karleenhopens · 2 months
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Also, Bombstatic (puzzles3) nation, how are you? Giggling
I liked how Puzzles almost had a panic attack because of Leggy was get off, he is really was alone for whole his life, isn't he? I hope in next episodes we will get more his natural emotions! That was interesting to look at - FIVE STARS LUKE 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🎉🎉
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loonyoz · 5 months
Part of what I love about Wyll is how he feels like a character you have to keep pulling back the layers on. Like one of those 3d puzzles you think you’ve got figured out and then you realize you’re right back where you started. Which I guess is just the long way of saying he's a well made character. I’m gonna do a play by play of my first interactions with him to illustrate my point:
When you first meet him you’re like omfg who is this boy with the dramatic theater kid entrance lmao. Wyll, you are so dorky (affectionate).
You next see him helping tiefling kids learn to fight. Not in a harsh militaristic way, more in a gentle and even playful way (eg. When you play as Wyll you can tell them dramatic stories about how Wyll slayed a dragon.) You're like oh yeah this guy has the whole hero thing going on. Very disney prince over here.
Then you talk to him and he talks about an evil devil that must be killed with such adamance and determination. You're like oh wow he can get pretty intense. He's so determined about this, he's willing to put aside the pressing threat of ceremorphosis. This kind of unmoving moral stance, this very good and serious abt it thing, it gives off paladin vibes imo
Ok so thats two sides of him, dramatic storybook hero and strong willed paladin.
Then you get to the confrontation with Karlach, and pretty quickly realize this flaming hot cheeto (idk why I called her that ok, but im leaving it in) of a tiefling shouldn't be killed. Wyll takes some convincing and you're like Wyll you dumbass you're seeing what Im seeing right? The tadpole is showing us she's innocent, why dont you believe that?
Then its only till later you realize he had so many good reasons to hesitate:
He has been doing this job for 7 years now, to break off from the script he's used to, is a risky thing. If he cant trust his 7 years of experience he's left floundering. If he cant trust that he's been only killing evil, then he's broken his moral code too. (If I were in his shoes id for sure be having an existential crisis)
He's learned the hard way to distrust devils, what if Karlach is tricking everyone into thinking she's innocent?
Or maybe he's scared of what it will mean if he doesn't kill her, he'll be breaking his pact, and the consequences for that will most definitely be harsh. I don't think that's selfish or cruel of him to consider killing her out of fear of what will happen if he doesn't. I think Wyll would be unfair to himself for those thoughts tho. Like the whole airplane oxygen mask analogy is a good way to talk about it. Wyll would go to every passenger on the plane and make sure their masks are on, then collapse from oxygen deprivation because he never put his own on. Perhaps an extreme and unrealistic scenario, but illustrative of his admirable but harmful self sacrifice.
In summary, his hesitation and need to be convinced shows a lovely amalgamation of his character, his life experience, and his values, and how it results in a moment of conflict and indecision.
But it takes very little to convince him not to kill karlach. You tell him twice that Karlach is no threat/innocent, and he stops panicking, and pulls himself together with the kind of emotional control/repression that makes you go "uh oh babes has unresolved trauma and needs therapy"
His ability to listen to others when people tell him he's wrong shows that he has a flexibility and emotional maturity that is unlike the stereotypical paladin. Once he realizes Karlach is innocent, the rules he follows no longer matter to him.
He resigns himself to his fate because for him there is no other way for it to be. This shows that no matter how theatrical his heroics appear, it is not merely a guise. You can trust that he truly cares for people because he is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of a stranger.
Then Mizora shows up and his response is to argue against her, to say, "you told me no innocents". Which shows once again where his priorities lie, now that injustice has been pointed out to him he will use every ounce of his will to fight it. It also shows that human weakness again too. His fallibility (I mean who can blame him devils are great manipulators) and his worried questioning of the rules that he has followed for so long.
And then when you put all the drama aside, and listen to his lighthearted dialogue you remember/realize he’s also very goofy and the kind of chill guy you’d want to invite to every friend hangout.
asfgjkl; anyway I have way too many thoughts and feelings abt this guy. If you read all this damn. But lmk what you guys think about my reflections!
Also shoutout to all of the fic writers and random fan posts ive read that have inspired some of these thoughts
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4stars-uswnt · 4 years
Forever Love [Alex Morgan x Reader]
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i’m sorry...tumblr is glitching out for me :///
The screams and cheers from the crowd are deafening, as the USWNT basks in the confetti and the glory of winning their fourth World Cup.
After lifting the trophy on the podium and receiving their medals, the 23 players disperse across the field, celebrating in their own ways. Many are making confetti angels or dancing with the trophy. Alex is wrapped up in the American flag with her two best friends, Kelley and Allie, when she sees you still sitting on the platform all by yourself. Alex hands her section of the flag over to Kelley to excuse herself.
“Hey!” She yells over the noise, as she points in your direction. “I’m gonna go check up on (Y/N).”
“You gonna do it?” Allie gives her friend a knowing smirk. Alex can see Kelley with a wide smile on her face. The forward responds with only a wink, as she leaves her teammates behind.
Before approaching you, Alex asks Dawn for the jersey and the small black box she’d given the trainer before the match. After a brief hug and retrieving what she needed from Dawn, Alex makes her way towards the stage where you’re sitting.
“Hi.” She smiles down at you.
“Hi.” Your eyes light up at the sight of the forward.
“Everything okay? You wanna come celebrate?” Alex takes a seat next to you, careful to hide her gift behind her back.
“I’m more than okay. We just won the freaking World Cup!” You exclaim, stating the obvious. Alex raises her eyebrows, amused at your statement. “I’m just soaking it all in. It feels surreal.” You continue.
Winning the World Cup had always been a dream of yours, so sitting here on the stage with a medal around your neck feels almost unreal.
Alex nods, familiar with the feeling. No words are exchanged between the two of you, as you both enjoy each other’s presence and the bliss of victory.
After a couple of minutes, as she notices some of her teammates heading in their direction, Alex takes a deep breath in, gathering every ounce of her courage.
“(Y/N/N).” Alex begins. You turn to the blue-eyed woman, giving her a smile, waiting for her to continue. “I have something for you.”
Your eyebrows furrow, as you tilt your head to the side in confusion. Alex almost gets distracted by your cuteness before remembering the task at hand. The forward grabs your hand, pulling you both to standing.
Puzzled by the actions of the woman in front of you, you watch as Alex reveals a jersey from the red away kit from behind her back and holds it out for you. Still not understanding, you wait for her to clarify.
“I thought your jersey could use a change.” She offers, almost nervously. By now, the majority of your team, including the coaching staff has gathered around the platform, where their forward and midfielder are standing. Alex internally groans at the team’s undivided attention, having no doubt that her best friends informed the rest of the players of her plans.
You hesitantly take the jersey from Alex, and unfold it. At first glance, you don’t notice anything different, but as you hold it up and turn it to the back, your eyes widen. Wanting an explanation, you glance towards Alex, who is now down on one knee in front of you. The gears in your head all click into place, as everything finally makes more sense.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” As Alex starts her speech, you bring your hand to cover your mouth in disbelief, your eyes already brimming with tears. “Soccer has brought me many things in life. I have achieved many of my childhood dreams, won many awards, including two Olympic medals, and now two World Cups. But nothing could compare to the gift of meeting you, (Y/N), the absolute love of my life.”
Alex pauses to take a breath, composing herself, as she, too, has tears pooling in her eyes. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see the entire USWNT watching the two of you with anticipation and excitement written across their faces.
Alex clears her throat, bracing herself to continue, her voice filled with raw emotion and love. “You make me complete. There are absolutely no words to describe my love for you because you make me feel all emotions. The pain of losing a World Cup final doesn’t compare to the pain of fighting with you. The joy of winning the Olympics could never compare to the joy of dancing in the kitchen to Taylor with you.”
By now, both of you, as well as some of your teammates, are full on crying, unable to contain your emotions. The crowd noise has died down, as the fans who are still in the stadium, have noticed the events on the field.
“You are my sun, my moon, my world, my whole freaking universe. I want to laugh with you, cook with you, fight with you, cry with you, dance with you, play soccer with you, travel with you, binge Netflix with you, watch sunsets with you for the rest of my life. I want to love you forever.” Nearing the end of her declaration of love, Alex opens the ring box, revealing a beautiful round diamond ring.
“So,” Alex breathes, the whole team now shaking with giddiness, not bothering to hide their excitement. “(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) will you marry me?”
Unable to form a coherent ‘yes’, you give an enthusiastic nod, bringing your now fiancée into a bone-crushing hug, as you barely sob out a ‘yes’ into her neck. Alex places a kiss on your temple, as she loosens her arms around you, so she can put the ring on your finger.
After slipping the jewelry on your finger, Alex cups your cheek and brings you into a searing kiss. Your lips move in perfect harmony, until you both start smiling, and you break apart.  
With that, the team, and the rest of the stadium, erupt in another round of cheers and celebrations, but you and Alex are still in your world until Kelley interrupts.
“Hey, lovebirds! What about us?”
The two of you turn to look down at the group of women, who are all bouncing up and down with wide grins on their faces. You let out a giggle, before you and Alex motion for 21 of the most important people in your lives to come celebrate your engagement.
After one giant group hug and several screams, and couple more hugs, the team starts to head back towards the locker room. As you and Alex make your way off of the stage, with the rest of the group already ahead of you, you smile at your fiancée and grab her hand, intertwining your fingers. Alex kisses your cheek, before the two of you follow your teammates back to the locker room to celebrate.
The next morning, the sun glares through the cracks of the hotel curtains. You can feel your head throbbing and pounding, groaning at the aftermath of a long night of celebrating and a lot of alcohol. Smiling, as the events from the day before become clearer in your head, you reach across the bed in an attempt to get some morning cuddles from your girlfr— fiancée. When your hand finds cold and empty sheets, you fully open your eyes, groaning as you sit up.
You’re pulled out of your hangover daze, as your phone pings with an Instagram notification. Opening your phone, you notice Alex had tagged you in a post of a photo from yesterday. Your heart fills with warmth, when you see her post and captions, in addition to the overwhelming amount of comments from your teammates and celebrities as well as other friends and family.
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Liked by mrapinoe, kelleyohara, uswnt and 2,195,934 others
alexmorgan13: Winning the World Cup was probably the second best thing I did yesterday because @yourusername said YES! I can’t wait to spend forever with the love of my life ❤️❤️
tagged: yourusername
- - - - -
uswnt: Congrats Al and (Y/N/N)!
mrapinoe: Get it girlllll
ashlynharris24: YAS KWEENS
alikrieger: Congratulations boo
kelleyohara: Freaking finally
allie_long_: Woohoo!!! Mrs. Janice
allie_long_: I call dibs on maid of honor
↳ kelleyohara: You can’t just CALL maid of honor. It doesn’t work like that
tobinheath: 🤙🏼
christenpress: Much love to both of you
abbywambach: Baby horse is all grown up
username: omfg. My ship has sailed. I’m gonna cry.
At the sound of the hotel door opening and closing, you look up from your phone and are met with the sight of the woman who’s been occupying your thoughts. After setting the two cups of coffee down on the table, Alex notices you are still staring at her.
“What?” She chuckles nervously. You just keep smiling at her, completely in love with the woman in front of you. Throwing the covers off, you get our of bed and cross the room, bringing Alex in for a long kiss.
Pulling away, you let out a sigh of content. “Good morning.”
“Hi. Good morning.”
“I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”
Alex huffs out a little laugh, leaning in to rub your noses together. “Ah. I take it you saw my Instagram post.”
You nod, pulling her back in for another kiss. “I love you.” You mumble against her lips.
“I love you, too, (Y/N).”
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yourusername just shared a post
yourusername: Had to change my jersey a little because I said YES! Grateful I get to spend this life with my forever love 🤍
tagged alexmorgan13
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mrslittletall · 3 years
It is now time for my review of Nier Replicant... and I won't put all the numbers in there! Who decided to name the game like this? Let's go over my points as usual. Graphics As a remastered games, of course they weren't the best. The character models looked fine, but were pretty stuff, the backgrounds were a bit muddy. The cut scenes looked really well though, loved how smoothly everything was animated and the character expressions. What I also liked was the boss design. They got some really unique designs in there and the effect on the shades was really cool with that ripple of letters appearing on them. Music/Sound OMFG, like Automata, the game SHINES here. The music is amazing, there is literally not a single bad song in the OST, a lot of them turned into my favourite songs of all time and I could stand in the Aerie and listen to Cold Steel Coffin for hours. Outside of the area and battle songs, there are a LOT of emotional songs for cutscenes to set the mod. They are so fitting and wonderful, beautiful. And the best thing? At certain parts of the game the emotional song replaces the area song for a while, letting you dweel in the feels for a while longer. Like in Automata, lyrics are used in a lot of the songs, in the chaos language often, which adds even more depth to the already high quality songs. While in Automata most lyrics were clearly duets or like songs though, in Replicant a lot of the lyrics are actually "ominous chanting". But it works, it works so well. "The Lost Stone", "The Aerie", "Snow in Summer", all have ominous chanting and I wouldn't have it any other way. Some of the songs even get into a music box version. The moment in the Shadowlord fight when the music changes into the music box version? That hits me every single time, every single damn time. Outside of the music, the voice acting. It's phenomenal. Every major character (I played with english voices) has such a good voice and delivers their lines beautifully. Brother Nier and his childlike naivetity in the beginning, turning to bitterness and rage as an adult, Kainé whose voice actor clearly had fun delivering all the f-bombs, Emil, with the voice of a cute innocent young boy and my favourite, Grimoire Weiss, whose voice drips sarcasm and which I absolutely love. And even the side characters had great voices, like Devola and Popola or the Red-Bag-Couple. Every single NPC was voiced as well, even the ones without names and I didn't find their voices to be annoying. Only voice that annoyed me was kid Gideon. Gameplay Ok, I can't praise the game too much here. It's not a bad game, not at all, BUT... Let's start with the good things. The battle system works well. You can use the four trigger buttons to use martial arts or magic and use your weapon with the square and the triangle button (yeah, I played on PS4). You have a range of different weapons, but there isn't really much difference between them. In the end I just equipped the weapon with the highest atk power. Upgrading all of them feels like a waste of time, unless you really want to read those weapon stories. The bosses are pretty unique and have to be fought in different approaches, but of course there are also a few "hit them until they stagger" bosses. The magic is pretty fun to use and you can use word edit to customize it a bit. Ok, but now the buts... That were mostly the sidequests. A few of them were fine and really worth it... and then I got a sidequest that was like "Bring me ten titanium alloys and ten broken lens." Which are super fucking rare items! So you basically ran into the same area multiple times to farm them and earn like 20.000 G for it.... and you probably have so much money already that you don't even need it. Yeah, a lot of the sidequests boiled down to "Farm some materials for me". Even Brother Nier commented on it, because he often said "That will take a while." I would have wished for more side quests like in Automata, they certainly bettered the process there. I just wonder why they didn't tone down the farming sidequests
in the Remaster a bit. Farming for rare items is a drag in this game and you sadly need it for 100 % (remember all the weapons to upgrade?) So yeah, definitely don't rec to 100 % this. Maybe do the sidequests, but I wouldn't do all of them a second time. Also, in order to see all the endings, you have to play through the second half of the game a bunch. That gets a bit repetitive... Story/Lore Yeah, time to SHINE again. I know this sounds strange, because I was a bit bummed that Nier Automata left so much lore outside of the game, but that kinda didn't bother me here? Probably for once, because my friend explained it to me and second, because the main point of the lore/story I could figure out myself. At first, the game left me pretty confused. We were in 2053, it snowed in summer and there were these kids, these shade creatures and these books and everything went horrible horrible wrong. And then we were 1.400 years later and saw the same kid and his sister just walking around like nothing happened? What? Regardless, I moved on and slowly unraveled the mysteries. Halfway through route A I thought that shades might be humans, but didn't had all the puzzle pieces yet. Only at the very end was it clear what happened. Also, thanks to Automata I knew about Devola and Popola being androids. Like my friend put it "They are the biggest walking spoiler for Nier in Automata." But like... I absolutely love the lore and the story of the game. See, the story is about Nier wanting to rescue his sister. Of course we should be on his side, right? Those big bad shadow creatures got her! Of course he is our hero! But then Route B happens and we get to see the side of the shades... and it turns out that they never were the bad guys at all. In truth, neither the Gestalts nor the Replicants are the bad guys here. I read in a Youtube comment that Yoko Taro designed the game about "Humans will be able to kill other people when they think they are right." That is what Nier is about. That is literally what the game is about. The last battle with the Shadowlord? Just a desperate brawl between two boys who both think they are in the right. We see this a lot in the shade stories, but it is especially prevelant in the story about the wolves and the shades in the Shadowlord's castle. The story... is about humanity... and somehow it tells a beautiful story about humanity, even though there aren't humans in the game anymore... Also, the main characters? Adorable, great, precious! I love all of them! I love Brother Nier, I love Kainé, I love Emil, I love Grimoire Weiss. They are written so WELL. I definitely feel like I want to hunt down the lore that got omitted this time, because I very much fell in love with the world of Nier. Hm, maybe when I play Automata again with the Nier knowledge stuff makes more sense as well... Overall: I give this game an absolute rec when you like good music and good stories! And when you want your heart ripped out of your chest and trampled over it several time.
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spotlightsaga · 8 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... Legion (S01E03) Chapter 3 Airdate: February 22, 2017 @fxnetworks Ratings: 1.043 Million :: 0.49 18-49 Demo Share Score: 8.75/10 **********SPOILERS BELOW********** 'Legion' requires a certain state of mind to take in what the show is putting out... 'Chapter 3' in particular is just pure chaos, but in this case, contained chaos, for the most part anyways. I've watched the episode twice now because I feel to properly review, I must also breakdown and deconstruct the story piece by piece to truly understand just what the hell is happening. Melanie gets advice and listens to old proverbs from a cappuccino machine that her husbands voice is inhabiting... It sounds as if he's trying to warn her that everything is not what it seems or what you need it to be. Whatever they mean she just enjoys his company, which is shown through her pouring out the cup of coffee she had barely sipped from and asking for another cup... This is what I took from it anyway. I had to watch several of the scenes repeatedly to get a good grasp of what was really happening. In and out of the dream work, this world is bizarre and abstract, which can make watching 'Legion' both an absolute blast, as well as incredibly frustrating. If 'Legion' itself was a polygraph the needle would break from scribbling from one end to the other with such ferocity. I imagine that's exactly what it's like for David to just exist, awake or asleep, just one piece of a puzzle after another, some of the pieces belonging to separate puzzles, but all the of the puzzles form a picture that he can't make out... But promise a bigger picture. Yeah, even explaining it is strange... But to interpret something so far out of the box, you have to think out of the box. I like that 'Legion' challenges my mind, I just have to put of my seatbelt and helmet before I press play. In 'Chapter 3' Melanie and Ptonomy continue their 'Dream Work' with David. They attempt to go slow, and immediately discover that David's powers reach beyond what they had originally thought when they see him in a pure state of emotional distress bursting the entire contents of a kitchen wide open through kinetic energy after a fight with Philly when she discovers both him & Lenny out of their heads from the 'blue dragon/mist'. There's a bit of a disturbance, evil laughter, and the evil face that many speculate is Mojo and David is spooked (and apparently only he can see and hear this), they decide to go back and start over but Ptonomy is stuck... He can't bring them back. Suddenly they are transported out of the memory cube, through several thick walls, 600 yards away, which freaks out Ptonomy. He asks David, "What are you?" Little does he know, David isn't the issue. Its almost comforting that the show goes from a frazzled state to a calm, serene scene that David shares with Syd. We as audience members need a bit of time to decompress, the show can get so intense so quickly that we need proper time to process it. Here we have David talking about how ever since Syd inhabited his body and switched with him, he still feels as if he has long hair and goes to brush it away, his balance is effected, and even admits to touching himself while he was her. It all sounds creepy, but she listens the mood with a joke that she jerked off... Then admits she's just joking. She clearly has no hang ups about the body switching and even admits to switching bodies with others; A Chinese man, a 300-lb woman, a 5-year old girl... "But wherever I go, I'm me." She delivers the line with such a calm assurance. She's at peace with her powers, it's advantages and disadvantages, and somehow that makes the scene even more calming, surreal, almost dreamlike. The tests continue with Loudermilk... This time monitoring his brain waves and hormone levels. Telling David to think about the most stressful moment in his life is probably not the best direction to give the man. We're transported to Halloween, when David was a young boy, which turns into a narration of the faceless man telling him the terrifying bedtime story. Can I pls get a hit that 'Blue Dragon' stuff? I need it just rehashing this insanity. The voice gets deeper and more menacing and Young David stumbles onto a graffitied being on a wall that looks like an angry version of Moral Orel. What in the fuck? David snaps back into reality as Angry Moral Orel makes a b-line towards him. Loudermilk asks if everything is ok, Lenny appears on a rolling chair. Clearly things are NOT ok as Lenny taunts David and turns into his sister insinuating that they could be raping her. Syd runs in and they literally just kind of disappear into nothingness. Go ahead and take another dose now, under the tongue guys, it's always better to keep it under there as long as possible and breathe through your nose. Syd & David are vaguely transported to where his sister is being held and grilled by Brubaker... The Eye senses their presence but they are like particles and atoms that are loosely put together, making them appear like faint mirages. As The Eye reaches for them they transport back into a pond by the compound where they reassemble through brightly colored matter in water. Fuck it, go ahead and dose again, it's not gonna hurt at this point. Melanie gives us a little backstory on The Eye, who was a recruit brought in by her husband who she explains now transfers consciousness through the electronics in the buildings from the elevator to the coffee maker. Yeah. David could give two shits who he is (or her electronic hopping husband), he just wants his sister. Chill David, sometimes in order to beat your opponent, you must know your opponent. Melanie believes that David's brain is defending itself, hence the trouble with the memory work... But she's wrong, she's dead wrong... As she's not aware of the Yellow-Eyed Devil, that may or may not be Mojo. She's frustrated, even considering the notion that she may be making things worse. Now David is worried that she's giving up, but she can't, he's literally the most powerful mutant alive. Melanie has one last idea.... They'll sedate David to gain unfiltered access to his mind. Syd demands to be there. This is about to get crazy... Full access to David's mind is the stuff nightmares are made of, literally. A quick moment between David and Syd the night before the next intense, full access session of dream work with Ptonomy to further establish trust between the two... And you can go ahead and dose yet again, at this point it's required. We start with how David ended up at Clockworks... Lenny and David are high as a kite and Lenny is pushing David in a shopping cart... You know, normal blue mist activities. Melanie explains that David is with them but he's in child form, because that's the only part of him that's awake and that Syd can touch him because her powers don't work in this realm, not without her physical body. Oh yeah, shit is about to slam you right in the feels. Two people who can never touch, and most likely have never really been touched (for separate reasons) are about to touch for the first time. The hug of the century, y'all. It's serious. Ptonomy wants to 'move this along', but I'd prefer the hug to last forever. Potato, PoTATo. They follow the David they've come to explore... He's experiencing a strange phenomenon; memories within memories... Inception, if you will. At this point, you've dosed too much, but it's too late now... I should've never encouraged all of that excessive hallucinogen use, but it's too late... The rabbit hole is wide open. David is rummaging through tapes... He appears in a flash, cramming the film from the video tapes into his mouth and the walls start to rumble. Young David takes off... Syd is rightfully worried why Melanie & Ptonomy aren't reacting. Don't they hear that? Don't they see that? Told you that you shouldn't have taken that last dose! Or did I? The walls are literally being ripped apart and there are definitely hands pulling them apart from the other side... And Melanie & Ptonomy are oblivious. Holy FUCK, someone listen to Syd and get the hell out of there! Ptonomy attempts to transport them out, but his powers fail. Unfiltered access, this is what they wanted!!! The tension is building like a brick mason working in fast forward, brick by brick... Little David dashes out of the room and hops over the older version of himself and Lenny who are high on the Blue Mist on the ground... What an image! What did we take again?! 5-MeO-DMT?! Syd walks into the kitchen where David is fighting with Philly. The intensity continues to build as Little David enters a bedroom and hides behind a bed where David appears to be fucking someone... I can't tell if it's Philly, Im not sure it matters... It's the energy that counts. Syd has to coax him out of the room where they then attempt to hide. Little David grabs a screwdriver and pops open an air duct that looks like the size of an old laundry shoot. Moral Orel from earlier in the episode is spotted, staring into the corner of a hallway. Yup, time to get the fuck out. Little David Climbs in and Syd is hurried in afterwards after Moral Orel suddenly turns and heads her way. I'm pretty sure I've had this exact same nightmare before. Luckily Moral Orel has. Big old head and most likely wouldn't be able to fit in that vent... But 'The Devil with The Yellow Eyes' makes a surprise pop-out when Sue looks back... Gotta admit, not what I was expected, may have peed myself just a smidge. Syd pleads David to wake up and the shots are cutting back to the room where the dream work takes place, with a fish eye lens (just in case things weren't already weird enough). Suddenly Syd comes to, gasping for air like she's popping her head out of a very deep dive into a pool. She literally beats Ptonomy with a pillow and wakes him up... Unfortunately Melanie and David are still under. OMFG, I literally can't take it. This has turned into a straight up horror show. Cut back to Melanie who's making her way through the corridors of David's memories. She finds his old room and the book the man without a face has been reading to David in past Memory Work sessions... One the cover... Is Moral Orel!!!! Ok it's not really Adult Swim's Moral Orel, the book is actually titled 'The Angriest Boy In The World'. She begins to read the book... It's violent and doleful and straight up terrifying. Not the type of book you read your little boy to put him to bed, know what I mean? The book slams down on her hand hard and basically eats it, she pulls away and looks down at her hand and it's bloated and disfigured, behind her is that obese 'Devil with The Yellow Eyes', that looks an awful lot like Mojo. She immediately snaps out of the trance and wakes up grabbing her hand as you would if you had just experienced a nightmare where you lose a limb and you're certain it's happened in real life. It's official, Melanie is now unsure if those memories they are exploring even belong to David at all. The episode fades out as they attempt to wake up David who is now stuck in the other realm, and it is the opposite of peaceful and serene... As the camera pans backwards holing David into a small space where he's surrounded by multiple people with aggressive energy. What a fn' episode, huh? At least now Melanie has a better understanding of what their working with... And isn't blaming David from holding back memories and advancement in treatment. The whole thing just makes me shiver a bit. Until next time, guys... I'm trying to make this a weekly thing... And I'm really enjoying Legion, but it is not an easy watch... It's like a 1000 ego deaths and being trapped inside a bad trip on a seriously heavy tryptamine.
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Castle Episodes (Season 6)
Alrighty, the season 6 post. You can find the previous seasons here.
6x01 Valkyrie: I was surprised when the proposal happened because I didn’t expect it that early but then I remembered that their weddin was supposed to be in the season 6 finale and then it made sense. Seeing the “previously on”, I really like it that both Castle and Beckett went to their parents for advice. HI PI. We meet Pi lol this guy. Castle’s reaction to the guy abducting him is priceless. “Walk over to that car and get in like you know me” “Yeah but I don’t know you and I have a salmon that needs a refridgerator”. Pi is... really weird and different, but it’s still rude of Castle to behave that way and not give him a proper chance, I mean, he should just pull himself together for Alexis. “You have less than a day to live.” to be continued. Argh you guys.
6x02 Dreamworld: Castle was poisoned last episode, so he only has hours to live. He talks to Martha and Alexis on the phone and they have no idea, but it’s so emotional. “And mother... thank you.” and to Alexis “You know I love you, right?” Both are pretty worried because he’s acting weird and they don’t know that’s going on. “When you write your next novel, maybe you’ll include a dashing Columbian-American agent” I’m not sure if it was Columbian or some other country but I wonder if in the book that was released after this episode, there’s such an agent. lol Ryan to Esposito “I always thought that you and I would have kids together” “Really? Have you told Jenny about this?” “You know what I mean” I love their bromance omfg. At the end, Castle wakes up in the hospital with Beckett, Martha and Alexis by his side and it’s really emotional. And then there’s Pi and it’s just hilarious. But I get slight parallel feels when I think of 7x01 when he was missing two months and wakes up at the hospital as well.
6x03 Need to Know: Castle and Beckett are facetiming in bed and it’s so adorable when Beckett kisses the screen and Castle touches his screen and puts “the kiss” on his face.  It’s almost gross, though, to be honest. Like, ew, your love is gross. And then Pi lol. “x is to Russia what David Hasselhoff is to Germany” I’m not sure Americans know what Hasselhoff is exactly to Germany. At the end of the episode, Beckett is fired. Which is good because she can go back to the precinct but it also sucks for her because this was a great job.
6x04 Number One Fan: “Because I could play Richard Castle trivia with you all day, I’d crush you” this was so hilarious omfg. “What’s your favorite food?” “Are we talking everyday food or fine dining? Are desserts included?” :D I love how sarcastic he gets when he’s nervous and under pressure. Beckett walking off the scene with that grin because she’s investigating this scene - best. Castle is shot (in the vest, thank god) and when Beckett rushes over to him and he gains consciousness again, he yells the codeword “cheeseburgers” which is hilarious. Also, the bullet is perfectly on the “i” lol. At the end of the episode, Beckett is back at the precinct, back in her job, and it’s just so cute how they all clap for her. I really like this episode because it’s more normal, you actually wonder whether Emma killed the guy or not. It’s nice.
6x05 Time Will Tell: Castle is mad that Pi is still living with them, sleeping on their couch, and Alexis tells him they found an apartment and will be living together. And he’s freaking out because apparently, Alexis is too young (19) to be living together with her boyfriend. I don’t see the big deal because it’s totally normal where I live and it’s not like she’s 16. And then Alexis reminds Castle that he’d been living with his girlfriend when he was 19, as well, and he says “yes but that’s different” “how?” the way she says this is so cute and of course he has no answer to that. I love that Beckett takes her side and reminds Castle that it was the same with her and her dad when she was younger and that her dad’s disapproval just made her want it even more. “Because... I’m from the future.” OH MY GOD IS THAT THE EPISODE WITH THE COFFEE STAIN THAT’S THERE BUT NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE. Oh my God I LOVE this episode. “This just became my favorite case.” same, Castle. “What did you expect, Castle, Doctor Who’s sonic screwdriver?” DOCTOR WHO’S SONIC SCREWDRIVER “You watch ‘Doctor Who’?” OMFG BEST. “She was with a woman.” SHE’S GAY OH MY GOD THIS EPISODE KEEPS GETTING BETTER. If Castle could go back in time, he’d go back to when Alexis’ hands were tiny and he’d hold her up on his shoulder and awww it’s so beautiful, I wish we could see those times <3 The time traveler guy says something about future Castle living in New York with his wife and their three children :’) I love this because they end up having three kids as well. The coffee stain on the letter, I love this. At the end of the episode, Alexis is leaving home to move in with Pi. it breaks Castle’s heart and he just whisphers “too soon” after she left. :(  Anyway, I just love this episode because it’s so mysterious.
6x06 Get a Clue: Alexis and Pi have invited Martha and Castle over for dinner at their place. Martha brought them beautiful Orchids omg they are gorgeous I want them. Castle is not so excited - the face when he enters their place. Their place is lovely, though. Really nice. And Alexis looks gorgeous with her hair in curls. Martha is being all polite and supportive, but Castle always has to make a snarky comment. Castle went on a field trip with Alexis’ class when she was in 3rd grade. I love that Martha talks to Castle about his behavior and how he’ll lose her if he won’t change his point of view. Castle and Beckett get out of the chapel too easily. Like, all of a sudden Beckett has cell phone reception again? Yeah she’s standing on something, but still, it felt too easy. “Hi... can I come in?” “We can talk here.” They both are right (to some extent), they both are wrong, but it just hurts to see Castle so heartbroken :( Alexis is also hurt because she found out about Castle’s engagement over the phone with her grandma. The ending breaks my heart so many times. With Castle wanting to out for makeup icecream but Alexis refusing. Aw bb :( It hurts so bad :( (I’m having slight Lexi-Alvin parallel feels here but at least they didn’t kill off Alexis) Oh, one more thing about the episode: I love all the riddles, the clues, the puzzles.
6x07 Like Father, Like Daughter: “I need your help. But just because I’m asking doesn’t mean thinks are okay between us. I’m still mad at you.” lol, oh Alexis, I love you, but.. whatever. “She [Alexis] is practically family, I care about her, too.” <3 “Your girl is one in a million, you should be proud.” “Oh, I am.” <3 I wanna see more of Alexis and Lanie omg. It’s adorable how worried Beckett is because she’s about to become part of their family, yet Castle and Alexis have this huge history and such a strong bond and she’s only looking in from the outside when it comes to that part. “I’m sorry I was mad at you.” that scene is so emotional with her crying and the hug <3 The final scene at court is so moving, I got chills all over. “Thank you... for everything” that’s also what she said after Paris. “You ready?” Alexis said this but in season 5 it was Castle who asked if she was ready when they were about to enter the loft after Paris. “There’s someone else I need to thank” it’s Beckett <3 The hug and Castle just smiles, it’s beautiful.
6x08 Murder is Forever: lol plot twist - the woman is dead (as expected) but the murderer is sitting right next to her which I didn’t expect. I love it when Ryan and Esposito are out in the field together. ooops they are ambushed by freaky clowns. They are alright, though. The hug between Beckett and Castle at the end of the episode is so cute.
6x09 Disciple: The victim looks exactly like Lanie, it’s uncanny. It’s so creepy to see a dead woman in the autopsy that looks like Lanie, exactly like her, like twins. And then another dead body is found that looks exactly like Esposito. The coloring of the episode is pretty dark. “That’s from the documentary” OH MY GOD THAT’S SO COOL THAT THAT ONE EPISODE IS BROUGHT UP AGAIN. And now 3XK omg. “We will meet again. I don’t know when. But we’ll meet again.” Fuck me up big time. Jeez. I feel like this 3XK storyline needs to come to an end, though. They can’t stretch out a storyline forever. According to my posts, he was last mentioned in 5x05, then 4x04 and it started in 3x06. That’s just... too long, you forget about everything.
6x10 The Good, The Bad, And The Baby: They are celebrating Thanksgiving together. Castle with the baby is adorable. Alexis would’ve been named Cosmo if she’d been a boy ;D Ryan freaks out because every time he holds the baby, he starts crying (the baby, not Ryan) and Ryan thinks he’s not ready to be a father. Aww bb you’ll do great :’) “Well, you care. That already makes you a hundred times better than the dad I had.” Aww Espo :( Beckett and Castle taking care of Cosmo is hilarious. It’s hilarious when Alexis enters the loft and sees Martha feeding the baby with Castle and Beckett just waking up on the couch and then saying “How long have I been gone?” Castle says that Meredith wasn’t really around when Alexis was little, so he did it all on his own :’) Cosmo is actually called Benny. Eh. The ending is hilarious - Castle had told Beckett that it’s a family tradition to dress up on Thanksgiving, so she dresses up as Pocahontas. However, he was just kidding and then she’s like “yeah well we better make this a family tradition, dress up, pilgrim” and hands him over a costume. Alexis just laughs, Martha high-fives her, it’s gold.
6x11 Under Fire: The beginning is SO dramatic oh my God. Beckett with watery eyes, talking to very pregnant Jenny over the phone. Behind her, a burning building. “Jenny, I need you to stay calm, okay. Something’s happened.” And then we go back twelve hours. “Crime scene at a fire? Never done this before” well, you should move to Chicago then cause fires happen there very frequently ;) I love that Castle suggests the name Cosmo for the baby. Espo and Ryan are trapped in a burning building and it’s so heart breaking. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Jenny arrives at the scene, having contractions. Wow if I had to make a top 5 of moments that are so not okay, the moment of Ryan and Jenny talking over the phone, Ryan saying goodbye to her, both crying, that moment would be high on that list. Jeez. And Ryan was gonna name the baby “Javier” if it was a boy. To which Espo just says “You’re gonna name a white Irish kid ‘Javier’?” Let me just cry forever when Ryan and Esposito are rescued and Ryan goes into the ambulance and Jenny sees he’s still alive and he sees her and their daughter, like :’)
6x12 Deep Cover: Castle receives a mysterious call, something about how lives are at stake. Wait a second... that Mister Cross looks an awful lot like Castle’s father Hunt. That’s him though, right?? Yep it’s him. Like, the episode was so innocent und uneventful, and then it gets super dramatic and serious within a minute. “Or did you forget what happened in Paris?” “No. How could I forget?” Aw :( “Remember this guy? Alexis’s kidnapping last year.” It gets even more intense when Martha sees him. And then Castle performs surgery on him to remove the bullet lol. It’s strangely hilarious when Beckett sees Hunt on the bed, stitching himself up, Martha sitting by his side, Castle saying “meet your future father-in-law”. I’d just like to see Alexis meet him. The pictures of young Alexis on the piano are adorable. “He was never worth your time.” “Oh yes, he was. First time I met him, he gave me the greatest gift of my life... you.” <3 “Think we’ll ever see him again?” “I wish I knew.” Parallel to season 5 here, where Alexis asked “Do you think he made it out?” And Castle goes “I wish I knew”
6x13 Limelight: Who wouldn’t want Pi in front of their apartment at 6:45am :D “Hi!” “Hi Pi!” “Bye!” - she should’ve yelled “Bye Pi!” back, that would’ve been the greatest scene of all times. OH MY GOD IS THAT MAGGIE??? YES IT IS OH MY GOD. So many fandoms colliding in this episode omg. Grey’s, Castle, CM. Awww hey Lola Glaudini <3 It’s so cute when Alexis walks in and she talks real nice about Mandy .. until she mentions Mandy growing up and it becomes super awkward because Mandy is actually in the same room. “Because right now, I wish I could disappear from my life, too.” aww bb :( I love that Mandy and Alexis are somewhat bonding, though they couldn’t be more different. I also like that Alexis got in a semi-dangerous situation but I wouldn’t have said no to a little more drama. Oh my God, Lola was the killer. Wow, now that I think about it... You could actually write a little follow up story on Elle Greenaway which ends in this episode. “Could you thank Alexis for me, too, please.” <3 “You got it right. I’m just not sure I did.” I love that Castle mentions getting married in space again.
6x14 Dressed to Kill: Aaaaah I’m getting strong The Devil Wears Prada and Anna Wintour vibes <3. The wedding dress Beckett is wearing is hideous oh my God. Like, the gray part is beautiful but the white coming out at the sides? Ew. I should be relieved she’s not wearing that one to her real wedding. The line where Beckett said about standing in front of her mirror, expecting her mom to stand behind her... that’s a nice parallel to Martha standing behind her in front of the mirror at her wedding.
6x15 Smells Like Teen Spirit: What horror movie is that part from?? Like, the beginning, it reminds me of some horror movie I think. COURTENEY COX STYLE. “Mister Dunnan, you’re still here.” “And sadly, you’ve returned.” Perlmutter and him would be such great buds omg. Neither Castle, nor Beckett had their prom, it’s lovely that they get it at the end of the episode. Petition for Ryan to say “Inhaberschuldverschreibung”. “It’s all led me to right here, this moment, with you.” The ending is so gross with their song (In My Veins) playing, them dancing. Ew. 
6x16 Room 147: Aw Alexis has a new haircut, love the bangs. “now that you’ve broken up with your boyfriend” OH THAT HAPPENED. “She’s exhausted” aw he’s worried. IS THAT.. PENNY BLAKE FROM GREY’S?! YUP IT’S HER OH MY GOD. Beckett is worried that Alexis doesn’t want to move back home because of her. lol three people confess to the same murder, knowing many details about the case, it’s hilarious. The conversation between Alexis and Beckett is so cute and so important. The ending is so adorable omg I’m dying. “Dad... can I come home?” “Come here.” And then their hug is so perfect omg the way he hugs her a little tighter and smiles, it’s so beautiful. And Alexis mouths “thanks” to Beckett. <3
6x17 In the Belly of the Beast: The coloring of the title card is different, it’s greenish. Beckett is abducted, she’s working undercover. Shit’s getting real real fast. Ten minutes in and I’m not sure I like the tone of the episode, the feel. Yeah, I don’t like it. But Beckett’s goodbye letter is somewhat emotional and touching. It would be very emotional if I felt the episode more, you know. I’m just not feeling it, I’m not emotionally invested, so her letter doesn’t really get me. It’s painful to watch Beckett geing waterboarded. This is just painful to watch, I don’t like it. It’s just painful and brutal and I do not want to watch this. I’m this close to just fast-forwarding the episode. I seriously don’t like it. One of my least favorites for sure. The ending is pretty open with them not knowing who Lazarus really is, Simmons and Bracken playing some kind of role. Still meh.
6x18 The Way of the Ninja: Perlmutter is so done with Castle, so tired of his shit. lol Ryan doing karaoke.
6x19 The Greater Good: We meet Gates’ sister. Beckett and Castle work on their invite list to their wedding - 585 people is a start I guess? They decide that they should take one minute to write down all the people that HAVE to be there, that make them happy. They both just write “you” <3. Until Castle goes “But of course I’ll have to invite my mother and Alexis” and then they go on - Beckett’s dad and aunt, Esposito, Ryan with Jenny, Lanie, Gates, the poker group, ... :D
6x20 That ‘70s Show: The 70s setup is hilarious. Like, they just redecorate the whole precinct to make it look like it’s the 70s. Lanie was hilarious and then Ryan and Espo walk in and I’m cracking up. Alexis is also there. It’s hilarious when Gates returns to the precinct and sees that 70s makeover :D The 70s themed disco party at the end is pretty great.
6x21 Law & Boarder: It’s so cute when Alexis and Beckett fist-bumb because she’s beating Castle at Scrabble and that never happens. Lanie is Beckett’s Maid of Honor, so Ryan and Esposito wonder if one of them will be Castle’s Best Man. I don’t watch Law & Order but I’m pretty offended they didn’t add the usual “dun-dun” to the Castle ‘intro’. Like, you had one job. It’s hilarious how Ryan and Esposito are making Castle little gifts because they want to be his best man ;) Also, Beckett beating Castle at Scrabble again is hilarious. “Guys. I asked Alexis to be my best man. Aside from Beckett, she’s the most important person in my life.” <3 Ugh their relationship is so important to me. Like, can we get a spinoff please? With Alexis like 5/6 years old or something. Someone invent a time machine so that we can go back in time and make this happen with Nathan Fillion and Molly Quinn as the actors.
6x22 Veritas: Beckett’s storyline continues. I’ve reached a point where I’m not really interested in this storyline anymore. It’s been going on for too long, they lost me. At the end of the episode, Beckett arrests Bracken, so I’m guessing this storyline is over?
6x23 For Better or Worse: I just noticed that Castle has his writer vest with the bullet as the ‘i’ dot framed up in his office. That’s so cute. I also know that there’s the “Captain Castle” sign on his desk. But I wonder about all the other props at his place that I have never noticed. I feel like there’s a lot of details put into his place. Anyway. About the episode. Apparently, Beckett is still married. And I hate those storylines where they can’t get married because someone finds out they are still married and needs to get the divorce papers but there’s still issues and it’s just a whole mess. I hate it. It’s just a desperate attempt to stir some more drama and stretch the wedding even further. Awww Scottie Thompson, nice to see you :’) Gotta say, Beckett looks way better in the make up dress than in that hideous thing she was supposed to wear. The scene with Martha and the earrings was lovely. And then we finally get to the wedding and that accident happens and the wedding is not happening after all. Like, how frustrating was that for the people that were with the show from the very beginning, super excited for the wedding, watching the episode live on air. The wedding was finally supposed to happen and then there’s this annoying storyline with Beckett’s “husband” that takes forever. And when we finally cut to the chase, it’s still not happening. Eh.
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