royaletiquette · 2 months
continued from [x] | @distopea
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It isn't like Hibiko is exactly gentle towards Gabriele, but he also never quite needed it. Neither of them cared to let their guard down often, so maybe it should have been expected for him to not read her tone correctly. She felt dismissed. A small reach for comfort was instead outright rejected. But he didn't answer the question! Did he not care about… hell, any details at all? It was all black and white apparently: who he needed to protect from harm was all there was to it. Which may have been just fine back home, but whatever he was pretending to protect her family from in Germany was not the same here.
Did he assume it was a ploy, like she was testing him for something? It frustrated her to think of Gabriele not taking her concern seriously. Or worse yet, did he understand perfectly what Hibiko was asking, and instead of allowing any words of comfort, was forcing her back a distance? Like what, having an affair was all fun and games, but heaven forbid she reach out for a fucking hug?
The queen leaned back in her seat, still taken off guard by the answer when Gabriele had already moved on.
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She wanted to argue against the clothes but wasn't able to quite find the words in time. Taking a couple of clips out her hair, she threw a sweater over the top of her dress to dress it down, and adjusted the hat to better fit her head. She felt ridiculous, but held her tongue as the pout on her face did most of the complaining, getting out of the car.
Being greeted as they entered the store, the employees' Japanese had an easy job of snapping her out of her sulking. The queen was smacked with nostalgia almost instantly, nervous butterflies in her stomach trying to tell her that she'll be okay. If she was out of harms way before, she might have even believed them. Pretending to not know where to go for as long as possible, she's thankful Gabriele is unable to read any signage to point her in the right direction any faster than wandering around would be.
Once in the beauty section, Hibiko was able to focus more, grabbing a couple different shades of red from different brands, and comparing the undertones to what was left on her nails. Looking between them, wanting to go with what she already had, but perhaps something more neutral was better?
Glancing to Gabriele, she was able to catch him in a brief moment of weakness, distracted by the perfume and cologne glasses next to them. Following his eyes, "You can go pick one out if you'd like." A bored tone, happy to steal a few minutes away from his looming presence if he would allow it.
But it wasn't enough. The more that embarrassing moment of attempted open vulnerability played in her head, the more the sight of him got under her skin. She could practically hear him breathing, counting the minutes it took Hibiko to decide. Her disdain for him at that moment took over her anxiety, and decided to do what she knew best: act out.
Being over chatty with the sales person as she went to cash out, she hoped Gabriele being unable to understand them would stun him enough to not interrupt. There was some stuttering on her part, but the conversation flowed naturally. Of course, until Hibiko was paying and was suddenly caught off guard by a simple question: "Where are you from?"
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At first, she was caught in a lie she hadn't even told yet. Germany was an obviously incorrect answer, but would it be so horrible to answer here? Then just as quickly, she realized what actually prompted the question: she had an accent. Not only was Hibiko's Japanese a bit out of practice, but she forgot there was this posh dialect to how she spoke that always gave her away when younger. A curse of growing up so far upper class, left over from the days when that distinction was more favorable. How obvious was it now a days, she wondered? Did she sink back into it easily, or was just enough to throw the cashier off in confusion?
The realization stunned her enough to not answer. Instead, she pretended to not hear the question properly, prompting the employee to repeat themselves while Hibiko bought time to think of an excuse. Continuing with the purchase, she spouted out some bullshit with a laugh, deciding to take it as a compliment to her pronunciation. Gesturing to Gabriele with another giggle, Hibiko forced herself out the conversation and grabbed her things.
The smile kept a forced tug on her lips until they left the store, only then allowing her face to fall completely with the immediate repercussions. Prefering to not admit so willingly, Hibiko continued to the car, choosing the front seat this time, as if keeping up appearances still meant anything.
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whimsyfinny · 8 months
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: Nudity
Chapter Word Count: 2552
A/N: sorry this one took a while! I’ve had so much going on, I’ve struggled to get time to myself. I wrote this over the course of several nights so pls let me know of any errors as it’s only proof read by me
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Please read the below first:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
I’m Not Your F*cking Maid
Chapter 7
Dean and I stood side by side in the dimly lit parking lot, trying not to make eye contact with each other as Sam stood in front of us; arms folded across his chest with his foot tapping impatiently. He gnawed on his bottom lip, frowning and shaking his head. He was the spitting image of an angry mother.
“You did what?” He asked, disbelief in his voice.
“Look, Sammy,” Dean started and I was unable to tell if he was about to be boastful or apologetic.
“Don’t you ‘look Sammy’ me. We’re on a job Dean, couldn’t you have kept it in your pants a bit longer?”
“Sam I’m so sorry, we didn’t mean for it to happen, it just sort of…did,” I stepped in, embarrassment taking over as I caught sight of my reflection in the Impalas drivers side window. My hair was tousled and my lipstick was almost completely worn off save for a few streaks under my bottom lip. That, and also the fact that my shredded underwear was currently scrunched up in Deans pocket. I couldn’t tell if I was more horrified when I saw him pick them up off the study floor and ‘save them for later’, or the fact that I may have developed a new kink for having my panties sliced off my body with a hunting knife.
“(Y/n),” Sam’s eyes softened, “you have nothing to apologise for; Dean should know better.” His words made Dean scoff.
“She’s not all sunshine and rainbows Sam, she’s the one who started it.”
“I did not! I only told you to kiss me, not fuck me into that desk!”
Sam’s eyes widened and his ears went pink, Dean snapping back at me before the younger brother had a chance to think.
“Yes you did.”
“No I didn’t.”
“Yes, you definitely did. Don’t lie,” he paused, his tone changing, “you can’t deny it sweetheart - you wanted me,” Dean smirked, gesturing to himself.
“Ok, prove it - what did I say?” I crossed my arms across my chest, remembering I wasn’t wearing a bra. His smirk grew, suddenly making me very aware that I was most likely wrong about this and he was going to be obnoxious about the fact that he was right.
“You said - and I quote - ‘are you gonna fuck me or what, Winchester?’ Now to me, that sounds like you instigating this.”
I scowled at him, wanting to slap that lipstick-smeared smirk right off his face.
“Fuck you,” I spat, rapidly having to cross my legs where I stood as I started to feel more ‘essence of Dean’ trickle down my thigh.
“You already did darlin’.”
“Ok ENOUGH!” Sam got between us, putting up his hands, “let’s just finish the job and go home. But just so you know,” he pointed at us, “you are BOTH in VERY big trouble.”
The ride back to the bunker was a little awkward. I sat in the back, not wanting to move too much for fear of making a mess on the impeccable upholstery and Sam sat in total silence, giving us both the cold shoulder. Dean however drove the whole way home with the biggest grin on his face, occasionally glancing at me in the rear view mirror. Sam had taken the liberty of packing everyone’s luggage into the Impala before we had even left the auction house, so I wasn’t even granted the simple pleasure of washing Deans intoxicating scent from my hair in the motel shower. I just had to sit there for the next three hours breathing him in and replaying every red hot second of our time together in that study.
Dean pulled into the underground garage to the bunker and before he’d even put it in park I’d thrown the door open and jumped out, racing back to my room. I heard Dean shout after me but I had sprinted too far to know what he’d said. I ran through the corridors like a princess in a castle; long dress bunched up in my fists so I didn’t trip, with the rest billowing behind me as I frantically searched for my destination in this labyrinth. Upon reaching my door I flung it open and raced inside, slamming it behind me. I paced into the bathroom, heels clicking on the tiles and flicked on the light before turning the shower on and wincing at the loud clanking still coming from the plumbing in here. As the water began to patter into the shower basin I hurriedly peeled off my shoes and my dress before sticking my toe into the water now pooling in the bottom. The moment it was the perfect temperature I stepped in, sighing as the liquid poured over me and washed away the electric tingle on my skin left behind by the older Winchesters hands. I felt normal again, and much less sticky too as I lathered soap over myself. I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief as I slid down the tiles and sat down, letting the shower soak my hair. I tried my best to steady my mind and be calm, but all that I could think about was Dean. The way he touched me, running his rough hands over my soft skin. The way said my name; moaning it in a deep breathless voice. And oh boy… the way his mouth felt on mine was like something out of this world, the taste of him alone made me dizzy. I wanted to run to wherever he was right now and press my lips to his - to get high off of him again. It’s a crying shame that he’s such a jackass, so naturally I’m reluctant to give him the satisfaction. He’d be smug for days - or weeks - if I even mentioned that this was how I was feeling, let alone if I was actually acting on the impulses.
I must’ve sat in the bottom of the shower for at least twenty minutes, my brain going over the events on a loop, replaying again and again. In the end I gave up trying to silence my thoughts and turned off the water, stepped out of the shower and wrapped a fuzzy white towel around myself. I grabbed a smaller second towel and dried my hair, leaving it damp but not dripping as I walked into the bedroom. I searched for my duffle for a few minutes before it dawned on me: it was still in the car. ALL of my clothes were in there.
“Shit shit shit shit,” I searched through the wardrobe and dresser in the room, hoping to find something, ANYTHING, that I could wear to go and retrieve my bag but there was nothing to be found. I sat on the edge of the bed contemplating my options as I started to shiver, my damp hair making me cold. I considered wearing the dress again, but the stains on it made me think otherwise as I was now clean and fresh from the shower. My eyes darted to the door. There’s only one option: theft. Deans room was right opposite mine and he didn’t spend much time in there so the chances of me running into him were slim. I stood up, determination coursing through me as I marched to my bedroom door, opened it and quietly stepped into the hallway. I looked left and right, sighing in relief at the emptiness. I quietly padded across to Deans door, incredibly aware of how cold the air was out here. I grasped the handle and twisted, the door opening with a small click.
“Yes!” I whispered to myself, grateful it was already unlocked. Ducking in I closed the door behind me and spun around, pressing my back to the cool wood to observe the room. Eyes widening, my blood ran cold and I dropped to the floor. Dean was asleep - or so he seemed to be - above the covers and still fully dressed in his suit, a nudie mag open and covering his face. He had one hand behind his head and the other rested on his stomach, rising and falling with each breath. FUCK. I looked around whilst on all fours, feeling the dust from the floor sticking to my damp skin. So much for the shower. I spotted Deans dresser off to the side of the room; if he was asleep, I should be able to sneak in, grab a T-shirt and sneak out again with no problem. I crawled over to the drawers and started sliding them open painfully slowly to inspect the contents. It wasn’t until I opened the fourth drawer that I struck gold. Silently cheering to myself I snatched the first T-shirt I saw and pushed the draw closed. As I turned around to leave I near enough jumped out of my skin, shrieking a little. Dean was now laying on his side, head propped up with one hand and he watched me in total silence, the corner of his lips turned up.
“You need any help down there?” His voice was low and gravelly.
“No thank you,” I stood up, clutching his T-shirt in one hand and trying not to let my towel fall with the other, the corner now refusing to tuck in. “I got what I came for.”
“And you need one of my T-shirts because…?”
“None of your business,” I taunted, inching my way towards the door. Dean raised an eyebrow.
“It is if you’re being a little thief.”
“I’m only borrowing it.”
“Sure you are sweetheart,” he grinned, turning to lay on his back again, this time propped up on his pillows against the headboard with his hands behind his head. There was silence for a few moments as he chewed on his bottom lip, eyeing me up and down. He made me feel totally exposed. Out of nowhere he jumped up, reaching me where I stood by the door in one swift movement.
“I tell you what - you can keep the T-shirt for life on one condition,” he stepped closer, those piercing green eyes keeping mine entranced. I swallowed.
“What condition…?” My voice suddenly felt very small and quiet as a result of his close proximity.
“Drop the towel and put it on.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
I wasn’t able to stop the heat rising to my cheeks and I couldn’t tell if it was from frustration at his arrogance or the fact that the low rumble of his voice was making my knees weak. The words bouncing off the walls in my mind failed to leave my lips, and in my silence he spoke up again.
“Or unless you’re happy walking all the way to the garage in nothing but a towel, you still have the option to refuse.” I scowled and smacked his chest.
“You knew?! If you knew I’d left my bag behind, why didn’t you bring it?”
“Because,” he put his hand on the wall beside my head and leaned in a little, “where’s the fun in that?” I tried my best to hold his gaze, fighting every urge to look away as my heart started to beat faster and faster. I’ve already fucked the man so what have I got to lose? I placed my hands firmly on Deans chest and pushed with enough force to knock him back, the backs of his knees hitting the edge of the bed, making him collapse onto it. Leaning back on his hands he looked at me expectantly as I took a step towards him and away from the door. I tried my best to keep a stern expression, refusing to let him know that any of this was affecting me - the last thing I wanted was for smug old Dean Winchester to know that everything he does makes my heart hammer in my chest. I threw the T-shirt at him, hard enough that he was taken aback as he clutched the dark fabric in his large hands. A look of disappointment started to cross his face before I reached up and untucked my towel letting it fall to the floor as I stood in front of him, fighting every urge not to cover myself up. At first I was unable to look him in the eye, scared of what that alluring evergreen stare would do to me if I did. Eventually I caved in, biting my lip as I saw how entranced he was; eyes flitting over every curve on my body, studying me like a work of art. I watched him swallow, throat bobbing as he licked his lips, jaw going slack and his pupils dilating. He was silent. I took another step forward so I was in reach of him and his hand immediately shot out to touch my thigh. Right as his fingers grazed my skin I smacked his hand away, pulling him from his trance.
“Please…” was all he managed to say, all cockiness gone from his attitude. I snatched the T-shirt from his loose grip, pulling it on over my head and down over my body, finally covering myself from his burning hot gaze. Dean was finally pulled from his trance when he could no longer see the curves of my figure, his eyes eventually meeting mine again. He looked a little flustered, his hands now crossed in his lap.
“My clothes look good on you,” he said, an unusual tone to his voice - something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. He eyed my chest, observing the way the loose black fabric fell over the soft curves of my breasts and did little to hide my perky nipples. His eyes travelled south, surveying the rest of me before stopping and lingering at my thighs right where his top ends, hinting at the shape of my ass cheeks hiding underneath. He probably would have sat there all evening and ogled at me, however I could feel the tiredness start to hang heavy in my body and weigh on my eyelids, getting worse as the minutes passed. I groaned internally, remembering I still needed to go and get my duffle. But there was something about the way that Dean was looking at me that was making it hard to leave. I took a few more steps towards him until I was standing between his knees, swatting his hands away as they skimmed the backs of my thighs, sending goosebumps over my skin. I grabbed his chin unexpectedly, making him flinch. However it was only a matter of seconds until he was like putty in my hands. His muscles relaxed and he looked up at me with hooded eyes, mouth agape as I tilted his chin up to face me. I leaned down, our lips millimetres apart as I felt his hot rapid breath fan over my cheeks. I watched his pupils blow wide at the close proximity, a shiver ghosting over his skin as he stared up at me.
“Goodnight Dean,” I hummed, before letting go and standing up straight, turning to leave the room. I picked up my towel and opened the door, looking over my shoulder one last time to witness the starstruck Winchester sitting in a daze right where I left him.
“Thanks for the T-shirt.”
Taglist: @creative-writing92 @suckitands33 @jackles010378 @lanassmarty @aliceeinwonderland420 @tina-theslytherin @deans-queen @hell0-ki11y111 @hobby27 @lilcuutiee @sobearcowboy @girls-alias @selfdestructionandrhum @ericasabe @lacilou @littlemadamred @viridiesa @anneanirac @deans-baby-momma @swimregulas @ashdoctor @littlemarvelstan8 @atcamillanorrman @deangirl96 @zannemes @kr804573 @foxyjwls007 @divadinag @ilikw @cookiemonstermusic258 @mysterialee @vsplanet @ababy-girl @joonseuph0ria @mxltifxnd0m @deans-spinster-witch @st4bl3-ch40s @raven-red10 @feyresqueen @lori69 @roseblue373 @clusterfuck-meup @urinternetmom @rachiem4-blog
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Up Next:
Chapter 8 part 1
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thesungod · 1 year
their theme is so inconsistent like at the beginning it feels clear, being who you are and accepting each other’s darkness, but the way its done is 😬 and then it switches up to being literally budget toa saying “well everything can change yk??? don’t stay in the darkness” but in a horrible fashion and they’re acting like this is what they’ve been trying to tell me in the past 400 pages when it ISNT dont LIE to ME
i don’t think EITHER of them was reading the book as they write they were just mashing words together bc im watching a book promo for it rn and rick’s saying that will likes nico bc he likes nicos ““darkness”” and how intrigues him and mark’s saying neither of nico or will wants to change that core part of the other. which explains away him in BOO trying to tell nico that nobody disliked him—being that will was projecting his own feelings about nico onto others—and also relates will to apollo even more with their need to reach out to outcasts and love them. but then they didn’t write that they literally wrote that will doesn’t like it and he wants to fix it. thats my STEP SON and they did that to him.
rick did not want to write this book at all, and mark probably projected their nico stanisms onto the other characters without justifying the stanisms. you can really tell when rick has a passion for writing something and when he could not care less. the subtle toa promo in one of the gorgyra scenes and apollo’s updated glossary—he wants you to read toa so bad he could not gaf about this book. and yet apollo is never mentioned positively like give him back to me.
speaking of mark i think this is just a consistent issue they have when writing. i read reviews of one of their books (anger is a gift) and some were very negative about the way the narrative made the protagonist the most righteous person ever and completely revolved around them. ifl that issue bleeds into this book as well.
i saw people (including the writers) say this book is darker than a lot of rick’s other books and i really need them to shut the fuck up; THO literally had kids tied up in crucifixes to be burned at the stake 😭
ok sorry for the ramble i see the letters tsats together and i go on a rampage
you absolutely ate this up!!
also laughing at you calling it “budget toa” because that’s exactly what i said to a friend about this book once. i felt almost offended over the authors trying to fit the “everyone can change!!” narrative last minute and make Nico the symbol of re-invention after five whole books of ToA. i was very “how dare you stand where he stood” about it which is childish but alas.
i’ve also mentioned several times how will and nico’s conflict in the book was not intriguing to read about because it was inconsistent. not to mention that according to the timeline they’ve been together for a year!!! an entire year!!! and the book still has Will acting #shocked that Nico, idk, likes darkness.
the Mary-Suing of Nico literally the worst thing to ever happen to me. i’m usually all for my faves winning, but that’s after they’ve been through the mortifying ordeal of losing, yk. and i get that Nico has been through a lot but the book was basically a 400-pages-long ass kissing and i couldn’t do it.
i couldn’t even feel particularly moved or vindicated by Bob pledging loyalty to him in the end because it wasn’t cathartic at all. i was like we get it dude lol
same with his “friendship” with Piper tbh. not everyone needs to like Nico😭 i would have totally loved it if the book had shown a friendship progress organically through their grief for Jason or common interests (even if just briefly narrated through a recollection!! i’m not saying we needed chapters of flashbacks or Piper as a third main), but Nico does not mention her once ever. they didn’t even like each other in HoO!! then at the end of the book he calls her and he is all like “of course she wouldn’t be angry at me for not calling after Jason died <3 she understands that grief is complicated <3”
my king Piper isn’t angry at you for not calling because she dgaf about you. why would she. who are you to her
another thing I’ll never get over re: Nico and Will’s relationship is how, per the book, Nico encouraged Will to come out and was the first one of the two to do so, when every. single. thing written about them in the Hidden Oracle suggests the opposite.
why the fuck is Nico so reticent and embarrassed about admitting to be Will’s boyfriend in the first book of ToA if it’s Nico who came out first? IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CAMP might I add?
because i get that coming out to someone doesn’t necessarily mean being comfortable coming out to everyone, but Nico announced his crush IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CAMP. and asked Will out. and Will wasn’t out at the time. so whyyyy is their dynamic on THO literally the opposite of this? with Will pushing Nico to be more open about their relationship while Nico plays coy? because Apollo is Will’s father? idk, maybe i guess😭
but it’s pretty obvious the change in the dynamic was established later on and that the impression we were supposed to have while reading THO is that Will was the one more comfortable and in tune with his sexuality. like, come on.
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quinnyundertow · 5 months
Not only that, time travel? We get multiple timelines that later get connected? I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED THIS TIME TO MAKE GETO NOT GO ON A CRISIS TO KILL ALL MONKEYS????
Naoya is a dick and i loved both parts when he was handdled by the reader and then when Gojo and Geto teamed up for revenge.
The small interaction with Toji got me all blushed OMG i cant wait to see reader and megumi meet!!
Im not screaming just super ecxited and happy this fic ecxist. Thx a lot 4 it.
😭😭😭😭😭 ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you, you are so kind and I am so glad you enjoy the fic so far! I honestly love Naoya as a character/villain and he will be making another appearance very soon 🤫
😭😭 Chocho is already so attached to reader and he just got his body. I can’t wait for reader to go back so she can give him all the love he deserves. Toji and Megumi will be very sooooon.
YOU MADE ME WANT TO SOBBBB WHEN YOU SAID MY LOVE FOR JUNPEI SHOWS. Agjrbelfhebskabrsk he deserves the whole world (they all do 😭) and I’m sooooo so happy you can feel that.
HEHHEHE I love Yuta vs Kamo Estate 😭🥹 One of my fav arcs (can a fanfic have arcs?? Lmao) I listened to “Holding out for a Hero” from Bonnie Tyler like 10000x when writing/thinking of that scene lmao. I adore Yuta if I had to pick my fav JJK character it’s him (I mean I have a fucking tatt of him 😭❤️) So anytime someone mentions they like this scene it makes me giddy.
Endgame is literally everyone 😭 yall think im playing but it’s reverse harem and I have a solution that will make that shit as realistic as possible.
Baby Toge/Adult Toge has my whole heart he’s so funny and endearing and I just wanna squeeze him 🥹
Thank you so much for this message. I adored reading it and it makes me so happy to hear my work made you happy. Especially with the new depressing leaks I think we all need a little positive delulu. (😭 me especially) I APPRECIATE YOU AND THE ENCOURAGEMENT MWAH!💋
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
hello! a few hours from now, the epilogue of go on, claim my heart, the my fair lady sequel, is gonna be posting, so i wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who has stopped by my lil corner of the internet to read what has become my largest writing project to date. i had no idea what i was getting myself into when i first started writing mfl, especially not half a year of feverish, near-obsessive plotting and writing and rewriting this story that would not leave me alone. a lot of things fell to the wayside as i wrote mfl and gocmh, and i don't regret any of it, because i can safely say that this is the writing that i am the most proud of.
i want to thank @romeoandjulietyouwish in particular for her graciously allowing me to play in her sandbox. no one's mind works like lis's, and as i have said before, she comes up with so many fucking stellar ideas that she leaves crumbs for the rest of us, so i'm super grateful that she's so kind about letting us take those crumbs and make them our own. mfl wouldn't exist without you, lis, so thank you, thank you, thank you.
i also could not wrap this series without calling out the two best readers a girl could ask for, @ravendruid and @crispysnake. y'all are fucking unhinged, but it is the exact energy that every writer needs to keep going. i can't tell you the number of times a drabble or chapter posted that i wasn't particularly fond of that you two completely changed my opinion about. you two are the kindest, most enthusiastic, most generous readers, and i'm so lucky that you're also my friends. please continue to be absolutely batshit in my tags; it's the only thing that keeps me going.
(also @otterlycaleb made fucking ART about this shit, what the fuck what the fuck what the FUCK—)
a hopefully but probably not quick note about the future of mfl: today, like literally right now, i am in the middle of my first day of work at a brand new job, one that will require me to move my entire life halfway across the country, back to my hometown. it is big and scary and exhilarating and everything i've been hoping for, and i feel so, so lucky. this does mean that for the next little bit, while i learn a new job and pick up my shit and drive cross-country, i will probably be less able to write long or short fics, so i hope y'all don't mind me shutting up for the first time in forever. that being said, while i have absolutely no plans to write a third installment in the mfl 'verse, that doesn't mean there isn't more to say (as y'all will find out in like three and a half hours lol). i fully plan on still writing tmwiw drabbles set before, during, and after mfl/gocmh, and i will still be accepting prompts and requests for drabbles set in this 'verse until i say otherwise. mfl will always occupy an inordinate amount of my brain space, and i refuse to not share that with y'all.
additionally! starting very soon (like, maybe tomorrow? we'll see how busy i am, lol), i will be posting to ao3 the entirety of the mfl 'verse in chronological order. every chapter, one-shot, and drabble, in the order that they happened. another massive shout-out to @ravendruid for being my own personal lore-keeper on this; she read every single mfl chapter, tmwiw drabble, and one-shot to help me get this shit in order. the ao3 work will be titled i've come a long, long way (also from "my fair lady" by kaleo, are we seeing a pattern here?), and the plan is to post five chapters a day until the whole thing is up (although, again, with the moving this might get a lil wibbly wobbly). there will be some additional proofreading edits to these chapters (sometimes i can't spell!!) but nothing about the substance of these chapters will change, so this is just for people who like their stories to be told chronologically (fucking weirdos). this work will only be available on ao3, although it will be linked on my mfl masterpost.
ok, i think i am done for now. i have taken up enough of your time, in so many more ways than one. thank you again, if you read every single installment of the mfl saga or if you just read a paragraph. all of it means the world to me, and i know i never would have continued past the first chapter if i weren't part of such a wonderful, loving, generous, brilliant community. i've only been watching critical role for just over a year now, part of the fandom for even less than that, and i can't believe i haven't always had y'all in my life. please continue to love and support each other, and thank you for loving and supporting me.
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ilovecupcakesandtea · 6 months
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Chapter one Chapter eight My master list
Title: Chapter seven
Word Count: 1628
Archive Warnings: Smut in future chapters. Slight angst. Alcohol misuse.
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham
Character(s): Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Benny, Uncle Wayne & The Party
Tags: Smut. Angst. Steddie. Buckingham. Steve Harrington. Eddie Munson. Robin Buckley. Chrissy Cunningham. Band AU. TW Alcohol use.
Summary (optional): Two different styles of music, two boys that really don't like each other. What could possibly go wrong?
Beta Reader: Thank you so much to my beautiful beta readers @slippy-slip @ladydarklord & @dontwasteyourchances
Art link and credit: Art is by the wonderfully talented @pink-luna-moth (as is the banner)
Fic link and credit: Ao3 Link
AN: First off thank you to Alex for the art and being just amazing to work alongside. Thank you to Slip for dragging me back from the edge so many times over this. I really am so excited to have this out here!!
I wrote this for the @strangerthingsreversebigbang event and had a lot of fun doing so!!
Divider links: reblog and music notes
Two weeks later, the girls set their plan into motion. Chrissy had told Eddie that she wanted to meet him at his favourite coffee shop and Robin told Steve the same. The morning of, all they could both do was wait and hope it all went ok. 
Eddie was the first to arrive, thinking back he should have known something was wrong. Chrissy wasn’t a fan of this coffee shop, she preferred the sugary drinks from the place around the corner. He sat down and knowing full well he was about 10 minutes early got his book out to kill time. 
“Have you seen Robin?” a voice asked from beside him, “I was meant to be meeting her here” 
“And I was meant to be meeting her little meddling witch of a girlfriend.” Eddie sighed, looking up at the face of Steve. 
“This was a set up, wasn’t it?” Steve grumbled.
“ ‘fraid so” Eddie replied, “you don’t need to stay if you don’t want to” 
“No, we should talk, if they’re getting involved it’s gone on too long,” Steve said sitting down with his coffee opposite the other brunette. “What have I done? Don’t say it’s not me because I’m the only one you’ve been ignoring and I’m the only one you avoid. So, what have I done?” 
“That night at the club hurt, ok? I wasn’t expecting declarations of love or even a date. But damn, it was cold as fuck to just go and find someone else to take home right under my nose.” Eddie said, fidgeting with his fingers. 
This felt like a make-or-break moment; there was a chance Steve could get really freaked out and walk away from everything. Steve could tell him he was with that other guy and that they could still be friends or he could tell him that taking that guy home was a mistake. 
“You zipped up your pants and walked away from me within seconds” Steve pointed out. “We walked back into the club, grabbed drinks, and you walked away from me without a second thought.”
“I wanted to give you space. We haven’t exactly been the best of friends, well ever. I wanted to give you a chance to work out what you wanted, if anything, from me.” Eddie replied, finally looking at Steve. “You went and found someone within a handful of minutes and didn’t take too much longer after that to take him home, so I figured you didn’t want anything from me. It just really hurt to see it thrown in my face is all.” 
“I’ve been such an idiot.” Steve declared moving to sit by the other man “I thought you walking away meant you didn’t want anything and regretted what had happened. I found him to make myself feel better, he was actually awful in bed” he ended with a laugh. 
“I’m not even going to pretend to be sorry that my replacement was bad in bed” Eddie smirked, turning to face Steve. 
“He could never replace you. You’re the most insufferable person I know, but despite that, I’d like a do-over of this whole thing. If that’s ok with you.” Steve asked. 
“I’m sure we can do that. It was a miscommunication on both parts.” Eddie said
“Can we turn this into a date? A coffee date or a date somewhere else, you choose, I just want to take you on a date” Steve said.
“How about take away coffee and a walk back to mine?” Eddie asked, suggestively raising an eyebrow.
“I’ll get the coffee” Steve replied, standing up and heading back to the counter as quickly as he could, leaving Eddie cackling after him on the couch. 
The walk back to Eddie’s consisted of holding hands, drinking coffee, and pressing each other into as many walls as they could with kisses and giggles. 
Stumbling through the door to the apartment, clothes were quickly shed. The two boys made their way through to the bedroom, where they spent the next few hours wrapped together.  
“Shall I make us something to eat before we have to head to band practice?” Eddie asked later in the day, walking out of his bedroom in just his sweatpants slung low on his hips. 
“Please babe, I am hungry after that workout.” Steve laughed, following him in his boxers and a t-shirt he’d grabbed off the floor that he was sure was Eddie’s now he looked at it again.
“We can’t tell the girls their plan worked, we’d never hear the end of it if we did.” Eddie said, starting to go through his cupboards for the ingredients he needed.
“Agreed, say nothing has changed but make it very obvious something has?” Steve suggested. 
“I like your way of thinking,” Eddie declared as he started to cook.
Walking into Chrissy’s garage in the early evening they noticed that the girls were both already there and going over some lyrics they must have been working on. 
“Look bunny, it looks like they made up” Robin cheered, nudging Chrissy and nodding toward the boys that had just walked in.
“Not at all, your ridiculous plan didn’t work, I walked out as soon as I saw him” Eddie frowned, his arm very clearly slung over Steve’s shoulder and Steve’s arm very clearly around his waist. 
“Which is for the best because I wouldn’t have stayed anyway,” Steve said. 
“Ok, sure,” Robin shrugged. “Eddie’s shirt looks good on you though so maybe steal from his wardrobe more” 
“You’re welcome asshole” Chrissy shouted as she headed back into her house to grab something. 
Things changed from that evening onwards. Band practice was a lot more relaxed and hanging out for a little bit afterward always happened. Writing practice also saw a change in the lyrics, gone were the days of Eddie being poetic over doomed love he was now waxing lyrical over ‘big brown doe eyes’ and thick heads of soft brown hair. 
The band interacted more on stage as well in their next gig which the fans seemed to love. Eddie was his normal charismatic self but he was all over Steve, touching him every opportunity he got, running his hands through Steve’s chest hair, on display as it always was when he was on stage, and singing any kind of dirty lyric to him.
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“So, guys, you know my mom’s been in contact with a few record studios to get us sometime in a booth so we can record some of our songs and finally get them out there?” Chrissy asked as they all sat around her garage writing one evening. “Well, she’s managed to get us one week next month! We need to decide what we’re going to be recording.”
Chrissy’s mom had taken an almost manager’s role, her job as a lawyer and specialising in contract law she wanted to make sure if the band did get shown any kind of contract that they were treated fairly. Letting the band manage the actual running of the band and any drama there, keeping to making calls and checking contracts. 
“That’s amazing! I’ll make sure to get her some flowers to say thank you” Steve said from his spot on Eddie’s knee. 
“Should I be jealous? You never get me flowers, are you trying to woo Mrs Cunningham under my nose?” Eddie teased, poking Steve’s ribs and making him giggle.
“Yes, I’m trying to seduce Chrissy’s mom.” Steve replied, rolling his eyes “Think it’ll work Chris or do I need to add more Harrington charm to things when I see her next?” 
“Please don’t talk about you and my girlfriend’s mom” Robin gagged, causing everyone else to fall around laughing.
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One of Eddie’s friends, Gareth, was a producer and was free enough to join them for their recording session. The band had spent the three weeks they had between finding out and recording to practise the songs they wanted to record as much as possible and running through the track order so it all flowed smoothly. 
The Monday morning of recording week saw the band awake and at the studio bright and early setting everything up ready for when Garetharrived. He had already spoken to them over speakerphone to give them a rundown of how the week would go and a timeline for what would happen after. They had decided that the album would be 10 songs lasting roughly 50 minutes. 
“Let's get this show on the road!” Gareth shouted as he walked into the studio where the band was waiting. “Quicker we start laying things down, the quicker all this comes together. Almost no song ever gets recorded just once so be patient and stick with it and it’ll be magic, okay?” 
It was decided that the bass and drums for each song would be recorded first so that they could be used to keep the beat for the vocals and guitar. The first couple of songs were recorded fast and by the end of the first day the band walked away exhausted and achy but with a feeling that something great really was happening. 
The rest of the album was recorded during the rest of the time they had, the band having to take breaks to rework things with Gareth's Input so that everything flowed better. As they left the studio in the early hours of the Saturday morning, there was a real buzz of excitement over what they had managed to accomplish in the last few days. They had been able to have a listen to a rough copy of the album before they left and they were all really proud of what they had been able to accomplish on their own, well with Gareth’s help. Now to get it out there and on sale.
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bisluthq · 5 months
But I cannot for the LIFE of me understand WHAT THE FUCK was Matty's reasoning throughout all of this????//
Urgh anon I feel you, I really do😭 as maddenning as the whole thing is though I do think that the simple answer is that Matty is a drug addict (per his own words, he has straight up said it) and drug addicts tend to impulsively search for temporary highs in different forms, often without being aware that that's what they're doing. Tbf Matty has also said that he's now clean from the heroin and stuff but Taylor does sing about him buying pills and being stoned so🤷🏻‍♀️ And anyways, even if a drug addict is in recovery they're still bound to have erratic behaviours and/or withdrawal symptoms and I legit think that's a big part of why this man is the mess he is. Like he would be messy anyways but with the drugs he just stands no chance and so he ends up hurting the people around him a lot without meaning to.
I did have a phase there in 2022 where I was very into the 1975 and Matty specifically as in, I wanted to fuck him and yes that is so deeply embarrassing for my life and for my soul I know ☠️☠️ but besties we'd just come out of a global pandemic that'd nearly done me in literally like I really almost ended it all so I wasn't exactly ok and I did a bunch of messy questionable stuff that year and yes had a crush on Matty bc I was fresh out the slammer (as in the pandemic lol). When it was confirmed in May that Taylor was in fact hooking up with him I joked with Nat that she went ahead and fucked him for me💀😭 but that was all before the man outed himself as an avid enjoyer of deranged misogynistic racist porn and before he said the racist ass shit about Ice Spice. No crush of mine has ever been so quickly and effectively extinguished as that one was, the moment I knew about that he was suddenly the most disgusting and unappealing human ever to me🤷🏻‍♀️ ngl kinda wish my irl crush that I've been pining after for years would do something repulsive like that and kill the crush once and for all lol. But yeah when Nat put 2 and 2 together about Question...? there was no question (pun intended lol) between us that the song was about Matty, I'd been listening a lot to 75 songs and yeah he is the certified Sad Boi and she was the certified Good Girl back in Tatty 1.0. I think the ootw sample at the begginning of the song is making a nod to the time period when this happened, not to our boy Harold. Crazy how she was wanting explanations from Matty back then and once again does now 10 years later💀I was listening to the album again while walking home yesterday and Nat you're right I had too much faith in her lol it really does feel like she wrote this album instead of going to therapy 💀😭 it's like if she'd managed to write her way out of 2016. I do think that's ultimately a good thing though bc she carried around the wounds and trauma of 2016 for years but with this it seems like she effectively sucked the poison out of the wounds and is very determined to close the chapter and heal. I still really wish she would just go to therapy though😩 girlie can pay for the best therapist in all of the US if she wants and make them sign the most solid NDA for privacy. I legit wonder if that has been a hold up for her going to therapy, maybe she's terrified of things leaking and feels like she could never truly trust a therapist/inhibit herself enough to be able to say everything she needs to say, and so she ends up thinking that it's not worth it and instead talks to her friends and makes unhinged songs lol
”Crazy how she was wanting explanations from Matty back then and once again does now 10 years later💀” literally tho.
Also ngl I’m very grateful for your (brief but intense) crush on Matty because without it I’d never have figured out Question and then I wouldn’t be out here feeling as vindicated as I am in a post TTPD world.
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n7punk · 8 months
okay it took me awhile because Journey Into Lost Memories is a cut scene simulator for a good chunk of the game, but i've finished the entire Another Code: Recollection remake and i have some final thoughts (balls to the wall spoilers, do not click if you haven't played the game)
not gonna talk much about the first game since i already wrote a fucking essay on it, but i will say having taken the collection as a whole now, i firmly prefer the original. the remake isn't a bad game, just not quite the game the original was.
for Trace Memory/Two Memories anyway. the sequel... i have more problems with
first of all i never played the original sequel because it didn't exist in america, and im too fatigued to watch a playthrough now but i do fully intend to. That said, i could still see changes just with the context of what changes they made in the first one.
there is like. one puzzle per chapter for the first chunk of the game. like max. chapter one has getting... aw fuck i just played it and i forgot his name, but the guesthouse staffer's attention. and then there's the "puzzle" to unlock the door (given what the RAS looks like, i assume this use to be motion control bullshit, so i'll take the series of button prompts instead, it's just kind of a ridiculous way to hack lmao) and proving your innocence (wow a whole two puzzles). and then... i think the next puzzle is rescuing matthew? which is being a bit generous.
the boathouse was the first time it felt like i was playing the same game as the original series, and there's like... chapter 2 or 3? the boathouse was good, but then it's not good (puzzle wise) for... several chapters. like im trying to list puzzles off and i know im missing some but off the top of my head: music box, finding the keys, the clock tower, the resort headquarters, then the whole thing in JC valley where it's a Trace Memory game again. all that is in pretty quick secession but the first couple chapters drag and are mostly watching cutscenes doing a lot of set-up that doesn't give you enough clues for you to feel like you're trying to solve something, and thus mentally engaged. i actually started cutting off dialogue, hitting A without listening to the VA the second I had skimmed through the dialogue, because there was just way too much cutscene. this is not a puzzle game for like five chapters, it's Life Is Strange or something.
i don't need to play the original to know they cut a ton of puzzles from this second game. i really felt like i was going insane without the lack of balance in the second game. and the thing is, once the story happens, it's interesting! but goddamn is there 2, maybe 3 chapters of story in a 7 chapter game.
for the story... the part with matthew's dad was interesting to me, but like i said, gathering (very little) information on that takes up the first half of the game and then it all happens at once. also why did they change the ghost rules for this game. why does kelly look like that. they should have standardized that in this remake. kelly plays by completely different rules than d and im not a fan.
the zipper on her doll being a red herring was pretty funny tho lmao. i was literally in the middle of telling my mom it was driving me crazy that ashley hadn't thought to try it yet when i got the chance to inspect it and found the actual secret.
the pollution plotline also felt nonsensical at points, and it does mostly get justified later (why the fuck did her dad just happen to make an app for the DAS - something with like 4 apps - for measuring water quality? ok later it gets tied into liquid memory, but it had me laughing out loud for how convenient it was at the time) and tbh the plotline with the lab did too at times, but the ryan plotline was good. im still not clear on what memories were taken from sayoka? like they made it sound like they wiped her memory at some points, but that straight up can't be possible so i just dont know. like the reason behind it made since and every but idk... there were a lot of little things here that were messy and i would have expected them to fix and unify across games in a remake, especially considering how much they changed. i can't tell when the hell sayoko went to lake juliet. was it like, a day before she died? a month? year? can't have been more than a year, but again, wiping her memory doesn't make a lot of sense.
also like. sorry. but ryan is supposed to kind of be 6 years old (he has been strong since the pollution) so did he just... god how the hell did he get involved in the bill and gina thing. bill had been using richard for 7 years already, ever since he killed sayoko, but when did gina get involved, and then when did ryan? he had to be involved for at least two years since bill sent the source code to jc but... god i have a migraine and i CANNOT make sense of this. i think bill thought he was the mastermind, he got in touch with gina through his "buyer" (no idea if she already worked there, or got a job "undercover" for more info on the prototype, or was placed undercover after blood edward island fell apart. i dont think a timeline for her and rex's relationship was given that would have helped place this, just his divorce which was a few years ago and could have happened before she arrived or after - maybe even because of - her arrival).
god im rambling so much. basically i think the ryan stuff was good (i out loud went "OH HE'S TRYING TO MAKE A NEW SAYOKO" when i figured it out and that was a good feeling), but things with the lab/another project history got very twisty and the early game (camping, matthew's plotline, and the band/music plotline that... didn't really go anywhere aside from making gina suspicious, which is fine, but trim down all the long ass cutscenes then) had way too little gameplay and especially PUZZLES that just made it drag on.
ive seen a few mentions of changes now im daring to look at the tag and it is making me excited to watch a playthrough to see the original version of the game too, but my current assessment is that the sequel probably suffered heavily from the cuts/changes. maybe it always had these problems, but i doubt it. i also might replay the original trace memory until i hit a brick wall. i doubt citra has support for it lmao.
oh also im never going to get over them just calling it "the Big Deal Band Contest" thats a fucking placeholder title i put in and then can't come up with anything better but they did it for a video game (post-remake!) and not a goofy fanfic
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daz4i · 11 months
Top 5 Nikolai moments (I miss seeing you gush about him)
i miss gushing about him too ;-; so thank you for the opportunity >:3 it's unironically very good for my health. and sorry for the late reply hehehe 🥺
under a read more if it works bc it's. long (added pics and they take a lot of space :P) also tw for ig some slight gore and blood?? bc it's nikolai lol
1. one of my most favorite lines in the entire manga tbh:
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he is the only one who gets me . also what happens next is extremely hot (he gets cut in half) (dw it's coming up later in this post)
2. bird speech:
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he is the only one who gets me pt 2. also love seeing him be genuine. in the anime his voice acting is SOOOOOO good it's unreal. also he is so beautiful without his eye cover. look at him
3. the thing that came right before it:
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1 god he is so hot when he stabs and goes insane (sorry for the horny on main it will happen again) 2 i just love the duality in this entire scene. this is my take but i think he does feel guilty for killing as he says afterwards, but part of his guilt is because he does enjoy killing and inflicting pain, so his words here^ are genuine, but are in fact his guilt speaking, he just exaggerates his enjoyment, and later expresses his guilt in a more direct way
(also this scene is so much better in the manga, i love his cartoonishness here, the blood splatters, the lines covering his face etc. the anime was very underwhelming in that regard)
4. arm moment (not in the manga yet ;0)
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again. stellar voice acting. a very emotional moment, most emotional than we've ever seen him, and he seems so conflicted too! with the new context the most recent manga chapter added to what comes before this moment, it makes it clearer where some of his conflicted feelings come from, as well. i already wrote a whole analysis of this scene on the day the ep came out lol i won't get into it again
5. a two frame combo >:3 (easier to take from the anime. also i think they were well adapted!)
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me when i'm normal and well adjusted. and gay
this is kind of a sequel. it was my original #5 bc i straight up forgot abt that^ somehow but it's the same scene so it counts. and i love this frame so so much you have no idea
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along with fyodor's jesus imagery and nikolai essentially betraying him. what if i went insane and started biting people. this frame means so much to me you have no idea.......
also bonus frames that just don't have as much emotional impact but i wanna share them bc i love him and this is a post for me to gush about nikolai after all:
this entire page <3 he is such a good actor (unless you subscribe to that one theory that he actually died here and was written back into life with the page or smth. idk) (+ small cameo from my other main bsd f/o teeheehee :3)
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unironically one of my fav frames in all of bsd just bc he's so pretty. and i love the ?. you're so right king keep on speaking your truth with no fear.
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m. my cover photo. also one of my most favorite frames in the entire manga. also one of the most me coded frames that isn't dazai lol
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my boy in his cryptid era
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another moment i prefer in the manga sm and i had a very vivid image of how it'll look and sound in the anime and i was kinda disappointed it didn't end up happening (tbf. other nikolai scenes DID end up looking exactly the way i imagined they would lol)
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me when i'm having an identity crisis and letting it out on my cat:
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ok the last one ik you may be sensitive to bc it is the most gory thing here so i'm giving you a warning to stop scrolling here
(unless you wanna see anyway in which case this is just a warning to prepare you <3)
and another line to actually take up space
this is my equivalent of sfw sasuke
okay there we go:
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i need to eat him so fucking bad
and that's all i have to share i think <3 might've ended up using like 80% of his screentime here ngl. worth it. i love him sm
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So my most famous fanfiction is not dcla related (although I bet I made references in it, I always did even before I wrote dcla fics).
Anyway, no, it was this Glee chatfic that I did in 2020, titled "Glee, but it's another chatfic". I literally got crowned "Queen of chatfics" due to this fic when I posted it.
It's over 80 chapters and while that sounds like a LOT, every chapter is super short. One chapter is literally just this:
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It was all really stupid shit like this every chapter but people ATE IT UP. I guess everyone was really bored in 2020.
I am scrolling through random chapters rn and here's another really short one that I am 100% sure I posted at like 2 AM.
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In fact, a lot of this fic was written and posted when I was sleep deprived. But it fits with Glee so :D
Random stuff that happens:
Santana starts a group chat called "lesbians who need help" and then she lefts it herself. However, she randomly joins the chat out of nowhere to answer stuff, before leaving again.
Marley and Madison are dating, because one person I chatted with said it would be funny if they met. So I made them meet.
Faberry secretly dates until they don't
Mr. Schue gets some more kids (since he and Emma had like 5 kids in the finale) and I named them random stuff. However, I had apparently named two of them something that was the names of characters in a musical I had never seen. So everyone in the comments were like "ah so you like that musical" and I was like "NO I HAVE NEVER SEEN IT JUST A COINCIDENCE-"
There's a lot of scenes like this:
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One chapter just has every character writing in caps
I have absolutely no idea what's going on here
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Oh yeah uh. I wrote the whole chatfic because I wanted to make a joke that Brittany could speak swedish because she was blonde. This one joke turned into 80 chapters of nonsense.
One chapter has everyone just spamming "meow"
Ok what the fuck did I write here help
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The more I read of this fic the more I wonder if this actually would happen in Glee or not, and I realize it probably would.
I had a Brittana pregnancy fic that I reference a bit in this chatfic. Problem is that I DELETED THE PREGNANCY FIC LATER because I realized I would never update it so now there's a bunch of references to a fic that's gone sdxfcgvbjn
In one chapter everyone changes each other's names and it turns to chaos
Someone in this fic accidentally admits in groupchat they want to marry their girlfriend after being excited their girlfriend swore.
The best thing I did was ending the fic with Sue breaking the fourth wall
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I can read this in her voice.
So... does this fic deserve to be my most read?
I have no fucking clue. But one thing I do know is that I am hella good at writing chatfics.
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
IM GONNA RAMBLE!! im so glad sasha was asking the real questions 😭 thats why she should’ve been there earlier 🤨 but anywho.. djshdh i was wondering since there’s 5 chapters left are we going to find out who she’s with on the final chapter ? idk i feel like based on this chapter it kinda sounds like it’s gonna be eren? but reader is so unpredictable it’s still not obvious to me.. OR WAIT 💡☝️ i don’t think you’re gonna answer that question so i’ll just theorize LMAO ok so i’ve seen other people mention this but maybe she IS gonna go on that little trip or vacation and then there’s gonna be a time skip because i do think at this point, the three of them need space from all this drama and to work themselves out. like maybe she shouldn’t be jumping into a relationship rn? IDK I THINK THATS WHAT’S GONNA HAPPEN. maybe that’s also why eren didn’t answer, like she took too long deciding and he’s gonna be taking a break for himself too to actually work on himself.
i think throughout the story i started off as team eren and then i kept switching until the both of them made me go like 🥴. but that doesn’t mean i loved your writing any less. i think once i stopped being on “teams” lol i still appreciated that you made everyone with a lot of flaws and drama. eren would’ve been perfect minus the whole misogyny thing obvi. and if i HAD to choose only between him and jean, the only reason why i would choose jean rather than eren is because he at least wasn’t doing what eren was doing. but that’s the ONLY reason. jean just isn’t as charming or romantic 😭 he’s too dry for me (i’m sorry)
if this was real life, i don’t think anyone would ever forgive eren even if it was in the past or if he “changed” but bc it’s fiction i guess that’s why some people are being more lenient? omgjfgk but i wishh sometimes that we could have had a story with eren except not with this type of drama LMAO you wrote him being romantic TOO well. like i was in love *twirls hair, kicks feet* ANYWAYS GREAT CHAPTER AS ALWAYS tuesdays are my favorite days because of you! 🤍
omg ty so much for sending this in!! hehehe i loved reading all of it 🥰💗
tbaw ramblings below
yes, you'll find out in the final chapter! the final chapter is also ridiculously long in order to flesh out the endings for everyone. i thought about splitting it up into two chapters but there's not really a good "cut off" point. and i don't want to drag out the ending.
to me, it's like when the final episode is an hour-long special or whatever for the finale lol that's like the final chapter of tbaw. atm it's a little bit longer than the jean fucking kirstein chapter.
forgiveness is a really interesting concept to me. it doesn't really help the person you're forgiving (in this case, eren), because they still have to carry the guilt of what they've done, but it kinda frees you, in a way.
you can forgive someone without allowing them a place in your life. it doesn't mean you trust them or you like them or whatever, it just means that you're not going to let what they did continue to hurt you.
forgiving eren doesn't make him a good person. it's what he does and how he lives the rest of his life that determines whether or not he's learned from his past and reader doesn't necessarily have to be in his life after she forgives him.
idk if that makes sense? i'm also a generally pretty forgiving person, so i'm pretty lenient lol but i also understand that there are things that are completely unforgivable, but i'm just rambling now so i'll stop lol
anyway i'm glad you're liking the story!! 💗💗💗
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
reviewing all 25 of my fics !!!!!
i have never read my writing! i just did. some was good, some was bad, here's my review and at the end there's a tier list C:
curiosity one
actively throwing up i hated every little bit of that i'm so glad i'm rewriting that oh my god why was that so popular?? 🤢
i can confidently say i no longer feel this way vvvv
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curiosity two
ehhh getting better but still not the best. but at least i didn't cringe my way through the fic this time!! :D
curiosity three
writing is iffy because i'm mixing two different writing styles together
HOWEVER i LOVE the h/c in this therefore it is so far my favorite chapter :D
"tommy calm down, it's just a drink, see?" is just WJKEJFNRDNF i love it for no reason :D the interactions in this i admit are really nice
curiosity four
supposed to be an exiting chapter but tbh i did not execute that too well
uhh yippeee he's out!!!
curiosity five
mmm mm m mmmm idk how to feel about this one
very fast paced i will admit
this whole series is so fucking rushed 😭
curiosity six
dialogue is pretty cool tho
overall this series is rushed and poorly made lmaooo
wilbur chocolate 1
okay this is pretty good
not lovely but it's readable and i honestly love this au so i'm not gonna diss it too hard
wilbur chocolate 2
i like this one
dialogue go brrr
also i feel like i executed wil's panic semi-well? i definitely made him have some trust in tommy way too soon but yk
i'll run away and hide with you
ehhh there's nothing technically wrong with it,,,,,
no real comments it's fine ig
spy au: unofficial prologue
idk there's nothing wrong with it like this fic !! :D
2022 summer exchange
again too rushed i need to draw out trust it doesn't happen in two minutes!!!
"you're pretty" makes me happy tho. don't ship dnf too hard but i like it :DD
ghosts are better than humans
writing is iffy but it's cute !!
company & repairs 1
first fic and it's mid. i got fanart for it though, that's pretty cool :D (i toooootally didn't ask for it, i got it just by pure chance. totally!)
mm i could've written his injuries better
i like my use of internal questions
dude in my earlier fics i was so scared to write like product names and the word "scream" and "yell" bc i didn't want it to come off as cringe like wth that is literally so bad
i let go, when i should've held tighter/an inconvenience, at best 1
typos are bad. bad bad.
writing can 100% be difficult
ended up deleting it to redo it bc after all this worldbuilding i need to redo some things :)
also dialogue is everything but accurate
never fucking again.
ok ummm i could've done his pain a lot better
i've gotten better at writing mental health so i'm going to rewrite this someday
but to be fair i wrote this alongside many other things that day---i was doing a bet,,,,
writing is actually kind of decent and i love how chill tommy is lmaooo "well, he fucked that one up" "at least he got his powers working"
apart from thattt i LOVE this au and am excited to write the first chapter :D
oh, george
okay time to see all the hype around this. 93 notes???? this better be good
not worth all the notes (sosososo grateful for those btw almost 100 notes that is AWESOME) but i can see why it was liked. i can usually tell if this community will eat smth up or not,,,
don't fall
i liked that
definitely my favorite so far
writing is decent and it's fluffy so i like it :DD good job me C:<
heavy is the head that gets no sleep
mm cute i like it :D
top for sure
2022 secret santa: too good to be true
okay the idea for this was like actually awesome, i loved having dream like kinda do into that trance thingy and having it fade in later. and i like how i incorporated "bitter stares" into it.
however there's a severe lack of dialogue and the action is drawn out, far too short and not properly there
it also felt rlly short so there's that,,,
the act of making noise 1
i like this one! it could be a little bit better but tbh it's a good au and i like the writing a lot more than some of my other fics so it s a win from me :D
i also think i has a nice flow to it? that could just be me tho
counting down the seconds
v bad i can see why this didn't do too well
deleting it cause this au is on hiatus,, might give it out as a prompt now :D
uhh writing wasn't too good and it was very boring, way too long asw,,,
mere monstrosity
it's actually well written??
this is such an underrated fic of mine istggg
top fics for sureee
the little things (written)
badly written, fluffy, one of my oldest fics
cory's notes give me life tho <333 "your writing makes me feel warm" AJGFSAJDGEFJDNF i love cory smsm :D
shroud, you savior?
good fic idea, poorly executed
and oh my god in my earlier fics i'm realizing how oblivious i was to how puncuation worked, especially for my dialogueeeeeee!! it makes me feel terrible reading it,,,,,
also the amount of fluff-to-angst ratio is good, but again i need to write panic better,,,,
hush 1
YES! I LIKE THIS! to be fair it's my newest fic but STILL i like this a lot!!!
good angst, suspense could be a tiiiny bit better but i still rlly like this!!! top fic for sure C:<
fluff. fluff fluff fluff. writing aside the mouthplay scenes are the best things ever i am so happy this exists !!!!!!!!!
wow i have an excruciating number of fics. i did not like reading them :'D
tier list time >:D (more under cut)
Keep reading
hush 1 (writing, dialogue, plot, everything is good imo)
don't fall (if the writing for this was better it'd be #1 !! the fluff, this entire au in general, "i won't hurt you" mmmm this is a yummy fic !!!)
mere monstrosity (speaks for itself. i loved this fic! it's a bit rocky in the beginning but i just love shane sm <3)
the act of making noise 1 (YES this is good. the overall plot is iffy but i like chapter one so far, hopefully i can take this au in the right direction !!)
curiosity killed the cat 3 ("it's just a drink, see?" mm yummy)
heavy is the head that gets no sleep (prime boys my belovedd)
spy au: unofficial prologue (i just have a thing for spy!dnf <33)
wilbur chocolate 2 (like i said, dialogue go brrrr, and it's actually a decent sequel. wilbur chocolate beloved asw >:D)
wilbur chocolate 1 (angst beloved)
ghosts are better than humans (it's simple. i didn't overdo it,,,)
i let go when i should've held tighter/spy au 1 (spy au belovedd!!!)
never fucking again (love this au sm, my opinion is swayed again)
switched (tinies overcoming their fear of getting nommed is such a high trope for me,,,)
oh, george (my opinion is swayed bc of the tiktok it's based off of)
2022 secret santa: too good to be true (honestly despite my lack of flow & dialogue its pretty good)
2022 summer exchange (honestly idk why i don't rlly like this---i'm making a part two so some part of me should enjoy it?)
shroud, you savior? (ok this fic is an era to me it brings back positive memories :] also ppl like this so i meannn)
curiosity killed the cat 2 (he and wilbur talk, what's not to like? i like this chapter a lot actually)
the little things (little streamer au my belovedd)
curiosity killed the cat 6 (everything is revealed!!!! and wilbur not being able to really do anthing cause a. he's in tommy's storage and b. he's a traitor, kidnapper and villain in tommy's eyes)
i'll run away and hide with you (idkkkk why i don't like this either. to be fair nothing's really wrong with it,,)
company & repairs 1 (again memories and also idk this was my first fic, i think nostalgia is helping my decision)
curiosity killed the cat 4 (he gets out, that's pretty cool)
counting down the seconds (eeeehhh this used to be a cool au of mine but that was before i just stopped working on it and i realized it wasn't that cool,,)
curiosity killed the cat 1 (No.)
i switched these around so much lmaoo but i was dead set on the last two. curiosity was so bad wtf??
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dondake · 2 years
i wrote a whole rant for hashihime so i deserve to do another one for uuultra c since i keep subjecting myself to the messy writing of adelta
honestly after ch 1 i had a nagging feeling i was just not going to enjoy the game just like hashihime but i powered through. my biggest concern ended up being true: that the plot holes that were written in - obviously with the intention of being patched in later chapters - would not all be filled in. it's fine to leave some things to the reader's imagination but it shouldn't be a barrier to immersion which it was, unfort for this game.
if the writer wanted a weaving storyline, they should not have written it into 3 separate sections. the sections imply that they are standalones and can be read to understanding as such. they are not. the first chapter suffers the most from this, since it basically forces you to finish the other 2 to collect more detail. and honestly, it did not even need to. the concept of the first chapter is "i am a kaiju and my boyfriend is a hero dedicated to destroying kaijus". that is a whole idea. yes, it could be supplemented by other details that are fleshed out in other chapters, but the central concept is compelling enough. but because the writing was determined to make you go through the rest of the game, you're just reading it and being like huh? that makes no sense...so you end up not being able to fully enjoy and complete the first story because you end up thinking about things that don't add up. i actually liked the akira/shoutaro ship, which made me disappointed because then i had to go through with other ships to get more context for some of the storyline
the backstory for some of the kaiji encountered in ch 1 being part of the story of ch 2 and 3 was interesting and honestly that would have been enough to connect to ch 1. instead, i finished ch 1 wondering if the writing was bad on purpose or if it would all be resolved by ch 3 (spoiler, it wasn't)
ch 2 was ok. it filled in more detail and went faster than ch 1 since we already had some of the details and context explained. i don't think i have much to say about it. i'm meh on the ship dynamic, i think they tried to make it way more edgy than it needed to be without actually saying anything...probably the ship i'm most ambivalent about
i had a lot of hopes put on ch 3. i was partially interested in the ship dynamic but also the previous chapters kind of set it up as a "ok NOW you'll get a full explanation" so i was waiting for it. and yeah, it explained a bit more. it kind of satisfactorily legitimized the need for a parallel/alt universe, although maybe the translation was a bit wonky because i needed to reread that part to understand the intent. but then yomi coming back (did he? the pre-credit scene implied some kind of closure with jyuro but in both previous chapters it's implied he was shot back into space - either to die or return to his home planet. it was unclear which) came out of left field. how did that happen? nah, that isn't important! also, you'll be left wondering because there's no post credit stinger scene like in the others! why? because it's a meta commentary on two plot drivers deciding they don't want to be main characters anymore so it doesn't matter!!!!
ultimately i have a few requests for adelta. i think they have a lot of promise. both uuu and hashi have really good core concepts. time travel bookstore? heros and monsters? good ideas. the buildup is usually good too. but both suffer tremendously in the end game by bad writing, which is a result of:
the decision to use really complicated plot devices (time travel, alternative universes). it's fine if you can pull it off, and maybe most players won't think too hard about it. it's a fucking game after all. but for players like me, it's hard to ignore hand waving especially because the first half was so well done. it takes me out of the immersion and makes me realize i'm fucking reading a visual novel. so then why would i feel invested in the characters and story anymore? those plot devices are usually pulled in for someone who usually can't think of a satisfying way to end a story, which brings me to my next point --
inability to commit to a central idea. it's fine to have an open ended ending and have some things left purposefully vague. but the endings for hashi and uuu just feel like the writer was like "ok here's this concept...oh and THIS plot twist...ok...wait...now how do i bring it down to a conclusion" and then they pull a plot device to try and explain things. ok...but when you clearly don't put as much investment in the end because you're leaning on the plot device as a crutch, then it just leads to an unsatisfying ending. the laziness here also seems to translate in a few sloppy cgs which felt so out of place compared to other beautiful cgs which makes me wonder if there was a scramble to get this out. and i understand the tendency to choose a vague or unclear conclusion - but it's not like the writer is unable to write well. fuck, look at the first halves of the stories? look at the post-game mini stories, the yomi/jyuro one basically making me tear up? i'm really hoping her next work is more focused. like the childhood friend route in hashihime was honestly the strongest route and then the rest of it kind of fell to pieces. so i KNOW she can write a good story
overall, adelta has some solid foundations. the art is pretty decent. the setup and concepts are good. it doesn't take itself too too seriously with some humor and references to other media and breaking the fourth wall. but these games so far have felt like you've seduced me and brought me home only for me to realize you want me to clean your house (an apt metaphor since i ended these two games trying to piece together threads that never got addressed). i really want to keep playing their content but if the next game (i believe it's got a TON more characters which makes me really anxious) also flops i might have no choice but to just drop this circle
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whumpbump · 5 months
Sending hugs always!
Do you write scenes in order, or do you jump around?
Please and thank you!
Thank you for the hugssss it’s very much appreciated! 💕💕💕
I’m gonna explain the whole process if it’s ok, it all starts with an idea. A phrase. A scene in my mind. Something that tickles my fancy, if you will. It could be the most smallest crumb of an idea. Sometimes it takes a couple crumbs. My current story has like, three or four inspiration points. A lot of my current inspiration comes from either writing prompts or real life events that I see. Some are dramatized drastically but I work with people who are vulnerable and I see a lot of very difficult things every day. This is my creative release.
I usually plan out the most whumpy bit and build around that. I’m currently working on one where I first figured out the part for about 3/4 of the way through. I don’t even know if it’ll be the most whumpy bit either, I’m kinda just seeing where it’ll go. I literally wrote the scene and went “uhhh ok how do I get to the beginning from here.” So I then added: “12 hours earlier:” because why the hell not. Right?
If it’s a series, I usually write the first one and then write out a general timeline of what I’d like to see happen. That may change as the winds do bc my hyperfixations may change. It could take a left turn or it could stay the same and be put on the backburner. I can tell you that there is more supposed to be added to Quarantined, but it’s on the backburner for a little bit until I get a few other WIPs done.
So thus far:
The inspiring phrase, scene, etc.
Fleshing out that scene (usually the most whumpy bit)
Add storyline.
Decide if it’s worth/needs additional chapters, add vague storyline in notes for what to plan.
Heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Mix well.
Add vanilla.
Add vanilla.
Add vanilla.
Fuck, that’s too much vanilla.
Read it until you’re sure there are no typos and it also makes sense when read out loud.
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ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ​ - ʙᴏɴᴜꜱ ᴘᴛ.ɪɪɪ (ᴍ)
Warnings: A few years later from the last bonus chapter; Jungwon is 27 and Taemin is 26, MATURE CONTENT later on in the chapter, fluff, fluff and fluff at the beginning, yandere thoughts, making out, talks about Taemin inheriting Taehyung's company, dom!Jungwon, sub!Taemin, brat!Taemin, brat taming, dirty talk, punishment, soft biting by Jungwon, praising, teasing, begging, blow job, hand job, slight face fucking, all of this happens with Jungwon under Taemin's desk, some thigh-slapping and pinching(??), a little bit of pain kink(?), exhibitionism; Jungwon sucks Taemin off on a phone call with Taehyung (not sure if it's called that but ok u get the idea), mentions of murder by Taehyung on call, soft and fluffy aftercare.
Word count: 3.2k+ (exact word count at the end)
Note: Lmao good luck bc idk wtf I wrote-
"I want kisses," Jungwon pouts hugging the blanket around him, "Can you please look up from your laptop and give me some, baby? You've been on that the whole day and you didn't even eat what I cooked."
"Baby," Taemin stretches on his desk, "I just have to finish up this report for the meeting tomorrow. My dad's expecting a lot from me and I need to impress him."
"Do you think I can help you?" Jungwon asks concerned about his boyfriend who worked hours together to inherit his dad's company.
"Hmm," the obsessed boy grins, "Maybe you could give me a few kisses?"
"Of course," the older stands up and heads to Taemin's desk, "Anything for my hardworking baby boy who I love the most."
Taemin's grin widens after hearing that and there was nothing Jungwon wouldn't do to see that sweet grin of his. The older bends down to kiss the younger's forehead sweetly, "Why don't you move to the bed, honey? I could give you a massage that way."
"You'd give me a massage? That sure does sound tempting," Taemin stands up taking his laptop and documents along with him. He crawls into bed like a baby seeking warmth and cuddles up to Jungwon.
"Mmm, my baby's tired, isn't he?" Jungwon rubs his back and places several kisses on his head, "He needs a lot of love, doesn't he?" Taemin nods aggressively with a shy grin.
"I'll give my baby love," Jungwon coos hugging him tighter, "Is my baby not hungry?"
Taemin shakes his head softly. It didn't matter if he didn't eat, he was immortal and would never die.
"No," Jungwon scowls, "You have to eat, baby. I'm gonna go get leftovers from lunch. You didn't eat the entire day. I'll be back," he shoves Taemin aside playfully as Taemin tries to grab Jungwon back into bed, "No, don't go- I'm fine."
"Shut it, baby or you'll get it later," Jungwon squints his eyes at Taemin to emphasize his point. Taemin pouts retreating into the bed.
"Good boy," the older throws praise before walking out of the room into the kitchen as the praise goes directly into Taemin's heart. He plops down onto the bed with a foolish grin as he inhales Jungwon's tantalizing scent from the pillows and sheet. How the hell did I deserve him? 
He giggles softly at his thoughts. It doesn't matter if I didn't deserve him; I'd still have him.
He hears the microwave beep from the kitchen and stomps over to the kitchen, "Did you have anything, baby?"
Jungwon nods, "You don't worry about me! I know how to take care of myself. I'd never skip food even if I am dead, you fool. You, on the other hand, won't eat even if you're starving. What do you think you are, huh? Some immortal vampire who doesn't need to eat food to survive?"
Taemin gulps. Well, yes. Not a vampire but yes.
"Then eat!" Jungwon places the plate in front of Taemin with a scowl, "I swear to god. If something happens to you, I'm gonna die. What am I supposed to tell your mom who told me to take care of you?"
Taemin realises that Jungwon was no longer playfully scolding him and was actually worried about him.
"Hey! Hey!" Taemin chuckles softly, "Calm down, baby. Don't worry. I'm fine. Totally fine. Why would I ever not be okay when you're here with me?"
"So, you wouldn't be okay if I wasn't there?" Jungwon asks folding his hands.
"Of course, I'd be okay — physically. I'd be struggling emotionally without you. What would I do without you?" Taemin hugs Jungwon from behind placing small kisses on his neck, "I love you so much, babe. You're the best."
"You're the worst," Jungwon turns away.
"Well," Taemin smiles, "How do I be the best? I'll do anything."
"Eat," Jungwon says walking into the kitchen to get a glass of water, "And then you'll be the best."
"Anything for my baby," Taemin yells towards the kitchen before sitting down to eat, sniffing his food, "This smells good! Did you make it?"
"Yeah," Jungwon rolls his eye with a smile, "Who else can cook that good?"
"Only you," the younger one chuckles softly digging into the food. He moans in delight, "God damn! What was I thinking when I missed lunch?"
"Exactly!" Jungwon says, "What made you think you can miss lunch that I made? The disrespect!" He says dramatically before plopping down on the chair next to his boyfriend.
"Am I the best now?" Taemin asks as he stuffs all of the food on his plate.
"No..," Jungwon looks away sadly.
"Hey," Taemin asks in a worried tone, "What's wrong, baby?"
"You still need to give me kisses," he says with a pout.
"Aww," Taemin chuckles, "I'll give my baby kisses. Lemme just go wash my hands. I'll be right back."
Jungwon smiles widely before nodding. 
Oh, what I wouldn't do to see that smile.
"Mmm," Jungwon squirms under Taemin who was feverishly mouthing at his neck, "You need to do your report, baby."
Taemin chuckles softly, "How about I do you now and the report later?"
"Sounds good but I need you to focus on your work," Jungwon smiles softly at Taemin, his thumb softly caressing his cheek. Studying the soft details of his face, Jungwon pulls his boyfriend into a soft loving kiss, "Go, baby boy. Make your man proud tomorrow."
"You know," Taemin smiles, "After I inherit the company, I'll buy a bigger mansion for us. Let's move out of this small apartment, ey?"
"Oh no, that's not required," Jungwon laces his fingers with Taemin's and brings it up for a kiss, "This is fine, love. It's even better when you're around. You're my home, love. The size of our home doesn't matter."
"But I wanna give you the best in this world," Taemin softly kisses his jaw, "I will give you everything, baby. You just have to ask."
"You're already giving me the best," the older grins, "You're giving me yourself."
"I want you to have more and everything," Taemin gets up pulling Jungwon with him, "I'll get my baby everything."
Jungwon chuckles softly, "You know how many girls out there want you?"
"You how many girls are out there but I only want you?" Taemin replies quickly.
"You should get back to," Jungwon gestures quotes with his hands, "doing your report."
Taemin bursts out laughing, "Yes, I should. Are you jealous?"
Jungwon scoffs, "How can I be jealous when I got a sexy man hot on my trail to fvck me every night?"
"Damn right, baby," Taemin grins taking his laptop and placing it on his lap.
"Lemme massage your legs," Jungwo shuffles closer to Taemin's legs.
"You don't have to, babe. I'm fine-" Taemin groans when Jungwon applies pressure on his legs and massages them, "Right there, babe- Yes- There. Ugh."
Jungwon smiles softly thinking all dirty and continues his ministrations on his leg. Taemin lets little grunts and groans when Jungwon presses onto the right spot. Jungwon couldn't stop his mind from wandering wildly into nasty thoughts.
"How're you feeling, love?" Jungwon bends low to press a kiss to his knee.
"So good," Taemin groans, "You're so good at massaging, babe."
"Of course," Jungwon smirks, "How could I not be good when I can get all those sexy moans from your mouth?"
"You can get better moans from my mouth, can't you?" Taemin smirks throwing a challenge at the older.
The older raises an eyebrow with a smile, "Are you challenging me?"
"Maybe," Taemin shrugs looking back into his laptop screen and typing away.
Jungwon crawls up Taemins legs, "You don't want to play this game, Taeboy," he slides his hands up his leg, "You'll regret it."
"Will I? I don't think so," Taemin grins.
"Is that so?" Jungwons hand palms Taemin through his shorts and Taemin throws his head back in a sigh.
"Y- Yes," Taemin stutters trying to concentrate on his laptop. 
"Get on your desk chair," Jungwon's eyes are dark and coated with lust, "Now."
"Okay," Taemin whispers, almost moaning. He gets up walking to his desk.
"With your laptop, love," Jungwon smirks as Taemin shivers at his orders, his erection hardening and arousal shooting down his spine.
"Why the l-laptop?" Taemin asks picking it up from the bed.
"You'll see. Sit down," Jungwon pulls the chair back urging the younger to sit down. Taemin sits down and places his laptop on the desk, nervously looking up at his boyfriend whose gaze was burning holes in his back. Jungwon bites his lip at Taemin's doe eyes looking up at him nervously.
"Start working, baby. You have a report to do," Jungwon says and he walks in front of the desk and leans down placing his palms on the desk.
"Y- Yes, sir," Taemin immediately goes back to typing his report. Jungwon crouches crawling under the desk. Taemin gasps, "What are you-"
"Shush, Taeboy," Jungwon peaks from under the desk as he rests his hands on Taemin's thighs, "Not a sound. Got it?"
Taemin nods as he begins to sweat profusely from anticipation. 
"Words, love. Use your words."
"Yes," Taemin shivers as Jungwon runs a finger up his inner thigh.
"Yes, who?" Jungwon pinches his inner thigh with a scowl.
"Yes, sir."
"Good boy," Jungwon smirks satisfied, "Now, why don't you remove your shorts for your master?"
Taemin obliges and slides his shorts down along with his boxers.
"Mmm, dirty boy. Already taking off his boxers? So needy, huh?" Jungwon grins from under the desk.
"Yes," Taemin groans, "Your dirty boy, sir."
"My dirty boy," Jungwon repeats, turned on by his words, "And my dirty boy wants to play, hmm?"
"Yes, sir," Taemin tries to buck his hips up to feel any friction.
"Nuh-uh," Jungwon chuckles seeing his attempt, "When we play, we play by my rules."
"Please," Taemin pleads hands gripping the edge of his desk so tight it might break. 
"Please what, boy?" He asks kissing Taemin's knees softly.
"Please, touch me. I- I want to feel you," Taemin begs, trying to pull his tease of a boyfriend closer with his leg. 
"Hmm, touch you where? Where do you want to feel me?" Jungwon grabs a hold of his calves to prevent him from pulling him and kisses up his knees unrushed and draggingly slow.
"On my- On my cock," Taemin whines out of frustration, "Please, sir. I want you- your mouth on my cock."
"You don't deserve my mouth," Jungwon scoffs, "You don't even deserve my hands. You like to challenge your master, don't you? So disobedient, such a brat, aren't you? Do you think you deserve it?" 
"Yes," Taemin replies.
Jungwon blows air at his erection and Taemin jumps with a moan, "Yes, what?"
"Yes. I deserve it, sir," Taemin says almost on the verge of tears. 
"No," Jungwon scoffs, "You deserve punishment, Taeboy. Will you take your punishment like a good boy?"
"Yes, sir. I will," Taemin replies, his grip on the desk so strong, there are dents forming on it.
"Good boy," he says with a smile, "Now, return to your report and don't make a sound. If I hear the sound of your keyboard clicking stop or if I hear a sound out of your mouth, you won't cum today."
Taemin nods as a tear slips out of his eye. He whimpers when he feels a slap on his thigh, "Understood?"
"Yes, sir," Taemin nods again.
"And don't think of fooling me by typing random letters," Jungwon licks up his thigh, "I'll check after I'm done with you. If I don't see a proper report, you won't cum for three days. Got it?"
Taemin cries out in frustration, "Yes, sir."
"Good boy," Jungwon bites Taemin's thigh softly, "You're the prettiest boy to ever exist. My pretty boy," he slides his hand up Taemin's inner thighs and grabs his erection. Taemin throws his head back with a sigh. Jungwon slaps his thigh again and Taemin whips his head back to look at the screen filled with important text but all he can comprehend is that there are random words on the screen.
Jungwon slowly runs a finger up his erection and Taemin's hips jerk forward. The older kisses his base and licks up a stripe. Taemin brings a hand to his mouth to stifle a moan. 
"I better hear those keys," Jungwon warns and Taemin's hands fly to the laptop's keyboard pressing random keys. He then remembers Jungwon's rules. He's supposed to type his actual report. 
But how the hell was he supposed to do that when his hot-dominant-boyfriend was giving him a head?
He tries to open his eyes and focus on the screen and all the words he'd previously typed on it but nothing registers and Jungwon finally stops his teasing and take the tip of his erection into his mouth. Taemin bucks his hips up and Jungwon holds him down on his chair. Jungwon takes him further up his mouth and Taemin barely writes a word on the report document. 
"I don't hear any typing, Taeboy," Jungwon chuckles, "Do you not want to cum?"
"I am- I am typing," Taemin breathes out, "I want to cum, please."
"Be a good boy and type then," Jungwon orders going back to taking Taemin into his mouth. Taemin tries to focus and write but loses it again when Jungwon swirls his tongue around him. 
"Please," Taemin cries, "I- I want more. I can't."
"My pretty boy wants more?" Jungwon asks popping off of him.
"Yes, sir," he nods eagerly, "I want more."
"I'll give my pretty boy more," Jungwon pumps him with his hands and Taemin moans out. Taemin was always vocal and loud which Jungwon loved. The strings of moans that would fall out of his mouth always turned him harder.
"What did I tell you about making a sound?" Jungwon continues pumping him as Taemin pants.
"I'm sorry- I just can't. I can't focus," Taemin cries out, "I can't focus."
"Then how will you finish your report for tomorrow, baby boy?" Jungwon asks pumping him harder and faster. 
"I don't- shit. I don't know," Taemin moans out, "Fvcking hell. You're so good."
"Get to your work, boy," Jungwon says and he continues his ministration.
"I want- I want your mouth, please-" Taemin begs as he bucks his hips up and his tip hit Jungwon's cheek. Jungwon sinks his mouth down on Taemin taking more than half of him inside and Taemin moans growing slack against the chair and bucks his hips into his mouth. Jungwon breathes through his nose and pushes further taking in more of Taemin. He moans around him and Taemin groans in pleasure bucking his hips faster and irregularly. 
Jungwon swallows around Taemin almost gagging. His eyes tear up and Jungwon places his hands on Taemin's thighs for support. Taemin groans occasionally looking up at the screen to try and type but fail every time. 
Jungwon's tears spill as he gags around Taemin.
"Faster, please," Taemin begs and he feels Jungwon's fingers digging into his thighs.
"I love you so much, baby," Taemin's hands grab his hair softly and encouragingly, "So much. My pretty boyfriend. I love it- shit- I love you so much."
Taemin's phone starts ringing and he ignores it. He feels a pinch on his thigh. He looks down to see Jungwon glaring. The view he had was making him unbelievably hard. Jungwon's eyes watered and tears stained his cheeks, pink lips wrapped around him.
Jungwon pops off of him, "Get the call."
Taemin groans and takes his phone to see his dad calling. He freaks out and panic floods his system when Jungwon wouldn't stop going down on him.
"My- My dad's calling," Taemin stutters looking at Jungwon.
"So?" Jungwon smirk giving kitten licks, "Take the call, babe."
"Like this?" Taemin pants in worry of getting caught.
"Yes, babe. Like this," Jungwon pumps him slowly. 
"What if we get caught?" Taemin asks.
"Then that'll be your fault," Jungwon hums, "The way you talk to him will give it away so better be careful, Taeboy. We better not get caught."
"O- Okay," Taemin swipes up the green button and brings the phone to his ear, "H- Hello, dad?"
"Ah," his dad sighs, "Finally you answered. Where were you? Are you busy?"
"I am-" He feels a sharp pain on his thigh making him almost moan, "I am not b-busy. I was just in the ki-kitchen. Why did you call, dad?"
"Are you okay? You don't sound so great."
"I'm fine," Taemin tries to control his breathing, "I'm fine, dad. Please, tell me why you called."
"I called to say that one of the investors' daughters wants to meet up with you. I tried to deny but he was being too persistent. Should I just kill her? I don't want her to cause trouble in your relationship."
"It's- It's fine, dad," he sighs when Jungwon takes him to the hilt in his mouth, "I'll deal with her later."
"Alright. Also, how is the report coming along? I hope to see a good one tomorrow."
He looks at the laptop screen to see gibberish typed onto it after several pages of extremely professional content, "It's coming along fine. I'll have it finished by tomorrow. Don't worry."
"Okay. Where's Jungwon? I hope he's doing okay."
"He's- He's right here, dad," he looks down to see his boyfriend looking up at him with sly eyes. 
"Alright, take care."
"Bye, Dad," Taemin hangs up and throws the phone on the table and moans out when Jungwon sputters and gags around him. Taemin bucks his hips up and Jungwon stops, "Such a dirty boy. Answering his dad's call when he's getting blown by his boyfriend."
Jungwon rubs him with his hands and Taemin groans, "I'm close- I'm close. Please."
"You want to cum?" Jungwon asks lightly biting at his thighs. 
"Yes, sir," Taemin nods with his head thrown back. 
"Yes, sir what?" Jungwon slaps his thigh.
"Yes, sir. I want to cum," Taemin cries out in frustration.
"Good boy," Jungwon chuckles as he goes faster, "Cum for me, baby boy. Do it."
Taemin releases with a groan and Jungwon catches it all in his mouth. He rubs him through his high. Taemin looks down to see Jungwon swallowing and licking the rest from his thighs off. He groans at the view and shuts his eyes tightly.
"Good boy," the older praises coming out from under the desk, "You did so well, baby."
"I couldn't type-" 
"Shush, shush," Jungwon smiles, "It's okay, love. Come on. Lie on the bed and let me clean you up."
Taemin drags himself out of the chair and plops down onto the bed. Jungwon returns with a wet towel cleaning him up softly and putting a new pair of boxers on him.
"How far are you from finishing your report, love?" Jungwon places soft kisses on Taemin's face. 
"Just a few more paragraphs and I'll be done," Taemin replies.
"Do you think you can get it done or do you wanna sleep?" Jungwon inquires softly brushing back Taemin's bangs. 
"I have to get it done but I wanna sleep," Taemin smiles softly. He didn't need sleep. He wasn't tired either. He just wanted Jungwon's undying attention. 
"You can finish it in the morning, can't you?" Jungwon kisses Taemin's hand.
"I can," Taemin nods basking in his attention and touches. 
"Sleep, baby. I'll change and get back," he kisses his forehead sweetly, "We'll cuddle after."
"Wait-" Taemin stops him, "What about you? You didn't cum."
"Aww, is my baby worrying about me?" Jungwon giggles, "I'm fine, love. Take rest."
"No," Taemin props himself up with his elbows, "I want to suck you off before we sleep."
"It's not needed-"
"It is," Taemin pulls Jungwon back into bed softly, "I need more of you. Even if it's your cock in my mouth or mine in yours."
Jungwon's erection was getting harder. He opens his eyes coated with lust and love.
"You think you can take me like a good boy?" He asks running his thumb on his cheek. Taemin sucks a breath in, "Yes, sir."
"On your knees then, Taeboy."
3235 words
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polite-pandemonium · 2 years
I’d marry you with paper rings - part 1
Prompt: Taichi and Mimi run a seemingly harmless con where they pretend to get engaged in restaurants so they can get free dessert, only to be caught in the act when her parents witness one of the fake proposals and 100% believe it. Pairing: Taichi/Mimi, others will show up I think Rating: T Notes: This is for @piedrpiper, who gave me this killer prompt, which I then ran away with and now who knows what I’ve gotten myself into!!! Also this is unbeta’ed and I wrote it all in the span of an hour so who even knows if it’s good!! WHO EVEN KNOWS!!!!!
Chosen Chat Thursday - 2:01pm
Daisuke:  uMMMMM ╭( ๐_๐)╮ @taichi-san, @mimi-san, do you want to explain what the hell this is?  https://www.tiktok.com/@minakolovesyou/video/87362956028361822
Yamato:  …what the hell is this?
Sora:  …I feel like we are missing A FEW chapters?
Koushiro:  Um? Did I miss a memo?  Or a several years long relationship?
Daisuke: You mean again? ( º﹃º )
Koushiro:  No one asked you, @daisuke-san.
Miyako: WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME? \(`0´)/
Hikari: Onii-chan, what is going on?
Miyako: Seriously, WHY? Why did no one tell ME?
Yamato: Takeru, stop. 
Hikari:  Takeru-kun, this isn’t funny!
Taichi: Oh my GOD, stop blowing up my phone, seriously.  It’s just this thing Mimi-chan and I have been doing. 
Sora: I’m sorry, what??? A ‘thing’ you’ve been doing with Mimi? You call *getting engaged* a thing??
Taichi: NOT FOR REAL!  I found a list on Reddit of restaurants in Tokyo that will give you free dessert if you get engaged there.  So Mimi-chan and I have been going around to them. 
Yamato: …You’re getting fake engaged? So you can get a free dessert?
Hikari: Oh my god, okaa-san is going to kill you.
Taichi: Stop, it’s all in good fun.  Plus she’s never going to find out? Don’t understand why someone filmed it, though.
Miyako:  This happens all of the time! This is TikTok!!  People film beautiful, random moments and share them! They thought this was a beautiful, random moment!  BUT IT’S NOT IT’S FAKE (ノ-_-)ノ ミ ┴┴
Koushiro: This is so unnecessarily deceptive.  You guys are both doing fine financially.  You don’t need to lie to get free dessert. 
Yamato:  Seriously, what the fuck? This isn’t cool. An engagement is an important moment.
Taichi:  Oh, calm down lover boy @yamato Not all of us have been envisioning our engagement since we were fourteen.
Sora: Taichi!
Mimi: LOL I see our game has been exposed. 
Taichi: It has, unfortunately.  The jig is up.
Mimi: On TikTok, too? Ugh, I wasn’t even wearing my cutest outfit that day.
Taichi: I think you looked great. 
Mimi: Aww, shucks, thanks hubby. 
Taichi: Of course, wifey. 
Daisuke: (●≧艸≦
Hikari: 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ
Takeru:  LOL?
Yamato: You’re both ridiculous. 
Mimi: Oh, Yamato-kun, you don’t mean that!
Yamato:  Given that you’re both running around getting fake engaged?  For dessert? I do. 
Taichi: OK, look, it isn’t just the dessert that we do it for.
Yamato: ?
Hikari: ????
Taichi: Sometimes they give us free drinks, too.
Mimi: One time, we got a whole bottle of Veuve Cliquot! 
Taichi: The big one!
Mimi: The BIG one!!!!!
Koushiro: You guys, really?
Taichi: The big one, Kou!!!
Mimi: 100,000 views, huh?
Taichi: Is that a lot?
Mimi: I mean, it’s not not a lot But it’s not viral
Daisuke:  Well, it’s only been up for a few hours And it’s popular enough that I ended up seeing it
Miyako: That’s cause you’re chronically online, Daisuke. 
Daisuke:  Takes one to know one, Miyako.
Hikari: Well, you both better hope it doesn’t accumulate any more views  I doubt you want to explain this to people who aren’t us Like your employers
Taichi: Oh, GOD, no thank you
Mimi: Um do NOT put that out there But I don’t think we have to worry about it Even if it gets more views, the chances of someone who knows us seeing it are so slim You have to be addicted to TikTok Like Daisuke-kun
Daisuke: Look, this isn’t dump on Daisuke, hour I’m not the one going out getting fake engaged for dessert I go to Lawson like any other respectable adult 
Miyako: Konbini betrayal!! (ง •̀_•́)ง
Mimi: My point is!! That we don’t have to worry about it going more viral. Viral is subjective now a-days. Everything’s viral. No one will likely see it. 
Ken: Ah, man I miss everything 
Friday - 1:47am
Jyou: Same But I’m glad I wasn’t here for this Seconding Yamato, you’re both ridiculous
The next morning, Mimi stood in her kitchen, eating natto over rice and running a facial roller over her cheeks. She had been out a little late last night with Sora and Miyako, drinking wine and chattering about their weeks into the wee hours, and it was showing on her face. 
Where had she put her collagen powders? She thought to herself as she surveyed the small kitchen in her Aoyama apartment. There were only so many cupboards for her to tuck them away into and yet they were no where to be found. Maybe if she was able to blend them into her coffee, they could perk her up a bit. Or better yet, a green juice - they were special ones she had brought back from her last trip to America. Surely in green juice they would make her glow. 
But she didn’t know where they were and Mimi didn’t like green juice anyway. 
Sighing to herself, she unlocked her phone. Swiping away from the notifications in the Chosen group chat (Takeru and Hikari were asking the group to settle some sort of debate they had stayed up till 4 in the morning arguing about - the old marrieds), she opened up her calendar. She scanned her meetings for the day: 8 in total, 3 on-site, 5 remote. 
Too many, she groaned, and closed the app. 
Opening up TikTok, she swiped through a few videos. A couple of reviews of local cafes, three videos about the latest season of Stranger Things, and a handful of fashion videos. She paused on one, inspecting the blouse the girl was wearing, before favouriting it as a reminder for her to pick it up later.
Then, suddenly, Mimi was met with the sight of her own face, blushing and teary eyed as Taichi knelt down in front of her in the dining room at Narisawa. 
She sat up a little straighter. 
This had been restaurant number eight on their list and overall, it had been a pleasant experience. Mimi had worn a bright pink linen dress she picked up from Reformation in Toronto on a recent buying trip with simple gold hoops. Taichi wore a well tailored black suit and white dress shirt, no tie. He rested his hand on the small of her back when they walked in. 
For over an hour, they laughed and talked together, recounting their days and weeks. The best part about this whole ruse was that they genuinely enjoyed each other’s company; it was easy to pretend you absolutely adored the person across from you romantically when you did adore them platonically. Taichi hammed it up, taking Mimi’s hand and pressing a kiss to her knuckles in between courses, and Mimi answered in kind by reaching over mid-conversation to brush a strand of hair off his forehead. 
The food was delicious and the wine even better and near the end of dinner, Taichi had cleared his throat before getting down on one knee and launching into his (well rehearsed) speech about how much he loved her and how much he couldn’t live without her and could she do the greatest honour of his life by agreeing to marry him?
Mimi’s eyes welled up with tears (she had pinched her thigh hard under the table) before she nodded enthusiastically and said a choked-up ‘yes’. Taichi slipped the ring on her finger, they both rose, and embraced to the sound of both enthusiastic and uncomfortable applause. They kissed each other on the cheek (they were in public, after all), before sitting back down and beaming at each other.
Their server congratulated them and then offered them a bottle of one of their finest wines, on the house. They gratefully accepted. 
From her kitchen counter, Mimi chuckled to herself. The whole thing had been so fun - it had been Taichi who had sent the list to her when bored at work one afternoon and jokingly said, ‘Want to pretend to agree to marry me for free dessert?’ But it had been MImi who answered, seriously, ‘Um, heck yes.’
Together they devised a plan to work their way through the entire crowd sourced list. They would go to one restaurant a month and they would make up a new backstory for how they met, how long they had been together, and other various details for each restaurant, just in case. They took a quick trip to Liquem in Hanakawado and selected a sparkly, slightly gaudy ring for under ¥3,000. 
From there on, it was showtime. 
Looking at the view count on the video, Mimi’s eyes widened. Since Daisuke had sent it the day before, the video had now amassed over 4 million views and over 10 thousand comments. 
“Oh my god,” Mimi mumbled, opening up the comments section and scanning them. 
“Holy shit the way he looks at her, I’m —”
“Her face!! She looks so in love!!”
“If my finance doesn’t look at me like that then I don’t want it!”
“Ew, people like this? It’s so public. No thanks.”
“Her dressssss? Mommy? Sorry. Mommy?”
“Crying in single over here.”
“Who gets engaged at NARISAWA are you SERIOUS? I would be mortified.”
“He’s so hot.”
Flustered, Mimi closed the comments and focused on the video. On screen, she watched as her hands flew to her face as Taichi looked up at her, nervously, beaming, a Harry Styles song playing over them. The Mimi on screen nodded excitedly and the face of the Taichi on screen split into a grin. Mimi suddenly felt like she had to look away. 
They really did look happy. 
Before she had a moment to think about it further, her phone began to buzz in her hand. A text from her parents. 
Family Chat Friday - 8:34am
Mama: Oh, Mimi!!!! We just saw it!!! https://www.tiktok.com/@minakolovesyou/video/87362956028361822 We’re SO SO EXCITED FOR YOU ( ´•̥̥̥o•̥̥̥`)♡(˘̩̩̩̩̩̩ ⌂ ˘̩̩̩̩̩̩)
Mama: Why didn’t you tell us you and Yagami-san were dating?  We would have been so happy!!
Papa:  Mimi, darling, you have some explaining to do.  But we are VERY VERY HAPPY!!!!! ( ‘́⌣’̀)/(˘̩̩ε˘̩ƪ) CALL US!!!!!!
Mama: CALL US VERY SOON!!! AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!!! CALL US!!! ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
Papa: ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
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