jyjkj · 2 months
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Lando congratulating oscar first thing after he got out and the little helmet pats 😭
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Disappointed but not at each other 🥹
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
The Country Club ✨
Loki x female reader
Part 5 ~ Stuck in the mud
Previous Part
Italics = flashbacks
Making your way to breakfast after showering, doing your hair and getting changed, you tried to avoid everyone’s gaze, embarrassed about what happened last night. You didn’t know which part was more embarrassing. The fact that you smashed a glass in your hand or the fact that Loki turned up with a new girlfriend after everything as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn’t disappeared and left you with no warning. There were arrows that pointed towards the breakfast buffet hall which you followed.
Walking inside, it was if all conversations seized to exist. You looked around at the familiar faces, all of which looked back at you, each with their own reassuring smiles. Taking a deep breath, you picked up a plate before placing some pastries onto it.
“How’s the hand?” You heard from over your shoulder.
“Please Loki please, just leave me alone.” You sighed.
“Can we speak?” He asked.
Why couldn’t he get the message NO!
“Are you hard of hearing?” You huffed, turning to face him.
“You’ve always been so stubborn.” He tutted as before you zoned out, remembering something.
“You’re a stubborn little thing aren’t you?” Loki grinned devilishly, standing behind you as you bent over your sofa as he spanked you.
“Yesss.” You answered.
“I thought you used to like me stubborn.” You quipped, snapping out of your thoughts as you glared at him.
“Maybe I still do.” He smirked, leaning down closer towards you. You looked up at him, watching as his eyes fell closed as he inhaled your scent. “How naughty, you know that’s my favourite.” He teased leaving you flustered. How dare he do what he done and then leave you flustered? He was such a prick, ultimate prick.
“Beautiful fucking prick” you whispered under your breath as you felt his hair tickling your cheek, he was so close. You quickly pushed the thought of just reaching up and kissing him away as you spun back around. How was it that he still had so much control over you even after he hurt you so bad? That must just be love, it’s easier to forgive and forget than it is to be apart. “Don’t be silly.” You murmured to yourself. Spotting Nat and Steve, you decided to sit with them.
“Hey guys.” You smiled.
“Morning y/n.” They both said in unison.
“Guys you don’t have to be awkward about the whole last night thing. Me and Loki broke up, well we weren’t really together, it’s confusing. Look can we just eat breakfast please. Stop with the questions.” You rambled.
“Y/n, no one asked any questions.” Nat clarified, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Good, let’s eat.” You smiled before spotting Bucky walking in. You waved at him, a gesture he returned. You all ate, ensuring you didn’t talk about last night. You kept your gaze forwards, not wanting to see Loki in your peripheral vision especially if he was eating with Darcy. You knew you’d have to speak to her eventually but what would you even say? You weren’t close enough for this to be a violation of girl code but what about ethics. There must be a rule that states one shall not fuck the ex that made mutual friend cry after disappearing. Soon after, there was a bell chime noise before you heard Jane and Thor speaking.
“Morning guys, we’ve got a treat planned for you all.” Jane began “spaaa dayyy.” They said together, Thors deep voice dominating.
“Great.” You huffed.
After breakfast, you, Wanda and Bucky made your ways outside, taking in some of the sunshine whilst you tried your hardest to avoid Loki. He wasn’t worth your energy and so you wouldn’t give him any. Afterwards, Jane and Thor rounded everyone up before leading you all towards the spa retreat that they had on site. Your gaze didn’t focus on Loki but it did land on him a couple times and it was strange to see him and Darcy standing so far apart considering how close they were the night before. Maybe he left her too. He had a tendency to do that.
You and the rest of the girls opted for massages after changing into robes that were provided. Afterwards, you spotted the mud bath that was yet to be explored. Considering you were not alone, you opted for keeping the robe you wore tightly secured to you as you stepped in, almost slipping before steadying yourself, mindful of your injured hand. Closing your eyes, you sank into the mud. Pure relaxation. You let out a content hum.
“Now that’s a noise I haven’t heard in a while.”
“And suddenly I’m not feeling relaxed anymore.” You said, opening your eyes to be met by Loki who was standing at the edge of the bath.
“All I want are a few moments to explain.” He requested.
“Explain? Explain what? Why you left me? I honestly don’t want to hear it Loki.” You dismissed, willing yourself to not cry. “And thanks for embarrassing me last night. I hope you’re both really happy.” You added, regretting it when your voice broke at the end.
“That wasn’t my intention.” He assured.
“Listen Loki I’m only here to support my friends, I couldn’t care less about you okay.” You lied “bye.” You announced before trying to stand up, eyes widening when you couldn’t. There’s no way I’m fucking stuck you thought, trying to hoist yourself out again. Watching you struggle, Loki smirked, that same smirk he always had when you overcame your stubbornness and asked him for help. He was such a prick.
“Need any help?” He asked, offering his hand.
“I’d rather sink.” You scoffed.
“Stop being childish.” He chuckled making you even angrier. What the fuck was funny?
“Childish? No I’ll tell you what childish is. Childish was me knowing that regardless of how distraught I was, I would have still welcomed you back but you didn’t come back did you? You left me Loki so excuse me if I don’t allow you to just speak to me whenever you want because you don’t deserve it.” You said through gritted teeth as you welled up.
He was silent for a few moments as if letting your words drown him. He even looked slightly guilty. Good.
“At least let me help you out of the mud.” He offered his hand. Spotting Bucky coming towards you, you grabbed his hand getting his attention. Bucky helped you out of the mud as Loki watched with a clenched jaw before you pushed him in, surprising even yourself when he yelped, smacking into the mud. You regretted it when he landed weirdly, hair covered in mud. He didn’t even look at you. You didn’t mean to hurt him, not that he didn’t deserve it. Part of you wanted to hear him explain whatever stupidness he had thought of as to why he left you all alone in the hopes that it would be enough, enough for you to forgive him because that’s the problem with love. It was always easier to forgive and forget.
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Sorry about that mate 🤣
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