#OC: Reynah
mustddart · 6 months
Idk if baby Percy ever visited Kauai, but I can only imagine what happened the first time Elio dragged Percy out to an active thunderstorm-
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There’s more under the cut :’)
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ooc-hybi · 2 years
Checking how long the tree has gotten
1 (ancestors)
2 (gen 1): Derik, William, Sapphire, Emma, etc
3 (gen 2): Karlisle, Genuri, Edward, Anastasia, etc
4 (gen 3): Flint, George, Seph, Dante, Drayko, etc
5 (gen 4): Flaze, Aster, Alpha, Lulu, etc
6 (gen 5) Reynah, Farahn, Danica, Vesta, etc
Gonna use Toyhouse to finally see how much ocs I actually have. This is bad
Disclaimer: those arent the direct lineages btw ^^^^ just random characters from specific generations
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avidrawsthings · 4 years
what's reina's role in your story earth 14?
In addition to being Val’s grand-auntie, she’s one of the supporting characters and strong as fuck LMAO. She’s talented at Potions and even taught Potionology at one of the magic schools for several years before some very shitty people unjustly had her teaching license revoked. 
Of course, shit like that doesn’t stop her and she always finds a way to bounce back. She taught Val all there is to know about Potions, which help massively after Val joins Prism.
Oh and in this setting she goes by Reynah instead since she’s not a human.
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raptorfiction · 7 years
Blood and Ice
Blinding white. Everything around him was a blinding white. It took a few moments for Remlyn to recall where he was and why he had been there. The last few moments before his blackout rushing back to him as the cold began to seep down to his bones.
They had been fighting, he and Reynah. It was his last test to prove to his superiors that he was truly loyal to the Empire, that he would do everything and anything necessary. And to purge himself of his weaknesses. Weaknesses like Reynah, the woman he had once loved. The woman that part of him had still loved, even as he had raised his lightsaber towards her. The woman, for whom--even now--he felt bitter sorrow and rage at having had to challenge to the death. The instructors thought he would refuse, thought he would back out or fail, but he was Sith now, he was a loyal servant to the Empire, he would not back down.
The clashing of lightsaber and cortosis-weave blade rang in his mind as the scenes played out again. Reynah was an incredibly talented woman, her intellect matched with her sheer physical prowess made her a force to be reckoned with, she never came to a fight unprepared. But even with all of that, she could never completely bridge the gap between her abilities and his. It was true that she was smarter than he, could come up with tactics and strategies on the fly, in the middle of combat, but he had been gifted with the force. Though being gifted with such a talent hardly meant anything unless you had training with it. Training he had undergone since he was a child in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Training he had undergone in the academy on Korriban. Training he continued to push through even now, over thirty years later. He could always hone his abilities, find new ways to master and bend the Force to his will. The Force blind could only improve as much as gadgets and their physical limitations could allow. That was Reynah’s weakness. That was Remlyn’s strength.
He had plunged his saber deep into her gut, plunged his offhand weapon into her her chest. He knew there was no way for anyone to survive that, no matter how gifted they might be. A realisation that had probably struck Reynah as well as her last move had been an attempted kamikaze tactic. With what surely had to be the last of her energy, she had cranked her vibroblade to its maximum setting and plunged it deep into Remlyn’s shoulder. Before he had had a chance to pull back, an EMP had been shoved against the hilt of the weapon. The resulting detonation had caused the energy cell in the blade to explode.
Yes, he remembered now what had occurred and as he blinked his eyes to clear them of the snowflakes that had descended into them, his brain finally registered the pain. It hit so suddenly along with the burning cold that he could not help but to shout out in agony. Quickly, that agony turned into rage, anger, hatred. He soaked it up, all of it and he focused on it, let it fill and consume his thoughts and as he did, the searing pain and bitter cold faded from his senses.
Remlyn stood and pushed the snow that had gathered off of his body. Snow which had likely saved his life after the explosion. Hoth had been a good selection for the face off, no one around to interfere or intercede on Reynah’s behalf. No one who would be able to save her if he somehow had failed to make the killing blow. And incendiaries were that much harder to use in snow; the precise reason he had chosen the frigid ice block of a planet. Kicking his way through the accumulated dunes, he searched for the body of his wife--former wife--to retrieve his lightsabers.
A few steps to his left, a few to the right--nothing. His rage began to increase, his anger so palpable it might have been able to melt the snow around him. He traced a wider circle about himself until his left boot collided with something solid. Kicking away the snow with his boot revealed the armour clad body of Reynah, pale and cold. Though that was nothing unusual for the woman, she was an Arkanian after all. With a sneer and a throaty growl Remlyn kicked what was surely a corpse to see if it would awaken.
The body simply flopped and rolled each time his foot connected sharply. Satisfied, Remlyn began to search the snow around her for his weapons and eventually found them buried under another dune of snow. They felt so good in his hands once again, like he had lost a limb during the thirty minutes he had spent searching for them. Now with weapons back in hand, he returned to Reynah’s corpse. Igniting the blade in his left hand he approached the bag of meat, crimson blade humming with each step he took towards her.
Just looking at her, her lifeless and limp body filled him with more rage, more anguish than he had ever experienced in his life. Every part of him wanted to scream at the heavens and the hells, wanted to destroy everything within his reach, cause the most amount of destruction he possibly could. But he resisted the urge. This is what his trainers had wanted. They wanted him to feel all of this, this hatred, this absolute desire for blood. It made him stronger. He reveled in that feeling for a moment, the Dark Side that was powering him, that made the physical pain that he should have been feeling dissolve like paper in water. He had always known what the Dark Side was capable of to an extent, had been drawing upon its power for years now as a Sith Apprentice, but this… was an entirely different level. Pushed past what he could achieve solely on his own, the act of cutting down the woman he loved had pushed him to a new level he never thought he could reach and it was glorious.
With a grotesque sneer Remlyn brought his lightsaber closer to Reynah’s face and slowly gauged a line across it. The smell of searing skin fed into his immersion further as though he were beginning to get drunk off the sensation. Lifting the lightsaber, he prepared himself to make the final cut, no chances, he’d remove her head. Just as he was preparing to make the strike, a moment of hesitation cut at his thoughts and with it, the agonising pain that shot through his raised arm and face. So intense and sudden was the pain that the lightsaber fell from his hand, deactivated. A shout of rage and pain loosed from Remlyn and as he surged with renewed passion, he ignited his other saber, intent on rectifying the mistake he had just made. So intent that he nearly missed the sound of his holocommunicator going off on his belt.
The chirping of the device further irritated him, but he knew he couldn’t very well ignore the call. Most likely it was his trainers calling to determine whether or not he had been successful. Deactivating his lightsaber, he reached down for the device and with a deep breath, answered the call.
“This is Remlyn speaking.” It came as a surprise even to himself how calm and steady his voice was despite the roiling emotions within him.
“Ah, Remlyn.” The image of a cowled figure flickered to life in Remlyn’s hand. Though it was merely a miniature projection of the figure’s true form, it was no less intimidating and the set of piercing gold eyes that peered at him from under the hood remained undiminished. The gravelly voice broke across the frequency again as it addressed its inferior. “I see you yet live. Can the same be said for your… counterpart?”
Remlyn didn’t need to see the sneer on the figure’s face to hear it in its voice. The majority of his superiors and trainers had expected him to fail in his task; either by death or weakness. It gave him a sick feeling of satisfaction to turn the display towards the limp body on the ground.
“See for yourself, My Lord.” It was difficult to stuff down his feeling of smugness, but in this particular instance, he knew it behooved him to restrain himself.
“I see. And have you checked to make sure that it is dead?”
“I have. The marking across the face was given no more than mere moments before your call, My Lord.” Remlyn seethed at the doubt, but knew it was wise to ensure that his target was indeed dead.
“Very well. Return to the Sanctum at once. That is an order.” As the very last consonant fell from the figure’s lips, the call was ended and the holoprojection disappeared. Remlyn considered taking the time to ensure beyond reasonable doubt that the Arkanian was dead, but any dallying was like to cost him.
With a final growl and kick at the woman in the snow, Remlyn summoned the lightsaber he dropped to his hand and made tracks for the nearest military outpost. He would be relieved to be away from that force forsaken ice cube. The next step of his life was about to begin.
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