#O'Connor & Associates
oconnor2023 · 2 years
Residential Property Tax Protection Program | O'Connor Associates
Property Tax Protection Program™ Works for You! Don’t miss another Residential property tax deadline. Enroll now to get protected every year! Visit us @ https://www.poconnor.com/residential/
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hillbilly-thomist · 1 year
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My namesake! This will be an obligatory read!
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expertcostseg-us · 9 days
Cost segregation provides tax reduction services. One of the biggest US consulting organizations for property taxes. Check out this link: https://expertcostseg.com/
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nationalpropertytax · 5 months
Canada hotel Association national convention in Montreal
Exciting news! O'Connor & Associates is thrilled to announce our attendance at the Canada Hotel Association National Convention in Montreal on May 22, 2024! Join us as we delve into the latest industry trends. Stay tuned for live updates, behind-the-scenes peeks, and valuable insights! Visit https://www.nationalpropertytax.com/
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oconnorassociate · 2 years
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How To Protest Property Taxes - O'Connor
Being charged more in taxes for not protesting yearly? This is true, and there are many ways to avoid this. Visit https://www.poconnor.com/how-to-protest-property-taxes/ to know how.
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queenshelby · 1 year
Forbidden Desire (Part 14)
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Reader (Female/Incestuous)
Warnings: Incest (at this stage accidental), Age Gap, PTSD, Domestic Abuse, Self-Harm, Fluff, Smut
Please comment and engage xx 😘
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The following morning however, when you arrived at the factory office, Tommy was waiting for you, sitting behind his large wooden desk.
His presence filled the room, commanding attention and respect. He wore his usual attire: a dark suit, white shirt, and tie, accentuating his powerful physique.
As you walked towards him, you couldn't help but admire the raw masculinity that radiated from him. His muscular frame, piercing eyes, and rugged good looks made him truly irresistible. The sight of him brought back memories of the past, the passionate encounter that had left you aching for more.
But, his face was nothing but stern as he looked up at you.
"Come, sit," he said bluntly as he gave you an order
rather than an invitation. Tommy’s commanding tone sent a thrill through you, reminding you of the raw power that radiated from him. You hesitated for a moment, unsure if you wanted to be so close to him right now, but you complied nonetheless.
As you sat down, Tommy's gaze remained steady, unwavering, as though he was trying to read your thoughts.
"You are a Shelby now, whether you like it or not. And as a Shelby, you do not associate yourself with men like Liam O'Connor," your uncle explained and your pulse quickened as he spoke, feeling the weight of his words as anger rose from deep within you.
"Are you jealous Tommy or are you actually of the view that, as a Shelby, I cannot walk with a man of my choosing?" you queried with a hint of defiance in your voice.
"And why would I be jealous, eh? You are my fucking niece," 
he retorted, his eyes flashing with anger and possessiveness.
The tension in the room escalated as the two of you locked gazes, the intensity of your feelings for one another undeniable.
"I am your niece, yes, but some time ago, I was also your lover," you challenged, your voice low and measured, conveying a sense of power and control.
Tommy's expression hardened, his jaw clenching tightly. "What happened between us then doesn't change anything," he growled, clearly struggling with his emotions.
"No, it doesn't and that is exactly why you need to stay out of my private affairs, Thomas," you agreed, maintaining eye contact, refusing to be intimidated by his dominance.
His demeanour shifted, becoming less hostile as he sighed deeply, acknowledging your statement. "Alright, fine. But remember that the men I employ work for me for a reason. They are dangerous men, Y/N. Liam O'Connor is one of them and, I do no longer trust him now that he has taken an interest in you," Tommy explained after having slept on Polly's revelations and admissions. 
His declaration hung heavily in the air, a threat and a promise rolled into one. It stirred a mix of emotions within you - fear, excitement, and longing.
"You still want me, don't you?" your words echoed throughout the room, causing a chill to run down his spine. There was a pause as both of you took in the gravity of your statement. Tommy's eyes narrowed as he studied your face intently, searching for any signs of deception. His expression turned thoughtful as he considered your question.
"It doesn't matter what I want Love. You are family and I need to protect you," Tommy determined with a sigh.
"I can protect myself, Tommy!" you argued, determination etched on your features. "I'm not some fragile flower who needs to be shielded from harm." Your defiance only seemed to fuel his determination to protect you.
"You may think you're stronger than you are, but the truth is, we all need someone to watch our backs, eh," he replied with a steely resolve. "You are my responsibility, whether you like it or not and unless you want me to tell my brother about your relationship with Liam O'Connor, I want to know when you are going to see him next, eh," Tommy told you firmly, his eyes boring into yours.
There was silence in the room, as you processed his words. Despite your resolve, you were beginning to realize that he was serious about his warning.
"Tonight... I am seeing him tonight," you told him, looking downcast and fueled with anger. The mere mention of informing your father about Liam made you feel uneasy, knowing how he would react upon finding out about your dalliance.
"Where?" Tommy asked, clearly satisfied with your response.
"At my house," you admitted, feeling a mixture of guilt and frustration welling up inside you. 
"I will have your house watched by men who can be trusted, just in case, eh," Tommy stated matter-of-factly, his voice devoid of emotion. 
"Fine," you conceded, unable to argue further.
You knew that despite your resistance, Tommy's protective instincts ran deep, and there was little point in trying to change his mind. He needed to ensure you stayed safe, even if it meant encroaching on your personal life.
"You may go now," Tommy eventually told you with a note of finality in his voice and the room fell silent once again, as you stood up and prepared to leave.
A heavy burden weighed on your shoulders as you realized the precarious situation you found yourself in. The complexities of your relationships with Tommy and Liam threatened to consume you. How could you balance these competing forces without succumbing to the whims of either man?
On your way home, your thoughts drifted to the events of the evening. A surge of adrenaline coursed through your veins as you anticipated your meeting with Liam.
Part of you was excited by the forbidden nature of your secret rendezvous, while another part of you felt consumed by guilt, knowing that you were still deeply in love with Tommy. You recalled the passionate moments you shared with him, wondering if they could ever be rekindled.
Arriving at your house, you carefully checked the area before letting yourself in. Your heart raced as you imagined Tommy's men watching from the shadows, their cold stares following your every move.
It was awkward to know that you were being watched, yet there was also a sense of safety that came with Tommy's protection. He may be harsh and domineering, but deep down, you knew he cared for you.
Liam was already waiting for you when you entered your house, looking eager and slightly nervous. 
"Fuck, how did you get inside?" you asked, surprised to see him sitting on your lounge, sipping whiskey. 
"Your mother let me in before she left," Liam explained, his eyes glinting with darkness. 
"How do you know my mother?" you asked, suspiciously trying to gauge his intentions.
"I don't. But she saw Tommy's men outside and realised that I was one of them," Liam explained before advising you that, by now, Tommy's men would have left. 
"He asked them to watch you, because of me, didn't he?" Liam questioned, his tone laced with subtle aggression. You nodded silently, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks as you acknowledged the fact.
"There is something you should know about me, Y/N," Liam began, his voice taking on a deeper timbre. "I don't take kindly to anyone interfering in my affair, and that includes Thomas Shelby," he went on to say angrily, his gaze fixed on you, his intent clear.
"Listen, Liam," you tried to calm him down, but he wouldn't be pacified as, instead, he approached you, laying his claim.
"I love you, Y/N," he whispered tenderly, his hand caressing your cheek. "Don't let him come between us," he implored, his desire evident in his eyes.
You couldn't help but be swayed by his earnestness, his determination to stand against the seemingly insurmountable obstacle of your relationship with Tommy.
"Why should I believe you?" you asked, testing his sincerity.
"Because I am ready to fight for you, Y/N," he assured you, his voice full of conviction. "And together with the help of my acquaintance, Michael Gray, we can take over the family business," 
Liam continued, his eyes bright with ambition.
You hesitated, absorbing his words. It was the first time he had spoken about this alliance openly, and you couldn't ignore the looming presence of your uncle and the power he held over you.
"But what about Tommy and Arthur?" you questioned, genuinely concerned about the consequences of your actions.
"I don't care about them. They are two spent horses," Liam responded, his tone bordering on aggressive.
"Does Polly know about this?" you wondered aloud, your brow furrowing.
"Polly knows nothing," Liam insisted, a gleam of mischief in his eyes. "She would tell Tommy if she knew. We need to play our cards right." he suggested, and you could not believe what you were hearing.
"This is why you pursued me isn't it?" you probed further, seeking clarification while wondering where Tommy's men were at this point.
They were meant to be watching your house, but you felt as though they were neglecting their duties as, all of a sudden, Liam reached for your wrists.  
His touch made you anxious, leaving you vulnerable. "What are you doing?" you asked, trying to remain calm as his attitude changed. 
Liam took your hand in his, his grip strong and steady. "We are more than capable of seizing power from those who seek to control us," he said with confidence. "Thomas Shelby may hold power now, but it won't last forever. If we unite together, we can create something new, something better," he said, his voice dark and authoritative.
You looked around your house, thinking about a way to escape, but there was none. Your heart was racing, and your heart was spinning as you realized Liam's true intentions. 
You understood now why he had pursued you relentlessly, using every charm and resource at his disposal. He wanted to make you fall in love with him so he could use your newfound affection to secure a position within the family business. It was a cruel twist of fate that put you in this predicament.
Liam watched you warily, his expression a mix of determination and anticipation. Taking a deep breath, you summoned all your courage and faced him squarely.
"So, you think that if I fall in love with you, I would help you make a move against my father and uncle?” you queried, your voice laced with disbelief.
"Yes, and I also believe that once we are together, we can form a powerful alliance and, together with Michael Gray and his wife, we can take over the business," Liam responded confidently, unaware of the trap he had set for himself.
Stunned by his audacity, you took a step back, processing his words. The truth was undeniably painful as Liam had used you to manipulate his way into your family, and you, unknowingly, had played right into his hands.
Your heart pounded violently against your ribcage, and you felt nauseous from the shock of the revelation. 
“Marry me Y/N, and help us take over,” Liam's words continued to echo in your ears, reminding you of his cold, calculating nature.  
"I am not going to marry you, Liam!" you gasped, fury and betrayal coursing through your veins. "And even if I ever was to consider marrying someone, it certainly wouldn't be you!" you ought to point out, fuelling Liam's anger.
Anger flaring in his eyes, Liam leaned closer, challenging you with his stare. "Is that so? Then perhaps you should reconsider your options, Y/N. Because if you don't cooperate, it won't bode well for you,” he threatened you.
Your heart raced, fearing the worst. "What do you mean?" you asked, attempting to maintain your composure.
"Are you threatening me, Liam?" you ought to clarify, albeit knowing the answer. 
"Not at all," he replied, his tone eerily calm. "But I cannot guarantee that your father would put a bullet into his brother's head if he ever found out about your intimate relations with your Uncle Tommy," Liam exclaimed, his eyes narrowing. "Now, unless you change your mind, I will be forced to take matters into my own hands and have a word with the rest of the Shelby Family, disclosing your incestuous liaisons. Maybe the papers would take an interest in this too, seeing that Tommy is running for politics now," he went on to say, knowing that this could well and truly destroy the family business. 
His warning sent shivers down your spine, causing you to realize the extent of the danger you were in. You trembled slightly, realizing the precarious position you were in.
"Do not threaten me, Liam! What do you expect me to do?" you asked, your voice quivering with fear.
"Simple," he replied coldly. "Marry me and help me and Michael take over," he repeated, and your heart plummeted into your stomach as you processed his demand. “Your Shelby name is what I need. It’s worth something,” he went on to say, causing you to shake your head again in disbelief.  
Marriage? To this man? You couldn't possibly submit to such a life, bound to someone so cruel and selfish. Your resolve strengthened, and you spoke firmly, determined not to succumb to his threats.
"No, Liam. I will not marry you not only because of your despicable tactics but also because I simply cannot bring myself to love you. I will see Tommy about this, and I already know what he will do to you if he finds out about your threat," you told him sternly, frustration and fury lacing your voice.
His face clouded over with anger; his jaw clenched tightly. His hands shook, betraying his rage, as he tried to control his temper. Within seconds, he reached for your throat, grabbing it tightly with one hand. Fear flooded your body, your heart racing wildly as he squeezed harder. You gasped for air, tears streaming down your cheeks as he choked you. 
"You will not fuck me over Y/N!" Liam cursed as his grip tightened, and you knew that he had every intention to kill you by this point, so you kicked and screamed. 
"Stop! Please!" you gasped loudly, trying to fight Liam off and alarm anyone outside.
“Scream as much as you like. Tommy’s outside are dead,” Liam informed you, choking you harder as suddenly, amongst your struggles, you heard the sound of the door opening, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching rapidly.
You heard Tommy's voice shouting, full of rage, "Let go of her!" he yelled angrily, causing Liam to startle momentarily before tightening his grip on your neck.
By this point, Liam’s eyes flashed with murderous intent, almost ignoring Tommy's presence until Tommy approached him from behind, trying to pull him away from you with force.
Eventually, Liam let go of you, and you dropped to the ground. A fight broke out, and Liam drew his gun, raising it and aiming it straight at Tommy.
This caused you to panic as you knew there was no time to reason with him. Desperate, you lunged toward Liam, hoping to grab the gun from his grasp.
But, before you could act, Tommy pulled his gun and fired, the loud boom deafening the room. Liam dropped to the floor, blood seeping from the wound. With a chilling final glare, he lost consciousness.
Tommy was covered in blood, but the blood he was covered in was not his own.
You crawled towards him on the blood-soaked floor, your heart pounding in your chest. Tommy grabbed you by the arm, pulling you to your feet. The room was deathly silent as you watched the gruesome scene unfold before you.
Your heart hammered in your chest, the horror of witnessing Liam's demise etched into your memory forever. As your gaze met Tommy's, you saw the mixture of relief and concern reflected in his eyes.
"You shot him?" you barely managed to say, your voice merely above a whisper.
"Of course, I fucking shot him, Love. He fucking deserved it, eh" Tommy said roughly, his eyes hard and unforgiving. 
The room went quiet, save for the ticking of the clock on the wall, as everyone processed the implications of Liam's demise. You felt Tommy's strong arms wrap around you, offering comfort and protection. 
"I did not know about his intentions, Tommy! I really did not fucking know," you cried, your body trembling as you clung to your uncle, desperately seeking solace in his arms. You held onto him fiercely, your fingers digging into his muscular shoulders, as you both stood amidst the carnage that had befallen you all.
Inside, you couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline as you realized how close you had come to losing Tommy, the man who had always been there for you, offering support and love despite your connection.
It was at times like these that you understood the depth of your feelings for him, and you yearned to confess those feelings openly.
Tommy, still holding you tightly, looked down at you with a mixture of love and concern in his eyes. "You couldn't have known, Love, and it doesn't matter now. It's going to be okay, eh," he murmured softly, pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"How did you know to come?" you asked while cupping Tommy's blood-stained face.
Your heart ached, and you could feel a tear forming in the corner of your eye. This was not how you wanted things to end, but it seemed like fate had taken hold of your life yet again.
"Moss informed me of the carnage Liam left on First Lane. He shot two of my men, so I came here as quickly as I could,’ Tommy explained with a heavy sigh, the exhaustion evident in his tone. 
"Thank you,” you barely managed to say while Tommy’s hold on you tightened.
"I thought I would fucking lose you, Y/N," he told you while cupping your face with his blood-stained hands.
His words sent a shiver down your spine, a mix of love and concern resonating within them. You realized then just how deep your feelings for him ran, longing to express them openly but knowing that this wasn't the time or place. Embracing you tightly, Tommy looked down at you with a mixture of love and concern in his eyes.
Then, Tommy's voice deepened, his warm breath ghosting across your ear as he spoke.   ”There is something I need to tell you," he said gently. 
"What do you want to tell me?" you asked cautiously, bracing yourself for whatever he might reveal.
Tommy took a deep breath, exhaling slowly before speaking. "Alright, here it goes," he began before inhaling again sharply while your heart thumped wildly in your chest, and you could feel the heat rising in your cheeks.
Then, Tommy's brow furrowed, his expression becoming intense. "I still love you," he admitted, a hint of vulnerability creeping into his voice. "And I promise you, I will find a way to make it up to you, eh?” he said. His words were honest and filled with sincerity, warming your heart even more.
Suddenly, you found yourself being lifted into Tommy's arms, his strong embrace making you feel safe once more. The room felt smaller now, just the two of you, surrounded by the echoes of your past mistakes. "You should never have to experience any pain for my sake," he continued his voice low and tender.
As Tommy spoke, your heart raced faster, feeling the intensity of his embrace. The world seemed to melt away, leaving you alone with him. In his arms, you felt a sense of safety and belonging and, despite the gravity of the situation, a wave of relief swept through you as you acknowledged your feelings for Tommy, recognizing the bond that connected you. 
"I know why you did what you did, Tommy," you told him before closing your eyes and leaning against his broad chest, allowing the warmth of his body to envelop you, the strength of his arms providing a refuge.
"And I forgave you for it some time ago, but I couldn't forget. I couldn't forget about you, the kisses, the sex, everything we shared," you admitted, and a silence fell upon the room as you allowed your words to sink in. Slowly, the corners of Tommy's mouth curved upwards, a small smile emerging, betraying his emotions.
Without words, he lifted up your chin, making you look at him before brushing his lips against yours, tender and reassuring.
"Out of all the women in this world, I have to fall in love with my fucking niece, eh," Tommy smirked after pulling back slightly, eyes locking with yours as they filled with unspoken promises.
"Yes, Uncle Tommy. I am your fucking niece, and you can't tell me that the thought of this doesn't arouse you just a tiny little bit," you teased before Tommy lowered his head again, this time pressing his lips firmly against yours. It was a passionate, almost savage kiss that left you breathless. Every nerve ending in your body lit up with pleasure, sending electric currents coursing through your veins.
The atmosphere in the room shifted drastically, growing increasingly erotic as the sexual tension between you two escalated. , He bent his head down to press a light kiss on your forehead, the warmth of his lips sending shivers down your spine. "It does arouse me," he murmured softly, his voice thick with emotion. “A little bit,” he then added as you both stood there, covered in blood.
Unable to resist, you leaned in closer, your lips meeting his in a tender kiss once more. The world seemed to fade away, and nothing else mattered except the undeniable passion that ignited between you both.
Your kisses grew deeper, more urgent as you both tried to convey the intensity of your feelings through your touch. Your hands roamed over his muscular back, tracing the lines of his sculpted torso. You revelled in the power of his embrace, relishing the way his strong arms wrapped around you, protecting you from the world outside.
He pressed his lips against yours, his tongue dancing teasingly with yours. His hands roamed down your waist, drawing you closer and bringing your hips flush against his. As your hips moved rhythmically, Tommy's hand travelled lower, slipping beneath your dress to cup your derrière. You gasped softly, feeling the pressure of his palm against your sensitive flesh. With each passing moment, you grew more aroused, unable to resist the urge to explore the contours of his body, even in this somewhat inappropriate situation.
As your lips captured each other's, you felt the intensity of his passion surge through your core until Tommy finally pulled away.
"I will call Johnny Dogs to clean up this mess, eh?" Tommy suggested, seeing that you still had to deal with the dead body in your house, which, at least for the past five minutes, you had ignored entirely.
"Where am I going to stay tonight?" you asked almost teasingly, a small grin forming on your lips before you handed Tommy your phone, and he made the call.
"You will be staying with me, Love," Tommy told you firmly after having made contact with Johnny, his blue eyes filled with resolve. 
He knew that there was no safer place for you than under his roof, especially after the events of tonight. 
"And what will you do to me, at your house, Uncle Tommy?" you teased, letting your voice drop seductively. You let your hand slide down his chest, brushing along his hard abs before stopping at the button of his trousers.
"Well, first of all, I will get you cleaned up," he replied huskily, his eyes darkening with desire.
"And then, I will probably fuck you, that is, if you are a good girl and behave yourself, eh?" he replied with a playful wink, his hand moving underneath your dress, grazing the soft skin of your inner thigh.
You laughed, taking Tommy's hand in yours and placing it against your throbbing core. "I think I can manage to behave myself, Uncle Tommy," you responded seductively, arching your back to press your breasts against his chest. "Just make sure to remind me of your threats when the time comes," you added with a devilish grin.
Tommy's eyes twinkled with amusement and lust, and he pulled you closer, his large hands wrapping around your waist.
"Trust me Love, I will do more than just remind you of my threats," Tommy teased, a devilish glint in his eyes.
As your bodies swayed together, you couldn't help but marvel at the connection between you both. There was an undeniable chemistry that had always existed between you two, one that transcended the boundaries of blood relations.
"Now, let's go before more coppers get here, eh?" Tommy commanded, his deep voice resonating through you.
His fingers laced with yours, leading you out of the room and towards the staircase.
The atmosphere in the house was eerie, almost as if the air itself held a secret. Your eyes scanned the dimly lit hallways, searching for signs of danger or witnesses who may have seen what happened. As you passed through the grand entrance hall, Tommy guided you towards the exit, the cool night air greeting you as you stepped outside. He helped you into his car, ensuring that you were comfortable before starting the engine. The streets were deserted, casting a sombre shadow over the city. 
"So, what happens to the body?" you asked as Tommy drove off into the night, his eyes focused on the road ahead.
"That's not your concern, Love. My men will take care of it," he replied gruffly, a faint trace of unease crossing his face. 
"It sure sounds like you have done this before," you commented with a raised eyebrow, catching Tommy's hesitation. 
"You know I have," he answered simply, his tone betraying a hint of darkness. "And don't ask questions you wouldn't want answers to, eh?" Tommy's warning was clear, yet you didn't back down, instead choosing to remain silent and let the conversation trail off.
"I still love you," you teased with a soft laugh, knowing full well how much Tommy craved your affection.
"Good," Tommy smirked arrogantly as he parked his car near his house. "Because I'm not letting you go again,” he announced as your gaze met his, the intensity of your feelings for each other palpable as you exchanged looks that seemed to hold entire universes within them. This wasn't merely a physical attraction; it was something far more profound, an undeniable connection that defied logic and reason.
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cannibalsmayhem · 13 days
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What is transableism ?
Transableism is characterized by the desire for a non-disabled individual to acquire a specific disability such as the loss of a sense or a limb (amputation, paralysis, blindness, deafness, etc.), thus placing them in a situation of disability.
The opposite of transabled is cisabled wich describes a person who does have that disability bodily.
Transableism is a new thing ?
No, ''transabled'' is a sociological and political term coined by Sean O'connor in 2004 in attempts to demedicalize disability desires and views them as healthy person's challenge to the stigma of disability as created by social norms. Researchers and transabled people use a variety of terms to describe it. some people refer to "apotemnophilia" a term that have been used the first time in a 1977 article by psychologists Gregg Furth and John Money. We do not recomand this term.
Then, In 2004 Michael First published the first clinical research in which he surveyed fifty-two people with the condition, a quarter of whom had undergone an amputation. Based on that work, First coined the term "body integrity identity disorder" (BIID) to express what he saw as more of an identity disorder than a paraphilia.
The newest term, ''xenomelia'' was established to acknowledge the neurologic component of the condition after neuroimaging studies showed structural changes to the right parietal lobe in individuals who desired amputation of their left lower limb, thus linking the part of the brain that processes sensory input from the affected limb. (McGeoch and others 2011).
Friendly reminder that a transabled person do not necessary experience body integrity identity dysphoria (BIID). People with BIID (dysphorics transableds) experience a suffering with a part of their body, such as a limb, and feel that removing or disabling that part of their body will relieve the discomfort. People with the condition may have intense feelings of envy toward amputees. They may pretend to be an amputee, both publicly and privately. Patients who experience the above symptoms consider them strange and abnormal.
Body dysmorphic disorder is sometimes confounded with disability desires. The two conditions may share a preoccupation with a specific part of one's body, but body dysmorphic disorder is typically concerned with the visual aspects of that part, which is never the case in disability desires. Also, the concerns in body dysmorphic disorders usually focus on facial parts, not on major limbs or sense.
A study conducted by Michael B. First on 52 aspiring or volunteer amputees shows that the main reason given is to regain their true identity, to correct an anatomical anomaly. It is difficult to establish precisely why this need manifests itself in transabled people, even if there are neurological and biological leads. The only difference between a transabled person and a transgender person would be the level of social acceptance of each phenomenon. As transgender people, the transition to the desired body in transabled people is associated with greater general well-being, and a significative decrease in suicidal and depressive thoughts.
It's a choice ?
No, feel the desire to acquire a physical deficit isn't a choice but start a process in order to acquire a disability is a choice. Just as for trans people, they do not choose to be trans but they choose (often the pressure of gender dysphoria) to transition.
When someone realize they are transabled ?
The disabled- desires comes very early in their life. Their first experiecs of such desires are felt in their childhood, around the age of 7 this study found.
Psychological therapy, psychopharmacological drugs and relaxation techniques had little effect and sometimes increased desire. They can reduces symptoms like depression, but not disability desires per se.
This study shows that the amputation of the healthy body part appears to result in remission of BIID and an impressive improvement of quality of life. 100% of transabled who had recived a surgical amputation confirm that it was helpful. With medication 73% pretended that this treatement for BIID was unhelpful and 60% confirm that therapy was unhelpful. Betweet those who recieved and didn't recieve an ambutation, those who didn't recievent it said that BIID had an extreme negative impact in their personal happinnes (17,2 in the Y-BOCS scale) in comparison, those who recieve an amputation affirmate that BIID had a extreme low effect in their personal life (3,2 on the Y-BOCS scale).
Psychotherapy was often supportive, but did not help diminishing BIID symptoms.
Those who didn't recieve an ambutation confirmate that BIID had severely disrupt their work counter a very neglectical effect (3,2 ON Y-BOCS scale) for those who recieve an amputation.
Several others studies: (1) (2) (3) shows that all transabled people who have successfully made the transition say they are very satisfied and happy.
In all cases quality of life was rated to be substantially increased, and no new disability desire emerged post-surgery. There is considerable support for the view that elective amputations can be ethically justified , even if long-term effects of the intervention still need to be assesse
Dangers for not letting a person acquire the desired handicap.
Amputations seem to be the only effective solution. Denying these people the only treatment that can cure their dysphoria will only prolong their suffering and many trans-capacitated individuals will therefore opt for dangerous solutions, such as turning to the black market, attempting to perform their own surgery, or injuring themselves severely enough that a doctor has no choice but to proceed with the amputation of an unwanted limb. It's like denying to a dysphoric transgender person the right to transition.
Why is not different from transgender people ?
Like transgender people, transabled people feel an internal identity that they seek to match with their body. The only difference between the two is the level of social acceptance, unlike transgender people, transabled people in addition to being even more stigmatized and marginalized by the ableist and cisableist society than transgender people, do not benefit from surgical intervention allowing them to obtain the desired body.
Anti-choice arguments.
Anti-choice authors in relation to transbled- surgical operations argue that these people are not autonomous, 'irrational', alienated by their conditionality and cannot make an informed choice. Elliott (2009, p. 159) summarizes the authors' position well (without adhering to it): "These objections focus on the nature of the 'wannabe's' belief that they should have a limb amputated, suggesting that because it is bizarre, irrational, and obsessive, they are unable to properly 'weigh' the information relevant to the decision, that these desires are not autonomous, and are not to be respected or followed. On the one hand, in light of previous data, this position is not scientifically supported and is based on prejudice and impression. Authors who support transabled-surgery argue that refusing it would be violating the first ethical principle of autonomy; if these people are rational and do not make their decision under coercion, their autonomy must be respected. On the other hand, this question of autonomy and rational choice rests on double standards. The very requirement of an explanation and a rational to justify this need obscures the fact that for many very important decisions in our lives, these explanations rationality are not required; for example, playing dangerous sports, having children, going on a humanitarian mission to a war-torn country, or simply choosing to live are not subject to the same questioning and the same requirement of rationality. As Gheen (2009, p. 99) argues, most of the choices we make do not have "rationality" and cannot be explained; we have needs and desires, we realize them, and no one demands evidence of rationality from these actions that sometimes have considerable impacts on our lives and the lives of others. Gheen argues that if this need of the transabled is considered irrational and illegitimate, it is because it goes outside the dominant norms.
Important barriers.
In addition to society's ableism and cisableism, the Hippocratic Oath, by which physicians pledge to "do no harm" to their patients, is the main barrier between a transabled person and his or her disability; practitioners cannot help individuals acquire an impairment that is presumed to have a "detrimental" effect on their lives (Johnston and Elliot, 2002). But an ethical question arises and a paradox emerges. Should we leave transabled dysphoric people in a state of severe suffering, causing them depressive symptoms and even suicidal ideas with the belief that amputation will have a "negative" impact on their lives, when we know that this is not true as datas we have seen previously, rather than allowing them to acquire the desired disability thus allowing their body dyphoria to remit and increasing their general well-being? If doctors commit themselves not to harm their patients isn't it paradoxical to refuse the only possible treatment, i.e. the medical acquisition of a handicap via a surgical intervention to someone, keeping them consequently in a state harmful to his mental health? In other words, the doctor refusing health care to someone who needs it is the equivalent of a health care professional refusing to allow a dysphoric transgender person to undergo a medical transition: it is bad from a moral point of view as well as from the point of view of the person's mental health and exposes them to the risk that she voluntarily injures themself or that they performs their own surgery with all the potential dangers on their life and their health that such a decision implies and opposes the fundamental freedom hard won by social movements to do what we want with our body.
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Pt: If you dont like us, just block! Feel free to ask for more information about the label.
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Pt: DNI: Truscum, heavy religius, dahlia/winter, antiradqueer, anti transids, anti paras, anti muds, anti mspec, anti endos, anti profic, hypoharmful, non-good faith, anti cosang, anti therian, otherkin (etc), terfs, anti xenogenders or xenoids, pro-harrasment of any type, anti kink, anti agere/petre.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 9 months
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Nurses and volunteers selling Christmas Seals for the campaign against tuberculosis, ca. 1922. They are wearing the Cross of Lorraine, associated with the American Lung Association. From left to right, they are Misses O'Connor, Tilton, V. Johnson, M. Johnson, D'Assia, Marie Otis Smith, Elaine Otis Smith, and Lawrence.
Photo: Paul Thompson via FPG/Getty Images
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magellanicclouds · 5 months
I found your write up on the waste management of the Mjolnir suits and I absolutely loved it. It was such a great read, one thing, however bugged me.
You mentioned that the creator of the Master Chief was Frank O’ Conner which isn’t true. The person who created Master Chief, or who is most attributed to his creation, is Marcus Lehto.
Just wanted to clear that up.
Hello anon! First off - thank you for the lovely feedback, and for taking your time to read my essay! ' v ' As for Chief's origins - I appreciate that information! I did know of Marcus Lehto and Robert McLees original contributions Halo CE, as well as the iconic Shi Kai Wang concept sketch, but I did not know that Lehto was in fact the one most associated with the creation of John! To be perfectly honest - and this is definitely a personal issue than anything - but this is so much nicer than the alternate reality of John springing from the mind of racist egotist. While in my research period about the origins of the catheter calamity, skimming of interviews and panels about the illustrious(derogatory) Mr. O'Connor, it came up many times that he was being credited with the creation; this to include his Halopedia entry. You bring me a measure of peace tonight, anon, and I will amend the essay to reflect for this.
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prairietrashdotcom · 11 days
eee i got tagged to do a tag game by @mrcrepsley thank you :)
im tagging: @stitchedgrave @laceandgore @r0ttdweller @cherubgore @cannibaldotcom @unfading-scrutiny but if you've already been tagged in this one or dont feel like it its cool. n if i didnt tag u please do it if you want to also.
Do you make your bed? if by make you mean pull down the duvet so it can air out, then yes. dont worry about why that is.
What's your favorite number? 3, 9, 13, 27
What is your job? i have been a sporadically employed hermit for the last four years :( i am starting college again next week though (media focused program) and theres a lot of production-like activity where i live so hopefully in the future that works out.
If you could go back to school, would you? See above, but i do sometimes wish i could go back to my uni in canada, but only if i was single so i could at least try n fuck my history prof at least once
Can you parallel park? no :(
A job you had that would surprise people? i have no idea how i am perceived on here so i dont know if it would surprise people that i've ghostwritten a book and worked as an actor in a haunted house. those were probably the least surprising answers but other than that its just bartending and baking.
Do you think aliens are real? duh.
Can you drive a manual car? i cannot drive any car but im working on it, although public transport here is just decent enough that it isnt, like, urgent.
What's your guilty pleasure? i honestly feel less ashamed of my various sexual proclivities than i do about living for TLC's Sister Wives. watching that chode get left in the dust not once, not twice, but thrice was especially delicious.
Tattoos? i have four. both of the ones on my right arm are bird themed but that was unintentional. theres a little bird on my forearm from The Garden of Earthly Delights' middle panel, and then a lawn flamingo on my right shoulder. the lawn flamingo is heavily associated in Winnipeg culture with the Transcona neighbourhood, where my mom's from and where i lived for a few years. everyone else in Winnipeg clowns on Transcona for being white trash, which is not technically incorrect but its my favourite place. On my left wrist ive got a hand with an eye in it, and then a crescent moon surrounded by clouds on my left shoulder.
Favorite color? pink, black, light blues, ive been really into brown this year.
Favorite type of music? i love music in general, any type can be good as long as the people making it care about it but 80s alternative/new wave/punk will always hit so so good for me. and vintage or alternative country. and 90s alt.
Do you like puzzles? i love doing the nyt puzzles stoned every night but i will die before i give them any money to play them.
Any phobias? someone with prior knowledge of my phobias using them to torture me
Favorite childhood sport? i did kickboxing in my teens for a lil bit n it was really fun :)
Do you talk to yourself? chronically, but only out loud if im home alone or out in public alone.
What movies do you adore? to the surprise of no one; horror, especially trashy b-horror/horror comedy. also whatever The Butcher Boy (1997) dir. Neil Jordan (i will never stop evangelizing this movie please watch it sinead o'connor plays the virgin mary) is.
Coffee or Tea? coffee 100%. i live in tea country however. sometimes its nice but objectively the 'tea' people are talking about here (Barrys vs Lyons) tastes like a hot wet paper bag unless you put 3 teaspoons of sugar in it.
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? either a palaeontologist or a goth, its hard to tell which came first. ironically my mom was much more supportive of my desire to be goth. this is the cognitive dissonance that came with being an early 2000s evangelical christian who listens to Rob Zombie and Evanescence. she eventually relaxed about jesus.
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pers-books · 5 months
The Doctor’s Daughter returns for four new adventures 
3 May 2024
Tags : Stop PressThe Worlds of Doctor Who - Special Releases
Georgia Tennant returns as Jenny in Saving Time, a brand-new box set of four full-cast audio adventures from Big Finish Productions.  
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Introduced in the 2008 Doctor Who television episode The Doctor’s Daughter, Jenny is the artificially created offspring of the Tenth Doctor. After escaping Messaline at the end of her debut story, she now stars in her own series of travels across time and space. Georgia Tennant, also known for TV series including Merlin and Staged, has reprised the role on audio numerous times since. 
At the end of her last adventure, in 2021 release Still Running, Jenny had escaped the pursuit of the cyborg bounty hunter COLT-5000, also known as Geraldine. But now, she’s being pursued by another version of COLT-5000, which used to be her best friend Noah (Sean Biggerstaff). 
What happens next will be revealed in Jenny – The Doctor’s Daughter: Saving Time, due for release in October, and now available for pre-order as a collector’s edition CD box set (+ download) for just £29.99 and as a digital download only for £22.99, exclusively here. 
This new box set contains four exciting episodes:  
Florence O'Connor and the Sandwich of Doom by John Dorney A Beginner's Guide to Monsters (and How to Slay Them) by Rochana Patel  Genesis of the Humans by Adrian Poynton  Reboot by Lizzie Hopley 
Georgia Tennant, who is also associate producer on the series, said: “It's always a joy to be back at Big Finish and to jump back into Jenny's boots again has been a dream. We pretty much pick up exactly where we left her and Noah, so it's full pelt from the off, and in no time, they're back on an adventure. 
“Sean and I have been friends for such a long time now, but we live very far apart, so getting to do a week in the studio together is not only a chance for Jenny and Noah to get back together but also a chance for Sean and I to catch up and have a laugh. Not too much, obviously, as we are super professional actors… mostly. We really hope you enjoy it!” 
[In case the embedded video doesn't work, here's the link.]
All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release. 
Please note that Big Finish is currently operating a digital-first release schedule. The mail-out of collector’s edition CDs may be delayed due to factors beyond our control, but all purchases of this release unlock a digital copy that can be immediately downloaded or played on the Big Finish app from the release date.
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oconnor2023 · 16 days
Webb County Sees Major Property Value Surge in 2024
Webb County experienced a significant rise in residential property values, with a 10% overall increase in 2024. Homes valued over $1.5 million saw a 27.3% jump, marking one of the highest surges. This trend reflects the county’s growing real estate market. Stay ahead of your property tax reassessment! For more details on Webb County’s property values and how it impacts your taxes, visit O'Connor & Associates today https://www.poconnor.com/webb-countys-residential-property-values-took-off-in-2024-reaching-new-heights/?utm_source=Residential&utm_medium=Backlink24&utm_campaign=Sep&utm_id=SR1625.
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mischiefmanaged71 · 2 years
The Great War (7/10)
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Summary: After landing in a place he has no idea about, Tom comes across someone who can finally help him get back to Manchester
Pairing: Tom Bennett x fem! reader
Early the next morning after Tom re-dressed her, the pair were on their way once more. Of course, she directed the whole way, but Tom had offered an arm to support her wounded side. He admittedly felt the slightest bit smug at being able to hold her like this. She felt comfortable in his arms, especially as he took the pressure off the burning sensation each time she brushed her side.
He still held quite a bit of concern about her state as he noted her pallor and attentiveness every so often. They couldnt do much about the blood loss, only pain relief from the medication she had thoughtfully packed. About midday, she stopped them in front of a large patch of empty land and Tom's face twisted in confusion as they waited.
"Why've we stopped?"
She gestured her hand outward, drawing his line of sight to the two figures approaching them in the distance. "We reached the checkpoint."
"When did we cross the border?" He turned around, hands in his pockets.
"About an hour ago." She noted, looking back at his astonished expression with a smile.
"Why didn't you tell me?" A smirk tugged on his lips, “We could’ve celebrated in a way only a man and woman can.” 
Y/N helped back a laugh, saving herself the pain as she slapped his arm in response. "Exactly why I didn't tell you."
A wink to follow as she walked toward the men. A greeting in Spanish left her lips, much to Tom’s surprise as he had did a double-take.
"Hola caballeros. Gracias por venir. Este es mi compañero, Tom Bennett." His eyes lit at the sound of his name. (Hello gentlemen. Thank you for coming. This is my companion, Tom Bennett.)
Doctor O'Connor had informed their associates on the other side of her arrival and a British companion.
"Encantado de conocerte. él es británico, dices?" The one closest to Tom asked, glancing at him. (Its nice to meet you. He's British, you say?)
"Sí, la salvamos de Dunkerque. A qué distancia está la casa de nuestro anfitrión de aquí? Perdóname, pero es urgente." Gripping her side. (Yes, we saved him from Dunkirk. How far is our host's house from here? Forgive me, but it's urgent.)
The man to her left spoke up, "A una hora de aquí." (An hour from here.)
They glanced at Tom, exchanging looks at his silence. A laugh bubbled from her chest as she turned to the men once more.
"lo siento, solo habla inglés. soy su traductora y su enfermera." (Sorry, he only speaks English. I have been his translator and his nurse.)
The older man laughed, "Debes estar cansado, vamos a seguir adelante." (You must be tired, Let us get a move on.)
“What’s going on?” he murmured to her.
“These men will escort us to the our host's house. Come on.” she tugged his arm, the exhaustion clear behind her smile. He nodded, placing a hand on her waist to support her weight as she favoured the one side.  
Upon arriving at the young couple’s house, a humble cottage north of the border, the pair were prepared to collapse. The young couple hosting them were kind to offer a meal, the wife guiding them to a singular room. The room was quite spacious with a bed in the middle, a dresser with a mirror, as well as, a large window overlooking a garden. An adjoining door nearest to the bed, she assumed was the bathroom. 
“Oh,” she murmured, staring at the singular bedroom once more, smiling at their host. She accepted the clean clothes humbly, “Gracias."
“I assumed you’d be more comfortable together, no?” she smiled earnestly.
“It's perfect.” Tom replied, offering a smile. 
Y/N tried to stifle the warmth heating up her face once more, murmuring a thank you as she deposited her bag on the bed.
“Join us for a meal when you’re settled.” their host smiled, shutting the door behind her.
Y/N didn’t bother to correct their host on the situation, noticing that Tom didn’t bother to either, rather encouraging it. Y/N turned to look around, noticing Tom in her periphery as he glanced down at her. 
“You okay?” his hand ghosting under her elbow as she nodded in reassurance.
“Yeah, I’m just exhausted.”
“You should rest. Why don’t you go wash up?”
“Are you sure? What about you?”
“I can wait a bit longer. Go ahead.” he quipped, gently nudging her in the direction of the bathroom, knowing she would feel a lot better once clean.  Y/N fumbled with her bag, grabbing her clean clothes before shutting the bathroom door. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, sighing at the sight of her pallor and dry skin. A hand ruffled through her dirty hair, eager to rid of the dirt and feel clean once again. 
Tugging on the bottom of her shirt, she breathed through the burning in her side as she tried to pull her top off. A sharp pain in her side halted her movement as she gasped, closing her eyes. Y/N inhaled, hunching over when the pain grew too much and she couldn’t bear through it. A wave of embarrassment passed over her as she considered it before addressing him.
“Yeah?” his footsteps wandering to the door.
“Could I ask a favour?” she pondered, looking to the door as if to meet his eyes.
“I need some help.” she stood behind the door.
“Oh.” he echoed.
Needing to clarify herself, she cleared her throat, “...In here.” 
“Oh.” she barely heard his voice behind the door.
“Right.” he repeated, “Can I come in then?”
“It’s unlocked.” as he twisted the doorknob and stepped into the bathroom. The small window offered some light into the room, the bathtub to the backwall, the basin to his left. He finally met her flushed cheeks, glossing over her tussled hair before he settled on her eyes.
“Tell me what to do.”
“I need help with my shirt, otherwise I’ll pull my stitches.” she murmured. He stepped closer to her with a hesitance behind each action. Tom moved carefully, eyes focused on her face rather than allowing his eyes to wander. He noticed how she avoided his eyes, choosing to stare at his chest given the close proximity. 
He gulped, asking for permission as she nodded. He gently tugged the shirt up, focusing on the task so as to not aggravate her injury. She lifted her arms as far as possible without pain as he guided the shirt off, her hair slipping through onto her back. He forced his eyes to her face, refusing to rid her of her modesty, despite having seen much of her abdomen while stitching her up.
His breath stilled in his throat as Tom gently released his hands from the bloodied shirt, locking eyes with her. She scanned his face, a visible flush to her cheeks as she 
“Thanks.” she whispered, “I should be alright now.”
“Oh-okay.” he echoed, nodding in his entranced daze as he stepped out from the bathroom, forcing himself to return back to reality and shake some sense into himself. 
Much later, the pair relaxed in the room after having a meal with the couple. Tom had changed into a dark trouser with a white shirt, Y/N adorning a short-sleeved dress suitable for the weather. She was a vision that caused him to freeze up upon seeing her. If not for her voice bringing him back, he would have been stuck in his dreamy daze.
Most of the conversation was a split between English and Spanish, Y/N translating many jokes between the group for Tom who found humour in many of the differences between their cultures. His wife has more than happy to help Y/N re-dress her wound as Tom resided in the bedroom.
He was now reclined on the seat by the bedroom window sill, breathing out a puff of smoke as he get lost in his thoughts.  The crackle of a radio filled his ears as he caught Y/N playing around with the machine on the bedside. He traced the lyrical sound of her humming as she swayed dreamily to the music. 
He smiled at her action, stubbing out his cigarette before walking to the bed. She opened her eyes to a hand in her sight, confused at the gesture. 
“What?” she glanced between the hand and his expectant look. 
“Dance with me?”
“I thought you weren't one for dancing.” she teased.
“I’m not, but what kind of a man would I be to refuse a beautiful lady one?” he hummed. Her cheeks flushed as she smiled, accepting the hand. Tom’s hands found her waist and she laced her hands around the back of his neck. He hadn’t exactly much, if any experience with dancing, but he figured swaying would suffice as they slowly trailed the edge of the empty space in front of the open window. 
The slight breeze cut through the room, brushing Y/N’s hair kissing his face. The feeling of his hand engulfing her’s, the gentle grip on her waist, it simply fit as she moulded to fit his body. They swayed for a few moments before Y/N found she couldn’t simply stand without meeting his eyes. It was then that her heart stilled at the entire prospect of his attention that enveloped everything she so desired. The sound of her breathing and his own were clear in the quiet room, and the calming sound of the world simply being surrounding them. 
“Have you done a lot of dancing before?”
“Not really, actually.” he admitted, a sheepish look on his face that caused her to chuckle and release her grip around his neck, taking his right hand in her’s. She placed her other hand on his shoulder, catching his eyes following her movement. She tilted his chin, forcing his eyes to focus on their movements. His breath caught in his chest at the movement, tracing her hand to her eyes.
“Eyes on me. Now...” she stepped backward, moving forward and rotating about the room. The first few steps, she could tell he was slightly rigid but she gripped his hand and he relaxed into it. Eventually, they stilled, their faces mere inches apart as the song slowed to a sombre final chorus. 
“Are you just good at everything?” 
She laughed and tilted her head, “I don’t think anyone can be good at everything.”
“Yeah, but you always seem to know what to do. You always say the right thing. I reckon if there's anything that closes to perfect...I'm looking at it.” he surmised, enticed with the way her eyes softened, the blood rushing to her face. How could she disagree with anything when he looked at her like that? Her heart fluttered in her chest, shivers running along her skin at the warmth of his stare.
“My father used to dance with my mother around the dining room.” she smiled fondly, “I would always ask to have the second dance after they caught me watching.” as they turned about the room.
“So he was also romantic, was he?”
“They both were. My mother told me she didn’t believe in soulmates or anything of the sort when she was younger.” she hummed, “Well...something changed and she married my father.”
“And you?” 
“Yes?” she blinked up at him, a furrow etched into her brows.
“What do you believe?” he asked.
Y/N was stumped for a second, breathless as she felt the echo of the question bring forth many of the emotions she’d felt since meeting Tom.
“I believe you come to know someone better than anyone. Sometimes better than they know themselves. You give them your heart, and a part of you that no one else has the privilege of seeing...That’s at least what I think love is.”
“You’ve never been in love before?” bringing her gaze up to meet his.
“I-I don’t know. How do you know if you’re in love?” she posed in the air, glancing over his shoulder at the sunshine pouring through the window. The warm glow bounced off of them, glossing over the various tones of Tom’s blonde hair. “What about you?"
His voice but a whisper that reached her ears, “My dad always said when he met my mum, he was stunned. He couldn’t get the words out. She must’ve found him charming, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.” earning a laugh from Y/N which he chased eagerly.
“I think love is something special. Not something you can control. You just let it happen.” he breathed as she hummed in response, continuing to sway in his strong arms.
Tom’s heart swelled in his chest, settling in the serene moment, chasing the sense of calm - the first in a serious of intense moments these past months. In the moment, here-with her, it was an intense feeling that soared in his chest, enveloping him whole as he focused solely on her. The soft curves of her body moving in tandem with his across the floor. The warmth in her eyes, her graceful features that softened under his stare. It was a sensation that he could chase forever and ever, if not to savour the calm of her. She had saved him in many ways that he could recount-and she never once asked for thanks. 
The sun began to set below the horizon, settling over the room in a warm pink glow that lit the blue in Tom’s grey orbs. He was a sight to behold that entranced her as she revolved in his arms. He settled on leaning his forehead against her own as they found themselves entranced within their own world.
Aside from the blood shed and horrors that tormented their waking lives. The worst was over as they had crossed the border, but Y/N would hold onto the thought of never knowing where she belonged in a world that continued to take and take from her. Alas, she could live in denial for just a few more hours with him.
@pearlstiare @dothrckis @aemonds-sapphire @xcharlottemikaelsonx  @filipinamultifandom ​ @padfooteyes ​ @aemondsvhagar @batsyforyou @yentroucnagol @cl-0-vr @viviartsy @h3k3t @arcana-greenleaf @yummycastiel @amysnowflake92 @lauraneedstochill @ladybug0095 @rntrsna @schniiipsel
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expertcostseg-us · 3 months
A cost segregation analysis can help you make the best decision for your company in the first year of operation and now allow you to deduct a bigger percentage of your capital expenses. Visit the website expertcostseg.com.
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deadpresidents · 1 year
Could you recommend books on the Supreme Court? I honestly didn’t think there were any.
There are countless numbers of books about the Supreme Court, so it really depends on what exactly you're interested in reading about, whether that might be a general history of the Court itself, biographies of the most influential justices, landmark cases, and so on.
By no means is this a complete list, but here's some suggestions that I can recommend:
GENERAL HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COURT •A People's History of the Supreme Court: The Men and Women Whose Cases and Decisions Have Shaped Our Constitution by Peter Irons (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Nine Scorpions in a Bottle: Great Judges and Cases of the Supreme Court by Max Lerner and edited by Richard Cummings (BOOK) •The Supreme Court by William H. Rehnquist (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) -- This history of the Court is especially interesting because it was written by the incumbent Chief Justice. •The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court by Jeffrey Toobin (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
BOOKS ABOUT SPECIFIC JUSTICES OR COURTS •The Oath: The Obama White House and the Supreme Court by Jeffrey Toobin (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Leaving the Bench: Supreme Court Justices at the End by David N. Atkinson (BOOK) -- A unique book about Justices at the end of their time on the Court and how they ultimately left the Court. Most of them died in office because the Court is a lifetime appointment, but the book looks at how some Justices held on to their seats and remained on the bench despite failing health or faltering cognitive abilities. •First: Sandra Day O'Connor by Evan Thomas (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Sisters In Law: How Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg Went to the Supreme Court and Changed the World by Linda Hirshman (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) -- An excellent dual biography about the first two women ever appointed to the Supreme Court and the impact they had on American law. •The Brethren: Inside the Supreme Court by Bob Woodward and Scott Armstrong (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) -- The legendary journalist from the Washington Post gives the Woodward treatment to the Supreme Court presided over by Chief Justice Warren E. Burger. •The Showdown: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court Nomination That Changed America by Wil Haygood (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) -- The remarkable life of Thurgood Marshall, who was already a legendary figure in the annals of American justice as a civil rights lawyer who successfully argued the case the led to the Supreme Court striking down Brown v. the Board of Education. Marshall's place in history became even more important when President Lyndon B. Johnson nominated him as the first-ever Black Supreme Court Justice. •Five Chiefs: A Supreme Court Memoir by John Paul Stevens (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) -- This is probably my favorite of the recommendations. John Paul Stevens, the third longest-serving Justice in the history of the Supreme Court, writes about the five Chief Justices (Fred Vinson, Earl Warren, Warren E. Burger, William H. Rehnquist, and John Roberts) that he worked for or with throughout his long career, beginning as a law clerk under Chief Justice Vinson and eventually serving as Associate Justice alongside Chief Justice Burger, Chief Justice Rehnquist, and Chief Justice Roberts.
BOOKS ABOUT JOHN MARSHALL (Longest-serving Chief Justice of the United States and arguably the most important judge in American history) •John Marshall: The Chief Justice Who Saved the Nation by Harlow Giles Unger (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Without Precedent: Chief Justice John Marshall and His Times by Joel Richard Paul (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •John Marshall: The Man Who Made the Supreme Court by Richard Brookhiser (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
I also strongly recommend checking out James F. Simon's books about the Supreme Court and the Presidency, which focus on the impact that the Court and the Chief Justices at the time had on specific Presidential Administrations. These are all written by James F. Simon: •Eisenhower vs. Warren: The Battle for Civil Rights and Liberties (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Lincoln and Chief Justice Taney: Slavery, Secession, and the President's War Powers (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •What Kind of Nation: Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, and the Epic Struggle to Create a United States (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •FDR and Chief Justice Hughes: The President, the Supreme Court, and the Epic Battle Over the New Deal (BOOK | KINDLE)
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oconnorassociate · 2 years
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O'Connor | property taxes
Do you feel your county property taxes increase every year? Then it's your responsibility to check whether your property is fairly assessed or not!! Get it done by today with the help of O'Connor property tax consultant. Visit us http://www.poconnor.com/
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