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Guest of Honor - Comic Script
A Realm Reborn - lvl 14
Wolfram is invited to a banquet and is treated to an Echo vision he actually enjoys!
Wolfram Saga Comics
This is the script for a future comic. Posting for those who don’t want to wait to get the story. Numbers indicate frame number.
Shot of Admiral’s party. (From cutscene.) Narrator “After Wolfram uncovered the Sea Reaver’s plot and saved Swiftperch, Admiral Bloefhiswin invited him to a banquet as her honored guest.”
Wolfram talking to Merlwyb. Merlwyb smiling “I'm pleased to see you were the adventurer who saved the day! I suppose I should have known, as the reported state of our enemy's corpses matched those you'd dispatched for me before.”
A) Wolf winks “Oh, don't flatter me so. I simply know my way around a fireball.” B) Merlwyb laughs “And a rapier. Twas good luck, given the foe.”
A) Merlwyb nods “Limsa Lominsa is lucky to have you. And you have my thanks.” B) Wolf smirks “This banquet is a pleasant change from the usual pocket of gil delivered by your henchmen.”
Zoomed out, Merlwyb objecting “Oh shush! The thalassocracy thanks you for *all* your service, but this was far more serious than the odd job I throw yer way.” Wolf “How so?”
A) Merlwyb explains “The pirates you killed - they worshipped the primal Leviathan. They sought to kidnap others to forcefully serve the Sahagain’s god.” B) Wolf frowns “That's awful! Bad enough so many Sahagain are enthralled but to actively kidnap Lominsan citizens is a worrying development.
A) Wolf hopeful “Is there no way to save them? The enthralled Sahagain? That would ensure the safety of your citizens as well. Other than the land disputes, which could be negotiated.” B) Y’Shtola glancing over, curious. >ear twitch< Thought ‘Did he just express pity towards *beastmen*? Fascinating.’
Zoomed out, Y’Shtola walking over. Merlwyb - “Save? I need not tell you the depth of the animosity between us and the Sahagin. How any seaman worth his salt could devote himself to the fishbacks’ god is a question for a more temperate mind than mine.”
Y’Shtola standing with them. Wolfram frowns - “Let us not devolve into that sort of language Merlwyb, please. I know you have your reasons to hate them, but I’ve met enough Sahagin to know they aren’t all monsters. Regardless, what those enthralled were doing needed to be stopped.”
Merlwyb smirks “I suppose I cannot fault that bleeding ‘eart of yours. It saved many this day. As for now - thanks to you, our citizens may once more go about their daily lives, safe in the knowledge that they will not be dragged into the darkness by those execrable curs.”
A) Wolf chuckles, “Anytime, your Admiralship.” a glow comes from his pocket. B) Wolf takes a crystal out of his pocket, confused.
A) Merlwyb surprised “By the Navigator!” B) Y’shtola excited “This…is one of the Crystals of Light!”
A) Wolf chuckles “Aptly named. I’m not sure why I’ve been carrying it around… You know what the blasted thing is?” B) YShtola pondering “After our encounter with the goobbue, you had a vision, did you not? Of a towering crystal?”
Wolf, putting the crystal back in his pocket “Aye, that I did.” Thought ‘Blessedly different than the ones the damned voidsent shows me.’
A) Y’Shtola smiles “You batherd in Her Light…” Wolf, off frame “Light?” B) Merlwyb smiles “Y’shtola’s conclusion is clear, and I see no reason to doubt it. You are the vessel of a higher power.”
Wolf frowns, defensive “H-how did you know? What does that have to do with the crystal?” Thought ‘A hellhound has no use for it…’
A) Merlwyb explains “This… being from your vision was the Mothercrystal. Your description matches what little we know of Her.” B) She smiles “And if She has chosen you, then your deeds may yet shape the fate of nations.”
Wolf forces a smile “Ah. How wonderful.” Panicked thought ‘THE FUCK?! I now have two entities inside of me?! That can't be possible - surely such light would destroy a voidsent. And I still feel the bastard, even through the ale.’
Merylwyb smiles “Aye, As once did the deed of the Warriors of Light. Know you the tale? Like you, they were not of these lands, yet they fought to protect us all ‘gainst the corruption of the primals.” Wolf comedicly trying to cover up “Ah, so they were also Gridanian?”
A) Merlwyb smirks “Gridanian?! Is *that* what you tell people? You know, I happen to be good friends with one of your countrymen.” B/C) Yshtola frowns, pondering. Looks from one to the other.
A) Wolf awkward smile “Ah. A friend?” Thought ‘Why had I not put that together… she knows Rau. Of course, they’d be friends!’ B) Merlwyb annoyed “Indeed. Simply friends! Those rumors were utter hogwash started by one of his political rivals. The man is an eternal bachelor and he doesn't even -”
A) She smiles awkwardly. Thought ‘Oh gods stop rambling about the ‘ol Bull.’ B) Wolf beams “He is?! I thought by now he would have found some-”
Merlwyb and Y’Shtola confused. Merlwyb thought 'Does this adventurer know General Aldynn?'
A) Wolf, awkward, hand on his head, >sweatdrop< “Sorry, I meant” *cough* “-please, continue your tale of the Warriors of Light.”
Merlwyb amused “Well… when the Garlean Empire began its conquest of the realm, these heroes joined the Grand Companies, and helped reforge the Eorzean Alliance.”
Zoomed out. She continues explaining “And at the Battle of Carteneau, they took the field beneath our banners, to fight for everything we hold dear. It was on that day, in the midst of that hell… that we lost them.”
A) (small frame) Wolf concerned. B) (large frame) Personal flashback to Wolfram outside Mor Dhona as he watches the moon crack open.
Merlwyb somber “Every soul who survived that battle will never forget how it was to fight beside them. We are proud to call them our comrades. Yet, whenever we try to shout their names, the sound dies in our throats. And whenever we strain to see their faces with our mind’s eye, naught but their shadows appear to us, set against a blinding light. Ask any true Eorzean who knew them, and the story will be the same. It is for this reason that we call them ‘the Warriors of Light.”
A) Wolf frowns. Thought ‘I must have arrived too late to see them. Or been too busy to notice.’ B) Flashback Wolf healing an injured soldier.
A) Merlwyb smiles “When I look upon you, I cannot help but be reminded of them.” B) Wolf shocked.
A) Wolf bursts out laughing “Me?! Like a Warrior of Light?!” B) Laughing, covering his mouth as tears run down his cheeks.
Merlwyb eyebrow raise “Take my words to heart or not - but keep that crystal safe. In time, I believe the Mothercrystal will make clear Her reasons for bestowing it upon you. Heed well Her words, Wolfram. For it is Hydaelyn Herself who speaks.”
A) Wolf smirks, wiping his eye “Well this party certainly has taken a mystical turn. I didn’t know you lot were so -” B) He grabs his head, pained expression, echo vision effect.
Screenies from the echo vision at Carteneau. Zoom out of the state leaders.
A) Close-ups of Raubahn yelling on linkpearl B) Rau not wanting to withdraw.
Wolf wakes up in his apartment on the couch, lying on his side.
A) Doky smile, blushing red. “So commanding…” B) Wolf smirks, flushed. Thought ‘I’m beginning to think you aren’t behind these visions after all. Why would you show me Cartenau focused on Rau when he’s so…’
Wolf sitting up. Dark thought “So stressed? Being an arsehole to his subordinates? Stubbornly hesitant to withdraw while his men die?” Wolf blushes and smiles dreamily. “So hot. So incredibly hot.”
Wolf stands, smiles sadly, resting his hand over where his tattoo is and looking out the window. “Gods... how I miss that man.”
Wolfram Saga Comics
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omfg, jack’s sugar b4by era, what a girlboss
#OH MY GOD LEVIATHAN FRAME KILLED IT#DONT look at my shadowy you DONT see it#when they said the bone market they said the BONE market am i right am i right#jack's fallen london adventure
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3 Scary Games Notes (6/26/22)
NOTE: I’m late to this because of irl oblogations AND the thumbnail / title changed. While this can often be for algorithmic reasons because YouTube is an impossible fuckwad, the start of the video supports the idea that this change actually means something.
I decided to look closer at the thumbnail and point out anything I found odd. As well as outline the supposed eyeball. Which... Like fucking always, is on the left fucking side.
So here’s what I found compared to an undrawn-on thumbnail. You can see the eye, the very square corner I personally found weird, and I pointed out the light flares with a 1 and 2 because those have been VERY indicative of something big and fire-related in the past, especially during Mayhem.
Case in point: Subnautica Full Release, February 2018. Aka the videos which initially started my suspicion that something big was coming throughout March 2018, which eventually proved me right in May 2018.
In the first two videos, he’s on a leviathan killing spree, because why not? But I vividly remember the nervousness we had seeing the knives in the thumbnail, pointing out the flares, and the distinct red/blue theming. If I’m not mistaken, I took notes on suspicious activity in one of the first two videos, if not both of them.
What I’m saying is, two classic Mayhem Style thumbnail traits are back in this Scary Games thumbnail, and the start of the video really ties to the whole IRIS thing we’ve had going on on here lately. Leading me to believe that Sean is starting to throw gasoline on us too, not just Soph. In other words, we are VERY dead soon.
Here’s the start of the video:
Surveillance footage of the office. Where videos are recorded. AKA where canonically speaking, Chase has been posing as Jack for the last 4 years (oh god jesus christ that’s a horrific realization i’m gonna cry). Chase. Who we know is being watched by IRIS.
On top of that, this spooky intro for a horror game video goes on WAY longer than any of his harmless just-fun-creative-teehee-spoopy intro clips usually do. It’s literally the entire first minute of the video, when usually these are usually only a handful of seconds long.
And then the clip glitches red, blue and green, to the Actual start of the video.
(Bonus funny frame I got, for funzies)
At 3:52 in the video, the surveillance returns, and its glitchy. Which is a bit strange in my opinion because while the game has the player recording stuff and taking pictures, the surveillance just.. doesn’t fit the same vibe of footage as the camera in the game.
5:12 - The surveillance returns again.
13:08 - The facecam disappears. While a majority of the time this is done for silly immersion, its been used against us too.
20:28 - Screen glitches to surveillance again as we transition to the next game
29:14 - Facecam disappears again, surveillance returns once more. It still doesn’t mesh with the game being played, still sticks out.
36:59 - We glitch to the next game
39:46 - Screen glitches back to surveillance again. He excuses the glitches with his “cable messing up” possibly?
50:40 - Sean does his outro and the surveillance returns. After a moment it glitches out, and the video fully ends.
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Situations that end with MC Walking Away Brothers and Datables (-Luke)
This is supposed to be funny, humorous, fluffy, and teasing. Obviously, insinuations are there.
I didn't do Luke because you shouldn't walk away from children or dogs. Haha! No, really, I just didn't want to do one for him so apologies.
MC walked into the library to see Lucifer. He hadn’t seen them as he turned over several books on random shelves. He also took books from one shelf and placed them on other shelves. MC watched for two minutes before clearing their throat.
“What are you doing?” MC asked.
Lucifer jumped and turned around with an eyebrow raised. “Nothing, and if I were you, I’d keep this to yourself.”
MC shakes their head and leaves. So Satan was right. Lucifer goes out of his way to fuck with him.
MC was walking by the bathroom and stopped at the door after hearing someone wailing.
Wait… that was Mammon singing that song they played for him. Treasure by Bruno Mars. How fucking cute! MC ducks closer to the door and smiles brightly. Damn, he was cute. Was he singing about them?
MC sneakily opens the door to see Mammon in the bathtub. He was holding up Goldie and singing. Ugh.
MC moves to shut the door, but he sees. “MC, wait! It’s not what it looks like!”
Moving down the hallway as fast as they can, Mammon was trying to hold up his towel. “Wait! MC! Come on!”
Leviathan showed MC his recent picture compilations he was creating for TSL and Rui-chan on his editing software. It was impressive.
Levi gets up to retrieve a figure he modeled one of the frames out of when MC clicks the other project he had minimized. Oh, boy, they shouldn’t have done that.
“MC, I have the,” he stopped dead.
The project was massively just about MC. Quite a few of the shots were of them together. He even had little hearts littering the frames.
“Levi, I love you, but I have to go,” MC murmured with the brightest blush and left the room.
MC and Satan decide to go to the cat shelter. They were petting all the cats and feeding them treats. It was all in all a great day.
However, when MC glances over at Satan, where he’s ducked down to a pair of kittens, he was holding up his hand, and their little paws would touch his palm.
“Good, one more time,” Satan said.
“W-what are you doing?” MC asked.
Satan glanced over with wide eyes. “Teaching them to high five…” he trailed off.
MC put their hands on their cheeks and walked out of the room. All of this to hide the incredible blush and giddy laughter they were suppressing.
MC was skipping up to Asmo’s room to tell him about this sale. It was awesome, and he was going to obsess.
However, when they opened the door, they regretted it. Asmo was making out pretty hardcore with Solomon on the bed. Appalled? Shocked? MC didn’t know which.
“There’s always room for my other human!” Asmo giggled when he caught sight of MC.
Solomon covered his face. “Asmodeus, really.”
MC clapped a hand over their mouth and turned in a mechanical fashion before retreating.
“I’m never opposed to a humane threesome!” Asmo called after them.
MC was working out with Beel. Well, more that he was working out, and they were putting chips in his mouth. It was a very gratifying experience. Both would laugh and enjoy this ridiculous routine.
It was all going like a well-oiled machine. Well… until Beel bit MC’s finger. Now it wasn’t that hard, but hard enough to make them jerk backward.
“Oh, MC, I’m sorry!” Beel puffed as he stopped his pushups.
MC took their finger to their mouth and grumbled. “That hurt, but I’m okay. You won't hurt me again, Beel.”
“Did Beel try to eat you like in your dream? I was hoping for screams and not whimpers,” Belphie murmured with a smirk as he turned over on his bed.
MC turned beyond what was considered red on the color spectrum. “I gotta go,” they rushed out and climbed off the floor.
“Wait, MC, I promise I won’t eat you!” Beel shouted as he rushed after them.
“Or he’ll try lower!” Belphie snickered.
MC was relaxing with Belphie in the sitting room. He was resting against their shoulder, and MC’s legs were over his lap. It was a typical evening of lazy bones being lazy cuddle buddies.
Asmo scrunched his nose while walking into the room. “It’s really unfair,” he started.
MC glanced over. “What?”
“Why is Belphie always getting to sleep with you! You never sleep with me!” He cried while crossing his arms.
“Because I do it better, Asmo. MC likes to be on top,” Belphie murmured through sleep.
MC’s eyes grew as Asmo rolled his. “Yeah, sure, like anyone would believe you fuck better than me.”
“What do you think the pillow is for? Muffled cries,” Belphie smiled over at Asmo.
MC puffed and stood up, nearly toppling over the table. Their hands landed on it for balance.
“Thank you for assuming the position, MC,” Belphie chuckled.
Needless to say, MC bolted from the room with bright mortification.
Magic. Always magic and human experiences. Today was no exception while they were practicing in the sitting room at Purgatory Hall.
They were working on transformative magic. Advanced and complicated.
“Now, watch, the strings will change to bracelets,” Solomon declared as he performed the spell.
MC bobbed their head as the white string did change into silver bracelets. “Cool.”
Simeon glanced over from his book. “Always talented, Solomon.”
Luke looked up from his phone and seemed wholly unamused by the situation.
“Now, it’s your turn.”
MC made the gesture and sputtered on the words. Instead of the string on their wrists turning into bracelets, they coiled around their hands and connected in a binding. MC gasped and struggled as they tried to climb off the ground.
“I didn’t realize you liked being tied up. I would have offered in private,” Solomon teased.
MC’s cheeks filled with blood and tripped as they moved toward the exit of the room.
“Solomon!” Simeon groaned.
Solomon was laughing. “I didn’t mean it. Well, maybe just a little, MC.”
They didn’t give him the chance to tease them anymore. MC struggled with the front door and began to march down the path.
“MC, you look like a demon meal like that! Come back,” Solomon called out, trying to catch them scurrying off. He laughed while following them all the way back to House of Lamentation.
They were cooking together because he offered lessons. MC was always happy to help and learn to perfect a skill.
“Very good,” Barbatos nodded at MC finishing the sauce.
“Thanks, Barbatos. You’re going to get me cooking well enough to put any human to shame,” MC laughed.
“Maybe, but you were a proficient cook beforehand,” Barbatos said.
“I’ll have to cook for you sometime. Just tell me what you’d like to eat,” MC smiled.
Barbatos blushed and cleared his throat. “Anything you would like to make, MC. It isn’t often someone would like to return the favor for me.”
MC glanced over to see Barbatos had turned to the large pot on the stove. “I mean it. Whatever you want, Barbatos. I’d like to do something nice for you.”
“Why don’t you go see if we have any fresh greens?” He murmured.
MC scowled at the demon but agreed. They walked to the other side of the kitchen and went into the fridge. Glancing at the side, MC could see Barbatos subtly wiping his eyes through the reflection.
“Hey, Barbatos, I’m going to run to the restroom. I’ll be right back,” MC said and left the kitchen.
“Thank you,” Barbatos murmured as they left.
Diavolo and MC were walking together through RAD as Barbatos trailed. They were on the way to a meeting, and MC was headed to lunch. This was usual, rare, but something not out of the norm. He would get his human questions in during these moments.
“MC, I heard the oddest thing from Asmodeus the other day,” Diavolo declared.
“What did he say now?” MC questioned with suspicion.
“There’s this game that you and he play. It has to do with figures of some sort,” Diavolo hummed.
“Figures?” MC asked.
Diavolo tapped his chin and glanced back. “Barbatos, what was it called again?”
“Daddy or Uncle energy, I believe, my lord,” Barbatos said while stifling a smile.
“Ah, yes, that one. Is this one of those parental human games?” Diavolo inquired while staring at MC.
Ded. one hundred percent. “No, um, Lord Diavolo, I gotta go,” MC puffed and tried to gesture toward the cafeteria.
“Wait, but he said you saw me as a father type? That’s very sweet,” Diavolo beamed with the smallest hint of mischief.
“Bye, Lord Diavolo! Bye, Barbatos!” MC rushed out and sprinted toward the cafeteria.
“I just wanted to say thank you,” Diavolo called after them with a bout of laughter.
Asmo was killed later that night. (Not really, but it could happen…)
Simeon and MC were in the kitchen of Purgatory Hall, baking. They had just finished the batter for the fingerprint cookies with a celestial recipe. Simeon was his usual serene self.
“Simeon, how long are these going to take?” MC questioned with the timer in hand.
“Put the timer on for fifteen minutes, and we’ll check then. I still am not confident that Solomon doesn’t tinker with the oven for experiments,” Simeon laughed.
MC set the timer and grinned. “I wouldn’t put it past him.”
“He is a very unique human,” Simeon noted with a smile.
MC laughed while picking up the towel on the counter. “Here, let me help you clean up. You have some flour on your face.”
Simeon bent enough so that MC could clear his features of the flour, all the while beaming. It was a very cozy experience to bake with the angel. He took the towel from MC’s hand and nodded.
“Let me assist. You have some as well,” he noted and wiped their cheeks with soft swipes.
Simeon’s eyes were focused on the task.
“Simeon! Solomon took my hat for a spell again!” Luke yelled as he walked into the room.
MC jumped and accidentally pressed their lips to the space just next to Simeon’s mouth. “Oh, my God!” MC puffed and bounced back.
That just made it even worse. MC clapped a hand over their mouth and rushed from the room. Fire was cooler than their face. How were they ever going to explain that?
#Obey me#obey me fandom#obey me humor#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#obey me solomon#obey me diavolo#obey me barbatos#obey me simeon#obey me mc#obey me drabble#obey me headcanons
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The Avatar of Greed & Pacts
pairing: human!mammon x demon!gn!mc
word count: 3.7k
summary: Mammon meets Solomon and learns about pacts for the first time, and becomes curious about the concept himself.
a\n: sorry i was mia the last couple weeks. my last day off was nearly two weeks ago so i’ve just been kinda dead lol
let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see in this series! i’m always up for suggestions :)
part four of the human!mammon & demon!mc series
part one | part two | part three
“Absolutely not!” You were darting down the hall like your life depended on it (which it technically did, since Lord Diavolo expected you to keep Mammon safe), eyes wide as you looked for your white-haired human. This might have been your fault (it was) since you neglected the human while having your brief exchange with Lucifer. Of course, you completely forgot that Mammon wouldn’t know where his bedroom was, because why would he? He’d never been to the House of Lamentation before. It was shortly after you realized your mistake that you heard a yell from down the hall, suspiciously close to Asmodeus’ room, that you also remembered he was wearing nothing but a towel.
“Asmodeus!” Out of breath from your short jog over, your chest rises and falls. “Leave him alone! Keep your dirty hands off him!” You slipped off your shoe and threw it at your younger brother. “He’s not even been here for an hour; you will not traumatize him in any kind of way!”
“Dirty?” Your brother gave you an incredulous look while flawlessly dodging the shoe thrown his way. “I just had my nails manicured, and you’re calling them dirty? I keep my hands cleaner than anyone else in this household.” He was offended, looking at you with narrowed eyes. His hands were placed on his hips while Mammon stood pressed against the wall, his hands clutching at his towel before he spotted you.
“Oh thank god.” He scurried behind you, peering over your shoulder as he examined Asmodeus from a safe distance.
“You shouldn’t say that around here.” A sigh left your lips as you kept your eyes on Asmodeus. “Why were you harassing him?”
“Harassing? I was doing no such thing! I’ll have you know that most people, no, everyone would be honored that I would even spare them a glance. I was just admiring how cute our new human exchange student is, that’s all. And in nothing but a towel? It’s almost too easy; it’s like he’s putting on a show just for me.”
There’s a smile on his lips which causes your guard to go up more. “Behave, Asmo.” You take Mammon by his wrist, having him follow your lead. “And make sure you get plenty of sleep tonight! Lucifer wants everyone ready for classes tomorrow.” You called over your shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah.” You could hear your brother sigh from where he stood before he disappeared back into his room.
You’re sitting on Mammon’s bed as he pokes around his new room, freshly changed into a new pair of clothes. “So this is really my new place?” There’s a hint of suspicion to his tone as he skimmed through the textbooks laying on his desk.
“For the rest of your stay, anyway.” You hummed out while scrolling through your phone. “But feel free to pop into my room whenever you want. Just make sure you stay away from Lucifer’s office, his bedroom, and Asmodeus’ bedroom.” You felt like it was self-explanatory why he shouldn’t be snooping around those areas. “Since this will be your new home, try to get as comfortable as you can. You’ll find that the time will pass by a lot easier if you aren’t stressed out of your mind.”
“Sounds like a plan to me.” Mammon’s holding up one of the textbooks Lucifer had put in his room earlier in preparation for tomorrow. “This doesn’t even look like it’s in English.”
You spared him a single glance before looking back down at the device in your hands. “Because it’s not. That textbook is for your demonology language course. You’ll be learning our language.” You informed the human.
“Sounds like a pain to me.” He huffed under his breath before dropping it back down on his desk. “So,” an awkward beat of silence passes over the two of you, “ya never introduced yourself.” You raised an eyebrow at him from where you sat. “I mean ya told me your name and all that jazz, but you didn’t tell me what your power was or whatever.”
“My power..?” A chuckle slips past your lips from the realization of what he was trying to ask you. “Right, I suppose I didn’t tell you about myself. You kind of picked me before Lucifer even introduced me to you. I’m the Avatar of Greed.” Mammon’s mouth forms into an ‘o’ shape at your explanation.
“So what the hell does that mean?”
You roll your eyes at his obliviousness. “It means I’m greedy. What do you want me to say? I like everything that’s in the form of money. I like selling things and making a quick buck off them. I love earning money, the feeling of money under my fingertips, the smell of money, anything and everything about money.”
“Ah,” Mammon snaps his fingers in realization before pointing at you with a bright smile, “so you’re greedy.” You felt the little patience you had left drain from you.
“And you’re stupid.”
You watched the smile drop from his face.
“Do you remember everything we went over last night?” You’re glancing over at the human walking by your side. “Mammon, pay attention.” You have to drag his attention back to you when noticing that the human was too busy staring at everything around him. Today was the first day of classes at RAD, and it was your job to make sure nothing happened to him (specifically, to make sure no demon ate him as an afternoon snack). “Seriously, I understand that everything is new to you and you’re probably feeling overwhelmed by all the new plants and creatures you’re seeing, let alone all the different types of demons around us, but it’s extremely important that you don’t find yourself wandering away from me. I’m the only thing standing between you and a hungry demon sizing you up for a meal.”
“...Sorry, what did ya say?”
Once again, you felt your patience drain from you. However, although he was testing your patience, you knew it was for the best that he was assigned to you and not one of your brothers. You doubted Lucifer would keep him the entire year without snapping and killing him, and your other brothers would probably just forget about him and leave him to die in a closet somewhere. You cringed at the thought.
“Relax, I’m just messin’ with ya! ‘So uptight, ya need to chill out a little.” Mammon’s nudging your side as he walks with you. “I’m not some child, I’m not gonna wander off and get myself eaten or anythin’. Believe it or not, I’m actually pretty decent with following instructions.” While a part of you doubted that, you were relieved to know that he listened to what you had said. “Listen, if what you’re sayin’ is true, if I need to stay by your side at nearly all times or I’ll get killed, I’m not gonna move away from ya. I mean, look at this face.” Mammon frames his face with his hands, cupping his cheeks as he smiles up at you. “I’m way too handsome to be eaten by some ugly demon.”
Against your better judgment, a laugh leaves you. “Whatever you say, Mammon.”
“What? Ya don’t think I’m handsome? Sounds like jealousy to me.”
“Leviathan’s the Avatar of Envy, not me.” You corrected the other playfully. “Anyway, besides attending your classes today, you’ll also meet the other exchange students. This could be good for you, Mammon. At least one other is a human. I understand that it’s important for humans to socialize with each other, otherwise, they feel alienated and can become depressed.” While you were no expert on humans like Lilith or Belphegor, you did end up studying the human race as a whole once Lucifer assigned Mammon under your care. “His name is Solomon, and while he’s a sorcerer, he’s still a human so you should be able to relate to him a little bit.”
“A sorcerer? Ya mean to tell me that that shit’s real?”
“You’re surrounded by demons in another realm and yet you can’t grasp the possibility of a sorcerer?”
“The other two are angels. I’m sure they’ll treat you well; angels have never had much of an issue with humans.” You, on the other hand, might find yourself having a hard time forming any kind of relationship with them. However, you heard some rumors that one of the angels was Simeon, and if that were the case…
“Angels, huh? I suppose that makes sense if I’m surrounded by demons. But they let angels down here? That seems a little more taboo than inviting some humans.” You found yourself agreeing with Mammon. You weren’t exactly sure what Lord Diavolo’s plan or goal was, and you weren’t sure how angels would fare down here.
“Everything’s confusing to me as well.” You decided to be honest with him. “I don’t even think Lucifer completely understands Lord Diavolo’s goal, but all we can do is go along with it and hope for the best. I will do my best to make sure none of the exchange students are harmed during this program.” To Mammon, you might have appeared as a loyal subject to Lord Diavolo. In reality, however, you knew that if something were to happen to one of the humans or angels, there could be another war between the realms. That was something you dreaded, and it brought up too many painful memories. You’d rather everything go over smoothly, even if you didn’t understand the reasoning of Lord Diavolo. “Are you ready for class?” You ask before Mammon can get anything else out. The two of you were standing at the entrance of RAD, and Mammon was looking a little timid. You knew he wouldn’t say anything to you about his nerves, so you’d just have to calm him down without his help. “Luckily for you, we have all of our classes together.”
“Lucky me.” He said with a roll of his eyes. You felt your eye twitch in annoyance, but decided not to say anything. “Well then, let’s head to our first class, shall we?”
“Mammon, you shouldn’t look so scared.” You find yourself whispering to Mammon as the two of you walk down the halls after your last class. “That’s the look that demons love on a human. It makes you look more delicious.” Mammon throws a weak punch to your arm.
“Shut up. Are ya tryin’ to intimidate me or somethin’? Because it’s not working!” You raise an eyebrow at his behavior, though you shake your head. He must be exhausted after spending the day surrounded by demons. It must be similar to placing a mouse in a room full of hungry cats. No wonder he was so on edge.
“We’ll be home soon enough, Mammon.” Before Mammon can respond, though you could assume what it would be based on his annoyed expression, you hear someone call out his name. The two of you turn around and you find yourself stepping in front of him subconsciously. When seeing the figure approaching the two of you, you drop your guard as a human scent washes over you. “You must be the other human exchange student. Solomon, right?”
“You’d be correct. It’s a pleasure to finally meet the Avatar of Greed.” There’s a coy smile on his lips that causes you to immediately bring your guard back up. Despite Solomon confirming that he’s a human, Mammon still lingers behind you slightly. Solomon catches a glimpse of the human standing behind you. “You’re Mammon, right? What an interesting name for a human.”
“Shut up. Who the hell is named Solomon anyway? And ya think my name is weird for a human? Rich.” He huffs before moving to stand beside you.
A laugh leaves Solomon from Mammon’s response. “What’s with that treatment? There’s no reason to be suspicious of me. I’m an exchange student from the human world, just like you.”
“He has a pact with my brother, Asmodeus.” You inform Mammon. “Barbatos as well, Lord Diavolo’s royal butler.” Mammon looks up at you and then over at Solomon with wide eyes.
“How did ya manage that? Ya have pacts with them?”
“Through a lot of bargaining,” Solomon says with a bit of a sigh. “But I’m trying to get the rest of Asmodeus’ brothers, too. Primarily Lucifer.” You watch the sorcerer with a raised eyebrow. “And you, too.” He sends a wink your way, to which you immediately roll your eyes.
“Unlike my brother, I’m not that easy to get a pact with.” You informed Solomon before turning your attention back to Mammon. “You should make sure to bond with him, it’s always good to have another human watching your back in a place like this. Just make sure you don’t let him drag you into any trouble. Unlike Solomon, you don’t have fancy magical powers to get you out of any bad situation.” You can hear Solomon scoff from where he stood.
“I’m not that bad; don’t give Mammon a bad impression of me.” There’s a pout on his lips, though it quickly turns back to a smile. “I dorm at the Purgatory with the other exchange students. Feel free to stop by whenever you feel like it. I feel it’s important for the exchange students to get along since we’re all in a foreign place.”
“Maybe you can meet the other two exchange students then.” There’s a smile on your lips as you look at Mammon. You were hoping he’d meet the angels today (and for you to find out if Simeon was here), but at least he was able to meet the other human.
“I’m sure they’d love to meet him,” Solomon says as he shifts where he stands. “Regardless, I have to be going now. Demons to see, things to do.” Solomon smiles and waves goodbye to the two of you before heading off in the opposite direction.
“So that’s the Solomon I always hear so much about from Asmodeus.” You find yourself thinking out loud as you and Mammon begin your walk home. “He’s interesting, though I’m not sure what I was expecting him to be like. He’s a little shady if I’m being honest. Then again, I suppose a human with seventy-two pacts with demons would be shady, don’t you think?” You watch as Mammon nearly chokes on his spit as he walks beside you.
“Seventy-two pacts?!”
“I know, I think it’s a bit overkill as well, but I guess he doesn’t think so.”
“How did he even manage that?”
“Well, I’m sure some of them are low-ranking demons. It’s not exactly hard for a human to strike up a pact with them. However, I’m not sure how he scored Barbatos and Asmodeus. Asmo might be easy to tempt, but he’s a little difficult when it comes to making pacts. There’s a lot that goes into a pact, you know.” You inform the human beside you. “I guess I shouldn’t underestimate Solomon.”
“Hmm…” Mammon’s lips are pressed into a thin line and the conversation goes silent for a few minutes. “Say,” he looks over at you after saying your name, “do ya think I could ever make a pact down here?”
“A pact? With a demon?”
“Duh! Who else would I be makin’ pacts with, demon?” His hands are on his hips as he side-eyes you. “And to think that ya make it out that I’m the stupid one, then ya go around askin’ obvious questions.”
“Hey, watch it.” You threaten the other before returning to his question. “I suppose, though I’m not sure with who. If you mean with any of my brothers, then I highly doubt it. And if you mean with me, then I can just tell you right now: no.”
Mammon huffs and crosses his arms over his chest. “No need to be so rude about it. I was only curious, and it’s not like I’d want a pact with a stupid demon like ya anyway.”
“Then why’d you ask?”
“I could have meant anyone! Not just you; now ya just sound like the Avatar of Stupidity.”
“That’s not a thing.” You respond with narrowed eyes. “Behave, or I’ll leave you here alone.”
“As if you’d ever want to disappoint your precious Lucifer.” Mammon sticks his tongue out and you nudge his side.
“Careful, or I’ll end up eating you.” You stick your tongue out as well.
You open the door to find Lucifer already at home. Upon noticing him, Mammon grows uncomfortable and shuffles behind you again. He noticed, of course, and a slight frown forms on his lips. “You don’t have to act as if I’ll eat you every time you see me.” Lucifer places his cup of coffee on the kitchen counter and walks over to the two of you. “I simply just wanted to see how your first day of classes went. You’re in one piece, so it couldn’t have been all that bad.”
“It wasn’t bad.” Mammon stiffly responds. “‘Was borin’ though.” Lucifer chuckles at this and only shakes his head. “I did learn somethin’ interestin’ though.” Both you and Lucifer look over at him curiously.
“And what could that be? Has a class already piqued your interest? I’m sure Lord Diavolo will be thrilled to hear that.” Lucifer has a sweet smile on his face, one that you know to be practiced and rehearsed. Although he’s your brother, and maybe the one you’d even consider yourself to be closest to, you don’t trust him to be alone with Mammon.
“That humans can form pacts with demons. Solomon has so many pacts, I can’t help but be a little jealous.” You instinctively roll your eyes at Mammon’s words. He’s back on this again, you think to yourself with a sigh. You were feeling uneasy about how this conversation could go with your brother.
“Oh, you didn’t know that? Yes, demons can form pacts with humans if they wish. With the low-ranking demons, it’s normally not too difficult. Do you perhaps already have your sights set on a demon?” The smile is still on Lucifer’s lips, though this time it seems a bit more agitated. Before Mammon can respond, Lucifer decides to speak up once again. “I hope it’s not with any of my siblings. It could be viewed as offensive if you think they’d be that easy to form a pact with. It’s only your first day here, after all.” Mammon’s face is flushed from embarrassment and you can’t help but feel slightly irritated toward your brother. “Besides, you wouldn’t want to get hurt, would you? Getting a pact is a dangerous game, and unlike myself and your wonderful babysitter--”
“I am not a babysitter.” You interject. He ignores you.
“--not all of my brothers behave as well as the two of us. Seriously, Mammon,” you raise an eyebrow from the usage of his name, “don’t do anything that could get you killed.” Lucifer sounds tired as he ends the conversation, dismissing the two of you as he heads towards his office. “I have a stack of paperwork to get to, so don’t interrupt me unless there’s an emergency.”
Mammon waits until Lucifer’s gone before turning to you. “Your brother honestly scares the shit out of me.” You can’t help but laugh at his honesty.
“You get used to it. Just stay on his good side and there’s nothing to worry about.” You reassure the other. “But I wouldn’t ask him too many questions about pacts. I don’t mind them, but Lucifer, I don’t think he’s too keen on humans and I don’t think he’s too keen on this program of Lord Diavolo’s.” You give him a pat on the back before heading towards the stairs. “Follow me; we’ll do our homework together and then you’re free to do whatever you want for the rest of the night.”
“Can’t believe I finished school just to be forced back into this shit.” He grumbles under his breath as he follows you to your room. “I didn’t even consent to any of this.”
“Does that matter?”
“Are ya askin’ me if consent matters? Seriously?”
“Of course not, dipshit.” You roll your eyes, for what seems like the millionth time that day, at Mammon. “I’m saying, does it matter if you wanted to be here? At the end of the day, it doesn’t change anything; you’re stuck here and can’t return home regardless. You might as well make the most of it, even if you are stuck in school again. If it makes you feel any better, I also don’t want to be stuck in school but just like Lucifer and the rest of my brothers, we don’t have a choice in that matter.” You drop your bag on the floor once you enter your room and sit down on the edge of your bed. “Since it’s your first day here, I figured I’d help you out with the homework in case there was something you didn’t understand. Not to brag or anything, but I’m kind of a professional when it comes to being a demon.”
“So you’re a professional demon.” Mammon snorts as he sits beside you. “How lucky am I?”
“To be stuck with me out of everyone else here? I’d say extremely lucky.” You hum while flipping through one of your notebooks. “Now pay attention, because I don’t feel like going through every question three times.”
“I think I got paired with the bossiest demon in all of the Devildom.”
“Say that again and see what happens.”
“You’re the bossiest-- hey!” Mammon just barely dodges a notebook that flies in his direction. “That’s abuse! I’ll file a complaint; claim that you’re tryna eat me and shit!”
“You can’t accuse me of trying to eat you every time you do something stupid and get hit for it.”
“Sure I can! I just did, and I’ll do it again, too.”
“Out of every human to get selected for this program…” You pinch the bridge of your nose in irritation. “And it had to be you.”
“You’re not happy? Odd, I’d be honored to spend all the time in the world with me.”
“Of course you’d say that.” A groan nearly leaves you and you run a hand over your face. “Open your notebook, Mammon. Let’s breeze through this homework so I can get out of your hair.” And most importantly, so he can get out of your hair.
#drabbles#obey me#obey me shall we date#shall we date#mammon#obey me mammon#obey me imagine#mc x mammon#mammon x mc#obey me x mc#obey me x reader#obey me mammon x mc#mammon x reader#demon!mc#gn!mc#human!mammon#anyway you can’t convince me that the mc in this series isn’t taller than mammon and i will absolutely die on that hill
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Hi! I hope you're fine today! Can I request some fluff? I usually do this with my friends at random times, and I wondered, how would the brothers react to MC taking his face in their hands and saying, "you're beautiful, amazing, wonderful and I love you"? (idk if you do Simeon too but only if you can, of course! Thank u so much)
Yo! I hope you're having a great day too! Low-key, that's such a nice thing to do w/your friends :') I really didn't know how to title it though 😅
Also I'm taking requests for all the boys, so don't shy out!
→Lucifer was assigning MC some work for the exchange programme. You know, just a usual Tuesday at the Devildom.
→MC was sitting at the other side of Lucifer's desk, pretending to be listening to him.
→They would rather be doing something else, but it was important, or so Lucifer said.
→He was unsurprisingly passionate about that project, his eyes gleaming as he went into more details and giving MC ideas.
→That moment, MC decided to cup his face with their hands and stroke Lucifer's cheek.
→Lucifer.exe has stopped working.
→Before he could even collect himself, MC said, "You know, Lucifer, you're really great and amazing and God, I love you."
→Lucifer was shocked the first few seconds. Blinking his eyes in confusion, he let out a hearty chuckle.
→"Thank you, MC." A genuine smile crept on his lips. "You are amazing, too."
→Oh, wow. They didn't expect this to come right back at 'em.
→They hadn't even managed to collect their thoughts when Lucifer said, "And as much as I love this, you still need to know about the project."
→But, after some begging and pouting from MC, Lucifer put the papers aside and sat near MC, half-pulling her into his embrace.
→The project could wait for a bit.
→He had burst into their room as though it was his own at three in the morning just to tell them about his new money-making scheme.
→God knows why Lucifer didn't catch him being awake way past his bedtime, but that was the thing that cost MC their precious sleep.
→And as Mammon talked semi-quietly in the dark about some weird scheme, his eyes seemed to gleam as he was smiling like a goof to MC.
→They had considered kicking him out and yelling at him. Summoning Satan to push him away himself, even.
→However, they couldn't resist how cute he looked and instead, they cupped his cheeks and smiled lazily.
→"Mammon, you're amazing and just so cute and I love you, but-"
→They didn't manage to utter any other word, as Mammon jumped back in surprise and stuttered, "W-WHAT A-A-ARE YOU D-DOING, HUMAN?!"
→”Be quiet, or Lucifer might hear you...!” they whispered-yelled in response.
→”A-Ah...Yeah...” Mammon took their hand and put them back on his cheek. “Go on... You were sayin’ how a-awesome I was, right?”
→With a small giggle, MC stroked his cheek as they continued complimenting him.
→Soon enough, they had fallen in each other’s arms and cuddling on the bed, whispering to each other in hopes that Lucifer wouldn’t hang them from the chandelier in the morning.
→MC had decided to introduce him to the human game League of Legends.
→They would be able to play together even when they weren’t in the same room, which was amazing. Lucifer could hardly flame them for something like that.
→Problem was that Levi was way too into the game.
→Long story short, MC learnt words they didn’t know before.
→There was no stopping him either.
→’Normie’ tactics wouldn’t make him stop, not even in a million years.
→One day, when they were hanging out as usual and Levi was playing the cursed game, MC decided to stop all that rage the poor boy had developped.
→Mid-game, just when Levi was on the climax and was cursing more than any other player had ever in their lives, MC took his face and cupped his cheeks.
→Henry’s father.exe has stopped working.
→Eh?!.exe has installed.
→”Levi, you’re amazing and I love you, but I swear to God if you don’t sto-”
→”Me?! Amazing?! M-MC, you can’t j-just say t-that when I-I’m playing!”
→MC took their arms away, before they were snatched again and put on his face.
→"I didn’t t-tell you to stop!” Lowering his gaze and his blushing face, he mumbled, “P-Please continue...”
→Levi might have lost at League of Legends, but he won at cuddles.
→It was a cozy afternoon in Satan’s room, where both him and MC were indulged in their novels.
→The room was completely silent, aside form the occasional flipping of the pages.
→But MC got bored.
→They tossed the book to the side and looked up at the ceiling and then Satan.
→Doki doki.exe has installed.
→He looked so peaceful as his eyes scanned the words in the thick book he was holding, MC couldn’t help but feel awe.
→Without thinking much, they went close to him and cupped his cheeks right when he was reading.
→No one has ever regretted a decision they’ve made faster than MC.
→But instead of leaving an apologising when they saw the slight irritation on his face, they said, “I love you, Satan. How can you be so amazing when you’re just reading silently?”
→If Belphie didn’t manage to kill them before, Satan would go for it.
→But instead of bursting in a fit of anger, the blond demon closed his book.
→Flashing a smile, he said, “Thank you, kitten.”
→MC didn’t know how that happened, but they ended up tangling themselves with him and cuddling on his small sofa, reading their books respectfully in comfortable silence.
→The only noise was the flipping of the pages and occasional words of affection.
→MC and Asmo where in his room, having their usual self-care session.
→This week, they were trying out new nail polishes and body creams.
→Asmo was so excited when he started painting MC’s fingers, talking trash about whoever had pissed him off that day.
→Even when he was finished, leaving MC’s nails to dry, he kept talking about how foul that demon was.
→”And he had such a sour attitude for such a little pest. Like, honey, no, take off these crocs first and then we’ll talk-”
→Before he could finish his statement properly, MC cupped his face, minding their nails.
→”Asmo, how can you be so graceful when talking trash? It’s amazing.”
→Without missing a beat, he replied. “Aw, thanks, dear!”
→”I love you so much.”
→”I love me, too.”
→MC started pouting and whining, before he chuckled and reassured them.
→”Just kidding~ I love you too. Now take your hands away! The nail polish might get messed up, and that’s a no-no!”
→Beel was casually eating, shoving enormous amounts of food inside his mouth.
→MC was chilling next to him, occasionally talking to him while they checked their D.D.D.
→Beel eating wasn’t a rare sight for anyone.
→However, they couldn’t help but feel happy seeing him being so happy eating food.
→The way his eyes gleamed was just so wholesome.
→Once he was done stuffing his face, they took their hands and put them on his cheeks.
→”Beel, you’re legitimately so amazing and perfect. Ugh, I love you.”
→He smiled a wholesome smile that could melt people’s hearts.
→”Thank you.”
→He wrapped his large arms around MC, burrying them in a casual bear hug and spinning them around a bit.
→Tired boy.exe has been installed.
→MC was sitting with Belphie on his bed, softly lying in each other’s arms.
→Which was more like Belphie using MC as a body pillow.
→Not that they minded. Who would?
→MC was talking about their day as Belphegor nodded and hummed occasionally.
→Poor boy was trying so hard not to seem rude just this once.
→Something that didn’t go unnoticed by MC.
→When he was this close to dozing off, they gently held his face between their palms.
→”Thank you for listening, Belphie. You’re so amazing. That’s it. Love you.”
→A small smile grazed his lips.
→”No problem... Now... can I sleep?”
→They nodded and wrapped their arms around his sleepy frame, before they both fell asleep wrapped up between each other’s arms.
→MC was hanging out with the angel boyo at the Purgatory Hall.
→I mean, everyone needs a break from these chaotic demons.
→Thank God Simeon has MC’s back.
→God bless.
→He had made some tea for them to drink.
→And then he talked a bit about his day at R.A.D., the new stuff he’d learnt and all sorts of things.
→MC couldn’t help but admire the angel that was sitting in front of her.
→He looked so graceful.
→Setting their tea cup down, MC got up and cupped the angel’s cheeks.
→”Simeon, you’re so beautiful, graceful and just... amazing. I love you so freaking much.”
→Simeon let out a hearty chuckle and smiled.
→”Thank you, MC.”
→He got up and gave them a hug. Once he sat down again, he patted the seat next to him, where MC went and sat down, leaning their head on his shoulder.
#obey me#om swd#obey me swd#one master to rule them all#obey me fluff#headcanons#om headcanons#om lucifer#om asmodeus#om satan#om leviathan#om mammon#om beelzebub#om belphegor#om simeon#fluff
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ok.... it’s Vampire Boyfriend, Live Free or TwiHard time
(disclaimer i dont actually really talk about S6x05 live free or twihard, it just sounded catchy)
No, Castiel is not the archetypical vampire boyfriend but he is a very Edward vampire boyfriend-- Seasons 6 - 8 in nice little arc. No, he is not lustful (just in subtext). S6-8 (& a lil before that) Cas is heavily the outcast. He is not impure traditionally (until he gets those leviathans!! sick ahaha sera!!!!!fightme) but he does have a crack in his chassis. Cas doesn’t think about sex the way humans do but it’s not really about that. Human feelings let alone feelings for humans are sinful (hellooo nephillims being abominations) they’re just “mud-monkeys.” To the angels, Castiel’s love for humans is worth giving him lobotomies over and over. Falling in love with one is the worst sin (“the very touch of you corrupts [Castiel]”). He is thus outcasted! (this was all written pre-s12 so go with it)
Now, in twilight the sex subtext isn’t subtext, it’s repressed because this is a good little Christian novel of course. Edward the vampire is constantly repressing his thirst and they’re only able to be together with ease once they’re on equal footing. I’ve reread it just this year. It’s repressed and not just in Eclipse when he won’t have sex with her. Bella CLEARLY has a sex dream and Edward knows about it but they don’t talk about it. Anyway, the text is the whole “I’m a killer bella” not blood drinking though. He is repressing that so it’s under control. NO no Edward is a danger magnet literally just crushing her with strength or luring other people to kill her. Castiel’s violence pre-s6 anyway is framed as holy and because heaven commanded it, but the slaughtering of angels for no good reason? unforgiveable. Cas doesn’t tempt dean in any lustful way but just the fact that he’s Gay and in love is already too obvious subtext as it is thanks to S4-5, bringing sex appeal or tempting imagery here would be too obvious or overdoing it i guess and works for us so it doen’t come off as predatory I don’t think. Meanwhile for the proxy Meg Castiel is the pizza man. (whereas s9′s answer to that is...nah he’s the babysitter apparently lol ? lets not read into it). Note as I’m editing: Eve literally eve is a character is S6? I forgot this but oh my god make it stop.
Then in S7 Cas is all “I deserved to die” because he killed a lot of angels and bad people as Godstiel (hello eddie boy’s serial killer murder streak if you didn’t pick up on this yet). Then, obviously, he is not even deserving of LOVE he’ll just hurt everything and everyone around and probably dean too. Cue the early S8 New Moon subplot culminating in fallen angels because we all know the third ingredient for the spell that would expel angels from societyheaven and lock the door behind them, was an angel falling love with a human. At the same time, his angel grace is taken away from him, making him a human no longer “pure” or without sin in the eyes of heaven like adam. the first to fall causing all the angels to fall with him.
Now this doesn’t quite work the same way for dean from dean’s perspective cause why would it. He’s not the Laura/Lucy to Castiel’s Carmilla/Dracula. (This makes Benny’s placement in Purgatory for the love triangle (literally) so in contrast like Benny IS this story’s Jacob) He’s not scandalized by the prospect of falling love. He’s got complicated emotions & thoughts is scared to for vulnerability reasons plus his own sexuality issues but I beg you to see that as separate and not over think it-- Twilight is very repressed, Dean is extremely repressed, poor Cas. But! Dean feels completely “pure” in purgatory & wants nothing more than to find the angel the entire time. He is Bella Swan thinking the killer/monster is an Angel (see: Twilight Ch. 23 “The Angel”), the only angel. All the other angels (vampires) are evil dicks but not my angel :) Mine is powerful, strong, psychic, and sexy. he’s beautiful and perfect and will never love me the way i love him unless we are the same species, equals if you will.
Castiel is the vampire boyfriend, but not in the old, traditional way rather in the inevitably “modern” (2000s--early 2010s) take, where the vampire isn’t preying upon your sexual purity but the wholesome family ideal (ie lisa/ben, raking those leaves, the cookouts ah yes how american)....ehh yikes sera gamble? s6 reeks of homophobia thanks, thanks a lot. Except well, also, dean doesn’t really want that life not entirely. Neither did bella either tbh until the end but lets not get into that, except twilight is the “wholesome” ending, the opposite in every way to traditionally evil (lol ykwim...) vampires. The show eventually moves into a middle space, a synthesis of horror and home-- where it should’ve ended as we all know. Anyway, while writing this I remembered the beginning of Season 6, when the modern version of the vampire boyfriend arc kicks in, was also when they had the episode “Live Free or TwiHard.” Is this coincidence? probably, maybe, idk. I started this post just wanting to make casward parallels cause it sounded right and I’m a deancas/bellaedward truther for the Jokes, a Good Time, and the hot takes.
except no, with Carver finishing up S8 (bookending the arc nicely with the two gay truckers being soulmates), Benny is the old world would be tragic vampire boyfriend and they couldn’t last! Sorry benny it’s been real. Castiel is the modern twilight vampire boyfriend, without predatory vibes and since religion is more of a plot device than a theme, less Mormonism and heteronormativity. Plus this reading is just sexy and cool and I like to have fun
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Whatever it Takes
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: ~4.1k
Summary: In which Steve is always there for you through thick and thin. And in return, even when everything seems like it’s going wrong, you give him hope for a better future.
Warnings: angst (I mean this is Endgame, what do you expect), soft steve, mentions of death, violence
A/N: CRINGEY AF BC THIS IS AN OLD ONESHOT. I’m currently working on something else so I’m just putting this up as a filler oops
Tags: @pies-writes-and-more as always :)
Steve sat outside the compound staring at the floor, deep in thought. With the only possibility of victory no longer an opportunity, he didn't know what else to do.
Then, a deafening noise broke the silence in the distance and he glanced up, seeing a familiar Audi R8 speeding towards the entrance. The car pulled over to him but went a bit too far, then reversed. Tony rolled down the window as he stopped.
"Why the long face? Let me guess, he turned into a baby."
"Among other things, yeah. What are you doing here?"
Tony got out of the car and walked around to the back, ignoring his question. "That's the EPR Paradox. Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might've wound up pushing time through Lang. It's tricky. Dangerous. Somebody should've cautioned you against it."
"You did."
"Oh, did I? Thank God I'm here. Regardless, I fixed it," He held up his right hand with a device on it, "A fully-functioning Time-Space GPS. I just want peace. Turns out, resentment is corrosive, and I hate it."
"Me too."
"We got a shot at getting these stones, but I gotta tell you my priorities: Bring back what we lost? I hope, yes. Keep what I got? I have to, at all costs. And...maybe not die trying will be nice."
"Sounds like a deal," Steve nodded, reaching out to shake his hand.
Tony reached back into his trunk to pull something else out, Steve's shield. He handed it over to him but he hesitated for a moment.
"Why? He made it for you," he referred to his father, "Plus, honestly I have to get it out of the garage before Y/N sneaks over and takes it sledding. I wouldn't give up just yet."
He finally took the shield from him and fit his arm into it.
"Thank you, Tony."
"Will you keep that a little quiet? Didn't bring one for the whole team....We are getting the whole team, yeah?"
"We're working on that right now."
The super-soldier looked up, confused at the sudden seriousness in his tone. "Yeah?"
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For being there for Y/N...when I failed to do that, you were there to take my place," he explained. "Being a single parent was the toughest job I was ever faced with. Her mother disappeared without another word as soon as she gave birth, and I was left to handle Y/N all on my own. I was only 18. I'd made a shit ton of reckless decisions before and now, I was stuck and didn't know what to do. So for her entire life, before Pepper came along, she had to grow up with only one parent. She became defensive and cold-hearted and I couldn't do anything about it. I try to push her, she pushes back, or she shuts herself out altogether. I try to understand why, she sinks deeper. Sometimes I don't know just what's going on with her and as much as I try to be understanding, I can't. But you saved her, Rogers. I don't know what you've been doing to make her change but it's working, and I want to thank you for that."
"Tony, you did a good job raising her. But you have the rest of the team to thank as well."
"I think she's softened up because of you."
"What do you mean?"
"I've never seen her look at a man the way she looks at you," the billionaire pointed out.
"With hatred and a burning passion to kill me if I ever stepped onto her bad side?"
"No, her eyes get all sparkly and shit. She's in love with you. But I swear, if you do anything to hurt her and break her heart, I'll kill you with my bare hands."
Steve's eyes widened slightly, and he put his hands in the air in surrender. "Okay, I won't."
"One more thing?"
"If all of this, what we're doing somehow goes south, something goes wrong, I need you to promise me one thing. Take care of Y/N. I need someone to watch over her when I'm gone, and I don't think there's anyone more qualified for that job than you."
"I promise."
"And I...am...Iron Man."
You looked over in horror to see Tony snap his fingers with a loud 'CLANG' and a blinding flash of white. Rocket fired at a Leviathan and before it devoured him, it crumbled into ash. The Black Order started crumbling to ash as well. T'Challa and Quill looked around in surprise; Steve looked on in exhaustion, knowing that they had won. Thanos, in horror, looked around and saw his entire army disintegrate. He looked at Steve, who just stared blankly at him. Thanos sat down, mourning before slowly being erased from existence himself.
The raw power of the gauntlet's energy left Tony's entire right side fatally injured. He stumbled for a bit before his body collapsed besides a pile of debris. Rhodey soon swooped in and went up to see his long time colleague and friend slowly fading away before his eyes and not long after, Peter did the same as well.
"Mr. Stark?" Peter ran up to his fallen mentor, tears forming at the edges of his eyes. "Can you hear me? It's Peter. Hey. We won, Mr. Stark. We won. You did it, sir. You did it. I'm sorry—Tony—"
He barely had any energy left to respond as Peter choked on a sob, wrapping his arms around him before gently being led aside by Wanda as she put a comforting arm around his shoulders.
Pepper sat down in front of him, "Hey."
Tony was barely able to move his head, but managed to look her in the eyes. "Hey, Pep..."
She placed her hand on his arc reactor, and he rested his hand on hers as she took a good look at his injuries.
"Life functions critical."
Tony smiled with tears in his eyes.
"Dad? Hey, you're okay," you said softly as you approached him, "You did it. We're gonna be okay."
"Hey, angel," he said weakly as he took your hand in his. You tried to ignore how deathly cold it felt. "You did so well. I'm so proud of you."
"Tony. Look at me," Pepper moved closer to you as she made sure Tony got a long look at her smiling face. You involuntarily leaned into her, as you felt the familiar sting of tears to your eyes. "We're gonna be okay. You can rest now."
With that acknowledgement, the light in his arc reactor flickered off for good. Unable to contain your grief, you let out a tortured cry, sobbing into Pepper's chest as she started to cry on his shoulder.
Earth's best defender was dead.
Your father, your everything, the light of your life. Dead.
You flinched when you felt someone's hand on your shoulder all of a sudden as you stood up, jolting you from your thoughts. Steve stood there with glassy, red-rimmed eyes, which was a rare sight because he never displayed any emotions other than confidence and complete control—and it was beginning to take a toll on your already broken heart. He was always strategizing and planning things out, charging headfirst into battle without a second thought and now he was on the verge of breaking down, tucking you close into his side.
So you let yourself collapse into his touch, a sob escaping your lips as you clung on to him like you did to Tony when you were a little girl.
You're not quite sure how long you stand there like that, tightly clutching America's war hero like you'll slip away if you let go. He was a life raft, and you were stranded at sea, hopelessly lost with the stormy waves violently crashing over you and choking you as you struggled to escape.
Eleven years. Eleven years had passed since you first met Steve Rogers, and his unwavering promise to you that he'd stay by your side no matter the circumstance still stood. Since the day you first joined the Avengers Initiative he'd been a major figure in your life, always sticking by and supporting you when no one else was around to do so. He picked you up when you fell; he didn't judge you on your rough past nor your worst mistakes.
Now you found that you were needing him more than ever.
And in that moment, Steve knew, he had to keep his promise. Not just for your sake, but for Tony's as well.
So he swore to himself on his life that he’d never leave your side.
With a heavy heart, you dragged yourself out of bed to get ready for Tony's funeral. Alongside Pepper, you carried a wreath out of the house with his first arc reactor framed with the words 'Proof that Tony Stark Has a Heart' and laid it on the lake, watching as it slowly drifted away.
Everyone was finally gathered together as one, although it wasn't in the way you'd imagined it to be. Happy, Rhodey, Pepper, you, Peter and May. Thor. Bruce, Strange, Steve, Wong, Scott, Hope, Janet, Hank, Quill, and the rest of the Guardians. T'Challa, Okoye, and Shuri. Clint and his family. Wanda. Bucky. Sam, Harley Keener, Secretary Ross, Maria Hill, Carol, and even Fury, who was silently watching in the back.
After it ended you stood at the edge of the lake, hands stuffed in your leather jacket's pockets as you stared blankly out at the water. It was hard for you to think about how you were supposed to move on after losing one of the most important people in life, hard to imagine who you'd turn to now that the one man who gave you better advice than anyone you knew was gone.
"You know, I wish there was a way—that I could let him know," you said without looking behind to see Steve, who'd been watching you for a bit, "how much I loved him. Because I didn't get to tell him before he—you know."
"He knows," he said as you turned around to meet his gaze, "and he loved you more than anything." Almost as much as I do.
"I never got to tell him," your voice broke, lashes brimming heavy with unshed tears, "I just—I just wish I could turn back time and tell him that. But I didn't, and—"
Before you had the chance to finish your sentence, he circled his arms around your waist and pulled you close. At that moment you broke down into heaving sobs that ripped through your chest and your throat and your heart, unable to contain your grief for any longer, sobbing uncontrollably into his chest. And he just held you there in silence, rocking you back and forth slowly as your tears soaked his suit.
Steve wonders exactly how much more heartbreak he can take because to see you in a condition such as this one wasn't doing him any good, making his heart feel as if it was being shattered into a thousand pieces, then put back together only to be broken again into a million more smaller parts. He hated seeing the woman he cared about so much in pain and found himself wishing there was just some way he could just take it all away from you.
"I just really miss him," you choked out, "I...I don't know what Pepper and I are gonna do without him."
"I know. I miss him too," he murmured, pressing his lips to your forehead and pulling you closer, rubbing soothing circles onto your back. "We all do."
"You're not going to leave, are you?" you mumbled into his chest, "Please don't leave me."
"I won't, I promise," he reassured you, smoothing your hair back, "Whenever you need me, I'll be here."
"Okay," you let out a shuddering sigh, "okay."
You headed back inside, as Steve led you to the living room with a hand on the small of your back as you sat down on the couch, taking the letter that Happy gave to you.
"He hated writing letters. Always insisted on typing everything up, but he hand wrote this for your sake," Happy explained quietly. "I've never seen someone love their kid as much as he loved you."
"I loved him, too," you smiled sadly. "Thank you, Happy. For everything."
"No worries, sweetheart," he nodded solemnly. "Anything for his little girl."
The super-soldier gripped your hand encouragingly, lacing your fingers together and squeezing tightly as you unfolded the paper.
To my sweet Y/N.
If you're reading this, it means I've been faced with my untimely death. I mean, not that death at any time isn't untimely. This time travel thing that we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow...it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. That's the thing. Then again, that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. But what am I tripping for? Everything's gonna work out exactly the way it's supposed to.
When I first found out I was getting a daughter, I was sure I'd never be able to handle the responsibility of having a child. I didn't plan on becoming a parent so early and I was afraid, terrified I'd fail you as a father. And I feared that I did, many times. I was afraid you'd grow to resent me for what I'd done. But I persisted, because I wanted to give you the best possible life I could despite that raising you alone was probably the most difficult thing I've ever done. But it was all worth it in the end, because I got to see you grow up and become this beautiful, accomplished and talented young woman who would do anything for those she loves.
Look, I don't want you to make the same mistakes as I did. When the time comes, I want you to find a man that's willing to settle down with you and give you his whole heart- that's how you know he's the one. Hell, if you're going to go and get with Rogers, I wouldn't mind that either. Over this past decade, I've never seen someone as dedicated to protecting you and staying loyal to you as him and if you decide to get together, I'd be more than happy to give you my blessing. Honestly, I think the entire team's been shipping you two since the day you first met (Don't tell Sam I exposed him as a softie, though, he's going to kill me if I do. Or Clint). Seriously, though. Capsicle loves you, more than you'll ever know. And much more than he's willing to admit himself.
Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid to let your guard down, to be vulnerable and let the ones you love in. I know you're afraid of getting hurt, I know you believe that by building up those mile-high walls around your heart you think you're saving yourself, but it's really only going to hurt you in the long run. Love is messy. Sometimes you gotta suck it up and deal with the pain; that's just how it is. You get hurt, you get heartbroken, and there's a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. It's a messy process.
If you ever feel like giving up, like you just can't go on any further, just know that there's always someone out there who's rooting for you. You got me, the team. SHIELD's got your back, so does Happy, and even Peter. Know that there's always hope.
Remember that your past does not define who you are. Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right.
You are not what has happened to you. You are what you choose to become.
Thank you for being born and coming into my life, becoming the best thing that's ever happened to a guy like me. Remember I'll always be with you no matter what, angel. I love you 3,000.
From, the arm-wrestling champion, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, your dad, and #1 fan. I love you so much. -T.S
A tear slipped down your cheek and dripped onto the paper, staining the corner with a dark spot as you folded it back up and set it on the table. You rested your head against Steve's broad shoulder as he wrapped an around your waist in a protective manner, pressing a lingering kiss to the side of your forehead.
Several days passed and Steve knew it was growing closer to the time he would be forced to make the most difficult decision of his life. As much as he wanted to stay, he knew what he was about to do was absolutely necessary to restore the universe to normal once again.
Night after night for the next three weeks, you woke up screaming with sweat streaming down your face, a shiver running down your spine and images of Tony dying in front of your eyes with you not being able to do anything about it flashing in your brain. He'd come into your room without question, climb into bed next to you, and hold you close, rocking you back and forth and humming old lullabies his mother used to sing to him as a child until you fell asleep, your breathing and rapid heartbeat finally steadying.
Everyone could tell something was going on between the two of you, but because you were so heavily weighed down by your grief that you didn't think before you did anything, they didn't question why you were suddenly so close to the super-soldier. He was your anchor, your safe haven you so desperately needed and were convinced would sink below your endless stream of thoughts without.
The dreaded day finally came and with a heavy heart, Steve got up and watched your peacefully sleeping figure in bed for a moment before leaving and heading outside.
Bucky, Bruce, and Sam were already waiting by the time he met them by the time machine.
He then walked over to Bucky. "Don't do anything stupid 'till I get back."
"How could I? You're taking all the stupid with you."
The two men both exchanged a quick hug with each other.
"Stay safe, buddy."
"It's gonna be okay, Buck. If this somehow—takes longer than it's supposed to—or I don't come back at all—promise me you'll watch out for her, alright?"
"I will," Bucky nodded.
Steve went over to the Quantum portal, donning the red and white suit.
"How long is this going to take?" you asked.
"For him? As long as he needs. For us? Five seconds," Bruce replied.
The super-soldier picked up Mjolnir 2013.
"Ready, Cap? Alright. We'll meet you back here, okay?"
"You bet."
"Going quantum. Three, two, one—"
With that, he disappeared into the quantum tunnel.
"And returning in five, four, three, two, one—"
Steve didn't appear on the pad right away, and Bruce looked around the equipment in confusion.
"Where is he?" Sam questioned.
"I don't know. He blew right by his time stamp. He should be here."
"Well, get him back."
"I'm trying."
"Get him the hell back!"
"I'm trying, I'm trying!"
"Sam," Bucky cut in.
Sam walked towards him, and him, Bucky, and Bruce saw his familiar broad-shouldered figure in the distance, so they went near him.
"Go ahead," Bucky gestured over to him with a small smile.
Sam went over to Steve, who was silently staring out at the water ahead with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He still looked the same, with his signature leather jacket and khakis. If it weren't for the subtle lines etched in his face from years of enduring hard battles against both himself and other enemies, from his newfound grief, one would think he was barely over thirty years old.
"Hey, Sam."
"So did something go wrong, or did something go right?"
"Well, after I put the stones back, I thought, maybe I'll try some of that life Tony was telling me to get."
"How'd that work out for you?"
"It was beautiful."
"I'm happy for you. Truly."
"But when I saw how happy she looked living her life...I didn't want to take that away from her," the super-soldier explained. "Seeing that she was able to move on made me realize I could do the same. I can't stay in a relationship when I know my heart belongs to someone else. I made Stark a promise to look after her....I can't do that if I'm not here."
"Is that why you didn’t stay?"
"Yeah," Steve smiled faintly, "I couldn't leave her behind."
"Well, uh...she's inside, if you're looking for her—"
"Uhhhhh....never mind, there she is," Sam gestured to you as you were stepping down the porch and making your way across the lawn to him. "You want me to give you two a moment?"
"Yeah. That'd be nice."
You picked up your pace, sprinting towards him as fast as you possibly could into his embrace.
"Why'd you come back? I thought you were going to, you know—stay with Peggy—"
"I couldn't, Y/N, and you know that."
"Why not?"
He pulled away, letting his gaze linger on your face for a bit before brushing a stray hair behind your ear. "I made a promise I couldn't break. I'd never be able to forgive myself for it if I did."
"What promise?"
"Tony made me swear on my life that I'd stay no matter what happened."
"Steve..." your voice wavered as you forced yourself to look straight up at him, those icy-blue eyes that never seemed to fail to give you chills and make butterflies flutter around in your stomach, "Why did you throw away your one chance of having a happy ending? Now I'm the reason why your last chance of living the life you always wanted was taken away from you. I can't—I don't want to stop you from being with whom you love. You came back, even when you had the chance to live out the future that you'd been looking forward to for so long. And you didn't take it. Why?"
"I don't need to stay, when my entire future is standing right in front of me. Y/N, you are my future."
"Oh my god—"
"Shut up," Bucky hissed, elbowing Sam in the side, "let them be!"
"So he's been in love with her this entire time and I had no clue?! He's been in love with her for five whole years? Took them long enough."
"Ten. Catch up, birdbrain."
"Look, I'm sorry—"
"There's nothing to be sorry about," Steve reassured you in a soft voice, "I made my decision, and I'm staying here, whether you're in favor of that or not."
You let out something that was a mix of a choked sob and a laugh. "I can't get rid of you?"
"Unfortunately not," he chuckled, "as far as I know, you're sticking with me, because I love you too much to let you go."
"I hate to break the sentimental mood you've created here, you mumbled into his chest, "but...do you mean like...you're actually in love? Because that's what Dad would always say. If a man doesn't leave your side he either just wants to annoy the hell out of you, or is hopelessly in love with you."
"He's not wrong."
"Okay, then I—"
Steve quickly silenced you by leaning down and placing his lips lightly on yours, which took you completely by surprise. It was as if the entire world stopped when your lips met, your body warming up under his touch - a feeling that you'd never really get used to although you'd been working with him for as long as you could remember. You felt as if you were going to explode from the sheer amount of passion and adrenaline coursing through your body.
"I was going to say I love you too," you let out a sound that was a mix between a choked sob and a laugh. "before you—uh—cut me off like that."
"Oh," he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as his cheeks flushed a bright pink, "sorry."
"I'm gonna say it! You two. Have taken. Too damn long! To admit! You're in love! With each other!" Bucky clapped with every few words he said. "That’s all you say in response to her telling you she lo—"
"Man, shut the hell up," Sam grumbled. "as if you're dating anyone right now."
#avengers imagines#steve x reader#steve rogers#steve rogers x reader#marvel#avengers x reader#avengers#captain america#captain america imagine#captain america x reader#marvel fic#avengers fanfiction#steve rogers fanfiction#captain america fanfiction#steve rogers fic#captain america fic#mcu#chris evans x reader#chris evans#chris evans imagine
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I haven’t had a chance to watch 5.17 again yet, but some initial thoughts.
1st things 1st, there were some sublime choices from Melissa Benoist as the Director. I have a couple of screen captures of the ones that immediately spring to mind. She definitely showed her nuanced understanding of the characters, and that really was so fantastic to see. She deserves another shot in the directors chair in S6 if she wants to (& it sounds from interviews as if it is something she’d like to have chance to do more of). Even without understanding the characters, some of the lighting & overall framing of shots were so good! From lighting to just mirroring chess board pieces. I loved it. I felt the Eve fight scene was pretty masterful.


The episode itself. Whilst it did give up a couple of twists (the most major being Lex set up Jeremiah’s death), honestly it fell pretty flat for a number of different reasons.
My biggest problem (& this isn’t new for me), is that Lex’s behaviour was entirely predictable. That all bar a couple of plot points weren’t things that the fandom haven’t already talked about in one way or another almost Ad nauseam.
A big part for me was this flashback episode leaves us with no more truly relevant details on things than before the episode began.
Lex setting up Leviathan? Knew he was going to do it, this is Lex we are talking about.
Lex manipulating Lena, especially against Kara. C’mon, you’d have to be either blind, or in denial this has been going on for months on his manipulation of Lena. Yes, she should realise he is doing it, but again, Lena (as even Mon-El mentions) is the product of her abusive family. That doesn’t simply disappear!
Eve - we knew she was back, so again no real surprise on Lex manipulating her. Again (oh and side note. If you’re going to hate on Lena for ‘killing’ people & say her manipulation by Lex doesn’t excuse her, but don’t say the same thing about Eve, who killed outright for both Leviathan and Lex, your hypocritical hatred of Lena is showing. Check yourself at the door).
Lillian. She had already admitted she wasn’t Earth 38 Lillian to Lex from the award ceremony dialogue. So again, it wasn’t a surprise.
Honestly I could keep going, but you get the picture.
With only 2 episodes left, (& even had it been a full 3 episodes as I expect them to perhaps try and extend 5.19 into a longer one, perhaps over 1.5 hours instead of the usual hour schedule), we still have no clear answers on anything. Leviathan? Nothing was added to their story, and considering they were supposed to be the big villain of S5, only Lex has been that so far. And when you have an episode that does nothing more than we saw in S4, to ‘expose’ Lex ..... news flash. We know all this about him.
What we don’t know is who leads Leviathan? Who else is part of the organisation? We practically know nothing about them.
I felt this episode would’ve been better placed after Winn’s first episode (I’ve said I felt having him over that 2 episode arc was a waste, as again that 2nd episode did absolutely nothing plot wise that couldn’t have been added in the 1st episode, & the 1st episode didn’t add a lot either! I’m not saying don’t bring Winn back, but make it relevant & not 2 filler episodes). To have it done so late in the season makes zero sense to me. It feels messy.
On to William Dey. I’m not even going to try & pretend I like the character. I absolute despise him, & not because of trying to be Kara’s LI. I despise him, because once again we had him in scenes that others should have been in, especially Alex at the beginning. She is supposedly working with J’onn, and while I get they might not want her around Lex, have her working remotely from the tower, sending that information from the video clip to J’onn and Kara. After all, she did that from the DEO. J’onn has all that computing power & I’ve yet to see it used to any full potential.
I also found it strange William just walked up to Kara & J’onn as if they’re best of buddies, but we have nothing to suggest he knows Kara is Supergirl. I hate he has that level of familiarity with them. It again feels rushed & disjointed & totally wrong for any of the characters. Failing having Alex working it, how about having Nia, who again I keep repeating, is an actual reporter, but also as Dreamer could help scout out & report back in with them all back at the Tower.
I also found the wording Lex used to Eve in regards William. "Activate William."
So activate how exactly? Sure they got him working as a journalist, but how? Through clues being sent to him? Is he under some kind of control? I can think of a host of different ways to phrase that, but activate? That sounds an awful lot like some kind of manipulation that is far more than straight forward sending William some clues is about.
And about this. William is a Nobel Prize winning Journalist, & yet not once has he been able to do anything without someone giving him the heads up! I know some journalism requires that, but constantly? If he is so good at his job, he should be finding more than dead ends. It grates like crazy.
Then he simply arrives at Kara’s with sympathy baked goodies - only to then launch into needing help over what he has found. There is a time & a place for that kind of thing. That was neither the time nor the place. I know Lex wanted to get Leviathan on board with his plan, & needed to show they were about to get Supergirl looking at them far too closely, but really? Just no. He could’ve met Kara at CatCo. Met Kelly at Obsidean. Texted or called Kara to check it was okay to drop by her apartment even. But doing so unannounced, when he knows Kara & Alex have just lost their father? It also grates.
Now onto Kelly - lovely to see her supporting Alex - and Kara - after the loss of Jeremiah. But does she know Kara is Supergirl? We still don’t know for certain! The inference in this episode is Kelly does know, as William tells them about the warehouse, then Kelly & Alex are at the tower with J’onn in the same outfits, as Supergirl lands, stating there was nothing at the warehouse. So yes, it is highly likely Kelly now knows. But how or when did she know. It’s these kind of details most fans actual want, not to have to make educated guesses on! This is a reason fans get frustrated. We were being told who used to get to know Supergirl’s identity, but now with Kelly, nothing! And people wonder why fans feel the LGBTQ characters are getting shortchanged this season. It isn’t just about lack of screen time. It’s about lack of depth of story, when previously they had people falling over themselves to show how they knew Kara was Supergirl.
Another example of this lack of depth or explanation is Brainy. Sure he is likely doing what he is because of future Brainy’s warning, but it still comes across as Brainy seemingly stupid considering his apparent intellect. We have been thrown these plot lines, but they’re then left for us to have to fill in the blanks as each episode airs, as we’re not getting them otherwise.
It is far too chaotic for my liking.
So once again my overriding sense after watching this episode is frustration. It still feels like a total mess, with no answers (& even if they give us those answers, 3 episodes - now 2 - would be nowhere near enough time to do it without rushing. It even felt rushed at times in this episode).
William continues to be an absolute waste of space, (and God do I feel sorry for Staz over this), taking perfectly good screen time away from other already established characters, who could do what he has just as easily.
The Kara and Lena push & pull is giving us nothing new! Nothing. It’s gone well past giving us angst to us having had enough. Like with Lex, they seem to have gone too far with a good thing, & now rather than enjoying it, the majority simply hate it. With a passion. I am sick to the back teeth with it. Lena deserves to finally be rid of this villain tag, & given her rightful place back with the Superfriends (after a damn sit down talk with Kara - not Supergirl - and get on some level ground for good this time). I don’t expect a miraculous friendship rebuilt in seconds, but I do want actual forward progress between them to stick. Not 1 step forward, 2 steps back. I certainly don’t want this carrying on into S6, or at least not without resolving more than this.
In all the 5 seasons I’ve watched Supergirl, I don’t think there has ever been such underlying anger or frustration on how the season has panned out, both from fans & media alike. The disconnect from the fans to the show is huge right now, & really I cannot understand how the end of S4, which was seen as a real step forward for the show, to the excitement of S5, & how it was being portrayed; to this.
I want so much to be able to sit here & write positively over the episodes generally, but too often this season I’ve not been able to do it. I feel so sorry for the cast, because I know they love the show so much, and I want nothing more than to be writing positively about it each episode, but I simply can’t do that.
So in conclusion.
Phenomenal directing by Melissa Benoist.
Complete & utter frustration & disconnect everywhere else.
#supergirl#kara danvers#lgbtq#chyler leigh#alex danvers#azie tesfai#katie mcgrath#nicole maines#kelly olsen#supercorp#brainy#david harewood#j’onn j’onzz#m’gann m’orzz#white martian#green martian#lena luthor#lex luthor#jon cryer#lillian luthor#brenda strong#jesse rath
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Oh look, more fuckin’ writing, who woulda thunk it????
"There's no heroes nor villains in this shattered mind of mine. Just phantoms that dance in my headspace and leave a haunting echo of what never was.” - Elijah Vanders
“ These fires creep up my skin and leave me horrified of all the burns I've endured, but alas, they are no scald marks of the body, but of the mind.” - Elijah Vanders
“ I miss everything I've lost, everything I used to be.” - Elijah Vanders
“ This world was never for the broken, because people condemn what they might never understand, they tell you it's all in your head, and that's the issue. It is all in my head, and I wish it wasn't, because I'd rather face reality baring my teeth to the sky and bleeding from the lip then face the things I do on the daily.” - Elijah Vanders
“ I could look up at the stars and ask them "Why oh why am I a broken vagabond of this shattered world?" And all they'd do is blink out.” - Darkin Vagabond
“ I must confess, I feel like a monster, and all I can do really is hide from myself.” - Darkin Vagabond
“ Here I am, yearning for a better tomorrow, but all I do is sink into my blankets and know, there is no better tomorrow if I don't fight for it. And so I sleep the night away, fearing what it is the day shalt bring.” - Darkin Vagabond
“ How can I run from all this pain if it's apart of me? How could I possibly escape myself?” - Darkin Vagabond
"We condemn what we do not understand, and thus, we can never learn. Perhaps if the village folk within Salem would've learned more if they had questioned the falsely accused instead of burn them at the stake, they would never howl answers, only pain.” - Ferdinand Lawlor
“ Perhaps we have damned ourselves, but oh well, this is a world damned to Hell, so what is a damned man in a world that's already on fire?” - Ferdinand Lawlor
“ I've learned Heaven is a right, and we've lost it.” - Ferdinand Lawlor
"The end of a rope can either be a saving grace or the thing that kills a man. I've been on both sides of the spectrum, swinging from the gallows of my own sin and pulled to shore by people who care to forgive me.” - Eduardo Villifex
“ I'm not a good man, anymore. I used to be, as most did, but my heart twisted black and pain is all I know these days. But not because I'm in it, because I cause it.” - Eduardo Villifex
"Dis is a long bloody road I walk, dere ain't no end fo' me, just my enemies. So beware me pale red truck and 'eart filled with a desire fo' vengeance, because on dis road dere's corpses litterin' da highway and ain't none'a em gon' be me.” - Randall Lancaster
“I went through da stages'a grief, but dey forgot ta mention da last fokin' one. Anger.” - Randall Lancaster
“ I'm cold as ice, but me 'eart burns wif'a flame so fierce it puts Hell ta shame.” - Randall Lancaster
"I'm on a stage, the audience claps and cheers, but only for my death. I swing from gallows made up of the pain I've faced, I'm choking on my past, kicking air beneath me in a desperate attempt to save myself from this noose. And yet here I am, sputtering up all this darkness in my history.” - Hermann Pastel
“ I am a man, I have never been Pinocchio, and I never needed Jipedo or the Blue fairy to make me a real boy. So oh Mister Kalarook, you are not the whale who swallowed me whole, you are no puppet master, you are a man, and thus you will bleed like one.” - Hermann Pastel
"In a town of wolves, crying wolf will only get you torn to pieces.” - Sav Gothenburg
“ I am no killer, and so I shalt not use this blade for sheep, but instead it shall remain clean until the wolf who tore into me is in front of me with his empty eyes and bloodstained smile.” - Sav Gothenburg
“ I know what he did in the dark, I know what he made in the dark, after all, he made his undoing.” - Sav Gothenburg
“ This world is not so fond of those who're different, I've watched as my father cut men and women down for defying his belief, and though I have escaped him, I have not escaped the memory, of him. I can still see his empty eyes and his bloodstained blade. I will never be whole, because the hauntings of him still plague me.” - Victoria Vaxwington
“ New York is a graveyard of those who committed the crime of being themselves.” - Victoria Vaxwington
“ I have learned sometimes angels must fall so devils no longer fly, sacrifices must be made so the enemy is put at a disadvantage that will lead to their demise in the future, but I do not play a game of chess, I do not put forth my pawns to become Queen's Gambit. I'd much rather call Stalemate then let someone who fights for me, die for me.” - Victor Da Ville
“ This world is full of devils who want to watch angels be torn from the sky on bloodied wings, and so I bare these teeth of mine and scowl at the sky, because in a world of devils, one must become the leviathan.” - Victor Da Ville
“ I am a man of justice, karma to those who have spilt innocent blood, I am a devil to all those who seek hellfire, and refuge for all who seek warmth.” - Victor Da Ville
"When you love someone so much, you know when you have to let them go. Even if only for a small while, it still pains you to do so. My darling Lizbeth, oh how it pained her to see me slink into the night with the stars, but when I returned to her, as the sun always does when it sinks, we danced under the rays of sunshine that slathered across our beautiful dance of shared love.” - Corrie Vendowoft
“ She's beautiful in all her broken pieces, we've both lead lives that left us shattered, but together we molded this glass into a wonderful puzzle that painted a picture of us, and us alone.” - Corrie Vendowoft
“ It is dangerous, to love someone so completely that you'd put your life on the line for them, but so long as I live in danger with her, I will always accept it.” - Corrie Vendowoft
"I could say my life is almost like a photograph, frame by frame I see the beauty through the lenses of love. Snapshots of this love I have force the pain out of my smile, all I know these days is a fiery passion for the woman I stride underneath the sun with, in her arms I feel so complete, so loved in a world that tried to make me hate.” - Lizbeth Samwick
“ I love Corrie, it's not just something I feel in my heart or my mind, but something that trickles down to my very soul and redefines who I am. I fought my desire for so long, I said to myself "She can't be yours, by God she can't." But when she smiled and ran a hand through my hair I knew, by God she's mine. “ - Lizbeth Samwick
“ I would dance underneath the stars with that woman, follow her to the ends of the Earth and charge into a burning building if it mean saving her.” - Lizbeth Samwick
"We yearn for an answer to existence, but I think it's a simple one. To exist is to simply breathe, but the meaning to life is to love the world, as it has always loved you.” - Sabu Thorn
“ Nature has never been sinful, everything in nature has a reason to be there, the cycle of kill or be killed is only relevant for predators, and we were never wolves.” - Sabu Thorn
“ This world was never cruel, we just blame it for it's naturalities, you can not blame a wolf for snatching it's prey, and you can not blame nature for its defense mechanisms.” - Sabu Thorn
"I find that condemning love will only condemn he who damns it. Something so Heavenly and divine could never be sinful, why damn something as beautiful and complex as love? How much hate must you hold in your heart to despise something that never had to do with you?” - Abby Malroodge
“ The only one who can change me, is me.” - Abby Malroodge
“ Where would you pull your strength from if you've never had to be strong? Where would you pull your bravery from if you never knew what it was to be scared? Ya can't truly know what it is to live without a little bit of struggle.” - Abby Malroodge
“ Life isn't awful, moments are, remember this, because it might save you when all seems lost.” - Abby Malroodge
“ We're stars, shimmering in the dead of night, so twinkle on my friend, twinkle on. The world was made for you, so shine." - Abby Malroodge
"I'm not strong because of my past, I'm strong because of my choices, I am not strong because people hurt me, I'm strong because I rose up despite what they did.” - Morgan Mittel
“ I'd rather trek forward than look back, the future is where I'm headed, so why dwell on the past?” - Morgan Mittel
"The only things that've kept me alive are hope, and myself.” - Obi Zenton
“ I've been through plen'y, can't really kill my spirit, because it's always ragin' with some sort of flame that fuels me. Love, hate, anger. All of these things keep me goin', I spose I'm a mix of different emotions that keep my heart beatin'.” - Obi Zenton
“ I'm not just gonna lie down and die quietly, I'm a fighter, a survivor, always have been, and nuffin's gonna change that, nuffin'.” - Obi Zenton
“ I've already faced the world, so what makes you think I can't face you?” - Obi Zenton
“ I look up to the Heavens and pray, "Lord, please save me, we're all damned these days, save me." But all I've been hearing is the dying cries of men fighting for no real purpose.” - Zelene Clifforde
“ We are not wolves, we're human, why don't we act as such?” - Zelene Clifforde
“Savages with bloodstained smiles haunt me.” - Zelene Clifforde
“ People just don't understand, get in the way of history, you become it.” - Richmond Venwokbridge
“ The hounds of Hell could chase me down and I'd face them with a bloodstained blade and sins painted the color red on my sleeve.” - Richmond Venwokbridge
“ I have blood on my name, I'm practically a death omen.” - Richmond Venwokbridge
“ You can't tear my roots from this wicked family tree, because they'll wrap around your throat and swing you from the gallows of my dynasty.” - Richmond Venwokbridge
“ I prayed to the Heavens that she'd come back, she had to be alive. But as I looked to the sky the only answer I ever got was clouds shifting and the sun baring down on me. My mother was my hero, and they say we mimic our heroes, so might I one day bleed like her?” - Ariella Soro
“ If God was real why would he shatter a believer such as I? I used to say Amen, I used to get on my knees and pray. But all that ever got me was the rubble of my crumbled faith asphyxiating me.” - Ariella Soro
"I've dragged buried truths from the dark into the light kicking and screaming, but who ever knew the truth had claws and would tear into me like a lion feasting on a gazelle? How was I to possibly fathom the truth ripping into me just as karma rips into those who've done wrong?” - Lana Peixoto
“ I've always brandished this heart of mine and a pen. They say the pen is mightier than the sword, so why does blood spill while I write of tragedy?” - Lana Peixoto
“This world has stabbed so many knives in my back, and somedays I wonder how I haven't bled out, but the blood trickling down my jacket blends in with the black leather. Because I suppose in a world where the truth is a crime, telling the truth makes you villainous.” - Lana Peixoto
“A man I knew once told me we're all strong in our own right, its what we do with the strength that matters. But how am I to be strong when all it ever got me was beaten into pavement and whipped with the scars of a thousand bloodstained lies?” - Alaina Crossbellow
“Fear the woman with everything left to lose, because she'll fight like hell to keep it that way.” - Alaina Crossbellow
"If love is a battlefield, I'll grab my rifle and go to war. After all, I'd do anything for the woman I love, I'd catch bullets or sling em, I'd kick ass or get my ass kicked, if you love someone, you fight for them, it's as simple as that, really.” - Rachel Vandemann
“ Isn't it beautiful, to be so masterfully intertwined with another that their heartbeat becomes a melody and their smile a song?” - Rachel Vandemann
“ I stare into bloodshot eyes, alvawys vondering how zese hands are my own, zey have spilt so much blood, vatched men go down in spurts of red from zis Tommy gun I sling over my shoulder.” - Sanders Krauss
“ Zis blood on my hands haunts me, zere iz trouble in my daydreams and vickedness in my nightmares.” - Sanders Krauss
“ I shook hands vith ze devil, vith his hatchet shimmering red under ze starless night sky.” - Sanders Krauss
"I'd rather be the final bullet in a chamber than the ones that were fired off in rage.” - Carlita Hellslinger
“ I'm not the best woman in the world, but at least I'm good enough to end you.” - Carlita Hellslinger
“ He holds my heart, this battered scarred heart is his, because I found in all my loneliness, in all my solitude, in all my anger, he loved me. He loved the ugliest parts of me, and he called them beautiful.” - Carlita Hellslinger
“ I've lived in the dark my whole life, what makes you think I don't know what lurks?” - Carlita Hellslinger
"Somedays all I can hear is the echo of my past. But I suppose the sirens of love are louder. I must confess, these scars bleed, and somedays they define me, by God do they define me. But then I remember, it's only a memory, and you have a future to live, girl, so live it.” - Sage Caesar
“ A woman showed me what it is to love, Rosie in all her beautiful strength, showed me that love is no game, there's no losers nor winners, only people in love.” - Sage Caesar
“ This world will tell you you're not worth it, you don't deserve the space you fill, but it tells lies, nasty, vile lies that poison your mind with falsehoods.” - Sage Caesar
“ Fight on, fighter, you're worth the struggle, I promise." - Sage Caesar
"I'm the scary story monsters tell their children to keep em in bed. Beware, beware, sinners of the witching hours, the Midnight Dove soars with bloodstained talons, and her prey cackles underneath a bloodstained blade.” - Elsa Todd
“ May those you've harmed whisper your deeds, may you meet me in the dead of night while my pistol is clean and my aim is true.” - Elsa Todd
“ No sinner deserves grace, so don't beg at my feet, it won't fucking save you.” - Elsa Todd
"I don't believe in normal, I don't believe in a concrete definition to humanity. Because we're all unique, in our own beautiful ways. It's ridiculous, to shackle humanity to a definition, we're all our own people, so how could we possibly define what it means to be yourself?” - Hannah
“ I'd rather be an outcast then someone I'm not.” - Hannah
“ Watchin' your own son fall from grace is tough, 'specially when you raised him ta be strong.” - Betsie Werdelstein
“ Her smile ain't like nuthin' I've ever see, I could compare her ta the sun, or a garden'a daisies and daffodils, but she weren't never just somethin' beautiful ta look at.” - Betsie Werdelstein
“ I's seen what it is, ta be so in pain, that all ya can really do is weep and hope fo' a better tomorra', but sometimes that hope is the very bullet that lodges inta your heart.” - Betsie Werdelstein
“ I could present the truth on a silver fucking platter, and people would say, "Oh how marvelous, but we prefer the lies crammed down our throats." - Marston Calinfranz
“ I must ask the question, why do people fear the truth? Lies are often sugarcoated, but dare you follow the sugar crumbs that lead to a poisoned cube of sugar? You're ants, to the powerful, being led to a poisoned demise disguised as your salvation.” - Marston Calinfranz
"They say home is where the heart is. And so my heart resides in a pitch black forest of wolves. They snarl, they howl, but to them, I am the moon.” - Haymitch Viers
“ I sympathize for the devils of this world, everyone seeks to understand them, but must realize, it is impossible. You must become him, to understand him. Walk a a thousand miles in his shoes, and see why it was that he spilt blood as if it were commonplace.” - Haymitch Viers
”A bow and arrow only draws back in preparation to fling forward. So remember, when you’re being pushed back, soon you’ll be hurtling forward at full speed.” - Cynthia Layden
“ We're all our own, beautiful in all of our uniqueness, fuck anyone who says you shouldn't be you, they don't know your mind, or your heart, so how the fuck can they judge you?” - Cynthia Layden
“ We're all our own Queens and Kings, we rule the castle of our mind and sometimes, your thoughts, the subjects, they want to swing you from the gallows, don't let them man, don't let them.” - Cynthia Layden
"In a kill or be killed world, I will never die.” - Gilderoy Vinefroker
“I made friends with my demons, they wouldn't dare bite the hand that feeds them, but to all those around them that left them starving, they have a feast.” - Gilderoy Vinefroker
“ You can not, and will not, fucking kill me.” - Gilderoy Vinefroker
“ This world was never cruel, but I am.” - Gilderoy Vinefroker
“ In life, there are no winners, no losers, just men willing to get to the end, and those who are left on the board to rot." - Gilderoy Vinefroker
“ How am I to grieve what did happen, if I always ponder, on what didn't?” - Jill Smithens
�� This heart of mine is broken, I could glug down gallons of gin an tonic, inject this poison into me, but it'll never heal my heart.” - Jill Smithens
“ I've given so many life changing advice, as a therapist I know the signs, the warnings, and what someone should do in the circumstance their mind is working against them. But if only, I could take my own advice.” - Jill Smithens
“ Ya know, they say the past is just that, but then why is it always engraved in my mind as a hieroglyphic is in a Pharaoh of old's tomb?” - Shirley Honeybadger
“ They say, to slay a monster, you too, must become one, but I believe it wouldn't be sinful if the rabbits fought back against the coyotes.” - Solstice Moone
“ I am a warrior of the sun, bounding in the pawprints of wolves with crimson claws as to follow them to their cave of slaughter, so one day they might be slain for their wickedness.” - Solstice Moone
“ We are not a bloodstained race, but history paints us as such. We waged war to gain independence, and they call us savages.” - Solstice Moone
“ Sometimes we must raise our blades, instead of our voices.” - Solstice Moone
“ I guess life isn't always gonna be perfect, because what would we do with a perfect world but ruin it?” - June Northutt
“ I spose we're all ghosts of who we were, snapshots of younger versions of ourselves, perhaps who we were is proud of who we are.” - June Northutt
“ I took Thituna's beauty and turned it into darkness, Vialdir's gifts and turned them into curses, but hail me! Hail me! I am a stature of greatness and sinful divinity!” - Destallo Starrend
“ This wicked magic, oh how dark it is, I can see it, the black glow in my veins, the dark blood that flows when I am cut in battle. But I care not, I've been corrupted, and my intention is not to turn back.” - Destallo Starrend
“ The night sky flows through my veins and the stars no longer sparkle, for they imploded and left the nebula in my ribcage.” - Destallo Starrend
“ 'Ow am I ever to know peace, if I don't know if my son, knows peace? I'm terrified of the unknown, because I have no clue what it could hold, does it perhaps hold every single truth I need ta know? Is it where my son resides, or is he in a shallow fucking grave?” - Barbara Alastair
“ I guess all I really got are my memories and the spark of a cigarette, only warmth I feel these days, is in my damn lungs, burnin' me alive from the inside. Only light I could ever reach kills me. I'm like the moth, drawn toward the flickers of fires set to burn me, but because I'm self destructive, I follow the sparks and flickers anyhow.” - Barbara Alastair
“ We have to remember, we were given life, so why not appreciate this gift we've got, huh? I'm a fixer upper, we all are, really, workin' with what we got. Our little flaws, our little quirks that make us who we are, always wonderin' if who we are is who we oughta be. But you know what? Build a castle made of of the hurt, and embrace that you survived it man, you survived it.” - Lydia Hobkins
“ This world is cruel, hellbent on breaking this soul of mine in half, but you don't break the woman with her heart on her sleeve, you don't break me, I only learn.” - Allie Jekylhead
“ This world was never meant for cruel men, people like to think we're all beasts, vying for a throne, but we're people, trying to fucking live.” - Allie Jekylhead
“ I am no barking dog, when I bark, it's a fucking warning.” - Allie Jekylhead
"I'm paralyzed by a feelin', cause all I got these days are memories that poison my bloodstream and leave me as the aftermath of Chernobyl. How am I ta be healthy, when even my heart is got damn poisoned?” - Vector Beckenheimer
“ It's hard, fearin' for the life of the woman you love cuz her mind is ill. But I guess, all I can do is fight for her, cuz she ain't never been allowed ta fight for herself.” - Vector Beckenheimer
“ Alcohol is a poison, and I'm in chronic condition these days, sippin' on poison as if it would fucking save me.” - Vector Beckenheimer
“ I'm sorry, for feeling this way. Is it perhaps demented, to be not okay? Am I a woman sinful to the core, because I have demons in my mind?” - Friella Beckenheimer
“ Life doesn't seem to treat me right, and neither does my mind.” - Friella Beckenheimer
“ My children.. I'm sorry. But I'm a bad influence, I smoke cigarettes to choke on the smoke and down pills to spit up my remaining life span.” - Friella Beckenheimer
“ I'm not much a woman, these days. Just a lost ember in the wind, and one of these days I'll snuff out. I'm the dying spark amidst ash, the last shred of a pencil used over the years and the girl no one can save, because I can't even save myself.” - Friella Beckenheimer
“ I bleed forevermore, what a shame it is, that I hold the bloodied razor and the glossy regret." - Friella Beckenheimer
“ This world is out'a fokes, but I can't be.” - Kiley Swinton
“ I've found just how demented this world is, followin' the shadows of the pine and the regrets'a the wolves. I found a cave of sinfulness, the sirens sang and beckoned me ta the ocean side where they drowned my sense of innocence, and out rose a vengeful beast by the name'a Kiley fuckin' Swinton.” - Kiley Swinton
“ Karma is fair, Karma is just, she always pays her fuckin' dues.” - Kiley Swinton
“ The birds hum, the sun rises, just not fo' me.” - Kiley Swinton
“ I used ta rule the world, at least, my own little world I could call home. But some people don't care, they'll rip the walls asunder just to reach your heart and cut it.” - Beverly Jackins
“ I've been broken, but this tiara of rust and this throne of love will never topple. My kingdom of isolation, may one day become a kingdom of two. All I need ta build an empire is my daughter, even if it's one of pillows and blankets draped over cardboard." - Beverly Jackins
“ Broken and damned, they call me. But you'd be telling the truth if you just called me, broken.” - Warren Shanaghost
“ I am a damned man in the eyes of the public, they think I tormented two young girls I knew. I'm damned if I did, damned if I didn't I suppose.” - Warren Shanaghost
“ I saw that shadowy figure, I saw that beast dressed as nothing more than a child's fantasy. What a damned creature, drunk off the light of the moon and sinning just because.” - Warren Shanaghost
“ I've done some dumb shit, sure, but haven't we all? I mean, come on, if we ain't a little wild are we really living? The answer is no, if ya were unaware. You can't just live in the boxes they've created, you gotta burst out of that box and rip it the fuck up.” - Promise Ryder
“ The world isn't against you, honestly, the world doesn't care about any of us, it's the people on Earth that do. So look around, someone loves you, someone cares. Just hold onto the little moments, cause those are the ones that really count.” - Promise Ryder
“ I've watched angels fall from blinding heights, but I went with them on burning wings, I am a circus act, forced into the cold shadows of the night.” - Jenscella Harburkens
“ Those who are different are not loved by society, they'd tie me to a stake and burn me, if they so could.” - Jenscella Harburkens
“ Psycho! They say, psycho! But I'm just a lost girl with haunted memories, why damn me when you could damn my abuser? But no, the story of the boy who cried wolf is always told, but seldom told is the tale of Jenscella, the girl who told the truth, but was never believed.” - Jenscella Harburkens
“ I'm a fool for her, I'd dance underneath a stage collapsing, or hold her hand in a battlefield.” - Zoey Shurrick
“ Just because my memories reflect pain, does not mean that is my future.” - Zoey Shurrick
“ My sister is a superhero, in my eyes. She doesn't shoot lasers from her eyes or wear a cape. She wears a suit she hates and a smile despite her past.” - Zoey Shurrick
"Way over yonder I would'a looked at my torn wings and think, by God, how far have I fallen? But now, I sit here in the tatters of my wings and realize, not every plummet ends with death.” - Connor O’Day
“ My nightmares haunt me, my sins plague me, but my love saved me.” - Connor O’Day
“ She's a soldier, and I'd say she's mine, but I think what's beautiful about her is, she's her own.” - Connor O’Day
“ I used ta be ruled by my trigger and how fast I could pull it, but nowadays, I'm defined by love, not my past, not my future. But love.” - Connor O’Day
“ So sisters, brothers and none of the above in arms, won't you join me, on this journey home? We're all so lost, and yet found by each other. We found sanctuary in each other's hearts and home in the storms of love. We are no beasts, no sinners, no saints. Just men, women and everything in-between, lookin' for a purpose on the wind, knowin' it was always family and each other." - Connor O'Day
"Life is like a painting, it gets a little messy and mistakes are made along the way, but who ever said one wrong sway of the brush ruined the piece? We're not perfect creatures, so why pretend to be?” - Jane Van Steenburg
“ I know these days sinners play as saints, but I find once you learn to differentiate the two, the wolf's smile flickers.” - Jane Van Steenburg
“ I'm a black stallion gallopin' on a path'a cobble and thorns, follow me or don't, but this world need heroes, so lets be the heroes we deserve. I don't got no cape, just my twin revolvers and some rebellious bones.” - Granville Van Steenburg
“ I got my guns, and I got my name, and I've learned that's all it takes ta survive. That and a little bit of hope.” - Granville Van Steenburg
"The sun don't shine on da soldiers, and so we learn ta accept da moon. We twist and turn, twirlin' in da moonlight in an ungraceful dance dat burns us wif' our sins. But ey, sinnin' hurts, but so does bein' da hero.” - Winfield Coleman
“Me bones are wicked, can'tcha see? I'm a cold shadow'a the man I used ta fokin' be, ever since I stepped inta the fires'a war, I knew what it was ta die, mate. You hear the story'a the boy who went ta war whole, but came out strong. But seldom told is the tale'a da soldier who walked out wif' rage in 'is eyes and a snarl on 'is lip. War is Hell, dey say, but Hell is Hell, war is war.” - Winfield Coleman
“ We're all damned nowadays, we're all sinners, and so I took it ta the highest degree. Murder'a the conscience." - Winfield Coleman
"I suppose in a world of mystery, we too are unsolved cases, and we must find who we are and search for the clues inside our hearts.” - Carlita Lorenz
“ I'm always going to stay on this road that leads to nowhere, because with those two women, I don't need a destination, just them. I believe in myself and my loves, and I'll always be a star, shining on if only to light up the night sky, to help the moon in her lovely presence." - Carlita Lorenz
“ I'm on a highway of red lights, a path of broken glass, but why not keep this dance in my stride and pride in my smile?” - Hailey Courtney
“ She's my hero, even if she feels like nothing more than a villain. I love her, she's taught me everything, to be strong, to be me, to laugh and enjoy what I have. She doesn't have a cape, she just has a chipped smile and an old tattered sweater.” - Hailey Courtney
“ I'm always gonna face the world with a smile, because if I can face a nightmare smiling, who can stop me, really?” - Hailey Courtney
"The world's a scary place, and sadly, with me in it, it's even more so.” - Keaton Devoncross
“ I'm both the cat and the dog, chasing my tail and running up a tree in cowardice, I'm not a good man, filled with such sins that they could kill any normal man, he'd jump off a cliff side, knowing what I do.” - Keaton Devoncross
“ I worry about things I shouldn't, always been an anxious child, scared of the world and scared of myself.” - Keaton Devoncross
“ Oh how wicked we are, with our claws of iron and rows of needles that prod our gums.” - Keaton Devoncross
“ We made a mockery of these commandments, thou shalt not kill, so instead we killed the mind. Thou shalt not steal, so instead we stole memories and joy. We are thieves of happiness, we stole the stars and let them blink out.” - Keaton Devoncross
“ We have destroyed the meaning of humanity, because these days we're monsters, tearing into whatever's left.” - Keaton Devoncross
"Step into the ring! You'll find here we all share one very similar trait! We wear sins on our sleeves and scars on our hearts! And here, the only way to find purpose, is to fight for it. You might die in the process, but it is a price you must be willing to pay! You are gladiators and gladiatrix's, fight, fight! Fight or die! Kill or be killed!” - Jorovany Ringmaster
“ I am Jorovany Ringmaster! Sinner of the highest degree! I wear both horns and halos, because too trick the saint, I must act like him.” - Jorovany Ringmaster
“ Blood stains the walls, ghosts fill the halls, and a mad man runs the show! You can not escape the arena, for it's always in your memory.” - Jorovany Ringmaster
“ Always was I born to be a beast of bloodied fang and crimson talon, but my heart does beat for someone, but it does not beat for the fool who dares trample the wolf. Adraina makes me feel such curious things, she protects me and says my damning acts are not so damning. She calls me fallen angel, but damned I am, and if she is by my side, damned is she.” - Maya Van Hunters
“ I do not regret what I have done, it doesn't seem to be in my bloodstream, my family tree is made up of rotten bark and branches with gallows our enemies swing from.” - Maya Van Hunters
“ Living is such a damning act, we were born so cold, so bloody. So it seems I never escaped the cycle of cruelty, and I suppose I never shall.” - Maya Van Hunters
“ As I have seen it, this bloodline ends with me, because I bare no child to continue our sinful ways. The wicked roots of my history shall fester and rot, the world will remember the Van Hunters name as a wicked one filled with sinful desires and love for a singular woman.” - Maya Van Hunters
“ I've hit rock bottom a thousand times, but I suppose all it takes to find the top is to climb.” - Rayford Gold
“ My brothers are good men, Robert and Crawford, stuck by me in my darkest times, it's hard to find people like them, who you can laugh and cry with. Some people love you only when it's light, but the ones who're true, love you even in the night. I have found so much, in this world. Money doesn't buy happiness, only friendship and love can do such a thing.” - Rayford Gold
“ I am not a bad man, just one who's made some bad choices.” - Rayford Gold
“ She saved Crawford's life, but her smile saved mine.” - Rayford Gold
“ Don't you dare damn me without knowin' my broken and hellbent past, vengeance is the only thing that drives me nowadays, I'm a broken creature of broken tusk and dented armor.” - Julie Forkroad
“ I got bullets with their names on it, Tilda, Maya, you best watch out, the monster you created is chargin', and her horns will skewer you, choke you on the blood you've spilt.” - Julie Forkroad
“ This future of mine is bloodstained, because my past is bloodstained. I can't escape all this pain because those ghostly women haunt me, their memory is damning, their existence is frightening. But I suppose, on this damned path, I became a reflection of them.” - Julie Forkroad
“ All I have left is my gun and a few empty prayers.” - Julie Forkroad
"It ain't the hatred spread that's remembered, I've learned. Yes, wicked deeds lay on the pages of history, but it's the actions that rid us of the dark, that lay in our hearts.” - Joyce Huffelsburg
“ I have saved so many little boys and girls from a life of trauma and the high risk of finding them swinging from the end of a rope for the sins of their mothers and fathers.” - Joyce Huffelsburg
“ Help people and put other's above yourself, and people will remember you as a hero, but that was never the point. It was always just to do the right thing, wasn't it?" - Joyce Hufflesburg
“ We're all fighting our own battles, whether they be physical or mental, and we gotta attain victory, or we'll never make it.” - Levanna Scorchton
“ I could make an explosion with a single match and an ocean with a single drop of water. That's just how deeply I love, if I couldn't love, I think I'd be driven to hate.” - Levanna Scorchton
"All the money in the world doesn't make one rich, but love? It'll make you the richest person in the world.” - Moriah Castelonia
“ Words can teach so much, but seldom do people speak them in meaningful ways.” - Moriah Castelonia
“ She was just another homeless woman to the world, but when I saw her, shivering on that street, flecks of snow in her golden hair, I knew I had to do something. Everyone passed her by, but if I had, I never would've been found in such a beautiful dance. She's my golden star, wise and lovely. She's taught me so much, we lived in separate worlds, I grew up with silver platters and everything I thought I needed to be happy, while she grew up with nothing but her hope and grit to carry through. Our worlds collided, and now they're so beautifully intertwined.” - Moriah Castelonia
"The question must be asked, is a church steeple dripping with the blood of the fallen still a holy scene? Or has it been scorched by the devil's flame?” - Father Goriah Thorell
“ If we're all sinful, is it such a stretch to say none of us are forgiven? Either God is forgiving and loving, or he's hateful and unforgiving.” - Father Goriah Thorell
“ There's blood on my Bible and sins sitting on the pew.” - Father Goriah Thorell
“ Such damned, and unholy things we are. Sinning with cause, and without it.” - Father Goriah Thorell
"Super heroes only exist in comics and action movies, the real heroes wear cowboy hats, flannels and are no different from you and me. Anyone can be a hero, all it takes is a little bit of will power.” - Mike Pennington
“ I never expected fatherhood to be pushed on me, so suddenly. But.. when my sister left this world.. I had to take care of her daughter, I had to take care of little Dalia. She's a smart kid, made me really proud, ya know? Some people only want her because she's smart, but I love her because she's goofy and fun, full of spirit and wisdom ain't no one ever see coming. She'll blow you away, man, she really will. With all her snark and love, she's a cute kid, and might I one day find her again.” - Mike Pennington
“ I'm no superhero, just a man who's willing to fight.” - Mike Pennington
"To a rich man, the heart is of little value, but to a poor one, it's all he has.” - Dornstecker
“ I've found New York is rampant with corruption and a darkness so smothering I sputter up the air I breathe.” - Dornstecker
“ You can send your thoughts and prayers to those who died, but it won't change a damn thing, all we can truly do is raise our voices and fight against this injustice. Staying silent to such evil only tolerates it, and I won't stand for it. I am a simple goblin, I clock into the bank at seven thirty, I do my job and hope no poor sod comes in with a gun, I clock out and feed my cat and sleep at nine o'clock sharp.” - Dornstecker
“ I have learned we're all paying the Devil's price and he is no pitch forked wielding entity, he's our politicians and our leaders hiding the blood behind their teeth with a pearly white smile. Despicable wolves, every last one of them. Hiding behind their suits and ties, with their large fancy estates.” - Dornstecker
“ We are many, and so why do we stay silent in the midst of horror? Are we to gobsmacked to do anything? Get over the shock of the situation and do something for God's sake.” - Dornstecker
"I think I need to raise my rifle ta fate and say screw you, you've been an asshole, I'm taking matters inta my own hands. Yeah, shoot fate in the heart, it ain't never been very fond of me anyway." - Church Godsel
"My misery overpowers my joy, these days." - Dale Markus
"I play with fire, but it is not I who burns." - Javier Cross
"I used ta say God is always watching, he's by you, he's by you! But now I sit and ponder, where was he when his son bled?" - Nestor Bevelricks
"We will fight until we are dead and buried, and when we are buried we will be remembered by the one's we call family, because family never forgets, friend." - Titus Hawley
"My regret is deafening, I imagine it's the only thing keeping me from hearing the cries of those I've wronged." - Simon Drogace
"He's a fool to trust me, and his family will pay dearly for his mistake."- Quentin Satchel
"If the truth is a sin, call me holy." - Quentin Satchel
"In a world with men like me peace can't exist." - Elton Seaderfault
"My sins crash on me and bury me underneath the wicked soil of my history." - Sean Gale
"So come on, call me a bad man, call me crazy, but I think, you're the crazy one, because you just pissed off Saul mother fucking Northutt, and your life span, has abruptly been cut short." - Saul Northutt
"I battled my demons, they wore plastic grins, and wielded empty promises." - Saul Northutt
"I'm a bad, bad man, walking through the fires of hell, runnin' through these pages wonderin', when the fuck do I run out of pages to tear the fuck out mercilessly?" - Saul Northutt
"We've taken five hundred steps back in this harsh dance with the darkness." - Alonzo Graves
"You trust a man with your life and you've dug your own grave." - Clayton W. Scarrberry
"Don't mistake your scars for weakness, they built you. Be proud of the strength it took to bare them without turning them on other's." - Rando Ballsy
"If my regret caught up to me vengeance would never be an option." - Dallas Lightsworth
"I see my grave error, I became a monster when my people, and most importantly my daughter needed a man they could look up too." - Bardzimi Talos
"Bob fucking Weathers, well I think that'll look real nice etched onto a tombstone." - Alastair Riseman
"How can God judge me for my sins when his sins can't be fucking counted?" - Roxane Vanderburg
"Do not speak of death as if it has seeped through your rotten skin." - Fandelhimer Bewitchasphere
"The world's filled with killers and vagabonds of Hell, guess I gotta make due with what I got and keep my pistol close." - Espifanio Vanderhoof
"These sins are heavy for those that trust me." - Michael Blomquist
"If I am ta be damned, may I burn Jasper with my fury." - Lileen Nallmorker
"The worst place I've ever resided is my memories." - Lucretia Covington
"Mother, father, forgive me. I never wanted to become a ghost haunting your memory." - Lucretia Covington
"My heart is buried in the pitch black forests in a pinewood box." - Belle Nalroma
"My troubled mind seldom brings me peace. Spose it's a wayfarin' stranger on a desolate road." - Gary Heartlock
"No one sympathizes for the devil it would seem." - Ruby Vollstale
"Revenge is a no man wins game, so here I am, losing." - Cole Milwood
"These sins at my back tell the tale of a lawful man forced to break it." - Aristead Solace
"The world has never favored the man who fights, have you ever noticed it's easier to give up than raise your fists? Easier to stay silent, than speak your mind?" - Timotheus Naziger
"The world cares not for the girl with her ferocious bark and fierce bite. And so the dog learns to become cold just as those who shied away from it." - Abaddon Whilsteila
"Fear never got me anywhere, being feared however did." - Abaddon Whilsteila
"You can not trust the wolf not to devour the lamb. So why put me in a field of peacemakers and expect me to come out without bloodstained hands?" - Caldwell Ramirez
"The world was never in your favor, ask the stars a question and you'll get howls." - Caldwell Ramirez
"The world is bathed in a wicked desire for no other reason than to dominate and conquer. These days we're repeating history and expecting a different result." - Nial Morranann
"Devils ain't wearin' no horns, brother, they got pearly white smiles and share your qualities." - Simon Rossburg
"Cold world we live in, spose all the flowers were kilt and all we're left with is the withered daffodils." - Morton Strawbellow
"Here I am, in a Hell of my own making, cause all I do is hurt myself, and Hell is repeated pain, so here I am, making my life Hell." - Ash Caesar
"People listen to words written on paper as if they were truth, they do not need to see to believe, and so all they'll ever do is ignore the truths that are spoken from the tongues of the people. You can not know truth, if all you breathe in is a lie." - Romanez Callowitz
"My mind is a prison of memories, I've lost hope to see my sunshine again, I begged the world not to take her away, she was my one and only. The star in a night sky that felt dark, but she blinked out, and all I'm left with is a photo album that depicts the memories before my daughter became a snapshot of a memory." - Darlita Romilez
"Chivalry dies when it finds war." - Joe Paquil
"I'm cursed with this never ending affliction to burn for my sins. But I spose a father's duty is to keep on fightin', if only to see his kids grow." - Marrows Redshaw
"Ain't the hate, that made me. But the love and the heart." - Samuel Bones
"I've been chasin' down my dreams since I could walk. Does Justice really think he can twist em into nightmares?" - Rodrick Taywillow
Carry on, they say, carry on. But this storm is not so merciful." - Ebenezer Vanderholt
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A Life for a Life to Balance the Scales
CW: Suicide/Self-sacrifice
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Chapter 2 of 5: We Go Together
Lena was working alone in her lab to destroy the last vestiges of Non Nocere and considering where to next apply her mind and energy. She needed a new project but had lost faith in her own ability to create and innovate for good. She stood in front of her lab table, tablet in hand, flicking through files and noting ideas. It was taking longer than anticipated because, despite her best efforts, she found her thoughts frequently turning to Kara, to Supergirl, to Kara Zor-El; to that infuriating blonde who almost ruined her life. The time for berating herself for not seeing it sooner had passed. Now, she was working to reconcile the three of them in her mind, hoping to find an answer there that would provide clarity and direction on how to proceed. She wasn’t sure if she had forgiven Kara, but she was finally ready to admit that she still loved her; admit to herself that is; this was not something she would ever admit to Kara. If the revelation of Kara’s secret had proven anything, it was that Kara could not possibly return her feelings. Kara could not be in love with her and yet lie to her every moment they spent together. The way Kara treated her, that was not love. Then again, Lena asked herself with a sigh, “What do I know of love?”
Lost in her daydreams, Lena almost missed the notifications that popped up on the screen of her monitor, then on her tablet, as they filled her displays with increasing urgency. Startled out of her reverie by a particularly aggressive alert in bold red text, Lena swiveled to her computer and started frantically typing.
“No. No no no no no, this can’t be right. This doesn’t make any sense.”
“Oh god, Kara !”
Lena grabbed her tablet and her bag and ran out the door of the lab.
Alex was standing at the war table in the middle of the control room looking wistfully at the second floor balcony. She could just make out the tops of heads where the Superfriends were gathered around Brainy when Lena Luthor came crashing into her line of vision.
Alex was momentarily stunned because there was no universe in which Lena Luther crashed into a room. As Lena flailed herself into a full stop in front of Alex, the agent managed to close her mouth and regain her composure, if just barely.
“It’s Kara, the Sun. Have you seen these readings?”
“Woah, woah there killer. Slow down.” Alex put her hands out as if to steady Lena.
“Alex! Have you seen these readings?!”
“Lena, what are you talking about?” Alex asked as Lena pulled her tablet out of her bag and thrust it in front of Alex’s face.
From what Alex could tell, LuthorCorp’s satellites in deep space had picked up on a massive solar flare. These readings showed one of the most prolific solar flares ever witnessed on Earth.
“Lena, I know. We all saw this two days ago. It’s been all over the news ever since. We are still seeing the geomagnetic storms today. Power has gone out all over the city and half of the country’s servers are down. So much for cloud computing.”
Alex, looked up. She had never seen Lena Luthor look this disheveled, even with about a dozen assasination attempts in her frame of reference. Lena’s expression was almost wild. Her hair was somewhat disheveled and she was still breathing heavily from running into the room. The flush was resting high in her cheeks and her eyes were wide, frantic. Alex cocked her eyebrow and grasped Lena’s elbow, waiting for her to collect herself enough to elaborate.
“Look at the energy readings. Look at the radiation signature.” Lena was jabbing her finger into the tablet hard enough to make an audible noise.
Alex went pale and looked down at the tablet with new understanding. She felt as the blood drained out of her internal organs. She suddenly didn’t feel quite steady on her own two feet.
“Lena…” Alex said, though barely a whisper. “Lena, these indicators... I don’t know anything that would show up like this...not unless.”
Alex looked up at Lena expectantly, waiting for Lena to tell her that she’s wrong; waiting for the prodigal genius to explain the real reason why the solar flare is giving off readings that would only be possible if a Kryptonian had flung themselves bodily into the sun.
“Alex. Where’s Kara?” Alex opened her mouth, “I...she-,” but she couldn’t finish her answer. Lena repeated, “ Where. Is. Kara? ”
Alex continued to stare unseeing at a nondescript point in space somewhere in the vicinity of Lena’s face.
Lena was screaming at Alex and tears were raining down from her cheeks onto the cool polished marble of the DEO floor, but Alex couldn’t move. Alex couldn’t think or breathe or move.
Eventually, the sound of Lena crying out wordlessly in pain snapped the agent out of it. She turned on her heel and addressed Vasquez at the control panel.
“Pull up everything we have on the solar flare two days ago. I want radiation signatures, energy readings, thermal imaging, EVERYTHING WE HAVE. And I need it NOW.”
“Yes, ma’am. Right away, Director Danvers.”
Alex was lost in her own thoughts while her agents worked, this cannot be happening. She wouldn’t. She couldn’t do that to us. She doesn’t even have powers in space. It’s not even possible. How would she even get there?
Alex’s body went cold as realization washed over her. Reaching for her phone, she dialed Clark. She turned to face Lena, as she spoke into the phone, “Clark, it’s about Kara. No time to explain. I need you to go to the fortress. Now. As fast as you can. Call me when you get there.”
“Thank you, Clark.”
Lena was standing with her arms down, holding her bag with both hands in front of her. She had regained her composure and the mask Alex was so used to seeing had slipped back into place. The only hint of thoughts hiding behind it was the flash of panic in the way she moved her eyes; the set of her mouth, her lips pressed so thin they may as well be nonexistent, as if she could press her mouth closed hard enough to keep her pain contained inside.
She opened it carefully to ask, “Alex, when did you last see her?”
“She was here two days ago checking on Brainy. She said something about making Lex pay for his crimes and…” Alex reached out and grasped Lena’s left bicep. “Lena, I think she was saying goodbye.” Alex turned to face the empty foyer, the balcony Supergirl used as a personal entrance. “Oh my god. Kara, what have you done?”
“Alex... Director Danvers! ,” Lena grabbed Alex’s arm and shook her as Alex tried to bury her head in her hands, “What did she say about Lex? What was she going to do to him? Does she know where he is?”
“I don’t know. She didn’t say. She just said that he had to pay. That she had to do it for all of us. Lena, I’ve never seen her like that. I think...I think Kara was going to kill Lex.”
“Lex hasn’t been to LuthorCorp in two days. It came up at a board meeting this morning. I assumed that he was skipping town because Brainy had been found and Leviathan defeated.”
Lena turned to Alex again, interrupting her pacing, “Alex, what if she did it? What if Supergirl killed Lex Luthor?”
“Supergirl does not kill.”
“Then where is she?”
One thing no one counted on, certainly not Lex, was that Kara had spent a lot of time thinking while she was at the Vanishing Point with all the other Paragons. She still had all her powers, including her superhearing. There was no time at the Vanishing Point, no sun to rise or set, no rhythm to life but the rhythm they gave it. Their bodies were frozen in a moment outside of time and space. The only cycle was the unending dance of sleep and awareness. It had been her little secret that when she couldn’t rest, couldn’t turn off her mind, she would listen to the heartbeats of the other Paragons. Just like she did with Alex’s in Midvale and Lena’s in National City. It was the soundtrack to her misery, her anchor in the void. It was a coping mechanism; meditative almost. It wasn’t too long until she had memorized the heartbeats of every Paragon; including Lex Luthor.
You see, he might have known every power she possessed through his copious research on Kal El, but there’s one secret she’d never given away to anyone. One trick that only she knew, and for once, she could be one step ahead of him in his sick game of chess. She would only have one shot to play this card.
So there she was, hovering high over LuthorCorp, sending out her hearing all across the city, looking for the signature heartbeat she had decided to stop forever.
It took longer than she expected; hours in fact. She knew it would be difficult. Lex traveled in lead-lined and soundproofed cars, and lived and worked in lead-lined and soundproofed rooms. He had built his whole life around thwarting Kal El. But even Lex Luthor had to leave his bubble of safety occasionally.
As soon as he stepped out of the car, she heard it. On the corner of 8th and Main. Using her x-ray vision she narrowed in on a barber shop. Of course his vanity would be his downfall. The beginnings of a smile lifted the corner of her mouth, but it didn’t last long as she steeled herself for what came next.
Lex was lounging in his favorite barber’s chair at the very back of the shop, a warm towel over his face in preparation for his first close shave since Crisis, and boy was he looking forward to it. Lex was a regular at Al’s Corner Shop. He had been relieved to see it still standing in the same place after his return from saving the universe, it was the one thing he hadn’t considered in his adventure with the Book of Destiny, but he was glad that his rare oversight hadn’t cost him the best shave he’d ever found.
As he sat there with a smug grin plastered on his face under a hot towel, he heard the bells on the door jangle against each other when another customer came in. He lost track of the footsteps as he ruminated on the pros and cons of bribing Al to work for him exclusively in the comfort of his own home. His smile faltered as he realized that the footsteps accompanying the new customer were still moving closer, too close. They should have stopped and deposited the offending stranger in a chair further down the row, closer to the door. Instead, the footsteps came to a stop right behind him. He barely had time to rip the towel off his face. He started to stand, ready to unleash a torrent of vitriol on the person arrogant enough to interrupt his only time of relaxation, when he saw the blue and red of the suit standing over him.
He froze.
“Supergirl, ” he hissed. He sat back down hard into the chair. His mind immediately started spinning his go-to villain speech, as he straightened his shoulders and smoothed his features into calm neutrality. He decided to start with, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Before he finished the lilt on the end of the question, he was airborne. It seemed that Supergirl was no longer tolerant of the melodramatics of villains’ speeches and heroes’ pleas. He would have found this an amusing discovery, were it not that he was currently being flown across the city at mach speed; his body thrown helplessly over Supergirl’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He lost consciousness as they broke the sound barrier somewhere over Saskatchewan.
They were gathered around the war table. Alex was bent over a tablet studying the latest readings, Nia was standing behind Brainy who, against everyone’s advice, was out of bed and sitting in a wheelchair looking up at the control room screens trying to piece together any other possible explanation for what Lena had already deduced.
Kelly was pacing behind them, on the phone with James who was at his gate waiting to board the first flight back to National City.
Lena was standing off to the side, her bag still held in both hands in front of her. She looked like a statue, so still that no one had noticed her in almost an hour. Lena remembered a time when she had been at the center of this camaraderie, when her advice had been sought and she had been intimately involved in reviewing the data and making the plans. Now she was just a witness to other people’s pain. “I will not let them be a witness to mine,” she thought as she checked her dispassionate mask vigilantly. Her hands went to the watch stowed in her purse, to the button she had been pressing over, and over again for hours. She knew that if Kara were still on Earth, she would have found a way to be there by now.
Everything stopped as soon as Alex’s phone rang on the war table. They all rushed to the table. Even Lena was stirred from the shadows to move towards the lifeline on the other end of the call. Alex put it on speaker for the Superfriends to hear:
AD: “Clark...”
CK: “Alex, she’s not here. Hold on, is that the crest off her suit? It’s just sitting here, like it’s on display or something. What is going on?”
AD: “What do you mean the crest? Does it look intentional? Did she put it there?”
CK:“Alex, I don’t know. Kelex said that she was here two days ago with a man and then. Hold on.”
[In the background, they heard Clark ask Kelex, “What pod? Show me.”]
AD: “Clark, what’s going on? Was that Kelex? Does he know where she went?”
CK: “Alex. [Clark’s voice was muffled. They heard him sniffing through his nose.] Alex, she’s gone. She took my pod. Kelex said she programmed it to fly into the sun. He tried to stop her but she commanded him.”
AD: “The sun? Clark-”
CK: “Alex, that’s not all. Kelex said that she brought someone here with her. He showed me the surveillance. It was Lex. She brought Lex here and she injected him with something. Alex, I think Lex...is... is dead. She put him in the pod and she flew off into the sun with his body.”
CK: “...Alex? Alex, are you there? Alex ?!”
Alex couldn’t hear him anymore. Alex couldn’t hear anyone or anything. Alex couldn’t move or speak or think. She barely registered as the phone dropped out of her hand and smashed to pieces against the polished concrete of the DEO floor. She saw everyone’s eyes on her, watched as they moved toward her in slow motion. She saw their mouths move, their faces twist in shouts, but she heard nothing.
“ Kara-”
The tilting world blinked in front of her eyes once, twice, and then everything went black.
Lex came-to a while later in what could only be the fortress. “You know, Supergirl, this isn’t quite how I imagined my next visit to the Fortress of Solitude, but I have to thank you for helping me get here,” he said with narrowed eyes and a smug lopsided grin on his lips.
Kara wanted nothing more than to wipe the smirk off his face with a backhand to the mouth, but she kept her composure. His time to taunt was nearing its end, and he hadn’t yet come to realize it.
Bound to his chair with the crystalline ice of the Fortress, Lex surveyed his surroundings. He noticed that his transmat portal watch had been removed at some point and he looked up just as Supergirl seemed to finish x-raying his body for any other devices.
“What do you want?” Lex asked, uncharacteristically lacking in snark this time.
Supergirl said nothing as she fiddled with a syringe full of clear liquid.
His eyes grew three sizes as she walked over to where he was sitting.
Without fanfare, without speeches, or explanation, Supergirl inserted the syringe into his carotid artery and depressed the plunger fully; only then did she speak.
“Lex Luthor, you have murdered countless citizens of Earth. You have been sentenced to 31 consecutive lifetime sentences. You broke out of prison while serving that term and promptly murdered again. You were largely responsible for the mass extinction event known as Crisis and are, therefore, responsible for the deaths of untold trillions. For these crimes, and those you will inevitably commit in the future, I cannot allow you to live.”
Kara turned her back to Lex and sighed, “You should have stayed dead when Lena killed you the first time.”
Lex raged against his bonds, “What have you done to me?!”
He felt his limbs getting heavier. It was getting harder to keep his eyes open. Kara leveled her gaze at him, her eyes full of pity and sorrow.
“It was the most humane way. It will be over soon. You won’t feel it; I made sure of that. If you calmed down, it might even be peaceful.”
Lex broke out into a toothy smile. “You’ll never come back from this. Killing me will haunt you until the day you die. And as a Kryptonian, you’ll have eternity to agonize over this choice. It will eat you alive. You may kill me, but you will never survive it, Supergirl ,” he spit the last word back at her; his eyes barely open, his head starting to sag off his shoulders, his posture slipping.
Supergirl closed the gap between them, slowly, deliberately. She reached one hand gently under his chin and raised it so his eyes could meet her own.
“You’re right Lex. This time, we go together.”
His eyes showed just the barest flicker of confusion before he went slack. Supergirl dropped to one knee, hanging her head as she listened while his heartbeat slowed, and eventually came to a stop. She x-rayed his chest, just to be certain and found it still, eerily still.
The one thing Lex Luthor never counted on, could never understand, was that not only would Supergirl sacrifice her life to protect her friends, but after Crisis, she would sacrifice her soul. It just so happened that she was destined to sacrifice both to kill him.
Kara let out a shaky breath as she knelt next to Lex’s body. She didn’t know how to feel. She’d never once killed on purpose. It went against everything that she was; everything that she believed in. Kara knew that as Lex’s heart stopped beating, Supergirl ceased to exist.
Kara stood and, without using her powers, she peeled the crest of the great House of El off of her suit. She couldn’t bear to wear her house crest any longer. Where she was going, she had to go alone. El Mayyarah had gotten her far, but it couldn’t go with her to meet her end.
Kara cleansed Lex’s body in the Kryptonian way and gave him full funeral rights in the only manner she knew. She gently placed his body into the back of Kal-El’s repaired pod and climbed into the pilot’s seat.
It was a tight squeeze for both of them, the pod gave Kara flashbacks to her time in the Phantom Zone, triggering what would probably be her last claustrophobia-induced panic attack. The dead body of her arch nemesis laying just behind her didn’t bring her any added comfort.
Once she recovered, she took a deep breath and sealed the pod. She raised her hand to the pad in front of her and began to key in the coordinates for their destination. Halfway through, she had trouble making out the Kryptonian glyphs through her blurred vision. She reached a hand to her cheeks and noted with detachment that it came away covered in warm wetness. She raised her eyebrows but couldn't reach deep enough to be surprised.
She wiped her eyes and carried on entering the coordinates. Once she was done, she turned to Kelex standing outside the pod at the command module. “Kelex, initiate the launch sequence.”
“I feel it is my duty to warn you that the coordinates you have entered - “
Kara mustered the last piece of courage she possessed. She raised her chin and steeled her eyes, and in a decisive tone Kara declared, “I am Kara Zor-El, Last Daughter of Krypton, and I command you to initiate the launch sequence.”
Taken aback, but bowing to her authority, Kelex replied, “As you wish, Kara Zor-El. May your journey bring you peace”
With that, Kara felt the pod rumble as the engine kicked on for the first time in over thirty years.
With one last look at Kelex, she was flung out into the atmosphere on a parabolic trajectory into space.
Small sounds started to grate against her consciousness. She could hear incessant beeping and murmuring. As she opened her eyes, Alex’s field of vision was flooded with the harsh, white lighting of the med bay. After a few moments of blinking her eyes into focus, she could make out the medical equipment and the dark blobs around the edge of her vision solidified into her friends’ faces. Nia & Brainy, James & Kelly, even Clark was there standing vigil over her.
As she blinked again and looked up to the tall figure looming over her, she let out a sob, not expecting to see J’onn’s worried eyes looking back at her.
“I know, Alex. I know.” J’onn whispered in a soothing tone, trying to keep the tears from spilling over, “just get some rest for now. We will talk more when you’re ready.” He carefully brushed her hair off her forehead and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on the top of her head. With that, he moved towards the door.
The agent turned back to look at him as he paused on his way out, an earnest look on his face.
“I love you; so very much.”
Alex just nodded, pressing her lips together to stop the sobs from escaping.
The rest of her friends followed shortly after, leaving with soft pats on her knees and feet, squeezes of her hand, mumbling words she just couldn’t care enough to try to decipher.
As they funneled out one by one, only Kelly remained. Even Brainy wheeled himself away from the bed next to hers to give them their privacy. The idea that he shouldn’t be out of bed lest he compromise his recovery briefly flitted across Alex’s mind as she pursed her lips, but it just wouldn’t stick. She couldn’t bring herself to care about anything, or anyone. She closed her eyes against the torrent of feelings and memories that threatened to overwhelm her.
“Hey,” Kelly started softly, “talk to me. What are you feeling?”
Alex just shook her head, eyes closed and mouth shut firmly against whatever she might have said.
“Okay. Okay, it’s okay. Can I just sit here with you? Hold your hand?” Kelly asked.
Alex dipped her head just enough to be taken as acquiescence. The agent would’ve given anything to go back to the void of unconsciousness. She ran her fingers through her short hair, remembering the days before the DEO where she drowned her own feelings of failure in the bottom of a bottle. Somehow she knew that Kelly wouldn’t let that kind of self-destructive behavior slide this time. Alex sighed and dropped her chin to her chest. She might as well start talking because Kelly was nothing if not patient. They both knew who would win the waiting game.
Alex’s voice cracked as she attempted to untangle her thoughts, “I have always, always, had faith that the universe would bring her back to me. Through everything, when her brain was altered on Red K, when Cadmus and Lillian kidnapped her and Mon-El, when Mon-El left and Kara...” Alex choked back a sob. Now that she’d started, she couldn’t stop, “...when Supergirl tried to destroy Kara Danvers. Every single time she set off into the multiverse with Barry. Even during Crisis. I always knew that she would come back to me; that she would find a way back. She’s the god damn Paragon of Hope for christ’s sake.” Alex threw her hands up and out towards the end of her bed in an exasperated half-shrug.
“This time is different, Kel. This feels... real.” Alex looked up into Kelly’s eyes, trying to convey wordlessly the feeling settling over her, the finality of it. “I don’t think she’s coming back from this one and I don’t -” Alex sobbed uncontrollably so that Kelly just barely made out her next words, “- I don’t know who I am without her.”
Kelly took the hand closest to her on the bed in both of hers. She thought of a million things to say, a million ways to reassure Alex that there was far more to her than her relationship to sister, that she was her own person before Kara came into her life and that she would be her own person now. She considered trying to reassure her that everything would be okay, but immediately the therapist in her shot that idea down, hard . This would never be okay, even if someday Alex would be. Kelly sighed softly and eventually settled on silence. She crawled into Alex’s bed and held the red headed woman until she drifted back to sleep, spent from the grief spilling out of her in endless tears.
As she slept, Alex muttered the same thing over and over, one name, Kara.
It was Kelly’s turn to cry, softly so as to avoid waking Alex. She let the tears flow freely and tried to keep her body from being wracked by the sobs threatening to crush her resolve. She reached out to gently cradle Alex’s cheek, pulling her even closer. “I’m so sorry, Alex. I’m so sorry.”
“Alex, it is time. Enough of this. You cannot stay in bed like this any longer. We need you, Alex. The rest of us still need you.” J’onn implored Alex, but there wasn’t even a flicker of recognition across her face. Alex wasn’t there. She was awake, but the lights were off and no one was home. “Alex, it’s been a week. You have to get up and you have to get out of bed.” Still nothing, Alex just stared straight ahead out of the glass panels of the wall in front of her. She hadn’t said anything since her brief discussion with Kelly. She wasn’t eating, and for the time being they had been giving her IV nutrition, but if she didn’t eat that day they were facing a feeding tube. J’onn said as much, but Zombie Alex gave no indication that she’d heard him.
J’onn sighed. Hands on his hips, he turned away from her to face out over the DEO. He watched as Eliza held Kelly outside Alex’s room. He shook his head, mind made up. He had planned to wait until she recovered, but there was no sense in that now. If he didn’t tell her now, then she may never recover, and then, what was the point. He walked over to sit on the edge of her bed and Alex’s eyes flickered to his for just a moment before darting away again.
“She left you a message, Alex.” J’onn said softly. “She recorded her goodbyes on Sunstone Crystals in the pod. She sent the pod to Earth, but the solar flare knocked it off course. It landed on Mars. That’s how I knew to come back. That’s why I’m here.”
This seemed to rouse something in her. Alex looked at J’onn, the emptiness in her eyes breaking his heart, but he couldn’t force himself to break contact.
“Alex, you have to listen to her. You have to give her the chance to say goodbye. You owe her that much.”
Alex’s eyes snapped back straight-ahead. She opened her mouth for the first time in almost a week, “I don’t owe her anything.”
J’onn sighed and patted her leg, getting up to leave. He paused and said, “When you’re ready; I’ll keep it safe for you.”
He hazarded one last look back at her before leaving, her cheeks were glossy with tears as she cried silently. Alone.
Kara had hours to kill until they reached their destination. She had to do something to drown out the voice in her head, the voice of the dead man on the floor behind her seat; to drown out her own doubts and regrets.
She decided to use those regrets as inspiration; to use her last few hours to continue her work as the Paragon of Hope, even if Supergirl was no more. Taking out a handful of Sunstone Crystals - small, pale, and long, about the size and shape of a tube of lipstick, albeit more angular - she set to work saying goodbye. She knew that her friends would never understand, but at least it could bring her some peace on her journey.
Alex would never understand. Kara was so grateful that Alex had Kelly. She knew that Kelly would help her sister navigate her grief. The therapist in Kelly would never allow Alex to fall into the dark, but that didn’t mean that Kara can’t try to do her part to help give Alex some closure.
What do you say to everyone who has loved you, supported you, and guided you when it’s time to say goodbye?
Kara placed the last Sunstone Crystal in the console as her destination loomed before her. She wiped her eyes, closing them before the last tear could fall. She powered down the engines of the pod to give herself a moment more time, to decide how to do this. She programmed the pod to hover in place while she made her preparations. She pulled out a small metal box and placed it between the empty, broken stitches where the crest of the House of El used to sit. Slowly, the enhanced suit that Lena designed for her unfurled, covering her usual suit and then encapsulating her face in a helmet-like design. If she was going to have enough time to finish her plan, she had to have some protection from the raw violence of open space. Kara placed a hand over the crest she knew she no longer deserved to bear. She had forgotten that Lena’s suit would also bear the crest. Apparently, it was her fate to be unable to escape the shadow of her family; of her lost world and her responsibility to Earth.
Taking a shaky breath, Kara opened the pod hatch, exposing them to the full elements of the sun. Kara couldn’t fly in space, but with the pod hovering in place, she could maneuver around it, as long as she stayed tethered.
She got to work extricating Lex’s body from the pod. A process that was much more difficult than getting him in originally. It wasn’t helped by how intensely she felt her powers, the energy of the yellow sun coursing through her. “ At least I can’t hurt him, ” she thought sarcastically.
Finally, she got him out of the pod. Then she grabbed a Kryptonian shroud, her old cape, originally a piece of Kal El’s baby blanket. She wrapped it around his supine body and whispered a Kryptonian prayer as she secured it to the best of her ability.
She turned toward her target and closed her eyes for a moment, soaking in the rays of the sun. As she opened them again she gazed upon it. The source of her power, of her identity on earth, was now closer than any human could survive. She turned Lex so the head of his body was facing the sun and she gave him a gentle send off. She watched as his body drifted closer and closer to the surface of the sun, gaining speed as the gravity increased, until suddenly in a flash of light he was enveloped in the surge of a solar flare. Kara continued to hover next to the pod for a few minutes, allowing this new reality to sink in, a reality where Lex was dead; where Supergirl killed him; where she, Kara Zor-El, personally escorted him to the sun where he was engulfed in this bright, glowing source of energy and life. It was poetic, she thought, that his body should return to the very thing that gave her and her cousin their powers. That he should return to the very thing that made the people he hated most in the world.
Kara sighed. She couldn’t delay the inevitable any further. It was her turn to return to the sun, to the source of her power. It was her turn to be cleansed of her crimes, to be cleansed of murdering Lex.
“I do not kill.”
She said it to herself, but also to Rao. She had violated her most sacred moral oath and she must now pay the price. Her purpose was once to protect Kal El, but since landing on earth so many years after him, it had transformed into protecting the citizens of Earth. Now that she had murdered a human, she could no longer be a force for good.
Kara tugged once on the tether to bring her back to the pod. Without getting in, she reached her hand up to program the coordinates of Earth. She programmed the pod with a delay so that it could record her final moments. She rested her hand for a moment on the console, taking a deep breath as she drew from the calming force of her home planet’s presence in the pod. Opening her eyes, she detached the tether and placed it back on the seat. She hit the autopilot button and pushed off as the hatch slid itself closed. Turning her back to the pod, she pushed off of it with one arm to float gently towards the sun.
As the sun got closer and closer, Kara spread her arms wide, bending her left leg slightly at the knee, like she used to do so often when hovering on Earth just before she landed somewhere. She closed her eyes as she felt the gravity pull her in, accelerating her towards her end. At the last second, she lifted her chin and met the sun as an old friend. She felt no pain, as in a flash, she was welcomed home.
Next Chapter
#L4LBS#Content Warning: Suicide/Self-sacrifice#Supercorp#Grief and mourning#Stop making Supergirl sacrifice herself for no reason#Exploring the toll her sacrifice takes on loved ones#Written before S6 plot announced#Was already mad about it#Stayed mad about it
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I’m Not Zero
So... what happens when I turn Zero as a Vaishnava (someone’s whose Navigator is God, Krishna)?
Not what you’d expect.
Phantom struggled, he had lost the fight, he was as close to shut down as he could... and would bring Zero with him to the void.
Or... this had been the plan.
But it seemed the Red Plague had other plans.
“G... Get of me!” Phantom scream as he tried to dislodge the maverick currently plugged in his system, hacking his programs and turning of the self-destruction module that had been about to activate...robbing the Shinobi of his glorious sacrifice in the most shameful and disgusting of manner.
“Nope... Not after what you tried to do, coward.” Zero spat as he reduced Phantom’s mobility to that of a newborn kitten. Still pressing onto him, preventing the already damaged reploid from even attempting to fight him off...
He had a mission to finish, and if he had to take his own miserable life to get the wily old model scrapped.
Said wily old model was now currently crushing him against the far wall. And despite Phantom’s superior processing speed, Zero’s movement speed had been beyond what he could record.
And for this... he was now disarmed and experiencing the horrifying reality that Zero was in his OS.
Unable to lift his weight, the Shinobi was lowered to the ground by the bane of Neo-Arcadia. Said bane unplugged from Phantom and turned him around so that he was sitting more or less comfortably with the wall at his back.
“Hey... you alright there?” He dared to asked as if he really cared for an enemy.
“You hacked me!” Phantom accused as he tried to burn the sicko with his eyes.
It was inefficient, but it would have to do.
“You were about to suicide.” Zero stated as he peered right into Phantom’s soul. His dark eyes holding a power beyond anything the Shinobi had experienced before.
Not even from a fully grown elf.
“... and why do you care?” He challenged as he tried to unlock his detonation protocols, only to discover that it was completely gone. “Curse you...curse you to the deepest pits of hell!” He tried to scream, but he only managed to hissed it.
Then... Zero did something that took Phantom completely off guard.
Zero smiled.
“Oh... Thank you.” He spoke with not a shred of sarcasm. “May you reach Goloka then.” the bid to the downed guardian.
“Gee, thanks... may you go to Goloka too then.” Phantom slathered as much hatred and sarcasm he could...like a human would do with this brown stuff.
But instead of anger born of a bruised ego, Zero’s gave an even brighter smile! “Great! So don't you dare suicide again, and I’ll personally let you pass Chandranana stick.” he declared as he finally moved out from Phantom’s face... only to sit beside him on the most infuriating and casual manner as possible. Even daring to appeared tired as he let out a huff.
Phantom did his best to ignore him... and attempted to contact reinforcement. Only to be met with a disabled transceiver. Zero had cut whatever access to help he had.
The black and white reploid managed to slid his eyes toward the maverick... he was all alone with the beast, the killer of all mutos and... there was nothing he could do.
Phantom closed his eyes...and began to empty his mind of all thoughts and fear. If he was about to face death...or worst, then he would rather prepare himself and enter the void even before Zero had any chance to corrupt and kill him...or worst.
Time became meaningless, his body but a suggestion...and his mind silent...
“Hare Hare...Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare...Hare Krishna Hare Krishna..”
Phantom’s eyes flew open, his meditation broken. And openly gapped at the maverick.
Zero was sitting in a lotus position, he still had his erect back to the wall, his head held high and gently swinging to the Mantra.
Oh, Phantom knew what a mantra sounded like...and he knew what Mantra meditation was. He was just taken aback as to how the bane of Neo-arcadia’s well-being knew mantra meditation... Not that it was such a great thing.
Those mantras were just crushes, aids for calming the mind. Eventually, the practitioner would keep them inside his purified mind...and finally, they would need nothing.
“So... you still at level one.” Phantom sneered, more than willing to rib the beast until he would either go mad and or leave. “ Pathetic, you can’t even remain in silence.”
“...not really.” Zero admitted. “The Maha-Mantra is meant to be shared with other’s. The more you share, the more potent it gets.” He revealed with a (beatific) smile. Then he turned to Phantom. “How about you? What do you meditate on?” He asked... “Actually, can you wait for... I think thirty minutes? I just have four rounds left to chant and... I would like to finish them today.”
Phantom stared.
Zero sighed. “Listen... the reason why I’m hiding here is that I didn’t have any peace for the last five days since my resurrection. And I barely had anytime to chant any rounds... and my Gayatris.” He admitted with a grumble.
Phantom gapped... this... His intel had told him nothing about that.
“I just want thirty minutes... more if possible.” Zero sighed. “I really don't want to cause any trouble.”
“Not cause us trouble?!” Phantom scoffed. “Well, didn’t you destroy our most important supply train? Took over a factory... And now you’re here to kill master X!” The Shinobi accused the mad man.
“Yeah... Sorry about the train... I still have no idea why Ciel wanted the thing gone. And the computer’s too.” He admitted as he rubbed the back of his helmet.
“Wait... What computer?” Phantom asked.
“You know, the one Leviathan used for Hacking the resistance... I was supposed to destroy them but... I just turned them off, I hope it didn’t cause any inconveniences.” Zero admitted as he let his head heavily rest on the wall, his helmet noisily hitting it. “I swear... I had no idea what I was doing half the time... Thank God for.... God.”
Once again, Phantom hidden brows reached the top of his unseen hair. “God?”
“Yeah... you know, Krishna. He helped me realized that what I was doing was dangerous. Still had to stop this damn train tough, it would have derailed by junction 2-b, by the park... That’s what He said anyway.”
A shudder intruded in Phantom’s frame. Yes, he knew this infamous junction in Neo-arcadia’s most popular park.
Why was there a park in such a dangerous area, and why was a centennial overpass above it that kept dropping pieces of concrete... it could only be a device by the urban sector to do some population control...
‘Alright... Have to look into this mater...’ Phantom tried not to be to happy and admit that Zero’s presence and destructive behaviour had work out for the best in the end but...
“What are your intention?” He asked, not expecting much from the maverick.
“Serve Krishna... Stop the fake from spiting on my X’s legacy and memory and find his tomb.” He revealed like one listed a grocery list.
Phantom stared at him owlishly. “I beg your pardon?”
“My ultimate mission is to constantly serve the lotus feet of God, Sri-Krishna. And He just so happens to like X enough to help me get him out of trouble again.” Zero elaborated to a still confused guardian. “He told me he was between Area X and the throne room at the top. I may have to face Ciel’s copy... But He told me killing him will only make things worst.” He huffed.
“Wait, wait wait! What do you mean by... Ah...”
“Yes...” Phantom peevishly admitted. “Let’s start with the...copy.”
“Four years ago, Ciel made a copy of X, he went crazy...like all copies do, and now she wants me to kill him.” The ever infuriating Zero explain. “Even X want’s him dead... By the way, do you have any idea why X is now a Cyber-elf?” He asked the Shinobi, who was still trying to compute what Zero had just said.
“ X got turned into a cyber-elf... so I guess he’s a... like Ghost, but Krishna told me he’s more like an astral-projection.” He explained.
“So God told you.” He pointed at Zero. “That our master X... is a copy.... and that the real one is... still alive and astral-projecting as a cyber-elf... and he never spoke to us?” Phantom scoffed. “Alright, what Type of third-party program you downloaded to get this High?”
“None... That was Ciel, the one who made the copy... who told me about the Copy.”
“And you are aware she’s a traitor to Neo-Arcadia?”
“And you are aware that her information was confirmed by a disembodied X?”
“And how do you know it was X? For all you know, this crazy-cyber elf is just pretending to be X and Ciel, being the junior terrorist she is, tricked you all to assassinate our glorious master.” Phantom shot back. “And aren’t you supposed to suffer from amnesia?”
“ Oh, Krishna cured me of that... I just didn't tell people.” Zero gave a shrugged. “Listen, I’ve known X before the first maverick war, and we’ve been partner for fifty years before I did my dumb pro-move.” Zero informed the practically immobile phantom. “ I Know my Partner...and I know that his biggest pet peeve is to have a fraud use his face to propagate racism and wholesale slaughter. Oh, and speaking with which, were you aware as to how they retire reploid at the centre?” The now incense reploid asked the still very confused Phantom. “They crush them to death under a spiked platform... the operator stand on top.” Zero glowered.
Phantom stared at the fuming mad-bot... “Ah! And you want me to believe that?!”
Zero’s gaze did not move from Phantom’s... but his featured now held the eyes of a man who saw too much.
And suddenly... Phantom received a tiny video package... it was the fight with Aztec Falcon... on top of a very oily platform... some retired units crushed limbs and a very small reploid’s head was still stuck on the spikes. Their empty gaze boring a hole in Phantoms artificial soul.
Now... Phantom was used to the horrors of wars... and he knew what torture was, but those he would question would always have a swift death by his blade and their bodies respectfully disposed not... not...
“Harpuia... Harpuia must not... this is...” He felt sick... quite a feat for one who lacked a gagging reflex. Something that was useless in his thankless job.
“If he’s aware of it... Krishna gave me permission to cut off his head...” Zero’s tone held a dark promise of retribution. And Phantom was certain he would and could see it through. “This is what the resistance is fighting against... and this is why X told me to destroy his Copy with extreme prejudice.”
Phantom’s head snapped back toward the red nemesis.
“And... Gods... what did God have to do with all this again?” Phantom weekly asked, feeling his whole world to be reduced in rubble.
“Ah... Krishna’s just navigating me toward and auspicious result. Something that won't leave a bloody crater at my exact location.” Zero informed the Shinobi as if this was a complete normal thing to go through. “And he told me where I could find X... He’s in a coma and... Basically, he sealed a very confused elf with his frame, this caused him to... get pushed out of his current body and now... I have to get him out of this tower and try to convince the goof to return.”
“And then?”
“And then... if I succeed, I give a new name to the copy, teach him how to be the best ruler he can, then I bring X to Mayapur where we will live our last decades away from politics, wars and whatever else made this place famous.” Zero enumerated as he once again took to the lotus position. “Now... If you’ll excuse me, I have a few rounds I have to chant...”
“Why did you tell me all this?” Phantom asked, still shaken by the numerous revelation he had just received from the second oldest reploid in the world.
“Krishna told me I couldn’t to it alone... and from everyone in Neo-Arcadia, you're the sanest.” And with that, he began to chant again, leaving a very stunned Phantom to compute all the information he had just received.
Thirty minutes later, Zero’s pleasant drone stopped, and he got up. “Alright... I’ll just... give you back your limbs, I couldn’t risk having you have another go again.” He mumbled as he turned Phantom around and, after repluging it to his system in the most respectful way possible, switched his cerveaus back on. even going as far as to help the ninja up and dusting him off.
Then he took a step back, inspecting Phantom under a critical eye...
Then he reached in his meta-pocket.
Phantom... quite stupidly froze. Only to be proven wrong when Zero pulled out an Energen tank. it was already open... And half-drained.
“I know... It’s all I have.” Zero apologized.
Phantom stared at... maybe a peace offering.
Reviewing all that he had learned, and the revelation the mad man had given him....
He pushed the can away. “As much as I appreciate the offer, I’d rather you have it Zero.”
The Red Legend stared at Phantom, his features unreadable.
“You need it more than I...” Not really, but the Guardian of darkness knew where to find the emergency rations. “ I will humour you and let you look in every nook and Cranny of this tower for X. If you find it and prove that the one I’ve been serving is a Plagia, then I will personally kill him. If not... Your life will be forfeited.” He intoned darkly. “You have twenty-four hours...”
“Oh ah... Thank you. I...” A small and infinitely grateful smile light his features. “This... this is more than I deserve.”
“Indeed.” Phantom inclined his head, sending a message to his fellow guardian. “You may stay here and prepare... Mediate as long as you desire, the day is not over yet.”
“No... I’d rather not waste anyone's time. And Krishna’s telling me the earlier I start the better. Thank you for the offer tough.” Zero paused... it was clear he was listening to someone. “Krishna just told me that you have to come with me since I will need a trustworthy witness. You fit the bill.”
“You know I’m a ninja, right?” Phantom asked.
“So am I... and as He said, your trustworthy.” And with that, Zero closed the subject and turned his heels. “Come on, we need to get to area-X, He said that’s were the service door to Yig... Yadra... To where X is.”
“Alright... lead the way.” At this point Phantom had nothing to lose... and he had the feeling this would prove to be most entertaining.
“Oh, by the way. You may call me Dhira-Lalita Das... Or just Lalita, for short.” Zero informed the shinobi... who had that point just nodded, humouring the clearly insane obsolete model.
And this monstrosity was born after that failed R.P...to be continued.
#mmz#megaman zero#fanfiction#fanfic#It's a Hare Krishna story#Zero#Zero's sobre#vaishnava philosophie#so sorry#not sorry#I made Zero a Hare Krishna
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I’m a Believer
Fulfilling a square for @spnonewordbingo: BRUNCH
Characters: Charlie x questioning lesbian!reader, Sam, Dean
Word Count: 2466
Summary: You were never one for romance, and the idea of love seemed as out of reach as ever. You figured maybe it happens for some people and not others.
But then you saw her face...
Warnings: teensy bit of angst at the beginning
A/N: I’ve been sitting on this idea for a while. I swear I’m getting to requests soon.
Listen to the Monkees song here.
The bunker door opens and closes, followed by Dean’s heavy, uneven steps clanging down the stairs. He reaches the library, where you and Sam lounge in the chairs.
You glance up from your book. “You’re home early.”
“Finished early,” Dean replies, flopping into one of the chairs.
He left for a bar only a few hours earlier to blow off some steam, which usually involves him stumbling through the door in the wee hours, the smell of perfume still lingering on his skin.
“No luck?” Sam asks.
“No, no—plenty of luck,” Dean smirks. “I thought I hit record time last Valentine’s day, but my God, this girl—”
“Okay, thanks, man. Don’t need to hear any more,” you interrupt.
“Sure you do,” Dean says. “Isn’t the deal that you live vicariously through me?”
You shake your head. “What makes you think I have to?”
“Oh, even Sam sees more action than you.”
“Dude, come on,” Sam warns.
Dean holds up a hand. “All I’m saying is—how long have we been riding together?”
“Too long,” you mutter.
He rolls his eyes. “Well, in all our ten years, give or take, not once have you, you know, spent the night out.”
You set your book on the table and cross your arms over your chest, raising an eyebrow.
“I’d offer to help, but—”
“But you know I’d knock you on your ass before you could get out the words ‘last night on earth,’” you finish for him.
“Yeah,” he agrees. “And not in the sexy way.”
You sigh. “I guess it’s just nice to have some kind of connection before I end up in bed with a guy, you know? And, so far, I… haven’t.”
“Sure,” Sam says. “But you don’t want to find someone you do connect with? Dean and I both have at one point or another.”
“I used to,” you shrug. “But I don’t know. I’m starting to think it’s never gonna happen for me.”
Dean scoffs. “What, are you kidding? You could have any guy—”
“You know what?” you cut him off. “How did this become about me?”
“You’re right. It’s none of our business,” Sam concedes.
He turns to Dean. “Anyway, it’s a good thing you’re back early. I just got an email from Charlie. We’re meeting her for brunch tomorrow.”
“Brunch?” you question.
“Yeah,” Sam shrugs. “Right, I forgot you’ve never met her. Charlie’s a hunter friend of ours.”
You furrow your brows in confusion. “What kind of hunter eats brunch?”
Dean chuckles. “She’s got her quirks, that’s for sure,” he admits. “But you’ll love her.”
“Good enough for me,” you nod. “What time are we leaving?”

A bell dings above your head as you follow the boys through the doorway of a cafe in town. The air is tinged with the bite of roasting coffee and something buttery.
A waving hand catches your eye from across the room. The woman it belongs to waves and smiles in your direction.
Definitely not Charlie, you think. You can’t possibly be meeting someone who looks like she belongs on the cover of a magazine.
Still, the boys head in her direction.
Following them, you smooth out your clothes, suddenly regretting your casual choices this morning.
She slides out of the booth and jumps into Sam’s outstretched arms.
“What’s up, bitches?” she says when he releases her.
Dean scoops her up. “Hey, kiddo.”
She pulls away and smiles up at him. She has a beautiful smile, really. It lights up her vibrant green eyes. Long red curls frame her face, and light freckles pepper her cheeks and nose.
You feel your heartbeat start to pound when her curious green eyes land on you.
“(Y/N), this is Charlie,” Sam introduces. “Charlie, (Y/N).”
“So, you’re the famous (Y/N),” she says.
Heat rises to your cheeks. “I don’t know about ‘famous.’”
“Are you kidding?” she says. “These guys told me all about you. Man, I would’ve killed to be there when they first discovered the angels.”
“Well, I would’ve killed to be the one who defeated the leviathans.”
She ushers the three of you into the booth where she was sitting.
“So, Charlie,” Sam says, “what have you been up to?”
“Oh, you know. Hacking big bads, burning bones—the uszh,” she answers. “I was in Missouri on a ghost hunt, decided I’d come by and visit.”
The waiter none of you noticed rounding the corner gives Charlie a disturbed look.
“Uh… what can I get you?” he asks.
Once you’ve all ordered, Dean looks around the restaurant. “Nice place. Very hipster.”
“I know, right?” Charlie says. “I found it online. It got four and a half stars on Yelp.”
“Sorry, ‘Yelp’?” Dean questions.
Sam clears his throat. “It’s a site where people—”
“I know what it is.” Dean turns to Charlie. “I just didn’t peg you as a Yelp kind of girl.”
“Don’t judge me. It’s helpful,” she retorts.
“Sure would’ve been helpful a few weeks ago,” you mutter.
Dean groans. “Oh, don’t remind me.”
“Why? What happened a few weeks ago?” Charlie leans forward in her seat, interested.
You chuckle. “So, we roll into this small, middle-of-nowhere town. It’s before the crack of dawn. It had been a while since the last food break, and there’s one place with its lights on in town, so this one—” you point an accusatory finger at Dean— “drags us there. We take one look at the menu. Turns out it’s a vegan place.”
Charlie laughs and turns to Dean next to her. “You, Dean Winchester, actually stepped foot in a vegan restaurant.”
“Okay, in my defense, we’d been on the road for twelve hours.” He shakes his head. “I wish we’d never taken that case.”
Sam scoffs. “Right. You’d have let those people die so you could have meat.”
“Damn straight.”
You and Sam continue the story while Dean frowns at the memory, pausing only for a satisfied sigh at his burger when the food arrives.
Well into the meal, while Sam is recounting new information he found in the Men of Letters’ archives, your foot brushes against someone else’s. You glance across the table at Charlie, who darts her eyes downward when you meet them, withdrawing her foot.
“All right, I’m going to go get this settled,” Sam says, holding up the check as he slides out of the booth.
“And I’m going to hit the restrooms,” Dean adds before heading to the corner of the restaurant.
You take a sip of cold coffee while Charlie wraps her hands around her glass.
“So,” she says, “this was fun, right?”
“Yeah, it was nice,” you say. “Thanks for letting me tag along. I’ve never done brunch before.”
She bites her lip and leans her hands on the table. “Well, how’s about we have a real meal? Maybe dinner? Tonight?”
You almost choke on your coffee in surprise. You stare at her, convinced you must have heard her wrong.
“Who am I kidding?” she says. “Of course you have plans tonight.”
You shake your head, almost too quickly. “Free as a bird.”
A wide smile grows on her face. “Cool,” she says. “There’s a place across town—Giovanna’s. Say seven?”
You hesitate a moment. You should tell her that you have no intention of getting involved with her, that you don’t even like women.
But don’t you? Doesn’t the overwhelming feeling of wanting to see her again as soon as possible mean there’s something there?
“Sounds great,” you nod.

You walk through the glass doors of the restaurant at thirty seconds past seven.
After brunch, you went back to the bunker and spent an hour deciding what to wear. You’d never cared much for the way you looked before, but tonight, you suspected, was special. You wanted Charlie to see you at your best, something you’ve never wanted of anyone.
You shouted to the boys that you were going to run some errands, and you slipped out, drove into town, and waited in your car a block away from the restaurant until seven o’clock rolled around.
You freeze in the doorway. What were you thinking showing up here alone? By “we,” she obviously meant you and the boys. How stupid will you look when you waltz in by yourself expecting a date when she’s expecting a group dinner?
“Hi,” the hostess greets from behind her stand.
The restaurant smells like rich bread and wine, not even a hint of the greasy odor you’ve become so familiar with at your regular diners. The tables are lined with tablecloths, each set with utensils, wine glasses, and a small flickering candle.
“I’m meeting someone,” you tell the hostess.
“What’s the name?” she asks.
“Uh, Bradbury, I think.”
Across the room, you spot Charlie at a table. She sits at a table for two so that her side faces you. She wears a maroon-colored dress that complements her hair, which she pulled up into a bun.
You barely pull your eyes away to tell the hostess, “I found her.”
Charlie smiles when she glances up at you.
“Hey,” she greets, standing up to give you a hug. “Wow, you look great.”
“Thanks. You look really nice, too,” you say as the two of you settle into your seats.
You stumble over your words at first, but the longer you talk with Charlie, the more relaxed you feel, and conversation flows easily.
She tells you she’s from Kansas and bounced from places like Chicago, where she met the boys, to Michigan. She tries to downplay her computer skills as nothing important, but the enthusiasm in her voice tells you that she’s exceptional at what she does.
You tell her about your hunter’s childhood, growing up on the road, living by motels and dusty backroads like any hunter does. You exchange stories of life on the run—whether it’s from monsters or law enforcement doesn’t seem to make a difference.
Halfway through the entree, your phone buzzes, the screen lighting with Sam’s name.
You look up at Charlie with a wince. “I’m sorry. I should probably take this. The boys get worried.”
“It’s no problem,” she waves you off. “You do what you gotta do.”
You head outside the restaurant and press the button.
“Hey,” you answer.
“(Y/N),” Sam greets. “Just checking in. You okay?”
“I’m fine, Sam. Just got caught up in something.”
He pauses, listening. “What kind of something?”
“Nothing,” you assure him, listening to the gears turning in his mind. “I’m just in town, nothing funky about it. Promise.”
“All right,” he huffs. “Well, as long as you’re in town, do you mind picking up some lighter fluid? We’re running low.”
You let the line go silent for a moment as you construct some story that would offer a reason why you won’t be coming home with lighter fluid, or any supplies, really.
“(Y/N)?” he asks before you think of something.
“I can’t do that,” you spit out.
“Yeah, I’m kind of… on a… a date?”
“You’re on a what?”
“What?” Dean’s muffled voice sounds through the speaker.
“She’s on a date,” Sam says. “You’re on a date?”
You sigh. “Yes, and you two are interrupting it.”
“Wait a second,” Dean says. “Who? Where? Wh—”
“Date now, details later,” you insist.
“All right, all right,” Sam says. “I guess we won’t wait up?”
“Yeah, don’t,” you say. “Good night, boys.”
You switch off your phone and dart back to your table, where Charlie waits patiently.
“All good?” she asks.
You nod. “All good.”
Again, you slip into a natural back-and-forth of light anecdotes and shy advances.
A lull settles between you over a shared dessert, and you decide to break the silence.
“You know, I’ve, um—” you pause to lick your spoon— “I’ve never done this before.”
“Had a chocolate souffle?” she suggests. “That’s a crying shame.”
“Well, that, too,” you shrug. “But I meant I’ve never done this before.” You gesture between the two of you. “The date thing. With a woman.”
Realization fills her features as she smacks her lips lightly and places her spoon on the plate.
“Well…” she drawls. “What did you think?”
As you play the night through in your mind, storing some moments to remember on a rainy day, you can’t help the smile that crosses over your face.
“Five stars.”

The next morning, the bunker halls are cold and quiet, but you hear the boys’ voices as you round the corner of the kitchen.
Their chattering ceases as their expectant eyes land on you.
“So?” Dean says after you say nothing.
“‘So’?” you repeat, pouring a cup of coffee.
He rolls his eyes. “So, how ‘bout that Chiefs game?”
“How was your date?” Sam interjects.
You take a sip of your coffee and turn to them. “It was good.”
Dean throws his hands in the air while Sam stares at you with wide eyes.
“It was… better than good?” You bite your lip and sigh. “It was great, and it was magical, and I think I’m in love. Is that what you want to hear?”
Sam looks to his brother, then you. “That’s great, (Y/N), but are we ever going to meet the guy?”
You turn your attention down to your coffee. “Well…”
“We already know him, don’t we?” Dean says. “God, tell me it’s not Garth.”
“What? No—”
“It’s Garth, isn’t it?” he says. “I swear, that guy keeps making the eyes at you.”
Sam furrows his brow. “‘The eyes’? That’s not even a thing.”
“It’s a thing. You just don’t—”
“It’s not Garth!” you shout.
Dean’s shoulders relax as he huffs out a sigh.
“Then, who…” Sam trails off as his eyes drift to your left.
Charlie stands in the doorway, wrapped in a grey Men of Letter’s robe.
“Morning,” she says, stepping toward you.
You smile at her, frustration at the boys melting away. “Good morning.”
She wraps an arm securely around your waist before turning her head to the boys.
“What’s up, bitches?”
They stare at you for a minute, mouths gaping.
“Charlie?” Sam finally manages. “Charlie’s your guy?”
“Hey, I am a lady,” she remarks. “A queen in some realms.”
He nods. “Of course.”
“We just didn’t think you…” Dean gestures to you.
“Oh, me neither,” you admit, draping an arm over Charlie’s shoulders. “But it feels right, you know?”
Even with sleepy eyes and unbrushed hair, she flashes you a smile that makes your heart flutter. As if to return the sentiment, she tilts her head up to peck your lips.
“Now,” she says, “about that ‘I think I’m in love’…”

Tags: @ellie-andthemachine @gaybrieljax @electraphyng @emerald-watermelon-199 @mersuperwholocked-lowlife
#Supernatural#Supernatural x reader#Spn x reader#Supernatural oneshot#Spn oneshot#Spn#Charlie Bradbury#Charlie Bradbury x reader#Charlie x reader#Charlie Bradbury oneshot#Charlie oneshot#Sam Winchester#Dean Winchester#oneshot#crimson and clover#wlw reader#writing is hard#fluff
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Sam Winchester : High School Reunion Series
Pair: Sam x Reader
Word Count: 3.1 K (got carried away WHOOPS)
Warnings: CURSING AS ALWAYS. Implied smut ;)
A/N: Why am I such trash I swear to Chuck...
“No. No! Absolutely not!” (Y/N) yelled, running out of the library to their bedroom.
“Oh, come on (N/N)! You can ask him! I swear he’ll take it so much better than any guy from high school!” Dean belted in his usual gruff voice, following close behind. “I mean, it’s not like you’re confessing your undying love for him!”
(Y/N) whipped around, “Oh sure! ‘Hey Sam how are you? Is that a new flannel? By the way, can you pretend to be my husband at my upcoming high school reunion that way I don’t feel as bad about not becoming a doctor or lawyer or scientist like all my other friends?’ You mean like that, Dean?!”
Dean just nodded, “Yep, sounds good.”
(Y/N) rolled their eyes and groaned in frustration. Their high school reunion is in less than a week and they were hoping to find a date. However, being a hunter basically killed one’s social life as if it was a repeating Tuesday. No one they talked to was willing to be their date. Not even Gabriel! Their final option was Team Free Will. Unfortunately, Castiel was busy with other matters and (Y/N) didn’t want to risk bringing Dean. Open bar and lots of women… So, much to their dismay, they had to ask the only person they were avoiding; Sam Winchester. The man that they’ve had feelings toward ever since the Brothers saved them 5 years ago.
They were so close to their room, the doorknob at the end of their fingertips, until a large hand spun them around and gripped them by the shoulders.
“Ask. Him.” Dean threateningly whispered, close enough to (Y/N)’s face for them to smell the beer he just had on his breath. Both of their heads whipped when they heard the door to the bunker slam shut.
“I’m back with food!” The Moose called out, walking to the table and slamming the food down. He almost went down with it as someone was shoved into his back.
(Y/N) almost growled at the older Winchester, murder in their eyes. Dean held his hands up in defense, as if he totally didn’t just push (Y/N) into his brother, and picked up his food before making himself scarce.
“You ok?” Sam asked, snapping (Y/N) out of their murderous trance. They looked up at him, wide-eyed and embarrassed.
“Oh, yeah I’m fine. Just Dean being an ass, but what’s new?” (Y/N) chuckled, and Sam joined. That laugh melted them a bit and helped them to relax around Sam.
“I know that feeling too well. But hey, Dean’s gonna be Dean. Anyways, I got your favorite. You wanna sit and eat with me?”
“I would love to!” (Y/N) beamed, taking a seat and digging in as the younger Winchester plopped down across from them. They started talking while eating, discussing a range of things from past cases to books they’ve read. However, Sam was doing most of the talking. (Y/N) was mainly thinking about how to ask Sam to be their date. It could either go really well and their feelings wouldn’t be so one-sided, or it could go up in flames (I swear to Chuck if there are any jokes) and they will crawl in a hole to shrivel up and die. Then come back because (Y/N) is a part of the team.
After they finished eating, Sam offered to take the trash and (Y/N) sighed. He’s a real gentleman. One of the many reasons that they fell for him. Not to mention he’s incredibly smart, funny, and good god his figure. (Y/N) could watch him work out for DAYS. They could barely contain how much they loved him. Now (Y/N) let out a sigh of sorrow. They’re like a sibling to Sam. All those missions and late nights spent talking. It never really meant anything past friendship.
Sam soon came back to find (Y/N) spaced out, arms tucked under their neck. He snapped his fingers in front of their face and they yelped, almost falling off their chair until a handsome brunette caught them in their arms. (Y/N)’s wide eyes stared at Sam’s as he put them back in the chair and smiled the most perfect smile.
‘Stop it (Y/N)...’ They cleared their throat in embarrassment.
“You alright, (Y/N)? You really zoned out there.” He laughed, obviously amused by what just happened, but (Y/N) wasn’t laughing at all. They’re mind was racing, contemplating whether they should ask Sam now or forever hold their tongue. “Earth to (Y/N)?? You ok?”
“Oh, um, yeah. I’m fine, I just… Well, I just wanted to…” Sam’s now-worried face urged (Y/N) on and somehow gave them the courage they needed. They took a deep breath and quickly asked, “I wanted to know if you would be my date for my upcoming high school reunion.”
There was silence for a few seconds before Sam spoke, “That’s it? I thought you were about to tell me something bad. Like you were dying. Or you saw Dean with a girl.”
Sam gave a face and (Y/N) chuckled now, a little relieved that he didn’t say no.
“Ok, but by date, do you mean…”
“Preferably husband or fiance. I don’t really feel like bringing my ‘boyfriend’ to it. I just want my friends to feel like I did SOMETHING with my life.” (Y/N) explained. Sam nodded along and replied as soon as they finished.
“I’m in. I’ll be your husband.”
“Wait, really?!” (Y/N) almost yelled. He nodded, laughing at how utterly baffled they looked.
“Why are you so surprised? Did you really think I would say no? I would love to help you show off to your old classmates. Besides, you never show us ANYTHING from when you were in high school. I need more material to tease you with.” (Y/N) scoffed and elbowed him in the ribs. He yelped and made a face (you know the one) while rubbing the area. “Jerk.”
“Nope. No. Nuh-uh. Uggh!!” (Y/N) frustratedly yelled, throwing different clothes from the closet onto the bed. Soon Dean came in, wondering what was going on.
“Hey, what’s all the whining about? You’re going on a date with Sam, be happy.”
“First of all, it’s not a date Dean. Second, I can’t find an outfit to wear for tonight. I mean, Sam is built like a fucking god, and I’m just the servant.”
“Well, doesn’t that sound like a fun sex game.” Dean saw the face (Y/N) was giving him and felt like a scolded child. “Sorry… Look, how about the outfit from that werewolf case a year ago?”
“Tried it.”
“Vampire case 2?”
“Vampire case 3?” (Y/N) grew tired.
“Dean, I swear to Chuck…”
“Alright, fine.” He put his hand over his face, thinking before he spouted out, “What about from the Leviathan case? The only one you ever dressed up for.”
(Y/N)’s eyes lit up. “Dean you’re a genius!! I forgot I had that, it’s been in the back of the closet all these years!!”
“Hey, glad I could help. Now you should hurry up because Prince Charming is waiting and I’m only giving you Baby for the night. If I see a scratch on her…”
“Yeah yeah, dad, I’ll have her back by curfew clean as a whistle.” (Y/N) joked as Dean waved it off and walked out.
An hour later, (Y/N) stood in front of the mirror and took a deep breath. They weren’t really worried about how they looked, because, in all honesty, they looked stunning. (Y/N) was more worried about how Sam thought they looked. A knock came at their door, and they turned around to find the younger Winchester in a suit. Not his usual FBI suit either. This one was newer. Nicer. Damn.
He was leaning against the door frame and looking at his watch.
“Hey listen if you wanna get there on time we have to g-” The rest of the sentence failed to leave his lips as he looked up at (Y/N), his breath taken away. (Y/N) sheepishly shifted under his gaze, too nervous to look him in the eyes. “You - I mean, you, um… You look beautiful.”
Now (Y/N) felt the blood rush to their cheeks, but all the nerves about how they looked washed away. “Thank’s Sammy. You clean up pretty well, too. Now, we should go.”
An hour filled with driving, singing, and laughing later, they arrive at (Y/N)’s high school. They came from a small town on the outskirts of a major city, so (Y/N)’s graduating class was a few hundred people, but by the looks of it, everyone and their mother came. Their old gym was almost packed like a can of sardines.
(Y/N) felt as if they were stuck to the floor. They couldn’t do this. What were they thinking? High school was the time of fake friends, depression, and anxiety. Being here, seeing all of these people… This is the sad truth that (Y/N) never told the Winchesters. They weren’t always the badass hunter that the brothers know now. Deep inside, there’s an insecure child that rarely wanted to get out of bed. (Y/N) could fight demons and hellish creatures all day long, but this was one demon (Y/N) could barely get a grip on. Right now, it was winning.
They were about to bolt right back to the car until a warm hand placed itself on the dip of their back.
“You ready?” Sam smiled, and in that smile (Y/N) felt all their worries melt away. They realized the person they needed most is here, and he wasn’t forced to be here. He actually wanted to come along. Sam really was (Y/N)’s rock, and they were glad that he was here. With him, they thought they stood a chance.
(Y/N) nodded, feeling a bit stronger than they were a minute ago. They linked arms with the giant and walked over to a secluded table in the corner of the gym. The music wasn’t too loud, it was close enough to the bar and restrooms, and not many people sat here. Perfect. Of course, their little paradise was disrupted by some old friends.
“(Y/N)! Oh my god, how have you been? You dropped off the face of the Earth a few years ago!” Bella questioned, gripping (Y/N) in a bear-like hug with an unsettlingly large smile on her face. Behind her was Chris and Alex, other former friends of (Y/N). All of them were beaming at them like they depended on it. Oh, what (Y/N) wouldn’t give for a shapeshifter right now…
“Uh, I’ve been really good, Bella. Yeah, I left the area a few years ago after, umm…” (Y/N) couldn’t tell them the real reason why they left. Supernatural creatures and civilians do not mix. Luckily, Sam stepped in.
“After they met me. I kinda stole (Y/N), but it was worth it. Oh, sorry, let me introduce myself. The name’s Sam Winchester. I’m (Y/N)’s husband.” Sam winked at (Y/N)’s and wrapped his arm around their waist. They turned into a tomato. Why was he so good at acting?
“Husband!? No way! (Y/N), why didn’t you invite us to the wedding?” Alex chimed in, looking as if (Y/N) just kicked a puppy in front of them. Why was everyone so dramatic today?
“Well, we didn’t have an actual wedding, just married in a courthouse since we move around a lot. Besides, you guys are probably busy all the time with your own lives.” (Y/N) explained, hoping they would move on. Sadly, they would not.
“Yeah, you’re right. We are busy a lot. With me going for my doctorate in microbiology, Alex’s law firm, and Bella’s hospital rounds, we’ve barely found time for even this.” Ah yes, there was the punch that made (Y/N) feel inadequate. “So, what do you guys do?”
“Oh, we’re with the FBI,” Sam stated, pulling out both of their fake IDs. (Y/N) was impressed and relieved. They didn’t even think about that. “That’s actually how we’ve stayed together, too. Our work takes us all over, but I’m happy we’re always together. I don’t know what I would do without them by my side.”
With that, Sam’s hand swooped down to tightly grip (Y/N)’s as he pressed a feather-like kiss to their temple. (Y/N) friends swooned, obviously impressed by what (Y/N) has ‘accomplished’. Meanwhile, they were blushing so hard they thought their head would explode. Sam was so good at acting like a loving husband. Almost too good. It was filling (Y/N) with false hope, but dear Chuck they never wanted this fantasy to end.
Sadly, the facade had to come to an end. Soon enough, the reunion ended and everyone went their separate ways, leaving (Y/N) and Sam to drive back to the bunker. The Impala wasn’t filled with laughter like before. Now it was awkward one-sided conversation from Sam and silence from (Y/N).
“That was a lot of fun.”
“So, were you as successful as you wanted to be?”
A few minutes later, Sam’s voice died out as he stopped trying to talk and just focused on driving. Not even music filled the car. It was pure, unnerving silence. And both of them knew that this was the loudest silence they’ve ever heard. Halfway into the drive, the silence still bearing heavily down on them, Sam had had enough. He pulled over into the grass and turned off the car, leaving (Y/N) confused. If they didn’t know any better, they would’ve thought they were about to be murdered.
“What have I done wrong?” Sam questioned harshly. (Y/N) was more confused.
“What do you mean? You haven’t done anything wrong.” They replied calmly, earning a huff from Sam.
“Yeah right. You’ve been ignoring me ever since the reunion ended. Is it me? I mean, you asked me to be your husband and I tried to be the best damn husband I could. I thought you were having a good time, so I have to ask.” I grew visibly upset, and (Y/N) felt guilty.
“NO! No, god Sam I’m sorry. It’s not your fault I just…” They faltered, not wanting to let him know the real reason why they were so tight-lipped the ride back. He grew even more upset, almost angry.
“Just what, (Y/N)?! We were doing so well up until now. We’re so close, usually I can tell what you’re thinking, but right now it’s like you’re putting up every fence you can!!” Now (Y/N) was getting stirred up.
“Well, I’m sorry, ok?! I just have a lot on my mind right now!”
“So let me in! I’m always here for you, you know that!” (Y/N) softened a tiny bit.
“Don’t ‘Sammy’ me!! TELL ME!” (Y/N) was done being yelled at.
“I LOVE YOU!” (Y/N) yelled out, exasperated and embarrassed that the truth is out. Sam just sat there, any traces of rage replaced with shock and another emotion that (Y/N) couldn’t quite read. Now (Y/N) had tears welling in their eyes. “I just… Tonight, for once, we were normal. We were together. That’s all I ever wanted, Sam. I love you so much, but I never wanted to risk our friendship. We have a great dynamic that we spent years building. Tonight was fun, but I knew you didn’t feel that way about me, so I tried to distance myself away from you. I’m sorry.”
(Y/N) stared at their hands in their lap, suddenly fascinated at their cuticle situation in order to avoid the younger Winchester’s intense gaze, but now the silence was getting to them.
“Sam, say something. Anythi-HMPH!” Sam forcefully grabbed (Y/N) face and slammed their lips together, their lips molding and moving in harmony. It didn’t take long for (Y/N) to respond once they figured out what was going on, wrapping their arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around their waist, moving them to straddle his lap in the driver’s seat. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other as the makeout session went on for what felt like an eternity. They would barely pull away for a second to breathe before going back in with such ferocity. Some tongue here, some teeth there, but love was everywhere.
Eventually, they figured they should slow down, so they pulled away for good this time and rested their foreheads together. Sam took in the sight of (Y/N); breathing heavily, almost-bruised lips, hooded eyes. Sam figured he didn’t look much different, but he didn’t care. He had the person he loved most in his arms.
“That was, um… Really… Wow.” That was all (Y/N) could say, too giddy to even think straight. Sam was the same.
“Yeah. I know…” He beamed and they giggled, still seated in his arms on his lap. Sam cleared his throat, gaining (Y/N)’s attention. “Listen, I know that tonight was supposed to be fake, but I really can’t help it. I can’t just fake my feelings for you. Everything I did tonight, everything I want to do. It’s all real. I love you so much (Y/N). More than I should in our line of work, but I’m willing to put it all on the line for you. You’re worth everything.”
(Y/N) teared up again, this time from happiness. They felt truly happy in his arms and they didn’t want to move. They didn’t have to. They had all the time in the world.
Well, at least that’s what they thought. Sam’s ringtone blasted throughout the car and he almost rushed to pick it up. Almost.
“Sammy, where the hell are you guys? You were supposed to be back an hour ago.” Dean’s voice ripped through.
“Sorry Dean, something came up. We’ll be back on the road soon.” Sam replied. Dean sounded annoyed.
“Well hurry up.”
“Don’t rush us, Dean. We’ll get there when we get there.” (Y/N) snapped back. Dean hesitated.
“Wait, so… You two are alone together in my baby.” He put two and two together and got aggravated. “I SWEAR IF YOU DO ANYTHING IN MY CA-”
Sam hung up and threw his phone in the back seat before turning his unwavering attention back to (Y/N).
He gave a wolfish grin as his hands that were on (Y/N)’s back moved south. “I don’t know about you, but I’m not quite ready to go home yet…”
I’m not opposed to writing smut, I just don’t wanna write it yet.
Lemme build up to it lol.
#Sam Winchester#Supernatural#Supernatural oneshot#Supernatural Imagine#Supernatural x Reader#Sam Winchester x Reader#Sam Winchester Oneshot#Sam Winchester Imagine#Castiel#dean winchester#high school reunion imagine#high school reunion#high school
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What are some of your favorite episode titles from the show?
Hiii :D
Just skimming through the list…
What Is And What Should Never Be, just because it’s so dang poignant of the entire concept and the pain Dean goes through in the episode…
Lazarus Rising, because of the story in the title, and obviously you see the title card before you ever know it was angels, and so when you have it without the context it’s so painful, wondering if Dean really has a clean miraculous resurrection… and then by the end it seems so… except you KNOW the angels’ terms and conditions for it are coming down the road.
Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester - titles in first person kill me and this one is so painful. Most of the episode deals with all the ghosts, but the philosophy as Dean debates with Sam and Bobby through the episode are the core discussions which tell us everything about Dean’s faith and what the angels are to him, and his problem with God which is such a wonderful part of his characterisation as he takes it into his own hands to fix what God won’t.
On The Head Of A Pin… Honestly this one just because Terry Pratchett got to me first and it makes me laugh to imagine Cas and Anna and Uriel prancing around together :P
In the satirical novel Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, the angel Aziraphale is said to be the only angel who could dance on the head of a pin, as he learned the gavotte in the 19th century. Also, in Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett, Granny Weatherwax says the answer is 16 if it’s an ordinary house pin.How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_many_angels_can_dance_on_the_head_of_a_pin%3F
The combination of Two And A Half Men, The Third Man, The Man Who Would Be King and The Man Who Knew Too Much in season six. It’s a total disaster of a season (I’m watching it right now, up to 6x11 right now :D) but there’s structural things that even if they’re later hacks to make it look like the story always matched up, helped sell it to me, a casual viewer, on my first watch through, and I loved that collection and the story contained behind it, using the joke title of the first to add Cas in as the “third man” in the next one, and then the parallel of Cas and Sam in the titles as they go through their struggles in the end of the season, both wrestling internally with themselves, metaphorically and literally.
Live Free Or Twihard - okay, I’m a sucker for some of the joke titles, and I was on the internet as a teenage girl at the time Twilight was massively popular, and therefore had to maintain vicious intellectual snobbery about it… I moved past it, but I still absolutely crack up about the Kristen and Robert characters in the cold open of that episode.
Appointment in Samarra - I already knew the story before I saw the episode, so I took one look at the title and had a huge nerdgasm about it, and as Death and Dean and Tessa interactions are all some of my favourite things in the show, I’ve always loved this to bits, and the way Death was always going to give Sam back his soul and was just testing Dean to show him a lesson, and the way he begins to take an unintentionally fatherly role to Dean because he’s so freakin desperate for a father figure and radiates it, every older dude in the universe ends up filling the role one way or another :P
How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters… Look, I’d half expect that to be a real book on Dick Roman’s shelves as he goes around giving business lunch speeches to all the monsters and leviathan. It’s quintessential season 7 nonsense and I love this storyline and no one can stop me… it appeals to my mistrust of CEOs and the sense that capitalism wants to dumb us all down and consume us, and it appeals to my basic political compass as like the trash entertainment for people like me :P
Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie: you just KNOW something horrible is behind that title, and my instinctive reaction to it, as someone who had to skip town whenever my uni home town had “clown week”… well, it’s my favourite episode and I am Sam.
We Need To Talk About Kevin, and A Little Slice of Kevin… LEAVE MY GUY ALONE
Do You Believe In Miracles? NOT ANY MORE
Red Meat: Isn’t it just viscerally horrible in a way that somehow even in this show manages to promise that it’s more viscerally horrible than the normal viscerally horrible fare, that the show isn’t exactly stingy with handing out? Within like 10 seconds you realise that Sam is that slab of red meat and it gets worse from there :P
Don’t Call Me Shurley… literally fuck off Robbie Thompson. Anyway my parents made me watch Airplane like a hundred times as a kid so that one was a wonderful thing to see and obviously has all the promise of what it actually is - Metatron bullying Chuck into dropping the whiny hiding writer act and busting out some of the old testament God he still has buried in his personality, so there’s some deep meta about personalities and names in there, all hidden in a terrible pun re-punned as the title >.>
Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets - it feels like a complete poem I could just hold in my hands in that form and not need to do anything else with. Most of Yockey’s titles do but I’m picking on this one as it’s especially haunting :D
Stuck In The Middle (With You): See also: the “fuck off” about “little slice of Kevin”
Lost And Found oh god, my smol nougat child being dressed from the lost and found. Cas being lost. Jack being found. New lil family together and losing the old family. HOLD ME. I can’t write more or I’ll cry :P
Wayward Sisters - not going to lie, I sobbed the first time I saw that title appear on the screen, just for seeing those words emblazoned on the show permanently. We can debate the wayward daughters thing and how good of a title it actually is, but it’s where we collectively ended up and it’s more about what it means than what it says.
Various And Sundry Villains - watching Yockey vagueblog Buckleming through artful writing choices right down to the title was a petty delight of mine this season so I’m giving it its own paragraph. Like, look at all these people. It’s not even all the villains, Asmodeus popped to the shops and missed all the fun. What the fuck is going on this season.
Let The Good Times Roll. This season was built on dramatic irony, and this episode was shaped perfectly around its own title and it was magnificent in terms of teasing us with this promise of the “good times” and then snatching them away. And, of course, in literary analysis terms, this season HAD to end on the “ironic” note which is the one between happy ending and tragedy, the one where there’s a clear and excellent victory or three and at the beginning of the episode a fascinating exploration of what good times and happy ending might be and assembling a new family and wider community around them, but still, the worst happens as a result, and that was Dean finally giving in to his so-called destiny and saying Yes to some version of Michael, but in order to complete the whole killing the devil nonsense he’s been tasked with forever. So of course, the dumb freeze frame ends on Michael having his good times roll.
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God Of War on PC is so good, we forgot it’s a Port!
After Sony’s surprising decision to expand its exclusives to more than just its consoles, PC Gamers have been delighted. Further, it has proved that windows is a unifying platform living well up to the name PC Master Race! God of war of all games has arrived at Microsoft Windows!
After a successful port of Days Gone last year Sony to everyone’s surprise decided to bring 2018’s critically acclaimed God Of War to Windows PC. Much Like Days Gone it’s a great Port that runs smoothly and beautifully and provides enhanced graphics and unlocked frames.
Buy God of war PC here!

Kratos, The God Of War! An Old reunion.
I played the previous versions of God of War on the Sony Playstation 2 as a child and it was definitely a game being proud of beating. Great boss battles, Epic stories and whatnot. Well, since I wasn’t lucky enough to enjoy the 2018 version on the Ps4, am probably one of the most satisfied people with Sony’s decision to port this game to Windows! The God Of War franchise since my childhood remains one of the most exciting ones and to get to experience it in 90+ fps butter smooth performance is an absolute banger!
Enter Kratos, God of war – The Family Man.
If just like me you skipped 2018’s Ps4 version, then here’s a quick overview for you! Kratos is a Spartan warrior who serves the Gods gets tricked into killing his own family by the God of War Ares. A determined Kratos vows to kill Ares and succeeds in doing so and replaces Ares as the new God of War! Later he finds out he is a demi-god himself and son of Zeus. Zeus betrays him! Upon getting betrayed Kratos decides to kill all the gods, including his father Zeus (he ends up having some daddy issues). The game takes place years after Kratos leaves Greece after killing every God in Olympus and wanders into Norse realms where he gets married and has a son Atreus (the boy), his wife dies right before the game starts and this is where we take over as the angry Kratos, we all remember, except Kratos for the first time feels more human than ever as he develops feelings and emotions after becoming the bearded family man he is! Here in the adventures of Kratos and Atreus, you aren’t heading out to take revenge or save the world its a simple motive of wanting to fulfil Atreus dead mother’s last wish which is to spread her ashes at the peak of the mountain. Oh, hold my tears! An emotional story right? Well, so Kratos now, he is no longer looking to smash heads around, however, he always runs into enemies and being the father, he is he has to fulfil the responsibility and keep Atreus safe. Kratos carries a heavyweight on his shoulders as his past is filled with blood and chaos and he wants his son to stay away from a life full of tragedy and mayhem. Join him in his reflective journey of growth, violence and the desire to protect his son from his past.
The God of Combat.
The Leviathan Axe is hands down one of the smoothest weapons I have used in a game! The combat feels satisfying from the start and gets you pumped up as you go toe-to-toe with foes double your size and in some cases half! As we progress through the story the game gets challenging as Kratos and Atreus grow stronger. You unlock and upgrade weapons, Armors and skills as you explore the bloody world of the Norse realm.
Apart from an Axe, shield, fist and the classic blades of chaos Atreus can be used as one of the most lethal weapons in the game. If you spent your skill points right, you can turn that little boy into quite a murder machine and watch him grow as a proud father!
Though enemies get repetitive, the game offers an engaging experience through the combat the 2018’s GOTY winner provides a thorough experience and doesn’t disappoint be the leviathan Axe or the Good old Blades of Chaos. Kratos has some pretty badass moves up his sleeves! The guy is an absolute monster, no matter how huge the enemy is the Ghost of Sparta always finds a way to bring them down in the most appealing fashion.
The God of Performance.
Unlike Horizon Zero Dawn’s horror port to PC, God of war on PC runs like butter with no issues at all. The Game compared to the Ps4 version runs at better framerates and feels a lot smoother. Along with that, you get better textures, shadows, render scaling and enhanced visuals overall. The game has uncapped frame rates with a brief Graphics customization menu. The game looks gorgeous even on the original preset but nothing pleases the eye more than the maxed-out visuals of the game. It’s just the hunger and desire of playing the game on the max possible settings somehow.
The game can easily hit 60fps Maxed-out even on a mid-tier PC especially with FSR enabled you could really give those frames a flight well above 90 frames. Well, that’s just one of the great points about PC gaming it really takes things to the next level with the options and customization it provides.
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