#Nursing History
brilliant-soul · 7 months
This year, I want to highlight an amazing indigenous woman from history, and remind everyone why we don't support Florence Nightingale.
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nursing-student-guide · 10 months
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Florence Nightingale, first practicing nurse epidemiologist. Developed the first organized program for training nurses, the Nightingale Training School for Nurses (St. Thomas' Hospital, London). Established the first health-maintenance-and-restoration-based nursing philosophy. Known as the "lady with the lamp" during the Crimean War (1853) where she volunteered, traveling the battlefield hospitals nightly to treat the wounded.
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Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross (1881). She risked her life provided self-taught nursing aid to wounded soldiers on the battlefields during The Civil War (1860-1965), and became referred to as the "Angel of the Battlefield". One of the first women to work for the federal government, she made the Office of Missing Soldiers to aid in the reunion of more than 20,000 soldiers with their families. While providing aid during the Franco-Prussian War (1869), the Red Cross movement was first brought to her attention, inspiring her to bring the movement to America.
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Dorothea Lynde Dix, an advocate of indigenous people and the mentally ill. She visited multiple mental institution, reporting her findings and advocated for better managed institutions, eventually establishing asylums of her own. During The Civil War (1860-1865), she aided the Union army by recruiting more than 3,000 nurses and was designated as the Superintendent of Army Nurses. She was known and respected for providing aid to the wounded soldiers from both Confederate and Union sides.
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Mary Ann Ball, aka Mother Bickerdyke. She was a hospital administrator for the Union soldiers during The Civil War (1860-1865), regulating supplies and provision for the troops. Referred to as one of the best "generals" during the war for her efforts and organizations of military hospitals, following the war she remained an advocate for veterans - becoming an attorney for those who faced legal issues. 300 hospitals were built to aid the wounded over 19 different battlefields from her involvement.
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Harriet Tubman, provided safe passage for slaves during the Underground Railroad movement. Known as the "Moses" of her people, her actions resulted in more than 300 slaves being lead to freedom. She provided nursing aide to the Union forces during The Civil War (1862-1865). Following the war, she played in active role in causes including the Womens Suffrage, and created the "Harriet Tubman Home for Indigent Aged Negroes" where orphans and the elderly could be taken in and care for.
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Mary Mahoney, brought awareness to the cultural and racial diversity in nursing, emphasizing respect and the inclusion of all in the profession. The first African-American to receive an official education for the nursing profession (New England Hospital for Women and Children, Boston - 1874). She became the first African-American member of what is now referred to as the American Nurses Association, and helped start up the National Association for Colored Graduate Nurses in 1908.
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Isabel Hampton Robb, a large influence in the advancement of the nursing social status in society. She influenced the system of nursing education by implementing a grading policy in the program to improve the quality of the students graduating from the program. She authored the comprehensive and foundational text, Nursing: Its Principles and Practice (1893), and helped to standardize the nursing education all around. She served as president of both the National League for Nursing Education and what is now referred to as the American Nurses Association.
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Lillian Wald, opened the Henry Street Settlement (1893) with her fellow nurse graduate, Mary Maud Brewster. Addressed the health needs of poor immigrant families residing in tenements of New York City's Lower East Side. Coined the term "public health nurse", she fought for public health care, women's rights, and children's rights. Her and Mary Brewster started the Visiting Nursing Service of New York. During her work at the Henry Street Settlement, she established one of the earlier playgrounds and aided in paying salary to the first Public School Nurses in NYC. She had a hand in starting up the United States Children's Bureau, the National Child Labor Committee, and the National Women's Trade Union League.
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Mary Adelaide Nuting, known for becoming the first nursing professor in 1906 (Columbia Teachers College), and assisted in getting nursing education in Universities across the states. She attended the first nursing training following Florence Nightingale's inflence (John Hopkins Hospital Training School - 1889). Throughout her advancement in the nursing profession working at the school, she assisted in advancing the program - brought in scholarships and on-the-field experience; her work influencing other Universities create and better their own nursing programs. Founder of the American Journal of Nursing (1900), she also became the first registered nurse in the state of Maryland. Several of her authored and coauthored books are still implemented today in nursing programs throughout the nation.
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giannic · 6 months
Clara Barton - Wikipedia
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dabblesco · 7 months
An Excerpt from Spit & Polish
A little taste to encourage you to run right out and pre-purchase Spit & Polish while the ebook remains on pre-release sale. It’s available on many platforms. The paperback will be released February 29, 2024. Nightingale Pledge, 1935   “I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly, to pass my life in purity and to practise my profession faithfully. I will abstain…
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historycompany · 8 months
Old Bill, Black Angels and Gertie and Jamini
Welcome to my first newsletter of 2024… it takes the theme of unheard voices and unsung heroes…. Old Bill Old Bill (left) and Thomas Rafferty (right) He was one of  the best-known British characters from World War One. Artist Bruce Bairnsfather created the image of Old Bill from his time serving with the Royal Warwickshire’s on the Western Front. He proved was instantly popular, prompting…
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historicsaranaclake · 2 years
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5 Ws Wednesday
We have had such success with the 5 Ws Wednesdays already, so let's try one that's had us stumped for a while. We need your help identifying the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and/or WHY of this photo. We know that Dorothy Blanche Smith is the sixth woman from the left in this photograph, but we don't know where it was taken or for what occasion. Blanche, as she was known, was born in Harrietstown in 1887 to Charles H. Smith and Mary Colon. She became a nurse like her mother, and eventually married someone with the last name Brown. Nursing uniforms vary by the school and/or hospital, but we have not been able to identify this one. Do you recognize this style of uniform, or the building behind these women? Let us know by commenting or sending us a message. If we get helpful information, we'll add it to the catalog record for the photograph. This feature will run every Wednesday, so be sure to keep an eye out for other mystery photographs!⁠ ⁠ ⁠ [Historic Saranac Lake Collection, 2009.2.5. Gift of W. Dean Carrier in memory of John Dean Carrier.
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skateboardtotheheart · 4 months
there is just something about the difference between edwin's love interests and having the cat king's reaction to edwin in hell being "i'll be waiting when he gets back" vs charles "no version of this where i don't come get you" rowland convincing a powerful trans-dimensional being to open a door to hell just so he could get him back
i am insane
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I've mentioned this in passing in this post, but this is hands down my favourite line in The Fellowship of the Ring. The line speaks volumes about Glorfindel, and yet the details are easily missed by a first-time reader travelling along with Frodo and friends, and that's because not once does Glorfindel explain how significant his words and actions were. Yet there is so much to unpack! It is only left to us to appreciate them after learning more about this world.
“There are few even in Rivendell that can ride openly against the Nine…”
Again, Glorfindel only mentioned this in passing and did not explain, but the reason for this is because the only ones Rivendell would send to ride openly against the Nazgûl were special members of the Eldar: the Calaquendi, old Elves from Valinor and who have seen the light of the Two Trees. Gandalf later explains that these Elves “live at once in both worlds, and against both the Seen and Unseen they have great power”. The Nazgûl, as we learn, were wraiths that reside only in the Unseen world, and so to anyone else, they were invisible.
We know there were very few Calaquendi remaining in Middle-earth by the Third Age, and most of them reside in Rivendell. But even among them, likely only the warriors could be sent to go after the Nagzûl, chief of Sauron's servants. This early, we get a clue that Frodo and company have met someone extraordinary.
“It was my lot to take the Road…”
By “Road”, Glorfindel meant The Great East-West Road, an ancient road that cuts across Eriador from the Grey Havens to Rivendell and the Misty Mountains. This would have been the most perilous of the roads because it would have been the most obvious path passing through the Shire. Later, during the Council of Elrond, it would be mentioned that Sauron would be expecting the Ring to go from the Shire either to the Grey Havens or to Rivendell, both routes reached primarily via the Road.
It was to be expected therefore that this is the one path most guarded by the Enemy. Again, Glorfindel only mentions his task securing the Road in passing, but the fact that he got the most obvious and thus most perilous path speaks volumes of his ability and position in Rivendell. Only a few deemed able to ride openly against the Nine were sent out, and out of them, Glorfindel was the one sent to secure the most dangerous route. What ability and skill must this Elf have to be entrusted with such a task!
"I came to the Bridge of Mitheithel, and left a token there, nigh on seven days ago."
The Bridge of Mitheitel, or The Last Bridge, is the only way to cross the great River Hoarwell (Mitheitel) from Weathertop to Rivendell. Aragorn, as much as he could, avoided the Road, himself knowing the dangers possibly waiting for them there. Later though he tells the Hobbits, "I am afraid we must go back to the Road here for a while, [for we] have now come to the River Hoarwell... There is no way over it below its sources in the Ettenmoors, except by the Last Bridge on which the Road crosses."
Aragorn and the Hobbits therefore went to the Bridge dreading to encounter the Nazgûl, only to find it safe. Instead, Aragorn finds an elf-stone in the middle of the bridge, which gives him hope. We now learn that it was Glorfindel who left it there, for he has secured the Bridge, likely knowing how important it was to do so because unlike all other paths, this was the one path that Frodo and company would inevitably need to take. If the Enemy wanted to lay an ambush, they would have done so at the Bridge; strategically Glorfindel understood this, and coming after them at the Bridge was exactly what the company needed from him for them to stay safe.
“Three of the servants of Sauron were upon the Bridge, but they withdrew and I pursued them westward. I came also upon two others, but they turned away southward.”
Here once again is Glorfindel describing something incredible in the simplest of ways: the Nazgûl actually flee from him! Thus far in the book, the Nazgûl were the first source of terror for Frodo's company as well as for us, the readers, yet here Glorfindel was riding about with bells on his horse, not even trying to hide at all. He is the one hunting the Nazgûl and not the other way around, this was made very clear.
Glorfindel has been my favourite character from the start. He got me from their first meeting because he gave the Hobbits a sense of safety, even though they and we perhaps do not yet fully appreciate who he was and what he was capable of. As we read through the rest of the books, and even beyond through The Silmarillion, The Fall of Gondolin, The Peoples of Middle-earth and all these other books that share his history, I only learned to love him all the more. Years later, having read all these other books, I still sometimes just sit in awe thinking back on this first encounter in this first book, in the Fellowship of the Ring, about how Frodo and his friends met this seemingly humble Elf, who in actuality was literally an Elf of legend. Yet apparently one would not think it, encountering Glorfindel on the road.
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suiana · 1 year
✎ yandere! school headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― obsessiveness, stalking, possessiveness, mentions of murder, manipulation etc.
(gn! reader x yandere! ocs)
✎ yandere! school where everyone is obsessed and in love with their lovely little english teacher, you.
✎ yandere! students who listen attentively in your class. doing their homework, answering questions and just overall being good students! they'd do anything to make their favourite teacher happy :) fyi they don't do any of these in other classes.
✎ yandere! history teacher who loves talking to you about history! he's so energetic, so sweet :) he also likes talking about his past and how he wishes to make history with you. but you're a little dense and don't see his flirts. it's okay! you'll cave one way or another :)
✎ yandere! math teacher who's cold and stoic to everyone but you. giving you heartfelt smiles, little trinkets (that are very expensive), and lots of red roses! anyone can see that he's courting you, except for you of course. he's a little bit annoyed at your denseness but finds it attractive nontheless.
✎ yandere! school counselor who's there for you when your date dumps you. oh dear! what an asshole he is! don't worry, she's there for you :) after a change of clothes, some hydrogen peroxide and some burying, she's there 24/7 for you!
✎ yandere! school nurse who patches up your wounds and injuries lovingly. how'd you even get these anyways? the small pout and light blush on his cheeks whenever he patches you up always remind you of a small puppy! after patching you up, he thanks the people he hired to hurt you lightly with a wad of cash for the opportunity to be so close to you.
✎ yandere! principal who's an attractive middle aged woman of tall stature. she always gives you a bonus and treats you so kindly! you are ever so thankful for her and the amazing job she allowed you to have :) as if she didn't have her sights on you since day 1.
✎ yandere! security guard who swears he does this for your safety! it's not stalking if he's doing it to keep you safe :( following you around after school hours, scaring away pests that approach you... you see?! he's only doing this to protect you!
✎ yandere! pe teacher who you find kind of weird with how deeply he breathes around you and how his face always flushes pink at the mere mention of your name. and why are his knuckles always bruised? you know he works out a lot but still... it's cause he's always fighting creeps who want your attention silly!!
✎ yandere! school who loves and cares for you in their own little ways. you're their precious darling after all.
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macgyvermedical · 11 months
Virtual Offerings for Humans and Writers
I am a Registered Nurse, have a Master of Public Health and experience in hospital floor nursing, outpatient nursing, public health nursing, and education. I am establishing a base of virtual offerings for anyone who is interested. Thanks for perusing my wares!
Note that everything here can be done via videocall, phone call, discord message, email, or text, as appropriate for the situation.
My contact email for this work is [email protected].
You can pay me for things like:
New Condition Education (Did you just get diagnosed with something the doctor didn't have time to explain well? I am happy to schedule some time with you to help you better understand.) - Sliding Scale from $10-30/hr
Basic Health Education (Did the public school system screw you or your child over when it came to health ed? I can provide a basic (queer-friendly and non-fat-phobic) health education curriculum over 3 or more 1:1 videocalls.) - Sliding Scale from $10-30/hr
Nurse Troubleshooting (need some advice on setting up your living space so it is accessible for you? I would be happy to help!) - Sliding Scale from $10-30/hr
NCLEX Tutoring (Are you about to graduate nursing school in the USA? Feel like you need some extra help? I have been teaching medical and nursing students for the last 4 years and just finished a course on the new NCLEX, so if you're interested in some 1:1 help, hit me up!) - $20/hr
Historical Medicine and Nursing for Fiction (Are you writing something cool and historical that takes place less than 150 years ago? Need someone who has been quietly researching medical and nursing history for years and has a library of contemporaneous sources? I would be happy to help!) - $30/hr
Contemporary Medicine and Nursing for Fiction (yes I know you can get it from this blog for free, but then you have to use the tumblr search feature and potentially wait a long time. A 1:1 meeting would be much faster, don't you think?) - $30/hr
Medical Accuracy Review (did you write something you hope was medically accurate? Would you like someone to check it over and give advice to improve?)- $0.05/word for the portion reviewed
New! I also teach physical exam skills online. Great for if you missed them in nursing or medical school (I taught exam skills for 4 years to med students) or if you’re just interested as a lay person. I promise I am nicer than the last person who taught them to you!
Need something that's not on the list? Just ask!
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I love how even Anya signed this, and how Alexandra signed it as a mother! The only thing missing is Tatiana's signature ...
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giannic · 6 months
Mary Ann Bickerdyke - Wikipedia
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dabblesco · 7 months
Stretching umbilical cords, or the joy/sorrow of letting kids go
I woke this morning thinking about how my kids, the hearts of my heart, are about as far away from me and each other that they can be, geographically. One is in Europe, one in Australia, one back in Kingston while I am in Vancouver. It reminded me of the imagery I tried to share with them (but of course they found repellent, because, kids) that I can almost feel the leftover umbilical threads…
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I agree that Louis is hopelessly in love with Lestat but Armand??? Louis doesn't love the gremlin, probably never did. He was usually distracted by Lestat's hallucination during their time together, he didn't like listening to him and Jacob Anderson outright called Armand a rebound for Louis
Louis never loved Armand. And of course he didn't, their relationship was built on nothing nice.
strongly disagree anon! i think there are multiple moments in paris and dubai (and even sf) where louis expresses his love for armand, in words, looks, and actions. i'm not gonna make this too long, so if there's one moment that proved to me that louis was in LOVE with armand (and certainly isn't just with him as some "sacrifice" on claudia's behalf) it's the sacre coeur scene:
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why would louis say this if he didn't care about armand? not only does he want to make a vampire baby with him, he wants armand to experience the event so he can overcome his own maker trauma. and this ask has nothing to do with claudia. louis wants this to be for them, cause he's committed to armand. when i heard this i had to pause cause i realized louis really loved that man DOWN, and he didn't realize just how dangerous armand still was. then after he makes madeleine and she leaves with claudia, he doesn't leave paris. he stays with armand! cause he loves that man! madeleine didn't say all that about louis's love for armand for no reason. it's really not that hard to see. claudia was right - he was lestat's, and now he's armand's. tragedy ensues.
also fyi - i don't care what any of the cast/crew have to say - most people watch tv without commentary and understand it just fine. and as much as i love jacob anderson, he also says game of thrones s8 wasn't that bad so no i don't have to take his word for anything.
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10underoot2 · 5 months
I have a headcanon of BaekHong being this power couple even as they raise their daughter.
They're very hands on. The nanny, Mrs.Jang, is always available but she feels like it's the easiest gig she ever got. She's seen other rich families just birthing the child and giving it to the nanny to look after. They only feed or play with it when convenient but not Mr. Baek and Mrs.Baek. Soobin is the light of their existance. They both wouldn't be at peace until they saw her once back from work. Mrs.Baek would only go for a few hours, most of the time taking Soobin and the nanny with her. She never would have believed someone like Ms.Hong would find a way to conduct her meetings but still cradle her inconsolable child in her office. She had never imagined Mr. Baek would play with her in his office plain for all to see. She also hadn't imagined either of the parents' amusement when the 6 month old puked on designer bags and clothes. She had seen children resented and glared at for that. But not this rich couple. They loved their child like their life depended on it. Even when tired, overworked, frustrated they made time for their daughter always. Mrs.Jang often felt like the last resort. Moments when even she could see that the strain of work and life could no longer render them available to care for their child she took over for them. But even then these moments were scarce. She had heard months into her employment that the couple was actually against hiring her but had only agreed due to incessant requests of the child's maternal grandmother.
So when she was informed that the couple was throwing a big networking party for the Queens department store, she was sure this was her moment to shine. Because what rich couple feeds, changes, plays or cares about their child in the presence of 400+ highly influential people. Even if they both wanted to they wouldn't find the time.
But come day of the event, Haein was all dolled up looking magnificent beside Mr. Baek as they both laughed and dressed up their 6 month old baby. During the party, Soobin went from welcoming guests in her Armani clad suit father's arms. To discussing complex legal matters and networking with him still viewing the world from the high vantage point her father's height afforded her. Smiles representative of only pure joy, adored Hyunwoo and Hae-in's face each time they talked, interacted or received a smile from Baby Soobin.
At long last Soobin urged her father to put her to sleep in his arms where he kept her for half an hour before parting with her achingly in Mrs.Jang's care. When she woke up hours later fussing, he was there before the nanny could try to appease her. She had seen him excuse himself as soon as politely possible as Soobin continued to cry. He stood there, fully dressed trying to appease her a while before he went to his wife who was deep in conversation trying to recruit brands for her store. Mrs. Jang knew it was an important event for Mrs. Baek, so she expects not to see her all night near Soobin. From what she had heard (but never seen) about the couple's rocky relationship she thought this would be it. She would now see them fight as he dared approach her during such important talks.
But for Haein, seeing her husband walk towards her with their adorable daughter in his hands was a sight in and of itself. Her eyes were already on them. Hyunwoo politely greets everyone and leans in close to her to say: 'I've tried everything I could. I think she needs you.' She pauses her conversation on the spot. Says her apologies and moves inside to care for her daughter. Hyunwoo takes up the conversation and sells the store for her until she comes back with a happy Soobin in her arms for the crowd to coo at. Among the many photos the photographer had taken of the night their favourite remains of Soobin absolutely overjoyed to see her father as her mother mirrors both of their joy at being able to witness the moment.
Little do the happy family know there's gossip - and a lot of it at that. There's gossip on the mighty lawyer Hyunwoo being a wuss who's not in control of the house. On Hyunwoo not doing his part as a father 'So what if he has a pretty face, he should be slaving away taking care of his daughter why give her to the mother when things get difficult?' On Haein for being duped by his charms. On Haein for holding the baby wrong. For growing soft, for being dumb enough to ignore big shot CEOs because a human with a brain not even fully developed was crying.
No one sees the couple take respite in caring for their adorable daughter. Even when Soobin cries the shrillest, it makes Hyun woo just pick up another toy and Haein make the funniest face she can think of to appease her. They know the pain of the loss of a child. They cannot fathom not doing everything in their power to love this gift of theirs. No matter what she does she has both of them wrapped around her fingers. Because they're the luckiest to have her and call themselves her parents. It feels like a miracle each day and they'd be damned if they let a stupid department store take that away from them. So what if they lost a contract or two, the extra wons wouldn't fill up their candy jar. After all, all the money they had couldn't bring back their baby either.
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semioticapocalypse · 4 months
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Anonymous. Nurses clearing debris from one of the wards in St. Peter's Hospital. Stepney, East London. April 19, 1941.
I Am Collective Memories   •    Follow me, — says Visual Ratatosk
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