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june part viii
“Hold on, hold—What did you say?”
Sirius stepped out onto the moonlit porch of the cottage and put a finger over his free ear—as if it was his fault he could barely hear the words his little brother was saying. Regulus’ call had come half-way through washing up after dinner, Julian begging for a nighttime game of pick-up, and Hope laughing at Remus for eating the last of the apple pie straight from the dish. He’d assumed he was calling about travel plans, but he hadn’t expected the thumping music in the background or cacophony of laughing voices.
“I said I’m driving up day after tomorrow,” Regulus shouted, then laughed at something and said hello to someone, telling them to make themselves at home.
Sirius briefly wondered where he’d picked up the phrase and learned to use it so easily. It wasn’t like they’d heard it much. Make yourself at home. Instantly, Sirius thought of that basement bedroom at Pascal’s, and their warm kitchen—the kids doing homework, Celeste and Pascal cooking. Sirius, you don’t have to ask for water or anything else. Please, help yourself.
“I know that,” Sirius shouted back to Regulus, even though he probably didn’t have to. “You—ouais, you already told me that?”
“Oh. I did? Okay!”
“Ouais, I—” Sirius turned as Remus’ face appeared through the screen door, a questioning look on his face.
“You good?” Remus asked. “You’re yelling?”
Sirius pulled the phone away a bit. “I think my brother is drunk calling me.” He pressed the speaker back to his cheek. “Are you okay?”
Remus, obviously trying not to laugh, retreated back into the house.
“I just wanted to call,” Regulus shouted in his ear. “I just wanted to say, see you soon. Just wanted to say I’m glad this is—”
There was a long pull of silence, during which Sirius couldn’t tell if Regulus was talking to someone else, had dropped his phone perhaps, or was just thinking.
“I’m glad…” He began finally. “I mean, I’m glad these things happened.”
He didn’t sound drunk, Sirius supposed. He just sounded…unsure.
“What things?” Sirius asked.
“I just wanted to call you! And hear your voice, Sirius, fuck.”
“Why? Are you okay?”
More cursing, a blend of French and English. “Yes. Nothing has to be wrong for me to want to talk to you.”
“I…Ouais, okay.”
It seemed like he had moved somewhere quieter, but only by a bit. There was still music, low and filled with quick-lyrics, and Sirius caught passing parts of English conversations. Sirius picked out one voice, a girl, who said Regulus’ name and find me later.
“Who is that?” Sirius asked, then felt stupid.
Regulus didn’t hear him, busy telling the girl something before the speaker rustled, back against his ear.
“So. Finn and Alex go running every day,” Regulus shouted over the music. “I mean, when they can. When they’re in the same city.”
Sirius hadn’t known that, but, then again, Regulus probably spent more time with the Cubs. He should stop thinking of them as the Cubs. That had been Finn and Logan during their rookie seasons, and then Leo, but they didn’t really deserve that anymore. Especially not with a Cup.
“I—That’s nice.” Sirius looked towards the lake. The waves were soft tonight. All the boats had long gone home. Did he want to go running together? “I thought you were sort of done with…”
“No, I don’t want to run, I just…”
For the next few seconds, and Sirius pulled his phone back to watch some of the time go by on the screen, there was more silence. This was their way. He wished it wasn’t, he wished he had the right words to fill every part of his brother’s mind until he could cancel out all the wrong ones. But half-finished sentences it was. Half-thoughts that somehow found completion once they both stuttered and tried a few dozen times.
“I’m just saying,” Regulus said. “I’m just saying that when I get there, I’m your brother not your house guest.”
Sirius looked back towards the screen door at that, hoping Remus would be there. House guest? What did that mean?
“Did that sound bad?” Regulus said loudly.
“Non,” Sirius said. “I—non. I don’t—okay.” He was sort of panicking. Dumo would have known what to say. “I’m—sorry.”
“Non. C’est—Non. I’m saying it all wrong.”
Finn and Alex run. House guest.
“I…” Sirius cleared his throat. “Reg, I can barely hear you. I don’t know…I don’t know what else… I didn’t mean to make you feel like we’re…”
Not as good as other brothers.
“I just mean.” Over everything, he did hear the breath Regulus let out. Someone else said his name through a laugh and a hello. “Hi, yeah, come on in.”
Sirius waited, unsure how to have this conversation with music and other people right there.
“I should probably go,” Regulus said. “Sorry, I know you’re with everyone. And I know I’m—it’s loud, sorry. I don’t know.”
“I’m not with everyone,” Sirius said.
“Ha, right.”
Something definitely took a tumble in the background. The music soared up, louder, and Regulus cursed.
“Shit,” he said. “Sorry! Someone—Sirius?”
“I’m here,” Sirius said. “I’m right here.”
“I should…” The next words, shouted like they were talking to each other over a windstorm, still hit Sirius somewhere soft and gentle. “Hey, I get to stand next to you, right? On the day? Your day.”
Sirius pressed a hand over his chest and found the lake blurring through what must be a few tears. That. That had surprised him. It probably shouldn’t have.
“Please,” Sirius said, then laughed a little when Regulus did. “Yeah, you’ll stand next to me.”
“Good. Okay, good.” Someone else said Regulus’ name.
Sirius realized he still thought of him as his quiet brother, half pressed against the sides of rooms so nothing could surprise him.
He felt only pure relief in realizing that wasn’t true anymore.
“I love you,” Regulus said suddenly, a gasp of breath almost. “So. Yeah, I do. And I’ll see you soon.”
“I—see you soon,” Sirius said, staring, unseeing, at the lake. “I love you, too, Reg.”
He sort of forgot to go back inside. He didn’t know how long he’d been sitting on the top porch step until a blanket appeared around his shoulders and Remus sat down close enough to press their hips and shoulders together.
“Is he okay?” Remus asked. “You’ve been out here for a while, I couldn’t tell if you were still on the phone.”
“Sorry,” Sirius said. “I didn’t help with dishes.”
“More than enough hands for that.” Remus turned Sirius’ hand over and traced a line of his palm with his thumb. “Everyone’s gone up to bed.”
“He just said he…” Sirius cleared his throat. “He just wanted to call me.”
Remus nodded. “Okay…Is he all good?”
Sirius nodded. “Yeah, he—he said Finn and Alex go running together when they’re in the same city. And that when he gets here, I should treat him like a brother? Not like a house guest?”
Remus laughed, just a little. “Well, okay, then. Blunt, as usual.”
“I have no idea what any of it meant.” Sirius rubbed a hand through his hair. “I don’t think he was actually drunk? I mean, I don’t know.”
“Sounds like he wants to spend time with you.”
Sirius shook his head, bewildered. “Sounds like he wishes we were Finn and Alex. Merde, or you and Jules. I don’t…”
“No,” Remus said, hand hooking over Sirius’ shoulder. He rested his chin there, too.
“Yes.” Sirius sighed. “I don’t know. He was so… He has all of these friends, and then he said he loved me, and asked if he gets to stand next to me. I thought—I mean, of course?”
“Did you tell him that?”
“No, I mean before.”
“Well—Before when?”
Remus squeezed his arm. “He might have thought you’d choose James. Or Pascal. Julian said he thought I was going to choose Thomas when I told him he’d be next to me.” Sirius felt Remus’ quiet laugh against his neck. “Then he googled weddings and got all freaked out I was going to make him give a speech.”
Sirius smiled. “Oh God, Reg is not going to give a speech, there’s no way.”
“That’s fine,” Remus said. “We have a lot of people who are going to want to say something. I went with my dad and sorted out the whole music, sound-system situation today. I don’t know if we’re going to be able to stop potential karaoke.”
“Oh God. James.”
“What, you’re not going to sing me a song, Black?”
“There’s a lot of things I’ll do for you…That’s maybe not one.”
“Well, damn.”
“Unless you…like, really want me to.”
“I would never torture you like that.”
Sirius pressed his smile into Remus’ cheek, enjoying the way Remus leaned further against him. Something made the nearby waves pick up, and Sirius closed his eyes, suddenly wanting to be in their room with the windows open, listening to them as they fell asleep.
“We owe your entire family a vacation,” Sirius said. “A long one.”
“For real, though,” Remus laughed. When Sirius put his hand out, Remus laced their fingers together. “Hey.”
Sirius looked down at him. He had more freckles than Sirius had ever seen him with. They dotted across his nose and cheeks. They would be there for their wedding photographs. Something about them made Remus look like he had when Sirius had first met him in his Lions staff jacket. Hi, Sirius? I’m Remus Lupin. Is there anything I can do for you?
Remus hooked a finger in the neck of his shirt, pulling his attention back to right then.
“You’re the one who found a whole new sort of family,” Remus said. “It’s good Regulus is doing that, too.”
“I know.”
“And you’re doing it again. You’re my family and we’re yours. That includes Reg—believe me. If you don’t make him know it, my mom will.”
Sirius smiled. “Hope Lupin versus Regulus Black. That—oh, what’s the thing your dad says?”
“Which thing?”
“Ah…” Sirius squinted upwards, carding a hand through Remus’ hair. “Oh. We love to see it.”
Remus tilted his head back, laughing. “We love to see it. Oh my God. You’re funny that you remember that.”
They leaned their heads together. The waves had quieted. Sirius watched Remus’ thumb make slow tracks over his knuckles and wrist. The woods around them rustled, and a cluster of crickets sang somewhere close by. Sirius still couldn’t believe how many stars he could see here.
“I know we just said how much help we’re getting with wedding things,” Remus said quietly. “And that we owe them a vacation, so we should probably stick around. But…”
“But?” Sirius said, then he couldn’t help himself anymore and leaned in to kiss Remus. He made a soft, happy sound. Sirius pressed his thumb over his engagement ring.
“Do you maybe,” Remus hardly leaned away to speak, “want to drive somewhere tomorrow?”
“Just us,” Sirius said, and kissed him again, then again, in time with the hush of the lake’s shore.
“Just us.”
Finn laughed as he reached the end of the pier before Alex, catching himself on the railing. He pulled back, letting himself hold on by his fingertips as he tilted his head up to the sky and let out a whoop.
“I win,” he shouted. “I fucking win.”
“I let you win,” Alex panted. He had his hands on his knees and was trying to blink sweat out of his eyes. “Tell me, who’s in the playoffs right now and needs to conserve their strength? Oh yeah. Me.”
“Fuck off,” Finn said. “I’m not even out of breath.”
“That’s because you’re a freak.”
Finn reached forward and flicked the bill of Alex’s cap up, knocking it to the ground.
Alex swiped at him, making to hit him in the groin, but Finn jumped back, out of reach. Alex scowled as he picked up his hat.
Finn turned back towards the water. The day’s heat was catching on now and he adjusted his own cap, pushing his sweaty hair back.
“No training today, right?” Finn asked.
“Nope.” Alex came to stand beside him. “Day off. Tomorrow, though. Morning’s optional. Do you know if Tremz is going?”
“I’ll ask him.”
They walked in the sun until they could cross back across the road and the smooth pavement of the river paths turned into the West Village’s cobblestones. There was a cluster of dogs outside of their regular coffee shop and Finn saw Alex snap a photograph of a particularly glossy golden retriever and send it off to Kasey.
“Are you bringing breakfast back or are they meeting you?” Alex asked.
“Lo’s probably sleeping still—bringing back.”
Alex nodded. “Do you—like urgently, or—Want to sit for a bit?”
Finn raised his eyebrows. “Yeah, I wanna sit. Are you okay?”
Alex turned his hat backwards as they went inside the shop. “Why?”
“You just started three different sentences.”
Alex kept his eyes on the menu. “I just—What are you poking me for, I want to have coffee with you, I’m being nice.”
Finn put his hands up. “Okay. Be nice, then.”
They ordered and found a table out front, so small they had to sit side-by-side to avoid being in the middle of the sidewalk. It was half in the shade of a tree and in the shadow of a row of Citi Bikes. Finn watched Alex fidget with his straw.
“How’s your shoulder?” Finn asked.
“What? Oh, fine. Just one of those things. Doesn’t bother me enough to bother me.”
Finn nodded. “Yeah. Lo’s got that with one of his calves. Doesn’t bother him on the ice but at home he’s all—you know. Harz, Le, can you get that, my leg.”
Alex laughed. “Let me guess. You get it for him.”
“So what if we do?”
Finn laughed, shaking the ice cubes around in his cup. “Whatever.”
They watched two beagles pass by, one coming over to sniff intently at Finn’s shoe. Finn asked if he could pet them, mostly trying to give Alex a moment to say whatever he wasn’t saying. He ran his palm over the dog’s soft ears, smiled at the warm kisses of its tongue against his wrist, and nodded his thanks to the owner who continued on.
“They’re not getting married. Yet.”
Finn watched the dogs go for another moment. Their white-tipped tails swished happily in unison. Twins. Brothers.
Finn turned back in his seat and took a sip of his coffee. Alex was looking at him out of the corner of his eye. He had one of his knees bouncing. When it rattled the table, he stopped.
“Hello?” Alex sighed.
Finn put an arm around him and pulled them together. The bill of Alex’s hat, low on the back of his neck, bumped into Finn’s nose, but Finn just held on tighter.
“Al…” Finn squeezed him hard. “Thank God, fuck.”
“I—yeah.” Alex sighed, slumping into him a little. “Guess you were right. I was worried. And sad.”
“I know,” Finn said. He pulled back. “How is everything now?”
Alex laughed, rubbing at his jaw. “Fuck. So much better. It’s like I was using half my lungs or something.”
“Don’t I know that feeling.”
“Yeah, what is up with us?”
“Mm…I don’t know. Maybe mom knows.”
Alex shook his head like he was still clearing the fog of these last months. He turned his face up towards the sunlight coming through the trees. “Yeah, she probably knows. Anyway…”
Finn raised his eyebrows and Alex shrugged.
“There you have it,” Alex said.
“There you have it? C’mon, how’d it go down?”
Alex groaned. “It went down, that’s all that matters.”
“Alex. What happened to telling each other things?”
“There’s nothing to tell. Natalie and I talked and then Kasey and I talked and—I don’t know, I confessed?”
“And I cried.” Alex slapped his hand to his thigh, laughing a little. “Which was—nice. But embarrassing.” He messed with his straw again, the paper scratching against the plastic lid. “I don’t think I even—really knew how worried I was. I think I assumed they would get tired of me. And I was just going to have to be okay with that.”
“I’ll beat up anyone who thinks they could get tired of you.”
Alex smiled slightly. “I’m glad I was wrong.”
“O’Haras don’t do sometimes. We’re all-day-every-day.”
“Ha, yeah. I guess that’s true.”
“So, you’re spending the summer together?”
“Yeah, gonna go to California, train with one of Kase and I’s old teammates. See Natalie’s family. What are you guys doing after the wedding?”
“France,” Finn said. “New Orleans.”
“Fancy you.”
Finn smiled. “Lo’s hoping for a Cup day in August, obviously, and he wants to bring it to Harvard with Percy and Will.”
“You gonna go?”
Finn nodded. “I want to take Leo all around. I mean…If he wants. I think he’ll like it? But I don’t want it to feel like…”
“��Here are all the things we did without you?’”
“Yeah, exactly.” Finn stretched his legs out under the table. “I want—I’d mean it like, look, this is special now because you’re here, too. I mean, it was special before with just Lo, but it was also just…”
“Sad,” Alex finished.
“Yeah.” Finn laughed. “Are you going to finish all my—”
“—ex, stop,” Alex wined, then laughed loudly when Finn punched his arm.
“Okay, I’m done having coffee with you.”
Alex laughed and stood up. “Yeah, yeah, if you don’t get Tremz his chocolate he’ll bite you.”
“I mean, you’re—”
“—not wrong,” Alex said, then jumped out of Finn’s reach.
“Okay, okay.” Alex lifted an arm and pulled Finn in. “See you later, yeah?” He pulled back and flicked his forehead. “Love you, Fish.”
Finn squinted one eye closed. “If you say so.”
Finn waited until Alex was halfway down the street, fishing his keys out of his pocket.
“I love you, too!” Finn shouted.
Alex turned to laugh, shaking his head.
Finn shut the front door to Logan’s apartment as quietly as he could. He set the croissant bag down on the counter, along with his keys and wallet, humming as he went. There were signs that Leo had been awake. Some coffee in the glass pour-over container, and his phone on the counter.
“Of course you and Remus are both morning hummers.”
Finn turned sharply towards the living room. “Whoa.”
Regulus’ sharp smile flashed and faded from where he sat on their couch. “Hey there.”
“Hi. Sorry.”
“No, my bad, I should have said something.”
“No. I mean—all good.” Finn took down a plate for the pastries. “Does morning hummer mean what I think it means?”
Regulus raised his eyebrows. “Uh. I don’t know. What does it mean?”
“Well…” Finn glanced in the direction of the bedroom. “Well, what do you think it mea—”
“Let’s just drop it.”
“Yeah, good idea.” Finn took a sip of his coffee. “If I’d known you were coming over, I’d have brought you something.”
“It’s all right,” Regulus said. “Leo said I are getting breakfast before I head up to Remus’ lake house tomorrow.”
“Ah, yes. Wedding. Best man, right?”
“I think James thinks he is, but it’s me.”
“Of course it’s you!” Leo emerged from the direction of the bedrooms, freshly showered, and pressed a kiss to Finn’s cheek. “Morning, Harz. You look so cute. Little tomato.”
“Thanks? I think.” He twisted Leo’s gray streak, still damp, once around his finger. “Sleep okay?”
“Second half of the night, yeah.” Leo let Finn run a hand over his hair, eyes closing happily. “How’s Alex?”
“He’s good. I beat him home, so, ha.” Finn put a thumb over Leo’s bottom lip. “Where’s our pet hockey player?”
Leo laughed, took his hand, and kissed it. “Still snoozing.”
Yes. Finn set the plate down. “Cool. I’m going to…” He glanced at Regulus. “Go say hi to him and then shower.”
“Say hi to him?” Leo repeated with a snort. “Okay, call it what you want, I guess. Reg and I are getting breakfast. Oh, and I think we’re going to his friend’s birthday party tonight—you wanna come?”
“Love to.” Finn looked at Regulus. “Is that okay?”
“Of course it’s okay,” Regulus said, standing. “Logan, too, if he wants.”
“We’ll see if he feels like he’s gotta lie low,” Leo said. He shrugged at Finn who nodded. Then Leo made a happy sound and wrapped his arms around Finn’s shoulders. “Party with you, I like the sound of that.” He pressed a firm kiss to Finn’s mouth and it felt like sparking wires. “I love you, I love you, you’re sweaty, ew, I love you.” He kissed Finn’s cheeks before whispering in his ear. “I know what you’re up to, you better change those sheets.”
“You got it, lover,” Finn whispered back.
“You guys are really bad at whispering,” Regulus said. He was standing by the door now. “Le, I want waffles.”
“I want that special quiche they had that one time, fingers crossed.” Leo grabbed his wallet and keys, then stumbled a bit when Finn reeled him back in, straight into one more kiss.
“I love you,” Finn said. “Have fun.”
“You taste like summer,” Leo smiled. “See you tonight. Let Lo know and we’ll text you the address.”
“Tell Logan congrats on making the finals,” Regulus called, then the apartment door swung shut.
Finn slipped through their open bedroom door, undoing his watch as he went. He smiled at the sight that waited for him. Logan was sprawled across the whole bed, like he was searching for them even as he was asleep. He was on his back, bare save for the tight gray briefs that he favored, and his chin was tilted up with his arms by his head. The sheets were low enough to show his tattoo. Finn’s heart picked up just looking at him. He could feel himself getting turned on. Logan and Leo both liked making love in the morning, and if Finn wasn’t careful, he’d see every sunrise and get endlessly hopeful each time.
Finn sat on the edge of the bed, pushing his sweaty hair off his forehead. Logan didn’t stir. He put a hand on Logan’s hip, thumbing over the dark ink. Nothing. He leaned over and pressed a kiss right to the center of Logan’s chest. That got a deeper breath, one of only just waking up.
Logan peeked an eye open and then, seeing Finn, closed them again and let a slow, sleepy smile spread over his face.
“Hi,” Finn whispered. “Good morning.”
“Mmm…Cœur.” Logan kicked back the covers. “Did you run?”
“Yeah, just got back.”
Logan stretched, his back arching. By the sly, tired look in his eye he knew exactly what he looked like. “Do you want to…”
Finn nodded, rubbing a palm high over Logan’s inner thigh. “I really fucking do.”
The sound Logan made next was low in his throat and pleased. “Come here.”
“Leo doesn’t like it when I bring outside sweat into the sheets,” Finn said—just to make him ask again.
“Good thing they’re my sheets,” Logan said.
Finn laughed and reached behind him to yank off his shirt. “That’s true.”
He shed his shorts and socks, too, and Logan tugged him down by the band of his underwear.
“If someone told you I was a morning hummer…” Finn mumbled into his kiss.
Logan threw a leg around Finn’s hip and pushed him onto his back. “Who’s someone?”
“Not Leo.”
Logan settled his weight down over Finn’s clothed cock and rocked slightly. He pressed one more kiss to Finn’s mouth before putting his hands against Finn’s chest and sitting himself upright. “Not sure I like that someone else knows that.”
Finn smoothed his hands over Logan’s strong thighs, so warm from being tucked under the covers. “That’s what I thought. Regulus just said—”
Logan froze. “Like, here?”
“Regulus was in our living room. Emphasis on was. Him and Le are at breakfast now, so…”
Logan sighed happily and rolled his hips again. “Oh.”
Finn hissed a breath through his teeth. “Yeah, baby, carry on. He says congrats on making the final round, by the way. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a few trips to Colorado. Not too many though.”
“Me too,” Logan said absently, more intent on palming Finn through the cotton material of his briefs, then himself. Finn could have lay there forever. He covered Logan’s hand with his and tucked a thumb into the front slip of his briefs to feel the silk of him.
Logan pushed into his touch, then bent to kiss him before reaching for the bedside table. Logan held the jar they kept there out to Finn and bit his lip around a smile.
“Oh, now he’s bashful,” Finn said, taking it.
Logan let loose his full grin and fell forward, tucking his face into Finn’s neck to bite at the sweat-damp skin. It was a bit of a tangle, ridding themselves of the rest of their clothes, and Finn laughed softly at the way Logan splayed his thighs wide over his lap, grinding their half-hard cocks together.
“You smell,” Logan whispered.
“Well, if I recall what I’ve learned about you over these many years—”
But then Logan was kissing him, licking into his mouth until Finn bit down on his lower lip just to hear his low groan. Logan moved down to kiss the salt from his jaw and neck, firm lips and quick dashes of his tongue and sharp, just on the side of not-too-hard nips from his teeth. Finn wondered what Logan would say if he asked him to just cover him in those biting kisses entirely and take his time about it.
“Did you have sweet dreams?” Finn asked, unscrewing the jar’s top.
“I’m in one,” Logan said, pulling back to watch Finn slick his fingers. “Did you have a good run?”
“Yeah,” Finn said, watching the way Logan’s eyes trained on his hand. “Got a chocolate croissant from that coffee shop by the river.”
Logan’s eyes darted to his, affronted.
Finn reached down and smoothed his hand over Logan’s ass. “Don’t give me that look.” He enjoyed the way Logan’s breathing hitched when he dug his palm into his muscles. “I don’t go near a bakery without leaving with something for my Lo.”
“Finn,” Logan whispered shakily.
“My sweet tooth creature of chocolate and sour candy.”
Logan pressed back against Finn’s slick touch.
“Of course it’s chocolate that turns you on.”
“You turn me on—” Logan cut off as Finn’s fingers found home, brows drawing together. His knees tightened around Finn’s hips. “Ah…”
Finn pressed his smile into Logan’s temple, then turned it into a kiss. They had time, so Finn kept his touches slow. The sun was coming through the window, lighting up dust in the air and throwing a warm slant across Logan’s lower back. Logan lay down against his chest and Finn could feel each one of his steady breaths. He kissed Finn’s skin every once in a while. Finn stroked his free fingers through Logan’s hair. It was almost like he was going to be put back to sleep, save for the needy thrum of his heart Finn could feel if he pressed a palm to his back. His skin still held that solid sort of heat he always had when he was sleeping, the warmth Leo and him always pressed their freezing fingers against in the middle of the night. Most people, Finn guessed as he felt Logan’s cock began to get wet between their stomachs, would shy away from any cold touch in their sleep. A slumbering Logan, however, always seemed to give them more room to warm up.
“Feels good?” Finn murmured. He scratched gentle fingers down the back of Logan’s neck and used the leverage of his other, slightly tweaking wrist to press deeper inside Logan’s body. More oil, a third finger that made Logan press his forehead into Finn’s chest and push back against his hand.
“Yeah,” Logan said. “Mhm, fuck.”
Finn rolled his head against the pillow to catch a good look at Logan’s parted mouth and shut, blissful eyes. His lashes cast those gorgeous shadows.
“You’re so fucking strong right now,” Finn said. “Fucking big, it’s…” Logan’s shoulders, the powerful muscles of his back, made Finn’s cock ache. He pressed hard into Logan, gentle with the pads of his fingers, until the corded muscles in Logan’s back shifted like rippling light and Logan gasped out a sound. “God, Lo, I love it.”
Logan’s laugh was a huffy, embarrassed sound, but his cheeks were pink and proud as he pushed himself to sit up, palms on Finn’s chest. Finn’s hand slipped out of him, but Logan was already reaching for the jar, then taking Finn in his hand, in both hands, to give him slow, smooth strokes.
Finn’s hips were pinned by Logan’s weight and he dug his nails into Logan’s thighs, trapped there with nothing to do but try to breathe through the sight of Logan’s scarred-knuckled hands around his cock. Logan watched, too, then darted his eyes to Finn’s face.
“I love your voice,” Logan said softly. His accent, sated already, dragged his words like a hand through clear water. He pushed himself onto his knees and positioned Finn’s cock, pausing to rub it against himself for a moment. “I love when it sounds like I’ve had you already and we haven’t even started.”
Finn just smiled and ran a hand through the mess Logan had left on his stomach. Then he felt the heat. Logan’s heat. It locked around him and Logan’s head dropped back in one, satisfied motion as he worked himself slowly down.
Finn’s toes curled and he dug his heels into the mattress. “Lo.”
“Mm,” Logan smiled up at the ceiling, eyes closed. He didn’t move. He stayed still, adjusting, before lifting himself so Finn could watch his cock slip nearly all the way out of him. Logan’s mouth fell open slightly, lost in the feeling if sinking down again. Finn, looking up from the mesmerizing sight of where they fit together, had expected his eyes to still be closed. But Logan was watching him.
“Sometimes, I can’t believe it’s you,” Logan whispered. He smoothed his palms up Finn’s chest over his heart. “I’m so—” He cut off as Finn accidentally slipped out of him. The sudden lack of contact ached and Finn hissed as his shaft jolted, seeking Logan and dripping beads of want from its tip.
“Non…” Logan began to say.
“Here, baby,” Finn was there, holding his hips and guiding them together again. “God.”
Finn felt his cock pulse, watched Logan feel it inside by the look on his face, saw the gleaming evidence of being as close to the edge as he was when Logan pushed himself up again. Finn splayed his hands over Logan’s ribs.
“So good,” Logan whispered. “You feel so good…”
Finn bent his knees, planting his feet on the bed to lift up into Logan’s body. It was the moments before the fall when he never felt deep enough, when ever part of him wanted to hear the sound of his skin moving against Logan’s more than anything.
He gripped Logan’s thighs, his fingers pressing indents into the strong muscle, and relished in the weight of Logan’s hands on his chest as he tried to keep his balance even as his breathing uneven. Logan reached behind him, hooking an elbow around Finn’s knee and found his rhythm again, letting himself fall down as Finn pushed up.
“Lo,” Finn grit out. It half-occurred to Finn that he should be doing most of the work, that Logan had other performances to pay attention to, but the blinding heat around him banished those thoughts quickly enough.
When Logan began to come, Finn knew he was only halfway there. He didn’t touch himself. Didn’t move to have Finn touch him.
“Ah—Ah—” Logan was loud. Hoarse, panting sounds fell from him that Finn swore were going to make him come. He reached down and pushed on the root of himself, trying to starve it off. Logan wasn’t done.
Logan leaned forward and fucked himself back on Finn in quicker snaps now as he painted strips of white over Finn’s body. Finn tilted his head back into the pillows, relishing the silky splash that reached up his chest, and the rhythmic squeezing of Logan’s orgasm around his cock.
“Fuck,” Finn said, hand circling Logan’s cock in a tight grip. “Oh, fuck, Lo, keep doing that, keep…”
Logan braced his hands on Finn’s ribs and began to push himself harder, hardly lifting off at all.
“Come here,” Logan whispered. He tangled his hands in Finn’s hair, gripping tightly, and kissed him.
Finn didn’t break the kiss as he went, just let Logan lick up his gasps. He pushed Logan onto his back in the rough, tumbling way he liked and hardly gave him any time for a please little laugh before he was grinding his cock into him, aiming straight for what would get Logan close to the edge of another one.
“Uh—” Logan pressed his teeth around Finn’s jaw, then dragged a half-kiss across his cheek until they were kissing as Finn rocked into him. “Yes, yes, Finn, yes…”
“I know.” Finn’s words sounded shaky to himself as he spread his palms down Logan’s back. He kissed the corner of Logan’s parted lips, the side of his nose, the high of his cheek. He caught a flash of green and Logan was suddenly looking at him again. It was written all over his face, how good he thought Finn felt inside. Finn could feel it in the half-smile they gave each other just before it was too much again and Logan dipped his fingers into Finn’s hair and brought their foreheads together. He felt it in the span of Logan’s hand down his back, then the way he cupped Finn’s jaw just to kiss him again through their mixed, heavy breaths.
Finn pressed his cock deep into him, almost straining for more, and stayed, and stayed, sucking a bruise into Logan’s neck until he felt him seize up around him and come between them again with a gasp. Finn smiled to himself.
“Good,” Finn whispered as he began to move again, chasing after his own now. “I’m gonna…”
“Yes.” Logan’s voice stuttered, pleasure that sounded like tears. He was trying to bring Finn closer with every part of him, drawing him in with his heels and the clutching of his hands and his core. He pushed his head back into the pillows and Finn kissed over the curve of his throat. He got a hand around the side of it, thumb just under his chin, so he could keep him like that while he added another bruise.
He thought of the party tonight as he rocked into Logan harder and watched the mark form as he worked Logan’s skin. Logan looked beautiful at parties. Low lights made his green eyes go dark. Anyone could see he was taken now. He’d need to pull Leo aside at some point, kiss him until he got that beautiful, open smile on his face like at the museum.
“Rouge,” Logan’s voice whispered. Two hands on the sides of his face. Logan had sweat beaded on his upper lip. Finn kissed him and slowed his hips. Logan reached down for his waist, coaxing him on. His thumbs were two lovely pressure points against each hip bone.
“Beautiful at parties,” Finn said softly.
Logan’s eyes edged on bewildered at that, but they were happy. They told Finn that Logan knew he’d been thinking about something, could even picture what he’d been thinking, at least a little. They’d always been that way. Logan nodded quickly, bottom lip between his teeth.
He began to fall over the edge at that look on Logan’s face. How had Finn ever convinced himself that Logan didn’t love him?
Logan opened up again at the feeling of Finn emptying inside him. Finn held his breath and closed a tight fist around the pillow beside Logan’s head. For a minute, they were just two heartbeats.
When he could breathe again, Finn peeked out from the warm crook of Logan’s neck. There was that small smile on his face, his eyes closed. He was making figure-eights around the notches of Finn’s spine. Finn shivered, sensitive now, and he eased himself from Logan’s body and tucked Logan into his side.
As he watched, Logan’s throat moved as he swallowed. Finn touched one of the love bites he’d left behind. Logan curled a gentle grip around his fingers, his palm against the back of Finn’s. He kissed the pads of his fingers and opened his eyes to look down at him.
“And what do I sound like now that you have actually had me?” Finn whispered, then winced one eye closed when his voice cracked.
“Sorry, what was that?” Logan laughed through the words.
“Shut up.” Finn ran a hand from Logan’s chest all the way down to the soft bend of his knee. “Oo-Ways.” Finn kissed his shoulder. “Want me to clean up?”
Logan thought for a moment, stretching beneath Finn’s hands. “Non. Shower soon.”
“Want me to bring you a chocolate croissant?”
Logan smiled. “Hm. Chocolate. What a turn on.”
Remus rolled the car windows down to let the smell of the lake and trees in, and smiled when he felt Sirius’ hand settle on his thigh as he drove them up towards the mountain trails.
“I still feel bad,” Sirius sighed. “Fuck.”
“Julian is not mad at you.” Remus said. “All we said was that we were going on a date—he can’t be mad that he couldn’t come.”
“But he was,” Sirius groaned.
“Disappointed maybe. He’ll live.”
“He’s going to hate me.”
“He literally could never hate you.”
“He’s going to start liking James more.”
Remus laughed. “Oh. So, that’s what you’re really worried about.”
Sirius just frowned at the sun-streaked road. Remus reached up to ruffle his hair. “Turn left here.”
He’d packed a simple picnic lunch and picked a straight-forward trail to a lookout that he’d hiked to a million times. The earth was spongy and soft beneath his feet as he settled the small lunch box, packed with icepacks, at the bottom of his bag. Making sure Sirius wasn’t looking, he opened it briefly to check all was right, then zipped up his pack.
Sirius started a few paces ahead of him, head forward as he climbed over roots and rocks like they were racing and he was determined to come in first place.
“Hi, I’ll just be back here,” Remus called out. “Your fiancé, trying to take you on a romantic hike.”
Sirius didn’t turn right away, so focused that it took him a moment to register that Remus had spoken. He stopped on top of a flat rock and looked back.
“Quoi? Did you say something?”
“I said I’m just your fiancé, back here, trying to take you on a romantic hike.”
“What?” Sirius laughed and stepped down. He retraced his steps back to Remus’ side. Even in the more mild mid-mornings, sweat already shone on his cheeks.
“Aren’t we trying to get to the top?”
Remus laughed. “Um. We’re going to get to the top.” He tugged at Sirius’ backpack strap. “Doesn’t mean we have to do it in under an hour.”
“Oh.” Sirius’ smile, aimed at the trees, was sheepish. “Right.”
Sirius stuck close to him after that, bending to feel a small stream running past them, or pausing to take Remus’ picture. Remus laughed himself hoarse when the rustle of a rabbit, darting between bushes, caused Sirius to jump half out of his skin. Sirius laughed himself when Remus stepped right into another small stream and walked the rest of the way disgruntled by a soaked sock.
They came to the summit sweating and out of breath, but as the trees opened up to reveal only sky and blue-purple mountains, they both stood quietly.
“Wow,” Sirius said. He turned in a slow circle, pushing his hair out of his eyes. “It’s like we’re the only two left.”
“If there’s anyone I would choose…” Remus began, and Sirius started to smile. “It would be Thomas.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “Ouais, sure. Thomas.”
They found a shade-spotted place beneath a tree and Sirius rolled out the blanket from his pack while Remus set out their lunch of turkey sandwiches with cranberry sauce—Sirius’ smile was worth the slightly soggy bread.
“Hey,” Sirius said softly. He turned Remus’ gaze away from his bag with a hand on his chin, and kissed him. Remus had expected it to be quick, and the warm swipe of Sirius’ tongue, then the small scrape to his bottom lip, made him sway and catch himself with a hand on Sirius’ knee. Sirius smiled at him when he pulled back. “Feels like yesterday.”
Remus nodded. From the corner of his eye, he could see his ring. “Yeah, it really does.”
“This is perfect.”
“Wait,” Remus said, then produced from between cold-packs, a half-bottle of champagne.
“Loop,” Sirius laughed delightedly. “Really—C’est parfait.”
Remus began to untwine the wire. “I thought you’d like that.”
They let the sun creep towards their blanket. The champagne in the plastic cups caught the light, and Remus wiggled his nose at some bubbles as Sirius cut into a ripe pear and passed him slices as he went.
“So.” Sirius took a sip of champagne. “Do you think anyone would listen to me if I tried any pull that might get Tremz back?”
Remus leaned back on his elbows. “Hm. Well, it’s not like—I mean, you wouldn’t exactly have to convince anyone on our side. But the Rangers would have to be willing to deal. Money would be the problem.”
“I think about it when I’m trying to fall asleep sometimes. I’d take a pay cut,” Sirius said. “And I wouldn’t ask that of Leo so early in his career, but I bet Finn would, too.”
“And Kasey’s retiring,” Remus added. “That frees up quite a bit.”
“Ouais, this is what I’m saying.”
“But if the Rangers aren’t interested—”
Sirius sighed. “Yeah…Yeah.”
“Logan’s about to get them to a Cup, their first in a long time, if all goes to plan.”
Sirius didn’t say anything, just looked out towards the mountains. He set the core of the pear aside, wiping the leftover juices on a napkin.
Remus sat up again. He rested a hand on Sirius’ sun-warmed neck. “I’m sorry, baby. I know you miss him.”
Sirius nodded. “I do, but… More I just…If we ever got traded apart—”
“La la la.” Remus scrunched up his nose. “No, don’t. We’re drinking champagne, you can’t talk like that while we’re drinking champagne.”
It had been one thing this year, getting used to being on a team with all of his closest friends. It would be something entirely different to be in another locker room, filled with other players—some of which probably wouldn’t trust his experience.
“I was just going to say, if it were me, or you, I’d hope someone would help me. And it has happened. A player leaving and returning. It happens.” Sirius glanced at Remus, then down. “This is going to sound bad, but I am the face of the Lions. When I got here, we were in a horrible slump. I was part of pulling them out of that. Me, James, Dumo, Kasey… Then Finn. Then Logan.”
“That doesn’t sound bad,” Remus said. “That sounds true. That is true. I’d know, I watched it happen.”
Sirius nodded, then groaned and fell back against the blankets, his head pillowed on Remus’ pack. “I’ll try. I just won’t say anything to him in case nothing happens.”
Remus set his cup in the grass and rolled onto his side to be near him. He righted with the 1 and 2 pendants, which had switched to twenty-one.
“I love you,” Remus said. He leaned down to press his nose into Sirius’ cheek, enjoying the slight scratch of his stubble. “I don’t know how anyone calls those grey eyes of yours cold.”
Sirius just smiled, his eyes closing. Remus lowered his head to his chest and felt his arm wrap around his shoulders. The sun felt like it was soaking into his very bones. The champagne had made his head pleasantly buzzy, and Sirius’ heart beat slowly beneath his ear.
“I love you, too,” Sirius said.
He had hardly finished the words when Remus felt one rain drop, two, right on his cheek—and then downpour.
The sky was still blue, even as the sudden shower was came down with such force that for a moment they both merely lay there, staring at each other. Finally, Sirius cracked a smile, let out a surprised laugh, and began to sit up.
“Whoa. Oh my God, shit, the—the blankets.”
Remus’ laugh startled out of him. He shut his eyes and turned his head up to the sky. “Oh my God.”
Distantly, thunder rumbled beneath the rattle of the rain on the trees.
“Here, Re, go under that tree and I’ll—”
But Remus just pushed at Sirius’ chest, getting him to stay where he was. “No. I—no, wait.”
Sirius’ t-shirt was already thin and clinging at his shoulders, carving itself into his muscles. He blinked fast, laughing as the rain ran into his eyes. Up close, there was nothing steely about his expression. He was rainwater. Remus tucked two fingers around the chain of his necklace.
“It’s just rain,” Remus said.
Sirius spluttered a little. “This is—someone turned a tap on.”
But Remus just laughed harder and put his hands into Sirius’ soaked hair. It slipped, silky and dark, between his fingers.
“I want to kiss you,” Remus said. Raindrops ran into his mouth and matted his hair down against his forehead. “I want to kiss you when no one is about to come around the corner or knock on our door our shout up the stairs.”
At that, Sirius stopped trying to salvage their small camp. His hands found Remus’ waist and he lay back on the soaked ground at Remus’ slight pressure. Let their champagne mix with the rain in the plastic cups. Remus wanted to see if he could taste that combination, and he leaned forward and kissed Sirius for the summer storm that he was.
Luke liked Saint in his apartment. He liked the steam coming out of his bathroom and the sliver-glimpse he got of his lean body stepping out of the glass-encased shower. Luke looked back to his own reflection in the mirror. He’d ironed his shirt, the soft white linen mostly unwrinkled now. At least, he’d tried. He snapped a quick photo and sent it to Logan with two question marks.
The reply came after a few moments.
Finn was looking over my shoulder he’s better at this - brown belt instead?
On subway also - maybe slow reply
Where are you going?
Luke sent him the link to the restaurant.
But I’ve never been. Finn have favorites?
This reply did take longer. Maybe the subway, maybe Finn thinking. Then a link came through. He tapped on the address and it loaded in Maps, showing a small restaurant, not too far away. The tables were small. Candles. Romantic. A wave of nerves heated Luke’s neck and he glanced at himself in the mirror.
Thanks a lot
“You’re dressed.”
Luke looked up at Saint’s voice. His expression matched the faint hint of surprise it had held. He had a towel around his waist.
Luke set his phone down on the dresser. His heart really shouldn’t be pounding this hard. They’d done this before. These almost-dates. Quiet-never-quite-said-dates. Romantic, sort of, but could be mistaken for anything by the table beside them. Business. Friends catching up.
“Did you want me to lie around naked all evening?” Luke asked.
Saint arched a brow, but he didn’t reply and Luke smiled down at the brown belt he was weaving through his slacks.
“Why are you dressed like that?” Saint stepped in a slow arc around him, as if he needed every detail of Luke. Maybe there was something wrong with Luke’s heart. Maybe love didn’t make everyone feel this way. But it was nice. He wanted Saint to make him explode, actually, he really kind of did.
Logan was on the subway with Finn. They were probably standing or sitting pressed together. Maybe kissing once or twice. Luke had kissed Saint in an Uber, dark and out of view of the driver’s mirror.
“You’re going to be dressed like this, too, in a second,” Luke said.
Logan, talking about Leo coming back from his trip home. That night at that one bar, Logan had spent nearly the whole time pressed into Leo’s side just…content. Just at ease. So at ease.
Luke walked forward and took Saint’s face between his hands. Water dripped from Saint’s hair onto the cuffs of his shirt. Little dark droplets that would dry and fade. He kissed Saint once, then looked at his closed eyes and did it again.
“I’m taking you on a date,” Luke said.
Saint’s eyes opened. He had his mask up, the one he wore over his expressions on the ice. He looked Luke up and down, then moved out of his reach and went to the dresser. His eyes snagged on Luke’s phone, which he’d left open to Finn’s restaurant.
In the mirror, Luke caught a glimpse of a small, bitten back smile.
Finn steered them into a liquor store where they picked up small bottles of rum, gin, and tonic.
“I don’t know, it’s probably BYOB?” Finn said, though Logan hadn’t asked. He loved Finn and Leo in these stores, chatting up the sellers, asking advice. “The address is an apartment not a bar. We’ll stop at a corner shop and get you soda.”
Logan let Finn lead. He snapped a photo of Finn examining a wine label and Leo replied hot.
Finn made quick conversation with the man at the bodega, then found them a subway and grinned back at Logan as they walked down the stairs to the sound of a train rushing into the platform.
“You gonna hop it again if I dare you?” Finn asked as he took his phone out to pass them through to the platform.
“Shut up,” Logan replied without looking at him. Finn laughed at him but placed a kiss on the back of his neck.
The train to Brooklyn was crowded, but Finn spied one free seat and motioned Logan towards it.
“You sit,” Logan said. “You’re holding all the bags.”
Finn narrowed his eyes but complied. “I feel unchivalrous.”
“Un—what about a horse?”
“Un cheval.”
“Ooh. Yeah, I have no idea.” Finn pulled Logan in until he was standing between his thighs. Logan held onto the rail above them and watched Finn’s eyes drop to the strip of skin it exposed as his shirt rode up. Finn steadied Logan with hands on the backs of his knees, the bottles clinking gently in the bag on his lap. He glanced at the two people beside them, eyeing the headphones over their ears and their noses in their phones, before playfully biting at the waistband of Logan’s shorts, laughing when Logan tangled his fingers in his hair and tugged his head back.
“Tu es un peu chahuteur.”
“Hm,” Finn said. “Eye level.”
Logan just shook his head. He was trying to decide if he was crazy for how Finn caused such a happy pressure in his chest, when he felt his phone buzz in his back pocket. When he checked it, Finn tilted Logan’s phone down to see, then leaned back in his seat.
Logan laughed. “You’re such a baby. Luke’s just asking me if he looks okay for a date.” He turned the phone around. “There, you can see. I think he does.”
Finn glanced at the picture, then turned away in a huffy sort of way.
Finn made a show of adjusting the bag of bottles in his lap. He didn’t look up when he said, “Tell him to put a brown belt on instead of black. It’s softer.”
Logan smiled, leaned down to kiss Finn’s head, and typed on his phone. He heard Finn mumble something that sounded a bit like yeah, whatever.
Another text appeared. “He wants to know your favorite restaurants. Little bit fancy.”
“My favorite?”
“You did grow up here, so.” Logan was having a little bit of fun with the pink heat spreading across Finn’s cheeks. His ears. He reached out and rubbed a thumb over the warm shell of his left one. “Where would you take Le and I? Little bit fancy. Summer night. Nothing too heavy, have to play tomorrow…”
Finn worried the inside of his cheek for a moment, eyes on one of the subway ads behind Logan’s head. Finally, he sighed and took Logan’s phone. He typed an address and restaurant name into the text and hit send.
“Merci,” Logan said. “He says thanks.”
Logan let go of the above-head railing completely as the train pulled into another stop, letting people off. The two beside them hardly looked up and didn’t budge. Logan leaned more heavily into the cradle of Finn’s thighs, stabilizing himself as the train jostled forward again. He cupped Finn’s chin gentle and made him look up.
“I love you,” Logan said.
“I’m not jealous of him. I love that you have him, I’d be a horrible person if I didn’t, not to mention a terrible boyfriend,” Finn said. “I’m just—I’m jealous that he gets to see you every day.”
Logan put his fingers back in Finn’s hair, gentler this time. Finn closed his eyes and leaned into his touch.
“I know, Rouge.”
A whole season, Logan thought, not for the first time. How am I supposed to go a whole season without this?
They stood at the address’s buzzer for a few unanswered moments before texting Leo who told them to go around the alley and enter a gateway through the back. It led them to a courtyard, lit up by warm, white lights strung overhead. It was a crowded space, loud with laughter and music. Logan moved around the sparse lawn furniture, which was set out in odd pairs like different pieces had been left behind by different people. Leo. He just needed to spot Leo. Finn was looking, too, eyes scanning the crowd.
Finally, Logan found him, hitting Finn to get him to look. Leo was standing with three people, all of whom were listening to him tell a story. He was wearing a shirt Logan didn’t recognize, a lovely light blue color, and it was unbuttoned enough for Logan to see the pendant of his fleur-de-lis necklace. His chest and collarbones looked warm in the lights strung above the courtyard.
“Jesus,” Finn said. “Look at him.”
Logan chose that moment to trip a little on a loose stone, and Finn caught him with a hand on his chest but laughed so loudly a few people looked at them. Logan bit back a smile and shoved Finn.
“Fuck off.”
Finn just slipped their hands together and began to pull him in Leo’s direction. Logan pulled back, though.
Finn looked at him, then at Leo, then back. “What? Why?”
“I think we shouldn’t interrupt,” Logan said. “Let’s just…” Logan was enjoying how lit up Leo looked, how much he deserved to be the center of attention like that. “Get his attention, but give him a second.”
Finn wasn’t subtle about it. He waved his hand above his head until the motion caught Leo’s eye then made a heart with his hands and pointed to the table filled with drinks. Leo grinned and nodded. His circle looked, too, and Logan smiled and looked down with hot cheeks when he saw Leo’s mouth form the words, those are my boyfriends.
At the drinks table, Finn’s hands were already swiftly pouring what looked like a gin and tonics.
“Ew,” Logan said.
“They’re for Leo and I,” Finn laughed. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you. Or I would, if you gave me elbow room.”
Logan pushed closer to him. Finn didn’t complain, just settled a hand on the back of Logan’s neck and began pouring coke into a cup one-handed.
“Well, this is familiar. Drinks table, loud music. Mixing you a drink.” Finn reached for the rum. “You gonna watch me flirt with girls from across the room?”
Finn raised his eyebrows, looking up from where he was pouring. “Ways? What do you mean ways?”
“Then I’m going to come over and show them you are mine.” Logan took the cup Finn had now filled with ice. “I’d like to do it a few times, actually. Just because I can now. Go talk to someone and I’ll wait five minutes for them to fall in love with you, and then I’ll come over.”
Finn just picked up his and Leo’s drinks, shaking his head, but he was grinning hard. “You think it takes five minutes?”
“It took me two, I think.”
Finn clicked his tongue, but put a foot out to stop Logan from walking. “Come here, Ten, fuck.”
His kiss was soft, even quick, but Logan was surrounded by voices and lights, he could smell the rum in his drink, and it was almost as if he was eighteen and getting everything he’d ever wanted.
“It took me one,” Finn said, then laughed and walked away from Logan’s eye-roll.
When they turned, Leo was already watching them and grinning.
“You’re here.” Leo called when they weaved their way through the crowd. “I—oh, thank you, sweetheart.” He took the drink Finn held out and accepted a quick kiss. “Y’all, this is Finn and Logan. This is Amanda, Harper, and John—it’s Harper’s birthday, this is her place.”
Logan used the introduction time to move around to Leo’s other side. He was more interested in Leo’s lean back in that shirt than whose birthday it was.
“Happy birthday,” he said, offering a small smile to a girl with a pretty bob and brown eyes.
“Thank you,” Harper smiled. “Thanks for coming—wait, which one is which? Logan, Finn, Finn, Logan…”
Finn raised his hand. “Finn.” He pointed. “Logan.” Logan watched as Finn slipped right into his element. “Happy birthday. Wow, this is a great place—courtyard in the city is such a score.”
“Oh my god, right?” John said. Logan met his eyes and realized he had been watching Logan take in Leo. Logan smiled back, maybe a little awkwardly, then looked down at his drink.
“Seriously,” Harper said. “I’m not even sure how I got so lucky.”
“How’d you find it?” Finn asked.
Logan let every part of himself relax. This was a rhythm he loved. Finn, launching into a conversation so easily that he hardly had to say anything, hardly had to do anything except feel it when Leo put an arm around his shoulders and turned his head down for a kiss.
“Hi, Lo,” Leo said in his ear. He carded a quick hand through Logan’s hair. “Oh my God, I didn’t realize it was getting kind of long. I love it. How are you?”
“Good,” Logan said. “You look really good.”
That brought Leo’s smile to a new light. “Thanks, I bought this today. You like it?”
Logan nodded, reaching forward to touch one of the small, white buttons. They had a slight sheen to them.
“Thanks for coming,” Leo said. “I know you’ve got training tomorrow.”
“I missed you this morning, I wanted to be with you.”
Logan knew he should let Leo keep up with the conversation around them, even if he just wanted to ask how his day was, and what he did, and where he got the shirt so Logan could get him more of that blue color.
Leo squeezed his shoulder. “I’ll come to the gym with you tomorrow, I think.”
Logan smiled. “That’ll definitely make it go faster.”
“Wait,” said Harper suddenly, drawing their attention. “So, you’re like—actually…I don’t even know what to call it—like you’re in a playoffs right now.”
Logan blinked, but figured Finn must have said something.
“I was explaining we met through hockey,” Finn said. “And John said I looked familiar, so I was saying about Alex and such, maybe he’s seen his face around.”
“Oh.” Logan took a quick sip of his drink. “Ouai—Yeah. So, we’re about to start the final round. I fly to Colorado the day after tomorrow for the first game.”
“How many games are there?” the other girl—Amanda?—asked.
Logan felt himself smile a little, and noticed Leo and Finn doing the same.
Amanda flushed a bit. “Sorry, that’s probably a stupid question.”
“Non, non,” Logan said quickly, mixing with Leo and Finn’s protests. “Non, it’s—Really, it’s nice to talk to someone who isn’t as, ah…” He looked at Finn, trying to find what he would have said in this situation. What was the thing he said? “Ah, wrapped up as we are in all of it.”
He paused, but Finn stayed quiet and the others were looking at him. “Um. Well, there could be four games, if one of us wins straight in a row.”
“A sweep,” Leo chimed in.
“Or there could be seven, if we really go back and forth.”
“And they’re all in Colorado?”
“Non, we trade off. Colorado, New York.”
“Damn,” John said. “That’s a lot of travel.”
“Tell me about it,” Leo said.
“So…” Harper gestured her drink between the three of them. “You’re all on different teams? That must be hard.”
Leo’s hand tightened around Logan’s waist. He saw Finn glance away.
“Ah, non. We were all on the Lions—Gryffindor’s team?”
“Oh, I love Gryffindor,” Amanda said. “My best friend moved there this past summer.”
Logan flashed a brief smile. “Ouais.” He nodded to Leo and Finn. “They’re still there. I got traded to New York a little while ago.”
“Oh.” John frowned. “Wow. I’m—is it weird to say I’m sorry? That feels weird.”
“Oh, no,” Finn assured him. “Believe me, we’re all sorry.”
“Hey, there are fights in hockey, right?” Amanda asked more brightly. “Do any of you do that?”
Regulus’ laugh reached them before he stepped up on Logan’s other side. “Wow. You two have been here for four minutes and we’ve already got the place flooded with hockey talk.”
“Guilty,” Finn said.
“Wait, so are you, like, famous to some people? To fans? Like would people stop you in the street?”
Logan just raised his eyes at Regulus. They obviously didn’t know who his brother was.
“Yep, got a couple of celebrities in our presence.” Regulus raised his eyebrows right back. “Bow down, I guess.”
“Oh, stop,” Leo laughed. “Finn, honey, come here, I want you to meet someone you’ll like. Lo?”
“Ouais, just going to get some more ice.” It was so hot, even with the sun lowering in the sky, that his drink was little more than watery soda.
When he found the ice again, it was also watery mush. Logan pushed a hand through his hair, cursing softly when it got caught on a knot. Leo was right, it was getting a little long, curling just at the back of his neck.
Regulus had followed him apparently. He stood on the other side of the table a bit awkwardly, hands in the pockets of his shorts. His t-shirt said I can’t, the Rangers are playing.
Logan laughed, pointing. “I didn’t notice that.”
Regulus smiled and replied in French. Thank God, Logan thought. He was already tired. “A little inside joke. Sirius was livid.”
“Ha, I bet he was.”
“Here. Fresh ice,” He pushed a cooler Logan’s way.
“Ah, great. Hey, thanks for inviting us. I know you probably don’t want all the hockey stuff around but—”
“Non, non,” Regulus said quickly. “I mean, yes. But that’s not—I don’t mind so much anymore. Obviously.” He gestured to his shirt. “Just needed a break, you know? A clean slate for a while.”
Logan nodded. “I get it.”
“Thanks for coming. You’ve got a lot going on right now.”
“Non, it’s a great break. And I’m trying to soak up as much time with the boys as possible, so.”
“You do have a whole summer for that.”
Logan smiled. “But it’s a short summer.” He used a fresh cup to scoop some ice into his drink. “Oh, before I forget.” He checked behind him, but Leo and Finn were across the courtyard. “I got us a cottage for the wedding. When you’re not with Sirius, you should come over and hang out.”
“Oh. That’s cool.”
“The boys don’t know. It’s a surprise.”
“How long are you guys staying up there?”
“Just a week. But we’ll be leaving Loops and Cap—or.” Logan rolled his eyes at himself.
Regulus laughed. “Habit.”
“Yes. One that my new team is not a fan of. But anyway, we’ll all be leaving them alone so, if you want, you should come stay? I know Leo will like that. Finn and I, too. It’s got, like, six bedrooms, so. And a dock. The family I got it from said we can use their boat—motor and sail.”
Regulus took a sip of his drink—Logan couldn’t tell what it was with the opaque red cup. “I’d really like that. If it’s all right.”
“It’s more than all right. I might invite my friend Luke and—and Saint.”
“Deveaux and Montague?”
“Ouais. You can bring someone, if you want.”
“Oh.” Logan swore Regulus’ eyes found someone in the crowd. “Ha, maybe.”
Logan looked over again to see Finn and Leo talking to two girls. He recognized their shared glances and the way they leaned in to catch every word Finn said. His entire chest got warm when he saw Leo switch his drink from one hand to the other and put his hand low on Finn’s back.
“You and my brother are still close.” Regulus said it like a statement, drawing Logan’s attention back to him. Then he added, “Right?”
Logan took a drink, tilting ice into his mouth. “Always.”
Regulus nodded. “Right.”
Logan looked at him, waiting for more, but Regulus didn’t offer anything right away. There was a plastic box of cookies on the table and Logan pointed to them.
“Just cookies? Nothing that’s going to make morning skate rough?”
Regulus smiled. “Yeah, just cookies.”
He took one, too, as if to prove it. “Do you think of him as a brother? Sirius. I know he thinks of you that way.”
Logan paused with the cookie halfway up to his mouth. He wasn’t sure if he was overthinking that question—especially coming from Regulus.
“I mean, obviously not like you. But, yeah, I think of him like that.” Logan took another sip, the rum sweet on his tongue. “Just with—Pascal and everything. And I could speak French with him. And we were with each other when, you know. The pictures. My trade. He’s one of my closest friends.”
Regulus nodded. He stopped nodding, and then nodded again. He snapped the cookie in half and chewed slowly.
“I’m glad he had that,” Regulus said finally. “I was just… All this wedding stuff. He’s got so many people.”
Logan nodded. “Ouais. Yeah, he does.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Logan could see Finn and Leo extracting themselves from the girls.
“He’d give us all up for you, though,��� Logan said.
Regulus blinked, eyebrows going up. “I wouldn’t want him to do that.”
“I know.” Logan felt Leo’s hands on his waist, laughing at something Finn had said. He had about two more seconds, holding Regulus’ eyes, to make sure he knew. “But he would.”
Even once Finn and Leo started talking at the same time, Regulus’ gaze stayed on Logan, and he gave a pleased, conceding nod.
#vaincre lumosinlove#regulus black#sirius black#finn o'hara#remus lupin#Logan tremblay#Leo knut#finnlo#o'knutzy#lelo#sunfish#wolfstar#coops#hockey au#sports au
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[podfic] Vaincre, by lumosinlove

The day has finally come!! I've posted chapter 1 of the vaincre podfic!!
all credit to @lumosinlove, who has created a remarkable universe, and making hazel-verse podfics is truly the nicest hobby.
I am hoping to release new chapters every Friday, but later chapters are not quite fully finished, so I'm afraid I can't commit fully to a release schedule. Related, there are around 30 voices in this podfic!! If I missed anyone or didn't know someone's tumblr, please let me know!
Cover artist: @marmarifer Alex O'Hara: @bkfstclubmember Celeste Dumais: Ami Cole Reyes: @girlwithcurls96 Dean Thomas: @noblecorgi Evgeni Kuznetsov: @greendrawer Fan at the cup parade: @platonicmoonwater00 Finn O'Hara: @arrowofcarnations Haley O'Hara: @veryspacecowboy Hannah: @emjayeingray Hope Lupin: @givemetherapyimawritingtravesty Jack Archer: to come James Potter: @orionsgirl7lovegoodravenclaw Kasey Winter: @fruitcoops Katie Dumais: @kindofspecificstore Kota Takahashi: @campfire-tales-bound Lars: chickens Layla: @literarion Lee Jordan: @micha-making-podfics Leo Knut: @heyitssmiller Logan Tremblay: @peggyrose19 Luke Deveaux: @noopienoopiernoopiest Marlene McKinnon: @imjusthereforwolfstar Natalie Darcy: @girlwithcurls96 Noelle Tremblay: AHelplessBookworm Olli Halla: @heyitssmiller Percy Marshall: @cr-amber Prim: @imjusthereforwolfstar Regulus: @veryspacecowboy Sebastian Montague: to come Sergei Ivanov: Kealer Thomas Walker: @hihimissamericanbi Will Morgan: flame
THANK YOU to everyone who helped me make this!! I literally couldn't do it without you
#podfic#wolfstar#lumosinlove#wolfstar podfic#vaincre podfic#o'knutzy#coops#chapter 1#38min long#here we goooo#fandom friends are the best friends#multivoice podfic
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Midnight Margaritas

IT'S HERE!!!!!! Happy Fic O'Ween 2024 everyone, affectionately titled “maybe it’s magic, maybe it’s frat boy margaritas” :)) I am so excited for this year's theme--making puzzles out of fests is my new favorite thing. Can you guess the Halloween movie of each fic? What about the overarching one for all thirteen?
Character credit goes to @lumosinlove and header/ fest credit belongs to @noots-fic-fests!
TW for alcohol
2 3 4 5? ounces of tequila. The good kind. Probably.
“Ah, fuck me.”
“It’s fine, nobody will notice.”
“It’s burning my nose.”
“The acid cuts it. Just blend it more.”
Juice of 1 lime
“Move, move—hey, cher, did you put a new thing of crackers out?”
“I’m doing the mulled wine, Fish said he’d take care of it.”
“…why are the marg limes in the—”
Triple sec (or anything with orange) (except orange juice, you freaks). A splash. Eyeball it.
“Okay, Cap and Loops are Ubering, guest room for T and Nolly, Alex is DD?”
“Yeah, he’s good. Oh, and Dumo just left.”
“Reg is staying on the foldout, by the way. Knutty’s setting up.”
“I love that thing.”
“We’re still not bringing it into our bedroom.”
“I really for sure put too much tequila in.”
“I’m telling you, blending it makes it fine.”
“What happened? You two look…focused.”
“A generous two ounces of tequila.”
“Scoot over, I’ll make a simple syrup.”
“Will that help?”
“With the taste? Sure.”
Shake Blend until well-mixed (this was a terrible idea).
“Oh—Christ Almighty, Harz.”
“Lo distracted me.”
“To spill half a bottle of—”
“It wasn’t half.”
Salt rim of glasses (essential)
“Mm. We should put chili powder in it next time. What am I talking about? I have my tajín.”
“Peanut, I love you, but I think chili margaritas might actually kill some people on this team. Including me.”
Pour blended margaritas into seasonally-appropriate glasses (once again, salt rim not optional), and enjoy!
“Happy Halloween, mes amours.”
“Happy Hallo-housewarming.”
“Oof, you both taste like tequila. Reg said your mulled wine was good, Lo. He stole the oranges out of mine.”
“Lucky for you, I know how to make more.”
“That’s the spirit. I thought I kept you around for a reason.”
“To autumnal revelry, a good fuckin’ party, and no morning alarms?”
“The best things always come in threes.”
“C’est vrai. Santé.”
#leo knut#logan tremblay#finn o'hara#cubs#o'knutzy#sweater weather#coast to coast#vaincre#lumosinlove#my fic#fanfic#fluff#fic o'ween 2024#midnight margaritas
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finally reading vaincre and im giggling
hello hello pandora
#vaincre#lumosinlove#marauders#sweater weather#wolfstar#regulus black#pandora lovegood#pandora rosier#sirius black#the black brothers#remus lupin#ice hockey#nhl#o'knutzy#jily#james potter#lily evans#finn o'hara#logan tremblay#leo knut#kasey winter#alex o'hara#natatlie#shes my bae#idk theres lots more characters#pascal dumais#i wish he was my dad#anyways#i love pandora shes so fucking funny
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Hii!! If you'd wanna write something about Leo being a bit younger than Finn and Logan that would be lovely! Maybe him being slightly insecure about it and FinnLo reassuring him, or maybe he misses his mama and needs some extra hugs, or perhaps Finn and Logan have to teach him something about adulthood, like paying bills or smth. Whatever you feel like really! No pressure though 🥰
Have a lovely day!!
Personally, I feel like Leo was pretty ready for a lot of adult stuff, like paying rent and cooking for himself and taxes. I headcanon Wyatt as working as an accountant or in finance and actually LOVING IT, he's a total math and numbers nerd (if you were wondering, Eloise works at a nonprofit and volunteers at a women's shelter and you can fight me on that). So I feel like Mama and Papa Knut prepared Leo really well for the real world. HOWEVER, it's hard on ANYONE to move away from home, especially if you're lucky enough to come from a loving one or are from a place you love to go back to, like Leo.
Hence, have some sweet little nutter butter needing a pick-me-up from his boyfs who couldn't even chop a carrot properly before they met him (it's okay, they've learned, and they help Leo prep and can make a few good recipes)!
All credits to @lumosinlove
P.S. I just got back from a LONG hike, so I am going to curl up with a blanket and bang out some of these prompts staring at me in my inbox. Thank you for being so patient, and please keep sending me your ideas! XOXO
Leo liked hanging out with Regulus’ college friends. They were funny and charming, and didn't seem to have any idea about anything related to hockey, which suited him just fine. They were a bit artsy, kind of like the friends he wished he'd had when he was in high school.
It was another end of year party, after Regulus’ sophomore year, and Leo was talking to Amanda about her French essay.
“It was kind of cool,” she was saying. “Looking at the demographics of different dialects and where they came from. But there's almost nothing out there on Cajun French, at least not that I could find.”
Leo laughed. “I could've been your textbook.”
She smiled. “Should've thought of that.” She shrugged. “But I found enough sources to justify the length of my section on that dialect, so it's all right, I guess.”
He nodded, trying to still listen, but he caught sight of Finn and Logan across the way. Finn had a hand low on Logan's back as he mixed them both drinks, and Logan had turned to talk to him, smiling with his lips against Finn's jaw. Logan had grown his hair out again, the curls less frizzy now that he actually took care of it. Finn was running his long, nimble fingers through the dark locks, and Leo could just imagine the feeling.
“I've never asked,” Amanda said. “You didn't go to college, did you? Not even for a little bit?”
Leo turned to her, brow furrowed. “No, why?”
She nodded her head from side to side. “Just trying to put the pieces together.” She considered her next words. “They were already in the NHL when you met, right?”
“Yeah,” Leo said. “They met at Harvard, then Finn got drafted to the Lions, then Logan, then about- three? No, a two years later, I came along, right out of high school.”
Her eyebrows shot up. “How old were you when you got together?”
Leo suddenly straightened. “Uh, nineteen.” He looked at her shocked face. “What?”
Amanda shook her head rapidly. “Nothing, nothing. It's just- does it bother you?”
Leo was confused. “That they knew each other beforehand? No, I actually like learn-”
“No,” Amanda laughed, then sobered. “No, the fact that they're a bit older than you.”
Leo just looked at her. “Uh, no? I don't think I've ever thought of it as a bad thing.”
“But they were, like, out of college for a few years when you met. You would've just been starting.” She looked at him apprehensively. “And that doesn't- I don't know, it doesn't make you think?”
“About what?”
Amanda seemed a bit lost for words. “About- about whether they're… you know, it.”
Leo was taken aback. “It? Of course they are, I love them.”
She sighed. “I'm not trying to, like, make you insecure or criticize.” She shrugged. “I was in a relationship when I was in middle school, all the way up until halfway through this year. I thought he was ‘it’, too. I guess I'm…”
“You're what?”
She looked him right in the eye. “I'm curious.”
“About what it's like to know- like, really know- that you've found the loves of your life when you're so young.”
Leo looked at her carefully. “I think- I think for us it works. And for some people it doesn't.” He bit his lip. “It's also different for us. Logan and Finn were always destined for each other, even if they were a disaster at Harvard. But if I wasn't really it, if they didn't love me completely and wholly, they wouldn't have been with anyone else but each other.”
“And that doesn't bother you?”
To Amanda’s obvious surprise, Leo smiled. “No. No, I think it's romantic.”
“Oh.” She looked down. “I'm sorry.”
Leo patted her arm. “Don't be. It- it's okay to have questions.”
He looked up to where Finn and Logan were talking with Regulus, who got approached by someone else. He excused himself, leaving the other two by themselves.
Leo turned back to Amanda, gesturing with his thumb. “I think I'm- I'm gonna just…”
“Yeah,” she said with a small smile.
“I hope you did well on your French essay.”
Her cheeks flushed, pleased. “Thanks, Leo. I'll see you later.”
“See you.”
Leo wandered over to where his boyfriends were, seemingly bickering quietly underneath a string of lights. He came up behind them and rested his hands on Logan's hips. Logan turned up to him with a smile. “Soleil,” he said happily. He turned into Leo's arms and leaned up for a kiss. “Ça va?”
Leo nodded. “Ouais. What are we talking about?”
Finn snorted. “Which M&M flavor is best. I said pretzel.”
“Non, the caramel ones.”
“Those aren't even that good, they're just pure sugar.”
Logan huffed, then tugged Leo's forearm gently. “Allez, Le,” he said. “Which one's better?”
“Personally,” he said, bending his neck down to be closer to them. “I prefer the peanut ones.”
Their answering smiles warmed him from his head to his toes.
Later, when they were all cuddled up in bed, cooling down in a late-night afterglow, Amanda's words kept nagging slightly at Leo’s brain.
“Guys,” he said from his place on Logan’s chest. “I have a question.”
Finn, walking over from where he threw the cloths in the laundry hamper, came to flop on his stomach beside them, his chin resting on Leo’s hip bone. “What is it, my peanut M&M?”
Leo snuggled closer into Logan's warm skin. “Does it ever… I don't know, like, bother you that I'm younger?”
Finn looked taken aback. “What? No- I mean-” He suddenly looked defensive “Did someone say something?”
Leo pressed his nose into Logan's chest. “At the party today. Amanda asked if I was sure about you guys, because we met when I was so young.”
Logan shifted underneath him. “Quoi? Sure?”
Leo carded a hand through Finn's hair. “Like, if I was sure you guys are forever for me. If I am sure.”
“You are forever.”
Leo smiled at the grumpy, possessive tone that Logan sometimes got. “That's what I told her. I told her that, if I wasn't, then you two wouldn't have wanted anyone else but each other.”
Finn kissed his palm. “But we do want you.”
“You've made that very clear,” Leo laughed. “And I know that the two of you, or me with just one of you, would never compare to the three of us.” He brought his foot to rest on Finn's lower back. “But I do think about it. The fact that I'm a little younger.”
“Quoi?” Logan asked. “You're more of an adult than we are.”
“Hey.” Finn flicked Logan's leg. “Speak for yourself.”
Logan wrapped Leo up tighter. “You were way more mature at nineteen than I was when I was nineteen.”
Finn nodded solemnly. “That's true. Nutty, you're way ahead of your years.”
“Thanks, I think?” Leo smiled. “But sometimes- I don't know, sometimes I don't feel like that.”
“What do you mean, mon coeur?”
Leo shrugged. “I feel like- I don't know, sometimes I really miss home. New Orleans. Like, it's still home to me, but Gryff is home to me, and you're home to me, so I feel home in all these places. I just can't let go of New Orleans yet, and sometimes…” He pressed into their hands. “I really, really love you, but sometimes I feel like I need a hug from my mama.”
Finn smiled at him, carding a hand through his hair. “That's not because you're younger. That's just because you're so sweet.”
Leo felt sheepish, turning his smile into Logan's chest.
Finn cooed. “Aw, our little sunshine's embarrassed.”
Logan laughed, leaning his head down over Leo to press wet kisses to his forehead and cheeks. “Ouais, mon soleil, you're just the sweetest.”
“Guys,” Leo said, but he felt warm. “Stop that.”
“Non, non, never.” Logan settled further against the pillows, bringing Leo with him and cradling his head with his hand. “Toujours, soleil.”
Finn shifted further up the bed, laying down beside them with a leg thrown over their bodies. “Do you ever feel insecure about it, baby?”
Leo considered this for a second. “I guess… sometimes I wonder what people think. Because you were in your mid-twenties when I was nineteen and we got together.”
Logan groaned. “No we were not.”
“Way to call us old, peanut.”
Leo kissed Logan's chest. “I'm just sayin’- a lot of people would think that's weird. But as we've gotten older, it seems less weird.”
Finn smacked his hip lightly. “Will you quit it with the age thing?”
“I'm sorry, honey. C'mere.” He pulled Finn in for a kiss. “Better?”
Finn nodded satisfactorily. “Very much, yes.”
“Allez, where's mine?”
Logan was looking at them both expectantly. Leo rolled over a bit to hover over him, leaning down to brush their lips together. When they pulled apart, Logan didn't even open his eyes, just turned his face toward Finn, jutting his chin out.
“You needy thing,” Finn said, but complied. Their lips made a soft breaking sound as they pulled apart. “Needy baby boy.”
“Mm, ici.” Logan pulled Leo down to rest on him again and tangled his ankles with Finn's. “Ouais. We sleep like this.”
Finn brushed his hair back from his face. “Needy thing.” He looked to Leo. “Sweet thing.”
Leo snorted. “I thought that was Logan.”
Finn shook his head. “It's both of you. I'm a lucky guy.”
Leo nudged their noses together. “That you are.” He breathed deeply and settled once again on Logan’s chest. The skin was warm, like a heater, lulling his eyes into closing. “I love you.”
“I love you so much.”
“Love you,” Finn sighed. “My sweetest things.” He stroked a hand up and down Leo's ribs. “Your age doesn't matter, baby. You could be two years younger, or two years older, or ten years older, and we'd still love you.”
Leo scrunched his nose. “Ten years older?”
“Mm,” Finn said, biting Leo's jaw. “Sexy silver fox.”
Leo pushed his face away with a laugh. “Ew, no, that's so gross.” When Finn leaned in to suck at his jaw again, licking at the skin, Leo made a protesting noise. “Finn.”
Logan patted Leo's butt. “I love how you are in this life, peanut. Exactly like this.”
That made Finn perk up. “Do you think we're together in every life?”
“Yes,” Leo answered immediately. He tilted his chin up to look between the two of them. “I don't want to love anyone else but the two of you.”
“Non, me neither,” Logan grunted. He wiggled a bit, wrapping his legs around Leo's calves. “Don't like that thought.”
Finn snorted. “You're a grumpy and possessive baby now.” He tucked his face into Logan's neck. “But you're both mine in every lifetime. No take-backs.”
“No,” Leo smiled. He could feel Logan's breathing evening out below his cheek. “No take-backs. Good night, sweethearts.”
“Good night, nutter butter.”
Logan just made a soft sighing noise, but he pulled Leo closer. Leo smiled, taking one last chance to look at how their skin shone in the moonlight, how their lips parted around their breathing, before closing his own eyes. He could get used to this in every lifetime.
#lumosinlove#finn o'hara#leo knut#logan tremblay#o'knutzy#sweater weather#vaincre#coast to coast#lgbtqia#love#leo is a 'mama's boy* angel you can't tell me he doesn't absolutely ADORE her he is so sweet#finn and logan were kind of a disaster before leo but we love them anyways lol#also leo sleeps SO well on one of their chests he just conks right out#hockey boys
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Leo Knut - #1 - A Terrible Idea
Day One: @noots-fic-fests - Fic-O-Ween. Thanks as always to @lumosinlove
Rated: G
CW: Food
Warning: Vaincre Spoilers
Leo liked to think that he was a good partner.
He was always there to lend a hand when Finn or Logan needed it. He was always available for kind word or a big hug. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his two.
And this was simple.
Should have been simple.
Their families had decided on various different plans for American Thanksgiving, and the three of them had decided that more than anything they wanted to spend it together. The ink was barely dry on Logan’s contract with the Rangers, and they knew now that for the next four years, this was going to be one of the few times during the season that none of them would have a game and get to see one another. As luck would have it, Logan had played an early home game Wednesday against the Penguins and had driven down to Gryffindor early. By the time Finn and Leo were done with their game against Montreal, he was there.
Leo wanted everything to be perfect. And perfect for Thanksgiving meant a dinner. A good one. The best one.
He’d done Thanksgiving dinner more times than he could count, but he’d always had his mama and her sisters as back up. Wyatt had surprised Eloise with a trip to Bali, so she was half a world away and without a phone. This was the first time he was attempting it all on his own.
Still, it shouldn’t be too complicated. It was just a lot of simple dishes all together at once. How difficult could it really be?
“Are you sure you want to do all this, Soleil?” Logan had asked, taking in all of the various groceries and prep that had taken over their kitchen by the time he got there.
“I already tried to talk him out of it,” Finn said, putting his chin on top of Logan’s head. “He said—”
“It’s a tradition. Besides, I want to do it for you,” Leo said, ignoring Finn.
“Is there anything we can—” Logan started again.
“Our instructions are to go to the living room and stay out of his hair,” Finn replied dutifully, nodding.
Logan’s eyebrows pulled together. “But I want to see you, Leo.”
Leo smiled. “You’ll see me plenty afterward. I promise.”
“But it’s, like, ten in the morning. Are you really going to start cooking now?”
Finn snorted. “Lo, he started like three days ago.”
Leo came up to both of them, kissing Finn’s cheek and then Logan’s forehead. “Trust me, it’ll all be worth it.”
That had been six hours ago.
Now, it looked as if a battle had been waged in the kitchen. Leo was usually pretty militant about organization while he was cooking, but that had been before his gravy had broken for the third time and he’d managed to scorch the rice and beans and had to start them over.
He was frantically trying to keep the cheese sauce from splitting and trying to figure out exactly how he was going to fit in three pans of various vegetables into the oven in the last thirty minutes of the turkey cooking.
“Baby, do you need—”
“I’m fine, Fish.”
“…You don’t seem—”
“Fine, Finn.”
“Are you s—”
And then a few minutes later. Leo had his back to the doorway, but he could feel someone lingering there. It had to be Logan. Finn would have already started talking.
“Tremz, not now. I’ll be done soon.”
He couldn’t understand why they didn’t understand he was doing this for them. It had been effort. Lots and lots of effort over days of work. Baking pies and preparing bread, stewing turkey giblets and necks for stock that underpinned the gravy and the stuffing. Planning the menu, the grocery lists, the shopping. Weaving all of that in between practice and games and travel and everything else. It was almost done if they could give him an hour it’d be finished and he could relax.
He didn’t even turn around. He heard a sigh and the shuffling of feet and that was it.
Leo tried to distract himself from the lead weight in his stomach with mashing potatoes and pulling the stuffing from the oven, but it was there anyway.
And then, finally, it was done. The table was set.
Finn and Logan were both silent when they sat down.
“Looks great,” Finn said quietly.
“Ouais, Soleil.”
They made their plates, and Leo was finally ready to sit back and enjoy the fruits of all that labor.
And then tragedy struck.
Well, tragedy had started three days earlier when he’d decided to salt brine the turkey. Salt and baking powder. Salt and single action baking powder.
Finn reached for his napkin, discreetly trying to make a gagging noise without being rude.
It wasn’t the kind of mistake he made. But he did. The turkey looked perfect.
Logan winced, but kept chewing, swallowing determinedly.
As soon as he put it in his mouth, he could tell it wasn’t perfect. It couldn’t have been farther from perfect.
Single action baking powder. Not double. Double would make it…
Taste like metal. Like baking soda.
Suddenly, Leo was aware of the wreck in the kitchen behind him, the sweat and stains on his T-shirt, the reserved, cowed expressions on their faces.
If it hadn’t already tasted vile, it would have tasted like ash anyway.
He wasn’t aware of the tears before they started to fall.
“Excuse me,” Leo said before leaving the table.
He just made it to the bathroom before the crying really started. What was he doing? He’d spent all day on this, and for what? He turned on the sink and wetted his hands, pressing cool water to his cheeks. He studied his red eyes in the mirror. His hair was frizzy, and he looked tired.
There was a gentle knock at the door before it was pushed open and Logan was there, pulling him into his arms, and the tears started again.
“Shhh, Soleil. It’s okay. It’s okay,” he soothed. It didn’t matter that Leo was six inches taller than him, in an instant, Leo folded himself into his chest and let himself cry.
“I’m sorry. God. I’ve been the worst,” Leo snotted.
“Non. No. Leo, no. It’s alright. You were stressed. We know that. We know you wanted it to be good for us.”
“This was a terrible idea,” Leo said.
“It wasn’t. Shh. It wasn’t. You always try to make everything so good for us. Finn and I know that.”
“And you’re not here that long!? You’re leaving tomorrow and I spent all day snapping and distracted,” Leo continued to rant.
“Peanut, look at me,” Logan pulled back, using the sleeve of his too long sweatshirt to wipe at Leo’s face. Leo was sure he looked a mess.
Logan didn’t seem to care. He offered Leo a small smile.
“You’re okay. It’s okay. We love you, Leo. It’s so good that you want to do things for us, Peanut, but it’s all okay. I promise.”
“Yeah,” Logan said, nodding his head like that was all there was to it.
Maybe it was.
“Okay, folks. Good news. There’s Thanksgiving pizza arriving in t-minus seven minutes,” Finn said coming in the doorway. “Everything else is delicious and who even likes turkey anyway? Worst poultry in my opinion,” Finn sniffed.
Leo couldn’t do anything but pull him into their hug.
Afterward, after Finn and Logan tackled the kitchen and Leo was showered and snuggled into Finn’s oldest Harvard crewneck, Leo thought that it had been perfect anyway. Perfect as they’d laughed watching Finn try to combine cheese pizza and cranberry sauce, perfect as Logan balled up pieces of rolls and put them in the hood of Finn’s sweatshirt for him to find later.
Now they were all crammed on the couch. It was big enough for all of them, but each of them preferred to gather at one end and invade one another’s space. Leo’s head on Finn’s shoulder, breathing in Logan’s cologne as they watched A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.
And Leo was so grateful for them.
“Thank you,” he said quietly into Logan’s hair.
Logan didn’t say anything, just reached up to kiss temple.
Leo figured it maybe wasn’t what he’d expected, but maybe that was exactly what made it better.
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rereading coast to coast by @lumosinlove and just remembering the glorious Pascal Dumais gaydar because there is truly no other straight man in the world who could absolutely clock so damn many gay hockey players and I just love and respect him so damn much
#lumosinlove#coast to coast#coast to coast lumosinlove#sweater weather#sweater weather lumosinlove#hockey#marauders#technically#but not really#o'knutzy#leo knut#logan tremblay#finn o'hara#finnlo#lelo#sunfish
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hockey season!! so you know what that means, we reread sweater weather, coast to coast, and cubshots! (im waiting for vaincre to be completed)
#sweater weather ao3#sweater weather fic#lumosinlove#vaincre#vaincre fic#vaincre lumosinlove#sweater weather lumosinlove#o'knutzy#YO LOOPS#wolfstar#jily#leo knut my nutter butter#logan tremblay#remus lupin#sirius black#james potter#coast to coast
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O'Knutzy Week - Day 1
I saw the prompt Racing on the bingo card and I couldn't resist.
Me? Watching twenty cars go vroom vroom in a circle for sixty laps every other weekend? Absolutely not.
Here's the first of five parts of Starboys, a Cubs Formula One AU!
(Leo will arrive in style, fashionably late, tomorrow)
Characters belong to the amazing @lumosinlove. A big thank you to @oknutzy-week-2024 for organizing the fest.
A5: We lost
Link to Ao3 here
Monza, Italy
National Automobile Racetrack
The late August heat radiating from the pit lane was anything but a pleasant welcome. Sliding his sunglasses into messy hair, slightly sweaty from a short walk under the scorching sun, Logan took a quick look around.
The Silver garage was uncharacteristically quiet, with only a few mechanics loading tires onto trailers, probably setting them up for tomorrow's free practice sessions.
The weekend hadn't even started yet, and Logan already wished it were over. He ached to wash away the feeling of too many sleepless nights off his body, to get rid of the latent headache that had been haunting him for days—ever since he'd boarded that flight from Amsterdam alone.
What would happen if he refused to show up? Would they fire him? He actually considered hiding for a second, just as the back door to the offices opened.
The unmistakable sound of Celeste's voice made him turn around.
"Oui, maman?"
"Don't maman me, Tremblay," she stepped closer. "You're late."
"I know," Logan risked an innocent grin. "Please tell me why I have to do this."
The threatening look he earned was more eloquent than any real answer. "Okay, okay," he held his hands up in a sign of truce. "Who's at the press conference?"
Celeste had a habit of memorizing every single detail of his schedule. "Olli, Thomas, Jackson and Finn," she recited. "Do I have to remind you to behave?"
"You know I hate those fucking-"
"Language," Celeste playfully pressed a finger to his chest, then tilted her head toward the door. "Go charm everyone with that sweet face of yours."
"Yeah," Logan huffed. "If anyone so much as breathes a word about last week, I swear to God–"
"You will kindly remind them it was a misunderstanding."
"Mais non," he tried to reason. Had it been a misunderstanding?
"Logan, they want to throw gasoline on this already raging fire. We won't let them."
"Fine," he gave up. There was no point in arguing with her. "But he better be on the same page."
Celeste Dumais wasn't just any manager. She was a friend, a steady presence at Logan's side. And she also happened to be the scariest human being he'd ever met in his life. At least when she wanted to be.
"Go," she insisted. The bossy yet extremely loving tone came out, capable of commanding an army and taking care of a wild household at once. "Behave, and be ready for dinner at six. Pascal is taking us to his favorite restaurant in town, and Katie wants to show you she's learned to eat spaghetti."
"All by herself?"
"And with a fork. Can you believe that?"
Logan's smile was genuine. "Merci, maman."
Down the hall in the Media Center, Logan could hear the loud chatter of people. He checked his watch and realized that they were probably waiting for him to start the conference.
Media day, real fun.
The same old faces welcomed him as he sat down at the end of a long red couch, right next to Thomas Walker, Racing Bull's first seat.
"Care to join the party?" Thomas whispered, muffling his words from the cameras.
"I'd rather not," Logan crossed his arms and leaned against the backrest. "But apparently I have no choice."
Thomas tried to stifle a laugh as the journalist spoke into his microphone, drawing everyone's attention.
"Welcome everybody to the drivers' press conference ahead of the FIA Formula One Italian Grand Prix," he said to the cameras. Years of interviews and conversations with this man, and still Logan found it tricky to understand his thick Scottish accent. "Here are our five drivers joining us today. Closest to me is the home hero for this weekend, Finn O'Hara."
Finn actually smiled for the audience and politely returned the greeting with a grateful nod.
"Then we have Olli Halla, Jackson Nadeau, Thomas Walker and Logan Tremblay. Welcome to you all."
Every other Thursday afternoon on race weekends, when his teammate James wasn't on call, Logan was forced to sit through the same boring go-to questions—usually asked by the same three people. What can you tell us about last week's results? What are your expectations for this weekend? And each time, he tried his best to hide his discomfort behind safely prepared answers, carefully tailored to avoid any kind of drama—the very thing reporters were always looking for.
"Why don't we start with you, Finn?" The man, Tom, asked. "How does it feel, as an American, to be able to race again in red in front of the Italian crowd?"
"Oh, man," Finn laughed, and the rapid clicking of camera shutters instantly filled the room.
"This is incredible," he went on. "Every year it feels like coming home. The fans are amazing, and their support means everything to me and, of course, to the team."
Not only was Finn an elite driver, but he also had an innate talent for winning people's hearts with the silliest of comments. Finn O'Hara was pure charm, and Logan hated to admit it, but he had always been a little jealous of his natural way with people—reporters, journalists, fans. Finn acted like he was born to be in the spotlight and, most importantly, on the top step of the podium. It came as no surprise to Logan when Finn received a multi-year contract offer from the most prestigious racing team in the world, the one people could name without thinking twice when asked about Formula One.
Ask a child to draw a car, and they will certainly draw it red—the same crimson as the Scuderia's vibrant and historic livery, the flagship of Made in Italy.
"Let's move on to Logan," Tom said eventually, his voice as calm and punctuated as usual. "Shall we go back to last weekend? I believe it was a tough one for you, but you still managed to finish the race."
Logan took his time answering. He grabbed the mic, untangled the long cable twisted at his feet, and slowly pulled it to his mouth, white knuckles clutching the metal casing. "It was," he said coldly. His free hand reached for his hair, feeling exposed by the absence of his snapback. "But there's not much to add, to be honest. As I said in the post-race interview, I got damaged by the contact and the car lost a little performance in terms of aerodynamics," he explained calmly.
"The safety car he..." Logan trailed off. "The safety car helped. The mechanics did a mega job during the pit stop and fixed the problem enough to let me cross the finish line."
But I still don't know why it happened.
"It was absolutely a fantastic team effort," agreed Tom. "What about your predictions for this Sunday?"
Logan's lips twitched on autopilot into a cocky smile. "Oh, I can totally see a win."
"Best of luck to you," the man smiled back. "Now I think we have time to take questions from the print media."
Logan tensed. This was the tough part, when sports journalists went on a merciless gossip hunt, looking for the best headline for their next article. And once again, Logan found himself in their crosshairs.
It didn't take long for Tom to give the floor to the most annoying of them all.
"Peter Jones, ESPN F1," the man said as he switched on the microphone. "Finn, the DNF at Zandvoort cost you important points in the battle for the championship," he paused. His greedy eyes flicked not so casually between Finn and Logan. "What are the consequences in the close fight between you and the current leader?"
A subtle question, because Logan knew exactly where this was going. He couldn't help but turn to look at Finn, who sat up straighter on the couch and inadvertently moved a hand to rub the back of his neck—as he always did when he was nervous.
"Like you said," he cleared his throat, "it's still a tight fight. I made a mistake and I apologized, because..." Logan heard the hesitation in his voice, a faint tremor. "We both lost something last week. The race, good points..." Finn's eyes went blurry for a fleeting moment. "But I have to focus more on the future if I want to close the gap between us. And that's still my goal, so I'd say nothing has really changed".
"So everything's okay between the two of you?"
Logan had watched the footage in his hotel room. He remembered storming out of his box. He had wanted to talk, to understand. And they just ended up yelling at each other in the middle of the paddock. Fifteen minutes later, the pictures were all over the Internet.
Sparks flying on and off the track. Tempers flare as Tremblay and O'Hara clash after today's collision, the official F1 account had captioned the post on Instagram.
"Of course," Finn nodded, a half smile on his lips, uncertain. "Yeah, good rivals and all."
Rivals. That's what they were these days. Faces of the rivalry between two legendary, antagonistic teams. Names in capital letters on magazine titles and website headlines.
One against the other.
As soon as they were dismissed, Logan bolted out of the room. It was four in the afternoon, and he still had to find a way to get out of the circuit unnoticed.
Logan wasn't being hostile. He loved his job and the life that came with it—or almost all of it. Even if it meant exposing himself more than he actually liked.
Just not today, not now, not when the constant pounding in his head kept his focus far away, trapped in a conversation he wished had turned out differently.
He was close to the exit door when he heard footsteps running after him.
"Logan, wait."
"Not in the mood," he said without looking back.
"Lo." a warm hand cupped his shoulder. "Please."
They hadn't talked in almost a week, a first for them. Finn had texted, but Logan had needed time to figure out why he was so upset. In the back of his mind, Logan replayed the scene for the thousandth time.
Lap fifty, one hour and forty minutes into the race. Logan was leading the Dutch Grand Prix, going through Sector 2 with a 0.286-second lead over Finn, who had his DRS open. At the entrance to Turn 11, they were neck-to-neck, fighting for the apex.
The contact between the two cars happened out of the blue. It felt like a punch in the gut.
Logan had watched the tape over and over, looking for a valid justification, an explanation. There had been plenty of room for both cars, and yet Finn had pushed him off the track, damaging Logan's front wing and knocking himself out of the race.
"You lied," Logan said firmly, still with his back to Finn.
"You said you apologized. But you didn't."
Finn let out a heavy breath, a hint of disbelief in it. He stepped in front of him, tall and broad as he was, brown eyes unbearably sad.
"You think I did it on purpose?" he asked, his voice shaking with emotion.
Logan held Finn's gaze. He felt all the tension in his body release at the sight of the hurt on his face. "Finn, I could never. Merde, I just... I don't understand why you snapped at me like that."
You know what, Logan? Fuck you too. I don't have to explain anything to anyone. Just leave me alone.
"I didn't mean to," Finn ducked his head, shying away from him. "I was tired of people asking me what happened and..." he shrugged helplessly. "You were so angry and I was furious because I'm an asshole and that was a fucking rookie mistake." Finn finally looked back at him, "I'm so sorry, Lo. I should have told you right away. I'm sorry."
We both lost something last week. Something.
Logan closed his eyes.
Competitiveness was rooted in his DNA. He'd been racing for as long as he could remember, and he knew he would become a professional driver from the moment he sat in a kart for the first time at the tender age of five. The son of Marius Tremblay, a legend of the sport, following in his father's footsteps.
He'd come a long way, with ups and downs, blissful achievements, countless defeats and steady improvement. And yet he'd found his way to this, to be a two-time world champion at the pinnacle of motorsport. To compete for a third title against Finn, the best friend he could've ever asked for. The only thing he hadn't expected to find on this competitive journey, and yet the most precious.
Logan had lost a race. That was it, a mistake. He certainly wasn't going to make the one to let Finn go. He could barely stand the idea of fighting with him.
Still, he kept his face straight. He would never have given in that easily. "Listen," he said seriously, fighting the urge to hold Finn as he grew even paler, the freckles on his nose and cheekbones a stark contrast to his milky skin. "If you're not taking me out for a drink tonight, we're done."
A sparkle lit up those helplessly kind, soothing eyes. "We're not supposed to drink alcohol, Tremblay," Finn smiled shyly.
"D'accord," Logan rolled his eyes and bit back a smile of his own. "Alcohol free it is."
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“Do that again- Shit, just like that, right there.” Sounds like it would be said amongst the cubs to me 👀👀👀
It sure does, doesn't it?
(Rating: E)
Character credit to @lumosinlove <3
Leo blinked up at the ceiling fan, trying to focus on the steady whirr of its blades—on anything that would keep him from losing it this soon. Finn's mouth had always been fatal to his stamina.
A wet, slurping kiss to his inner thigh sent a shiver rocketing through him. Had Finn made that yearning sound just now? No, couldn't have been him—his mouth was occupied with taking Leo apart as fast as physically possible, or so it seemed. And Logan was grinning lazily at him from where he'd flopped onto his back an arm's length away, basking in his own three-round afterglow and looking like some sort of debauched oil painting, filthy and beautiful in equal measure. Must've come out of his own mouth, then.
"Finn," Leo whined, and was rewarded with another kiss, this time just above his hole.
"Finn," Leo said again, louder this time; a clever tongue circled his rim and then flattened against him, giving him the broad laves that had unraveled him at warp speed in the first place. Leo's back arched, but Finn's hands were tight under his knees, holding his legs open and back to give himself all the room he wanted.
"Do that again," he pleaded and was, again, rewarded. Finn was particularly eager to please tonight, hungry for their pleasure, and Leo would always be weak for it. "Shit, just like that, right there."
"Bossy," Logan piped up, sounding delighted as he scooted closer until their heads rested on the same pillow. His lips were slow and indulgent against Leo's, at odds with Leo's pounding heart and building desperation.
Leo's heart and cock throbbed when Logan nuzzled their noses together just as Finn tucked two fingers inside him, right alongside his relentless mouth. Logan's flush deepened as another high-pitched sound was wrenched out of him. "Close, soleil? Gonna give Harzy what he wants?"
Oh, no, Leo thought helplessly. He whimpered as his legs trembled uncontrollably on either side of Finn's head. He stood no chance of lasting beyond the next minute if Logan's mouth was joining in.
"He wants it so bad," Logan continued, petting a hand down Leo's chest and tweaking a nipple just to make him shake harder. "His jaw must hurt after all the time he spent on me, but look how hard he's trying for you. Loves you so much, wants you to come so hard."
Finn didn't stop to speak—like a man possessed, that one, especially when his partner's orgasm was in sight—but he moaned an uh-huh right against Leo's burning skin. Leo had to shut his eyes, head tipping back on the bunched-up pillow and leaving his straining neck exposed for an onslaught of Logan kisses.
"Gonna," he heard himself warn, feeling himself tipping over the edge. The fingers inside him crooked just so; his gasp might as well have been a scream for how loud it was. "Finn, Finn, Finn, gon—na—uh!"
It took both of them to keep him on the bed and against Finn's face as the pleasure crested again and again in breath-stealing waves. Logan fumbled for a loose hold on Leo’s cock and groaned as his hand was dripping in mere seconds. Finn gentled his mouth and stilled his fingers but stayed there until every last jolt and shudder and pulse of Leo's body had faded, leaving him heavy and pliant beneath their touch.
That clever, gorgeous, dangerous mouth left a parting kiss against his hole as the fingers inside him slid out carefully, and he twitched away from it, sensitive and wrung-out now. All he had to do was hold out his arms, and he was suddenly the center of a perfect cuddle, Finn and Logan curled up on either side of him as they all caught their breaths.
He turned his head to meet Finn's eyes, gently massaging his overworked jaw with one hand while the other pet Logan's hair. "Did you...?"
Finn kissed the heel of his hand. "Mhm. On your thighs, baby. You're pretty messy." His smile got that crooked, playful slant to it that Leo adored. "And pretty, and messy. Very pretty. Very messy."
"Could be messier," Logan offered, stroking Leo's hip.
"Oh god," Leo laughed. "Need a nap first. Y'all're tryin' to kill me."
"Aw, he's getting all Southern on us," Finn said. Leo didn't know how he was chattering away; his jaw must be screaming at him, but Finn could be stubborn.
Leo kissed his cheek, then the point of his nose. "You fucked the city right outta me," he agreed, smiling at their laughter. "Nap?"
"Nap," Logan said, snuggling in further.
"Nap," Finn chorused, letting his eyes close. "Love you, Butter."
Leo waited for Finn's breathing to even out and to feel the telltale twitch of Logan's limbs before succumbing to sleep himself. They had all night, but he didn't want to miss a single moment with them.
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My love for Logan Tremblay knows no bounds
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Seeking hope and happiness, especially today, and found some in these three...
On The Line
Part Six
New York was much as Logan remembered it. This city seemed to do nothing but change, so its fast paced lights and sidewalks always seemed the same. Finn refused to stay anywhere but Manhattan, but if his happy expression as he stood at their suite’s large windows while sipping his coffee resulted in earlier mornings for the both of them, Logan didn’t care.
He poured a cup of his own and joined him at the window. Central Park’s leaves hadn’t turned yet. Early joggers and cyclists were out. People walked their dogs. The world felt awake and happy, and Finn’s arm around his waist was warm.
The qualifiers were over, the first rounds blown through. The semifinals were today. Logan had taken out Winter easily to get past the quarterfinals, and today he’d go up against Luke. Leo had fought hard to get through Black and succeeded, which had upset and surprised everyone—even those who were hoping for another grueling Tremblay-Knut match up in the final.
Logan knew he should be nervous for tonight’s match. He had to focus on Luke, who had a way of sneaking up on people. Instead, all he could think about was the prospect of meeting Leo in the finals.
“He sleeping?” Finn asked.
“Shower,” Logan said. “He was singing last I checked.”
“Singing what?”
“I don’t know.”
Finn scoffed. “Yes, you do.”
Logan rolled his eyes, but settled his head against Finn’s chest. The park looked so peaceful. The runners knew just where they were going around the circular track of the lake. The dog walkers would soon make their way back home. Logan didn’t know what would happen tonight—if he’d make it, or if he would lose this chance at another title. He wondered when he would get tired of chasing titles. It hadn’t quite happened yet. Something still ignited in his chest when he thought about winning. It was similar to the feeling he got when he thought about those two, prized first kisses he’d received. He liked Finn in the stands. He liked the grueling training Finn designed for him.
“How you feeling?” Finn asked, scratching his fingers through Logan’s hair. “You’re playing good. Smooth. I’m proud.”
Logan nodded, settling more of his weight against him. “I’m good.” He hesitated, but Finn would find out sooner or later. Logan would end up blurting it out in a different moment just like this one. “Nervous.”
“I know,” Finn said. “But we knew this was always a possibility.”
“But now it’s close. And real.”
“Oh, you’re so sure you’re going to take Luke.” When Logan just looked at him, Finn laughed. “Yeah, okay, killer.”
“I don’t want to hurt Le.”
Finn stayed quiet for a moment. Logan closed his eyes, letting him mess with his hair, rub his neck, do anything he wanted while he thought. One time he accidentally started doing it when a few reporters caught up with them around the practice courts, and there hadn’t been a camera there but they had sure gotten a few laughs.
“You’re not hurting anyone, Lo. You’re doing your job. Leo will be in the game longer than you. He’s talented and driven and younger.” Finn looked down at him. “I think the only thing that would hurt him is you…like, going easy on him or something.”
Logan scoffed. “Going easy?”
“Not that you would. God knows you’re too stubborn for that.”
Logan let his eyes unfocus, filled only with the green and brown smudges of the park far below. A siren wailed somewhere—a sound he always associated with the beginning of a grueling hardcourt season. He already knew Finn would be setting up multiple massage appointments for him—and thought about asking Finn to do it himself like he sometimes did.
“I want to beat him. That’s there, just like in practice,” Logan said carefully. “I just… I need a way to separate it.” Logan ran his hand down Finn’s arm until he reached his wrist. He traced over the taut tendons there from holding his coffee. “I don’t remember how I did it with you. I just—I need it to be about the game and not about us because…”
Finn’s fingers paused from messing with his hair. His thumb brushed Logan’s eyebrow, and Logan took the cue and looked up at him.
“Because I love him,” Logan whispered.
A new sort of flame caught behind Finn’s eyes. His laugh was soft, satiny, and he cupped Logan’s chin in light fingertips.
“Ouais,” Logan whispered against Finn’s mouth. “Finn, I do, I do…” Finn was hushing him, smiling, nodding, then kissing him.
“Shower’s free,” Leo’s voice said.
Logan looked to see him with a towel around his waist and another in his hands, drying off his hair roughly. The droplets of water on his chest shone as brightly as the gold chain around his neck.
“I mean,” Leo continued, grinning. “Technically, it was free while I was in it, too. If we’re covering all our bases here.”
“I have to shower,” Finn said, setting his coffee down. “So, why are you toweling off?”
Leo laughed and threw the towel in a perfect straight snap to Finn’s chest.
Finn just grinned, grabbing his face for a sloppy kiss as he passed by. He turned. “Lo, eat a light breakfast and stretch now so we can get some hitting in early. And Le…” He stopped in his tracks, halfway through the bathroom doorway before he retraced his steps and took Leo around the waist for a slower, softer kiss. It left his shirt damp. He hooked a finger in Leo’s gold chain. “See you for lunch?”
Logan still managed to forget Leo wasn’t coming down to the courts with him more often than not. He’d grown so used to spending every single moment together. Seeing him across the practice courts, alone, and tall, and beautiful, felt so, so strange. Sometimes Finn had to stop Logan from crossing the lines at the sound of Leo’s coach’s harsh barks at him…Sometimes Logan had to stop Finn.
Leo bit his lip, shoulders falling some, and shook his head. “Probably not.”
Logan frowned. He took it all back. This was the hardest part. The days where they hardly saw each other. “When?”
“I’ll stick around after I play Lupin,” Leo said, offering a smile as he wiped at the water he’d gotten on Finn’s shirt. “Watch you kick Luke’s ass.”
Logan brightened. “You will?” What if you lose? There was no way Leo’s team would want him out at Logan’s match for the camera to find if he lost.
“Fuck ‘em,” Leo said, reading his mind, then looked at Finn. “But I probably shouldn’t sit with you.”
Finn’s mouth pulled to the side unhappily, but he nodded. “I know…All right, well, have a late dinner with us?”
“Gotta ask coach,” Leo said. “But I want to. Will you text me where you guys end up?”
Logan set his coffee down too, mostly untouched. “Le, we won’t leave without you. Tell your team your having dinner with—with friends, if you have to.”
“They can’t deny you us.” Finn brushed his knuckles down Leo’s cheek. “We’re yours.”
“Sweetheart…” Leo caught Finn’s hand and kissed it. “You are.”
But Leo sighed, and it sounded so heavy and exhausted that Logan wanted to take them both back to his house, back to the sun and the pool, and the open kitchen that wouldn’t ever feel the same without Leo’s happy humming in it.
Logan crossed the room and fit into Leo’s other side. He settled his palm on his neck, making Leo look at him. I love you. I love you.
“I’ll try,” Leo said. He put his hand over Logan’s. “You know I’ll try.”
Leo won his match. Logan caught the end of it on the warm-up room televisions while rolling out his back on the mats. Luke was on the other side of the room. Maybe they would have been watching together, had they not been about to play, but Logan was glad for the quiet. Finn was off somewhere preparing Logan’s drinks and fruit. He’d started leaving little messages on the insides of bottle caps and the back of Logan’s plastic forks. Love you. The camera had already caught one that said you’re hot and so he’d been sticking to love. Logan had realized that the camera caught it and had shown it on the big screen once the crowd laughed, so he’d made a point of tapping it, eyes on the camera, and pointing to himself. That had won him big media points. One headline had even read Heart Grew Three Sizes That Day.
Leo was doing well. He looked strong and energetic, bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet while he waited for a serve. Logan paused, letting himself rest with his neck on the roller as he took him in. He looked devastating in the outfit his sponsors had chosen. All black, all the way to the headband tied around his golden hair.
His returns were like water. He hit a backhand, forehand, backhand, before whipping the ball down the line so perfectly that Logan had to inhale and close his eyes, pushing the roller from his neck to shoulders. The perfect dig into his sore muscles couldn’t come close to Leo’s hands on him, especially with Finn’s dark eyes watching the two of them over Leo’s shoulder.
“I know what you’re think-ing a-bout,” Finn’s sing-song voice came.
Logan opened his eyes to see Finn standing there. He held a clear cup of fruit, and three water bottles. One was clear, untouched. The other was orange, filled with vitamin C, the third pink with hydration powder.
“Ha,” Finn said. He set the bottles down as he crouched by Logan’s side. “I was right, I can tell.”
Logan pushed himself up to sit. “You were right.”
“Actually. You were,” Finn said. He twisted a bottle cap off and flashed its reverse at him.
I <3 him 2
From the court, Logan found Leo in in the crowd easily, smiling and accepting congratulations for his win. He had shed the black, sponsored clothes. For Logan, he was sunny in white and light blue. Only a small smile and a slight flutter of his fingers let Logan know Leo had seen him, too. Hi, it might have said. Or, good luck.
When Logan looked to Finn, Finn flashed him a thumbs up and patted a hand over his chest. You got this. Love ya.
Logan liked all of his and Finn’s secret messages to each other while he was on court. He wanted more of that with Leo. He wanted to be able to know for sure what ever inch of Leo meant. Every movement. He wanted Leo to know in turn that he had seen him, that he—
“Time violation,” came the umpire’s voice.
Logan blinked. Around him the audience was murmuring. He jerked his head up to the chair. The umpire was looking at him impatiently. He didn’t remember coming to stand at the baseline, but he found himself holding the ball close to his racket like he was about to bring it up for a serve. How long had he been standing that way? He looked at Finn, who was now standing up and had concern written all over his face. Lo?
Leo. Logan found him in the crowd again. Sweet-eyed. Just as concerned. Nodding at him. What did that mean? I know? It’s okay? I understand? You got this?
Logan bounced the ball, once, twice, caught a glimpse of Luke’s taken off-guard face, and served. Ace. No one could touch that shot from him. Maybe Leo could.
Leo definitely could. With his reach, with his step, with his glorious elegance. Logan narrowed in again. This was his game. His war within as his body fought to reach the finals—even while his mind dreaded playing Leo. And longed for it.
Luke put up a fight, but he simply wasn’t as quick. Logan’s win came to him easily in the third set, off a slice that cut the ball to drop right over the net.
“Game, set, match, Tremblay,” echoed through the stadium.
Luke met him at the net, clasping his hand and slapping him on the back.
“Nice one. You good?” Look said in his ear.
“I’m in love,” Logan said.
Luke pulled back, giving him a look, then laughed. “Lucky you, then, Tremblay.”
Finn was waiting for him in the tunnel, as usual. Instead of the usual hard hug—which Logan had been looking forward to—he put oh-so gentle hands to Logan’s face, looking between his eyes for signs of harm.
“You okay?” he asked softly. “What happened with that time violation? You just…You just stood there for a second, I thought you were gonna pass out on me or something.”
Logan shook his head. “Where’s Leo?” Then, surprising himself, he laughed. He took Finn’s face in his hands, a mirror, and kissed him hard. “Where is he?”
“I…” Finn laughed, too, shaking his head. “I don’t know, maybe waiting for the car if he got away—”
Logan wrapped his arms tightly around Finn’s neck. He pressed a kiss to Finn’s cheek. “I love you, mon Rouge. Mon coeur, lumière, éternité…”
Finn’s hands pressed into his back. “I love you. God, I love you, too, but Lo, just say you’re good. Say it to me.”
“I am,” Logan said, tucking his face into his neck. “I am.”
Logan tried not to appear as insane as he felt when he was stopped to sign autographs. He was probably full on grinning in photos with fans more than he had in his entire career. Finn stood a step apart, like a watchful bodyguard. He signed a few autographs and took a few pictures of his own. He placed a hand low on Logan’s back and guided him out of the arena towards where the car would be waiting.
And there he was. Logan felt like some string had been cut then refastened. All the parts of him yearning to get to Leo in that crowd, standing frozen on that court, tethered themselves to the golden boy waiting at the curb.
He would have kissed him right there. He would have willed the world’s attention their way—but first them. Just them. First, this had to be theirs.
He didn’t have to call out Leo’s name. He heard them coming and turned. The grin he gave Logan was filled with the win he himself had under his belt.
He slipped his phone into his pocket. “Late dinner, yeah? Tastes fifty times better after a win.” When Logan got close, Leo wrapped an arm around his shoulders and leaned in, away from the cameras. “Good game, Lo. You all right?”
Logan nodded and yanked open the door of the car. He guided Leo through, then Finn, who went with a wink.
The car was dark, darker than the night was outside with its people and camera lights. The door shut and took the noise with it. Finn and Leo sat in the seats opposite Logan. There was a driver, Finn was giving him a restaurant name, but Logan didn’t care. Leo had a hand on Finn’s thigh, accepting a kiss.
“He’ll say he’s fine, but you tell me,” Leo said. “Is he okay? On the court, I thought—”
Logan leaned across the pristine black carpet of the car. He steadied himself on the smooth leather seat with one hand, his other high on Leo’s thigh, and kissed Leo’s surprised mouth.
“Okay,” Leo mumbled, steadying Logan with two hands on his waist. “Moving car? Seatbelts?”
“If you’re in the stands, I want you in my box,” Logan said. “If I’m in the stands, I want to be in your box.” He feathered lighter kisses up Leo’s cheek. “I want to sit next to Finn. I want you to be able to hear us when you go for a towel. I want to be able to hear you both.”
Leo sent Finn a look through the kisses, smiling. “Okay…”
“I don’t care what your team thinks. I don’t care if they think I’m listening, or Finn’s plotting and stealing.” Logan pulled back to look down at him. “If they think I would use you in that way, they’re stupid.”
“You and adrenaline are quite the cocktail,” Leo said, but he was blushing.
Logan let himself fall back into his own seat. “And you look perfect in black.”
“A crazy cocktail, but he speaks the truth.” Finn held out a water bottle to Logan. “Drink that whole thing. Even the dregs, I’m watching you, Tremblay.”
Logan took the bottle, shaking up the hydration powder inside. “What do I get if I do?”
Finn just smiled. He was unwrapping silver foil from a piece of blue peppermint gum gum and he popped it into his mouth. “I’ll blow you in the restaurant bathroom.”
Logan blinked. “Really?”
Finn reached forward and flicked him on the forehead.
They reached Manhattan again quickly enough, and curled into the twisting streets of the West Village. Finn perked up, happy to be on familiar ground and popped the car door.
“After you,” Leo said, just as Logan motioned for him to go first. “Oh—ha. Lo, go.”
Logan narrowed his eyes. “You.”
“Not that this isn’t adorable, but…” Finn leaned down. “If I’m hungry, you guys must be starving.” He held out his hand to Leo. “Guess what they have here?”
Leo put his hand in Finn’s. “What?”
“Deconstructed chocolate cake,” Finn said, helping him out.
“What the fuck is that?” Logan asked, following.
“Sugar. You’ll love it.”
Logan sent Leo a look as Finn jogged ahead and disappeared between large, wooden doors. Inside, Logan caught a glimpse of windows lined with candles. Leo would look gorgeous.
“That was pretty sweet back there,” Leo said. He took his hand as they walked. “You sure you’re all right?”
“I was fine on the court,” Logan said, pulling the door open. “I was just thinking.”
“About?” Leo asked.
The candlelight was already hitting him, and Logan thought about telling him right there in this doorway with Finn and a—blushing—waiter looking expectantly at them.
“Just thinking,” Logan said. “All good things.”
“Um,” the waiter tucked her hair behind her ear. “This way.”
“Thanks so much,” Finn beamed.
“Classic O’Hara,” Leo whispered. He moved Logan’s hand from his left to his right and placed his hand low on Logan’s back. “But we both won today. Who’s he gonna let taste the wine?”
Logan laughed. “It’s going to be you.”
“Just a feeling I have.”
It didn’t feel like a day off. Not without Leo there. The two female finalists were playing their match today, and at dinner Logan had been relieved at the idea that he’d have a whole day off with Leo before they had to go against each other—until Leo told them his coach wanted him to stay away.
He woke up earlier than usual and in a too empty room. Finn, warm and solid against his back—but no Leo. He wasn’t sure why he was even awake until he felt the next stroke of fingers through his hair, absentminded and soft. It would put him straight back to sleep soon.
“Rouge,” Logan mumbled. His voice wasn’t quite there yet, coming out a gravely sort of whisper.
“Sorry,” Finn whispered back. “I was just looking at you. Go back to sleep.”
Logan pushed back against him. “I’m turned away.”
“I was looking at the rest of you.”
The sheets were near his hips now that he thought about it. Finn’s hand ran down the dip of his ribs and waist.
Logan settled into the feeling, but when Finn’s fingers moved back to his hair, he sighed and rolled onto his back, getting a hand under Finn’s head to pull him onto his chest. He closed his eyes, pressed five hard kisses to Finn’s temple, and felt Finn let out a long sigh.
“What’s up?” Logan asked.
“Leo. If there was any day he should have been able to be with us, it was today, when we have nothing going on, and the training is light because you play tomorrow.” Finn’s fingers began drumming on his chest, restless. A rare show of nerves. “He should be here right now.”
Logan could see Finn in Nice. In his library nook for the first time. Head in his hands, finally allowing himself to cry away an old life to let the new one in. This, he thought, was a version of it. Worries, brimming over because they had not been let out.
He passed his fingers through Finn’s hair. Kissed his temple and his forehead and the bridge of his nose. “It’s not your fault.”
“I should have talked to his team—”
“Non,” Logan said. “They’re angry people. I think. That wouldn’t have helped. But, hey. Look at me.”
Finn did. Sleepy brown eyes. He traced a thumb under one lower set of fair eyelashes. There was lilac there.
“No more worrying,” Logan whispered. He brushed his mouth, feather-light, over the delicate skin just under Finn’s eye.
“I’m not worried—no, I am.”
“It gets like this when you’re stressed.” Logan kissed his cheek, then the corner of his mouth. “It’s gorgeous, but it’s not good for you.”
Finn sighed and let Logan press him back into the pillows to be kissed. His jaw. His neck. “He’s not happy. I mean, he’s happy with us. But in the game. In this life. He used to be happier. At the Wimbledon Ball. He was happier.”
“How do you know? We weren’t seeing a lot of him then.” Logan’s mouth found the valley between his collarbones. Was there anything better than this? It woke him up like coffee, and settled him down like nothing else. Sometimes, panicking on the court, he pictured this. Soft and unhurried. Usually, Leo was there for him to kiss, too. “Let’s get dressed. Then call him. Tell him he has to have breakfast with us.”
Finn smiled. “What, or else?”
“Or else I…” Logan tried to think of something good, but honestly he wasn’t meant to be awake this early. He pressed his face into Finn’s neck, his hand to his cheek. He inhaled, kissed him there, then pulled back and kissed him properly. “I love him.”
Finn smiled. “I love him, too.”
It rang. Rang and rang.
“Hey, it’s Leo, sorry I missed you!”
Again. Logan leaned his forehead against the warm window pane, standing in a square of sun coming into their room.
“Hey, it’s Leo, sorry I missed you!”
“Fuck.” Logan turned, waiting for the beep.
Finn watched his face as he pulled a t-shirt over his head. His skin was still slightly damp from his shower and Logan, worried as he was, enjoyed the way it stuck to his chest.
“Hi, Le,” Logan said. “It’s us. Just wondering where you are…”
“Missing you,” Finn mumbled, bending down to lace up his shoes.
“We miss you, we are going to get breakfast at the place. Okay. Lo—Okay, cool.” Finn’s head snapped up with an open-mouthed smile. Logan flushed. “Okay, come find us, or we’ll find you.”
He hung up fast, staring at his phone. Finn crossed the room, taking Logan’s face in his hands.
“You almost said—” he began to say, laughing through the words.
Logan pushed up on his toes and kissed him silent. He pulled back, knowing his eyes were wide, and pressed three fingers to Finn’s mouth. “Quiet.”
Finn gave his chin a little jerk and took Logan’s fingers in his mouth, smiling around the gentle bite. Logan rolled his eyes and pulled his hand away.
“C’mere, lover.” Finn wrapped an arm around Logan’s shoulders. “I’ve got the room key. I’m taking you to a big breakfast full of eggs, ham, and calling Leo every five minutes.”
Finn got restless again and they had barely taken a sip of their coffees. Logan could tell. What they had started calling “the” place was a small coffee shop that Finn knew. It made generous omelettes with sides of potatoes and greens. Spicy beans and fried eggs with tortillas—Leo’s favorite. Logan had stared at it at the menu, wondering if ordering it would make him arrive faster.
A plate with a steaming chocolate croissant appeared in front of him, and Finn pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“There you go, sweetheart.” Finn slid into his seat. “I ordered for us. But I didn’t want to sit here with you while you’re hangry and drinking your coffee-milk, so…”
Logan shoved him, but Finn just pulled their chairs together and took out his phone. Logan ripped off a piece of the croissant and watched Finn find Leo’s contact. When he held it up to his ear, Logan watched Finn’s face. Hopeful. He caught Logan’s eye and put a hand on the back of his neck, squeezing.
“Hi,” Finn said, but the sigh in his voice told Logan no one had answered. “Hey, Sunshine. Us again. We’re here. Just…wondering where you are.” Finn looked at Logan, mouth pulling to the side. “Let us know.” He ran a thumb over Logan’s bottom lip. “Okay. Okay, love you, bye.”
Finn set his phone down, hand falling down to Logan’s lower back. “Maybe he’s sleeping and we’re assholes trying to wake him up.”
“It’s almost eleven.”
“Yeah…” Finn picked up the water pitcher on the table and filled Logan’s glass. Logan picked it up again and filled Finn’s.
“What did you order?”
“Got us the ham and tomato omelettes. Sound good?”
“Ouais. Thanks.”
They quieted, then laughed a little at each other when they realized they were both waiting for the phone to ring.
Finn was worrying the straw of his iced coffee when he set the cup down hard. “Oh my God.”
“Hm?” Logan got to the chocolatey center of the croissant and carefully bit so he got enough chocolate and enough pastry.
Logan raised his eyebrows at his full name from Finn’s mouth. “Finn…” He mimicked his tone, but got serious when Finn put both of his hands in his hair, gripping. “Finn. Quoi?”
“I just—oh my God.”
“I just…” Finn’s hands moved over his mouth. “Did I?”
Logan set the pastry down. “Did you what? Did you fucking what?”
He looked so panicked that Logan started looking around, trying to figure out the problem. But Finn grabbed his hand, pulling his attention back to him.
“At the end of the message, I said…” Finn whispered. “I said love you.”
Logan blinked. “What?”
They both stared down at Finn’s phone and its dark screen.
“Shit,” Logan said. “Wait, ouais. You—you did. Finn.”
Finn melted, folding his head into his arms and slumping on the table.
Logan laughed, but he wasn’t sure if it was actually funny. That wasn’t how he’d planned for Leo to know. Of all the opportunities they’d had. Dinners and late nights and soft afternoons.
“And after you made fun of me for almost saying it.”
“Shut up,” Finn mumbled into his arms. When he lifted his head, his face was flushed. “It just slipped out. I—shit. I was looking at you and your stupid chocolate, and then I saw the hot sauce on the table and I was thinking about him and the amount he puts on his fucking eggs—”
“You said okay, love you, bye.”
“I know that!”
“Two omelettes?”
They both looked up at the waiter, who took a step back—probably at the panicked look in their eyes.
“Um,” he said. “No? Not omelettes?”
“No, no,” Finn said. “I mean, yes, omelettes. Thank you so much.”
The man set the plates down with a look on his face like he wanted to get out of there. It probably had something to do with the way Finn still had his head in his hands.
Logan rubbed a hand down his back. “It’s fine. Baby, it’s fine. We do love him.”
“And he finds out on a voicemail?” Finn’s voice came out muffled through his hands. “So bad. Jesus.”
“Maybe he’s not gonna listen?”
“Maybe.” For a moment, Finn sounded almost placated, but he jerked his head up. “No phone.”
Logan nudged his plate at him. “Eat something.”
Finn turned his body towards him in his chair. “You’re playing tomorrow.”
“Finn, what the fuck?”
“I want you eating and drinking and resting.”
“Finn, what…” He gestured to his food. “Ouais. What does this look like?”
“When do you not have your phone?”
“When I’m…” Logan trailed off, finally understanding. “Non. That would be insane.”
Finn stood, gesturing to the waiter. “Let’s get this to go.”
They arrived at the practice courts in the heat of the day. Logan heard Leo before he saw him. He heard him like he’d heard him every day during those perfect months at his house. Leo had a rhythm all his own. His footwork. Quick shuffles, short squeaks of his sneakers on the hard court.
But Logan should not have been able to hear it right then. Not less than twenty hours before the U.S. Open final.
“Fuck,” Finn said, pushing a fence open. “He’s on the court.”
“Again!” they heard Leo’s coach shout.
“Fuck,” Finn cursed. “I’m gonna kill that guy.”
Logan watched him storm towards the next fence, past another player practicing with a hitter—who missed his shot when he saw Finn.
“Wait,” Logan called. “Rouge!”
Finn stopped, but barely. Every muscle in his body strained towards Leo’s court just ahead. Logan could see him now, just barely through netting and bushes and low court walls. Logan caught glimpses of blond hair as he jogged towards Finn.
“What?” Finn asked. “He shouldn’t be out there.”
Logan put his hands on his shoulders. “Stop. I know. But stop.”
Leo was on the baseline. His coach stood beside him, talking fast while Leo’s chest heaved.
“Let me go alone,” Logan said. “If it’s you, his team will get defensive. If it’s me, it’s not their business. It’s player to player.”
Finn looked conflicted. “I…” He looked towards Leo, too. “He shouldn’t be out there.”
“I know.”
“I do love him.”
“I know,” Logan said softly. “Look. I’ll get him in the locker room. You’ll be waiting there. Let me.”
He left Finn, all the while sure he would break and follow him. But he didn’t. Logan made it past another court and opened the chain-fence door into the sidelines of Leo’s. Leo was mid-rally, so his coach saw him first. The man scowled. Logan scowled back.
Leo’s hitter sent the ball into the net.
“Leo,” the coach called. Leo looked at him as he rolled out one of his ankles gingerly. A sharp nod directed his attention to Logan and, despite everything, the heat and how tired he obviously was, a smile broke over Leo’s face and jogged over.
“Hi,” Leo said, but held out his hand. “I want to, but don’t hug me.” He jerked his head subtly towards his team. “They already think I’m going to be soft on you tomorrow and I don’t…” Leo swallowed. He let out a breath. “Anyway. Hi. What are you doing here?”
Logan’s whole chest hurt. “What about I kiss you instead?”
That, at least, made Leo smile. One blue eye squinted shut against the sun. “What are you doing here?”
“What are you doing here?” Logan fired back.
He squirted Logan lightly with his water bottle. “You spying on me, Tremblay?”
“You didn’t answer my question,” Logan said.
“That’s cute. A little desperate, but cute.”
“I’m training,” Leo said. “I don’t know if you heard, but I’m going up against Logan Tremblay tomorrow. He’s pretty good.”
“Which is why you should be resting.”
Leo was quiet for a moment, then he looked around. “So, where’s Finn freaking out right now?”
Logan bit the inside of his cheek and looked towards the locker room building.
“You two are sweet, you know that?” Leo reached out and briefly stroked a knuckle down the center of Logan’s chest. “Look, I’m almost finished here. Then I’ll find you. I know how to take care of myself. Finn knows that, too, or he should.”
“He actually—We actually need to talk to you about something else.”
Leo frowned. “Oh?”
“Just—” Logan itched to take his hand. “Come? Please? Just for a moment.”
Leo still looked concerned, but he nodded. “Okay. Hold on.”
His coach had his arms crossed. His narrow eyes tracked Leo as he came towards him. The argument was hushed and intense. It ended with Leo grabbing his bags with an angry sort of strength. Logan knew how heavy those bags got. Leo swung them onto his shoulders like they were nothing, just beautiful baby blue and white leather there to make his hair turn even more golden.
When he reached Logan again, he looked more tired than before.
“Give me,” Logan said. Leo didn’t protest when Logan took his racket bag from him and shouldered it himself.
“You’re not supposed to be seen with Adidas.”
“They can kiss my ass.”
“Then they can explain why they have a problem with me helping my boyfriend.”
Leo lightened up at those words like he always did. As they ducked away from the court, he wrapped an arm around Logan’s shoulders and kissed him. Logan wanted to whisper the phrase into his skin until it stayed with him forever, kept in that sweet freckle just under his chin.
Finn was pacing when they walked in, and then he was rushing over, holding Leo’s shoulders.
“What the hell are you doing out there in the sun? You’ve got a match tomorrow.”
“Backhand,” Leo said. He glanced at Logan. “Mine’s not as good. Coach wants…” He sighed. Annoyance was all over him. Stress. Logan hated it. He wanted to smooth it all away with his fingers, wanted to touch every inch of him to make sure it wasn’t there. “I don’t know what he wants. Oh. By the way…” He leaned forward and planted a soft, quick kiss to Finn’s worried mouth. “Hi.”
Finn pulled him in, leaving one arm open for Logan.
“I’m so sweaty, sorry,” Leo said.
Logan pushed his nose into his chest. Okay, love you, bye.
“Missed you this morning,” Finn said. “We thought…We thought we’d get to…”
There were a million ways Logan would have finished that sentence. Sleep in, breakfast, kiss, lounge, shower, read, talk, sex, doze, stretch, breathe.
“So did I,” Leo sighed. Logan felt his fingers in his hair, a kiss pressed to his forehead and held there. “Fuck. So did I.”
“Do you have your phone?” Finn asked. “With you?”
“It’s in my bag.” Leo arched an eyebrow. “Why?”
Finn just stared at him, but Logan saw each thought pass in his face as if he’d said it.
Leo saw it, too, though he didn’t know enough to understand and laughed instead, unsure. “What the hell is up with you two?”
“We’re in a locker room,” Finn whispered to Logan.
Leo looked between them. “O’Hara, what is happening?”
“I cannot do this in a locker room.”
“Do what?”
Finn groaned, then laughed, then sat down on a bench and covered his face. “I left you a voicemail today. Ugh. Well. We left you a few.”
“I’m sorry,” Leo began but Finn shook his head.
“No, no. It’s okay. It’s just—the last one I left…” His hands dragged down his face lightly, making his brown eyes look big and sad. “Ugh. Leo. I’m such an idiot.”
Leo sat down beside him, hand on Finn’s knee. “Finn…You’re not. You’re not an idiot.” He glanced up at Logan, all concerned and blue, sweat still dripping down from the ends of his hair. “The last one you left…what?”
Finn straightened. He set his hand over Leo’s. Then he held it in both and brought his knuckles to his mouth.
“When I was hanging up, I told you that I loved you,” Finn said. “And I do.”
Logan wanted to hear him say it again, in that soft way. He sank onto the bench on Leo’s other side, the very same words burning in his chest. He put his mouth to the warm fabric of Leo’s t-shirt shoulder, curling a hand around his bicep. There was a fine tremor to Leo’s muscles. Logan didn’t know if he was tired, or if it was the words, but Leo was shaking, just a little.
Logan couldn’t help it. Where he was tucked against Leo’s shoulder, he smiled. “Leo…”
The laugh jostled Logan first, and then it sounded, light and a little tearful, from Leo’s mouth. He grabbed for Finn’s shoulder, pulling him in for something that was more a smile than a kiss.
“You just blurted that out, huh?” Leo cupped the back of Finn’s neck. “Jesus, O’Hara, you had me so worried there.”
“I love you,” Finn said. “I—Logan…”
Leo laughed louder, freer, as Logan gripped the back of his t-shirt until Leo turned.
Logan swiped a thumb over Leo’s full bottom lip. He just wanted to touch that smile. He kissed him, hard, tasting the sweat from his practice.
“I love you,” Logan whispered. “I was supposed to say it first, I love you.”
“Supposed to?” Finn spluttered.
“Shh,” Logan said into Leo’s mouth. “Look how happy he is, I can taste it.”
“I love you, too,” Leo said. He pressed his nose against Logan’s cheek, then turned back to Finn. “Oh God, I love you, too.”
Logan watched them kiss. Laugh. Dissolve into each other—Finn’s chin on Leo’s shoulder, eyes closed, fingers scratching through the back of his hair. Logan put a hand on Leo’s back and felt his muscles relax. All the tension from the court earlier bled away. And tomorrow…Tomorrow’s match felt very far away.
“Let’s go,” Leo said. “I’m sweaty and hot and in love.”
“Wow, speaking Logan’s language,” Finn said.
Leo laughed, but when he stood he sent an almost nervous glance towards the door. “Quick. Before anyone tries to pull me back out there.”
“You shouldn’t have been out there in the first place,” Finn said.
Leo sighed with a smile. “Finn.”
Finn stood, hands up in surrender. “Let’s get out of here.”
Logan could relax because it was the three of them. He was finishing off a plate of pasta and chicken balanced on his thighs. Finn sat with his computer perched on the arm of the couch with Logan’s feet in his lap. One thumb dug perfectly into Logan’s arch. Leo was laying on the ground, stretching out his back and—well. Smiling the whole time.
“I keep thinking about the Wimbledon Ball,” Leo said.
“You scolded me for leading,” Logan said.
“I didn’t scold,” Leo laughed. “I wanted you to know you could trust me.”
Logan sat up and set his plate down on the hotel’s coffee table. He pulled his feet from Finn’s lap—Finn wrapped a hand around his ankle and held on long enough for Logan to lean in and kiss him. Logan pressed down against Finn as that hand smoothed up his calve, behind his knee. Up his thigh, resting on his ass for a moment before settling on his lower back to press them together harder.
Logan smiled against Finn’s mouth, then slipped out of his hold. He made his way to where Leo lay on his back and stood over him, one foot pressed against each of his hips.
“Trust you?” he repeated.
Leo stretched his arms over his head, grinning. He was wearing Finn’s sweatshirt. He’d caught the worn cuffs in his hands and it pulled the hem halfway up his chest. Logan wanted to put his teeth on the cut of his waist, he really did.
“Mhm,” Leo said. “You didn’t. You thought I was trying to get inside your head.”
“You were.” Logan narrowed his eyes. “You just said so—trying to get me to trust you.”
Leo rolled his eyes. “Fine. Fine. But you thought I was trying to beat you. And I wasn’t.” He pulled his arms down. Like Finn, his palms found the back of Logan’s ankles. Then his calves. Then the back of his thighs. Only, Leo pulled gently and Logan lowered himself into straddling his hips. Leo smiled and pushed down on his thighs until Logan let his full weight go. “I wasn’t trying to beat you. I was trying to win you.”
A soft laugh came from the couch. “I knew something had to be up when you blatantly asked to dance with my boyfriend.”
“Would have asked you, too,” Leo said, eyes trained on Logan’s as Logan lowered himself down onto his forearms. They were nose to nose now. “A boy can only find so many excuses in one night.”
“And what are you gonna try to do tomorrow?” Logan asked.
“Oh,” Leo whispered. He picked his head up just enough to capture Logan’s bottom lip gently between his teeth—a pull and release that sent Logan’s hips rocking down against him. “Beat you.”
“Please find the bed,” Finn said absentmindedly. His eyes were on his laptop, and he’d put his glasses on. “Your knees get enough stress as it is. And don’t go crazy. I need you rested. And not sore.” Finn looked over at them and Logan wondered if he knew how red his ears were. “Both of you.”
“I’ll find a bed, if you promise to find us when you’re done with that computer,” Leo shot back.
Finn slapped the laptop shut. “What computer?”
Coin toss. They weren’t even playing yet and Logan was already sweating with the sun at his back.
“Mr. Tremblay?” the Umpire presented him with the coin. “You will choose?”
“Heads,” Logan said.
“Very well. Heads. Mr. Knut, you will be tails.”
Logan was trying not to look at Leo too hard, but it was difficult. Every time they caught each other’s eye, they both had to suppress a smile. There was joy in this. Logan dreaded to win and dreaded to lose, but there was joy. Leo across from him. The game he loved. Leo, being his.
The coin flashed in the sun as it got tossed up. It rattled, looping around on its edges for a moment before settling between their feet.
“Tails.” The Umpire looked at Leo. “Mr. Knut, you will…”
“Serve first,” Leo said.
“Knut, first service. Thank you, gentlemen.”
Logan fought the urge to roll his eyes. If Leo thought he was going to get to take a few points off of Logan with that massive serve of his, he was wrong.
It seemed to take ages for the crowd to settle down. New York was always loud, but they were more riled by the idea of of Leo and Logan on the court once again. Logan leaned down to re-tie his shoes and tried to steady his breathing. He turned to look up at Finn, who had a baseball cap on—one of Logan’s sponsors—and was leaning forward on his elbows. He was rubbing his palms together, his eyes on Leo. When he noticed Logan looking, he dropped a wink.
Logan rose and gave his racket a spin against his palm. He bounced twice, then adjusted his feet into a poised stance.
Leo had his ball pressed against his racket, ready. He looked back at Logan once before lowering his gaze to his racket.
“Leo Knut to serve,” the umpire’s voice echoed over the chatter. “Play.”
Leo won the first set. He was gorgeous and lean, and their rallies lasted minute after minute after minute until the crowd was gasping after each stroke. Quite the even match, they were called. Too even, Logan thought. Everywhere else, they would give each other anything the other could possibly want. But not here.
Here, Logan’s t-shirt was soaked in sweat within thirty minutes, and it wasn’t from the heat. They were running each other hard. Leo’s stride equaled Logan’s speed, and his height, Logan’s strength. Logan was frustrated, sure. But he was also having fun. Leo hit a drop shot that had Logan sprinting to the front of the net, only to miss it by its backspin. Leo grinned at him when Logan jokingly hit his palm against his racket in applause. For a moment, it felt like they were back at his house in one of the faux matches Finn set them to.
But it only took three rallies into the second set for Logan to see that something was wrong.
Leo stopped moving well. He wasn’t even walking right. He seemed stiff, and then at changeovers, he spent long seconds with his face hidden in a cold towel.
On Logan’s next break before his serve, he turned away from Leo, wiping his face and wrists with his towel as he looked up at Finn. Finn tapped his thigh and squeezed his hand into a fist. Muscle cramps.
Logan winced, but part of him was relieved. Those were painful, but at least they were short-lived. He made his way back to the baseline and tested out a ball with a few bounces before discarding it and tossing it back towards the ball boy. He glanced up at Leo as he withdrew the second ball from his pocket. He was bringing his knees up to his waist, trying to get the blood flowing. Logan bounced the second ball. His serve clock was winding down and Leo didn’t look ready for his serve. Not at all.
Logan let out a breath, tossed the ball up, and brought his serve down. Ace. Leo barely got his hand back properly. Leo looked behind him, up at his box, and motioned something that Logan couldn’t make out, but what he figured was that he wanted to call for a trainer at the next change-over.
“Ah-ah,” came from Leo’s box. A scolding, horrible sound. Leo’s coach gave his head a sharp shake and he pointed towards the court. Don’t, it seemed to mean.
Finn was standing up in Logan’s box when he looked, his arms crossed. Beside him, Noelle pulled him back into his seat.
He took one more game off of Leo before he couldn’t take it anymore—watching the pained way he walked and the set of his mouth as he tried to hide it.
Logan looked to the chair and raised a finger. “Medic, please.”
The walk to his chair gave him one, tiny second to lock eyes with Leo. Logan wanted to tell him silently to call. Call while I’m calling. He didn’t linger long enough to see if Leo understood. He sat down in his chair, wiped sweat from his face, and looked at Finn. He was leaning back to say something to Logan’s mom. Maybe explaining the trick. Finn would know that Logan had absolutely no reason to call for a trainer.
Even still, a woman came jogging out onto the court. Logan heard the shush and mumble of the crowd as they figured out what was happening. She dropped her heavy supply backpack and knelt in front of Logan’s chair. She had kind eyes, dark hair pulled back into a slick bun, and when she spoke it was with an Australian accent.
“Hi, Mr. Tremblay. My name is Nicola. What can I do for you, sir?”
“Nothing,” Logan said in a low voice, and put his foot out. “Just check my ankle. Take your time about it.”
Nicola looked confused. “I…what?”
“Please,” Logan said.
She looked confused still, but slowly she reached out for Logan’s ankle. She began pressing at it tenderly, like she would if she had been checking for pain. Eventually, her eyes went to Leo’s chair. So, she’d figured it out.
“Is he calling?” Logan whispered.
“Yes, sir,” Nicola said.
Logan didn’t look Leo’s way, but relief flooded him. Another medic came out onto the court, heading Leo’s way. Logan didn’t care if anyone else saw through his trick. If he beat Leo, he didn’t want to do it like this.
He could only ask Nicola to pretend for so long, but when he looked over he saw that Leo had his eyes closed while the trainer dug his thumbs into his thigh in what was probably a good-pain way. Logan paced the baseline to keep his own muscles warm, then heard Finn’s voice in his head and ate half a banana.
When Leo rose to his feet, the crowd applauded, eager for the match to resume. Leo’s box got loud, too, but the tone sounded pressing, not encouraging. It made Logan want to make a noise complaint just so he could inadvertently tell them to fuck off.
One look at Finn told him everything he needed to know. Play, it seemed to say. Logan knew he was right. All he could do right now that wouldn’t hurt Leo, was play.
He tried to turn off everything but the game. The crowd was hardly there. Leo couldn’t be Leo just then. Logan had to turn him into just another player, or else Logan might looked down to find guilt gnawing its way through his chest. He even stopped looking at Finn. Finn now meant Leo, too, so at least for these few hours, there could be neither of them. There were no faces or features around him, just the yellow blur of the ball and the burn in his muscles as he took each point more easily than the last. This was what it had felt like to play when he had been alone, before Finn. The mechanical motions of the came combined with the small adjustments to strategy—treating his opponent like a machine to be figured out. A bleak headspace filled with gray and numbers. He didn’t like it there anymore. He never had.
When he took the win, it all snapped back in. The noise of the crowd roared into his awareness. The colors and court lights made him squint.
The pained flush on Leo’s face hit him right in the chest.
Logan turned and looked up at Finn. His hat was smushed between his palms, red hair a mess from his fingers. He didn’t exactly look like Logan had just become a U.S. Open Champion. He was on his feet and clapping now, but his eyes looked as exhausted as Logan felt. Imperceptible, if you didn’t know him. But Logan did know him. He didn’t know anything better than he knew Finn O’Hara. Finn hadn’t had the game to lock into. He’d been sitting there watching Leo in pain and Logan forcing himself into a brutal, winning pace.
Logan dropped his racket and rubbed his hands over his face. He should be smiling. He might have, had he not looked to see Leo with one hand on the net as he waited for him.
When Logan reached him, his hand was cold in Logan’s, and his breathing felt shallow as Logan rubbed a palm briefly up and down his back.
“That was some trick,” Leo said, drawing them closer to hide his words from any cameras. “With the trainer.”
“I love you,” Logan said. “Are you okay?”
“I will be,” Leo said. “Go see your family. Oh.” He squeezed Logan tighter for a moment. “I love you, too.”
No one let Logan climb the stands this time, but pointedly directed him to the stairs. He sort of wished Finn would just come to him. He would have all night to see his family. Right then, he wanted a magical sort of door that took him away from all the prying eyes and into Finn’s arms.
Burying his face in Finn’s warm neck when he reached his box would have to do.
“You were going to win,” Finn whispered. “You did so good. Don’t feel guilty, you made that match end as fast as you could.”
“The thing with the trainer,” Logan mumbled.
“I know.”
Logan pulled back to look up at him. Asking. Telling. Imploring.
Finn only nodded, then gave him over to be hugged by his family.
It was excruciating, watching Leo try to fake his way through his speech. He was disappointed. Frustrated. But he was sweet and funny. Logan saw each time a muscle seized up in the way he turned away from the microphone briefly to draw a slow, steadying breath. He saw the way Leo kept one hand on the podium while he gave his runner-up speech. That same hand used Logan for support when they took their trophy photographs. Logan stood ready for him, immovable until Leo pulled away first.
“I’m so grateful to have the support that I do,” Logan said, trying not to wince as his voice echoed back at him around the stadium. “And the amazing talent I get to go up against.” He looked back at Leo. “Every single player on this tour has been in your shoes and all I’ll be thinking about is when we get to play again.”
Logan wanted off the court, he wanted Finn and Leo to himself. He wanted an ice bath and then Finn’s thumbs digging into that one point in his back.
“Finn,” Logan said, then startled back from the microphone as the stadium went wild. He even heard Leo laugh a little from behind him. Logan felt tears claw up his throat and laughed, too. “Leo.”
Because they were one now. Nothing existed without the other.
Leo’s eyes, when Logan found them, had gone a little wide.
“Je t’aime,” Logan said, then waved a hand up to the crowd, who reached back. “Je t’aime, merci.”
Finn and Logan didn’t have to agree to find Leo, but he wasn’t where they thought he would be. He wasn’t recovering like Logan had just spent the last thirty minutes doing. He was in a lounge near the locker rooms, sitting on a couch with his long legs bent awkwardly due to the sag of the old sofa cushion. Four people seemed to be trying to talk to him at once.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” one of them said under their breath when they saw Finn and Logan. It made Leo look up. He looked tired. So tired. His silver plate trophy was on the coffee table in front of him, casting shimmery reflections across his drawn face.
Finn drew in a breath, about to speak, but Logan gave the back of his t-shirt a sharp tug and stepped forward instead.
“I need a word with Leo,” Logan said.
Leo was on his feet in a second, stepped out from around the table. He was still limping.
“What for?” the coach asked. “We’re in the middle—”
“Players business.”
“His business is my business.”
Leo didn’t look at them. He didn’t even turn around. His eyes were unfocused and trained on Logan’s chest.
“But mine isn’t,” Logan snapped. “Excuse us.”
He didn’t take Leo’s hand. He wanted to drag him out of there by both hands, but he stayed perfectly still with so many eyes on them. That wouldn’t help Leo just then. Obviously, he had already been told that loving each other made them weaker players. Logan wouldn’t give them something to point at. If they thought this made them weaker, they didn’t deserve to see even a glimpse of the strength that flooded Logan every time Leo so much as looked at him.
So, Logan made to turn away, knowing Leo and Finn would follow.
Finn stiffened beside Logan and looked back over his shoulder. Leo’s team looked like they had been having a silent conversation, but now their eyes were on Finn.
“A word, if you don’t mind,” said the coach, and he scowled at Logan. “Coach business.”
“I have a few minutes,” Finn said. He looked down at Logan. “See you in a second.” His eyes flit wordlessly in the direction of the recovery rooms.
The room was simple. An examination mattress with a cushion against the wall. A side table, a sink, a few stools, and a small, humming refrigerator in the corner whose glass door showed cold water bottles and hydration drinks. Logan went to it while Leo pulled himself up onto the bed with a groan, stretching his legs out. He’d been icing his knee. Logan could see the redness that the cold had left behind.
“I’m…” Logan set the water aside. He wasn’t sure what to say. He put a hand on Leo’s thigh where the redness was and experimental kneaded his thumb into the muscle. When Leo’s eyes closed with pleasure, he did it again.
“I fired them,” Leo whispered.
Logan let out a breath. “You did?”
Leo nodded. His chest rose and fell heavily once, then he opened his eyes and looked at Logan tiredly.
“Maybe I’ll be like you were,” Leo said. “Try it solo. For a while.”
No. Logan hated that idea. He’d done the endless plane rides alone. The hotels, the mornings, the lonely nights that came whether he won or lost. He didn’t want that for Leo. He wasn’t sure Leo would be able to do it. He was a people person, far more so than Logan ever had been. He was like Finn. He liked to talk, to laugh, to be surrounded by others.
“Leo,” Logan began to say, but suddenly, voices from the other room could be heard plain as day. Finn was—
Leo and Logan looked at each other in surprise. Finn was shouting.
“No. Nope, nope, you saw, you saw what was happening! You do nothing? What did you want him to do, push through? He’d been playing for hours, he needed help, that’s what you’re there for, you know that.”
“It’s a fucking cramp! They go away.”
“He needs water, he needs sugar—”
“Hey. Hey, where do you get off trying to tell me—”
“He needs you not to be running him the way you were the day before the match, in the heat, in the sun. He needs you to not be rolling your fucking eyes when he asks for the medic, are you fucking kidding me—
“Oh, fuck off, O’Hara. You can do fuck all with Tremblay, whatever, but Leo’s not one of your fucking whores, all right?”
There was a shocked beat of silence. Leo and Logan stared at each other, wide-eyed. Logan didn’t catch the next thing Finn said, not until he raised his voice again.
“What the fuck did you just say to me?”
“He’s not. Your. Player.”
When Finn spoke next, he sounded dangerous. Truly dangerous.
“That is not,” Finn began, “what you just said.”
If Logan didn’t know him, he would have been just a bit terrified. But he did know him. And he knew the second he came back into this room it would melt. If he was ever rough with the two of them, it only came out as pure pleasure.
“Call Logan that again,” Finn said. “Let’s see what happens. Go ahead.”
“You have no distance,” Logan heard the coach say. “You cannot run a player like you do, you have no discipline, no—”
“Run? Run a player? They’re not machines!”
“They can be! If they’re worked right—”
“They’re not animals either,” Finn thundered. “They’re people.”
“You don’t treat them like people, you treat them like playthings. Your playthings.”
Finn went silent again. Logan covered Leo’s hand with his, Leo did the same to him, and they waited. Waited.
“This can be a lonely life,” Finn finally said. “A very lonely life. And this is the last thing I’ll say to someone like you, but I am the luckiest man in the entire fucking world to have found love, real love, in this game.”
Logan closed his eyes. He felt Leo’s forehead meet his temple and turned into him.
“And if you ever call Logan or Leo ‘things’, or anything else, again, I’ll sweep your fucking world out from under your feet.”
Leo made a quiet, sad sound in his throat and tilted his chin forward to brush their mouths together. He pulled back to look at him.
“We are lucky,” Leo said.
Logan nodded.
Finn came through the door very quiet. He was red, cheeks flushed in his anger, but he looked at Leo so softly. Logan loved that about him. He loved that. Finn set down two cups on the side table, along with a banana.
“Sorry about that Le,” he said.
Leo shook his head, dazed and glancing towards the door. “No. I…”
Finn handed him the cup, then caught Logan’s eye. “Guess I’ve got no more ground to stand on when I tell you not to lose your head?”
“I love you,” Logan said.
Finn pressed a hand over theirs, then reached for a cup.
“Drink this,” he said to Leo. He cracked the banana’s peel. “You like these kind of green, right?”
Leo just stared at him for a moment, then nodded.
Finn pressed it into his hand. “Okay. Eat is slow.” He passed that hand through Leo’s hair. “Okay?”
“I’m sorry he said that to you,” Leo said. He looked at Logan. “God, to both of you, I can’t believe…He knows how much you mean to me.”
“Don’t apologize for him,” Finn said, and that angry flush began to bloom over his cheeks again. “God, I could just…” He rubbed a hand over his face. “Le. Okay. Le.”
Finn sank down on the other side of the PT pallet. He put a hand on Leo’s thigh. “Baby, I don’t—It’s not just that I don’t like the way your team talks to you anymore. I don’t like the way they manage your health. I don’t fucking like it. That, today? That was avoidable.”
Leo looked down, nodding. Logan’s anger flared up so fast that he had to squeeze Leo’s hand hard between his own. The fact that someone could put a look like that on Leo’s face made him want to kill. He couldn’t understand how Finn hadn’t hit Leo’s coach clean across the face. Logan wanted blood on his knuckles as badly as he wanted to curl up into Leo’s side.
“I want to say…” Finn glanced at Logan, who nodded quickly, heart in his throat, then back at Leo. “I’d have to train you two separately. And in different ways. But…I would.” Finn took the empty banana peel and cup and set it down, then took Leo’s hands. “Le, I’d love to be your coach.” Finn paused. “If you want me.”
“Oh…” Leo’s voice was so faint.
Logan was nodding again, even though neither of them were looking at him.
“I’ve been in your shoes as a player,” Finn said. “I’ve leveled up Lo’s game and he was already a master. And you’re brimming with talent and skill and they’re fucking wasting it. I can—”
Leo reached out and put a palm to Finn’s cheek, stopping him. Slowly, his eyes filled with tears. “I fired them tonight.”
Finn straightened. “You did?”
Leo nodded.
“Oh. Then—can I beg instead?” Finn laughed a little, then quieted. He turned his face into Leo’s hand and kissed his palm. His eyes met Logan’s, and Logan felt, all over again, what it had been like for Finn to be his in this way for the first time. “Please, Le.”
“Please? Please?” Leo repeated, and Logan watched him trace Finn’s jaw. “I’ve…always wanted someone like you.”
Finn smiled and it made Logan smile. Love. Real love in this game.
“Okay, hey.” Another kiss to Leo’s palm, then his wrist. “Hey, don’t cry.”
“No, no, I’m just relieved.” Leo’s laugh tumbled out of him and he looked at Logan. “Lo?”
“He wanted this a long time ago,” Finn said. “You should have seen him.”
Logan pulled a face, and Finn touched where his nose wrinkled up. “I don’t know what you mean by that. Of course I want this.”
“Our living room has a new groove from his pacing,” Finn said. “Let’s leave it at that.”
Leo sniffed as he laughed again. “What? But okay.”
“Okay?” Finn looked hopeful still, which was funny because Logan was sure it had been a done deal long before today. Somehow, Leo always seemed to have been theirs. Not knowing him and that foreign, guarded dance in a ballroom, felt long, long ago.
Leo looked at Logan. “You won’t feel strange? Sharing him?”
“I’m pretty sure we’re past that,” Logan said, raising his eyebrows. “And I’m pretty sure he likes it. I know I like it.”
“I mean sharing him professionally.” Leo rolled his eyes and wiped at his cheek. “God.”
“Are we talking about me like I’m not here?” Finn cut in. “Because that’s—fine. But hey, hi.”
Logan reached out and put a hand on Finn’s cheek before moving it to Leo’s. “Yes. I want you to have him as your coach, too. It’s the best decision I ever made.”
“Man oh man,” Finn said. “Boys just want me for my skills.”
“Professional decision.”
“I have a lot of skills,” Finn said. “In a wide variety.”
“Finn,” Leo said.
Finn let out a ha and pulled on of Leo’s ankles into his lap, beginning to massage his calf. Leo groaned, but didn’t pull away. “I am so excited. I am so excited, I love this fucking job.”
Leo had his brows knit as Finn dug his thumbs into his knotted muscle, but he huffed out a laugh. “Are you on the clock right now?”
“No,” Finn said. He propped Leo’s foot on his shoulder and turned his head to bite gently at Leo’s ankle. “Relax your ankle for me.” Leo complied and Finn adjusted his grip to one Logan knew well. His ankle felt twenty times better because of that grip. Leo dropped his head back. Finn flit his eyes to Logan knowingly. “Good. Now come here for a second.”
Finn gently lowered Leo’s ankle back to the bed and took Leo’s hand so he could sit forward. He put one hand on Leo’s chest, right where his heart was. Logan counted the freckles on the back of it, then took the free hand Finn held out to him and counted those, too. Like stars, like the miles he’d run for both of them, he lost count.
“My clock never starts or stops,” Finn said softly. The brown color of his eyes looked melted and beautiful in the dim light. “Same goes for Logan. I care about you. A game doesn’t change that. A green court, a blue court, a clay court with white lines doesn’t change that. Some people might say that’s a bad thing but I don’t care. There is no line for me. If anything, I’m standing on the line so I can reach both sides whenever I want.”
Logan pulled his feet up and pressed himself into Leo’s side. “Rouge.”
“Really,” Finn said, looking between them. “I’m not kidding. I used to think playing tennis was my dream, but this…” He smiled, shaking his head. “This.”
“Same goes for you,” Leo said. “Do you hear me? We’ve got championships on the line, we’ve got a shit load of money on the line.” Leo tilted his chin towards Logan. “This one’s gonna get buckets of attention and shit about his legacy.”
Logan rolled his eyes. “But none of that compares to you. D’accord?”
Finn smiled at them. “So we’re in agreement, then.”
Logan had toed the line for so long between the happiness of winning, adrenaline-soaked and nothing more, and the lonely emptiness of loss. When he’d gotten Finn, he’d saw the lines blur before his eyes and loved it so much that he’d wiped them clean with his own palms. Leo had redrawn them. Soft, and bold, and real, and theirs to cross.
“As much as I enjoy sitting here with your hands on me,” Finn said. “I would like you to drink this water.”
“Here he goes,” Logan mumbled and Leo laughed.
“You hungry?” Finn asked.
“Yep,” Leo said.
“Where do you want to go?” Finn put the next cup into his hands. “Anywhere you want. Drain that, even—”
“The dregs,” Leo and Logan said in unison.
“Anywhere?” Leo asked.
“Ouais.” Logan messed with his gold chains, watching Leo’s throat move as he drank as Finn commanded.
“For now, room service steak will do, but then…”
Finn raised his eyebrows, eager. “Yeah?”
Leo set the cup down with a soft, almost sheepish grin. “Then let’s go home.”
(And that's a wrap on On The Line! I loved writing this story so very much. Thanks for reading and all of your wonderful messages!! I love talking about these three with you all <3 This is a trying time right now and I hope this brought a spark of joy...all the love <3 <3)
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[podfic] Frosted Windowpanes, by heyitssmiller
My final podfic of the year! (squeaking under the wire last night before going to a friend's NYE party). Listen here
Miller not only is Leo, but writes the most glorious cubs stories. So it was very fun to get to make this wintery podfic! A Hallmark style au, where Finn comes to town and finds lumberjack Logan and chef Leo. Featuring my favourites @arrowofcarnations, @heyitssmiller, @peggyrose19 and the art is by the amazing @marmarifer and characters by @lumosinlove.
Sending out all of the best new years wishes to everyone 💖
#characters by lumosinlove#podfic#coast to coast#o'knutzy#hallmark au#written by heyitsmiller#hopefully the next thing you see me post will be the vaincre podfic#and hopefully soon!
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Day 9: completing the trifecta with Logan! Characters belong to @lumosinlove and header is from @noots-fic-fests, doing the lord's work of continuing the fest.
Yesterday's movie: The Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) with dear Moony.
The world was quiet and beautiful.
Logan let his eyes fall to slits. He was cool despite the sun blistering above him, blinding him and turning what little remained to splintered lens flares. The water lapped at his sides and crept along the webbing between his fingers. It was…light. All of it.
“Hey, you.” A new kind of light; a kiss to his forehead. “Thought I lost you for a sec.”
Logan smiled and rolled over, kicking his legs as he went until he was upright. Finn’s grin was crooked and sweet—he ducked quickly to spit a spout of water that made Logan grimace and splutter with a halfhearted splash his way.
“Knutty’s looking at the fish,” Finn said, as if he could read Logan’s mind. His pale shoulders flexed with a push of his arm through the crystalline water. Finn dipped back into the water, then shook his hair out, tipping his head to the side to clear his ear. Logan had watched him do that so many times. Hotel pools, the lake at home, just out of reach at the French seaside, beside Leo in New Orleans.
Logan slipped the bottom half of his face below the surface. Not salt water, though it smelled like the sea. The lake, then? He couldn’t see dry land over Finn’s shoulder.
“I like swimming with you,” Finn said, matter-of-fact.
Logan couldn’t help a surprised twitch of his eyebrows as he straightened. “Ouais?”
“Ways.” Finn laughed at the answering flick of water from Logan’s fingertips. It was the one he liked so much it used to scare him, the cackle-giggle Finn saved exclusively for his misbehavior.
Logan wasn’t scared now. Just in love. “I like swimming with you, too.”
“I know,” Finn sighed, paddling toward him. Logan treaded water absently. He didn’t need to focus much when Finn would be there to take his weight if he asked. A wet nose poked him on the cheek. “I think you just like me.”
Logan dragged the side of his cheek along Finn’s until his mouth could brush the edge of his smile. Denial was nothing to him anymore. “Yeah.”
“Oui, oui, Frenchie-French.”
“You’re getting better,” he mused.
Finn’s irises had gone coppery in the sun. “Lots of practice. Le’s bringing you shells.”
“It’s a secret, but you’re gonna need a bigger boat.” Finn widened his eyes playfully and pressed his index finger to his own lips. “Or pockets, I guess. Shh. Don’t tell.”
“Safe with me.”
Logan reached a leg down to tangle his ankle around Finn’s calf, tugging him closer. He hoped Finn was wearing his blue trunks. They were delightfully small, but they also made him look like creamy chocolate-chip ice cream waiting to be licked up, so. A fan favorite, to be sure. Logan wondered if he’d be allowed to slather the next round of sunscreen on those legs.
Finn’s nose scrunched when Logan reached out and pushed his hair off his forehead. Water dribbled down the planes of his face before vanishing in the lapping waves. “Your hands are cold.”
“Still cold.”
“Fine, I’ll stop messing with you then.”
“No, nope, nom nom nom.” Finn caught his wrist and pulled it back to rest on top of his head. The water bobbed around them.
Logan watched his face for a moment: the line of his nose, the rounds of his ears sticking out from dark auburn hair, the way the sea (or whatever it was) sparkled on his skin as it fell in rivulets down each angle. Finn watched him right back. It didn’t feel like being burned alive anymore. “Can we stay?”
Sympathy dimpled Finn’s cheeks. “No, baby.”
“I like it here.” He did. He liked it so much.
“I know.”
“Peanut’s bringing me shells.”
“You’re tired.”
Logan didn’t feel tired. He was wide awake and cool from the breeze. He couldn’t even feel the sun on his shoulders. “Am I?”
“Mhm. You and Le have been down in the basement all day, making sure the TV works for the party.”
Logan tilted his head, confused. “My grandmother doesn’t have a basement. Neither do Leo’s parents. You know that.”
Finn seemed unfazed, lost in trailing ripples in the water over Logan’s arms. “You work so hard,” he whispered, nuzzling up to Logan’s jaw with a smile he could hear. “Ease up. Go home.”
“I want to stay,” he protested.
Finn was close enough to kiss each cheekbone tenderly. A hello, but also a goodbye. “Go on. Leo’s calling.”
Finn was there when Logan pried his eyelids open to the hurried slaps of Leo’s hand. He was sound asleep, mumbling about birds. They were both dry. The ocean was nowhere to be found.
Lunettes. Leo was asking him about glasses. This close, he could see the cerulean clarity of Leo’s eyes. Logan pushed himself up onto one elbow. The shells were already fading from his mind.
#logan tremblay#finn o'hara#leo knut#cubs#o'knutzy#sweater weather#coast to coast#vaincre#lumosinlove#my fic#fanfic#fluff#swimming#fic o'ween 2024
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This but o'knutzy
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can you write something about the cubs seeing each others childhood rooms/homes for the first time?
we kind of got a little with Leo’s home in NOLA and that moment of Logan thinking about walking through the house and “looking for signs of him” was just so freaking precious I NEED MORE
I just imagine in my mind leo had an attic room that was floor to ceiling wall to wall book shelves and Finn just being OBSESSED and them seeing old pictures of each other ugh it would just be so adorable
TW: MCD spoilers in Little Women!
Credits to @lumosinlove
This was all he needed, Logan thought as he watched Leo and Finn unload Leo's Jeep. He roved his eyes over Leo's forearms, starkly tan against the white cooler, even in the porch light. Finn whispered something to him and kissed his cheeks, taking the cooler from him with a smile. Leo looked pleased and content. Something settled in his shoulders, being in NOLA, Logan could tell. He wanted to feel the relaxed muscles and put a hand on Leo's lower back.
Leo turned to look down at him. “Hi, sweetheart.” He kissed Logan softly on the forehead. “You okay?”
Logan nodded, tucking his nose into Leo's shoulder. “Ouais. Merci, for today.”
“Yeah,” Finn agreed. “Thanks for the boat ride.”
Leo raised his eyebrows. “Just the boat ride?”
Logan felt warm as Finn's cheeks and ears flushed around his freckled grin. “And other things.”
Leo leaned over to kiss his forehead, too. “You're welcome, sweetheart.” He patted Logan's waist. “Bed time, c'mon. I'll clean the cooler while you get in the shower.”
Finn and Logan tried to insist on helping, but Leo waved them off and distractedly put ice packs back in the freezer. They each took one last look at his long, lean legs before quietly creeping up the stairs.
Leo's bedroom was set at the end of the hall, right beside another door. Logan and Finn glanced at it curiously before opening the door to Leo's room. Logan felt something nestle deep in his chest.
The room even smelled like Leo. It was warm and inviting, and meticulously organized, as all his things were. His bed was neatly made, pillows fluffed against the headboard with a stuffed duck resting on them, and there were three books stacked on the night stand beside it. His dresser held other little signs of him: his cologne, his Honors Society cord, some birthday cards, a couple photos. Most of them looked old. There was one of Leo and his parents on the boat when he was little, another of him and his cousins on Leo's draft day. But then there was a photo without a frame, leaning against a tournament trophy. Logan peered closer and smiled softly. “Rouge, ici.”
“Mm?” Finn asked. He looked up from where he was getting their toiletry bags and pajamas. “What is it, baby?”
“Allez, look.”
Finn walked over and rested his chin on Logan's shoulder, arms tight around his waist. Logan leaned back into his body. He felt as Finn smiled against his neck with an amused sound. “He’s just such a sweetheart, isn't he?”
“Ouais,” Logan sighed happily.
He reached to touch the edges of the photo. It was of the three of them at Dumo's cup party just a few weeks previous. Finn was in the middle, a hand tight around each of their waists and a big smile on his face. Logan was leaning against him, expression soft and tired, and maybe a bit tipsy. He and Leo had their arms crossed over Finn's abdomen, Logan's strong hand rubbing Leo's forearm. On Finn's other side, Leo had his head tilted with a wide, happy grin, his blue eyes twinkling and his cheeks a gorgeous shade of blushing red. Logan ran his thumb over it. For such a new photo, the edges were frayed.
“I forgot we took that,” Finn commented. He kissed Logan’s skin. “I wonder when he printed it.”
As if on cue, they heard Leo's footsteps approaching. The door opened slowly, and Finn and Logan both turned to look. When Leo saw them, he smiled widely. “Hi.” He saw where they were facing and glanced between them and the photo. His cheeks flushed. “Oh. You found it.”
Finn reached a hand out to draw Leo to them. Logan pressed his nose into Leo's chest before looking up at him. “When did you print it?”
Leo's face got even redder. “The day I arrived here in New Orleans.”
Finn bit his lip in amusement and nudged Leo's jaw with his nose. “But the edges are frayed.”
“I just missed you,” Leo whispered, obviously slightly sheepish. “I hold it when I go to bed.”
Logan shifted him and Finn so he was facing Leo directly. He reached up to tangle his hand in Leo's hair, drawing him down for a kiss. “Je t'adore.”
“You're so good, baby,” Finn said. He pressed a hand to Leo's cheek. “What did we do to deserve you?”
Leo just shrugged and kissed his palm. “Good things.”
Finn smiled and brought his hand down to caress Leo's ribs. They stood there in silence for a minute before Finn let out a noise. “Hey, what's the other door out there?”
Leo's grin was all teeth. “Oh! C'mon, I'll show you.” Then he was out the door.
Finn and Logan looked at one another curiously before following. Leo put a finger to his lips then crept up a winding stairwell of the now-open secret door. They ascended slowly, careful to limit the creaking. When they reached the top, Leo flicked on a light. Finn let out a gasp and a laugh. “Oh my God!”
Leo turned to them and smiled proudly. Lined along the walls of the small attic were a couple of bookshelves overflowing with novels. Beside them was a rocking chair and a small ottoman, Winnie the Pooh pillows resting on top of each of them.
Finn took a step forward and touched along the spine of a hardback. He smiled softly. “Peanut, this is amazing.”
Leo looked proud and pleased as he stepped behind Finn to cup his hips. “It's my reading nook.”
Logan walked up to the other bookshelf. There were children's books on the top shelf, but the rest of them were chapter books, a few with French titles. “How long have you had this, mon soleil?”
Leo reached out to wrap and arm around Logan's waist and pull him in. “Since I was about seven. We don't have a lot of extra stuff, and we have the cellar, so Dad and I found some disassembled bookshelves and the rocking chair at yard sales, then fixed them up here. Also got a used AC unit and repaired it, too. That's how I learned to use a drill.”
Finn looked over his shoulder with raised eyebrows. “You can use a drill?”
Leo looked smug. “Sure can.”
“Hot.” Finn went back to flicking through the book he was holding. “I can't believe we've never heard of this place before.”
Leo blushed a little. “I wanted to wait until you came home with me for the first time. To surprise you with it.”
Finn turned in Leo's arms, book clutched to his chest, and kissed him. “Best surprise ever.”
Leo smiled into Finn's next kiss. “I'm glad you like it.” He kissed Finn once more, than Logan's forehead. “C'mon, choose a book. We can read it before bed.”
Finn considered a few before picking up a well-worn paperback with a nod. He looked up at them softly. The warm light made his eyes look almost golden. “Okay. Let's go shower and go to bed.”
Leo nudged him down the steps before turning to Logan. He, too, looked golden in the light. “You coming, sweetheart?”
Logan nodded. “Ouais.” He stepped into Leo's space and leaned up for a kiss. “Je t'aime.”
Leo touched their foreheads together. “I love you. Thanks for letting me take you home.”
“Toujours,” Logan whispered. “Always.”
Then he laced their fingers together and followed Leo down the stairs.
Finn took a deep breath as he glanced up the stairway towards where he knew Logan's bedroom was. The Tremblay family was still wrapped up in welcoming Logan home and welcoming Leo for the first time. Iva had Leo wrapped in a hug, speaking fast French to him and making him laugh. It relieved Finn a bit to see him smiling. This house held a lot of good memories for Finn, but also a lot of strained ones: longing looks at Logan's back in the mornings, yearning desire whenever Logan took off his shirt to help his parents in the garden. He hoped that it would only hold good memories for Leo, touched by nothing bad save for the initial anxiety of entering into a world he hadn't been a part of previously.
Finn took another breath and settled a hand on Leo's back, who was picking up his duffel bag.
Leo turned to him and stepped closer. His eyes were soft, maybe a little relieved, as they met Finn's own. “You alright, honey?”
Finn nodded. “Yeah. Just love you.”
Leo smiled. “I love you, too.” He glanced up the stairwell briefly, then behind him. Marius and Iva had disappeared into the kitchen, and now it was just Logan and his sisters chatting away in rapid French. Leo leaned in closer. His beautiful blue eyes pinned Finn where he was. “It's okay to be nervous, sweetheart. You both hurt for a long time.”
Finn sighed and closed his eyes. Leo always saw right through him. “I know. I know.” He leaned into the hand Leo settled on his waist and opened his eyes with a soft smile. “But it's okay now. Because he loves me. And I love him.” He swayed into Leo's warm body. “And we both love you, how special is that?”
Leo grinned. “Pretty special.” He nodded towards the stairs. “Let's go put our stuff down. Then Lo said he wanted to take us for a drive.”
Finn nodded and picked up his and Logan's bags before leading Leo up the stairs. Leo pressed a hand to his lower back as they made their way to the end of the hall where Logan's bedroom was. “I love you,” he whispered into Finn's ear.
Finn turned to blindly kiss his shoulder before slowly opening the door.
He didn't know what he expected, coming back into Logan's childhood room- most of his stuff was in Gryffindor anyways. But there were still little signs of him. A poster of Lightning McQueen that Finn had chirped him for so hard still hung on the wall; his sisters had given it to him for his sixteenth birthday after they spent the whole day having a Pixar Movie marathon during Christmas break. There was a singular book on his bedside table- the original version of Little Women. Finn had helped him read it his freshman year. Logan had tried to hide it, but he'd cried when Beth had died. Propped up on the pillows, probably done by Iva, was a stuffed moose. Finn forgot the name. He hadn't seen it since college.
He heard Leo laugh quietly from near the dresser. “Look at you both.”
Finn turned abruptly, heart beating a little faster in his chest. Leo was holding a picture frame delicately in his fingers. Finn rested his chin on Leo's shoulder to get a closer look. His breath caught. “Oh.”
It must have been taken Finn's senior year. In the photo, he and Logan were sat on OKN’s old couch, a pile of books and papers on the coffee table in front of them. They each had their Harvard Hockey sweatshirts on, Logan with his hood pulled up over his hair. It was long and slightly curly in the picture. His head was resting against Finn’s shoulder, Finn's temple pressed to his. Finn didn't even know a photo had been taken. All he remembered was one moment they were pulling an all -nighter, and the next he'd woken up slumped awkwardly with an aching neck, Logan awake and making coffee in the kitchen. He hadn't realized Logan had slept beside him. He'd assumed Logan had left him to sleep alone.
As if summoned, there was a rap of knuckles on the door. “Salut.”
Both Leo and Finn turned. Leo was smiling at Logan. Finn didn't know what he looked like, but it must have caused concern, because both his boys immediately furrowed their eyebrows.
“Rouge,” Logan said, stepping forward to cup Finn's face in his hands. “What's wrong?”
Finn blinked. “I didn't know we slept together.”
Logan's smile was confused. “Quoi?” Leo nudged him and gestured to the photo. Logan blushed, then looked sheepishly back at Finn. “Oh. Percy took that.”
Finn shook his head. “I don't remember that.”
Logan laughed nervously. “You were really asleep.” He took a deep breath, then moved his hands to cup Finn’s neck. He pressed a kiss to his cheek before pulling away. His green eyes were soft and loving.
“I kept that on my bedside table all of senior year,” he said. He shrugged. “I missed you, mon coeur.”
Finn breathed in through his nose and pressed their foreheads together. He closed his eyes. “I missed you, too.” He kissed Logan briefly. “But now you're right in front of me.”
“Ouais,” Logan whispered. “Ici, rouge.”
Finn wrapped his arms around Logan's waist and squeezed, holding him there for a moment. When he pulled away, he found Leo leaning against Logan's bedside table, still looking at the photo. He was biting his lip and stroking his thumb over the edge of the frame. Finn looked at Logan and they both smiled. Finn turned. “Hey sunshine?”
Leo’s eyes were surprised. “Hm?”
“You wanna sleep together?”
They all burst out laughing, their bodies shaking. Leo clutched the photo to his chest and stepped into their space. His blue eyes were happy and twinkly, and Finn and Logan were so, so in love with him.
“Yeah,” he said softly, lovingly. “You know what, I just might.”
“Boys, I'd like everything out of there by five! We've got reservations at the nice new French place at six thirty!”
Leo watched as Alex and Finn simultaneously rolled their eyes at their mother's voice in the exact same way. Leo knew they grumbled at being compared to one another, but they were so similar it was almost scary.
“And don't roll your eyes at me!”
They both flushed red. Finn glanced towards where his mother's voice had come from in the kitchen, where she was making tea. “How did she-?”
“No fucking clue,” Alex said. He sighed. “Okay, let's do this.” He turned to Kasey and Natalie with a pout. “Help?”
Natalie bounced on her toes and kissed his cheek. “Nope!” she said, heading into the kitchen. “This is man labor. Your mom and I are trying out some new tea from the tea box I got her for her birthday.”
Alex groaned. “Really?” He turned his head towards the kitchen doorway. “Mom! Is it true your stealing my girlfriend?”
“Oh, yes! Natalie, dear, come here, I've started with the white and peach tea!”
Natalie winked. “Coming!” she called, then was sliding away towards the kitchen.
Alex watched her for a moment then sighed, shoulders sagging. “Damn. Mom’s just robbing us.”
Finn poked him in the side. “Nuh uh, she's not robbing me.”
Alex stuck his tongue out just as Haley’s voice sounded once again through the doorway. “Logan, honey, you come here, too! I found a mint one I think you'll like!”
Finn’s eyes bulged. “How does she even know that?”
Logan just smirked. “That's my cue.” He kissed Finn's cheek, then stood on his toes to press his warm lips to Leo's. “Have fun.” Then he, too, slunk out of the living room.
Finn looked dejectedly at Leo. “You won't leave me, will you?”
Leo glanced at him, then at Alex, who had a similar expression directed at Kasey, and rolled his eyes fondly. “C'mon, O'Hara boys. Time to clean your rooms.”
Alex wrinkled his nose as Kasey brought him under his arm. “You're not my mom.”
Leo snorted. “Don't I know it.”
Alex looked like he was about to protest, but Kasey tugged his hand. “Let's go, Al. We've gotta take care of that mess.”
Alex scowled as Kasey dragged him down the hallway. “It is not!”
Leo watched them go amusedly, then turned back to look at Finn. He looked a little tired from the drive up that morning, the skin under his eyes more purple than normal. Leo rubbed his thumbs over it and kissed his nose. “C'mon, sweetheart. We've gotta move the rest of your stuff out. I'll help.”
Finn nodded and leaned into Leo's hands briefly. “Okay. Okay, let's go.”
Leo didn't really know why Alex and Finn still had lots of stuff left in their childhood brownstone home, especially considering they spent lots of time in the city and had plenty of opportunities to grab stuff- and the fact that they were both in their twenties and had moved out a long time ago. But Haley had declared enough was enough, and here they were, ready to tackle a host of childhood memories and to decide whether to keep or donate them.
Finn led the way down the hallway, past where they could hear Alex and Kasey laughing in Alex's own room, to a brown door. Leo had never been inside the O'Hara's home before, nevermind Finn's room. There wasn't really a need to come when Alex had his apartment and Logan had his. Most of the time, they went out to dinner because there were so many of them, or Leo cooked a nice meal at Logan's place. He wanted to look for all the little signs of Finn, just like he had in Logan's room.
Finn opened the door carefully and whistled. “Damn, it's been a while.” He stepped aside and swept his arm. “After you, sunshine.”
Leo pressed a hand to his waist in thanks and stepped through the doorway.
It definitely was Finn's room. Not messy, but a little disorganized: trinkets on the dresser, a Rangers poster on the wall, a Harvard flag, a stuffed bulldog with a hockey jersey on the bed, books piled high on every available surface- even a stack on the floor. Leo was surprised Haley hadn't moved them.
What really caught his eye, however, were the photos on his dresser.
Most of them looked like they were from college. There was Alex and Finn on Finn’s draft day; Percy and Finn obviously drunk off their asses and hanging off of one another with streamers in their hair; Finn and Will standing together on the ice in their jerseys and smiling, Will with a C on his shoulder and Finn with an A. Leo smiled- he liked putting the pieces of Finn and Logan together, separately and individually. They'd spent so long intertwined, and that's what most of the Harvard stories they told him were about, but it warmed him to think they still had their own friends, their own people, their own experiences. Leo loved them both endlessly in all their multifacetedness.
The photo on the far right made him stop. It was of Finn and Logan in a backyard somewhere. String lights shone behind them. Finn had his arm tightly over Logan's shoulders, Logan's head resting in the crook of his elbow. They were both smiling widely, obviously a little tipsy. Their jaws were a little less defined, their shoulders less broad, their legs slimmer. They looked so young.
Two hands came to rest on Leo's hips. “That was the first fall we met,” Finn whispered into Leo’s shoulder. “Even then I was already falling in love with him.”
Leo swallowed around a lump in his throat. It hurt him, to think of them hurting. It hurt, selfishly, to think about the fact he didn't know them then; if they would have even been friends, much less lovers.
Finn seemed to sense the tension lingering in his body, because he wrapped Leo up tighter and pressed their bodies close together. Leo could feel the warmth and solid muscle of Finn, even through their sweatshirts.
“I love you,” Finn said. “We love you. You make everything worth it, sunshine, because we got you.”
“I know,” Leo replied softly, leaning back against Finn's chest. “Sometimes I just- I imagine I was there. In school, making friends, studying, laying on the grass. Playing hockey, going to parties, laughing. Being young in that way.” He sighed and closed his eyes. “I always imagine it as being fall.”
Finn smiled against Leo's neck. “Fall in New England is pretty.”
Leo tilted his head sideways to rest against Finn's. “Can we go someday? During the fall?”
Finn nodded eagerly and kissed his jaw softly. “Whatever you want, baby. I'll take you everywhere.”
Leo let out a happy sound and turned his head to kiss Finn on the lips. Finn’s mouth was gentle and loving, pinning Leo in place in the way only he and Logan could do. Leo had never been kissed with such care and focus until he'd kissed them.
“Oh.” A voice interrupted them. They smiled against one another's mouths and then turned to look at Logan in the doorway. He looked them up and down carefully before nodding to the tray in his hands. “Haley made you tea.”
Finn squeezed Leo's waist one more time before walking to take the tray from Logan with a kiss. “Thanks, baby.” He set the tray on the bed and picked up a red mug with a fish on it. “What'd she make?”
“Lady Grey for you,” Logan said. He picked up a mug with flowers and walked over to Leo. “And a green and raspberry tea for you, Le.” He stopped when he saw where Leo was looking at. When he saw the photo, he smiled. “Oh.” He turned to look at Finn. “That was a long time ago, non?”
Finn nodded around his sip. “Your freshman year.”
Logan hummed, then leaned into Leo's chest. “Allez,” he said, tilting the mug towards Leo's lips. “Ça va, mon soleil?”
Leo nodded, reaching up to wrap his fingers gently around Logan's wrists. “It's good.” He kissed Logan's forehead and moved one arm down to wrap around his waist. “Thank you.”
“Hey,” Finn said suddenly. “Look here.”
They both turned to find Finn standing there with his phone. The warmth of the mug pressed into Leo's chest where Logan was holding it between them. He pressed his fingers into Logan's lower back to bring him closer and smiled. He felt Logan’s forehead rest against his collarbone. He could imagine his smile: sheepish and content, his green eyes peering out at the camera.
Finn stayed there for a moment, then brought his phone down. He looked out over his classes at the screen and smiled. “Perfect,” he said. His eyes moved to look at them. His teeth were white against his freckled skin. “I'm printing this when we get home. Gonna blow it up and frame it in the living room for everyone to see.”
Leo laughed. “No you're not.”
Finn raised his eyebrows. “Watch me.” He walked up to them and wrapped an arm around each of their waists. He kissed their cheeks softly. “I love you.”
“Love you,” Logan sighed. He nuzzled into Leo's sweatshirt neck, then tilted his head up. Leo brushed his thick hair back off his forehead so he could gaze at his eyes. Logan grinned softly and leaned up for a kiss. “Allez,” he said against Leo's mouth. “Let's clean.”
#lumosinlove#finn o'hara#leo knut#logan tremblay#o'knutzy#sweater weather#vaincre#coast to coast#lgbtqia#love#leo is a *carpenter* angel he's so adorable and thoughtful and SEXY he can use a DRILL#peep finnlo SWOONING over him!!!!#haley o'hara knows all#finn does not like being robbed of his bfs nuh uh no way no thanks#logan LOVES a warm cup of tea and coziness and hugs
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