#OC: Ishtar Celis
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estrelladeishtar · 9 months ago
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Evening hangout out in the city ft. KK (@breadbox-draws's oc) & Ishtar- Went all out on this attack because I had to draw em SO! & ofc them both wearing the respective bracelets given to each other 💖 Also shirt is one given to him by Ishtar as well so they both be matching ✨
Also- version of just the BG (altho watermarked & lower res by comparison as it ain't for use Legit never attempted drawing a city bg literally ever in my life up til now so we learned a bit on the fly LOL)
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estrelladeishtar-archive · 1 year ago
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High effort shitpost GO
POV you find your witch friend post NSR performance/event (?) when they were least expecting it & they proceed to act a fool /lh
I'd actually--drawn something like this in 2020 (based off this meme) & felt compelled to redraw it again? (old iteration is here)
Ft. @breadbox-draws's OC KK LMAO, I had to add him there after the response doodles they drew to the WIP I showed Which! The doodles they did are here (included in this post with their permission ofc!):
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100% chance that Ishtar took him up on the offer to go get boba LMAO (...maybe after changing outta their performance gear)
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estrelladeishtar · 8 months ago
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Evening swim at the beach ✨
Little doodle I did for part of our NSR server's aggie collab ft my NSR OC Ishtar (,,,& Zion in the bg if you squint a bit) & @breadbox-draws's OC KK! Although this is a touched up version w use of CSP but regardless--
Link to the full collab is here!
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estrelladeishtar-archive · 1 year ago
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I... Realized I legit never have posted these solo on their own??? So LIKE. Figured I'd go ahead & do so, so here
Logos done for the NSR verse versions of my chars, Ishtar & Zion respectively (for a whole metaphorical boss fight against em if they were in game) o/
I also included a little "bbj vs" screen thing for em for fun along w like.. what I think the colored versions of their logos would be? yeah
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estrelladeishtar-archive · 1 year ago
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2 of the 3 doodles I did for part of NSR: RNR's serverwide aggie event for New Years, bc of course I'd draw my NSR sona for it LOL
(first image is based off rp stuff for halloween, hence outfit)
The full aggie collab is here!
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estrelladeishtar · 11 months ago
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More reposting ayyy
Anyway- This was the result of a friend & I headcanoning some stuff concerning how our OCs woulda looked like years ago in Vinyl City, so it led to me deciding to draw out Ishtar's past self & what they woulda been wearing! I also added a few minor notes on the first image on what woulda changed which... Not much honestly, BUT still. & ...As we can see, they cannot dress casually for shit as this is meant to be "more casual" for them /lh I stated this is about... close to 5 ish years ago since that's close sorta to timeframe that we were headcanoning for stuff? At least this applies to rp verse stuff for sure too, but... I'll elaborate one day what this is for in writing/posts s it deals w their backstory.
Not seen also is the fact that they got a lower back marking/tattoo (?) in present day self vs their past self. Of which they are reasons BUT regardless!
I'm still keeping the outfit for their present day self too to use (...we'll just say they got a newer version lmao) so yeah.
Also... for one of the little things that changed from then til now, up close: past self vs present day self, that I mentioned in the notes
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estrelladeishtar-archive · 1 year ago
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Vinyl City’s local space witch, more casual wear edition ✨ They do wear glasses on days they aren’t wearing contacts (…Also—human form edition)
…This was meant to be a doodle but ah—well. Got carried away LOL (They’re also wearing a cloak & bracelet, given to them by a friend of theirs during the holidays! Said friend is @/breadbox-draws’ OC KK)
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estrelladeishtar-archive · 1 year ago
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A friend & I were headcanoning some stuff regarding our OCs & the. Topic of what our characters woulda looked like years ago in Vinyl City woulda looked like? As opposed to now, thus I decided to draw Ishtar's past self w/ somethn they woulda been wearing (Past iteration being the. one on the left/1st one w shorter hair, one on the right/2nd's their present day self with longer hair--also additional lobe & industrial piercing as they did not have that before)
...As we can see, they cannot dress casually for shit /lh
I'm still keeping it for their present day self too to use (...we'll just say they got a newer version lmao, since their friend Zion does fashion design & has made outfits for em both), so because of that I drew what they look like now but in said outfit.
Also... another little thing that changed from then til now, up close: past self vs present day self
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estrelladeishtar-archive · 1 year ago
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Ishtar | full name Nyx Ishtar Celis
An alien musician from Catemaco, Mexico whose primary genre is trance/psytrance. Combining their interests in the occult & music would bring about a unique flair to their own sound they’d create, & they’ve come a long way throughout the years as a musician from back in Mexico all the way to their status now as a charter in Vinyl City. Amidst everything, they've risen above the several hardships & circumstances they were dealt to attain where they are now... Albeit such a journey has unfortunately made them distrusting of most. Despite the generally lighthearted & at times flirty disposition they uphold to those who don’t know them well, there's another side to them that’s much more personal, a more passionate & emotional side that only those who get to know them start to really see
Yes I mostly copypasted their info from their last post
This ref was LONG overdue but! I FINALLY did this updated quick ref for Ishtar! o/✨ Updated their logo... text.. thing too & their Toyhouse profile
Granted, I've debated on adding their ""wings"" they would have in their last form for their non-fandom version, but until I decide on that their NSR verse self stays as is here LOL (one day I'll have a full in depth ref sheet tho which also will explain what details are for non-fandom & what are for NSR). Body reference is included here but its just to show the markings they have! Also, the things they have closer to the base of their tail? The ones that are like additional fin/frill like appendages? they have those along their back/spine too, just not as visible from this angle (I'll go back & do a back view reference later but keeping that to TH cause I ain't feeling updating this post w that when I do it LOL)
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estrelladeishtar · 10 months ago
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Stargazing shenanigans with the Neon Starchasers duo
Two short mothefuckers stacked on one another in the second doodle, not pictured is Ishtar probably tumbling off if they run forward /J
Little work doodles I decided to digitalize, ft KK, @breadbox-draws's OC o/
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estrelladeishtar-archive · 1 year ago
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Wanted to illustrate the different ways that Ishtar's cosmic energy manipulation can manifest/be used, or at least the most common ways they use this when it comes to a fight (these absolutely would be attacks that would be in their boss fight if they were one--of course, attack patterns in sync with their music). It's one of their abilities aside from the other list of abilities they have, which full info on that's on their toyhou.se page here!
Had mostly written these out in response to rp related stuff in which Ishtar did use these abilities with someone sjldfs
I... Am not sure just how legible my handwriting is on this ksdlfs so tossing a small thing below a read more to help with what each of these says- (only going with the important information really), along with including precisely a description of their cosmic energy manipulation too in the read-more
Concerning their cosmic energy manipulation abilities:
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As for the text in the image...
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Text reads: Can take any stars they made/summoned & form a floating star barrier around themselves (& any allies, if necessary), which can be used as either:
A light source
A self defense strike (make the stars around them spin rapidly enough to cause damage to enemies that draw too close)
A ranged attack via sending out stars from this ring to strike an opponent
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Text reads:
Stars can float next to them freely/follow them
Can be sent out to attack--easier to dodge than comets, not as hard hitting, but tend to follow/lock on to a target for a bit & are not confined to a straight line trajectory
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Text reads:
Cosmic constructs can vary in size (planetary constructs tend to be more sizable, like so) *in ref to the image
<- (referring to the image) Sends out cosmic energy waves upon impact
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Text reads:
Comets fired off at enemies, shoot rapidly in single direction (harder to dodge if caught in its trajectory)
Needs to be charged before strike
Another tidbit I forgot to add, these comets would be able to be parried !
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Text reads:
Magic circles can be used by Ishtar to control their cosmic energy manifestations much more easily. can also just use these or other cosmic light trails to light places up
Arcane circle constructs used for creation/control of music (function in a manner akin to synthesizers). NECESSARY for "Venusian's Trance" ability
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Text reads:
Requires significantly more time to charge up- target will have a magic circle appear beneath them/on the ground they stand, which will follow them around for a few moments to try to lock on to the target, before locking on to a set spot (be it the target is still there or not). This allows said target enough time & awareness to dodge the cosmic blast
(This would... not be an parry-able attack sjdks & admittedly a small note to add is that it still is rather quick to fire off once locked on, so can still be a bit tricky to dodge sometimes)
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Text reads:
Cosmic tentacles/tendrils composed purely of cosmic energy can be summoned, but does take quite a bit of energy. Tendrils end up emitting lots of stars or stardust around where they were summoned.
Tendrils created through cosmic energy can have varied appearances; the tips of them can also turn sharp if desired
Stars left behind (when touched) can help charge up cosmic energy faster or can just be used in a star ring (see section for that) or as light
Multiple can be summoned, but there is a limit.
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Text reads: Note: Magic tends to have pinkish hues, may sometimes have purple as well. However, whenever they are coordinating with someone, esp via their "Venusian's Trance" ability, their magic will contain the same pink hues, as well as the color that is associated with the person they're coordinating with.
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estrelladeishtar-archive · 1 year ago
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⚠️ NOTE: This is not my art! Artist credit @/thewalkingbaka
Wanted to share these alt outfits for Ishtar that I got as a commission, to give an idea of Ishtar's style of outfits (aside from outfits I've designed also) First outfit (The Evening Star one) was one I picked out ref wise & named & was based off rp related stuff as well Third (Shooting star outfit) was a co-design thing & named by them, & the rest were designed & named by them based off inspo stuff I gave so o/
Divine Dancefloor & Shooting Star def would be alternate performance outfits I figure, aside from their main/primary performance gear
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estrelladeishtar · 11 months ago
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Ishtar | Full name Nyx-Ishtar Celis
An alien musician raised from Catemaco, Mexico whose primary genre out of the ones they explore is trance/psytrance. Combining their interests in the occult & music would bring about a unique flair to their own sound they’d create, & they’ve come a long way throughout the years as a musician from back in Mexico all the way to their status now as a charter in Vinyl City. Amidst everything, they've risen above the several hardships & circumstances they were dealt to attain where they are now… Albeit such a journey has unfortunately made them distrusting of most. Despite the generally lighthearted & at times flirty disposition they uphold to those who don’t know them well, there's another side to them that’s much more personal, a more passionate & emotional side that only those who get to know them start to really see
Figured I'd repost this here to kick off this blog, but! Ref of my OC/NSR Sona Ishtar, performance gear edition o/ Main reason they have a more... "regular" skin tone for human form is because I wanted that, when they shift to their actual/alien form, that the shift stands out, so! W/ their last form it'd be moreso akin to a blacklight-esque effect for them Also, they're very close knit with my OC Zion ✨
We'll ignore the fact that I'm planning to revamp this ref soon cause I feel it could be better </3 & also additional features for alien self altho it'd be one feature that can appear/disappear at will, will see
Also, a little bonus comparison of them with & without glasses LOL (as they alternate between contacts & glasses both)
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estrelladeishtar · 10 months ago
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Collab outfit design? Collab outfit design
SO amidst musing with @/breadbox-draws on interactions between Ishtar & KK (as DJ Apotheotic) for a Charter AU, the idea of them both doing a collab came up WHICH of course prompted designing this outfit as Ishtar would no doubt wanna match whomever they're performing with for a collab, so ✨
marking on the torso part, as well as the symbol on their visor & headphones, are actually that of the Pluto symbol, as shown below :
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Also- Included the flat color version just to show fit colors w/o all the shine & stuff lmao
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estrelladeishtar-archive · 1 year ago
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Probably had a weird fan approach em or something
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estrelladeishtar-archive · 1 year ago
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Messin around a bit more w/ style for this? Anyway Ishtar doodle w/ more casual wear rather than their usual performance gear
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