itsjustagoober · 1 year
So, now that I finally have enough energy to focus to do this, I'm gonna tell y'all why I suddenly disappeared yesterday afternoon and didn't come back until about now.
Also, gonna put it under a break in case some of you all find this a little TMI. Better safe than sorry, right? Love y'all, too.
So, yesterday morning, I woke up not feeling too great. Nothing new so I didn't pay it much heed. It was the kind of not great where I didn't have an appetite, though, so I then forgot to eat and drink all day.
By the time it hit the afternoon, I was dizzy and nauseous. I couldn't stand or move too much without feeling awful and I couldn't keep anything but liquids down. I had chills and it hurt to go to the bathroom.
After my mom got home, she took me to Urgent Aid and they took me right back once they saw how bad I was and how my vitals were reading. I had a fever of 103°F, my heart rate was 170 and trying to go to the bathroom felt like trying to pass a small knife while peeing.
I was in Urgent Aid from about 6pm until 3am (CST). During that time, I:
-had my blood drawn for testing
-had to give a urine sample
-was given two bag of saline solution to rehydrate me, along with cup of water
-given graham crackers when I was allowed to eat again
-tried to force myself to stay still to calm down and lower my heart rate
After all was said and done, it seems I had another bad UTI and it compounded with the fever and raised heart rate. Doctor told me to take it easy for the next couple days, take my antibiotics and ibuprofen and to try and cut out caffeine from my life. He was mostly shocked about how my resting heart rate was still 120, when the average is supposed to be somewhere between 80-100.
So, yeah. I'm okay and home right now, just taking it very, very easy right now. The antibiotics seem to be working and the ibuprofen definitely is, so I might be a little more up to doing in the next couple days. This is the first time, in a long time, that I've had to stay at a hospital for myself like that. Hopefully, I don't have to go back anytime soon, for that reason.
But yeh, that's where I'm at right now. Hope you all have a good rest of your week and I'll be sort of floating around here maybe lol. Just as long as I keep my heart rate down.
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semisolidmind · 6 months
In your survivor au, what do you think DogDay's reaction would be anytime he found y/n with CatNap? (That includes mostly when catnap snags y/n for cuddles)
just curious lol I wanna hear your thoughts
dogday has very little tolerance for catnap's tomfoolery, especially in the first few days of their attempt at coexistence. he keeps a close eye on both catnap and y/n, just to make sure the cat doesn't try anything.
of course, he can't be with y/n all the time. so perhaps there's an instance where he, poppy, and kissy are out on a walk while y/n is in town; he doesn't expect them back for a while.
however, y/n gets home a bit early. catnap, noticing the lack of opposition, sees an opportunity.
he watches. he waits for the right moment. then he pounces.
with a small dosage of red smoke (not enough to fully knock them out, but enough to make them slow and groggy), catnap steals y/n away to the barn, picking them up by the back of their coat. they struggle weakly as he saunters into the barn, heaving himself and his quarry up into the loft in one jump.
he gently deposits y/n into his nest before curling up around them. he settles, ignoring their slurred admonishing in favor of rubbing his face against their hair. he purrs. he's just taking the attention he believes he's owed, after all. they're so doting on the other toys...it's only fair he get some of his savior's attention, too.
as the effects of the red smoke slowly wear off, y/n sighs and seems to accept their fate of being cuddled. they can't exactly move the heavy, powerful limbs holding them close.
so, they talk to catnap. they try to convince him that kidnapping them isn't the way to go about getting attention, but the feline simply gazes at y/n through lazily lidded eyes. when their pleas for freedom go unheard, y/n resigns themself to their fate; instead, they tell him about whatever it is they got done that day. at least the occasional twitch of a large purple ear lets them know that he's listening.
meanwhile, dogday and the girls are returning from their walk, flowers and a few foraged mushrooms in hand. dogday sees y/n's vehicle in front of the garage, and assumes they're in the house. except, when he goes inside, calling for them, there's no answer. poppy yells for them too, checking the rooms upstairs.
"they're not here!" she calls back to dogday.
a chill goes down his spine and his hackles immediately raise.
dogday is out the front door in a flash, snagging his axe (it's a normal size, but it looks smaller in his hands) from the side of the house on the way.
he runs towards the barn, knowing that's where that thing took his angel.
dogday kicks the weathered double doors in, head snapping in the direction of the loft. just as he suspected, catnap has y/n trapped between his deadly claws, prone and vulnerable.
"catnap!" he roars in outrage. "i swear if you've hurt them in any way, i'll—!"
y/n calls his name, and he stops. through his rage, he sees them. they're...they're not hurt. though he's glad to see them unharmed, he won't be happy until they're safely away from his enemy. he hears y/n sigh tiredly.
this isn't the first time this has happened, and it won't be the last.
they sluggishly pull themselves from between catnap's paws, and though the cat grumbles his discontent, he's obviously not looking to start a fight with the pissed off dog still brandishing an axe down below. the look y/n gives him cows him even more. he looks away, and allows y/n the space to stand. as much as he wishes he could keep them, their ever-so-loyal hound won't allow it.
he'll have to be sneakier next time.
y/n shakily stands up. they've built up some tolerance to the red smoke, but... it can still knock them off their feet if they're not expecting it. they make their way to the lofts' rickety ladder, only taking a few steps down before dogday is there, gathering them into one arm (the other still holding his axe, eyes never leaving catnap and ready to swing the moment the feline moves).
y/n sighs again. they rest their head on dogday's shoulder, slumping down as he quickly gets them out of the barn. they hear more than see dogday slam the barns' doors shut. they can feel how his breathing slows from its angry seethe, calmer now that they're with him.
y/n can feel how the large canine presses his head to theirs, giving an affectionate nuzzle that earns a little laugh from them. he huffs a bit, still upset that he wasn't able to stop them from being nabbed in the first place.
on their way back into the house, dogday leaves his axe on the porch, closing and locking the front door behind them.
poppy and kissy are in the living room, and they watch dogday carry y/n upstairs. poppy shakes her head and sighs. she's really not sure why y/n won't just let dogday kill catnap, especially since the feline keeps doing stuff like this. she puts that thought to the side as she and kissy decide on a movie.
dogday takes y/n into their shared room. he lays them gently on the bed, helping them remove their shoes and coat. y/n groans and pulls themself under the covers. the smokes' effects will fully wear off in a couple of hours, but for now it feels like serious jetlag. y/n closes their eyes.
as they settle in, they hear dogday sigh. as expected, he begins to settle himself next to them, curling up and holding them close. one large hand rests on their back, gently stroking their shoulder. y/n nuzzles into the soft fur of his chest.
as they fall asleep under the watchful eye of their guard dog, y/n hopes they can maintain some semblance of peace between their family and the stray in the barn.
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sparring-spirals · 11 months
i also feel like i should note i still havent watched the animated bells hells intro yet. so i hope everyone is ready for me to be ANNOYING AS HELL ABOUT IT, EXTREMELY LATE, the moment i do
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le-agent-egg · 2 months
sakuraoi and ishimondo are really really cute and i love them oh so dearly but i feel like their dynamics would be sososo much better if there was more exploration about how potentially toxic they could be. NOT TOXIC AS IN ABUSIVE!! JUST TOXIC AS IN BAD COMMUNICATION OR CODEPENDENCY!!! idk, i feel like more of a spotlight on the bad or potential really bad could be cool.
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professional-termite · 10 months
Owen Wilson but Minus Man
look i will only say this once but like...
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dysmorgahtzed · 23 days
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heres some wip because i have nothing to post OMG + i love ginger riddler with sideburns ooorgh
also if oswald was an actual penguin he'd totally be an adelie
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riddlingwife · 3 months
i love riddlelilian .. ooorgh .. vampire and some guy
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flora-bigs · 3 months
Ooorgh, da pizza one. Especially if they got so many to finish but not enough room? Roll it up and gulp it all down whole like that~
mmmghhh pizza burrito.... eat it like a burrito but it fills you up like a pizza
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landlessbud · 6 months
ooorgh shoulder,,,
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agooberscanons · 7 months
"Mmmm, yum yum~" they chuckle, the wiggle and kicks from the pugilist stirring up her flavor. Vanilla? A very nice taste.
Pulling her down more, her chest now squeezing at the back of their throat as her legs pass the lips and all is squishy darkness as she starts sliding down slowly.
So tastey~
Wow, this person really is big if her chest only hit the back of their throat as her legs disappear into their mouth! Wowie, she really is just someone's snack today, hm? Ooorgh, that makes her even more riled up as she now finally tries to fight it! Might be a tad too late though as she sliiiiiiides right down their gullet pretty easily.
"N-Noooo, wait-? Can't we just talk this over??", she asks while trying to put her arms out to the side to catch herself. Too slippery...!
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itsjustagoober · 2 years
[Why do you feel awful?! :( ]
So, unfortunately, I got food poisoning while I qas out partying with my friends last night.
And not even delayed food poisoning, like when I got home or this morning, it happened right after we finished eating and paid for the bill.
We were at a D&B's, so we ate first and then went to get up to go to the arcade side. Immediately felt a rumble in my whole body going down and had to run to the bathroom.
First trip was a doozy and then I came back to try and have some fun, second trip interrupted that and I was in the bathroom again for 20 minutes. I hadn't even realized I was in there that long until my friends came to check on me.
Had to drop out earlier than we planned to make the long drive hope at top speed, as I felt so awful and embarrassed too.
So, yeah. I feel awful still in that my body aches and all, but at least the worst of it was while I was going through it? Sleep helped a lot!
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uuuurgh ooorgh
Ourghh aougrg
Undertale yellow has entered my brain
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Thinking abt how - owing @ro-botany 's post - that when you're writing fic or making art there comes a point where even if you DO research the thing and learn about it, you have to as an author sit down and be like. "Do I want realism? Or do I want what's cool? Or funny?" And my answer to that is often a mixture and "depends on the scene/tone of the fic" but then I also have written werewolf Grima saying "I am grain" deadpan as a joke so maybe I shouldn't be held to Standards. However, it has reminded me that there's a lot of angst potential there I think people could work with. Like... ooorgh... I should be in bed but im thinking abt chrobin at 12:31am
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recents · 1 year
ooorgh i just ate omelette and waffle. *thumbs up*
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poltergeist-coffee · 1 year
hear me out here, after forever and phil get married and like neapolitan trio are introduced, so when richas gets more comfortable with phil he starts to stay at Phil's more and more so that he doesn't have to go to the orphanage and eventually he just stays there full time and when he wants to go see all his mermaid dads he just goes out with phil to go see them
this can also be a way to get chayanne and tallulah in here somewhere, like phil goes to officially adopt richas and ends up with 2 more kids on top of that 💀
This sound so cute tho omg ;—; richarlyson would love to go with Phil on the boat to visit his dads and play with them in the water,,, they would carry him and hold him the entire time and catch so many crabs for them all because that is his one (1) talent and I adore him for that
Forever would adore Tallulah and Chayanne,,,, ooorgh Tallulah helping braid his hair and asking about the markings on his arms (tattoos) and bringing him fake flowers because she thinks it will be better then real flowers in the water
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hyperiridescence · 2 years
ooorgh i wanna classpect the PAFL cast so bad
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