#OC: Alada Trevelyan
esmeralda-juniper · 5 years
How Blackwall managed to fool everyone at Skyhold
Blackwall: complete lies and utter nonsense about being a Grey Warden
Everyone else:
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esmeralda-juniper · 5 years
i know you're going to post it later but i must know asap #49 and #27 and #26! It can be for Alada 1 or 2, whomst, i would one day like to know the au differences! xoxo take ur time :))
Thanks so much, it took so long because I decided to do it for both! Ask list here
The short(ish) version is both Alada(s) escaped the circle but Alada(2) met someone and had two daughters with him. Alada didn’t and is kind of like the hardened version of Leliana! More under the cut because it’s long lol
26.  Hmmm so trust and Alada do not really go in the same sentence lol. For 12 years she’s been on her own and only trusts herself and uses her talents so she is super quick to write someone off. Everyone has hidden intentions to her and it’s only a matter of finding out what they are to her. To even start a relationship of trust, someone has to impress her. That can mean a lot of things though, but for example Bull just went out and said he’s with the Qun and a Ben-Hassrath. He didn’t bullshit her and told her the truth so she immediately liked him. Alada also has opinions on people straight away (looking at you Cassandra and Cullen) and can’t see through them no matter what. But if you can earn some respect from Alada she’s more than willing to start small with trusting you until one day she fully trusts you if that makes sense. Think of her like a cat honestly. Give her time and space and she’ll come to you eventually but it might take some time. Alada knows someone’s really trying if they stick with her to get to know her better. 
Alada(2): Lol it’s kind of cheesy but she trusts what her daughters feel. She fully believes children see more or different things than adults do. If they say something is up with a person then Alada just says nope and moves on. BUT they’re not with her all the time so she trusts her gut more than anything. She decided to trust someone on pure instinct before and that led to her finding her husband then starting her family. Also someone needs to be “nice” in a way. If you’re not completely rude or an ass to her or someone else, then you’re on her good side already. Alada builds full and complete trust with someone over time though, which is why by the time they defeat Corypheus she trusts all her followers and advisors way more than the first few months.  
27.  HELL NO. She and Cassandra aren’t on the best of terms anyway so I doubt she would ask Alada anyway. Alada would have to throw hands with the nearest Seeker when she found out about reversing tranquility. She’s seen good friends made tranquil before and knows how horrible it is to watch those you care about be like and she couldn’t imagine losing emotion that way either. She hates the Chantry with all her being and knowing that their police force let this form of torture persist isn’t surprising but makes her angry anway. Alada can’t see anyway for the Seekers to change even with people (or maybe just Cassandra) willing to change it. She doesn’t want templars to exist so why would she continue an organization whose job it is to look over templars? No she wants the circles/templars and hell even the Chantry to fall, so she doesn’t want the Seekers rebuilt. If Josie would let her, she would make an official Inquisition statement saying the Seekers can get Fucked. (the tldr version: In game I said “No”) 
A2:Internally no. She does not trust or like Templars, and Seekers are supposed to police them and in Alada’s view they haven’t done that at all. Outside of the circle she’s heard all about the other Circles in Thedas and knows the system of abuse it is. Again, she also had a bigger reaction to finding out the cure to tranquility (fuck you BioWare lol) and can’t believe the organization kept that a secret. (Not sure of its canon but I bet the Divines knew about the reversal) Alada does like Cassandra though, they grew closer than both thought they would so she’s on the fence. She does believe Cassandra could turn the organization around for better BUT she doesn’t want templars or circles to imprison mages. Ultimately she tells Cassandra to do what she thinks is best and if she could, Alada wouldn’t let the inquisition support her openly. She let the mages join as free allies, so supporting another arm of the Chantry would feel like going behind their back. (In game though I just said rebuild it)
49. Not sure if they mean main foe or not so I’ll do a little of both! I honestly think they would both hate fighting the rebel mages. More than anything they want to speak with them and tell them she’s on their side. It honestly urges both of them to hurry up and go to Redcliffe to speak with the rebel mages. She wants to tell them that she may be called “The Herald of Andraste” but she is not associated with the Chantry.
Alada thinks it wack she has to fight Florianne after letting her assassinate Celene. She doesn’t like her by any means, but the one thing they could agree on was that Celene had to GO. If she could, she would have captured Florianne and made her work for the Inquisition. How? Idk but I bet she could get Leliana to do something about it. BUT it was ultimately a good idea to kill her to tie off any loose ends and play the part of “Oh no Celene is dead, I was too late to help, my bad!” It was a pretty easy fight with Blackwall, Dorian, Varric, and her all going in on her though, “Like come on Florianne let me have some fun at this ball.”
A2: She doesn’t want to fight Samson actually! She’s listened to Cullen but she also talked with Hawke and Varric about what Samson was like in Kirkwall. She knows he helped mages escape the Gallows and he could be considered a “good templar” but that’s not saying much. She also read the messages she found from him to his soldiers, and knows he cares for him. She doesn’t think anyone is completely evil and that he must have his reasons for supporting Corypheus but she’s not exactly sure. At the Well she fights him from letting him take that knowledge to C but she doesn’t want to hurt him BUT she can’t let him have use of the Well.
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esmeralda-juniper · 4 years
Post Four Songs That Describe Your OC!
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I was tagged by @elffyness​ so I did it for my Inquisitor Alada “Aly” Trevelyan! 
Here she is in all her Xbox CC glory 
Under the cut because it’s kind of long lol
1. Listen Before I Go |  Billie Eilish
Sorry can't save me now Sorry I don't know how Sorry there's no way out (Sorry) But down Taste me, the salty tears on my cheek That's what a year-long headache does to you I'm not okay, I feel so scattered Don't say I'm all that matters Leave me, déjà vu
2. Hope To Die | Orville Peck 
Take me back to the time I was yours and you were mine Take me back to the world I know You were crying They don't cry when we're gone I'm still undone, not quite young But I, I still try Cross my heart, now I hope to die
3. Younger Now | Miley Cyrus 
Even though it's not who I am I'm not afraid of who I used to be No one stays the same You know what goes up must come down Change is a thing you can count on I feel so much younger now
4. Girls Just Wanna Have Some | Chromatics 
That's all they really want Some fun When the working day is done Oh girls, they wanna have fun Oh girls, just wanna have fun Some boys take a beautiful girl And hide them away from the rest of the world I wanna be the one to walk in the sun Oh girls, they wanna have fun
(idk this is a just a fun song she would love to dance around to lol) 
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