chronicles if you want to see more) and have been playing Star Stable frequently as well.
I would recommend both of them, but Horse Reality just a bittt more because it's very free to play whereas SSO is ngl rather money sucking (it's an open world 3D MMO but the majority of the map is locked behind membership subscription or a very costly one-time payment, there's paid premium currency that you need to use to buy horses, etc.). However, SSO is fully free to play for a week and there's a few codes floating around that you can use to get freemium membership up to a point (probably about a month) if you need more time to try it out, so it doesn't hurt to just check it out imo!
If you like retro games there's like a metric fuckton of shitty Nintendo DS horse raising games that you can find ROMs for super easy as well! My personal favorite as a kid was Pony Luv, which has like 4 functions, some of the worst 3D horse models ever created, and about 30 minutes of mindnumbing gameplay. Absolutely loved that shit. Actually I'm gonna charge up my DS and go play it again right now
Hope this helps! I've also heard great things about the Barbie games, particularly Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus, which has its own speedrun category. If you're into pro gaming.
As always, if my followers have anything to add, please drop it below to help this poor infected creature (and also me)!!
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theinkedfoxsl · 1 year
I sit down in your inbox and begin making horrible sounds coughing up a hairball. sory.
Papers, Please is a single player puzzle simulation game originally released in August 2013 for Microsoft Windows and OS X, and Linux in February 2014, and iOS in December 2014, and PS Vita announced in August 2014 and released December 2017 (what a wait time... I'd start biting off my own arm) and for Android and a new port for iOS in August 2022.
The preface of the game is Player becoming a border crossing immigration officer at Grestin Border Checkpoint in 1982 Arstotzka, which is like. a dystopian Eastern Bloc-like country. Which is not on good political terms with its neighboring countries. Player is. well the immigration officer at a migration checkpoint. Player must review each person's passports and supporting documents/paperwork (which becomes more elaborate and tedious as the game goes on) and decide whether to let approve or deny entry. You also have to make sure you have enough money so you/your family doesn't freeze/starve to death :3 Essentially reviewing paperwork for fun. It sounds so incredibly tedious Looking at this game isn't enough I need to print it out and eat it (/positive).
At the start of the game, Arstotzka has recently ended like. a 6? year war with the neighboring country, Kolechia. But like. Not On Great Terms With Everyone. High political tension. lemme get a map hang on
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I hold this up to you. Also listing all the issuing cities plus Arstotzka's districts The issuing cities must be valid and sometimes the districts are relevant :3
Issuing Cities
East Grestin
Orvech Vonor
St. Marmero
Outer Grouse
Yurko City
West Grestin
True Glorian
United Federation
Great Rapid
Korista City
As the days go on, you get a bunch of tools to help determine if all documents are in order. In addition to accepting or denying entry, you can also detain people, such as wanted criminals, terrorists, smugglers, and people with forged/stolen documents, or paperwork that is otherwise invalid.
Every in-game day, Player is given specific rules on what documentation is required for entrance and other miscellaneous rules for entry. Which. Grow progressively more complex as the days go on :3
I believe? You get paid $5 based on how many people you let in, and get two warnings and after that, fined $5 for every person you let in with incorrect/missing paperwork or person you deny with correct paperwork.
At the beginning of the game, it briefly explains the background leading up to the first day. Player receives a letter stating that their name was pulled in the October labor lottery (1982), and they are to report to the Ministry of Admission at Grestin Border Checkpoint immediately. Player and their family will be provided with a class-8 apartment in East Grestin.
The game starts on November 23, 1982. The first day conditions are Entrants must have a passport and Entry is restricted to returning Arstotzkan citizens; Deny all foreigners.
On the first day, the inspector's booth is equipped with the audio transcript, scale monitor, the lines on the back wall to check height, rulebook, time and date, and bulletin storage, as well as the shutter switch and the counter. You begin calling people to the inspection booth by clicking the announcement button :3 and greets each entrant with "Papers, please." (roll credits)
Day 1, pretty boring. All of the documentation that appears on this day is correct.
Rent is $20, plus heat $10, and food $5 for everyone living (you start with 4, so $20, Inspector's wife, son, mother-in-law, and uncle). Rent is non-negotiable, but you can choose not to get heat or food for a bit ^^ but if you do this too often your family will get sick and die. You can provide them with medicine ($5) if they get sick.
Day 2, Inspection hardware is now installed, so you can click a button to ask entrants about discrepancies. Foreigners are allowed entry now, Entrants must have a passport, and all documents must be current.
Here is where you start getting incorrect information on passports. You get fined $15 for every entrant you let in with incorrect paperwork, notified by a pink slip that prints a few moments once you've let them in
The day is cut short by a terrorist attack. One terrorist and one guard are killed.
Day 3, Foreigners must have a valid entry ticket (date). This is the date you first meet the reoccurring character Jorji Costava, which is the 8th entrant. He shows up without a passport and you have to deny him entry.
Day 4, In addition to the above, Arstotzkan citizens must have an ID card, Foreigners required to have an entry permit (name, passport number, purpose, duration, date), entry tickets are no longer sufficient. This date you begin having discrepancies with entrant statements and must begin using the audio transcript, and you are able to verify fingerprints. Rent has increased to $20 at the end of the day.
Jorji returns with a crudely forged passport and no entry permit.
Day 5, Rules stay the same. Player is given a list of wanted criminals and is able to detain criminals and people with incorrect paperwork (or can simply deny them). Booth upgrade available at the end of the day, Space key to toggle inspect, $5
3rd entrant is Vince Lestrade, who is on the wanted criminals list, for allegedly killing his girlfriend in "jealous rage".
8th and 9th entrant are Pyotr and Katya Vostok. They are a married couple fleeing from Antegria as she will be killed for an unspecified reason. Pyotr has correct paperwork, but Katya is missing an entry permit. If allowed in, Katya will give Player a token needed for an achievement, and Player will get a citation. If denied she will return to the Antegrian side of the checkpoint.
Day 6, Same as above, but workers must have a work pass.
2nd entrant slips Player a note when leaving, explaining that a man named Dari Ludum will likely force her and her sister to work at a brothel, and is in line today. She asks for Player to do something.
5th entrant is Jorji. He returns with a valid passport but without an entry permit.
7th entrant is Dari Ludum. Denying him entrance will result in a citation because all of his paperwork is correct.
9th entrant will have correct documentation, but will end the day short with a terrorist attack. They are Kolechian.
Day 7, Same as above, but all Kolechians must be searched before entry. Anyone concealing weapons or contraband must be denied or detained.
7th entrant, Shaddy Safadi is carrying contraband. They will bribe Player with 10 credits if approved, but Player will receive a citation.
Day 8, Automatic searches for Kolechians no longer authorized. A Kolechian diplomat will arrive that day. Diplomats only require a passport and valid diplomatic authorization (name, passport number, country's diplomatic seal) to enter. Booth upgrade available, Tab key to toggle stamper, $5.
3rd entrant Jorji returns with an entry ticket and a valid passport.
5th entrant is EZIC messenger. They give Player a note with the EZIC symbol on one size and the name Corman Drex on the back and leave.
9th entrant is Corman Drex. Her paperwork is correct. Player may choose to give her the EZIC note, and will signify Player's cooperation with EZIC moving forward
Day 9, Undercover agent of the Ministry of Information has been compromised. Ministry of Admissions has offered services as liason, expect a possible drop later that day.
1st entrant is Calensk, a guard. He explains he gets a bonus for detaining people, and will give Player 5 credits for every 2 people they detain.
Corman Drex will return on this day. If Player did not give her the note the previous day, Player will give it to her now. She gives Player a note explaining EZIC is a group rebelling against Arstotzkan government. After returning the note, she leaves a cipher behind.
Day 10, Divisional authority of East Grestin operations,  will visit at the beginning of the day.
1st entrant is Dimitri, the MOA supervisor. He will take note of Player's current number of citations and give a plaque to hang on the wall and state he will be returning in 10 days.
EZIC messenger returns with a decoder for the cipher. They tell Player to let an EZIC agent through the next day, and the cipher reads the name Stephani Griare.
Day 11, In addition to above rules, Arstotzkan seals may be correct. May choose to receive EZIC gift at the end of the day, $1000, mor leave it unchecked and burn it. Booth upgrade available, rulebook shortcuts, $5
Jorji returns with correct paperwork, however makes a comment that implies the paperwork is most definitely forged. If Player approves his passport, he will give Player a(n Oberstan?) pin and Player will not receive a citation. Player can also reject or detain him with interrogation.
Calensk returns with $5 if you detain 2 or more people. Regardless of how high the number is. The max is $5
6th entrant Mikhail Saratov. His paperwork is incorrect. Player can approve him to follow EZIC interaction routes and get a citation, or deny him and later receive a note from EZIC messenger later that day.
EZIC messenger will with a note if Mikhail is denied. First agent was denied, the next will come in 3 days, and to let him in.
Day 12, same rules as above. Day is cut short by a terrorist attack. Class-7 apartment is available, $100 (rent $30 heat $10). May choose to receive or burn another EZIC gift, $2000.
1st entrant is M. Vonel, the MOI investigator. He warns Player of EZIC, and to report any activity related to them immediately.
4th entrant is Messof Anegovych. His paperwork is correct. He asks Player to hand out business cards to any engineers they see, and leave them 4 business cards.
Day 13, Foreigners must also have an ID supplement (height, weight, description characteristic, thumbprint, date), in addition to the above.
2nd entrant Calensk. If Player has detained 4 entrants before day 11 and another 4 entrants between day 11 and 13, Player will receive $10. If player does not detain 4+ entrants before both days, the maximum on day 13 will be $5
6th entrant is Filipe Hasse. He is a football player for the Arstotzkan Arskickers and is missing his ID card, claiming it was stolen in the locker room. Filipe gives Player a pennant for the Arstotzkan Arskickers to bribe them into approving him (which would result in a citation lmao) and regardless of approved/denied, Player keeps the pennant and can hang it on their back wall.
Day 14, Daily bulletin has added the faces of the top 3 most wanted international criminals. Booth upgrade available, double click for quick inspect, $5. 
7th entrant is Nathan Cykelek. He gives Player two passports with similar information but differing names and, after realizing his mistake, asks for the documents back. If approved, Player will receive a citation. Player can also deny or detain him with no consequence, and is the only occurrence in the game where Player can return documents without stamping anything.
9th entrant is Stephani Graire, the EZIC agent mentioned in the cipher given on day 8/9 and decoder on day 10. They do not have the correct documents, but will need to be let in for ending 19 and Player will receive a citation. However, this will prevent Player from getting ending 20. If accepted and player accepted either EZIC gift money, Player will have the money seized but no further consequences. If denied and Player has accepted either gift, they will reach an ending at the beginning of day 15.
Day 15, same rules as above.
2nd entrant will place a bomb on the counter and leave. Calensk will appear after they have left and guide Player through disabling the bomb. Calensk will take the bomb and day will continue as normal. What a guy.
EZIC messenger returns and asks for the cipher and decoder back. 
Day 16, Player will receive a key to unlock the tranquilizer gun once an alarm has been raised. Player will receive a $20 bonus for stopping any trespassers, and a $10(?) bonus for firing at and missing. Day is cut short by a terrorist attack.
1st entrant is Calensk. If 1-3 entrants have been detained, Player will receive 10 credits for the bonus and the bomb parts. If 4+ entrants have been detained, Player will receive 15 credits. Calensk will no longer be visiting, but Player will continue to be paid the correct amount ($5 for every 2 people rounded down) for detaining every other night.
4th entrant is a Kolechian that needs a surgery outlawed in Kolechia. They are missing paperwork, but will bribe Player with 10 credits. If approved, Player will receive a citation.
6th entrant is Messof Anegovych. If all four of his business cards have been handed out, he will give player an Arstotzka pin and 20 credits. His paperwork is correct.
Day 17, same as above. If player’s son is still alive, his birthday is in 2 days.
1st entrant is Sergiu Volda. He mentions coming from Nirsk, as does Player. He can be differentiated from other guards, as his sprite is green rather than blue. He promises to do his best to protect Player, and leaves. NOTE: if player fails to neutralize trespassers quickly enough, Sergiu will die. Lmao.
9th entrant is Marie Escalli. She has incomplete paperwork, but is revealed as an EZIC operative if a decoder is aligned over her passport. If approved, she will say that the man in red is not a threat, and Player will receive 20 credits at the end of the day, but will also receive a citation.
Day 18, All denials must be accompanied by a Reason For Denial stamp. To stamp this, Player must interrogate them first, and then the stamp will appear. Day is cut short by a terrorist attack. RESTATING that if Player does not shoot him fast enough then Sergiu will die. I’m very emotionally invested in him. NPCs. You understand. Player’s son’s birthday is tomorrow. He wants one of those 128 pack crayons with the sharpener on the back, $25.
Day 19, Deny all entrants from Impor, in addition to above. If Player’s son is alive and Player gives him the fancy crayons for his birthday, Player’s son will give him a drawing to take to work with him to hang on the wall.
1st entrant, if Sergiu lives through the terrorist attack on day 18. He thanks Player and mentions his aim is not as good as it used to be, and leaves. 
Female entrant (not 10000% sure on the number here) claims to have known Player’s father. Her paperwork is correct, I’m pretty sure.
Jorji returns with contraband. Jorji offers to give Player 10 credits if they let him through. Player is able to detain him. He makes a don’t do drugs kids comment if you deny/detain him. <3 What a guy. I’m drawing hearts on him with a sharpie.
Day 20, Imporians will be allowed entrance again. 
1st entrant, the MOA supervisor returns. He’ll yell at you if you don’t have the plaque he gave you on day 10 hanging up, or if you have other shit on your wall (e.g. the pennant, Son’s drawing). He will comment on the number of citations Player has received thus far. He will give a second plaque. He says someone named Shae Piersovska is coming through that day, and to let her in.
EZIC messenger returns and gives Player a note. An assassin named Khaled Istom will be coming from Antegria. They give Player a slip with a poison powder.
9th entrant is Khaled Istom. His paperwork is correct. Poisoning him will count towards ending 19 and immediately rules out ending 20. Denying him entry without killing him leads to a citation. Denying him after poisoning him will lead to several entrants in line collapsing and coughing up blood. Approving him after poisoning him will cause him to take a few steps before collapsing and coughing up blood, none of the guards are injured.
Day 21, Grant Of Asylum is introduced. Entrants with this grant do not need an entry permit or ID supplement. The day is cut short by a terrorist attack (from the Arstotzkan side this time!!!!) and one of the guards (NOT SERGIU) is killed (but Sergiu may still die if u miss lmao). Player’s sister has been arrested and her daughter needs a home. Player may adopt her for $40, which will also add $5 to food. If Danic is detained, the watch will be automatically sold for $10.
6th entrant is Danic Lorun. He is missing documents but says he will return in 3 days with correct papers. He offers a digital watch for Player to hold onto for collateral. Player can either give the watch back and deny him, or keep it and either approve or detain him. If Player detains him, the watch will automatically be sold at the end of the day. If approved, there will be an opportunity to sell the watch on days 22 and 23 for $10. He will return on day 23 for the watch. He will give 10 credits in exchange for the watch, but will demand the credits back because of a scratch. If detained, Player can keep the money. If given back, he will give a Republia pin. Wow such a long paragraph it’s bc I don’t want to come back and talk about him again.
Day 22, same as above. If adopted, Niece will give Player $100 from her mother’s savings.
1st entrant is Sergiu if he lives through the previous day’s attack. He reveals he was stationed in Kolechia for 5 years.
Jorji returns with contraband, even if detained on day 19. Interaction is the same as day 19.
4th entrant is Filipe Hasse. His paperwork is correct. He gives Player $10 as a bribe and asks for the pennant back. Player can either give it back or detain him. You need either the Arskickers pennant, the Son drawing, or Player’s Wife to live until day 29 to get ending 11.
Day 23, same as above. In the line, you can see a person with a red sprite. Day is cut short by a terrorist attack. Player may either use the gold key and shoot the terrorist or the silver key and shoot the man in red. If Player shoots him, they will reach an ending and either be sentenced to death or forced labor, and that night an EZIC messenger will slip a note under their cell door telling them that EZIC will go into hiding and their family escaped safely.
2nd entrant is EZIC messenger. They give a note with instructions to kill Khaled Istom, the man in red, and give a silver key. 
Day 24, confiscate all passports belonging to Arstotzkan citizens from Atlan district. Entry is permitted if no other rules are violated.
EZIC messenger will update on the situation if the man in red survives.
Jorji returns with correct paperwork and without contraband, but his face is on the wanted list. Player can detain him. Again.
Day 25, in addition to above, deny all entrants from United Federation.
1st entrant is Sergiu if he is still alive. He explains that a girl he met in Kolechia during the war, Elisa, is coming to Arstotzka. He misses her very much and asks Player to let her in. He leaves Player with a locket with a photo of Elisa. Inside the locket there’s a note, “To Sergiu from your Elisa. I love you always.” 
7th entrant is a depressed Kolechian. Player may give him the love note received from entrant 5 earlier that day (who gave it as bribery to Player as they had incorrect documentation. Very silly. Icon has a heart on the front. Reads “You are hot like fire. Object of desire. Wrap my heart in wire. Approve my visa.” With silly little doodles to go with each line.) In return, entrant 7 will give Player the Kolechia pin.
9th entrant is Shae Piersovska, mentioned by the MOA supervisor on day 20. Her paperwork is incorrect, but detaining her will lead to ending 12. Denying her will make the supervisor angry and approving her will lead to a citation. Overall no effect on gameplay.
Day 26, All entrants must carry an in-date vaccine certification (name, passport number, vaccines, date of vaccines), and United Fed. entrants are permitted entry with the certification. The day is cut short by a terrorist attack from both sides of the border, 2 from East Grestin and 1 from West Grestin.
3rd entrant is Elisa Katsenja, regardless of whether Sergiu is alive. Today is her 20th birthday btw (Dec. 18 1982) but it’s not explicitly brought up. It’s on her passport though. lmao. She is missing documentation but asks about Sergiu. She begs them to let her through because her family is gone and Sergiu is all she has left.
(splitting this up bc there’s a lot here sorry) If Sergiu is dead, Player will tell her that and Elisa will walk back to the West Grestin side of the border even if her passport is approved. 
If Sergiu is alive and Player approves her, she and Sergiu will have this really cute reunion animation. I don’t cry every time I think about it I promise (<lying) 
Player can choose whether or not to return the locket to Elisa, and she will not mention it regardless. If Player does not return it, Sergiu will return to take it the next day. If Elisa is approved and Sergiu survives the attack, Sergiu will be reassigned and Elisa will give Player 100 credits. Oh. Also. Player will still get a citation for approving her. The playthrough I’m watching denied Elisa so I’m sad a very normal amount. Btw her dialogue after getting denied is “I am denied? I understand. Please, tell Sergiu I will always love him. We will be together in another life.”
Day 27, Entry Permit and ID Supplement have been replaced by an Access Permit.
7th entrant is Kordon Kallo. Diplomat. If approved, Player may confiscate his passport to give to Kordon Kallo Impersonator to support EZIC. Regardless of confiscation, Impersonator will be entrant 9. If denied, Impersonator will not show.
Day 28, confiscate all Arstotzkan passports. Do not confiscate foreign passports. Day is cut short by a terrorist attack, one from the Arstotzkan side of the border. The MOI confiscated Player’s family’s passports.
Day 29, Government workers will be subjected to thorough information audit. Involvement with unauthorized groups is grounds for immediate arrest. Player’s audit is on December 24th (which would be day 32). Player’s Wife found an old family photo. Player can escape to Oberstan by themself.
1st entrant is the MOI guy again. Idk. He says nothing important.
Jorji returns and suggests to forge passports and flee to Oberstan with his family. To do this, Player must provide enough confiscated Oberstan passports for them and their family, along with $25 per person. Jorji gives Player his passport (you can’t refuse btw) (you get a citation for this regardless of whether you accept or deny him for unauthorized confiscation) and he asks for his flyer back.
8th entrant is an unnamed man (labeled vengeful father). He gives Player a photo of his daughter, Julia, and explains that the man who killed her, Simon Wenz, will be passing through on day 30, and to confiscate his passport so he can kill him. If Player does, he will give player a United Federation pin and the next day on the news, the murderer was found dead in a “confusing mess” ^w^
Day 30, same as above
1st entrant is the MOA supervisor again. He comments on the citations but no more plaques.
3rd entrant Simon Wenz. He is on the wanted criminal list. Player can either detain him or confiscate his passport and let him through and help Vengeful Father.
Vengeful Father returns and Player can give him the confiscated passport, but must confiscate it again since it’s Arstotzkan and let him through. If not, he walks away.
Day 31, final day. MOA is considering closing the checkpoint soon. The day is cut short by a terrorist attack. A car drives in from East Grestin, killing 1 guard. There are two terrorists in total.
Jorji returns for the final time. He does not have any paperwork, but he thanks Player and gives them $40 and leaves.
Holy fuck okay that was long so sorry anyways the endings
Ending 1 - Player goes into debt.
Ending 2 - Everyone in Player’s family dies.
Ending 3 - On day 12, if Player gives the MOI person the EZIC cipher and decoder from days 8/9 and 10, Player is arrested for associating with suspicious groups. The MOI will perform an audit on Player’s recent activity
Ending 4 - Discrepancy with finances. On day 11 or 12, if either gift is accepted and Player does not allow the agent to enter on day 14, MOI will arrest Player at the beginning of the 5th day.
Ending 5 - If Player shoots a civilian during a terrorist attack with a sniper rifle.
Ending 6 - If Player shoots a civilian during a terrorist attack with a tranquilizer.
Ending 7 - If Player shoots a guard during a terrorist attack with a sniper rifle.
Ending 8 - If Player shoots a guard during a terrorist attack with a tranquilizer.
Ending 9 - If Player shoots the man in red with a sniper rifle while EZIC creates a diversion.
Ending 9 - If Player shoots the man in red with a tranquilizer while EZIC creates a diversion.
Ending 11 - There are items hanging on the wall other than the plaque when the MOA supervisor inspects the booth on both days 20 and 30.
Ending 12 - If player detains Shae Piersovska on day 25. Or, if player denies Shae Piersovska and got a warning for unauthorized wall hangings on day 20
Ending 13 - Player completed less than 4 EZIC tasks and only shoots the bottom attacker on day 31, letting the top attacker blow up the wall. The next day, Player is arrested for failing to defend the border.
Ending 14 - Player completed at least 4 of 5 EZIC tasks and on day 31, EZIC Messenger tells Player to hold their fire. Ending is triggered if Player fires anyway and the wall is intact. The ending is triggered the next day.
Ending 15 - Player completed at least 4 of 5 EZIC tasks and on day 31, EZIC Messenger tells Player to hold their fire. Ending is triggered if Player fires anyway and the wall is blown up. Ending triggers immediately. EZIC takes over and Player’s fate is unknown.
Ending 16 - Player escapes to Oberstan on his own or with only some of their family. The fate of the family left behind is unknown.
Ending 17 - Player completed 1-3 EZIC tasks and on day 31, the wall remains intact and Player does not escape to Oberstan. Player’s connection to EZIC is discovered and Player is put to death.
Ending 18 - Player escapes to Oberstan with all of their living family members.
Ending 19 - Player completes at least 4 of 5 EZIC tasks and holds their fire on day 31. EZIC gains power and makes Player an agent and moves their family to a better apartment.
Ending 20 - Player does not trigger any of the endings until day 31. Player completes 0 EZIC tasks. Player remains aligned with Arstotzka and returns to the East Grestin Checkpoint when it reopens on January 1st.
Anyways. I hold up blorbos from my game to you. And I squish them
Jorji is such a guy to me… like, first of all, he’s always so polite to Player? And near the end of the game, he greets Player like an old friend (and Player greets him by name, no longer even asking him for his papers lmao). If the date on his passport is correct, he’s either 43 or 53, born in 1933 or 1932. He keeps coming back!!!!!! Even if you detain him every single interaction. And he’s so !!!!!!!!!!!!! So nice to Player even when he’s getting detained. Such a guy. What a guy. And he just fully gives Player his passport on day 29? Like what the fuck. Like this is the guy that came in on day 4 with a HAND DRAWN PASSPORT like look at this
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What a guy.
And I’m sooooooooooooo so so so normal about Sergiu and Elisa. Maybe because by the time you get to day 25, you’re already. What. 3.5 hours into the most monotonous shit? The colour scheme is like. That. So dull w the greys and blues and greens. And then you get a character that like. You’re heavily encouraged to like. And that character feels strong emotions??? Like wow. And w the background of everything???? I’m normal.
Oh also there was a short film made in 2018 on youtube and I’ve seen it like 8 million times (as one does) (because I am normal) [ Link ]
so what ive learned from this is i need to play the game
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blogdojuanesteves · 2 years
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ASPHALT FLOWER (Éditions Bessard, 2022), obra mais recente da fotógrafa carioca Claudia Jaguaribe publicada na França, acompanhou a exposição Quando eu vi a Flor do Asfalto entre agosto e setembro do ano passado na galeria Marcelo Guarnieri, em São Paulo. É um livro que, segundo o curador francês Marc Pottier, radicado no Brasil e na França, nos faz lembrar do filósofo australiano Glenn Albrecht, autor do livro Earth Emotions: New Words for a New World (Cornell University Press, 2019).
Albrecht conhecido pelo seu conceito de “solastalgia* oferece aos seus leitores uma visão radical do mundo para sairmos da crise ecológica, diz o curador. Refere-se assim à perda de um lugar natural único, vítima das transformações provocadas pelo nosso desenvolvimento exponencial. Uma forma de "saudade", uma mistura de melancolia, nostalgia e esperança, sentimento tipicamente lusófono ou "saudades que se sente mesmo quando ainda se está em seu país." É assim, segundo este,  uma questão evidenciada neste livro de artista feito por Jaguaribe.
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A fotógrafa, no entanto, vem abordando estas questões há tempos como por exemplo em seu livro Quando eu vi (Editora Punctum, 2009) onde a natureza se faz presente em experiências cromáticas e na sua forma de apresentação, com imagens estruturadas em instalações, como em Asphalt Flower, que apresentam-se essencialmente correlatas entre publicação e exposição. Uma marca que se tornou frequente para a artista, vista também em livros e mostras mais recentes como No Jardim de Lina (Editora Tuí, 2018) e Encontro com Liuba ( Editora Tuí, 2019). ( veja abaixo links para reviews destes livros).
 "Asphalt Flower", esclarece Claudia Jaguaribe,  "revisita a ideia de paisagem como um jardim, um espaço de conexão entre homem e natureza onde é possível observar a dinâmica dos ciclos da vida (crescimento, floração e declínio) como um reflexo da sociedade que o molda. As imagens de flores sobrepostas que integram-se simbioticamente às formas asfálticas e nos mostram uma superfície que encapsula a natureza desde os tempos bíblicos e que não pode mais ser separada dela. O trabalho possui o formato de uma frisa composta por partes que, unidas, formam uma única imagem." 
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 As imagens da exposição, de grande formato, criam uma espécie de dimensão peculiar que propõe um jogo ao leitor: procurar entender os layers sobrepostos habilidosamente pela artista. A transcrição desta "tridimensionalidade" só vista na mostra, ganha uma interpretação para o livro por outras articulações: no projeto gráfico por dois caminhos distintos ( textos e fotografias), estruturados pelo recurso do formato Leporello**, que permite de um lado ver o texto e de outro as imagens. Um artifício também utilizado em seus livros Sobre São Paulo ( Editora Madalena, 2014) e Entre Vistas (Editora Madalena, 2014), ambos, como em Asphalt Flower, com edições limitadas e numeradas, acompanhadas de prints em um box especial, além da edição normal.
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 Jaguaribe em sua longa trajetória altera satisfatoriamente e de maneira constante a ideia conservadora da exposição de arte, rompendo com formatos tradicionais e materiais usados, para além das impressões convencionais, ora em duratrans, ora experimentando assemblages, suportes esculturais, projeções de vídeos ou mappings (como em Entre Vistas), o que realmente produz um desafio para a transcrição em um livro. No entanto, as possibilidades gráficas arrojadas empreendidas em suas publicações sustentam por si mesmas essas versões como mais um bônus para o leitor que tenha visto as exposições.
 Para os editores, "A relação entre a natureza e a humanidade é uma das questões mais importantes do século XXI. A incerteza do nosso futuro e os desafios para a nossa sobrevivência física e psíquica na Terra levantam questões ecológicas, sociais e artísticas que demandam uma urgência no seu tratar. O Brasil, país de dimensões continentais, possui características e estruturas de alto contraste que tornam tal situação ainda mais agravante. Se por um lado habitamos um território composto por grandes extensões de biomas preservados, por outro, testemunhamos o aceleramento de sua devastação."
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 Não deixa de ser uma representação artística de longa data encontrada na obras de grandes artistas por diferentes motivos, não apenas estruturais ou filosóficos, que vão desde as pinturas do pós-impressionista francês Henri Rousseau (1844-1910) em suas cenas das florestas- as quais eram imaginadas, até mais contemporâneos como o fotógrafo holandês Ruud van Empel, na qual as estampas da flora são uma recorrência no seu trabalho, assim como nas de Claudia Jaguaribe, respaldadas pelo processo digital, que aliás é um dos objetos de estudo do curador Marc Pottier.
 Outras possibilidades dadas por Pottier, fazem referência a captação das imagens pela fotógrafa nos jardins criados pelo seu conterrâneo, o pintor e paisagista Roberto Burle Marx (1909- 1994). Para ele "A coleção de obras da série "Meu Jardim Imaginário" mostra o encontro da flora exuberante com o ambiente urbano. As fotografias criadas celebram a excelência e a força do exotismo brasileiro onde estas são a base deste trabalho em seus jardins híbridos sobrepostos a espaços urbanos e florestas que sofreram danos ambientais, cujas cicatrizes podem ser vistas e para as quais "Asphalt  Flower" traz uma nova expressão.
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 Na utilização do contraponto, as vívidas imagens da flora captadas por Jaguaribe, como nas pinturas de Rousseau, provocam uma interação temática. Para ela, entre a rigidez do asfalto (o resultado do uso de um material fóssil que ambientalistas tentam extinguir), que aqui é tomado como coadjuvante aproximando a obra não somente da questão ambiental mas também filosófica, assim como os personagens do pintor emaranham-se em meio a floresta. O resultado é que flores, folhas e o asfalto, em recortes trabalhados digitalmente, criam um "maravilhoso emaranhado", citando a arquiteta Lina Bo Bardi (1914-1992) ao subverter a idéia ocidental da linearidade no tempo ou do próprio formato Leporello do livro.
 A fotógrafa, com imagens exuberantes propõe uma outra realidade que antagoniza com a que de fato vivemos, como o desmatamento sistemático da Amazônia, que, como diz Marc Pottier, leva-nos à perda do discernimento. As imagens sobrepostas que adentram o corpo do asfalto recortado em forma de plantas, passam do cinza às cores neon artificiais e saturadas. "Ela nos oferece um triunfo lúdico do híbrido celebrando as núpcias de Eros e Thanatos." completa o curador.
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 Claudia Jaguaribe trata seus livros como obras de arte. Asphalt Flower é uma grande foto única que  no decurso do seu formato gráfico desdobra-se e retoma sua ideia de um jardim imaginário, de uma natureza artificial ou "segunda natureza" na qual ela trabalha há muitos anos. "Seu canto é o das sereias que despertam sua consciência para o futuro do mundo", pensa acertadamente Pottier."Há muito ela acredita que os jardins expressam melhor o que conecta os seres humanos e a natureza." Ela os vê como um lugar icônico, com os tais ciclos da vida, já mencionados acima -crescimento, floração e declínio- e os enxerga como um reflexo das sociedades que os moldam. "A sua composição fotográfica situa-se entre a ideia da ruína de um mundo que parece caminhar para uma catástrofe natural e um futuro ao qual empresta sempre uma força de resistência e resiliência."
 Asphalt Flowers, como notamos em quase toda a obra da fotógrafa, trafega na ideia mais contemporânea do imbricamento entre uma estética do sensível e da beleza, que configuram o que chamamos de  arte, contradizendo a visão aristotélica em que esta última se contrapõe a práxis, uma vez que tanto a beleza quanto a sensibilidade neste caso, unem-se no compromisso com a "verdade" ao despertar- mesmo que subjetivamente,  em quem entra no mundo de suas fotografias as emoções que nos levam ao exato sentido preservacionista do qual o mundo está tão carente.
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Imagens © Claudia Jaguaribe.   Texto © Juan Esteves
 Infos básicas
Imagens e conceito: Claudia Jaguaribe
Editora: Éditions Bessard
Tratamento de imagem: José Fujocka
Design: Mariana J.Lara Resende
Consultoria artística: Pierre Bessard
Texto: Marc Pottier
Edição bilíngue Francês-Inglês e numerada de 500 exemplares.
* Solastalgia é um neologismo, formado pela combinação das palavras latinas sōlācium e a raiz grega -algia, que descreve uma forma de sofrimento emocional ou existencial causado pela mudança ambiental. É melhor descrito como a experiência vivida de mudança ambiental percebida negativamente.
** Leporello é um formato gráfico que lembra um acordeon. O nome é oriundo do personagem homônimo da ópera Don Giovanni, do vienense  Wolfgang Mozart, que estreou em 1789. Leporello era empregado de D. Giovanni, e fazia suas anotações em um papel dobrado como um acordeon. 
Leia aqui reviews sobre livros de Claudia Jaguaribe:
 Entre Vistas -https://blogdojuanesteves.tumblr.com/post/104279483161/entrevistas-de-claudia-jaguaribe
 Encontro com Liuba - https://blogdojuanesteves.tumblr.com/post/185064246616/liuba-wolf-nasceu-em-sofia-bulg%C3%A1ria-em-1923-com
 Beijing Overshoot -  https://blogdojuanesteves.tumblr.com/post/173964568616/beijing-overshoot-claudia-jaguaribe-beijing
 para adquirir o livro : www.editionsbessard.com
Saiba mais sobre Claudia Jaguaribe em www.claudiajaguaribe.com.br
Saiba mais sobre a galeria Marcelo Guarnieri:
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shelisultana · 23 days
Exploring the CarlinKit 8G/128G Android 13 CarPlay AI Box: A Comprehensive Review
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CarlinKit 8G 128G Android 13 SDM6225 CarPlay AI Box LED Customize Wireless CarPlay Android Auto FOTA Upgrade For Wired CarPlay
Buy now: https://youtu.be/roCfc3WRSRQ
Discount: 50%
In the ever-evolving world of automotive technology, the CarlinKit 8G/128G Android 13 CarPlay AI Box stands out as a groundbreaking innovation. Designed to upgrade your vehicle’s entertainment and connectivity systems, this device offers a seamless transition from wired to wireless CarPlay and Android Auto. With features like an SDM6225 processor, customizable LED displays, and FOTA upgrades, the CarlinKit AI Box is more than just an accessory—it's a transformative experience for your vehicle. In this blog post, we'll delve deep into the features, benefits, and real-world applications of the CarlinKit 8G/128G Android 13 CarPlay AI Box.
The Heart of the CarlinKit AI Box: The SDM6225 Processor At the core of the CarlinKit AI Box is the Qualcomm SDM6225 processor. This chipset is designed to deliver efficient performance while maintaining low power consumption. The SDM6225 is a quad-core processor that operates at a frequency of 2.0 GHz, ensuring that your applications run smoothly without any lag. Whether you're streaming music, navigating with Google Maps, or using other Android apps, the SDM6225 ensures a seamless experience.
The processor also supports advanced features like AI acceleration, which is crucial for the AI-driven functions of the CarlinKit AI Box. This includes voice recognition, real-time traffic updates, and personalized recommendations based on your driving habits. The SDM6225’s AI capabilities help in creating a more intuitive and responsive user experience, making your driving sessions more enjoyable and efficient.
Storage and Memory: 8G RAM and 128G ROM One of the standout features of the CarlinKit AI Box is its 8GB of RAM and 128GB of ROM. This combination of memory and storage ensures that the device can handle multiple tasks simultaneously without slowing down. The 8GB RAM is particularly beneficial when running resource-intensive applications like navigation software or streaming services.
The 128GB ROM provides ample storage space for your apps, music, videos, and other data. This means you can download and store a large number of applications and media files without worrying about running out of space. The large storage capacity also allows for smooth updates and installations, ensuring that your device stays up-to-date with the latest features and security patches.
Android 13: The Latest in Mobile OS Technology The CarlinKit AI Box runs on Android 13, the latest version of Google’s mobile operating system. Android 13 brings a host of new features and improvements over its predecessors, making it the perfect OS for a device like the CarlinKit AI Box. One of the most significant enhancements in Android 13 is its focus on user privacy and security. With features like enhanced app permissions, secure Wi-Fi connections, and better data encryption, you can rest assured that your personal information is protected.
Android 13 also offers improved customization options, allowing you to tailor the CarlinKit AI Box to your preferences. You can customize the home screen, adjust the display settings, and even change the LED color schemes to match your car’s interior. Additionally, Android 13 supports a wide range of applications, so you can download your favorite apps from the Google Play Store and integrate them seamlessly into your car’s infotainment system.
Wireless CarPlay and Android Auto: Freedom from Wires One of the main selling points of the CarlinKit AI Box is its ability to convert wired CarPlay into wireless. If your vehicle comes with wired CarPlay, you know how cumbersome it can be to constantly plug and unplug your phone. The CarlinKit AI Box eliminates this hassle by allowing you to connect your iPhone wirelessly, giving you the freedom to keep your phone in your pocket or bag while still enjoying the full benefits of CarPlay.
The device also supports wireless Android Auto, making it compatible with a wide range of smartphones. Whether you’re using an iPhone or an Android device, the CarlinKit AI Box ensures that you can access your apps, music, and navigation tools without the need for cables. This wireless functionality not only makes your driving experience more convenient but also reduces wear and tear on your phone’s charging port.
Customizable LED Display: A Touch of Personalization The CarlinKit AI Box features a customizable LED display, allowing you to add a personal touch to your vehicle’s interior. The LED lights can be adjusted to various colors and patterns, giving you the freedom to match the lighting with your car’s dashboard or your mood. This feature is not just about aesthetics; it also serves a practical purpose by providing visual cues for different functions. For example, you can set the LED to change colors when you receive a notification or when the device is charging.
The LED display is also integrated with the device’s AI features, allowing it to react to voice commands and other inputs. This adds an extra layer of interactivity, making the CarlinKit AI Box not just a passive device, but an active participant in your driving experience.
FOTA Upgrades: Keeping Your Device Up-to-Date One of the most significant advantages of the CarlinKit AI Box is its support for Firmware Over-The-Air (FOTA) upgrades. This feature ensures that your device always has the latest software, without the need for manual updates. The FOTA system automatically checks for updates and installs them in the background, so you can enjoy new features and improvements without any hassle.
FOTA upgrades are particularly important in the fast-paced world of technology, where new updates and security patches are released regularly. With the CarlinKit AI Box, you can be confident that your device is always running the latest software, providing you with the best possible performance and security.
Real-World Applications: How the CarlinKit AI Box Enhances Your Driving Experience The CarlinKit 8G/128G Android 13 CarPlay AI Box is more than just a gadget—it’s a tool that enhances your overall driving experience. Whether you’re a daily commuter, a road trip enthusiast, or someone who spends a lot of time in the car, this device offers a range of benefits that make your journey more enjoyable and efficient.
For daily commuters, the wireless CarPlay and Android Auto features allow for seamless access to your favorite apps, navigation tools, and music, without the need to fiddle with cables. The customizable LED display adds a touch of personalization, making your car feel more like home. And with the SDM6225 processor and 8GB of RAM, you can multitask without any lag, whether you’re switching between apps or receiving real-time traffic updates.
For road trip enthusiasts, the CarlinKit AI Box offers the convenience of storing large amounts of media files, thanks to its 128GB of storage. You can download your favorite movies, music, and podcasts, and enjoy them on the go, even in areas with no internet connection. The FOTA upgrade feature ensures that your device is always up-to-date, so you don’t have to worry about missing out on new features or security patches.
Conclusion: A Must-Have for the Modern Driver The CarlinKit 8G/128G Android 13 CarPlay AI Box is a versatile and powerful device that offers a wide range of features designed to enhance your driving experience. From the efficient SDM6225 processor to the customizable LED display and FOTA upgrades, this device is packed with technology that makes your car smarter, more personalized, and more enjoyable to drive. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your current infotainment system or add wireless CarPlay and Android Auto to your vehicle, the CarlinKit AI Box is a must-have accessory for the modern driver.
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justtapon · 26 days
What are the important steps of mobile application development?
It's easy enough to think of  great mobile apps ideas but it's much harder to put them. Here we explore what it takes to create, market, and design a high-quality mobile app.
1 Identify the Purpose
The best mobile app ideas are the ones that solve problems for users, particularly those for which there are no other solutions or those that people didn’t even realize were an issue. For instance, readers who are old enough to remember when Google Maps didn't exist will probably agree that the app completely changed how we find our way around.
Before Maps, getting somewhere unfamiliar required obtaining (sometimes poor) written or verbal directions from others, awkwardly drawing landmarks on random pieces of paper according to their instructions, or consulting one or more maps. You can use the Maps app to simply type in your destination and let Google do the rest. Now that’s a problem solved.
2 Check Out the Competition
Unfortunately for would-be mobile app development guide, many great app ideas have already been taken. Therefore, prior you run with what you hope will be the next most popular download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, you should make sure to visit those platforms to see what’s already there.  Asking yourself the following questions Consider your potential rivals:
3 Think About your OS
Before you go much further with this process, think about which platforms you’d like your mobile app to run on. You can choose native mobile app development, which means developing your app for a specific operating system (OS) or hybrid development, which lets your app run on multiple operating systems. Remember that you can set aside time and cash by utilizing a system that permits you to make an application once and send it on both Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
Also read: Best Video Conferencing Apps for Remote Meeting
4 Formulate Functionality
Now it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty. How will your mobile app actually operate? What functionality will it have? What will the screens look like? How will it be designed? Try not to avoid this step, as the solutions to these inquiries will direct all that you do from this point forward. You can begin by sketching out the various app screens you want to have.
UX and user interface (UI) are highly important aspects of any app. What users actually see on their screens is the user interface (UI), which includes the colors, menus, layout of the fields and buttons, and what happens when you swipe up, down, left, and right. UI is important for UX, however UX additionally includes things like the dependability of the mobile application (it does what it should do) and its performance.
5 Make a Development Plan
You might be restless to begin constructing your application yet you'll initially have to address a couple more considerations: language and approach. You’ll need to find the right fit for your project. We at BairesDev select from a variety of languages (Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby on Rails, and others) and methodologies (Scrum, Agile, DevOps, Lean, Prototype, XP, and RAD) before beginning any project.
Additional considerations for this stage include a timeline with milestones that you can share with all stakeholders and some initial marketing concepts.
6 Build a Prototype
The next step is to create an initial version, or prototype of the mobile app. This is an exciting phase because now you have something to show reviewers, funders, and manufacturers that actually “looks like an app.”
7 Test, Test, Test
No mobile app development process is complete Without testing. Quality assurance (QA) testing involves Software experts verify that a product meets the standards set by a variety of stakeholders, including employers, clients, and users.  Effective QA testing can save you time and money can be saved and your company's reputation, security, and customer loyalty.
Notwithstanding specialized testing, you ought to have genuine clients take your application for a test drive and deal their criticism. In an ideal world, these users would belong to your target audience. For instance, if you have developed an app that enables users to identify plants in a specific region, give it to individuals in that area to test. You can use the data you gathered in the first step to find the best beta testers. Give testers questions to answer, such as:
8 Launch and Market
Finally, you can launch your app. Take the time to review the instructions and requirements in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Once your app is available at these locations, take a moment to savor your accomplishment. Then start marketing. There are numerous ways you can promote your app,
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vmonetechnologies · 1 month
Exclusive! Sony Bravia 3 55-inch TV(‎K-55S30B): Stream Your Watch Experience
Are you also looking for a TV that offers a large screen size and delivers stunning visuals? Then look no further than the Sony  Bravia 3 55-inch TV (‎K-55S30B), which will meet all your requirements for a good and reliable TV under the budget. With its advanced picture processing technology and vibrant colour reproduction, the Sony Bravia 55-inch TV is the best 55-inch TV in India. We provide a view of the Sony Bravia 3 55-inch TV so you can enjoy your favourite movies and shows without interruption. 
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Style: Sony Bravia 3 55-inch TV in India
Sony Bravia 3 55-inch TV in India features a premium build quality with high-quality materials, giving it a sophisticated and modern look; it is both too thin and too thick, implying a medium thickness, which is okay. You get a different stand for the table mount, which is a great addition. The brand does not ship the stands with the Sony Bravia 3 55-inch TV box. 
In-Box Accessories
1 Sony Bravia 55-inch TV
AC Power Cord
Operating Instructions
Remote Control
User Manual
Panel: 2024 Sony Bravia 3
The new Sony Bravia 3 55-inch TV features an 8 BIT FRC IPS DLED panel with a 4K Ultra HD resolution. Its 450-nit peak brightness and sustained brightness can go upto 600 nits.  
Contrast: Sony Bravia 3 65-inch TV
The Sony Bravia 55-inch TV supports HDR10 and HLG formats. The X1 processor's dynamic contrast enhancement helps improve the perceived black levels and provides good overall shadow detail. The grey uniformity of the Sony Bravia 3 TV in India is impressive because all you see is very uniform colours, be it white, black, or grey. 
Picture Quality
While testing this TV, we were impressed by its picture quality. The colour gamut of the Sony Bravia 3 55-inch TV is much more impressive than that of the previous model, the Sony 82L.
We never had any problems with the motion blur of the TV, with the motion flow XR 100 technology in the Sony Bravia 3 55-inch TV. The Sony Bravia TV in India makes every viewing angle perfect. Sony has used this technology in all its models, meaning you don't experience motion blur in any scene. 
Software & Hardware
Running on Google TV, the Sony Bravia 3 55-inch TV provides access to various apps and streaming services supported by the Android OS. With voice assistant functionality adds an extra layer of convenience to your home entertainment setup.
Connectivity Inputs
4 HDMI, with one 2.1 HDMI (eARC)
3 USB with one 3.0 port
Optical Port
5.1 Bluetooth
Dual-band Wi-Fi
The TV has HDMI eARC and ALLM (Auto Low Latency Mode), ensuring seamless connectivity and ultra-responsive gameplay. With features like Auto HDR Tone Mapping and Auto Genre Picture Mode, your games will look their absolute best.
The Sony Bravia 3 55-inch TV in india delivers immersive, crystal-clear audio that significantly enhances your viewing experience, making it the best 55-inch 4K TV on the market. Whether watching movies, playing games, or streaming your favourite shows, the exceptional audio quality ensures you catch every subtle detail and nuance in the sound. For those seeking an even more immersive audio experience, the Sony Bravia 3 55-inch TV easily connects to a soundbar.
Pros & Cons
It has excellent colours and good blacks, providing a visually stunning viewing experience.
The panel's dynamic range capabilities have improved significantly.
This TV's natural colour profile is at an unmatched level. 
The TV is missing one full 2.1 HDMI port. Instead, we are only getting one port. 
These Sony Bravia 3 55-inch televisions are excellent. They have fantastic pictures and an attractive design. But the 2024 Sony Bravia TV is exceptionally good from the price point of view. For a more detailed review, visit our main blog by clicking this link.
Read more: VM one Technologies
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#49: Deathless (2018)
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So I had planned to do some special posts for both this slot and #50, but alas I had to do an OS switch to Ubuntu due to random tech reasons and... I'm loving it! Bit of a skill curve, but it's more fun to me than Windows could ever deliver, and I feel more freedom. Most importantly, I can use DSDA-doom. It did take a bit of tweaking but I got it figured out within about an hour or so.
So this is something I actually reviewed on my Backloggd when I did that for WAD reviews, before this blog. But I figured I'd check it out again, I remember it being fun and short and yep I was right. Beat it in a day and it was nice and breezy.
I hate using the Scythe comparison over and over, this is probably the 30th time I've used it but picture Scythe for Doom 1. Actually fuck it, picture Scythe but *better* for Doom 1. I know this is gonna sound weird, but this wad is cute. And I'm not talking Doomcute.
The secret maps are homages to Doom 2, there are all sorts of interesting setups and layouts that still feel really easygoing to newcomers and make the limited roster and arsenal of Doom 1 feel fun to use. There's a good blend of everything, for everyone. Even on HNTR, there's some experimentation with infighting maps, resource starvation, hurtfloor traversal and interesting weapon combinations. No 2 maps are going to provide you the same experience - couple that with the tricky secrets and minimal vanilla-yet-creative texturing, and Deathless is a true hidden gem of Doom WADs.
It may not bust your balls, but it's expertly crafted for something so simple. Jimmy really grew since 'Jenesis' and while he's known more now for MIDI compositions, this set goes to show he has serious mapping chops.
Shoutouts to YOU, James Paddock! Keep on rockin'!
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retrogamingreplay · 6 months
Exploring the Legacy of the Panasonic 3DO: Innovation Ahead of Its Time In the early 1990s, the gaming industry witnessed the arrival of a console that promised to revolutionize the home entertainment experience: the Panasonic 3DO Interactive Multiplayer, commonly known as the 3DO. Developed by The 3DO Company, a conglomerate that included tech giants like Panasonic, the 3DO was a cutting-edge platform that aimed to set a new standard for interactive gaming. Specifications and Technology At the heart of the 3DO's innovation was its hardware. The console was powered by a 32-bit RISC CPU running at 12.5 MHz, a significant leap from the 16-bit systems that were prevalent at the time. Key Specifications CPU: ARM60 32-bit RISC processor running at 12.5 MHz RAM: 2 MB of DRAM and 1 MB of VRAM Graphics: Custom-designed graphics engine capable of rendering 3D environments with texture mapping Resolution: Support for 640x480 display resolution, exceptional for the time Storage: Double-speed CD-ROM drive, allowing for larger and more complex games Audio: 16-bit stereo sound, with the ability to play audio CDs and support for Dolby Surround sound Controller: Unique for offering a daisy-chain connection port that allowed multiple controllers to be linked together Expansion: Expansion port for future upgrades and peripherals OS: Opera, a custom-designed operating system tailored for gaming and multimedia applications The 3DO's graphics were unrivaled, thanks to its custom-designed graphics engine capable of producing rich, textured 3D environments and detailed sprites. This power enabled game developers to create expansive worlds and complex gameplay mechanics that were not possible on earlier consoles. The History of the 3DO The 3DO was conceived by Electronic Arts founder Trip Hawkins, who envisioned a high-powered console that was both a gaming platform and a multimedia hub. The system's open platform model was unique for the time; rather than manufacturing the console themselves, The 3DO Company licensed the technology to various partners, including Panasonic, Sanyo, and GoldStar. Launched in October 1993, the 3DO hit the market with a steep retail price, initially costing consumers a whopping $699. This price point was a significant barrier to entry, especially when compared to competitors like the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo Entertainment System. System Review and Gaming Experience The 3DO's game library, though limited in comparison to its contemporaries, included a number of standout titles that showcased the system's capabilities. Games like "Road Rash," "Gex," and "Return Fire" were critically acclaimed and demonstrated the potential of the hardware with their impressive graphics and sound. Despite its advanced technology, the 3DO struggled to gain a foothold in the market. The high cost of the system, combined with a less extensive game library and the impending release of the Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn, contributed to the 3DO's difficulties in attracting a wide audience. Cutting Edge but Commercially Challenged The 3DO's ambition to be at the forefront of interactive entertainment was evident in its hardware and multimedia features. It was one of the first consoles to emphasize the importance of CD-based storage, full-motion video, and integrated 3D graphics, elements that would become standard in the next generation of gaming systems. However, despite its technological prowess, the 3DO's legacy is tinged with the harsh reality of commercial failure. The system was discontinued in 1996, just three years after its launch, as The 3DO Company shifted focus away from hardware to software development. Conclusion: A Visionary Piece of Gaming History The Panasonic 3DO remains a fascinating piece of gaming history. It was a visionary platform that arrived at a transitional time in the gaming industry. Its specifications and capabilities were undoubtedly ahead of their time, offering a glimpse into the future of home entertainment.
In retrospect, the 3DO can be appreciated for its ambition and the risks it took in pushing the boundaries of what a home console could be. Its story serves as a reminder that in the fast-paced world of technology, being cutting edge is sometimes not enough to guarantee success. Nonetheless, the 3DO's innovative spirit continues to inspire the evolution of gaming consoles even today. source
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vokeme2022 · 7 months
Wise Phone 2 Specification, Price, Release Date, and Review
Wisephone 2 makes the vision of people-centered, healthy technology a reality. WiseOS and its collection of carefully selected tools embrace a fundamentally new concept.
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Techless is selling Wisephone II for a fee with a Techless subscription that allows you to use all the features of WiseOS.
Wise Phone 2 Specification
It comes with a full 6.5-inches large HD display with 1080 x 1920 pixels
Mediatek P70 processor
With a 64MP primary triple camera with 2MP macro, 8MP wide-angle, and 13MP front camera (selfie) for high-quality photos and videos
Beautiful design with premium glass and aluminum construction
4GB of RAM and 128GB of storage to keep your things safe with expandable up to 256GB via MicroSD
USB-C for fast charging
With a 4100mAh of long-lasting battery
WiseOS operating system
Wifi (no browser) and Bluetooth connectivity
Order the phone now
Wisephone 2 Release Date
We expect Wisephone 2 to be released and ship in March 2024. Keep in mind that pre-orders are fully refundable until the Wisephone II ships.
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Wise phone II Price
The Wise Phone 2 is priced at $699 but is currently available for pre-order at $599 on sale on the Techless website.
You can save up to $25 more if you order your phone now.
[su_button url="https://techless.com/discount/VOKEME?redirect=/pages/wisephone-ii?aff=VOKEME" target="blank" style="glass" background="#e2d8c6" color="#000000" size="6" middle="yes" center="yes"]Order Now[/su_button]
Wise Phone 2 Review
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Wise Phone 2 is a new phone that fulfills its original mission of giving you back your life. Capture incredible detail with the all-new 64MP primary camera.
Listen to your favorite with the new music app with 128GB of storage music. With Mediatek P70 processor, use the map to find where you need to go.
All this in a package that boasts a 4100mAh extended battery life and a promise that they will never sell or spy on your data. For fast charging, there is a USB-C charging port.
Features of Techless Wisephone 2
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Minimalist design: A simple interface with no distractions, no social media apps, and no web browser.
Focus on the essential tools: phone calls, text messaging, maps, music player, camera, and a limited, curated selection of apps.
E-ink display: Gentle on the eyes and reduces blue light exposure.
Monotone color scheme: further reduces distraction and eye strain.
Parental Controls: Manage your children's use and access to apps.
Subscription-based OS: Provides access to new features and updates over time.
What is the difference between Wisephone 1 and Wisephone 2 phones?
They have packed everything we know and love about Wisephone into a new hardware platform. Wisephone II represents a fundamental change from a minimalist phone to a healthy phone.
Wisephone II has a  64MP main, 2MP macro, and 8MP wide angle. Everything about the Wisephone II camera is upgraded over the Wisephone, delivering higher resolution photos and videos.
Check if phone is Available
Wise Phone 2 may be a good option if you're looking to escape the digital world and focus on what's important. But if you need a phone with all the features and access to all the latest apps, you might be better off sticking with a traditional smartphone.
Why does Wisephone II have a monthly subscription?
Wisephone II's monthly subscription is part of Techless' disruptive approach to the attention economy. Unlike other phones heavily subsidized by carriers, advertising, and application stores, they decided to charge less for the premium phones themselves and offer subscriptions to the services provided by WiseOS.
Starting at $25 per month, this subscription includes Techless carrier plans, ensuring a stable and optimal experience for all Wisephone users.
This approach allows us to respect your interests by avoiding traditional revenue models that compromise the user experience.
Is cellular service included in my monthly subscription?
Yes, Wisephone II's monthly subscription includes cellular service. We're excited to offer exclusive bundled cellular/subscription plans starting at $25 monthly. This ensures maximum reliability and optimal experience for all Wisephone users.
#WisePhone2 #WisePhone2Price #WisePhone2ReleaseDate #WisePhone2Review
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linuxgamenews · 10 months
Real-Time Warfare in a Post-Cataclysmic World in Retro Commander
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Retro Commander real-time strategy war game is worth playing on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Big cheers to the imaginative team at Noble Master for bringing this exciting title to life. Available on both Steam and itch. Retro Commander is a real-time strategy war taking place in a world that's seen better days - it's after a cataclysmic that has changed everything on Earth. It's a real-time strategy of choices, rather than taking turns. In this game, you're in charge. You can play by yourself, against the computer (AI), or with others on a LAN or Online. It's made to work on Linux and it's cross-platform, so you can play with friends even if they don't have the same OS. Retro Commander encourages teamwork, especially in matches where you and others join forces against the AI or other players. What makes Retro Commander stand out is that it's design is engaging whether you're playing alone or with others. The controls and the way you interact are modern and easy to figure out. When you're playing by yourself, you can either face off against the computer in different scenarios. Or you can also dive into a story-driven campaign that's presented like a comic book. In multiplayer, you'll find a system that keeps track of your wins and losses. The setting is a world that's been through a catastrophe. This world has dynamic weather and settings conditions like day-night cycles and different weather patterns, which can also affect how you play.
Retro Commander (RTS): Campaign Modding
The Retro Commander story takes you through what happens to humanity after the cataclysmic. Different groups in this title have their own special tech and abilities. Such as using stealth, using robots, flying drones, or defending with shields. You can play against the computer in various challenges, not just standard battles. You can also team up with friends in multiplayer to take on other players or the AI. The game even includes a system for keeping track of your performance online. Besides standard battles, there are different mission types like survival, capture the flag, defence, and more. These missions are available in both single-player and multiplayer modes. There are also missions where you might have to escort something or rescue someone. Every group in Retro Commander can use basic units for fighting on land, at sea, and in the air. But each group also has unique elements like special weapons and defensive tools to make things more interesting. For example, some can use stealth to hide, others have powerful shields, and some can even use nuclear weapons. There's a research element too. You can choose what technologies to develop to make your group stronger. You can even capture tech from your enemies.
One great feature of Retro Commander is that you can mod the game. It comes with a map editor to create your own maps and even your own story campaigns. You can change almost everything - from the units and buildings to the graphics and sounds. This title has different versions. The free version gives Linux players a lot of multiplayer scenarios and the first chapter of the single-player story. But if you buy the DLC (additional content), you get full access to everything: the entire single-player campaign. This also includes more battles against the computer, and all the multiplayer features. The Retro Commander reviews initially faced criticism for its "pay-per-round" mechanism but later won players over after the developers removed this feature. However, after moving to a more traditional pricing model, charging a flat fee for full access. we have very positive reviews. The gameplay itself is very good, with players finding it similar of classics like "Age of Empires 4," offering intense rounds and potential for esports and live streaming scenes. The modern yet retro graphics were also well-received. While some initial criticisms included limited free maps and a user interface not optimized for higher resolutions, the developers addressed these concerns. So, in a nutshell, Retro Commander offers a mix of real-time strategy war gaming, customisation, and a rich post-apocalyptic world. Due to make it a title that challenges your planning skills and creativity. Whether you're into playing alone or with friends, there's a lot to explore. Available on both Steam and itch. Retro Commander also offers support for Linux, Steam Deck (playable), Mac, and Windows PC. The All Maps & Modding DLC is priced at $19.99 USD / £16.75 / 19,50€ on Steam.
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marxistfringe · 11 months
Abriu uma nova pizzaria em Andradina. É a Santa Oliva, que só tem uma portinha mas tem banca de gourmet. Pedi pizza deles no fim de semana, e lá vem mais uma review:
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Na moral? Eu gostei.
Por ser só uma portinha - quase uma dark kitchen - o preço deles é bem razoável, e é uma pizzaria que entrega bastante em comparação com o preço.
Eles têm uma variedade de pizzas bem interessante, com alguns sabores gourmet que realmente não existem em todo lugar. Provei alguns para experimentar, e, honestamente? São gostosas.
Eles têm várias pizzas cremosas, em que o molho é molho branco, e essas daí matam a pau. São uma delícia. O molho branco é muito gostoso e combina bastante com o queijo.
Também provei uma pizza que tem tomates confit e uma geleia de damasco com pimenta - quase uma pizza marguerita metida a besta. Essa também é gostosa, mas eu trocaria os tomates confit por tomates normais; confitar eles acabou matando um pouco a acidez que balancearia bem com a geleia. Talvez alguém com um paladar mais refinado goste mais.
Além disso, tem vários outros sabores que eu acabei ficando curiosos - destaque pras pizzas doces (que, pelas fotos, são muito bem feitas) e pras pizzas com calabresa apimentada.
Enfim; um lugar surpreendentemente bem acabado, por falarmos de Andradina. Preços bons e pizza gostosa. Definitivamente visitaria de novo.
No total, 9/10. Daria 5 estrelas no Google Maps, se eles tivessem um lugar lá.
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wearablewizard · 1 year
Ticwatch Pro 5 Review
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Experience unparalleled performance and connectivity with the Ticwatch Pro 5 Android Smartwatch for Men. Equipped with the Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1 Wearable Platform and the latest version of Wear OS by Google, this smartwatch delivers faster and smoother performance. With 2GB of RAM and 32GB of ROM memory, you'll have ample space for all your apps and data. Plus, the NFC payment feature supports Google Pay and Google Wallet, making on-the-go payments a breeze. The Ticwatch Pro 5 also boasts an impressive 80-hour battery life with dual layers display 2.0 technology, and the new fast charging technology allows you to go from 0-65% in just 30 minutes. With the addition of the rotating crown, ultra-low-power display, and advanced health and fitness monitoring features, this smartwatch elevates your wearable experience to new heights. Get ready to take control of your digital world with the Ticwatch Pro 5 Android Smartwatch. Why Consider This Product? If you're in the market for a smartwatch that offers unrivaled performance and an array of features, the Ticwatch Pro 5 Android Smartwatch is definitely worth considering. Powered by the Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1 Wearable Platform and the latest version of Wear OS by Google, this smartwatch delivers faster and smoother performance, ensuring a seamless user experience. With 2GB of RAM and 32GB of ROM memory, you'll have ample space to store all your apps and data. One of the standout features of the Ticwatch Pro 5 is its incredible battery life. With the dual layers display 2.0 technology, this smartwatch boasts an astonishing 80-hour battery life. Whether you're on a long outdoor adventure or simply going about your daily routine, the Ticwatch Pro 5 will effortlessly keep up with you. Additionally, the new fast charging technology allows you to go from 0 to 65% battery in just 30 minutes, ensuring that you're never left without power when you need it most. Features and Benefits Rotating Crown for Enhanced Control The Ticwatch Pro 5's rotating crown is a unique feature that enhances the user experience. With haptic feedback and immediate response, scrolling through the digital world becomes a joy. Switching tiles, adjusting music volume, and zooming in and out on maps can all be done effortlessly with just one finger or even while wearing gloves. The rotating crown offers versatile control, making navigation a breeze. Ultra-low-power Display for Extended Battery Life The integration of a highly efficient ultra-low-power display on top of the stunning OLED display sets the Ticwatch Pro 5 apart from other smartwatches. This innovative feature allows you to access critical information for days without needing to charge your watch. Even in extreme scenarios, the ultra-low-power display ensures that you can stay on top of your game by providing vital information such as heart rate, blood oxygen levels, calories burned, and even a compass. Advanced Health and Fitness Monitoring The Ticwatch Pro 5 is not just a smartwatch; it's also a comprehensive health and fitness tracker. With a 5ATM water resistance rating, this watch is perfect for open water swimming and can withstand water immersion up to 50 meters. It offers over 100 professional sports modes to accurately track your workouts, and with built-in GPS, you can easily monitor your outdoor activities. In addition, the Ticwatch Pro 5 features a speaker and microphone, allowing you to take calls and interact with your watch without needing to reach for your phone. With sleep tracking, blood oxygen saturation monitoring, stress monitoring, and 24-hour heart rate monitoring, you'll have a complete picture of your health and fitness at all times. Product Quality The Ticwatch Pro 5 is crafted with precision and attention to detail, ensuring a high level of product quality. The use of top-of-the-line components, such as the Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1 Wearable Platform, guarantees exceptional performance and reliability. Additionally, the watch is built to withstand the rigors of everyday use, with a durable construction that can handle whatever life throws at it. What It's Used For Stay Connected and Informed With the Ticwatch Pro 5, you can stay connected and informed throughout the day. Receive notifications from your smartphone directly on your watch, making it easy to keep up with important messages and alerts without constantly checking your phone. Use the built-in speaker and microphone to take calls or interact with voice assistants, making it convenient to stay connected even when your phone is out of reach. Reach Your Fitness Goals Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just starting your fitness journey, the Ticwatch Pro 5 can help you reach your goals. With advanced fitness tracking features, including GPS, heart rate monitoring, and an array of sports modes, you can accurately track your workouts and monitor your progress over time. The watch even provides personalized insights into recovery time and VO2 max, helping you optimize your training and achieve better results. Navigate with Ease The Ticwatch Pro 5's rotating crown and intuitive interface make it easy to navigate through apps, switch between tiles, and zoom in and out on maps. Whether you're exploring a new city or going for a run, this smartwatch provides seamless navigation, allowing you to focus on the task at hand without distractions. Stay Connected with NFC Payment Support The Ticwatch Pro 5 supports NFC payment, including Google Pay and Google Wallet. With a simple tap of your smartwatch, you can make secure payments without the need for your smartphone or wallet. This convenient feature allows you to leave your wallet at home and enjoy hassle-free transactions wherever NFC payments are accepted. Product Specifications Specification Details Chipset Snapdragon W5+ Operating System Wear OS RAM 2GB ROM 32GB Battery Life Up to 80 hours Water Resistance 5ATM GPS Yes NFC Payment Yes Country of Origin China Who Needs This The Ticwatch Pro 5 is perfect for anyone who wants a smartwatch that seamlessly integrates into their lifestyle. Whether you're a tech-savvy individual who wants the latest and greatest features or a fitness enthusiast looking to track your workouts and improve your performance, this smartwatch has something to offer. It's also ideal for those who want the convenience of a wearable device that can keep them informed, connected, and organized throughout the day. Pros and Cons Pros: - Fast and smooth performance - Long battery life - Rotating crown for enhanced control - Ultra-low-power display for extended battery life - Advanced health and fitness monitoring - NFC payment support for convenient transactions - Water-resistant for swimming and other water activities - Built-in GPS for accurate tracking Cons: - Limited compatibility with non-Android devices - Country of origin may be a concern for some buyers FAQ’s - Is the Ticwatch Pro 5 compatible with iPhones? No, this smartwatch is only compatible with Android devices. - Can I make phone calls with the Ticwatch Pro 5? Yes, this watch has a built-in speaker and microphone, allowing you to take calls directly from your wrist. - How accurate is the heart rate monitoring feature? The Ticwatch Pro 5 uses a more accurate sensor for heart rate monitoring, providing reliable and precise data. - Can I swim with the Ticwatch Pro 5? Yes, the watch has a water resistance rating of 5ATM, making it suitable for swimming and other water activities. What Customers Are Saying Customers who have purchased the Ticwatch Pro 5 are impressed with its performance and features. They especially appreciate the long battery life, which allows them to use the watch for extended periods without needing to recharge. The advanced health and fitness monitoring capabilities have also received positive feedback, with customers praising the accuracy and usefulness of the data provided. Overall Value Considering the Ticwatch Pro 5's exceptional performance, extensive features, and long battery life, it offers excellent value for the price. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, fitness fanatic, or simply someone who wants a reliable and versatile smartwatch, the Ticwatch Pro 5 ticks all the boxes. Tips and Tricks For Best Results To get the most out of your Ticwatch Pro 5, here are some tips and tricks: - Customize your watch face and tiles to display the information most important to you. - Take advantage of the built-in GPS for accurate activity tracking, including outdoor running, cycling, and walking. - Use the sleep tracking feature to monitor your sleep patterns and make adjustments for better rest. - Explore the various sports modes to track your workouts and improve your performance. - Take advantage of NFC payment support to make quick and secure transactions. Final Thoughts Product Summary The Ticwatch Pro 5 Android Smartwatch is a powerful and feature-rich wearable device that offers unrivaled performance. With its Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1 Wearable Platform, long battery life, and advanced health and fitness tracking capabilities, this smartwatch is perfect for tech enthusiasts, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone looking for a reliable and versatile smartwatch. Final Recommendation If you're in the market for a smartwatch that can keep up with your active lifestyle and provide comprehensive health and fitness tracking, the Ticwatch Pro 5 is the perfect choice. With its advanced features, long battery life, and seamless integration with Android devices, this smartwatch offers exceptional value for the price. Invest in the Ticwatch Pro 5 and elevate your wearable technology experience to new heights. Read the full article
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lightangel12 · 1 year
A random controller to consider for Sky:CotL players? IDK...
So I'm using this controller to play Sky: Children of the Light's BETA on my Android phone:
It half-way works with it... or more realistically 3/4th of the way? Like I can do the most important things like control my sky kid and open most menus, but it seems the only issues I'm coming across are the D-pad buttons aren't recognized at all, so whatever shortcuts related to that button mapping in Sky are still confined to touch-screen only... which kind of sucks in my case, because I need those short cuts. (Tiny screen, big thumbs, no joy... I'd rather press buttons than have to rely fully on the touch screen for some things, because they aren't always straightforward to access.)
And even when going into areas where the festival tech is active, I'm having huge issues with the festival emotes, because whatever's going on the R2 button opens it then suddenly closes, and the left control stick keeps wanting to open that same mini-menu and scroll through it. So there's that problem as well.
Also, I'm kind of miffed, because with it being a Nintendo Pro Controller alternative as well, I'm so used to using the Nintendo button mapping... not whatever is going on with Android's mapping choices. (Why is A cancel and B confirm? WHY? I have grown up with "Accept" and "Back" for over 30 years, you can't try to deprogram that outta me--) While it has the Keylinker app to calibrate controls & mapping, it doesn't really translate to Sky, so I'm guessing that has to be something done on TGC's end for it to work? Or Android developers needing to actually add came controller configuration to the OS software in general? If I get into any more Android apps, I'll test it out to see if I'm running across similar issues, since I haven't really seen any reviews related to Android usage yet.
Lastly, it doesn't pick up Sky's haptic/vibrations, even though I have the option in Sky turned on, so that's unfortunate, too. Plus, if it times out, there's no real way to reconnect it to the app other than restarting the whole game and making sure the controller is back on for it to recognize it. But for the most part, it's a decent controller at a decent price for everything it has included with it, plus being able to connect it across different platforms without said connections interfering with each other is such a plus.
HOWEVER, for it's intended purpose as a Pro controller replacement for Switch, my GOD this thing rocks! They had a gold version, but it looks to be sold out. Hopefully it'll be restocked sometime soon. But I definitely recommend it for both the price point and feel if you need to use it for more than just the Switch itself. It just needs a little more compatibility with certain apps on Android to be completely functional.
But yeah... I'm kinda glad I found this one. Cute and useful... just needs a few refinements in places when it comes to mobile app compatibility.
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kin922 · 2 years
useArtemis may be a lead generation tool that helps sales teams and business owners find B2B contact details, emails, and phone numbers. It allows users to completely automate their cold outreach with emailing and LinkedIn, and also helps them to seek out anybody’s email and phone numbers. useArtemis offers a user-friendly built-in Chrome extension that creates it easy for users to quickly find contact information. Additionally, useArtemis provides video and pictures to assist users understand the merchandise better.
Optinly may be a goal-based popup plugin that helps businesses and eCommerce stores capture leads, engage visitors, and increase sales. It offers 100+ highly responsive templates, exit-intent technology, an in-depth analytics dashboard, and integrations with Zapier, Pabbly Connect, Integrately, and Pixabay. Optinly also features spin wheel gamified pop-ups, eye catcher pop-ups, floating bars at the top/bottom of the screen, and slide-in popups on the left/right of the screen.
Optinly features a WYSIWYG editor that permits users to customize their chosen WordPress popup template, also as 6+ popup form types like spin to win and count popups. It also has 10+ growth goals like building an audience or reducing abandoned carts.
Optinly currently scores 80/100 within the Email Marketing category on G2 supported user satisfaction (77/100), press buzz (41/100), recent user trends (falling), and other relevant information.
Branalyzer is an all-in-one software that permits businesses to research, track, and analyze their competitor’s brand. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools to assist businesses research, track, and have interaction with their audience . Branalyzer provides detailed information on a brand, including its history, employee size, marketing budget, and more. It also offers SEO metrics to assist businesses procure leads and send cold emails. Branalyzer’s powerful branding engine gives users detailed insights into their brand equity, health, and identity. Lifetime access to Branalyzer is out there for purchase through AppSumo or SaasVault.deals, also as through the official website branalyzer.com. 239 reviews of Branalyzer are available on AppSumo, while 2023 reviews are often found on G2.com and Capterra.com.
Lead Scrape
Lead Scrape is an on-premise lead generation software that helps businesses extract and source prospects’ information to streamline marketing processes. It supports over 30 countries and may be used on both Windows and Mac OS. Lead Scrape provides users with the business name, address, phone, website, email, contact name, social media properties, SEO data, lat/long and more for every lead.
Lead Scrape has been praised for its simple use and robustness in lead scraping, also as its ability to get highly accurate results with data within the sort of prospects’ contact information. it’s also cost-effective compared to other CRMs and provides automation as a service rather than cold calls or manually looking up business contacts. Additionally, Lead Scrape can scrape emails from LinkedIn and Google Maps with simple installation.
Reoon may be a software company that gives solutions and professional tools to assist businesses automate manual tasks and boost efficiency. Reoon also offers a YellowPages Scraper tool, which may be wont to extract email addresses, phone numbers, and other information from the YellowPages website.
Reoon also offers an Email Verifier service, which is one among the foremost accurate email validation services available. The service can detect invalid, temporary, and unsafe email addresses also as check syntax and domain validity.
Reoon has received positive reviews on Trustpilot with customers praising its data extraction tool.
Fliki may be a Text to Speech & Text to Video converter that helps users create audio and video content using AI voices in but a moment . It offers 850+ voices in 77+ languages and 100+ regional dialects, also as access to 5+ million royalty-free images, clips and background music. Fliki also provides commercial rights to the content created on the platform.
Fliki features a range of pricing plans available, including a free plan and paid plans starting at $19/month. the standard users of Fliki are digital product managers, marketers, and content creators who got to quickly create audio and video content with realistic voices.
Hey Oliver
Hey Oliver may be a cloud-based marketing automation solution which helps marketing teams to optimize lead conversion and target specific customers with personalized campaigns. It works with any website or eCommerce platform no matter the technology used and takes only a couple of minutes to put in . The platform offers tools for creating targeted, personalized, and interesting campaigns at scale, tracking engagement, scoring leads, and segmentation to focus on visitors correctly.
Hey Oliver has two pricing plans: a free plan and a paid plan. The free plan includes basic features like unlimited campaigns, unlimited contacts, and basic analytics. The paid plan includes advanced features like A/B testing, custom integrations, and advanced analytics. Hey Oliver supports multiple languages including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Korean, Russian and Turkish.
SocialBook Builder
SocialBook Builder may be a browser extension that helps content creators grow their YouTube channels for free of charge . It provides tools to line users apart, insights to stay them ahead, and professional templates to settle on from. It also offers relevant tag recommendations, competitor recommendations, and notifications of trending videos from peer YouTubers. Additionally, SocialBook Builder helps brands find and choose the proper influencers who have influencing power. It also provides analytics to assist brands make informed decisions about their influencer campaigns and email outreach templates to contact potential influencers in bulk. Reviews of SocialBook Builder are generally positive, with users praising its background remover feature and transparent background maker.
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