nyanykamito · 4 months
Seepy Bois Plushie interest Check
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[Reblogs are greatly appreciated 🐣💙]
Interest check for 15 cm Prompto, Cor and Nyx Seepy bois plushies, if you’re interested in purchasing one or all of them please fill out the forum. I'll be using the form to yay or nay this project.
Link to Interest check Forum
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blue-beerry · 5 years
How about how was dende when she was younger 😯
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I drew that, so, here we have baby Dende e child Noele xD AND PROUD MOMMY STAR
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littlemisssquiggles · 6 years
nykamito replied to your post
“RWBY Remarks: Oscar’s favourite animal.”
Frogs also symbolise transformations and they were said to house evil spirits. (If Ozpin really is the bad guy here it could work) And in theory oscar is going through a transformation.
Squiggles Answers:
I’m actually going to answer your point @nykamito​, with a response made by @yellow-eyed-green-crocodile​. 
 “…Maybe Salem is the snake. If that moment in the trailer is him being possesed by Salem, then maybe he can reverse the process and track her…”
You guys are both geniuses! As I mentioned in my earlier post, my mother used to tell me that frogs lure out snakes. So if Salem is the indeed the snake in this situation as Parrot pointed out then it ties into your point about frogs being symbols of transformation. Transformation is a theme that fits into Oscar’s character because over time, he is expected to change, or so, transform to become the Wizard eventually after he and Ozpin fuse.
Not to mention your point about frogs housing evil spirits is excellent because it ties into this. Remember the shot where Oscar is struggling to restrain Salem who is attempting to reach at the Relic through him?
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This would make Salem the quote, unquote, ‘evil spirit’ that is currently housed inside of Oscar through his connection with Ozpin. And if what Parrot said about Oscar’s link being used in reverse then this could indeed lead to Oscar being the one to discover Salem’s whereabouts. Like a frog luring out snake.
It fits again! So Oscar being represented by a frog is perfect in a sense, right?
Also I gotta give props to @greenfablesinverness​. Your comment made me laugh out loud because somehow I knew if I mentioned Oscar loving frogs, somebody was gonna bring up the Frog Prince.
So if Oscar gets corrupted by the dark energy of Salem, does this mean that it’ll be Ruby’s magic kiss that’ll turn him back to normal? Ey? XD
All in all, this is great stuff here guys. I’m going to associate Oscar with frogs from now on because like I said, it fits really well with him and his character. Too well to be honest.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2018)
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insomniasix · 7 years
The Promise She Didn’t Keep. (Nyx x Alcaeus)
This is for my sweet friend @nykamito ! You are amazing! Thanks for always being here <3
Warnings: None | Words: 909 | Characters: Alcaeus Ovi Chiska, Nyx Ulric, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Six Ulric
“So… Alcaeus…” Six raised her eyebrows as Nyx chocked down on his beer at the sound of the oh-so-familiar name.
“Yeah?” the younger Glaive cleared his throat, feeling the heat rising on his cheeks “What about her?”
“Alcaeus and you.” The otherwise serious Glaive wiggled her eyebrows, smiling devilishly.
“Mom,” Nyx laughed, embarrassed but still amused at his adoptive mother’s behavior.
“Oh, don’t be such a tease, Ulric, I just wanna know what’s going on between you two.” She sat back on her seat, raising her legs and placing them on the corner of the kitchen table, staring up at Nyx like he was about to spill the King’s most precious secret.
“Nothing, okay?” he was a little too quick to answer, and Six knew better.
“And you wanna change that fact, don’t you?” her smirk grew wider at her son wiggling in his seat on the other side of the table.
That’s when he realized: she was planning something already! He could see the gears inside her mind turning, coming up with a plan to get them two alone so he could confess, like the men in the books she used to read to him did.
Nyx had seen her talk with Alcaeus, laughing and walking the barracks or the streets of Insomnia together.
“Don’t!” he warned with a low voice, eyes buried deep within hers.
“What?” Six played the innocent card on him. A trick he was very familiar with, since it’s what he always did to her.
“Don’t ‘what’ me. I know you like the back of my hand. Promise me, mom. Promise you won’t go doing anything stupid!”
“Why not?” she whined like a child “If you don’t –“
“Alcaeus is special to me, alright?” Nyx’s words left his lips faster than his brain could process them; blushing as the last one slipped out.
Six’s smile froze at his choice of words.
He was serious about it!
More than she’d ever seen him be before.
“Alright, Nyx.” She answered in a serious voice, sipping the rest of her beer “I won’t do anything. I promise…”
Little did Nyx know, his mom couldn’t sit still; especially when it came down to the happiness of the people she loved.
“What are we doing here again?” the Oracle asked, hiding behind the airduct of the roof she and the Glaive of her husband were.
“He wants her, she wants him. We’re just giving them a little push.”
“Alcaeus is going to kill me when she finds out I am not actually in danger.” The blonde breathed, running a hand down her face, suddenly regretting following Six blindly.
“Lunafreya…” Six laughed “you’re going to be alright. Oh, get down!” she was quick to hide herself and the Oracle as Alcaeus kicked the door down to the roof.
Alcaeus Ovi Chiska.
The badass Nox Fleuret protector… ready to kill whoever was responsible for making Luna send a destress message.
“I’m so screwed.” Six breathed “She looks so pissed! What did you tell her?”
“I may have exaggerated a little.” Luna blushed.
“LUNAFREYA!!” the redhaired yelled to the heavens, looking everywhere around her to find her friend and missing the women’s heads for a fraction of a second.
Before she had the chance to call out again, Nyx warped himself next to her. The young Glaive being as ready to fight as the girl he just fell on.
“Alcaeus?” he blushed, catching her mere seconds before she fell flat on her back.
“Nyx? What are you doing here?” her green eyes never leaving his.
“Six is… in so much trouble.” He grumped, finally understanding what the two of them were doing on the rooftop.
Without realizing it, Nyx kept staring at Alcaeus’ blushing features, his cocky self and smile all but forgotten as he simply just couldn’t take his eyes away from hers.
“Can you.. um…” she muttered, feeling the heat rise on her cheeks.
“Sorry,” he huffed a laugh, helping her stand on her own two feet, still holding her hands for dear life as he kept thinking of everything his mother and best friend had told him, or wanted to before he stopped her; how he should take matters into his own hands and claim what he wants before it’s too late.
“I need to find Luna-“
“Lady Lunafreya is alright.” He smiled sweetly “She’s probably in on it too.”
“In on what?” Alcaeus thought out loud.
“Si… my mom, thinks you and I should be a thing.” Nyx laughed awkwardly at how wrong his words sounded.
He felt stupid at saying those words out loud, until he heared Alcaeus’ sweet laugh.
“So that’s what this is all about.” She stated.
“Wait, you knew?” he was just as dumbfounded as he sounded.
“She teased me about it yesterday.” She almost whispered, looking down at the tight hold he had her hands in “Nyx… I-“
Her words stopped when he touched her lips with his. A warm and tender kiss; long awaited. Something the both of them longed for.
“There it is.” Six peaked from where she stood next to Lunafreya, both smiling warmly at the scene in front of them, both feeling the emotions their loved ones shared for each other “Our job here is done.”
“I’m glad she didn’t keep her promise.” Nyx admitted, smiling lovingly down on his beloved as he caressed her cheek.
“As am I.” Alcaeus smiled, moving closer to lean into his touch.
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Tagging: @nemo-ne-impune-lacessit @mzargentum @fieryfantasy @thedragontamerying @alicemoonwonderland @asonataspassions @themissimmortal @ladye11e @lady-asuka @insomniacapples @mp938368 @valkyrieofardyn @stunninglyignis @daschstuff @eve-is-random @theyearofdiamonddogs
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hanatsuki89 · 7 years
Hiiyooh just wanted to say your comic with short hair gladio gave me so much life. I needed that thankus so much. Have a wonderful day 😄
I’m glad! If I have to be honest, my favourite haircut for Gladio is the long-hair version, but this man seriously looks good with any haircut. I need a backstory for ths buzzed cut, so I might draw that as well, hahaThank you for your message, I hope you have a wonderful day too!
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The Heroric Rosebuds in My Hero Academia
Heroric Rosebuds: @autistic-swanprincess(me), @willtheobsessivenerd, @keyenuta, @lythecreatorart, @littlemisssquiggles, @miki-13, Nyka, @beaver-sen, @ezroar, and Cloud
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ka-za-ri · 7 years
I ship you with Ignis, he meets you at his favorite coffee shop. Gladio makes fun of him because he's literally awe struck by you and he has to for once think about what he's going to say say. One thing he does know, is that he has to make you since.
;A; omg bless your soul. 
This is so sweet. AHhhh dsflkj;agh dfsdflkjsgh 
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nyanykamito · 2 months
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Ngl man got me, soooo wanted to try my hand at human version of Billy kid. And I love it!!!
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crimson-chains · 4 years
Hiii, is the celestial design contest over 😭
It actually ends today! 2/14 at 11:59 PM MST ^^
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blue-beerry · 5 years
Does allura have a wand ? 😯
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Yes! It looks like that! ♡ She call it lullaby
I'm a shit drawing wands lol, sorry ;^;
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littlemisssquiggles · 7 years
RWBY Musings #11: If pressures arise forcing Oscar to abandon his training and run away, then his reason to return would be Ruby.
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@nykamito replied to your post
“RWBY Musings: Anyone else get the impression that Oscar might be...”
Yes! But why? Is he leaving/ running away?
Squiggles Answers:
I’d imagine it being him more running away. Like maybe there comes a point where Oscar’s fears overwhelm him to the point that he feels it best to just run away from it all and return to the only life he knew before; home on good ole auntie’s farm. If this is done then I can picture it being like, Oscar breaks down and is sneaking out to leave when he is interrupted by Ruby.
Ruby tries her best to dissuade Oscar from leaving but in the end she is forced to let him go after he snaps at her again, practically screaming at her that he had made a huge mistake. That his whole life is back on the farm and that he has no one he cared about in Mistral. This hurts Ruby (y’know cause she figured all those times she and Oscar spent befriending each other meant something...at least it did to her) but she does he best to hold back her pain as she gives up and tells Oscar that if he wants to leave, she wasn’t going to stop him.
So, Oscar leaves; despite Ruby’s hidden tears of watching another dear friend leave her side and against Ozpin’s internal protests.
However along the way Oscar bumps into none other than Tyrion who has arrived in Mistral to handle some unfinished business and visit a silver eyed friend. Like I’m actually picturing, Oscar being at the train station waiting to catch the next one out of Mistral when he encounters a rather peculiar man garbed in a black cloak. Much to Oscar’s discomfort, the stranger starts talking to him, asking him if he was either visiting Mistral or leaving. Despite his initial apprehension of the man, Oscar obliged and answered him, remarking that he was leaving. The stranger makes a wry comment and as a means of dispelling some of the uneasy tension Oscar felt towards the stranger, he asks him the same question: Was he visiting Mistrel or leaving to which the man gave the most chilling response that shook Oscar to the core.
The stranger’s response was “...Oh I’m actually visiting an old friend of mine. A lovely young silver eyed girl to be exact. We have so much to catch up on.”
He then turns his face slowly to meet Oscar’s and asks him in the same grimacing tone, “You wouldn’t happen to have seen a girl like that anywhere, haven’t you? I hear that silver eyes are very rare.”
Of course Oscar dismisses the stranger and tells him no. The stranger, who he will soon come to known as Tyrion, then finally leaves Oscar alone heading in direction Oscar was going to leave but it’s actually Ruby and his desire to protect her that forces him to come back. I’m still hoping for a rematch between Ruby and Tyrion where Oscar joins the fray and he and Ruby work together to take him down. Still hoping. Fingers definitely crossed on that one.
If the CRWBY writers ever decided to make Oscar run away and leave, then I can definitely see the threat of Tyrion returning to harm Ruby as the perfect motivation for Oscar to return. He may have come to Mistral having no one he cared about and desired to protect from Salem but I’m hoping that in time, he finds his own resolve for staying in Mistral that doesn’t involve Ozpin’s wishes at all.
Up until this point, Oscar has mostly been following what Ozpin wants; with him never really having much of say in it. Yes he accepted all of it cause his connection to Ozpin compelled him to. Yet still, Chapter 5 definitely showed that the young man isn’t entirely ok with all of it and surprisingly, Ozpin was there to listen to all of it (and gave NO comment to it whatsoever. Gee, way to give a shit about your successor’s feelings Oz)
The fight to stop Salem isn’t Oscar’s fight.
The way how I see it, I wouldn’t blame the kid if he does decide to high tail it out of there at some point. He’s only there because Ozpin is inside of him. If something were to happen to Oscar himself then Ozpin would just nonchalantly move onto another host. What would Oscar get out of it? Death. Never seeing his home and family again. Pretty much the threat of a shorter life span fighting a battle that isn’t really his to fight in the first place. To Oscar, that wouldn’t seem like a nicely fair trade off. .
Yooo! Imagine if Oscar met and had a chat with the Spring Maiden?
The way how I see it, Oscar’s position is no different than hers, right? Oscar was bestowed a responsibility he didn’t ask for, like the Spring Maiden. He wasn’t too keen on it at first but eventually he accepted his role and was almost enthusiastic to going through with his training to assume his new role; much like the Spring Maiden did in her time. However when the pressure of it all started to get to her, what did the Spring Maiden do? She ran away.
If Oscar ever talked to Vernal and heard her story, I wouldn’t be surprised if that could be a perfect catalyst to put thoughts in his head to run away. It’d make sense!
So yeah, Oscar REALLY has no reason to be in a fight that he did not choose for himself. HOWEVER I’d love it if by the end of Volume 5 he finds his own reason to stop Salem. His own reason to fight and keep moving forward and...it would be nice if that reason came in the form of a person he met and slowly realized he’s in love with over time. 
I’m just saying. **shruggidy shrug*   \_(ツ)_/¯
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avi-stella · 7 years
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Some late night sketching since I'm not in the mood to sleep yet. @nykamito's OC, Lamak, is pretty cute!
Feel free to check out my [art commissions] and / or [writing commissions]. Thank you!
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alicemoonwonderland · 7 years
Wind Smiles
Wind - what’s your favourite season: Fall/Autumn. Because I can start wearing my warm sweater dresses, hoodies, and things like that. It isn’t super humid and hot anymore. I don’t mind the heat, but I hate the moronic humidity that can come with it. And I don’t know, Fall is just so pretty. The red, golden, orange, and browns. I like those colours. 
Smiles - who do you go to for comfort?: Several people, depending on the time I need comfort, and the topic I guess. Usually I go to @redfrohoe because I can just make incoherent noises, and she knows exactly what to say or do. It also helps that we have been best friends for almost 4...5 years now? But thanks to this fandom, I have met some other wonderful people who I can go to when I am not feeling good: @themissimmortal, @stunninglyignis, @atlerion, and @hypaalicious. Each of them having their unique way to make me snap out of my funk and lift my spirits. Each of them equally precious and important to me. 
Thank you for sending the ask and hope you’re having a good day!
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lady-asuka · 7 years
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a gift for @nykamito ♥
her OC Alcaeus Ovi Chiska.
She did an art of my FFXV OC Anima -> click here
so it was my turn now ;)
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The MerRosebuds 2.0 Under the Sea
Since it’s Mermay has come again, I wanted to make us, The Rosebuds as merpeople under the sea. I’ve been doing this in Gacha Club style because it’s really great, and I love it so much!
Hope you guys enjoy the picture and feel free to redraw it if you want to! ;)
The Rosebuds 2.0: @keyenuta, @swanprincess-che1sea, @lythecreatorart, @miki-13, @littlemisssquiggles, @nykamito-x, @beaver-sen, @ezroar, and Cloud.
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nyanykamito · 3 months
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Salutations! These items are low in stock and once their gone they won’t be coming back to the shop to prepare for fall shop drop!
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