#OH lawd i do not wanna tag all of these characters
dougdimmadisco · 2 years
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hope this makes sense bc i will not be elaborating
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dex-xe · 4 years
Have you ever thought that when the ghosts were alive The world map would look different? Some of the ghosts might think that Australia or Canada is still part of the British Empire or captain and pat thinks that Russia is The Soviet Union.
Oh lawd,, I’m obsessed with this as an idea. I’m a history and politics student who has spent significant time looking at historical geopolitics so I’m gonna do a bit of a deep dive now into what each of them would’ve known about the world. Apologies Anon but you’ve started a rave in my brain on this subject :P
It’s very long so I’ll put a little keep reading button so I don’t annoy people in the main tag!!
im talking: Ghosts related questions, theories or headcanons yall have, your favourite characters/scenes/episodes/friendships + why, general comments on anything Ghosts you wanna say
Link to inbox: Max’s Ghost Post
Robin - Robin’s knowledge of the world would’ve been practically non-existent. He lived during the Stone Age but we don’t really know when, but he wouldn’t have known where he was in the world or what was happening elsewhere at all. Living in (what I assume is now) Surrey, he probably wouldn’t have even known about the sea or that he was on an island.
Plague Ghosts - The Plague ghosts are interesting because their world view would’ve been so limited. They wouldn’t have known about the Americas, Asia, Africa or Australia etc. Mick going to London would mean he would probably have known slightly more, if simply knowing vaguely about France or the Holy Roman Empire. They would’ve lived in a feudal system under the control of a Lord, so not much life outside the farming life style.
Humphrey - Humphrey’s worldview would’ve been dominated by the conflict of the Church and conflict between the monarch and the Pope. He would’ve known about discoveries of food and stuff in the Americas. It’s unlikely he would’ve lived to see the Europeans arrive in Australia. So he would’ve never knew about it which is mad.
Mary - Mary would’ve been the last ghost where the HRE was at its power. King James VI was committed to peace in Europe but the 30 Years War would’ve been in her life time too. She would’ve known about the Americas probably and the existence of British production in the new world.
Kitty - Kitty probably would’ve lived at the end of the 1700s, she might’ve just about seen the French Revolution in 1789 which she (being aristocratic) would’ve known about (and her family probably would’ve feared a similar thing would happen in Britain) but obvs Kitty being Kitty probably wouldn’t have fully known about it or been taught about what was happening. Also, she would’ve seen US independence in 1776 so that would’ve been important at the time too.
Thomas - Thomas lived in the early 1800s and would’ve experienced a similar world to Kitty. French Revolution and US independence would’ve been when he was very young if not just before his birth. The big situation in his life would’ve been Napoleon’s chaos in Europe. But with Thomas’ being an aristocratic, uppity poet he would’ve known but probably not had much interest or care for the world.
Fanny - Fanny would’ve seen the scramble for Africa in full force and the Empire’s expansion. She would’ve seen the Empire at its highest with the whole “sun never sets on the British Empire” situation. This would’ve completely defined the way Fanny viewed the world.
Captain - The Captain’s worldview was wayyyyy different to ours even though he didn’t live that long ago. He was born probably around 1900 so would’ve seen the rapid changes in WW1 and everything afterwards. Colonialism and the aftermath of the scramble for Africa were HUGE in this time as have been seen with the Captain’s view of the Empire. Then obviously the Great Depression and everything happening in Germany and Europe and then WW2.
Pat - Like you said Anon, Pat would’ve lived at the time of the Soviet Union. He was born in around 1945 so saw the world from an entirely post-WW2/Cold War perspective in which East-West relations would’ve dominated his worldview. I imagine being an educator of sorts and from what we see of him in the show he was probably rather knowledgable of the world and current affairs and the like. He would’ve seen the decolonisation of Africa in the 1950s/60s but yeh,, the Cold War/Soviet Union would’ve been his big worldview.
Julian - Julian’s worldview would’ve been quite close to ours. He would’ve seen the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the reunification of Germany in 1990, and the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. But, the East-West divide would still have played a huge role in his perspective cause it obviously didn’t just go away straight after the end of the Cold War. The main thing that would’ve been different was Yugoslavia, in which countries began declaring their independence starting in 1991. It’s entirely possible Julian would’ve actually been in discussions regarding the future of the Balkans in Parliament or on committee etc.
So yeh,, sorry for the ranting anon but this is so fascinating to me!! You’re such a genius anon for thinking of stuff like this!!
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safyresky · 4 years
Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag some people. I was tagged by @mellomadness and I’m gonna use “shows” to mean “cartoons too” so this is gonna be a TRAINWRECK but FUN, ENJOY! And ty for the tag Mello! :D
1. Doctor Who
2. Tangled: the Series/Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure
3. Steven Universe
4. Amphibia
5. Ducktales 2017
Who is your favourite character in 2? Eugene! You know when people are like I STAN? Okay well there is only 1 character I will ever say that about and it is Eugene “Flynn Rider” Fitzherbet, I LOVE him
Who is your least favourite character in 1? Rose tbh, I know, hot take but she was always my least favourite. Clara’s a close second but she got a LOT better with 12 and I LOVED her send off so much TT_TT
What is your favourite episode of 4? I’m only like. 6 episodes in but if definitely has to be “Anne Theft Auto”, it made me laugh the most and I quite liked how they transferred car logic to the giant bugs the frogs use as vehicles!
What is your favourite season of 5? Season 1, I think! It has my favourite episodes in it and that’s literally the only reason why
Who is your favourite couple in 3? This is a HARD ONE because Garnet is GR8 but I love Steven and Connie and Rose/Greg is super sweet, especially after learning Greg’s backstory in SU Future and also, Pearl/Bismuth came outta NOWHERE and I LOVE IT! The Bismuth Casual episode? OH LORD! 
Who is your favourite couple in 2? Eugene and Rapunzel, I freaking LOVE them. Their ship name is New Dream and if that doesn’t make you sob idk what will tbh
What is your favourite episode of 1? “The Unicorn and the Wasp”. Ten and Donna? CHECK! Comedic? CHECK! Fun time period? CHECK. The Doctor really acting alien when he stops himself from being poisoned? HELL YEAH! The more alien the Doctor is in an episode the more I love it--probably why I love Ten’s run so much!
What is your favourite episode of 5? The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains! I love Goldie and Scrooge soo much and seeing how Goldie played them all? EXCELLENT! Their love story? SUPERB!
What is your favourite season of 2? Ouuu that’s an excellent question! I think season 2! I loved the travelling caravan and how much world we got to see and the shenanigans :D
How long have you watched 1? Since 2014 or 2015! I started watching just after Twelve’s first series! So 2014, and I spent 2013/2014 marathoning it because I saw some gifs of Twelve and went “that’s my Doctor” and HAD to get to him (and I did and he is very much My Doctor. Do they still do that? The who was ur first doctor and who was ur doctor as in Your Doctor? Because if so, Ten was my first but Twelve was MY Doctor)
How did you become interested in 3? Saw a few clips and gifs on my dash when it first came out, as well as a trailer just before that! Marathoned the first 20ish episodes (bc that’s all that were out at the time!) during my summer at home and the rest is history!
Who is your favourite actor in 4? Shit fam idk, it’s a cartoon (tho I love hearing Brenda Song again!)
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? Doctor Who, 100% and no I will not elaborate
Which show have you seen more episodes of - 1 or 3? I’m gonna take a wild guess and say Doctor Who because I THINK New Who has more episodes than Steven Universe/SU Future 🤔. And also because I have rewatched my favourite DW episodes SOO MUCH
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Happy background froggo! Not involved in shenanigans, living my froggy life, etc :)
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? I want to say NO but I think maybe it could work 🤔🤔🤔 idk how though!
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? Why Would You Ask Me This About Doctor Who, FUCK uhhhhh. I wanna say Missy and Twelve but I don;t think they’re unlikely but strangely okay, I think they’re EXCELLENT and were CLOSE before Missy’s past literally stabbed her in the back! Mickey and Martha! There’s an unlikely but okay match! When I watched that scene in Ten’s v last episode I was like “Oh! Wow! Unlikely but strangely, okay! I dig it!” They both deserved better! Seriously don’t get me STARTED on the way they were treated, ESPECIALLY Martha, I’m super mad about it bc I recently rewatched Series 3 and OH LAWD, RTD MAY CATCH THESE F I S T S 
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? OH MY GOD WHY WOULD YOU ASK ME THIS! Ducktales has had lovely season to season storylines, all very well done, but Steven Universe had an overarching storyline that was wrapped nicely and then given a VERY CATHARTIC END IN SU FUTURE! So I’m going to have to go with Steven Universe, sorry Ducktales Lads
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
Amphibia for sure. I love the intro, it’s a lovely instrumental! I love the way RTA/TTS did the score and such, but Amphibia’s intro is NICE
This was a lot of fun! May redo it with actual TV Shows, with Humans, in Live Action, but I haven’t caught up on the ones I usually watch and there’s a couple I’d like to start and YEAH.
double tagging @shittyelfwriter! @dona-in-character, maybe you’d enjoy this? :D And anyone else who wants to do this! 
And also @someheroescarryfloss cause you said go for it so I’m going for it >:D
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Answer 21, Tag 21
Tagged by: @marigoldeneyes WOWOW I LOVE YOU BB THANK U
1. Nicknames: Poe, Poey, Poe-Go, Dweadski, Mon, Moni, and the list goes on. (Rule of thumb, if it starts with a “P” its my nickname). 
2. Zodiac Sign: Aries!
3. Height: 5′5″ Inches
4. Hogwarts 🏠: Ravenclaw! (one inch from Gryffindor tho)
5. Last Thing I googled: The spelling and general knowledge on halberdiers. I needed to know for a character I was working on. :3
6. Favourite Musicians: Oh lawd, okay. I love all kinds of music from Britney Spears to Ramstein, I also have a strong liking to classic rock; however, if I had to list some favorite bands and musicians I’d say: Disturbed, Kamelot, Nightwish, Breaking Benjamin, Journey, and I have a weak spot for ELO (Electric Light Orchestra). Also ABBA. Can’t forget ABBA. 
7. Song Stuck in My Head: “My Name Is Human” by Highly Suspect
8. Following Now: 30 (which might I add is insane??? I am barely active nowadays and am relatively a new blog??? Wowzers im love all of you). 
9. Followers: 31
10. Do I Get Asks?: Whenever I reblog a meme I am shocked with how many people actually send some in and sometimes I get cute lil’ anons. I still love the one with Beauty and the Beast lyrics. :3
11. Amount of 💤?: Fuck, about like....5 or 6 hours I think? Depression often makes it vary. 
12. Lucky Number: 10
13. What I’m Wearing: The majority of my clothes are black. I only ever wear a bit of red. BUT if you wanna know exactly what right now: tea pot themed pajamas. :)
14. Dream Job: Honestly............I just wanna make art. Maybe do comics or even just make money off traditional art would be nice, I love painting---especially with watercolor. 
15. Dream Trip: travel scares me
16. Favorite Food: I’m kinda struggling with food, but steak fajitas are the bomb dot com. 
17. Instruments: I used to play the violin really well until my orchestra teacher (freshmen year) verbally abused me and tried to force me out of the spring concert; unfortunately, I haven’t been able to pick it up since. I wanted to be a singer when I was younger, but I think I’m about as tone deaf as my muse and I was told my voice was really raspy and out of tune so....I kinda dropped playing music and singing all together, which isn’t right and I know I shouldn’t let those experiences get the best of me but...eh. Maybe one day when inspiration strikes, I’ll do it. 
18. Languages: English and very broken German.
19. Favorite Song: “The Light” by Disturbed
20. Random Fact: I have always related to Rapunzel as a little girl because I felt trapped. My mom didn’t let me or my brother celebrate Halloween until we were teenagers, I spent the majority of my early years without friends or anywhere outside the house without literally begging to be taken somewhere, and visits to other family members involved one kind of drama or another. I also didn’t cut my hair until I was twelve and the only reason I did was because it was just uh...a little too much to handle. It went past my butt and long strands of brown were literally everywhere. xD
21. Aesthetic: Tarot cards, skulls, red and black, cute lil’ kitties and bunnies, typewriters (always wanted one!), the smell of sage, crystals, fire, witchy things, demons but like...cute ones, contrast between life and death, etc. 
Tagging: @magicfordummies, @fadedintheflames, @humortremors, @rebclangcl, @brusquc, @nevivorona, AND surely theres more but....my brain is ehhhhhhhh not working right. Literally if you wanna do it then do it! Also apologies if anyone of you beans I tagged already did it, just kinda---toss this post into the void. Just yeet it. Sacrifice it to Cthulhu. It’s all good and no pressure at all. 
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imfucking-magical · 6 years
You’re a masterpiece
My prompt 
Your boss paid me to paint something on the walls. There are so many details, my hands hurt and I stand most of the day. You felt bad for me and gave me a coffee. As you came to see my work I decided to take a sip but i didn’t look at the cups. It was water I used to clean my brush and now it’s on your face.
May has you paint a mural in the apartment
A/n Long time no see. There is another a/n at the end but for now enjoy =)
You have lived in your apartment building your entire life so you knew everybody and their business. 
Progress was being made until there was a slam in the room next door that shook the whole wall. The wall you were painting. The wall the ladder was fragilely leaning on.
You screamed holding onto the ladder and the paint. 
“Fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuuucccckk” Curses flew quietly out of your mouth as the ladder stopped moving and you had spilt only minimal paint on your hands and floor. Thank GOd you had put a tarp down.Slowly and carefully, as to not spill any more paint you, went to wash your hands of the paint because you wanted to be extremely careful with this mural and wiping your hands on your paint jacket and pants were not going to cut it. 
“May!!! Was that you?” You shout as you finish washing your hands. You went back to the wall and back up the ladder. There was footsteps and then the door flew open
“Who’s here?” Brown eyes and floppy hair entered the room holding a kid-sized baseball bat
“The name is Y/n”
“What are you doing here?” he asked as you turned back towards the wall
“May hired me to paint a mural in this room.” You said going back to your stroke. “ Also can you be careful with whatever you just did? The thump against the wall almost threw me and the paint off the ladder.”
“Yea sorry I didn’t know. She didn’t tell me she was getting her room painted.”
“It’s all good no harm was done.” You scraped some paint off with a different tool to make sure there were no drips
“So should I go? Do you need anything?” He asked. 
“Nah just carry on with your life. Pretend I’m not here.” 
Hours passed and you had started the detail working from the top to the middle. you were bent sideways while painting because the area of the detail was low enough to not need a ladder but high enough to not be on your knees.
“How is it coming along?”
You stood up straight and your back cracked when you did.
“WEll I am about half way there.”
“Are you going to come back tomorrow?”
“No I can finish it tonight.”
“Its ten o’ clock”
“Are you kicking me out?”
“What?! No I was just wondering. May isn’t going to be back tonight.”
“Good then she can get surprised tomorrow.”
“Ok well I’m going out for the night.”
“Have fun with that. Be careful there are tweakers out there.”
“I will. I’m locking the doors. Don’t unlock them for anyone. I have the key.”
“I doubt I’ll be leaving this room very much.”
He smiled and walked out.
It seemed like forever and you didn’t end up finishing until 3:07 in the morning. Hair in a messy bun and paint flecks were everywhere on your clothes. Your whole body was tense and you were just cleaning up tiny details at this point. Needless to say, you nearly had a heart attack when the door slammed open.
You screamed and flinched at the noise.
“Shit I almost spilled.... Oh hey Parker.”
“Hey Y/n I brought some coffee.”
“Thanks thats really sweet.” You said taking the coffee and popping the lid off to smell it. 
“So is the mural all done?” He asked leaning on the wall as he said it.
“Welllll... I suspect im going to have to do a bit of touch up on the paint you just leaned on, but other than that its coming along pretty good.” You retorted as Peter’s eyes became wide with realization as he stood up straight.
You laughed setting down your coffee. “ Its ok Peter you didn’t smudge as much as I thought you did. You have paint all over you now though.” you inspected the damage. If you weren’t so sleep deprived you would’ve been yelling. 
“This will come out right?”
“I mean you have to put it in the wash right away....” You said and instantly Peter started stripping his sweatshirt off and he didn’t have a shirt on underneath.
dear lawd 
“The mural?” His face flushed fuschia noticing your more than obvious staring. 
“Right.” You snapped your attention back to the mural. “Make sure to put it on warm water when you wash it.”
“Got it.” he walked away without another look from you, but the back of your neck was burning.
sorry this kinda sucked and was short but if you want a part 2 of this lemme know
Permanent Tag list:  @softbbyboye, @frostbyte-horan@gothamsblackqueen @allison0609 @ginger-wayward-assbutt@thefridgeismybestie @lexibc @inumorph
A/N SO a somewhat quick note. I have not been writing recently because..... life tbh. Between school has been the top priority and I haven’t been able to write in a while. That being said with summer coming I am free to write and will be hopefully be posting 2 or 3 times a week but I need some prompts so if you guys have requests or a list that would help especially with characters. I have a few ideas since infinity war came out...... jeez that movie killed me. ANYWAYS see you later lovelies.
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halfpint55 · 4 years
tagged by the formidable ms ruby aka @oldpotatoe​ aka she who is responsible for an unknowable amount of therapy bills due to her frankly supernatural ability to write the most beautiful angst u ever read, to answer 30 questions and tag some people after
1. name/nickname: Claudia! I also answer to halfpint as a nickname or Peach (because of my roller derby name)
2. gender: to quote Dodie, she.
3. star sign: the most leo leo to ever leo
4. height: 5″2? im not tall i know that for sure
5. time: 21:02
6. birthday: July 29 
7. favorite bands/groups: Me? a classic archetype of the bisexual switch who has never made a decision in her life? Chooose???? Bruh the amount of soundtrack music I listen to is unholy and varied. 
8. favorite solo artist: not to brag but I was in Hozier’s top 0.5% of listeners in 2020 soooooo (I also have a concerning amount of Corpse in my Spotify on repeat but we don’t need to go there).
9. song stuck in my head: Warriors (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Theme Song)
10. last movie: Tangled
11. last show: She-Ra
12. when did i create this blog: An embarrassingly long time ago, I was like 14 dude. 
13. what do i post: oh god, an unreasonable amount of zukka. But like generally speaking A;tLA, Korra, the Witcher, random shiny bits of my old fandoms, adhd shit, and stuff that makes me giggle I guess.
14. last thing googled: Ooooh this is a good one! Lore Olympus.
15. other blogs: im not ashamed of the fact that I run a Twilight Renaissance blog in the year of our lord 2020
16. do i get asks: my asks are so open but no one sends me any lmao. im so social it’s not funny I’d love to get some asks.
17. why did i choose this url: halfpint is a nickname coined for me because I am not tall and also because Kitty Pride was my favourite character on the x-men evolution cartoon and Wolverine calls her that too so it’s just nice. Halfpint on it’s own was taken so i just put in 5 twice because that’s my favourite number and halfpint5 and halfpint05 were also taken.
18. following: uhhhhhh.... 204????? Jeez.
19. followers: 317
20. average hours of sleep: *puts my finger on ur lip, as I shake my head* shhhhh... let’s not.
21. lucky number: 5. I won a raffle with the number 5 and then the following year with 55. My house number is a multiple of 5, and it’s been my soccer jersey number for 10 years.
22. instruments: i sing, and i learned cello as a kid. I also very briefly learned trumpet as a 5th and 6th grader.
23. what am i wearing: pink jumper and waisted mom jeans - im very pastel 80s right now.
24. dream job: it was to be a doctor but my adhd is kinda foiling me here so I’m about to transfer into a B. Education (Primary) and be a schoolteacher.
25. dream trip: Canada.
26. favorite food: gnocchi.
27. nationality: Australian.
28. favorite song: god don’t do this to me (according to my spotify wrapped it’s Shrike by Hozier)
29. last book read: The Blood of Elves (the first book of the Witcher novel series)
30. three fictional universes you’d like to live in: A;tLa, no question. I wanna bend an element SO BAD it’s not funny. Percy Jackson because this bitch is a burnt out gifted kid w adhd and INHALED those books (please lawd give me a godly parent). And possibly the Witcher - just for the chance to sing a ballad w Jaskier and annoy the fuck outta Geralt.
 the tag chain may die w me here because all my cool mutuals are tagging each other already and I honestly am a mere smol blog
(although @antagonized-jordan I haven’t see u get tagged so if you feel like it? go wild?)
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