figgyblossom · 2 years
Okay, let's try again! With more/better options! Thank u to everyone to inputted on the last poll (which I'm now realizing I should've made only a day long lol oh well)
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mikodrawnnarratives · 2 years
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God they are infectious
It's been a bit since I've drawn them so its only fair they get prioritized in the mistletoe drawing shenanigans. For this I actually tried out a color palette (or at least stuck to a similar color scheme) and I liked how it turned out!
Reblogs > Likes!! And as usual the time lapse is on the instagram version of this post
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sonicchaoscontrol · 2 years
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[Ch. 1, Page 9]
Thanks for the new duds but could they at -least- have been weather-appropriate
(Image formatted for mobile or fullscreen - view in new tab if you experience fuzzy resolution on desktop!)
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cinimuffin · 7 months
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askuemki · 8 months
last doodle before i cry abt school but i was pleasantly surprised pony nail polish existed :)
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microwave-core · 2 months
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that time of year again
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deci-doodles · 9 months
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Made this coz why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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discluded · 2 years
i'm trying to be normal about this, i do BUT I'M A WEAK SOUL AND THEY'RE NOT HELPING ME https://twitter.com/lufaii/status/1599518030207234048?t=Po0lUrBfQGflSeuOob3zHQ&s=19
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For context, it's the fan who shared these photos:
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I kind of wish English-speaking OP had waited a little to post, but I seem to be one of the few people with that anxiety since MileApo certainly didn't get that memo because they were *checks notes* HOLDING HANDS
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I am ... being... extremely Normal about this, I promise 🫠🫠🫠
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silantryoo · 9 months
I know enchanted yn last name is kwon but my brain kept going for jessica jung for some reason and now that anon talked about yuri and my yulsic ass now created a whole thing about yn being yulsic's secret daughter but also a daughter of a messy sapphic divorse and-
2024 marks 10 years since jessica left (allegedly) snsd idk how to feel about it but definitely nothing less than shambles
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mushroom-for-art · 2 years
A Clown belonging to @pokemon-ash-aus! A sleeping bean cause teens gotta snooze too
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peepee-poopoo-lord · 10 months
hello i am sending this to my moots that i’ve interacted with the most lately i need human interaction
Yeah me too tbh how are doing?
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kierawafflesart · 2 years
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so that cards against humanity stream,
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punisher progress pics
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thelastsirenssong · 9 months
Tonight I think of fighter Bakugou. I think of his bloody knuckles knocking on your door and you opening it and staring at his bruised face. His jaw is swollen something fierce and his cheek is cut up and the wind is blowing in cool autumn air, and the scent of iron, while he stares you down, and doesn't say a word.
"Can I help you?" And it's almost laughable, your question- you're sure you at least have bacitracin for that gash on his cheek that is hardly covered by the oversized banger on his face, but he frowns, something that brings you to step out of the doorway, and that brings him forward, into your home, where the lights are dim, and the air smells of fresh laundry: towels that you were folding, before he interrupted your important Saturday night plans.
But he's in your doorway, staring down the hall, looking like his next opponent is just feet away in the darkness, and you cower from him, laugh nervous and on edge, as you scan the room for your phone and god where did you leave it.
"Anyone come through here tonight?" He should know that no one has, because your couch cushions are only disturbed in one place, and only one blanket is draped hastily over them, and because ever since moving to this city, the only faces you see more often than his are those of your coworkers, and only during working hours. But he asks anyway- and you answer in kind, because of course you do- he's made sure you feel comfortable enough to, every time.
"No, Bakugou, just you, no one else is coming here this- this late, god it's almost midnight. What are you doing here?" He huffs, and the sound is strange, you realize his nose is bruised up too and you sigh, heavy and labored, tucking your toes further into your socks for more warmth and stepping out of the breeze from the door.
"Come- come on I mean if you're gonna be here get in, come on. It's so fucking cold out there."
"It's colder in here," he scoffs, shuffling in- something most be wrong with his leg- and his arms, you can't see from the bomber he's wearing but his shoulders are rolled forward, completely unlike his normal posture. He looks like a lion after a gruesome hunt, like this. A predator's limping victory.
"It is," you say, "but I have blankets." You toss one to him, that he catches and sets right back down on the couch as you frown at him.
"What, what's up?"
"Using your shower," he grunts, and your eyes shoot up, god why doesn't he ask for permission-
"My what-?"
"Mine's fucked, something about the water line, I dunno my landlord is being a piece of shit about it."
"Is he who you fought?" You ask haughtily, and he snorts softly, something that seems to hurt him, but that he does regardless, his eyes on your towels.
"No but the fucker's next,"
"Please do not make violent threats in my apartment-"
"I'm gonna break his spine in half-"
"Over water, Bakugou?"
"And the fuckin' rent's up maybe I should break every vertebrate-"
"I'm in fuckin med school I know where every one is at-"
"So impressive and so unnecessary please don't kill you landlord- or at least don't plan it here-"
"I've got no other fuckin' options at this point-"
"Just move you fucking moron-"
"Watch your mouth." His eyes glint, every other inch of him is red as his eyes as he stares you down, playful fire licking at you, and you quell the theatrics, crossing your arms and going silent to humor him, but your brows remain up in retribution, and he scoffs again, shaking his hurting head, despite how he shouldn't.
"Move where. This dingy place?"
"Rents cheaper here," comes your shrugged response, and he watches you, hand on his hip.
"At least the water works." He grunts. "For now."
"Yeah so think about it but no more- mpromptu showers here I'm sure they'll let you out of your lease you've had so many noise complaints-"
"The walls are fucking thinner than my patience how's that shit my fuckin' fault-"
"-ohmygod you really are bleeding. Do you need stitches?" The wound on his cheek is soaking through his bandage, and seems to show no signs of slowing down. He presses his hand to his face, seemingly oblivious to the sensation of blood collecting at the edges of the bandage.
"You should see the other guy," is his only retort, a gruff one that ends with him turning tail on you as he walks into the bathroom, and you scowl as you make to follow.
"I'd rather not I think I'd fucking faint."
"I said watch your mouth." He whirls on you then, and he reminds you with one step that even with his broken posture he is a victor, and you back up on instinct, falling back into the couch with little grace.
"Well- I- okay here just-" you throw a towel to him, that he still manages to catch deftly, despite his injuries, eye contact with you never broken. "Just shower and- there's no hope for that towel it's just- gonna get blood on it, f- okay, just- shower, and I'll find gauze. And bandages. And antiseptic. And my mind. I'm sure they're all... scattered around here. Somewhere."
He watches you for a moment then, another snort leaving him heated with scorn as he turns back around, shirt going over his head for you to observe his shoulder blades, patches of bruises of varying colors littering his skin, darkening under a myriad of pape scars. He disappears into your bathroom, and you think he doesn't hear the shaky sign you let out.
But he does.
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everchanging-cryptid · 9 months
just started watching Umbrella Academy ( I’m on episode one) and I have 3 things to say
Klaus is very gender
5 is a mood
I hope to God nobody simps for the army knife guy, he’s a jerk
I Will return with more info later ig when I watch more of the show
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antelabbitsghost · 2 months
ripped my thigh open stealing wild blackberries from my old elementary school without it ever occuring to me that they Might Not Actually Be Blackberries. feel like this explains a lot about me
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