#Nutritional Differences in Cow Milk
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bharatvarsh22 · 18 days ago
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Discover the health disparities between Desi A2 cow milk and regular cow milk. Uncover the impact on your well-being. Explore now!
Do Visit: https://bharatvarshnaturefarms.com/differences-between-desi-a2-cow-milk-and-conventional-cow-milk/
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umangharyana · 3 months ago
बकरी का दूध या गाय का दूध: सेहत के लिए कौन है बेहतर? जानिए पोषक तत्व, फायदे और अंतर
Difference Between Goat and Cow Milk: बकरी को अक्सर गरीबों की गाय कहा जाता है। इसका कारण यह है कि बकरियां छोटे आकार की होती हैं, कम चारा खाती हैं, और इन्हें पालन-पोषण करना सस्ता और आसान होता है। बकरी का दूध दुनिया भर में बड़े पैमाने पर इस्तेमाल होता है, खासकर उन देशों में जहां सीमित संसाधन हैं। बकरी का दूध और गाय का दूध: प्रमुख अंतर (Goat vs Cow Milk) बकरी और गाय के दूध दोनों में पोषण से जुड़े…
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adventremnant · 7 days ago
I see you guys post food ingredient lists and freak about them and say things about how many ingredients are in things or panic about seed oils or food dyes and spread myths about additives or European foods and it makes me roll my eyes a little because I know it's fear borne of ignorance.
In the US, we're required to list every single ingredient and every component of that ingredient, legally. That's why we have "such long ingredient lists compared to Europe!!!"
"Food in the US is poisonous and we use so many additives and pesticides!" is a myth. All of those additives are fully legal in your magical Europe and the US is 3rd in the world in food safety and quality behind Canada and Denmark. We're also not the largest consumer of pesticides. Shit I don't think we're even top three anymore but I'd have to check on that.
Organic is a marketing term. There's no proper regulation on what it actually means.
There's zero real evidence that seed oils are bad for you or cause inflammation or cancer. No study definitively shows this nor do we have any reproducible studies on it. The same for food dyes, especially red40 which, again, is not banned in Europe (it's called Allura Red). There's no real evidence of carcinogenic effects or effects on attention. Force feeding rats their body weight in anything doesn't translate to humans.
People lose weight on vacation in Europe because they're less stressed (due to being on vacation) and walk a lot more.
Gluten and lactose intolerance "goes away" in Europe because they grow soft wheat, which contains less gluten, and raise a different breed of cow, which produces different amino acids in the milk. I am very gluten intolerant. European wheat still makes me react because it is still gluten.
Sincerely, a human bio/nutrition grad student who took food science courses in undergrad
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serpentface · 8 months ago
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A kulustaig bull, the distinctive cattle landrace of the highlands.
Kulustaig have striking differences to other native cattle found across the Imperial Wardi claimed territory. Their aurochs ancestors were domesticated in a separate event from those found south of the Inner Seaways, and the broader cattle population kulustaig derived from may have trace bison genetics. The progenitors of this landrace were brought south across the Viper seaway by the ancestors of the contemporary Hill Tribes, and were gradually shaped into the kulustaig in adaption to the high altitudes, mild but dry summers, and cool/snowy wet seasons.
These cattle are mid-sized and stocky in build with large, broad faces, most distinguished by curly manes and 'beards' and thick, V-shaped horns. Genetically undiluted kulustaig are almost ubiquitously black, white, and/or gray, though breeding with other cattle has introduced a greater variety of coloration in contemporary stocks.
They are adapted to higher altitudes, having larger hearts and a bigger lung capacity than comparable lowland breeds, and grow thick, curly winter coats that allow for superior resistance to seasonally cooler temperatures. They can maintain condition on less food and lower-nutrition grasses than the average cattle, and are excellent instinctive foragers. This particular quality makes them attractive for crossbreeding efforts with cattle stock of the dry scrublands in the south of Imperial Wardin, though most of their other traits are highly unfavorable for hot, low altitude environments, and scrub-kulustaig hybrids with idealized traits are rare (and highly sought after as studs).
These are all-purpose cattle that can adequately fulfill roles as meat, draft, and dairy animals, though the latter role has the most importance in day to day life, and they show the most selection for milk production (though are not as high-yield as pure dairy breeds). Their meat is mostly lean and somewhat gamey, as they rely more on thick winter coats than fat stores to manage cold, and the vast majority subsist entirely on wild grasses and forage.
Most kulustaig have fairly calm, gentle temperaments, and accommodate well to human handling (it is not uncommon for cows and geldings to be passively ridden by herders otherwise traveling on foot). Their herds have strong, well defined, and stable dominance hierarchy structures, which reduces actual fighting and lends to them being more easily managed by their human herders. In most traditions, the dominant female in each herd is regarded as blessed by and belonging to the agricultural goddess Od, and will not be milked or slaughtered (this untouchable status is often maintained even if the cow's rank in the hierarchy is displaced, though traditions vary).
Bulls are almost ubiquitously given personal names by their owners (the honor often belonging to a family or clan's matriarch, who is generally considered the owner of the herd and other familial assets), while other traditions vary between just the bulls and dominant cows, personal favorites, or entire herds receiving names.
These cattle are of tremendous importance to the peoples of the highlands (particularly tribes and/or individual clans living above the river valleys, who fundamentally rely upon them for subsistence). They provide much of the meat and dairy that the core diet revolves around, and are the greatest measure of wealth within the highlands. Non-native cattle can be commonly found in parts of the highlands in the contemporary (and may be bred in to impart unique qualities to established stock, such as improved milk production or fattier meat), but kulustaig are typically prized above all the rest. These cattle are often a source of great pride for individual clans, and one of few agreed upon markers of shared identity and pride for all of the collective Hill Tribes.
Cattle raiding is a near-ubiquitous practice (both as a practical resource acquisition, and a less immediately lethal method of settling larger disputes than open warfare), and most cattle will be branded with a mark identifying their owning clan as a method of dissuading theft (often futile, particularly given cattle marked as belonging to certain wealthy clans may be especially prized). Nose rings are commonly used to assist in the handling of bulls, but have secondary protective functions that lend to their common use in even the most docile of cattle. Rings are usually blessed or have spells woven into their making as a supernatural barrier against theft, or against malicious (or at least devious) mountain spirits such as tiirgranul (who take pleasure in frightening cattle (and their herders) and are known to cause stampedes) or wildfolk (who are known to sometimes steal or curse cattle when offended, or just bored).
The word kulustaig derives from the common word 'taig'/'taigr', which refers to cattle in the contemporary languages of both the Hill Tribes and Finns, and the 'kul' root (heavily antiquated and not used in contemporary speech, most commonly recognizable in the name of the kulys plant), which has connotations of hardiness/robust qualities. The name would have derived from complimentary descriptions of the animals as 'the best and most robust of cattle'.
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dragonmasterhiccup · 22 hours ago
Hey Hiccup! You're right! That messy thing is called a cheeto and its, uh, not a very nutritional food. But its only designed to taste good! Lots of people like them and I'm pretty sure it was shoved in your mouth as part of a joke we like to say. Its basically goes. ″This food (cheeto) would kill a (person of different time or culture.)″
Sorry about them, would you like some pastured cow milk to get the taste out? This one is good for and its a cold drink!
Witch anon
"Tastes good but has no nutrition? Why make it if it won't benefit you in some way? If a good portion of food is like this in the future, I'm glad to be where I'm at. I prefer my food to actually help me, not harm me..."
His jaw dropped, the Cheeto in his hand falling to the ground. "W-what?! That, that little thing could have killed me?!" Shaking his head, he ran a hand through his hair, "No, no, you know what? I uh, I think I'll just get myself some water..."
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iliterallydecepticanteven · 2 months ago
Sorry if that's a dumb question but what is actually going on with milk in America right now?
Like, many years ago I heard that raw milk is basically so good and healthy and all but it wasn't really a big thing at the time. (I can tell by your post tho that that might have been misinformation back then already.)
Now it seems like milk was made political because certain groups just kinda... claimed raw milk as theirs?
I am so confused. I am genuinely from a place where milk is not that political (it is a bit but not to THAT extent) and I am just confused about what's going on.
Especially because I did NOT get my information from groups with a certain mindest politics-wise. Or let's just say it how it is. It seems to me like right-wingers are just fucking claiming milk and it fucks me up so much because how is milk even related to politics in the slightest?
Again, sorry if this is a dumb question and kind of a rant but right-wingers and anti-science people infuriate and confuse me. I am confused.
(Also I don't know what's wrong with raw milk but that might be because it's not a big deal in my country anyway. Never seen raw milk for sale anywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if it's banned entirely tbh.
Alright, buckle up because this is gonna a long answer.
For some background, food has always been tied to politics in America whether people realize it or not. The most recent popularity of raw milk in America being associated with right wing politics and conservatives has its ties in conspiracies that the government is "poisoning" us by "tampering" with our food. Additionally, it can be tied back to the libertarian ideas of having absolutely no government involvement in anything ever including food safety. This is the same thought process behind the whole bullshit of "if you can't pronounce an ingredient then it must be bad for you" as if that makes any fucking sense.
A bunch of bullshit studies that were disproven claimed that raw milk contained more vitamins and minerals and enzymes that were destroyed when milk was pastureuzed, making the milk less nutritional. This is of course bullshit as the only difference between raw milk and safe not raw milk is that it gets pastureuzed. Pastureuzing milk is simply the process of heating milk to just below boiling for a period of time to kill bacteria, viruses, and any other pathogens in the milk. You can even pasteurize milk in your home on your stove top!
But it's become a major talking point and a way for conservatives to make themselves feel important and different, by going against policies in place to make them safe, and to "stick it to the man," so to speak. Conservative and right-wing rhetoric is dependent on being right all the time even when they're very obviously not. It's also very anti-science as, if something cannot be easily explained or is considered a waste of time or money, regardless of how vitally important that thing is, it is cast aside and deemed useless.
Now you mentioned America so I assume you're not from here and this where this gets messy. Because unlike other countries, America often allows states to make their own individual laws on certain issues. For example, regardless of where you are in America, you cannot have an alcoholic drink or purchase alcohol unless you are 21 years or older, as this is a federal law and not a state law. But for selling raw milk, that is a state law, which means all 50 states can make their own decisions on whether or not to allow the sale of raw milk. South Carolina allows the sale of raw milk but it's neighboring state of Georgia does not. To further complicate things, some states don't allow raw milk to be sold in stores but it can be sold on farms.
Finally, the main problem with raw milk is that it is full of (and I'm not joking when I say this) shit. Cows are not clean animals, and while modern milking practices do require that their udders be cleaned with antiseptic prior to milking, it doesn't get rid of everything. Pasteurization is a life saving process to ensure safety when consuming milk as heating it kills off common bacteria that may be present due to contamination from the cow's udders being dirty as well as bacteria that may be in the cow's body and perfectly fine for the cow but would absolutely wreck a human body. The most common bacteria include salmonella, e. coli, and listeria, all of which would make someone incredibly sick and possibly even hospitalize or kill them. The good thing is that those bacteria and other bacteria, viruses, and microbes present in raw milk that could harm humans all die at around 165°F/74°C, and pasteurization heats milk to 182°F/83°C, killing off those microbes and making the milk safe to consume.
So, in short, right-wingers and conservatives are using raw milk as their new anti-government anti-science talking point, just like did with the COVID vaccine, and like they did regular vaccines before that. Don't drink raw milk because best case scenario you'll get sick and worst case scenario you'll die. Also, as a bonus, here is my favorite instance of fuck around and find out from a state legalizing the sale of raw milk:
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Basically this guy pushed for raw milk to be legalized in West Virginia and when it was he drank a bunch of it in celebration and a few hours later they found him sick as hell on the couch in his office. It still makes me laugh whenever I see it lol
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lostcauses-noregrets · 2 years ago
This is ridiculous....
[Translation by Curry in YouTube comments]
Hans:Hey, hey, hey, Levi-sensei!
Levi:You're making too much noise, and this isn't your classroom.
Hans:I know that, it's a big deal! I'm in trouble! My experimental cows have run away!
Levi:tsk, you're bringing trouble again….
Hans:I'll have to find him as soon as possible....  Were you just having tea? Sorry, sorry.
Levi: Yeah, I'm going to drink NOBIACE every day.
Hans: NOBIACE is delicious! And this is a nutritional supplement for growth! Did you know that,Levi?
Levi:Yeah, it's exceptional when mixed with milk.
Hans:Oh yeah, you mix it with milk! ...Milk, oh! Cow! I have to find it quickly!!!!
Levi:...I'll call Erwin-sensei too.
Hans: Oh, yeah! He wants NOBIACE for his club! Here's the order form! See you!
Levi:She's a fussy one. ...this is a lot of numbers.... Oh well, I'll just order more.
〜The next day〜
Eren: Excuse me! Oh, Erwin-sensei and Levi-sensei, are you talking?
Erwin:No, it's ok.
Levi:What? Did you get something addressed to me?
Eren:Oh, I mean, I got it, but....
Hans:Oh!!!there you are!! Hey, Levi-sensei! A bunch of NOBIACE just arrived and everyone is in an uproar!
Levi:What? I'm sure I ordered 5,000 as per the order form...
Erwin:That's strange. I believe our department only ordered 50....
Eren: Oh, Hans-sensei! The number of pieces on this order form! Somehow only the 0 is written in a different pen!
Hans:What!? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.... I was flabbergasted by the cow fiasco and my hand slipped, sort of.... Haha....
Eren: Yeah? Wait, what are you going to do? This massive amount of NOBIACE....
Erwin:...hand them out, huh...?
Levi: Yeah. We don't even have to think about it. We'll just have to hand them out to the whole school....that sucks....
Erwin: No, this might be a good opportunity! Get the whole school together in the gym right away! Raise the Bun-bu-ryodo (which means to focus on both studying and exercising)!! Don't run in the hallways!
Hans and Eren: Raise the Bun-bu-ryodo!!Don’t run in the hallways!
Levi:Are you sure you want to do this, handing out all the NOBIACE...
Erwin:Yeah, now we can take another step forward in helping the growing kids.
Levi:Tsk, you look like you're in a good mood....
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[Shingeki X Nobiace campaign]
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daffodilhorizon · 1 year ago
Vegan Masterpost
Want to make a change for the animals, for the planet and for your fellow humans? Here's how to start: 1. Replace your favorites with plant based ones. Look up vegan recipes + your fav meals. Stop buying animal products and start buying alternatives! That's basically it! You're probably going to start getting exposed to a bunch of new plants and flavors to cook with. Embrace the fun! I'm not going to lie, you will probably crave animal flavors and textures at first. There's nothing wrong with having these cravings, just accept they are normal and will go away. 2. Look up vegan nutrition needs. You will probably need to supplement with B12 (found in fortified foods, such as fortified cereals or nutritional yeast). This is fine. Supplements are a good things! We put iodine in salt, and most carnist cereals and cow's milk are fortified for a reason. Take advantage of modern efficiency and accept that fortified foods and occasional supplementation is normal and healthy. My doctor recommends everyone where i live to take vitamin D daily, due to the lack of sunlight. Getting nutritional needs met in the most efficient and cruelty free way is good, actually. If you have specific needs around allergies or are dealing with an eating disorder, talk to a vegan nutritionist if you can afford it, otherwise consult with the vegan community and do your best.
3. Start using a cronomoter if that feels okay for you mentally. A lot of vegans don't eat enough at first! We need to load up on those delicious carbs and protein rich foods and keep consuming fats. 4. Integrate yourself into the community! Join vegan facebook groups, vegan hobby groups, vegan book clubs, follow the vegan tag. Follow animal sanctuaries on every social media. Seeing animals as animals and not objects is a big step in being vegan and seeing how happy these animals are in fulfilling caring environments is a positive reminder of the difference you're making. The hardest part of being vegan is the reaction from non-vegans. If you feel supported through the vegan community, you're much less likely to feel strong in the face of non-vegan pressure to conform or "cheat". A lot of us are genuinely pretty welcoming, probably because vegans are more likely to be liberal, poor, nonwhite, and lgbt+ than average. 5. Educate yourself! Read through vegan books, watch educational videos about what animals go through, and/or look at the vegan boot-camp. You are not required or expected to put yourself through watching animal violence, but if you have trouble connecting to the animals and think you can deal with it, it can help you realize how horrible and violent their lives and deaths are. I personally have not seen Dominion nor do i plan to, i have no need. The only people who need to be watching that stuff is non-vegans who are dismissive of the suffering animals go through. 6. Prepare yourself for a lot of unprompted excuses and defensiveness around non-vegans! Here's some lists of common "gotchas". You'll have them memorized within the first 3 months because of how often you'll hear them. There's also vegan debaters on youtube if that's your jam. Remember, you can always disengage and say "honoring my personal values is important to me and you should respect that" if you don't know what to say or don't want to argue. NOW FOR THE FUN PART Replace WHAT with WHAT? TEXTURES: make sure to get extra firm tofu! ground beef -> textured vegetable protein steak -> seitan steak recipes shredded chicken -> jackfruit sliced chicken -> soy curls, Tofu Fish textures -> watermelon (seriously) Unagi -> eggplant Bacon -> Tofu or rice paper Popcorn Chicken -> breaded soy curls lunchmeat -> vegan lunchmeat, or make your own with seitan/tofu Tuna or chicken salad -> chickpea salad Fried Chicken -> Fried Oyster Mushrooms or Tofu pulled pork --> Jackfruit Cow's milk -> any non-dairy milk! You can also make your own very easily Butter -> margarine Cheese -> vegan cheese, or make your own! Eggs -> Tofu, or mung bean egg, eggy yolk recipe In Recipes: Replace eggs with flax seeds or yoghurt, aquafaba, silken tofu, applesauce, banana, pumpkin, chia, baking soda & vinegar Flavors! Beefy -> Basically just salt with some umami Chickeny -> kinda salty, kinda herby Bacony -> liquid smoke, salt, and some sweetness Eggy -> use black salt Cheesy -> nooch please! Sweet -> maple, agave
7. If you drink alcohol, check barnivore to make sure your wines and beers weren't processed using fish guts! 8. Don't purchase any new products made from taking from animals. This means looking for cruelty free grooming items, cruelty free textiles, and avoiding animal exploitation like purchasing from breeders or riding horses. Obviously, necessary medication is the exception. 9. Be extra kind to animals in your real life :) They deserve extra love. Learn to put spiders outside and how to deal with "pests" by preventing them. 10. You are now vegan! Welcome! We're happy to have you! :D You will probably stumble a little bit or not know things like how some sugar is processed with charr from animal bones! That's okay, just keep learning and keep your eye on the positives.
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paavia2desimilk · 3 months ago
Is Lactose-Free Cow Milk the Ideal Choice for Lactose-Intolerant Individuals?
Lactose intolerance is a prevalent condition worldwide, affecting millions of people who experience digestive discomfort when consuming regular milk and dairy products. For those individuals, lactose-free cow milk offers a promising alternative. But how beneficial is it? In this blog, we will delve deeply into the topic, exploring what lactose-free cow milk is, its benefits, drawbacks, and its role in managing lactose intolerance.
Understanding Lactose Intolerance: The Basics
What is Lactose?
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The Root Cause of Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance occurs due to a deficiency of the enzyme lactase, which is responsible for breaking down lactose into glucose and galactose. When lactose isn’t digested, it passes into the colon, where gut bacteria ferment it. This fermentation leads to symptoms like:
Abdominal pain
Prevalence of Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance affects approximately 68% of the global population. Its prevalence varies widely:
Over 90% in East Asian populations
60–80% in Sub-Saharan African and South Asian populations
15–25% in Northern European populations
The severity of symptoms varies among individuals based on their lactase enzyme levels and the amount of lactose consumed.
What is Lactose-Free Cow Milk?
Lactose-free cow milk is regular��a2 desi cow milk that has been specially treated to remove or neutralize lactose. The two main methods used are:
Enzymatic Treatment: Lactase enzyme is added to the milk to break down lactose into glucose and galactose. This process mimics the natural digestion of lactose in the body.
Ultrafiltration: Physical methods are used to filter out lactose molecules from the milk.
Despite these modifications, lactose-free milk retains its nutritional profile, including:
High-quality protein: Essential for muscle growth and repair.
Calcium: Vital for bone health.
Vitamin D: Crucial for calcium absorption and immune support.
B Vitamins: Important for energy metabolism and red blood cell formation.
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The Benefits of Lactose-Free Cow Milk
1. Relief from Digestive Discomfort
Lactose-free milk eliminates the primary trigger of symptoms in lactose-intolerant individuals. By removing or breaking down lactose, it allows people to enjoy milk without bloating, cramps, or diarrhea.
2. Nutritional Equivalence
Lactose-free milk provides the same nutrients as regular A2 cow milk, ensuring that individuals meet their dietary requirements for:
Calcium and Vitamin D: Essential for bone density and preventing osteoporosis.
Protein: Important for maintaining overall health, especially for growing children, athletes, and elderly individuals.
3. Improved Taste
Interestingly, many people find lactose-free milk slightly sweeter than regular milk. This is because the enzymatic breakdown of lactose produces glucose and galactose, which are naturally sweeter than lactose.
4. No Major Dietary Changes Required
Switching to lactose-free milk allows lactose-intolerant individuals to maintain a dairy-inclusive diet without the need for drastic changes. It can be used in the same way as regular milk for drinking, cooking, baking, or adding to beverages like tea and coffee.
5. Wider Availability
With the growing awareness of lactose intolerance, lactose-free milk is now widely available in supermarkets, making it an accessible choice for most consumers.
How Does Lactose-Free Milk Differ from Dairy-Free Alternatives?
It’s essential to differentiate between lactose-free and dairy products. While they may seem similar, they cater to different dietary needs:
Lactose-free milk is ideal for those who are lactose-intolerant but still want the nutritional benefits of cow milk, whereas dairy-free milk is suitable for those with both lactose intolerance and dairy allergies or who follow a vegan lifestyle.
Potential Drawbacks of Lactose-Free Milk
While lactose-free cow milk is a great solution for many, there are some considerations to keep in mind:
1. Higher Cost
Lactose-free milk often comes at a premium price due to the additional processing involved. This may be a barrier for some consumers, especially in regions where regular milk is significantly cheaper.
2. Processing Concerns
The enzymatic treatment of milk involves industrial processing. While this is safe and does not compromise nutritional quality, some individuals prefer minimally processed foods.
3. Taste Preference
While many enjoy the slightly sweeter taste of lactose-free milk, others may find it less appealing compared to regular milk.
4. Not Suitable for Dairy Allergies
Lactose-free milk still contains proteins like casein and whey, which can trigger allergic reactions in individuals with a dairy allergy.
Scientific Validation: Is Lactose-Free Milk Effective?
Scientific studies strongly support the effectiveness of lactose-free milk in managing lactose intolerance:
Symptom Reduction: Research in the Journal of Dairy Science found that lactose-free milk significantly reduces gastrointestinal symptoms in lactose-intolerant individuals compared to regular milk.
Nutritional Impact: A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that lactose-free milk provides comparable calcium absorption to regular milk, ensuring bone health remains unaffected.
Consumer Satisfaction: Surveys indicate that most lactose-intolerant consumers find lactose-free milk an effective and convenient solution.
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Lactose-Free Milk and Lifestyle
1. Cooking with Lactose-Free Milk
Lactose-free milk can be used as a direct substitute for regular milk in recipes. From creamy soups to baked goods, it performs just as well without altering the texture or consistency.
2. Inclusion in Diet Plans
Dieticians often recommend lactose-free milk for people who struggle to meet their calcium and protein needs due to lactose intolerance. It’s particularly useful for:
Children, who need milk for growth and development.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women, who have increased calcium demands.
Elderly individuals, who are at risk of bone density loss.
3. Fitness and Lactose-Free Milk
Lactose-free milk is an excellent post-workout drink, providing high-quality protein for muscle recovery and carbohydrates for energy replenishment.
The Market for Lactose-Free Milk: Trends and Innovations
The global market for lactose-free dairy products is expanding rapidly. Consumer demand is driven by:
Increasing awareness of lactose intolerance.
A growing preference for functional and specialty foods.
Advancements in food processing technologies.
Producers are innovating to improve the taste, texture, and nutritional value of lactose-free products, including flavored milk, lactose-free yogurt, and cheese.
Conclusion: Is Lactose-Free Cow Milk Good for Lactose Intolerant People?
The answer is a resounding yes. Lactose-free cow milk is a highly effective solution for lactose-intolerant individuals, offering all the benefits of regular milk without the discomfort. Its nutritional equivalence, versatility, and accessibility make it a practical choice for maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.
However, like any dietary choice, the decision to include lactose-free milk should consider personal preferences, budget, and health requirements. For most people with lactose intolerance, lactose-free milk represents the best of both worlds: the goodness of dairy without the drawbacks of lactose.
In a world where dietary inclusivity is increasingly important, lactose-free milk stands out as a testament to the power of innovation in meeting diverse nutritional needs.
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bharatvarsh22 · 18 days ago
Exploring the Differences Between Desi A2 Cow Milk and Conventional Cow Milk: Impact on Health
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Desi A2 cow milk and conventional cow milk are two distinct types of milk that have gained attention for their differences in composition and potential impact on health. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in Desi A2 cow milk due to claims of superior health benefits compared to conventional cow milk. In this article, we will explore the differences between Desi A2 cow milk and conventional cow milk and their respective impacts on health.
What is Desi A2 Cow Milk?
Desi A2 cow milk refers to milk sourced from indigenous Indian cow breeds that predominantly produce A2 beta-casein protein. These breeds include the Gir, Sahiwal, and Red Sindhi, among others. Desi A2 cow milk has been a staple in Indian culture for centuries, revered for its nutritional value and medicinal properties.
Composition of Desi A2 Cow Milk
Desi A2 cow milk is characterized by its unique composition, which includes a higher concentration of A2 beta-casein protein compared to conventional cow milk. A2 beta-casein protein is believed to be easier to digest and less likely to cause adverse reactions in some individuals. Additionally, Desi A2 cow milk contains a balanced ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids, essential for heart health and overall well-being.
Conventional Cow Milk Composition
In contrast, conventional cow milk typically contains a mix of A1 and A2 beta-casein proteins. The A1 beta-casein protein found in conventional cow milk has been associated with digestive discomfort and may exacerbate symptoms of lactose intolerance in some individuals. Additionally, conventional cow milk may contain higher levels of hormones and antibiotics due to modern farming practices.
Impact on Health
The consumption of Desi A2 cow milk has been linked to several health benefits, including improved digestion, better nutrient absorption, and reduced risk of certain health conditions. Studies suggest that the A2 beta-casein protein in Desi A2 cow milk may be easier for the body to digest, making it a suitable option for individuals with lactose intolerance or milk allergies.
One of the key differences between Desi A2 cow milk and conventional cow milk is their digestibility. Many people report experiencing less digestive discomfort after consuming Desi A2 cow milk compared to conventional cow milk. This is believed to be due to the absence of A1 beta-casein protein, which has been linked to gastrointestinal issues in some individuals.
Lactose Intolerance
Individuals with lactose intolerance may find Desi A2 cow milk easier to digest than conventional cow milk due to its lower lactose content and the presence of A2 beta-casein protein. While Desi A2 cow milk is not lactose-free, some lactose-intolerant individuals report being able to tolerate it better than other dairy products.
Continue Reading: https://bharatvarshnaturefarms.com/differences-between-desi-a2-cow-milk-and-conventional-cow-milk/
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loominggaia · 1 year ago
I MUST know more about minotaur milk. How is it made? How is it harvested? Who is buying this? Is it weird to drink it? Can it come from male minotaurs? Is it really good for you? What does it taste like? Is it expensive? Is it the same as cow's milk? Sorry for all the questions I just have to know lmfao.
Don't worry, those are all great questions!
How is it made/harvested?
There are private companies that run minotaur-milking facilities. And no, it's not like some weird porno thing...I imagine it's similar to a blood donation clinic. Eligible minotaurs go in at their leisure, get tested for disease, then get hooked up to a milking device and chill until they're done. They're probably paid depending on the amount of milk produced. Minotaurs naturally over-produce milk and often don't know what to do with it, so earning a few bucks to get rid of it is win/win.
Who is buying this?
The biggest consumers are actually orphaned babies. Minotaur milk is unique because it's a "universal milk", meaning it's well tolerated by all peoples. Even baby gorgons and cecaelia can use it as a food source, despite being non-mammalian species. It is also well tolerated by sick and elderly adults.
Hospitals, orphanages, and nursing homes buy a lot of minotaur milk. But it's also sold in stores and pharmacies to the general public. In some regions it's marketed as a "health drink", and some dishonest companies claim it can do all kinds of things it really can't (like build muscle instantly, increase sex drive, cure diseases, reverse hair loss etc.) In other regions, it's marketed as a protein supplement or just a regular beverage.
Is it weird to drink it?
This really depends on the culture. There are some cultures that wouldn't dare drink this stuff, even if their life depended on it. There are others who don't think twice about it, it's just a normal drink like any other. There are some cultures that consider it weird unless it's for medical purposes. It's highly individual, everyone has their own opinion.
Can it come from male minotaurs?
I guess technically, some male minotaurs may be able to lactate. But this is not the norm, and they wouldn't be able to produce enough to sell. Nor do I think the milking clinics would accept males anyway. Everything on the market comes from females only.
Is it really good for you?
Minotaur milk is very dense in calories and fat. If you're already overweight, it's not something you should consume. But if you're trying to gain weight or recover from an illness, then yes, it's quite helpful. Hospitals give malnourished babies minotaur milk instead of their native species' milk because it fattens them up quickly. It's dense enough to feed even heavyweight species like ogres and centaurs.
Of course, its nutritional value also depends on the health of the minotaur who donated it. Healthier minotaurs produce healthier milk. These clinics will not accept any random crackhead minotaur who stumbles through the door...I imagine there must be some quality assurance in place.
What does it taste like?
Probably very neutral? Nobody is drinking it for the taste, I'll tell you that. It's consumed mainly for its health benefits, real or perceived.
Is it expensive?
It can be cheap or expensive, depending on many factors. Current supply and demand, shipping distance, the company distributing it, the store selling it, etc.
Is it the same as cow's milk?
No, I think it's quite different. Cow's milk is poorly tolerated by many people across all species. Meanwhile, even the lactose-intolerant can drink minotaur's milk without problems. Cow's milk probably tastes better though!
That concludes the lesson. Congratulations, you are now a qualified Minotaur Mommy Milker(tm)! Here is your totally real and legit certificate:
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naturalhealthstore · 6 months ago
The Natural Health Store is built entirely for people. You can also buy items at retail. Here products are manufactured and sold in a healthy and clean manner. Made naturally without any artificial fertilizers. You tell customers how to prepare products in a healthy way. The products produced in this route are low in cost and high in quality.It plays an important role in health. This is what people want in today's world. Using this method not only increases the immunity of a person but also plays an important role in their health. Many friends visit this Anganwadi. Its capable employees clear the doubts of the customers about its product.
Cooling facility is also provided to prevent spoilage. Coconuts are produced in large quantities and sold to small scale enterprises at low prices. The company has its own coconut trees. Coconut water is produced without any additives. The price is low and the quality is high. The rice we use on a daily basis is grown in our own company. Rice is produced by organic farming without any admixture. Rice is also delivered to small shops. A customer service has been introduced for which you can report any defect in the goods.
Nutrition Value Of Milk:
Milk is the most essential food for man and child. It is rich in many nutrients. The most important of them are calcium, protein, vitamin D, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.
Natural Milk Preparation:
Natural milk productioncontains they own 10 acres of land and a green cow farm. It has 50 cows. Pure milk is obtained from these cows. These cows eat natural foods such as paddy, fodder crops, cotton paddy, groundnut paddy, maize straw and unfertilized fodder. The cow is very healthy by eating this. The milk produced by it is very clean and of good quality. The cow milk obtained from here is taken to the natural Anganwadi. It is also maintained in a clean manner. Cooling facility is also provided to prevent spoilage
Cow Milk Uses:
Normally used for drinking. Mostly used in small tea shops. Widely used in hotels and bakery shops. Widely used in bank and new offices. Festivals and wedding events play an important role Various food items, snacks and many other products are produced in it like curd, buttermilk, paneer, curd, ice cream, Butter, almond milk.
Milk Health Benefits:
⦁ Strengthens bones and plays an important role in maintenance. ⦁ Milk contains high quality protein which is essential for muscle growth and maintenance. ⦁ It plays an important role in controlling minor heart disorders and blood pressure diseases. ⦁ Promotes tooth growth and reduces tooth decay. ⦁ It also helps in weight gain. Reduces effects on gut health and digestive problems.
Nutrient Value Of Coconut:
Coconut is very important. highly versatile and nutritious, with different a range of culinary and health benefits. Coconut is combination of water, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals. Coconut is produced coconut milk, coconut oil etc.
Natural coconut oil preparation:
It has its own 30 acre coconut grove where coconut oil is produced organically. The trees are grown naturally without any admixture. Take the coconut from the coconut tree and break it into small pieces and dry it in the sun. It should be dried in the sun for two or three days.Pure coconut oil is made from the dry coconut without adding any artificial additives. The oil should be kept in the sun for two or three days. Then the oil is brought to our facility and packaged.
Advantages Of Coconut:
Coconut plays an important role in all households. Used to make more snacks. Cooking plays an important role. Coconuts are mostly used in festivals and temples. Coconut milk and coconut oil are used in large bakeries
Coconut Health Benefits:
⦁ Coconuts are rich in calcium and magnesium which gives good strength to the bones. ⦁ High consumption of coconut oil helps control blood sugar levels. ⦁ Helps to reduce body weight. ⦁ Being rich in fiber plays an important role in heart health. ⦁ Consuming coconut milk helps in skin growth. ⦁ Protects hair from stress, stimulates hair growth, eliminates dandruff problem. ⦁ Increases immunity, Drinking fresh water increases energy. ⦁ Being rich in fiber, it helps in digestion.
Advantages of health store:
⦁ Only fresh products available. ⦁ Materials are always clean. ⦁ You can also buy the item online. If there is any doubt about the goods then the customer can be contacted. ⦁ Products prepared without any adulteration. ⦁ The price will be low and the quality of the products will be high. ⦁ No shipping coast.
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morethansalad · 1 year ago
do you have tips for someone who’s struggling to stay on a healthy vegan diet but keeps messing up? I have like an addiction to dairy products especially /: I used to have a binge issue (it’s better now) but I can’t seem to let go of the iced coffee, chocolate milk, etc, that I like. I have to stick to a healthy diet bc the sugar has caused me brain fog, and severe period cramps, and teeth issues. Please give me tips 😭 thank you and love your account 🙏🏾
ah I think it's pretty common to have that phase with dairy when you're transitioning to a vegan/plant-based diet. I feel like just knowing that can allow you have patience with yourself, and also to make a bit more effort to choose differently. the more you stop choosing animal products, the less you think about them or even care for them. luckily, dairy is super swappable. it's not even that inconvenient or difficult these days. have the plant-based option. or make it yourself.
eg. in your iced coffee, have plant milk and/or a plant-based coffee cream rather than cow's milk. there's so many kinds - almond, oat, soy, coconut, hazelnut, cashew, etc. I know even a few companies have made plant milks that taste very close to cow's milk (eg. Silk's 'Next Milk'). and making your own plant milk can easily be done in a blender, juicer, or plant milk maker.
hm, but if you're suggesting that sugar is the thing that you really wanna stop having so much of, lemme suggest something. focus on eating things with nutritional value still intact (i.e. whole foods). it's completely fine to seek out sweet flavors (in the form of unrefined sugars/carb-rich foods) because they are nutritionally dense & healthy fuel. have ripe fruit, maple syrup, coconut sugar, whole grains, molasses, root veggies, dates/date syrup, cane sugar juice, licorice root tea (please research contraindications before using!), dried fruit, cold pressed fruit juice. avoid refined/overly processed sugars for the most part, like white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, powdered sugar. you can still have everything you like. they'll just be made of more nourishing ingredients.
thanks for your question & compliment. I hope I was helpful :)
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wellnesswisea2 · 1 year ago
Unveiling the Best Deals: Exploring A2 Ghee Price and Quality
Embarking on a journey to enhance your well-being through A2 ghee? Understanding the dynamics of A2 ghee price is pivotal. In this guide, we unravel the intricacies surrounding A2 ghee pricing, ensuring you make informed decisions aligned with your health goals.
A2 Ghee Price: Navigating the Landscape
Navigating the landscape of A2 ghee pricing requires a blend of discernment and understanding. Let's delve into the various aspects that contribute to the cost of this golden elixir.
Quality Matters: The Foundation of A2 Ghee Price
In the world of A2 ghee, quality is paramount. The source of milk, predominantly from cows with A2 beta-casein protein, sets the stage for premium quality. Understanding this foundational aspect helps justify the nuances in A2 ghee pricing.
Craftsmanship at Its Core: Impact of Production Process on Price
The intricate process of transforming milk into A2 ghee plays a pivotal role in determining its price point. From traditional churning methods to modern techniques, the craftsmanship involved influences the overall cost. Artisanal processes may command a higher price but promise unparalleled richness and purity.
Certifications Speak Volumes: A2 Ghee Price and Quality Standards
Certifications and adherence to stringent quality standards contribute significantly to A2 ghee pricing. Products certified by reputable authorities assure consumers of purity, nutritional value, and ethical practices. This reinforces the value proposition and justifies a higher price tag.
Brand Reputation: A2 Ghee Price vs. Trust
The reputation of the brand can impact A2 ghee pricing. Established brands with a history of delivering quality may have a slightly higher price point, reflecting the trust they've earned. Consider this when making choices that align with your health aspirations.
Market Dynamics: Understanding A2 Ghee Price Disparities
While it's natural to seek cost-effective options, compromising on quality may lead to a diluted experience. Striking a balance between budget considerations and product integrity ensures a harmonious synergy of health and value.
A2 Ghee Price: A Buyer's Guide
Armed with insights into the factors influencing A2 ghee pricing, let's explore a buyer's guide to make informed choices.
Research and Compare Brands: Beyond A2 Ghee Price Tags
Embark on a journey of discovery by researching and comparing different A2 ghee brands. Look beyond the price tag and delve into the company's ethos, sourcing practices, and customer reviews. A comprehensive analysis guides you towards brands aligning with your values and preferences.
Deciphering Labels: A2 Ghee Quality Assurance
Deciphering product labels is crucial in the quest for the perfect A2 ghee. Look for labels indicating A2 beta-casein content, organic certifications, and transparent sourcing information. This ensures you're investing in a product that meets your nutritional needs and adheres to ethical and sustainable practices.
Peer Insights: Explore Customer Reviews for A2 Ghee
Peer experiences are invaluable in gauging the true worth of a product. Explore customer reviews to gain insights into flavor, consistency, and overall satisfaction levels with different A2 ghee brands. Real-world testimonials provide a holistic view, guiding you towards a purchase aligning with your expectations.
A2 Ghee Price: A Reflection of Quality
In the dynamic landscape of nutritional choices, A2 ghee emerges as a beacon of quality and purity. Its price, far from arbitrary, mirrors the commitment of producers to excellence. As consumers, embracing the nuanced journey of A2 ghee pricing empowers us to make choices resonating with our health aspirations.
A2 Ghee Price Section
Now, let's specifically delve into the section on A2 ghee price, exploring the various considerations that play a role in determining the cost of this sought-after product.
Sourcing Excellence: Impact on A2 Ghee Price
The sourcing of milk from specially bred cows is a cornerstone of A2 ghee quality. This commitment to excellence naturally influences the price of A2 ghee. Understanding this connection allows consumers to appreciate the value embedded in every jar.
The Craftsmanship Premium: A2 Ghee Price and Production Methods
The meticulous craftsmanship involved in the production of A2 ghee contributes to its premium pricing. Whether through traditional methods or modern techniques, the dedication to delivering a product of unparalleled richness adds intrinsic value.
Certifications: Upholding A2 Ghee Price Integrity
Certifications are not just stamps on a label; they are a testament to the integrity of A2 ghee pricing. Products adhering to rigorous quality standards may come with a slightly higher cost, but this premium ensures consumers receive a product of utmost purity.
Market Dynamics: Balancing A2 Ghee Price and Quality
A2 ghee price is not just a number on a shelf; it's a reflection of the delicate balance between quality and affordability. While seeking budget-friendly options, consumers must be mindful of maintaining the purity and nutritional richness that A2 ghee promises.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is A2 Ghee Worth the Higher Price Tag?
Absolutely. The higher price tag is a testament to the quality and purity of A2 ghee. Investing in your health by choosing A2 ghee is a decision that pays dividends in the long run.
What Factors Justify the Premium A2 Ghee Price?
The premium A2 ghee price is justified by factors such as sourcing from specially bred cows, meticulous production processes, adherence to certifications, and maintaining high-quality standards.
How Can I Find Affordable A2 Ghee Without Compromising Quality?
Research and compare brands, decipher product labels, and explore customer reviews. Balancing affordability with quality ensures you find the perfect A2 ghee that aligns with your budget and health goals.
Do Certifications Really Matter When It Comes to A2 Ghee Price?
Absolutely. Certifications are a guarantee of quality and ethical practices. While they may contribute to a slightly higher price, they ensure you're investing in an authentic and pure A2 ghee product.
Can A2 Ghee Price Fluctuate in the Market?
Yes, A2 ghee prices can fluctuate based on factors such as demand, sourcing costs, and market dynamics. Staying informed allows you to make optimal purchasing decisions.
Any Tips for Finding Discounts on A2 Ghee Without Sacrificing Quality?
Keep an eye on promotions, subscribe to newsletters, and consider buying in bulk. Many brands offer discounts and promotions, allowing you to enjoy premium A2 ghee without breaking the bank.
Navigating the realm of A2 ghee price requires a blend of discernment and understanding. By unraveling
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goldenjhobi-blog · 2 years ago
The Grocery Inflation
Aurash Azad: 81969644
Tayeh Ahadi: 46283688
How does inflation affect grocery prices?
In the past year, many groceries have seen an increase in prices due to several different factors, such as supply shortages, labor shortages, and natural disasters. In the latter category is eggs, which has had a 138% increase in price in the past year. Before, the average for a dozen Grade A eggs was approximately $1.79, but as of January of this year, the average price has gone up to $4.25. What could be the cause? For the most part, the rising price of eggs can be attributed to the avian bird flu that has swept the nation in the recent months, affecting close to 60 million birds, and as a result, their eggs. The bird flu has not only decreased the supply of eggs to the country, but also increased their overall prices. However, the high price of eggs doesn't detain all Americans, as they are considered a food staple to many, since they are used in a wide range of dishes, such as breakfast foods and baked dishes. The low supply of eggs coupled with their stable consumption means that in many grocery stores across America, eggs are completely sold out. Another source of high prices could be due to price gouging in major egg firms, such as Cal-Maine Foods, which has reported an increase of 600% in quarterly gross profit, though they haven’t had any cases of avian bird flu on their farms. Thus, although the egg industry has seen a decrease in supply due to the avian bird flu, a lot of the price increase is associated with large firms using the flu as an excuse to gouge prices in order to increase their profits, not thinking of the effects they may have on their consumers. In my personal experience, I use eggs frequently in my breakfast as they’re a quick and easy source of nutrition, and they’re versatile in a way that many other foods aren’t. Also, as a college student with very little income, eggs have served as a staple in my fridge since the beginning of university. However, in recent months, I have had to be more frugal in how I spend my grocery budget, and that means less eggs and healthy food options, and more cheap, low-quality food that’ll last me longer. However, even when I plan to buy eggs, they are not always available in my local grocery stores. Just recently, my trip to Trader Joe’s revealed empty rows where eggs used to be, as consumers continue to buy them even as their supply decreases. Eggs, though seemingly inconsequential in day-to-day life, play a significant role in many foods, and their price increase coupled with their supply shortage has resulted in distressing grocery trips all across the country.
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Grocery prices have been on the rise within the past few years. The COVID-19 pandemic that began March 2020 is only one reason to blame the skyrocketing prices, and the shortage of supply in the market. A shortage is when the quantity demanded is disproportionate and larger than the supply available at the market price. After the breakout of the pandemic, many of us would walk into grocery stores to see nothing left on the shelves. There are many different reasons for the rise of prices, and a few important ones that can be seen include shortages within labor as well as supply. According to the Time magazine, the price for one stick of butter has increased more than 31% just within the past year. The average price of butter was set at $3.47, and is now found to be $4.81 on average across most cities in the United States. Besides the COVID-19 pandemic, dairy farmers are blaming the extreme heat, along with the small cow herds, which includes the results of financial combats as the primary reason for the increase in the price for butter. The shortage of butter has caused major concerns in the US, not only for consumers, but for factories and productions as well. One of the main reasons for this is set due to milk production setbacks that occurred within the economy. The demand for butter is increasing, even as the rates for dairy production is lowering, which is causing a lower availability in the supply market. Besides the direct effect it has on the market industry, it affects the lives of individuals as well. For example, butter is an essential ingredient to both chefs as well as bakers, to almost everyone using it in the global economy. Most dishes around the world incorporate butter into their ingredients and are used to help melt or fry, complement, or enhance flavor. The cost of producing dairy products has widely increased and therefore has caused the supply to decrease. How has this affected my personal life? Well, here at UC Irvine it has been difficult living on campus, on a college budget and having to purchase groceries to cook meals. It has become more difficult due to the recent rise in grocery prices, but more specifically butter. Using butter is a crucial ingredient to many different dishes, including eggs, which have also seen inflation within the past few years. With the rise in prices and the decrease in supply available, it has been hard to get access to many basic grocery needs, including butter. Not only do I use butter to cook, but to bake as well. Whether it has been a cookie, cake, or any other dessert, one of the principle ingredients is butter and without it, it makes it very hard to bake or cook. Overall, the rise in grocery prices has caused a worldwide crisis in many households and has put no option but a budget to be imposed in many families that had never thought about having one before. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic emergency slowly coming to an end, along with the combination of farmers beginning to recover from the pandemic and fertilizer costs slowly beginning to decrease, we can anticipate that grocery prices, including the price of butter will begin to decrease once again. 
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deathsmallcaps · 2 months ago
I used to drink raw goat milk but that’s because I knew the goats and their living conditions AND what they ate because *I* was the farmhand. And the farm I was working at was too little to actually sell it. I did have clearer skin when I drank it and used the soap made from their milk, but I think that had more to do with the fact it was goat milk than it was raw.
Some bitchass Doylestown neglector farmer that I knew though? Touched her goats’ milk once when I was a teen and I could taste the difference. She kept her goats like they were pound dogs. She ran away to Belize this year because of the allegations that I KNOW to be true.
This is why keeping milk clean is imperative. If you cannot know the living conditions of the animal its from, you cannot know the diseases to which they were exposed. While I was taking a risk my drinking the milk of the goats that I knew personally - because we didn’t keep them in lab conditions, we kept them in happy goat conditions, which means they still experienced life and its foibles - I could trust it. Same thing goes for when they had their cow.
I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but how well do you know that little farm stand selling those eggs? Have you seen the conditions the chickens have lived within? What about your milk animals? Your meat animals? If you cannot know, then make sure it’s at least FDA approved. The Trump administration is likely going to lower the standards, but it’s better than having no standards at all.
[btw a good way to tell if chickens are at least getting good nutrition is if the yolks look more orangey and the shells are a little hard to crack. That means the hen is getting what she needs to create good eggs.]
Anyways, goat pictures from this summer :)!
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The raw milk people don’t even know what raw milk is
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