#OC Gustav BG3
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csphire · 1 year ago
Meet Tav (Gustav the VIII)
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Legal Name: Gustav the VIII, Future Duke of the House of Sunshard
Nickname / Aliases: Tav / That Foolish Brat He's not fond of his first name Gustav as he shares it with his father, his grandfather, and so forth in his lineage. It takes him a while to open up to Astarion, and later the others, about his proper name, past, and not-so-happy "privileged" life. His mother gave him the nickname Tav, and it stuck. It's his father and grandfather who usually call him "That Foolish Brat." Background: Noble Age: 26 Pronouns: He / Him / They Race/Subrace: High Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Good Deities: It's complicated. Lathander, Mystra, Loviatar and Ilmater Class / Subclass: Bard / Wizard Instruments of Choice: Flute / Violin / Lute Weapons of Choice: Hand Crossbows, Daggers, Staves, Mace and Shield
Love Interest: Astarion Their relationship was a bit bumpy at first. Although both were snatched up in Yartar they had not officially met until crossing paths on the beach after the crash of the nautiloid. Before that, as Tav performed in a tavern he had watched Astarion prowl the crowd night after night and eventually ended up whispering sweet nothings in another young nobleman's ear. Tav found the colorfully dressed elf handsome but by now knew a charlatan on the hunt when he saw one. He followed the two out in concern that Astarion was going to rob the other man or do something worse but the two of them ended up abducted instead. The noble Tav would like to think was spared. Astarion on the other hand at first assumed Tav an easy mark for later. Pretty but far too gullible, and idealistic given all who the half-elf helped. Astarion also presumed by the young man's attire and easygoing manner that he had zero understanding of hardship or the dark underbelly of this world.
Then, after learning the nature of all of Tav's physical scars and background, he was left baffled. He couldn't understand why anyone would flee from such a life of seemingly rich comforts and safety to barely eke out a living by performing music alone. But eventually, he came to realize just how trapped Tav felt in his old life. How the younger man had no room to breathe and be himself. It paled to his own suffering but the yearning for freedom was still something they both held in common and bonded over. Best Friends: Gale and Wyll Tav is friends with all of his companions. However, when it comes to Gale there is a mentorship aspect to their friendship as well due to they are both wizards. With Wyll they relate to one another deeply by being a part of nobility and an inability to obey or please their fathers.
Personality: Among his peers, he was always a touch aloof but polite at first. He's learned from court life to always be on guard and to listen more than talk. All to learn enough to unleash either the sharpest of retorts to anyone who dared to insult him first or the sweetest complement to charm. He maybe haughty at times, but only to cover up the fact he's actually quite shy when it comes to dealing with people, especially one-on-one. At his first ball, he soon found standing and chatting in a large group easier as it mostly involved observation. "So many like to hear themselves talk. I say let them," he decided with a smile. If any focus fell upon him, Tav learned quickly to pivot it to another when the need arose. It was only when he started to perform before a crowd, the more raucous and lower class the better, he found the courage to drop his mask at long last, cut loose, and rediscover his true playful self. "Why under that thin layer of ice you're as warm as a sunbeam and such a sweetheart," Astarion would tease but lightly. Bio: Tav was born to a rich family who can trace their lineage back farther than the founding of Baldur's Gate. Like most of the city's nobles, as the heir to his family line, he was highly educated and sheltered well beyond his childhood. He was also expected to find someone suitable and marry to continue the Sunshard line. Once puberty hit, however, Tav could no longer stand his family's guided cage or their carefully laid plans for his life.
At first woefully naive about the world beyond his family's garden wall and court life, he rebelled, ran away, and ended up with a few scars after a near-fatal fight. But from them, he also learned more about himself and life in general. Each time he wiggled free, he managed to stay out of his father's and grandfather's clutches a little longer. At first, it was a handful of days but by his late twenties, he managed to dodge them and survive all on his own for over a year.
In fact, on his recent nineteenth attempt, he had made it all the way to Yartar. There he hoped to finally be beyond his family's reach. He had been an established bard for a few months with no sign of any of his father and grandfather's hirelings or mutual acquaintances. He was at last happy and fully prepared to be disowned. A threat his father had made when they last spoke. But then one terrible night he along with Astarion and countless others were abducted by mindflayers.
Trapped in one of their pods his only small comfort was knowing his mother might continue to think he's only fled from the nest again. That he was out enjoying the world and doing what he loves. Unlike his father, she never begrudged him for taking off and only demanded he send word home to assure her of his safety now and then. Given all that's happened he's not sure where to begin and just how much he should leave out, least upset her.
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zvonkayatishina · 10 months ago
' I am your bane '
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- Work inspired with Klimt famous The Kiss painting -
Poisonous aconite flower in hand tells 'danger is near' but who is a danger she or him?
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aphneia · 2 months ago
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hustonnn · 4 months ago
95 horses !!!!
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Start with my bay collection (from left to right) (some horses named in russian)
Doom - my only one Arabian horse because I lowkey hate them but I felt bad for not owning one when they were supposed to be removed
Dragon Fighter - my OC Neyvil'
Gilded Rose (Позолоченая Роза) - second horse what I ever bought but I sold it one day and bought it again cause of nostalgia
Uno - named after Muse song
Danger Desire - horse of my SSO OC's husband Howard
Morning Comet (Утренняя Комета) - starter horse I love him 💚 wish we had more Jorvikian Warmbloods to buy
Pale Road - horse of my RDO OC Wild Brown - Red Cardinal aka Cardi aka Baryonyx aka Boris aka Boryia - named after themed playlist on spotify
Boulder Gate - just Baldur's Gate.
Furious Whirlwind (Буйный Вихрь) - first ever pony. Same story as Gilded Rose
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10. Lucky Chace - kinda regret him 11. Thunder Hurricane - first "cool" horse, oldie 12. Iron Man - my fav MCU character :) 13. Night Butterfly (Ночная Бабочка) - bad joke, OC Penelope
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14. Druid Bear - Halsin from BG3 !!! felt bad for killing him once so this is an apology. sorry bud 15. Zombie Apocalypse - Deacon Saint-John - main char from game Days Gone
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16. Lady Pearl - my OC lady Lidorfya Pearl. wish it was a donkey 17. Brave Guardian - my OC Connor Birdhard 18. Marzipan - cutie 19. Sunrise Faith - @sshadovv 🧡 20. Harsh Autumn (Суровая Осень) - I dreamed of her when I was a kid :""" 21. Sweet Victory (Сладкая Победа) - we all ask ourselves was it worth it 22. Violet Bullet - my OC Valliet Bandolero 23. Almond Cookie (Миндальная Печенька) - was eating cookies lol. didn't like this breed that much tho :( 24. Eternal Love (Вечная Любовь) - my OC Lira
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25. Spring Song - love/hate with coat 26. Fiery Sunset (Пламенный Закат) - RIP my fishy Toussaint 27. Glitter Gold - @sshadovv's OC Judy (she didn't like my choice of horse but I still bought it sorry love) 28. Red Deer - ARTHUR MORGAN I miss you old man (main char from Red Dead Redemption 2) 29. Tiger Horse - my OC Jaira Tagger
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30. Porcelain Bride (Фарфоровая Невеста) - dreamed of this coat 31. Ghost Queen - my OC Samara 32. White Swallow (Белая Ласточка) - Ciri from The Witcher 33. Yellow Snow - "When the time of the White Frost comes, do not eat the yellow snow" iukuk 34. Bold Horse - bold horse. 35. Pale Princess - a rat. I hate her. my OC princess Fyrze 36. Grim - my OC Gustav Grim
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37. Songbird - album Death of a Songbird by Luna Fawn Ripley 38. Singing Fishy (Певучая Рыбка) - my second fish Lubystok (Dandelion from The Witcher) 39. Moon Wisdom - my OC Ezer 40. Wingfeather - novel The Wingfeather Saga, author Andrew Peterson. I love books for children, relatable 41. Old Myth - main char of my favorite series on SSO. The horse's name was Aiden and the whole story was based on the game Beyond Two Souls what I love with my whole heart too. I regret not buying more old models, especially Andalusians because it's one of my favorite breeds 42. Winter Warrior - my OC Irma
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43. Golden Feather (Золотое Перо) - my OC Mechanics Emperor 44. Rebellious Spirit (Непокорный Дух) - Spirit!!!!!! Looks like my Spirit plushie 45. Wizard - my OC Guypril 46. Hero Magic - it's Guypril too.. 47. Coyote - my RDO horse Kharciz (I don't know if I spelled it right) (Харциз)
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48. Desert Ninja - my OC Wild, specifically from Black Desert AU 49. Wild Hat (Дикая Шляпка) - another Wild, but from Red Dead AU 50. Wildlord - another Wild........ because his full name is Willord 51. Dark Silver (Темное Серебро) - my OC Vampyr 52. Phantom Liberty - cyberpunk is a peak 53. Pirate Blood - I will never buy normal full black Friesian because I am ✨special✨ 54. Dark Maniac - my OC Zwyr (Beast) 55. Ghost Mystery - horse of my OC Apparel' - Parquet. Also it was name of my first "soul" horse irl 56. Sugar Father - hate the name, was my OC Shuga but I sold him
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57. Zombie Fairy - my OC Daffodil 58. Osprey - kinda fits to be my OC Zwyr but in reverse colors 59. Terrifying Hunter (Жуткий Охотник) - Geralt of Rivia (main char from The Witcher) 60. Silverhand - Johny Silverhand from Cyberpunk 2077 61. Wild - another Wild but bold sorry not sorry 62. Chaotic Soul (Хаотичный Дух) - hate this horses coat, but it was free so not complaining
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63. Little Plum (Маленькая Сливка) - horse of my friend's (@sshadovv) OC Judy - Sguschenka (Condensed milk) 64. Jewel Seeker - my friend's (@sshadovv) OC Judy 65. Loveace - my OC Lovelace 66. Faith (Вера) - my OC Faithful 67. Giga King - my OC Nirehon, but name doesn't suit him anymore 68. Blind Eye - my OC Jack Brown 69. Broken Rebel - feel sad for his name but it sounds poetic.. 70. Crazy Brain - my OC Kris Cardi 71. Great Father - my OC Samson Douglas 72. Lost Star - song Take Me Home by Cade Crider
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73. Heaven - just like the coat 74. Frost Shore - cute marks on head 75. Echo - reminds me of my horse from RDR Heparda 76. Silent Hill - my OC Ezer 77. Daydreamer - ME !!!! looks like my horse sona 78. Chocolate Milk - my horse from RDO Nesquik 79. Illusion Pumpkin - homestuck reference
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80. Ballless - my OC Samson Douglas..... I'm so sorry man 81. Supernova Axiom (Суперновая Аксиома) - just a random name it sounds hilarious 82. Royal - my OC Royal. I know I am a genius 83. Shark Shy (Акулья Стесняшка) - my older sis give her name. Kinda reminds me of one of my fishes (Lubystok), but I bought this horse before I had her 84. Tiny Sparkle (Крошечная Искорка) - I remember how SSO gave us the opportunity to create our own magic horse. How happy I was as a child when the game showed exactly the same color as I made! Core memory
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85. Scarlet Ode (Алая Ода) - bought it just because everyone ride it 86. Glory Power - like his pandorian vibe 87. Guiding Star (Путеводная Звезда) - RIP my fishy Toussaint again :( 88. Lovebird - I hated this horse but I became fond of them while I was doing quests in Hollow Woods 89. Tulip Petal - my OC Garreth
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90. River Hoof - this is my favorite magic coat in the game 91. Willow Tree - song When I'm Gone by Shawn James. And this is my favorite tree 92. Gloom Wolf - same story short - hate it first but now seems cute after Hollow Woods 93. Obsidian Star - Yennefer of Vengerberg from The Witcher. Horse doesn't fit for 100% but I don't wanna buy Friesian for you darling 94. Raven Mane - such a common name for this horse :т 95. Butterfly Hurricane - my OC Huston and song Butterflies and Hurricanes by Muse - my favorite thing in the whole world
100th horse will be a Noriker, named after the band Big Time Rush - Rockstar. And tomorrow I will buy a robotic horse and call it Unicorn Attack
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falcatas · 5 days ago
✨Let's talk about OCs!✨ How would you describe your OC's personality/aesthetic? What's your favourite thing about them? Tell us a fun fact(s) about your OC or their creation!❤️ Send this to at least 3 people to spread some OC appreciation!❤️
Yay! I like his game!
Let's talk about Tav (bg3) since lately I have been so deep into DA obsession sea.
Gustav of Winterwood is a half elf, a cleric and a bard. He looks like a happy, easy going, chatter-box and a little stupid fellow, but he is cunning as Hell. As a kelemvorite, he has some specific goals that include killing any person who belongs to the Death Three cults :D and He adores to betray people, I mean bad people (according to his point of view... Yeah a damn religious fanatic 😃). But he is a good one and, for good and neutral alignment characters, he is the gentlest and the friendliest.
About the creation: I wasn't fond of Bg3 origin characters yet and I used to play other games with female OCs. So I was surprised when I thought: "damn it all, my Tav is going to be the most handsome and sexiest blond guy in the room". Of course LOTS of Tavs ended having exactly the same face somehow, so when Larian made that joke with this purple buff Tav I thought: " I deserve it 😆"
Here is my favourite Tav image:
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(I can't play without him, he is my canon Tav and I haven't been capable of creating another Tav, I use Gustav in all my stupid runs. Yeah I am boring as the Argentina Pampa).
About his voice he used to have the third male voice but when I realized this was the same as origin preset Durges', I changed it for the second male voice. Since then I think it is the best Tav voice (also the last female voice) because how can a human be so smooth?????? My gosh listen to Ken Nwosu!!!! Why has someone a voice like that! I am so envious!
Note: I wanted some lines by Mr. Nwosu as my Gustav but apparently he is not in Cameo and I am really really really sad about it. 😢
Thanks anon! I enjoyed your question a lot and I am going to send it to more mutuals, of course!
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aphneia · 2 months ago
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hi tumblr! this is Gustav, an Ilmater priest who was Gortash's childhood friend. Unfortunately, rekindling that old friendship didn't end well for him, as he was one of Gortash's first ceremorphorsized victims.
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