#OLC cb
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varianghost · 1 day ago
Rant about the song 'three heads' below the cut
(318 words)
Can't stop thinking about the song 'three heads' because oh my gosh the first time I listened to it destroyed me.
People probably already know, but it's sort of the demo for One Rock 'n' roll too many. It's basically about GB, CB and Electra being all crushed together after the crash, and how they're trying to get unstuck. While trying to pull apart, CB is (supposedly) ripped apart, due to the other engines being too strong and him being just a caboose.
I know that the song I supposed to be for comedic relief as Greaseball and Electra have such a dismissive reaction to Ceebs' death and it's supposed to be funny how quickly they change from singing "Three heads", to immediately continuing the song with the lyrics "two heads".
But it's so uncomfy to me for some reason. I don't know how to explain it. It's just so weird to me that the original plan was to kill off CB. I really don't know why, but it makes me so freaked out?? I was actually in shock when I heard it for the first time.
Another weird thing is that the idea that he was supposed to die makes me feel somewhat ill??? Like a sense of dread/anxiety, a pit in my stomach, ect. Is that normal???
Anyway, I'm so glad that it got changed to One Rock 'n' Roll because it's so much better! Not only is it fun, and a great break from the main ending ballads like Only You and Only He, but CB doesn't get torn apart!! Plus, it's one of my favourite songs, so I don't even know what I'd do if it wasn't changed.
Thanks if you read to the end!! I know I'm being very melodramatic about a single song that didn't even make it into the final musical, but ranting about this was needed!!
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awesomecoolfandomart · 2 months ago
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here they come!
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random-moth-art · 20 days ago
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OLC Starlight Express cheater boys <3
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rhules · 15 days ago
I can’t stop picturing this meme when I listen to the rap
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random-moth · 5 days ago
Every time I see a CB thing for stex I go a lil feral
no matter the era
I just
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I’m so mentally ok guys
I might need help
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*cough* free to add on any CB pictures you may have *cough*
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princeelectra · 7 days ago
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Look at him.
He's so polite.
Highly educated caboose.
Sitting. Peacefully.
With his little silly head and headphones.
I dare you to name a train more polite looking than him.
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m1dgemodge · 17 days ago
They stop you while walking in an alley what are you doing?
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THE CABEESE CIRCLE ⭕️ ‼️‼️ (and Slick again lol)
Link to the og circle here!! :3
Also I love giving all the Freight members nose rings teehee
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hypotonuseisguud · 3 months ago
C.B. headcanons because I'm insane about him!!!!
(productions will be specified if needed ^^)
Original London Cast C.B.
He sometimes forgets that he's not on radio and uses 10-codes while talking to people face to face
He has dyed his mustache before for the rockies when they were 'younger' (or however trains age)
Always has a small comb in his pocket even though he never uses it bc of his hat lmao
He loves 80s slang sm and is always using it. He says tubular and radical unironically and thats kind of iconic
He is SUCH a morning person! It's almost annoying how early he gets up and moving. He is out of the house by 6a and he just has to meander the tracks bc no one is up and work doesn't start until 8a
Pre-2018 Bochum Caboose
He wears suspenders and its so so bad. The ugliest things you've ever laid eyes on
TMI doesn't exist between him and Dinah.
^ Off of that: They've been friends since she arrived at the yard! I like to imagine that they got there around the same time, maybe Caboose a few months before
Seasonal depression like a mf but in the summer. He HATES the summer sm because he doesn't like the heat, and then he and his partner (either Electra or Greaseball bc i can't pick) can't cuddle without sweating to death
The can of pomade hates to see him coming. He uses so much, frankly TOO much, product in his hair. It's like a ritual that he takes like half an hour to do his maybe 6 inches of hair.
He isn't a morning person. Unlike OLC c.b., you cannot get him up before 8 and he is late to work almost, if not every day. How he hasn't been fired is a question no one can find the answer to.
im not doing B.V. because I strongly dislike him🩷 (im working on it but its so hard to like him when olc cb and caboose are right there) (im sorry bv likers😔)
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fastmovingmother · 4 days ago
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billie-the-sleepyhead · 1 month ago
Thought I’d Draw CB and his Dad(also named CB but goes by his middle name, AV, more). First day on the job as a caboose photo which is definitely in one of those ‘family photos album’ books.
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And without the yellowish filter
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The lighter hair tips on little CB(who’s about 14 in the picture) are to imply his hair got a lot darker at some point as he aged up and there’s still evidence of his light hair but not for long.
They’ve also got nametags and their radios on them.
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consumed-by-cringe · 3 hours ago
ok so I've been making stex bracelets for myself and I was telling one of my irls that I was making a cb one. My friend, who is not in the stex fandom went
"why tf would you put cb on a bracelet"
and then I remember what cb stands for normally...
(context: I'm singaporean and cb is a hokkien swear word here haha)
anyways here's the finished bracelet
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and if you want to know the meaning of cb in hokkien pls google cuz I'm not posting that phrase here
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cielfangirl1 · 1 year ago
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1983 workshop Electra and olc CB
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avthewoodencaboose · 16 days ago
"10-4, Smokey bear!"
C.B./AV the caboose!!
"The red caboose would like to be of use!"
This is a rp account for the original caboose, aka C.B. or AV!
In character posts will be in red
Shipping is ok‼️
Don’t be weird…
Some headcanons for AV!
He’s the father of both CB, BV, and my oc! Father of three 💪
He has chub. I don’t care what ANYONE says I need him to have chub..
He was with OLC Electra until No Comeback
He and 1983 workshop Electra, or Elton as I and others have called him, are old man yaoi💔
Before Elton initially exploded in the 1983 workshop, and before AV just kinda… yk… got torn apart… they were a thing. But thankfully AV was repaired and was able to continue hanging around! (Elton was also eventually repaired!!)
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the 1983 workshop:
One Rock N' Roll Too Many was the song that replaced Three Heads. It still took place after the crash except AV does die in the middle of the song because they all tried to pull apart.
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Three Heads is and always will be a genuine good song
These headcanons might be insane guys💔
Other STEX RP accounts please find this 🙏
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random-moth-art · 13 days ago
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My boys <3 (+ BV ig)
Closeups/individuals under cut
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random-moth · 21 days ago
My boy <3
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for the three trucker ceeb fans
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to-dee-or-not-to-dee · 1 month ago
More dadboose (but rendered now!)
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