#Nynx Nightflare
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the other half of the art trade I did with  @ll-zen-ll !! your boi was so fun to draw 
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solariaevermourn · 4 years
Three Sisters
Symerenia didn’t realize she’d missed Solaria until they were embracing each other on the stairs to the Evermourn estate.
She pulls Solaria’s hands towards her own lips; she kisses her skin, she kisses her knuckles, she kisses her ring,
She kisses her ring.
Symerenia pulls back, eyes wide. When she looks back into Solaria’s eyes, her sister’s golden hues are brimming with excitement and mischief. “Solaria—“
“Come on! I have so much to tell you!”
Solaria is dressed for summer. Her linen dress bounces as she walks into the circular living room of their shared home. It’s bustling with life. Vitali is splayed out on one of the couches like she owns the place, feet on the table, stroking a black cat in her lap. Nitali is having tea with another servant. They both lazily wave and smile at Symerenia like they’re equals.
Her gut freezes as the realization washes over her; this isn’t her home anymore. The other residents take their sweet time retreating into their chambers and the kitchen to give the two sisters some privacy, but not before Solaria speaks up; “Nitali, could you clear out Symerenia’s room and rent a nice room for Eurebus? Thaaanks!” Symerenia is almost left speechless. Almost. “Eurebus?” “Nynxarion’s daughter.” “Nynx—“
Before she has a chance to protest, Solaria pulls her into one of the couches.
“Please.” Symerenia doesn’t sound like herself - she never begs. “Please. Tell me everything.”
Faced with her sisters distress, Solaria only smiles, hugging the Blood Knight’s shoulder. And then she unravels the tapestry she’d been weaving while Symerenia was away.
The attack on the Nightflare estate. Symerenia had learned it burned to the ground - not in a million years would she had suspected her little sister to be the reason. Her little sister, who had never had a lick of talent for neither the Arcane nor the Light. Her little sister, now a fire mage. Her little sister, now engaged. The ring was decadent, fit for a Silvermoon noble - it’s what Symerenia always wanted, wasn’t it? For Solaria to settle down. And yet she only feels hatred and confusion staring into the blue jewel sitting on her sisters delicate hand.
“Symerenia.... I’m pregnant.”
The silence is overwhelming. Symerenia’s golden hues don’t stray from the engagement ring. Her heart skips a beat and then stops completely. It gets hard to breathe. Not him. Not Lord Nightflare. Anyone but Lord Nightflare.
“I’m.... going to be an aunt.” Symerenia takes Solaria’s hand into her own, and puts on her brave face. The smile she gives her little sister is warm and gentle, not betraying the hurt that’s welling up inside her chest. “Solaria. My little sister settled down at last, huh?” They both laugh. It doesn’t ease her anxiety. As she hugs Solaria to her chest, she stares off into the marble walls.
Lord Nightflare had done the impossible. Why him? “Congratulations.” When Solaria pulls back, the joy is oozing from every part of her. It’s too much. Symerenia has to look away, pretending to be distracted by the fresh flowers on the table.
“Sym. Nynx wasn’t alone when he attacked his father. He... uhm...” The hesitation in her sisters voice makes Symerenia look back at her. All the joy has evaporated in a matter of seconds. “.... yes?” “It’s... he... hired Somara.”
Symerenia wants to scream and sack the Estate. She wants to run away and never return. “No.” “They fought - she fought for him.”
The stoic Blood Knight feels her tears threaten to spill, but then she sees hat Solaria is already crying. In that very moment, Symerenia accepts her duty. The one occasion where she can still be a big sister. She hugs Solaria and doesn’t let go until the young blood elf has cried out every last teardrop. The sun sets and the sky turns dark while they sit there, the Estate quiet except for Solaria’s heartbroken cries. Symerenia stares into her palms. Rough and hardened from decades of fighting. Decades of sparring. Decades of dueling with her beloved Somara. “We still have each other.”
It’s a bitter, empty solace. They’re both missing a piece of themselves that neither can fill. They lost Somara once before - and now she’s lost to them again.
Symerenia tosses and turns until she can’t bear it any longer. She takes one last look at the room that has been her home ever since Quel’thalas fell. Her sanctuary in a house that was always ruled by her sister and her servants. She wasn’t going to be kicked out of her own home. She was going to leave on her own terms.
So she packs everything that holds any sentimental value. She leaves the Evermourn heirlooms for Solaria and the future of their family. She dons her armor. As the Blood Knight leaves her room, she casts a glance up by to the balcony where her sister sleeps, no doubt accompanied by Vitali and Nitali. One last time.
She leaves in the dead of night. She locks the door and stashes away the key, never to be used again.
It’s a long ride back to Hearthglen.
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