#Nursing Home in UK
aiteanngaelach · 10 months
ye should watch this lads, its an absolutely stunning moving documentary about older lgbt people in ireland, its only 18 minutes long, ye should give it a go
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angelicrosee · 4 months
For @zestyaahbutler 🙏🙏🙏 bro thinks he's the ultimate vampire hunter
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clatterbane · 2 years
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Almost surprised it's taken them this long to ramp these policies back up, tbqh.
A little more context:
Much too little of a reckoning, and far too late. So, now they are evidently trying to pull basically the same shit again--under the very possibly too-correct assumption that nobody else has many fucks to give over what happens to elderly and disabled people.
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downsvale · 5 months
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suregrowglobal · 8 months
The Role of Nurses Recruitment Agencies in Shaping the Future of Nursing
Nurses recruitment agencies in Wigan uk have emerged as key players in connecting healthcare institutions with the talented individuals who can make a significant impact on patient outcomes. This blog explores the essential role these agencies play in shaping the future of nursing. https://www.suregrowglobal.co.uk/
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allimmigrations · 1 year
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Nursing Visa Uk From India | Allimmigration.co.in
Get the nursing visa you need to work in the UK from India with Allimmigration.co.in. Our expert team will help you every step of the way to make sure you get your visa quickly and easily.
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ztaffing · 1 year
Homecare Services in the UK: Navigating the World of Personalized Care
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, homecare services in the UK stand out as a beacon of personalised care and support. For many individuals and families, these services represent an invaluable bridge to maintaining quality of life, even in the face of health challenges. Let's explore the depth and breadth of homecare services in the UK and why they are becoming an increasingly essential part of the nation's health infrastructure.
What are Homecare Services?
At their core, homecare services in the UK are designed to offer a range of care provisions directly in a person's home. This could include help with daily tasks like bathing, dressing, meal preparation, and medication management. For those living with chronic conditions, disabilities, or recuperating after hospitalisation, these services provide a lifeline.
The Rise of Home-Based Care
In recent years, there's been a palpable shift towards personalised, patient-centric care models. Homecare services in the UK fit perfectly into this paradigm, ensuring that individuals can receive tailored care in familiar surroundings. This not only enhances the comfort and dignity of the care recipient but often leads to better health outcomes. The psychological benefits of being in one's home, surrounded by memories and loved ones, can't be overstated.
Benefits of Homecare Services
Tailored Care: Services are customised to the individual's needs, ensuring that they receive the right amount of support without sacrificing their independence.
Cost-Effective: In many cases, opting for homecare services in the UK can be more cost-effective than long-term residential care. It eliminates the added costs associated with residential facilities.
Flexibility: From a few hours a week to round-the-clock care, homecare services can adapt to the changing needs of the individual.
Emotional Well-being: Being at home can significantly boost emotional and mental well-being. Familiar surroundings often reduce feelings of isolation and anxiety.
Choosing the Right Service
When considering homecare services in the UK, it's essential to do thorough research. Look for providers with a good reputation, proper certifications, and positive reviews. Engage with potential care providers to ensure they align with your values and the needs of your loved one.
Final Thoughts
The emphasis on patient-first, personalised care solutions has firmly positioned homecare services in the UK at the forefront of modern healthcare. As the demand grows, so does the commitment to ensuring that every individual has access to high-quality, compassionate care in the place they feel most comfortable – their home.
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innonurse · 2 years
Hospital predictive tool utilizes nursing knowledge
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- By InnoNurse Staff -
In order to assess the efficacy of CONCERN (COmmunicating Narrative Concerns Entered by RNs), Columbia University Irving Medical Center has partnered with three hospital systems.
Read more at Healthcare Innovation
Other recent news and insights
Google releases a chatbot for healthcare that resembles ChatGPT (Analytics India Magazine)
Smart home and digital health are highlighted at CES 2023 (PYMNTS)
2023 projections from UK-based health tech suppliers (Digital Health)
Robotic operating room assistants could offer safer procedures (Horizon)
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afeelgoodblog · 5 months
The Best News of Last Week
1. A branch of the flu family tree has died and won't be included in future US vaccines
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A type of flu virus that used to sicken people every year hasn't been spotted anywhere on Earth since March 2020. As such, experts have advised that the apparently extinct viruses be removed from next year's flu vaccines.
The now-extinct viruses were a branch of the influenza B family tree known as the Yamagata lineage. Scientists first reported the apparent disappearance of Yamagata viruses in 2021.
2. Hospitals must obtain written consent for pelvic and similar exams, the federal government says
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Hospitals must obtain written informed consent from patients before subjecting them to pelvic exams and exams of other sensitive areas — especially if an exam will be done while the patient is unconscious, the federal government said Monday.
New guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services now requires consent for breast, pelvic, prostate and rectal exams for “educational and training purposes” performed by medical students, nurse practitioners or physician assistants.
3. Germany approves new law that will allow adults to carry up to 25 grams of cannabis for their own consumption and store up to 50 grams at home.
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Germany's upper house, the Bundesrat, cleared the way to partially legalize cannabis on Friday. Adults aged 18 and over will be allowed to carry up to 25 grams of cannabis for their own consumption.
4. Tick-killing pill shows promising results in human trial | Should it pan out, the pill would be a new weapon against Lyme disease.
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Tarsus Pharmaceuticals is developing a pill for humans that could provide protection against the tick-borne disease for several weeks at a time. In February, the Irvine, California–based biotech company announced results from a small, early-stage trial showing that 24 hours after taking the drug, it can kill ticks on people, with the effects lasting for up to 30 days.
5. Thailand moves to legalise same-sex marriage
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Thailand has taken a historic step closer to marriage equality after the lower house passed a bill giving legal recognition to same-sex marriage.
It still needs approval from the Senate and royal endorsement to become law but it is widely expected to happen by the end of 2024, making Thailand the only South East Asian country to recognise same-sex unions.
6. French Revolution: Cyclists Now Outnumber Motorists In Paris
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Official measurements have found that Paris is rapidly becoming a city of transportation cyclists. In the suburbs, where public transit is less dense, transport by car was found to be the main form of mobility. But for journeys from the outskirts of Paris to the center, the number of cyclists now far exceeds the number of motorists, a huge change from just five years ago.
7. 'Miracle' operation reverses blindness in three-year-old girl giving her 'promising' future
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A three year old with a genetic condition that causes blindness is doing incredibly well after unique pioneering operation to restore her sight.
The UK is the only country performing keyhole eye surgery to inject healthy copies of a gene into sufferers’ eyes. It is being used to reverse blindness in children born with a rare condition which means they can only distinguish between light and dark. And it has given little Khadijah Chaudhry, born with Leber congenital amaurosis-4, a chance at seeing properly again.
That's it for this week :)
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Arteries, Veins, & Capillaries: A First Aid Guide (For Self-Harmers)
[Pt: Arteries, Veins, & Capillaries: A First Aid Guide (For Self-Harmers)]
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[Image description: an info graphic showing three different types of bleeding. The first hand is labelled "ARTERIES". Their is a cut to the wrist of hand 1 and it is spirting blood as well as leaking a heavy stream of blood. Bullet points below hand 1 say "Spurting blood; Pulsating flow; Bright red colour".
Hand two is labelled "VEINS". Their is a cut below the thumb on the 2nd hand and a heavy stream of blood is flowing from the cut. Bullet points below hand 2 say "Steady, slow flow; Dark red colour".
Hand three is labelled "CAPILLARIES". Their is a cut to the back of hand 3 and a light stream of blood is flowing from the cut. A bullet points below hand 3 says "Slow, even flow". /end id]
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, all of the information below is based on my research. It is always best to see a doctor if you are injured. I do not promote self-harm.
Arteries, veins, and capillaries are all blood vessels. Blood vessel carry blood through out the body and cuts to different ones require different levels of care.
Telling the difference
[Pt: Telling the difference]
Capillaries are the smallest type of blood vessel and are also the least dangerous. A cut to a capillary will... - bleed slowly and evenly - stop bleeding after 2-5 minutes of even pressure* - unlikely to be life threatening A cut to a capillary will not... - spirt blood - flow heavily* (*unless you have bleeding disorder or have taken a blood thinning medication or drug, more info on this below)
Veins carry blood back to your heart. A cut to a vein will... - bleed dark red blood - have an even flow of blood - bleed more then capillaries - stop bleeding after 5-10 minutes of even pressure* - sometimes be life threatening (*unless you have bleeding disorder or have taken a blood thinning medication or drug, more info on this below) A cut to a vein will not... - spirt blood
Arteries are the largest blood vessel, they carry oxygenated blood away from the heart. Cuts to arteries are always an emergency, if you (or someone else) ever cuts an artery call for an ambulance (i.e. 999, 911, 112). A cut to an artery will... - spurt blood - have a pulsating flow (i.e. spurting may stop momentarily then begun again) - bleed bright red blood - deadly without immediate medical attention (call an ambulance!) A cut to an artery cannot be treated at home and requires immediate emergency medical attention.
First aid!
[Pt: First aid!]
Now that you know the difference between arterial, venus, and capillary bleeding heres how to treat them. But first the obligatory list of ambulance needing situations.
Call for an ambulance if...
You have or think you may have cut an artery
You go into shock (link)
If you are unsure if you need immediate emergency medical attention
If you do not think you can take care of your injuries alone and cannot get yourself to A&E
If you have any of the symptoms listed in the A&E list but cannot get yourself to A&E
Go to A&E if...
If you lose sensation or movement in any area, this is a sign of nerve or tendon damage
The injury is to a joint, palm, your face, or genitals
If the injury is internal
You can see muscle or bone. Muscle looks like meat
If the tool you used was rusty, dirty, or you do not know if it was clean
If you are unsure if you need emergency medical attention
If you do not think you can take care of your injuries alone
If you are unsure how serious an injury is call your local A&E's nurse line (if in the UK call 111 or use 111 online (link)).
Apply pressure to the cut(s) with a cloth that will not pill or leave fuzz in the cut (e.g. a bit of old t-shirt) for 5 minutes or until bleeding stops. If bleeding does not stop after 10 minutes of even pressure go to A&E. If you cannot get yourself to A&E safely, begin to have symptoms of shock (link), or think you might need immediate emergency medical care call for an ambulance Rinse the cut(s) out with warm water to remove any debris. Dry well with a clean non-fuzzy cloth. If your wound is gaping it needs stitches, seek immediate medical attention. If you cannot/will not seek medical attention use steri-strips (link) or butterfly bandages (link) to close the injury. These can also be used for more minor injuries where the edges of cut do not meet. Otherwise, use a plaster or other bandage to cover the wound(s). More info on first aid and wound care here (link).
Apply pressure to the cut(s) with a cloth that will not pill or leave fuzz in the cut (e.g. a bit of old t-shirt) for 10 minutes or until bleeding stops. If bleeding does not stop after 10 minutes of even pressure go to A&E. If you cannot get yourself to A&E safely or think you might need immediate emergency medical care call for an ambulance. Keep an eye out for symptoms of shock (link), call for an ambulance if you suspect you are in shock. Shock cannot be treated at home and can be fatal. Follow the instructions of the emergency line operator until the ambulance arrives. Rinse the cut(s) out with warm water to remove any debris. Dry well with a clean non-fuzzy cloth. If your wound is gaping it needs stitches, seek immediate medical attention. If you cannot/will not seek medical attention use steri-strips (link) or butterfly bandages (link) to close the injury. These can also be used for more minor injuries where the edges of cut do not meet. Otherwise, use a plaster or other bandage to cover the wound(s). More info on first aid and wound care here (link).
Immediately begin applying pressure with a cloth, do not worry too much about getting fluff in the cut. Call for an ambulance (999, 911, 112, etc.) and follow the instructions of the emergency line operator. Do not hang up until the EMTs (people who work on the ambulance) are with you. If there is anyone else in the same building/area yell for them to help you, do not move to find them.
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moody-alcoholic · 3 months
I've had time off work, so I've been pumping these out since my main project is on hold for the time being. It's been a lot of fun.
Summary: Ghoap x Reader, throuple. Slow burn (sorry but not sorry). 2.4k words. Reader is female (she/her), army nurse, non descript physical features, names used: Ashe.
CW: Alcohol, mentions of sex, language. Back to the fluff... this is supposed to be a slow burn...
Previous parts - masterlist - next part
Enjoy <3
You sit at the table your leg nervously bouncing up and down. Simon comes to sit next to you pushing a cup of tea over. 
“Thank you,” you say blowing on it, you haven’t been able to stop thinking about this since Johnny woke Simon up telling him we all needed to talk. Your mind had been going at a million miles an hour. What if you saying you’re falling for them is too far? They are already married, you just kind of barged in.  
“Right!” Johnny says standing up his palms flat on the table. 
“I call this first official family meeting to begin.” He says way to enthusiastically for your energy level.  
“Christ.” You hear Simon sigh next to you, you look at him his fingers squeezing the bridge of his nose. You smile sipping on your tea. 
“We’ve all had a nice time but I think we need a debrief.” You chuckle.
“You want a post sex debrief every time?” Simon asks Johnny who taps his knuckles on the table.
“I don’t have a hammer thing.” He says. 
“Is this a court room or a meeting?” Simon asks. They’re winding each other up you can’t help but smile. 
“It’s a meeting, casual, a safe space to air out all your problems.” Johnny says. 
“Now first order of business, boring stuff out the way first.” Johnny puts a key down on the table moving it towards you, you pick it up. 
“You’re welcome over any time,” Johnny says smiling. That’s not boring that’s a massive thing.
“Do you guys want keys to my place?” You ask looking at them, it seems only right, you have access to their home they should have access to yours.  
“Up to you.” Simon says. You make a mental note to look for a key-cutter tomorrow.
“PDA! Now I love a good smooch in public but Simon’s all about that stiff upper lip, sometimes he won’t even hold my hand.” Johnny says pouting.
“Nothing wrong with keeping your private life private.” Simon says defensively.
“What about you?” Johnny asks turning to you.
“I don’t mind I guess, I can get self conscious easy.” You admit, Johnny nods.
“Okay we’ll work on that.” Johnny says. 
“Sex, do you have any limits? No-go’s other then the obvious ones.” Johnny says looking at you. 
“Eh, I don’t know I’ve never really done much other then the normal stuff.” You feel heat rushing to your cheeks.
“That’s fine, we can work it out as we go along, don’t worry we’re not going to do anything crazy. Plain old vanilla sex is also fine, besides Simon’s the kinky one anyway.” Johnny says winking at you.
“Sure I’m the kinky one,” Simon chuckles. Johnny rolls his eyes sitting back down in the chair. 
“Anything you want to add?” Johnny asks Simon who shakes his head, then his eyes fall on you. You don’t know what to say, maybe now would be a good time to ask them to stop being so…nice. 
“You don’t need to be so accommodating, if you guys need some time alone, I can make myself scarce. And I don’t mind paying for things, food and what not, and I don’t mind treating you guys, it’s the least I can do.” Simon’s hand finds your thigh as Johnny smiles at you. 
“Don’t worry about that, you just being here is enough.” Johnny smiles.
“I need to make the most of it, when I get posted I could be gone for up to 6 months.” You say, your last post was 6 months now you only have a month off before you’ll be sent somewhere else. You could be sent abroad, it had been years since you were stationed somewhere outside the UK but it could happen then you would feel even further away from them. Your hand rests on top of Simon’s as he squeezes your thigh.
“S’okay, we’re all over the place too, could get a call right now and we'd have to drop everything and leave.” Johnny says. The thought of them leaving makes you sad, you know Johnny is only trying to help but it just fills you with dread. There’s a pit forming in your stomach, their job is harder then yours more dangerous, they could leave any second then you might never see them again. Johnny defuses bombs, you’re not sure what Simon does but it’s enough that it makes him hide his identity. The most danger you have ever experienced was a field hospital in a run down building in the middle of a war-zone, even then you were surrounded by soldiers who’s sole job was to keep the medical staff safe. You Squeeze Simon's hand, now you can’t imagine being without them. 
“It’s very rare we get called like that.” Simon says as he moves his hand to hold yours. You look up at him, he must be able to see something in your eyes, his face softens and he brings his hand up to stroke your cheek. 
“I never know where you go, how long you’re going to be gone for. If you’ll ever come back.” You say looking in Simon’s eyes. He kisses your forehead pulling you into his chest. 
“I know I’ll come back I have the worlds best marksman watching my back.” Simon says. 
“Yeah and you should see the things Simon can do with a knife, or a sniper, or a pistol.” You hear Johnny say. It makes you feel a little better, that they’re being so blasé about it, that pit is still there though as you pull out of Simon’s arms. 
“How about we go out, get some food just chill? We can try out that new place on the corner you’ve been wanting to go to Johnny.” Simon says, Johnny’s eyes light up and he’s out his chair before he can respond. It makes you smile, you’re not really in the mood to go out but you you could use the fresh air, maybe a nice meal out will be good. 
“You okay?” Simon asks as you stare off towards the bedroom. 
“Yeah, I need to start bringing a change of clothes.” You say, Simon smiles.
The place is nice, not fancy or anything and there’s a cosy looking beer garden in the back Johnny excitedly leads you to. You sit outside under the strung up lights and Johnny leaves to go order. Simon reaches into his jacket pulling out a cigarette and a lighter. 
“Sorry,” he says lighting it. “I’m trying to quit.” He turns his head blowing the smoke away from you. You move to sit next to him on the bench.
“I could get you some nicotine patches.” You say. He shakes his head smiling. Johnny comes out with a tray of beer placing them on the table. You reach out picking one up. 
“It’s 2 in the afternoon.” Simon says chuckling. 
“Stressed?” Johnny asks sipping his beer. Simon sighs, Johnny winks at you. 
“Simon only smokes when he’s stressed.” Johnny says as you take a sip of your beer. 
“Not true, I smoke when I want to.” Simon replies. Johnny laughs, it’s a proper laugh and it makes your heart flutter. You look up at Simon who looks less then impressed, they’ve been teasing each other all day. They start bantering back and forth until Simon finishes his cigarette. Johnny opens a menu and starts reading the options out, well the options he likes the sound off. Simon just says he’ll have whatever Johnny’s having. Johnny seems to see that as a challenge his eyes going back to scan the menu as a cheeky grin appears on his face.
Simon’s hand finds your thigh again, you didn’t think he would be up for touching with the conversation this morning but you don’t mind it’s nice feeling his hands on you. Johnny orders food asking what you want, honestly you haven’t been paying attention but you’re not hungry so you just order a sandwich. Johnny sighs ordering you a side of chips. You sigh but don’t argue. When the food comes out you switch to sit next to Johnny, you’re not sure why, but this whole relationship seems to be about finding what works, at least for now.  
Your leaning your head on Johnny's shoulder his arm wrapped round you picking at the last of you chips which you’re convinced at this point he bought just for himself. 
“Another round?” He asks as Simon finishes his beer off. Simon nods and Johnny peels himself a way from you collecting the glasses and heading inside. You smile at Simon, today has been nice, the food was good the beer warming your belly as the evening breeze is rolling in. You could almost say it was perfect. Then the sound of glasses crashing forces your head to snap looking for the source of the noise. 
“What the fuck man!” There’s a voice shouting now. 
“Sorry but you came out of fecking nowhere mate.” You hear Johnny’s voice, Simon is already on his feet moving to the back door of the restaurant Johnny had disappeared into a few minutes earlier, you gingerly follow after him. 
“I came out the bathroom mate.” The man replies his voice still loud. You can see people turning to look, it feels like there’s a million eyes on you. 
“What’s going on? You alright Johnny?” Simon asks as he reaches them. You look past Simon to see Johnny and a man both covered beer broken glasses on the floor. 
“Yeah, I’m fine ‘e just came outta nowhere slammed the door in my face.” Johnny says . 
“It’s okay, we’ll get you new drinks.” You look over and see a waitress with a mop in her hands waiting for them to move.  
“I came out the bloody bathroom!” The man says as he takes a step closer to Johnny who holds his ground meeting the mans eye line. “I’m supposed to be going on a date, now my suit is ruined.” 
“Shame, you wouldn’t want her to think you’re incompetent.” Johnny says, that cheeky grin on his face. 
“Johnny.” Simon’s voice cuts through the tension like a knife, low and commanding. You feel hairs stand up on the back of your neck. Simon grabs Johnny's arm pulling him out the way as Johnny’s eyes follow the man until he walks past Simon turning to look at you. 
“You okay?” You ask not really knowing what to say, his expression changes almost instantaneously when he sees you a smile appearing on his lips. 
“‘Cause lass, no one’s fault!” Johnny says his arm wrapping round your shoulders leading you back to the table.
“Oi!” You hear the man call, Johnny doesn’t turn or stop walking. 
“Alright, calm down,” is all you hear from Simon as you move out of earshot. 
“Think Simon will be okay?” You ask as Johnny sits you down next to him, his arm never leaving your shoulder.
“Pff Simon, who spends his days ordering soldiers round, he’ll be fine.” Johnny laughs. “Between you and me he could use some practice in conflict de-escalation.” You relax into him not realising how tense your body has become, he kisses the top of your head. 
“You stink.” You chuckle the smell of beer is almost overwhelming making your head spin. A few minutes later a waitress comes over with fresh drinks apologising for the situation, explaining that the builders installed the door wrong and it’s just been an accident waiting to happen ever since. Johnny laughs it off telling her it’s no problem and he’ll pay for the replacement drinks. Simon comes back as she leaves sticking his hand in his jacket looking for another cigarette, he sighs muttering under his breath as he sits down. 
“All good?” Johnny asks Simon who nods sipping his beer. Guess he’s out of cigarettes. 
“Paid for his taxi home so he could change.” Simon says leaning back, his eyes landing on you, you smile at him. He seems tense, Johnny lightens the mood by telling a story that happened when he was a kid and his dad dropped a pint on his head. 
“That explains a lot.” Simon says seeming to relax after a few sips of beer. The sun is setting quickly now and wind chill is picking up. Johnny promises you’ll go home after this drink.   
As soon as you get in Johnny is rushing into the shower. You fall on the sofa with Simon as he flicks the TV on. You lay up against him stroking his chest. 
“Is it true you get to boss people around all day?” You ask him. 
“What did Johnny tell you that?” He chuckles. You nod.
“Price does all the shouting, I’m just there to make sure they listen.” He says. 
“Is he nice Price, your boss?” You ask, you want to know something about their work maybe it will make you feel better when they inevitably go away. 
“Yeah he’s nice, we go way back. He’s a good boss.” He says as he lands on the football satisfied he puts the remote down. 
“I’ll go home tomorrow, I’ve got some errands to run, I could use a shower, and a change of clothes.” You say, but as you say it you realise how little you want to leave. 
“I can come with you if you want, or Johnny can?” He says his arm stroking your shoulder. 
“It’s fine you should really spend some time together.” You say not wanting to be a bother but at the same time that does sound nice having them just following you around. The more time you can spend with them the better. 
“I doesn't work like that, if we want some time alone we’ll let you know, besides you were right this morning, at some point we’re both going to be back at work and then it could be months before we see each other.” You look up at him the pit reforming in your belly. 
“Oh hey who’s playing?” You hear Johnny ask as he comes down to the sofa. Simon plants a kiss on your lips as Johnny comes to sit next to you. 
“Man city and Sheffield.” Simon says you put your head back on his chest. 
“I forget do we like that one?” Johnny asks. Simon chuckles.
“Yeah we like that one.” He replies, going back to stroking your arm. Johnny scoots closer to you and you lay your legs on him, his arm reaching over to run his fingers through Simon’s hair. Now you just hope and pray the world stays quiet for another few weeks.  
Next part
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joannechocolat · 2 months
Burn the library, or walk inside. Either way, it's your choice.
Unless you've been living under a rock, you can't have missed the escalating riots all around the country - riots which the media keep referring to as "protests", in spite of the fact that no-one involved seems to agree on just what they are protesting against.
Dragging strangers out of cars, burning down public buildings, throwing stones at ambulancemen, setting fire to hotels in a deliberate attempt to burn the people inside alive - and maybe scoring a new phone or pair of trainers on the way home - has nothing to do with "protest."
It certainly has nothing to do with the brutal murder of three little girls, although that was used as a springboard by online agitators, claiming that the murderer was an immigrant (he wasn't, and even if he were, attacking other immigrants because of what he did makes about as much sense as torching a Wetherspoons in Manchester in protest against Myra Hindley.) Nor does it have anything to do with Asian grooming gangs in Rotherham, although that's the most recent excuse I've heard: those grooming gangs were dreadful, but these criminals do not represent the Asian community any more than do the white leaders of grooming gangs (which by far outnumber them).
So, what the fuck is this about?
Well, it's the illegal immigrants, they say. Coming into our country, taking our jobs, raping our girls, yadda, yadda, yadda. Except that it isn't. Brexit has made it increasingly difficult for foreigners to work here, which is why so many European doctors and nurses have already left the country, putting still yet more pressure onto our dying NHS. And refugees - let's call them that, given they're neither immigrants, nor here illegally - aren't allowed to work while their application is being processed. As for "immigrant crime", a phrase that these people have borrowed from Trump - it represents a tiny proportion of crime in the UK, which by the way has risen sharply as the riots have escalated, because the police just don't have the manpower to fight on two fronts at the same time.
And add to this the fact that the principal agitators - people like Yaxley-Lennon and Farage - don't even live in this country, I think it's pretty clear that whatever motivation these burners of libraries, looters of shops, and goose-stepping Nazi cosplayers claim, it has nothing to do with "British values" or "taking back the country", and everything to do with doing whatever the fuck they want and blaming it on someone else.
Why do I care? Because I was born in one of these communities. I still have family in Rotherham, in Barnsley. I live less than fifteen miles away from the heart of these riots. I've done events in the libraries and universities that have been attacked. And by the way, isn't it weird how thugs always target libraries and places of learning on their way to robbing their local Lush, or Greggs, or Shoezone?
It's almost as if the agitators know that education is the key. That reading brings us together; teaches us to question what we read on the internet; crosses cultural boundaries; reminds us we're all human. And in disaffected communities like Rotherham, with a high degree of poverty, access to these ideas is very dangerous in the eyes of a far-right movement that wants to take power.
Already, 14 years of austerity, cuts and corruption has brought the country to its knees. By cutting education and the arts, Tories have reduced the access of these underprivileged communities to critical thinking and new ideas. Brexit has done further damage, as well as cutting us off from our allies. After the event, it is now clear how much Russian misinformation played its part in that process, just as it's playing a part right now in spreading its racist rhetoric via supporters like Farage and the fake accounts that amplify him. Now they're no longer in power, the far-right is doing its best to do as much further damage as possible to our society, urging people to "take control" by destroying anything else that can help them out of poverty.
Why? Because poor people are easier for the far-right to control. Poverty and crime are linked; just as illiteracy and crime are linked. And both of those things are linked to hate; to racism and mistrust of anyone who seems different.
But here's the thing. There's always a choice. Not everyone who grows up poor becomes a criminal. Not everyone who missed out on a good education becomes a racist. I grew up in a poor neighbourhood. There were some racists there, and some thugs, but most people were decent and honest. Most people were happy to co-exist with people of different cultures. I was one of those people; my family was different. Sometimes people even told us to go back home where we belonged. Most didn't. But of course, were were white. We looked like them. There's an obvious reason why brown and Black people in particular are being dehumanized and blamed for what's wrong with the country now.
And it's ironic, how people react when someone calls them racist? "But we're just ordinary people, with ordinary concerns."
"I'm not racist, I'm just (insert your bullshit reason here)."
And yet, here we are. Racism is ordinary. And if you do racist things, if you blame all brown people for what one brown person did, if you judge people by the way they look, if you make assumptions about whole groups of people, then you're a racist. And if you spout Nazi slogans, do Nazi salutes, walk with Nazis, repeat Nazi propaganda, then you're a fucking Nazi, mate. Live with it, or change. Your choice.
Because the choices we make today affect what comes tomorrow. And although poverty isn't a choice, being a decent person is. Your choices can help your children break the cycle of despair. Or they can keep your kids stuck in the same rut. To put it another way, you can take your kids to the library and let them learn to think for themselves. Or you can burn the libraries down and take them to watch you and your mates trying to set fire to some terrified refugees in a hotel instead.
Either way, your kids get to live with the choices you make today.
Right now, you're deciding their future.
Your choice.
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downsvale · 5 months
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hawkeyeslaughter · 9 months
Do you have any (minor) headcanons that you have little to no evidence for but you just believe them as if they were the truth?
oh god of course i do
— the nurses taught klinger how to hem , alter , even make some of his own clothes ; he gets so good at it that sometimes they just come to him with their needs
— the uke ( ? ) that hawkeye has hanging in the swamp ? he knows how to play it surprisingly well , he just never does unless drunker than usual
— radar put soles in his boots one time that made him taller and it took even hawkeye like a solid week to figure out what was different about him ( once he did , though , radar had no refuge from the teasing )
— the nurses hold regular gossip sessions and sometimes compare notes on the guys of the 4077th
— margaret knows how to cut hair , taught herself how to cut her own ( because she got sick of barbers not cutting it the way she wanted ) . has more than once had to come to the rescue of nurses who have marred their hair by taking the scissors to it
— in college bj was a relentless and revered hazer ( which is funny considering he barely got through his own hazing )
— hawkeye’s use of petnames ( “ darling “ , “ sweetheart “ , “ baby “ , etc etc ) are all picked up from trapper . prior to meeting him he hardly ever used them
— when oliver got his orders home , trapper and hawkeye threw him a rager in the swamp and were very badly hungover for their actual goodbye the next day
— father mulcahy has that thing where he hears a tune and can instantly play it on the piano
— charles falls asleep regularly during movie nights hawkeye and beej drag him to , usually on hawkeye’s shoulder
— trapper is colorblind . not like , drastically colorblind , but hawkeye finds out one day and teases him absolutely relentlessly for it
— trapper and oliver always did this bit where they pretended they were whispering things and wouldn’t tell hawkeye what they were saying because it was funny to watch hawkeye get all huffy and annoyed with them
— henry has to do the right / left things with his hands all the time ( PLSASE ITS SO STUPID )
— margaret has a crazy sweet tooth + sometimes bj asks peg to send sweets back specifically for margaret
— potter’s horse or pet names in general very rarely alter because he just can’t be bothered to come up with new creative ones . besides , tried and true always works
— klinger is a pool shark . idk why he is he just is . he has pool shark vibes
— trapper briefly considered going into pediatrics
— charles sometimes has very serious conversations with the camp strays ( mainly just voicing whatever he may be thinking of at the particular moment )
— radar sometimes likes to imagine he’s the protagonist in a superhero world and i mean why not . little dude is literally psychic
— hawkeye has a habit of ripping at his nails , klinger regularly checks them and manicures them for him
— the nurses and swamp rats regularly get involved in prank wars . the nurses are far more clever than some people realize
— hawkeye and trapper stood back to back once to see who was taller and had radar judge ( hawkeye tried to bribe radar to say it was him )
— one time margaret made frank cry so hard he threw up . good for her
— bj has weirdly good reflexes and can catch things while barely looking up , he has a habit of saying “ i knew i should’ve gotten into baseball “
— charles does that thing where someone asks him to do something and he says “ no “ while actively doing it
— the swamp rats are all actively ready to swing on anyone who upsets one of the nurses and that goes double for margaret . sometimes they actually do
— hawkeye has a pair of roller skates . do with this information what you will .
— father mulcahy is a self - taught painter
— henry tells the same stories more than once and hawkeye , trapper , and radar have a mutual agreement to pretend they’ve never heard them whenever this happens
— hawkeye and radar have made many a pinky promise , and never once did one get broken
— charles is surprisingly a god awful secret keeper , he tells most secrets to margaret
— henry is scared shitless of cats
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