#OOC Mod was struggling with this drawing for some reason
pinkslenderman · 1 month
oh oh I made you something, pink! Here!
{A pink tie with orchids on it!}
-tea anon
(P.s you are very friendly and sweet mod :))
Oh, thank you dear, that's very sweet of you...
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I don't usually wear ties...but I suppose this will be an exception
...does it look alright?
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sebastianshaw · 3 years
Hello everyone, it’s Munday, which means I make one big OOC post so I don’t clog the rest of the week with ‘em! It’s just rando things that pop in my head or that’s happening in my life, basically. Not necessary reading, really a big Facebook post. 
- I’ve really been missing cuddling Dart, so I’ve taken to holding the bison plushy that I got right after he died, as the other rodents aren’t snugglers like he was. - A box of new toys arrived for the ratties, and their new cage should be coming too! - Speaking of that, apologies there aren’t more photos of Maia and Sugar, they are VERY squiggly!! -  When I had my Phantom of the Opera phase (as many nerd girls do) my favorite character was, of course, the Phantom, like every other nerd girl who watched it and latched on to the lonely outcast side regardless of the whole. . . stalking and manipulation and murder thing. Now, as an adult, my favorites are Carlotta, Piangi, the Persian, and the Ratcatcher. You know what that is? Growth. -  Think of rats Think of rats fatly Portly and divine Please feed them Once in awhile Just promise me you'll try! - Confession: There is just something weird about how Dauterman draws faces, to me at least. He’s not a bad artist, everything else he does is lovely, nor does his work seem in any way problematic/objectifying/etc, just the faces look really stiff and odd to me.  -  Ratsquerade! Rodent faces on parade! -  Whenever I see vampires in media that are more resistant to sunlight than the rest of their ilk in that same piece, the general rule is that the vampire is older and thus stronger (as strength and age typically go hand in hand in vampire media). For instance, exposing Akasha and Enkil to the sun in The Vampire Chronicles didn't kill them or even really hurt him much, and the Master survived direct sunlight in The Strain tv series even if it was painful to them, while in both series younger vampires would go up in flames instantly. But I like the idea of younger vampires being more resistant to the light and older vampires being more vulnerable to it despite their greater powers. It kinda makes more sense in my head. - One of the things I love about WtA (Werewolf: The Apocalpyse) is that werewolves and other fera (wereanimals) have a purpose. There’s a Big Bad (The Wyrm) and its agents to fight in what seems a neverending struggle, and they were each created to serve or defend Gaia in a different way. The idea of werewolves having a concrete objective REASON to exist is something I’ve never seen in any other werewolf media, and it forms the basis for much of their culture in this setting as well as giving them a USAGE for all their cool gifts, and foes against which those gifts aren’t necessarily always enough. It’s like, congrats, you are an eight foot tall furry killing machine with magical powers but guess what---you have to use them in the service of a greater being, against greater foes. I just really like it, not to mention that the fantasy of being an eco-terrorist who is largely unfettered by care for human life appeals to a part of me. No, I would never ever want to actually hurt anyone in real life, not even the most heartless polluter CEO or big game poacher or sadistic dog fight ringleader, but playing a beast in fantasy that isn’t human and doesn’t have much of a care for human life in most cases sounds like a fun release. Which, speaking of that, I also like how detached from humanity they are. Some individuals or groups may have strong opinions, like the Red Talons wanting to do away with all humanity, but by and large they’re indifferent to us, and their love or hatred of humanity isn’t what defines them as good or bad, which I like. I love supernatural creatures that AREN’T written with a human-centric perspective. - And one of the things I like about the “Bloodlines” Vampire the Masquerade PC game is how much people love it, to the point they make huge fan-made mods that not only fix problems with it (it was released REALLY buggy and glitchy) but expand it. There are mod packs you can get that add entirely new quests and characters, meaning they got people to not only make new skins but do voice acting for these new characters, all as a labor of love for this game. It’s really a cult classic because, again, it’s a mess in a lot of technical regards, but the writing, story, and characters are so great that countless people (including me) just fell in love with it. I just love the passion projects people made for it.  - Speaking of werewolves and vampires and such, I really want to get my muse back for supernatural-type RP boards. Those used to be my jam but now all I write is X-men. I tried to write at a friend’s Sailor Moon board but I just couldn’t keep it up. I’ve been watching this one place for months. I’m just not sure I wouldn’t crap out again. There’s also another X-Men board that I’ve wanted to join for months and they *want* a Shaw there, but they would also require six posts a month from him. And I don’t know if I can manage that with all my other commitments too, especially since I’m running an event at one of the other X-Men boards that I’m at, and plan to run more since I’m writing Shaw as an active villain there. - Also dfjdjsg I’m glad I’m doing this Rattober thing because it is the ONLY art I can seem to get done right now.
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fedora-cat · 6 years
HEWWO THIS IS A MASTERPOST OF ASKBLOG TIPS CREATED BY SKITTY-A-DAY MOD. I HOPE YOU FIND THIS TO BE HELPFUL IN ANYWAY AND IF YOU HAVE A TIP THAT IS NOT MENTIONED ON THIS POST, FEEL FREE TO COMMENT IT AND I WILL ADD IT RIGHT AWAY. - Keep your presentation clean and professional. By this I mean do your best. Try and post finished art. Don’t leave the rough lines underneath the finished work, try to avoid quantity over quality. A tip for this is to avoid overly complicated character designs! Keep it simple and sweet, and easy to recognize. That way you can draw it over and over without stress. For digital artists, or artists learning digital art. Here are some resources for you: Free: - Paint Tool SAI (Cracked. I use this version, it should be safe to download) - FireAlpaca - Krita - Medibang (Avaliable on the App store as well) - ibisPaint (App) - Autodesk Sketchbook (App) - OpenToonz (Animation software) Not Free: - Manga Studio 5 / Clip Studio Paint (I own this, I highly recommend it) - Photoshop (There are cracked versions, but please be safe) For traditional artists, it may be a bit rougher for you because digital art tends to be a bit more eye catching. But if you can’t make the transition to digital, here is a tip. If you can, use a scanner for your work instead of a phone. If you do use a phone, use this wonderful app: Camscanner
- Choose a Pokemon that you love but is easy for you to draw. Your best choices should always have arms. I know you may adore wooper or may love dratini. But if your muse lacks arms and even legs, your ability to draw responses will become incredibly limited as your muse cannot physically pick stuff up or easily interact with the environment. Looking at you voltorb.... - Character first, Pokemon second. Don’t look at a Pokemon and simply decide you’ll make an askblog revolving the said Pokemon simply because they’re cute or popular. It’s bad practice and can lead to you losing motivation for your blog. Try to develop a character first and create a reason for their existence, develop the world around them, give them motivations and struggles. Then choose a fitting Pokemon you love. - DON’T give into impulse blogs. I know that one Pokemon is awful cute…. I know how you think it would be real cute and easy to draw everyday and that you’d figure out a plot/character later…. DON’T DO IT THAT IS THE DEVIL TALKIN’ TO YOU Plan your blogs out. Don’t impulsively start a blog that honestly means nothing to you. Trust me, you will likely drop it within a month. And if you keep changing muses/recycling the blog, people will lose interest as they can’t keep the connection to the characters up. - On a similar note, DON’T JUMP ONTO POPULAR POKEMON BANDWAGONS. Or do so if you wish, but like with the impulse blogs, try not to create a blog simply because the Pokemon is popular/new. It will lead to inactivity if you don’t really have the passion for the Pokemon and instead jumped on board for the fad. Fads fade and so may your interest for that Pokemon! - Try to not oversaturate your ask roster. Unless you have great experience with it, try and keep your ask blog to one to two muses minimum. It’s more intimate for the audience learning about one or two characters than it is trying to keep up with a large cast. - Plot based blogs are hard They can be very draining and difficult to keep up with. I’ve noticed that this is one of the number one reasons why people drop their blogs. Story board your blog first if it’s plot related, as in make sure you at least write down major story beats and details. Do not rely solely on asks to keep the plot going, you won’t always gain the necessary asks you need. Make standalone story posts / comic pages to help further serious plot points. If you want to even, follow this next advice: - Send asks to yourself. Honestly, don’t be afraid to send asks to yourself. There’s nothing shady or embarrassing about it. If you’re a new blog and can’t seem to get enough asks to reply to / garner interest to get more asks rolling. Send some anonymously to yourself! Or have a friend send them! There’s no shame in prompting yourself to give yourself a head start you need. I gave myself a couple asks when I first started! With the format of ask blogs, you do what you gotta do to keep the format going! Another reason to send yourself an ask is if no one is noticing the finer details of your plot / characters! Perhaps you want to give a subtle call out to a detail people may have missed, send yourself an ask alluding to this said detail! - Interact with the community. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TIP. Unless you happen to have some ballin’ art right off the bat (even then...) you’ll rarely gain any followers or interactions unless you give with equal parts take to the community. Send asks, reblog other’s art with your added interaction, follow others! In return you’ll gain followers from that sort of friendly exposure. Keep in mind that the community seems to run on the mutual exchange of drawing each other’s muses. It’s fine if you don’t want to draw the muses featured in asks and focus on stuff like your own characters, but know that drawing other people’s characters encourages them to do the same for you, and as a result makes your character’s design more well known and recognized. - Join Pokemon Discord servers. There are plenty of them out there! Get to know the mods of blogs personally and then you’ll be able to support each other’s work on a more intimate level! If you have a Poke Discord, feel free to comment / reblog this post with a link to it! - Be consistent. Try not to disappear for long periods of time unless you need that mental break (I’m pretty guilty of that) A lot of popular blogs tend to have an upload schedule / have a steady pace in between uploads. On the flip side, don’t be afraid to take breaks! Keeping up with your blogs and your followers is wonderful and all, but if it’s taking a toll on you, popularity means nothing when it comes to your mental health. Stock up your queue if you wish, a queue is an artists’ best friend! But please take breaks if needed. - DELETE OOC CONTENT This one is a big one. I know some people don’t want to bother with a mod blog. But trust me, keeping your blog free of unrelated content is REALLY important. Visitors who come to your blog to see your work will inevitibly be turned away if they encounter nothing but ask memes and other unrelated relogged content. I know it’s your blog and you can do what you want with it, but if you want that ease of access for your followers, be considerate and provide what they followed for. Delete ask memes when you’re done with them, and keep unrelated reblogs to a personal / mod blog. It helps a lot in the long run with maintaining a viewer’s attention and interest. - HAVE A REFERENCE OF YOUR CHARACTER LINKED ON YOUR PAGE That means find a theme that will allow you to do so. There are plenty of tutorials online on how to find a suitable theme and implement it! People responding to your ask or interacting with your character will want to have that said character’s ref available on hand. It’s considerate to have it readily available for them so that they don’t have to dig through your blog! - Tag the person who sent you the ask in the finished response! (Provided by @walking-in-a-dream​) After you’ve finished an ask sent to you by someone who wasn’t anonymous, tag them in the finished work, even if you are answering them directly. Tumblr, especially as of late, rarely notifys you of these sort of things. So if you tag the person asking, it’ll give a better chance of them seeing! - Reblog the asks you sent out! (Provided by @walking-in-a-dream​) On the flipside of the previous tip, reblog the finished response someone took the time to create for your ask! It’s polite and it helps out that said artist by sharing their finished work! This may conflict with the ooc content tip, but this takes priority. Help out your community and share answered asks! - Draw for yourself, not for popularity (Provided by @leilani-popplio) Do not draw for popularity or any other goal in mind other than for your own enjoyment. If you obsess over your follower count or your notes, it can lead to unneeded disappointment, jealousy, or stress. So please do yourself a favor and don’t worry about what’s ‘popular’ Everyone works at their own pace and your blog will blossom with the love and dedication you put into it! - Tag your work! (Provided by @deathbycelosia) This is very important, for two reasons. One reason is for the exposure to new followers! If you tag your work with relevant tags, new people searching through those tags will find it! Tags may include: Pokemon, [Insert specific pokemon], pokeask, and askblog! Another reason is to organize your posts for the convenience of others. When your posts are tagged by character, by plot chapter, event, etc, it gives a better ease of access for your followers to find posts with certain content! [more to be added]
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oakmd · 7 years
professor oak’s rp plotting cheat-sheet!
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mod name: :v OOC Contact: Tumblr IM; but if we’re mutuals I’ll give you my discord! I have Skype too, but I don’t really use it much. 
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 Professor Oak is a renowned Pokémon Professor most notably known for his invention of the Pokédex, his Welcome To The World of Pokémon! lecture / documentary and his extensive research surrounding the relationships between pokémon and people. He’s a very recognizable icon in the pokéworld; it would be impossible not to know who he is. 
Alternatively, while he’s mostly known for being a scientist, he has wide recognition for his Pokémon poetry. He also does regular recordings with DJ Mary at Goldenrod Radio Tower. 
The Professor resides in Pallet Town, Kanto, in one of the world’s most impressive laboratory reserve - stretching across acres upon acres of land, built entirely to replicate all types of pokémon’s natural habitats and terrains. 
As a former pokémon trainer ( as well as Kanto Champion ), he has one grandson, Gary Oak, who is also former pokémon trainer, but is now currently on the path to becoming a Scientist himself, specializing in fossil revival.
Points of interest:
My portrayal of Professor Oak is mostly anime-based. This means I do not consider game function as canon or as character trait (ex. Professor Oak forgetting his grandson’s name. I have heard this joke enough to last me a lifetime, please Don’t™.) However, I include some elements of the manga/game, I guess, but usually only to fill in the many gaps untouched in the anime. With that being said, Green / Blue / Red and even Daisy do not exist. I have exceptions of interactions with some people, but it does not fall under my Main Canon and is more of some weird, blended AU, lol. 
Professor Oak is a 50+ year old man. On top of that, a parent and a grandparent. Because of this, most of the time ( not always ) he will naturally be more intuitive and perceptive to situations than a younger muse might be. He has had many, many life experiences to draw from that he applies to current context; empathizing and offering advice comes easy. With that being said, please communicate with me if I’ve crossed a line with this; I won’t take offense!
Professor Oak has interacted with legendary Pokémon. See: Celebi, ft. Suicune. Professor Oak is not immune to... strange occurrences. He’s interacted with the legendary pokémon Celebi ( and Suicune ) when he was a young boy. However, I portray this muse as someone that has seen much more ( of the unexplainable, not necessarily legendaries ), yet appreciates them within the comfort of his own privacy. 
Professor Oak has very high public status! While the man certainly lives his life as a regular person, his life is anything but. Hailing from Kanto and living peacefully in Pallet Town, Samuel’s demeanor is very humble, but his Net Worth is one of the highest, given his important influence, multi-faceted popularity and on-going relevancy among the citizens of the poké-universe. It goes without saying that he has made some of the most important contributions to the field of science and world of pokémon, but he is also sort of a pop culture “idol”. His name is attached to hundreds of awards, recognitions, lifetime achievements, entertainment achievements. Whatever there is to do, Professor Oak does it all: Scientist, Writer, Artist, Humanitarian, Pokémon Professor, TV Host, Radio Host, University Lecturer, Motivational Speaker, Activist, League Advisor, Parent. There is nothing he won’t dive into if it’s for the greater good.  List of Awards: here. 
What they’ve been up to recently:
*POST-CANON. Same ol’, same ol’. Professor Oak has many years left in him yet! You can still find him on his happy little hill in Pallet Town doing what he does best: giving trainers their starters, and babysitting those same 9482536 kids under his care. Including, but not limited to all the 3948357927682294 pokémon he and - everyone’s favorite personal assistant son - Tracey Sketchit share responsibility for. His life will pretty much be the same, as it has been; the perks of being old and well-adjusted.  *I use ‘post canon’ loosely. My default timeline is ongoing with the show itself, but since time never seems to progress, I’ve taken it upon myself to lazily assume some years have passed since S1E1 ( hence why I say Oak is 50+ rather than actually 50 ). 
MULTI-VERSE. If you are a non-pokémon muse, Professor Oak will happily accept that you’re simply not someone from his universe. As mentioned above, stranger things have happened to him. Because of his own experiences, he’s very open-minded about the possibilities the universe has up it’s sleeve. I like to think of his corral and his lab are portal spots for the unknown to materialize. Maybe a point deep in the mountain and forest terrain. Or perhaps from the forest ( between Kanto and Johto ) where Celebi dwells. This concept isn’t necessary to follow for the multi-verse, just a suggestion! TL;DR Let Professor Oak be your away-from-home grandpa, he has lots of Experience™.
Where to find them:
DEFAULT VERSE. There are a lot of places to find the ever-active Professor Oak. However, the top three most common places are: his research lab ( corral included ) in Pallet Town, Kanto, Goldenrod Radio Tower, and Celadon University. Because he is so famous, he can be anywhere, though. Whether it’s doing charity work, raising awareness, doing lectures, being a guest at internships, working with media across regions, visiting other pokémon professors, being on a much needed vacation, traveling for work. Pretty much, wherever your muse is, I can find a reason for Professor Oak to be there. 
POST-COLLEGE. I don’t actually have a ‘verse’ for this but it takes place shortly after Samuel finishes grad school and takes position as Kanto’s Pokémon Professor. He’s the first one to reside in Pallet Town. The lab itself is still under renovation; he’s moved back home after being away for years at school, and still trying to mourn the loss of his fiancé. He’s a single father, struggling to balance work and parenthood, but he gets by. ( Further down this timeline, about thirteen years later, he suffers the loss of his children, and becomes the guardian of his grandson, Gary Oak. )
To find Professor Oak is the other ‘verses’ from the Offered / Desired sections, just ask. 
Current plans:
Keeping busy. Professor Oak is a very goal-oriented person and although he finds relaxation necessary, he also prefers to be active. His hands are always full running the biggest pokémon lab, but he’s always throwing himself into new projects of all kinds of varieties.
Travel and meet new people. Ever the social butterfly, the Professor is always welcoming new faces to his growing list of companions. Although his reasons for traveling are no longer for becoming a Pokémon Champion, he finds that there are plenty of things he hadn’t quite noticed or appreciated before. It’s interesting to see how some things have changed, and for others, how they’ve stayed the same. It’s all for business purposes of course ( mostly ), but coming full circle provides closure for memories he’d only reminisced about for years after he graduated from college. 
Supporting Gary. As his grandson begins his journey in the field of science, Professor Oak prioritizes helping him adjust and giving him the support he needs.
Otherwise, the plans depend on what your muse brings. :O
Desired interactions:
Retired Oak! Literally everything is the same except he’s wearing tropical shirts and jorts. B^) Alola cruise, anyone?
Alzheimer’s Oak! LISTEN, I KNOW.. ... .. Game-mechanic jokes aside, lmao - I have no real excuse. It just hurts so good. ;^(
Grandpa Oak. I’m sure raising Gary and Ash was nothing but and Experience™.
College. What goes on in college, stays in college. College timeline: here.
Celebi, Again! Starring... Professor Oak! B^) Swapped into the body of his younger self. How does he fix this? Calamity ensues.
Dr. Fuji, Who? No, Professor Oak isn’t part of Team Rocket but he did get roped into helping them create MewTwo with the desperate attempt to also bring his family back to life. Did I rip that from Dr. Fuji? Yes I did, and I don’t care, let me live -
Team Rocket? Or, alternatively, he does work for Team Rocket with this ridiculous concept that he was blackmailed into working for them post-grad because of his unremarkable intelligence and promise. While his public face is the friendly Professor Oak everyone knows and loves, his lab holds darker secrets, the darkest being that he could no loner resist their persistence in making him comply, after they staged his children’s death as an innocent car accident. : ) ... Anyway, 
Persistent Press. Be annoying and invasive. Start scandals. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Unrequited. Get rejected by the notorious man himself. He will be gentle.
Agatha. How dare you,
Offered interactions:
Are you a Pokémon Trainer™ or some other kind of pokémon-specializing person ( pokémon watcher, photographer, breeder, ranger, etc. )? Ring up your Professor when Officer Jenny arrests you for something he told you not to do in the first place so he can judge you with a proper scolding. For the others, show him your talents and skills! If you’re not a Kanto Trainer, I’m sure one of the other Professors can send you his way, either to drop something off / pick something up / for general help, etc. and he’s always excited to meet his colleagues’ kiddos. Also excited to see others contribute to the world of pokémon in some way! He loves pokémon and humans interacting! 
Are you a Pokémon Professor? Doctor, Nurse? Let’s gather ‘round and be stressed about Ash our reckless trainers. But also drinking and karaoke! Pokémon Discourse™. Camping retreats. Boring, obligatory conferences. Peer Review. Or maybe you just need a little advice from one of the pokéworlds more experienced Professors! Unless you’re Professor Rowan - in that case you’re BFFs that get into shenanigans nobody would ever believe. 
Are you a Science Major? Limited internships available for college students.
Do you live in Pallet Town? Hi, neighbor! B^) Professor Oak ( and Tracey ) most likely talk to you in passing, should it occur. ( Please message me about pre-established relationships first. ) Common places include, the mart, post office, movie theaters, etc.
Summer Camp? Boom, Professor Oak has summer camp for the kiddos at his corral. 
Are you a big idolizer of Professor Oak? Lucky for you, there’s more than one way to be a fan! You can reach him via fanmail, @’ing him on social media, finding his personal phone number from some sketchy fan forum, hogging up the radio show hotline, stalking his schedule to make each appearance panel, hovering outside around his lab, stealing candid photos, bombarding him in public with intrusive questions, shoving your notepad out for an autograph... You can even be one of those weird people who try to proclaim your love to ‘celebrities’ too old for you that you know little about. Who knows what this poor man will do?
Are you into Traditional Kanto / Johto? You may share the same passions if you’re into calligraphy, ikebana, haiku, tea ceremonies, etc. 
Are you a Celadon University Student? Feel free to talk to your Intro To Pokémon ( or Pokémon Sociology 101, etc. ) Professor about anything unclear about assignments, to offer questions or concerns... or try to make excuses for not turning in homework and being late, you lazy student. :T Doubles as an Unofficial Guidance Counselor to said students even though that’s not his job - but he can’t help it, he’s a parent before he’s a Professor.
Are you a child associated with Make-A-Wish Foundation? Professor Oak offers terminally-ill children the opportunity to choose their starters, and spend time with their favorite idol. : (
Are you affiliated with the media? All press can inquire about guest speakings, giveaways, promotions, advertisement deals, interviews, volunteer work, hosting/co-hosting, etc. and Professor Oak will get back to you at his earliest convenience. This INCLUDES those working at Goldenrod Radio Tower!
Are you a business person? Politician? High-Profile Celebrity / Figure? Meet Professor Oak at a Gala! Or any other formal event. Feel free to offer business negotiations, inquire about his residence, or other sketchy things. :v 
Are you affiliated with Kanto’s Pokémon League? Albeit not as recently involved as per usual, he’s an advisor, so he and your muse are at least associates, if not more.
Are you one of the developers that helped with the Pokédex? Nerds will be nerds.
Do you know Samuel from his days prior to being Professor Oak? Whether it be from childhood, training days, or college, they all matter. ( I’m aware this is highly unlikely because nobody RP’s old pokémon muses, but with that being said, I’m open to interacting with kids / grandkids of the aforementioned. )
Are you Team Rocket a villain? Have you reached your Kidnap-A-Scientist quota today? 
Current open post/s:
I had very few, but I’m too lazy to look for them. Plotting is probably better. /gestures to this post
Anything else?:
Threading is not limited to this list. I’m always open to more ideas!  
I’m not sure what the huge difference is between the Desired / Offered interactions -
You don’t need a pokémon verse to interact with me! 
Your muse does not need to idolize Professor Oak to interact with him.
Tagged by: i stole this from @undinaes
Tagging: Whoever sees this!
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