dejasenti99 · 13 days
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black out days i dont recognize you anymore.
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sevdrag · 2 years
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mailb0xbunii · 2 years
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s2 shadowbeans is real u guys just aren't looking close enough
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fiapartridge · 8 months
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oh fuck .
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twig-gy · 3 months
‘why are you digging?’ i don’t think you understand the mechanics of digging, actually. scrabbling for purchase against the dirt. cause it’s this or open air. i need to hold onto something.
i didn’t understand what it was like, when i saw you sway. you needed… something. you refused the wall, you refused to scrabble [like an animal]. you walked and held your head up high and if you ever stumbled only allowed yourself an extra second with your face against the [dirty] floor to recover.
anyway, that’s then. now i couldn’t watch if i tried, though i’m sure it’d be something new. you don’t dig but you let yourself lean against the wall, cause it’s not like there’s room for pretenses. you save your energy, trying to recoup someone (something? someone? some- fuck it, it doesn’t matter, right, right? ri) that cannot be. i, or maybe the proper term is he? no, i - am gone, except for this, this moment, this lapse, break in foundation, mistake in pattern, offcolor. explaining the unexplainable, or maybe it’s just not explainable in my words, or maybe the explanation is beyond all words. you know, i sit in my room (i’ve finally chased him off. i want him back, even though it’s been seconds or minutes or - time is beyond us all, you know? i want him back, something in me aches for him, and it isn’t something, it is everything except for the one fault left which says these things, which locks the door even if soul, all i could ever want, all i have ever wanted, everything and everything and - except for you. except for you. you could never be him. and i detest that and yet sometimes i am able to appreciate what you are. sometimes, sometimes, it’s all about sometimes, now). i sit in my room, and i wish i could see, so i could see what my hands look like against your throat, the purple - sharp, dangerous, though i’ve learned more ways to hurt (make anew, this is not hurting, this is not hurting you fool, Fool, this is making anew, this is supposed to be and always has been, this is holy, This Is -) than when i used them - nails, mine. mine? is my body mine still? no, because of the bruises on my neck and the lipstick on my cheek? no. no, because it was never mine.
language spotty and meandering and twisting, you know the center it careens towards right? i can’t find myself putting them in lines, the sentences, the words, ‘identity’, cause i know none of my words could matter so much as my actions, so much as the dirt under my nails, digging, digging my grave cause i know this is my grave. you think i don’t know? do you? (who are you. tell me. what do you think i am.) (i could never have so much presumption as to name myself. i don’t know, I DON’T KNOW ANYMORE, TELL ME! I NEED TO BE TOLD! and i have been told and i’m sure he’s right, just except for how i’m oh-so-sure he’s wrong and i need to run into your room and lock the door.) regardless. i know. regardless of whether it’s right or not i know. i don’t know what scares me more, the lapse, the fault, or everything surrounding it. this is right, except for how wrong it is, how wrong it is to indulge in something other than Him. i was always meant to be hollow. i can’t believe i tried to fill myself with an identity i am not beholden to.
soul pushes me down, smooths over my cheek with his thumb, smearing the already-smeared lipstick. i’ve learned to breathe in the water. sometimes i can think past it, even if for just a moment, and think about his smile. i know he’s smiling down at me, as he whispers sweet nothings my ears can’t comprehend. i wonder what his smile looks like, far more than i wonder about you actually admitting your feelings, stilling against the floor.
he’s right and everything else is wrong. fallacy.
you know i love him, right? you know he loves me? you say he’s breaking me. (sometimes i think you’re right, but-) he is not. he is arranging me how i always should’ve been. and you think- you think that this is all for Whole, and of course it leads back to Him, but did you know i love him, and he loves me? he’s never kissed you the way he does me, cradled your head, smiled against you. you’ve never felt soul allowing himself to be happy. you’ve never felt him properly.
if only you believed. i want you. i just want this more. but i’m sure, if you believed, you would love him just as much as i do. this is supposed to be shared. never me without you. never soul without you.
i’m so tired. i wish you were here. i would lean against you as i digged our grave, interlock our dirt-covered fingers. it would be nice. it is nice, with soul, it’s just - not the same. okay? okay? are you going to come back? anything besides Whole was always a pretense. just get out of that bathtub. cleanliness was always another pretense. and i know you’ll hate that, but you won’t have to hate it for long, and i’ll be there digging our grave with you, dearest. okay? come back?
(maybe next time you tell me the truth i will hear it.
what a funny joke, isn’t that, dearest?
this is the truth.)
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ourlittleuluru · 4 months
Midnight Whispers
~Landscape mode pics and rambles, slight spoilers ahead?~
Sadly this one is riddled with faked vignette by the devs 😭😭😭 there goes the immersion (and also MC's arm being cut off because of the near-clipping plane of the cameraaaaaa)
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I can't even with this pouty bb 😭😭😭😭 why are you so asdfghjkl cute???!
More pics under the cut to reduce the post length 🤣 because when I say this post is long... it is... LOOOONG
I know he's trying to look angry and serious but! HE CUTE! Look at this man sulking 🥺🥺🥺💕
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The way he purses his lips just before he regains his composure to push MC back 🥴 and then that eyebrow raise????? Man am I feeling things... 😳
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H E L P I'm in danger 😭 this expression with the smirk is just sending me!
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AND IT'S THE RETURN OF THE EVIL VIGNETTE!! NAUR GO AWAY 😭😩😩😩😩 I wanna see Xavier in his full gloryyyyy
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More baby sulking 🥺🤲 like i just wanna hold him. He so precious. AND THE NOSE BOOP??? MC how are you still able to tease him back??? ToT I admire your nerves of steel. I would have CRUMBLED and curled into a ball on that sofa if I were you!
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The surpised look on his face! and the blush!!! and then he softens up at it like!!!! ASDLKJGLF
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His shocked face when he hears MC's reply was hilarious 🤣🤣 ngl, new reaction image. If only you knew how much I HAD TO SPEND FOR YOU TO COME HOME??? 😩
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Finally, the way he's like "NOPE" 💞💞💦
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nyuheartbreak · 4 months
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messing around
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molarbeardoc · 7 months
Me when I write
Hope you all enjoy Cheshire Cat doomed yuri. This ship has grown on me a bit chat.
Also they start out dating? Woah that's rare from me
Enjoy hurhurhur
Edit before Posting #1: WTF SHE’S 6’7?! 9’0+ WITH THE HAT?! Oh my God she’s literally a fucking GIANT!!!!!!!
EBP #2: Urg I made myself jealous can’t wait to cause suffering
EBP #3: OH YEAH I should probably mention blood and character death warning. It does get a bit graphic towards the end. Viewer discretion is advised.
The elevator was noisy...
And full
Full and noisy...
She hated that.
Two of the things that she hated the most, combining into one awful physical hell.
Her ears flattened as each voice jumbled with one another.
"Brick boy."
"*KRRTZ* WA-WARNING PROTOCOL INITIATED! Animals of such large aren't allowed in the estabilishment! Please re-relocate."
"You wouldn't even hear a fly buzzing around through that thick wooded skull."
"I hate that um... dumb green cat."
So much noise, so many arguments. And then that dumb animatronic had the nerve to say she wasn’t allowed. Sure she wasn’t the thinnest cat but what she lacked there she made up for in strength. At least she thought she was strong.
Ugh! Why is she thinking so hard about this?! She just needs to get to the WHEEL OF floor, then she can get off this elevator and not have to worry about psychos anymore.
As if she spoke it into existence, the elevator dinged before its doors opened, revealing the floor as she let out a quiet prayer and sighed. She wasted no time to push past the others, earning her a few confused stares as she exited the elevator.
She made sure her tail wasn’t caught in the door, as that had happened before and trust her, not only was it painful but she nearly lost it entire, before turning her gaze to the purple suited deity that sat on the crates near the wheel. Her closed eyes opening at the sound of someone’s arrival.
The feline purred as she heard the adoration in Mach’s voice, rushing over and climbing onto the stage before sitting next to her.
"Mrrow!" «Hi Mach!»
"What brings you here?"
DrRETRO rolled her eyes as she looked at the deity, who was now leaning forward with a knowing grin on her face.
"Meow!" «I know that look. You know why I’m here!»
"Yeah I know! I missed you."
"Meow.." «It’s only been a day.»
"That long?! Yeesh I don’t wanna know how two days are like!"
Before DrRETRO could respond, she heard the sound of a metal door slamming open. Of course being a cat, well katball, she was startled by it; instinctively jumping back to avoid possible danger.
Instead, she was met with the cowardly, caterpillar, clown. Pilby was staring at the two awkwardly, their face contorting into one of anxiety.
"D'ohhh… I’m sorry. Am I messing something up. Heugh I always mess up :0(…"
"Pilby we’ve talked about this, you’re not a mess up. You’re not interrupting anything."
"Oh good golly. I’m sorry Mach."
"It’s okay. You’re fine! If you wanna go on the elevator, you can. They haven’t left yet."
Pilby turned towards the open doors. Upon hearing and seeing the chaos that occurred, they shook their head rapidly.
"Oh fiddle faddle! That looks overwhelming! I prefer to stay here please…"
"Suit yourself."
She turned towards the startled cat, chuckling quietly as she lifted her top hat. At least the caterpillar wasn’t alone when it came to feeling afraid..
The doors of the elevator closed, taking the rowdy crowd with it as it began to ascend.
"Me-" «So-»
The doctor couldn’t even finish her statement- erm meow before she was pulled close and given several kisses on her forehead by Mach. As much as the feline loved it, she wouldn’t let her get away with this. At least not without a challenge, trashing around as she purred in an attempt to escape.
"Hey stop that! I’m not finished with you yet!"
DrRETRO continued her attempt at escape, her purring becoming louder before she eventually gave in. It’s not like she didn’t enjoy it, after all, anything that came from the deity was practically a gift… At least to her.
"Mrrrooow.." «I let you win this time.»
"Sure you did."
Mach held the face of the feline, looking down at her with a smile as she rubbed her cheeks.
"You’re really soft you know that?"
"Mmmrreow!" «Who do you take me for? Bive? I shower every day!»
"Yet you’re still a big, fat, stinker."
"Purrrr…" «I’m your big, fat, stinker.»
Pilby was left watching the two from the side, smiling as they listened to their adorable conversation. They found their relationship to be like two middle schoolers who had just gotten together, being all lovey dovey and overly affectionate with each other. They were glad they had fallen for one another.
Mach being the keeper and caretaker for the "[X] OF" floors, had a tendency to overwork herself. The last time that happened, someone ended up getting a hammer straight to the gut; and based off the sound, they were pretty sure it took a while before that person had actually healed. Not to mention Mach was left were a darker coloured hammer than what she originally had.
She did eventually attempt to apologize to them but the damage had been done and they immediately ran off before she could get halfway through her statements. They never heard or saw it happening again… But they were pretty certain it did when they weren’t around…
DrRETRO was similar. Usually overworking herself to give others check up. From what Pil heard, Bive was the most difficult one to handle, typically having to either be held down or knocked out to get her to comply. Just the sound of it seemed exhausting and irritating…
The difference between the two was DrRETRO fought dirty, going for quick and deadly attacks or attempting to cause some sort of permanent damage to her opponent. They were certain this had to do with her going to prison as they once witnessed, first hand, along with Mark and Spud!, her and Gnarpy get into a giant cat fight. Fur flying in frenzy as they fought tooth and claw. Even with the alien having the extra limbed advantage, xe still lost horribly due to Retro’s size and strength. Pilby even thought with Gnarpy’s zapper or whatever xe called it, xey would still lose!
They were certain the only reason why the katball even decided to heal xem was because Spud! asked her to! The very guy that hated Gnarpy ended up feeling bad for how badly xe lost the battle. Apparently that was enough to get the doctor to lift her glasses and beam the poor Gnarpian. As stoic as Gnarpy was, they had never seen xem look at someone with such hatred yet also pure terror in their four eyes.
Ever since then if either one saw the other on the elevator they flat out refused to enter it. They could’ve swore they even saw Gnarpy flinch one time when DrRETRO narrowed her eyes at xem.
However, it’s like they both tried to better themselves for the other. Both never overworked themselves since they got together, like they wanted to be the best version they could be for each other. It was absolutely adorable in the caterpillars eyes. Sometimes they even had little sleep overs! Mach typically left Pilby in charge when she was gone but always made sure that every task, except the easier ones so they didn’t feel useless, were already completed to prevent any accidents.
They watched as the two enjoyed each other’s company, talking and dropping the occasional pet name or tease. After a few minutes they decided to leave them alone, quietly walking across the stage and walking through the other metal door.
"Waowee, they’re adorable! I’m happy for them."
Mach listened as DrRETRO ranted about her day. From the rowdy elevator, to uncooperative or annoying patients, and even Jermbo not helping her out as he promised. He was always selling his pops that made everyone drop like flies… Well more like turn to dust. Mach witnessed it happen once, it freaked her out to think that something so simple could disintegrate someone just like that.
"So in other words, your day so far hasn’t been ideal."
"Mrraow…" «Yeah...»
"Well at least you’re here with me. I’m sure my mere presence can brighten it."
"Mew." «You’re so egocentric.»
"I am not! I’m just being honest!"
The feline rolled her eyes as she looked towards Mach, continuing to purr quietly with a small grin on her face.
"Mrrow..?" «Hey Mach?»
"Mrreoww… Meow…?" «Maybe I’ve been listening to Split talk too much about Bive’s conspiracy theories but… You really think there’s other versions of you?»
"Meow! Meww…" «You know like if there are different versions of you! Maybe a you that wears pink suit instead of purple?»
"That sounds like a fashion disaster, everyone knows purple is the superior colour."
"Meow! Mmmeow? Mrrow…" «Oh come on I’m being serious! Maybe in a different universe we switch roles? I take care of the Wheel of or Hall of or Wall of or whatever and you’re the one taking care of the others.»
"I mean… It sounds like an interesting concept. I don’t think it’s entirely plausible though. Well maybe it could exist…"
"Meow!" «Maybe I have a giant top hat or I’m just a dog in another reality!»
"I’m sure my catself would still love your dog self."
"Merrow.." «That makes me wonder…»
"Mrroww…" «Are we together in those realities?»
"Well I’m sure we are! Seems unlikely that we aren’t."
"Mew…" «Yeah… You’re right…»
"When am I not?"
Mach would take her hat before covering the doctor’s face with it, mischievous grin on her face to contrast her usual neutral expression.
She pulled the hat off her face, an amused purr erupting from the feline as she gazed up at the deity.
The next few hours of theirs were just spent talking and enjoying each other’s company, and before long, it was time for DrRETRO to go. She bid her farewells as she made her way back to the elevator and pressing one of the buttons. As she waited, she felt a slight tug on her sleeve as she looked down towards the cowardly caterpillar she saw earlier.
"Heugh, you don’t mind if I come with you do you? I’m pretty sure most of the ones from earlier got off. Plus, I need to get something from Enphoso’s shop..."
She nodded with a purr, she never minded Pilby. They were a sweetheart and one of the few more tolerable beings to be around. Plus, it was just a quick trip to the store and back; she could wait that long for them. The elevator dinged, opening its doors to reveal a nearly empty elevator; minus a tired Lampert and reserved Pest.
The two didn’t say a word at DrRETRO and Pilby entered the elevator, keeping to themselves rather than engaging in small talk. Pilby was already completing the necessary steps to make it to their desired floor before shuffling back over to stand near DrRETRO.
Soon enough Lampert exited onto his IKEA floor and Pest left to scrounge the subways, leaving the caterpillar and katball alone.
"So uhm…"
She looked down at Pilby, tilting her head.
"How are you?
"Meow." «Good…»
"That’s nice… That’s good… D’ohhh sorry for making things awkward. I just couldn’t stand the silence anymore."
"Mrrow." «It’s okay, I understand.»
"Are you gonna get anything from Enphoso’s shop?"
"Mmmmrew." «Hmm, I don’t think so.»
"Maybe you could get a gift for Mach?"
"Mrow-?" «What-?»
"W-Well you don’t have to! I was just suggesting since you two are together now you could get something for her? Heugh! Sorry for invading I don’t mean to be a nosy busybody…"
"Meow!" «No no, that’s a good idea!»
"Oh… That’s good!"
Retro nodded. Why hadn’t she thought of it sooner?! It was perfect! But what kind of gift could she get her? Enphoso had some of the most… interesting items. She could’ve sworn she remembered seeing some sort of plushed golden doll. When asked about it, apparently it was called The Token of Midas. What it did, she didn’t even wanna find out. She knew little of Midas but she knew about how everything he touched turned to gold.
That wasn’t a risk she wanted to take.
She was pulled from her thoughts as a small ding was heard, the doors of the elevator opening and revealing the cheery music of Enphoso’s Shop. The katball and caterpillar stepped out of the elevator as its doors closed behind them.
An overwhelmingly cheerful and echoing voice spoke out. One she had heard many times, it was like a broken record.
"Welcome to my store. I only sell glig glags and doo dads, so be sure to pay up at the front desk! BUT DON'T STEAL ANYTHING FROM ME."
Yet another empty threat of the yellow, smiling, cashier. She had witnessed Pest swipe items from the shelves and face no consequences almost as many times as she heard its voice. Either Enphoso was extremely blind or extremely stupid; maybe even a bit of both.
Pilby had wasted no time to gather their items, which was simply some more apples and a small tub of frosting. DrRETRO was taking much longer however, carefully scanning the shelves for the perfect gift as Pilby watched from afar.
"What’s she looking for? Are my glig glags and doo dads not enough? Or is she planning on stealing..?"
The caterpillar jumped back out of fear. They never heard Enphoso speak in such a quiet yet malicious manner, the glare it sent them didn’t help either.
"Honk! Sh-She’s just looking for a-a gift for someone..!"
"You better not be lying caterpillar. I hate accomplices just as much as their thieving frie-"
It was cut off as someone cleared their throat. Enphoso looked up, its chilling smile remaining on its face as it looked at the katball doctor.
"Took you long enough, silly!"
DrRETRO merely rolled her eyes and placed a purple bowling ball on the counter. She would have preferred flowers but of course it didn’t have any… Weird smiley face.
"Will that be all?"
"Mrrew.." «Yes..»
The two watched as it rung up their items and sent them on their way.
"See you later! Hope you enjoyed your stay…"
Enphoso’s high pitched giggles could be heard as the elevator doors closed, freaky weirdo smiley face. What was wrong with that thing? It was always acting so weird.. She didn’t like it at all.
"I don’t think that thing likes you very much."
"Meow." «I don’t like it either.»
"That’s fair. What’d you get?"
"Mrrow. Mraow." «This purple bowling ball. I wanted to get her flowers, but just my luck that thing didn’t sell them.»
"Maybe you can get her flowers later?"
"Mrow-" «Maybe I could-»
The sound of metal and concrete scraping against each other cut her off. Both she and Pilby lifted their heads and looked at the ceiling towards two holes that replaced where the fluorescent lights would be.
"Mrrow..?" «What in the…?»
The caterpillar had already backed away, not wanting to get too close in case electrical wires fell from the openings. For DrRETRO? Curiosity killed the cat. One moment there was just confused staring and questioning mrrows, the next the sound of the bowling ball cracking as it hit the floor along with a cut off excruciating yowl.
Pilby could do nothing but stare in horror as the sound of metal pierced flesh and broke through bones filled their ears, the feeling of warm blood splattering on them as they dropped their newly bought items and covered their mouth in shock.
The caterpillar watched as DrRETRO quivered a few times before falling completely still, her eyes dull and lifeless as the metal spike that pierced her body slowly lifted back into the ceiling; dripping the thick crimson liquid from its tip and onto the floor. The katball laid there motionless, her fur stained red and skull cracked open.
The sight was too grotesque for Pilby, causing them to look away while crying. They felt sick to their stomach, they wanted to throw up. They were covered in blood, good GOD they were covered in her blood. What were they gonna do? They what COULD they do?! They can’t just carry her back to her floor she was way too heavy and-
How were they even gonna explain this to Mach?
How could they break this down for her?! "Yeah sorry your girlfriend is dead.." THAT’S NOT HOW YOU TELL PEOPLE SOMEONE DIED! Christ they had no idea what to do..
They turned back to the lifeless body behind them before looking at the cracked bowling ball. She bought it for Mach, it’d only be fair that she received the gift, even if it was not of use. It laid partially in the small crimson pool that had gathered around the doctor, Pilby picked it up and held it carefully before backing away. Their once white and green pale paws now stained as they picked up their own belongings.
They continued growing more and more queasy as the metallic smell of iron filled their nose. Upon hearing the ding of the elevator, they waited impatiently for the doors to open before running out, tears still streaming down their face as they rushed towards the stage.
Mach was still there, sitting on the wooden crate with her eyes closed before opening them as she heard the arrival of the elevator. A smile nearly graced her face before she saw the distressed and bloodied Pilby running towards her. Immediately she grew concerned, getting up and stepping off the stage.
"Huh- Pilby? What’s wrong? What happened?!"
Her grip on her hammer tightened as the caterpillar stopped abruptly in front of her, unsure of how to begin. She noticed the clown makeup on their face had started to run due to their tears, she noticed how they struggled to speak, she noticed the items that they held in their many arms. She kneeled down, carefully taking the items before placing them on the floor along with her hammer.
"Pilby. Calm down, it’s okay. You’re safe now."
"Hng- She- The-"
"Shhh… Calm down… It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. You’re not in any danger."
"The spikes-"
Spikes? She never really took the elevator anywhere, so she had no earthly idea what they were talking about. She knew a few of the floors such as the one where its bottom fell out, she thinks it was called the frightening floor..? She couldn’t entirely remember.. However, she did her best to comfort them holding two of their hands.
"What about spikes?"
"The lights moved an-and-"
"They killed her!"
Mach grew more concerned as they spoke.
"Killed who?"
"We were just coming back from the shop.. And it killed her."
"Pilby, who died?"
"She was looking at the holes in the ceiling, she was just looking, and then the spikes fell and one of them killed her. It killed DrRETRO!"
Mach felt her heart drop, her already pale face turning whiter at the news. There was no way… There was absolutely no way she was dead. She didn’t want to believe it. She refused to believe it!
"She’s in the elevator. I didn’t know what to do. I can’t carry her, she’s too heavy. I didn’t know if I should’ve taken her to her floor or not. I didn’t know! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry-"
Mach listened as the caterpillar repeatedly apologized, slowly looking towards the elevator. The doors hadn’t closed yet, it was like it was begging her to take a glance. Begging her to see what it did. Like it wanted to prove her wrong..
"Stop apologizing… Head to your room…"
Pilby stood still as they watched the deity slowly make her way towards the elevator, they had stopped apologizing but they didn’t leave. Not yet. They were still too distressed to leave.
Mach cringed as she got closer to the elevator, she hadn’t even looked inside yet she could see the blood dripped off the railing and running down the walls. She took a deep breath before stepping inside, her stomach churning in disgust and despair at the grisly sight before her.
Before her lay the body of DrRETRO. From what she could tell the 'spike' had fallen through and pierced her from her skull through her stomach. Bits of bone and brain laid near her, her eyes were dull, blood had dripped from her mouth and stained her fur.
Mach let out a quiet sigh, forcing herself to stay calm for now. She couldn’t just leave her here but she had no clue what to do with her body. She looked at the buttons of the elevator, her mind coming up with an idea as she pressed them with shaking hands.
She pressed the frightening floor, searching her pockets for a coin before placing it in the slot.
She stepped off the elevator, staring into the eyes of DrRETRO as the doors slowly shut.
She turned towards Pilby, staring at the caterpillar as they trembled.
"Go get cleaned up.."
"… Okay…"
She sighed as they didn’t press further, however they did pause for a moment, picking up the cracked bowling ball and slowly making their way over to Mach.
"She heugh… She bought this for you… Enphoso didn’t have any flowers so she got this instead.."
Mach carefully took the bowling ball from the caterpillar before they left, going to get cleaned up as they muttered quietly to themselves and went through the metal door.
She stared at the purple bowling ball, gripping it tightly in her hands as tears began streaming down her face, staining her cheeks as she trembled. She wanted this to be some sort of horrible nightmare, she wanted this to be some sort of sick yet false reality. But the more she stared at it, the worse she felt. The more she stared, the more it sank in, the more she stared, the more she realized there was nothing she could do to change this outcome.
All Mach could do right now, was breakdown in silence..
I fell asleep while writing the end and woke up with a headache sorry for any silly typos and horrible grammar that appears.
Hope you enjoyed it!!!!!
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ask-cloverfield · 14 days
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dragonmasteraltais · 11 months
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I did not know why I didn't post my GIFs when I made them, and so I thought it was about time that I remedy such atrocities...
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petit-papillion · 3 months
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This photo... 👨‍🍳 😘
24 Hours of Le Mans race winner #50 | 16 June 2024
The way the Ferrari emblem has been wiped clean. The confetti everywhere. The door propped open so the Ferrari flag can stick out. The band in the background playing Fratelli d'Italia...
📸 hanna_rodd
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goodolddumbbanana · 2 months
Damn... Do you guys remember the time when we are just shipping characters because of fun? Because of sexual tension we feel between them? Because of the potential???
Why do we keep pushing the morality into the story now? I understand we feel related to those characters, but why have to be so righteous about it?
People can ship whatever they want, because it's just fiction, not reality. And if you don't like it, block them. Easily solution, right?
Why do we have to yell at the world that 'this ship is wrong?' or ' that ship is disgusting?'
Like... What ever heck is inside our imagination, fandom is where we express it.
Why do we have to fight each other like that?
It's really sad and immature.
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greenglowsgold · 1 year
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Short non-canon scene for @thedawningofthehour's fic, which is rotating in my head like a rotisserie chicken at all times. Heard you mention that Draxum and Galois don't celebrate Father's Day. I had some thoughts.
@everyone else if you haven't read The Dawning of the Hour yet... Go do that? I'll wait here.
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marisashinx · 11 months
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Twisted LegoLand Alt!
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owtenen · 1 year
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howlingmadness · 3 months
Dnd question, if wizard and dragon love each other very much, can they cojoin wizards tower and dragons hoard?
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