#OC: Laerke
Concept art for that short story I wrote this January
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And those I drew today
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ariela-of-aedyr · 4 years
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Haven't been around a whole lot these last few weeks, but thought I'd make some watchers (+ one adventurer) in this picrew for @watcher-wednesday!
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emjs-good-out-here · 5 years
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OC Kiss Week 2020 Masterpost
A collection of the different artworks I managed to make for Kiss Week this year. This is quite possibly the most productive art-wise I’ve ever been!
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starxlark · 3 years
Given how many people look down on or dislike OCs whose backstories tie them to a canon character, why did you choose to make Laerke a sibling to Loki and Thor?
anonymously ask the mun something you want to know about them, their portrayal, or what they will/won’t write.
The short version of my answer is: I had no idea what I was getting into but it was a decision that just seemed to fit my new character and it seemed an easy way into the fandom.
The very long version of the answer, AKA Laerke's Origin Story, AKA A Defense of Laerke, is:
When I came up with the concept of Laerke, it was the summer of 2012. The Avengers had just come out and I had only recently discovered a love of superheros. (I hadn't been interested in seeing Thor when it was in theaters, i saw Captain America but was mad about it the whole movie [we were supposed to be seeing... Planet of the Apes I think]). So I came onto the scene just as fandom was really starting to do its thing. I also had only been on tumblr as a personal blog for like 6 months at this point. Somehow, and looking back I really can't remember how, I found a bunch of really cool Avengers rpers and followed them on my personal.
This was really my first time being exposed to rping canon characters. In middle school I rped in quizilla chat boxes with the authors of my favorite fics. In high school I was a mod [and later admin after everyone placed out] for a rp forum where everyone was OCs. You'd pretty much make a new OC for every thread and alternate being the male or female character with your writing partner. I think by the end I'd made like 25 characters. One of them, Gwen <3 my original fleshed out lady, at some point made her way to an X-Men rp forum but that was real short lived.
OCs as a whole were what I knew. I didn't know any of the "fandom OC rules" until after I'd committed to Laerke. But Laerke didn't start out as Laerke. She was just this character I created in a doll maker at 11 at night and saved the file as "My Asgardian". I liked this idea of a young lady being rescued from a very dark place and being raised in this glistening city of gold. And then I had to figure out how the heck to connect this OC that I've made and want to explore more into the bigger canon universe. Well we know Odin isn’t above just bringing home kids. Then I could explore this rags-to-riches kinda dynamic and the really interesting family dynamic in the House of Odin. How would having these older brothers shape the kind of person she grew in to? Obviously I couldn’t have Laerke’s existence change anything of canon for Thor and Loki, but I still thought it would be neat for her to be this broken thing for them to learn to care for.
I never originally planned to RP her. I have a whole notebook somewhere in my parent’s basement full of my notes and snippets and timelines for the fic of Laerke’s whole pre-Thor movie life that I was going to write. I got through a couple small chapters and an awful lot of myth and marvel research but at this point all my old rp sites were dead and I was starting to get the itch. I kept reading the threads of the Avengers rpers. I kept getting tempted. Finally, six months after Laerke was born, I made her blog.  Having her be a family OC was my way into a fandom I so desperately wanted to be a part of. 
Of course, I figured out really quickly that I’d made Laerke into everything the fandom hated. I tried filling out character sheets and halfway through they’d be like: does your character only exist to be apart of the canon core group- redo that shit. I still apologize to every canon character’s mun that I get up the courage to introduce myself to. I am diligent about looking for OC friendliness in a blog’s rules, even though I know family OCs are often their own DNI category. I have done a ton of AUs or separate multiverse threads in order to be accommodating. When I moved Laerke to here I changed my username so the shame of being a family OC wasn’t the first impression people had. 
Laerke is the main character in my world. Thor and Loki are lovely and splendid supporting characters. I’m a big sister to a little brother so I love having a chance to explore the reverse of that relationship with Laerke and Loki and Thor. I have been truly blessed to have had three solid Lokis in my time on tumblr to write with and expand Laerke’s experience in the world. I’ve yet to have a Thor write more than two responses with me but I hold out hope that someday Laerke will get to form a ‘genuine’ relationship with him too.
Look, we’re all here to write and have fun. I enjoy writing about how our childhood shapes us, the importance of being kind in a cruel world, what it means to be a Person, how do we fulfill our responsibilities to others without giving up parts of ourselves.
I just don’t think I should be vilified because the character I use to explore those themes just so happens to have famous siblings.
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hunnybadgerv · 2 years
V's Master Post
Half Troll Grammar Barbarian, Path of the Proofreader
they/them | nb | you can call me V or Badgey
I post all my writing to Archive of Our Own (AO3). You can find my work at this link. Sometimes I post little snippets and character development things on tumblr, you can find those under the tag #Badger Scribbles.
I have several OCs and characters that I write about regularly. You can find a collection of them here.
Major OCs:
Nyx Shepard / Kaidan Alenko
Rhys Trevelyan / Dorian Pavus
Siobhán Hawke / Sebastian Vael (Templer AU)
Aderyn Hawke / Cullen Rutherford
Tayen Quick / Sharky Boshaw
Furia / Troy Bradshaw
Amaryn Rha / Doc Kimble
Leah Rook / John Seed
Bishop / Mason
Joel Lange / Adam du Mortain
Leah Shepard / Joker Moreau
Maritza Ryder / Bain Massani / Reyes Vidal
Cassie Ryder / Dr. Harry Carlyle
Laerke / Vilkas
Min / Brynjolf
Writing Prompts are always welcome. Suggestions are more than welcome--specific and general. Though I tend to like to play with the more personal aspects of the experiences in the game worlds and situations. I regularly post writing prompts for myself and my fellow writers out there in the ether, feel free to check them out.
Mass Effect Series
Dragon Age Series
Saints Row
Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR)
Far Cry 5
The Wayhaven Chronicles
Mass Effect: Andromeda
DADWC Prompt Posting
Updated: 28 July 2022
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laerkeodinsdottir · 6 years
Hi Yes I Exist
Hey all,
So it’s been a long minute since I last routinely posted anything relevant on this page and for that I’m sorry.  Not writing Laerke in the last two years has been incredibly hard. I haven't been able to win: trying to write and taking a real life break both were incredibly stressful.
I started writing Laerke in the summer of 2012 and made her blog January of 2013. In the time since she has grown and changed dramatically, as is the natural evolution for any character. Very few of my followers will remember Laerke in my first year on tumblr and that’s a-okay with me.
I always wanted her blog to be multiverse so I could explore as many facets and aspects as I could.
There have been great brothers, each with their own unique care and love and problems with their little sister. There have been superb myth characters willing and ready to adopt Laerke as family or friend.There have been canons from the very beginning who were happy to let the power of the multiverse bring together characters who might not be family, or might not have normally crossed paths.
As an unexpected side effect I am now left, 6 years later, with a tangled web of relationships loved and lost. Some of those muses are gone for good while others may one day be resurrected. Each one gave Laerke greater backstory, greater depth, that I just can’t necessarily transfer without it being godmodding. 
I have written posts of Laerke mourning those relationships and it has helped, but in case any of those characters return I cannot make such mourning canon either.
So what do I do with Laerke now?
I still don’t have an answer but I’m willing to puzzle it out. This blog isn’t going anywhere. It will always exist at least as an archive. But I think I need something akin to a fresh start. Not a full reboot... but yet still the chance to grow without the weight of the past. 
I’m going to try making a new blog for my favorite star daughter. Will it work? I have no idea but I’m pretty hopeful about it. I like the idea of having a clean platform to approach writing from now. Honestly, most of the edits to Laerke are going to be personal, mental ones for me. I have an incredibly hard time letting go of those past relationships and not being able to incorporate them. I’m the person who still has journals from 2011 filled with future replies and drabbles for threads that hadn’t been touched by my partner since 2009. 
Laerke’s still the 
Sassy little sister
Adventurous star traveler
Nurturing aunt
Doting daughter
Supportive friend
Occasional troublemaker
Odinson wrangler
Tiny, oh so tiny, lady
that she has always been.
I will be a little slow (but I’m setting a structure so I don’t fall behind)
I will not have the fancy tags I envy so much (but I will have an actual tagging system)
I will not have super cool icons (but I’m willing to let big gifs be dead so honestly you’re welcome)
I will not usually be able to match great length (but I’m getting my reading on so I can do my damnedest to try)
If you’re interested feel free to check out @starxlark. If you’re not, that is totally okay too. There’s not a lot there yet, but I’m trying to be forgiving of myself for that and get going anyway.
I’m very open to discussing and reworking past relationships on this new try if for nothing else than to make sure me and my partner are on the same page. You guys know I’m nice and patient and all that, so don’t hesitate to chat.
I want to thank everyone who has followed me for the past 6 years. Whether you’ve written shenanigans with me, plotted threads that never came to be, or supported my family OC journey with likes, you’ve all made the experience so much more than I expected it could ever be.
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the-lovely-message · 3 years
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Delivery for: @starxlark
From: Anon
Laerke is an inspirational OC and has grown so much over the years! We’re excited to see what plot bunnies 2022 has to bring our favorite tiny lady. Hoping her mun has the greatest year too.
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thetwobosses · 7 years
@guileandgall replied to your post: Some OC questions: 28, 37, 38, 8, 14 (Not sure...
I really want to grab a survival mod and do the journal thing with Min or maybe Laerke would be a better choice. Min kind of has a weird specialized story that doesn’t quite follow along.
Are you on PC? You could try mods like ‘Frostfall’ and ‘Realistic Needs and Diseases’ (or other needs mods, as there are several to choose from) for a nice survival experience. There’s probably other mods to go with them as well for extra survival stuff, but I haven’t been actively playing or modding Skyrim since 2013 so I can’t recommend anything newer.
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ariela-of-aedyr · 4 years
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Decided to make my watchers (+ Laerke) in that picrew I've seen making the rounds for Watcher Wed
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ariela-of-aedyr · 4 years
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Made some Watchers (and one non-Watcher) in this picrew for Watcher Wednesday!
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ariela-of-aedyr · 5 years
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Made my girls in this picrew for Watcher Wed!
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ariela-of-aedyr · 4 years
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Made my girls in this picrew for Watcher Wednesday!
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ariela-of-aedyr · 4 years
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I shared some other OCs I made in this picrew on my main blog earlier on, but wanted to make my Watchers in it too, so here they are! (plus Laerke, to round out the numbers)
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ariela-of-aedyr · 4 years
🖊 + Laerke? :)
- Is on the young side for an elf, around 73/74ish around the end of the first game
- Originally from The White That Wends
- Parents are/were devout worshippers of Rymrgand
- Was not about any of that, and braved the dangerous trip out of her homeland to go explore other opportunities as soon as she was physically able to
- Has a big case of wanderlust, and has been exploring different areas and different cultures ever since she left
- Has bounced around between a few different adventuring parties over the years. There’s two or three that she tends to go back to over and over, depending on what area she’s in
- Really wanted to make things work with Ariela, but ultimately is just not built for settling in one place, and returned to a life of adventuring
- Is (I believe?) a barbarian, with a two-handed greatsword (I made her as an adventurer once, but I actually don’t remember what I classed her as. I’m pretty sure it was barbarian, though). Is mad muscular as a result.
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ariela-of-aedyr · 4 years
❤ + 💝 + 💜 for Ariela x Aloth and Ariela x Laerke? 😊
❤ Who is more affectionate in public? In private?
Ari tends to try and let her lovers set the boundary of how much/what kind of PDA they’re comfortable with, so it’s usually them who appear more affectionate in public. That was certainly the case with Laerke, who initiated most of the affection between them whilst out an about. But with Aloth, Ari still ends up looking like the most affectionate one to an outsider, purely because she’s quite a touchy-feely person, while he’s more reserved.
In private, Ari is universally the most affectionate one. She’s a bit of a snugglebug, so she has a tendency to be in her lover’s space, hugging them, holding their hands, resting her head on them, etc.
💝 Who spends more time (possibly overthinking) what presents to get the other?
Ariela is a very good gift-giver, but it also comes pretty second nature to her, so she doesn’t have to spend too much thought on what to buy someone. Laerke would much rather share an experience with a friend or lover than give a gift, so she tended to be the one having to spend a lot of thought on what to get for Ariela when giving an actual present.
Aloth tends to overthink gifts because Aloth tends to overthink everything. Whenever some sort of anniversary or event comes up, Iselmyr wishes she could take a vacation.
💜 Who said "i love you" first? or, if neither has said it yet, who is more likely to say it first?
Laerke was the first to say it to Ariela. It probably slipped out unintentionally while they were bickering about whether or not Ari actually needed a bodyguard for some upcoming event: “Darling, it’s not dangerous, and even if it were, I am perfectly capable of looking after myself.” “I don’t care, I’m coming with you!” “But you don’t need-” “I’m coming because I love you!”
Ariela was the first to say it to Aloth. Likely at the end of a peptalk, firmly, and followed by an intense look. “I do wish you wouldn’t be so hard on yourself, darling. You’re so smart, and talented, and beautiful, and I love you. So there! You’re wonderful; deal with it.”
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ariela-of-aedyr · 5 years
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OC Kiss Week Day 3: “Fancy”
Had to draw a modern AU Ariela and Laerke for this one, cos the image of Laerke in formalwear was just too good. They’re at a party or something, I guess. Idk.
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