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animatedrapture · 2 years ago
girl u are crazy if u think for one second ur notifs has EVER been off for me 😭😭 IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN ON WISHING PRAYING HOPING ON A SHOOTING STAR U WILL COME BACK AND BE LIKE "sunarin angst lol" LIKE IT WAS SERIOUS..... 🧇
HEJPSHSKSHELP NOT THE ANGST. i wish i can say ive #Changed but no that's still. what i would do T--T
ive been pushing out nagi fics & having a hard time writing in general ykyk and i was talking to mous recently while i was writing and was like. yk i tried imagining if i was writing this for sunarin rn, would it make writing easier and i ACTUALLY TRIED tbh like. i looked for an old sunarin fic draft and no. the answer was no. the problem is ME LMFOAHSJSHAJBA
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cheshiresense · 2 months ago
Ok so I've actually gotten several asks about what Starrk's relationship with Unohana/the Fourth is/was like, but I don't have time atm to get into it, but I also want to toss out some of my headcanons about it because I've thought about it a lot, so I'll just list out a few headcanons in no particular order and get back to those asks later.
- First of all, Unohana is actually super protective of Starrk, but in a way that just confuses and/or scares people. Like she’s the sort to say dead serious no joke “my lieutenant is a gentle soul, you will answer to me if you upset him” while Starrk’s murdering his way across a battlefield and his reiatsu is eating a bunch of people for lunch 😂😂
- Unohana never thought she even had any protective instincts but Starrk just brings it out in her. At her age, with her experience, she can better sense just how old he actually is, just as she can sense-smell the amount of blood on him, so she knows he's lived a long time and killed a lot of people. But she can also tell he's not like her, he doesn't enjoy that sort of thing—when he kills, it's probably either because he has no choice or because he does it out of a sense of duty to whatever it is he believes in enough to fight for. Case in point, literally no one as powerful as she knows Starrk to be would choose to enter the Fourth with an honest interest in learning even more about healing than he already does. He's patient with even the weakest unseated Shinigami, and Unohana no longer has to personally come running every time the Eleventh decides to stop by to harass her officers because Starrk is there to stonewall them at the gates. But at the same time, the grief and loneliness she can sense in his reiatsu makes her want to shed blood because it never goes away. He can coax the shyest officers out of their shells with that no-pressure-calm he's constantly radiating, and for all that he'd prefer a nap over conversation any day of the week, he's also indulgent with members of his own squad when they ask him questions about a lecture or for a spar when he has time. He's reliable and steady and everything the Fourth needs him to be, with a reserved personality and a long-suffering air about him but careful hands and an even more careful mind in everything he does. And yet, hidden beneath all that, Unohana has never met anyone so constantly, miserably tired all the time. So yes, in her opinion, Starrk is a gentle, even fragile soul. She doesn't know - yet - what broke him so badly, but he's also hers now—she chose him, and he chose her, and she doesn't think she's imagining the way the Fourth feels stronger and stabler with his presence, with the easy way he shoulders the weight of a division right alongside her, with how their subordinates walk around with more confidence too in response to having two monsters watching over them now. For his competence as her second-in-command alone, she would've shielded him from anyone who upset him. But for the way he follows her around, genuinely eager to learn; for the way he sits with the younger officers and answers their questions and shows them new Kidou spells and treats them to snacks and protects them on missions; for the way he can stare down her Bankai without flinching and only grumble afterwards about how he deserves a week of sleep for such a hard spar but never even bat an eye when she reaches out to heal him with the very hands that had done their level best to rip him apart for several hours only minutes earlier; for the way he can give back just as good as he gets and allows her the chance to let herself off her own self-made leash every few weeks without having to hold back—for all of that and more, she would challenge anyone who dares try and force him to draw his blade against his will or break him any further than he already has been.
- I headcanon that for students who want to enter the Fourth, they have to take a separate written exam before they graduate. Results aren't great because there isn't actually much of a medical track at the Academy, plus it's generally considered uncool to end up at the Fourth, so there aren't many who would even take the exam, and of those who do, most can't even finish the entire thing, and minimum pass percentage is probably something like 50% lmao. At this point, it's less an exam and more an assessment of where the student is at so the Fourth's seated officers can sort the newcomers more easily when they have to start them on the basics. Then along comes Starrk who not only finishes the entire exam but also gets everything right, and it catches Unohana's attention enough to get her to make the trip to the Academy to speak to Starrk herself just to find out more, and the more she finds out, the more she thinks she'll finally be able to name a lieutenant with the kind of standards she's always wanted to be able to measure them by. At the end of the impromptu interview, she asks one more question—she asks him if he'd be willing to take one more test and become her official student. The lieutenant seat is his either way, but she's never had a personal student before. She won't be teaching him from scratch, which is a shame—someone with potential and a learning curve like Starrk's should've been scooped up long ago. But there's also more than just medical Kidou and surgical procedures she can pass on to him, and he may be a gentle soul, but he's a gentle soul with something he fiercely wants to protect, and that means there are other things she can teach him. He says yes, and that day, on the day they meet for the first time in any timeline, in a training room deep beneath the Academy, all seals activated for both privacy and containment, and even then they'd barely held—Unohana unseals her Bankai for the first time in centuries, and Starrk weathers every blow with the unyielding bedrock found beneath mountains and deserts and canyons and oceans, timeworn but timeless and enduring all the same. In the aftermath, both of them bleeding from multiple wounds with a good chunk of their reiatsu depleted, she thinks, yes, this one will be mine. He is strong enough to stand with me, tempered enough to be unafraid of me, old enough to have experienced the worst the world can offer, and wise enough to accept and bear it. And yet he remains... soft, at heart. Kind, in a way I do not fully understand, but it is precious nonetheless. It is something that should be protected. He is someone I can protect, so he will be mine.
- She'd prob also be like "let's get this signed and sealed before the old coot catches wind of another dual-wielding Shinigami and thinks he has first dibs just because he got the other two" 😂
- She would 1000% give Shunsui a shovel talk. It's probably the most terrifying shovel talk anyone has ever received in living memory ganbaa shunsui be brave you can do it.
- As for Starrk, he adores the fuck out of Unohana. But he’s also constantly baffled by how she kind of mothers him sometimes, in really off-putting ways (to others) but he doesn't realize that. Like the first time he goes out on a not-a-date with Shunsui, Unohana will be like "I wrote a dissertation called 101 Ways to Sterilize a Man, please read it over, I require urgent feedback" all while staring gloomy-eyed straight at a sweating Shunsui from behind Starrk's back because she'd watched this brat grow up, so she knows his skirt-chasing tendencies better than most, knows the way he likes beautiful people, likes flirting with them and charming them, likes the novelty of a new relationship and the thrill of the chase, and so she also knows the way it always ends with broken hearts but hardly ever his own. At most, he'll pout for a few days or a few weeks and mope and whine to Ukitake, and then he'll move on. He's always earnest and genuine in the moment, treats his lovers with all the respect and affection in the world when they're together, but he bores easily, and for all that he plays a good game of being open and friendly and approachable, Unohana has rarely met anyone more guarded when it comes to matters of the heart than Kyouraku Shunsui. He'd grown out of genuinely pursuing people in more recent decades, goes through the motions but no longer seems very interested in romance or even short dalliances, mostly only flirts these days with his long-time female acquaintances who all know better, but it would be easy for him to fall back into old habits. If he dares to be as careless with Starrk's heart as he'd been with previous lovers, Unohana won't stop until the Eighth Division will require a new captain.
- Starrk totally calls Unohana Shishou-san eventually. He has a thing for nicknames. Shunsui is of course Taichou-san. Shiina is Sensei-san. Unohana is Shishou-san. One person per category. It's an odd quirk of his.
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tkthrilla-writes · 1 year ago
Oh Way Down We Go
An Alastor x Host!Reader that is set in the early days of their contract making, set while reader is in college
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“The fucking audacity! I swear if there is even a God- somewhere! Anywhere!” she shouted and screamed, her hands holding tight onto the bars, “Get me out of here!” she continued to yell out in her jail cell.
“Shut up already!” the police officer just outside her cell barked back, having had enough of her tantrums.
“I don’t even know what the hell happened and why I am here! Just let me go!”
“Not until your papers have been processed missy!”
And with a sigh of exasperation, she hit her head against the bars, “great,” she wallowed out, “now my future is ruined.”
“It’s your own fault for being at the crime scene and not cooperating!”
“But I didn’t do anything! I don’t remember anything,” she continued to bang her head on the bars a couple more times before giving up and heading over to the semi clean corner of the jail cell that did not smell or stink of piss. Leaning her back against the wall, and sliding down to sit on the floor in exasperation.
She wasn’t sure how long she had stayed there, could’ve been minutes or hours, people passing by giving her smug looks as if she was the guilty one and she wasn’t getting away with it. All she knew is that this situation revolved around a murder, while she did have an idea as to who committed the murder, she was telling the truth on not know what happened.  It’s not like she was awake or anything during the whole thing, and quite frankly, when Alastor takes over their body, he really takes over! While she does get an inkling as to what is happening, unlike Alastor who is there in the back of her head while she is in control, it’s as if she is in a deep sleep.
So you can imagine her ‘waking up’ in the middle of the street to police cars surrounding her, and cops pointing their guns at her while two people tried to drag her away and stuff her into the car! Her head was probably bruised because she was sure one of them knocked her head into the car door! And don’t get started on how they treated her in the interrogation room, literally only screaming and shouting right at her face for a murder that had just happened, five blocks away. She wasn’t anywhere near the scene of the crime! But no, she was the only one closest to the crime scene! It had to be her!
To top it all off, it was supposed to be her day today, and all she wanted to do was stay in and study! But nooooo, Alastor had to be a smartass and take over for the day, despite him know they have an exam in a couple weeks!
Why was she surrounded by idiots and assholes? All this demon was doing was making her life miserable, more so than it already was. With how badly he treats her, like a toy! Did she sell her soul to him? Sure she did. But he was supposed to help make her life better, not ruin it by sending her to prison!
At this point it started to feel like an eternity with how long and how board she had started to get. Till finally a cop showed up and actually started to open the cell, “Come on! You’re being bailed out!”
“Uh ok,” she said, pretty sure she looked dumb and stupid at the notion of her scrambling to get up from the floor, till she questioned, “by who?”
“By me,” a tall and tanned figure appeared in a white dress shirt and brown trousers to match. He wore only what she could describe as a very annoyed smile, his eyes showing no interest whatsoever, as if he would rather be doing anything else and be elsewhere rather than here. Which the feeling was mutual. “Come along… darling…” he held his smile, although that sounded a lot like a sneer. Ok now this guy was about to get on her nerves, but she wasn’t about to push her luck and miss a chance of freedom.
Dashing behind the tall gentleman while being sure to stick her tongue out at the cop, out of pettiness and extreme annoyance. Something the cop visibly reacted to what only could be described as the Beifong look of insult – you know the one.
The two kept silent as they both walked past the office booths full of police personnel, till they reached the reception area full of either visitors or people waiting to be transferred to a different department, more cops filtering in and out of the crowd while they we just two normal people walking out a building… well, almost normal.
The moment they had pasted the main door to go outside, down a couple of stairs, the ever so kind gentleman started to spazz for a second or two, “Uh you ok?” the human who had just got out what could be a prison sentence spoke up.
“Never better!” the gentleman replied annoyance becoming more evident the more his head started to twitch and bend to what should not have been humanly possible.
“Great! Now who are you and why’d you bail me out?! As far as I know I never made a call!” and so the tirade began, the frustration of today and what essentially could ruin an entire life still weighing down heavily.
“Must you be so dense darling?” darling having the main emphasis sounded quite condescending and quite frankly insulting, as the strangers smile started to grow even more annoyed.
“OI nobody calls me darling you creep, now come on answer my question!”
“Really? Nobody!” the man how just fizzled out into thin air, leaving the “darling” in question heavily confused, only finally clicking in a second later when a wave of immense exhaustion came crashing in, nearly knocking her down the stairs as her knees started to buckle. Luckily she caught herself just in time before taking a nasty fall to the head. Great! First jail time with a record and now a whopping hospital bill, what a great way to end the day!
“Al….” she sneered. 
“Darling….” He sneered back.
“Since when could you come out of my body and look human you demon?”
“Since those of are the rules of contracts with mortal denizens who are ALIVE,” he placed great emphasis on the word alive, “only able to do so for a few minutes at a time and takes great energy to make it work.”
“And now we are both exhausted and have a don’t know how long walk back home! Something that could’ve been avoided if you didn’t take over today!” Starting to walk down the stairs and struggling to march over to the bus stop that was thankfully conveniently placed infront of the police station.
“Excuse you! Where is my ‘thank you?! I’m the one who got you out!”
“Right after you murdered someone and put me in there in the first place!”
“First of all I unfortunately take no credit in that, although the circumstances were quite humorous! Second, you should be thanking me for erasing records of your involvement and getting you out!”
“Wait you did what?”
“I will not repeat myself dear,” the hmpf in his speech could be heard at the end, making the dear host of the demon just be startled in confusion, climbing up the bus that had arrived and would take them hopefully close to home, paying for the ticket fare.
“Why?” she finally asked after a couple of seconds of silence hung in the air, having finally sat down on something relatively padded and resting for a bit. The exhaustion of Alastor entering her body after he took his human form was weighing more than heavy on her nearly making her pass out on her seat. Only thing that kept her awake was the conversation they were semi-having and the fact that this part of town was not familiar to her so she needed to be aware and pay attention to her surroundings outside of the bus.
“Well I did maul it over after the lad insulted the way we dressed, however there were witnesses and it was broad daylight. Oh the irony of someone else getting to murder him!”
“No I mean, why? As in why erase my records and get me out?”
“Well it would do me no good in having my host behind bars where we would be unable to roam free and cause chaos and madness.”
The pause was evident between the two, leaving them hung in silence. The sun shining bright creating shadows to pass by on the humans face, the tiredness kicking in and making her lean on the bus window. The vibrations from that were making the emerging headache bearable.
“Doesn’t change the fact that it was supposed to be my turn today. Why’d you take over I thought you said you had more important business to take over than make sure a human is peak condition and fit for hurting others,” the sadness hung heavy in what they said, especially after they thought this whole taking over randomly fiasco was over and they finally settled on a schedule.
“I was but business finished early, thought I’d drop by and take over after you mauled at those books of yours for hours. A nice stroll would’ve done you some good!”
“Stroll or hunt for victims?”
“…. Failure,” Alastor retorted, feeling both insulted and called out on his other agendas.
“Dead,” she countered, making a face as she realised she said that out loud of the mental conversation that they were having.
“How dare you?!” he cried in offence.
“I dare,” she retorted, removing her head from the window, the vibrations becoming too much and starting to make said headache get worse.
 Alasator let out a Tsk at the sweet and daring audacity his darling host had.
“Thank you.”
“For what exactly?”
“I aint saying anything else! If anything you still owe me!” continuing on with their back and forth banter and shenanigans till they arrived home.
“Speaking of which,” his host started as soon as they returned back into the cramped-up dorm, it was just a small room with a bed, desk and bathroom, but it was cosy enough for one person – well… one person and their radio demon, who turned on the radio amidst the messy pile of books on the desk to fill the background with classic 1920’s music, “I thought you agreed on that schedule, thought I was finally going to have today, or do we need to fight again before we settle it,” the curtain on the window closed as clothes started to be flung all over the place, the human now more than ready to take a long shower to get rid of the smell of rotting hopes, crushed dreams and prison sweat.
“Honestly my dear how lowly do you think of me in this arrangement?”
“Just answer the question Al,” the exasperation could be heard with every word, now entering the bathroom and stopping to look into the mirror to see the dishevelled hair, bloodshot eyes, and dark circles getting darker if that was possible. Plus it was easier to talk to someone who is in your head when you can at least see another person.
“I do not know what to tell you or what it is you wisht o hear, this is my body after all, and you do not do a very good job at taking care of it –“
“You mean my body!”
“My contract, my host, my rules. Therefore, my body! You take these humanly affairs and books too seriously! It is good to pursue knowledge, I do encourage that! But what I do not encourage is this body of MINE to be in poor shape when it gets down to hell!” he continued, wispy and shadowed antlers starting to appear in the mirror, perfectly placed up on the head nearly like a thorny crown, radio static starting to fill the air and drown out the music playing in the background.
“Charming,” she says breaking eye contact with the person in the mirror in favour of getting in the shower. At least she can somewhat count on him to take care of her and get her out of prison before going straight to hell.
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thestarfishinjootsoffice · 2 years ago
I beg u plz more ghost face x child!reader (platonic of course!) like…Stu and billy just got back to their place and the reader runs up to them but they trip and hurt their knee and one of them is trying to calm down the reader while the other one goes to get bandages and stuff? I really like your ghost face stuff and take your time have a good day/night!
Ok ok ong it's literally during my exam but it's sunday so i have a day off and I've been itching to touch this dead account again ahaha. (Note I'll be back on i think Thursday or a week later)
A/n: this is literally crack
Ghostfaces x child! reader (pla)
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Who would've thought to see two infamous haunting serial killers were fussing over a crying child.
Strangers on the street witnessing a man in a really recognizable ghostface costume, half yelling and half whispering at a child on the ground to stop crying and trying to bribe them with money while sounding on the verge of breaking down himself. While the other seemingly calm but power walks to who knows where urgently.
One of the strangers too close for comfort, try to quietly and cautiously dial 911.
"Uhm hello...? I think a child is being harassed and attacked by two grown men in a ghostface costume..."
"are you calling the cops on us?"
The woman screamed and rushed to get away somewhere but got caught by ghostface's/stu's knife thanks to his quick movement.
"Hello ma'am? Hello? Are you there? Ma'a-"
Stu crushed the phone. He was already stressed enough by the little kid on the ground with a small, scratched and bleeding knee having tears over their face.
Internally screaming at Billy to hurry tf up because he doesn't know what to do. He lifts you up and runs to where Billy was headed.
"Why do kids have to be like this!?" The man cries out with a small infant in his arms who cries along with him.
Billy ran off to somebody's house to break in and steal nothing but all of their medkit. Goddamn he should've caught and noticed you were losing your balance when you came to greet them so lovingly.
He body slammed into a large window, somehow managed to get in and ran to find the bathroom, it took a couple of minutes but once he did he was absolutely violating the hell out of the bathroom mirror. Then his last straw came. The fucking light of a flashlight shoved up his face.
"Uhm excuse me. what the fuck are you doing in my house?"
He then proceeded yell out curses and body slam directly into the person's head which ended up in him losing more than half of the products in his hands but he didn't care. He just needed to gtfo.
Now the infamous ghostface was yet again spotted with a bundle of medicine and running around. I wonder what image this will have on the ghostface industry.
Now the two bumped into each other miraculously and now were currently working on making you stop because their adrenaline has run out completely.
"Billy what do we do!?"
"How the hell should i know."
*you softly still sobbing*
Which didn't even take long fortunately since the pain decreases overtime. Now they were also seen holding a sleeping kid with a bandage wrapped around their knee. Let's just hope word doesn't get around.
So sorry this didn't contain much reader 😭🙏🙏
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macsimagines · 2 years ago
Yandere!Kisaki Tetta Headcanons
Ok so I feel like I'm dying of thirst for good Yandere!Kisaki content when there is a literal sea and plethora of other Yandere Tokyo Rev stuff! I mean, c'mon guys we obviously love the Yandere stuff and we have an actual YANDERE in the series.
This is final timeline Kisaki because I think he's fully accepted he doesn't have Hina.
PT 2: https://www.tumblr.com/macsimagines/722700210896355328/the-kisaki-yandere-post-was-so-good-i-need-to?source=share
WARNING: Themes of Manipulation, Dubcon, possible murder drug use, and Babytrapping
The start
First and foremost, he adores you. Literally worships the ground you walk on. Thanks to Takemitchy's influence you're his whole world.
Takemitchy set you two up, kinda. He made sure to keep Kisaki on a positive path and to surround the younger boy with supportive people and you just happened to be one of them.
It was pretty apparent with how genuine and kind you were that young Kisaki was pretty much almost smitten with you so Takemitchy, not thinking this could have any consequences, fostered those feelings and helped Kisaki along.
It wasn't his fault, really. He figured if he could get Kisaki to fall in love with someone else and have that person return those feelings then he could ensure that everyone could be happy!
Best of all you return those feelings. You put his mind at ease because you confess first, and Kisaki is floored that he doesn't have to plan to get you. You're just giving yourself to him. no one is happier about this than Takemitchy
What Takemitchy forgot was just how obsessed Kisaki could get. And Obsessed doesn't even begin to cover it.
Happy Life
Kisaki covets every piece of information, latches on to the tiniest details and makes sure to use them when he has to.
You mention something offhand once about pretty flowers are, and now Kisaki makes sure (Months later) that you two have tickets to go see an exclusive flower garden.
Remember telling Kisaki about an exotic type of food you got have as a kid and loooooved? Well now you two are at date in a fancy restaurant being served that same meal with the highest quality ingredients.
Hey, you know that one terrible teacher you mentioned that would always single you out in class? Well guess who just got arrested?
Its easy to play off at first. He's just a super great boyfriend.
Kisaki loves you with all his heart. He makes time for you, always treats you well and keeps you out of any trouble.
When things start to take a dive into bad territory is when highschool is about to end. Kisaki starts to talk about marriage...
Red Flags
You're completely floored by how sudden that is. Aren't you two too young? Isn't he about to enter into university? What about all your future plans?
Kisaki has an answer for everything. He tells you he knows he's gonna make it big, and that you two will be happy and comfortable for the rest of your lives. He just wants to make sure he has the most important things taken care of and this is biggest step.
You try to hold off on it. Come up with every excuse you can to not go through with it, but he doesn't give you much room for argument.
It becomes clear to Kisaki that you're not going to relent, so he decides that he needs to change his plans a bit. So a few nights after graduation on a surprise trip he planned for you two he takes action.
The Scheme
He's been planning this night for a few months now actually. He made sure to switch out your birth control, and he's been slipping vitamins into your food to boost your fertility.
The guy is dedicated because he's even done research on how to boost sperm count lol. He's eating better and he's working out more because he read that will definitely help.
This freak even tracked your cycle to know when you're gonna be ovulating
Most frustrating of all, he's been abstaining from any kind of sexual activity, saying he wants to focus on school and exams.
But that's all bullshit because he doesn't hesitate to start some heavy makeout and petting sessions just to cut it off short and leaving you wanting more.
It wasn't easy for him, he's addicted to that sweet body of yours, but its all worth it for how you're grinding down on his fingers..
He dicks you down within an inch of your life.
You two are so committed to each other and you've been together so long that he knows everything that drives you crazy. He knows where to kiss you, where to bite you, how to touch you to make you breathless.
The aphrodisiac he slipped you is also helping make this very easy. He's barely touched you and you're practically drowning the fingers he's got buried in your sweet pussy.
You're begging so cutely too, just crying about how bad you want him already, but Kisaki is meticulous he can't cave in just yet.
He eats like a man that's starving, spending so much time licking you and sucking that clit his jaw actually aches.
When he feels you've been fingered and licked until your practically braindead does he pull out the condoms. He poked holes in them of course. He was just planning on telling you they ripped, and giving you the Plan B he had prepared (Dont worry its a fake)
But you shock him
"Its ok, Tetta," you tell him with tears running down your cheeks, and your hands spreading your thighs wide for him, presenting yourself like a present, "J-just for tonight. I wanna feel you..."
He loses it. He planned on keeping his cool for you and taking it nice and slow for his sweet girl, but hearing you tell him he didn't need to wear a condom was like you were signing up to have his baby.
And trust me, you're getting knocked up with the way he's hammering into your cervix. Your pussy is gripping onto him and sucking him back every time he thrusts.
Of course you're just babbling at this point telling him he's perfect and how good his big dick feels in your gummy walls. The guy was always on the big side, but taking every inch raw? It's too much.
Your whole body is basically telling him you want to get pregnant and why wouldn't it? You guys are soulmates? Your destined to have his kids.
It doesn't take long for you, you're overstimulated to all hell, and soon you're gripping onto him for deal life when you cum, practically milking him for all he's worth.
And he's cumming thick ropes into your womb, filling you up and keeping his cock stuffed in your hole to make sure it takes.
Aftercare, Afterwards
Kisaki is the king of aftercare, idc who wants to say this is OOC I'll die on this hill, and he feels so bad for everything when he see you're puffy eyes and wrecked body.
He doesn't feel bad about anything else though. You two are written in the stars, if he had to push things along that's just the natural order.
But he does feel like an ass when he notices how your body is shaking from the over stimulation and how you're barely conscious from his onslaught.
His touches are gentle when he kisses you and wipes you down. He's so soft with your over sensitive body and he's soothing all the places he left bruises.
You can hear him whispering about how much he loves you and adores you when you're drifting in and out of conciousness. You can't even tell him how much you love him back with how raw you throat feels from all the moaning you were doing.
Kisaki can tell you're trying to say something but he just smiles and reassures you that its fine. Try to rest for now, he'll take care of everything.
And for some unexplainable reason, you feel as thought he means that in more ways than one.
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lovelyhan · 2 years ago
unsolicited life update lol
i'm so exhausted,,,,,, this week was Hell actually and i'll compartmentalize my ranting into two categories: when will god kill me with lightning nd pretty ok AJDJDJJE
when will god kill me with lightning:
i JUST took an exam that i was complaining about for weeks both here and to my irl and discord friends last tuesday but i need to start studying for another one that'll kick my ass next wednesday
it's graduation season and i work part time in my university's admin office and we've been asked to take up a lot of extra hours of overtime bc of how understaffed they are with the preparations for the rites
some internal relations in the academic organization i'm leading are FUCKED and the actual person in charge of those matters is a little mia so i have to deal with it in his place on top of school and work
the weather has been craaaaaaazy lately. one minute it's raining like the universe wants to wipe my campus off the map then the next the sun is burning through the streets like it's summer all over again
I am just so physically nd mentally nd spiritually exhausted bc my day kinda looks like: PE at 8-11am, work at 11-3pm, a major class at 3-5pm, overtime at 5-8pm, studying at 8-whatever time i feel like sleeping AHDJFJJW
pretty ok:
i got the highest score in the exam that i was dreading for WEEKS but it's kinda depressing bc out of everyone taking the course, only three of us passed 😔
my seniors who just graduated are actual sweethearts and they treated everyone to karaoke and drinks until morning <3
went swimming with some classmates bc our PE professor rented the university pool area for us to use freely !!
my summer term ends next week, i really just have to get that last exam over with
well that's pretty much it LOL if you actually read all this nonesense i literally love you but i hope this explains why i'll have to put writing on hold (even tho i've alr been doing that for a while now)
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deluxesoapbox · 2 years ago
snippet of a fic of my ocs
The bike zipped between cars as humanly fast as possible, Jordan's helmet reflecting all that she passed by. Underneath, however, her face held an expression of determination and worry. She had to get there. NOW!
 Soon enough she saw it: the tree Dolce told her she would be at. Revving up Jordan immediately turned the motorcycle, angling both her and the machine to the side momentarily till she was in the right direction. Hopefully she wasn't too late.
 Once she was near the area, Jordan drove onto the dirt and up towards the hill the tree laid on like Hell was behind her. The motorcycle skidded across the dirt and fell to its side as soon as Jordan jumped off of it. Landing on her feet and taking off her helmet, her locks of hair tumbling down her back with her bouffant miraculously intact, Jordan cried out: "Dolce, are you ok!?"
 Dolce was sitting on a checkered blanket with a wicker basket to her side and holding two champagne glasses in one hand and pouring a bottle she had popped the cork off of with just her thumb, replied; "Oh yeah fine, perfect, fantastic, care for a glass?"
 Jordan just stared at her, her helmet falling beside her to the ground as she looked at Dolce with the most dumbfounded look on her face. 
That dumbfounded look then turned to simmering rage, the leather of her gloves squeaking as she tightened her fist. "Dolceeee-"
"- You wouldn't have come otherwise!" Dolce pouted.
"Dolce you do not text 'stand users are attacking' without any stand users at all attacking you-"
"- I also put 'help'-"
"- Attacking you, and have me leave the campus, especially when I'm studying for a big exam coming up!" Jordan sighed. "I'm going back."
Dolce immediately got up as she said that, putting the glasses down carefully as she scurried over to Jordan who was picking up her bike. "No Jojo wait!" She begged Jordan, her hands wrapping around her waist as she stood behind her towering figure. "I'm sorry I lied, but this was the only way I could think of to get you out of Air Supplena for the day." Jordan grumbled at that, due to it being a 30 minute ferry to and from the school (which she cut down to 15 by making her own jetski in her haste), but Dolce persisted. "I know you're very stressed out about your exam-"
"I'm not stressed." 
"Yes you are." Barbie Girl popped out briefly to counteract.
"-so I wanted you to take the day off with me and relax for a bit. I mean the test is only two days away, right? You still have time." She explained, her face pressed against the vibrant green suit Jordan wore.
 Jordan looked away from Dolce. She wasn't wrong, Jordan had been studying madly all week due to science being one of her weakest subjects (and in spite of Barbie Girl insisting she cheat), and perhaps she had been stressed by it all and could perhaps use a break. 
A small break at least.
Then she'd go back to hitting the books (with Barbie Girl literally trying to hit the books).
"Fine," Jordan relented, "but I'm still mad at you."
"And I'll make up for it!" Dolce snuggled into the crook of neck, her finger trailing the repeating pattern on her sides saying 'GOGOJOJO'. "Now have a drink." Dolce handed her a glass out of nowhere to Jordan's surprise as she pulled her over to the blanket. 
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sunshinereddie · 2 years ago
omg ok i know i literally just posted a reddie college professor au yesterday BUT........ imagine reddie high school teacher au, where richie is a new teacher last-minute filling in a math teacher position and when he gets to the new school he suddenly finds himself with a huge crush on mr. kaspbrak, the cute metal shop teacher........ his heart goes insane whenever eddie comes into the staff room, with his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his bangs pushed back by a bandana, the first few buttons of his shirt unbuttoned to cool off after working hard with the kids on a project, a small smudge of soot on his cheek that richie so desperately wants to reach out and wipe away........
meanwhile eddie is panicking because he’s never cared about looking sloppy and sweaty after a day in the workshop before, except now there’s a new hot math teacher just down the hall from him and how on earth is eddie supposed to face him like this?????? (eddie is a little too dense to realize that mr. tozier thinks that eddie is beautiful regardless of what he looks like coming out of the workshop, and that he purposefully takes the longer route to the photocopying room because that means he can pass by the metal shop and see mr. kaspbrak through the window)
but awkward small-talk in the break room soon turns to real conversations (with some flirty undertones that neither of them can pick up on), which turns into coffee breaks in richie’s classroom (with eddie’s excuse that there’s no food or drink allowed in the metal shop and richie’s classroom is the closest), which turns into staying late after school together, richie grading exams and eddie marking projects and the two of them talking for hours, which turns into sending each other flirty friendly, but not-work related emails during school hours and richie having to try and hide his blush whenever he sees that email notification, and eddie losing his train of thought whenever he’s teaching and spots richie walking down the hall and richie sends him a quick smile and a wink before disappearing around the corner.
things finally seem to work out on the night that the high school is holding a dance for the students, and the teachers are there as chaperones. the staff do rotations, with some in the gym watching for a while and then getting a little break. richie and eddie seem to be on a different rotation schedule, and it isn’t until the end of the night that they both end up in the break room at the same time, alone. the music from the gymnasium is so loud that they can hear it all the way here, and richie (feeling rather brave, but mostly fueled by how good eddie looks in that suit) asks eddie for a dance- and to his surprise, eddie takes his hand. 
the two of them dance in the room together, laughing when eddie stumbles on a step or when richie becomes so horribly out of time with the music. their dance goes on long past the one song, and richie quickly loses track of how much time they’ve been standing there for. all he can pay attention to is eddie in his arms, eddie looking up at him, eddie’s hands on his chest, and when the music dips into a quiet lul and eddie steps closer, all he can focus on is eddie’s lips on his own. 
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bokuroar · 3 years ago
haikyuu!! characters when you’re stressed in uni
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characters: m. osamu, k. kenma, b. kōtarō, k. tetsurō x gn!reader (separate)
song suggestions: 1 2 3 4
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❀ OSAMU is the one that keeps you sane. he gives you the personal space you need to be able to work but he checks up on you at least once every hour. if he’s at home, he’d always sneak in a cup of cold water before leaving a kiss on your forehead and a “you’ve got this, baby.” if he’s at work, he sends in texts from time to time remind you that it’s lunchtime and it’s time to eat the food he has already prepared in the morning when he found out it’s going to be a busy day for you. osamu makes sure you never skip on healthy meals and you get enough sleep to function well. sometimes, it boils down to osamu carrying you from your desk to trap cuddle you in bed so you could lie down and relax. for him, taking care of you and your needs is the least he could do while you chase your dreams.
❀ staying up until the wee hours of daylight is less lonelier with a company like KENMA. discord is the third party in your relationship and you have no idea how many screenshots kenma has on his computer from your calls. since high school, he has grown accustomed to pulling an all nighter albeit for non-academic reasons. he doesn’t mind staying up for games before but now there’s you, he actually began to love it. there’s just a comfort and a sense of security in knowing that you are both awake at the same time. hearing kenma’s soft hums to familiar tunes and the random conversations during your short breaks are the absolute best breathers you can ask for. as the world succumbs to slumber, you are shaken awake by love in the form of quality time with kenma.
❀ TETSURŌ goes out of his way to give his support. even before getting together, he has always been your go-to for academic advices because he is as huge of a nerd as he is an athlete; he makes learning fun more than it really is. from color-coded reviewers to flash cards that will earn you a kiss when you get an answer right which escalates into more sometimes, kuroo just never just runs out of ideas. and he always has time for you, too. once kuroo figures out you need extra help, he’d drop everything and rush to you. you are his priority. you don’t have just a boyfriend, what you got is a partner who inspires and helps you to be the best version of yourself, all while holding your hand.
❀ you could always count on KŌTARŌ to be your sunshine. you don’t know how he does it but a bad day is no match for bokuto’s smiles. failure is inevitable, you both know that much—him on his games, yours on your exams. although failing doesn’t completely hinder success, it hurts just the same, a familar feeling to bokuto hence he knows just what to say and what to do. the last thing you see before you leave the house is his encouraging smile and two thumbs up cheering you on. as you get home, the second he sees your tired face, he pulls you into a hug without saying a word, gently swaying you and rubbing your back, easing all the burden you feel on your shoulders. there are times too when he knows you need some space to cope with it, so he lets you know he’s there for you when you need him by leaving sticky notes on your desk that says, “i love you and i’m proud of you! im just outside waiting with a hug ok! :D” you’re not the best 100% of the time, it’s true, but bokuto proves you don’t have to be to deserve the things that make you happy.
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feedback is always appreciated (ꈍᴗꈍ)♡
a/n: i literally just finished my preliminary exams n im sO tired i think i could’ve performed so much better but i don’t really wanna sulk over it,, but anw this is my coping mechanism disguised as headcanons lmao i hope u enjoy ! 🌸
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shoyosthighs · 4 years ago
1 Month Challenge
Hinata Shoyo X f!reader (SMUT 🔞)
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Sum: A challenge came up by Hinata before he leave for a month of intensive volleyball training 🤭 (timeskip MSBY Hinata)
Warnings: +18 MDI, dirty talk, unprotected sex, oral receiving (both ways), hard edging, dirty talk, daddy shoyo, 69, hard orgasm deny, creampie, basically really filthy smut
Word count: 2504 words
Author’s Note: Its been 8 years since I last written smut HAHA please spare me 😭 Im loving timeskip buff hinata currently and this plot is something similar I saw on p*rn so I decided to write it 🤭
“Sho! Have you packed all your stuff?” You shouted from the kitchen from you and Hinata’s apartment. Preparing breakfast for him before he leaves for his intensive training in Brazil with the MSBY team in an hour.
“Yes baby” Hinata whispered in your ears from behind while snaking his arms to your waist and pressing you to his chest. “Can you pass me the soy-sauce, I made your favorite” you kiss him on the cheek while preparing his favorite Japanese rice with raw egg and soy-sauce.
“What did I do to deserve you baby” he wipe his fake tear smiling at you while passing you the soy-sauce.
“Baby girl, remember to take care of yourself okay? I will be back in a month. I know your college exams are coming soon but without me reminding you to eat you wouldn’t eat, so please remember to eat okay?” You nodded while pouting, didn’t really want him to leave.
“I will tell Yams to check up on you too” he side-eye you, knowing you will forget to take care of yourself once you indulge yourself into studying. “You’re so nagging haha” you pass him a cup of ice chocolate while ruffling his hair.
“Anyway baby, before I leave let’s come up with a challenge?” he asked while helping you wash the dishes and drying it. He pulled you to the couch and sat down while pulling you onto his lap, straddling him.
“What’s up your sleeve again?” You run your hands cupping his head from behind and play with his fluffy orange hair. “You see, I will be gone for a month and we won’t get to fuck” he said in a teasing voice. Knowing him, your high sex drive boyfriend for 2 years he will be having this dirty thoughts 24/7.
“And yeah what about it?” You rest your cheek on his chest and hug his waist instead. “Don’t touch yourself for a month, and when I come back I will breed you till morning” he smirk at you. “Hey not fair, what about you?” Knowing his horny ass he will probably run to the bathroom to finish himself off, “Both of us, it’s a challenge for both of us”
“I am up for it, but can you?” You tease him back. “You bet” he kiss you on the lips while carrying you into your shared bedroom, breeding you for the last time before he leaves for training.
It was already the 3rd week since Hinata has gone for his intensive training in Brazil, he had been sending you photos of himself shirtless almost everyday, but a prominent outline of his hard dick is seen on this jersey pants in every picture.
my ninja sho❤️: Im sooo horny baby🙁 i wanna ruin you so bad 😘
you: shoyo… HAHAHAHAA just how hard are you 🤣🤣🤣
my ninja sho❤️: Just you wait, 1 more week and you won’t be able to walk after im done with you 🙃
you: 🤭🤭🤭🤭
Truth to be told, you was so close to touching yourself and relieving yourself, but you really wanted to see how long can you hold onto it. You busied yourself with studying, playing the new game you downloaded, eating lunch and having tea time with Yamaguchi in the cafe that you, Hinata, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima like to hang out in your free time. Yachi and Kageyama joined sometime too but Yachi has moved to Osaka for college and Kageyama was busy with travelling because of his volleyball career.
“So how are you coping without Shoyo?” Yamaguchi stop scrolling his phone, looked at you while sipping his frappe. “What do you mean?” You acted blur, you know what Yamaguchi was implying. But you didn’t want to remember anything of Hinata that will get you riled up.
“Oh come on, you two are the second horniest couple I have know. Well Tsukki and (tsukki’s gf name) being the first” he laughed since all of you had been friends since high school years.
“Not saying anything~~~~ don’t ask anymore before I tell your girlfriend you wanna get it” you smiled not hiding the intention of killing. “Jeez ok ok im kidding” he laughed while seeing his girlfriend of 4 years outside the cafe. You and Yamaguchi then meet her outside and walked home for a movie night.
Hinata had just landed into Japan, after getting into the van with the team he texted you to let you know that he will be home in 2 hours. You were eating dinner when your phone pinged, you replied him with a ‘Okie hurry up 😭’ you had missed him, 1 month without hugs from him was quite depressing for you, the house seems quiet without him singing loudly while showering.
You had brought a white crotchless underwear to surprise him, you quickly showered, change into an oversized white t-shirt and slip on the lewd panties. You turned on the tv while watching the 7pm show that you had been chasing since last week.
Time passed by quickly but you were getting sleepy, so you grab your blanket and wrap yourself on the couch snoozing off for a bit, thinking to have a 10 minutes nap before Hinata comes home. But your snooze was interrupted by Hinata’s loud “MY LITTLE BABY!!! YOUR FAVORITE ABS IS HOME!!!”
You jolted awake and rush to jump onto on Hinata, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. Luckily your shirt was long to cover your ass because Hinata’s quick reflex supported them before you could fall. “I miss you so much baby” you whispered lightly while peppering kisses around his neck.
“I miss you so much too” he put you down on the floor and wrap his arms around your waist and kisses your forehead, nose and lips. After the small reunion, Hinata was in the shower and you were on the bed thinking about the steamy night that was about to happen. Just before Hinata went to shower he whispered “Prepare to be ruin by my cock tonight my little slut” this little cheeky tangerine, you thought as you clenched your pussy getting excited.
Hinata’s hands were running up and down your body as soon as he came out of the bathroom naked, “What? Im gonna fuck you anyway, why bother wearing clothes hehe” he chuckled when you glance at him in disbelief. He was kissing you slipping his tongue in to taste you while pulling off your t-shirt, he knew you didn’t wore any bra so he when straight at sucking your nipple while toying the other, his other hand going straight down south, wanting to feel how wet you are outside your panties but was caught by surprise when he touched skin.
“Do you like my surprise?” you said softly to his ear. He glanced up at you, “You are driving me crazy holyshit” he pushed you down onto your shared bed, brought both your legs up and spread your thighs wide to look at his surprise. “You are so fucking wet, you’re literally drenched” he move down collected some of your arousal and show it to you, “Sho, stop it. It’s embarrassing” you cover your face with both hand. Who knew not touching yourself and not cumming for 1 month made you this wet just by kissing your boyfriend.
“If you don’t move your hands away now, you won’t be getting any dick tonight” he said sternly. You were quick to remove your hand and he chuckled at how desperate you are. “You better not hold back your moans if you want to get fucked tonight you little slut” he turned your hip sideways, slip your panties off and slapped your ass, you moaned feeling yourself clenched again. “Do you hear me?” Hinata slapped your ass again when you didn’t answer, “Yes daddy” you whimpered, feeling extremely horny by how Hinata is treating you. Its really been awhile.
Hinata placed you back on your back and spread your legs again, hands holding onto the back of your thighs and diving into your drenched pussy, “Oh fuck daddy it feels so good” you clench your fist onto the bedsheets, back arching. You had been eating pineapple for the past 3weeks in prepare for today, “Why do you taste sweeter than usual baby? Did you had pineapple or what?” He lifted his head up to look at you, man the sight of him wet chin, wet lips full of your juice. You just nodded and clenched your pussy feeling the lost of touch, Hinata look down and the sight of your cunt clenched while juices dripping down made him want to just take you right here right now, but he steadied himself and dive back down to your pussy slipping his tongue into your tight pussy, tasting everything you have to offer.
Not even a minute had pass but you were writhing under Hinata, “Im gonna cum daddy” you whimpered, arching your back and grinding your hips into Hinata’s face desperate for the first orgasm after a month. You almost screamed when Hinata lift his face off your wet aching pussy, “Tonight you are gonna cum on my cock and only my cock” you whimpered a small yes daddy, panicking a little. When Hinata is serious he won’t hesitate to deny you orgasm and you wouldn’t want that.
“Now come and suck daddy off before I fuck your brains out” he lay next to you and you didn’t hesitate to take his already hard cock around your hand slipping the head to your parted lips, Hinata glances sideways to see you still dripping from your pussy, he tapped your ass and you turn back to look at him, lips still on his cock. “Sit on my face” knowing he loves 69 you quickly lift one of your legs and drape it over his head. Shifting your drenched slick infront of his face you move your mouth down to take Hinata’s warm cock into your mouth, “Oh fuck, your mouth feel so good” at this point Hinata wants to see how long he and you could stand denying orgasms before snapping.
You were a hot mess above Hinata, he had denied your orgasm 5 times while you had denied him 3 because you took slower stroke to work him up. Your pussy is literally drenched and sticky, you really couldn’t take it anymore its starting to hurt and you really need to cum, “Daddy please fuck me I need your cock” you turned behind and look at him. “My favorite” he lift himself up and you got on all fours facing the headboard, back arched with your cheeks squish onto the pillow. “Please daddy i am so wet for you, I had been a good girl, I want your cock please”
Hinata thinking he too couldn’t hold it back anymore line up his cock up your pussy lips rubbing up and down to tease you for a bit, he chuckled when you whimpered another please daddy and slip in all the way. You were so tight despite how wet you was prior to the foreplay and its driving Hinata crazy by how warm and wet you felt. “Holyshit baby you are so tight and warm”
You couldn’t think straight, all you could think was if Hinata were to move a few times you will cum soon. He slowly slip out dragging his thick cock veins around your walls and then slamming it back, “Fuck daddy im gonna cum” he continue to slam his cock into your pussy and then pull out completely and look down at your pussy, you were literally sobbing by now you clenched onto nothing and grind your hips wanting Hinata to just fuck your brains out.
You subconsciously slip your finger between your legs to relieve some tension on your pussy but Hinata hold your fingers by your folds, using his hand he guide it and circle it on your hole, you whimpered at how drenched you were, “Look at you wet and horny for me, since you’re being such a good girl daddy won’t hold back anymore okay” He line his rock hard cock back on your pussy and slip in, “I want you to cum hard on my cock okay” he leaned down and you nodded, preparing for his brutal thrust. At his 5th thrust your pussy had clamp down his cock and had you squirting all over your leg, you didn’t had the chance to tell him you were coming, Hinata had to pull out and watch you squirt all over the bedsheet and thinking how fucking hot you were currently.
“Look at you, so desperate to cum that you squirted all over our bed. What a little slut” he was gripping your ass and had continued his fucking your brains out. Your pussy is clenching onto him for the 4th time cumming hard on his dick and he had emptied 3 load of cum into your womb by then, holding you down while shooting his load into you. He weren’t kidding when he say he wanted to breed you.
Your lower half was sore by midnight, Hinata was now lying down with you on top of him grinding and whimpering at how hard he still is, both of your cum making your lower body full of white stains. “Sho- I-I can’t-t im gonna cum again” you grind harder onto his cock while throwing your head back, “Me too baby” he thrust up and hold your hips making you fall to his chest taking in the loud skin slapping and wet squelching sound you both produced, “Shoyo omg please please please harder im so close” he feel your walls clenching hard on him again and you cum hard onto his cock again for the nth time tonight while he shoot his almost nonexistent cum into you again, he really unloaded everything with nothing left. Soft moans filled the room as you lift yourself off his finally limped dick and plopped yourself beside him catching your breath.
“Stay here while i prepare the bath for you okay” you gave him a tired smile and close your eyes for a bit still feeling your body hot from the activity. Hinata came back and gave you a kiss on your sweaty forehead and carried you bridal style to the bathtub filled with warm water with your favorite bath bomb scent.
Hinata was at the MSBY locker room the next afternoon for their short meeting/training regarding an upcoming match. He was shirtless was trying to put on his training jersey when Atsumu gasped, “HOLYSHIT SHOYO WHAT HAPPEN TO YOUR BACK?” All he could do was smile sheepishly and said “My little cat scratch me”
You weren’t spare either, you had to call Yamaguchi telling him you were sick the next morning because of how sore you were and you were literally limping even going to the bathroom. And had to cover the hickeys around your neck before going to school.
(A/N:It’s literally almost 4am here and Im also drenched after writing this fic, I HOPE YOU ENJOY 😭😭😭 reblog and comments welcomed ❤️)
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desultory-suggestions · 3 years ago
Heyy, idk how to say this but im gonna try putting it in words, i took two gap years for giving an exam and now i won't make it, i can't find the right option to choose what to study and everytime i think about studying for a certain course, i get bombed with what if i hate the job that comes with and im scared. Do you have any advice for me? Ive been clueless thinking about everything and its just idk what to do
Hello, darling. This is a very common fear. It’s always been so frustrating to me that we’re expected to not only choose one thing to turn into a career, but do so at such a young age. So many people choose something and burn out because of this. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. I think taking those gaps was a great idea, you deserve all the time you need to explore and rest from academics. Here are a few centering questions and points I think may help.
Do you want to go to college? Do you feel like you should/have to or do you want to but feel worried?
Many people feel college is the only way. While there are fair concerns about starting a career with no degree, many forms of work don’t need one. A good example is trade work, which is often hands on learning. These are worthy pursuits! Additionally, if you want to pursue something such as art but feel no need for a classical education, maybe finding a job that lets you do that is better.
What are your top five passions?
They don’t need to make sense for university or a career. Say they’re bread, crayons, Russian literature, snails, and gaming. Those are all tangible things! Make a list and then think about what makes you so happy about them. What’s the common ground? How can you make these your study?
Have you considered not choosing one thing yet? Or at all?
Many universities and colleges offer unique opportunities in two ways. One is to be undeclared as a major. At my university and others they place you in University Division, where instead of starting right away on one topic, you explore any and all that interest you. Nursing? Sure! Painting? Yes! Finance? You bet! This was you can test what you like and don’t like. Secondly, many places now offer a whole degree that’s tailored by you for you. For example, my university has an office that will help you create a major. I know a student who’s studying music and neuroscience as one cohesive major.
Are you doing this for you?
So many people attend a university for their family or social standing. Please remember that this won’t be good for anyone, it will only burn you out.
What’s so bad about changing?
A consistent fear of students across the globe is “what if I change my mind?” It’s a valid fear, but not so scary as it sounds. A perfect example of this is in fact my brother. He got halfway through a BA in political science and well. He hated it. It wasn’t engaging the way he thought it would be, he didn’t enjoy his classes, and he was afraid of his future work. So what did he do? He went to his advisor, they talked and by gosh he changed his major. It delayed him a little while, but now he will graduate spring of 2023 with a degree in outdoor education and parks. Hold space for the fact that change is possible and ok. It will not be the end of the world. A woman I know for her PHD in economics and then became a minister. You won’t be the wildest story.
Quick Tips: Interview people with jobs you’ve considered. Literally just email and ask them! Most people will love to talk to you. Ask your professors as well, and chat consistently with them. Never underutilize your advisory office. They seriously know what to do. Take one class every semester that’s completely out of what you normally study, challenge your mind.
In the end no matter what happens it truly is okay. If you change your mind you do. But I know somewhere in your heart is a bright passion for something. You’ll find it, by typical methods or not. I’m here if you have any more questions! I love talking about academics and education. Also I have a good track record of helping people choose majors. Best of love and luck!
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swaghaver69 · 2 years ago
you ever go to a pro abortion protest and there’s a guy there with a cardboard box and he’s got a small sign that says snerchant. so you go over there and you’re like hey what’s this snerchant thing. and he’s got a bunch of little black cups with the clear plastic lids on top that you would use to hold sauce in or something. and he’s like “in each of these little cups there are two slugs each” (by the way this story takes place in like fall or so when it’s still pretty warm out bc i’m in virginia) and he’s like “i’m trying to give these away to people because when it gets cold these guys will freeze and die and need people to take care of them.” so you’re like ok i’ll take a cup but how do i take care of them and will they breed or anything how do you tell if they’re boys or girls. so you learn that slugs and snails are actually hermaphrodites and they can both lay eggs and fertilize eggs n shit. and they just need water and some lettuce or something. so you’re like ok and eventually you fuck off to petsmart and get a terrarium and you go to put them in there but now there’s only one of them. and you’re like wtf why is there only one like they can’t get out of this container what. so you start digging through the moss trying to find the other one. and you don’t find the other one but you do find eggs. so you’re like what the fuck. im a grandparent now. so i guess they had sex and then one cannibalized the other and laid eggs because you just googled it and apparently slugs are cannibals sometimes. like ok. so you fill up the terrarium with dirt and leaves and rocks and shit like that and put the slug and the eggs in there but it’s also like homecoming or some shit at your college when you’re collecting this dirt so everyone in the entire universe is outside. and you’re in some hot pink pajama pants and a t shirt and flip flops scooping dirt frantically into this plastic container because what the fuck one of your pets ate the other one and also now is going to have babies what the fuck. and people see you and are like “oh is that for a science experiment?” and you’re like nooo…. and then you give a short rundown on the situation. and they’re like “oh. well good luck!” by the way did i mention im technically not even supposed to be keeping these as pets in my dorm room. and i’m the college ra. (i was like the worst ra ever though.) anyways i got them situated in my room and then i went to my friends apartment to watch my movie and i get there and the guy who drove me there suddenly finds out he has an exam in like 30 minutes so he frantically has to leave and takes his car to go to his exam but you’re like that’s fine i won’t have to leave this place anytime soon anyways. and then a bit after he leaves and is probably in his exam you feel like you have to fart so you do but you find out you actually just shit yourself a little on accident. which you’ve literally only ever done one other time before in your entire life but that was only because you were extremely high. and you’re like oh fuck because you’re not even on campus anymore and you don’t have a change of clothes. so you go to the bathroom and try to clean up and you come out and you’re like hey i need to leave immediately i’ll be back when i can. and the guy who’s apartment you’re at is like ok but why. if you’re ok saying. and you avoid it for a bit but eventually you’re like i’ll tell you if you promise not to tell the guy who drove me here. (he’s my boyfriend but i feel cringe saying that so i just avoid saying it.) and he’s like ok. so you tell him what happens and he laughs at you but he promises not to say anything. anyways so your boyfriend left and can’t be contacted which you probably wouldn’t even want to anyways because it’s an embarrassing situation but you’re far from campus and the only way back is public transportation. so you have to take the bus and it’s horrible considering circumstances and also crowded as shit bc homecoming or something and there’s like parades and traffic and the world is a fucking nightmare so it takes forever
but anyways you eventually get back to your room you clean yourself you change and the guy who was taking his exam remember him is like i got out of my exam and you’re like hey actually would you be willing to drive me back to our friends apartment i’m at my dorm and he’s like ok and you get in the car and he’s like so why were you back at the dorm and you refuse to tell him and change the subject and start talking about your slugs instead. i mean i eventually told him but that was like months later and honestly he didn’t even care. but yeah. he’s a real homie btw one day i couldn’t find my slug in the terrarium (i put like one of those mini fish aquarium pieces of furniture in there it was like a little cottage gnome house looking thing) and i was depressed abt it but i got in the bed with him and like things escalated a little but i was absent minded bc i was worried about my slug. and he’s like is something wrong and i’m like i’m worried about my slug im sorry and he’s like it’s ok we don’t have to and you’re like no i wanna but i wanna try to look for it first. so he’s like ok and he puts his clothes on and you get out of the bed and he’s like shining his flashlight on the desk around the terrarium trying to find a snail slime trail but there’s none to be found. and you’re like worried about it. but right when you were about to give up you notice it was like in the crevice of the inside of the gnome house. so you’re happy you found it and relieved and then you’re able to have sex and it’s cool. anyways i ended up taking the gnome house out of there bc i didn’t want to worry about where the slugs went anymore. bc i already felt bad abt that first one which i’m pretty sure got eaten but i’m really not 100% sure because how would the other slug even eat something that big. idk. i feel like there was no way it could have gotten out but i never found it so who knows. idk. i would feed them lettuce from my job (college campus chik fil a) (yeah i had two fucking jobs being an ra and working in a dining hall while doing full time hard as dick classes and then shit started going bad at my house that stressed me out so i couldn’t focus at school and i got really depressed and that’s why i had to leave college and go back home -__-) but anyways yeah. i still have the slugs there’s a lot more of them now. but i don’t have as much access to lettuce as i used to. also the air in my house is drier so i have to water them more. idk. anyways yeah swaghaver69 lore i guess. if u read all this drop a heart emoji and i’ll like kiss you on the cheek through the screen or smth. <3
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wackybuddiemewbs · 2 years ago
OK, watched 6.02 at long last. A lot of interesting things to see, most of which has already been analyzed in much greater detail and depth than I would even aspire to.
That being said, some random observations:
Someone's already pointed out the magic of three and the prevalence of twos in that episode. And yeah, it's been really very much at the front imo (“you learned two things today”, Hen being in her second year with the intention to move on to the third, only to be told she might have to repeat the second year, two major calls, two victims needing the hydraulic device, three dorks with three popcorn bowls, three retired friends caught up in the accident at the happiness convention - out of which only two come out alive, love triangle, etc.). Not entirely sure what that may signify. First episode also had a lot of ones and twos (particularly striking and relevant to the plot was Buck's single armchair for a single person, etc.). If we get fours next episode, I'd laugh very hard. Either way. SOMETHING is up with that.
The colors of red and blue were yet again very prevalent (aside from the obvious ones with the stuff you see at the fire department etc.): red bubble level, literal red flags, the cheating wife in a purple pajama opposed to her husband in a lightly blue shirt (also notice the power of three: that guy's blue shirt, Lev's blue shirt, and Buck's blue shirt), the blue AA book Buck is reading stands in stark contrast to Hen's red laptop cover (while both are sitting on opposite sides, red scissors stuck in a guy, Hen's hoodie when she comes crashing down and Karen in her red dress). Like, obviously, it's great visually to work out contrasts and is very pleasing on the eye. But they really struck me in that episode in particular.
It felt like a callback that Hen's notes repeatedly showed an anatomic heart illustration as well as one of the brain (as she was taking the neurology exam and sadly failed it). Because it instantly got me thinking about Buck misunderstanding the assignment and drawing his lil smiley heart (and Eddie holding both his and Christopher's heart). Hen also repeatedly “misunderstood” the assignment in that she no longer had the focus and couldn't prioritize. So that paralleling might be further extended if we do indeed see Buck crashing down.
On that same note, there might be something to this brain vs. heart theme. Hen's confronted with the brain vs. heart choice right now (which will she choose, being a paramedic or becoming a doctor as she can't be both). If they continue paralleling her and Buck on that, this may also factor in for him in that he is due a decision of the heart vs. one of the head, whichever it may be.
I found it interesting to hear Buck ask Hen about being at ease. And how all fears leave you if you are. Because the implication is that he fears something (many things at once), and he seems more conscious of that now. Which may make things worse for him, even. Because if he can't find answers, he is “alone” with his fears and can't be at ease/happy. Or so it would seem.
Buck questioning what the point was of Lev dying at the happiness convention was an interesting callback to Eddie and him talking about what the sense of their job is, of what the point was for Eddie to have saved his comrades in combat, only for them to die.
“Don't worry, be happy” is indeed a wonderful music choice here, considering that this is exactly what Buck's struggling with as he seems to worry more about the fact that he won't truly achieve happiness and may miss his shot at it.
The fact that they lost Lev to a “design flaw”. Someone else pointed out that it felt like a deliberate callback to Buck's “defective parts” line. And I find myself in agreement, something's up with that.
Hen pointing out that it was about to come crashing down may indeed be foreshadowing not just to her own crash after getting home, but also Buck's later on.
Visually, I found it interesting that the calls were so similar in terms of set-up. Both times things came crushing down and people were buried underneath. Both times it involved flaws in the design. Both times it primarily focused on three people who were involved in the call (husband-wife-lover, Lev and his friends).
Frankie getting hurt after moving chairs. Maybe Buck about to get hurt after moving his armchair... yeah, I know, stretchy stretch.
Where does that leave us regarding Buck in particular?
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I will out myself as a Buck breakdown truther right off the bat. Especially this episode struck me in all sorts of ways. And that has me all the more sold that a breakdown is imminent, and that yes, Eddie might be the one person to get him out of it. Or rather, Buck's realization may very well be that this is indeed his happiness right there and that the "blur" Lev talked about was actually not having seen that until that moment. Or something to that effect.
But yeah, breakdown. Let's talk more breakdown.
Buck is searching for answers. By default, he turns to his friends and mentor figures (Bobby, Hen). And while they offer advice, none of the answers leave him much wiser, I think. Like, Buck wants to be content with his lil armchair, but in the next episode, his quest for happiness continues (and will continue to, as far as the plot summaries go that we got to see by now).
Buck finds himself confronted with having to find his own answers. That, in itself, is a good thing. In that he takes a good look at what he wants out of his life and what truly constitutes his happiness. Much of Buck's journey was coming into his own and becoming his own person. One big arc was having his “sense-making” ripped away by the ladder truck bombing and the subsequent loss of his profession. Buck couldn't cope with that because he considered that his purpose.
Things shifted a lot since, even more so since he invested himself more in the Diaz household (read future couch hold). Buck's purpose is also about being there for Eddie and for Christopher (including the will). We have confirmation that he spends a greater deal of time with them (cooks with them, has dinner with them, goes to the zoo with Christopher, etc.).
So we might see some interesting shifts there, considering that Christopher is aiming towards more independence, which will heavily affect Eddie - but may also come to affect Buck, who has focused much of his sense-making on being part of that unit.
So Buck has a lot to negotiate. I have my conclusion for him (which, yes, involves realizing his feelings for his husband at work), but it'll be interesting what will really bring Buck there. Will it really be another close encounter with death? Will it be him retreating to old coping mechanisms as a way of sense-making? Might we see some kind of hero's death idealization, in the hope to “see” what Lev saw before he died, to find the answer? All possible.
What remains for me is that I think Hen's been right with how it was about to come crashing down with regard to Buck as well. Because he will likely keep failing to find happiness because he is looking in the wrong places (misunderstanding the assignment much). Which may prompt him to do things to break out of that cycle, even with great force if he has to.
He told Maddie after she found out he was seeing a therapist what's come back to the forefront now: He doesn't just want to be OK or good, he wants to be better, he wants to be happier. He wants more. Now he finds himself confronted with the question of what constitutes that more. If it isn't firefighting, and it isn't stepping up his game as someone who is there for Christopher and Eddie as a support system (coming to the rescue, stepping in when needed, the will, but nothing beyond that, as far as he can realize)... what is it?
What stood out for me also was that Buck looking at himself and trying to figure out what he wants out of life comes with him turning in on himself. We don't have him (yet) separating himself from the others (he goofs around with Eddie and Chim alright), but it may be a sign that he's heading back there. That he goes back into his own head. And that normally means something bad is about to go down for our Buckaroo.
I just felt very reminded in his last scene with Hen of how he looked at Eddie during that kitchen scene in 5B, when Eddie pretended to be fine with not working as a firefighter right now. That Buck should move on. Like, the facial expression was very similar to me, when he asked Hen what she thought it was, and her not giving an answer and having to take the call and moving on also.
So yeah, I still have a feeling shit's about to go down for our Buckaroo. EDDIE TO THE RESCUE!
... Okay, that was enough rambling for now. There will probably be more. But for now... I'm rambled out.
Thanks for sticking around!
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taestefully-in-luv · 4 years ago
Always You | JJK (Six)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader, slight Taehyung x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slight slow burn, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack, lots of drama
Word Count: 18.3k
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (!!!), mention of drugs, mention of threesomes, mention of erection, grinding in sleep, car sex, riding, heated make out, hickeys, light hair pulling, light spanking
Notes: Not entirely sure how I feel about this chapter to be honest but here it is regardless! I hope you guys enjoy it:) ALSO those teaser pics from today!!! Anyway feel free to send an ask if you want to be added to the taglist or just want to chat about the story:)
Taglist: @mooniyooni @thisartemisnevermisses @giadalin @kookiebunny097 @cosmosjk @moonchild1 @just-jeon @anpanman-sonyeondan @starlight-night0 @yessii-i @apollukee @mikasaredscarf1 @kaye-rosales @bunnyjeonjk @dyriddle @seagulljk @hass-mich-los @peachy-skz0325 @wonusbitch @not-your-lion @flowersgirl02 @justinetingball @fiantomartell
© taestefully-in-luv
The week drags on slowly and horribly, Monday you had a raging migraine that just wouldn’t go away. Tuesday you were late for your job and were scolded for it. Wednesday you spilled your black coffee all over your white blouse. And today, Thursday, you started your period. This week could not get any worse. Oh wait, yes it can—you just remembered you promised Jungkook you would attend his get together.
You hope things won’t be awkward with Nick…Jungkook has assured you that things are cool and Nick isn’t mad about what happened.
Jungkook 5:15pm
Hey :) so, I was thinking you could bring that 16% wine we always drink?
Jungkook 5:50pm
It starts at 7 but you can come earlier if you want
Jungkook 6:00pm
Or you don’t have to,..it was just a suggestion.
Y/N 6:02pm
I’ll be there at 7.
Jungkook 6:02pm
Ok cool :) I can’t wait to hang out.
You click your phone off, groaning into your pillow. Your cramps are fucking killer and you want to die. You look to your nightstand to see your water and pain killers, you reach for them and swallow them down. Hopefully this helps.
You decide to start getting ready, you settle on some jeans and your favorite striped sweater. Like, who are you trying to impress?
You hear your phone buzzing from your bed and you hurry to answer it.
“I’m outside whore.”
“Kay be out in a sec.”
You hang up your phone, stuffing it in your back pocket. You gather your things and do one last look in the mirror—casual but cute.
“Holly! They’re here!”
You two rush down to the parking lot where Jimin is parked, Trina and Holly sit in the backseat while you occupy the passenger seat.
“You ready?” Jimin smirks.
Before you know it, Jimin is knocking on Jungkook and Nick’s front door.
“By the way, I still can’t believe you didn’t who nick was…”
“I never come over here! Jungkook usually comes to mine…” Jimin answers in pout.
The door swings open and there stands Nick, in all his hot glory.
“Hey Nick…” you say, avoiding eye contact but Nick is chipper as can be as he nods at you and everyone else.
“Hey Jungkook! y/n is here!” he calls behind him.
“I mean, we’re here too but go off I guess.” Jimin’s mutters from beside you.
The four of you walk into the apartment, Jungkook still nowhere to be seen.
The small place is filled with maybe 5 other people, you are quick to nod at everyone in greeting. You catch Jungkook leaving his bedroom with Vanessa following closely behind him, you can’t help but roll your eyes. Jungkook finds you staring at him and he grins, walking closer to you and your friends.
“y/n!” he goes in for a quick, unexpected hug.
“Jimin!” he hugs Jimin too, “and Hey Tr—”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“Yup, nice to see you too Trina.” Jungkook smiles anyway, “And you must be Holly?” he extends his hand out for her to shake. She takes it while smiling awkwardly.
“I’m glad you guys came!” Jungkook scratches the back of his head, “This is uh, this is Vanessa.” He introduces the girl standing beside him.
Vanessa is pretty…really pretty actually. She has short black hair, it looks soft and sleek. She is taller than you, her height almost rivaling Jungkook’s. But she is still smaller than him.
“Hi everyone.” She says flatly.
She doesn’t look interested in meeting any of you, or interested in any of the people here. She grabs her phone from her bag and starts scrolling through it as Jimin introduces everyone.
“And this is y/n.” he finally finishes, gesturing towards you.
At this, Vanessa looks up from her phone to eye you up and down, “Right.” Is all she says, then her eyes are back on her screen.
Wow, quite the charmer. You look at Jungkook whose eyes are already on you, and he chuckles nervously.
“Well, did you bring that wine?” he asks you.
You pull it from the bag you are holding and hand it to him, “Here…” his hand goes to reach it and his fingers brush against yours and you shudder.
“Umm, I’ll pour us all a glass.” He takes the bottle, faces Vanessa and heads toward the kitchen while Vanessa follows him. You watch as they disappear into the other room and you release a breath.
“That’s the bitch he’s fucking?” Trina asks bluntly, one eyebrow raised in question. “She didn’t even look at us!”
“Let’s be nice,” Holly says.
“Fucking fine.” Trina rolls her eyes. Hard.
You can’t help but agree though, Vanessa seems…you don’t know, but why would Jungkook like her? She seems rude, and uninterested in literally everything.
“You’re never going to get over her like this, you know?” Vanessa continues to look at her screen as she speaks to Jungkook. “You’re just hurting yourself.” Her eyes dart towards her glass being poured, “I don’t even like this wine, I told you I wanted the other one.”
“It’s y/n’s favorite.” He exhales deeply as he pours more glasses.
“Oh right, so is this how it’s going to be?” Vanessa clicks her phone off and slides it in her purse, “Now that she’s back in your life everything is going to be about her?”
“No, Vanessa…” he looks up from the bottle, “We’re still…” he gestures between their bodies.
“Right.” She says, tapping her fingers against the counter, “Totally.”
“So what game shall we play?” Jungkook sits down between you and Vanessa, his body vibrating in excitement. (How you and Vanessa ended up sitting next to each other in the first place? You don’t know. But thankfully Jungkook saves the day.)
“How bout never have I ever!” Jimin winks at everyone, “It’s always a good way to get to know new people.”
“Fine.” Trina says with a smirk
“Yeah, I’m down!” Nick says, high fiving his same bro who believes in aliens.
Various ‘yes’s are heard around the room and you nod your head too.
“If you’ve done it, you drink, that’s the rule.” Jimin states “I’ll go first. Never have I ever done coke.”
A few people you aren’t well acquainted with groan and take a sip of their drinks, Jimin looks at you as he passes his turn.
“Uh,” you look up at the ceiling, “Never have I ever had a threesome.”
You notice every single one of your friends taking a drink, Jungkook included. Well, you shouldn’t be surprised. Damn, even Holly? Are you just lame?
Jungkook goes next, “Never have I ever ate ass!” Jimin raises his glass and he take a gulp.
Everyone’s laughing and having a good time, the game continues on for several rounds, everyone drinking at different times but everyone collectively getting drunker.
The turn is back on you…”Never have I ever cheated on a college exam.”
“Fucking liar!” Jungkook snickers beside you, “You copied like half my answers in bio!”
“Oh true.” You say nonchalantly, “Never mind. Jungkook your turn.”
Jungkook thinks for a few moments, “Never have I ever not made a girl come.” He smirks.
“Okay ladies man, we get it, fucking whore.” Jimin sticks his tongue out.
Next is Vanessa’s turn, she tilts her head side to side thinking on what she wants to say.
“Never have I ever had sex with my best friend.” She says, her voice smooth and silky.
You choke on your spit when you process her words, your head snaps to Jungkook’s. He’s already looking at you, debating if he should drink—especially in front of all your friends.
He watches in horror as you begin to raise the glass to your lips, your eyes never leaving his. He raises his own glass to his mouth and takes a sip as you do the same and the room goes quiet.
Jimin watches the two of you, his eyes widening in shock as he puts two and two together.
“Wait wait wait.” Trina speaks up, “Did you two…?” she looks between you two before her eyes settle on you, “When?”
“Yeah, when?” Jimin asks quietly, sounding betrayed.
“Can we not do this right now?” you plead.
Jungkook is nodding his head in agreeance, “Yeah guys….this is a bit…” he glances over at Vanessa who is quietly sipping her wine, she blinks at Jungkook a few times before taking another sip.
“So you two have fucked!” Nick says, totally oblivious. Fucking Nick.
“It was a really long time ago, it meant nothing…” you save while striking a chord in Jungkook, he clenches his jaw. “Well, it meant nothing for only some of us,” he grits out. You feel a pang in your chest. What does he mean by that?
“Okay, would if we all take a moment to relax…” Holly intervenes. She stands up, taking her glass and Trina’s glass to the kitchen.
“It’s getting late anyway.” You stand too, you look at Trina and Jimin with apologetic eyes and nod towards the door, “Let’s get going.”
“Wait y/n,” Jungkook stands up as well, grabbing on to your arm. “Can we talk for a moment?” he motions towards the balcony. “Please.”
You roll your eyes but go along with it, you follow him out the back on to the balcony. It’s a small space, forcing you to stand somewhat close to Jungkook.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that last thing…” he begins, “You were just trying to save the conversation….right?”
“Right.” You agree. You fold your arms over your chest, you want this day to be over with.
“Other than this last bit…I had a lot of fun…you know…everyone hanging out. It was nice,” Jungkook shakes his head a bit, his hair falling all over his face, covering his big doe eyes. You can’t help but reach up and tuck some wild strands away so you could see him properly.
He freezes when you do that.
“Oh sorry…habit.”
“No no its okay, I was just surprised is all.” He smiles, and you feel your heart glow.
“Vanessa seems…” you don’t know why you bring her up right now but you do.
Jungkook bites down on his bottom lip, looking at you with serious eyes,
“You don’t like her.”
He chuckles lightly, “I still know when you’re lying.”
“Sorry,” you laugh into your palm, “She just doesn’t seem all that interested in anyone.”
“Including me?”
“Kind of…sorry.” You look up at him, “It’s none of my business.”
“Well, you’re my friend so I value your opinion.”
“Okay then…I just can’t seem to find what you might like about her…” Your honest nature isn’t something Jungkook isn’t use to, but he still feels defensive.
“Well, you don’t know her.”
“Do you?”
He opens his mouth to answer but falls short of a response. He stuffs his hands into his front pockets of his jeans and lets out a small groan.
“Can we go one day without fighting?” he whispers.
“Sorry.” You offer a half ass apology. “Jimin and the rest are probably waiting for me so—”
“Wait…” he grabs your wrist and pulls you closer to him, “Can I hug you? Since I have to ask now.”
“If I say no?”
“Then I will probably cry myself to sleep.”
“Well, we can’t have that can we?”
“So that’s a yes?”
You look up into Jungkook’s endearing eyes and nod your head yes, he doesn’t waste another second before he’s wrapping his arms around you and engulfing you in a sweet embrace. He smells like his laundry detergent and his natural scent, the combo making you dizzy—as usual. You finally return the hug, your own arms circling around his waist. You feel him inhale you and you can’t help but do the same…you missed this. You missed his touch—his warmth. You missed him.
“I missed you too.”
Oh, did you say that out loud?
“Yes you did.” He chuckles into your neck. his hot breath hitting your skin making you shudder.
“I missed you so much.” He whispers into your hair, his words almost getting lost in your locks.
“Then why did you replace me so quickly?” you whisper into his chest, you feel his heart beat faster than before.
“I don’t like her, Jungkook.” You admit.
“Please just give her a chance…for me, please.” He exhales into your neck before nuzzling further.
“Do you like her?” you brace yourself for the answer, you grip on to his shirt, bunching up the material in your hands.
“Yes.” He tightens his hold on you, “but, it’s complicated.”
You pull back from him, “Wait…you really do like her? Oh…” you drop your arms from his body.
“y/n…This is hard for me. She’s the only thing distracting me from…” he gulps, “Things.”
You take a step back, confused.
“Things?” you scoff, “What aren’t you telling me Jungkook?”
“Don’t worry about it.” He whispers, his hands still rest on your waist. He pulls you closer again, “I’m working on it.” He looks into your eyes and you can’t help but stare at his lips as he licks them.
“How hard are you working on it?” you wrap your hands around his middle again, stepping closer to him.
“I don’t…know…” he breathes out erratically. His eye becoming half lidded as he stares down at you, “I….dont …know….” He repeats in a daze.
Your hands travel up his back until your grabbing on to his hair, using this to tilt his head down gently.
“You’ll tell me eventually, won’t you?” you angle your head upwards, he slowly begins to lean down, his eyes shutting as he leans in closer and closer. You part your lips slightly waiting in anticipation for his lips to find yours.
“You’re so fucking unfair…” You feel Jungkook’s whisper hit your lips as he begins closing the distance.
Then the door fucking opens, you and Jungkook jumping apart at the sudden intrusion.
“y/n are you ready?” Jimin looks between you two, he eyes you suspiciously before looking at you expectantly.
“Right, yeah.” You look at Jungkook who is as red as a fucking cherry. He scratches his head with one hand and uses to the other to usher you inside. Were you and Jungkook about to…? Holy shit. What has gotten into you?
Before you go inside you turn around to face him, “Maybe we can talk about this later?”
“Uh, maybe.” Jungkook looks at the floor as you speak to him, he sways from one foot to another. “See you later y/n.”
“Fucking spill it.” Trina spits out once you four are in the car. She aggressively puts on her seatbelt as Jimin turns on the car but refuses to drive anywhere until you talk.
“Can this wait til we’re home?” you whine, putting on your own seatbelt.
“I agree with y/n, Trina. Let’s wait…” Holly’s troubled smile begs Jimin to drive you all home back to your place.
Jimin is silent as he puts the car in reverse and begins driving. Just complete silence coming from him, which is more worrisome than him yelling at you.
The drive is mostly quiet, you can tell Trina is really forcing herself to keep it down while Holly has a death grip on her thigh. You want to laugh at their dynamic but you don’t think anyone is in the mood to laugh right now.
Once home, you drag out one of the chairs at the breakfast table and plop down, taking a seat. Your three friends follow your lead, each taking a seat at the table.
“Guys…do we really have to do this…?” you fold your hands out in front of you on top of the table.
“If it’s really that hard to talk about, no. But I would like it if we did…” Trina tries to say calmly.
You chew on your lips—your usual bad habit as you think. Do you tell them everything? About that night? Your true intentions? It’s silent for a while until Jimin quietly clears his throat.
“Neither of you told me…my best friends…” he stares down at the table top.
“When?” he whispers.
You stare at Jimin, who sits across from you and you feel your heart break just a bit. He looks and sounds so betrayed.
“Freshmen year. New Year’s Eve party.” You finally say.
Trina’s eyes expand, realization hitting her.
“Wait wait wait.” She throws her hands up, “New Year’s Eve party? The night you were going to….?”
You only nod your head yes, feeling fucking embarrassed.
“Going to what?” Jimin asks.
“Nothing!” You and Trina say at the same time.
“Really guys?” Jimin looks down at his hands, a frown taking over his face. “Is that how we’re going to be?”
You do feel bad but are you ready for Jimin to know? One look at his sad face and you guess the answer is yes.
“That night I was going to…” you begin, the memory of that night coming back to you.
Tonight is the night. It’s New Year’s Eve and you’re going to do it. Maybe it’s this glass of wine that’s giving you courage—liquid courage—but you feel like tonight is a good as any.
Jungkook promised you no girls tonight…that tonight is between two best friends with no interruptions. And you believe him, of course. In the months you have known Jungkook he has always kept his word to you.
You lean back in your rolling chair, bringing the glass of wine to your lips and you take a generous sip…yes, tonight you are going to do it. You are going to confess to Jungkook.
“What’s got you so nervous tonight?” Trina asks as she applies her dark lipstick to her thick lips. Trina and you are getting ready in your dorm for the long awaited New Year’s Eve party and she can tell something is weird about you. You keep rubbing your sweaty hands down your black skirt, you keep patting your sweaty forehead dry with one of your t shirts, you keep looking in the mirror and taking much needed deep breaths. You are obvious. So fucking obvious.
“I could be wrong but it looks like you’re worried about a dead body you’re trying to hide…” Trina’s hand stops mid lipstick application as she glances at you, “bitch, you know I will help you.”
You can’t help but laugh, easing some of the nerves.
“No, nothing like that…” you know Trina knows. She’s had her assumptions but she never lets the subject linger…she basically is a bad bitch who minds her business…unlike someone you know—Jimin. Who ALWAYS has some shit to say about you and Jungkook, he on the other hand is a messy bitch who does NOT mind his business.
“It’s about…” you struggle to complete your sentence as you gulp down more wine.
“You don’t have to say…I know. Just know that no matter what, I am on your side.” Trina goes back to applying another layer of lipstick, “Especially if you have to hide a body.”
“Sometimes I wonder about you.” You say flatly.
Trina only laughs that loud ass laugh you love so much. “You wonder about me?” she winks.
It’s your turn to apply your own lipstick to your lips, a nice soothing red when you receive a text from Jimin that he and Jungkook are on their way to the party.
“I hope Stephanie is going to be there tonight…” Trina mumbles underneath her breath, “if not, this outfit is a complete waste” You giggle as you continue to apply your lipstick. You check your phone again to see another text that they’re there,
“Shit, we gotta get going!” You drop your lipstick in your bag and a few other essentials.
Trina raises a brow at you, “Are you trying to rush me?” she looks amused. “You can’t rush perfection.” she threads her fingers through her bouncy hair, “Lucky for you, I am done! And also, always perfect.”
“Yes yes miss perfect, we get it. Let’s go!”
The party is without a doubt: booming. The amount of decorations and alcohol and people is impressive. This is surely about to be a party worth remembering—and you hope you do. You decide to only sip a few beers—wanting to stay at least a little bit sober when you confess and you hope Jungkook isn’t completely shit faced either. Speaking of, where is he? Your eyes scan the crowd, you see Jimin surrounded by a group of people, laughing his head off. You see Trina grinding on some girl…maybe Stephanie? And you see Jungkook on the other side of the living room, sipping on his drink while some girl talks to him. But his eyes are on you. You crack an awkward smile and he turns to face the girl that is trying so hard to talk to him. He says a few words to her and is quickly leaving her side, he is now walking towards you. You can’t help but feel nervous as he approaches you…tonight’s the night, you keep reminding yourself.
You never not liked Jungkook…If you weren’t so shy maybe you would have slept with him the first night you met him… but instead you became friends and that was without a doubt the best thing that could of happened for you two. But in the back of your mind you always wanted more. Something always tugged at your hands, begging you and pulling you in the direction of more with Jungkook. But he seems fine with the friendship…so much so that you thought that maybe pursuing him would be best if you pushed it to the side.
Unfortunately for you, you just couldn’t take it anymore. Your feelings so overwhelming that you got pushed the edge. You’re about to fall off the Jungkook cliff so you decide instead of falling against your will, you will control the situation—parachute and all, you are ready the fall. You’re going to confess.
“What’s with your face?” Jungkook finally stands in front of you, his hands pushed into the front pocket of his jeans.
You take a moment to take in Jungkook’s appearance…his tight jeans, his black combat boots and a white t shirt, with his coat draped over his left arm. He looks good. Really good. You crumble at the sight.
“Who’s the girl?” you catch yourself asking. It isn’t odd for you to pry into his life like this so the words don’t taste weird leaving your mouth…but, only you know you’re only asking because the tinge of jealousy you feel.
“Dunno.” He shrugs his shoulders, “I think I have a class with her.”
“Oh nice.” You also shrug, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. “Shall we dance?” you nod your head towards the center of the living room where bodies shamelessly dry hump other bodies. You think you’ve seen Jimin grind on at least 10 different people tonight.
“Sure.” He smiles, his arm extends out for you to lead the way.
Somehow you went from sipping on a couple beers to taking shots with none other than your best friend. The two of you go from the living rooms dance floor to the kitchen for hours. The world becomes friendlier and a little blurrier but it’s nothing you can’t handle. You remind yourself to slow down, because you want to at least remember telling Jungkook your feelings for him and you want to remember his response. But wait—would if he rejects you? The thought lingers in your mind, so what do you do? You take another shot.
The air that surrounds the dance floor is different than the rest of the house…its hot, sweaty and downright dangerous. You and Jungkook find yourself dancing along with Trina and Jimin at some point, the 4 of you spinning around, jumping and hugging one another. Laughter filling the air, everything is perfect.
You feel Jungkook’s tatted fingers grip your waist as you dance on him, his fingers never find themselves going lower. And you wish they did.
“Guys! Guys!” You hear Jimin’s voice from a distance, but quickly growing closer.
Jimin stands next to the two of you as you guys are in your own world, the alcohol running through your veins, the music thumping loudly in your ears, Jungkook’s hands holding on to you tightly. Your bodies move together to the beat of the music, Jungkook’s head innocently falling into the crook of your neck. You innocently grinding your ass into his crotch.
All very innocent.
“Wow, just fuck already.” Jimin rolls his eyes playfully, “GUYS!”
“What?!” you and Jungkook yell back in unison, not having liked being interrupted.
An evil smirk makes its way on Jimin’s face, “Upstairs. Let’s go! Truth or dare, come on!”
Truth or dare? What are you guys, 12? You giggle into your hand, nodding your head approvingly. It should be fun. You follow Jimin’s lead up the stairs, you turn around to see Jungkook right after you. You reach for his hand, you two interlocking fingers as you stumble up the stairs trying to keep each other stable. The two of you giggle for no apparent reason as you make your way up, making Jimin roll his eyes again.
You’re about to enter the room when Jungkook stops just outside the door.
“Wait…Jimin?” Jungkook nibbles on his lips, “Can I talk to you for a sec?”
You and Jimin share a concerned look before you announce your departure.
“I’ll see you guys inside.” You smile, letting go of Jungkook’s hand.
“What’s up man?”
“Dare me to kiss y/n.” Jungkook states confidently. Jimin tilts his head in confusion then amusement.
“Why don’t you just kiss her without my help, hm?” Jimin teases, ruffling the younger ones hair. “But sure, why not?”
“Thanks, I owe you.”
“Oh you sure do.” Jimin winks, “Now come on.”
You’re sitting in a circle in the room with about 8 other people, some you’ve barely talked to, others you would consider friends. Jungkook and Jimin walk into the room and you notice Jungkook’s face is a soft pink…probably from the alcohol. Jungkook finds a spot on the floor next to you and he smiles gently in your direction, giving you the heads up that everything is okay. You just nod your head and smile back. The room is loud with chatter and laughter until Jimin stands up and clanks a wine glass with a spoon—ever the dramatic.
“Okay guys, we all know why we are here—truth or dare time!” He sits down in his spot, crossing his legs in front of him, “First, let’s start with Trina.”
“Of course.” Trina says flatly.
“Truth or dare?” Jimin smirks.
“Dare, obviously” she looks around the room, winking at several people.
“Okay,” Jimin pretends to think for a few moments, like he doesn’t already know what he’s going to say. “Dare you to flash your tits to everyone.”
“Oh? Is that all?” Trina quickly lifts her shirt up, revealing her bare breasts to the room. You and Jungkook cackle as you watch the scene unfold.
“Okay Hobi…” Trina nods towards to the bright smiling boy, “Truth or dare?”
“Dare!” he grins with all his teeth, no doubt excited “Okay, I dare you to take 3 shots in a row.”
The truths and dares continue on like this for quite a while. You being lame chose truth at first and had to admit when the last time you masturbated—which was 10 minutes before Trina arrived to your dorm. Jungkook had to spank some guys ass and Jimin had to make out with like, 3 different people. Which he wasn’t complaining. All was well…until it was Jimin’s turn again.
“Okay, Jungkook. Truth or dare?” Jimin smiles knowingly with an evil glint in his eye.
“Dare.” Jungkook says with a cocky smile.
“I dare you to kiss y/n.”
You immediately choke on your drink as you process his words. Jungkook? Kiss YOU? In front of everyone?
Everyone in the room starts whooping and hollering at the idea, but you shake your hands in front of you in denial.
“No, no. We can’t do that!” you slur, your eyes squeezing shut. This isn’t how things are supposed to happen! You need to confess first!
You miss the way Jungkook’s face falls as he looks between you and Jimin. Jimin looks at Jungkook with pity and mouths a ‘sorry’.
“Yeah, no way in hell am I kissing her.” Okay, maybe he didn’t have to sound so harsh. But he feels a bit rejected at the moment and needs to be on your same page.
“Uh, yeah.” You feel a pang in your chest. Oh. Jungkook doesn’t want to kiss you, not even as a dare.
“That’s literally the last thing I want to do!” You hear him cackle from beside you, “Someone else can do the honors!” he continues to bark loudly, laughter filling the room.
Jimin frowns, looking at Jungkook with knowing eyes as he clasps his hands together. “Fine. Kiss Amber instead.”
“That I can do.” Jungkook smirks, looking across the room to a blushing Amber.
Things are starting to feel like they are crumbling…you shouldn’t even confess anymore, right? Jungkook will clearly reject you. The thought makes you want to cry like a stupid ass baby.
“I’m gonna get something more to drink.” You say to no one in particular as you stand to your feet. Jimin watches you leave the room with sad eyes, then his eyes go to Jungkook who looks panicked.
You open the door and go to close it behind you when you feel it being pushed open again. Jungkook.
You ignore him the whole way down the stairs but he continues to silently follow you.
The party is still going hard when you make your way downstairs again, you weave through the crowd to get to the kitchen to fetch yourself another beer.
“y/n! Wait up!” you hear Jungkook call from behind you but you decide to ignore him.
You find the cooler of beers and grab yourself one, the chilling beer freezing against your fingertips. You crack it open and begin chugging it back, enjoying the carbonation that sizzled down your throat.
“Slow down Lightning McQueen.” Jungkook chuckles next to you.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” you don’t mean to snap, but you do. You feel tired, just tired.
“What’s with you?” he quirks a brow, looking adorable while doing so.
“What are you doing here?” you snap again, “Shouldn’t you be like, making out with Selena or whatever her name is.”
Jungkook tilts his head to the side, his doe eyes big and bright, “Selena? Oh! You mean Amber? Nah, I saw you leaving so I came with you.” He smiles, “I told you no girls tonight. I am spending new year with you.”
You blink at him in surprise, but you shouldn’t be surprised. Jungkook always keeps his word to you.
It makes the world crumble a little more, he said no girls. And you guess that includes you. Tonight was supposed to be the night, but you got your answers. Jungkook doesn’t feel the same.
“Want to go outside?” he asks, head nodding towards the back door.
“It’s cold, Jungkook!”
“I’ll keep you warm.” He winks then transitions into a soft smile, “Promise.”
You feel your heart begin to race but you order yourself to calm down…you aren’t confessing tonight, and that’s final.
The two of you walk outside, it was pretty damn cold, your skirt and crop top barely doing enough to keep you warm.
“Here.” Jungkook is shrugging off his jacket and handing it you.
“Thanks” you shiver, slipping on the warm, fuzzy coat. “Will you be fine?” you question.
“Only if you come snuggle with me.”
“Do these lines work on most girls?”
“Usually all of them.” He smirks, rubbing his hands together for warmth.
You giggle and move closer to him, wrapping your arms around his middle. Even though it’s like 20 degrees outside, Jungkook is unbelievably warm. You have to remain normal, like your heart isn’t breaking with every word or soft touch he offers you.
Jungkook pulls his phone out to check the time, huffing when he sees there’s still a few more minutes until midnight
“So how many girls did you have to reject tonight?” You ask with a snicker. Jungkook raises a brow in question, “Like, ‘oohh Jungkook please be my new year’s kiss??’ ya know, shit like that.” You mock. It’s not like you actually want to know the answer but you can’t help but be curious.
“Oh that? No girls lining up tonight.”
“Why’s that? You shut em all down early?”
Jungkook sways back and forth, your body clinging on to his, “I think they all see me with you tonight and are laying off.”
You scoff at his words, “Right, because I have stopped them before.” You roll your eyes.
“Ha, you never know.” Jungkook takes another look at his phone, “Oh less than a minute.” He says with the shrug of his broad shoulders.
“Wanna be my kiss Jeon?” the words slip out of your mouth almost killing you in the process. You can’t believe you just asked that! You literally just decided you’re giving up so why the hell would you offer him your lips
“Just kidding, you would rather have someone else kiss me, right?” you huff, saving yourself but god, what you wouldn’t give to feel his lips on yours just one time. For him to be yours…just one time.
Jungkook chokes on his spit as he tries to swallow down your words, “W-What?”
Jungkook obviously heard you loud and clear. Did you actually want to be kissed by him, he thinks.
Cheers of your classmates erupt besides you and you cannot help but smile at everyone’s happiness. You see many of them sharing hugs and kisses and you feel a pang of jealousy but you are mostly feeling joy.
“It’s nice right? Every—”
You didn’t get to finish what you were saying before Jungkook’s chapped lips are on yours. His mouth is warm and inviting but you don’t make yourself at home. Instead, you stand absolutely still as Jungkook innocently moves his lips over yours. Before you can really react, Jungkook is pulling away: absolutely horrified.
“y/n…I shouldn’t have done that…I’m sorry,” Jungkook is quick to stutter out.
You are frozen. You wish you could blame something…anything, wish you could blame the flurries that floated down to the earths ground, wish you could blame the below freezing weather and your short mini skirt, wish you could blame anything for why you are standing absolutely frozen.
You wish you could move, but the universe just won’t allow it.
“Oh my god, y/n…I really am sorry…fuck…” Jungkook’s wide eyes are focused on his feet as he threads his fingers through his thick, black hair. “Fuck, I’m sorry. Please forget about th—”
And your lips are back on his again. Jungkook’s lips may be a bit chapped but they are as soft and fluffy as you have once imagined. With your lips back on his, you take charge. You quickly move them over his, he hums in satisfaction. Your fingers find themselves in his dark locks, pushing up into his soft hair as his hand moves to cup your jaw.
You gasp when you feel his teeth nibble at your bottom lip, and moan into his mouth when you feel him jerk his hips into yours.
“Let’s go to your place.” You heavily breathe out, your fingers dragging down the side of his face.
Jungkook disconnects himself from you, stepping back a good foot, inspecting your face,
“You sure?” he asks.
“I’m sure.”
Because he may not feel the same, and he may not be yours but maybe just for one night he can be.
“Wait, you were…” Jimin’s eyebrows rise to the top of his forehead, “you were going to confess to Jungkook…?”
“Yeah…I know this might be shocking to hear—”
Jimin bursts out into laughter, his hand goes over to cover his mouth as he mutters out apologies.
“Shocking?! You think this is shocking to hear?!” he continues to chuckle, “But wow…on New Year’s eve…oh my god…” Realization hits Jimin. “Oh my god…you both are so unbelievably stupid. Oh my god.”
You share a look of confusion with Trina and Holly as Jimin continues to connects dots in his head.
“Please promise me one of these days you will actually sit down with Jungkook and have an honest conversation with him…because this is just cruel and hilarious to listen to. Your timing…wow. So fucking stupid, you idiots.”
“Okay, you don’t have to be so harsh Jimin.” Holly says sweetly, her awkward smile easing everyone.
“What do you mean?” you finally ask.
“Do you still like him…even now? I mean, I know the answer honestly but go ahead.” Jimin gestures his hand for you to answer him.
“She doesn’t need to answer that.” Trina cuts in, “No matter what, we’re on her side. Right?”
“Oh honey,” Jimin tilts his head towards Trina, “There are no sides for me. They’re both my friends and they’re both idiots.”
You can’t help but laugh at Jimin’s words. Because he knows better than anyone how true that is, so you’ll believe him.
“But really y/n…if you didn’t tell me or Trina…did you tell anyone?”
You begin chewing on your lips again,
“I don’t even talk about it with Jungkook.”
“Why?” Holly decides to pry.
“We…after we slept together…I could tell Jungkook was freaking out. He kind of tried brushing off the whole situation and I…I just had sex with the guy I had feelings for. So I put a little bit of space between us—”
“Wait, this is when you guys weren’t really hanging out for a couple months?!”
“It was only a month.” You deadpan. “But yeah…”
“I was wondering what the fuck was going on…Jungkook wouldn’t tell me anything.”
Guilt begins making a new home with you as you sit here. You wonder if you made a poor choice back then.
“Then we agreed to never talk about it to save our friendship.” You finish.
Jimin gives you a blank stare, his eyes probably going dry from lack of blinking.
“To…save your…y/n please, I am literally begging you. Talk to him. Fucking tell him the truth…” Jimin begs, he finally screws his eyes shut and shakes his head, “I can’t help you any more than that.”
It’s Monday morning and you woke up with a raging headache and a snotty nose. You better not be getting sick, you think to yourself. You have a full shift ahead of you!
You slowly put on your work uniform and apply some light makeup for the day. Did you always lack color in your face or are you actually getting sick? Fuckity fuck, you think.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Jade asks from beside you, you notice she dyed her hair black instead of the light brown she was previously sporting.
“Nice hair.” You go to compliment.
“Nice try but don’t change the subject.” She pats you on the back, “Me and the guys can take care of customers, you just bake, okay?”
“You know who is so beautiful even when she’s sick?” Adam butts in, “Hazel.” He answers for you both with a dopey smile.
“Now’s not the time, loser.” Jade bobs her head around, “Where’s Lenny?”
“Probably eating fucking cookies.” You say with a grin.
“Wow, guys. I’ve been here the whole time and I am not eating cookies.” Lenny says from behind Jade. “But speaking of, don’t throw away the rejects I am taking them home.”
“Quick everyone,” Jade says flatly, “act surprised.”
The sound of the bell going off catches your attention, you notice a head full of sandy hair and you groan. It’s him. You feel like all the energy is being drained from your body, now is not the time for Mister Oatmeal Raisin.
“I’ll take care of him, don’t worry!” Lenny gives you a wide smile but you raise your hand up to stop him.
“It’s okay, he’s my usual. He’s going to ask for me anyway.”
You make it the front of the store to the register and give Mister Oatmeal Raisin a weak smile.
“Are we going to be a brat today?” he greets you warmly. You scoff and try smiling again but fall a bit short.
“Hey everything okay, y/n?”
“I’m fine Mister Oatmeal Raisin.”
“You don’t look…” he lets the words die on his tongue, not wanting to actually offend you.
“The usual?” you ask, already pushing the buttons on the screen for his order.
“Yeah.” He gives you a small smile and you smile back. You aren’t use to being so nice with him, usually you two have a lot more fun, shit, you really must not be feeling well.
You must turn around too quickly because you become very dizzy, your body wobbling and shaking from the sudden chill you feel. You hurry to lean against the counter, your hand going up to feel your throbbing forehead.
“Hey you good?” Mister Oatmeal Raisin peeks over.
“Fine, I—” you try to take a few steps but wobble too much that you almost fall. The world turning dark as your vision goes blurry but before you can hit the ground you feel yourself fall into two arms.
“Woah woah, y/n? y/n?” you hear your name from a distance, but the world is so dark and so cold that you can hardly focus on it.
“I got you.” You hear the same voice again.
You slowly open your eyes to see your most faithful customers face mere inches from your own as he holds your body up.
“You okay?”
You steady yourself and slowly get out of his hold and nod your head.
“Yeah, thanks Mister Oatmeal Raisin.” You weakly smile, saluting towards him.
“Min Yoongi.”
You can’t help but blush at your situation,
“Yoo…Yoongi.” You repeat back, your face returning some of its color. Mostly just shades of red.
“Yeah.” He smiles a real smile, you notice how cute and gummy it is and it makes you feel nice. Min Yoongi, huh?
It’s a lazy Tuesday afternoon, the sun creating a blanket of warmth outside while being accompanied by a fresh breeze. You want to enjoy the day…you really do but…
“Just let me die a miserable death.” You sniffle into your sleeve. It’s the 2nd day of the flu and you are well, like you said, miserable.
“You need to take the rest of your meds babe,” Jimin’s hand is full of various pills, he tries handing them to you but you deny him.
“No, I’m gonna overdose.”
“You’re not gonna fucking overdose you dramatic ass bitch.” Jimin rolls his eyes, setting the medicine down on your nightstand next to a full glass of water.
“Listen, I have to go to work but maybe call Trina to come take care of you? I know Holly is at school for the day—”
“Trina is home visiting her parents…” you sound disgusting as you speak, your voice all gross and nasaly.
“Oh. Maybe you could call—”
“No. Anyone but him,” you cut in, waving your hands in front of your face.
Anyone but Jungkook, you don’t need him to take care of you…you guys are hardly starting to become friends again and its only in group settings. So him taking care of you one on one sounds…intimate.
“No offense babe, but you literally don’t have any other friends.”
“I can take care of my—” you’re cut off by a string of sneezes, one after the fucking other. “Fuck, I am dying.” You shiver.
Jimin places his hand over your forehead, getting a feel for your temperature.
“Shit…I’m going to call him.”
“Noooo Jimin….” You lay back on your bed, your head beginning it’s pounding again. “Don’t need him…” you lazily grab the NyQuil bottle from your nightstand, “Only need this.” You smile while taking a few gulps.
“Jesus, what is wrong with you?”
Jimin takes out his phone and taps away on his screen, you assume he is sending a million texts to Jungkook begging him to come babysit you, that or he is texting Trina what a stubborn, whiny bitch you are to which she probably just replies with “True.”
“Wanna watch Howl’s Moving Castle.” You slur in your drowsy state, all the meds and NyQuil kicking in.
“Jungkook will be here in 30. Have him put it on for you when he gets here…I really gotta go…”
“Jungkook?” you try to open your eyes as you speak but they threaten to close every few seconds.
“Yeah. He will take care of you y/n.”
You wrap yourself further into your duvet, but the shivers don’t let up. You’re shaking from how freaking cold you are. Yet you are sweating like the disgusting human being you are.
Jimin eyes you over once more, his eyes full of pity as he closes your bedroom door and whispers a ‘see you later’ under his breath.
“y/n?” You hear his voice in the distance, like he’s a mile from you at least. His voice is fuzzy and far away. And you want it closer.
“y/n???” your body is being shaken awake, gently though. Like, he doesn’t want to hurt you.
“Hey…you need to take your medicine…” you begin to slowly open your eyes, the world is blurry and the sound of his angelic voice echoes. Jungkook.
“No…” you manage to breathe out.
“y/n you know I will force these pills down your throat.”
“mmmmm, leave me alone.” You lazily turn your body over to face the window. Your body shivering as you nuzzle further into the duvet.
“Not happening,” He walks to the other side of the bed and sits on the edge, just staring down at you. “Please take your meds, for me?”
“Mm mm”” you shake your head, your hair sticking to your forehead as more sweat builds up.
Jungkook looks at you with a soft smile, his hand reaching out to feel your forehead. His eyes widen as he feels how much you are burning up.
“Fuck…you’re hot.”
You crack open your eyes to look at Jungkook, “Thanks, you’re hot too.” You wink. Like a fucking sleaze. Your drowsy state feeling intoxicating as you lay here in your bed.
Jungkook chuckles to himself before turning serious again, “If you take some fever reducer I will do whatever you want today.”
You let his words marinate as you lay here, lifeless. “Anything?” you say, peering up at him.
His soft smile grows as his fingers find their way in your messy, sweaty hair.
“Go buy me chicken noodle soup.” You whisper. “The kind you use to always buy me.”
Jungkook’s brows climb up his forehead as he looks at you amused.
“You think I came empty handed? Like, I didn’t already bring it?” he smirks, standing to his feet. “I’ll go warm it up, and you promise you will take your meds?”
“Pinky promise.” You weakly lift up your hand to bring your pinky to his and he gladly accepts it.
Of course Jungkook brought the soup. He’s Jungkook and you’re y/n. He is always taking care of you and you want to melt. Well, with how high this fever is you actually might.
“Hey Jungkook?” you struggle to turn over to face the bedroom door, “Thanks for coming.” Your dopey smile doing things to his heart. He looks at you with a soft, almost sad smile before he’s making his way to the kitchen.
Jungkook doesn’t want to admit how fast he rushed here to your place, but it was fucking fast. All Jimin sent was a simple “y/n’s sick.” text and he was already calling the deli where he got the soup from, placing a quick order for 2 and gathering his stuff to make his way over.
He is used to being in charge of you when you’re sick because you are stubborn as hell and he actually has the patience. But he has barely talked to you since the night of the get together, aka the night he became weak and almost kissed you—and if it weren’t for Jimin, he is sure he would have.
Jungkook stands at the stove as he heats up a portion of the chicken soup, he stares off into space as the surface begins to bubble. He exhales deeply, taking the pot off the stove and pouring the contents into a bowl for you. The soup is hot, but you probably need the heat to help ease the congestion.
Jungkook walks back into your room, the bowl in his hands with a towel wrapped around it. You wish you could smell the soup but you’re so blocked up that you don’t even notice it.
“Here, try to sit up.” He sets the bowl down on your nightstand. He goes to help you sit up from your spot in bed, his strong arms pulling you up and you gasp when you’re finally upright. Fuck. You become so lightheaded and dizzy that you hold on to his forearm for support and he lets you. He gives you a moment to adjust to your new position before he’s reaching for the soup.
“It’s hot, so be careful.” He warns softly.
He waits for you to grab the bowl but you just continue to stare at him with tired eyes.
“Wow, do I have to do everything?” he jokes, “Even feed you?”
You nod your head slowly in approval, “Yes, feed me.”
“Such a brat. You’re definitely taking all your meds after this, okay?”
Jungkook sets the bowl on the edge of the bed, holding it with one hand carefully and his other hand scoops up the broth with a spoon. He brings the spoon to your mouth and nudges it between your lips.
“Open.” He demands.
Your half lidded eyes stare up at his large ones, your chest slightly heaving from trying to breathe. You never break contact as you part your lips for him, letting him pour the spoons contents down your throat.
“Good girl.” He whispers, setting the spoon back down in the bowl. “Taste good?”
You swallow the liquid and open your mouth to speak ,”Can’t taste anything…” you murmur.
Jungkook smiles down at you, “That’s a shame because,” he takes a mouthful of soup in his mouth, “It’s fucking delicious.”
“Hey! You’ll get sick!”
“I never get sick from you, remember?”
You lay your head back on your headboard, closing your eyes as the NyQuil begins to make its second attempt with you.
“So sleepy but so cold.”
“You need to eat more baby.” Jungkook gathers vegetables and a piece of chicken this time in the spoon, he brings the spoon to your lips and you open wide for him, eating what he feeds you gratefully.
This goes on for several minutes until you can’t stomach anymore food, you slide back down into your sheets, feeling miserable all over again.
“Hey, time for yours meds.” Jungkook says sternly, he shakes the pill bottle to remind you of your deal.
“Fine,” you reply weakly, you try to sit back up enough to swallow down some pills and water.
Once you gulp it down, Jungkook stares at you with a satisfied smile.
“Cold?” he asks.
You feel the bed dip beside you and before you can react you feel two strong, warm arms engulf you in a hug.
“Jungkook, what are you doing?” you slur into his chest, sleep trying its hardest to take you away.
“Just rest, y/n.” he hugs you tighter. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
Jungkook feels his heart crack when you doubt his promises now, he feels himself sink into depression as he recalls what he did to you.
The past 3 months have been crazy and weird without you. He’s missed you every day. The first few weeks he spent it in isolation. He felt like he was lost and lonely and like he didn’t deserve anyone’s love or affection. Then he decided in order for him to move on he needs to put some serious distance between the two of you…hence, why he moved out.
He knows it was sudden and fucked up but he had to…Or else he would be stuck in his lonely unrequited love forever.
Your last night with him before he disappeared he even got his hopes up…that maybe you could feel the same, but he had to be realistic. You were in such a weird state, you just needed comfort. And he hates that he was second choice.
He thought on this for a couple months, his mind overflowing with thoughts and cruel ideas. He was beginning to spiral until he met…Vanessa.
Vanessa was just looking to get laid, just like him. They met through tinder, hooking up after matching the first night. But the sex was so good they both agreed to do it again.
One night, they got so shit faced they both ended up venting about the one who makes life better yet harder. For her, it was her ex of 4 years and for him, it was you.
They confided in one another, feeling free telling someone their deepest romantic desires and they just clicked. Forming a solid friendship while also fucking.
Jungkook is grateful for Vanessa because for the first time in 3 years he connected with someone who isn’t you. Vanessa is a smart, sexy girl. And Jungkook isn’t blind to see that, so they made a deal. They would use each other to get over the ones they really love. And he thinks it could of almost worked until he saw you at that party. You were wearing the same black mini skirt that he fucked you in for the first (and only) time. You looked better than he’s ever seen you.
Somehow this made Jungkook feel even more depressed. So you are better off without him, he thinks.
Jungkook is lost in his thoughts when he feels you stir…you briefly open your eyes and tilt your head to look up at him, you blink lazily with a dopey smile.
“love you.” You yawn out, closing your eyes once again, drifting back off into dream world.
Jungkook’s heart stops. Your words ringing in his ears as he tries to stay calm.
He knows you mean it platonically but he still can’t help what it does to his weak heart. He is crazy for you, even with everything that’s happened he still loves you. You and you only. It’s always you.
Jungkook plays with your hair and chuckles lightly as he hears you struggling to breathe properly due to your nose being plugged up. How can he continue to see Vanessa when he has you? Jungkook’s smile drops all together when he realizes that would put him back at square 1.
It’s almost midnight when you wake, your body feels stiff from how much shivering you endured. You try to get up when you realize Jungkook’s body is wrapped strongly around your own, his light snores filling up the room.
You look at him carefully, his hair falling into his eyes as he moans lightly every time he moves around slightly. He’s so cute, you think. You’ve always thought Jungkook was cute but right now there’s something so endearing about him it makes you want to peck his lips softly.
Wait, what? You want to what? That’s not allowed!
The next morning comes quickly, you lay awake in Jungkook’s arms wondering if it’s okay to stay like this all day. You admittingly feel much better compared to yesterday, breathing is much easier and your head isn’t throbbing. You feel a fondness swell in your chest as you stare at Jungkook’s soft, sleeping face and it makes you feel weird all of the sudden.
You’ve always felt this way about Jungkook, right? Wait, what way? What are you saying? Or at least, trying to say? You know though, you know what you are trying to say…it’s the same thing you’ve been trying to say since freshmen year. But saying it out loud is just different.
Confusion on how to feel clouds your mind as you stare at him, his breaths are light and airy and you feel so warm and safe in his embrace. He slightly shifts, his hips bumping into yours, lightly grinding into you. Your eyes widen as you feel his hard member bumping into your thigh and it’s not like you haven’t felt it before while the two of you slept but still, it surprises you each time.
Feeling his length twitching on your thigh is creating trouble for you, you hate that such a small act is getting you all hot. You try to scoot away but he only pulls you closer on instinct. He brings you so close that his warm breath fans over your right cheek and you want to force yourself to sleep more so you aren’t hyper aware of his dick.
“Jungkook…” you mumble, trying to free yourself from his grasp but you fail miserably.
His arms are circled around your hips and he digs his fingers into your exposed flesh from how your shirt is riding up.
“Baby…” he groans out, his hips grinding into your thigh again. His eyes are screwed shut, like he is still stuck in his dreams.
You lay here frozen, he’s called you baby a million times but this is different. He’s only ever called you baby in that tone when you two…you slam your eyes shut, trying to rid yourself of the memories.
“Jungkook, time to wake up.” You wiggle in his arms but your thigh only rubs on his dick more. He releases quiet whimpers against your ear, his lips parting in pleasure.
“Mmm…” he pants out, his hips thrusts against your thigh again.
Was it bad luck to interrupt someone’s dream? Or is this just an excuse to have him rutting against you?
“Jungkook…” your voice comes out shaky as you turn your body to face him, he groans in his sleep once more.
You’re afraid he’s going to say it. Her name. Vanessa. That’s the last thing you would want to hear…it would probably ruin your whole day so you need to wake him up.
“Jungkook….” You sound more breathy than intended. You need him to wake up so you can stop thinking about his length rubbing up on you. You flush as you feel your panties start to dampen, this cannot be happening. Why did Jungkook have to have this sort of reaction out of you?
“Mmm…” Jungkook whines quietly as he ruts himself harder onto you. His cock up against your lower belly, you start to imagine him without his black sweats on, you start to imagine him without his shirt. You hesitate to reach your hand against his hard chest, you breathe out heavily as you begin to drag your fingers down until you reach just the top of his waistband. Your eyes follow your fingers until you spot his hard erection through his sweats and you breathe erratically.
“What are you doing?” Jungkook’s husky voice interrupts your horny daze. Your eyes expand in size as you realize your position. Your eyes trail up his chest until you meet his gaze, his pupils blown out.
“Where do your hands think they’re going?”
“No—nowhere.” You stare up at him, gulping. You can’t do this with him, you are finally getting your friendship back but what is with all this tension?
Jungkook releases his hold on you, moving to his back. His arms fold underneath his head as he stares up at the ceiling.
“What were you—were you dreaming about?” your hand innocently finds its way back on his chest, resting over his beating heart.
“Uh…” Jungkook turns 3 shades of red, “I don’t remember.” His blush deepens.
“I feel like you’re lying.”
“Why would I ever lie to you?” Jungkook chuckles.
Your eyes trail down his body and you see his length still struggling with a probably painful erection.
“You have a problem?” you gesture towards his crotch.
Jungkook exhales a heavy breath, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. “Jesus Christ, y/n.”
“what?” you feign innocence.
“Do you really have to point out everything?”
“Only things that are super obvious.”
“You can go take care of it in the bathroom?” you kindly offer, causing him to scoff.
“I’m good.”
“I guess Vanessa usually takes care of these things, huh?”
Jungkook groans out, frustration written all over his face. He hates the mention of Vanessa especially when he was just dreaming about you. He feels wrong. They aren’t officially in a relationship but somehow it feels like cheating.
“Can we not talk about her?” Jungkook doesn’t want to be reminded of the shitty situations he’s in.
“What do you want to talk about?”
“Are you feeling better?” he asks softly, he moves his body to lay on his side to face you.
“Much.” You smile, “Thanks again.”
“Ready for some more chicken soup?”
A few hours pass, you figured Jungkook would have left by now but he sits on your couch next to you while the two of you watch some new anime. He laughs every now and then at the ridiculous characters and you feel warm inside. It almost feels like how things were before, when he still lived with you.
“Yeah, it does.” He says, still facing the screen.
“You said it feels like we still live together.” He points out.
Shit, you said that out loud.
Jungkook bows his head, “I am…sorry that I moved out.”
“Move back in.”
“You know I can’t do that…plus, you have Holly now.” Jungkook sits back against the sofa, “Can’t just kick her out.” He snickers.
“Just move in my room with me.” You say half joking. But also, you know, half serious.
“Ha ha y/n.”
“What? You don’t like sleeping with me?” you tease. “Speaking of…you can stay as long as you want…”
“I…I have plans tonight, actually.” Jungkook stiffens in his spot. He pulls his phone out from his pocket, “actually, I should get going soon.” He regrets saying.
“Oh, okay.”
It’s almost 7pm and Jungkook looks himself over in the mirror. He’s got tight, ripped jeans and a dark blue shirt tucked in, his hair is wavy against his forehead. He knows he looks good but he can’t find himself to be happy about it.
He has a date with Vanessa tonight…
Vanessa 7:04pm
Hey babe, I’m ready when you are<3
Jungkook 7:05pm
Okay, I am on my way :)
The ride over to Vanessa’s place takes about 20 minutes, he uses this time to listen to the radio and think. He asked Vanessa earlier this week on a date for both of their days off.
When he arrives to her apartment, he sends her a text that he’s here.
Vanessa walks out wearing a cute, yellow sundress. Her hair freshly trimmed and sporting bangs.
“Hi handsome.” She says as she steps inside Jungkook’s car. She leans over to place a kiss on Jungkook’s lips and as she begins to pull away he pulls her back in, his lips chasing hers for a more heated kiss.
“Hi.” He finally says, out of breath.
“What was that for?” she smirks, her skinny fingers digging into her purse to pull out her phone.
“Let me guess,” she begins scrolling through it mindlessly, “You’re desperate to get y/n out of your head?” She stops scrolling to glance his way, “Need me?”
“It’s not like that…” Jungkook groans.
“Oh? Isn’t it though?” her coy smile spreads across her face. “But you need me to forget, right?” she tilts her head to the side, “That’s what we’re here for, Jungkook. We use each other.”
Jungkook drags a hand down his face, “But we are trying aren’t we? To make this work?” he sounds and looks tired, that Vanessa almost feels bad.
“We can make it work later, right now you need me.” She crawls on to Jungkook’s lap, she hikes up her dress around her waist and swivels her hips over his crotch, “Don’t you?”
“Vanessa…” he chokes out. Men are so weak, she thinks.
Her hands go to unbutton his jeans and pull out his half hard cock, she gently strokes it over and over until he is fully hard in her hand.
“Fuck,” he exhales deeply, the feeling of her tiny cold hand doing incredible things to his dick.
Vanessa slides her panties to the side and rubs his dick against her wet folds, covering his dick with her juices until she lines it up with her entrance. She releases a smooth breath as she begins to sink down on his hard cock, Jungkook gasps out of the warm feeling her tight cunt provides.
“You need me, don’t you?” her voice is smooth as silk. “But you won’t ever love me.” Vanessa rises from his cock and slams back down, repeating the motion over and over until Jungkook is panting out sweet words that mean nothing.
“You wish it was her, don’t you?” her sinister smile growing on her face, “Wish this perfect pussy was y/n’s.”
At the mention of you, Jungkook loses all composure while his dick throbs, begging for release.
“Fuck...” he whines out, his eyes screwing shut in pleasure, “y/n.”
“That’s right….” Vanessa’s wicked grin takes up her whole face now, “Fuck me like I am her.”
Jungkook shamelessly moans out your name over and over, his hips meeting hers in desperate thrusts. His eyes remain closed as he fucks into Vanessa’s cunt, only wishing and imagining it was you.
“Fuuuuck” he groans out, his fingers finding Vanessa’s clit and he rubs tight, focused circles.
Vanessa whines out, loving the feeling of his cock, his fingers and the mention of your name. it was all fucked up and nothing turned her on more.
She quickly comes undone as Jungkook continues to thrust from below, his precision becoming sloppy.
“y/n…” he grunts out with one final thrust as he comes inside Vanessa.
He keeps his eyes shut as he comes down from his high, the feeling insane.
Vanessa smirks down at him, slipping his softening cock out of her. She crawls back over to the passenger side of the car and buckles her seatbelt.
“Ready for our date.” She smiles, she digs through her purse to fetch her phone and it tapping away on it.
“Fuck…” Jungkook finally opens his eyes, realizing what the fuck he’s just done. “Vanessa…”
“It’s okay.” She says nonchalantly. “I was into it.”
“Because I think of him every time you’ve made me come.” She peeks over her phone, her eyes shining. “So we’re even.”
“She lives!” You hear Adam sing as you walk into the bakery.
You look and feel much better! Totally revived from the fucking dead. You smile at your coworker and do a twirl and a curtsey just for show.
“I live!” you copy while smiling as you continue to do a few more curtseys.
Jade and Lenny walk out from the back and applaud you, you laugh at their action.
“Your oatmeal raisin guy has been in every day since you’ve been out to see if you’re okay.” Lenny brings up with a knowing smile, “Or should I call him your hero? Your savior?” he grins, stuffing his face with a sugar cookie.
“Oh shush, let’s just call him…” you begin to blush, “Yoongi.”
“Yoongi, huh?” Jade playfully elbows Adam’s side, “We’re calling him ‘Yoongi’ now!” she and Adam laugh, their teasing going straight to your head.
Yoongi is your usual customer—yes. But he’s also your…what did Lenny say? Your hero? Your savior? You cringe just thinking about it! But you cannot help but grin.
The work day goes on, you have your usual easy customers, your usual stubborn customers but no sign of Yoongi yet. He usually comes on what you are assuming is his lunch break, he must work nearby but it’s already almost closing time and he hasn’t made an appearance…not that you were looking forward to it or anything…it’s just you want to say thank you, you know, for catching you when you almost fucking fainted. A simple thank you!
You’re chillin in the back, swiping through your phone when the bell goes off at the front. Jade is the first to head towards the counter when after a moment or two she’s calling out your name. He must be here, you think. You smooth out your apron and look at your reflection from your phone screen—wait, why does it even matter? You begin walking towards the front to see Yoongi standing there with a worried expression on his face but once he sees you he smiles softly.
“You’re here.” He says.
You raise a hand, “Yup, I’m here.” You laugh, “Listen, I wanted to—”
“Are you feeling better?” he looks between you and Jade and she nods her head and walks back to the back.
Yoongi sighs in relief, then smirks at you.
“Then I’ll have my usual.”
You stare at him before your smile is growing on your face, you can’t believe the nerve of this guy. You like it though, you have to admit.
Yoongi looks pleasantly surprised as he nods his head in satisfaction. You walk to the back and get him his two cookies, you bring them to him as he takes the bag from you, you put it in his order on the screen.
“Also…” you say, looking up from the screen “I really want to say thanks.”
“For?” Yoongi stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
“For helping me that day…I wanted to like, uh…”
“Wanted to like, uh…what?”
“I was wondering if I could treat you to like an ice cream or something…” you sway side to side, feeling a bit awkward.
“Are you asking me out?” Yoongi blurts out and you feel flustered as fuck, all the heat rushing to your cheeks.
“W-What? N-No—”
“Because if you are,” Yoongi takes one hand out of his pocket with his phone in his grasp, “Then I would say yes.” He slides his phone over the counter. “Number.”
You must be red as a cherry, or a tomato, or like a fire truck or whatever the fuck else is super red. You look at him and gasp, your hand coming to your mouth and you can’t help but lightly chuckle.
“Fine, I’ll give you my number…but this is just a thank you outing.” You wink, taking the phone and putting your number in.
“Sure, whatever you want to tell yourself darling.” Yoongi takes his phone from you and puts it back into his jacket pocket.
“I’m free this weekend.” He sways back and forth on his heels and he laughs a bit before saying ‘Ah’ and taking out $4 and hands it to you.
“For the cookies.”
“You’re not going to inspect them?” you put the money in the register.
“I’m deciding to trust you today.”
You smile again, a real smile. Yoongi smiles back and he’s about to say something when the chime of the bell goes off and a woman and her kids make their way inside the store.
“I’ll text you.” He says before he’s turning around and heading out the door.
“A DATE?!” Trina and Holly yell in unison. You just told them about ice cream with Yoongi and their excitement is very evident.
“It’s not a date guys. God, how many times do I have to tell you?” you whine into the cookie you’re eating.
“It’s a thank you outing!”
“Thank you outing my ass.” Jimin frowns, “Why are you going on a date? What about Jungkook?”
You scoff, “What about him? We’re just friends, Jimin.” You defend.
“If you just come clean about every—”
“No. What good would that do?” you bite on your bottom lip, “So I can feel the lovely pain of getting rejected? He literally has a girlfriend.”
“Yeah, don’t even get me started on that shit.” Jimin complains, he takes one of the cookies from the box on the middle of the table and starts nibbling on the treat.
“But who even is this Min Yoongi guy? Is he cute?”
“Super…” you admit through a soft breath.
What? He is. He may have started out as your annoying customer but you kind of always thought he was cute.
“It’s just ice cream, you know?”
“Is it just ice cream though?” Holly intervenes, stuffing her own face with a cookie, totally ignoring the new fad diet she’s on.
“Yeah, this sounds like a good opportunity y/n.” Trina grins.
“A good opportunity?”
Jimin looks at Trina incredulously, “A good opportunity? Really Trina? Just say you hate Jungkook and move on.”
“Okay, I hate Jungkook.” She states without a problem and you frown…you don’t want her to hate him. Yeah, he hurt you but he’s…he’s not a bad guy.
“Stop guys…” you finally say, putting your half eaten cookie down. You…this isn’t a date! This isn’t a date! This isn’t a date! But…would if it is?
“Aren’t you ready to move on y/n?” Trina looks at you seriously, her hard expression almost scaring you.
“She doesn’t have to answer that,” Jimin cuts in, “Because whatever she decides we’re on her side…right, Trina?” Jimin gives Trina a cold stare, a bite in his voice.
“Okay guys, yes let’s all just support y/n…” Holly tries saving the tension in the room.
You…tried this before already. You tried using someone to distract yourself from Jungkook, you don’t plan on using innocent Yoongi to do that again.
“It’s just a thank you outing…” you mumble, the words hard to understand by your friends. “Just saying thank you…” you bow your head, feeling sad all of the sudden.
This won’t be a repeat, will it? Taehyung number 2? You don’t think Yoongi has any ulterior motives, no not that. But do you?
“Yeah. It’s not a date.”
Jimin clasps his hands together, “Then it’s settled! Let’s change the subject.” He looks between you and Trina and Holly.
“Agreed.” Trina and Holly say at the same time, you only nod your head.
It’s a nice Saturday evening, the breeze blows through you just right making you feel so alive. The sun is setting, giving the sky a gorgeous orange glow and you fall in love with the sight.
“How many more pictures are you going to take of the sky?” Yoongi chuckles, he walks close beside you making sure you don’t run into to like, any poles as you distractedly take photos of the beautiful sky.
“One more, one more!” you snap one last photo on your phone and slide it in your back pocket, “I have a collection of sky pictures!” you say with pride.
“I believe you.” He takes out his own phone and captures a picture of the sky too. “So we can look at the same sky.” He mumbles somewhat timidly.
You tilt your head and smile at him. You two met outside the bakery this evening so you could walk to the ice cream shop just a block away, he walks on the side next to the street while you occupy the spot walking next to all the shops.
“You know I work right around here but never been to this ice cream place you mention before.”
“Really? Where do you work?”
“The record store.”
“Ah, really? I’ve never been in.” you slow down to admire the plants outside the floral shop.
“You should come by, I think the owner would be cool with it.” He smirks.
You observe his sly smile and you wonder…
“If you say some shit like ‘It’s because I’m the owner’….” You begin, you see his sly smile grow even wider. “Oh my god, you are!”
Yoongi laughs out loud, nodding his head.
“It’s a pretty small store, but all mine.” He smiles fondly thinking over his store. “I’m serious, come check it out sometime. I mean, you like music right?”
“Am I a human being? Of course I like music!”
You both laugh while approaching the shop. Once inside, you notice how busy it is and you become afraid you two won’t find a spot to sit.
“Here, tell me what you want and I’ll go order while you find us a spot to sit, hm?” Yoongi offers, as if reading your mind.
“Oh. Okay, yeah. Sounds good.”
After circling the place for several minutes you notice a couple that was sitting at a table by the window leave so you rush to occupy the spot. You grab a napkin and wipe down the table before sitting down, you pull out your phone and scroll through social media while waiting for Yoongi to come with your ice creams.
After waiting for quite some time, Yoongi finally shows up with two ice cream cones of different flavors.
“Here.” He gives you a small smile while handing you your cone as he takes a seat across from you.
“Long line.” He gestures towards the line and smiles again.
You really like his smile, he looks genuinely happy when he does.
“You know, you kind of intimidated me at first…” you admit softly, your own smiling joining the club.
“But you seem quite soft.” You laugh, licking your ice cream.
“I get that a lot…” Yoongi groans, he looks down at the table before looking back up at you,
“I’m just kind of shy at first.”
“Shy my ass!” you lick more of your treat, “You weren’t shy complaining about the cookies I choose for you!”
Yoongi blushes at this, his laughter timid.
“The cookies you choose are fine.” He finally says, “Just had a lot of fun messing with you.” He looks up and smirks. “So,” Yoongi begins licking his ice cream again, “What do you do? Or is the bakery it?”
You internally groan. You hate this question. You have a marketing degree yet you work selling cookies.
“Uh, for now, yeah.”
“Why just for now?”
“I have a degree in marketing but…”
“Oh? Your passion lies in marketing then?” he continues to kitten lick his ice cream.
You don’t mean to scoff, but you do. You fucking do.
“Ha, passion.” You chuckle bitterly, “I hate that word.”
Yoongi raises his brows in curiosity, “Why’s that?”
“I don’t think I…” you struggle to find your words, the topic making you antsy.
“You don’t think you have a passion? Is that it?” Yoongi hits bulls fucking eye. You sigh out, finishing up your ice cream and take a bite of your cone.
“I know, that seems impossible right? Everyone has—”
“It’s okay.” He states plainly, finishing up his own ice cream. “Having a passion…a dream…you don’t have to have something like that to live a good life. Even just surviving the day is the dream.” He looks into your eyes and he shows that gummy smile you are learning to enjoy so much.
His words…you don’t really realize the impact they are leaving on you, his beautiful and wise words are exactly what you need to hear.
Yoongi continues,
“I thought I had big dreams but in the end my dream was small, it was simple. I just want to live happily. Maybe it’s the same for you, I don’t know though. I’m only now getting to know you.” His shy tone makes you feel weak.
“No, no. I think you’re right.” You admit between soft breaths. “I only pursued marketing because I knew I could find a job in the field not because I like it…I am failing miserably in interviews. All my friends are going on doing what they love and I’m just…here.”
Yoongi looks amused for a second before his soft smile returns,
“Isn’t being here enough?” he asks.
Is it? You think to yourself, is it really?
“Are you happy y/n?”
Woah, that’s a loaded question. You chew on your lips instinctively, deciding how you should answer this—if you should answer this.
“Life is a bit complicated right now.” You laugh awkwardly.
Yoongi laughs too, he nods his head in understanding.
“Even with complications, you can still find moments where you’re happy, right?”
You feel yourself becoming drawn to Yoongi’s wise and understanding nature, his words creating a warmth in you. You feel like you’re actually making a friend.
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“You just gotta find the small things in life to be grateful for and eventually each small moment will add up and create big moments of happiness for you.” Yoongi smiles then stands to his feet and heads towards the trashcan to throw your trash away. While he’s gone for the few seconds he’s away, you sit back in your chair and think.
What’s complicated in your life right now? Well, you can’t find a fucking job to save your life, you’re afraid you wasted four years of college on the wrong degree—but what’s the right degree? You and Jungkook are the definition of the word ‘complicated’ and you’re afraid you’ll be stuck in unrequited love forever. But you have good friends, you like your coworkers and your job for the most part, you live in a good apartment, your parents call you regularly, you found a lady bug on a flower this morning, the list goes on!
Yoongi sits back down and folds his hands in front of him, he looks up at you with expectant eyes.
“Well, what?”
“Tell me more about you.”
You’re about to say something when realization hits you,
“How much were the ice creams?! They’re my treat, remember?” you quickly unzip your purse and pull out your wallet, fully ready to hand him some cash when he’s shaking his hands in front of him, denying you.
“No no, it’s okay, really.” Yoongi ushers you to put your wallet away, his smile brightens and you find yourself slumping in your chair in defeat.
“Fine.” You huff out dramatically.
“You can pay next time.” He looks down at his hands as he smiles to himself.
“Oh? There’s a next time?”
“Yeah, hanging out with you is fun y/n. I don’t want to just see you when I buy cookies...coming to see you is getting expensive.” He laughs into his shoulder.
“I just think you really have a cookie addiction.”
“Something like that.” He looks into your eyes for a moment before tearing them away to look back down at his hands. “Do you have any siblings?”
“Nope. But I have a lot of cousins, so it almost feels like I didn’t grow up lonely.”
“Your parents didn’t want to have any more kids?” Yoongi pries further.
“Actually, they weren’t supposed to have kids at all. I was there miracle baby, as they call it.” You laugh into your hands, “It feels ridiculous saying that out loud myself.” You laugh some more.
“Miracle baby, huh?” Yoongi teases. “Are your parents still together?”
“Hm? Oh yeah, they are.”
You parents are in a great, functioning relationship so why is it so hard for you to get into one?! “Are yours?”
“Nah, divorced.” Yoongi says with no bitter tone in his voice.
“Oh. I’m so—”
“Nah, it was for the best. Nothing dramatic happened they just weren’t meant to be.” He smiles at you and you nod your head.
You’re about to speak up again when you feel someone’s hand grip your shoulder and your name being called out. You know this voice. No, it can’t be. Jungkook.
“y/n?” He looks at you with confused eyes as he looks between you and Yoongi.
Jungkook is standing here next to your fucking table with his fucking girlfriend who is not his girlfriend, fucking Vanessa. She looks at you with a bored expression and tilts her head to the side.
“Hey.” He smiles at you but then looks at Yoongi again, “Uh, hey man. I’m Jungkook.”
Yoongi watches as you sit here with your mouth wide open, but he’s quick to shake his head and look up at Jungkook and introduce himself.
Vanessa doesn’t waste her time in greeting anyone, she just taps her skinny little fingers on the table and whines into Jungkook’s ear about hurrying up.
“You guys wanna sit with us? There’s like no other tables.” You cannot believe your own ears as you offer that to them. Vanessa visibly frowns and rolls her to the side as Jungkook reacts just the opposite.
“Really?” his bunny grin taking over his whole face. You nod your head and gesture for him to go order his ice cream. He takes Vanessa’s hand and they head towards the line.
“Sorry for inviting them…I didn’t think.” You admit softly to Yoongi but he doesn’t seem mad. Not at all.
“A close friend of yours, I’m assuming?”
“Very.” You place some loose strands of hair behind your ear, you awkwardly laugh and begin pulling at the ends of your hairs. A nervous tick of yours, for sure.
“I see.” Yoongi smiles that fucking smile, like everything is okay. But is it? You don’t want to be in the same fucking room as Vanessa. But you’re giving her a chance for Jungkook’s sake.
“We aren’t really going to sit with them are we?” Vanessa’s smooth voice fills Jungkook’s ears as they wait in line.
“Why not? Plus she’s right, there’s like, no other tables.” Jungkook tries to reason.
“Why not? You cannot be ser—” she tilts her head, blinking at him, “Oh? You are? Also, you’re not worried about who this guy is? My Jungkookie isn’t feeling jealous is he?”
“Vanessa stop. It’s probably a friend from work or something.” He says nonchalantly.
“Maybe it’s a date.” Her silky voice annoying him.
“If it was a date why would she invite us?” he tries to reason again.
Vanessa tilts her head again and puts a finger to her lip, “Maybe she wants a foursome?”
“Stop.” Jungkook warns.
“I’m just trying to help you.”
You move to the other side of the table and sit next to Yoongi, you two bumping shoulders and you feel like a third grader with how giddy the action is making you.
“We’re here!” Jungkook announces excitedly. He lets Vanessa sit first and then he’s pulling out his own chair to sit in, right across from you.
“So Yoongi, how do you know our y/n?” Jungkook grins with all his teeth.
“He’s a customer at work—”
“Yeah, I like to go to her bakery.”
Jungkook raises a brow, “Yeah the treats are good I guess.”
“Well, I don’t just go for the cookies.” Yoongi says, looking in your direction.
“Oh?” Jungkook sets his cup of ice cream down, “Oh.” He says again once realization hits him.
Vanessa glances up from her phone and smiles a smile that is void of all emotion at you and Yoongi, she sets the phone down and claps her hands softly a few times.
“So this is a date.”
You snap your head towards Yoongi with a shocked eyes. Did he just say this is a date? Then he’s smiling at you with apologetic eyes.
“I mean, I would like it to be.”
Your head immediately faces forward to see Jungkook’s reaction. He looks as shocked and confused as you, you begin shaking your head.
“Uh…um…” you say, your eyes still on Jungkook. He looks between you and Yoongi then he frowns. Fucking frowns!
“We can discuss that later.” You finally say, laughing awkwardly. Jungkook turns towards Vanessa and glares at her, fucking glares.
“What?” She mouths innocently, going back to her phone.
“Anyway,” you try to break the awkward tension, “I think me and Yoongi are going to head out actually.”
“We just sat down?” Jungkook looks at you with his big, stupid doe eyes and you almost want to stay but you know what’s for the best.
“I’ll walk you back to the store?” Yoongi asks from beside you.
You nod your head in agreeance, standing to your feet while Yoongi follows. Jungkook stands up too, not ready for you to leave.
“I’ll see you later?” Jungkook asks with pleading eyes.
You hesitate for a moment but end up nodding your head in approval.
“Uh, bye Vanessa.” You force out, your voice a little loud as you bid your farewells to her.
Vanessa continues tapping on her phone but uses one hand to wave you off.
This fucking bitch. What does Jungkook see in her? You just don’t see the appeal? Yeah, she’s gorgeous. But is that all I takes for Jungkook?
“Yeah, okay.” You roll your eyes and Jungkook looks at you sympathetically. He will scold Vanessa later.
You and Yoongi take it slow walking back to the bakery. You two walking idly, and stopping by other shops just for the fun of it.
“About what I said earlier…I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” Yoongi is messing with a scarf on the mannequin inside this little boutique.
“You didn’t. I was just…surprised is all.”
“Is Jungkook like, your ex-boyfriend or something?” Yoongi doesn’t waste any time apparently. “Because you guys seem to have some history.” How can he tell you have history?!
“Sorry, I’m just a really observant person.” He chuckles.
“Um, no but we were best friends but some things happened and…” you hesitate to continue, “And…”
“It’s okay. Life has complications remember? But there’s still happy moments. So, tell me what’s not complicated about you two?”
“I love him.” you blurt out. “Wait, wait. I mean. Fuck. I mean—”
“That’s normal. He was your best friend, right?”
You sigh out in relief, your deep exhale heard throughout the whole shop.
“Are you still best friends?”
“That’s the complicated part.” You breathe out, “But does he still mean the most to me? Yeah.”
“I see.” Yoongi takes the scarf and wraps it around your neck, “I had someone like that too.” He smiles. “But I was in love with them.”
You choke on your spit, what is Yoongi…is he…does he know?
“Oh.” You decide to laugh, “But that’s not the case with me and Jungkook.”
“Never said it was.” He inspects the scarf around your neck, “You should get this,” he motions towards the scarf, “It looks good on you.”
“It’s summer time!” you laugh, “But thanks.” Your phone starts buzzing, you pull it from your back pocket to get a look at it.
Jungkook 7:42pm
Jungkook 7:42pm
Wanna come over later? Nick isn’t home
Jungkook 7:42pm
I know you said no solo hang outs but I thought I would give it a shot
Does this mean he’s ending his night early with Vanessa? If so, you may throw the whole rule away about no solo hang outs. You just cannot stand her. You don’t want to say you hate her but you do hate her attitude and honestly, overall personality.
You look over to Yoongi who is messing with the material of some cardigan, and you almost feel bad if you decide to ditch him. But your night was ending anyway, right?
y/n 7:45pm
hmm, sure. I’ll be over at 9, does that work?
Jungkook 7:45pm
You slide your phone back into your pocket and head towards Yoongi and his new cardigan that you are assuming he is buying consider how smitten he looks with it.
“It’s nice, right?” he says holding up the piece of clothing.
“Try it on!”
“Don’t forget to come by the record store sometime y/n, since you’re a human being who loves music.” Yoongi chuckles, he leans forward and you share a cute yet awkward hug.
“Bye Yoongi. I’ll def be by.”
You unlock your car and step inside, sitting down. Yoongi shuts the car door for you and smiles and waves you goodbye as he starts heading towards his own car.
Tonight was nice, weird, then nice again. You definitely won’t use Yoongi to distract yourself from Jungkook but you definitely feel like you made a friend. He gave you some words of wisdom and comfort, that you really needed to hear. You feel like Yoongi could become someone important in your life.
Jungkook 9:14pm
When will you be here?
y/n 9:15pm
be there in 15.
Jungkook steps out of the shower, his towel hanging dangerously low around his hips as he takes a look in his fogged up mirror.
“You can do this.” He tells himself, his teeth catching his bottom lip.
He can hang out with you like things are back to normal. He can hang out with you like you guys are still just best fucking friends. But he hasn’t seen you since you were sick, since you had your hand in a dangerous place. Since he dreamed of you while in bed with you.
He can be normal. Like he didn’t fuck Vanessa and moan out your name the entire time. He groans and cringes just remembering that. Vanessa assured him it was fine but that just makes him feel worse. He feels guilt ridden while she remains coy and sickingly sweet.
Apparently, Jungkook got lucky. But will it be this way with every girl he’s with from now on? That’s unacceptable.
Soft knocking can be heard from the front door and a chime from his phone goes off. You must be here, he thinks.
He doesn’t have time to dress so he decided to say fuck it and open the door this way, it’s not like you haven’t seen this view before…you lived together.
He approaches the door, taking a long, deep breath before he’s swinging it open and letting you in.
You’re wearing leggings and one of his t shirts, his chest tightens at the sight. Jungkook quickly apologizes for not being dressed and you nod your head slowly, taking in his more than half naked appearance.
You flush at the sight, his towel doing barely anything to cover the outline of his length, and shit, the towel is short on him…his monstrous thighs flexing underneath. Your mouth waters as you shamelessly eye him up and down.
“Yeah…” you choke out, “Probably should get dressed…”
You make yourself comfortable on the sofa in the living room, some random movie is on TV and you mindlessly watch.
“Sorry about that” Jungkook laughs. He walks to the sofa, sitting beside you but with enough space. “You got here sooner than I thought.”
“Well, I live pretty close.” You point out, your face angled towards him. “So what’s up?” “Nothing, I just wanted to see you.” Jungkook eyes light up, “Oh! I have wine!”
You nod approvingly, “Now we’re talkin’ baby.”
Jungkook rushes to the kitchen to find two wine glasses and fills them to the brim, he walks back to the sofa and hands you a glass.
“I know you said no one on one hang outs but thanks for coming.”
“I’ll make an exception this time” you wink, bringing the glass to your lips. You nod at one another as each of you take a generous gulp.
“Aaahhh, alcohol.” You say in unison. Then you look at one another and burst into a giggle.
“How were your plans?” you pry. You set the glass down between your thighs as you move your body to face him, giving him your full attention.
“Uh…” Jungkook doesn’t know what to say.
“It’s just…” the words die on his tongue. He sends them to the graveyard as he sits back on the sofa and shuts his pretty mouth.
“You guys didn’t have fun?” you pry further. You want to know, for some reason you want to know what him and Vanessa were up to.
“Did you guys like, hang out after the ice cream place?”
“Not really…we…kind of hung out but it was quick.” He says, rubbing the back of his neck.
“A quickie, huh?” you joke, but you wonder if that’s what it really was.
“y/n.” he warns, his hands go to massage his exposed thighs, his shorts doing little to cover all his muscles.
“I’d kill myself for a quickie, it’s been so long.” You decide to be honest, you’re trying to be like normal friends again.
Jungkook’s brows crease as he looks at you, “Don’t say stuff like that.”
“Right, sorry.” You pat his shoulder, “But really, it’s been forever.” You say again.
“Um, when was the last—”
Jungkook’s frown deepens, “When’s the last time you spoke to him?”
“Maybe a week ago? He sends me texts occasionally.”
“You talk to him?!” Jungkook howls out, his hands gripping his shorts.
“It’s more like he talks to me.” You chuckle. “What about you? When is the last time you talked to him?”
“About a day after you told me everything.” Jungkook’s eyes slide to the side, a look of guilt plastered on his face.
“You went and talked to him after?” the shock is evident in your voice.
“Something like that…” Jungkook scratches the top of his head, deciding if he should tell you the truth. He decides to be honest.
“I went over there to kick his ass.”
“Jungkook!” you blink at him repeatedly, until you’re snorting. “And how did that go?”
“Gave him a black eye.”
“And you?”
“Got a busted lip from it.” He admits, even though you can tell he didn’t want to say that last part.
“Fighting is never the answer.”
“He deserved it, y/n.”
“And did you deserve the busted lip?”
You weren’t expecting him to agree with that so quickly, you were just joking around. You realize Jungkook is probably still trying to forgive himself, like he once told you.
“Well, everything’s okay now right?”
“Is it y/n?” he doesn’t look at you. He only stares straight ahead.
“I am still so sorry…” Jungkook exhales deeply, his hand finds its way to yours.
You tangle your fingers through his, until they’re interlocked.
“I know, Jungkook.”
“I’m trying so hard to…” Jungkook faces you, his frown making you wince. “…make this right.”
“I know, Jungkook.”
“I’m trying to…” he chokes on his words, his breathing becoming slightly unsteady, “…work this out.”
“I’m trying.”
His palm in your hand becomes so sweaty and you almost want to detangle so you can wipe your hand on your yoga pants. But you keep holding on to his hand, his guilt very apparent to you right now.
You scoot closer to him until your knees are touching, you place yours and Jungkook’s hands in your lap.
“And we’re making it work, we’re taking it slow.”
“It almost feels like our friendship has started over y/n.” Jungkook’s voice cracks, “Like, I don’t remember how to be like we use to be…”
“I told you Jungkook, things probably wouldn’t be the same.” You squeeze his hand in yours, “But that’s okay. We…”
Jungkook looks at you with his doe eyes and you want to melt. You want to melt into a puddle on the floor.
“It may not be the same but could it be better this time around?” Jungkook asks with pleading eyes.
“I hope so baby.” Your other hand reaches forward and caresses Jungkook’s cheek and he leans into your touch, he breathes out, his breaths hitting your palm and you feel yourself getting hotter.
“You rarely call me baby.” Jungkook whispers. “Only time you really did is when we—”
“When we what, Jungkook?” you challenge, your hard stare making him shiver.
“I don’t have to say it.” He says. “Look, wanna get fucking wasted?”
You look at him for a few moments, just staring into his eyes before you crack a smile.
“I dare you to chug your entire glass of wine.” You point at the wine glass with your chin.
“Only if you chug yours.” Jungkook winks.
“Wow, aren’t we some classy bitches?” you joke.
You both clink your glasses together and begin chugging the wine back, the bitter flavor making you wanna puke but you handle it just fine.
“Phew, that was something” you say, trying not to throw up. “wow I am not young anymore, or what?”
“Yup, you’re an old lady. I chugged it like a champ.” Jungkook grins, setting his glass on the table in front of the couch.
“If we aren’t tipsy within the next 5 minutes I am punching someone.”
“I’m starting to wish Nick was home now, I don’t want to fall victim to your fists of fury.”
After several more glasses of wine has been drank, you find yourself snuggling close to Jungkook on the sofa.
“I thought you said no affection.” Jungkook slurs out, teasing you.
“Oh? Should I move away?”
Jungkook pulls you by the arm, making your body fall forward into his side. Closer and closer.
“Never.” Jungkook lays his head on top of yours. “Wanna go lay in bed? More comfortable.”
“Yes yes, sleep over.” You cheer drunkenly. Jungkook stands up and helps you to your feet as well. You fall forward into his arms and he has to half carry you to his room.
Jungkook has the same blue comforter on his bed and it brings you back to a million memories. You wonder how many times Vanessa has been tangled up in this blanket? You don’t even want to ask Jungkook if the sheets are clean…you don’t want to think about him with her.
“Come lay with me.” You slur out as you slip between the sheets. “I want to cuddle.”
“Coming, just gonna grab some water for us.”
“Kay” you respond lazily.
You look around Jungkook’s room, it looks exactly as his last room in the apartment you two shared. Somehow that makes you happy, like not much has changed.
“Okay, drink this.” Jungkook is nudging a glass of water between your lips but you refuse.
“Mm mm.” you shake your head.
“Be a good girl for me.” Jungkook says in a low voice, you blink up at him, opening your mouth to drink the water.
He sets the water down on the nightstand and sinks into bed with you, leaving the lamp on so there’s a nice, warm glow lighting up the room. You immediately snuggle close, your head nuzzling his chest.
“So…was that a date tonight?” Jungkook finds the drunken balls to ask you, finally.
“No.” you answer honestly. “But it could turn out that way.”
You don’t know why you say that. Maybe in hopes to make Jungkook jealous? But why would he be jealous?
“How so?”
“He’s a nice guy.”
“Pshh, I’ll be the judge of that.”
“He is, Jungkook.”
“So you give any nice guy a chance?” Jungkook slurs out. “I can be nice…” he says, barely above a whisper.
“Tell me 3 nice things then.” Your hand lays rest over his stomach, you rub circles on it and he sighs out.
“You’re…” Jungkook bites down on his bottom lip as he thinks, “Really beautiful.” He turns to lay on his side to face you. “Really smart.” His breaths are mingling with your own. “And really funny.”
“What generic answers.” You laugh. “But I’ll take them” you look up into his eyes, they’re dark and beautiful. “Should I compliment you too?” you ask, your drunk mind giving you confidence.
“Yes please.”
“You’re really, like really fun to be with.” Your fingers brush some of his hair out of his eyes, “You make me laugh a lot. And I think you’re really sexy.” You chuckle.
“Sexy?” he slurs out, licking his lips over and over as he watches you nod your head.
“Yeah.” Your hand goes back to his stomach, your fingers go under his shirt, brushing your fingers over his sensitive skin and he releases a long breath as he slowly closes his eyes.
“y/n…” Jungkook whines out quietly, his erratic breaths not going unnoticed by you.
“You like being touched by me?” you whisper.
You know you are both too drunk right now but you cannot help but continue.
Your fingers dip lower, caressing his lower belly, your touch so light he almost doesn’t feel it. But he does feel it. He feels it.
That same hand crawls up his chest and goes behind his head, gripping a handful of hair and slightly tugging his locks, Jungkook whimpers at the feeling.
Jungkook’s hips rut forward and you feel yourself getting hotter. Jungkook has his eyes screwed shut when you tug his hair again, this time pulling his head back to expose his throat.
Your other hand reaches up and with your pointer finger you drag it from his lips down his throat until you reach his collar bones then you slowly, very slowy drag that same finger down his chest and his toned stomach.
Jungkook tries to steady his breathing but he can’t. Your own breathing not much better. You decide to retreat both hands back to your sides when Jungkook’s eyes shoot open.
He looks down at you, his eyes dark and dreamy.
“You think you can just tease me like that?” Jungkook’s voice is the lowest you’ve heard it. “Huh, y/n?”
Your name slips past his lips in a low, seductive tone and you can’t help but squeeze your thighs together. You’re drunk, you keep reminding yourself. You should stop this. But—
“What are you going to do about it Jeon?”
Jungkook glares at you before he’s smirking, his hands circle around your waist and he pulls you into his body, your chest flush against his. You feel his hard length against your stomach and you swear right then and there you become undeniably wet.
Jungkook just stares at you, stares into your eyes, stares at your lips until he’s breathing so erratically. Your harsh breaths hit his skin and he leans forward until his forehead is touching yours. Your lips so close yet so far.
“We’re drunk.” He slurs out, but there is amusement in his voice.
“Drunk people do things they’re not supposed to all the time.” You tease.
Jungkook’s go from your waist to your hips real quick, he pulls them closer to his crotch. You feel how hard he is at your center and you want to moan out right then and there. The clothed contact feels so fucking good.
Jungkook desperately brings you in close, his lips connecting with yours. His mouth is warm and moving against yours messily and aggressively. You pause the kiss to moan but then dive right back in. He ruts his hips forward, you feel how desperate he is and you find yourself grinding your hips into his. The pleasure on a whole other level, his clothed cock rubbing against you so deliciously.
His tongue finds its way into your mouth, he plays with your tongue, tangling them together. You continue to moan out, your hands exploring the front of his body until you hand finds its way back into his hair. You know he loves to have his hair pulled, you do. You tug it gently at first, he disconnects his mouth from yours to groan out. Then you’re pulling it a little harder and he’s rutting against you faster. He guides your head to expose your neck to him and he begins sucking bruises, leaving his pretty art work behind.
“y/n.” your name gets dragged out between his teeth and you swear you become even wetter. You yank his head forward until his lips are on yours again, you kiss him over and over until he’s begging to be touched.
But you don’t touch him, no. You just continue to kiss him, like your life depends on it. Your lips move from his mouth to his neck, you suck on his skin as he whimpers out.
Jungkook’s hands grab a hold of your ass, grinding you closer into his crotch and you moan at the feeling. You never knew this much action with clothes on could feel so fucking good.
“Love this ass.” He massages your cheeks and gives them a light spank. You whisper his name over and over, your lips attacking his neck again. You two move desperately against one another, he finds your lips again and kisses you wet and sloppy and you couldn’t be more turned on.
And next thing you know the sun is making its way through his blinds and it’s morning. You’re dead asleep in Jungkook’s arms. The boy snoozing away as well. You two completely oblivious to last night’s adventures.
You begin to open your eyes, taking in your surroundings. That’s right, you’re in Jungkook’s room. You look all around the room until your eyes land on him. You smile softly until you see it. A purple bruise blooming on his neck…several in fact. And last night’s events hit you like a fucking train.
You quickly sit up in bed, panic filling your body when Jungkook begins to stir in his sleep, your action waking him up. He opens his own eyes and sees you staring down at him.
He notices his own evidence of his attack on your neck and goes pale. Then he says the words you’ve been thinking.
“Oh fuck.”
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leviiattacks · 4 years ago
Seven minutes in Heaven with Physics Major Levi
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author note :: i lost the ask but anon i do not know what this is. reading it sounded better in my head but physics major levi with reader who likes him is that a good description???? HM ANYWAY enjoy it’s not too great i’ve been revising nonstop for exams but i might as well have finished this off for the anon who requested it :-)
word count :: 2.5k probably... hm who knows maybe 3k
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when you and levi become friends it’s definitely unexpected to say the least. everyone is naturally very confused by the peculiar pairing. levi doesn’t really... go out of his way to befriend anyone really??? so for him to approach you in the middle of the library and start talking about how he noticed you shared a class together was out of the ordinary
the flow of the conversation is a little awkward at first, you’re revising for a final exam and don’t really appreciate the disruption but you’re not confident enough to tell him to leave.
at one point an awkward silence drifts between the two of you until he points out you’ve completely RUINED your notes and have been looking over the wrong lectures for the up and coming physics exam
later on into the night levi’s stood sighing next to you. he tells you to take your pick from the pot noodle section — “hey, i know we literally just met but i’m telling you a chicken pot noodle is gonna make you feel better.”
you’re so distraught that he has to pick it up for you and pay
and that is how you and levi become friends !!!
if it’s of any relevance yes you passed the final (all because of levi giving you his organised binder full of notes and telling you to make use of it)
you know it just sorta happens but through all of the all nighters you’ve pulled with levi by your side you become used to his presence nearby. in fact most of the the time it’s difficult to even find you anywhere without him. you’re both practically joined at the hip
levi’s pretty protective of you, hates the whole party scene but is willing to tag along if you’re going. at first you think it’s because he feels more comfortable stepping out of his comfort zone if you’re there with him but his intentions become more evident later on
any time someone makes you uncomfortable he’s by your side, if you happen to get into any sort of trouble he’s the person people call to help you because who else knows you the way levi does?
currently you and levi are at another party, you tend to keep to yourself and only ever talk to your close friends. it’s also not like you to partake in games, you’re far too nervous to play anything like seven minutes in heaven but for some reason you find yourself wanting to take part JUST this once
maybe it’s the fear of never making fun memories to tell your future children about
then again why on earth would you be telling your children about your experience kissing a random man in a closet??
either way, participating shouldn’t hurt!!! you’ve got to loosen up a little!!!
levi’s a little surprised you agree to play nevertheless he still sits next to you, the both of you have your legs crossed on the floor, your knees are touching and you aren’t sure if he feels the same warm sensation that you feel. it bubbles in the pit of your stomach – you feel oddly content
“levi!! anyone you want the bottle to land on ???” hange a mutual friend of yours leans in handing him the glass bottle
levi gives the bottle a disgusted look before his gaze flicks over to you.
“i’m only here because of y/n, i ‘m not playing.”
that doesn’t satisfy hange and they begin to groan complaining that he can’t stay unless he spins the bottle
“look you don’t have to do anything in the closet, okay??” hange’s begging him at this point, he’s still holding up pretty well and for some reason you’re disappointed. it’s almost like you hoped he’d spin the bottle just so it would land on you
levi takes notice of your frown and guesses you want him to be included, he isn’t one for games like these but if it’ll make you happy so be it. there’s still the chance it’ll land on you and his thought process falters for a second.
he thinks he really wouldn’t mind if the bottle landed on you and so he ends up nodding and agreeing to play.
anyway it’s not as if he isn’t guilty of imagining the two of you being a little more than friends
ok wait!!!! it’s completely innocent HE SWEARS!!!!
he’s never told you about it but sometimes he thinks if he was a little more straightforward that day at the library and asked for your number MAYBE just MAYBE his intentions would be clearer and he wouldn’t be stuck in the friend zone for this long
he should’ve used a stupid physics pick up line he knows you love those
something like – “i’m attracted to you more than an electron’s attracted to a proton.”
or maybe — “i’d fall for you even in the absence of gravity”
ok... maybe you wouldn’t have got that one considering you were revising the wrong content and probably forgot about that topic
he can’t imagine himself saying those things but if it would make you finally see him as a potential love interest and not a best friend he wouldn’t mind having to force it out
but still it’s not really a secret that levi has a soft spot for you, literally everyone can see it. when has he ever gone out of his way to save a seat for anyone? when has he ever willingly gone to a party? WHEN has levi actually let someone lay their head on his shoulder??
he only ever let’s you do that stuff
let’s actually discuss the head on his shoulder thing!!!
whenever finals approach you’re always sucked in by huge amounts of work and barely get to sleep, levi’s always hovering over your shoulder reminding you to catch a few hours but of course you don’t listen. you think you’ll be just fine if you rely on an energy drink and two hours of sleep to get by
but levi knows you better than you know yourself. it’s hour seven into the day and you’re already dozing off in your seat. slowly but gradually your head tilts forward. levi’s sitting across you contemplating whether or not he should prop your head back up like a nice friend would or if he should wait for you to smack your forehead right into the solid oak table.
he ends up making his decision last minute, your head flies towards the table and if it were anyone else he’d just let them jolt awake from the harsh impact but it’s you and his body won’t let him ignore you.
on reflex his hand flies out and in the matter of a split second he’s holding your head back. he’s surprised you haven’t woken up and he’s even more surprised he bothered to help you
before that happens levi knows he likes you, he knows he enjoys your company, he’s aware you make him happy but he thinks he’s willing to just be friends with you because clearly you don’t want to pursue anything.
you haven’t even flirted with him before aside from the witty “you remind me of an exothermic reaction” joke that you made one time
oh and there’s also the additional fact that you had a boyfriend up until quite recently so he’s sure you don’t see him romantically
honestly he’s fine with not dating you but something about seeing you overwork yourself like that has him simmering in anger. if he were your boyfriend he would have forced you into bed whether you liked it or not
if he were your boyfriend he’d never break up with you because he “found someone better.” he can’t even manage to imagine anyone better than you.
levi shuffles into the seat next to yours and places your head onto his shoulder. a few students shoot him questioning looks but the deadly glare he sends back is enough to deter them from coming any closer
it’s a little funny actually, by the time you wake up you’re rubbing at your eyes, you don’t even notice how close levi is to you until his hot breath fans across your neck. it seems like he’s dozed off whilst trying to make notes on fluid dynamics
levi. right. next. to. your. neck.
should you move????
no, he might wake up he barely sleeps and you don’t want to mess up his schedule even more
that day you choose to drift off back to sleep as if you never woke up to his breath against your neck.
your head shoots up NOW you’ve completely been dragged away from your thoughts.
“lucky for you both. guess you won’t have to do anything and stand there for seven minutes. told ya levi there was nothing to worry about B-)”
hange without warning pulls you both up by your arms, you’ve yet to see levi’s reaction, you’re too stunned to have noticed his slack jaw or wide eyes
and with that said and done you and levi are shoved into the cleaning closet
“well, i’m glad it landed on you. i won’t have to do anything.” levi seems happy as can be, you don’t really know why but it stings a little
he doesn’t even seem to stop for a second to wonder if you’d maybe want to do anything
are you just not his type ????
hange once told you levi liked organised people and well,, you’re anything but organised. you’d probably pass out from the work load of your physics lectures if not for levi always helping you out
scowling to yourself you try to ignore just how awkward the situation is until levi plops down on the floor in front of you
“you okay?” he asks looking genuinely concerned
“i- yeah i’m good.”
your eyes dart away trying to look at anything but him. you can’t deny he looks good today, you actually helped him slick his hair back - the entire time he complained about the hair gel feeling weird but he looks great and now you can’t even stare at him for more than a second
“i’m guessing you’d have preferred if the bottle landed on someone else.”
leaning forward without even noticing it you aggressively deny what he says. “NO!!! i like being stuck here with you.”
levi looks stunned by your outburst but nods “oh, did you feel pressured to join the game? we can leave if you want—”
“no, no i– you aren’t– oh god i mean, look. i can explain– do i need to explain???”
completely choking up in front of him and sputtering before slamming your lips shut and saying absolutely nothing is probably one of the most awkward things you’ve done in your ENTIRE existence
levi reaches out for your knee, something that’s usually seen as him being friendly only feels intimate tonight. his thumb strokes comforting circles into your skin. the situation doesn’t make it any better, essentially you’re meant to be making out with him right now
“is something bothering you?”
there it is again. that look. he only seems more concerned than before and you hate yourself for not even thinking about your friendship before you open your mouth.
“do you not want to kiss me because we’re best friends or is it something else?”
there it is. you’ve said it.
you see levi’s face contort from a mix of confusion to what looks like disgust then shock. screwing your eyes shut you know you’ve ruined everything now. he’s never going to speak to you, never going to approach you again. you’re mentally preparing for him to ditch you at this party right here right now
but then you notice his hand still steadily placed on your knee, he’s now stopped with the circles, his grip is bruising
“do you want me to kiss you?”
his question isn’t really expected, it helps you find the courage to look your best friend in the eye.
it’s pretty dark but you can still make out the familiar shadows of his face. the butterflies rush up from your stomach all the way to your throat.
mild regret fills you, usually his curtains obscure his piercing gaze but the way you’ve styled his hair gives him a better view of you, there’s nowhere for you to hide
not even stopping to think about the possibility of him teasing you right now, all you care about is telling him the truth. you’ve come all the way here you may as well finish off what you’ve started
“would you be mad if i said i’d like it if you did?”
levi doesn’t need any more confirmation than that, he swoops in yanking you by your waist. his knees are still pressed against the floor and so you find yourself leaning down into his mouth and craning your neck downwards
his chest is completely pressed against yours. the drumming of your heart is so loud you feel self conscious but levi’s soft lips moving against yours distract you from that
not even ten seconds in and you feel out of breathe but not in an overwhelming way. levi’s pace isn’t at all what you imagined it to be like. he’s soft and slow yet calloused and rough around the edges, some how he still manages to make the kiss sweet
his left hand leisurely travels to the small of your back, the other hand now caresses your cheek. his fingertips are anything but soft but the way he handles you is tender and endearingly delicate.
you smile into the kiss and almost instantly levi’s lips tug upwards too. his take on seven minutes in heaven is quite easily the most romantic thing you’ve been subjected to. instead of a passionate make out you’ve been given a honeyed introduction to a new side of him
the kiss ends much quicker than you anticipate, you open your mouth to whine and convince levi that the two of you should still have a solid minute left before hange returns but he presses his index finger against your lips
“later. i promise.” his voice is heavy and if his blushed cheeks are anything to go by he’s thoroughly enjoyed your session together
at his reassurance you comply and take the time to have a better look at him
his lips are wet – some of your lip gloss has clearly stuck to him. his hair isn’t as well styled as it was before, seeing him like this makes you feel a surge of confidence. you know you did that to him.
so... what is someone to do with a sudden boost in confidence?
hit your new possible love interest with a pick up line :-) !!!
“heyyy so i know the spring constant of my mattress, would you be interested in taking some data with me?”
slapping your shoulder lightly he’s yet to gain his composure back, levi’s genuinely out of breathe now trying to steady himself and your comment doesn’t do him any favours that’s for sure
“my god you have no sham–”
without warning the door to your left swings open you and levi flinch trying to scramble away from eachother only to fail, hange marches in before stopping dead in their tracks.
all they see is levi knelt in front of you, hair disheveled huffing like his life depends on it
then their focus shifts to you, you’re sure some of your makeup has smudged and the entire scenario looks suspicious
levi seems as if he’s about to warn hange to not tell anyone and keep this a secret for now but they sprint away before any of you have the opportunity to ask for some privacy
not even ten seconds later a collision can be heard alongside a series of thuds and then hange’s yelling towards the end of the hallway “GUYS??? THEY ACTUALLY DID IT???”
for some reason the cheers coming from the living room warm your heart
you guess your friends figured out the direction of your relationship long before you and levi did :-)
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shotosprincess · 4 years ago
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♡ dating the bnha boys — hcs
。・:*:・-: ✧ :,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・-: ✧ :,。・:*:・゚☆
➪ shoto todoroki
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pls you’ve prolly been terrified of him for a while prior bc of how ?? talented ?? the mf is ??
but mans prolly saved you at some point and there was this lingering stare you two shared before he left you at recovery girls’ office; were you reading too far into things ?
spoiler alert: you weren’t.
he’s the kind of boyfriend to tenderly brush your hair for you and attempt to learn how to tie and braid your hair up in cute ,, simple designs !!
he’d always be ready with little things you’re constantly forgetting; extra snacks,, water,, a fully charged portable charger ,, trust me when i say that man is pREPARED- after all ,, he needs to be ready with everything to take care of his little sweetheart ,, does he not ?
at some point he’d find you sitting on the roof by yourself late at night,, only to stay with you and let you fall asleep on his chest as he drapes a blanket over you and heats it up a lil with his quirk
prolly bc he just wants to prove to you that he can be useful
pls just let the man know he’s useful and important he never shows it directly but he needs the reassurance—
he’d give you a warm massage w his quirk whenever you’re in pain :”)
loves heating//cooling things for you ,, like instant noodles or ice packs !!
surprises you w jewelry that have his initials on them !!
would hold an umbrella for u while you loop your arm into his as the two of you walk home through the light rain :”)
cries into your chest sometimes after youve fallen asleep bc it’s late nights like these when he reflects on just how lucky of a guy he is to have you— it’s hard for him to articulate it directly ,, but when he does fully open up to you ab it ,, you end up crying too .
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➪ katsuki bakugou
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prolly got with you initially bc of a dare ( and he nEVER passes up a dare ) ,, but eventually those feelings started to become real and honestly ? it kinda scared the shit outta him . he didn’t know why ,, but for some reason he didnt actually want to leave .
teasingly-mean nicknames = his love language . enough said .
makes you wear his hoodie whenever you show even the sLIGHTEST hint at being cold
he just rly wants to see you in his clothes
he’s so clueless on how to do this whole boyfriend thing ,, but he’s definitely trying bc it’s for you :”)
watches and tries so desperately to copy all the cute couples in the movies you guys watch together
“ roses...do you want roses ? “ “ what ? “ “ the guy in the movie gave her roses...do you want roses too ? “
but at the end of the day you just appreciate him for who he is and that’s more than enough for you :”)
will take any and every opportunity to show off his strength and quirk to you <3
now we all know this man gets jealous hella easily ,, and its no different w relationships :”) he’d constantly make it a point to hold you extra close to him in public ,, show you off on social media and call you by a nickname//petname whenever possible just to reiterate to ppl the fact that you’re his and he’s yours
pls i could rly see myself doing that i wont lie
honestly sometimes he forgets himself and his temper gets a little out of hand ,, but the second he sees his feral reflection in your fearful eyes,, he pulls you to his chest and apologizes profusely :”))
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➪ denki kaminari
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one tiny kiss turned into two ,, which turned into three ,, and before you knew it ,, the both of you were spilling out the pent up feelings you had for one another all this time—
mina never shuts up ab it ,, she’s so proud of her matchmaking skills
when the power goes out during a storm ,, he holds onto you tight and plays w your hair as he uses his quirk to turn things back on ,,, “ shhh it’s ok,, i’m here “
will do anything and everything to make you smile <3
he has a lil album in his camera roll with all his favourite pictures of you ,, which is practically just all of them tbh ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
super energetic n bubbly but at the end of your dates he passes out right away in your arms
you make sure to wrap him up in blankets and give him an overload of kisses after he’s rly asleep though
will work embarrassingly hard to win you stuffed animals at the fair !! it doesn’t always work ,, but it’s cute nontheless <3
some of the staff and children at the fairs get pissed off but oh well ,,, what you do for love
pls he prolly makes you lil bento boxes for lunch every now and then ( ESPECIALLY DURING EXAM WEEK ) w tiny notes and designs taped on them
constantly calls you “ shawty “ lowkey un ironically and dice rolls in ur direction whenever he sees you ,,, you just end up laughing and playfully punching him
you both agreed that at home cozy netflix dates w microwave popcorn and fuzzy blankets >>> movie theatre dates
110% made a playlist for you at some point when he crushed on you from afar and shared it w you after you started dating
he made a collaborative playlist for yall AND multiple playlists of songs that remind him of you afterwards
pls i just kNOW this man’s love language is making playlists
theyre prolly all categorized by mood or smth too w the cutest covers ever pls
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➪ ejirou kirishima
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you initially met him bc he was hella upset and alone this one time and you were the only one to notice and be there for him bc he ran away from everyone else to hide the “ uNmanLy “ tears :”))
takes you w him on his lil gym visits ,, hypes you up with every little thing u accomplish !!
constantly teasing bakugou with how he’s able to pull you and how lucky he is to have you
bakugou gets hella annoyed most of the time and just blasts him away-
idk bro i just feel like kiri prolly calls you “ adorable “ alot i wont lie-
LOVES HAND HOLDING,, takes any opportunity to hold ur hand and trace lil casual patterns across your knuckles w his thumb
sometimes he’ll even draw lil hearts on your hand
play fighting but sometimes the two of you get too carried away and he actually loses half of the time-
LATE NIGHT GAME NIGHTS WITH HIM AND THE BAKUSQUAD,, he loves being on the team against you so he can get all competitive
mans gets hella insecure ab himself sometimes ,, so he loves doing lil things for you !! opening a can ,, pulling the blanket over you ,, zipping up your jacket <33
lets you dye his hair—THATS HOW MUCH HE TRUSTS YOU BYE
pls yall prolly aggressively play wii sports and just dance against one another on a regular basis;; it’s literally your thing and you cannot tell me otherwise ahjdjfj
pls i just KNOW this man’s an overly passionate wii player
will wrap his arms around your waist and hug u from behind as you make breakfast
slow dances in the living room at midnight w you !!
eventually as you spent more time together ,,, you were able to change his idea of “ manliness “ ,, and he was able to realize that manliness is not equivalent to stoicism and that expressing ur feelings is still totally manly and totally valid !! <33
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