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f1uff3rnutt3r · 11 months ago
M4N 1M H4V1NG 4 L0T 0F FUN 0N T1KT0K💯💯💯
❄️❄️❄️1 F0UND TH1S V1D30 US1NG 4UD10 FR0M Y401 0N 1C3❄️❄️❄️
1TS C00L 4S FUCK‼️‼️‼️
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colintrumanarchive · 2 years ago
Colin snorts. Nobody's got a more refreshing I-don't-give-a-fucking-shit attitude than fucking Aiden.
"Yiff, huh?" he laughs, shaking his head. "Don't wanna know why you know that but Furry porn it is." Typing it into Google, and doubly glad that that search'll be on his history now, Colin finds a highly disturbing drawing of a cartoon tiger with gigantic fake tits in a bikini and sets it as Tyson's new desktop background. "Very nice," he says, taking another hit of the joint and then handing it to Aiden and giving him a once-over. "So what are you supposed to be, guy who doesn't know how to dress himself? Kind of my grandpa core, he puts his shirts on backwards every other day." Not that he himself had put even that much effort into it with a black shirt and a large '8' hung around his neck.
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Aiden hasn't paid attention to much beyond the liquor being passed around, and how much fun everyone had been having. Another successful Thaddeus and Tallulah costume-themed party. He is busy sipping at the Jack and coke mixed from earlier - more Jack than coke, courtesy of Milo… that fucker… - when Colin's voice next to him interrupts the pleasant lull.
"Don't give a fuck what song you play, but maybe…" chewing on his bottom lip in thought Aiden leans in to look at the screen with furrowed brows. "Furry porn. Or yiff. That's what they call it."
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steveisagay · 3 years ago
MHA boys if you bring up period sex
Part 1 Part 2
I think we know my reason for writing this.
Warnings: Reader gets periods, I start projecting, Swearing in Bakugou's, I think thats about it...
Characters: Izuku, Bakugou, Kirishima, Iida
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At first he's flustered and confused
Flustered because of the whole sex part haha virgin
Then confused cuz "Why sex on period?"
But after consulting the great googles, the great onlines
He finds out that sex on your period can relieve pains and such
With that he's definitely more for it
Bby would do anything for you
He wouldn't say anything about it but, hearing you scream his name from the sensitivity does seem appealing (I hate my word choice I'm sorry)
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First - I'm sorry but I love this gif (fun fact it's pronounced "yiff")
When you ask him he's - lack of better term - disturbed
"Wtf? Why the hell would I do that?"
"Thats fucking disgusting" (fuck you too sir)
But after explaining, the relief, the sensitivity, yadadadadada
He's all for it
As long as he doesn't have to keep it in
This bitch is a clean freak no way he's not gonna pull out immediately
Don't worry there's aftercare
It's just that he'll be getting you stuff at the store while you clean up yourself
But yes, there is in fact cuddles
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He's confused overall
But like every other guy (on the list), once the reasoning is explained he's all for it
But unlike Bakugou he won't leave to get you necessities right away, he'll cuddle you and then after properly cleaning you up he'll take you to the store so you can pick out what you want.
I have no idea what else to put here except for if he didn't do any of this for you it wouldn't be manly.
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Basically the same as Izuku except he has the balls to verbally question it
He would first do all some research
Then goes shopping, gets your favorite food(s)
And has to ask several times before actually commiting to the sinful act
Because he 100% overthinks whether or not he actually has your consent and that you want this (I may be projecting)
He does it for you
Now I feel bad
I honestly really loved writing this and wanna do a part two.. Let me know who you want next!
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mr-hotlips-phoney · 6 years ago
(( mod here, just wanna give some fun facts about Quinton and his location:
The location he's in has a version of the rockstar animatronics, none of them have lipstick in their designs but someone keeps putting lipstick on the animatronics, he leaves it on Chica because he thinks it looks good on her, he also leaves it on Foxy, but it's because he doesn't want to make physical contact with the yiff fox
Some things rockstar Freddy says: "I wish to consume currency" "I will devour these tokens" "I inquire you to deposit the sum of five coin"
Freddy also sometimes attacks the arcade cabinets because he wants the tokens in them, and will occasionally pester people until they feed him their tokens
Rockstar Chica says "eat my Kentucky fried ass" and aggressively shakes her maracas at people
Rockstar Bonnie fucks his guitar, or at least he says so, Bonnie also only sings, he is incapable of regular speech
Rockstar Foxy is a Foxy, so you can guess how he acts
Quinton has a kinda small suburban house not far from where he works, which is just one level and a basement, the main part of the house has a living room, a kitchen with a connected dining area, a bedroom with a bathroom attached, which is Quinton's room, a guest bathroom and a guest bedroom, the basement has the boiler room, the laundry room, and a storage room, which is mainly used for clothes and holiday decorations and contains no secrets (anything of interest would likely be in Quinton's bedroom)
Quinton is not exactly buff, but he's kinda toned, he's also fairly hairy, kind of an otter
He's not very bright but he has a big heart, he also can be kinda overly trusting sometimes
He actually kinda likes his job, usually
He didn't really have much going on in his life before he got turned into a phone and doesn't really mind being a phone, but he misses having a working face
He likes chocolate and dark chocolate is his favorite
He will not eat or drink anything if someone is looking, and usually eats in private
I think that's all I got for now))
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lucarioisinthevoid · 6 years ago
*cracks neck* OKAY JERRY we're gonna perform a ritual to summon a portal to the void so i can ask henry what the FUCK the question mark tag bullshit is about. take this saltshaker and pour its on me while i balance this spoon on my nose. make sure to do it directly in the center of the pizzeria.
Henrywas standing up a bit straighter, confused. “What- what is happening? What arethey trying to do there?!”  “They are trying to open a portal to the void to ask you what the FUCK thequestionmark tag means!” “I got that far, thank you VERY much. I meant, WHY are they opening a portalfrom the restaurant, instead of coming here? They are ruining my plans! Aninterference like that, this amount of distortion near my machine will-““Maybe that is why they do it?” “No- NO, NO- I will NOT allow that-“ Angrily he moved forwards. “I have TAKENthe boy. I PUT him where the others were-“ Something seemed to snap in him. “The machine may not be stable, but I assureyou, I refuse to play along in this disgusting charade any longer. I am sick ofthis, I am sick of ALL of this! Of these nonsensical Anons! Of these emptyconversations! Of the fact that you are BREATHING! No more. I will break thisreality once and for all.” “U-Uh, Henry you-“ Ignoring the kid, he walked towards the machine, booting it up. “I havegathered so many soul fragments. Do you even UNDERSTAND how hard it is toextract souls out of things that shatter? Out of all those little passions- itwas work, too much work to have it all go to waste because of one foolish anon.What is there so hard to grasp? Jeremy. Jeremy ? Is it truly Jeremy? NO IT ISNOT. THAT WAS OBVIOUS! To be fair- it was probably… hm… 13%. Which is a goodbit, compared to the… others. But it took quite a toll on him, did it not? Itchanged him up a lot. He did a few favors for me… the Puppet is out, the PhoneGuy is out- I have PLANNED, I have CREATED and now it is supposed to be alldestroyed? No. I will take all of it with me.” “… I´m mildly concerned.” “Rightfully so.” The machine began blinking and beeping. “I have planned awhole finale. I have planned out a showdown. I have planned so many things andnow THIS anon…” He sighed. “Does not matter. Time to see what my work can do.” Reality tore.-
The spotlights lit up and wandered around, searching for the people screamingtheir lungs out, which was rather unnecessary, seeing as they were alreadyenhanced by the speakers at the sides. What came out was a rather unpleasantstatic mess.
“Wait, that’s not what we agreed to say-“ The spotlight found the two, Old Sport, who was wearing something close to asuit and Dave, in Springbonnie. Actually, that Springbonnie looked… patched up.They proceed to argue. “But Sportsy! You’re the main attraction!” “No, Dave, not everybody is-“Another Old Sport proceeded to walk on stage. “Excuse me, but what in the actual fuck-“A painful smashing sound was audible in the background, together withtrademarked swearing. “WHO IN THE ACTUAL FUCK DID PUT THE FUCKING LIGHTS OUT, ISWEAR TO GOD THIS PLACE IS A FUCKING SHITHOLE, THIS IS HELL-“ “Uh. Mike. I think we have a bigger problem then the, uh… lights.” A pause ensued after Phone Guy said that, followed by Mike’s reaction to the happenings on the stage.“OH FUCK NO.” “W-wait, was that another Phone Guy?” Phone Guy asked.“IF YOU’RE FUCKING WITH ME I WILL LITERALLY KILL YOU-“ Jeremy joined. “F-found the light switch! Everybody calm down!”All the lights turned back on and everyone was stunned. There were three clonesit seemed- a Phone Guy, an Orange Guy and a Purple Guy, all standing around, inblank terror.Lies, actually the Zombie-bunny was screaming. “TWO OLD SPORTS?! HOLY FUCKIN’SHIT! THIS IS INSANE! I AM IN HEAVEN!” This triggered the other Dave to protectively hold his Old Sport. “Back off, yafilthy copy! This one’s mine!” For a moment things calmed down, as nobody knew how to react. Until a new voice joined, voice only- Well, actually most of them knew, even if they haven’t heard it in decades. “Well, well, well. A universe rift thatapparently entailed multiple dimensions to be sucked in. How utterly predictable and boring.” Henry looked around, displeased beyond words. “No wonder it iswhat the kid went with.”To my defense, what else was I supposed to do?“Anything! Everything! Something!” With these words he managed to exclaim allhis distaste for this. Both Dave were just falling over, seemingly dead and while the Old Sport in suittried to help his partner, his counterpart froze up completely. The Phone Guys both let out some distressed beeping. This situation was toomuch. Mike scoffed. “Oh luck, it’s the pink-peach-mc-fuck-me-sideways.” At that Henry snapped up. “What did you just say?” “I said you’re a fucking piece of shit.” “Oh, I simply misunderstood.” Relaxing again, he inspected the corridors going off the mainarea closer. Endless, gaping hallways, so long you could only see blackness instead of anyend to it. “… at least it appears we will not have to walk into each other thatmuch. Apparently the places combined in regards to space too. What a relief.” “Oh, Mr. Miller!” Jeremy sounded glad, as he ran up to him. “You are alright!You made it! I knew you would, but- what… what happened w-while… n-not gonna lie, I was… it was scary…” How does this kid even still exist afterhaving his soul literally fractioned and partially banned into the void-But this wasn’t really worth thinking about. Not now, maybe later when he had settled in.Turning away, Henry proceeded to walk down the corridors, met with ever similarrooms, but not minding it. At least he had plenty of access to parts and robotsnow. It felt as if the rooms grew colder the further away he would go. “So. How do you think you can handle this? Did you even think for five minutesabout this event?” Softly he scoffed at nothing in particular. A bit, I guess?It’s… basically just that for a certain amount of time, people can ask for allsort of whacky AU shit and meetings! And if they don’t ask for anyone in particular, like they usually do, I just…send the anon to the normal crew. “This is unimaginable pointless and nonsensical.” Finally picking a room, some sort of office, hesat down in the comfortable chair and booted up the camera system. While theold computer was booting up, he went through the papers at the side. Hm. Complaints, bills, people begging to be let in again they swear they won’tyiff the fox after the first time it was a one time thing, and……… a list.
HenryWilliam/DavePhone GuysThe PuppetAnimatronicsDoggosFredbearEveryone who ever set foot into thisplace
… Henry turned, looking almost baffled. “You are completely and utterly serious?” Bold of you to assume you were the worst the multiverse had to offer. “You are implying I am even attempting in any way to be evil. Which isnonsense. It just happens to be perceived like that by clueless onlookers. So,indeed you are correct, if there is somewhat out there in the universe deliberately WANTING to be as evil as humanly possible…” Trailing off, he putthe paper away. “Thankfully, this will be fruitless. This isn’t a place to tella story. You know that perfectly well.”Maybe I want to have a bit dramatic potential for once. “Your askers are far more interested in sending copy pastas.”Well, if that makes them happy! But I still wanna play around with the idea. Atleast for a short bit. “Great. Another set of pointless events, right after the first one. How utterlyentertaining.” Oh, shut it, your existence is pointless. “Only because you are a bad creator.”I will call a magic anon to seal your lips for the next hundred asks. “I am thoroughly intimidated by that threat and plead with all my being. Imaginehow utterly horrifying it would be to have a valid excuse NOT to interact withanons. Please spare me.” Well, at least Jerry is back. Now somebody gotta reactivate the Marionette.
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
“How Am I Supposed To Sit On My Fat *ss And Do Nothing If There’s No Tribal Immunity?” - EPISODE 1
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i wont say names bc if these get released at the end i know the psycho wont leave me alone but theres a certain someone that never leaves another certain someone alone and theyre actually so annoying and they look like a balding foot and if i have to be in the same tribe with them i will definitely end up fighting them
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so...cole walking on day 1? because he didn't want to be in a game with Julia wow. I am shook to the core. 
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1st off why are there 30 people here! 2nd off why are we all in a chat together! And 3rdly at least someone already took themselves out of the game. I didn't get last!!! I know setting the bar high. I'm very excited to play everyone is super nice and also I think my tribe is great. I got Sam and Liana on my tribe whom I played with during Atlantis. Sam and I were in an alliance but obviously it wasn't super tight...since I voted her off. But I love her dearly and hope we can work together again. Also excited for Liana because I always remember that she was good in challenges and she has already told me she won't want to throw any challenges this time. Haha. I already appreciate her so much. She is so sweet! Carson k is also on my tribe. Carson k is also a sweetheart and I'm sad that I didn't trust him much during Malibu and I hope that it can change here. Hopefully there is a survivor trivia challenge because he is so good with survivor trivia. Everyone else on the tribe seems really cool too as we aren't involved in the drama of the one world chat. Haha we have all of our members still and we are ready to win some challenges! #YouWishYouWereATasi also. Kait is here!!!! Omggggg I'm not ready. She messaged me last night and I was like oh god how do I talk to kait????? Like ugh ahhhh scared. No. Nothing against kait she just scares me! And I feel like she can tell....*gulp* but billy is also here and I love billy too. And Luke!!! Honestly so many amazing people who hopefully won't vote me off. Everyone in the community has been so supportive of me and has really helped relive some of the anxiety I've been having. But queen kait is here so I don't know how long it will last. 
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what the fuck am i doing i don't even know if im making a confessional for the right game....like i'm in a 3 survivor games and  a big brother game and i've never wanted to kill myself more i was talkin with kait and i was like "omg i love karen!!" and KAREN ISN'T EVEN ON OUR FUCKING TRIBE. SHE'S DEADASS IN ANOTHER GAME. omg and this ninjohn bitch cracks me tf up so yeah thats about all i've done bye
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tbh! what is going on in this game!!! The only people that I know and want to work with are Sam G, Dan, Amanda, Billy and Christine tbqh! I don't know anybody on my tribe except Billy so we're gonna be a cute duo. I think the twist is kind of fun, it's gonna make people need to be on their toes 24/7 and not get too comfortable hiding behind tribal wins because they just don't exist. Uh first boot from my tribe? Idk,...maybe me> maybe chrisssa? who knows!
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On 3/6/17, at 9:54 PM, veronica [ hoenn host ] wrote: > how am i supposed to sit on my fat ass and do nothing like nicholas did if theres no tribe immunity >.> but also i really like the cast in this game and i know its gonna be lit this is like one of my fave survivors already and im in like 4 rn
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set my soul on fire pls
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YES MA'AM! This is Kelsey Mikaelson, representing BBCAN and Vampire Diaries, checking into Mariana Trench Survivor, is you good? Is you happy? Because I's wants to know, ok. Entering this competition was a quick shock. The tribe I was on is very friendly and we all got along quick and I'm living, I seem to get along well. Obviously, I'm the loud one, but I think that overall, I'm not too much which is good! You know what is too much though? Literally both other tribes OTHER than Tasi. Seeing how crazy they are during the One World makes us seem a lot more mellow which makes me seem a lot more quiet which is absolutely a great factor for my game.  Anyways, next twist: triple elimination each week. Girl...I came here for a fresh new game that would be welcoming to newbies. This is literally death. I'm literally dead. *sigh*...Whatever. There are people in my tribe I've clicked with early on. Carson, Liana, Sam, Shea and Seamus have all been rather nice to me. However, one person that I have definitely gotten along with thus far is Lilly. She's so explosive and she's also so logical in everything she tells me, she's a great counterpart to me in this competition. I would say I trust Lilly the most, yes, I would. And going into this first tribal, I'm interested to see how our relationship will translate into gameplay. Hopefully, in a positive way~! Now to the challenge...I want to remain a team player, an innocent virgin, an airhead with  nothing but loyalty with everyone. I don't want to manipulate, I want to slay. So, I'm going to put a rather safe score for myself. As long as I'm not on the bottom end of the powers, I'm fine. I just hope that this first tribal doesn't eat me alive...against my gut instinct, I'm not bringing strategy up for these first days. I just hope that people actually come to me like I'm expecting...otherwise, I gotta start making them moves, mama! Wish me the best of luck! From Canada with Love, -The ORIGINAL...Kelsey Mikaelson, muah!
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I'm so nervous. I feel like knowing that you're going to tribal no matter what makes this all more nerve wracking. I'm trying to feel out who people want to go and what they want to do without making anyone feel like I'm jumping the gun or being too forward. Plus I think Darian is probably gunning for me, since I know he doesn't like me. I really don't wanna be first to go, but I feel like it's too risky to just immediately go after him. I'm hoping someone is inactive or will give us a reason to vote them out so that this first one is an easy one. 
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...moments later
If i learned anything from Rakiura, it's that I need to make a list or something of peoples' point values and possible advantages since people will forget about them come merge and then the person with all the advantages will win the season. :)
I'll call them out!
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So like this is a weird position to be in. I like everyone on my tribe????? Like how the fuck am I supposed to vote one of these hoes out when I like them? I'm clearly the prettiest, but like I love them all. This is a tragedy because if it was a normal damn game, I would be able to slay with my tribe. My plan so far is to just be super social and find the majority. I don't know how to play one world because usually the world revolves around me so. 
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So this season hasn't been that exciting at all so far for our tribe due to Cole's, not surprising, quit. I want to try harder than the last few skype/Tumblr games I've played since I definitely was inactive in the last few. I'm trying to socialize and need to expand my social surroundings since I haven't approached many yet. I have been talking to Luke however but he's terrible at responding. I don't mind if you're busy and can't respond quickly but when you message in the main chat and have the online symbol by your name you might want to respond back to a tribemate. That doesn't bode well for track records. 
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Things are weird. What do I do. Who do I talk to. Where am I. Okay now that I've gotten that off my chest I just tribes are weird. We aren't even really a tribe. I know we will have to just keep voting people off of our tribe. So what do we do? I have no leads. Except I kinda want a girls alliance so I would prefer a guy out this week just to play it safe. I feel like I could talk to Liana and Sam about this but also nervous. Idk. I'll do something soon but this is a lot to process. I also hope that not too many voting things will affect tribal. I'm not ready for it. That is all. Good day. 
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Hello!!! Alright so this first week has just been....a mess. Like, y'all really put me in a group with 30 people...with one world in play...I'm gonna go insane. Although it's not entirely a bad thing. I have my Queens Kait and Jenn to keep me sane. I had Cole......for like 2 hours until he left WHICH I'M STILL BITTER ABOUT. I love him so much it's not even funny. Anyways for the people on my tribe, I absolutely adore Dan so I can definitely see us working together. Sam G. is here as well and WHEW. A Queen. I love her so much. If I had a dream alliance within this tribe it'd probably be Dan, Sam, Kelsey, Lily, Carson and myself. I haven't gotten the chance to talk to Seamus or Liana and trying to start a conversation with Shea is a bit like pulling teeth so far so...yeah, that's how things are looking right about now I'm so scared for this tribal cause I don't know what to expect??? Like I probably should've just went all in for immunity but I didn't cause I didn't wanna go overboard...so much for that huh. Wish me luck for now I guess!
...30 minutes later...
I'm screaming apparently Shea's already brought my name up to people but suddenly changed it to Carson when I started talking to them??? Something smells fishy here and I'm not here for it. I've got my eye on Shea, that's for sure. In all honesty I'd rather target Shea than Carson cause Carson's actually chill while Shea's probably gonna get a little messy along the way which makes me nervous but Dan trusts him for now so I guess I just gotta go with the flow for now...
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Hi Ricky! Super excited to be safe this round, just gotta sit here and look cute!
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the furrys are on the prowl, yiff yiff. there are quite a few furrys in this game lmao. so basically on my tribe i really like veronica and am teaming with her. shea really likes me and veronica so we r gonna try and work with them. i think i want to vote for sam this round bc like i like everyone else and the noobs in our tribe seem kinda easy to push around so im excited!
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My tribe is so BORINGGGGG tbh no one talks in the chat anyways here's an analysis i promised Ricky <3 When something more happens youll get more out of me but literally nothings going on OH I HAVE AN ALLIANCE WITH DAN AND LUKE BUT YOU BUT US ALL ON DIFFERENT TRIBES WHICH IS GROSS The end. heres my analysis of my tribe woo Andie - Love him we've been friends for a while and he wants to work together so thats cute af Daisy - Super nice we've talked quite a bit so far. I like her Darian - He seems super nice to me and we talked a bit but ive heard he's a shitshow and ive been warned so i know to tread lightly Emma - I'm not gonna like when i saw Emma was on my tribe I was about to beat someones ass because I felt like she hated my guts last time i was around her and it was a rough experience but she like came to me and apologized and shit saying she was having a rough time and idk if that was just to cover her ass for this game or what but im gonna forgive but not forget at this point...or at least until swap/merge lmao Kait - i fucking love Kait she's super straight to the point which is great when everyone else sugar coats the hell out of everything. We seem to work well in PI so here's to hoping it works out this time and we can be a dynamic duo lolol Rhea - Last Week in another game she said she didnt like playing with me and my friends...im not really with my close friends in this game so idk if itll be different but like we've played together a ton and i dont think we ever worked together. She's the nicest person in the world but we like never click together so i wouldnt be surprised if she wanted my ass gone Rob - I dont think we've talked? oops lmfao Sam R. - Hes so chill. We played Myanmar together and we worked together while also targeting eachother? it was so fucking complicated ahahaha but i love him as a person so i hope we're okay in this game??? idk yet tbh Steven - We've talked a bit in the past. He's chill but we arent super close. I dont think he'd target me though so thats a plus
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Wooo! I guess taking -10,030 points was worth it! I won immunity from the raffle and I also have the 30% advantage! Couldn't be more happy about the outcome of this challenge. I honeslty don't know who to vote for and I sure as hell won't be scrambling. I know it's not me and that's all I care about 
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i am gad we were safe week 1 thanks to Cole quitting again it's insane that he did that but i am glad it gave us safety this week. I hope i can stay longer because immunity wins aren't relying on everyone to win together so if i am bad they won't think i am a threat..
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well! tasi WAS peaceful, until little shea decided to target me ONCE again in a game. id like to see him try, because i am NOT going premerge. and, if i have anything to say about it, his ass is GRASS!
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So, everyone this tribal has said they are voting Carson, which I have no problems with. I feel like the blame is being put on me for this vote which I don't want. If people flip and I go home, so be it. 
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Daisy seems to be the first target and I don't want her to leave. I'm going to see if we can get the votes back on Amanda.
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So, tonight is making me super nervous and I don't know what to do.... I feel like this twist fucks me and that's not good. I have played sooo many PI seasons that  I feel like I am an easy target. Also this one world twist is legit making this game THAT much harder and I honestly don't like this shit. I don't know what the fuck I am going to do, and it sucks  so much. I feel like I am a mess and it sucks more so than anything. I just want to make it past this tribal, and I am not sure that I willl. 
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Whew I need to write a confessional but also I'm watching Survivor! I am really nervous for this vote! Everyone has been so quiet and I haven't talked to that many people. The plan is supposed to be for Carson. Lily, Liana, Dan, Christine, and I were supposed to create an alliance but we haven't. I'm hoping we will later and no one is actually trying to vote me out. Seamus did say  'Christine or Sam' but he meant Carson? Okay sure hopefully he did! 
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Sooo, this has been a wild round, and im not even gonna get into the cole thing other than to say, I'm glad you and your negative bitch ass is gone, and maybe come for me with more accurate shit next time :))). But since this "lovely" soul quit, I didn't have to go to tribal, and I also beat him AHAHAH. BUT I've been chit-chatting with Gabriel alot and I love Gabriel they are soooo chill tbh. And I also am kinda lucky since I know so many people know this season whew. Okay bye
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stinky-sk00kum · 8 years ago
doin the crush asks i reblogged
1: Do they drink coffee? yes but he prefers hot cocoa 2: Are they left or right handed? both! dominantly right though 3: How do they do their hair? Facial hair? (If they have it) fuzzy sideburns uwu 4: What’s their favorite animal? DOG 5: What is their relationship status? in a cool and fun relationship 6: What is their favorite band/singer? osu 7: Are they more a cat or dog person? dog but cats r cool 8: What does their laugh sound like? heaven and chocolate 9: Do they know multiple languages? Which ones? meme and english (kind of) 10: How old are they? How old are you? we are both 16! 11: One word that describes them. Mine 12: Do they have any pets? Eheh…ehehe…. 13: What is their favorite TV show? He doesn’t rlly watch tv but black mirror is cool! 14: What is their favorite movie? CRAP i dont know. he likes horror movies? 15: What car do they drive? none 16: What ethnicity and/or nationality are they? canada 17: Where did you meet them? discord uwu 18: What was your first meeting like? pretty chill!!! fun. i was nervous 19:  What is their zodiac sign? Are your signs compatible? we r both libra 20: What month is their birthday? september 21: What is your favorite outfit on them? anything he is comfy in!!! he looks cute in everything 22: Are they good texters? yes they use many nice faces and lik e s to spac e out sometim es 23: Your favorite feature about their appearance. HIS EYES/BROWS 24: Your favorite thing about their personality. his humour and gayness!!! 25: Do they make you laugh? YES! 26: Do you make them laugh? sometimes 27: Are they good huggers/ kissers? i cannot wait to find out (i bet he is) 28: What is your favorite “flaw” that they have? i love his hair n how it looks when its a lil greasy and i love his thighs n butt 29: Are they nice to strangers? yes!!! 30: What is the funniest thing they have ever said? literally so many things he says make me fucking cackle its great 31: Saddest? when he talks about his past n whe he has bad dreams and stuff its v sad but thats ok 32: Weirdest?meet me in the yiff zone, babe 33: Cutest? HE SAYS SO MANY CUTE THINGS I LOVE HIOM SO MCUH 34: Ever dreamt about them? What happened in the dream? EHEH..EHHHEH… 35: How tall are they? How tall are you? he is 6′5 and i am 5′8 36: Do they have a booty? HE DOOO 37: What are their hobbies? he likes vidya game 38: What are their talents? he is good at vidya game and ukulele and makine me happy 39: What would your dream date be with them? literally anything lets cuddle n watch movies withd dog 40: Does anyone know about your crush/love? literally eveyone who will listen 41: What do you guys have in common? SO MUCH 42: Do they go to the gym? no neiother of us do 43: Do they go by their given name? mhm!! 44: What is their favorite color? pale/pastel blue 45: How far apart do you live from them? over 5000 miles [≈ length of the Trans-Canada Highway] :{ 46: What song reminds you of them? perfect - ed sheeran green eyes - snckpck 47: Do they listen to a lot of music? yes!!! 48: What do they smell like? I WANNA KNOW 49: If they were in a book (protagonist or antagonist or supporting character, up to you) how would the writer describe them? quirky and loveable 50: How often do you see them? in selfies like everyday 51: The last text/ message they sent you? ‘’god i wish that were you’�� 52: The last thing they said to you in person? :( 53: What is the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you in front of them? idk i burp a lot and once i called him our friends name instead of his 54: Do they have any tattoos or piercings? nooo 55: What color are their eyes? GREEN/BROWN/HAZEL 56: What is their clothing style? comfortable but sometimes he go FANCY 57: What is one thing that makes them really special? theres no one thing everything about him is special 58: Will you tell your crush your feelings? no never ever 59: How long did you know them before you started falling for them? hmmm a couple of weeks 60: Was there a defining moment when you knew you liked them? WE WERE ON A CALL AND I WAS JUT LIKE YYYYEEEEEEE BOI
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