wigglepiggle · 1 year
I kind of want to make a ace attorney case with my ocs if that makes sense. I can make it work
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stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
Criminal Minds s04e02 Angel Maker review - or more aptly named, oh my god this is amazing yet gross at the same time. Why do this to me?
Episode 02 – Angel Maker
Hey guys! So I’m still reeling from that first episode. Oh my goodness gracious. That was a definite showstopper. But, I’m over it, I hope it’s going to be fine. I hope for a little breather, and that this one will be a little funnier. But let’s see what happens. Okay?
Let’s get it started.
Creepy music isn’t instilling me with much confidence, you know.
A young cat lady? Oh honey.
Oh boy. Someone else is walking in the house.
Oh boy.
Why is that creeper hiding in her closet till the morning to kill her? What the fuck?
And why a hammer?
“You’re experiencing hyperacusis. It’s caused by sudden loud noises, like an explosion.” REALLY?
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(that’s sarcasm) – hyper sounds loud.
Wait. So the doctor wants to take him off the field? Oh boy.
I mean, I get it, and I want him to get better, but poor baby, he can’t sit still forever. He hated being a prosecutor.
“W-what if I said I’d … take it easy and … limit my role in the field?”
So cute! He’s like, I need to get back to work.
Wait. He’s so damaged in the ear he can’t hear his phone ringing? Oh, baby.
Wait. That fucker raped and hammered her to death? Ugh.
JJ: “Lower Canaan, Ohio.”
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Emily: “Lower where?”
Ha! I love you, Emily. I have no fucking idea where that is either.
“Ritual. Nice hair, by the way.”
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Hey! Leave my poodle’s mane!
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Wait what? It’s the same victimology of a serial killer who was executed? Makes no sense.
Oh. A copycat honoring the anniversary of his hero’s death. Ew.
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I’m sorry, Reid saying ‘semen’ is like hearing me talking in Japanese – unnatural.
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Hold up, the jizz they found in the girl is matching to the DNA of the Angel Maker? WHAT?
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Oh boy.
Chuck Palahniuk: “We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.” AMAZING
“They have parachutes on board, right?”
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“They should. It’s standard on all federal air transport.”
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“Maybe we can give one to the elephant in the room, get him out of here?”
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“That’d be the elephant with the dead man’s DNA.”
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“Well, obviously somebody planted the semen on the victim.”
Derek: “In the victim.”
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“Reid, you’re not seriously floating around the idea of an evil twin, are you?”
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“No, I’m not. I’m floating the idea of an eviler twin.” DOES HE NOT UNDERSTAND SARCASM?
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Oh my god, I’m dying right now.
“Traditionally, the concept is a good twin and an evil twin. But in this case, it’s evil twin and eviler twin.”
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Oh god, I love my pure angel.
Why would the puncture wounds seem familiar to Emily? Weird.
That’s a pretty prison.
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“Real lady killer.”
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REALLY? Did that guard just make that lame ass joke? Oh god.
“The type of DNA that cats in lockup don’t have occasion to use.”
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Wow. That’s some strong language there, Derek!
Can I ask? Why does he speak to everyone normally on the phone, but when he talks to Garcia, it’s to the hearing piece? Is he that desperate for her voice? I don’t get it.
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Wait. There are rumors about the execution being sloppy? Oh boy.
Wait. They’re digging up the angel maker to prove he’s dead to get the townies off their backs? That’s wrong. Listen to the FBI.
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Okay, so I’m naturally extremely sensitive to loud noises, like the buzzing in Hotch’s ear, so can they NOT do that please? UGH
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So that’s an empty coffin. And it’s not a good sign.
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Oh boy.
Oh god, Shemar is sitting on a desk. Why do I find that hot?
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“What does that mean, doctor?” God, no one should sound that hot. Fuck. No really, if you check out my lady parts, you’ll see them all aflutter.
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Wait. So they killed him with drugs, and yet he was still alive? Oh boy.
Wait. When they killed Cortland he said he’d come back right before they attempted to execute him? Oh boy.
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“Did you know that John Wayne Gracie painted clowns? A murdering pedophile paints clowns, and people hand them on their walls. It’s creepy on so many levels. I mean, clowns –”
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“Garcia, I didn’t know you had that hang-up.”
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Aw, Derek is learning stuff about baby girl.
“Coulrophobia – abnormal fear of clowns.” Good to know, female Reid XD
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“Oh, no, there is nothing abnormal about it. When I was twelve, a hobo clown groped my breast at a birthday party and made this old-timey honkey noise when he did it. Apparently making it funny makes it okay.”
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Derek’s face is like, who the fuck touched my baby girl’s boobs? Only I am allowed! Who is this clown and how can I kill him?
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“Oh, my vision, I found a ton.”
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That’s sad. Angel Maker memorabilia. Ew.
“He also made these little origami figurines out of cigarette boxes, which, I hate to say, are really cute.”
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Oh honey.
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Wait. The guard sells his crap? Oh boy.
“Wakey, wakey, my man.”
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Well, Sid’s dead. Shit.
“One to the grill, one to the groin. That’s personal.”
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Damn straight.
“Strikes me as an Aqua Velva guy.”
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Bam. Nailed it. That’s his cologne.
What’s in the pill box?
Wait. It’s a woman now? Oh boy.
Wait. Rutledge blackmailed the unsub? OH BOY!
“We now know that Rutledge was transferred to Hawkesville from a female prison, in the wake of allegations that he was using his position to leverage sexual favors from inmates.”
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Oh boy.
“That and the fact that he took a PDE-5 inhibitor shortly before his murder.”
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“A what?”
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Oh damn.
Are they allowed to say that on CBS? Hahahaha oh my god.
“Hybristophilia. It’s a sexual attraction to men who commit violent crimes.”
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I’m sorry, but Derek talking about sexual attraction is seriously sexy and he can’t talk about unhealthy attraction and look sexy at the same time because it ruins the whole point.
“She’s using an instrument to simulate the sexual assault …” did they actually say she was using toys on the victim? OH BOY!
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“Hey, you ever get groupies at your book singing?” “Sometimes, if Barry Manilow isn’t in town.”
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I love you, Rossi.
“Waits an average of three hours for a ten-minute visit, mandatory strip search. Would you endure that for a guy?”
“For Barry Manilow, maybe.”
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Wait. This lady professed she was the fucker’s lover? Oh boy.
“Last time I checked, they didn’t allow conjugal visits on death row.”
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Wait. So the lady then stopped loving him because she got a letter addressed to a different woman, but it was written in a different dialect, how can it be from him, then? It makes no sense.
Oh god. Another victim.
She killed a day-care lady? THAT IS CRUEL!
Wait. The puncture wounds mean something? Oh boy.
The letters to ‘dove’ were a code? Oh boy.
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I love you, Reid.
“What do you need to crack it?” “The ability to clone myself and a year’s supply of Adderall.”
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“I’ll put on the coffee.”
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Oh my god, that was genius.
“So they both had home-based businesses. A stranger could walk in off the street and be a prospective customer.” Oh god.
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SHIT. The puncture wounds represent constellations. Damn.
“Delphinus, the dolphin; Equuleus, the little horse. Anything sound familiar?”
“His origami things.”
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Oh boy.
Shit. One more kill to complete the set. Shit.
“They weren’t just close. They were in love.”
“How’d you crack it?”
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“I profiled the author. Cortland Ryan was on death row with several high-ranking members of the Aryan brotherhood.”
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“He got the code from the Aryans?”
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“Either that or he read a lot of 16th-century literature.”
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Wait. “The Aryans liked to use a cipher based on a 400-year old code written by Sir Francis Bacon.” Oh god.
“Normally you’d use a computer to run all these combinations, but it was quicker to just to do it longhand until I found the right one.” WHAT?
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“He’s so lifelike.” OH MY GOD! EMILY!
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Seriously, those letters were so romantic, if it weren’t for the horrible fact that he fucking killed people and she continued his ‘mission’ after death.
JJ’s right. Reid confirmed, “Well, she did say ‘us’ – watch over us from the stars.”
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Wait. The victim survived? Because she screamed? GOOD FOR YOU LADY!
Wait. So Shara did the whole thing, trying to get pregnant with the wacko’s kid? EW!
“So if you want me to find baby angel maker, we’re gonna have to narrow it down.” I love you Garcia.
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“Ten months, actually.”
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No wait. Hold up. Seriously? I didn’t know that a woman was pregnant ten months. Wait. Are they making this up? Hold on. Nope. They’re right. So why are we so convinced that it’s always nine months? MOM! HAVE YOU BEEN LYING TO ME????
“We’ll do single mothers only, in case she wanted to keep the father a secret, you know, didn’t want to brag: ‘oh, your baby daddy’s a third-grade teacher? Well, mine likes to poke people in the stomach with tools, so there.’” LOL
So gross, yet so awesome
Wait. Why is the name familiar to my poodle?
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Damn. She was on the jury. So she knew the case. Fuck.
Shit. Her baby died in the hospital, she wanted a baby so bad, and she fell in love with the fucker so deeply that she was willing to continue his legacy and let her new baby know who his daddy was? FUCK.
“Completing the murders was the only way she could hold on to him.”
I’m with you, baby, that’s gross. She stole the body from the grave. Fuck.
“Meetings with Delilah Grennan and Maxine Chandler the day of each murder.” Oh boy.
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Bam. found the next victim. Let’s hope we get her in time.
Shemar leaning over a car. Hot.
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Sneaky, yummy Shemar.
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Shit. She took a gun and is roaming the house and my baby is there, too. Fuck.
Wendell Berry: “The past is our definition. we may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding something better to it.” Sounds weird. Then again, I’m pretty sure I’m high on caffeine. Which is weird.
“Morgan doesn’t like to follow directions. You didn’t know about that?”
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“Yeah he likes to vibe it.”
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What does that even mean?
“Ok, smart ass, you drive.”
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Emily: “Oh, great.”
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I love this cast so fucking much!
And Morgan said ‘ass’.
 Okay, so this episode was creepy in so many ways, but we had more fun between my superheroes which was amazing beyond belief! I’m so happy they put everything in one episode and also addressed what happened to Hotch and didn’t just glance over it.
I’m not gonna elaborate too much, seeing as this is already heavy on the verbosity and I’m planning on adding tons of pictures of Shemar, Kirsten and Matthew anyway. So I’ll see you all for the next episode, and thank you again, for taking the time to actually see what I have in my filthy mind.
Love you all!
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