#Nyctea Beldon
contrastparadoxx · 1 year
Dexter is staring respectfully at Nyctea- LMAO
Everyone should stare disrespectfully at that man and his tits
Do you even know that he’s at LEAST 8ft tall
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cloudbattrolls · 1 year
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@contrastparadoxx’s Nyctea in an outfit Tuuya designed for him
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memurfevur-archive · 1 year
Oooooh you wanna know about her mate! Nyctea Beldon… he worships the very ground she walks on you know like WOW he is so insanely deeply truly in love with that woman
Uh yeah I could give more info though whatcha wanna know about him :3
She seems a little relieved, but still tense.
"Anything Y0u Can Giv3 M3. Hi5 Nam3 I5 Fami/iar ... I Might Hav3 Kn0wn Him Whi/3 I Wa5 5ti// In 0ffic3, But I N3v3r G0t A G00d /00k At Him 0ut5id3 0f C0unci/ M33tings."
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
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“There are better laps to sit on”
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
Who are you talking about, Nyctea?
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“Only Alternia’s most powerful land-dweller, the Grand Highblood himself. Barely tolerate that man during meetings, can’t stand him outside them”
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
PR0T0's also looking a lil disrespectfully. But only a little. He's fairly respectful in how much he wants that guy
He is just a sad divorcee with really nice tits
And a big dragon form
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
uh hi Nyctea I'm new around here but I'm curious enough to come out of my hiding spot ;v;'' Did you get your tattoo in one sitting? Or did it take multiple sessions to do?
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“Ah, hello there and welcome, I do hope you feel welcome here. And here so you can see the full thing”
>He paused for a moment, smiling at it
“All I currently have was done in one session, though I am planning on getting another sometime soon”
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
Hey Nyctea, you got any good dad jokes you've heard lately?
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"Cupiid asked me if I was going to ever build a hoard, I told him I was Dragon my feet about it"
>He starts chuckling, obviously amused
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
if Teags is staring disrespectfully at someone he's usually also holding a knife
Don’t stab the dilf he will hit you with the STRONGEST “not mad just disappointed” look
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
⟲ Nyctea
“When I was little, well, younger anyway, and still living in the colosseum… I learned Talria had never seen the moons and stars. Now, you must know she is blind, so on that side this made sense, but with her ability to swap visions… all she had ever really gotten is glimpses during fights.”
“So I charmed my mother into getting us a nicer room for a night, and used it to sneak her to my favorite place to look at the sky and had her swap with me. I couldn’t see her, then, but the way she gasped… the whole situation was worth that noise alone.”
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
You know, Nyctea. You have an entire hive of very capable trolls. Maybe you can put a little more faith in them to take care of each other. It's not just you looking out for your family.
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“…I know. I do trust them, I do. Hunter is the main guard of the hive, and I would trust PR0T0 to defend everyone there to the death. But knowing these things, and… and actually being able to relax are not the same thing. I’m afraid, constantly, that something will happen and I won’t be there and everyone will get hurt, or worse.”
“I’m the only thing between a lot of them and culling, as far as the government is concerned, and even if they don’t realize it, this fact hangs over me constantly. Like a blade dangling by a thread that means I am constantly on edge, because one misstep and I am not the one that will suffer the most”
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
thats weird. did someone have that position before you?
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“Of course, I have the great misfortune of replacing The Quaestor”
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contrastparadoxx · 2 years
We wouldn't want to ruin the surprise. You should answer the phone.
Surely enough, the phone nearest Nyctea started ringing.
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>There is a pause before he does, in fact, answer the phone, putting on a polite voice
"Yes? Who is it?"
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
*tucking hair behind ear* well how about your maaaaate, is heeeer lap free?
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>His grip on his cane tightens
“If my beloved wishes to let others sit on her lap she is more than welcome to”
>He is only somewhat growling his words out
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
Like YOURS for instance, mr beldom? :){
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“Only if you wish to risk the wrath of my dear mate”
>Or are part of the family, but even some of them are on thin ice
“However, Im sure I could help you find someone less… vile”
>Did you know he’s constantly judging the Mun for wanting to sit on Hidelord’s lap? Because he is
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contrastparadoxx · 2 years
Ptillo marched up to the church with enough purpose to scare those who recognized that she should not be here. No one said a word to her and instead cast frightened side eye glances. They were all hiding, making not a sound, making not a peep, trembling and crying. It didn't bode well with her; the smell of blood was in the air, and something else. With these scents further shooting anxiety into her heart, she stormed into Tythus' study and froze at the sight.
A strange draconic creature met her gaze, cramped in there hunched over something on the ground. Blood of many colors were splattered on these walls, and several bodies lay in various rent apart positions. The creature growled, as if warning her not to come any closer.
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