#OC: amurri
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lesabear · 7 years ago
Also/alternatively: Ayrs, Veresia, Amitia, Amurri, Mina, and Teela
Oh, going after my OCs and you left out my 2 nastiest OCs to make it harder.
Push off a cliff: Teela - the odd OC/one out, sorry Teela. She’d probably have some wacky plan to get out of it though (like using Corso as a cushion or parachute).
Kiss: Mina - She’s actually one of my nicer characters so I don’t want her flying off a cliff or like being set on fire. I thought about making her my roommate but I could end up dead so this is probably safer. Probably.
Marry: Ayrs: I mean, I modeled him after my boyfriend and several of my video game crushes so….
Set on fire: Amurri. It was self-defense, I swear. probably wouldn’t work. Probably I end up dead.
Wrap a blanket around: Veresia - Poor girl needs some therapy and time away from the whole “Kill everyone to get revenge” thing she’s got going on.
Be roommates with: Amitia. We could watch Zeena Jedi Warrior Princess/Xena together and write bad fanfic while making fun of Doc. Bonus: She could use her Jedi powers to help me do stuff. We also both like ice cream, which is important if you’re going to live with someone.
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lesabear · 7 years ago
Character Ask Meme - Amurri
I was tagged by @ikarralives​ and am tagging anyone interested but especially @tracinyad​ and @brightephemera​
I’ll do this for my occasionally morally flexible bounty hunter, Amurri
Would you allow a disarmed enemy to pick up his weapon in a fight?       of course / perhaps / no way  (She’d allow an opponent she respected to do so))
Would you report illegal and immoral actions to the authorities? of course / perhaps / no way (generally not, but she’s not above using tricks like that to get head)
Would you take a hit or get shot for someone else? of course / perhaps / no way (To win a battle or save certain people like Mako or Torian)
Would you attack an unarmed or obviously inferior opponent? of course / perhaps / no way
Would you deliver a death blow to a helpless opponent? of course / perhaps / no way
Would you surrender in a fight or flee if you were outmatched? of course / perhaps / no way (She’s still bitter about losing the Crusaders�� schism, why would she start surrendering now)
Would you take a bribe? of course / perhaps / no way (She has pride, damn it)
Would you pay off an extortionist? of course / perhaps / no way (incoming blaster bolt)
Would you taunt an enemy into fighting? of course / perhaps / no way
Would you walk away from a challenge or a fight with an equal opponent? of course / perhaps / no way
Would you save the life of another at great risk to yourself? of course / perhaps / no way (Definitely if it was someone like Torian or Mako, probably would do so in many other cases, definitely not in some cases too)
Would you take prisoners? of course / perhaps / no way
Would you fight dirty? of course / perhaps / no way (Although she does have limits)
Would you perpetrate a humiliating prank on an enemy? of course / perhaps / no way (Especially if it’s Mandalore)
Would you stand up for the honor of your family/clan/close friends? of course / perhaps / no way
Would you gloat over a victory after defeating an opponent? of course / perhaps / no way (Especially if it’s someone like Tarro Blood or Mandalore)
Would you commit a crime? of course / perhaps / no way (Depends on the type of crime and the reason for it. But she’s flexible)
Would you kill a host who has provided you food or shelter? of course / perhaps / no way (Again, depends a lot on the circumstances and who the person is)
Would you desecrate an enemy’s corpse? of course / perhaps / no way (She might mess with a Mandalorian’s armor though)
Would you commit treason? of course / perhaps / no way  (Her loyalties are to her friends, who she would never betray, and her anti- Mandalore/Imperial cause)
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lesabear · 7 years ago
I want to know *all* about your creation process for Ayrs and Amurri (either all, or just the ones you feel like answering ;P)
(:p). I actually had this almost done and then accidentally backspaced out of it, so I hope you appreciate the effort i put into this!
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
Ayrs is a mix of my boyfriend, Alistair from Dragon Age and some smaller influences for short bits here and there (like I stole a joke I used for him meeting Elara’s dad from Corran Horn in the X-Wing/Rogue Squadron books).
Amurri’s kind of a generic stoic warrior but I took her revenge plot from a variety of sources (it’s a popular trope!) and I guess her big sister act toward Mako/Torian is a bit of a gender inversion of that trope.
3. How did you choose their name? 
I mentioned Ayrs already but Amurri is one of several OCs named after my World of Warcraft characters (also Malicineve and Amitia, who in turn is named after a real life friend)
11. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
Yes to Ayrs given his existence is explicitly due to his romance. Amurri would be a no - most of my initial brainstorming/creative work was fleshing out her personal/revenge arc and how to make it fit as best I could into the class story. I did realize that she’d be too old for Torian, but that was about all the thought I gave her romance or sexuality at first (though I’ve since developed it somewhat).
13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
Main Fic!Verse wise, they’re two of my characters with the most detailed/furthest planned arcs (especially Ayrs, as he’s the only character I have with a set in stone “They lived happily ever after” deal). In AUs, things are different depending on the AU and character (especially for Amurri, whose personal arc is more…troublesome…in certain AUs).
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh? 
I’m biased since I write him, but I think Ayrs’ humor (and the situations he finds himself in sometimes) is pretty funny. Amurri, on the other hand, really isn’t funny at all apart from occasional moments in her stories (I’m fond of her ship being damaged when it collides with Treek’s corpse in deep space but that might just be me).
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry? 
That I don’t write them enough! And also like Veresia, Amurri’s pretty self-destructive and not heading down a good path for her long-term.
Ayrs is generally a pretty happy/positive character, though there is one AU where...
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story? 
I don’t regret adding it, but I messed up some of my worldbuilding for Ayrs’ academy days - both in terms of the characters I included but also in terms of not necessarily planning it out well timeline wise (since his homeworld is attacked while he’s there and so the timing is pretty important for deciding how and when other things happen). I’ll have to do some significant editing whenever I get around to posting I Remember Me on Ao3.
For Amurri - again, I don’t regret it but her backstory makes fitting her into the in-game BH role impossible and even getting her to fit the story in a “oh she’s undercover/faking it/whatever” sense is really hard. Granted, I don’t have to follow it or anything, but I do prefer using class stories as a framework when possible and then getting creative with them.
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lesabear · 8 years ago
5, 20, 24 swtor ask meme amurri
5. What planet do they now call home? Either where their stronghold is or where you headcanon they live at.
Amurri doesn’t really have a stronghold - if she had to have one it’d probably be on Tatooine so she’s away from both major factions and has some independence. She’s mostly comfortable on her ship and/or other non-affiliated areas/worlds (like Nar Shaddaa).
20. Do they have a love interest? Who?
She doesn’t have a significant/long-term one. She has several flings/short-term relationships (possibly including one with Aric Jorgan - I haven’t decided if that really makes sense/would work, though). She’s a little too focused on/obsessed with her work and personal quest for vengeance against Mandalore to really care much.
24. If they could be part of another group, what would it be? You can choice from Old Republic, Expanded Universe, or Cinematic Universe.
Probably she’d prefer being a Mandalorian when Canderous was leading things or possibly during the Vong War, where they were fighting for their people and the galaxy against capable opponents rather than being a pawn for either major faction (especially the Sith/Empire given their pattern of doing so).
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lesabear · 8 years ago
Full Name: Amurri Ordo. She’s deleted her records and uses aliases to hide her true identity, especially around other Mandalorians.
Gender and Sexuality: Female/Bisexual (in-game)
Pronouns: She/Her
Ethnicity/Species: Human/Mandalorian
Birthplace and Birthdate: Born on her parents’ ship near Onderon. Year is unknown (I want her old enough to have fought in the Crusaders’ Schism but it’s unclear exactly how long ago that was)
Guilty Pleasures: Drinking, plotting extremely violent and complicated revenge on Mandalore, letting Torian think he’s winning their sparring sessions before destroying him, playing matchmaker with Torian and Mako.
Phobias: Skadge. Just….Skadge
What They Would Be Famous For: Winning the Great Hunt, challenging Mandalore to a duel for leadership of the clans, having pink armor.
What They Would Get Arrested For: Treason (Empire, Mandalorians), Murder (Everyone), having pink armor (people with a fashion sense)
OC You Ship Them With: She has some obvious parallels with Vharmir but he’s so gung-ho pro-Republic that I don’t think it’d work out. She has a relationship of sorts with Aric Jorgan in my fic!verse
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Imperial characters (save for Veresia, and maybe Mina at a certain point) because of her willingness to damage Imperial interests for the sake of revenge.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Westerns. Especially if a lone gunslinger (preferably with pink in their outfit) wins the day and gets revenge
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: That revenge is unhealthy. It isn’t. And sometimes it’s necessary, even if it does do damage.
Talents and/or Powers: Enormously skilled warrior, trained by both Mandalorians and other martial sects. Probably the second best shot of my OCs, behind Ayrs.
Why Someone Might Love Them: A bitter loner seeking revenge on those responsible for her clan’s deaths and her people’s disgraceful alliance with the Empire mixed with sympathetic attempts to connect with Mako and (Eventually) Torian? What’s not to like….?
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Oh right, she’s single-mindedly hellbent on getting revenge, regardless of the cost to everyone else except Mako. Not a nice person, even if she is ostensibly aligned with my friendlier/more likeable characters
How They Change: She does grow a bit more willing to connect with people thanks to Mako. But her overarching priorities don’t change.
Why You Love Them:She’s a dark mirror to Ayrs and a way for me to check how I’m writing him which is nice (i.e. I ask myself if Amurri would do it. If she would, I make sure I’m not pushing him too far in the darker direction when it doesn’t make sense).
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lesabear · 8 years ago
1-5, all of them!
I’m going to focus on the main fic characters, if you don’t mind - both so the answers are more interesting and so my arm doesn’t fall off from so much typing ;)
1. What is their alignment?
I’m going to use DnD alignments since I think they’re a bit more useful than “LS1″ or whatever.
Olympia is Lawful Good - she follows the rules/Jedi Code and does the right thing. If push comes to shove, she favors Good over Lawful.
Amitia is on the border between Lawful and Neutral Good - similar to Olympia but more willing to bend the rules.
Ayrs is pretty much Neutral Good to the core. He doesn’t go out of his way to break the rules but he doesn’t allow them to constrain his actions, either.
Mina is Chaotic Good, though her work as an agent sometimes pushes her toward Chaotic Neutral, though she doesn’t really like doing morally ambiguous things.
Amurri is True Neutral, bordering on Neutral Evil at times (given how bloody her vengeance is), with occasional Good moments.
Veresia is all over the place but definitely Chaotic. Depending on her mood and the situation, she might be Good, Evil or anywhere in between.
Malicineve is a mix of Neutral and Chaotic Evil, though she starts becoming more Neutral Evil and occasionally True Neutral depending on where in the story she is.
2. Empire or Republic?
Ayrs, Amitia and Olympia are all loyal to the Republic and/or Jedi.
Mina is a Republic-aligned agent - she’s a double agent but more motivated by disgust with the Empire than Republic patriotism. She’s also still loyal to the Ascendancy, though she considers the Imperial alliance a mistake.
Veresia is anti-Empire, and only somewhat pro-Republic (if the Empire was gone she’d find herself without a purpose and have a hard time adjusting to “normal” life).
Amurri is vaguely anti-Empire but mostly in the sense that she wants revenge against Mandalore and those in the Empire that support him.
Malicineve is vaguely pro-Empire, though her motivations aren’t really patriotic or anything, it’s just the Empire is the only society she can really function in.
3. Do they fit in with their faction or were they sort of born into it?
Amitia and Olympia were both born into Republic civilian families before joining the Jedi. They both fit well, though Amitia has some issues with the Jedi Council due to disagreements in philosophy and planning.
Ayrs and Veresia are the children of a Jedi Knight and a Republic veteran from the Great Galactic War; the latter was descended from a family that had served the Republic military for generations. So - Ayrs was basically born into the Republic on both sides, while Veresia was torn from that and forced into the Empire (which, as mentioned, she wants to destroy).
Malicineve was basically born into life as an Imperial and a Sith - her father made her his “project”, hoping she would rise high and fast enough to raise his status in Sith society. His actions are largely responsible for how she turned out.
Amurri was a loyal member of Clan Ordo that fought on the losing side of the Crusaders’ Schism, so basically born into it too.
Mina was assigned to support Imperial Intelligence by the Chiss Ascendancy as part of an officer exchange program. Her experiences have deeply upset and scarred her, which leads her to throw in with Ardun Kothe.
4. What is their homeworld?
Olympia was born on Mirial; her parents still live there.
Amitia was born on Corellia; her parents and siblings still live there.
Malicineve was born on Dromund Kaas. Her family is dead or scattered across the Empire.
Ayrs and Veresia were born on Ithaca, which was attacked and devastated by an Imperial-backed force several years prior to the beginning of the class story. Their remaining family (mom’s side) is mostly on Kuat.
Mina was born on Csilla; her family is still there.
Amurri was born in space, on board her parents’ ship. She grew up on Onderon, though.
5. What planet do they now call home? Either where their stronghold is or where you headcanon they live at.
Olympia would probably consider Tython home given her position on the Council and strong ties to the Jedi Order. She wouldn’t live there, though, as it’d be unfair to ask Felix to do so.
Amitia still considers Corellia home - it’s where her family is and she’s a Khoury just as much as she’s a Jedi.
Ayrs still considers Ithaca home, sort of. He’d probably think first of “wherever Havoc is”, since Elara and Jorgan (especially) are basically his family now.
Mina still considers Csilla home, as the Empire has proven to be more terrible than she imagined. She hasn’t gone back because she wants to make the galaxy a better place…and a certain Imperial ensign has caught her eye.
Amurri’s home is where the job is, maybe her ship - she’s only really close to Mako, though.
Malicineve was answered elsewhere - pasting from my other answer: This is a bit tricky. Until the point of Makeb or so, she’d still consider Dromund Kaas as her home, albeit one she does not care to visit and has no real attachment to. After that, she would consider her ship home, as it’s where she lives the vast majority of the time and allows her to escape everything that has shaped her. In an unguarded moment, she would admit it’s also the only place where someone she could reasonably claim cares about her (Vette) is. In my “Knights of” AU, her home would be wherever the fight against the Eternal Empire is.
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lesabear · 8 years ago
17,18 - whoever you want, doesn't even have to be from SWTOR, can be other fandom ,OC, whatever you get inspiration for.
I’ll stick with SWTOR because most of my non-SWTOR characters aren’t well defined outside of their game story (sorry!). I’ll try to pick the ones with substantive answers, too.
17. Do they have family? Siblings, parents, children?
Ayrs and Veresia are brother and sister. Their parents were Montclair (Jedi Knight killed approximately 8 years before the start of the class story) and Valeria (Republic veteran killed approximately 5 years before the start of the class story). Their younger siblings Diomedes and Alyssia were killed alongside their mother. GRIMDARK. Ayrs and Elara eventually have three kids, Veresia has at least one.
Amitia’s family resides on Corellia. Her parents are alive and well (shocking, in my ficverse ;)) and she has a younger brother (Samir) and sister (Yasmin). Kira is like a sister to her, as are Olympia and Nadia. T7 is her adopted but problematic son (especially once he created and developed a holo-game based on her adventures).
Amurri and Vharmir’s families are dead and serve as their primary motivation (Amurri seeking revenge against Mandalore, Vharmir being virulently anti-Imperial).
Malicineve had a very, uh, troubled Sith childhood, as her father attempted to use her talent with the Force for his own agenda, while her mother wanted her to live a more “normal” life prior to going to a Sith Academy. She had a pet, a spukamas cat named Boogie.
18. Who is their BFF? (I’m discounting romantic partners)
Ayrs’ BFFs in order are: Cimon (best friend from homeworld of Ithaca, killed by pirates/Imperial irregulars), Dravis Tallin (friend from Republic military academy but actually an SIS plant) and Aric Jorgan (from about late-Balmorra onwards, story wise). The latter is his “canon” BFF, though sometimes their friendship can get a bit testy.
Veresia’s BFF is Khem, sadly. Nobody in her crew can truly understand the pain and anger that drives her, she’s separated from the people that should be her support structure (in the Republic) and only the Dashade doesn’t really judge her for the destruction and mayhem she is responsible for (though his motivations are obviously different than hers).
Amitia’s BFF is Kira, although when she’s in a mischievous mood she’ll let Olympia think she has a chance to get them to compete for her attention, usually with chocolate crème eggs.
Malicineve’s BFF is Vette, eventually. It takes her a long time to get there, and there’s a lot of nasty stuff in between. Even then, she is incapable of being a friend in the sense we really mean it, though her intentions are good.
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lesabear · 8 years ago
For Arys and for Amurri: ✂ - Their thoughts on revenge. and 👀 - Had your muse ever witnessed a crime and looked the other way? (Bonus points for specifics!)
✂ - Their thoughts on revenge
Ayrs: Leading up the class story, Ayrs was primarily motivated by a self-destructive wish to avenge the deaths of most of his family and friends (which took place while he was attending a military academy on Corulag). As he’s slowly developed a more stable support structure and role in the galaxy, he’s moved away from that, though there’s been one notable exception so far. In general, he’s about 95% not about revenge and 5% balls-to-the-wall vengeful when someone he cares about is threatened. I.e. my long fic is currently on hiatus following him realizing Sanju Pyne set Havoc up to die and specifically betrayed Elara to the Empire. Not good for Mr. Pyne. Not good at all.
Amurri: Consumed by it, for better or worse. Amurri was old enough to fight against Mandalore in the Crusaders’ Schism…on the losing side. Her part of Clan Ordo was largely wiped out as were all of the people she had grown up with. Unlike Ayrs, her rebuilt support structure is something she views as a tool to further her desire for revenge against Mandalore, Clan Lok and the Empire. While it doesn’t preclude her from other tasks and motivations (or genuinely caring for Mako as a younger sister-type), she’s very single-minded about it.
👀 - Had your muse ever witnessed a crime and looked the other way?
Ayrs: Does it count if he participated in a crime and didn’t just witness it? Amurri (coincidentally enough) helped track down an Imperial Intelligence agent that betrayed Ayrs’ family and homeworld to the Empire. Ayrs, uh, killed him. He killed Thorus on Taris too, but it’s a bit ambiguous as to whether Thorus was fully in his custody or trying oto escape. Otherwise probably not beyond stuff like academy pranks or relatively small stuff like letting the refugees on Ord Mantell keep the medicine. He’d look away in cases like that - where the criminal activity is moral or ethical in some way.
Amurri: Facilitated the murder Ayrs committed (see above). Complicit in several other murders and abductions tying into her quest for revenge against Mandalore and his clan. Amurri is very likely to look the other way for a number of reasons - she’s a bounty hunter and doesn’t want legal entanglements, she’s very sympathetic to people with similar motivations (like Ayrs wanting to kill the Imperial), she’s very unforgiving in general and even in cases where she has no emotional hook she’s a businesswoman first.
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lesabear · 8 years ago
SWTOR OC ask meme: 11 for Ayrs, 12 for Olympia and Amitia, 30 for Malicineve, Veresia, and Amurri
Getting tricky here!
11. Do they have a favorite color crystal they like to use? What color?
Probably not. Ayrs is not Force-sensitive, so he never had the connection with his father’s saber that Veresia did. He’s also more about functionality than anything else, so as long as the blaster works that’s what matters. He’s a simple man with simple blaster crystal color needs.
12. Be honest, how many outfit tabs do they have?
Amitia is pretty practical - she’d probably be limited to one set of heavy armor for major combat, Jedi robes and 2-3 outfits for more casual/normal use. Money spent on outfits is money that should have been spent on Zeena Jedi Warrior Princess collectibles or chocolate.
Olympia is a clothes horse who spends much of her Jedi stipend on things from the Cartel Market, a mysterious source for authentic replica armors that she adores. She’s slowly taken over the closet of her cabin, forcing poor Felix to purchase a small dresser for his clothes, and her collection eventually forced her to begin storing items in the Legacy Bank of Coruscant, the galaxy’s number one solution for your storage problems.
30, Do they like to boogie? Do they dance to that good old cantina band?
Malicineve: Uh, I’m going to go with a ‘no’ on this one. Maybe eventually, years into the future, Vette will get her to listen to the latest top hit. And she'll hate it.
Veresia: Probably sneaks in some pop music from her childhood when nobody’s watching. She’s not the type to go to a club or anything like that, but she would still enjoy a good tune…at least until it brought back memories that made her feel bad. I could see her getting caught dancing in her cabin by Andronikos or Khem, though.
Amurri: is a surprisingly good dancer and music aficionado, having long sense discovered that proper pop culture knowledge and awareness helps create a persona that can operate with ease on both sides of the border. Her typical social excursion would be a lower-end cantina, but even there she can occasionally be found rocking to popular bands like “The Tukatas” and “Darth Led Zeppelin”.
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lesabear · 8 years ago
8 for Ayrs and Amurri
How do they feel about the opposite faction?
Ayrs: Ayrs is pretty open minded about Imperials in general. His mother served in the military and interacted with enough “normal” Imperials to realize the importance of teaching her children that there’s a difference between someone being an enemy on the battlefield and a “true enemy” like the Sith or the Imperials that willingly collaborate in or are responsible for the evils in the Empire. He’s merciful and diplomatic toward them in game and in-fic, with Elara’s presence probably further encouraging him to ignore the pressure (from the Republic military, local allies, whatever) to treat the Imperials he deals with more harshly, as she’s a constant reminder that today’s hated opponent may be tomorrow’s romantic interest.
Amurri: Amurri defines herself as a Mandalorian and not an Imperial, so I’m not sure I have a good answer for this. People are basically clients to her, though she has a strong dislike and distrust of many upper-class people on both sides. The Imperial alliance with the hated Mandalore/Clan Lok means she’s slightly better disposed toward the Republic than Empire, but she values her contacts and contracts in both areas so that doesn’t reveal itself much (at least for now).
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lesabear · 8 years ago
Valentine's Day
Hopefully Gault finishes the job quickly. Can't stand this place.
“Long day, huh?”
I looked up from my ale, giving the man a baleful look. “Yeah.”
“Damn straight.” He sat down on the bench across from me, not taking the hint my eyes were giving him. “Can’t believe the holocard greeting companies managed to convince an entire galaxy to celebrate a holiday about love when it’s really about selling candies and expensive getaways.”
“Sounds like someone’s just a little bitter.” The silky smooth tone caught my attention. I turned to my left to see an attractive blue-skinned woman staring red daggers at my unwanted companion.
The man glared back at her. “Not all of us have an Imperial Ensign to moon over, Cipher Nine.”
Cipher Nine? Damn, she’s Intelligence. That was too bad. She looked like she might be fun.
“Alas, my work as a Republic double agent keeps me apart from my lady love,” the Chiss waxed philosophically. “Truly a tragedy worthy of an epic poem, or at least a poorly-written short story.”
“Seems kind of dangerous to admit you’re a Republic double agent,” I noted carefully.
“It’s okay,” she replied breezily. Sounded like her ale might be talking too. “Nobody’s going to remember any of this anyway.”
The man across the table from me grimaced. “I hope not.  Kothe won’t be happy about his prized agent outing herself because she was depressed about her love life.”
“Or that her handler confirmed her secret identity for the same reason,” a Twi’lek sitting near the Chiss said. “And there are worse things than being alone on Valentine’s Day.” She jerked a thumb toward the window nearest to us, where a strange looking man holding a plush nexu and balloons stood staring at her. “Meet Corso.”
Even as we looked on, the bar’s manager rushed outside and began shooing the Corso guy away. “No, not yet. You’re not supposed to show up for another expansion or two.”
The hell that does mean? Boyd had always been a strange one, but this was weird even for him.
“All of us here, alone on Valentine’s Day. What’re the odds?” The Twi’lek grinned broadly. She was right about that. Whole damn thing was contrived.
“It’s like we’re all part of some cosmic joke,” the man across from me whined. “I haven’t felt this out of place since we were all conveniently at Ayrs and Elara’s wedding despite being on opposite sides of the war.”
“At least they had an open bar at the wedding,” the Twi'lek replied. She was right about that, too.
The room fell silent. I took the opportunity to scan the crowd for any eavesdroppers, but it seemed like the usual Valentine’s Day crowd. Except….
“What’s her story?” I nodded at the large Sith in the spiky armor at the bar. A small blue Twi’lek was passed out on the floor next to her.
An enormous ethereal Sith spirit wearing a strange facial mask floated by. “Trust me, you don’t want to know.”
I shrugged and turned back to my ale. Hope Mako and Torian are having a good time, at least.
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lesabear · 6 years ago
OC recruitment meme, Veresia, all odd numbered questions
15  was in my previous reply but here goes!
1. Would they be recruitable? 
Realistically the answer would be no unless it was in vanilla (i.e. before she’s an overpowered member of the Sith Dark Council). But since that’s a boring answer let’s say…yes but with limitations (no Sith or Imperial Agents. And it’d be very difficult to recruit her as a Jedi). And she’d be horribly elitist and love to mention how she’d be way more successful than your character the entire time.
3. When would you recruit them? Vanilla story? an Expac? Post KOTET? 
Vanilla makes the most sense - that way she wouldn’t be as powerful both with the Force and in general, and wouldn’t have the support structure behind her she does at the end of Vanilla.
Post Vanilla she could have a similar thing as Ayrs - striking back at Zakuul on her on or possibly alongside him after losing the initial war. She doesn’t really fit well into the post-Zakuul story, for a variety of reasons.
5. What would their recruitment mission be?
Vanilla recruitment…hmm. I guess something along the lines of her being an escaped slave and so is wanted by the Empire or something. Not a great fit in that regard.
KOTFE/KOTET recruitment would be similar to Ayrs - stories of a lone Sith terrorizing Zakuulan civilians and military alike and not too concerned about a bodycount. Maybe her and Lana know each other from the war or something, to prompt Lana to suggest recruitment.
7. Would there be a character they don’t like? Would that cause you to choose sides? 
She would absolutely detest any ardently pro-Empire, pro-Sith or pro-Jedi characters or companions. She would be disgusted with self-centered characters like Skadge or Vik or OCs (especially smugglers). She would not get along with the likes of Tharan or Doc…to be honest I think she’d probably dislike most of the companions and the feeling would likely be mutual.
She’s probably not a great fit with a companion crew in general given her uh personality quirks and personal opinions. Of my OCs she’d probably be okay-ish with Amurri (sans Skadge) or Ayrs after some therapy and/or during KOTFE/KOTET when he becomes a little less strictly Good morality wise.
9. What would they say if you clicked on them? 
“Do that again and you won’t live long enough to regret it”, “Have you ever heard the sound of a person fried to a crisp by Force Lightning?”, “How far I have fallen to be associated with the likes of you.”
Also probably some threats to kill you.
11. What weapon(s) would they have?
A lightsaber (her father’s, if recruited late enough in the story) and the Force. She’s primarily a caster though.
13. What gifts do they Love? Like? What would they say when you gave them a gift?
Cultural artifacts - “There is always so much more to learn!” or “Knowledge is power”
Military - “Though our paths diverged it is like nothing has changed.”
Trophy - “I suppose this will have to do until my enemies’ heads can be mounted.”
Weapon - “Nothing compared to the Force, but this shall do.”
For other types she would sound mostly annoyed and like you were wasting her time. Especially courting gifts.
17. What letter’s would they send post vanillia class story/SOR/KOTFE
If recruited during the Vanilla story/she isn’t on the Council her letter(s) would probably thank the PC for giving her the chance to escape. Her KOTFE era letter would probably reflect her growing independence and desire for vengeance on Zakuul.
Canon Veresia’s letter would be short, condescending and mostly focus on how you should be the one working for her and that if you had been the war would have been over much sooner/more efficiently. It would also probably criticize your robe fashion if you are a Jedi.
If Ayrs was recruited too, you’d get a follow up message from him apologizing for her letter.
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lesabear · 7 years ago
SWTOR characters meme
I was tagged by a couple of people
Do you have more Imperial or Republic characters?
It's about even - I've rolled so many characters and AU/different versions of characters that it tends to balance out.
Which class do you play as the most?
Trooper or agent. I also have a wide variety of inquisitors and jedi knights (though I don't actually like the JK story much so I try to get through it as quickly as possible).
Which race do you play as the most?
Humans or twi'leks probably. I also have a lot of cyborgs and low level mirialans and Sith, if we go solely by number and ignore whether they're played much at all.
How many have completed Kotfe/Kotet?
Kotfe - A few...Amitia (JK), Olympia (JC), Montclair/Not-Ayrs (trooper), Evil Elara (trooper), Malicineve (SW), Mina (IA), Vharmir (smuggler), Amurri (BH), Veresia - OG and Fic versions (SI)
Kotet - Amitia, Malicineve
How many have completed up to Copero?
In addition to Amitia/Malicineve, I skipped to Iokath and beyond on Montclair. All three are up to date and have completed Copero. I am not a fan of anything from iokath on so it's a bit of a struggle...
Who stayed loyal to their class romance?
Everyone but OG Veresia did. I actually really like her and Andronikos together but I didn't have a ton of options for romancing Koth since Fic!Veresia's murderous tendencies made him not interested in her. Otherwise, I haven't really had any interest in breaking up any of my class romances.
Who started a romance with Lana, Theron or Koth? I have a DS Inquisitor romancing Lana, but he's stuck in KOTFE somewhere. I'm kind of waiting to see who the next F/F romance is since Lana doesn't fit well with most of my characters and I'm not a huge fan.
I have an agent who will romance Theron at some point but he's still in the class story so...
OG Veresia is romancing Koth (as mentioned in the previous answer) - she's super LS and not at all like her "canon" personality so they work well together.
Who is your oldest (having played the longest) oc?
My oldest character is Lesaberisa, the Jedi consular I made when my WoW guild moved to SWTOR. She's stuck at level 50 because I stopped playing her - got tired of getting ganked on the pvp server we were on and all my WoW guildies went back to WoW, so I moved on to another server and started fresh.
My oldest active characters are probably Amitia (JK) and OG Montclair (trooper)
Who is your newest?
I have an agent named Gerold who I modeled after Gerold Hightower from ASOIAF - basically a more or less honorable man who undermines that honor/his reputation by remaining loyal to an unjust king/system. He'll be my temple-mancer since any possibility of Mina doing so is now gone.
I have a few other fairly new characters to try out romances or alignments and stuff but I haven't really gotten around to playing them.
Who is your favorite?
From a gameplay point of view, I love playing my knights and warriors the most. From an in-game story point of view, probably Amurri (neutralish but grimly practical bounty hunter) or Montclair 2.0 (Swashbuckling jedi knight)
From a fun-to-write perspective, my favorites are Ayrs and Amitia
From a "actually interesting/nuanced character to write" perspective - Veresia
I am going to tag @depizan, @frauzet and @tracinyad
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lesabear · 7 years ago
14 for all your characters
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
I’ll stick to my significant OCs and maybe not 2 for each…
For Ayrs - first is that while he’s typically good-humored and a nice guy that he has very firm lines that cannot be crossed without consequences (especially if you threaten or harm people he cares about) and second would be that while he certainly likes his share of snarkiness/sarcasm he’s also a military brat with a certain innate respect for the military and its protocols (within certain limits)
For Veresia - the one overarching aspect of her as a character is the self-delusion she practices regarding what she’s doing and whether she’s good or right for doing it. It’s a careful balance because she’s objectively wrong but I don’t think it makes for a good story if she’s completely and totally wrong and does horrible things in spite of that.
For Amitia - she’s the true hero of my fic!verse - she enjoys doing heroic things and likes being a hero and wants to be the example for others to follow. Sometimes my own cynicism (or the cynicism of my other stories/character seeps in), so I have to be careful to avoid turning her into a more generic angsty hero. Not that she isn’t affected by what goes on, but she doesn’t let it stop her.
For Malicineve - Initially she was pretty much 100% monster and any humor from her story was grim humor based on her killing or harming people. But Malicineve 2.0 is a bit different and is more of a reflection on what the Sith/Imperial system would do to someone not meant for that kind of “Training”.
For Amurri - It can be hard to write her because her in-character voice is very laconic and to-the-point. She doesn’t describe things with unnecessary details, she doesn’t talk much, she’s not a joker, etc. So I have to rein myself in sometimes to keep her in-character. But she also cares a lot about Mako and Torian so I have to be sure she doesn’t come across as a robot, either.
Vharmir - I have to do extra work to differentiate him from Amurri sometimes. She’s businesslike and not very social but there’s still a warmth to her, both positively and negatively (toward her enemies!). Vharmir doesn’t really have that hidden side - he’s not a sociopath, per se, but he’s been even more consumed by his desire for revenge than she has, and it affects everything from high -level motivations to his interactions with other characters.
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lesabear · 8 years ago
64 for all your characters
64. Did they become Emperor/Empress or did they make Zakuul a democracy?
Let’s see…
Malicineve chose to become Empress - although really she’s more of a Punisher type vigilante lashing out rather than a dictator running things.
Veresia chose Empress but kind of straddles the line between them
Ayrs, Teela and Mina would have preferred to walk away but chose democracy.
Olympia and Amitia chose democracy and were more eager to take on the burden.
Amurri didn’t really care. I think I had her choose democracy since she wouldn’t want to run anything let alone Zakuul.
Vharmir would choose Emperor to use/take advantage of Zakuul
Of my background OCs - Demetrius would choose Emperor and use it against the Empire. Montclair would choose democracy and Valeria would be like Ayrs/Teela/Mina and choose democracy despite preferring to not be in that position.
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lesabear · 8 years ago
🎭, 🎨, and 💔 :D
I totally missed this before, my apologies!
🎭 which muse is the easiest to write
As mentioned in my earlier reply, Ayrs is my easiest to write for a variety of reasons.
My second easiest would probably be Amitia, because she’s less a character to write and more an outlet for meta writing and complaining about the story (so far only the Jedi Knight story specifically, but since she’s my official Outlander ™, we’ll get some stuff for that…eventually). About 90% of my content for her is humor/fourth wall-breaking and inside jokes and she’s a bit of a self-insert on top of it, so it comes pretty naturally.
Veresia’s usually hard for me to write but the tongue-in-cheek Khem/Veresia bonding scenes come pretty easily to me as well, for similar reasons.
🎨 which muse is the most artistic
Vharmir with his participation in a local theater group is the most artistic, although he does it for work purposes (practicing accents and mannerisms to throw off surveillance when operating undercover, etc.).
Most of my OCs are probably not very artistic, to be honest, although that’s mostly a reflection of me not spending much time brainstorming/worldbuilding that part of my fic verse. If you count storytelling as an art, then I guess we could include Ayrs there, although his main audience consists of the small children who hang out at the park he takes his kids to after he steps down from active duty.
💔 who would be the worst couple of two of your muses together
Hmm. Ignoring Malicineve/anyone else (too obvious) and other blatantly bad pairings…
Probably Veresia/Vharmir. They’re both very similar in the sense that they’re bitter survivors who are determined to destroy the Sith Empire, albeit from different angles and in very different ways. But they’re also both very self-destructive, their revenge-driven personalities are unhealthy at the best of times and far worse otherwise, and they’d be bad for anyone around them as well (particularly given their penchant for relying on violence). I’m not sure Vharmir would accept Veresia’s willingness to do bad things to ingratiate herself to the Sith/Imperials in order to maintain her cover, either. And despite her moral issues, I don’t think Veresia would be as cavalier about collateral damage as Vharmir is.
I don't think either of them would mix well with my other OCs in general. Probably also true of Amurri, although she's a bit more grounded.
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