#OC Saturday is still on hold but submission are still open!
Question about oc saturday from a newcomer: Are web weaves about oc's allowed to be submitted?
Had to consider this one for a sec, but I think generally (for now at least) I’d like to keep it focused more on original oc-based art and writing :•]
I think if you created all the elements of the web weave yourself or incorporated them into a larger art piece that would work, but otherwise I don’t think I’ll be featuring them for now. Same goes for moodboards, collages, etc. Thank you for asking though! I would like to find a way to introduce people to more stuff like that sometime, and I do think they’re a very fun way to get to know people’s ocs. Maybe in the future I’ll take a special Saturday just to highlight that specific kind of oc content :•]
I’ve also been considering leaning into the “prompt“ side of this account a little more and asking people to make or submit stuff for OC Saturday based on specific prompts or themes too, so encouraging people to make and submit oc web weaves and stuff like that could totally be one of those too!
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bebepac · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday 04.17.22 / Mood Music Monday
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I feel like I’m starting to really find my way again. I have some things planned for the next few weeks  for my mental health and well being including a vacation coming up soon, and I’m starting to really feel better about things.  
Do I still get misty eyed at times when a random thought pops into my head about her, yes.  But there are way more smiles in between now. 
But I feel like I’m getting to a better place now.  Baby steps.  
Here’s what I have posted in the last week or so in case you’re so inclined to check up on what i’ve been up to: 
The Blue Honey Cafe: Saturday Night Fish Fry
A Piece of Heaven on Earth: Part 5
Original Post  04/17/22  at 4:26PM EST. 
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Mood Music Monday Submission / Wacky Drabbles submission
Southern Gentlemen Be Like
The Series:  The Blue Honey Cafe
The Book:  TRR (no royals) 
Pairings:  None:  
Status: Still in the writing process
Song Inspiration: Ridin’ Solo by Jason Derulo
“Come on in Riley.”  
She smiled walking into Liam’s office.  Even though his door was open she still politely knocked.
Liam stood when she entered the room; he was a true southern gentleman.
“So chivalry isn’t dead?”  
“No it’s not, at least not in my circle of friends that I associate with.  You look impressed.”  
“It’s just that…. It’s silly.”  
“No, tell me.  I want to know.”  
“It’s a fine line to walk being an independent woman. You standing just now, shows respect, like opening doors, or pulling out a chair for me, or buying a meal.  I can do all of those things myself.”
“Maybe it’s not always about what you can do for yourself Riley.  You don’t have to prove anything for me to know you are strong and independent.  I see it in your stride and the way you look everyone here in the eyes with confidence.  I know you’re a perfectly capable woman, with the ability of taking care of yourself. Sometimes it’s about allowing someone to take care of you, permitting them to allow you to take a break, because it gets tiring being the strong one all the time.  It doesn’t make you weak, permitting someone to take care of you.”
“That makes sense.”  
“Glad you see it my way.  I do really make a lot of sense sometimes.”
Liam clasped his hands together.
“Who were you previously partnered with learning the system?”  
Liam smiled.  
“So we’re going to start from scratch.”
Riley laughed.  “Might be the best thing. Getting answers from him is like pulling international spy secrets from a hyperactive two year old with the attention span of a flea at times.”
Liam laughed out loud, shaking his head.  “You’re really not wrong about that. What was Bertrand thinking?”
“But I did figure out some things with the system on my own.  Believe  it or not, I’m not just another cute skirt.”  
“Let’s see what you got then.”
Liam led her over to the small conference table, and pulled out a chair.   Riley politely smiled and when she was about to sit Liam sat in the chair instead.
He quickly jumped up laughing, “I’m just kidding! Oh my, the look on your face!!! This chair was really for you.”
Liam jumped up holding out his hand,  “Please sit here.”  
Riley’s smile returned.  “You got me.  Thank you.”  Riley sat down in the seat, and Liam pulled out the one next to her.  
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Part 6
Series: A Piece of Heaven on Earth
The Book: TRR (no royals) 
Pairings: Liam x Riley / Riley x Nico (Riley x M!OC)
Status:  Still in the writing process
At dinner Taylor intently watched Riley with Nico.  They seemed close, friendly even, but something about them just seemed off.  Even the way Riley responded to him touching her.  Nico was teetering on clingy with her. Yes, it was clear he was completely smitten with her sister, but Riley didn’t seem to be completely relaxed with him, like she couldn’t be her true self with him.  Riley didn’t seem that into him honestly.
That evening Taylor decided to talk to Riley for a bit as she  was settling down for sleep in the guest room.
“Hey Rye, are you comfortable?”
“Better than sleeping in a crib or sharing Chance’s dog bed with him.  I guess I’m fine.  Thank you for letting him sleep in here with me.  He hasn’t left my side since I’ve been here. Chance was always affectionate, but this is a new level for him.”
She looked down at him, smiling as his head rested on her stomach.  He licked her hand again, nuzzling it, causing Riley to rub his snout.  Chance’s tail wagged happily.
"I love you too boy." She gently scratched his forehead. Chance's tail wagged so much his whole body shook.
“He missed you Riley, so much. We all thought we were going to lose you. So what’s really up with you and Nico?”  
“He’s nice.  He makes me laugh, and you know, he’s not perfect, but  I can tell he really cares about me, and I don’t want to be alone anymore.  Life’s so short,  and it made me realize I work so much and don’t have anyone to spend my time off with other than Chance and you guys.  Nico is not a bad guy.”  
“He's not a bad guy Riley, but he’s not the right guy Riley.  He’s not.  Can't you feel it?  You could be connected to someone, the way you always hoped, that you were. Like something’s missing. Someone is missing?”  
“Everyone doesn’t get that feeling Taylor, like the world stops when they meet someone.  I’ve never felt that before.”
“You had it, you just don’t remember.  Try to remember Riley. Nico’s nice, but he’s not the one you’re supposed to be with.”  
That night when Riley was sleeping Chance woke up abruptly when she came into the room.  
“I am not going to hurt her, I just need to give her a message.”  
He growled softly; Riley stirred but did not wake.
Olivia leaned closer to Riley’s ear.  
“Go to  Apple Valley Park tomorrow morning for a run, and take your miserable mutt with you.”
She looked at Chance. “You know what to do, Chance.”  Olivia poked his nose.
“That’s one down, one to go.”  
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Fall From Grace
Series: The Rotten Apple 🍎
The Book:  TRH and beyond
Pairings:  Liam x Riley /  Eleanor x Nico (Eleanor x M!OC)
Status:  Still in the writing process
“King Liam, I still want to press charges against Eleanor for my son’s murder.”  
“She’s not well.”  
“I. DON’T. CARE.”  
“Yes you do Nico, you love me."
“I told you Eleanor… I tried to warn you.”  
“Shut up… SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!!!”  Elle screamed.  
She collapsed to the floor in front of them. They knew she wasn’t screaming at them.  Eleanor was hallucinating.
"Eleanor…" Liam reached out his hand to her.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She screamed, knocking his hand away. She curled up in a ball on the floor while she cried.
“Look at her, it's clear some psychotic break has happened. She needs help. She needs to be hospitalized tonight. It’s clear, she’s not in her right mind Nico.  And you know, I believe if someone does something wrong, they should be held accountable for their crimes.  My daughter is mentally ill. Look at her.”  
“She killed my son.”  
“And she needs medical treatment for her mental illness, not a prison. We need to get her to the SUV now.”
“Your Majesty…..”
“Is she right? Do you still love her?”  
“She killed my son…” Nico repeated again.
“That’s not what I asked. If you ever loved my daughter, you will help me now.”  
Nico crouched next to her. He winced in pain. King Liam had definitely broke a rib or two. He gently ran his fingers through Elle's hair.
"Elle, are you ready to go?"
"Nico? You're not mad at me anymore?"
"I'm sorry I yelled at you.  You were right about everything. Are you ready to leave?”  
“Right now? But I haven’t packed anything yet.”  
Nico smiled.  “It’s okay.  We’ll have everything we need when we get there.”  
“And we’ll start over? You, me, and the baby?”  
“Yes, we’ll start over Elle.  Let me help you up.”  
He pulled Elle up and she threw her arms around him hugging him.
“I knew it. I knew I could trust you.  I’ll do better, I promise, I’ll try harder for you and the baby.”  
“Don’t worry about that right now.”  
“I’m so tired, Nico.”  Elle leaned into him.  
“I’ll carry you.  You just rest.  I’ll wake you when we get there.”  
Nico picked up Elle and she rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.
"Just rest Elle." He whispered softly to her.
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A Girl’s Best Friend (Peter Parker x OC) - Part 17
Synopsis: Diamonds are man’s best friend- or dogs are girls’ best friends, wait… how does the saying go again?
Warnings: Family issues; Peter has a crush and it’s complicated; mention of assault; good dogs; College AU; aged up! characters; TONY STARK IS ALIVE AND WE ALL LIVE IN A HAPPY PLACE CALLED DENIAL
A/N: Is anyone still there? I swear things are going to happen soon, your pain is nearing the end now hehe (I love writing slow burns)
Word count: 2.7k
Part 16 <<< >>> Part 18
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               From the outside, a sense of normalcy seemed to have returned in their lives. Peter waited for Emmeline outside the door to her class; Emmeline walked with Peter and Tessa in-between her classes on Fridays; they sometimes ate together before she returned home at the end of the day.
               The outcome of their conversation was certainly not one Peter had known to expect. He had been prepared to wave goodbye to the friendship he had built with Emmeline – and tried very hard not to think about what it would have become if he hadn’t fucked up. Then again, nothing could ever have happened between them as long as she didn’t know the truth about him.
               The first Saturday, when she walked out of the elevator and made a beeline for him in the Stark Tower lab, Peter broke into a grin that wouldn’t waver the entire day.
“Hey you!” she greeted him, returning the beaming smile and joined him behind the desk.
“Hey yourself,” Peter answered, almost twisting his neck when he followed her with his gaze.
               She set down her bag and hung her coat on the back of a chair before coming to stand next to him.
“What are you working on?” she wondered, leaning in to have a closer look. “Is this a miniature motorbike?” Her eyebrows shot so high up that Peter lost sight of them.
“Oh, it’s nothing, it’s just-“ he caught himself right before the lie came out, and just when Emmeline gave him a skeptical side glance. “I mean, yeah. It’s for Hope. It’s got all kinds of equipment and features that normal bikes don’t have, of course. And it’s fast – like real fast.”
“Hope?” Emmeline asked.
               She didn’t point out Peter’s deep blush that he always seemed to sport whenever he said anything related to his work with the Avengers. Unlearning to lie about his double life would take a while, they were both aware of that fact.
“The Wasp,” he explained. He took the motorbike in his hand to have something else to focus his attention on, and try to get his own face in check. It shouldn’t be possible to blush this much. “It’s not its normal size, obviously. Just checking a few things before she tries it out.”
               Emmeline made a hand gesture, silently asking if she could hold it and Peter handed it over very carefully, letting her lift it to eyelevel and examine it from up close. She didn’t say anything, only hummed appreciatively a few times.
“When will I meet the Avengers?” she asked as she put it back on Peter’s desk.
               Peter’s jaw dropped and he stayed open-mouthed and at loss for words a few seconds, until he saw the expression on Emmeline’s face and the glimmer of playfulness behind her eyes.
“You already met two of them. The best ones,” he told her, now standing up.
               He would finish working on Hope’s motorbike later; when Emmeline dropped by, they worked together on his Spider suit. It was the first time they would work on it knowing it was his…
“Oh! Of course, silly me!” she laughed, slapping her palm against her forehead. “Turns out, you’re the most famous of us two! Who’d have thought, ugh?”
               Peter rolled his eyes and turned around, walking backwards as they made their way towards the back of the room.
“I also photograph way better than you,” he teased her before quickly dodging her arm when she attempted to smack his head. “What’s that in your hand?” he asked when he spotted the paper bag and the familiar logo.
“Oh nothing…” Emmeline trailed off, lifting the bag and peeking inside. “Only your favorite muffin from your favorite place,” she announced, holding the bag behind her back and out of reach when Peter tried to snatch it from her hand. She placed a palm flat against his chest to keep him at a distance.
               Not that it could stop Peter, but her mere touch sent him in a state of complete submission and he froze immediately when her hand was over his heart. He dropped his hand.
“No, you didn’t. I stopped there on my way here, they were all out. I say you’re bluffing!”
“Oh, not for me, baby, they aren’t,” she bragged, wiggling her eyebrows and walking past him, bag still out of his reach. “And since you’re so mean to me, I might eat it myself. If you want one, try going there in your Spider suit!”
“Isn’t that abuse of power?” he wondered, though seriously considering her suggestion. Nah, if Tony found out, he would confiscate the suit, and then wouldn’t he look smart scouting the streets of Queens in his old, DYI suit?
“You kids having a good time?” Mr. Stark’s voice suddenly asked, coming out of nowhere. Emmeline and Peter looked around but saw no one. “Cameras, guys. They are everywhere. Microphones too. Just casually letting you know, in case you decide to get naughty because you think I can’t see you.”
“Ah!” Emmeline exclaimed dramatically, raising both hands in the air. “Here goes my plan for the day!”
“Keep it in your pants, this is a workplace, we only do work-related stuff and nothing fun whatsoever,” Stark said, unable to sound even remotely stern. Then he switched on some music, blasting AC/DC in the lab. “Now get to work, I don’t pay you to slack off!”
               He seemed to tune off and only the background music remained, but Peter frowned and shot Emmeline a confused look.
“Pay? He doesn’t pay us?” He said it like a question, wondering if he was being paid this whole time and didn’t realize. “For my fake internship?”
“I don’t know about you, but I got a legit internship. So yeah, I’m getting paid now.” She shrugged and Peter picked up the clue.
“What? Since when? Why haven’t you told me?” he questioned, feeling a little offended that she kept that from him all this time.
               She winced.
“It’s pretty recent…” she trailed off, biting on her lip. “Tony came to my place shortly after New Year’s Eve,” she started and Peter immediately knew what was what.
               Tony Stark, ever the match-maker, decided to take matters in his own hands and help Peter out after he confessed that Emmeline found out about his secret identity. Or maybe he was simply desperate to get Peter to stop mopping around in his lab.
“I thought he came to plead your cause so I told him to go fuck himself at first,” she then told him. Those words pulled the brakes on Peter’s train of thoughts.
               He stared blankly at her for a second or two or more.
“You said what to who now?” he asked dumbly, blinking slowly while she rolled her eyes at him.
“It’s true,” Tony’s voice came again. It seemed it came out of the same speakers through which F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke. “I have the recording, if you want to hear it. And see? She calls me Tony!”
“It’s very rude to eavesdrop on other people’s conversations!” Peter snapped before remembering who he was talking to. “Can we have a little privacy, Mr. Stark?”
               Only a faint chuckle answered his request, then it was only Back to Black again. He could only hope he wasn’t listening anymore. For being such a busy person, Tony sure had a lot of time on his hands if he spent it spying on him whenever his crush was around.
               Peter was pulled out of his internal musings by Emmeline’s laughter.
“You’re too cute, you know that?” she simply asked, not expecting an answer but chucking him the muffin. “Anyway, long story short: he didn’t come to beg me to forgive you on your behalf, but he offered me an internship.”
“A real one? A legit, normal internship?” Peter felt the need to ask for clarification.
“No, I’m actually a superhero too now. Code name’s Captain Sarcasm,” Emmeline replied with a smirk.
               She crossed her arms over her chest while Peter glared at her through narrowed eyes, not appreciating the jokes she made at his expense.
“Don’t you make that face at me, Peter Parker!” She held out a finger and poked him in the chest. “I bought you the best and also last pecan and white chocolate chip muffin in all of New York City, it’s a debt you’ll never be able to pay off, so you better be nice to me.”
“I saved your life! Twice!” he pointed out.
               He didn’t really think about what he was doing when he grabbed her finger – he just wanted to make her stop poking him accusingly in the chest. But then he was holding her hand against his own chest, and she still didn’t move it, and he was ready to melt on the floor right then and there. Where was Tony when he needed him?
“Who’s counting?” she simply said with a smile.
               Without letting go of his hand, she walked the last few steps to their workshop, dragging him along.
                 Emmeline hadn’t left town to avoid Peter; she didn’t hole herself up in her room and left all other rooms of her penthouse in the dark to throw him off. No, Emmeline hadn’t done that.
               What she had done, though, was blackmail her own parents into getting her out of her big, empty penthouse and allow her to gain some kind of autonomy. After the events of December, she had something to hold against them, something that would sink her father’s political career faster than the Titanic: they had left her behind.
               The mayor and his lady wife had fled the scene of the shooting, ignoring all their supposedly natural parental instincts that would have made them stay until they knew their daughter was safe. The city was still recovering from the event, it would be the perfect timing for Emmeline to go live on TV, telling everyone what terrible parents they were.
               They had spent her entire life forcing riches onto her as if it made up for everything else that lacked in her life. She chose to take this as a fair retribution. She told them to sell the penthouse, that she never wanted to set foot there again, and instead to buy her a reasonably sized place of her own choosing, in a quiet and not so in-your-face neighborhood, a place normal people with a decent income could also afford, and not only the wealthy 1 %.
               The new place was in her name, entirely paid for. All she asked of her parents now was to cover her expenses until she had a steady job of her own. In exchange, she would keep her scandalous family secrets to herself, continue to play pretend when they needed to appear as a united family, but not have any other ties to them. She was legal after all, the only thing still tying her down was her lack of money.
               She did have a pretty hefty amount of money in her trust fund, but she wouldn’t have access to it for another few years, and she was petty enough to ask her parents to pay for everything a while longer – they liked to buy her affection so much, she figured buying her silence would be the same.
               The new place was radically different, in all aspects. Peter liked it a lot, and he had told her so many times. She didn’t keep anything from her old apartment, expect one object.
“I can’t believe you kept this, of all things,” Peter mused, throwing the glasswork in the air and catching it behind his back.
               He did this now. He showed off. Emmeline noticed a few subtle changes in his behavior since she found out he was Spider-Man. He didn’t hold back anymore now that he didn’t have to pretend to be an average young man, he allowed himself more liberty around her. She liked that.
“It has a certain sentimental value, you see,” she had told him, taking it from him and setting back on its stand. “Couldn’t leave it behind.”
               Peter chuckled and continued to explore the place. It was a typical open space apartment in one of those old buildings that get restored every ten years. This one had a particular charm, and the lighting was great. She had done marvelously well with the decorating.
               The wooden floor that creaked in some places was her favorite thing, she told him. The walls were a warm dark red color on the side where her bed proudly stood, and the rest of the apartment was painted a dusty orange. Only warm, rich colors, with wooden furniture, lots of small lamps to creates a cozy atmosphere.
               He hadn’t truly measured how impersonal her previous place was, how unlike her. It was obvious now that she hadn’t had a word to say in the decoration of the penthouse, while everything here had been her choice. Every book on her shelves, every plant hanging from the ceiling, and every cushion lined with fringes.
“You’re unusually quiet,” she commented when Peter still hadn’t spoken a word after ten minutes of looking around. “Do you hate it?”
               Peter spun around, hand in his front pockets, a little smile dancing on his lips.
“It’s great. I love it.”
“But?” she pressed him.
“But there’s no balcony.” He pouted, but Emmeline’s frown turned into a smirk. “What? Is there?”
               She lived on the first floor, she couldn’t have one.
“Come with me,” she said, gesturing him to follow her.
               They walked past the bed and the kitchen area and to a narrow backdoor that he had assumed led to an inner courtyard, or a private parking space. But it wasn’t that.
“Wha-“ Peter couldn’t believe his eyes. “You have your own garden in New York City?” he asked, fighting the urge to touch the grass to make sure it was real. It was small, but real.
“Even better than a balcony, ugh?” Her smirk grew even wider. “Thought it was a nice touch, and Bella loves it.”
“I can imagine,” Peter replied distractedly, picturing Tessa playing here.
               He stopped himself right there. He couldn’t let himself wander on such slippery slopes right now. Why would his mind even go there? Emmeline had only just let him back into her life, two weeks ago he thought he had ruined everything between them. He couldn’t think about how much Tessa would enjoy having a bit of open space instead of living in a small student dorm.
               He especially shouldn’t linger too much on the homey feel of her place, of how hard it hit him that he would love to live in a place like this. He simply couldn’t think about her the way he did.
               There was much to rebuild before he could even think about making a move again. Whatever small step he had taken when he asked her out was in the past now. Since then, he had taken a hundred steps backwards, and now he had to fix what he broke before thinking about picking up where they left things off.
               Trust, among other things.
               He had to unlearn his automatic response to inquisitive questions, become used to tell her the truth when he had to disappear at random times of the day, something for a few hours, sometimes for days. He hadn’t realized how many white lies he told within a single day before he started telling the truth.
               He couldn’t find his words anymore, suddenly too overcome with emotion to speak. It was a daunting task to try and mend the broken limbs of their fragile relationship, and the weight of his own lies and mistakes felt heavy on his chest. It would take time, patience, effort, resilience.
               However, when he turned around to meet her expectant smile, waiting for him to finish his sentence, it didn’t seem that impossible, and more than anything: he realized it would be worth it. She was worth it; and if he had been head over heels for her before, he realized he had another thing coming, because now that she was freer than ever, she would truly begin to shine and blossom in a way she couldn’t until now.
“It’s perfect.”
Reblog to save a writer
Taglist: @of-virtuoso @justanothergenzkid @the-freefeather​ @complete-trash-101​
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spnfanficpond · 6 years
January Angel Fish Awards
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations. If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle or Mana to check and make sure we got your submission.
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And we’d like to make a special shout out and say thank you to Ana and Kenzi for your total of 15 Angel Fish Nominations this month! The two of you together nominated 14 authors and the kind of passion for reading and reciprocating your feedback is exactly what we love to see. Thank you both for sharing so much love this month! 
Nominated by @sorenmarie87
The Pact (series) by @coffee-obsessed-writer
Jen’s fics are always so well written and detailed to a point where it feels like it could actually happen.  Not to mention her characterization is on point.  This fic in particular is different from what I’ve read before and everyone should give it a chance. 
Nominated by @littlegreenplasticsoldier
How You & I Will Be (series) by @katehuntington
I’m nominating this fic, which (fair disclosure) I beta’d becuase it does a really really really really great job of fulfilling the brief it set out to achieve: making you cry.
It’s a story of unrequited love between Dean and the reader and it’s doomed, from the outset.  Kate unpacks nearly every angle and moment and hold them up for you as they burn away, right in from of your eyes.  Ruby-level patience.  Nice at brutal.
So if you like your angst and tears, have at it friends.  Cheers, Ali.
(TW for major character death.)
Nominated by @rosieakacanadianspnhunter
Thunder Rolls by @amanda-teaches 
I'm not afraid of thunder, but I definitely felt the fear. I'd totally pretend to be if it meant Dean would distract me this way! I loved the addition of Dean telling the reader what his own biggest fear is! Hot!
Nominated by @percywinchester27
The First Bite  (oneshot) by @shy-violet-soul
Firstly, can I just say that I am absolutely in love with their work? The writer is so sure of what they want to say and know exactly how to say it. And that is a rare thing, when no word is unnecessary. I absolutely fell in love with the characterization of young Dean and Sam. And the OCs are enchanting. Don’t remember the last time I fell in love with an OC so quickly! And the husband-wife duo in the fic are simply adorable. The context and background of the story paint a lovely picture. And Dean… damn that boy breaks your heart. All in all would recommend it 100% Go check the author out!
  The Babysitter (series) @mrswhozeewhatsis
I never thought I would ever commit to a 65 chapter series, but damn! this one felt like a couple of pages, and even after it ended, I was running around my room, screaming like a zombie with “MOREEEEEEEEEEEE.” This could have very well been a parallel world in itself. Like another reality that Jack could create a rift to, where the Winchesters are happy. They have this sister/mother/friend figure in their lives who is absolutely awe-inspiring. She is tender, good and badass but oh so realistic with her feelings. I go back and read the timestamps a lot and my fav chapter where they are in the hotel room at the very end and prank the hell out of everyone else. I was in splits the first time and still am. This doesn’t white wash John, but brings out the best in him. JUST. GO. READ IT. You are fucking welcome!
Living With Regrets (series) by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
The pain!! OH GOD THE PAIN!! The author can personally attest to how I hounded her over this series in her IMs. The timing of each chapter is so perfect that it just leave you with the right amount of angst and desperation for the next chapter. I wanted to push both the characters together and close the door behind them so they could just fucking TALK!! I am emotional about this okay? Also while I wanted to hug and cuddle the little OC, I wanted to strangle and murder the other one!! This series brought out quite a lot of passion in me, one that I didn’t know I had the capacity of feeling over a fictional work, still does. It is an adorable little world that you all should definitely be a part of! Go…go….go!!
Silk and Rough Velvet (series) by @blacktithe7
SARV was the first long series I attempted to read. Also the first AU. It altered my life. Rockstar!Jensen suddenly became a real thing. Y'all have no clue how much this series had awed me. Even now when I mention the series to a third party, my first reaction is - “You haven’t read it? What are you doing with your life?” It has the perfect amount of love, angst and fluff. Gosh! It is the freaking best! Most days there are no words. Today is one of them!
Series Rewrite (series) @torn-and-frayed
A true masterpiece! I don’t know how do you even begin to attempt something like this. The reader is inserted in the rewrite SO FLAWLESSLY!!! SO EFFORTLESSLY that it is crazy! Like what even??? I mean she has a personality of her own. And as strong a presence as Sam or Dean. More importantly, she does not undermine the relationship of the brothers. Does not take away from their moments, all the while creating her own bonds. I love that she is in love with Dean. But damn, I love what she has with Sam, too. The author manages to perfectly capture the essence of the rewrite in the best way possible. Excellent job!
Fresh Start (series) by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes
This one is unique in it’s uncomplicatedness (that isn’t a word, but deal with it) Like whoa, the reader is so fucking relatable! I am sure all authors can relate when they make a reader super-strong, super-understanding, super-witty. This one is just super-relatable. And that is the hardest fucking thing to do! The OC is charming AF, and the underlying pain of a dead lover is significant. It is not in your face, it is not too underplayed, but it’s subtle and THERE. Kudos at having achieved the perfect balance of everything. It is rare and awesome! Read this ONE!
Close Every Door (series) by @jotink78
I have never known the sort of pain and angst that this series inflicted on me, I kid you not. I wanted to steamroll everyone,and everybody. If you caught me reading a chapter, there was a good chance that I was either feeling extremely murderous and was sobbing incessantly in the corner. I’ve said it before, despite being one of the kindest people, the author sure knows how to be cruel when it comes to writing. This series is sure to rip your freaking heart part, stomp all over it and out it back. BUT SO WORTH IT!!
More Than You Bargained For (series) by @luci-in-trenchcoats
Best bodyguard!AU I have ever read. It was fun and exciting without getting too palpitating, which is good because the chase and suspense were fantastically written. And the twist at the end, you’d never fucking see that coming. I bet!! I love how they slowly fall for each other even through all their differences. This one I couldn’t put down, it was so good. If you are looking for something to curl up with on a cozy and comfortable Saturday, this is your THING!! Don’t forget to curl in with a blanket and hot mug of coffee before you get started!  
Five years of Christmas (oneshot) by @deanssweetheart23
This is a life worth’s contentment packed in a single fic, neatly wrapped and gifted to you. The words have the softness of petals and the harshness of shards of ice that pierce you and then you die! But then come back later. The author doesn’t only make fiction out the words…. she makes poetry. It flows, straight into your heart. Now, you might think I am being cheesy, but read the fic and then come back. We’ll see who is cheesy then! But seriously, y'all need to get behind this. It is the freaking best. I am in love <3
Nominated by @ellen-reincarnated1967
Red String of Fate (oneshot) by @evansrogerskitten
Sweet, serendipitous, a bit heartbreaking, and an 'Ah ha! Yes!!!' ending!!! Honestly, I'd recommend everything on her masterlist, but I've been saving this one for a rainy day read and was not disappointed!
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
What Could Have Been (series) by @flamencodiva
Holy moly, this series is killing me. SO MUCH ANGST, yet there’s sweet stuff mixed in there, too. Every day, I look forward to seeing if there’s a new chapter posted!
The Cursed (series) by @saxxxology
This series was posted before, and Saxxxy edited it and reposted it, and it’s fabulous, now! It’s got an intriguing premise, Sweet and protective Sammy, and super hot Alpha!Sam smut! *shiver* It’s awesome! 
Her Saviours (series) by @bamby0304
This series is giving me a heart attack. There’s John, there’s Sam, there’s Dean, but John’s gone, and Sam’s recovering from Jess’s death, and Dean is sweet but has his wandering eye. It’s ABO, and there’s so much love and heartbreak and hormones that I honestly can’t wait for the next chapter to post!
Wishverse (series) by @crashdevlin
This series is a sequel to another series, A Hard Ten. After what happens in Hard Ten, the reader gets her wish and goes back in time, getting the chance to metaphorically turn left instead of right. It’s got sweetness and smutty smut and angst and everything you could ever want! Seeing how everything plays out is fascinating as hell, and I can’t wait to see where this ends up!
Nominated by @samsexualdeancurious
The Cursed (series) by @saxxxology 
This is a repost of one of the many fabulous fics that were lost when Saxxy’s blog got deleted, so a lot of people have already read it at least once. It hasn’t gotten many notes this time around, though, which is an absolute crime because this fic is just as amazing the second time around as it was the first.
Bitten (series) by @saxxxology 
I am head over heels in love with this fic. It has a perfect blend of angst, fluff, and smut, and I’ve been enjoying every word of it.
Tomorrow (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage 
This fic is so cute! I love Dean so much, especially in this fic. Rhi writes him so well and every word out of his mouth is just so Dean is hurts. Also, I can guarantee most of us have at least felt the way this reader does, which makes this fic even more perfect.
Forbidden (oneshot) by @becs-bunker 
This fic murdered me. I am dead and writing this from my suite in Hell. Crowley says “hi” and that he agrees this fic is perfectly sinful. It’s not a fic for anyone who doesn’t like Wincest or Full House of Wincest, but it’s definitely a fic for me.
Playing Victim (oneshot) by @crispychrissy 
Ugh, yes. Gimme all the Sub!Dean/Dom!Reader. There’s simply not enough of that in this fandom and Chrissy nails it so well. Also, the gif she used? Should be illegal.
Three Kisses (oneshot by) @impala-dreamer  
I was dying by the end of this fic. A little angsty, a lot sexy, and then fucking hilarious. Rebekah writes Sam and Dean so well, especially Dean’s snarky big brother side, and I love it.
Nominated by @manawhaat
Let Me Carry You (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, OW!!! Ugh, this fic hurts so fucking good. It’s soft, it’s brutal, it’s so sad it splits you at the seams and makes a home in the hole it punched in your chest. But most importantly, it gives you hope. There’s an honesty that’s written into this story, into Dean and into the reader, and that kind of love and care in crafting this short fic is all anyone could ask for <3
The Truth about Lust (series?) by @scorpiongirl1
Ho, ho, HOLY SHITBALLS! THE DUB CON! This entire thing rides my borderline of fuck no and fuck yes EXCEPTIONALLY WELL! Unf! The story is believable and the way Sam reacts to what’s happening to him is so on point. The remorse and apologies, the snarly growly creature of sex, the restraint and the care he takes for the reader when he literally is dying of lust...jesus fuck. It’s all so Sam. Read it and then go masturbate because, yeah. I did.
Headlights Off (drabble) by @samsexualdeancurious
Yowza, does this girl know how to write that Wincest! Fun, sexy, adventurous, funny. What can I say? It’s everything you want from a wincest fic. 
Free and Easy Down The Road I Go (oneshot) by @samsexualdeancurious
Wincest? Yes. Impala? Yes. Nipple clamps on a slightly subby Sammy? Fuck yes. Snarky, smug Dean giving a world class hand job? Oh yeah, you betcha. 
As with the BFAs, these are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be! :D
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deztinywarriors · 5 years
The Linked Charms - Episode 17 (Multi Liverpool players)
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